'COIiOilillA DBNOCRAT SATURDAY MOHNIUO, AriUL 35, 1883. Communications. fttltt CtlumUt Utmterdt, Ooii. Tate i- Jkar Sir.-M. hnVc ilctifhod it proper and just on the present occasion to writo iu defense of tho Constitution and its advocates against some assertions made in an article written at Fort Lincoln, by ibno Charts Long. Ho says tho "Co if lUMniA Dlmochat," is an occasional , Visitor in that place, and in denounced by 1UJ.I1 w MUU ..... mm ji Country 's liberty iu terms too strong to i incutioDi That, that paper is denounced 5 by a great many, I believe, that it is do- .at .t t ... i it....! i ! nounceu uy couii coiisiiiuuoiiiu men is an . , . , . , T' assertion that cannot bo supported. If i - dcnunoiations nave been niauc against tlio '" "Columbia Democrat" thoy havo made by those who formerly wore aud aro yot ' opposed the Constitution and in favor of f'thc abolition of slavery, or by those who f'havo since the war commenced become abolitionizcd on account of their adhcrenc , to the inconsistency iuvolv.nl in tho tviit- tog of those who aro now endeavoring, '"through the common government, to carry - dtit their unconstitutional purposes. The Editor of tho A Columbia Demo 'crat, is a sound patriot, ana any ono woo litis or docs lead his paper, cannot iu truth any he advocates anything unconstitutional '.I'l... l,u;.! ..f ll l.ij icrilinn-ti nfirl niililln iMl" w " r-- - sipncchcs been tho Constitution winch his , writing will prove and to which all cousti . 'litnnl innii tvlm Imvi! linnrd llim .nn:ik ' r can fully testify Mr. Tatb, has, as have ' 1 ii rcat many others, who advocated tho ' , . J, '(th'me principles nsi'crtcu on tlio autliority S "of the Constitution, that if tho Abolition if'ti would gain power the Union would bu fiissolvfd. War and likelv the coTcrii' Client di-troyed because tho principles which ' tht-y entertained aud ndvocated were hos iile to the priuriilcs upon which the con fctitution was founded. And has not cx 10 uo corrcui. - j I And as the abolitionists have since coin iu into power, set tho Constitution aside and been guided bj their own evil de.-igns, titer would act incoiisi.-tcnt witli their be liol would they not denounce such paper. as the iCo'ianbia Democrat," because its teaching, arc in accordance with the Constitution which they so much hale. Who are the traitor-1 Those who have, broltm the Con.-ntutton and assumed pow t rs out .-idc of it, or tho.io who ore willing t be goverencd by ii? Thoso who have in violation of the constitution invented all power iu one inau, (,or rather a fool) con fctt'iiUtiug all into one, and thus establish ing a niouarchial gOTerniucnt Or those Who believe and advocat' the doctrine, that oafeh statt' ougtit to have the right, wl i h lliii I'nti.tiliittnri nivi.'q it to rvi-reiso tln 1 ll5 t,l)!l-UlulIOIl f?,v,,!' " 10 4M.rt.IBt. lilt J)lWer. reserved tO it? Tho foUStitutiuil 1 dOrs tiat tll'tlV the people of a Slate tllO J V 1 right ol lliiluing slaves. It a majority Slaves. lt it majority Ol 1 such Statu are in favor of it, and if the states luvu not delegated this right to the Uuittd Statt'6, wo are unconstitutionalis s if we oppose that right and to carry ot t which, constitutes a 'di.suuionist." The Republicans liilve in violation of tho Constitution, proclaititctl slavery to be jvrong nnd have declared it to be their .n.yrpoic to at ulish it at all hazards. They ;ar! therefore, the tlisunionists, traitors aud ' ' ' itorii'g. I would hero itilorni Air. Long ,, , ,. . . ., itlmt had tllC llepubltcans, previous tO tile (Commcuccmout of this war, instead of tlav- ipg AtoKtion papers alone to read taken nnd obwvry.e.d the 1Coi.umhia Dkmockat" .our country would not to day be iu the .dreadful condition ii in. The great trou eli lo cf our country is ws have too many such tory machines as tha Republican mut Machine. A FISHIXfiCRBEKER. Kuctae CvlnaWt Dtnrat. Ool L. L. Tatu : Dear Sir. I notice ..an art'wl in tlie vjljnMican" of April i-Dth called tho "Aituwir Fi:zel al Still water," which is too contemptible to dc servo a lengthy reply. Indeed, I do not eee how a greater number of misrepresen tation could bo crowded into the emiii! space. The Meeting at Still-water was a .success in cv?ry thiug but the speech , the .speaker disappointing through circumstan ces beyond his control. To have collcc cd together a thousand persons, when tin; vvyejther was unfavorable, tho roads almost tiii)p;isE;tble, and on a day too when so imany were ongaged in moving, was a rtjuceaSrtKat.iudicatea what would bo tho result of Eivslt an, effort when the circum stances were favorable. To have been there, aud heard tho itringcnt Resolutions that wcro road, tlio patriotio songs that wcro sung, and to havj witnessed the general enthusiasm of tiic people, would have convinced any one who was not blin ded by tho "dark cloud," that tho Meet ing at Still wator. was no "Fizzel" hut a . o - ' v6uccoss. Wo accept tho prediction of R. Stiles, tib an ovidenco of his Inspiration, .and hope to provo, tho ncxtfnic both by .p, largo audionco and tho prcsonco of the .speakers, that tho prophet has run before ,ho was sent. JUSTICE. fffl-Thp Deputy Register has some fine vroy sjn1 invicellaiicous books for sale, .ohcaji, Cpjr cash, Liout. C. B. Brookway. Wo llriil the bloasuro Inst wcclc of n vWit . fl, Drockwny, of Iho Union Arm j wlio has been at homo on a short furlough. Mr. Rroclway Is d rdtfsl tifrlVo stud gall dnl young soldier. Ho id tl gtfod Democrat, loyal Id "the CrJilslitulldtl and tlio Union," and Viii distinguish himself in tllo fit t tl r c o3 he has in Iho pait. Ho belong, to that very numerous class of "copperheads" ill (lib array who will oven tually exterminate the entire race of "blacksnakcs" north and south, and bring about a restoration of union, peace and prosperity. Ho left to rejoin his regiment on Monday morning. May success attend 'him. RECEIPTS FOR MARCH TO TUB COLLI. IS I A DEMOCRAT. -:os- .... r ,, . . ... , ,- l'io following payments have been mado u, , Columbia Eemociat office, during tho mouth of March : Fatuael Wsnlih $1 00 Columbia County Si 00 1 J K Krlckbaum I 7i win Aim ouian ineiii' J 1' Waller J H huinaii D.ivhl Ik' molt J II 1'altou A M Wmi Howell llr J II l.i'l Hainiii'l ."liltcr llr N II llerr John lllrlurli k Win l' Cri'vllng Jii'liun I'rili Jniah Khlpinaii H llimikutchl t'lia. r-lin l.ul'ayeit'' t'renay 1 7.