gpiPHBIA DEMOCRAT HDITBD BY LEVI L. DATB, rnONUCTOrt looiiuijjurg:- SATURDAY, WAY 9, 1803. tflr'CMNO TO TUB CONSTITUTION, AS THE BltlPWRECKEIt MAUINt'iR 01.INOH TO THE LAST PLANK, WHEN NIGHT AND TIIIJTCMl'lHT CLOSE AROU.IO IIIM."-2irf mbittr. PURPOSES OP THE WAR f CUNOAet, BT A VT NEARLY UNAS1MOI', IMI'ID Tilt roi.Unvi)ra risiourrio., wmcn Kirmefr.. tub volte or the Nation akd.ii tiietrcic irAtiDARu or loyalty : 'Tliirt tlio fitment i!plornbto civil war lin hecn Sfi1 'L0.11 11,0 C01,n'y y tli ill'iiilnnlt of tke Poutni'rii Stato-, now In nrm iijMi.pI the lmtltutlonal i.ovrrniHcnt. nml In nrm- nrnimil the CapMnl t Hint in hi National emergency, Cmigrc-ia, banl-hliiR nil foci. n of iu?ro pnl(m or rcnontinaiit. WI rwolioct only H duty to tlia whole country j (Aot thu war it vtt uagtd on Ihtir part in any $p,rit qf opprtsthn.or fcr any pur H i 7 r inbjngntion orpurposeof occrthrotclng ,i ""Sf''K " ulMithed institutions liost stitts.Jut to dffin.1 and maintain the tupremtcy "J O""" lytUn, ani U prtst rut the Union, vil thellf "'"V. ""J right, cftht entral State, unhipalrcd; " '",1 Uf" V"" nrt ""nptUhed the tear SWa shall next week give a good loiter from Philadelphia. SWSAMUKt Wniairr. Esq., offora the "Golnmbia tyr," for ealc. S&rWo nro compelled this week-, for want of space, to omit complimenting the abolition Editor of tho Itopublican. J"" M ME. Dcmorcst's Mirror of Fash ions has been received. It is a superb work for Ladies. See prospectus in this "Democrat." SST Tho Mcllvillo Troupe, performed in UJoomsburg, last Thursday evening, to general satisfaction. It is said the per formance was excellent. Tho singing was charminingly melodious. A thorl Court. Tho business of the paat week's Court, was very light, most of the casofl having been postponed until the September Term. Walnut Hotel, Light Street, Ph. Mr. J, D. Rice, who succeeds Mr. Schug, at tho above place, is quite a gentleman and keeps aa oxcellent House, lie is a sound Domocrat ti5 ofeoursc & loyal citizen. Our friends should not forget to remember him on visiting Light Street. Soldier Letters. Wc are in receipt of n great number of letters from the Army, alid throre aro no -class of men in tho world, for whom .than our bravo soldiers, it would afford us greater pleasure to print, were it not 'that they nro almost without an exception too prosy. Friends, dont bo too long winded. Remember, "brevity is the spice tl life, and gives it all its flavor."' Christian J. Ash, of Fishingcrcek, a most worthy loyal young man, writes us &a intcrestinglittcr, but too long for pub lication. H, P. White-nan, of the Array at Suf folk, also wants a hearing. Many others aro boforc us and some may soon receive atcntion. Public School Convention In pursuanco ofpublio notico, given by tho County Superintendent of Common Schools of Columbia County, tho School Directors of said County mctin convention in tho Court House, at Bloomsburg, on Monday, the 4th day of May, A, D. 18G3, at 1, o'clock, P. M., for tho purposo of electing a County Superintendent of Com mon Schools for said Couaty. On mo tion. Hon. John McRkynolds, of Hemlock rtwp., was elected President of said con vention and Samuel Everett, of Orange Secretary, and William Goodman, of Lo cust, Assistant Secretary. j 0 suction of Hon. Peter Ent,itwasi agreed that tho Seeretary call over tho j names of all the Districts in said County alphabetically and also tho names of the Dircetrs of said District', respectively as ithey occur. On calling over tho lis t i H& answered to their names. On motion of Mr. Ent, it was agreed 1 candidates for County Superintendent' Peter Ent nominstcd Charles G. Iiarkley, of BloomBburg, and Samuel Uogart, nomi- .natod, John B. Patton,of .Millville. John j B. Patton declined being a candidate whon j Mr. Patton's namo was withdrawn. On motion of Peter Ent tho nominations for I County Superintendent closed. On mo ' tion the convention procoodod to voto for County Suporiiitendont, viva vo:e whoro- upon, Chaiu.ks.G. Barkley, received 82 votes and John D. Patton, received one vote. CHARLES G. BARKLEY, having a majority of all tho votes of tho Directors present, was declared duly elected County Superintendent for tho term of thrco years On motion, of Androw Froas,Esq. it was agreed that the salary of tho Superinten dent bo six hundored dollars (8(500 0 0) per bnnum. On motion of Peter Ent tho convention adjourned, sine die. Attest, John MoReynolds, Samuel Eyerctt, President, -Secretary, William Goodman, Assistant Sccrctaiy. Our adycrtiMos department