Farmer's Department. TURKEY RAISING. lnrst, I never allow a turkey to set until about tho Middlo of May. They will commenco to lay early in April, but I lako tbeir eggs away as fast as laid, anil Iscrp them until tliov lay tbeir seconil batch , which will bo finished about the second or Until week in May. I then give lior some eighteen or twenty of tho eggs and let ber set. Along tbo middlo of June alio will be off. I then put her nd her young on an old bam floor, or other out' building that is dry, and feed on curd and on cracked corn. Curd is tbo best for a continual feed when tho farmer has plenty, but cracked oorn or coarse meal mixed with lobbcrcd milk, answer just as well. Aftor they liavo been in doors for two or three days, or long enough to get fairly Ren. on their legs for the turkey is the weakest of all fowls when yet young 1 let them out providing the weather is fino and there is no dew on tbo grass. 'J' ho great reason why people cannot or do not raiso turkoys, is because they turn tliain out as soon as hatched, and about the firkt wetting they get they keel over and die. To succeed in raisisg turkeys, therefore, you inut keep them dry until at least ten weekn old, when they will stand about as much water as any fowls, gecfo and ducks excepted. Of course they must bo driven in every night, and on all occasions when u storm id threatening. HANDLING STEERS If vou would sucoccd in this business, be gentle, in every stage of your under taking. Coax the little fellows into the yoke, lot them get used to it, thcncoas them to travel together. 'Speak gently, and bo sparing of tbo whip or goad. We have scon brutal fellows, who, in tak ing steers to break, would slash about and corner them up, pull them up to the yoke as a butcher pulU a beef up to the bul ring, then as soom as they were captured hitch a yoke of oxen bclbre them, and another yoke bohind thcin and caakc tho poor frightened innocents along by the heads, with blows and yells like .rild In dians. This is wrong ; there is no need of breaking steers so that you must al ways yell at shorn to bo obeyed. A kind, even voioo is just ss effectual, and a great deal plcasantcr for both parties.. fiive ihe steers a rablc time to 'learn what' is wanted ct them, and uo not expect thorn to como right into tliclr work until tlioyknow how. The bad habit3 of turn ing the yoke, crowding, 'hauling opart, away, and sulking, arc often forced upon them by unreasonable raan-j agemrnt. If the driver loes not know J enough to teach tlicm So as to avoid these, Jho is not (It to educate a pair ot steers. sir AVntJT1 ' tjlVJ'jFirx IMAIMJMJJ. ( Millet OT OatS Will make a gOOd crop , , . . .? . 'to turn under uelero sowing lull wucat. -7 .I, . At the present price of oatB, millet seed' will be much tho cheapest. If tho Wilis'; inK'sted bv wceds.buckwhcat tnav be used, 10H,SWU uy Huun,, uiajr in. u. i.u, Sow early and plow in as soon as it is m flower, and then sow for another crop to be plowed under first, before sowing Iho wheat. FLAX CULTURE. . From all parts of the Union we sec tho statement that the farmers intend to pay more than usual atteutton this year to the cultivation of flax The high prieo of cot ton and woolen fabrics are loading the people to talk ofthe older style of domes tic manufacture ; and the-brake and the Hwingle, and tho liatchcl nnd wheel will bo heard on many farms and in many whero such sounds have for many 5cars been silent. CARROTS Farmers, don't forget your carrot crop. For field crops, sow tho Long Orange Havo your ground in fino tilth. Loamy oif l-i best. Use no fresh manure Sow tho seed in June, in drills, thin out to the idistaneo ol sir inches. Keep tho weeds down, and the soil loo.'o by frcqttont hoc- COMPUTE WEIGHT OP CATTLE HY "MEASURE. Ascertain tho giith b. ek of the ehou' lcrs, and tho length along tho hack, from the square of the buttooh to a point oven with the point of tho shoulder-blade ; say ttlio girth is 0 feet 4 ineltes, and the length 5 feet 3 inches, whieh multiplied together, giTCS 31 feet. Multiply thii by 23, the cumber of pounds allowed to the' foot, be tween 5 and 7 feet girth, and tho result is 713 pounds, for tho number of pouuds of beef in tho four quattcrs. Girth, trom 7 to 0 feet, allow 31 pounds to tho foot. Oattle must bo fat and gquaro built to hold out weight. Cuke for STAdQEiis IN Horses. Give a moss twice a week, composed of bran 1 gal., sulphur 1 tablespoonful, salt ppter I spoonful, 'boiliug sassafras tea 1 qt.,asnfiPida 1 oz. Keep the horso Irom sjold water for half a day afterwards. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Laic While Swan,) 11 ACE STREET, ABOVU 'MILD PlIIIiAUKtiPllIA. D. 0. SIEOItlSri" Pnoi niETon. Formerly pom Ea&lc Hotel Lobcwon, Pa t, v. mioAtis, Cmuc March 3D, l!Ci-l2ui. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL No, 117 and 110 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Tho nhove well known establishment lias been lens liy thu subscriber- I'lil Hotel I, conveniently Ineatnl In n, central mid. business p.irtnflho city. II Islargoiind coiuiuodlotu,' mill well liiriils'tcil throughout, , , I Person. vMtlni hnrltvura rc.ncctfullv invited In. tall amlpntronlza this e;tnbllsli nictit, us nnttiitiR nhnlt 1s wanting (o make tliu guuils coiufurliililo anil satis- ' I'EI.MS ONE DOLLARS PER DAY. Citizen ami visitors can bo'necommodatcd on rcas- onailu terms by the day, n eck nr nioiith. J. OTTENKIllK, Proprietor, Nn77 Dock ScPhlln- Lute of ll.nhi more, Mil, nnil Mini I sun ll.iu.c, Sciond trl. Philadelphia. .Alarcli 7, leii'J 3m. JOHN DOLL 502 Market St., Philadelphia TMrOllTKRof Toys, Npn nnd fancy Artirlcs, 1 Tho laritett variety of ripen, Toys, Ilaskcts mil FANCY COODS TO III: FOUND IN Tllli C1TV. Fleas call and Hxiiiinnc, March 7, 18f,3 WATCHES, JEWELIIY & SILVElt WARE. ho underjignod would rcsprct- fully invite your allj'iiUiiii tn III well fi lectcil slock ofFino liolil ami tiitver watch' ao l ino Cclil Jewelry, of every kitiil ami ninety f styles cuinprialng all of the newest and iriost hcautifiil ilealgns. Alan, Solid Silver Ware, eoiial to Coin-nnd the hot Make nfrtllver Plated Ware, ll.ali article la war ranted to bens repreai'iitcd. O.J Watches mid Jewelry carefully repaired and satisfaction guaraii teed, J CM11 lIAltt.F.V, (Suceeaaor to StaiUler ft Hurley.) No. IWJ.M.MtKiri' Street, Fil'.I.AD'A. Fih'y 2i , 1603, amos. PAUL & THOMPSON, ( Commission RIcrclian(s, MbALERS IN Flah, rrnvlalona. Flodr. Duller, Cheese, Oila, Dried Frulta, lirnin, Heeds, lleaua, Whiskey, WooJ, Country lVoduce und .Merchandise Ki.neriiJ.'y. No. 31 North Wharves, I'mnii i-ruiA. $y Conaisnuieuts of l'rnvlaiona. Flour and Country Produce solicited. and returns promptly lumlc. CutM aiS'auceil when deairett. OIMIKltS for all kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour, Dried r,rults, Ice, filled Mlbe luwcsl L'a..i t'rlces. August J, leUO-l'Jui. PHILADELPHIA. PAPER