- i look) 1 0(1 1 73 , John Minor 1 UU (line V I)rl"liacli i : 1 on I no 1. T ihiirplc-BM 1 Lalah W McKelvy B III) AO ( William Ncal SIM 1 III) .MrKsIvy, Neat ti Co IIU IKI A IMI i Jaiub l.elbv .1 .111 2 00 1 7A! Matlhlaa Khairur I 7fi ! Alonluiiiuery Kline I 30 :.:.o '.' 00 J II tiirmaii U' Daniel Viicnm A Wolf i:-q llnu (JenrKu rolt D.ivld t'hllipi Win Shugari. tlharlca l.ee Ji'mo llnfluian Frederick Nicely Mn Kltgerald J II Crcaay III 01) 1 70 1 no 2 AO I 7A 1 Oil .1 00 1 no 1 73 30 1 75 1 00 AO I 73 111 i0 1 00 3 00 75 7 00 2 no u on 1 T5 4 .10 70 i III) ii 3D I 01) A 00 :i 00 I Hlcplieii (In.irhart 1 CiiiiiIi llimi.ll , Win limit K.tuti' ol". I' drum j Vu ,,,,,, ii,,, li"',M'' .' jl'',';1,.';',1, K 1 "851 11 M nniier.liao 1 l.Wlknry rink "ill I'eter OrevellilT II 00 i Hubert Cut lira r I n ln....li IL..in. K.t (if jHikstiu Ccorgc 3 ,,1V, vvuu, r 3 01, I'rofeaacir I'lntll John Aten M (i Kinney 11. CO Hartley Frederick Wile I', (i Iticnfft. V,o, l!tate of Win Hliono John I. Ilur-l 00 Annul lleriui-i'i 'J 00 Da id KIiiiiiiiiii I 7A Cha Klher 1 7A I) II tlnutniiinery .M D U AO 2 AO 2 110 3 no1 1 7A ( AH 2 30 1 AO a 00 1 73 I! .It M Shiiiin.il 1 Ull sjiimuci imjii" f.l nf .1 rUIUgrrmnll wi'siimmm i:-i 1 no n.itiii'i dip r Hr H V5 !Mil!ea IVlillH 7 Oit j A II llafiniiiii . 1 7A I lli.Mri;e llartm.in Ii 7A Hinimhtiric Iron Co 2 nil i II () Pliiil,,. 0 00 j Jeae Wallera J it Janiiimt I Millie Velter Daniel Mill.T I.IIJ4 llllHlll JGi?"Oui' distant cubscribers will greatly oblige us by remitting their subscriptions through iho iiiail!' NOTICE. Ctl.tlll.Kil 0. IIMtKl.r.V will fc" a t'AKMDATR I'DIt COI'NTV rit'Pnill.N'TlSMlKNTnl IlicCiim. inim bulitml. nf i.nluiuliia Coiinly. NOTICE, AT fli' .olirlllitlon of frirnda, the underaigtieil ( oild re.pi'itlully iilf-r hlmull n. a CAMilDATC f'OR TUB il Ol'l IOi: 1)1' DOt'.NTV riLTI ItlNTl'.NDI'.NT. J. If PAT'l'O.V, A.aorinti' I'rluilpal of (ircenwood Heuilii. rv, March U. Ieii3. Mill ille.'l'a. SFEOIAL NOTICES!. n:Tfiu I't) mniefi i.nl t'ollege ill be conducted by fhn rriueipil, D. W- I. owe II, nhutalx'a tli'e opporiu nil)' of turning It i i Ii '.i r t th niika tn the puhlic for llCirliiinr.il pairnn.ige n irei ntnre ih smuimi on the i,:",'ll',,',,'v,1,'J),il'1;:'"t llr ill '.-f (4ilrtr ll Ml llrlf'i t. tiu'ir aiieniiim rn tiic imiiriiv iluci'il into tlie Hi'veKil dMi.irt mi'iila, D W. l.nwell. IIisiim; ti ov PtttrMR iitr. tt n )U1. i-een by a unti'e ii eiir cotiiMiii. ili.it Mowed A. Warner hate dl. united I'arflf-'riillip hi til' t'iMiiiiii'ri'i.il t'nllege- Mr l owi'll cniiliiiui's tn cnuiluet tlii" oicellent mid fli'iri .hiiiir iiiatlliitinii. and i. higluy 411.1 1 ified fur lliu t.ik. Our buiducaa r' l.iltoiia ilh him have always h.'i'ti f the 111 i,t ilv.t .-nit and aatialuetnry charaeter, ami we (iniieuil Iiiiii Hinl hi. t'ollego to the continued cmiil leu iri I i it mil 1; i.' tlu puirlic Dmghaiiitun Iltnrortor Drriacrat Dr. a It i: Willi your pi'fniia.iiiii I ill 'it .ry to hr reail.'s of ) ' l"i''r tn.it I ill .end ny retuin mail tn all hu lt a a.Ktt nil,!,,,.,,!,,,,. f, niaUiii.. Vegetable ll.l,,, lira! uillrllWtiially rnit)t" 111 luiLtVh, 1 ' t . 1 1 1 I . -. II 1 1 11 1 he., Tan, I rerklea, rt' Impurine iof the rtin, lea. iug Hie aanie son clar. amni'th and li-'nitlilut, 1 willalaol I Irec totliose lia?m,J li.ilil llenda or I It ire l.iri'., aiiiiin: uirei lion, nil I 1111111 ninirini inaiwiii enable tiiem toalari a lull growlli nt I .'i mi ruin Idrr, Miikeri, or a Mi-iiatache, in leaa lhan 'XI day. .Ml application, niinwi'ie.1 hy return mail w ithont charge. Ki'Mieitfiillt oitrf : THUS. 1'. CIIAl'M.N.V. Clteui'ati No ?:il Itrnadw.iy.New Vorls, I'eb. W, If03-nin. To Nmtii'ia Pmirtma or iiotii geollenii'll hating been restored Hi xi. A reverend In health iu a few d.iva, alter undergoing all tlu u.iial routine and irreg ular expeiiaive modea ot treatment without auu'e... I i.i.;,. ii i, i.. .,,.,i ,1,,,.. i,. ,.. ,, ,, ,i, ,... , i,i. allliited tillutv . reiilurealhe nieana of cure- Heine, ml the receipt of an ndilrca.ed envelope he will arnd free a copy of the preacriptinn naeil. nireit to DR. f11. -M- "ANAI'L Ni w Vnrk' jru i lliion aireet. itroiiKiyu. .March II. t'liti.tiiiiM mte iniirh nf their li kuean tn cn'ils. No ni.nt.T where llie ill.-i.';nn may appear lo be aeated, ila origin may lie iraccu m aupprr-i-n lieraiilration, or a e old. Irauipa and lung complaint arc direct prouiiria iia.iiia are oirect n o.iuria tlie.liarb.ngeraof halflhe . lor as the) arccjua il it cniua. iu auori coin, are ill.e:,.!.. llnit .lltllrl lltltllnllitv In- , lir. L-, ,1 iii r.iiir.ilinn. and aa live. eighth of the w.i-.le umlter of the body eacapca tlinnigh the porca, if the.e pnri H ut; cloaed, that propnrtinn of ilisea.es necetaacily foJlim Keep clear, therelnre, of colda , liiid coiigba, Ibn great recur'ora of discne, or if con-1 trarted, break tbem up iiiiiiiediatelt', by a timely uae of .maiia.mi: i'iiim:iT'nKATivi: iialham. sold by all Drugglala, ii 11 roil and '.' i ccula per bottle. I Match H, ISiU. ! 'I O ('t)SUMI,TIVj:J. Tlia advert'aer having been rctorod to healtli in a few week, by a very simple reined), atlif liatig mnereu aever.u )eara wuti a hi .en. I ii in' nlli'Ltlon. ami that dread diaeaae, coiimiiiiii. tion- ia autloil to make known to Ilii t'cllon stilHrers I tiie nieana of cute. I To nil who deaire it, be will send n copy nf lliu pre., acriplimi uaed, free of cltarce! with the direction, lor preparing and ui-lng th aame. tthicli thoy will I'lid a .are eur' fur cnnailniptioii, natliiu.i, bronchiti., ice Th" otilv object nf Iile advertiser in aeuding tin- pre-1 inil. .it i. in lieiletlt the atlllrted. and anread lllforma. ilmi nhirli lie conceltea tnhe invaluable and lie hopes every auirerer will it; hi remedy, aa it w ill coat them notliing, and may proto n liloaMiig. liev. UDWARD A. WII.HUN, Wllliiiiuliurgh, March 11, jj-uj-lliu hlngi. t-.iuiKy, .New lorK. RRICIC! RRICK!! BIIICK!:! i)ft AAf00t' elf, just nianufacturcr-! All lllll ii.l lor sala- cI7-p, ttlioiesale a rn-cn UJJJJ ail. At tliellfiwuisbnrg llritk Vard. piih in the siucrihor. ' 1 i:niiv H. ART1IUU. Illlioillsbllrg. I II lie'-'?, ldlVi. Miller's Store. FRESH JRJUVAL or Spring & Summer GOO MPS. TUB subs' riber Jfaa Just returned from lh Cities ttith another large and aclecf aiaortnm of Sin'injr am) Stiimiicr oofo, purrhaieil at Pliiladelphla, at the lowest figure, and" whirl! Ihcy are determined to'm llon aa moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere Jn llloontibivrt'. His stork comprises Indies' diikss aoons, of clinir-eat atylcannd latest fashion. uuy aoons, ohockkifa ir.iiam'niK (iUKKXiMitz, CF.DAH H1UK, IIOUMtr IMHIC iiw.v. x.nifS.jioors 4- suoy.8 In short ever) thing usually kept In rnutttry Stores! n it liiih he invite the nubile generally. euerally. The IliL'hcit nrite paid for couhtry produce. S II. MILLER. Blneiuibiiri. April IS, 1FI13. DISSOLUTiaN. " The co paitnrrihip heretofore existing betwen I), IV. Lowell uud A. i, Wurner, undcrtliQ naninof "Low. ell i Warner." of the lllnglialntiiu' Coutinercitil College .vaa diiitilved on thu 'Jill day of January. 