h very important. It must Como to Blows. . Tim Next CoiigrcHS. ! Tho poor driveling oowardly Hessian of( Much interest exists in tho public mind tho Harrisburg Telegraph, who recently relative to tho political complexion of the proposed hanging Gov. Uiglor, now says: ncxtllouso of representatives. It U clear- "It must como to blows between tho y manliest that a very largo majority of loyal mon of tho freo States and tho traitors, tho people of iho loyal section of the &c mcaniug thatthcro must bo civil war Union aro carefully watching and anxious hero In tho fico North botweon tho Aboli ly hoping that tho body may be so politi tionists and tho Democrats and tho Tctc ' cally constituted as to bo enabled to thwart graph adds : '' Thai timd is here now and ' tho purpose, emanating from many high in the blotto are now to be struck." And all authority, to tramplu down all coustitu this tho horrors of civil war, with all its tional rights, and disregard tho privil inevitable atrocities istotakcplaco'now.'egcs and liberties of tho people. The poor suoaking, cowardly abolition Elections having bcou held iu nearly all whelp, Let him stop his revolutionary tho States which will bo represented in twaddlo and hazzard his llossian hide by J the body, wc annex a carefully prepared "striking tho blow," if he wants it struck, 'table, which will go far towards elucida- Thc democratic party havo patiently borne two years of insult and slander by bribing j plundering villains of tho Hessian stripe They have only asked their constitutional rights, and it is time that such cow ardly bragarts and fools should know that they spit upon mock and defy their at tempted usurpation. Let him bristle up and strike, thcro aro enough Shanghai lloostcrs in Iin own city to drive all such foolhardy cowards and boasters in disgraco from thu field. A'orlhumberlund Co. Democrat Ruthless Pkosorhtion. Tho fact that tho Deniocratio party of every loyal Stato havo presented an unbroken phalanx to aid in maintaining the national unity, has not served to 9tcm tho tide of persecu tion and proscription whioh set in so boldly on tho advent of tho existing Administra tion. Tho great greed anil hunger of the Abolitionists for plaeo and polf inaugurated such a universal system of proscription as extended it even to the army. Democrats occupying civil positions, recognising tho principles that to the "uic tors belongs, the spoils' '' were resigned to their fate. It, however, never entered in to the imagination that officers occupying prominent army positions, and signalizing their efforts by deeds of heroic daring aud decisive results, should fall under tho ban of political proscription. Such outrages, however, havo been perpetrated in the past, and aro daily repeated. BST" It is sincerely to be regretted that the head of the Internal Revenue Depart ment has seen fit to publifli a correspon dence foe has had with General Scott touching the tax upon tho latter s military ncome i lie law unuer wlncU (jneneral Scott was retired provided that it should bo done "without reduction in his current pay, subsistence, aud ''allowance," hence he very naturally objected to assessment levied upon his iccouie by tho new tax law. ft seems his annual income amounts to S13,70G,80, and his tax for tho short month of Fobuary was 30 50. Of course thc general is too much of a patriot to dcolino paying any legal assessment, but he did not deem this such an ono and honcc demurred. Tho demand for pay. mcnt, tho correspondence, tho decision iu face of thc remonstrance, and the final publication of General Scott's letter, all go to show that this is a deliberate attempt to annoy thc old hero and injuro him in thc pulic estimation. At thc very worst, it was a privato matter and should never havo seen thc light. This is a small busi ness in whatever way it may bo rgarded. Tin: Nini: Months' Me.v. Tho main object of tho recent visit of Governor Cur tin to the army of the Potomac, wo arc informed, was for thc purposo of promo ting the success of thc re-enlistment of those whoso terms will expire in a few wecki. In this, tho information is, that he has becn highly successful ; and it is bclived that at least two thirds of thc nine mouths' men will re-enlist, after thoy have had a month's lcisuro and recreation at heme. All who re-enlist will rceeivo tho full bounties, and their number will go to make up our quota of the new call that will bo matlo under the Conscript law. Phihtdeluhia Press. ce?Tho Editor of the Republican, aud some of tho