HANGINGS liowEU. & nounici:. Corner Fourth and Market Htrecta, PLilndelpliia, have now in stock, a line variety of wai. i. pa pan s, Cot up cipeaaly for tlii'ir Spring Trade. WWD01V F.UT.R OF DVFKY CIIDi:. to which they invite the attention of Storekeepers. tO In their retail cpartiucnt, will he found thu cnoiccpi si, lea oi inc uoii, Miireh 7 16U3 3 inos.tcas JOHN S. LEE & CO., No. 16, NORTH WIIArtVi:.", riiil.nlelj'Iiin. R1E IflAJiBJISS ANO SHIP Gil A iXJD L E 11 S, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Rnpc. Twinus, Tar, Pitch. Oakum, lllocks, und Oars, &x AiifUkt I, ier,0-l-Jm. LEATHER! LEATHER!! I'pHUuiidcraigned would announce, thai he haji on l.anil I JL alhis Hut and Can Dinnoriuiu, on Main St.. lllnnma. - nssortnien cf which he will sell cheaper than can be had elncuhere In Ihis market. Call luidcieiiiiliu.lliein fur yourselves. JOHNIv. lilllTOIJ. Uloomsburg, May 21, 1ECJ. PR1BUJ1UTH & UROTI1EUS. WIIOLCSALK 0 13 A 0 C 0 K A L E II f AO. 10 5, NORTH Till III) STltF.ET T Five donrsbclow Itarp, PIIII.ADF.I.PIIIA SlilOLAKSllII'S FOlt SALE. I'ilthburgh Commercial College. Ilinghaiuptin " " Crittenden's " Fhlladnlphia. "irauoii.iiryaiii k to., Tkea Stripe, arc Inninounts of ,loand $5(1 and arc a so much cash, hy the Student on entring either of th , above Colleges. Young iniln desiring toolitaln a fiuislu ed Collegiate Ihliication, will hero find agood specula tinnbyuppiyiugiitthe oinconrtim Nov. I.ldlii. COLUMIIIA DEMOCRAT. TINWARE it STOVE SHOP. - TK ""designed respectfully Informs Ma Hd friend jl nni) cuHtoiKers-Hint he has purchased hi. brother nterust in tho nkuvo establLhineut. andthe concern ti iu hereafter bo conducted by himself eLluivelv. nc uas jii.i received unit oners lor saje, mo larg. ei anil most extensive assortment of 1'ANU Y STOVES ever introduced into thin market. His stock cnnsl'ts of a cnmnlcto n..iirtment of .in urn ,'unini; unu purnir Btoves in inc inarhet, mgeui pr with Stove Fixtures if every description, Oven and not wtoves, uauiators, cylnulcr Stove., Cast Iron A r Ttght stoves, Cannon Wtoves, &c, tc. Stov epipo mid I iHru c,i-.t.iiiiiy on iiniiu mui inauuiaciurcu to oruer, All kinds of repairing dune, ns usual, on short notice. Til" inctroiiagc uf old friends and new ciislnnmrs ne pectfully soliclled. A. M. RUPllRT. Hlooiusburg, November 3d 1600. tf. JOSEPH I'USSELL, .Manufacturer of .UMDREI.LAS, SUN U.M15REL- LAS and PARASOLS, Xos. 2 &4 N. 4th St., PIIILA'I). March 7, lPii3-3m. A LECTURE. Ju$l published in ascajed Kneel eez e entt. A Lecture on tho Naturo Treatment & Radical Cure of Ppcriuatnrrheea or Seminal Weakness Involuntary emission., Debility, mid hnped.u inents In Marriage generally, Nervoiisuesi, (,'niuiiin-d lion, Fpilepey and Fit.; .Mention and Physical lncnp- city, resulting Iroin Self Abuse. &c. Ily Rob, J. Culver well, At, H., Author uf the Crecn Rook &c. The world renowned author ill Ihlsadiuirabto I.cctiiru clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self Abuso may lit effectually removed witlinut nieduine, and without dangerous surgical one rations bougies, insrlutueiits. riues or cordials noin Hug out a mode uf cure at once certain and cll'ectual by which every siiflcrer no matter what his condition may be, may enre hiuisclfclieaply, privately, mid radically. Tki Lecture will prove a buou to thousands and thou sands. Sent unacr seal to any address in a plain, scaled envelope, on the receipt oftix cents, or postage stamps by addressing, A CHAS J.C. KI.INC k CO.. 127 flowery, Now York, Tast otlicc llox, 1?0 Fcbiury.M, into. r, 0. LIGHT it CO., (Late Light Ic llradburys ) Piano Folc tllauiilhcdii ci' 421 llroomc St New York. Second Ulock East of llroadwny. I? 0. LIGHT, the original founder of 1 this wcll-known F.stablishmcul. Senior Partner. lnd only 1'caMcal I'iano Forte Maker v( tlie late 11 mi of light Si Urndburys," having retained his Two-third's interest in Hie whole buslnes stock, materials &c., uud sole proprietorship In his Valunllo Patonti. inclusive of his celebrated TATFAT INSULATHI) It. ON I'll A Al i:-- . Is iiiu only one who can make the superior Piano Fortes fur which this house hns been so popular All Infringements ou bis rights will be prosecuted according to law. O-All Piano Fortes from this manufactory arc war ranted per foci iu every respectful five years. Liberal terms to Jlcnlen. F U. l.ighto 4c Co., 421 Urootno Bt.Ncvv York. April ll,lWJ-3ui, IIBMOVAL. it 1 11 O T K li. TM1I2 undersigned respectfully Informs his friends . and the public generally, thatho has removed from Ihe "Union Hotel" to tho "IJACLB IIO'l'iiL," in the boiough uf Aluncy, where he will bu happy to enter tain in a satisfactory manner all who muy favor him ...nh ,h.,lr Fiiiinm. Tho best stabling ill Ihe countv. with ample awomniodalions for travelers and drovers. Nu pain, will h. spared to render the slay of guests n eaiant and enintoriasic A Al. SMITH. Jluncy, April II JeOJ. i m vibe mmw mmmv FOR THE 0 N b r f t u and Tin: FOR ) I A 15 E T E S AND DISUABRH OF TIMS That Ditngcroul anil Treubltsomt )lirit, Khichliiuc tknifnr HcsiHtil Ike best directed Trenlmtnt eunle CuafltUli Controlled by the HV.MI:i)Y nttc brfore ml Tin: cuuativi: properties of Iho inctlli iuu dliect themaelvca In the nr. Bans of serretion, and by an aiming the toiidltloii of lliu atomacli nnilllver tlialtlio atanhy itltuiple oflhu l'i,ii,U not con veit.'d Into sugar aoluugis lliu hj ttciu is under llu liilluencc ofthe CONSTITL'TIOV, which gil e llioao urpnns time tn rentier tlnrir lealthy tone unit vior u urenniu in aiiue in n me ,;iimsuiii, Unu U'nter liaACtucil every case of Diabetes in whicllit Jn been given. stoxi: i.v Tin: iiladdfr, uai.cumjs, ciiavki. llltlL'K DUST Din-OSIT. AN J) MUCOUS Oil MII.KY DISCIIAItCHd AFTCH UUINATiNC. Dlseae occurlug from nnemid therinue rauao will hu enllrely cured liy the Constitution U' Iflakeu fi any length of time. Tlie ilo.u ghoul. I vary with tliu auverity of tho dlaeaae, frnni twenty drops tn a ten apooiiful tlireeliiues a day. III water. During the pa, nago "f the Caliiilua, tho pain nnd urgent ariuptmiiH ahiiuld bo coiuhali'd with the proper mui'dlon, Uien iniiowen up wiiii me uonsiiiuiiun ivuier, as anovv u- rctieu. tiviMrvnni' imi Oil ! MVt'lIT T. MI'VirilltA. ...... v iv, ' e m'i-v ii,.,iia,w i , ,.;.?, i-y, 'HON, AM) IN MI.NOUItllAOIA Olt I'ltOFL'Si: FI.OtVINU, Until arising from a faulty secretion ofinc menstrual llni.l jn tliu one case heiugtoo Utile, and accompanied l.y severe Info secretion, which vere pain j mis' lliu other a ton pro- Inch will be speedily cured by the r, , Constitution ale That disease known as FAI.I.INC OF TIIK WOMII which Is llu remit ofa relavatiou ofthe Hiruuiciits of iliat organ, and Is kniiwii l.y u aenaoof heaviness and ilraggii; jiaiiiH in the back ami sides, and at times nc eoinpanled by sharp I ;,ci dating ur shunt log paiustlirougii thu parts, will, in all eaaos. be renssveil by the uicdieiKO. ! There 1. another ela.s uf s'ymptoius ari'ilig I'ruiu IK' KITAT1UN OF TIIC WO.MII, which physicians rail, Nervousness, wliiihword covers up niiiili Ignorance, , mid in nine cases out of ten tho doctor doca not really ' know vv hether the symptoms ace the disease, or the i disease the syiupto. us. Yu tun only u.Ruincrulo them lierc. I apeak more particularly of Cold PoU, Paliita. .lion In tlie Heart, tinpared Memory WukefuluesO'hi'di' i;s uf Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Diniuctsirf Vision, I SIJPPItnsSHD MKNSTRL'ATION. U'Jtjch In the unmarried female Is a constant recurring .It.eaae. mid Ihroiigli mglectthe seed, of more grave and d.iugernil. maJadies arc the reault; and as month alter month passes tvllkout mi ellort being luuile tu a aUt nature, the supire.aiuii tieciunea chrnuic, Hie pa limit gradually louse, her appetite, the huwel. are . coiiatipated, night sweats toiiio on, und coitiumjitittn tiuallv ends her career. j.i:ucoKita:. or wiiiti.'h. 