di'amnois Department. EXPEh UI UK pal FA11M EKS. VU'rCn far"'c" Clietcr county Penn n. ' MjVo formed tlmnist Ives into n club for the purpose of making i-xperiuionta in ..gi icu! tlir. Tlicidta U & most Imppy one. Tho former who originated tl.u inci vcincnt desorves tho thanks of thu wholo agricul tural community. Wo do nut know hi nntuo, or wo would pui it at tlio band of tbo ngiicultu.irl octnuiuiilty. Wo would mako Itiiu au honoinry lifj sulscribur to tho 'Or m.ct nntr or teatify our recoct n any other way that would be most u ccptablo to flich a trm; fuend to ngricultu. rol iniprovoinoiit L-mg nuy tho Hp.'ri mental FaruW Club of Chester county flourish any may, their example bo follow id in every coui.ty in the mif until tho present giies work systom of cultivation shall give way to one b.i.tjd on exact and definite kuovU-'dge. -Tho first experiment tbay madu whs to deturmiue tbo proper time fcijwhcat Wo Have not fpnee to give tho details which aro published in tbo Gurmantovin Tele graph, but may eay that the experimontj provo the bet liaio to cut wbe it is when tbo grain can be )rcf.-e,l between the i tluimb'aud finger, und leave nothing but life -husk' nud a thick pulp, without any fluid wround its edgm. If cut earlier, when thero ha milky subsinuco in tho grain, there will bo a lot; and if liter When the grain bjcomes hard, tho weight per bualrel.ia lea, and the quality t iiqi sj gook. In tliii pariieiilur cao tuo' wheat cut July 11 was t'ac best.; three day bc tord or a ter this date m.ide but little di; fcrcnee. The Club is also uu liiiig rzperimcuts to ' determine the beat time to cut out ; also tbo efieut of applying planter to potatoes at differeut KtJges of their growth j and also the fffuct of salt and platter, alotie and mixed, on wheat and gra? They .also propose to ascertain by experiment 'Whether thero is uot a Icm suotaiued by alloing tbo manure to.remiiiu Ioih bpreud before plowing in. If any member of the Clud snstains any .lafs D cxtifriuiL'nt. thu other members 4 ; make it up by contribution. This is well, . for all who have had experience know thai ..it ii impossible to makt experimeuti with out more 0; "leti!;pecun;ary loss. One common error in making expeii .incuts U atteiiipting too muelr Tau for - instanoc an experiment made a few years -ago on tho ''.Mopel and experimental .Farm" at Peteisburg, W The mana gers wished to a eoiiniu wli-ther wheat did biBt after peaB or, alter eoru. 'l'hey also wished to abccituiu wbetner guauo did best harrowed in or plowed under. So borne pea laud wis sown With wheat, and uoiue eiiru laud, tio iar ao good. Tlio result would have shown which was .best. But in order to determine wiieiiiei 'it Was beat to plow guauo under or liar row it in, they toweil guano on the eoru and plowed it under, and abo the tame quantity tho pea laud and hairow u in 1 Now had tho expenuients heen male ecperately they would hnve shown wheUe. peas or eoru were beat to precede wheat and whether guano should be harrowed or plowed under. As it Was the experi ment proved nothing. They uimeil to lull two birds with one atone a d missed both 1 Another point of great importance is to determine before making the expeiimeni what il is ou wish to as murium, rfu idown and draw nut a plan of cxperiiueutr, nud then imagine the eropi harvested with .certain results, and sue it they prove what jou with to iiud out. 'This may set ki uuuecec sary, but the abionco of u single experimeu tu determine a certain point may reuder the whole neries ot txp.ri menls of no value. For instance : A few jours ago a committee was ajipoiuted to make experiments on the ".Massachu setts Model Farm ' at Wcstboro. They undeitook, among other things, tojdeter mino tho value of diti'oient artttieial fertil izers. They towed guano superphosphate, poudrctte, &c, ite, on diifirent plots, but forget to leave any plot without manure I io that whon they got through tln-y could .not tell whether the measures did good or ijarml JMontonury Lutf. CAUTl-ONS IN VISITINC; SIfJIv HOOMS. Do not venturo into a sick room if ou are in a violent picapiration ; lor thu mo mout your body becomes cold, it is in a tttuto likely to ubsoib tho infection, i.or vuic a nit'k person, the t oiiipluiut bi of u contagious nature, with au cmptt. utomaeb, nor f-tvallow your saliva. In at tending a lickporson, place yourself w litre tho air pa-ises from the doof or window, to the bed 0 the invalid, uot between the pvu d and the Ih", as tho hunt of the fire fill draw tha iul'ioiiuL. rapor in that di rootion, iind you would ruu much dangers from breathing in t EzSr Penu Ivania contains nine ty-thice anthracite fur uncos nud hundred and fl.'t) ulnrroal andrnk furnaci-F, onu bundrf d uDd ten roliuing firgo",' mid ninety-anc nllmy mill. i ADMINISlhA'lOJl .Nufl h 'J' state of Jtc b S,,,'l,trl, dm isnt. I FTTr,tl of AilnnnMr.ilKiii nil lb ! A'.iU of Jnrb iarilrgfri il U ..('li ling Inn ( i lun ula en , it t'd. li.lv-'r.inlL.1liyiii ( gt.i rm'i nlunibln in., tn the im, ii.rsigiic.i, mi p reousliavi iff rlniin-. nliiitat tire nt: In fir llr tier d. ntn,. ruiMixt. il I .r sent til 'in Id itiu Administratrix nth r re-l . life in ml, 1. w uihlp w ilh f tl ' " l"f,0" milelilcil to make iiaynii'ti J antary 10 UfU. -4iv. tt Ml. (Lata Whlto fcwan.) It A CIS 6'Tti ;"', 110VA TlllUD I'llll.ADK; I'lll A IX 0. ME0R1ST, 1'itot ntHTOB, Foimulyf out I'l'ipc Hold Lebanon, I'n t, v. mm Ana. i'i.pbk, March .H, Im,'.' I'.'ni, MOUNT V I : UN ON HOTEL No. 117 ami 110 Nuitli Si-omnl direct, PHILADELPHIA. Tho n'mve well kniiivii cil.iiilMii.i,'iit has In en by llio subs, rlbi'r. Una 'I his II, 'f is ronvrtiienl'y hunted In n central mil buslnee-part Mlieiiiy, II I. large unit i-umiiiojlutis, nnil welt liirnls c,i Ihrnuthoiit, Persons visiting h i city ar r-spsrtfullv itivltf l tn rill mi I patronl-i tin mi i!,l 1 Ij ,,i i-ii t . us ti-tliinsr sh.lll 1p wanting to itiakt; luu gucrts comfortable mid s.,11. fied. TE-MS ONE DOLLA S lJElt DAY. 'Mr. in mid visitors ran Im iicrnuiiiin lalcd on rias cinuLIu terms by Ilia ilay, ivjek or in jnih. J. OTTENKIRK, Pi niii ie.'or. Nn77 pock t-'t.,llil.v I.Me of llallliuore, 1IJ. nod Mii'lhoii House, riicoiid tl. PlilUde'phia. March;, lev.' -Sin. JOHN DOLL H02 M"rkH V., I'lnhithlphta TMmniT.lt of rva, Plp' mil fmev Artl 1 1 Tim lawrt vnti ty if I'lpca. Tot a. I!jk,ts an) r.WL'v coonsTo nr. nu n in ruu t.irv. I'lt'a- call and Utiiinine, tlarth 7, 1803 WATCllUij, JHW12LUY & MLft2U WARE. Gft. r I mio mdpiMciii'd would rpnncl ;T' 1 s 1, 'vii,- jour luu'iui u in i.i w.' I a- iJten iiitL'iUto fc iiri''iiiur:njan.ieivirtviitcli an line I! I I l,!tvilrv, ( ury 1.1.1 1 mil tnru-tv of Hi lot ciii.iilng all uf tli u j iv, it an I must li.Mut'il'ul ilt'li;iia, Also, rt ill I Silver tViirn. p U il to Coin-an, I Ilin b-t Make of dll v -t I'l.it i I U'jr.". UjcIi atticK- In ijr laiitu.l tu l.iut r 'ir)i,'iit '.I. Vntrlioa a.ul Jutvvl'y carel'jl'v reiialrcd and Jtltractl.ri gJ.l an toed. J C "It IIARMJV. (S'lrcjfnr to HtaiitT-r t Hurl y.) No l.i.'