103. ii. w Luvei.t.. IJ Milium tun Ai-nl 3 1503 d'.'t Uniformity nfrrlcea I A New Feature fn Duailne J'.vcry ono hli own' tfalcanionl JUNI'.H cCO,of,tho " nJlui.t' ".S, ,S"h' r.:x -i'j -- .- '... - ii Ilia nvrf a.it-innn. Iiv linvlnff mnrkml In flffiirna. nn nr.l' amriiai inc very iiiwcii pneo ii can no soiu lor lowitj fniinot finMibly vnry nil mint buy nflKe. . i Tile sod ftro well "ponged nml prcpnfcJuml ufeiit pnlmlakcil with Iho innklnc no that nil enn buy with i the full o.i4ilfnncn ( prtiuiRft pood nrtfclc nl the very ' Inwcalprleci Aim, n Inrue tocknfprff Roods mi hind oftho lntuc( rltylo nnl bet nuMltlci, whlclirrfll bd iimd to order, In tllo iiiont fimhlnnabla and beft inoflncr, 2J per cent, below trcdlt prlcca. ,, , i ItcmnmUc tile (.Vcirmt. In MntW fi'h'nvi. mills )! No. sal. Josr.a u co, ron PfAY, 180ti. nioom-A J HtnriJ, rienf-p ntHnli, Jnd 11 Rarfctri. Ilrnver-Dnvld lJavf n, Henry lln-afcr. Ilcnton I'cter L'aao, 3mmI KIiiiMu. Urlnr Oinok Bnniuel Ouuacl, loUlt RrlnniJ, Cntlwl.i Henry llnlllnuKllcuit. roiiyiiRliiiiii Hcubcii Knllllo 1,'cntro Levi Alknmn llemlock-Iaaiic I'uraol, M.Hlll.u WliltenliM, Wir. . I'liiniincr Much tlnrtninii, John Wcnnat l.oriint llnvld Sillier Joaeph deliver Mt rienaut Daniel Vandcr-llso Mniitour N'oah Mauior, Henry (ilsifcr, Ormicc llrnry llolonn, Koaiinx Creek Samuel Din. THAVEKSE JUitOHS FOR MAY, 180a. lilonm Clark M llrnwn. in. 1..... 1 ii ... 'unlnBcr. i: t nn Jnnea '."1"". ' . 11 r A ml ri!w Ti 'f ii (,ilr r, Aiidnw UrviUllgir, on, Jeremiah J llronur, tifti.n.iin..... 1 irinr i!r....k .t,.... n i, llor Item li-k -llud.nii Owen! In. .,1? ' Mm..,. ' llenton-Tliua Olhblna, Kllna Mcllenrv. ilubert Ikoler ' Cnttau Ja lleiibeu Ilnhrlmrh. CrinyiiBliani l'rcderick It Wohlfertli Iiihini! L'rcek IIImiii llillcnbaiider, Vincent Ri chart, Cyrua Mclleiiry l'ran Mill Muaca llouer (IreeiiMiiod-.Ulijali U Ikelcr, Joseph U I'atton Andrew II lock Dciinia l'uracl.ltcuben I'niilk. l.oriiHt Wrii Vcnscr, Charlca .Mel.. .Malne--('liarlea N'naa, Daniel l'ialier Millliu-I.cuiiard Klrkendnll, Win I'cttltt, J I' lletlcr. J oiitiiiir-dnen Dyerly, Jame. Ilarton. Jit l'leaant Joseph lke,.r, Daniel ,srr. Jlaillsii--eheiiilali Welllver. Dr TIiim J gwlahcr. Tine- llelija mill Wllltertceil. KimrliiK l-ri ek (ieuru'i! Dri li-barli. fiisarloafJiihii W Klh Win II iV(,.niiau. Bcntt Uaal Kill, Thin. Koulcr, lleiijamln Tliorntoii tJcnrue W lirreliu... OHANGEVILLE At "ADHMY AND Prof, ll. li, Walker A, M. Priiii tpal. The noil Win nf til. limllutlun will commence nu Wedncda), April I.ith. ISImlciit. dejrnllii of beiiii; adinitled lo e. Ihcr of the Normal Cln.ca xliout,! bupreaent on '1'uch day nt 10 o'clock Tor I'.Kumliiiillnu. 'I'uitioii Ironi SI to S11 per 'I'orui of 11 weeka. Hoard in good famine., Sif,'r week, (iood Kooin. for atudenta whiting to board fticm aelves .. 1'or furllur particular iniulre of llr Trlnripal or of J P II UtIII.", Mnrch2.Mf.13 Oect.orTte.. ADMINISTIJATOU'S NOTICE. Estate of William Rhone, deceased. TV "tree I. hereby given (hat letera of ad i,lriillon J,on Iho fhlnlc of Win Itlioiiu, lat.. of llentiin twii., t'nlMinbM county, defeaod. hinebuen grunted bv the Ite gi'ie of unid comity, le Hie iitrdcrmgiieil, who re- fdea in aaid lleiiiou lowii.lip Coliiinlii.i co. All per. anna IraUiig 1 l.iims or demands ugnliist the catate of Inn decendent are reiiiuteil 10 prevent Ihem for aetlle iiient, ami thi.e indelHcdlo make payment nlilimit dc '" Wni.API'Lt.MA.V, ' Mnrcl 2S, U6X-4n $. Adm'r. ADM INISTUATOKS' NOTICE. J Uate of Harriet l'ount, deceased. LETT JiUS of administration on the llatatt nf Harriet Vomit, late of l'?n'c fntrrrahiti, Ciiluinhia cininty, deceaaed, li.iv-.n b-eii gr.inleil by the llegi ter of Ciiluinhia county to the iArdar,)gncd ! .tit persona having elaiina against tlm uaf.rte rrf thu deci denture ri"pii'sti!d to iire.eiitila'urtnflr; aliniiii-tr.il.ir at hit re.iili'iicn iu .aid tnvn.hip', wilhnut delay, and all n;rMiiiH iuileliteil to niak" pavmeiit I'urthw ith. , , HlllilJI rfllUl.TZ, Adiu'r, Mnrcli 14, l.-ii3 - liw ELI 1 1 OLDEN 1NVITI.S tho atteiitiiiii nf every reader Ilii. v.iuer, whirh iniluilea maiiv tlinu.a of It), mil patron, ami m iiaiitliiuci'n-T" h uiiii-ii-Hy large and beautiful tarieiy AMI'.lilfAM And AH'OltTKI) WATCIIIIS, CLUCKS and eifgnni de.gn. of JUw 111. II V. Oilier Ware. &c ELI HOI.DHN. 709 Market Street, I'lULADKLl'HIA MfilV 7, IHi II Km Neatly mid expediliously I'liutcd, at the Office of trM COLUMBIA DKtfOCIlAT. SPECIAL NOTICE. ON'irrfrlfrfl. JJCI.V lat. 1SII3, the privilege nf i r veiling the rei.ent j.:te of I.KiiAl, Ti;liri KOTIIS INTO TUB NATIDiVAl, SIX mil CUNT I. OAS (cninmiilil) called "I'ltu-Tttenlrea") wll ceix All uhnwifli to invekt in tli'e l'ie 'l"venty Lw miiat, thcrc'ure, wly bMfoie the lat of July next. JAV CDDKK. SiuKirlptiiin Agent. ,AM. Jin. IU B TIlIItD .St., niiUilelpT.lt . Apr? (I. tV,l,.:inr LIGHT STUEET, Columbia county, Tr r in. uaiierargneii uim locact'il frVe aiVi:i. nan-i ..' hotel fiirineri? oicnpied by Teter achU and so'.lr It. a .hare nf public palronagi'. i)y- (;nod nccnir'iitoilntru.ia fat trrjTi mid benat. Tl best kind of ll'ptora nt the bar. J. 11. RfCn, l'opriotn April II, UiKI NOTICE. . , 0T(;t; c, . , , n . f,,ott !ug account, hat wj be preae nteil to IhrOiiHrt of Com perania intercjfeil, ' been tile it and lireaentwd to Iht'OoHrt of Couitlioll Plena, to be . held al lllooinaliurg. iu ami for the county of Columbia, 1 nn Wedneidny, the Hill day of .May next, nt '.' o'dock in the afternoon, for continuation and alluwaui-c, tin 1 ie.a cauae be allow n to tlie contrary I I. The account of John Dcittcrich,1 trtnton of Cnh.irino Yetler. i Aceoiiut of Jacob Ilartman. aduiin- iatrator of Jacob ilartman, deccnacd. who tvna trustee of .Mary lleiubaili, a lunatic. JACDU r.VURI.V, I'rotlioiiutnry. l.iyoinsnnrg ,t rl i ll, ien.i. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George Slnie, dte'tl. Lr.TTlll'.S Tei-tatncntary on the ratatenf Ceorgo Ht I in', late of l.ncu.t iotvu.hip, Coiiimbia iniiiity, ilei'ea.ed, have been granted hy :ho Register of t'oi. iimbi.'i cnuuty In tlie itiuleraigiied ul.o lesiding iu baid township ; all perMius having claiina against tlie , laie in i lie nereiiiii'iil inn ruiiif sini in iii'iriu iiient u, ;,,.,.,llor nl I ont delay nnd it forlhttitli. I ma resilience rn ii iniviisiup. wiin ill ncraoita indebted to make ia)iuc'it forlhttitli. DANll.I. HI INK, April 11, fl'3-lt.,.?'J Kieculor. TO TIIE SCHOOL OOLUMUIA DIRECTORS COUNTY. OF GUNTI.K.M UN :-ru pifriuvnco of the 43d section ot til i Act of fill May. !M4 you are hereby notified to meet in convention, . , ... -tii At the. L.Olirt llOUse, in JJlOOimolirg, Oil .!. 1 .'.. A ) w.i. auo .y ,., . , . ' lining the till day of the month, nt 1 n't lock- in the ; alteriioon, nud arlect, vtrn rare, by a majority of Iho ttliole number of Hireclnra present, one person of lit ' erary and aciuntillc acquirement, and of skill and et I prrieticc in the art of teaching, as I County Sui'kuistesdi:nt . For the three aurceciliiig ycara; deler'ini'ue ibv.ainouiit i of compensation for the mine; and cerirfy the result 1 tn the Slate Superintendent, nt llarrislnr'g, as rctuled liv ltia3Utli and 4ltli aertlnlls of aaidarf. J. II. P.VITON. County Huperintandcnt of CoK cotiutV. Millt'illo, April II, let'X-aw Exchange Hotel, LATt COL, R, D, JPNVa,J N'o, 77 Dock Street, next door to" tho Po.l Office, Philadelphia. rphia well known eitablislnn.nt niainulna itsaanal J. retejvliy, and th ttufl ktrown rcpuratlen of bowif the best ' HOTEL ON THU EUROPEAN PLAN fc'liall bo airstained, llBom may b had at all houi'i- nr nleht. 37 centa : liar week. S'i 5'). pcf montlf, Sl The liar and nming Departmenta are furnisliod wilt : the best of everything th. market ran prodnc. I (iAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, i ami delicacies of every clira. may b had at a monie t l anticc. Mcaliat Ii cents and upwards, and may ba hod fr.i S A. M. till Ii al night, tJenllemen may rnt snared that no ntpenio will b. iparsd to rend.rta.ll Hotel a ni.a'cl one. .T. 0TTENK1RK, 1 Pronnctor. M'rch T. leM-.Vm,. w w4-K mi THE MARKETS. Ft.ooMWt&nG, Aprir id, I8tfi Whc.it 1 bus. 61 fiO' Urecn Ap1 pfc ttrn. . ' (till lli-ii.il " GO Olil Dried " 7fi r VyOril -J - 80 Dried I'caellCS ii fit) , 00 Duttor 'Wit 20 ' Onl.'.l ''' , , liUCK" licat " 1)i.,j II 1 Oiaines UloVt I'SCcd " fr.. u,l . i 1 llUOlVTBCCU T , . 75 Lard.....'. " 10 mi Ml it.... ii in uu J.nil0W.... . ie JVCCS. Til dOE. 10 i,00 , , J i. , ,i I Hoy. . . toll. 1 J UU Kn flliiiL-nn t,itr ttti uu.uuichons pair -su OnioW f BLANK DEEDS & iiiAIlltlAGE CJ3K TIFIOATIJS. k ... . I. M lit 14. i. . " Mirrior tot oi tno auovo articles, with ml other kind of Jtlanks. for snin tt .1).. urt he h 't.... i iv' n Ti tlio MSce M Ih'o Columbia Douiodra't. Vtit. B. UIliDUUllY'S L'HlNO'FOli TEEHTAliLlSlBilih i ? No. 427 Uroorrio 'I'll aubacrlber rceV lila friend and the p i iii.iiiuuiiieiiiui no, lllri.l. 1 1 a V 1 11 lt wlllnlrawn lila Inlcrcd. Inch nnd mnler.il from tho latuflrmof"l.luhlvt II rn.1 ntjn r ry ," llli Ii (Irui ,wni dlKKiilved 1111 tho .'ll.l imiunrv. nil., mid Imvlntf 1 (""cha.ed tlw ciitiro stock of l'lano horld, nnd I'll..... I l,um MMKtM 0WIR,,, by ,,,, brM,,tr) r.dwnrd II, llrailliurj', III tliu snlil nnn, tin la now nrenarned to Wl'ly Ui liicreaaed demand for 111. cdclirated l'lanii 1 1'ortci ? '"l.c, ''"'I' !'"!s 1110 ,."":t ',k m.'" I1"1 "P'tlcmed 1 workmen, with a largo atncknftlic brt nnd liin.t thnr IIIII1I.I11 .a..n.,n.l m.l..l..l ....I ... nl I .. .. f I .. . i-,w,. i i,,i ,i, ..,., ..1 " ... 1. . aunert lilmi .il llin Bliperwaioil 11 lllll tlm linii.i,ii.in.'.nr,,.i.MMfn,i.i.i..i.i,i.i...i.,in,i,. n.,.i ia eualileil to turn uut I'i.iti 0- 1'u rl of uncuualled lone lem. nil and diir.iblencaa. IIUADIIURY'S XI'.W SOAI.r. 1'IAN'O FOUTK. In the arrangement of our now acalr, draw 11 nnd pro. lared with tho ntinnat care, espri's.ly for our new iiitiumint.. uo have nililud nverr liiiliroement nhli Ii can iu any way tend til Iho perfection of Hi. l'i.iiin- Inrtc, nnd wo can confidently aaaert, that for dellr.11 y of touch, volume, purity, brilliancy and aneelueaa nf tono, combined with Unit atreuglh nnd anlldlty .if frame uerea.ary to durability, the.e lualriimeiila are nno. (uiileil, 'Hi.nKMiiin ANn Heioty" ih our iiiullo. and we invite Hie 1 lineal critic Iimi of tliu beat unblaaed Judges in tlio land' 1. j" I'.rcry Inatrumctlt ttarrnnted lor five )-onr, WM.II. IIH.lllli;HV. 127 llroome (t,, tof. of Crosby, New Yoik. March: It. IBS.t-Sm i NEW 1'ANCY GOODS. rplll! ailb.rriber hai jil.'t received a lot of lln.lefy, X Triiuuiinga, and Woollen tlooda, autli na CAPS, NUIIIUM, bon t a a a, (i A i: l ii a i. D i n a. 7. U I' II Y II B, S II I'.T I, A N D W U V I,, ti C. ALSO, i.ovr.. iiooi'-sKin'ff, 8TAVS, DOI.I.fcl, riATCIlKLS, rOR'l JtONII'.S, AND OTIIIllt NOI'IONf. EJ- Wheeler & Wllanii". Setting Machine for aale. JJi Alao Alra. Allen's Hair Re.torer, which wi'l give lo gray hair ita natural color. A. I). WKIII1, Xril Docrlctcit Cuurt Ueua lilrroutiburg, November 13, IrVJ, MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS!! We hsvethe pleaailrc of informing you that we are irutt prepared inoHer.at our Old Stand N'oa. 1K1, 103 & 107 North .SIXDND St., l'llILAD'A. A well delected btnckof MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS, in every variety, nftrte lilitt importation, and of the. uetveat andino,t faakionable alj lea. , UUIl STRAW JJEPAHTMENT will co inpriae every variety of llonneta. Hat. fc 'l'rim. , mlng. t be found in that hue of the luteal and moat VMtro)ce alianea and r v en. Hnlirili iff an var v i"t I. I remain, Voura. Itespeclfull, .March 14. 1SG3 It II. WAR Vt ADMINISTRATOR'S NO I ICE Estate of Either Diibclbis, deeeased. Lr.lTBRSofailiiiiniatratlon on tlie IMnte of Ksler llrlbelbi.. late oKireentt nod tttp , Columbia county deceased, barn been granted by the ilegister of CoIiiuh lrl.1 coiinly fn (lie underalitued ; all peraoui hating claim, njarnst tli'e eai.it of th" dec. dent are reiiuested to prcsenf ffiriir rVvffie Adtnlniitritor nt hi rcnlcnce in llrecnwnod ! . without delay, and allpersona in. diblii .ii i j .nyiii.it fnrlli.v t.i. AIIKAIIAM Dltmni.llIS. Adiu'r. Ti bruory M, lMS-Gw 8.'. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Estate of Charles C. llrecec, deceased. JLTTIIRS of A'dnirnrttratinii on tlie listate oi i, naries j c llrecce, late uf Scott tavrnaliip. Columbia coun ty, deceased, have been granted by tlie llegi.ter of Co liiinbia couiitv, to the uiidertigned, residing in anid township. Ail peraona having claim" agninil the tale ol the decedent are requested to present them to the Ailiiilnlatra'of wrtliotit delay, and all peraona In debted to make payment fnrtlut Itle JUIIN II. I'RIA'l'.MNO, Adtn'r. I'cbrh.i?y3l.lt!.vi.-iii EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Elisabeth Miller, dei 'd LKTTr.R teatamcrtor1)' on tile estate of llliiabcth Miller, late of. Mt Pleasant tuwnship in ol.cn., deceaaed Vavc been granted by tlie. Register of Coluin tla county to the undersigned also residing in said townships all peraona having claim, against the i.a fate of the decedent nre requested to present them to fiVc UxcciSar nt lira residence in said twp.. w itliout delay, and itH persons indebted tn .make payment fuTthWifl. . Il..l.lt. January 5t, lii'Mi 500 Uxucum ADMIN'ISTIIATOI 'S NOTICE. Est'tte of DaitH llornt 'rcr, deceased. LlilT'llllriol'A'dtiVhibtratinnii the estate of Daniel liornlrcrger.hrio of l.ociisttott ship. Coliimbiii Co., decoanil.fcivefceeuK'fa'nfed ty ll Register of Luliitn Ha county, tnthe iinderaigneil I all peraona bat ing damn ag.tius: th estate of tlio d.jeudent are rrniie-t-ml to pi"aent th.'iu tnthe Administratrix, at her real dei'ce In Miidtnwusliip, tvitliniit delay, and all pcranns iudcMedlii make p:ynxiit "tlivitlr. i I A V N A 1 1 1 1 1 ) RN lUVROWt , .1 d m ft i January 10, 18IK1. Itv. 5J W: OY9ERS ATSTOIINERS SALOON. ItRF.SIH)VSTI'.Ricaii be had at all hoiira of Hie day, S I'lIWl'.D, or RAW nt tftidiin-r'a Saloon 'I hey i an be obtained by IheUuurt at :iil ecus, and by the Half "art nUO cent, fallal the "Uakery." ST0IINT.It. nioonisliurg Dec. 20 Hi?. nUGl!VS IN' STATIO.SEUV. . 2,500 (Iron Steel I'cn. 600,000 7iiM lllnnk liooli 850,1100 Kiiifnpfs, fl.itet, Ink, Curtain & Wrapping paper, Pas book.. I.e.uLl'eiicila. (.'old-Pen., terv line, (.'iliool hooka visiting Cards. &c. a large portion of tvliich it stork pitrchnaed before the ri prices and now aelliiig Mitv toll ctsti, Wm. G. PERKY. Ilookseller'4- Platforrf', S. II". cor. ItA, If A'nce VktUdtlfUa. March 7, 1P03-3 inos. tfl'OVK AND THT-WAKfc SHOP. 'I III. timleraigrd mewl inrorm tno eitir.cn o ( I HlooinsKiirg irn'd vicinity, that he haajuit re eived nnd oIlcM for sale one of the niosteiteniivc .i.aortipfnta ofCllOKlNCand KAM-'V 8TOV ever iiitriiduied into thla maikct. The Christopher O ilinlni., Jamua ltobbatiil Clobcure among the first da cooking Slovea.all of which are air frgiYtandgaa biirni! III. I'nrlnr .smre. are handsinVlc Ulld the nshortuient t . ..AJ.ln.. la .,nt,l tn 'r,n.lt'.IH I rieir. ATiDU iiiit'iini uiicnni . ,i. . . and Utilise .Spnuting, upon almrt notice. All kinds itf ' renairing will be done ttitli ncatneaa and despatch. ni-country produce taken in exchange for work. rillLlP H. NUYLIl. Illonmiburg. May 10, 1802. jSf'O'TICE. -VTIlTICn hereby given that ilptirnt'inn, ttil'l br 1 1 .,.n.i.. s,i iiM, itiii'i-rnnr of Peniiat Ivnni'a for a par don for Jeremiah-Ovcrdorf, of the county of t'nViiiubV. who tvna ronvlcteil in our Court of Uunilcr s-esii,nB ot an aasault and battery at September term. IHtM. J. Ii. KKUUZU, Alt)', fur Overdorf. lllnoiHsbiire, April 11, lrJt.3. DISSOLUTION. Tlie p.l'rtnership heretefore cxiating between the un dersincd, in tlm Mercantile Utilities, was dis-nlved apoti tlie 1st day of April. 1363, by mutual coiiseut, All persona indebted lo the late firm, are requested to . . ... ...I- kMl. n a In tl.,1 lintlil. .tl tnaho eariy sciucineiii. tm. uw., ,.. .,. ." I. C. U)er, "it tha gtore. S, II. MILLI.lt, Y. C l Lit, ; llloomsourg, April IS, ie03. 3tn. I " SEED POTATOES FOR tfALft. , fiAfj bushels of Goodrich's seeding.", "OU comprising tho following varieties: itOOfit ett.'hili, Cuzco, Central City, Callao, arid r ink. uK atycoat. Also 50 biislii ls of Early Junes. Prlcn 82 SUpcr bbl. dcliveacd at Ihe t'lttftou Depot. The bbl. to contain as many of the sorts aa yon choose. Packages of each' sort sent by mail pott ilaid at 2S I eta" each'. 1 nycaali to accompany all order, referents given if desired. r 'PU'ITON, tamom Uic co . V V l.itll lu UU3.-IIQ, . , vt tj ik ' uncpl icr wooti 101. suuato 111 iio iwp; tfUffnra, MolaMesv Street, Nuw YdiUt. Mirit.lxft.sr.,i,nM.,.foinMti'U!iftri v,0;P f, i. . ictfuly UUUci lle niWtnn of IIIMI(e.,if,uftaure. bunndrd n. f.ijfowa .111 the .Nprlfi1, "y.P't OIICCSJ bile scneraMy to lila Pniio-l'iiMo ''' .H,V"Hlv ft'?. 9'!.,l, 3"Vi If A"'".. ".'"".'J Tcfls, l' lSli, III llroUIIIC tJtri'Ct, Cllllor orCfilslly n""'" " "I oi'isu uiu c.l uy iuhho I)y virluo of sun'd'fy Vvrits of Venditioni Vt KipinSi, t'o me illrctfril, Imucd out of tli'o Coui't Rnuimoii I'lcn'a of Columbia countyi will bo o'potol to '"" llou.c, In lllonuitburf, nt 1 o'clock, P.M.. ' certain Lot of (.trotind,situato in I. a py, Beott townainp. cniuuiiiin county, liounucn na iu. U-.to wlf-O,. tin, iinrtli, , l,y Main Street or. ,,, I .inal. Iiv Inflil (if D.ivld Wli tutlrn . on too an Itll. hv APy onthc wctbylntofC,H. rowlcr.bcln-ln front AS fuot, nnd In depth IM) feet, Hhercon ia cw ted a Onn-niid-ndinlf'tory l'rania llonac, and Trame Blable.wllli thii nppiirtctmntci. Helled, taken In mciillun nnd tube add na the prop- 4l,yuf,aaeMtKa,,,.y f AIvSOs A nerlaln lot of la'nil.slt'iato in l;ocust Inu ..Ilia. Iiliimlil'ii xnitntV r nlf f fi f 11 fit ft 'IA Stftom III! fit llf tn.. JVati NVrtrkji .'""I"' r'lL "!.' "O-'.'-'?." .' 'i""1' ."r . Aday, inntridi'tl aim th!r riiH'H iniimvn. 10 niic.mii t i-f..... t...t.. n V.iWl.fl . ntn - r.mi til ! Mutflli. nnuuojt rinitinuor tt narcon cn'ftntl oih! nml lialr,try ihvclling iiatik I'.irn it ml -Villi tflinp, With it Wa; llOtlMU, fl COfhl 1 113011 tfliop alt.-tclf' vti iimii u giHm npjiifi iirciiiirn ALSO. trl.-.1. 