Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 11, 1863, Image 4

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    Farmer's Dopai tmont."
jghr. . w ,,, '
old all his oows, with the intention or 'lpi.
ing into the sheep btisiur-Bs." Wo think
be mado a mistake. Shcip now are all
the rage. They havo undoubtedly be n
i I ....i ...I
p uuwiuiu iuu isnri. jt-iirt uuu t'oijpe
quently everybody wants to keep she.p.
It is theolditory repeated for the humlreth
A few year ago a farmer told in ho was
going to buy sheep. Wo advised him not.
"Why," said he, ''everybody is bujing
eheup." ' "That is the very rc:u-ori" wo re
plied, "why you should not buy." In
Icfs than eighteen months ho remarked :
v3Tou saved me i?500 by tliut advice. '
W'ool was tigaiu low, and everybody waul-
flVtfl Bf'l llinir klmnn. Tliciao U'lin iliil an
, 1 ... .1
vrouiu nave niauc money uau tucy held on
to their sheep ; but they wero too tickle
minded. They will probably buy at this
time, aud pay double what they uold for
We would' Lot bo understood as inti
mating that uojI growing will not be
brofitable. We think thoio who have
sheep will realize handsome proCts from
them. But to sell cows at a low price,
anil buy sheep at 'high figures, is not wise.
We believe cowa will prove quite as pro
fitable as bheep especially to those who
piirehuso sheep at the present high prices.
Butter and t-heese command high prices,
aud uro likely to do so as long as the pro
sent high premium on gold eont'p ucs.
Everything that can bo exported will briny
gold, and consequently hich .priced. If
gold falls, so will bu'ter aud cheese and
o, wo believe, will wool But assuming
that gold will continue as high as at pres
ent, butter nd ehesse will rotitiuue to
briug high prices, aud will bo among the
most profitable products that farmers can
raise. There can be no doubt on this point.
Tho freight on them, as compared lo value,
is comparatively light, and there is, and
will continue to be, a ready market for
them in Eng.-aud. Persous who wish to
. send money abroad, are now buying up
everything that oan be exported, rather
thau pay the enormous premium on ex
change. A few days ago an .English gen
tleman wroteno us from New York to in
quire the price of bran. lie is a large
manufacturer, aud had collected some
640,000 in this country, which he wishen
to take home with him. The premium ou
exehango was frightful, and he was desir
ous of putting the money into .something
that would tell nn the other hide. Bran
is the latt thing wo would have thought
of, on account of its bulk, and the incident
Shows how eagerly everything is purchased
that can be exported. Sow, as we have
laid, butter and choose can be exported
with leas expense than any other agtietil
tural product, aud eouicqueutly we muj
expeot higer prices.
We sny nothing against wool growing.
It may continue lor some years, ai it is
,now, highly profitable. But a?ide from
wool we know ol nothing that proniitcs to
bo so remunerative as the manufacture oi
eheese. There are few farmers in this
Stato that have made more rroncy than
the chccac makers in the northern cuuntic?
even at old prices, and t the present
price of cheese their profits must he much
larger than ever before.
The cost of going into dairy business i
not large. The press, cheese vat, and
utensils cobt comparatively little, and will
last for years. In no other country has,
mechanical ingeuuity does eo much to les
sen the labor of cheese making as in the
United States. With ono of our easily
worked presses and onoofltowe's Wcsi
.ern Kccrve Cheese Vats, making,
as compared with the old fashioned Eng
lish plan, is a pleasant pai If tLc
farmer provides a clean cow house, his
wife and daughters will not object to help
in milking at leaH occaioually, aud there
need bo little inonoy paid out for hired
It may be sskod, "would you recom
mend making cheoo ou grain farms'' I
In certain circumstances most deoidtdly,!
we would. 11 there is laud enough ou the
farm for both purposes the two systems
can be combined with great advantage.
Js land will bo sown to graiu3 but this
will provo an advantage in tlio end, as the
manure from tho cous will cause it to pro
duce a greater yield per acre. We have
no doubt that a properly kept dairy on
our largo grain farms would soon enable
us to raiso as much wheat from 20 acres
as we now do from 110 acres. And few
farmers realizo how much more the mo fits.
are from a co. d than a poor crop. Tho
eoBt of plowing, tceding and harvesting
ore near'y the samo for tho poor crop as
for the large, so that if ho could iueiciso
tho yield 10 bushels pur ucro, it would be
yearly all profit. If a field of u heat yields
15 bushels per acre, and,the'cost of tillapro,
eediug, harmting, is 10 buhcls, we
have a profit of 3 bushels per acre. If the
aame field vields bushels, tho profit.
would bo 15 bushels or (hue times as
much In Other worilr, WO fhoilld UiakH US ,
muoh from one aoro as fiom three. Can
, . . . . -tl 1 , 'in.1' I' "O i'"1" "'I -o'tte. t c liy 1100, J.l.lllVul-
not tbu bo done! No one will deny tlniti n.ii, m. d Auihorortim orem imok a.-.
- .t nnrtinti nf nm- f-ir-iiipra iln lint in t ' The world ri notviied iiullmr In thlsniliuirulil 1,,-rtnrs
a great portiou or our uriner no not gt i clr,y .w,ve, fr01ll ,,,,, n(VI1 . ., ., , .
near ID UUSneiS 01 WIlO'll per acre Ull tlie
- ' f n .... ... si.. or
average. Vvan WO IIOIJUM eaeny rl-u u Cp, rations bou:lo.inrlumi'iia riiiKsortir Ills p. In
'liiialiols. Or Cren 30 blleliela ? If this call , tiugut ainodenfcure at unco certain iiii'ltff filial ny
il)U8U0iai u u uitofit-fo . a.. ,u. H. " i iuhi-very uiTiicr no innitcr whathis ciuliiion ma,
1)0 doUO bV Jjtepillg lliore blOi'JC aild reilUOTibe,niayturahiiiieiri-iieu.y. privntuly, uud,
(rtUho area of land under tillage, tho labor I'l'" b-.wii.u.Bd..uJ thu,..
'ipi?dfid Will bei-rcatly ll-0lie,d. and tilia ill I Sent iiniter Mai tn any address luu plain, a-aled
JjCtULU mil b' "J, , 1 ' ! envelop.-, nu Ihe rotcifit or s x cents, or po.liico slainpa
these t ines i ono of ho most important Uy addressing. ' ""i,p
-.iri.e.,t on. w kiu i ola ui theattcnt ou
o frJHr. 2" Uintsct F rmtr.
J nnif nf Jac ,l Si'gfrtnl, il st nut.
trrrF.R-s f Ailininislrutiniiiiiitlio l'.tt nf Jamb
Mrtfrled. Intuitf tlrntnro tit n . Columbia ct . flar'd
have srimtuil by ttiit It -ciii' ml f nliuiitilii on., in l!i un ,
dersl jiicd ; nil persons liat Hip claim- against lli r t
iff til decedent arc rrquc- led ti' pr senl tli'in In III
Adminlstrnlilx Kt her ifkI.Ic-hi e In tal l lmvnhli "lib
nm tieiny, auJ all persons Indebted tu iiibKa psyumi
Janrary 10, Ifrtt. tw. ! vu.
' et a
D. C. HEU1UST, Pitot iitcrou.
?',""vvoii V"j.'c Hotel LtbaiWH, ft-
to tj TMw.Afiu i'i..t...
.'.' '""i
Msrrh s!, IMi'J ISiu.
No. 117 uud 111) North Scorn) Street,
Tho above well knuwn cstsjllsbr.iciil has been tin
by the subscriber
This llote' Is ronvenient'y Inaated in a central anil
business Jinil f Hie rily It islaigeund ctuuaiuJIo-js.
ami well furnls i'. I thruui.ll out.
Persons t Isltlne he city are r 'epeetfdllv I ri vf t '! In
call anil patronize this stdbllshiueiit, ns nnlhlug sball j
ii J wauling lo make ine guests LUUilurUblc and tilN
t'lllit-n ntiil vlnttori ran lit Nronimn(1iitfd on rn
onablu teruin by llw day. e k or uunth
J. OTThXKlltS,
Pi Oil r if' or.
e,"o77 fork StFhll.i. 'Mte of Baltimore, Md, and
m"i iinue. n coiki i. riiiuii.'iui.i.
riiiUnn llniip. hi'Cul
.Murolit, l!oi-3m.
502 Market Af., PhitatMphi
IMPOIM'r.Rnf Tiya, Plm and fjney rtl-lri,
Tlie lnrtcft varn ty if ripe. To. Bakct anl
l'U'as cull aud Eialuin:,
.Match 7. 183
0L ''Ihr under-iened would rciprfil-
irii I fui'X Inviti-your ntt' to tin wf I m
ai-Si3 a li-ctnt Ho k orpine l.'old amfHilver ntch
ft I'ltie Griil Jewelry, of ntery Kind anl variety of
lyle comprising all of tin) noMn.1 and wait Ijcuuliful
ANo, H.ill I Silver U'nre. equal to Coin-ami the
bent.Make of Silver I'lateil Wjru. Kacll artlcK' la wur
rantj'l tu be aa ri'iriiMiti'.l.
SJ Ventolin nn J jewulry caiefalty repjirod find
r.ltbfiictlu'i gajrau teed,
J Ifi'H IIARtr.V.
(S.icceor to SlaurT-r llarli-y.)
No. W-.'.M MiKUl' e-trca, PICl.AO'A.
I'eb'y 23 , 1803,-3 tuor,
Gcut'ral CouiRiisin Mercliauts,
Fiih, Provisions. Tlour, liutter, ("hfcje, Oila, Dried
Fruiu, tlrain, Seeda, Uiane, WLi.try, Wool,
Uoutry i'rodiirr miiJ Mercljanilic
No, 34 NuniM WuiftvEs, 1'niLiiiunu.