other small lights of the opo sition, affect to bo highly gratified at thc result of thc recent election iu Connecticut. Lait yoar tho Democrats had forty six mombors in tho lower houso of tho Legis lature ; this year wo have ninety eight a clear gain ofjifty two. Last year wo did not havo a singlo member of tho Stato Senate; this year wo havo nine. Last year tho Abolition candidato for Governor had 0,148 majority; this year ho has 2,000 a loss of nearly seven thoitsaad. Docs this look liko a result gratifying to tho Abolitionists I Put probably their gratification arises from the fact that thoy were not entirely defeated. Tut! Two Years and Nine Months Men. Tho Public Ledger of this morn ing tays : The two years Now York troops whose torra of scrvico has expired, comprise thirty eight regiments, but on ly includo about li,000 men, so that the actual loss to tho army by tho withdrawl of theso regiments aro not very largo.- Hooker has still a much larger forco than McCleHaii had in his inarch against Itioh- mond. Ten regiments of the nine mouths men from this Stato aro also to bo paid off and mustered out of tho Bcrvicc. What moans tho Govcrnmont has taken to supply theso losses in tho army wo know not, but prcsumo tho subject has boon ono which lias occupied its attention, aud wotvsurea taken to provido for it. ting tho political aspect of Congress i,.y ft, ihin.i,- op, . Connecticut 1 Delaware Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Maiuo 0 I 5 0 4 7 fj . 0 1 0 4 1 10 0 5 1 2 0 5 a 2 1 1 4 12 18 5 14 1 0 10 10 2 0 a a 80 73 Massachusetts Michigan luinesota Missouri New Hampshire Now Jcrfcy New York Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania lthodo Island Wisconsin Already chosen i- The vancancy in Mis souri will bo filled by a Democrat, according to all advices 0 Thcro aro yet to bo cboicn 2a members, in Kentucky .Maryland Ver mont, West Virginia and California. Wo estimate that the result will bo us follows: ' Kentucky 1 Vermont Maryland 2 West A'irginia. I Californa 1 88 8 0 81 1 Tliii would divdo tho House ns follows: Aboliltou aud Republican 88 All others M Democratic and Conservative inajoiity 5 "Vacant, I. Should Maryland atsd Kentucky, in ac cordance with tho known scntiuruta of their people, send an undivided auti-Abob itfou representation, then thc majority against tho republican-Abolition party would bo increased to cgh'. Mr. Marvin war Democrat from thc Saratoga dis rict of New Yor, was elected as an Iudcpcn-1 dent, in opposition to tho Uepublic an nominee, aud will co operate with his party in opposition to Abolitiot.isni. Wc have made a vcrry liberal allow ancc of ltepubliean strength from the State of Missouri. Whilst we concede five to that party, Missourians: acquainted with the! parties, arc satisfied that t xo of those five may bo relied upon to co-operate against thc general principles of the Abolition party. A Big Scaro Iu Berks. The abolitionists havo hud a great scare over a "marcs nesr, in a barn in old most torriDo conflict and brilliant act 0l j Borks. It appears that a lot of farmers, ,ho pnrt ofIIookcr and his old corps thatj wiping to test tho constitutionality of the lhcy Ilavc cvcr vvitncsscti. conscription, and desiring to procure funds , i)y0ry corps las suffered more or less, j to fee lawyers for that purpose, met iu a hut it is difficult to get names. Wc entj barn, in which an abolitionist had con 1 you tuoi0 0f all who havo reached Wash healed himself. He was hid in the straw, ingtou. so that no one could find or see him and. The country whore Hooker is now op-1 there he heard and nw evervbodv else. He heard something like "reduction" or "abduction" or "seduction." -and was mucii alrrmed lest something of tho kiud courses. Tho so-much-talkcd-of plank Bud uobl13 I'cunsylvanians, who stand , WANTED I.MUDLVJ'ELY. was dcai nod upon the person of tho Pre-' road is an old one, out of repair, so far j ready to defend tho Constitution of tho OOP Cords of Park, wanted by thn under sident. Over this thc republicans have as thc planking is concerned, but tolerably j UUx'(l States upon the ground that he f,,,SVS had a fine sensation. Suppose now that! well graded. i interprets. He is regarded by thc lead- it was true that these men were really) A noticeable fcaluro of the present ing men hero from all counties of tho Old conspiring for some secret political pur-1 nS,,,inS is, wc aro told, in the few otrag-1 Key-tone, as the truest and safest man pose. What worse is it than they aro 1 G-ors Bccn At t'10 t,mc