.M i:i(i:i StitM. I'llil.Ati'A. Tib'y 03, 3 lima, PAUL k '1 HOMI'SON, Gt'Kcrr.1 ( omttil?hiu liJcrcltanls, rith, I'rovlflona. l'linir, llnttir, ri03f, oili. Drlcil Trull, (liain, S. uda, Il ,an, IVIittk.'V, Wool, c'o.ntry l'ruilurc mi,l Ii-icIijikIUo evnir ,llv. No. 34 North IVihhvk, 1'mi.AiutrniA. H!7 (.'ontlsiiineiita of Provisions, ITmr and l'ounlr l'rndiici; xi.licltu,!. and r'tnnm proinitly madu. cu,i ndv.inri"! Ii,mi ih'sin'il. OKDCHit for nil kinds of H-h, I'roriarmia, Klunr. Drii'd l'rmt. Kc, lill,;.l k iUh luwcal I ajli I'rui's. Aiiiim 4, l-itl I Jin. I i OU'ARD ASSOCIATION. Phih.d- II dplilii -lortli" It, li. rorui Si k and Dintn-anMl anutil uuli iruli'iil and I'lironi,- Hi.':is , and tt. p.i iaily I'lM aiOp nftli- SiMr 1 ,rtan. Mi-ilirul tdvii i' t-iv-ii !r;ui liv in 1 Artinir Hiirir 'on Valnalili- UUPOIU'S on si" lnlATii im.ri . 1 SI'.MI.M I, CAKVKSrf. nn'otlh-rliN, i-,i. a.... 1 !' " ",'!1,M' "" '' m:V Ui:mi:dii:s ..n,.,!,,,-, , iiu iiiniBiirnry, aoiii lit avMleil Icttjr iuijoiit'. frjc nf ilnrr,,. Ad dr. Dr. J. SKII.i.lV IIOWnilTOV. "owiirJ AfiKialinn .v 1. .-oiit'i Mutli Slrjet, Piiil.idcuilii, IcOJ-l.'in. , Pa. April i I' II I L A D 12 L V II I A. PAPER HANGINGS nowELL it iioiuuvi:, Corner rourlli and Market ftp-it. P.'iJI.ili'lplila.liavt' iiovs in f-lock, a line vari. ly ijf VA t. I. PA Villi X, j Oot up t-xpea1y lor th. ir -'prins Tr.ido. I wivnow p pi:u oi' r.vnuv umni:. to nnirli tlicy iHvitf tlm allPiiiin,! of Mnri-koi-p tf. ,,,- lu ih-ir rtnl epirliiuiit, will Us loiudthf rlimr,! fl)lm i, 1I011. .Mar, U 7 Irii'J 3 i.ion.FCa JOHN S. LEE k 00 , No. -10, NOilTII WIIAIIVKS, Pliiladulplna, 2U5S52 MAKJKKW AMI siir en a in 1.1: n s, Spun Cotton for Panlklii;, l!rp. Tiviiws, Tar. Pitr.li, Oakum. UIulUm, and liars, &c AllJUrt 4, (Mil) l.'m. LEATHER! L EAT II KK 1 ! T" '! "',,l,,r"i!:,l.,''l w""1,1 nnnoniirn, that li liaeon hand I ntlii II ,t md 1, .1,1 I., up irimn, on "aio St.. ,i,ioin. Ii.irff. an .Ksorimi ot nl iliir uui Mad n, ail, .r, h Ilni' t.ilr skins, uioroiisur dno,i lrK.n.in llnln". nil rl wlii. li li ' Hill elltlj.-.,,, .,-tii .ti i Iu, ,j.,,,.r 111 tin s utarkjt. Call aiidn Moinr Hi 10 lnr vnursoiv , , , JOIl.NK. UI..TIJ.. lilooinsburg, May it, lr-0.'. I'liisiiJi tirii .v. iiiioriii;ii,s W'nOLI-ALI-. T 0 P, A 0 0 O 1) 12 A L E It c i io,-.,.voi: i'ii th j my s'l'CKHx rivi'iloortkeloti Unci-, I'llil.Alir.LPIIIA s aoiiiitsiiir .1 t'Oit SILL'. Piltsbiirgh C'oiniu,.rcial College. Iliiighaiiiplin " " Critteu.leii'a " Phll.vlolphii. Strillon.llryaiit t Co.. " -. Thesi -iTiiia, urn in auiouuis of $1," and SVI and nro nssoinueli cash, by Ihe Sludeni on euiringeiHi, r oft'i , above olleaes. Voiing iinln .1,-sirini; looiitam ,, a ,,,1, e.l i i-llegia e l.ilut-ali ni. uill hern liu.lugood fciucula lion by iipplyiug.iUha oSiiuofili! 1 ' Nov. I. lo'.'. COLUMlll DK.MOCUAT. TINIVAIM3 & TiVK SHOP. . -Pill! undersigned r-speclfully mforius his o, rrii-n.r I uud ci-loiii.-rs. thai In has puu-iia-ed his hroilirs nteresi ii, jlt. above ,-.iabli.i,ii,-.il.a i . th c oir irn it Ha hercafler In con luited by lnnuelf viliisivjlv. f uas jil-l receile.l ,111,1 oilers for til lars lie lias III. I receive, on, I nil'.,-. C.r ...I., .1. rim csl mill most .M. llllve as,orln...nl i.t I' A v.. i. a '.i, V uv ''' ""r" 1"c ''1 """ this miirk.-t. . , 1"m'k """" "I a cinipi ,t . u.sort.ui.ni of lii h-st ( ookiiig nu I p.,r.ir stoves in llu market, i,wih. er with Move I'm ,res f every description, Oven I It ix Stoves, Radiators, C) lindar Stove", Cn.t Iron Air Ticlit fctoviM. (.'auii m S'ov. s, fcc, Sinvepin-i uml Tiiitva.e cnii.i.uiily n;i haiid nu I in iiiiii'ii, tar ,,l to nriler. All kinds ol rep.iiung ,lon.. as usual, on short notice Th piilrnii.it!., ni md irnnls and new cuHimi.rs r piolfully o,eite.l, a. M UIIPHIIP llniiitbiirg. Novembir3il J8li.-if. Mosatf ;tt3 liaol lbs Sale. HE Subscriber offi is lor ,:ilrtlm prop- ." ', i "" 'i " oiui in liionm.liur.', coll. ;tt rilling nt il in r is . . mi. J.tirue mm t oitvemeut Ilnnstp atlJiL and ofa ivl. improved Lot or uboui iu -o ni-rea ol and Th-ireiiilses ur in perfect repair Apuli cation uuy Im made to U. II. Hiiekali iv, ut l,iomibur, n .1 n , .. W- J' OODWAUD, Reailiiii;. Oitober '4. l.-i,? "m. JOSEPH FIJSSIJLL, Maniifaciuri r of .UMIIHE 1.A.S SUN UMlillKL. LAS and PAUASOLS, Nos. a k 1 N. 1th St., PIJILA'D. .March 7. IW,3-3iu. A LI20TU UE, Jut pMlihtitlu aif.ile.l l uvtl KK I'rictr itiiu A L' cttire on iho N.ituro 'tr;itnifi)t A u ic il Cult! i f Speriiiiit'iri hu ,i or Somiiial W i.lin. ss Inv, mint iry I , H ,,MI D ,iluy. au I ,j.u ueiiM to H.uri.ig.- g mer illy .Vurvnaiiss., t'ous'iu., n n. I.pil'pyaii, I ii-; M niion an I hy.,-al lui-ap-i , -in. r-soi'iui: irom r. ir ,',. are. ly ob, J.l'llll-.l. iv, II, .M. I. AulhTi.rih". linen llo.'k ir Tiie twirl 1 reiinivni'.liiiiih, ri,, i,mir, . I.ecluro cl'iarly proves from his own evpi-neii".. Hi it th uufiil ioiio.pi. nee. (it'Heir-Aiiu.e inav b, efl'i iiiully reinoveil WTtliuut iinl,,.. nud tvlihnut daurriis aurgjiul operations bougies, ilisrtiim -ills lintis or ror,'i'ils polii. Ilillf 'liltuiuodeofcure nl mice certain and ell' rliuil liv ithlili every sufierer no imiinr it lint his coinljiioii miiy hi. may care hli.iselfcti aply. privately, au I ra ieally I his I eclure tt III pruvu u boon to liiomjinl. un I tlioui tan Is. riant un iur seal tn anv niMrnis in ,,ih, ,..i ntivclniii,. nu llu recopt ufaix conn, or po.t ico al.iiiina by ..Idresilllg, 1 CIIAH J.C. KMNCsiCii.. 1,'rjr' 'V9W V,k' r",, olllc rab'Jorjr a, ffcts3. iirinuj!U..itii. FOIl TUB CO w STITI3TJC 18 AKDTIIU v aW k foil d i a , j'2 t r; s ' A.vn disim8i;h or tiu: Tlittt Dingcroui ond'l'rm'ilnome Dittmtt, uMthknrt tkuifnr HtthttitHt tut dlretteJ Trtatmtnt run bt C mlttiltf CnulrvlUtl (v He Kl.Mf.llY note trere ml Tin: tTHATivr. prnperllea i,f 111 m oil iiie illurl llieinaelvea to Hid or fans of a, 1 r tiioi. 1111,1 by so Mt ring the coinlllloii of tile M.n.uh mi I liver tliatlh, ,t,uch prim Iple nfllia Ion, I Is iiiiiioiivi'it'il into sugar soloiig ua the ptiliui It under III.' In rl .1 ncr of Mie OJN'SI'ITLTION WATCH, wlnrh give those orgmis limp to ri iover their krallliy toim and liror W are able to stale th I the tluiiitltii., lion Wiiter h is curtd every case of Dlabetca in wliUh it lias been given, stoni: i.v tiii: iiladdfii, cAi.ctii.rp. iiavi:l lllll K I'UrtT III. POSIT, AMI .MUCUS Oil .Mll.KV Dlril'll AIK.I.S ATi'llIt LHINAI'I.VU. Dlseas, s oc iiring from oiieimd thesauie rnuie uill h eniinly i.ii.'.i by th,. ('oiistllulioii Walur, Iftakeii I'm anc leniilli of ti ne. The do. sh uld arv wjilithe nril "f th' iiinase, Irom twenty drop's I, in I, a spooui,.l ilir .' limes a iluv . In water. During Ih , pis- in - I tu l alculiK. the p.il.i un I urgent aTinploma rlii ill In eon.b .1 ,J with III' proper remedies, then foil iw.ol up win th.i C'uiiiliiiition W.iler, ua nbmu di retted, iivsMUttoKHAir.., on pmni'ill mh.vsi'rua tiu:;, ami is .mi:ni,u:kiiaijia 011 puufush ri.on i.stj, tloth illsensea urislni: from u loully sirrillnn cftne iiiiuslrual II il.l In tint one ensu being ton little, uml ikiiiiiiiiiii,-iI bi s m re pain ; inn the other a tininro f.ise seer lion, nln.li will bJ speedily cured by tiu Coiislltiiiiou Wnter. 'Il'.it li- a-e kiownas 1'AI LINd or TlinWOMIl. wliiihis th. result of a relmalion of the liguun nls of tli.it orta 1. nn I I. know 11 by a 'iiuof heaviness 1111,1 ilruuciiii pains in the hark 1111,1 siilus. r:i,I ut times ar inioimiiie.l I.) sharp I1.1 Dialing or shooting paias througli the pails, w ill. 11' ul ' i"i, s b reinov 'd byUiemedi, ine. 