C7 Conaienmenta ofl'nnl.iin.. Plnur i',, ..,,
Proiluco noliriled, and retJrii prowplly made. I'ath
advanreil nheii ilcnirej.
UlllimtS for all kinda of Fih, Prnviilona, Flour.
Dried I'n.'iu, tc, filled tbe lowest I asb Prices.
aul'u i, ledu r.'ui,
HOWAltD ASS.OClATIONTPhiTaT-clnlili-fnr
t tl It.'li.'f nClh llirk nA, ..,1
adicled with Virulent and r ronic Diaeaaea, aud e.
ieL-ijiny iiimsee oi inerxmii rt!n!i.
.Medical Adwce eivrn Gr.ui- by tin- Artlnu Sureeon
Valuable ItiiPdltTSl on hi-, imiaiii imiiim ,
BlIMl.V I. VI!AKM:?S, anintli-r His ,ie iil'th- Sei
Ml Org.iin, nnd on tin NCW UliMr.UI i:- eniuleved In
tho Dispensary, bqiiI in sealed lettor envelnuei.. i'rev of
inarce. Aiiuri-Hx
Dr. J. SKlLil.lX HOrjOllTOV, Howard .Wiriatinn
Nn. a Houtli Ninth Street, Pluladcli hi. Pa.
April 5, lSb'J-l'Jin.
P 11 1 L A 1) E L P H I A.
iiowm.r. fc b'iukki:.
Corner Tourlh and Market Sircct. Philadelphij. lime
now in i.lock, a U.i variety of
iki - , pa ';(- ,
riot up cpesy for thir "-'prlus rn ie.
tottbichlhoy Uvite the atlentienof -tori-keep 'ra,
ll-In ihsir fi'ta.l epaitmeiit, ill ba loiuJthe
choicest styles of the oou,
M art h 7 le03 3 uiuc.aeaa
.n.-IC, north wiiarvi:.,
nm& MAKEKtf
Spun rottonfnr PanlkinK. llnpia. Tnliwa, Tar, Pitch
Oakum. Illmk!, und Oar. i.c
Atiiii,t 4, lenil- J2iii.
rplli: undersigned would announce, Unit he hanin hmid
I ntliis M:il .-mil ti,i Unip iriiim. on 'nm Si. ( u
hiirs. iiun-cirlineiitnf dilf renl kind nf le.nh r
c-alf skiim, ninroiiii. (red air In ni K)and linlan :,
cf hiih he ill roll rbejiper than ca h ba I eNnul'i . ,
n this market, Uall andi ieunue Hi. :n for vor- v
JOI1.N K. (il..'IOV
Hloonisbur)!, May '.'1, IPfiJ. 1 A
ielUSIUl tl'l'll tt :l ttt) . 'II Kits
fiU.ios.Notcrii Tiiiti -s piii-.ijir
Pivo doortbelot. Rare
IMI 1 1 Ai'lll.PHIA
" IIOL.'.ilSlIM'.-, J-(),j SALE.
Piltsbur;h Coiumeriial College.
Ilinshiiiuptiu "
Crittenden's. Fhilndolphi.i.
Siratlnn, & Co.. ' '.
Thes-t -'irips, are iuauinuuts nr$l5nn I SVl and nre
nssomui hciikh, by the Student nn entrini-eitli. r ofn, ,
above i nllescj. oiirit; ludu d siriiietuubtain a ili.up.
cd l ollegiato Ldiicatinu, it ill here fiudau'ood specula
tion by applying ..I tbu ollice ofthe
Nov. I Ho.'. COI.IJ.MHI III HOC); at
"PUP, iiudersisni d respectfully infnnns his old ftien.l
i ana eimtoiui rs. Una (s has purihaseil his brothers
merest in the ahnve establishment, an., Iha concern nils
hereafter ho couducted by himself xilusmly.
lie h is Just received ami ijit'-rs for tale, thn lar--
f't most eitentjve atsnrtuiMit of vei-
ipa&sr"N uv" inlri.luced into this market
, 71 . consists or a co npletr iitsortment of
lie btst taiokiniand parlnr .tnves in the nmrket, tnceth -
or with Stove P mires .,f every d.-criptmn, Oven and
IMX nlovos. Radiators. Cilii,,l.,r i ' . '
Tiaht Htnves. Cannon Stoves. A.e. ie ' Htntnin-,... i
j TinH'.artj constantly nn hainl nnd maiiufailured to order
aii jkini of rcair'ii
iririjr don.
as u.ual on tlmrt notice.
old friends aud new riistnmirs ra
pecM'uiy soiiciteii, a. .M. UL'PKRT.
inooi'tuwmi,. ,tuvi niuer leijU. If.
IJotisc and Lot t'ov Sale.
HE Subscriber oiTit.i for salrtlio prop-
lrtv rfirniilli' rt . I,.. 1, 111 . ' '
V' " "ws.urn. uy uuu ill (JIUUJI0lr(COll.
riH(i 111 u
iiii jAirirc una i nvptnrnt
and ofa well iinnrnvcd Lot nf ahnnt in
of land. TI13 premises are in p"rfect repair Apali.
cation may be made lot,'. It. Ilut kaletv, at Innmsburg
. . . . ,0, YV. J. WOODWARD, '
Reading, October 'i. Ud Sm.
Nob. 2 & 4 N. -1th St., PllILA'I)
Martii 7. 1W.3- 3m
Juit publiihidin ainlrd l'.nviof Irlcti lentt.
puMthtdin ainlrd l'.ntttf ' Vrtett unit.
A Li cture on tho Nntunt Trciituii'iit k
Ra.Mcil Curo r.f Spcrmat'irrhrca or Seminal Wealo.
;,, , i',lrriai!u generally Nervo,..,,'s., Cons',
J:P!!,';"' ''j'J .'"""" nnd hy.i.ui imup.
euiis' - - n. iict-soi ncii tons.- may ui . ir- tu iliy ie unved
Wllhout inuuiiiue, nnd tvillmut ilaugrins aurenul
ofSelf Anus - may b-i eff- luiily ce unved
,o,o. r,''."'..'1''." !.. .,
nrjtry tn, irw, i
UiITi iiu-V WAihU.
FOIl Til 15
AMI Till!
out kh o w w n n m 2i n v
D I A li E T E S
7tt'i Dani'treut and 'I'rouhltiemt Uiitftt, irAi(4aiir
thJiftr Jim-ltJ tkt b'tl Uirtrlid Trttlmnl tea it
C. Wjif inV Ctnltolliit tj 1 . t MKDYhcic Itftt t a
prnp-rliea of lb' la-di ine oil tl th ins lves to he or
rsiisi.f s rr ti.ei an. by -"sit Una the rouiiitloii of
the il'iaisili aunllv-r tliai th - lairhy prlnriple ofthe
Ioim is n d .-out ",ted into tu-gar nloiif as the sysltui
is uui r th - iiiflj uce id tbe
tthitli Rive those my.iiis to riroter their kpalthy
lou aiiiititrur We ar - able to slate lb t the t'outtltu,
lion tat r has turid t v. ry cascuf Diabclts in tthlihit
has bin given.
Diseases oct'Uriiii! from ona and th same cause will
be entirely tured by the Cuustilulion Watwr. Iftukeii
foi an) leiijith of ti.uu. The dose should t ar ttitbihe
severily ot the tlitease, from tttfiily ilrois to a t a
puoaliil Ihr.ellini's h day, in ttater. Darint tho pas.
aii! i "I Hi" Cakuliis. tbe pain and uruent tTiiiptiuns
should bi! cuiubited with thu proper rein-dlea, th -n
fiillniied up ttuli thu Cunstituliun Water, aa abate di
rt itsd.
Until disenr.'s nrlslnc from a faulty secretin of Ine
menstrual fluid in the one case beiaci -o little, aud
aCrf.-1"''''' s('eri! prtiii ; ani In.! tith'.'rii loo pro-fin-
v-r. t",, "hull Mill be speedily curt):1 b the
Cini-lituiU'U Wtftt r disease kootvnas FA I I.ING Or Tlin WOMB,
wliu h is ilia result nf a relaxation oflhj li;.iui-nts of
that nfemi, an 1 is known by n a use of hi'jvloess and
rfriti'Ciiie pains in the h.u k and sides, nnd at times ar
ronipaiiieil by sharp liiciuatiui; or shooting pains ihrnuuh
th" patts, tt ill. in ut. rases b reinQted lit the inedi in,1.
Then- i-aoiither ilass ol svuiptoius uri iu fromlR
Rl I A I M.N' OP Tile. Y.M.ttll, ttluih ihtsi ians i.ill
Nerto.isness, which word covers up i.itiih ieunrnuo!,
and in tiineeate. outof fn thu iloctur does not reaily
know whelh-r tli.i syuiplouis tire Hie lii-ease, or the
disease the syi.i. tonis. Wo can only enumerate th -ui
h'rc. lvp nk ninre particularly of Cold IVet, I'jt I ,,i t n -lion
in the lleait In.par.'d .Meiunry. Wakefulness, Flusli.
e of Heat l.aimmir. assitude, an I Dimness of Virion.
Which in the unm.irri d f-m-ile is a n-ciirrins
diaeas -i nnd liiriui'h luiileit the seeds nl mora urate
and a.iiii! roils mala tl 's are tht- result ; and as uioiith
alter mouth passes w ilh ml an effort bciu; made to at,
si.t usture. the i. jpjiri ssiuu b-tmn'-s t hro-it. ilie pa
tient itraluatlv lo ses h,-r appilile, the bott.-ls nre
toustipateil. nwbt stteats co.ue on, and eonmmpUuii
fliuilv ends In r car -er.