1.ikeu in fxccillluil nnd to be told na the nmr" ( rlv .if - IlIuiuI JI.iiiIi. , Ai'SOl "Hy sundry irrltt of Lr.vudu I'uctus, is- '-'aueil nut nl llM t.'mirt nf ('idHilloil 1'leaa uf Ciffilin bin iimiilv. and to ml' llliciteili Will lie cinoaod to pohlic aale, at the aatue time nnd pluce All Ih.il rerl.ili. 1, fiitn II .linil tillil l.'lltlirrih. tit 1,11 ll.l "ir.allii.ite In the tmvnahln of llrlnrrrcek, cminty of !. allUilie III Hie tow ll 811 1 p oi iinnrrrcen, cuiiiiir (. ,. ,,,., .' f,, ,,! I,.n,llil fr '-oliiinliia mi tha nrlli aide of the road, li ndlnir from 'Vaiiavllle to ileach Haven, called III'' Hummer lllll road, cKiitalnlng about twenty live by thlrty.flva f'ot, and Ihu lot or piece of ground Ullil ccrlilegc nppeite. nnnt in Hiiiil building, rii'i.i'd, t.ik. n In eieculinn nnd to be aold na the' pr pirtj'of rj.uuurl 1' lleadley, and Jacob II Mlitcl b r. ' .. . - . : . ' ..... .IOSIAH II. KUltJIAN. PntRltr'a (Jirit'c ) Hitr'ff, llloimi.liiirg, April II. IflKI. i HON. C. L. VALLANDIC! HAM'S UGconn ox Abfllitin;:, Slavery and lite Civil War. 'PHIS WCJItK l in preaa nnd Hillaoonbc ready. It i X ciiMtaiua coiiiplete and nictirate eopie. of ,Mr, Val . IniidiglMinV principal apfcclici, on the iiilijecta nbnVo llllneil, At'ii, narta of m.lliv other anei'i liea. win. i... ter. incidaiila, volea, etc. The work hna been care. lully edited and I. b-llered to pfeai nt, fairly and cor reclly til- pnlltiial reiord mid po.il lou of nni.iu wlioae vlevta, In rel.itiiu tn the cauae. or our ii.itioual troub le., and tile right reniediea for them, are iitlru'-tlng an I (.itraiirdlmir nmniiut of lie attention. I The work la oil good, subtlantlal paper, 20'' fin.ea. large evn. ' 1 I 1'riei. l'fipercoref.,Ancenl; cloth 73 cenla, ' Delivered ly mail or ctpfcn, pfcfi.ild. on rccctnt of , the prlfe. j '.."" (tend nfder., with the money cufloard, to To. 1 ii ia ila u t J I, I o -. tl J r a- 4 to J. II. tfll.V Ac CO.. nt In 'I'vperU'ii "ri1"' A titfjt tale , i iT" I'very new. paper th.ttglvea thn above three In' I aiTllniia. a.o l)g fil!te. and anda marked conlea ad-' drea.td -llot (WO. (folmrrf,,, tr),), wll receive thai conieaol l.e work. ApriU, 1AC3-HW non. Wilson McCandlcsa, Judge of Ilic United Htatri Circuit Cniiri. lVaident. Corner rVnn and ft. Clair Street, I'lTTSBUItOlI, PA (a Tin: i..m:(!i:st. ciiaixst and hkx-i-. $35.00 pay. fnra fu I Coinmerclal (.'niirae. -x eitra ih.irgea for Jlaniifactiirera, Slcanibont. n..n i.n.in..k u....i l- 1..- ' u, ; .Mini.tcra'anna at halfprirc ritttdenta enter and re view at any time. I 'llii in.titutinii ia enn'ueted by experienced Tenrh 1 ca and pr.w tieal Acioiiiitauta, who prepare young men I fnfncfite bit, inc.. , nt the least epene and ahnrteat 1 (fair, fn.' the niot lucrative and reaponaibb! itualion.. riipiniuaa graiueii mr merit only, iienrc the universal preference fn' gi'aihinles of thin collegi ii.t-H.- bybusiiteas IVof. A. (.OWI.nV, V?.e best Penman in the Union, wlm hold, the larges? miiiiH-r of tirt premiuma, and over aDrninpetitor., 'ere.t'J'r.Tpid buinesa tt riling, l'or .ieeiuieiM of Penmanship, and Catalogue eon taluitig full iiirttrinatiiiii.fnrlo.c twenty-live cent, to JUNKI.VS iL SVII'PII. Principal'. y Atleiid ttkerethe (tuns and Clerks of Rusinesa Men and Hanker, graduate. April in, Iff.J-ly. April 4, IWi3. 13L00MSRURG SKYLIGHT, 'pill unilcrsiznt-il infurtn A .iui' H'-ihlinrhi'utl, tltnt lit tlm nlizciin nt' lllooni. hiiH t'lkt it ttir hirirc rmnn in tin- l.xrhititze Illnck, cAli'iuliuj; n tr Mi'mrHi Htmicr (c l-'ux'it lt;ikry, niut thr Honk More- u Iuti lie Imt put in n l.iri.'okli? t. tt ijntnty h Hk liaht that j-oo-l pVc nr.'t ran Iteti ten rttpccially trm-jpn ia here each jcrift .in Im taki!r it nn ucil as Hi'par.itt;. HuhriH(t)n tn t niwiilurahlc t.MMisf t'o miikp hit eg aliTi -llnirt nt finit tliisf on, and h1; tff rfforo Hnliriti a hnra. palF tn enable him, tryc'.ii'.tantly intrnducu tlhiintnti? i imprnviMiirtiU nftln !tt, Zjr i'At'tn ) prixlucc taken in latch.miip for i-tvr'iii'ci IMlXnY Jl'(?i-X3rOCi;. RtiHimlMirjrr Nov. 23 i I. Snv. fl 'AS IMPORTANT NOTICE ! to tiii: PATi'oNri ok Tin: STABS OF THI3 AOliiU. N kToi'ici: is hereby given, that the sub acriplioii and advertising nccouuta due the Pub lisher of the Maii n Tiir. Noam, are placed in tlie hand. of .Mrs. Wm. II. Jacnbyufll miinaliurg, fur imme diate collecti oi. Tiie IMilor of said paper having been dralled, mi,l obliged to go to ttar.it is net essar, that prompt payments be matin iu nnltrthnt his family may iiato means uf support. Your early ntieiitinn to this matter may sat e costs and prot c advantageous to his family. W.VI. II. J M.'OltV. rub. Star of the JYorth. January 10, lfc:t. NEW GR01EKY STOKE. Tr' irndefsr.'ned Infurms hi. irienda and the public I errerafly. that he li.t. opened a New (iroccry More, j uti .Mnlii rttreel central in lllnonisbitrg. where he haa ijust recciveil all kfinla of (Iroccries, Mol.iase... Salt, t'aiidic. and otiBit. gcrV'rSlly, tthich will be aold very cheap fur ready pa v. ! ALSO, A Provi.inn Storc is attached to the said establish incut, in ivhii IV tt ill ahtayf be Tepta god supply of Chop, lira u, Cor u and l-'ced generally, to tt hi ch attention , is iut iled. Country Produce taken liicichaaga for goeala. IILWJ. IlItASMfa. 1 llbSoiusbiiig. Jan., -t, lptil, y "v V. Vt rrt T t rriiitfr,. HooHbintler &, nauKbook .17 A N U F A (J T UR E R ; Wnol,FSl.t. A5D ItKT.'.lf, DEALrR 11 Pntt'Tl.t'll, WRIIIA'i ,.,) WltAPI'lNO PAI'llIia Aiirsx ro IHK CATUt idk r't.'in Mit.t.a. Main ftreit. lir! ilnnrbrl'otV Hie Public Hpuare, WILKESRARRE, PA. Nov. S3, ISM l'Jm. CIGARS k TORACCO. A large nisortuiept of choice t'ignra, Tubal ro, I'ipca' ' Knltf'.', t'OLferrroiiery nntl N'otions generally.togelh- , i r with n full slot k of II ATM and CAPS, constantly on hand and for aale cheap, nt the "lllonmsburg Hut aVI.'ap Liuporiuni. joii fjiuxuK. Ilonmsbnrg. March lfi, IFfil. forkiiotei,, tihrtmsburg, Columbia County, Pentta. SLAS DODSONi rroprlelor. I fake, pleasure inannouniing ta th. pnilf t!