'I 111. disease ilt-pouds ejion an lull iinatlnn of mucous lining of t ,o vagina and woiuh. It is in all cases ac companied hy aeveic pain in the back, aceross the bowels and throueh the hips. A tea.tiooufiil of tliu i medicine mav lie taken three times a da, with an in jection of a tablespoonful ofthe mediciiiio, mi.veil with - u haif piiit of soft water, morning nnd evening. IRRITATION OF THU NL'CK OF TIIF. ULAUDllR, I.Vl'LAMATION or Till! KIDNF.YS AND OA- 4 TAltltll OF Till: UI.AUDCit, STRANGURY AND 1IURNINU Oil PAINFUL UlllNATlNO. For these diseases it istrulva si.voreii.-u rcuiedv. mid too inn rli iniinot be satdlnils praL.e A siugle does ha ueeii hunvv to relive Hie moti u-rgciu .-yptoius. Are vou troubled witli that ili'tresaiiii.' nain in the small of tho hack and through the hips I A tenapoonliil a day of Constitution Waler u ill rcliev u you like mugic. FOR DYSPCPrfIA, It ha. mi cpial in relieving tho Mntt distressing amp toms. Also, Headache, lleatlliurii, Acid louiacli Viuu itlng Food, tic. Taken teaspoonful aftisr lUuuer' 'I In; dose in all cases may bu iueruascil if dceircd, but shoiiil be done gradually. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the use uf Iniclni, eubeb.aud juuiier in tlietreatuieutot'th'se diseases, uuiloulyuse ineiu tor wain oi a ueiier remeiiy. CO N ST IT L'TION V ATI: ll lias proved itself a'pialtolhe ta.-k that has devolved upon it. I.IURF.TIC8 Irritate nnd drencli tho kidney., and by con -taut n.c .ooii lead lu chronic degeneration ami co i il ruled dis ease. Read. Read, Road. Dvmviu.i:, Pa June 2 lrT,'J. Dr. Wm. H. OnKnri Daer Sir: In Filniary. lel',1, I wasal.i,i.ied wtth the sugar diabetes, and furtive months 1 passed mure than two gallons of water in xvveiity-fi.ur liuurs. I wa. ob'lged to get up as i.Uen ten or twelve times during till night, and lu live months I lust about fitly pounds in weigth. Durniug lliu mouth uf July, lelil, I procured two bottles of Constitution Water and in two days after lining it I vxperieueed relief, ami alter tinting two bottiesl was entirely iiireil, soon alter regaining uiy usual gou.i heiJtb. Yours truly. J. V. L UK WITT. Huston Corners, N. ' Dee. 27, istil. Win. II. firegg & Co.: Ocnt.: I freely give you liberty to make use of the follovviiigl'lrliflcateoflhe value of Constitution Wa ter, which! can f eccoiiiineud lulbe highest manner. .My wife, who wn. attacked Willi pain in the ehoiil iters, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Palpitation of Hie heart, attended with Falling uf the Womb, Dysuieuorrhnea, mid "Irritation of the lll.ul lor," 1 called a pliynieimi, who attended her about three months, when ho left her worse than lie found her, I then cinpluyeil one of tho b:st phyi-icians 1 could llnd, who altouiled her for about nine ninnihs, and while she was under his caro sliu did not Miller qiiito us much pain ; he finally guve her up ami said : hcrcase vva. Incurable." For, said he, "alio was mull a cuuiliination of complaints, that medicine given for one operate dgainst somonthcr of her ilillicullies," About this lino: she commenced tu uso Cos'Tiiuhin Wvrm.und t.) our utter astonishment, almost the first do.o bcciucd tu have the dtired cllect, mid she kept on iinpruving rapidly ii'der its treatiuuiit.aiid now super intends cu'ln-ly he. duiiiei-lje oilairs. nut ta ken any of the Cos tiuiion Watch for about four weekk and wearo harpy to saythatit has produced u pcrina nent cure. wai. m. van iihnsciioti-n. Jltu.tnnD, Conn., Nov, 111, led. Da. Wm.ILCrfoo; Hear Mr: I havofor several years been afflicted Willi that tooublo'.onieauil daugerous disea.o Cravel. whicli rcblrted all remedies and doctors, until I took Cos.riiurioN.vt Watkr, mid you may beatsiired that I vva. pleased witli tliu result, 1 1 has entirely luredme. and you may make any uso of my name you may sec lit in rugare to the medicine, us 1 have entire confident, in its i llicacy. Yours truly, POND HTItONU, tiii:si: ari: facts cnhukii There is nnclnsij iifdiscascs that produce such ex hausting elects upon the im man cnnHtlulion a. Ilia betes and di. eases of tlie Kidneys. Ill.iililer.ind Urina ry Passages, and through a false nioilesly they are neg letted until Ihcy are sn advanced as to bo hcyuud the control uf ordinary remedias, and we prcnenlthc CONSTITUTION WATLR Tn the public with Hie convii tiniitliiit illias nn equal ill relieving the class of diseases for which it lias been found so eminently micccstful in curing i mid we trust that wo shall be rewarded in our efforts in placing so valuable rci.iedy jn a form to meet the r'Uirements of patient mid physician, FOR SAt.F.IlY ALL DI'UCCISTS. I'RICCSI, WAI. II. fiKORtiF. " CO,. Proprleiors .Morgan &Allcii,Oeueral Agent", No. 10 Ullir U New-York, Sept 2,1, leC2. I 'm ATTORN 10 Y A T L A W liLOOMsnuna, pji. nnii-e In Co.. I Alii. fnrnii,,li. i,i.n.l,l l,v I' omcc in Court All), w "fr occupied b) Lharle. lluckalevv. LliioinsLiirS, Dec, I, 1P.V.I. JOHN 0. YK AG 12 II, AIANUFACTUUF.U U WHOLKdALi: DHALF.R IN allATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, HONNBTS AND A11TIFI0IAL l'LOWKBS, i No. 257 North Third Street, Pliila'd. Nov. , IPO?. OIIKAP MILITARY OAl'S ! AIII.FPARV CAPS, of every sort, size and miallty for sale cheap nt the lllooiusbiirs Hnt& Cap emporium Also (irocerics.Confectionarics.lCigars, Ice, JOHN K. OIRTON. ooinsburz, Sept. II, li 61, ritOTEOTION FROM LIGHTNING mill", subscriber would inform his friends, that hi is I .. n. ru.l tn n,,t nn. .in .liort nollr.o.nn.1 In u ' .rlcntifie manner, tliu best ,,,,, " pWrAVi POUtTKD LinilTWa lOfly, a. inn. . ... H ., til cfinsrerioui. ei. ..vm o,.. .... ... " I' II. UlULEMAN. 1 nioomiburs Muy 51, I860. rriiiu l) n Oil aii it ma nr.KN rtiAt'Tiitn in tiik UKiTrr, statfs bt mo. UtlVK AsSUMt'TIOH AMI! ItRHCIIKOr AllIllTllARr rOWF.R j JIY I). A, MA HON F, ONR or IT8 VICTIMS. 