'I'll re I-anollier rla- of sw,iitnin. ,'iri ing from lit III I'A ' Ki.s' OI' Till, wotli), Hhuli plush iaos (all Ni rt ntifii w liich word covers up uitiiii ignoramo. , nn I in inn rase- out I' t, 11 thu doctor do s nut r. ally kuuw wli, tiler the r)m,touia nrj thu ilisnnse, or the ills a-'! Ill sy,o(,l nun. tVi' can only enumerate them li tp. I i al 1 p,i, tlcnl.irlv of Col I I'eet, Palpita tion in tin- Heart t.np.ire.l .Meinorv. Wakefnliiess.l'i.i.li. , c uflli.it Luiis-'inr, - ii'isitjiie, an -I Uiiiineia of Virion, Hui'Piir.rsi;n M 1 ;st r t j at ion. ' Which In th) uiiin.irrl.'d femal Is 11 constant recurring ' ills, -as -. and through uegleit Ihe seeds 01 morn graicl mid u.iii..' roii uiulu 'I 's are the remit ; uud as inoulli I alter ni'iiilli pai.es nitliout nu nfoit beins made to ui- ll u.ililre, the suppression li c"iu ;s ihro ic, ihe pn-ti-nt gradually Ioih-s her n-ietie, tin bowels nre e,jiistip-ite,l. nUlit sweat.i couie on, and coHsitiiiiiilun li.i.illv nids l',-r car i.r. J.l.l't lUlllULX Oil tVIIITKrJ. this disease d 'ii -o.li upon nu lull i.natlnii of morons lining oft i- v, lulu. 1 mid u,,m!i. It i in all cases ia-io.opaui-1 by f.veie 1 1.1 1 ,1 in the link, arero, s Hie bowils anil llir oi.'li tit - hips. A t- .-ispoouful 1 f ihe ine.lioiii mil b; l.il;. 11 tlir v limes a dat, ilh ,111 111. , clii'ii ofa I ,1,1, 'spoonful of Ih ui-Miciia ,. mixed w ilh 1 11 111 l-piiii 01 sou inn. r, 11101UI1112 1111,1 et , mug, ntniT .tidn or tiii: nhckoi" tiii: iii.ahdi'.ii, ixri.AMTio.v or tiii; kid.vi:vj ami ca t.miiiii or Tin: iiladdi.h. si nAxtnjuv Axiinnii.vi.vooiti'.M.NiYi.i'iiiNAriM;. lOr III, -se ills as.-s II I. In. It-.1 s,,v..r,.i' r. 1 too iniiih eaimot I, t-.n 1 111 ii pi.iia A'-iugli!doe,,ii.ij ueeu mm ir ilieiu IliOl org. Ill syptoms, tr-yo'i troubled unli Hint ..i-tr sting pain in tin am. ill of th h ii k n n f lliroii.'li Hi.- bios I A li m-pnonl'iil a d.i) oi l oiis.titiiiio.1 U ,u r mil r, Hot o jou like iLugic. I'oll liVSPHI'SIA, Ithasi rpinlin relieting th,; tiost distressing snip- toiils. 'lo, lli'.uiiuhe. iliailbiirn. Ait. I Stoniacil Voiu nlug I'ood. te, Tnki'ii tea-po.ini'.il alter iliiiii. r' 'i he dose ill all cum-, may lu incrcuaod If desired, buWIinuld b-' done crailtially. - PIIY If'I.tXS I'avc long since given up the uu of burhii, enh' !- :iri.l juniper i,i til tr .itioeut of Hi so ..iseasua, and only uou III nu fur want of ah, it r remeoy. CotSI'i I L'Tln.X WATHIl 111" pir.ved itaell a u.iUollu ta.k that has devolved op,o it. iiiuiurrios Irritate ami drench tin kiuiieys, and by con. taut us0 ion IeuJloi-lir.ini.; ilegcueruliiM mid co ilirinoil dis ease. Ren Raul i , IHSVU!.!-., P.,.. Jim.'-J M-,-.. Dr. 'i II. c.lli:iiii-Jorc Air. lu I , 'oi.iry. In, 1, W I, "I. I W lib III S.lgai .ll.lll-'tes.llllll f.ir I'lVe 11.0 lllls I i.i' -,l oi T-- tl tit. i gallons of tviiter in nieni).'.,r lio.n-,1 I m, ii i ij ' I lo gel up ii, olteu 1, ii or t. lie ti.uea during llu ni.-ht. and in liv i.o mills l.i,t ulimit nil poiinils in tt.igtli. Hiirning Ihe loonth oi J.i j , procure i tv o ,i .ltles i,l totistilulMii Wiiter nini ,ut. , i,y 11 i o.,,,ti,'ih' oi reiiei, una nil r tiui.igtivo biiitlei.! was eiiurUy cured, rooii ultcr r,'C ii.uiij ,ny utual goo i lioalili Vours truly. J. V. I, III! WIIT. Ilostoiil'crners. . llee. 'r le.i Win. II. flregg Co.: ' li ,,iis: -I fiv Iv uiv you lih tiv to make use of the i follow nr.: Irlilicm - il Hi i alii of .'ou-titulioii W.i- t r tt iii.-Ii I cm r icomi-i u I in th lik-liest mann r .My w ilo, it hn iva, i.ii.u l;uu nh pain in Hi) ih,,u. I, rs. it h.,1 lemrtli oflheb.ick. anil in Inrlinibs, ttith i i, i,,ii,iu,,ii oi in ii -an, anemic, i tt ilh I alli.,g of ih. Wo.uh, Dy-inn ml a. and "irritaii f Die lil.nl di-r," I i-all.'il a pliv,Kiaii. who atteii icd her iiliein llireo.oo.iihs. wIiti lie tut K lnr wors' tlian he loino. "I uiployed nun of the inst physician, could tin.!, tvi'i.iuit ,nle,l her fir about nine nioiiiii. an lit nil she was nn, I t his cine she ,li,l not suil'oi piite as in I, h pain ; h linally gave her up aud sun : -h-r ri.ro it is liic.iiabl -." I'or, raid he,"(hc, ,, ,, a co.iiliiii.iiinu of eo.iipl.unts.tliat nmliciiie given lr no ,,,, i.u-i.g si some oilier nl lar ililliculln-s,"- Aboiil this tjiiie th loium-nred lo use Con mru Wii:n. and I ir tiller nsioiiithineni, ust u,u ,ir.', iloe seeiueil lo hat e theilsireil ctleit. nml she kept on improving rapi lly ii.dcr lis Ireaiiu Tit. uml now super intjii.is eiiiin ly In-r dom. she nll'.ura. SIi1i:ib pot la ken any ol'ili.i, m iiiuio, W ini I'or nhoiit four tti-i-k and we are happy to mu Ihal it ha oro,lne,i r,,,... nullt core. 1 W.M. M. V. IlIlN.scilO'l't.N. Mtu.mr.il, Coni., Nov, 10, lelil. i nn. t a. ii.i.nFGu : 1 liui, --ir -1 h,u e for several years le-cn ulllictee ti ilh ih.it looubl.iMiiiieand daiisiT.nl. iliseu -0ravi I wliicli real. ted !! reuu 'i s an I ,,o lors. until I mok Coisriiciiosii. Wwhii. and yo.i mat' hi-ast'ired Ihal I iv:i pi ne I iviii, ih r.-sult. 1 1 has cut i ri I v cured m nu I .ton may make any usu of my nuiuoynii iuay sen Hi I i res ir t tho meiikiiic. as I l.avu entire confldene. in its .-Hi- m y, Your, trill v. I'0 Il SI'ROVi;, Tiinsi: tin: pw-iH i:soi (;n 'I h-r-is noclass of diseases that produce such vx h.iiHtiug ll tel. up iii Hi,, human connitotio'i n. Mm bet s nndilise.i th' Kidneys. Illnil.lor and Urina ry Pa a i : an ihrot,.,i a false mo lenv ihv urn nee. leif il nil tiny are siiiti'inucod as in be l.ei nod it,. control ol'or.liu.iry reionli.is. nn,l wo preseutthe ONHTITI'TIOV W VPHIl To the public " ilh Hi -eotnieiiuu that it lies iineonal in r-'li tnig tlie class of ill. eass fr tt lin-l, ,t tIl- ,.n lonn I .0 vnii ii -ntly succ-s fu iiuur iigi nud wo trusl thai we .h ill in r warded in our efforts in pl.-uiiig to taliiulde reiamlv in n form to meet iho r''Uireiueiij ol pail-nt no, I physiiuni, l'0,( SALHIIV ALL IHU'CtJISTd. PRH'Hfl, JVM. II. liJIOKIill i n.. Proprie.ors. .Mort'iii t Allen, Ccniral Aguuls, No. -HI Clin" M tlept '.'). l-lli. j ATTORNEY AT i itt.ooMsnvitn. r.i. Olllce ill Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles p. liuckiilcu. Rlooiii.lnir.', Dec. I, lr.3.l. ' I JOHN 0. YEAGEIl, .MANIJ I'ACI'IMlUlt II WIIOI.CSAI.i; lUIALI'.p. IN W , .C!. p-,l STRAW GOODS. JMNNE'S AND AR 1 IFlL'lAL FLOU'EUS, No. 257 North Third Street Phila'd. ' Nov. 'JJ, 1 SO-.'. i CHEAP .MILITARY' GAPS ! ,' .MILITARY CAI'.i, nfevery sort, tir.u nud nunlily ' for -.llu i h -up nt the II oomsburg Hut U Cap Ihupotiuiii Altii-Orocorli'S,Coui.clioiiuiies l.'iiers, ,.-r. JOHN K. OlilTON. ooiiHleir.'. tt lit. 14. lefil. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. III: auhaenh -rw nul l inform his friends, (hut i. . I iio'V pr. p ir, d to pul up, on short noticu, uml in a ,'i, nun inuiinci Ho Ii -i ' fMThv roi.wr.n i.mirr.vMi hods; at 13 iciita pirluot. Al itnrk tturrnut -il. K. II. IIIIILKMAN Watiailimt May Jl, jf0. l.iii. h A W , If lij J JLAJ-JyvJ IS-rJ' Jiij Jil.li li A FAMILY MAGAZINE viroru) to i.rn nrivu: jxi, nuiaioM VOLUME X5UII-1863. IT la tliMlfalcn of tlila .Mnparliic to prniliire 'an cla I emit mi,) puru lit rnl'iit', mii h us will iiililaic tlm tnsU, t, Hiii III.' n nuiii'ia olid rminlili) nil 111,' nlmanf III , l.itir.iry vlllioiit lialnr; pi.i.iiiiilc. r, llflniia loll, ton, niidi harm M without Miinlty. II will nmk,, li.ilf t Ici'ini' nh. r, r II la kiiiiw 11 ,So uiauarlnn in the country la hnlli'i n lnpt. il to tin' fiimlly t Irclc, llnllnK lli f rili (imliiir voliinio it uill loiitlnui In uml, 1UI11I11 rhnrnitt r us 'I'll ttm-i 11 i.f th tlontlilli a.' In ua 111 ill 111I1 id .'lii ill Ion by th, lliporltur) is MM 1 ,unl,'d by .my Ugar.ini-in th, land, It l prim 11 from skro. ol) plat a 1111 thi' tluist nili'iiilrrpil p li. r , ,inj null 1111111I1 r cniitaiiis lo 0ri11l11.1l si i l iiii'rovlnir, cxiu. ti'illn ill liliih 'it stiluot tin, art by aill.tB who lUnd ut th- h M,l uf their profea-lon, 1 he l(i iii.ti iy li is iirlal nihpllmi to the fnmlly. Itrnriil'li a 11 ur ntuiiiiiiint orn adliiK n,apt,d to all Hi-in inli ra of th,' I'ainllv jnnnir ami i,iil-not for' (1III1111 th clillJren- II llr, "h. varied f ill 01 llf . - In II hill and (.L iteral I, It rntur,' II 1,1 r.iples u nlchn th il cm h llll 'd In nootli, r way 1 rtajlng "III do th 1 lii iittaii . a, ml I'ool, A noiiK its (onti ib.itors are fiiiiinl some of Iha h.'at wrllrin th, 1 land, 'I'll, Ir , ipers irlve il tunre, (pice 1111 1 t.iri ty.na w. ll as lii.triKtlmi to Us p.iires. tt Is Hi, liifutloiiot the C II tor .1 11 il Publi-hers to make It III,, Ural iiii! , 7.in, of Its Mini in th country. Si1c1i.1l lilti'htio.i is Invited to Hie larlednnd I n I ' r 's 1 1 nv run. tuuls of the i:, Hi,rlal Hepartmelit, whiih tthlbils lea, turea no hero 1 lie to be found, It nlll Inrlu ie J( tip, tur.i Cal, In, I, l ontui ni lie many clinic.; tlniichta mi l I'Xiio.lllona for Hie I'hrMian re.i,lur an I in'niM r Notes an ! (tnerii . 11 llt 'iary 11ml ttltln in, 1nu-e highly iiileri stliiir to the Inquisitive s Nolle a of Ne Piibliiiillons ; Items, 1 it, rary H, iiiillflr and Iteliiiloui Keinliodln I'll Is, iui 1,'enls nuil t ,t.tlc of p. riiMiii' iit talu, ; Sid, bourc lor dill ireli whiih uill bo f .11 nf stories ami an c,li t,'s i uill.'.ily a.liipti'il to lot ,ret ami liistrmt children j K'lltorl.il lileanliica, made ai of rlrh and rure iss.ii s. an. I anecilol, s glcaneii form the IMilor's reading I and Dilllur's labln uill alio imbod; ipilt a varl.-ty. 'i'hsre is 1111 ernnoioy In taklne tho Maparlne, if you look ut the amount of the reitilluir matter. A rlnjle v-l uimi Is lepial toeleht I'.'ioii. volumip whlcli ut present rales would curl f I '.'5 earn, (hat la )ou get in the lii'nn.itory for Tun Dollars nnil Hlliilfnbal uouMcost i,J leu Dollars In th' book frui;uiiii lb, oh large lull, ill r of supetli flnil I'liuravlucs in the bjrguln I I HUM-,--lu lew of tin' uupr 1 client increass In the cost of paper and all oiilipr mat rials of Kiauufac tore, uud in . u i l Ihe lait Hint pablirlo ra tl bokJ Hr, rump oIbiI to a id from twenty five to thirty pur cent to til p he of th, ir kooks. we have. He,, iimt unsafe to attempt tie' puhlirbtii li 1 1 the U, pnFllary f, r tho coining , ,ir i.t , ss than two uml u Hall Dollarr, Tins inu I In- paid lutiiiialily in a, n, Hire. til Ministers of Hie M thoiilst Kpiscipal 1 lnirclinro lirireillt d .tp,in uml Hill reeuie Kll' si ripti'Ul- nil Patin iila Piibli.heil b) Pne St. ililctiei'ik. 1 iui iiimiti, I or'ier of Wniu . l.ighlli Mtc, ts.t uill, ,11 .v Porter, ' Voik, m Mnlbtiry tint Orders llereieil by Win, M. Diiiii'lilv. I hliugo; J P .M.igee, llii.tmi; B lligclns, riiiUil, Iphia; J. P. r, ok llnltimon'; J. I.. II,. 'ni, I'ltla bilig. P 11. 1 ; II H.Olis, IliiU'alo, S V.i llnln rt M TJIroy, f in I lu'icis- o, 1 nl 'P ll.Peariie. Portland. ''regno; A II yliu i- Put, riir ter. How, London. Huglahd. Al.o tbrom'li nny uci reiileil truviling niiiilter of the Mttli mil-! Lpiseopai 1 liiirt'li. l-ee. I.I, ImiJ His. I ' ""uVmlgnerri. nrso er"iisivpy cniagcil lu th I ' u"urrttitini' vesiaciol, ,111,1 Kei n' for i. r. i.i. ViV . . '. . ., "'"I c,'''y '(' ' . "" " ,,rf:' ''"""" ,' VTJ . l. I. OFI'INS ' ii ttliieli lie is enabled t , nil orders on preseuiaiinn )i.m- Keep, a good Horse and Hearse, uinl will at nl tiims lie n-uily to ulteiid I'uiierels. cil.MON c. sin vi:. Iiooni,i,rg, January i I, ISS'J 01 1'ICE 0.' JAY TOOKE, f-UlttCUII'TION AOENT, At Jy VoliP &. I'n., 15 llliOMS. Ill s'ourn TiniuiSrni ft, Philadelphia, Nov. 1. Ifl'.-J. The iMdc'sisned. hating I -en nppi luted Mib.irni tiou .i!!i in byth .j? ,-r lory of Hie TRnsUiy, is now ore pareil to fui otrh at oiuc, thu A'tw hioitii ii ui C)ir crvl, lotuls, ofihe IJinied ataiJs lle,ig..nleil iis 'l'i ve-Tw culies ' ill- malil, , at Ihe p. usure ol'lhe Hocerllliienl. nlli.r ll.'j years mni uuihorujd by Act of Lnugreaa, iipiirotid 1 ebruary Jo. i.-i , ( I neeoiipoii liomlsnre issunl in sums of $30. $iiii, .lll'l, no . 'I'll II ...,,.l,.r ll.,n.!u I,, - I an . i e.;r ,l'""-J'J"' 'J luieie.t nt -ix per nut. per miniim will commence rum a.it j ot purchase, ami is l'AVAHI.i: IN 0011), -'iMiii- ti'itu illy v. huh Is eipml. nt ihu present nreitii inn on gold, to aboui.i, ,t p,.r ,.,., pr Aiinuiu ' ii- it ts. tier, ii , ut.. u.-i hanks. ' npiHliHi.. ami all who have nuy ue to luic-.t should know uud re in nib -r lb-it Hi.- e II Inireiinir.rt.il 1'irat t'ort- g.ige upon till nil Roads Rank blocks and rivu.ii, s an.l ih- ioiiii.-usi- pro Im i ofaii ih , .Maniif,i-tar,. .. i aic. in Ihe coiiuir) .mid thai the lull and ample proi is- I ill ln.1,1, for the pay ut of Ibh i,iereft ,,.! I,,,i,,,t. ion ol primipal by ciisto . s Dmles ;v, is,-"liiiiipsatid Internal i.i tcnue, si-rw a I. inakelhesi nils ihe Iks', Aiisi sicuilobtc (tint ii,ti.t ponl(tr Jvm mn t iit t'hc Mmkn, tfiih'rriptiiiiis rricivrdut Par in l.ecal Tender Notes or Hole, nnil thck paren bonk, in Phi i, iphia, Sub i ribereby uimi t. jec.-uu proiup: nu niion, and rv. ery luiiliiy inidexplaiiati'iii will lie ullbrdeil on applica. Hon lit Ilns cilice. ' 1 .liaudentt'ry,ri'"'lllS """" knPt Imn.l rr inline- Nov. C, lSfiJ-omf U';O0Ki:' Subacrlptloii Agent. 7 5'i5Ii,i RAW BONE SrPKU.I'IIOM'IITE OF 1AM. 1501'GII k SONS, MALTA" Tl'IimiS t PROPllllM'Olls, No.SO Sonth Oolawaio Avenue, PlIIl.ADIII.l'llIA. The manfarlurera are nutv prepare,) t aupniv large deinan.l w ilh this valmlil Manure. 'I het would re.p iifali) aniioiimu in I'.iriniT. and Di ulu's in I',... lih. ts. Hi it ihe prii-.'his been ndvaiiced to Sd per idil lb.. II need srarci-lj b- luenlioiK'.l t hut this diuiiuo liasheen reill. ndii.-c.-s.eiyby R, gri.,j. ,,ltr(.':il -t ol milt' rial, uud labor as wi-li ua by the operation olthell y. Patupoii ni.iiiiif.iclurers. jniiion livery I'nriner iiring li I'uriill .r. may bo nsiireil thai the I w mm; I'lHisi'll Ti: will iilli .,,, Ji Us liii'hiharaiter lor S I'Hi;.(; ' ,, puil'I'Y Hid .iiiiiiiif.K l'ireis .r, f -iring to iiniko n smtill a. it mice in Hie price per ,ioii. t nt In rth ,u allow its merits to fall n low th, ir laruier standard der increased expeii-iet in loiiuiil.ictiir ng. r ills nrepareil from Rarw Ihuies. uml l,-,r-. lo contain nil Iheu original organic iniuter no luiiir, d nr calcined bones ar used, no. I it is ,ai under u guar amy rroni Ihu inaiiuliutURrs that it is Iree Irom ndul. Iit.-iiioii. 