ol Sedgwick's that cau be entrusted with the responsible boldly doing or trying to do in cvery trwn I ("rnSi'-DS to Fredericksburg every mau position of Governor of tho great Arch in the land. Abolition secrsi lca.;ucs fur ' wont a,ld thc c,an of thc ar,ni' as a , Stone of tho Union. u.idniKht conspiracy is openly advocated , by them all. Would it not bo lawful if old - - - - Berks should follow their example. Northumberland Co, Ikmocrat. ITV Tlin flnnclttiif Inn nrAV'tfloa iUnt ,. , ,., , ii, i i I Lincoln, (,hasc, and thc whole clan which I now compose thc Administration, may be I m nn n nli nil nv nnl I Ail li nm nlli in n lirl tits qualified. When all this is done, docs 1 4 I any one suppose that thc Government is impeached I Cau you imagine such a thing as tho Government being arraigned before tho Senate expelled from offico aud disqualified from holdig ofiico? Even tho supposition is nonsensical. Lin coln, Chaso A: Co. might all bo hung as high as John Prown, aud still thc Govern ment would endure, and probably suifer very liltlo delrimont iu consequence. Other and better men would tako tho places they have left vacant, and the Gov ernment would go on, juss as if iiothing had happened. All this is so clear so self-evident that it humiliates us to oiler tho argument to an intelligent and en lightened people. Yet there aro persons who say ''tho Administration is tho Gov- eminent.'1 - - .. .cQjr The term for which 350,000 of our troops enlisted expires between this and tho 1st of July. To supply their places thc President will bo thc conscription act. obliged to resort to From tho Army of tho Potomad ANOTHER BATTLE OX illOXDAY. JTi.z Eliighfjcc ISf ported t.ilit n Tho following intolligonco from Gener al Hookers army is received from Wash ington : Thc.battlc of Sunday was renewed on Monday morning. Thn enemy appeared to have forces equal in numbers to our own, and his successive attacts wcro mado with a desporato spirit. Tho Philadelphia lirptiicr says : The city has boon for iho pasttwo days in a stato of painful suspenco, caused by the great baltlo raging On tho Rappahan nock, the Uoverninout rcccivo but few or I.' no tcicgrams from Gen. Hooker, and aro in as much i.rnornnm a, tho,. Wltnn Gcuer.l Hooker last conversed with the Predeot,ho remarked to him thai ho had a irreat work boforo l.i.n. and l.onod. to announce to him a succcs before long, but tint until a dooUivo result was ar. . i. .. ,n,. Ho has so far kept his word, aud ex- ccpt answers few questions, has sent no telegrams To ouo from tho President, last night, saying that there was a rumor hero that the rebels had re- taken Fredericksburg, he merely answered "it is roportcd to me ; but it is a matter of no consequence." Wo have advices tin to Tucfd.iv noon, from Falmouth. Thcro has been no de cisivo victory gained yet. It is not be lieved by Gen. Hooker that Longstreet's forces from Suffolk havo reached General Lee. "Stonewall" Jackson is known to lo in command of their right wing. On Monday maruiag ike rebels advanced up thc Telegraph rod nd attacked Gib- bou's Division, which held the heights be youd Frcdcricksbuig, and by throwing a large force upon us recovered part of thc lino of works which Sedgwick had taken nn Snliirilnv. Stdnwir.1( in thn meantime was trying to effect a junction with Hook - . r.. i cr, wuo was near unancciiorviiie. iniru.g Iho ficht of Saturday, .Sunday aud Mon- day ; thu loss has becn very severe on both sides, and is said by different par ties to bo as high as 15,000 on each side. On Sunday afternoon Hooker advanced somo distance towards Fredericksburg, met with a temporary check, and fell but rallied in splendid style and adv hack, auecd 4 ..(r. .oiled ,0llLd and held a mite in dUtanec. In this air Hooker's hospital tcnis were shell by the enemy, and it was found ucocssary lo remove the inmates. In this light the Second, Fifth and' Ninth, and two divisions of the Second . Corps wcro hotly engaged ; and later in , the afternoon tho Fiist Corps also I The fighting yesterday afternoon, as heard from Falmouth, was mostlv musk-i ctry. Thc cannonading cca-cd about ten ' o'clock, A. M but the musketry was , continued throughout thc day Sigcl's old corps suffered muoh on Sat urday, the enemy massing hi? troops ' against them, but Hooker appeared in thc thickest of the conflict, at the head of his Je - 1 division, and drove the Kcbols back with an impetuosity unparalleled in his-' tory. Some of our wounded who witnessed thj3 .spiontii(i describe it as tho . cratina is undulatinc, wooden and broken.