I his. disease riep'judi upo-i an inflimalion of mucous
hnlniroft e t.itiua and woioh. It is in all cases ac
ruiiipuiiii tl by s teie pain in the hick, aci-ruts th
l.u.nlt unl tbroUL'li the hips. A tentpuuiiful ofthe
medkiiii may he taken three times :t i,u, with an in
jection of a t ibl - spoonful nf the tuetliciut lulled with
a ha f pint nf soli ttater. iiinrniiiL' and c-vi'iiins.
IRK1T tTlOt OF TI1F. NlhVK OP Till!
TAP.Itll OF Till: HLADDI.X. tll'ilANGURY
AND ilURN 1 NO OR PA INPUI, I! H I.N' A "1 1 Ml.
For thi'M-nis 'nes it ittrulya tntoreimi reuiedy, and
too mailt luiniot be s.,i i in il f pr-na t A Miicludu'ishas
been riiuit to ri live Hi ino-t ur ul at itoi,is.
Are yo r troubled with turn iitr itim p.uu in the
small of ih 1 back nu I Hiroimh Ih- hips f A ti aspoonmi
a day uf Uuniilituliou Uai r v, ill r -ii 'loiuu likcii'.at'ir.
l'llll HYSI'IU'SU,
It h is nn equnl in relievini; the Mst distressiiur snip
loins, 'l-o, lle.nlailij, II-aitb irn. Acid Sio.oai h Vom
itiim I'lind. iCc. Taken I'-a-p after iiiuner- 'I he
dose in all in-,-- ,l:,iy b,. lucroused if desired, balehould
be done giruaually.
I'll V-If I NS
Have long sine- piveii up t ,i of biirliu, ciibeht nnd
janip.-r in th- tr alt tif ih se diseases, aiiuonlyuse
tii'im for uuiit tta b -tt r lenient.
ilnsirnted itsjli to the task that lias detolvid
upo:. it.
Irntata and ilr-iirh Hie kidu-y,and bv cnn'tnnt use
mill degeueratioa and' cmliruiud dis
ease. tslCfl
DtnviLir, Pa.. June'.' C-i,.',
Dr. Wm, II, (Jiu.'.o Uacr Air: In ..Iii.hj. lent,
u as afflicted wlt.ilu ic .1 i ib leu niw fur lit iinniiht
I pass.jii m ir. two Kalinin i)i r In ttt eul, .ua,
I I i r- I tt ii ii , in n i up a. iiliv-n t u or tit It.
tiniea dariiii: tn mht. and in lite iiinutlit 1 1 i.t
lilly pouudKiii t i. tli. i hi nn ih unmtli m Ju t
I i - I proujre. i tttn n ull nf ru i i am i "ii tVat r an i
in tttonays all 'i u-iuu il I eipen oe-d r. liel, an. 1 1,11 r
trtltlat Ctt ,1 bi.ttiet ttas entlr It cured, hmin ulUr
regaimui; uiy mw he.iliii .i.itu truly.
J. V. I. Ui; tVl IT.
Huston Corner, V. ., Dec. lei.l.
Win. 'I. Gr ,! i n..
ma: M"i. It tu e y m lib rt to ma!:.-use of lb
fnlluKiii!: irliil .it' mil tali in mi lil.iii.ui VV.,
ttr. tt .i'ilIi 1 e ii, r i ii.ii a a . in tne Ii i M ,u.i unr
My il . it ii.. it i- all i. k.d it nn iii in id .
.kri, h .1 le ,t in.. !i ii . a,i , in h c iii,ih, in.
I'alplt itiuu ufili u in, .lit.,. ,e.i it Hh I allii.c if lb
VViiub umi i if. ii i".i aii "iirititieii if Kin '.l.u,
der," I eall d a pli i laa, tth,..iU. n e,l h t ah nil
three ...iiiiilm ttn It h r than hiiniui
h r. I H n .iiplnf.'.l one . f in,! U t puyMi i,in I
cujI I fl'i I. Ii, i alt ii le per for about nine ui.iiiln-.
au.ttthil sh itat an .r his car t-he nja nut Miller
q lite ..s m ii h pain ; he finally (rave iier up aud tain :
h-re,ie ii luruiubl ." I'ur, Mil I he. "ulu us mi h
a ci.ii'.iilia inn ut" ru iiplaiuts Ih it uiiiciue eiveu far
on.! up ui- inaiuit mima other of tier ililliculliei.,"-
tba.ll till time tl ' cnuilil.-lired tn IliiO I'nS ii flllt
IV ien. an I t.nnir nil r a-linii.hiM. iit, almost the fir-i
dose a -ein. d to hate the ilsired effect andfhekipt oh
imlirnviiiv rapiuly in der its trealm 'iit.Hiid nnw super
iutuiidn eu'irely he,- iluiu -flits arl'.iira. Hie has nut ta
ken any nf Hi i in niuins tVu:n for . 'ilium Inur tteek
an I wuuro happy to .ay that it ha produced u perma
nent cure.
Mu.i rnno, Ciinh., Nov, 19, IfCl.
flR. Wtr.U.Gtifon;
Drar lr ! I have far several ve.irs h.i,n
"i'1'.""1 '""".'d '"mean,l ilancerous ilisea e-(Iran I
"icn ren.ieti i 1 rein.j. ies and dm tors, until I tool,
'""" ionni, Wahh. and you may he assured that I
1 w," I'1 w"h ih result. Ithase-itirely rureilme
n"'l"'1 lir,' innke any mo of my naineynii mnv tee fit
!" raiar t . the nieiliciiie. as I Live voliru coufidene'
I llll,ll"',lf'
Yours Irulv,
1 . .., Pm " SI UON'H,
' TllKfU: HK P ill S' NOI 5H
' Th -rn is niltlass ,.... in,, ,..,i,,. ...... ...
h iiitiiuc efforts unun tin hiiman rnnsiitnii..,, n...
bl'1 " nnd disea., ofn, Kidneys. Illailderand Urlnn-
i 1 " I llimush a lalse inn lesty Ihev are in u-
-. u iiii.iit.j nre so ai'vauceu ns m ne ru voud tut
control of ordinary remeili,is, and wo present'thu
To thn public ill, tn - conviction that it has nneqnal in
rell -VIIIL' till claws of dlte.iyi-t ., hul i
fiiuii I to einiii one B,.c .f incurln? ; nnd ttn trust
tliatw-shallln renardediu ourefforts in plating to
valunldu reisedv in a form to men the Mi'iirciuents of
patient nnd ili t-ii-i.ui.
Vt'U. H. (!i:OR(!l! CO., Proprietors.
Mors fc Allen, (leneral Aec-nts, No. 4i Clllf Si-Nt-tv-Vork,
X 'J' T O 11 N K Y A T L A W ,
ti.ooMsmmo. r.i.
OJlicc in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Chulm R
Itlir L.i Isle
Rlooinsburg, Dec. 1, leid.
.!. II AT , 0PS
No. .'i7 North Third Street Phila'd. ,
Nov. '.'0. leC'.'.
MII.IT SUV P1 !' .!,. ,,.! it...
for sale eh -np in th II onmsburs Unt & Cai Kuiponuni
.Ms.) Grneerlos.
i mil 'ctionaries .( ianrs,,tc.
! igars. .1
fointbiirg, S pl. II. lsT.1.
) IIK siibirnb-r ttuiild inform his friends. Hint hi is
I now prepared tn put up, on tuurt notice, aud in
s ienlilie manner, ifi best
euiTixi rui.vTKn Ltniir.vixa nous,
atlSIceiilspfrfool. Al work ttorranted,,, n ti, rK.
VllJS JbjiilJJa'5J JiUoJ j' D.ii't
dkvoti:i) 7V) utmatum: .11. nKt.iaia.v.
T la the'ilr'rlifn of this In pfnilUre nn el'
. Kant and puts lller-il'irc, -ut h us till culiliale thu
taste, ti Hue the manners mid nble till the alios ol
111-, I.lli-rary ttthoutbeiiif peiluulir, fi llcloils lulls
limn nnd I hariut r withoat bliouy. It ttllt nuike it. If
Wtlronietthi r. vir II Is knntlli ,Nu inDiluiliii! In (lift
tiiuiitry Is'lii.tu-r inapt ,1 in 111 funiily circle. Dufinii
th rirth.oiului volume it will rootluu tn iiinliit.ihi Its
charailer aa "Tli Uueeii of Hi i tlouthlii s.' In its
iiierhanlcal clccutli.ii by the Repusltrry la lint i ipiiiU-il
hy any Matfarlns In the laud, It la print n Hi in sti re
nltpeplal a ou the tlin st eairudi red i ipi r . and cai Ii
ujaib r contains Itto orluluiil st 1 1 eni'r.wliics, i , ru
le. Mil Ih high -slstvluni th, utt by artists tthn Mund
at Ihf h -ad nl tin ir prof, si-h.ii.
he llept.sltoiy hit special adaption tn the family,
It fdfnl.h, s a nn at amount of rejillnit adapted tit all
th-in inb rs of th.' tamlly yninK ami old not fur
Itetllut Ihethlldr u- pli ta'ied fill of 111 '.