'lliHili-iuaiid for ll.ii;h's Haw llouaHuper Phosphnie last year miiiiv mum n ih.it of uuy previous cue whirli it. iisiihstiiiiiial iiudiiicii ofiu iiigh standard or popularity. Pill m: .$ Hi pt i 1 1 1 l.itrf C hl!. 'Ihu nbiivi may b,i had of legul.ir dealers, or i f ItAI Oil i rtnx. .No.'.'Uioulli Diilannrj Avenue, n . Pliiladclpliiu. Trli'iiar) 7 l?r33nio ' dmiuom g I qui (Opposite hwttit.it tt'ic Hall.) L'HIWI'.MJ'l' riTRI". I'.T IILTU I'.IJN I 1' HcvdlXTII PHI LAI) t.l.V It 1.1. W Y ATT & lir.lll.lMJfl. November ..II, 1J(,. Miinh 13. IH5r. F U. H AR 1'ISON , M. 1) l i i i. ii rcrpei mint luiiiriii tho ill!?., ,, of l'.li o. . i,,. m, in in i ii in 1 1 1 , noil ue coiiiiiiin-r Hi Iho pruclicr Alh')lli ,.v: .-l ati i-, fi nd solicits n share of public leilrouaue.' ' Or,,,. .... l .... ., . ...,,r. ,. ..ii, , .-iftJL tiff l hoiiso below the Court Hn'i.c, i;i.omb,n I'. bru.iri- n. 1-33 If. ADMIN 1 ST II T01fS NOTICE. Ksttitr if ietij, Jmics. tleiP'siti, 3l'TTi:i!S of A.luilul.lr.illnii on the JJ.tut uf i0nj, j Jones, Iui,, of (Irani.-I. iiviiship, Columbia louiny, lli'coas -,1, h.nebi.r,gr,ud by h Kegl.Ur of Collllll. b a roumy. to II, . iind, rriuued ; nil p r.uiii Iiating il.'ilmsiig.iiiist the iistau m llu deci iluiil are r"ll' sli'il o iru.eiil Hi-mloilii tiliniiii,ra,r nt bis reriilt uro iii sai l Mitii.hlp. Willi mt delay, uml a p,lruna in. iltbtail o m.ikt) payment luilhivlth. APfIH..?a...-atv.SJ. MMl:aJSr. 00 tL FOR SALE. "PA.MILY COAL, Iha very heat In market, fo Md pplfctlt0 lo Hit KdilorafHI, JauraiL S ir.-'r 'i!i5s fty &r i A Vi'V'i-'.''. ECONOMY IS WEAlTH. 0 U 12 VOL1 II COUGH FOlti:) OKKTS The lal tint chenprst HouscholhrMCily the Ito'ht. 'MA'tLVMR ZADHC l")UTEtt's .mahami: aiioh pen. TKIl'S Curnlite Itntsam la warranted If used iiinnling i tn tin- dlr, ,i tl us. la turc in nil rasca I'ouJtis, I ol.U, Whoopliu niiali. Asthma and all afl'trtliini of thu throat ami l.ilngs. Miilame '.ailne. rtorter'a lialsaui Is prepared ttltll all the rei'iMIe ikl I, Irom a CtTiibitinti nn of Hi,' best rein e,ll,'Slll" veg table kiiuiloui n Hur ls, Its remeiiial quali ties ar" b.ired nn lis power tn asrl t Ihe h, nllliv rlrrii liition uf Hie Mno.l, through tbo I lings, It Is n nl a vio lent remedy, but i-iimilint wuriiiliie, senrrliing aiirl i d' crlite; can b taken ky Ih oldest ni'ranu or thii young est ihilJ. Ma laniZadncrort r' h.nl- s.tm Inn been in one by Inn iii'illc for over IS years, anil t.ts iirTireil its present sun luipl) by being rerouimen p. ' bt thoteulio h ive iispiI it to their alUlLleJ friends an I ntli 'ra Moil Important, Madame Zailoc Torler'a Cnratlvn I'.ilinui Is .,i. ,i a pilci whirli brings It in thi naili of eve rv one In kerp it conrenl -ut for use, The time ly ui ofa alnglt! bottle will prove to be worth KM times its cnl. VO'I'ICL. Pnvnyour momyl Do not he ptrsnartad to purrhas i nrlirles at 4a to SI whlrh do not contain tin l ill, I nf a 1 lent li'ittl.'nfWn lam Tort -ft Cu ratlvo Malsaiii. the cnit of manufacturing w hirh Is aa grea'asnlm it .my other medlrlna ; and the vcrv low prece at n hi, h ft I anld, in ikes Ihs profll to uio'aell el appt, 'ntly small, and iinpriiifip'iler! ileit is wi sum llius rer imiiieii I other iiieillrlnes on w hirh their profits ura lariT, unless tlm customers in ist upon having .M i,lain rorter'a ntiH none other, Ask fur Ma laiiin Port r s i nralive i alsam price l.tccnts, and n large hnti-s at '25 oeus, and take no other. TT's'olil bv all iruggl.ls and ritorekcepuri. at I3rts. a,. 1 in larger bellies in -.'3 renta, IIAL.s t. RIK'Kl.i:, Pr prlelori, New York. January li, I rri-t. tatt K i,, Cou'tlamU Sfct, ;Nos. 9, II, 13. 15, I" ' NUR RilOAHWAY, N11W Yoltlt CITY. , This nl 1-,-st iblifh-il aud favorlio res.irl or il.n I....1 1 ness I'oiiiiu Jiiil) h.is been r 'cent I r refilled, and in nun plete in eterythlng that can miai.t. r to Ihe comforts of i il' patrons l..ui ,s ami families urc atutiully ami i arc I fully prut I Jsd for. It I- ceuirall) Inc-teJ in the bu inoss part nf Ihe city I !iu,l i contiguous to the principal lines i.rsteauihoats, cars, oinuitiitises ferri, a. &c. j In conseq ieiice of Hi pressure caused by the Rebel- nun, piicos nave uueii ruilliceu 10 Our Dollar a tt lijty ' cuts per Duv, I 'Hie tahl-Is. -imply supplieil with all Ihe liirur,. nf I Hie spavin, uud la eqiial to that ui any other hotel in Ihe "ii "u ",cco"""n,la,i"ns nru "feroil for iipwnril rf 4M 0.7" D" not h-'lleve runners hirkmcn, and iitbers who 1I1.-1.1 lay "the WeifTii Hotel is full." THOM.D. W.NC,li;s,C1,J;SrI:Kirr0'ri,,0r 1U. 13, lfCi. 7 ie .;v )! . oiniurrcitil liiiuduinis ore hctt tot ojiM.-ittt Court House, tomtr of ',.... .i i, ... . . . . n'l.t . gt. .ii... .I.. , liisiiiunoi, i mi- mi-" is in no il.n' rnniii'ff. nl ttiti. ..... ') vji ui;r The rtfi,'soft,et-lireI'ael.e witclt.uni,. ' my ne 'ri,,..t,,., , ,.r,,,i. i.,.,i...... . . . i,,, , i.f.iiiiiiiiii inn -iiii.pii t.t - I onoc Th.. look, nud Fnns are carefully nrrnneed hv lr.ii tic.il Accoiinlanls. expressly fr f,, j ta -1 i 1 1 a t i . rTiiiKt'iM? 13 s"t" '".oinbiiie 'Iheo: coLi.r.ni.vn: cui;k..i: This Coiir-e i-iubraci's I nuk-Ki-eplng In nil it. ,ln partiiieiils. Peiiniii.nihip.(;,nm,.,in irithiorile i ,, ions, ojresp i, nie.i oiniiiiTcial I, aw, P., t t-.-i 1 1 , omy, ( omni-rLinl I'.thus. Partnerihip . .in,.,,,,.,, , ' tei inn: Count ti iied anil uli.ired Il.n k.vi... i" ' 1 r ' I lu fpeoe rum Syteni of I'eiiniuaii'.hip s't.ni"lit in "'!,'"' V"; xl:" 'V1'1 '.' mn-' '''' '"'terri.riir"r , '" -'.''. i'ihu .K-piiruoiTii i . sup Tt isioiiiiiid innruiiiuu ol Hi, ' 1 .imm.. ii'iiier the sp-ci.il Piincipal, li. w. RRVnitAL IXmilMATIOV. Siuilents can enter ut any lime ; no vacation. Usual tun -to comp etc tli-C-iitr.e. iron. f, to l'. weeks ' " Llllce r Ml lered in ,.r.i,l,i,t... I ,? ' -Itsis. , 'Y't'lmit's lire pies -nted with an cleguiiliyeiigravcii iji. "f Tor nr.t.-ilogue of TOpai'cs ship, .'cc,, enclose two letter -t-i p-rintensof o-ntiino. niilis and n,l lr,.s. LOWHI.i ft. W Mtxr.R r!ay3, IfcW-l'.'ui, Aisgust .'1,1, ISC: C 11 I T T E N D 12 N S PHILUHII.I'IHA riiiiliiiEKdiL C 0 J. L E G E , A7. E. comrr fih .;; ('heshmt. Sturs PHILADELPHIA. Tins I-csTnt'TiON, whiih was established!,, 1RI.I I now- con-eip, .,,th in Hie eighteenth ,r of iis ev ,. ence, nuuih-rs among its grailuates. i ,re,l9 of )lc Country Murcl'"" ' "uti.iess te r TiiK.lnjicrofllie Institution is solely lo.nl'ord voun men r.ic.Hlies for thorough preparation for busiit. ss " Tins llii.tvi lies -r, ton rare, HmMetfng, n i li,-,. ble tilth.- various ileparime.iis of trade; 1-enmVu"), both plan; and tiriiiiiiitiii.il; t'u,,,frc ,i Ma,k' mattes. .u, VtH Cieil Kugiatirlttg. l)rau,g, , hen. '"itr?!.!!, ami. h tern J.Mgnoges. 4 TibKv-iK.