11 la Ininnttnnt thai the linhlti of thinking In II frco rntintiy should lii'plrocuulluii In those Willi Its ndmliilstrnllnii, lo i online themselves within their resncctivo spheres, avoiding, In tho exercise of the port era of one ileparlmctit tn rncrnnch upon nnothcr.--Thu spirit of encroachment tends Hi consolidate Iho V 1 J W powers nT all the dopnttinitits In nuc, nnd Hills lo cro S i V A J wlnilevar he lliu furni of government, a real Des- OlltU." WA.IIINllllKt. "Clingtn tho OiiMltiillnu, n the shipwrecked marl tier cling In tho hut plank, when night nnil tta. '.cue peat cloau nroninl him," Dumb WcnsrtH, ' 0 Mtl.ETON, Publisher. I III irny. Now York. HT" Mr. Mnlmiiy's hji.k with the above title villi bo published till" week, April I, lrO:i, 'CEfl'-r-il'i-" Qx-u .r.Taii m .i r . mm T"'" nni1erli'nen ,, nrso eMenaliely ensased In the .f'"-'li.'lfs..-indkeepscoiiata.illyonliaud lid lor aale at his Wareromus, a iargo nssoitinent of I INISI1ED CJOFFINS, Ily whieh he is enable,! tn nil orders r. preaeutallun Ai.mi Kocjw enod llorae anil Hearse, nnd silll at al I limes lie ready to ntlend Fuuorels. fi , rllMON C. SIIJVJ:. , iiiooiiisoerg. .a unary .., .kj u . ,. . .1 . ,.,.,.,,. -r , r.r.j-i. I Ol'FlOE 01' JAY COOkE, , SUIlFCP.n'TION AGICNT, i At Jy Coke & Co., Ihuliaars. Jit SueiiiTiiiiinSiniF.T. Pliiladuljihln, Nov. 1. The undersigned, liaving I een appointed Subscrip tion agent by Ihe Seirctuiy ujlliu Ti-asur) is niiwjiru pared tu furutth at once, thu lTcw lu-cnty ycai 0 per ceul. liovth, ofthe United States design aled ns 'Five-'l'wt lilies," !t ileeiliable at tlie pleasuru of tin; Cnveriiuient, after fn.; . vear.. and iiiitliorl.ud by Act of Congress, approved February i'i, IMi-J 'I'lieeoiipoii bonds are issued in sums of .I0U, $,.ino, $1 iiiiii 'I'll- Reginler Uoiulrf in sums if SM, Slid, $.100, S1U00 mid SoUUU. Intereit at .".'ii per i cut. per aunuiu wjJJ lomu.cniu ro in dale uf purcli.ise, ami i-i l'A YA1ILU IN (301.1), Seiui-Aptiually. w hii I. L. ."pint, al the present premi lliu on gold, m about i llit per cent per Annum. F.iruur.. .Mercui m, ei haiilcs, I'nplt-.list'. and all who have any niiiuey tn inve.t should know mid re iii' iuber that th .-o lloiidh are in ellcct, a Firl .Moil g.ige upon nil ,. nil Road.. Hank Stoi k. and Secmities. and tlisiiuuiense produ. t. ofall Iho Manufaetarc.. Ui., kc., in tin' eniiutry, and that the full nnd ample provis ion made fur the payment nftlih iuterui-t and liquidat ion of principal, by custom. Dulles. F,xeiset''tauip.uud iiit.rual llevciiue, tirveii to make thcgellouds the Best, il.'r.A. SlvuiUtblc and mntt popular liivrs'mriit in the Murhn, Subscriptions received at Par in.Leful Tender Notes or note., and clieika pnreu liouk. in Phi adelpliia, Sub hcribers by ma.ll will jeeeive promp'.atteiitiou, and ev ery facility aiiderjilanaliiui will be afforded ou nppliia tioil at thi. olliee. A lull suniilyiif bonds w ill kent on hand for iinine- iliatu delivery. J v loom;, etit.terli.llnti Agent. Nov. H, tt(ii-3iu. BAUGIl'S RAW BOM E SlI'I.ll I'llOM'IITl' OF LI. II 5. uorcii it sons, MAlTALTfUMrf U PROPRini'CRt?, Wo.20 South Oeluwaro Avenue, PIIII.ADFU'HIA. The manf.ii'turi'rs are now prepared tn supply s. ... , mm V I. lias iiecu reuaereii necessary uy me grei.iiy increuseii cost of materials mid labor, a. well as hy Hie operation ofthe U S, Tax upon manufacturers. livery Farmer Using a Ferlilie-r, may 1. 1 assured that IheRAWIJONi; I'llUdlTlATi: will still maintain its high character for STUUNC I'll nnd Pl'RIPV. ilie luauiif.icturerv preferriugto make a small sdvauce in Hie price per aim, i.ttherth in allow Its merits to fall below their farmer standard, under increased c.puu.sU in, LLv ll is prepared from Rarw, and warranted In contain ull their original organic matter-no buiired nr calcined bones are used, uud it is said under a guar anty from the luauufai tutors that it i. free Irom adul teration. '1 hu demand fur Itaugli's Raw I'.ono Super Phosphate last year niivn.v- aiviiin that of any previous one Ii II Ii is a substantial evidence of its high Maudurd or populaiity. Pill IF. SHI p-r 2)1) l.'IH CASH. 1 ho above may hu had uf regular dealer., or nf IIAI CII & SONS. No, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. FibritaryT, 16C3. Snio American f okl (Oiinomte Jit'--ciitw)itt Hall,) ciu:sT.ui tsTiiniiT.nirrwniiN i ifth& ii. I'UlLADV.I.i'lliJ). W V ATT li Until, INfiS. Proprietors. November 30, ISI',1. Alnrch HI, IfAH F. 0. HARIilSOfl, M. D. WOULD respectfull.v inlorin thu titlzens of llli.n burg, and vicinity, that lie emit inner the pruclit r MED1C1XK Jt.Vl) SUMW.ltr, ml solicits a share of public patronage. OrtnK ou Alain Street. II ret house below the Courl House, llliioiusbiirg. February .1. icoj u. ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Ucnj, Jones, dccciscd. Ll.TTURS of Administration on the Estate of Men). Jones, lale of Orange townshin. Columbia couiilv. deceased, have been granted by the Regislvr of Colum bia county, to tho undersigned ; all p rsniis having ilaiuisnguiiist the estate of the decedent lire re'piceted to present mem tome .Miiuiui.lratur at his resilience In said township, without delay, and nil persons in debted lo make payment forthwith. J.M:s jonkp, April i, leua.-fiw. 55. Jlcm'r, Elysburg Academy FOR MALES AND 1-EM ALES. lll'.V J. F. WAAIPOLi:, A. AI P.-iucipal and Feath er of Languages. STUPHHV W. OWLS', Teacher of Mathematics mid Ijjgli.U Ilaurhes. mllF. SUMAIL'R SF.SSION will cniumenco jn AION- J tl AY. APRIL swill, Instrui lion will he given in all .he C. iniuon and llillier Ihiglish llranclies, Latin n , " roc K mill ucr mail I .nog Ullfes, I u s 1 1" me O HI I in. ,,, It Jluj(. Uoml bniltlllg ,. u0 ,a, , ,,rVnto families I in the country ut 8l,5Uu wet k, and liutm vtllagofur S'i Tl'.RAIH I'HR ClllARTIIR OF II WLKKR. llleiucntaty Unglish Uruuihcs, 85 00 Coiuinnii " . ... a till Higher ' ' 5 U Latin, Creek or ficrman, 7 1)0 AlUsic ou llin 1'iauo or Aleloileun, (extra) o oij Vuuil Aliihtc. textrn) 1 I'd l!ook.Kieping,(elru) I 1 OU Contingeiil lUpeuseB. ... 23 Address RHV, J. I'. WA.MPOLL', Principal, i I'.lyiburs. i'u April I. Ifua.