In Ktliill ius ami II urral Literature it ocr ipiesa niche
thitcsiib fill d In nu ether wuy 1 s nailing tt ill tin
Ih - hisrlau a-eil good,
A iioiii! Its tii'itribiilors are found some of the best
tt rit. r in the lau I. 'Ill Ii pep -rs civ-- tl saute, spic
an i tarb ty. as tt II as in irm Uuu tn lis p iges, ills
tin Iiil utlouof th! K lltur and I'ubli-hers tu make II
th-first -aiiitiu of lis kind hi Hi rnuulry.
alt uliii'i Is invited tu the varied and I iti-r -i-tliitr ton
tililsorih Ii ilnrial l ipaitiuent, tthith cilnblts lea
tires nu tt here t Is tu be loun.l. It will IniliiJe -i-rlli
t ire i abiu t. roiilnlniiie many tholcu thnjehls an
'ipusilliins for the l.hri.liau rialer tin I in'iilsb r
Nut sand Uu M a nlit-tary ami tilllrn iinliince
hihly Inti r tlnif to the liniiisltve j It.tle s nf .Now
Pablitulloiis ; It l. is. ill rary S. lenllflc and lleliulo'is
ileiiitiiidt In fat ts ini ii'enls. and tallttics of periu.iiueiit
valu, i SIJ Imarc lor tliilir.ii tthlili ttlll be fill of
stones and an 'dotes i t ullaily a toiiit.-ieat an 1
inttrott ihlldreu; Kdilorlal Gleauiuca. made ni of
rich and rut,- pass n.-- aud anecdt t s gleaue.i lorui lli-i
lelitnr's reailiiif; and Uditur's 'labia t. Ill alio embody
I'lll-i a vaiiit).
'1 here is an economy In tnUnc the Mnrarliie, if you '
look at the amnuut ofthe r.-adluu liisltrr. A siuele vol '
uuie is l. inal tin tchl i-Jiiio. voluiiii-s tthich ut pn sent
i all a Mould cost $1 '.'j t-iich. Hut is )tu cut in the
lit potilory fur Tho Hollars aud a Half tthul ttouldinst
ton leu Dollars in the book firm; and ill li a I a r st )
nuuib r nf siipurb iUi I t nt riiviucs in the baicaln 1
I HUM . In view of Ihe uuiireredi nt iucnase In
the cost of paper and nil otther rials of a.auufiic
ture, and In 1 1 tv . f the f.f I that p;ilili-li rs 1 1 bn-k.s
are rna'ped-il tna )d from tttenlt file to thirty p. r ci lit
to the price of th Ir kooks tt u fiavu oeeuieil it uiisife.
10 uit.-nipt tliu pi.lillialinh t ftht! P. f r the
loiniiii! t nr at I- ss Hi in tmi and a Half Dollarr. This
luu 1 be paid iutariably in s.ltanie. I
t Ministers nf the .Mi'thuuist Upisrt pali hurchnre I
arcreiiit'd Api-IiIs and will rmlvi Sui striplli. ns uud I
Paymonls. I lit Pe K. Ilitrliciak, t iuiinnati,
l.orn- r iff Main v l.ichlh Mtetls.Cajltnii . Porter, New
Vtuk. Sotl.Mnlbury Jtri ct Orders Received bv Win. I
M. Di Uflhrj-, I hiiaeoi J. P Mapee, llotti-u; S n'iscllis, I
I'lnlHdelphlai J.P, Cmk ibiltiiunre; J. I.. Rend, Pitis
buiir. P. nn ; II II. Olis, Ihifl'.ilo, v.; hob. rl M Idroy,
tmi Ptaui Isi o, l.'al.i'P II. I'earuc, Portlaiiil. OieKou; A
11 tllil '.'1 I'.iternu tor, Kntv. London. Ihielnbd. Alto
tlirna'h riny urireilited truvillng luliiitc-r ofthe Meth
oditi fjpisii pa! I.huith.
Dec I.I, Im'J ,'ts.
; HH undersfcii-t- n nts" extensively t-mrased in Hi"
'. toviif raliut lettei'ss, nnd keeps coiutaiitly on luiu.l
n. for sale at bis Waierooms, n l uge assortment tif
NMrf I'-D
OKi'lNS, lo till orders on presentation
Aim In eps a 1:00.1 Horse and Hearse, and will ul al
limes be ru.i) to attend I'unerels.
SI.MON O. SlilVI!.
Illoomsbi'rc, Jauit.iry 2.1. l?Jt)
Ul'FlCE Oi- JAY t'OtiKE,
At Jy Vlc? & i ., :i!in-rs.
Ill SocniTitiRnSrsscT,
Philadelphia, Nov. 1. lcii-2.
'I h" ilii'lersirned, Invinc I en nppiiuted Sulncrip.
1 -iiteiit by IheS-i r H ry of Hu Trtatmy, is now pi..
pared to I.1111I-I1 .a 0ni t , thu
AfC tlirnti 1,1111 ti'iir itiit, I'lmiln.
of ih- Coiled Slal -s di-ig. aled a Piv.-Tttt nti .' re
deemable at Hi" pi atnie nl'thi! (ot-eriiiiient. alter (It e
ynrs and OLithoriijil by Act iff emigres, apprond
1 1 bruary 25. .. -J "
Tiu-ctnipon hoiiils nre issued In itimt of SaO. sihil,
f. " $11 mi
I h lt.-Ki.itf.-r Ronds in sums 1 f f50, $100. $590. SID-iu
an I $ i.liM.
Inle.eit it -ix per rent per nnaitni ttill commence
ro.u data of purchas -. ami is
l'A Alll.K IN OOl D.
-fini- Xpnually tthi.hi al. nt the pr-tent prenii-
11 111 011 col 1, to about iBht ieft eni per Annum
I iruurs. tier 11 , nt. tf. i liniiics apit ilist-. and all
nlni h ive any iiioni to invt-t sloeild knntt ami re.
I nib -r Hint Ih t-linin s are in If rl a First ort.
j n'.- upon all nil Roads bank tu. ks anl S -,-.1 in
.1.1.1 Hi linin use pro-lui Is ofuli it, tlauufH tar -.. ."ti-
'" IH ; ""r.v. an I thai Hu- lull and ampl pmt is.
1 u .11 1.1-for Hi.' pat in. nt of Ihh int. r t and linoi uit
ii'iiot bt custo s duties i:xn.! -'lamp, and
Lit i.evenui , serves ti, make Ihese timid., the
'', .lrv .uvtiU-tuv mill utiiht popular
Jt'Vi.S tif - t til the Mnc 1
T'ub.triptiniis reii iveilnt Pir III l.t-cal Tender Notes
or iiut-s nnd rh ok- par in I ks 10 ', .id.lidiij. al,
si ril.ers by mail ttil jeci ive proinp'.alt nti and . v
ry fai-ility niidi xplnuutii.n will tu afl',)r led 011 ininliru
tioll ut tliis , pice. "
A full aupplyof bonds ttill be kept on hand for imme
diate dt-lit try
- JYCOOKU, Subscription Agent.
Nov. H, lrfii 3m.
sirr.ii'i'iiOM'iiTE or um.
BO I GH & SON-1?.
No.20 Sontli oeinwai o Avenue,
The manf.ietiiri-ra lire how prepared In supply a
I'lrreilenian I with this valuibl.1 .Manure, They uouhl
re-pi-ctfully niiuoiiuci! to Pariuers uu 1 Dealers in for
lilicra, that Ihe price has b"en ndvanred to $pi n r
!M Ih., Ii need starct l) b. mentioned that Ibis 1 limigi
has been rendered ni-cesse.ry by ihe grei.lly increased
1 ost nf mat ti lls aud lubor. us tteli as by Ihu opi-ratiun
ol tbe U S, Tux upon luauuf ictuit rs.
Kvi'ry I'-irinrr utiue a Ferlilir. r, may be na.iireil
lint the RA V HONK I'llOHI'llATi-: vtill still maintain
Ms lush ( harai ter for ."'I IlK.t'li I II aud PLRII'V, hi
111a11uf.11 Hirers pri ferrini! to make a siu.ill sdvnure in
Uu i rif per aoii, 1atlnrlh.11 allow its merits to fall
bi.lnw their tanner standard, unjer inire.uo.1
in manufiitur ng.
'I? 11 is prepared from Rarw 'lones, nnd warranted
tn contain nil theij oriiiinal orsauie mailer no biinr. d
or cilciued bones are used, nn 1 11 Is sni I under a guar
anty from the it is tree iroiu a.lul
1 i.ition.
'Ihudeuintid fur llnugh's Raw Hone Super Phosphate
la.t year iikiiv niiimu tbut nf any pri'vimis one
tthich ii a subslautial cvidvuco of us high standard or
PHI Ml $1(1 1) -r idll l.itS CASH.
I lie nbovw may ba had of regular dealers, or rf
. UAI GH A. SON-t,
No, SO South aro A 1 i-nue,
rshruarvT lPrn-3,no VMUit itt-
(Opposite htuteawntt. Hall,)
V V ATT tc IIUm.lN'Gfl,
November 30, Ipfil. Munh 13, IMS
P. 0. HAKIflSON. M. Tt.
W 01.1,1) rt.peitlullt iiilonu Ihu cilliens of lMno.
burg, and t n iuin . tbut ho rniitiuui stho nruitlce
, , mi:icixk .1x0 suHm.i.r,
nd solicits a share of public pulronav'c,
Orrui: on .Main street, ilr.t house below the Court
Hol.e. I tl cm ui . irg,
P liriu.rv 3 I'. 'it If,
CK ! Ult.CKII liiiKK!:!
UJood liriclt, ju.-t umiiulucturcf
JllalMII)0 " alu cll'"l'- xihoiesalo n rn-cd
, i , H, At ih-j niooiu.bnrs llrick Yard. !
nn v lo i lie t.i sunt. i
I liioinsburg, June 2S, 16C2.
In (Hun House illpy,
uriT sooa to TRi orrics or th "cowmsh mmocrat,"
VeTHber, US
ui it: yo; t couui.
Tlie bci
nn cfii)it
til. nt iritf i
,i tin' "
tn tilt
M.Ul tul! inn' I'CIt
Tf.'K'S Crlit .i ' lils iill I,
tt a runt' i' If ii- d eei-iir iluu
In Ih II- tin i f. tu cure In
nil III- s I n H l - old,
Whiiiplni out-li Aft Ii in -in
i -ill ad'-i Huns i f Ih
I Ii -ii I nu I
pa ti f. ;
Ml .