-! ( fully as rough as tho Pull Pun country, ! though not cut un bv anv Iar2o water "UU'H) WdS 01 lllu M,u" ""i-.aciorj son. ii - i i- .li . i .i f i in. It is believed here that General Stone- man lias cro this effectually cut off .. tllO uooci nnc oi communication with men- mond, and that they aro well nigh out of ammunition. The line of communication is well kept up by Gcncarl Hooker . . , . , Am.'. munition and rations arc going forward freely, and notwithstanding tho desperate tC1"1 P1s of tho Pcbcls h neil olid nl in Aim nn to tako Hanks Ford and got in our rear, to cut tho lino of supplies, all goes well. Tho War De-' partnicnt here have the most unlimited1 ' , . ,, , Tr , , . confidence in ucneral Hooker destroying ' , . ,, , . , tho llcbcl army. Iho wounded will be 1 , , , , , sent here at once, and several boatloads U1U CUIlllll lll lll-llllll. riiorn nrn inniiv rnmnrn lirnu.-li t un hv tho wounded, among the... is ono that 8u,,.tJr "" tho charge ot bribery preferred General Uirney was taken prisoner, at tho af 'lst 'i"11 "oi, lloyer, a member hcadofhisDivLsion. General Howard is of 11,0 legislature. After arguing tho reported dead, as is Captain Morchcad, "SQ Btr0DK,- aeaillst tuo witucssos in son of General Morohead, of Pittsburg. Oamoruu'a doronoo, thoy say Poyer's ..... j statement is corroborated in nearly all the Tho New Haven Couiicr, a Re-' loading dctaiU by testimony of other wit publican paper says : "Contractors havo ncsses, and it appears from tho testimony carried on tho war." Tho blood of our j that other mombors ot tho Legislature be mcn,tho graves of tho wounded, tho tear sides Poycr wcro offered money, and a of thc orphan aud tho wail of tho widow, plan to induco him to voto for Camoron, hare becn coined into nionoy. , . They, havo swindled tho Government' out A Costly Expehiment, - it is said of hundreds of millions. Thoy havo piled that tho preparations for tho attack on fortune on fortune, and as a distinguished Charleston cost ono hiinorcd and fifty officer at Washington writes us, all the millions of dollars I Tho fight lasted but operations of this war arc mauuged by half an hour, or at tho rate of five millions political swindlers. qf dollars per tnifiqto ! Communications. For the Cetumhla Dtmccrct Mu. Editou I noticed an editorial in tho Columbia Republican ''Smut Ma chine,'' of April lGth, containing a certain Mler purporting to havo boon written by a certain Euos Evcritt, in whioh tho Nigger-hcud Editor tries to assail a broth er ol his, by refcring to a certain stolen letter that ho had published somo timo since, said to have been written by II F, Evcritt, of Denton, in which ho published a big lie. Ho started out by saying, that tho letter was sent to him lor publication, by a Committee ot tho "Iron Guards." Now, he is a liar, and I cm prove him such, by tho members of that Company, ,llal tll0r0 U0Vrr W13 n (-'oillinitlcc appoint f b? 1,10 Iron GuiinlSl to send 1,im tllc letter, for no decent Committee would have sent him such a letter for publication. T1,c ,c,tur U i!,id ,0 havo becn K0'1 aml cau bo Pr0von to bo 8toIcD' 1ut thc public havo become fully convinced that llic Myography was forged to make capital out of, and that is the best wc co.w expec n wry una iraiior. ASai" 11,0 s'M'S llluek-Snoko Kdi- tor tried his Itaad to slaudcr Mr. II. F. Kvoritt, of Benion, by publishing another lio -n uIs boliau uPa shcct) for llis raPcr is as poisouous to what is right and just, mid tho Constitution, as tho deadly poi- son upa Ires is to human nature. 15y publi.hing that II, F. Evcritt, had changed his name, wheu rcgoristing it at Philadelphia, which was false, and ho was then proven a liar, auu tuc uesi lie comu 'Knights of tho Golden Circle," by say ing that the writer, if ho is not, should be a Knii'htof the ''Goldwa Circle," nirJ a disciple ol their -.rand Master Hubcr. We think tho Dr. made a slight mis- ' take, when he thought the writer, if he 1 .n lint til. will lin. !L till' MlllOl' of tllU Toi'V " " un' l-eaguo, and like himself, a diseiple ..I. ..H..n.l .inv,n, Ximnit f'timrjmt in mi'ii pauu iuiwi . .... , who like himelf, guilty of treason and to escape from thu fate of hanging as high as Hainan, which they both so richly do- . ' ... ,. , ., jnrtM it.. i:mir.r.n rrn 114 firnr. iir , traitors tooli shelter noin ju tice utiuei ' Old Abo's Wing, by giving up his foreign 'misMor., and taking command of a -N igger I Brigade, whereth. I)', should havo been ' ,...! ..... I 1 WM traitors took shelter from ju tice under I "S ao" jUl 1 suppose inc gu.u pruior a h euuii uinj.iuo. The Niggcr-hcad Editor, appears to take it very hard, and that ho thinks the ..r 1 (t .1 . Govtrumctit was cheated out ol two cents, j 1 It was rather a hard pull on this very lion. ! 