-Uvv Columbus Malo and I'tiiF.le Acatlomy, with Normal and Commercial Instruction, PROF. It. H. UINUII AM, Principal, and M IIP. ti.l'.. IIINCIIA.M, Preceptress. The neit term of this institution will commence 0" .MONDAY, thu Will of APRIL, iusl. Tuition, Irom illo $0 per term, Hoard fioni gl 73 lo $i IK) per week, Co . looms lor those wishing tn board themselves. For further particulars inquire of iho Principal. JUH N KOONr", riec'y of TruslCbt, Vcw Columbus, April 11, ItSo'J. GOAL FOR SALE. 1?AMII.V COAL, Iho very best In inaikft, for ! ou ai'pllraiion m Hi JjJlior vflhU Journal, largeilcuiaud with thi. vnliuble .Manure. They nmilil inncereuilereil to graduates in p.ocuriug situation.. respectl'ulty announce to Farmers and Dealers in For- I radui.ti.'d inrepre"iin..d with auelegantiy engraved Hi tilizers, that the price ban been advanced to SIC per I ploma. . am lb, Il need si arcely be nienlioiied that this i hange fv" For oatalngue of TO pages, specimen, of penmau- EC O N OMY IS W E A LT H ou u your oouaii F01U3 dents The lent unl cheapest Household remedy in the ff'orld. MADAME ZADOO rOltTEtl's MAD AMI. 7.AUOO FCR. TI'.lt'H Ctirntlvo llalaam la wnrrnntcillftiaeil recording ftiacil ecconlliig lions, lo cure In 1 Coughs, Colds, i to the illrcrlion nil ensca Whnonln.r nnil nil nlfect llirodl nnil l.ilttps. ...... Madame Zmlne pnrlor'a. llnt.nm I. nrenaredwllh nil the requisite skill, I'rrui n . . , ...... crmiuntuton hi iuu neaireiii I'dlcathc vegetubln klnadom nrrnrds, Its remedial qunll Ilea lire bared on In power to nalat the henllhy clrrii lation nfthc blond, IhroiiKli the l.linca. It la not a vlo. lent remedy! lull rmiillriit- ' wiirmitiL. pc.irt nttiL' nnil nt -.I..... ii.. ..k.... i... ti.s ,i,;.,,..i;: v.; , :?.,, ' est chilil. 1 I MadainZnilnc Port, r's hal anm has been In ue by tin) inlille Tor over It? yoiir, and las ncorlred Its present sale Imply liylielmi recniuiiieu. ded liy tlioe wliii have uaed it lo ihclr allliiteil friends M,,.t fi.miirintit.M.nd.'iiiin'.idne. Porter's lurative Ilal.ani Is old nt u price which brings It In tin' rem h of every one tn Keep It convenient tor use. i no inm" p t convenient mr use. 'ineiinie- 'lliu will prove to b worth IUU four money I Do not be peruadcd int lain SI which do not contain ly no of n slnjjlehoillu NOTICi:. ftnvov tn tuireh.1.0 nrtlrlea tile virtues ofa Klceut hottlu of Madaiuo Porter's Cu- rnllvc llatsnni, tho coat of inaniifacturlnR Is as Rrca' n nlinnt any other ineillclne i and the very low pre co at which II issold, makes till-protlt tn the sell erappn. Hilly amnll, anil unprliielp lied dealers wl' sonielinics recommend other iiiedlciuo nil uhieh their nrotlta nrc Inrner, iiulea the customers inrdt upon haviiif .Madaiuo Porter's and none other. Ask for Madame Porter's Curative llalaam. pricn 1:1 cents, and u large bottles at S." limits, and take Im ntlier. C VH0I1I by all DriiKKlila and Htorokecporo lit 13i Is. Ai.'l in larjrer bottlea al -.' rents. IIAI,'.. t ItUCKI.i:, Fr prletors, New York, JamiAry SI, Jfi',:i. . U'B'.S sxsnt miwii!',, NoS. 0. 1 1 . lit. J5. 17 OoUl tlllllll t Street. .... ,,, .,.. . ..... . .. vpiv vnnu- oitv N.'.'.:K ....... ,r .. , . '. V This old-cstaldlh-il and f.norite reaorl of the I!ui- in- , .,11,111,1. in, j 1 i,,, , i;,,,,. iu,u .a 1 inn ueic in e urj iihiik inai can ui.oirii'r 1.1 111c cuuiinrla or Its patrons Ladles i n ll il families are specially and cure- fully provided for. 111. teulrally located in the bii-ineas part of Iho t ily, and is cnntiKuoiis tn the principal lines i.l'ateaiubouta, car, lerriea, XV. in fouso'iuciicu of tin pressure caused by the Rebel. ldtiu,jhrjccs liavo been reduced to One Dollar d l'ijlij Cents per Din, I 'I he table i. amply supplied w ith all tin; liniirie of the seiison,aud isu'iial la that ot any oilier hotel in thu IflouiriTy. I Ample MxeiiMDO'latinns arc olUrcil for upward of It'll V y Do out believe ru liner. .Iiai kinen, mid others w ho may say'thu Western lirt-l I. full." I. I). IVINCIIUHTLR, Proprietor. THOrf.l). WINCIILSTL'R. Feb. IJ, ltlW. 7he New ommcrdul IhiVdinux are hat ted ojipositc Court House, ennur of Court and Cliiiiiin"ii-Sirvrtt. , This College is in no ivaytouneUe'd with r. l.y oilier I lii.titution. ' Tlie energies nftbu entire Faculty are cu'lusivclv do vnteit tolbi.. Tliedesign nftliis Institution isto all'ord to Youii" i Men an oppurtiiiiity lor acquiring a Uemvj'h I'rLcttra' j Hiininru Jldtrcation I The Pool,, and F"rin. .rc carefully aranged by .trcountaiits. express! for thi. Iin.tituiii.ii, I t'.i.d tlie eour..u li'lu.lriiition is smli toconiljtiu Then. ry ami Practice. 1 coi,li;i:i.t7: c(ii'ti-x This Course embrace. Hook-Keeping in all 'n. de I iinrtiueotn, Peiiuiuaiinlilp.Cniiimeri'ial .ritliinetie llus- nies. I'liarespomlenee, couiini rcial Law, Pu iin al Lcoii I nniv, I'lininiereial Llhic., Partnership settlement. He torling Ciiunterf-ited and allured llunk-Nuie., A.,. 'I he Hieneeri.'iu Sy..teui of Peiiiim.insliip is taialii in ull Us vnrleti-s. by the must skillful iuater-,oftli.i art , 'I'lie Hnok-Keepliig ilcp-irtnient is under Ihe sp -rial supervision and instruction of 1 1 1, D. W. 1 Loivn.t.. CHVr.RAL INI'nllMATION. Htudents eau enter at any time ; nu vaiatjou. I- ,' H1- ,t, , .1111,1,,, . 1. , ,1,, ,, ship, &e enclose tw o letter -tan, p.. and addres. il. W. I.OWF.LI., Prim ill .1. August 30, lr?02. fMay3, IrVJ-IKni. C R I T T E .NT D iV's rniLiDiaruiv ('(liliimkcial. COLLEGE. N. E, corner of Ith uud Chrshud Slice's PHILADELPHIA. Till. I.N'.TiutnoN, which vva. ealablhhtd in 1PII and is now conse.pieiitly in tho tighlruiih ienr of it. evi.t tiiee, number. mniuig its graduate., hundred, of the nint.nur.cos,fiil AIoxcLuuU -nul llutiuess Aleu of our Country, TimOn.i'cr of the Institution is solely tonllordyouii" men facilities fur thorough preparatinnfor busiiu.s. " The IlitANciinTiuuirrare, Bmk-ltrping, as unpin a. ble totlie various departments of trade; I'cnmaiirliiii, both plain and innaiuvMal j Commercial law, .Va'lir imtict, Xarigailtn Cirll llngimerlug, Urania, I ton agarphy, and Modern Lavnioes. TikSysixm orlN.TRtc-rioN Isp-culiar ; noda-.e. or set lessons urn made use of, but i arh student is taught Individually, so that lie may cnnimenceat an) time, and attend at whatever hours are nio-tcnnvuniunl. CvTvt.nuUEs aioissiiedaitK3i7y after tlio l.ilh of April containing nainos of tliu studentfur the year, ami full pariicuiars in term., ,ve.. nun may bo obtaiucil time by ndilresiug the Principal. at any IxntlXN.IVK At'lOMMOnVIIOM.. Irijc-inrrad rrnnlnltn,. and the lengthy cjpcrlcmr of ihe Principal, this Institu tion oilers facilities superiur tunny oilier in the coun try, fnryoung men wishing tnprepare for hiisinos., and tnohtuiu nt the samo timii a iui'I.omv. trhicli trill proir a rccoimcnilation foriheiutheiii lo .my Aleictan til" House. C"7"Citi rivi.FN's. fcriM of Treatises on I'ook-ICi i p. imi now norii vviilelycirculateilllian any other work ou the subject, are for sale al the College, S. HOIXiLS CHITTIlNnnN, Jlttorncy-at I.air, Jan. 23-580'.' Uin. N.VTI0XAL COMJlEiKlAh COLMIGKS LOCATHD IN IMlILADEIiPlIIA, B. II.CCRNLUri'll ANDCIICSTNIJT SI'S., iSiw York V ihj , Jirooldii), Albany, Iroy Buffalo. Dc'rait) (livtttnd, Chicago, , and St. Louis, llnok keeplnj, Penmanship, CounucrrJul Arillimetii ' Ciimmerrial Law, Forms, Currcsyuudcufe, ice, piail cally taught. These Cnllegos being under Ihe same general and lo. c;il management, and uniting in each thu advantage of all, olfcr greater facilities for imparting lu.triie I l than ii 1 1 v other similar institution in tlie country. A Si liularship issued by any uuo isgu id in all foi n unlimited time. The Philadelphia Cullcgu has hern recently tnlatt nnd refurnished in a superior