I II b .
tl i um
ids i,n pr
th r ) i: Il
I' i II 'Hallo ,
lit -III V .
nil i s, II. i
tl s a. In,
I bl it'
i I.. Ml
. il. r
h .-IUi i r
III. ui. Hi
Li ll-.l-t lli
i, ii oi ii rib
HI illlj-
I nl r
Ull ) I'll
etlite ; can h taken -v In
old si p Is on i- - I i oi i
es. I Ini I.
Mn-'ntni loi P.ut r's b N
sain ha Ii en In u by II
il illl- for i.v o I- j o-rs, an
i.'t Ired It- p- - .it f,i
It i.- bulii't r touii.i ,i
lit ,h s l b I Us.
I . .1 ir nffli'lea Hi ii
and nib rs.
Mo.t Important. l i
I'nlsaui Is sold at a ,i I
II e Z.'ldop, " I !'
tn i
tt'tlieb Ii I l I' I i Hi r
of every one to ke ' it
ly use of n single huttl
times ils co-t,
r elf --II ii I r .Is I'll II
ttlll pr-iv lo I' north
NOTICI'..- Saveyour minify' Do n.l b p "tii-i-'.-i.
tn purrlinsi! arlirles at Is to $1 it hlrh . u not i- oil -l-i
th t Iriu -a f i I'le-utli nil ol 'fa 'n ii ' H -r's i u
ratlvu llnlsam. thn of iuin ii'm-tiiti-i!' i. hi. h Is as
great as nloi'nl u'nv olh 'r in -dlt Ine ; nn 1 t i. v i-j lott
prece it which ft I s .1 1, m i Hi' 1 1 in ' s. .
ci appa. 'ntly nail, nnd utiptl'ielpil -d i .1 ft l
eoini-liuns rer imiii "i I olh r m 'dlriu.-s on bl nib ir
profit nr" larg -r. it il Ih ru-it.ui t- I t l-t iii-m
liavitti' il.Tta.n rnti.-r s nn i milt, r -k I
M.i.l.i'iii-Porter s i uritive prlr 13 it a;
'n large bottles nt 2i .1 .ii,s an . las. tin Ini-r
ty Sold by nil ir i-del IsanlSlir Ii p i at "it
nu 1 in larger bullies is a -'.'! ei-nts.
II.M. N RIJ 'K K Pr pri tors Nt tt Vn k
January U. l"i 3.
tit'it.S '-': V Hit , '
Nos. 0, II, I.T, IS, 17 Cou.tlandt St-eet.
np.w voiiit cir'v.
Is nld-establithsd nnd fnvorilu resort of ihu ,,it.
Cniiiiuunitt haa been receiltl'rofitted, , j,,,,,,,,
t.l.t It. Il, ll'.l Vtllllle tll.'lf I, ml , I ,...t .
" " ' - ..".u,..,L-ir,, r'-llll-'tl. .11 t IS , nlll
..... ... , ,,, ,-,,lmn o
ii i. u". it - ..uu i.iiniiies ,i re sp, ciuiiy aiitl inn-
fullv provid'-il for
It l centrally loc.iteil'lu the Ini iness part of the rltv,
and is contiguous to tins principal lines iff et -ambtinl'B,
cars, otnnibiisses ferries. A.c.
In Cons?UUC-nc.l-of till pretsnre caused lit-Hu. l!il..,l.
Hon, prices have been reduced fo
One Dollar a-tl l-ijti ' Cuts per Vt.
I lie table is amply t,i,,li,,, with nil tho luxuries of
l i.. sensoii. null is en uai in lion ut , i. ..,. !...,..
" - ' - " " " J ui I oiltui in me
Ample accomnio.lntions ate nfr.r-, fr nrl fM
Ilv" Do not b -vr- runn rs bin km.-ii, ind others who
may sny "III Wetern Hot I is full."
D- D. wiN'eni:sn:it, prnpri-ior.
Feb. lO.ltt,'.'.
X.-ir-ff-f 't,Tfsti'. x
ammerciul Jlui iling! re i,
i!t Court Ioit.te, an mr of
ted oppo'ii
Court find ( i.i nun l-o
i itist.iiin-ge is in noitat-c innette.i with any othi r
'I'h energies of ih i entire Faculty are exclunvelv tit-.
t nted tnthis.
'I'll -design nfthls Instiliillon isto iiffurd to Vmnr
Men an oppurtuinty for ai .pnriug a I l.vroueh I'metm.
itiafs t.dueu ion
'i'hi-lliiot. and 1'urms are rarefullv i naugedbv
Pr.ittit-al Accountants, t-pii-sy tr t lis l.i,itui,,;
anilllii-coui-e ifflruliiHtiunis s-ich to t'ombiue 'I b, u!
ry nnd Prailice.
roi.i.noi vn: c rii-i;.
This Couise i mbiiir. s o.ik-Ke ping ju nil its de
partments. Pt-fiuiiiausblp. rltlim. tie In,,,
iness t tijr.-spi.rid -in . . i oiiuneri i,t- I alt . I'n m, ,. l (,,n
mnv, Cinnui n lal (.thn-.. nrtii. r-hip s III -i. r.lf l,r
teiting Count rt lied and nll.ned Hank-Votes A.e '
I lu Sp. ne rt.inSy.iem f Peiinui.iii.hip is''.'hi In
all its v.irl H s b.t C t r. jilful m itt .r. o th
i in--.".ii n.-t-in.isr ii i iriinein it iimier Hie Mi.-tlil
sup 'rvisnni ,-iu.l 1-isirucliuu ol the Pi 1 nciu il D w
l.uuti.L. 11 '
Mud nts ti.-inent-i atan.t time; no t -ii-ntlnn. l'su-1
tini" to t-.inip i ii-th C,'iure. Iromliito -h,.,.k, Aisis
t I'lc- roi.ter.-d nigra mat .s in procuring situation.
pVn'ii-'i"' 'r ' ''r' " " "'' m rl"-,"l ' ' ncraved Hi-.7-
P"r oit.ilogiie.f '.npigrs .i.-ci,netof . nman
ship, Aicent lo.e ttt.. leu r -t-ii'iis nnd a i r
I.OWKI. V Ml.vnn
Aug,.i30. (,lay3i tnotio,1;,;
i") RUT K N D E N ' S
riHLiitt i run t; imu imi,,
C 0 L L K G K ,
:V. i. oiri'tr 7 ; ( ,,. ,,,, Stttt ,t
'Pins Issrni-iios. tthi h na. rsiirVisAs- fa ioij, ,,,i
Is now ituiM'tpi nth III Ih nL",irrnt!i ir of lit . ti,
: nutidi rsamong it. . hnndri's if ti,,,
luosl.iiicetsl'il tl rch nits ui.. iisui -s t r,;,
TiiKiiriiicTufth-Insiiintinn i.. , infr..r.l v.-.tri..
in -ii fii ilili-tor thor. ugh pr ar-itionfur bu.iii.'.s.
Tilt Ms ti nits T i-tfin ar-, t;k.rr-p rF. ns apilica.
,l'' ,'" '",' la.liu.i.t. of UU.I.-J ,a ,,.,
but h plain .in 1 oru.iiu n 1 1 ; iv,., i,r
inairs. A'ui - irai,, 0,r,l l.wniiitrr nr. lira,. -., Ann-
ogrpliy, and .Uirrn Isinriwfrs ,...
TitSfUM or lisrei-tniiN isp-cnllar i noct.iste, r
, -t i lesson, are inadu u e of. but .ach -tud, nt is t n-.t
in lit dually, sntb it be may commence at nnv , , ,
attend at it hitever hours ar ust iv.nieht.
CTti.niiits areissu.-d a.i!raanfter tho 13th of .,ril
runlaiiiing names of th i student, for th y -ar, and full
particulars .fft..r..,&c.. and may bo obtained ai any
lime by the Principal.
1st l:xTf:s!vu Ai'ifMinniTi'in. vW-tprn I rsiacimr,
nn I th j..isji,,rl rri..fp,l. th,s In.t.ii,.
li in'.rr,rsf.irilitts.upi.ri,.r Many other in - th in-
try. furyoung men wi.Miig topr.'iar- fr leisine...
....ii-mo-- . n ruiHt. tfum vitl
pr vfa rttcmiuivditmi for Ihuui them to any Alercl-un'
tils House. ' 't...iu
iCT-CsniHotH's'-rriM e T'tilitn us I'nnK-Kui-im
now uore ttidelycirciilatedthannnv oth.r work
ou the subject, are for sale at tho College.
Jan. Sj-IPO-J 12m,
N 1 1 10XAL COM E .1 1AL COLLLfiLS
iViy York (Jilt, Ii-.Utjiiy Ab'ti-y, 7 ,oy
Itujfulo. Lie roil, ( li inl.tml, Ciictixo,
un l .V,'. Lomt " i
llnok-keeping, Prniuanship. Cnsiiuercinl Arithuuti
Lniumi rilal l.utv,,Foriu, Corretp.,udi.iice, ic, piuct
cally taught. 1
'I ht so Cullegos being under tho same general nnd lo.
cai uianiigiinieiit.iiiid iimtiuc lu each the iiuvautugc
nt all, oil r groiterl.ii Hities for imparting iiistnns i
than iinv oth r similar inslitution in the cuuntry.
A Siliolarship Issued by uny uuu isgu d in ull ft i n
unliiinl. a inn.-.
The I'hil.i leiphla College boon recently enlut.
and ri-furiiished in n superior manner, un t i. i.ovi ,
iirgestundnio.tprojperou. I niuuiurcial 1 n unit inn i
till' Mi'ltfJ
I ryiiul A: Sirallon's seriesnf Text lloolis cinbrno
Uuk-kceiliii,riiiiiiiierrMl Arilhuictic, and 1 mnmer
Law for sale, and sent bv mail.
iS- For full (lartlcular's send fur u circular.