0st Adur.i.i-tratiou Hut wc do not wonder at thc poor Dr., ! for he is one of thc small lllack-Snakes -hat is sucking Uncle gam's Cow, and therefore, he is compelled to suck the tit, and he thinks tho two cents may cut him short. j I trust the public will cxcuc me for no tfoing so mean a man, or Ulack-Suakc, ' as tho Dr., and ono who appears to ap prove of stolen letters and follows tho ar my ditches for lost or ttolcn letters and scraps of uews papers for hi. iiil'oimati'on. A DUMOCr.AT. Letter from Hie Army Hon. Iliisttr t lymer. Cami' IoIkt P. V., Near Falmouth, Va, April -Mib, 1S03 Mr. J. L. Gutz. Dear Sir: With extreme plcarsuo 1 ,morm iou' 111111110 "amu 01 - 0"- j H-ktkk Glvmek, is very popular in the ; Arm' of thc 1,0l01i10 alll0llg the brave ( Tho ollk.cr3 from Bcr. 1U a1(l Warren, of this Merriment, liii-lilv nnnrn. i o --j -ti'- A:.,,n ,lin ntutven i.f titn 1 f)lli 1 District, aud Perry county, and express their mo.t heartfelt hope that tho Deu.oc Ml... frnm ..11 in ,. nt ,i, h ;i. , , . . ., -' " - .vt(w vu w.iiwu Mill nonor tuemeives uv nomiu:iiinr tnc man 1 1 , . i, ,!nt .i :ir: n restorc what nbolition corruti0i has ruincll Yours, licsncclfu'lv. E , . . , ,., n n Lx-bKCUKTARY CAMPION CoXVICTEI) ,. . .. . T Pttiiimtv. -Iho majority ot the Invest!- ,. n ... , ,, . attn' Coinmittce ol thu Pennsylvania . -.,,-. n , I .nrrt-.! !l f II ! Ill tIM, I n iMOfAli mii.'n imm l.oirislatiirf. !n , , ,UaUl' a rLPorI finding Gen. Cameron do was to "como down, JiKc anotl.ei J . Hardwood, of the Wheat iW a . ini.. ..m, (...I'-y-i.a.iy'. ii.-.k. ur !,,.y ,.:., Til.,,,.. J.,l.n nn.l limit llis liolu y,L,1U11' " , U "(l00" WK- :f nusarino, ef m cU.'ki,i gill, , I Hack Lunib. or K.iuakitig Jjlack-bJi.c, aim nunt, nis noic. ('rowers Uatik, lioth ol nna. and J. J. tf(.u-r..M.iw. Tho (Juaek Ot. refers thc writer to the Grove, merchant .,d miller iu Jonol.oro', : 'ilL?!; S'Ki.Vi.KK!;;..:!: What Bouoflcoiit Protootion. Wo takt. tho following description of ( 'Wild Western Scenes" from acorros pondent of tho New York 'Inbtmc, vht writes from the Immediate neighborhood of the events related. Coming from that I roliablo Abolition paper, it n of couno n !ni.,r f nflVira now bcinu enacted ItllU JIIHU.u - tj in the President's own 'State, What picture of pcaco and protection 7 Lav, abrogated, pcaco destroyed, ilomcstir, tran quility invaded, citizens kidnapped aud carried off by tho mllilr'ay without tho constitutional right of a trial by their peers, the ountiy desolated, women' and nliil.lrrvr, -Trivnn from their homes and 3t, from tlio.r i.oaics '!J,W)y'fin8f ai, and up to 50 ctA tho woods, And all in thto; ,,U)IES' 01M-3UA CLOTH r wnndcrinis in loval Stnto of Illinois, wbcro no relmllioft exists, where (he Courts arc open and the laws in farre. All this dono wilh llic permission, if not the command of the ad--ministration. And Iih Administration claims to be titer Government nd dual with the opjioncurlB of socli acts, as Irnt-1 o0f(S. aild SIlOCS , tors. Alai, for hc Ocvcrniucnt of tho ( A(((f n,(llifll, of jll.lUi,lmirt.ouin;,y h-fct in cn Fathors. Oh.forihc better day of .ijir. . . aj,,,, (ooill lleimblic. when iho Uonsirtniion was mo fupreino law of tho Jam!,anl when con- clous of protection, with the proud dec laration of ''I am an American citizen," tho citizen could go proudly and fearlessly forth in Hlwonjoyi.iMit.of lif', liberty and the pursuit of l.apincss." Here is the ?ic- -n . urt- GoVKUNMNT AllKXST IN IliMSOtl. . ... . ., ... liar-i Anna, Union couuly ill., April r, jco. Tim tumult Mi-w,iii,f frnni tli n !irrff.till!' luc tumult arising lion, tnc arrr. "", of Copperheads atrd (lo.'CrtcrS 111 tins County still cuntiiww. Among the prirj- cltm-ns takt'll aro S. r. AsllJy. which thrco are probably wjrth 875. OUO. V V Such is thc tetmr of the people in re mote parts of the county that quit '. insig nificant persou.i arc fearing they will ho arreted : and I a Id as a irrH'irlctMc fail tint', during these passing nights v.omcn and children go into the wood to sctp All businesses suspended, for thii.-c who have not been arrcirit nave, run away .l i j . i. . . . t ; even ono mcmncr 01 mo aisie ocnaic o. II. Smith, departed. .M. - - .;iM.U Suor.s.