-i iirlN-inu-iHiN isp-cullar; nncla.ses or set lessons are niado u of. hut ,.wh tM,eM ,, ,,, iiidivi.l.ially, m. Unit he may rouiinencent nny tin a, , intend in w halever hours are must coiivtuieiit. Cataioiii-es iireis.iieil,i,iii,nfll,r t; 13, of April coiitainiiig n.'iin.is of ihe studenufor Hi- vear and fn P.irti, ul-.r, nf trnii-, tc. an.l ,;iy be obtained m u, v time bv adi res ul' Hn.. I'rhieii.,.1 1 ""' Is UrnisivK ArroMtinuiTinva. lei.le-spread repulitmn nnd Hie lewliiiejvcrtente of ,he I'eincial, tlHa'lnVt I," liouollersf.icililies superior touny oilier In the r , . try. for young men ti i, ig topreparo for Imainci. nnil to obtain ut th,. mini' iiM,u A ,L0VU. '(, ,;,,; UUuln"m'''C'''1'''1''" f"r """" 10 ally J,t,""n' ir7-l.'iim-NiiiN'aCfr,M 0f Teentises on llooK-KEiir. inu now itori. widelycircilatedthaiiany oilier work on Iho subject, nru for sale at the College. s. iiodi.'hs ciinTi.xnnx, .ftf0rury-ai-,au.. I'm,ei t -nin. vo.inii NUI0.ALi:031 I2,(1.L COLLJ.fiJ-S LOCATKD IN PHILADELPHIA. S 11. CCItXi R7I II ANUt.'llUSTNl-T STS Xtw 'ol; Uiiy,Ur;o!Jy,iAlba,ii),Troi liujj'ulo. De roit, (liviuttd, Chicago, ' awl Lauh Hook-keeping, Pciiiiiaiieliip, Commercial Arilliniui iniirt'iuVht rur""' fterpoudciico, &.c punt I II e College! being under th i tamo gem ml anillo. "! !-,,:lll,l'':'''"ll"','ll.l jniitliig in each lh inhantape ot all, oir r great -rlaeilities for iiii)iirtiug iiistruc than niiv nth r siiuilar institution in ihe country. A b.-holarship n.tied by any onu iig.nd in all fci n UlltilUIIUlt 1IIOI1. The Philadelphia Collegu hinr been recently enlnil ami reluriu.lied in n 8iiierior manner, and is unit ri the1 if ""'"""'ITuperoua l.'ouiiiiercial liuiiluiiun c I'rjiiut k Slrattnn'a arriesof Text Hooks einbriic look-ke ping, i iiiunieri i.il Arithuaiic, and 1 oiumcr L.iii lor sale, and aenl by mail. BS" I'or fui partiruliiisajiidfor acucular. litlober iS, leii'J- Vim. OYSTEIJSI OYSTERS ! ! T" 1 Vf 1 1 7,v W'J" '5 rli" '""'I'talncil at all timet-, nt Iha '"'Hng Room oiilin uuderrlsned, on Mum tlnel. Illooin. burg. I'n.. riept la, irCI. l''8'fNl.K "EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. L'slittc if Dmitri ,-, ,fc'i. J Lrrr.llSlii.tinieiiiary on theemato of Daniel Rei- , 1 gel.late.ifl oru.ttnivn.hip, ,i Coiu, r,lty liecensi'il.haveh oh gianied by tho Ri'gl.ier nfColiini. liincounly tilth iindiirsigneil also rciiding in aaid ".", "! ',' , "atnia ennuis ugiiintt the estate ofthnilecuilniirareqinttadt,,,,,,,,,.,,, , h lii'Ciilornt hi" retidHiico in said loitmbip, wiihori . delay nnd u II persons Indebted to make payment forth Ma . r.m. .- .t,n j .. .j in inn ii ' "t!";''-"" " Itt adlnr; Ufiil Ha. ' "uilUYI.KlLL. A-SaUmiANXA ClMOtill. LAND AND WViiMINH VAI;''I'D. I HE MIRTH, NOIt I IIWIirtT AM) 'I'll L' CAN, Idas. uftoui'Miit'.M -rn tlN'fl J.envi! tho roiniunt 'a depot at thrlteculh and (.'a hill lr."tf rhiliitl'lrlili tli-f';""twn( hnura: (.'allow. t. 'Kl ' .11.1111 , , MflS A. M. fur II adlng, Lebanon. HytrliD irt, I'oltsVllle. Pinegrnv .Tama,iiai Sunbiir), illlaiiirp, tt l,li!ilra,llochefr. M.if-i, r ails, iiun.i o, ' i"' i Wllkeiliarrc, riltalon, York, CalllaK. Chamlnnbarg, ''iiriVnaln ctmiert, at I.UAIIIN'H wl.h Kl P-n.i at haul'. Ilallro.id trains far tllenliwii, c , And wllh n,, .'Vbinoii Vi-lley ti.in Mr I ,.rrl;bu,g. c. ; ,.i roKI'('LINI'''N with LaNwliai llillroal trulna rur Allke.hirM. WIMUinspirt LmK Haven. Llinlra, tte at II UIKIrniUnil wllh Mirlbreii Ceulral, Liiiuii,!fljii.l Vail v and Srhjylkill and Mn-,H-hnn I trains for Nailhumb tUnd, S illlaiii,ptl loik, i bauiber.burK, ,""g'","! lc,ArTKRMonxrRi:8!i I eaves rhlMolphla at 3.W P. M for Heaillng Pntla tllle, I'lii-grove, H.irrhbnrc 4.C .cmin illon al Harris barg with Pennshaiila Cential Itallfisid tra ill Tor Pillb,irg c, Northr. n antral Ballrad Itaiiia for rJunriury, NnilhiiuibetlanJ. I'.lmira K, iid " t'lliitoii wllli Cataw4fa Hal ton! trains lot .Milton VlllUinsort, Kliulra ltutr.tl.il tr. Ri.ADI.M) AO O.MODATION, Lravaa II- allng at 0 3D A M atopplng al all way nations ! arrives in Philadelphia at u.W ,1 l Kitiiruing.li atcs rhiladelplila at 4,30 P. SI. ; rivea ''lHTns'TnrPhilalelpolt lenve llarrlbur at S A. A and poltstllleat'.I.IS A. M urtltlng in I iil.adulpbia 1.33 I", M. Altefiionnlraliia Uave trtsbntg at 'J'lll M and PnttivllluatMU P- M, arriving al I'liHadtlpbil. at i.uM r M .. . . . lnrk t train, with a pusrngcr rar attached, Waves riiilJ,!. ll'filu at 1 P, M..lor Heading aud nll way rta tlnns: leaves Heading at it. naun. an.l I) iwningluivii al I P. M. for riilliUrlrhWiind all way atallona. AH the above Iraina run daily, Sund ij eii-eylei . Sunday Iraina leave I'ottaTtllu ut i,3uA.M and I hila- dl,rh,,1,i!K;KVAi,i.i:vaA.i,imAn Pasenger Irom lluwnlnttowii and IntiTmeili.ite polblstake ther,l3 A .tl an I 4.30 T M train frnm Phil, adelphia, retiirnlng Irom Daw iiinjlotvn at i,W A M and lit.ei) nonn NLW VOllK LXrRC.-S roll l'ITI'5?HUR(l AND 1 111. VI 1.31. Leavca New Vork, at 7 P M. paxlng Ittading at 12, ir, midnight, ami lonnccling at llarrishing with Pennstltani.i Railroad l.ipien I ralu for Pittsburg IUI, lining, I pr-'s I inin leaves "arri-burg nu arri- i val ot l'eiiii'lv.iiiia l.tpresa Irom Pittsli.irg a. 3.1.1 A SI. p.isilng Heading A IS M un,l arrltlng ut New ork at KI.:"U A .M. Sleeriug iri aicomp iny these trani-llnnnfli bitwscn Jcia .y Cit) iiuil Pillabuig Willi, oulchante. .Mail tr ilns for New Vnrk learn ItarrWiurg nt A M and i,(k) P .M. Al il trains for llarriibnrg luave Nw oik Hill A M and l'2 ii.inii, , aOiiuti.Kii.ii v Ai.t.r.v li.M hoad. ' Trains Kare I'otlatille at 7.15 A ,M aim 'i,30 P l. ri'turulRg froiuTustarora at e.es A ti, and 4,43 P .M, BOIllIt LKILI. AN" SI'Sl. LKH ANNA K til. UOAII. Trn'tla leave Auburn nl J4i A M for Tlncgrrve al d Ilarrlsburg, and at 11,10 A M, ui d 7 V tl for pin f rot c on v ; reiiirni.ig Imm i urrl-burg al l,3U P ,M and Iiiihi Pnicerovc at i A .M u,nl 4 .md o P ,M, j 'I ICKIII'S. Throiioli first class tliliets and emigrant tickets to nil th piiHciplii iointin ths Nurth uud West and Catia- , tlus. The follow Iiil' tick-Is arc nbtnlnahle nnlr at Ih- oflici rfS. Ilra lfonl. Trmsiirr. Nn 227 south Pourth t, Philadelphia, or of 0. A Nicnlls, Cenerul superintend' I ent, Heading. COMMUTATION TU'lvIVI'S, Al 23 per rent, discount, bi twecii any points ilcsirr 1, lor tuMllies. and linns, mi,.i;a:i: tickktc Good for MM!) miles, bci'.vccii nil points, at 115 33 each TurYdiuilic and firm, SIIASOV TIHKUTf-'. Forthmr, six. nine or twelve months, fur huMira ntily, to all points, at reilnre. (rates. CI.LUOYMI'.N Residing on the tine nf the road it ill be fnritUheil w Ilh card! inlitlril tliemstlvcH and wivie to liikrta at half fare. i i;Xf'URIOV Tlt'KITI. I'rom Pliit.t'lrlphl.t lo principal st itioos. gno I for Sal-tir-iay Suinlay an I Moodiy. at I-duc-d fures. to bo tia.l only at thu Lickrt Olllce, at'l'liilieenth and l.allowl, ill 1 streets. I T.DIt.llT (Jonds of all ileserlptlmi forward tn nil the above points from Ilia roiup m's new freight dupnl, llrnudmiJ t illow stroeu. l'RKf!l!T Til A INS l.eate Philadelpl.h daily at n A .M. I I M ; anil li P .M fir Ilea nn. l.ibanon, llnrritburff, rottsville, I'oit Clinton, uud all puiiils beyond M ll.fl. Clo.ie at the riiilailciphi.i Post offilie for nil places on the road ami Ms Inanelies at 3 A M. and f,lr the princi p.il station, on t at J 13 P .tl, lllenuitliiirj !' b. 14 l-till. !i3tiaau:iit ii liiiiorasUurg Haittor.ii fS A VD Al' I It IH'.O'.M. II, HII.'J IMHSKVOllll J TRAINS Wll.l RUN AH roLI.OWS: si o v i x i; sou t il t'msetlger. 