October Iti, leu-.' - l-.'m.
FI(nsiIOV.iT' RJ ican bjnbtalni d nt ull times, nt Ihe
lluling Room of Iho under, igtied, uu Mainnrei .
P.lnoiUfburg. Pn., Sept iff,S. "'STOM.U.
Estate f Danvl Poatl ,cc'tl.
I P.I'IT.US ii-Hinisiilnry mi Ihei-stntn nf Daniel Bui.
. um. lui-ui ..r.i iwnslili ii, i oii.mbii, eoiiMV
peceusc, . luv b e,, iti .-, -, t r-.l by ,a Jtegi,.r f '..,y
lin.iniiniy to thi im ,.,.si, ah r ,,, , '"'
lotyn.hip, al In .rs0, c,(u ,,,,', '
of lln- ilecend nnM ri'i-rsp, it,, ,.., ,h
ixeiuterat lisrnsliUnco in said Mwn.hjp, iti
delay and all pcraons Indebted lo make pa) i n i,i fbnb
ft - If :
4 I
lit .1.
1 1'. t i.
I N Ti.M Ull
I 1 i. Kh. I.
u r.toi riiti.Mi-i-Pii'A io
. F i-l.ssM i,AAlA, '1 1 1 li
MIStiUlitlAN'N L, M "!
U'V.iwINii VAl.l.l.H.
(Ill I M. NUu I IIWi..s'l' AND
'1 UY, (.'N' U) tS.
..f ate Hi i rnmpaiit's depot it (hrll euih Had nllnw
, I stre. t. P.i.lsti Iphl.i -it' iKfd ' "'3 "'"
it st is A. tl, fnr ll-ii.llu, l.ehiuo i, ll.irriih iri,
I'nlltillle. I'ine'rnt -.'I'ainii'iua. H mbiiry. tt llll t.utp tt
lit,: I '.t. r. Miiruru. V'ail., liull'.il". A i, n.
t il"e"bairi'. I'lllstnu, Yui'k, 0.1 ills u'. l.hiiii,hjrsbi.ri),
'"liiiVlniit'i' .om.oUa Hi RI!AIH,V I Hh Hast P.-.,i.
.ill,, oh i iill I trains t ir iienniivu. .nomu
train for llnnl-birj e.
'Ill l.l-Ii'lU.UI tllli.'J in " , '"-
.'Olll i '1,1 P i.N Willi Cilatil-sl llallrti.i I Mi
t Ilk tbiir . Willliiusp ut. leu 'I-'"'1 ',l,'"!,r,'!;n"
,t H xillllS.u im ttllh tnrtur u central Lu.ntierl.iu
Null y am Nhutlklll ani hii-m h il Irains for
N .till limb, ttldi.tiii'l'iul i"f ' huuujrsb.irg.
"" ''"""'AI'TP.Rt.iONP.XPIII'.SS , n
I e ins Phlluelphla ft .I.W P.M It ri.ll-is! Polls--till
.I'M gio.e. Il.'itrl.bir,'. tsc.i: unl illi.u al itril'
li'iii: tilth P. n'iiJh.nila Uei.lntt il.iilionj r.i ns i.r
I'llt-h'ird it, iNi.rlh.' u Itiilus In,
.-sinb.irj. Xortliu.iiberland. Llmlia c, mid l Hoi
l.'liiilo.i win talatti m rai.i Iralm lor ,tnli..ii
Willi iio-polt, r-lirtira lliiffiln ,.,...
.nt.a R liuntllilOA M . st ippint! nl ill tt n
stations , ariltvs In I'lilla .elphia ul .JJ ' .M
Kilut'iiug iMites l'liil.tileliltla an.'' I i'ilvo
'"ria'ins'for1 i'iii'la I. Iphl.i I hvj' til A.
and I'ulfiitllle'Atd.l.i t. Iritliigin l.i tub l b a
I ,1.l I', ti. All r.ioun Irains I uv atnb'irg nl
,M., nun Pott at ill 'al 'i.'.M I'- M. arrltniK afl hi ail lu i
NliVr'k-1 Willi a p Meiiger i nr nllarhed, leaves
Phi Mill i i I I'. M.. lor u a luu an all way sla
.i i.'ji... i.e.i .In-! nt il rij.iu. uu I I) ittninaiiiit u '
! al I P. M. lor I'hlla i. I.ln.i an I all tin) l.1lions. . ,
Alt Hi- miotn traiits run .iiiny nun i j i
fuu.l.iy Hillus l,utL'l'oli.tlllJ at f.-luA .I and I li II:-
Ps.s-tig'rs icim Dii.tniiislottn nu I iulertnedi-itt' I
I poihlsllk III r.l.i A .l an I 4..IU I' l irillli. ir.mi run-
ailelphia, reiniiiim Irooi l).m nliiiiteit u ut t,ud ,t Al ,
and !!.:. noon
' ,N lltt Y'lilK I.Arill.i r 'it ri! i -i.un'1,
i Tnll WIMP. ,
1 l.-nv.-s Vett ork. nt ' I' Al. pistlug I't'inling .f
i U,n; ) tt ti i; lit . liiiril-haig tiiin
I'fllllStlt.llllJ Kllllload I Xp-e-a I Mill fnr l lll I'.llg
, Hitit r. xprss I Mtes arri b irg iiii uni-
i val i I'l'-nn-t It uuia i xpr ss I r ii ii i I it t f if ir.' a -i.M A
' ,M. pi-. Ins Ili'.iiiiiJ A .e . 11 all aiming at N tt
- tmi, at I ..II A ,M fl. epillg llir- ... tonll nit III s
(lain.tliioiiiih b tits, it J.'.s y City an . iitl'Hi.g tilth
oul cheiue. , ,
,l hi ir.iinsfor Nev t ork I nt'.' 1 nrn-l urg il . A
nnd-J,!!1) P Al. .Mail t .ilnt fur llurrubnig le.vo (tuv,
Yilrk ulli A Al and '14 .i-on. 1
SOUL' i - Iti .1. t .I.I.F.i' RAI ROAD
Tr tins nave I'ollitvill. 'at 7.1a A t 3) '
. . r....l. l........... I. hi. A
ri liliiimsi . ix u.. ,., ,,. . ,,
II O f U A i , .1.111 4,1 I I- I.
M-ih . i.itn.
AN S.Kl, I LIIA.t.N'A it 1'.
11. jA l.
Tru ns leave Auburn il .1.41 AM for Piii'-gr'vj a d
llarri-iiiif. and at ,10 V a, u d T o i.r pi. gr o
on t . rilorjii'.j irm.. a. n.-nui j ai i,.iu i .n au.i nuiu
Pin', erove at d A .Mutld IninlJl'M.
' Through fin class t'lik ts'nntioinh'rinit'ts to ut'
Ui i priniipU ilililit in th : North and West an I f au.i
,r. ,-,, ,,,,
Hi ki'ls are ohtdliiahl.- unit- at th olht -
ofS. i.raif'iru, I'r i.isiir -r. No. 22 -oilh I .i.irlh si
l'llll i Iclphl.l, ilr of H. A iNli-olls, t elieral tip rtiii n
cut, Reading. . . J
commuta'it n tk;i;i:'I's. ,
At-J.! per cent, discount, b ttte-nauj p..ilits ..cii d
Mi ta.Milii.-s una llroi-,
.Ml I. tct TP KT. Ir!
Goo I for --tl,KI inn -,b lit .-.-u all point , a: ii 'X . iirh
for laulltit-s ,tn.i tirns.
i'. SO i I 'Kl.T-',
For ih'ree, six nine or titelve nioulhs. for holder-
only, to .ill points, at r.-uur -iat"s,
Residing nn the tin.-ol Ihe rit.i.l ttill he firnl-hvl ttllh
cards i-nrillajl Ihemsjltes ..n I wins l-i tux-is al linif
I'.X1 UR-!ON "I ICUPl'l,
Frbin l'hilaiclihla liipriuru:i stall i n. gisn I fir :,.il
ii r nit S'tiiua) an I II uuiay. at r lu.-.-il f.ire-i. In li.. nn i' '.ii Hie Llcln t O.hi. stTliilteeiith ani allottl.ill
trei Is.
Flir.lGII P
Goods of all description futttarl lo all Ih-al.ote
pi-ieis fro. u lh Louip ta's new freight ite..,l, nr .i.l sn i
t illutt str 'its
le ave Pbila 'el ti i.t dailt .it i. W. 1 I M ; it'l l 6 P
M f ir IMa in;. L- haiinri. i'arti.burg. Po'.tst ill.-. I'oit
Clinton, and all point beyou 1
v a7i,h.
Close at Ih- Philai'i'lphia I'n-t ofBhg fnr all plates on
the r' a I a ti I it. Inam ties at A A .11. an i fur th princi station- on v nt i 10 I' .tl.
d Iff r- P". b 11 I -til
i is.' It , bus tt .1 !i.ltlt f. it .11 If Oail
V AN'D AIT R niX'M. 11. Htl 1 I'ASSHNGUR
Al 0 V I .N G S O li T II.
; i. m.
f ID Anne
II. I.)
II 1 P.M
N " P. P II
p. ai.
I t.
''M P
Li ave Si-i.iuti.n,
" Kingsiun
" I! iioiiisb'irg
" Itiipeit.
" ' llrfillille,
Arritt- nt Nor: iiimh.-rl.ind,
.11 O V I c,
Leave Ni.r'tli.iu-.b- riand,
I am llle,
" Ruperl,
" - I. ui ii-burg
" KlUgstnll.
Arrive at S -rent m
I. A.
r.-Ti ,
10.1) 1 P. M.
1.1.1 P It
A Pas., ti. er Trln If
bans Moist' n i.i
for er niton tu
ilh ir Ho for V tt v
t irmn-j. leaves S. ratiinn mi arm al of 'Praia from N' -tt
1 or. ai i.t.i r. i.