-Shoes are an ! ininnrtautatit item iu thc exo of cl tii- ... iiur (.liil.lpn., d nivri' ti'ir-nt vitl innli.r. nig cniKireti, as ecr pamir win tmiur - xtm,,!, 'phey invariably wear mit their . j shoe at the too lir.-t, and not ; before tho other parts arc a qua.ter worn. ; Child nil s shoes wi 1. .Mal -q.s never Wt:ar " t0C a'"1 S :SHfc. 5 mlS tauil. They invariably wear out llicir , . . . . .... O .1 I tnore linn out-woa- ihreu pairs without them. Wc believe all tho -sln-e dealer. keep them. B) E AT IIS . InJ5'ntou,ou tho -iOtli tilt., Sauaii Jan.:, daughter of llichard and A.nand. Stiles, aged I year 1 months and l'-idays. At MillviPe, mi the UOili tilt., W.M Shannon, aged 50 yean 1 month and liU days. Li Mountpleasaiil twp , Col. eo., on the Oc-.t diy of May, ISti.'l, .Mis. Hannah iSAMis, aged 7-1 years. TIIE MARKETS. Ui.oo.MiiiiUiKi, M-.iy D, I SOU. Wheat bus. 1 50' Green Apple 50 nn' (HI r. , Hi) ' I o j Rye 0"1 Diied 1 Corn " " Oat....1' " Uuckwheat ,l Potatoes " 65 Dried Peaches '4 (ill lluttur t'lh 75 hard 00 Tallow " jEggs.... dois. Hay . . . ,l ton. 15 50 Chickens " pair Clovcrsccd " 1 T imothysecd Onions " - - ' 1 iVJf 111 C llllf rll-imTf lit Bark Bark ! ! I.Kllll'T tl.oinif burg Win. tNVIH:it. .Hy '.I, IeG-1. 1 nt Wall Paper Jj-itcrt t-tuc lowest prices, JUST Hcrcivc'il a nciv :i.otliiiint of latest niyl of ' roper, itulnding Bantering, and ( riling I'.icr, anil a concral vn rl-ty nf iiinlcrial in hi linr. vvlncli ill liu I'liuinl nn the rfili DNII l'l.( () iiiiiiioi j. atoly over tli.i tnre of .Mr. I. T flurpli-m , ciitrinirn nuu iloor oat uf Ijiu'1 Dm .tnrc, in thr. ttiipit ,llllck' ulicr" "" i'""""" """' "n "' " w',','"'',edw';P4''.'',-ii.uo. ' ' 1 "r.r Jlu"Slr. 'Scaled u order, tfvr iri nt .- "vu" """J '"I r.loimobiirg, May'. I, 1F0.1 3ni II. J, TIIOUN'IOX. tossinQairiroy. kumoval ii. c. ii o w e n, SU11GKO N D E N T I ST nUStnilN'Cn. hiMnK oppn.llg .Mlllst'a Stutg on Mini Htrctt, lllwnitlMirs I'.i. ItlWr.nTUW.Y oir-rn hi. Hiii.rik inline liii.i.. nnd (.ciiil,.. men of ..luniii.liiirir mu. vliinm. u.. .. operatlnns in inipruviiiciit prrparnl luntltiulio nil tin, varmm nry, an.. i ptuvMcd uli thu l.iui.t POHCF.LAIN TEETH. "eli "lhl! MfnT'1 " '"VOt ' e'J '"",C 10 k " i A .npcrior urllclo or Ton lit l',lcr nlhny, m Illoomsliurs, M.iyO. 1-na. Notice. TO TAX COLLECTORS. louco is nearby (iivcn, to till collectors ot t ouniy-r.. liol,,us unpiM ,h,lfatcB lo. If.,;- nn.iprm mu yoan llity u. ,i,r iv ,Ml, .,l ect in aim pay m iiiut'ounly Trcamer on tho iiili J. 01 junu I10l. . ' i Wm. I.AMOV, 0. II. iii:ss Coniinliioncrt office lilooui-burj'J'ay LOST NOTE. T ost, Borne time since by the undersigned JJreil'l Iiib Inri-hintcrcck twp., Columbia cnimty a Noto oflmn.l,fpr.veou, ,lau,l Ap 5l)i iww oS r!rt.'",l:;',"7",", )a,,,,el m A,ire;.uiii". ,n '.A p""" rcw'!r'1 !vil1 h" l""'1 '' r"tiim of ., lilrT,;wlymT, ""'iisbii .etiiro,. tn tho iih. o. cr pc Xn ' "H m,l 11 tJ" Ue tf " volo "V My t, ljti3.-3n CAMUKL ASH, I , 1 ji in:, lvt.!rftH'f( -WUturv, r aiy oXU't 3'J iii;icnzluu.or ihtvr VAH PHlUl'IH OVER I SECOND AMIVAL o r ' 'Tew Gomtsv At the stoie' op: 1 .1 J. BROW HLOOMSIJUHG P'A. nnjrrotiinj'ulrcccltccl, nml U nor js-lUlji aprimi" wy (tiHknf Nw rwil f"m Hw r.ututn' nutket,' which n ill la ioIiI (mr fornntior pmliic?, yiUNTSnt U). i", IH. S, 'il, mil W-tVnt. ' Hrown (i Bleached Muslin' at 20, 2.r, 35, and D ccn'J Hp Litines. ( fwlin. and Dms Giixls, v - . rors MJSTHKS. A'so. a itfh supply of tfiiocuR iiiXfSPicus, ,yc. Aho, a lirgetv. of iQulKNuw.wK. Oiidauwauk. IlAnnwAnt:. nnd Stoneware, ; suT v. MME. DEMORHST'S MIRROR OF FASHIONS (UU.UnT.HLY JOUIlN'At, Dtf fti,Wn JIOXBI! ) J rtV'Wlll. RV,,". i r.irinaliuii. nml tin- four llfi!!-.'! r.illfrii, cut ready In, ivMir. t'tr. Vcarly. $1 : -InsU' tnpii'', cciidv- ''.Ul 'm. l)iiMnnt.if'i mHiuin uf 1 ililon I i.a nrotnlwny, N V. ; .ruMiDAnvu'Aiiti!ntr'MioM i it ' Kn-f; Yi iirly Kiilu' rih.-r tn .Mini'. Ililli"".'" Mirror j ri.J,Hlu ,.,t,ulci, , k,.,.,,i,i r ..o mu.1 tvurl!tf Hlr.i CiMcm. mi rnpynf llini. ticinnrr' S.V..,".iilSy!;",i,,',, ,"",'!''. 1 "' fr St . I'r rlnlrtir.i miirarririvM nt SI frith will lin Hfnl hi t rfMvl nt I..1I ('nihtw. A CJinlcfUO.", iv i':v tWcli-r .n?l IVIhuiiN .".twins tMurliitfcrvvil li Hciiiiin'r am! Svlf riicirnj; Alt;t'hinrnt. A I lnl iMl 11 xplt'iiillil pal'iit ri.'icr (liilil Wntrh, All Uif Ail'fCi'itvr :tv nnrnri-il !i thu Hmt prnuiiuiii, aud to tin defter up of t'll. Cli.l. uu 1 xtin .copy of Ih 1 ilrrnr f IUjIikui fr mm1 yar. Any iitnnl'', of $1 Mi'wrrl'ltlon .rnt luwnril mnhlni np 11 iluli. iMH: rr-iliti'illlil' .nine nt if ' nt nllo-ntlit-r i:ark uiiiiibi, .1' i-iCLiniru .ivu.'jiu.l fri-u.on roi tit of .1) riMil. ,-ili'iiiliil t"nii (jr Afffnt'-, S;nil Sir u Circulur. MMt, 3Dn;.TOiiRs'ji''3 MtltKOK OF FASHION'S, ' liUAKTtUI.V JilUIIMAr, lit! (7n.lN7 JIONJJB. CircuUlion in UWMi'gtit 'I'll' worlil.) l'..n U iiuiubir ronuln. nrjri' ami uinculuYi'at colnrtit1 .Inc. hiiiI rnsravcil I'n.liluii np, H pi c nil i il lllu.ltn lni iil'nll III" I'.ishionnlil,. l'u,(- ff.