(ht h. I haa taken and thoroughly refitted Ihe Pork. Hotel frrmerly oernpied by llobert llngenbuch, Woimsbhri, and ir prepared to nccninodal. travellers. eamatfra. drovers nnd boarder. Ilia tnble will ho mpplied with best nroiliirti thu markets alfnrd, nnd hfs liar will b cu.tstantry furnihd Willi the chniccil pii.ra, li"-A largo and commodinu. stable has Mien etnetei, Willi a cenvenient stable nltachea, Attentive oillara w ill nlw.i) be in attendance, and h. trusts' hIV abllglui nttenlioii to customers tt 111 sccur. htm a Itte rol ihira f patronage: lllooniebnrg, ra,.o n, l8f?T 1UBLC SQUARE, H'lLKKS-lURIlS, M. TltKiini'craigned, having taken Ihil vrell'kn.wa aland (formerly of Major Puteibaugli), rnpeetfufly s.lia its the palronace ol me purine. No paiua will be spared In any of in department., t render satisfaction to all guest, The TAULB and Ihe ll Alt will always he supplied will) th. DC3T TUG M ARKKT AKFORDP. H7" Hood Stabling for Hnries and altentiv. Il.stlers. The "exchange" ia eligibly aitnated an th. Faslit Bquare, and has there,fnre pacitliar .advantage, to -.arsons attending Court or doing bu.i'nei.'in tha a.kllr nffitcs. Charges moderate. V t. -Whenever you eorne lo town, pla'aaa call. II I VAn.fi Wtlkir St i .Not Ii liOi' It . ...if ni IF YOU WAN'l' TOB'uiyYOUH CUddp Spring Gobds, GO TO uin (rf(1Sj Jjf. . ( , gj ( gfrfcC I'tt. to t ;m kinds oif (!'0oi)s i CALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELO, CAlll'ETS, HOSIERY, . . . SUAWLS, licauy-Mado Clothing Salt, JJnco'n, ilatns, Jjard, Tobacfc'6", Segars, li'Aisi Dooi", Ca-ps-, SlWca', JJrunV O'JIs, 1'ainJ.?; &c, ivc. Ill itildillnn lo 111D targe s'lnrk of Dry tine'da, we ZiaVe f large nnd lull aasorlment of fleady .Mndc Clothing nnr .tlMl nilil llov. wear which we urn determined fo anil rllanner III ,11 e.ln fin llnilnltt pl.pn fier'n. I 'ill nn'd ' eco, nnd indgu for yourieivc. 11. u'.cruauv . co. I.igliliJtroct, .March I. Ifffil, LARGE ARRIVAL OF N c w S pr i ng & S u in mcr AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix r.innr sTitr.r.r, coi.VMiitt eot.vrr. .. HAH ju.t rereit ed from Philadelphia, and ia now npenliig at t lie old aland l ite y Hctupled by .Marin & I'.lit, a aplendid naaortuieut of II Which (till be aold ihcup lor OAFH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ilia atockconalalaof l.adlaa DrCaa toida cKoiccalalylea . nml luteal fa. hiillia . and luteal faalliona Calicos, Mublius, Gingriatttt, Flannels, Carpets, SIiaTv'is, iosief Silks, Mt'mNG". ftEADY MADE . Ca'Silmcros, . Sa'tinciSf Cottotadcs, Kc'ntiVcky Jeatiij, Thread, &o. Groceries, Quccnswart, CfcdarwarA, Hardware, MciTicitfeJ, Drugi, Oils. I'ainfs, .Vc. & SHOES. HATS k CAPS. J()0TS In sh-trt -.cert thing naimliy kept in a countrv store The patronage ofold friends, and the publie'genural ly, ia raapulfully ao'icited. Tlie hlglie.t market price paid for country produce. ixrr.R i:nt. Light Street, March 1. I SB 3. FRESH ARRIVAL -or Tin, rnoersiKiirn. crairiiit mr p.i fipc fully iiironi" hUciiKtiimrrr. and tl.f ntf.trcprnf'ft.ly (hat h fiaVfiirtt recrivctl from the Knsicrri'c ciVirtf, th iiiru must hcicci siock ni Spr?ng and Summer, nam That ha yet been' opened in IllooKishur to which h inviTes the attention of Kia frienda, and assure, tli'em fliat they arc offered for sale it pre.aV Lh'rg.f.ns'. Ilia StocK comprisea a Wrge as-rorrnietti of ttCNTi.!:Mi:' tfhittlsc. APPAlirr.i'., Collfl.tllig ill KtalliniAlil.K Driss Coats, nf every dea criptiouj Pants, Vests, H'.irls, Cravata HtocKa, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Huiticudcra, tec. GOLD WATCHES A N I) JEWELHY, Of every description, fine and cheap. N. II. Iteineinber " l.otceoberg' Cheap Emporium? call and ace. Xo charge for einuiinz (inod.. DAVID LOWK,MII'.l! lllnoni.hurg, March 2, IPi'iH. (June Irvl)., S..T10aiAiV BROWiVS Wll REDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, No. i.i Norlli Second r-treet, ilppo-iio Christ Cliutrh, PIULADli .PUIA. K T Coustaiill) on hand, n large as orttnent of Ilcds. Mnllrea-ca, I'.tillasee., I'usliioii., Hair. Husk, Cattail' nud all articles in the line at the Inwt'.l prires. N'. II Particular attention paid to renovating Niw nndlJId I'ealhers. Marihi, leOl.-liin. rpHK. Proprietor of tins ttell ltnon n .mil rent-ally" Inc. J. led House, tile i:rtitsni IlnTtL, situate nn Mai, Street, iu lllooiiisbiirg, imiiieiliately ptmsite the Coluiii bin Coiinly Court House, respectfully i '.form Ins friends and the public in general, llt.it his House is mm in or der for the reception nudenterlam'iiiciit of irat'cftrs tt lit, may feel disposed In favor il w till IhciV niafiiiii. II has apnred no etpeiise in prep.iifn'g tlie llu'tris'in, for tin entertainment nf Ills gueats, iieiini r th ill there be any thing wauling (on Ilia pa.l) tn minister tn their personal comfort. Ill houu 1.1 .Tp.'icious and cujoya an i .cellcui business Incalmii. UT" Omit ibu ses run at all tiivs between Ihe i:change Hotel nml tlx- tniiiuis Kail Koad Depots, by which linv elers will be ph-asautlt conte)edlo and from the re ancetlvc tjfaf.bllln due tunc tn meet the Car's. WM. n. KOOS'S. niooitiburg, July T, IfCO- 5,000 P.uami writing Taper. including of'notr, Letter Kool.cap, riernion, Hill, A. Draw ihg paper selling al Low'iklccs'fnr caah. , Wm. G. PERTvY, Stationary. ft. W. cor tth, St Rce Philadelphia. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. " Estate of Juckian Utorgc, deceased. r r.TTCfiS ol ndta n stration nn the n.tate of Jack 1j son CVrtt're. late of l.oc'iisf townslip, Columbia county, dvcrnsrd, hat c been granlid by lliu Register of t'olu'iibta couirty tn Mary lirnrge nnd Peter K, Her bcln, administrators, all perrons hatJug claims ngaliirt tlie esinto ni tno oeceoeni, arc, reiiucsieu to pri'i'ni them to the administrators at thnr ri sideAree jn Lo ouil'tnwnslijp, without defav. aud all .ersoHS IndcLl'od to ninivo iiaynicni ior in n un. ... . MAU1 (.ijonf.n. ritTCR r iir.rtnr.i.v. January IT, 1KC3 Otv, ?i. Mif-iiiiislrai. Tliu Magic llrac Ofcrscrrvr, Tits rtrirtcTi.s or MrriUx'taM, Being a' Hunting an'd CM'ert fa'Ce, or Lady's or Gen- tlcmen's WuJch'ConinVned. Ono uf the prettiest, innst convenient, and decided ly the best' and cheapest timepiece for general nnd reliable use. ever offered. It hits within it and con nected with its machinery, ita own winding attarh ment, rendering a key entirely unnrceury. The cases of this Watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being tinu in ratal gnm. it na. ine improi ed ruby action lever movement, aud i. warranted an accurate Ihimnicce. Price, superbly engraved, per case of a hull do7.cn, $'.'01.00, Sample Watches, in neat ninrnccn hniea, for thoac proposing to buy at wholesale, 815. rent by express, with bill payable on delivery. Soldier must remit payment iu advance, as we canhnt cnlleii from thdse in the Army. Addreis IIUIIIIA1UI linOS. k. CO., Hole Importers. Cnr N'anau-t- Jha I a . N'etv VoeX. i Jaauai) 31. Ifb.l-Mv From Now drlbans. Our rCAtlors will lertfrl Mii satisf.acl.cn or othcrwido, fftfm .1)6 Philadelphia In quirBrt In (lie article bcl6w, 6'mo of the benefits and blccsings tho nogrncs havo comnichfeed enjoying under tho benign in llucnti of, "Old Atbfta" EinanelpatKin Proclamation, foi.traun J mult. Again t Lc it my duty to speak ol in un for (u ii ittc condition of (he cotitrabu.ud3 in thiA ftai't of the country. If tlio pcoplr of tho North knew one-twentieth part of tho Bufferings 6 tlho negroes lure, tLev could scarcely abstain from sending some thing to keep the conl'iabatids from net m ally dying of starvation1. YiWcn 1 wis last in Raton Rouge, only d fcrv dffjs since, I was Hiirpriscd at the extent of the misery among the negroes. They wcr c6miug within our lines. ut the rato ol fou' or five hundred daily, hungry, foolsor , afid, Hi sonic instances, actually naked. 