'Ih" in 1 :'lo,i,n biri' H.iilto.-i ! .o'.".."itf
wilh Ih lila inr't it-. iiniix an I -hl -rn Kanmad
nl c ra ut o i for N'ett Vuik and ini r u ''' p iitsi,i-t
At II ip "t c roum ct ti ilh the C.itt m is..i Kai ir.a I, lor
points e.iti and tt. si- !. rr i r i n , 1 hna. i li tin, i,t
7.ihi I . Al. .
At N'orlhuuih- rlan I it . i i.i. i is itli Hi Philad. Iphia
,t F.-ieR. K.nii.iN.C K . R. f r points tt.t ami nan Ii
-Pass ug. rs nrritiug id llnrrisliiirt; 4 n P Al ; Phil
ndi l ,'im III P. .11.. I allinii.r. Ib.-.n I . .".1.
JOHN P. 1I.SLI1Y. iri. i
J C. Veils, i7cb7 TiAct
Nt.ttmb r '.'2. teliJ
I ()).
!'!ii;i & ICrie Kail
This"grent hue tri.vcrs's th Norlhtru and North
tvesi cn intic "I Pennsylvania to lln- my iff Ln.,ou
Lake Krie.
It In. b-en Iras-d ir the I'cnist Ivania Railroad
Companv, and uud r Ih.'ir auspi es is beia;
open t. tltroagh oil its ei.lire leuglh.
Il is no hi use fnr Passenger und Freiht busliiess
from Harri-bjrg toDririttood i:i Pork) lit unlction
thj L-tti. ru Division, and Iron, Sh.lfn-ldto l.rMoiiibu
Wi-sti-ru Divitiuii. (7e miles)
Mall Train leaves, 1! ii 1 25 P. M.
F.r.prus Train " 11 i li
.Mail " " Webt 5 H '
Pxpit ss ' - t, ,-j.f a. M.
Can run through ttnH in tsor b ith wata nu thesj
trains b.titt-cn Philadelphia nut i.nok 'll.iven. uud
tlultiilior.' mil Link 1 1 1. v - n N.-tt and elegi-nt Sleep.
HU l.'uis uccuuipaliiiig th l!xpr-ss Tram boih ttnja
b.-ttveeii NVilli.niif p.trt and llaluuiore, and Williams
port uud Philadelphia.
Fur iiifnriii.ilinn resperiing Passenger business, ap
plyiitthe ri. K, l or. illh uu I Alarktl .-its.
Aud for Freight husi.i. ssof tlio .'oinnny's Agents :
S. ii. Uitigston, Jr , Cur. IJHl aud .Market Jsts,, I'hil'a'
J. tt . Retiinl is, Lf! i
J M. Drill. Ig'iuN.C R R., liiiti,nr,.,
11.11 llouno.i. Oi-u'l. Pr UlitAgt. hiluiltlphiu,
l.ettis .- Iloapt. G n LTiiket Agt I'liil.i ie pluu.
Jns-ph II. I oils. G, n l. Aliii.ifi-,-,Willi..ii.ipoit.
Jaliiinry li, iB .3
Hitaus-i i.rtil tti.t...
I liil.i.h Iphu it . Y. mail i hi a.
" " Hxpriss l.'.il) A.
lllmirii I'utl 4 p.
ftiiigra t.vpress 10,-1 a
Wllllasmporl, P.i., Nov.S'J, Ico-.'.
M.vrii.Lr., .vo.vroun; i'.i.
I'.iiii riuniiiii ut for i.ini nml Ib-nst, in good nilo
uud at ii.n.lerut.' rntes.
, ' ' ' ' 'IS N. SAVAGi:, Pru ritlor.
tfaiiviii.. .tprii iv, ieu.'
MM fll.ltSi.V I, iiNiii) Puu .Aa..
Siiituble for Grapes, l'iaclii-b, Pears, linsphei rh s
Slrettb'rries, lll.u kbirrp s. 'n r. ni , kr..i (i .
111 ou -.'It in n-s null. u. the following price's fi Yihn
present, t la ' -'u ncr slur lil(i. III nens for SHI) 1
sr ii' fur 1 ii- '.'I "i n fur Hu, I ucro for S'.'n.- I ntuble
by one dollar a tv.-i b. '
Also, guild I'riinbury I mils, nml illnge lots in Cliuit
tv mil. Si by III'" f.-. I nt $111 eii' h payable bv i.ujioi.
Iur u tuck. I he ubove lain' Iniii fniiu- nre'riliiit. n
i'h iitttoii.l,Wusliiii!ttoiitowtiship. Ilurliiigti n roiiiut
New J-rn-y. lor furth r iiiforniatlnn, apply, v. n,'
P.o Sl.iuni, lorn circular. tn
v ..,. . "-J'" AN'KI.I N CLARK. '
'u. '.'0 Cedar Street, New York, ,V. Y".
January 17, 1'.iX
v ! S'VHAWU aT.UA.Vi ,
'MjVn hl'lAlV nV nll'k iiull 1 n..S .... .
I " " - Hill H IK'iH I T
U'litod. Is wnnle.l iniiiUidi.-itely, nt Ihu AID
t.r.ivu I'upir Hills, ti url.isht Street, rujv,iic,i
11)914 I I II J lllilll,
.M,ll..,nVe.Agus,9'hf.r. m
BLANK S) "iTlXn"kS!T
Of every tarcripion, for sal ai.tltis offiu
Atu jiti kIcV. fi'v-Mei and
coitil'laliilnKl Ate joitcntii
crdtr, with J"r sjxlim d
liiugiil, nml your li cling uis-roinloi-Ulilt'I
Tlif-sa yiur
t uns nit- iffd ii the latitude Is
rcrlolll Illness. Poms fit of
sUkncsa If rirrplnglipon yon,
and sbnuld lt m ortt-.l by a
thinly 'f Hi rlitlil rmv
edy. Ti.e Jijrra iius, nim
cleniisa out the ilbioidcied liu
tiiots pttiify I ho blood, anl
id tho llaUls move on unoh-
sliucted lu hcalin agatni
' silinut.ite Ihe functlom
P'HI7tw?Krt.R7 -i! "f Ine- Isjdy lulo vlgorcn; no
om. n, obstruclluna which mk
dltenso. A colli K-tllfS smnettlieie In lha bo,ly,and etr
Mruets II. iiatiiial functions. The.a, If not rellered,
r a t up si" Iheiuselvea nnd the Burro.ii,dlnB oi (run, pro
ib clng R- H'iiil aggravation, suITeiing, and dlseasj.
Wh "s In th i condillon, t-pprt-.srd by lha tlotaligsmen s,
lal Ts tei's Pills, nh.l sea liutr dhectly Ibey restore Ilia .
lalfiiai action tithe, and ttlll. It Ihe buoyant
Rcl gVr i e.t III! again. What la true mid so apjiarcnt la
1 Ills fit la ad coin moil tint. I' nlau true In luaiiy
of the .'eps". cdnn.l dungeiotn illsle.Hpers. The sam.
I ii gatlta Uecl expels ll.eiii. Uauseil bv -Im liar ohslrno
tlons and ihiaiigemenls of Hie nitiiia fiincllon nl 111
UhIv, Ibey are rapidly, end innw 'f I hem finely, turett
Kile imo means. None it ho hnotv Ilia Thlin'it or Ihsa.
Pill., will nrgket to employ them wtion BUlTeiltiK iroia
the dlordei tiiey cure. ... . .i
gutenienta fiom leallnt? ! -t im l "mo r.f lh
principal lilie", nd fruui other well kuuwn public iiei
lUm it Forwrding Mtrehmd rS. Unit, IVb. i, 185ft.
Dn. Attn! Your Pill' are the puiagoti of all Hint Is
treat In medicine. They have cured my lRUo ilaugbtsr
Iff itlceroin suiei upon Iier bands and feet Unit hid proved
Incnriiblo for jeiirs. Her mothor lias been long griev.
ously allllelcl tt Ilh btolchei and pimples tm her "kin nn
In br hair. Artec our f Ml I tvai cured, the also triur.
jour Pills, and lh,y have cuied 1, MonaUD01l
Ai a Fnmll Vliyalc.
JVoni Ih: 1'. II". tUiliei-.jvel, jV(i Ortean,
Your Pills nre th. p.-lnre of uiiges. Their ewltont
nimlltles suri.nss nn.t callmrllu ttt; possess. Uiey are
tnlld.but very certain and cITi-cliiil In llielr ncllnn on the
towels, which mikes theui Invaltiublo to u In thejlallr
ticatmeut of disease.
lIciilnclic,Slrnil'tni1nli!,PoiiI Stomneh.
Jhm Vr. JjaVJuI lhyd, Vultimure.
Dunn into. Ainit Icnmnt ntmver you teia( comphdnla
1 lintn cure fit Ilh your I' better lliimto fay oil Ha lee
ci rr li t it with a purnatli t medicint. I place ureal dc pep
deneoon au t irecluiil inlh.irllc In my dally contest wllh
disease, and believing ai I do Hint jour Pills aflord us lha
bust o hate, 1 Of coaisii table them highly.
PiTlsntina, Pa., Mnv 1, 1S55.
Tin. .T. C. Atf.r. Pint havo been repeatedly cured of -the
worst littitlichu nny body can I. mo by a tl- se or two
of your Pills. It seems lo utlso fiom ft foul stomach,
'which they cleanse nt onre. .
Yours with great lesrect, Pit). W. PRLRLP!,
fltrk "f Sltamtr Vial im,
milotis niorilcr I.lvtr C:ui,laliiti.
J'fon Vr, Vitmlart IUI, nf Km iork t'.ly.