manner, .'in, I is now ft I largest and most prosperous Commercial . l' tlie Htato. Ilryant .t Miration's series of Text Rooks, ciubrac Hook keeping, Couimerciul Arithnielic, uud Cummer i.uw, lor sail', anil sent by mall. tCT" l'or full particulars tend for a circular. Oiiubcr It), leVei- iiui. TO THE ' 'TIS Sweet to MUSICAL. . bo Itcincmbcrod." ri'lUS NO'I'LD SONli ha. Just linen set to inilsic, .1 udapted to the Piano, and tlie mithor bus had it opyrighled. lie is reuiy now to fill orders cn Ihe shortest jinticc, by mall, to any part ofthe United States, Price S3 cents per copy, tent prepaid tu any I address, To agents a liberal deduction will be made. Address II, .M. UOCF.RH, i ' BiliuigrnvB. Snyder county. Pa, , April II, 1803. HL" Any pnper giving Iho nbovo nun insertion, nnd sending a marked ropy to Hie "Scliusgrovo Times," hall receive a ropy by mail, For two iuiettiuns twn ' copies; and for three Insertion. Ill tie coplci will be sent, BLANKS! BLANKS!! Of every doacriptiou, lor sale at tliisoffiu . nnd others. r rr ;. noiiilliiR Hall ' onF.ATTl I NK "VaVivi.VANiA. TUG llir. K' r It if lib w .iiiinl'il. N' t uV,'.,. MMIANNA. CUMDCIl ru,,UnuXnYajys( n,l:NffiguAVB!'!51ANU .. ..miiiiimi irtt A INrt Cullow ...... ...,.o, i,lllrtrV.l..lMrtl.J.pllli"-!' V '""'" j, for lteadlng, l.ehanon, i'"'"'" mcgrnve.T.tmanua.Siinbury, U a n M,.; t .?' !" it ,d ";t,f. Niagara, Valli, Ihilln o. Alh ntow I , ""' ' V. . . . .. Itntrlitnirff. lliiBeratimn' 'vc ... ... ,,nn u Ith llnat IVnu. V'y'l'Z in in fa i o nln vn, kc., and with '''v'Vll" ".n . r";1. i'i , ,. tor llattlsburg. fcctnl f ,'.v 'V' ' t. n o u V I ey tr alu lor llattlsburg. fcct nl "... ,.,V ".LiJi, Clawlasa ltallroad trains tor rum """ .':?."" . . ... n.... ; , n,. Ate.. If ii .. .. !i Ki li ii v k I II nnd yua'pichannn trHlna for XSianibeliandlW'Iman ..han,be,sburK. iinegmve " A,.T,,KN()0N r.xnir.Hd . ii p. M. r,,r Itendlni! Tolls l.cavea l uiiiieii .i... ;, ', , , M,rl . HI.. IM.I ?r,,e,llarrlaburi,4ic..r"ni;;;il "" riVn.lvanla Ceutia ; J r i xii ,,..,.i.M,,f xiv ' I . ..... I ?i'n,:,,r'.. t : : t road trains r.,r mhu.ii iifiniKi n nnil nt Tort 1, union Wllllatusiiort, I'.lniirn iiuuiiio m-, li'liAlllMJ ACiJUMODATION, I ,,... It in utn.MA. M- stiipplng ntallway iL.tiirnliiL'. leaiea PlillailelpHla XllnA leave llarrlabnr atfl AY .., r ml I At. Market train, with ii p iasenjcr enr attached, leaves i',n e plila at 1 r. a r ,"-"- ( , leaves llendliu al Ii. un, ' ' ''S1''"11 lit I P. M. for Plillailelplilaand all tti stations, ,n il, i above Iran, run daily, L".l:'7'u V,',,'.' ' ;,,n ,. Hunday trains leave PoltsvillJ at ,,.!U A M and 1 Iilla- I'l l lelnhl.1 lit 1 P. M.. lor IteaillUl? 1110 oil aj aia ,1,1!., 11,1 .ii ..... . .; ,A,O.M) . . . i ... ! '. I M ..l.l.oi ""- .-., i .ll.,l asHencers ii"", ": : : t, im.ii. I roi.i DoMilu!lnw n ,.H I", A M and -Ull P i llllll I'," , ...... I,ih. take the e.U A an, n,.m . - I , ' V i i. nun mi Irom li.iwniueiown in ,,ou r. .,, returning Irom Dow niii!towu at und v:,M noon. ., .....j,,,,,,,! avi. Ni:V YOlllv liA1,y,jJ,; I Leaves New York, at'7 P M, 'ps-alnji HcaillnC lit H i- mldnlshl. mid eoiineitlnc nl Harris b" It with , ennsili.iiiiall.iilrnad lixpi.-ss Train for Pittsburg , l""t.iVi.i..a, r.xpress Train leave. Ilarrl-burg mi aril- vi i flVnii. Ivanln Impress from Pittsburg nl .1,1.. A , ,11, pasiing r.ea.lins o.ic .v .'I in'" i" '" , ... . L ... ... -i, v m si, en lie inn in ciiii.n.iiiv tlie.o trams llirimsii h tvvsju Jers y City and PitMiurg vv ith- ' '''Mnii'i'rai'ii.ror New York I nve llarrlsburi: at rt , A M ' and U.Ull P .M. .Mull train, for llurrisbnrg leave New York at ii A M and 1J noon. ...... eCHtlVI.KILI. VAI.I.F.V RAILROAD. Train, bnve Pottsville nt t.t.t A M and 'l,"ll) 1 M, ritiirnl ie friuiri'iisiarora at". A M. ami l,4.i P .M. riCllin I.KILL AN" fllfCUl'.IIANNA R ML ROAD. Trnln.Vuvo Anl'iirii at 11.1.' A M for Plneereve and lliirrlsburg, nnd al 11,40 A .M, and 7 P . fur pluegrnve on 1 returniiig from I arrlsbiirg at P Al and Iruin Piu'egruv e at e A Al and 4 nii.l P At. rifKi:rf Through first il.if. Ilrk-ts and emigrant lb kcl tn all th principle polnl. in Hi i North und West and Cana- "'i''iie fnlliitvlng ticket, are obtainablo onlv at the ntliru ' i.rrl. Hr.i.lf.rd, I'reasur.'r, No. 27 south Fourth st, I hil.idclplim, or ot (i. A .Vlcoll., Ceneral fuperinteiid. l"l'l'";",""rct)MM.ITATI..NTI.'KF.T.'.. Afi". prrteul. ilMioiiiit, ti-'tweeii any points desir d, or IjMHius an. I linn., ,'ki:t.'. Hood fur 'JIVJ I .mli -,. Ii .vve, n all puiul, nl ?ir, :i,"i each for I i smnovi i 'ki:t- I'orlliree, .i, iniiu m uvelve iiioiiths. for lioldcrs only, to all puiiiK, at reilur-'lrntes. , ' ' i:li:i:i!Yaii:n Reading i cards culill lure. :i tlu'liii" ofthe nnd will lie rnruNheil vv illi I thcinielve and wives M tickets nl half L'-UR-llV TK'KHTJ, I Fro.n Pliila.lelilii.itoprliicii.i station., grin I , iiirin) Hn.i.luv nii.t Monday, nt redu -ml fares, to l"l nad 1 imiIi '.ii Hi.. l'.ii-M t Oillce. alThilteuntli and l.nlluw bill ' ' -tr-Vt.. ...mTTTTT.,, i C i.i.l" of all ilci riptinn forward In all the above ,pijels I', inn th couipuu's ii J w tlepot, fr".il and V jlluvv sir it... 1 FRLIftllT TKAIXri l.'-iv Pliila lelpbi.i dally at ii A M. ! 1' M : unit i', P Al f .r lii'.oliiig. 1,-bauiui, llarrisburg, Putts v ill.. I'ott Clii,,u, ,u,l allpuint. Icyuud. MAILS. T,o.e sr. tit,' I'll il .! 11 i.i I'osi ollibe for all dace.. on tlie roa I an, I its brain lies at 3 A M. and for the priuil pal st.iti, nuiy .it v! 13 P AL LL'ouihburc I't-l. Ji Ie03. i,;iKau::i:iu tV Uliiiujishi y Itailioail OV AND APT ll liRI si. 31. INI, 2 PArf9i:.S'tiKll TRAINS WILL RI'N AS FOLLOWS: Al (J Y I ' ti S O I! T 11. '..- rugrr. 4 m A. M, 4li .'.rum Jl.ui)' Jl.lil ii J." P M I'.'.'u .lecom, l.l'IIV- r-i rauli.n, .lloo A. ,M " King-stou " I', in ,iiu burg R.lpeit. " tl.iuville, Arrive at Nor", iiimlieilanii, Al O V I N li Leave Nnrt hu mbe r la nil, I'anville, " Rupert, ' Clou u-burg " Kiiig'ton, Arrive nt s. rantou. .11) P .VI s o v. r ii .'u i l P. Al. IliVi I.;, 1. 13 llliii) P. M. :i. in A Pa... en.., t Train alsoleav i s Klncst. u at eV.II A fur -'cranio... tu i on uei t Willi train fur New York. Re turning. I. 'live. Seiaiituu nu acritJil of Trni.i tVmn New Ymk at 1.13 P. l. The Lai kavv auu.i and I1loouisl,.irg Railroad erevnetir witli the Ib'l.ivv are. Lin k. , w anna ami Uesieru Ri.ilrna.l at cr.iulu i. for New York and mli ruieili.ite points eat At Rupert it eo. in, .ct ill. the Catt.uv i.-,t Pai mad. lor points I,, ,ih east and wist- nrriv nig at 1'iiil.idi Ii l.iaal ;.() I'.AI. At Northumberland il is vv ith the Philadelphia & Hylt. R. and N.C R. It. for iinls we.i ami seutj. PaTseug. rs anil nig at lliirrlsburg I 3U I' Al ; Phil adelphia 10 P. Al l.alliinoro lu.'.'il p. M. John p. il!s.i:v, p-t J ('.Well.. f.V,7 TleletJIga Nov el. lb T i'i. lelii rii:l.u!(l)!ii;t ICrii! Kail Road. 