1'amllieS would arrive, sometimes n wo man wjth five or ??. small children, on tircly destitute. Frequently in a gang of Dftcen or twenty negroes, two or throe of them would be so sick that they would dr6 down a'hd difi' bcTofe they 6o(!ld b! sent lo the hospital. Thoy very fre(ucut ly came in badly wounded liy balls receiv cd fr.om the Rebel pickets while they woio making their escapo. I noticed ono man , who had m. children Willi him, the nlde I of which could not havo been' moi'o tha' twelve years of ago, who informed me that the mother was .'hot dead tho night hcfoio by a Rebel picket. 1 was told th.it hi tine negro quarteis a hundred and fovcu ty-six died in a month. Of courso w havo to make .1 show of feeding them, but the rations I saw ifsucd weie anvthii'r: I but suititblo to ihiir condition. It was not a pleasant sight to see a little child sitting down to nothing but a piece of raw I fat bacon and bread, liut the contra bands arc CXCCCllinc fortllliatO in CCttitM' . o i that much, lor they are not unfrcquontly fit to .'tarvc to death when pur army moves, borne mca ot their destitution inay be gain6d fom tho fait th'atinthe riiontlt 0( Jrfnuify, at Ilaton Roiigo, 3800 yards of plantation gingham were issued lo the women. I fcavo no means of know ing what amount of snoeo, ha's, clofhes, wa? given to tho men. Oiiloago Eic6 ior. fSieag6', April 22. Tho election yes ' torday for city officers, resulted iu tho suc ' cess of tho whole Democratic ticket. ; The total voto cast was 20,300, Sherman, Democrat, fof Mayor, received 188 ma jority. The Council stands 20 Democrats and 12 Republicans. LIST OF CAUSES. FOR TRIAL, AT MAY TEKM, 1803. 1, Pnnn'cl J' KiAler,et al, fa. John k. firr.lz, ot i. 2. Samuel J' ftrstler, et al, r. John K. Oroiz, it al. H. Mary Wcrtuian, ra' John K Crulz, e.1 al. I. Mnry Wertnian, rs, John K tirntl, et al. 5. Philip Winter teen, va. Valentine Vt Interrtcr-n. fi. Ilaniil I". Se)bert, va August,'!' II Kearee.'ttal. 7. Henry Wells, va (ieorgc Kinley Jf. rt Jacob K)er. va Abraham Klas'c. !l. Abrahaiu Khtse, v. Jarnh I'.yer. 10 Ilavid l.er. tt al Lemuel I. Il'tlle. 11. Daniid l'tie)beit vs Joacpli (ictisel. 11 l'.lijah Me.Mertrce, ct al va Christain Wolf. 1:1. John II lirott n. ct al i s Leonard 11 Uupetl. II. Peter M Tratigh, va Aaron t'latton, I. 'i. anmi l llittenbenib.'r. va Silas U Ldgar. Hi. .lames Harding ta I liaa llccae. I IT. Isaiah II l'reas, vs Win. Ikelcr H. I.nui-n Uetvctt, va Lli.nbath lialiua. III. Jacob Harris, va Peter Jacoby. I an. J'aiob Pond, va Tilnian Nagle. I 3J. (j'i'orgc llugli'i'a. rtal vs J C Oris tt ell, at a I. I Si. David Ueinbolil, va Michael (Jrovcr. -1 llussei p stucKtr. i tMn liieier Ot. Wlllinm A Kline, ti. Ceo. W l!o .mm, el al'. Si. The .Miner. Hank, et nl n i'.dnard M minor. y.i. bi'A'Tawilei'slice f CrrVgc Didiori. '27. it I, Campbell, ri Eaiiiiisl Johnaou. is. Hat id J Waller, ts" Win. J llngenB'uch. 'itl. Henry Conner, rs l.emticl Gensel, vt L III). Lonirerbcr KraHkliu's Aduir : r' Cfirutain Wolfct al III. I K tfyb'rt. ea Ilnuheii Nicely. AT LOW Terms -Cash PRICES! and PtoilvcCf linn rvar inuili Ihe jvnplr dea)r a peaee, nnd rc-sri lion of I'll' nrcsenl hosillitlis in oar dlstr'arted 6infrjr tllry aVe aH despoils" ot'purcllniing Unit goods at tba I owesl maikct prucs. J J, BR0WER Tt ill gratify ull desires to tlii. point, and allbnnghgtVtN hate advanced in pricet lie will sell yen at wonderful iy low pricas. lie has now epened his ncunllarg-i an.l complete stock of Spring & Hummer goods, among w!ii w ill be found a general asanrtmenl of all kinda of Jrrtds Cull and exatnine, J, J. BltOWWL Vsrch 7, ia.3. james'h. SMlf hT " " iMroKrr.it .uvd mwr.rs.iLK keauik RllANDIES, WINES. WHISKEYS, niNS. AM) LiaCOP.S, (Jr.NKRALLV. So. :WS fValnut S(s , btlwedn rinf.AVrmA' C. II. lll'.VP.V, Travclii'S' Agent and Salesman T7"Onni.n'- Husrii'Trt'iLV boi.tciTis. Vovi'inher 'ii. IFt.2:-. Gl'nSON-'S r-a, cm l' I 'iU .VVI) DECORATIVE ESTABLISHMENT, No. 125, South Elovcnth Street near VJ eat, rinEBiAamiiPHiA, K.naineled Ola.s, Krcsio, Oil and r.neauslia Falsttng Jons riinsnv. H. M. GlojM. Jaiiuaiy Ii. IStil - -3iii . (.illiTON'S CllP.AP HAT STORE HEMOVED. IMll'.undersigna,!! having h.mglil nut the iVrorery o Hat id Slrnun. has ruuovrd .Ii. Hat and 1,'np Btoro up to Strnup'a old -tan'd. whire ill addition to a up rlor atinrAnrnVof Wihter H OaCs ami Ops, Coinprt.ing every sort, aire and aiialit)", vihlrhttill'be old irt iiimaually low ilrires, hi- will coHllliue the Gr i.ry and Nolloii liusine.s as carried nu by Mr, Mrou.p, Also A ilno lofof STlVl1. MOIIOt i:6s ari'd Ctsmoi m which lie invites the al entreA of HhnrinaVof aird Iho public JUHIti It GIKTO.V. lllonmsburg, April II. 1Sil3 J. r. ivta. it Movia New jOfttJG Store, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. THE undersigned tvnuld inforV thejr frtbnds and tho public generally.thal they have taken the stand for merly occupied by Oco, M, llsgi'iiliiiWi'. in this llxchKhgn Building, nu .Main street, in llluoimburi', w here he lias just received a full nipply of flrus, .llcdiciiieN, faints, Oils, ! I I I I Lamps, Arc, Whiih will bt sold nn moderate lerius fur ready pay Alao.NQTIONgeiirially, of every variety, sort and siac. Phyairlalta' piescrlplhini rr'iVlV i,rt!li'lH,jiiied, at all'tim,!'. ai.ll ort'shhrt tihtire.; , , ,"" t'ontectionciy of the Ijc.t' aHclt'uii, and Soda alur in season. If A iharo of the nubtic costold1 iV. iVslx itfully . licilcd. II' H'oonitbtii; AV4V.1 i(.V