Not only nre your l'llll udinli ably adapted to their pur
pnso n an iipcrlent, but I find their beneficial effects upon
Ihe Liver very mntlied Indeed. 'Ihty hato In my prao
tice ptoted mme effectual for Ihe cure of biHnut cum
jiiuintt tlian any one lenu-dy I tan mention. I sincerely
rejoice that wo hnvo at lenglh n ptiigallte width is wcr
'lhy tbe confideuco or tho piuIesou and thu people.
Jlrmr.TMr.XT or tut iMinion,
Wieiblngtoli, D. C, "III (ell, IB'iO. '
Smt I have nse.l join- Pills lu my geneiul mid hotpit.-tl
praelkeetei since you made'them, and cannot hesitate lo
say they are the best cnlh.iitls we employ. '1 heir legu
l.itlng iiclloni.n Iho liter Is quick nnd derided, ennse
ttuently they ale nu iidiiihitble ii-meily for derniipcinenta
of that oigan. Indeed. I hate st ldoiu found n cue iff
Lilii-itl diseatc so obstllinte that II did not leudily yield to
them. iiuleinally ji.uia, AI.U.N.0 IIAI.L, M. D.,
J'nyticimi of tlu Martin Ifoipital.
Dyaciitcry, IJInrrlurn, Itrlitx, AVorms.
I'ntin Or. J. V. Oittn, if I Vuciiyi.
. Your l'llls have bud a long It Ini in my prat-lice, and I
bold Ibein lu tsteeni as ono of tho Ik-sI itfiol ie-nla 1 halts
rver found. Their ulleiativi t fli-t t upon the lltel makes
them an exiellflit lemedy, when i-lien in small doses fer
bihintt ilyienttry ami ilnmhmt. 'llielr siiKiii'-coallii
makes tli't'in tery ncccptnblo and couteuieiit iur thu uiss
of women and children.
Dj-uprpalm, Iinimrllj- of tlio Tilnoil.
Vrom Jltv.J. I". llima, lUstor of Admit Chuit'i, Ikitton.
Iln. Ann: 7 have used sour Pills with exlinoidinarr
success lu my funiily and among thuse I am tailed lo Unit
in diitlrss. To icKul.ilo Ibe oigalis of tllgt-stlon nint
inn ify tlie blond, they aro the vtry bust lemedy I liuvn
ever knonli, aud I eaii confidently lucotiimeud them to
tuy fiithdi, Yuuis, J. V. 1IIM1.S.
Wsr.SAW, Wyoming Co . N. Y., 0:t. 21, 155.
Prill Pin. : I nm using jnui- C.ilhsrtlo Pills In rut prae
tlce. and find theut an excellent putgiitlve to cleause the
ey.sleiu und pmify Hit Jhiiutntus iff Hit I.UhI.
Const Ipntloii, Coal I vt nrit, Siiiiii-eaalieii,
Illiciinint ism, (;ou(, Nt iirnly ln, Droii
t.js l'firalj sIn, Vits etc.
rum Dr. J. 1. Vtiitg'tn, Jutdm-I, Cinaila.
Too mutii ciinmit bo said of yum- Pills for Hi cure of
cosnicfii-iit. If others (f out-fiateinlty iiate found them
ns efticacliitis as 1 hate, they slimd.l Jtiu lue ill piocluim.
lug it for the benefit of tho multitudes who sutler firnn
that enmphdnt, tthich, nllbuitgh bnd cu.ugli fn itstlf, I
tlie priigt'liitoi-of t.tbeis that an. woise. I l.cllcvo rej
li'nnrj, tooilluslelu tho iiter,but yuur Pills utltct tbut
'oig.nti and cute the dlsetse,
J-em Mrs. J7. Stuait, Vltytician anil Mtdwift, Ilnton.
I find ono or two large doses of your Pills, tnhen at the
proper time, me excellent proiuotitiar f tbe natural tecrt,
(inn when wholly or puitiully suppn-ssed, and also very to rltumt tbe ii,auitt and tsiirl n-imt. They
are so tho best pbyslo wo lotto that 1 recoinuieud
no other to my patients.
', the Jltv. Dr. llaiu'.tt.tifty M'ttmUtf rpii. Church.
Pn.t.Kl Hot tr. S.itnimiili.ds. Jan. 0, 1(5(1.
Ilo.fonrn Sin: I should be iirepateiul for iho rsllef
your ikill has binugbt mo If I did out n-prit my case to
you. A cold a- tth-d in my limbs and bit.uht ou excru
ciating iiturniqie paint, whldi ende.i in chi-nimt rhtiana.
Usui. Notwlllist.-iudiiig I hud the l-i-t ufplivsU-bius, Ihe
tllss'iso giew wnrse und wnrse, until by Ihe ndtico of jour
etrellent ii'ent in lliiltineie, Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried your
Pills, '1 heir effects tvrie xlow, but une. Ily .crt,eTetiui;
lu tho use of them, I nm now cuthcly well.
ScxtTE CutMurn, Union Rouge, I.n 5 Dec. 1'5.'..
Dn. vr.R:l luivo been entlrelv cuied, by your Plllvf
lilitiiiniitic Gout a pitiliful disease that bad uftlirtt'i toe
foryeais VINUKM' SI.IDKI.l,.
jJ3-Mnst of the j'iiu n niarbct contain Mercury,
whiiii, although n vnliinblii lemedy in skilful hands, ie
dangerous in a public pill, from tho dreadful fonsn
fuences that fiequently follntv its incautious use, 'Ihess
contain no mercury or mineral bubstaneo tth.itoier.
Price, 25 cents por Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
Prepared by Br. J. C. AYER lu CO., Lowell, llan.
it... u i. . . oi4 i. al ii,i n i. is l is .ion .1 it - -iter
t'lu-iiisburg : J f liny I r llohrtbnis: Muster" & Sou,
Alillt ill-: P llu-t. r-. Ilt-iif mi ; I..-i7aius ic. 1'isher, Or
aiij till.-; G P Puttier low b-r.tille; A Miller, tier
ttirk; Low ,v. ilrt.s . Centert ille : 11 1' R. igh.ut fc Nils a
Pspt ; M G Sho -in iker. l.iirkhiil u ; Rtichurt & Nuss,
Mniiit ill.-: J i-hurptos issu ; crcuiy A. Cu,
Light Stieii ; mil dealers ever) it here.
Jul) ii , lrt',:--ly.
AIOVIID to .Ve. in Soul Fourth
-Vrfi-L. Philal'l'ihin, havo uu
und ti largo .ibbortment iff Pitt
Thiel proof Salaiunniler Sufis,
Imi. iron iliiors, for banks and
slores, iron shult -rs iron sash, rill
- inaKes of locks L-.iial to any made
in Ihe Cnitr-d Stntes.
lire Snfr- in o-ir frj. .111 taint cut right; tdtA roa
IcriM in 700.1 toittlilipn.
'I'h" Salamander Safes of Philadelphia u.ainst tlu
ti.ivi' liad tin-suresl deinostrntii.n In tho following c r-Iilli-ut
that their mre ofSnainan ler Safes has
at length fully warranted th representations which hum
been Hindi, of th m us reinleung an uudoubtad secuiiiy
ugniiibl the tetnlle ilcinetit
Philadelphia April I?. JPTO.
,Vrr LravtSf IVatton: Geutlt-nifii-It uffurd.-l iti
t he highest satisfnilt-m to stuto lu ymi, Hut mtiiig lu'
Ih" tery on leiiive .unliiies of (no of th Salamander,
Nil. s milch tie rf you s e fivn month mc
tn- saved a large portion of Jewelry, und ull our hooks,
tvt- eipo.eii to th" eaiamiuoiii,, lire in Raiistead plait- ou
Hi morning of th nth nisi,.
Winn tie rill -ct Ibvt these safes tteru located ill thn
lourlli sfory ot th building wu occupied nnd that they
If II subsetpienily into, 'i h ii;i of burning ruins, where thn
t usl i-iiuct'iitriilii.n nf Ihu heat cnti.etl th brass plutes to
melt, ttt- cmimt but regard th jir. st rtnlion of their ml
. name contents as ino.t coin Hieing proof of tho great se
uiruy ntrorili-d liy )our suli-s.
Me shall ti.k gn at pliasiircin ri-coininendlnr IhJ'i 'o
men nl bumn. s us n sure reliance ugauut tlri'.
GLORGI! . SIALMOXS Ac ilUO., ,ltu t...w.
IT" limy liati- since piiriliuaed six large Safer.
July Mil. let',-.'. I Arrgitsl Ml): ICia
f. MtrA. . Sf lt r.RilJ
Milluilc, Columbia County, J'enn'z,
Tllin vttll knnnli School for both sexes will op. a
NOVUM licit 3d, JfcOS.
The r"crnt uddilioiis in the htUlillnEB; render ntftiai.
oi.ii inns mr umro I Im n ,ixty bonnlers.
I hecoursui f .tudy will embtneo Hire,- ilrrartrunt-J
- II in Virtual, II,,- Si urinific, mid I'm I uniiru'rciaL
,.. r '"''I'"! will betissistfd b) experienced lead;,
trs. iy .piaiiueiif,,, theirrifptititi-positinii,
I nr- in-und tube,, inny resl ussnrei I thai nu elf.tru
t ill Ini spared tn make ihu r-clmnl ttnithy f pntrona' )
M i . n ii ""' ",'lr"rt',"r"'" mideiits, intellfcttiall),
phy nnlly, nnd iiiorall , it ill
mr applicaiH ii, rinulars or furllitr particulars, n!
I ress Ihu uiidernciu'd. HI Millulllo I nluinliu cnuntyri.
Villi ille. Va..Sirl. I3.!,e:rj. Principal.
illndtson jggjj ijousc,
M k T. I'.'WATSOV,
a tu Hictutt. Sv Ct'TtTKBs Vjukit.v,ruict
.No Wi