7 lid A. M. Jtrtortt, l.eat a Piranlon, .111,11 ..M " Kingsinii " I, notiisliurg " lltlpetl, " D.iutille, Arrive nt N'ori'iuuiheilainl, SI O V I 'V 15 Leave Nnrth'iiiihThiHd, " I'mitille, " Hiipert, " l,tiio.u.litir,7 " KiitL'ston, ' Arrive at Scruiiton, S.4U Airivo ,0 P .M ll.iii) ll.lil II 49 l'.M li.Sfl X O R T II n.Kii p. m. Cut) I..33 l,.3i t-.tr, 1.43 3.111 P. SI lli.OU P. M, , i'i's oiger I r .. 1 1 1 nlsoleati Kingston al rV.'l) ,t. ,M for .-crouton, lo r i I with train for X, w York. R - turning, leaves Seiutilon on arrital of l iain from Now York nt 1.13 P. vt. The Lackawanna and tlloninsbtirg Rnilro.nl roiineits wilh Un Delaware. Laekiiwiinn.i and Hesiern Railro.nl at r craiitiin . for New Viol, ami nilerine.lial point, . ,,-t Al Rupert it connect with Ihe Caliawissiikiu ro.i I, fur points leiih can and wi.tt- arriving nt Plilladi l,l,t,i r,i 7. un I . SI . Al Xiirihiimlii-rlantl it rni.v-cls w ilh III- Philadelphia tc LricR, R.uiiiIN.i; II. R. for points wort uml nu ih Pars ngers urrniiiL' in llurritbiirg 4 3u P Jl ; Phil, iiilelplna 111 P. A).. Ilnltiiiiore lO.'.'l) p. SI. JOHN P. ILSI.IIY, .'( J 0."'el. c7e7 Ticket Jgn ' Notenibir ..'. Im.J 3. JbiiS. riiili.dt'lphia & Erie Rail Una.!. This grrnt lino traverses Ihe Northern and North west counties of Peiiiirjltaiiiii to thu illy of L'no, on Lake Hrio. Itlias b'en leased by the Pensstlvanin Rnilroa.l Company, mid under llmr nuspi -fs 1, being lasiuly op -lied throughout it, entire length. li ii mitt- in use for Passenger ami rreight businest Irom llarri-b irg to Driltw-ooil (J.I rrk)ii;7 mileslnu thul'.aiti ru Division, anil fiom Shell'i'elil lo Lrieon the, Wcrtirn Ditiiion. (7S miles TIMS, or I'AMKMIIR 1RA1SS AT NOaiIIUMBI.RI.AN D, Slail Train leaves, Hzpreis Train " .Mail " Kxurcsa " Cars run through with trains ueiwceu run, naiiimore uml Lock Haven. New anil elegmit r-lei , iiiii aisiitc'ioipauiog ion ;;press Train bolli ttaya between Williiiui.port nnd llalliumre, mid Williauis port and Philadelphia. Fur information respecting Passenger business, up plyiillhu r. 11. Cor. niii uud ,ljrkei Sis. And for I'reiijlit hiisim.ssof ihe Company's Agent, ri. II. Kiiigstun, Jr . Cor. I3lh and .Market tits., l'lul'a- J. it . Reynolds, mi j J M. Drill, Again V. C. U- R llallimore. 11.11 lloiisl.ni, lleu'l. 1'r ielit Agl . Plilladi Iphia, Lewis V llo.ipt, Oeii'l.Tiiket Agt I'liil.ide'phiu. Josepli D. Poltr.Oen'l. SluiiiigiT.Williuuriioit. Jatinuiy li, I8,i3. f itllau-issa Hull iJuaii. l'ASS UUPKIIT STATION. HOIJTIIWAIID ROUND TllAINri. Plulatklihia Si N. Y. Mull n.m A. SI " " Hxpress i-j.j'o ,. SI . , NORTHWARD HOUND TRAINS. I.lniirn !nil j p, s,i Nmgra llxpreta 12.511 ' Si ,,. . ' , " S.OOODWIN. Sup't. Willlasmport, Pa., Nnv.S3, Ibii-J. I IHE PENNSI'LYANIA HOTEL," j iwriLi.K, .voxrouit covmt, pa. I Liitcrlainiiitni for Man nml llenst, 111 good stjlo ( nud at utoileiate rates. , . I'll Mil ;s N. riAVAOi:, Pro rii tor. Danville, April 19, hoi. Alh IV JKHSLY l,,US FOR SALE, A 1.80, G A II PEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Puituble fnr tJrapei, Pcnches, Pc.ua, Rntpberrlca, Strettlnrrirs, lllackhurrles. Cum iit, &r., of I '.'15 ID 1111 80 111 tea eiiih, a, the follow Ipg prices for the present, via: in acres lor 3110, 1(1 ncres for 8110,3 nrres for S' U. '.'1 acres for Sill, 1 arre for i-JU, Puyiibld by oiui dollar n week. ' Also, good Cranbury lands, nnd vlllagelnts In Client wood. S3 by Hl'i feel nt SH) each, payable by una ,ol. lnr 11 week. 'I he nhove In ml and fnrin- nre siliinli 11 i'h"iilw ond, U inhi nstnn (nun ship, llurlingloii couiili New Jersey. I'or further infunuatioii, upply, ih P.O Stampifora ciicular. to x . ANKLIN I'LAIIK, .- 0V tcJl" Sheet, Now York, N. Y. January 17, l;b3. STRAW ! STUAWM STRAW! ! ! ,1 A TONS 8 I'll 6 8 cepted. is I 111? f"v I'npe cnh will be R tV, of nil klnda, nuckwhrat ei wauled iiiimt'dintelv. nt the am aper tills, near Light Htreet, forwhich 1 be paid. Minn- . THOMAS TRLNCII, .Mill Grove, Augutt 9, 15CJ, BLANK SI BLANKS! I t Of Trv rleiorifiiflB, (or til. t tbl MSe Ka,t I 'J3 l'.M. v-r-V3?54 -rS-V. HAl.AMANDKR SAFKU, ii ni YvY.v-"..!r"S siovnn u, .vo. h sonth y. West Sid , !'''':. V'.; H rut, Philadelphia, have " i. :i-j t r ,.-.,,4 w ' -' li'nd a Inree assortment of iiiitnr bolh wnys on tiiesa . ,- r.' J-'.'i-jii .Thief proof rialainander i nlelphin tun Lock llai-eii. nn,l v sSC'-sl. . r. tt-s; iso.irnn doors, far hanks OATHARTI'O lIXiXiS. Ar Too alofc, fVkra, aiu( eoiupUluliiKl Art jou cut of ordsr, lth yoair sjilelu J itngrJ, and yaur fWllngt iirt. ooiiifotsWr Thisj it rup tuiua are often Ut lUTltie t tsaiuai UIimh. Soma fit ui ikknoaa l tmi,lug apn yen, aud auuuM tr aiMttil by lliurly M tin right rn rdj. 'Jake Ajrr's 1'lllt, ant th-aiite out ths UhH'rdrrtU ba Inora pnritV Iha blood, and lit Uio llalda mora on nnctt Irorlrd In lieultli again. Thsr allinulata Uia fuiiclloua of Iha body Into tlgotiAia m tltlly, puni; ilia sjiitin irom ilia olttrucliiiiii which tnakk dtaeaaa. A MM rltl lomawliara In Iha bcsly, and U inula Hi natural fonclloua. These, If not rallareij, rr.tt upon Iheinirliea and the siirieiinillnf organa, pro ducing ftrntral aggratallon, sulTsr ng, ami ilirM. While In tlili condlllon, opprrHCl by ha deraogemsiiliL take Ater'a IHU. ami if. horr illrec ly Ih.j 'tri ore tbi natural atllon of Iho ijstem, and wltli It tin ImoyaM tVallng or health again. What I" trna anil so apparent laa this trhlal Mid common complaint, Is also tnio In many of the deepled and rlangiroui dl.li-raptrs. 'IWfiamti Tiirgatlra effrtt axpels t'i- tCAusrl lit aim lar oliilrta (loni and drrangemsnta of Iha natnral fiinctloni cf Iha bodr, they are rapidly, and many of Ihmi sorely, riirtd bt the aama means. Nona who know tho tlrtuea o Ihrta 'lllls, will nrglest to employ thrni when anirtrlng rrorft the dlsordera they eura. BtatemenU fiom landing rny'lfwna In aomo of that jirlnclral clUas, ami from nlhcr well known pnblln pti, eoni. irsea a ftrwarrfMj Hetxtianl if H. Tsetr, !. 4, 18S V. Atr.t Tour rilli are Ilia pal agon of all that H rut In madielna. Thty hato tore-l my little Haughas ett olciroui urn upon her hands and fort that had prore4' Incurable for yeara. Her molhar haa Iwen long Relet onily anilcled with blotetiei and plmploit her ikln A In her hair. Afttr onr child waa enred, alio also Irtrsa, r Mh, and tbay ti.te.ured hcr. tr,rta MDOS. Al ri Famll fhyale. JYm Dr. K ir. Oirtwrnlit, t' Orkmtl. Tortr rilla are Ih.i rclnM or pnrgM. Their eioalleol niulltlea surpass am aalharllu " I'nsaem. Thty art mild, but trryeerlitln and elfeclnal In their action on Iha Ixiwela, which makea them lntalnabla to ut In the dally treatment of dheaso. Headache, file WHrwl itch c, Fori 1 Htomneb. tYom Dr. Wsyif, UMmnrt. TtimriBe. Arrm Irani tit answer ton what complalatg I haro tnra-l with your Pl.lt Ir'tter than to say till that we ere r treat witft a purijfUirt vuiicint, I place great drptn denre on an effectual lalhartlo In my dally contrit with dlaaase, and hollering aa 1 do that yonr Pills afford ui the teal wo hare, I of oounn talua them highly. riTTsaona, Ta., May 1, IMS. !). .T. 0. Arm. PlriT liata lieen repeatedly enrcsl of tha worst a'.ofncAt any body can hate by a dose or Iwa ef your Pilh. 11 seems lo arise fiom a fool ttcinKh, which Ihey cleanse at once. Youre wilh great rcepeet, F.D. TT. rnERLTJ, Clerk of Steamer Clai t-tt. Dillons Dlaorileri I.lver ComplnlnU. From Dr. TlitKlart Dili, if Mew York t',y. Not only are yonr Pills admirably adapted lo Hiclr rmr pnso at an aperient, lull find tlu-lr bciieflrlnl effncls uissn tin Liter tery maiked Indeed. Tiny Into lu my praa. tlce proted mmo efTecliial for Iho rure of t.iour cmra. fl.uwli than any one remedy I can mciitlon. I sincerely rrjoir-e tliat tre hate at length a purgatlte wbli-li Is wor thy the couudcuce of the prc-finr-iou and the ,eHe. DrrAniMrrer or nir. l.ttrMOR, Washington, I). C, "lb lib, IMG. J Smi I hare used our Pills In my geueinl nnd hoepllat practice ever since jou made thcnitaud canii.it hi-iitata t say they are the beet ralhsitlc wo employ. 