'I Ills great line travers.'s the Norlhiru and North wo.t counties of l'euus)lvaiii.i to tliu city of line, on Lake Hiie. It has h .en leased bv the Pemsvlvaiiiu Railr.ud Company, and under lli 'ir auspi-es is belaj layidly opened iliruuglioi.i it tiro le.igili, li is now in use fur Passenger and Freight business from Hartl-liare t" Unltwoo.l rM i'rktii;T mil, ,.i ,,,, ! the Hasteru Diyii,iu, .ml Irom Shsiheld to Lrieon lliu .vr.L.i. ...-.'.., ,,7 ,i,,-s Tl.MK III' 1'VsSS.MIHl TUVINS AT .OK rill'MOt.lU.VSn. Alail Traill leaves, Fast vij '. ,M. F.prets Train " ' no .. .Mail " West ,', H " HM'ress liil.'A. U. Cars run lliroueh won i inM.r both way. on llies'j trains between Iplna nud Link Haven, and Haiti mure and Lock Haven. New and eleg-iut Sleep ing Cars in eouipauiiig Hie Impress, Train bulb ways between Williauisport and ll.iltimorc, and Willia port and Philadelphia. 1'nr information respe. ting Passenger biiJiness, ap plynttlieS. H. Cor. Illliaud ALirkitSts. And for Freight liusinessof the Company's Agent. ; S. II. King-ton, Jr , Cur. 13th and .Market Jits., Phil'.r J. IV. Iteniold., Hrie. J Al. Drill, Agent N. I'. R R ll.iltlmere, II. II lloiistm,, tien'l. Freighl Agt . l.i l.-i.t t-l nl. i n . Lewis .-llniipt, (ien l.'l'iiket Agt Philadelphia, Joseph 1). Polls, (liii'l. Alaiiiiger,,i,.iit. January IT, lens. rpiR I'ENXSYI.VANIA HOTUL, D.ixnu.i:, Mo.vjvvn cou.ry, p.i. Lnlertainment tor Man uud lleaii, in guml slvlu nun al i lerate rates. Itjurille, CHARIXd N.SAVACI April P.). l?te.'. Pro rietor. Kl'iH' JKUSl.V l,,.i)S FOlt S.V1.U, ALSO, GAUDEX AND FRUIT FARMS, rSuitiible for (Irnpes, Peuihes, Pears, Rnspheirles, fitrevvh rries, lllackhcrrlea,, Ac., of i it':, 11) oa !W acres . lite following prices for thu present, via: '.'U ncrna lor .$.'110, 11) aerus fur SHU 3 acre, rur 3'-i, '.'! nrrr fur 9 10, 1 acre fur SCO, Payable hy niio dollar a week. Also, good Cranhury lands, and village lots in Client wood.Mhy ton feel, nt Jill roch. payable by ona ilol lar a week, 'i he nbovii land nnd I anus are situate a t.'hcnlwnnil, Wa.hliigtoii township, llurliiigtnu county Now Jersey. I'nr further iuforuiatiiiu, i.ppl), Willi P. O rilaiup, for a circular, tn . v or,,. , I'NKMV ''LARK, ,. n:..M Vc,u Wrcct, New York, N. V, January li, l'ldl, STRAW ! STRAW ! I STUAWUT 100? TON'S S PR W, of all kinds. Iliickvvheut . v copied, is wanted immediately, nt the Mil (irnvu I'.iner Hills, nenr I . I I, n,.n, r. t.i . cash will ho paid. ' ...r. . THOMAS TRUNCH. Mill Crovo, August 0, ltrS?. PWTUHKS FOR ALIIUM, Oveoildiirorciitvuriciies selling rmmTScH lo?l"j Win. G. PERRY, Publisher. tf, W.-Cor. 4th fc Race rinladclpbia PETER SON, T-I Kt.c,!1.U,nl,en'''1 noo r AND BHOF. SII Oft il in I.KniTrfTRl'.lJT. Columbia county, Pa. , Hri.l c- VirnarnVitn do His he-l work nu His ihouctt nuticeiV at the lmvrt imiri, (,'itc them a ciH, Aflll II, lebj I iSarsaparilla FOR PUEIFYINa THE BL60D, And tot th fpxit at th Mlowint! compltNt HcroriilnnmlSorofiiloii AiTertloiii.inioli " TVimoM, Ulcer., Sf.rt.ii. Ertlploiji, Pimple, I'lmtiile., lltotcliei, Uoll., Ulnluft nl nil HUln UHensti. OAttUXD, 1ml.. Oth .'mo, 1M0. a Attn A CO. Gents! I fl It t amy lo v kl.owpm flh!t your farwimtllla has Uoim M n,. Inherited n Scrofulous Infotlloiii 1 h snffinej ii " jf i ""rloii nj for )eara. Homttlmw l-.irat t""" ln"".u, Z ,! mnl in. .,.),. J . !' V" V), w, ,.l,,f.,l m.J l(l,a01,t P1'? ! i.f. Lr. i ll IvJ many m.dlclncs unit asveml i, hlililaiu, but without niucli rsriivi irom n uy im ig. ll hct'll o d border nr mse. At lenSll. 1 vrnS lej-,l,-r,j ..1,1 Im il, llo-ml MfneiipT Ihut juu had pieparcl CI, Kin istlandpA It, """' " 11 1,11 " ",r,,l "V. 1 It, ,a jou sdlli, III small " ''l'r''t ' n jnenlh, and used almost Hire bolth. New and healthj skin soon began to roim under the sea b, which nfti-u wlillo Ml olt, Mv tklu l lion rlnir, and 1 know by my reclines Hint the i'11-ea-n h"1 (Jt'tiO Iioni my ajalem, mi can well billeie that I f'l what 1 "in )lnit h-n I tell sou that 1 bold you lo bu olio of Ilk! apostles iTthe ngo, fuidienialueveruiatrrully. t)i' UKll II, TA 1,1,1'. Y. fit. Aiithony'si Plro. ltosr or ICrvsilitlilhi, Tetter mill Sinlt IIIk hiii. Senlil llrrill, lllliUlli'iiii, Sn'c H'i lrl'l'. Dr. !lnrt Mi I'uUe Willi's from Pah in, N. V iith,' Pent.. KM), that ho li.H rnifd nil Imiternlo tnso ,. Vioi'xj, whhh tliicatmicd lo tfrititi.iito fatally, by tho wrsovcrlui? use of our parsnpurllbi. nud l. a .hugeious- divmnTiyyiip'Uxt by large do-e. i f Ibo s'lino) sj. to cures tho common AVijrfiol by It constiuitly. Ilronchncclo, Ooltro or Stvrllril Wcclc. 7,cbnlon Sloan of l'rir-t. Tot.,., vril.s l "Tlirr but llta i f tour yaifi.pntllln cured iuu fiuiu a I'rs n hid Cons svr, llh.g on thu neck, Which 1 had shift,! fto-i' lltlilh our Iwojcars. Iwujciira. itrorrlirrii Or Whiles). Ovnrtnn TutltfllV teilnc lllverntloii, liVmnlc I)Iiisicb. I.elti i it i .. ' liri,' ll, S. Chiinntug.of Nevr MH t Ily. vvilt.s, ) ' I lilist .beeiriilly romrly Hh Ihe re,nesl..r),mi iu. iil In mvlng I h.lvs fontld your P,r-i.,niillu a m.t nltcutlio In lliu litlhlriou. ciuiilbilnl. h.r Ml,l,h w.i llllldov smli a rein..ll'. I'lH "I"'' ' '"y ' ''."'' I"' l" or tin. ecrnfulous .Iliitlis-I9i , I Injo rmwl many iml.r. nlo .use. of Lcnnuibiva by it, Bh.l f-me !.' " H' '"i'i. Id.dnt vva. em 1 by vhrrotvn "I W "'"' H"' '!"' ill loll Itself was soon lined. Nothing Wlll.lll ll.y kl..,l' id',ieu.i.lsltforll.ei'r.'inileib rii..gehi,.Hl. ' ilduiud P. Mariovv, f Nevvbuiy, Ala.. nle.. " .t dull e.ieu. irnrimi Inmnrrm rue of the femil, lu my f.mrilv, nlilch hail delict all Iho unii'dl"" no could i niplov, hu nt length been romplelely ciii,.! hy jour P.shsi I .,f K.n. s.innlll.i. Hnr il.vslclan tlimight nolblng I nl rvlhp... Hon could air, rdH'llef, but ho advised the tihil f jmi Sa.siipnilll.1 a. the Inst r,ort l-f,,ic rullliig. and ll proved clTrclmil. After tiiklugyoiir nmedj el-hl ,el. no s)l,iptmn of Ibe .ll.eme len.slus." Hj'ihllU nnil Mcrciirlnl Dlsniiir. Nr.w Ontrif., '.'.'nh Auei.J. I' tl Tin, ,T. C. Arm I Plr, I ihci ifull; oipl Hu lb" n" nn.'St of)olir.igent, mid letmit lo ton some or Ibe ilh.1. I hue liialled will, vour'iiplilllln. I li.teiin.-d with It, In lay pi.ulbe, most .f pl-dnl. for vibl. h It I. lennnnii'iidrd, nnd hme f ..ind Ik lir.ft. l.nlV viiilid'irnl III Iho run) i.f IVl,ee nn,( il,r cnrlil I.J'.iw. Hue i f my patients lnd Pyphllllle nlcel. lu his, which wile riuisumln hi. . ib'le ami lb" too of hi. liioulh, Vour paisaparllln, ste-idlly liikin. cured Idlil lu live weeks. Another was nltiitl.ed ,j s., i.udiuy sj.iiptoins In Id. i,oe. and the iiI.ti ivll .ii hud eaten aui.y a i-.iii-IJ. riil,b, purl 1 1 II, M. I hilivv,, 11, n itliordei would si leach hi. l ialti nnd kill Put It Ji.ldiid lo Hi v adlalnlsllnllol. of your P,.rsarillat Iho ulcus hile,l.'iu.,l lie Is well it;nln, lu of conise wllleuit some illstlitui.illon to bi A Woinin win, Imd I. in for Ibo siuiui disoliUl by nieunry whs sutr.'