-r'.'lti'Ti fi.r l.nclj. , "rei". Inclmliiig IImiiii t, tlooin l.vrn.t.r, Uatm: 1 p,,,,,,,,,,!,., t-anrf li--vv.H . jj-Ki-h. Wr.iiu'r, Hrk umirr trannnriii, jiiwcify; iu-u. vrap.iT, sK imin ""v 'fJ'niViam 'ii?ii"' ".:;;, ,,;;;.f.y;;. ft i'.".''l in o',;Uo? any" oU,.r':!o,m, . i.iij-.. .i.ia.'n .11111 i(.uin irrnnci iiil.rf.Wrry r.-i! rlc, nr., I our l.tft- Ciilnl'ltiinirU'' chfun- .u'-.inr; fur .Mnihi-i.: nillts leiicrnltV. avBi i.ti'.'t in tin or uny oihr toiiiiliv, PiiIiI."n -il 11I Miio'. ii'inorrl' I ; 111 ji or i ti 111 of I'milii (ohit, .in.ironiln.iy, N.I'. Yenrly, Ono llutliir, v nh .v vuliinlilr- iiri'iniuiii : sinslc cnni . TttfiilyiiTi- Onl A .ploiulnl fUaiiiii for nan. unit i.r.;iilil 1'rnuniiin. -niu.iuri iiiar) rtnniitiii I liiclihliiii Kxlrn rnll-Tii. K'M'Mii .f Oroh ruiitnif, Mirjra?iM-ii, I'.ioioi-rnp.M A.I01111.. i;li-citnt C. i.t fir Hlol. nml I'nrk O0111.1 1.1 Uunnni'.; rintrli Sh inj- .Mirliiiil. Wll-olrr tc Wil no i' .M.irhino, tun. IVilont drvi r (iolil Wntrh os ; any "f tho a.iovi- uluatilo eroiiiluui m l nMajnei. w illiotit p 11 inc any umn-j for llirin. for piiitlf ulfirn' py Iho 'llrror iin'aalilnu," or juh1 for 11 Circular Vi.v 'J, IHU3. - lino Public Vendue. V ill he .nM ut I'uMIp Salo, nt tho Inn ' rii Irnrr f I.'lilU'ti Vnuuir. tUrM, ijt Imliinit x p., n't Tli'irffiUy. tin J1p t f .Mfiy, tin fullow ini: pTrm 1 irnitrl tn i it : 'I'tvn Map'. i illi f'.al, I'unr Mill h rnw, Two jomtg nuil''- fl,"r f nil-'.', "'ill u lot nf Hog. A .SO: On Ti"liiirJ'- ivaiion, on-Trurk V,inn. ono Fpriuij tf airnn ono rrain ilrill. on I'olir l.or WiiBon.' nun Tour llor-o .ir.iiii-uiiuliiu, one Corn Hliollcr, 0101 l'aiiuiui; Mill. Sluls, If nr row, anil f.trmiiiC tjtt U'iin criif-mlly. Al-n n Im nf Cirp "ili'rV tm.h. n-m f r I int PIhii. ItnU nml lt-diliii. II. u by tin- ton, llniti iti thn sri'iinil, Hiiit-lnilil n kjfr Iumi fiirnilurc, Im n jrvat vnrti ty (if nrllflt's l'o nunif'rnii1 t(- iii'miimhi, ftti4)f M lOnVlnrk , in nf iijl tiny," when h tcriit4 nf S.ih will Inin.i In Known nml dipt ntlrinJnnni KIILIIl U A.I'I.VU Vol'NfS, i nn"" VnnNnii, M nv ". ll-n.l 'i in: ,RW!!()n:iV stobk. MO1U0 FRKSIT (iOODS. . hist 'cccivcd at Erasmus' AVm' Slurc. Molas-cs, fc'uar.t, Teas. Coffci), Rice. Sph t's, ats and Caps, Fisfi, Salt, Tobacco, Sogarn, Candies, Razcns, FKE1) AND PROVISIONS. To-i-iIht witli n crnnt laricty of iniiininninl ctcntc inniiii 111111110114 tn iiii'iiiiiiii. IL lliiltcr. r.Sgf, .Mi'.'it and pio.liuc geiirrally tnkoir in cxeliniiKc fur j;oral,,M.1y'.MSM. A.n.l-.KAS.MUH. Office of Hie Schwdhdl llavtn and Ldviih lliici 11. 11. Co. l'iiil.iilclphin April 37, ltti.1. Notice is hereby given, that a general ' IH.TIIII- nf lhe ctnckliul.lcr of Uu- Piliii)kill ll. f.n."'." ''." 1!,v,'r U'liipu-y will bn al'l at the I. all ni thi) rranklin institute. Nn 15 Soiith 'ihT","!1,,' 'V' '" .,l'i,0llv "fl'hila Irlphin riiurnuMy, r r . i ''"' 01 ,r0:l' ' "'cK'ik in tlie iiiorninit I L i ".'f'"""' "'"'Hi's "ii Joint nvrri-ineut for thn i h ,' ,!', '.".I"'1 1,1 "r'i"l Ucliujlkill Haven t ('hiith It. It. tii. with tho Mine Hill nn.l bchiilliill i , ' !- '""il""'. "'"1 f"r mull other bu.lncis iiij) bp liroueht bi'fiiru i.ihl incctini:. lly nrdi-r nf I lie llonril of niannicr". Atl Al.UX'il J.llLllllVrillllti:, "&WAa,i,Hcc,-y. V'M May V, ltr,3, ' . , Ojlte Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven Hail road I ompnny. 1 I'liilailuljiliia, .fih mo., (April) ''7, IfUX ! Moticc is hereby given that a general Hr.,,!'.!!;'!,',"?! nf ""J StncKIT..I.tera of tho.Mino Hill mul il ' ,i" r1.','"' l." "I1.1 ""', "-'""'I'T'y will bo hel.1 nt I , " L",11? ""M1" "lUit'it.. No lilthHouth Bcf in,,' m.,' n'o'";factinBn .-.joini rccmont for tho i c ,.' i. iiii'I'.' S"'.1. ""W.' of,,"s Bciiuyikiii iiavan ami tion r . ,Vi ' ."' uVany "! '" t?n;c i.ii.i .;.,, """ ' 'V? " brouuht ticioro ' ' ""r "oanl oi lunaor. ... . JOHN f CUf.HHON. lltnut- I'reaiilcHt . May il, ions. ' " U'm RIJHIa JONES & REliD, iRON RAILING A N 1) Olt.VAMlINT.U. 1UON WORKS, No. 222 Collowhill, St., below Third, PHILADELPHIA. Iron Itullin; fo'r Vu,, Umcinilci. VitamuBtfjn 4t(h 10. (EM II