'Ibelr rrfo Idling action on the liter Is quick and derided, fentt queutly they aie an adnihal-lo leincdy for deiHiigt-menta of that organ. Indeed, I haro seldom Imind mate of tijiour tiiteast ao obstinate that It did not readily ylvld la litem. Jratrrually yeurs, AI,O.N7,0 IIAI.I,, H. I)? J'iyii'ei'aii nf the jtsrmt Umj)lla Dysentery, Dlnrrlitrn, Itelnx, 'Woiims. Join l)r. J. G. fittn, oCViie-ma. Your Pills lotto Iml a long 1 1 lal lu my prnrllca, and I liohl them lu istri'in at one of tho best iipnltiits I Init4 -otur found, 'llieir iilleraliio elfrct uk,ii the liter makaa tbnui nil exiclk'lit leiuedt, whin tiiltn in small dotea fer oihotir tlyHnhry unl ditrrheen. 'their sugar-coalite m.ilics tliein teiy acceptable nnd couti-iilunt fiir the uata ol women nnd chilJiuu. Dyapepaln, Iinpurlly of the Tllenil. Piom Jttv.J. V. I limei, Itittor nf Mtmt Churth, BndML Pr. Aveii: I bate used your 1'ilts tilth extraordinary euccess in my f.imlly and iiuinug thois 1 inn rallod to niafl lu distress. I'n regiilnlo the oignns of digestion and purlfv tbo LliKtil, Ihey nro Iho tery best remedy 1 hnt erer known, and I can confidently lecotnnteiid thein tw niy frleudo. Youia, J. V. HIH1.3. Wmstw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Ort. 24, 1856. TIBtn Pik: I am using join- Cation Ua Pills In my pnrs. tlce, nml find tlo-in un excellent purriHtiie lo cleiuuw li ayslem ami vitrify IH fmtuUtmi if the ,s,sl, ' JOHN O. MKACHAU.M.B. Cniitlpntlnii,Cna Irenes a, finpnreaaltxt, Jthriiiun tlsni, flout, JVciirnlgln, Drop-' ay, I'nriil j sis, Tfits, etc. 7'iom Dr. J. J luiAii, Hmtrtrtl, dimdei. Too much cannot lo said of your Pills fur Iha cure ef co-fiirnrrt. If othcra cf our fiatcrnlly haro found them as ellicaclntis as I liaie, Ihey should j-ln me In piotlalnv lngltfiii' II, e buii'fltof tho miillltiides who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough In Itself, Is the piogenllor of others that aie worse. I bellera roa tiieveis to originate l-i the titei, Lut your I'llli affect that organ nud cure the diteate. rum Met. H. Stuart, fViytiV.m mil itldtelfe, Dttkm. I find one nr two large dr,sei of your Pills, taktn at IX proper I line, nt a excellent promotives of the iiufuiof (t fieri tthen wholly or pirllnlly riippiesseil, and alto tiry effectual to cleanse Iho stnmatli nml exi,if letimi. Thee uro so much tlio 1,e-t plijslo we bare that I reomnit-u4 no other to my patients. Dom the Jlev. Dr. ,ncUj,oMj UiBiodltt Fyii. rhirrA, IT't.iiKt Hofsr. Sarnnnah.Oa., .Ian. a 185ft. IloNnnr.n Fiat I should lie iinginteful for Ilia rollrt your i-Ull I has bi might me if I did not r.port luj riex. tn j oil. A cold nutllcd In my llmbsand biottglit on exrrn il.itlng neuralgic twins, which ended lu chmuic thiiima (nin. Notwithstanding I luul the l,at of phrslcliui. th disease grew worso and worse, until bv Hie adtice of yiair cxiellent nrent In IlnltlL-iore, Dr. Mackeiiilo, I tried youf I'ill. 'I heir effccmwcio iilow, but sure, lly per-wTcrloj in the use oftlirin, I am now entirely well. Poatc CiiAMiirH, lloton Rouge, La., 5 Dec. l5lk Pit. Avra: I have been entirely cured, by jour Pills, of liheumatk Qvut a pulnful disease Hint had aflllctrd mt for years. VINCKNT ELIDKLU ff5-Mcst cf the rilli In mnrret cnntsln Mercury, wlilih, although a valualle lemedy in skilful hnndi, hi ilangeroiu In a public pill, from the dreadful eonia qnencea that fiequently follow lu Incautious me. Theae contain no morcury or nitiiernl substance whxtatcr. Priqo, 25 conta per Bor, or 5 Bozos for $L Prop&red by Dr. J. C. AYEB &. CO., LowH, Hut h... n u . uu. li .tt nug, iiliiiih.aiin J It -ntef I'loi.uisbiirg; J rii linj li-r. Rohriburg ; Masters Sc riou, Slillulle; P Ma-leri-. llentnu ; Lazarus A. Pi-hrr, Ori .unietllle ; (5 r I'owli r rowli-r-ville: A .Miller. i!r. tiiik; Low Si I'.ros , Ceniert Hie ; II K Hi igluit t Nun I'spt , ,M fi Slin-.in.ikor. Iluckliorn ; Reipharl Sl Nuts Slniui ille : J Mi.irpless, Ciillaw isvu ; treaty & Cot Light rilreet: and dealcra et ery win re. July '.'il, Ira',-.' -I). EVANS k WATSON-1 y'tvrti on Fire ri.ifen and sash, all -:s;,-.- 'iH-fiif ninkea of locks teiual to any made 111 111" I'niteil flntea fire Safe tit one fir), tent ill "Pod eonditlan. .ill cant eat right; trllt liar Tho rialainander Safca of Philadelphia ngnintt tht world. EVANS k WATS'ON, havo had Ihe surest ilemostralion in tho following cer tificate that thir manufacture of rialnmnnder Safes has nt leimlh full) warranteil the representations whiih hava heen made ol them as rendering an undoubted security against Hie terrific fitment. Philadelphia April 12. IPSO. Vrssi-t Tenris.v Watson- OeiiHeinen - It niroriti ut t he limbi-H satisfaction lo ttate to you, that owing ti the very iiroleclive iiualiti-softivo of thu riulamnnder. Hin s wbieh we puri-hasi d i.f you sonic five mouth shire tie raved a large portion of jewi Irj , nnd nil our bin W, kr exposed lo the cnliiiiiiuous.flri' in Itamtead place o the iiiorning of ihe Uth iiiri,. When we relied Hut these safes were located in Ihe fourth slory orthe building w nccuiiied nnd that Ihey fell subseipiontly iiitnji hinp nf burning ruins, where tha tnst roiicenliritioii of the heat caused the brass platca ta inell. we cannot but regard the iirerrrt.Hlon of their val liable contents as most coiiiinUug proof of the great ro curily iiirnriled by jour rales. We shall take gnat pli nsure in recniiuneiidinf' tht-n- X men of biimiess as 11 sure reliance a train.! fire. , Or.ORIJi: Vi. rilM.MON'SJL llltO.,.rtJ.'. C7 I hey havu since purchased tit largo riafca. Jl"y "" if"'-'- A.itfiist'.'O V G R1212N WOOD SUM INARY. Millvile, Columbia County, Penh's, Thia well knowh Pchool for bolh aexet will opojj novi;.mri:r 3d,.nf.j. Tho recent nililiilnns to Ihe hiiildlnss; render natr-m" ndiiiions lor morn Ihan nj boanlers Thecoiirsoof siudj n ill enibmcc three dcnnitctr. -Iho ".oriuiil. the riilenlilic, and Iho I onunetcial. I In; 1 r'licipal w III buiutiatcJ by eiperienced lentti crt. I lly iiiiliili-il for their lespcciite potjiionr. iireiitsiiiiiloihertiiinvrettustiired that no elTflrU will be spared 10 make llu- r-chool ttorlliv of palronatt mid that I be wellare oi Ihe Huilcni,, 'inielleftualif, liliy.iiiilly, nnd morallj, will rei eit 0 nurronttaiitfart. tor npplirnlioii. cinuliirk or fiiilhi'r iuitiriilrt,-J, Pteaiho utiUrriigned.il Milliiillei nlumbia rtiuntyfc T. .MAXWLI.LPO'l'lri. JOHN H. rATTON, A.M.. Millvlllo, Fa Bep,..3,I6fS. r""' son m ficmsr M. k T. P. WATSON, T. IV ERY HTAHLS ATTACHE Bo7ii Bterttn gf Burma, ,vmi, t. k nttt.Patlfc. .... . .i.t... , .... . ,-. ' ""stores, iron shutters iron