.ll. rroiu lid. s,l4on In hei hones, 'ihey bnl heiwo.,, .e nn riilvi, to Hie vieailier lint on n damp dry rho slides,,! es ciuiliiling I'.ilM III b.r j . Inl. nnil boii... Mie, lio, was fined rnlui'ly nlsapnrill.l lu n few vt,.-li.. V know Iioni lis foiinuli, which vour ugipt i;avo mo, tint till. I'lfpaiulUl friui jour lnbointoi) iiiu.l ben grii.V ie.ue.lj ; t,,iiseimntly, Ihisi, liuly nuiiikubla li'siill.' Viltli it i.are not sill prised me. l iidirmill) )oui-, (I. V LAI IMl'.R, M. D. IClK'iiiuiitiNi.i, Oont, I.lvrr Onmiiliilnf. - livi.n i.M.i'Ntr, P. est, ... Co., n.. I h.lul.v.1 Ml. In:. .1. (' .hill S-lr, 1 l.avo Well alllic eil Ilh a pihl' fid rlu, nl.: llbriimutMi for n lonrj liuu',1 hl.h biillliil llitf skill f pb) -bis n. mid slink to me In (pile ofnlMlw renieili. . 1 1, d,l lu.d, until I lrh.l .vour Pi iwipurilln. Iron ltlluin,id mo in tun weeks, and le.toie.l my trcilrtal I1.11I1I. s .iiin.h H...I I iuu far bill.r tl In More l' Wan nil 1, kid. I lldiik it n vi 1 J1.I.1 inl ini'.il. In.-. .1. PIIKA'.U. Jul,-. V. llelrlu.ll. of SI. I.011K wullist "1 buvo li. n nPlirle,) for jeni. Willi nn affnthu tf Hit, which ikwlu,)id in) health. I tilclercry Ibluc nml tvrry tbhiR MM lo ri lmi,, n.ej sud I luiveb.1 11 a biuticii down man f. I' some ).... flolli no oilier fan M than drravyniitrit vf llif M) I. loird pastor, tin, llev Air. Ipy, dvhl no- t'lliv Join Prttopa.illa, because ho nd.l lie krew yi.u, and uny'tl.iii'; jou made nnj woiib trying. Ily the U, ing ,t Im. Hired lue. sud hns so puilfied niy Mi., I n. 1,1 nuke a new nun ef lue. I P-el young ngaln. Tho Ivst that ran be said i,f)uu I) not half l.od ll.i.llgh." Kcliirrim.C'nnrrr Tumors, ISiiTnrfrrmriilt tile, nil Ion, t'ni lis) orta Uxfullatlou oT tlir Honrs. 1 A Kniil riirletr of cne. hivntieen re,ted lo us w hero ' run. i.f r.,il,iM.iM conipkilnls have risulti.t f.em 1 II, . use ol Ibis lenii'dy, I .it our spnee hrn.wlll 1., .,'... It tli'lu. ?", of lb, 11. 1, toy bu to. 111 our Atneibiiij Allien.,.', vvbl.'h ll. riir.-nl. l-ei.,1.' named are phvirt-A f fill . .sii (.mils I" nil who rail for tlulu. ' UvKiirpnln, Ilrrtrt TJNrns.'. I'lt". IJplle; ), Jllvhnirhoty, Aciunlrrtii Mull I.-...M. k.ll.l,! , IU. f ol the n l'irrrli.,1. leive IstTM I. .i.d" bv lbs poller el lid. lnlliilm. ll stiimt' lit.. Ilm vtll Imiilblis Ulo vlgeiM.. iiillfn, and thus iv,..,i.itis ill .'.i-i. ulibli would be sup)ied l.,-v,..ot it. , 1,1 I,. Pu. b .1 1. uied) lies t 'en l,illile. I y Ibe I,... ,,-,sitl '. of llo' P'" 1 b' "' 1 are ,,..f.dttit Ibat this vv.l), ,1,, 1. . lit, lu ,11 II, it liii'.llillie tan do. Ayor's Cherry Pectoral, llltt nil! ItAl'II) ('t ill! OP font;'.", ColiK, luiliiinn. Ilonr.i-iirs', A roup, it, mi. till Is. Incipient Con sin., pi Inn, 11. i.l for the Itrllrf of Cons .i il 1 1 ii l'ulloiilH It. Hiliiinced htlir;rH of llu, Dlsrnse. This I. n leir.,,1) s, 1 111 llelsnllv kl.owl. I,, surps's SUV '1lo-i r.,i tlo-1 ui i.f llu. .it and lung i ot.ilnlnt.. tlmt it is -, less hi'ie lo publish the l.vlilei re ,.f Ilk vllluis. 11. .i ilv.-ilb'.! el,'. Ili-i.i for loujihi and si.d If Irii.y T.l lel.ffut l.ll'S ot llllllo,arr ills. use. have IliS't,. .1 VtiiKtl Ibr-siRhout lb" ivill'd luitlnna of llu, e.'.tl, l.'iv nle llo. is lnuilililliii'l. or bti ii biniltu".. M..,.,g tlo m nle. not some p,-.sou:ll e el l. hie of ilsilT,it seme ll lug iropby In lb, Ir midst of Its v I, tel. v on r He, nil. I,- ntol .1.. ..'.. is ilhoid-rs of lb,. Ihrosl end lung.. At, nil know tliu dlendflll lilllllll) if th Ilsoi.h rs, .....1 s. lle'V I. nor', ton. Ibe . ir.'Ct.ef Ibis , 1 .,-') 1 . we used le t do tn. .re limn hi nsMite litem Hint It lis, iiw all tbo vll Hl,-l Hint It i!ll Live win n Hulking the run-, li b us roll co sliengly upon lliu cvull'l. nee of luiiuklnd. Prepared lyBr. J.C. AYE31 CO., Lowell, Ma;n Sold by ll P ". ut?. tl M Hagenbiiili and .I R Mover PI ishurg; J Sihu)ler. Ilohrsbnrgi Miuler k- Hon Millville ; I' Masters. Ilentoi. ; Lazarus ,t Fisher nr angeville; (,' F Fowler l uvvlersv ille : A Miller ih r wi.k, Low lc llros ,1'euterv ille; II F 11. igh.iil Nu. Fspv; Al II flioeimiker, llurkliorn ; Reigli.itt V Suss, .M.'iiuville: J .-l.arpli'ss. Cattaiv issa , Ir ,im i. I Liglil Hired : and dealers everyvv here. July '.'!., 1-0.' ly. EVANS A- WATSON- MI'i:." Ill ids ft .MtJVHI) In .V... lr.ii Fourth S rrrt, Pliilitlilnhia. hav r-li uud a large a?..rtnienl i l I ir '1'hief proof Halauiau'ler e1..! s l.i. iron doors, for banks -nol V.,3r..'- '-. tntV Mores, iron shutt rs iron sari) alt WfFrVTO- lilllkesofliuksi'Miialln , any iune in Hie rniti',1 Slates. Fire tiitfc in one fri. All came est right; vitb ri. tents in geed contrition. The Salamander Safes of Philadelphia ag-iiust tin HVAfcS & WATSON, have lnd the surest (li uioslralion in the following nr lil'iiate thai their maiiufailure nf Salamander Saf, s ho. at length fully warrant, -it Hu- rcpr. Heiitatious wlni h b us been made of them u. rendering an iiiiiloubt ..I ."iiitiiy against Hie terrific element. l'hil.nli Iphla pril li l-'.'1 Messrs F.rans Ifniion: (ieiilleinen - ll allnnls in Hie higliest satisfailiou to state to you, that owing I' Ihe vrrj proteitivo Miiiilitn s nftwii of Ih" Salamander. Safes vv I . i c Ii we purchiis -d of you some nve uionlh sin.s we saved a large portion of jeivelr) . and all our books, te cvpiiso.l to the ralaminuiis, lire in li.uiftead plan' i Hie morning nf the I Ith inst,. Win n we relleit llr.t these safe, were loeal"il in lbs fourth stnr) of Ihe building wu oeiuiued and Hint lliey fell subse'iuenllv intoa leap of burning ruins vvlnr tlm vast conceiitratiou nf the heat iaii.e.1 lb" lirass plat' s m melt, we cannot but regard Hie iireservalion of tlu'ir val liable contents ns t couv incing proof nf tie seal "' curity allor.led by your sales. , , We shall great pleasure in reromurndlni tin" men nf business u. a sure reliiinie aguiii'l lire. lll'.OIK.'i: t . SI.MMtiNS A. IIIU) I". 'I 1 uT7"Tlio) have siiue piirihasud l large Sa, July.'ii, lei.-.'. I August -id ' GREENWOOD SEMINARY Millcille, j v. i 1 1 1 r , 1 1 1 ii i.nri.y, . ,,.. This well know h School for both sexes will op. N0V:MIII:R 3d, lrVi. Tlie reient mldilioiis to Ihe buildingsi tendi r a odutlous for mnro than ty hoanlers. Tlinioursuof htudy will iiuhrmi- llu it d' I in" - lliu Normal, Iho Sikntitlc. and the Ciiiuinori nil Thu Principal will beussisled by ivperieiiied leuli i rs, fully 'piaHtlcd for their rerpeilive positions Parenls und ulliers iiui) rett ussiired that no edorli will be spared ,i inake Hie Si hnul vvi rlhy of tuilnmaii. uud that ihe welfare oflhu, ii.trlh iin.itlt physically, ami morally, will rcieheiiurioiistiintrTu l or npplicatioti, circulars nr further iatliiulurs w press tliu undersigned, ut Milluille I 'nluinbia uiuuiyl T. MAXWFI.I I'll'J'lS i JOHN It. PA'ITON A .lb. Priniil't Millville, I',i Hepl. la, 1H'. M.& T. V, WATSON, LIVEIIY STAlir.R A'PTJl Cli Ei H'lRIII HitPHP Eil. Ut UTLM Ui-kVi Hu ) .Nov J-J, BC7,