in? 7- . ti, V "WWWWTMWWWWWWWWWWPBIIWIIJPIWI IIWIWPMWPBIUMliW'! t "l I l I1 1 HI I II III I 'jjjliDMBlA DBjOCRAT1 SATOnDAYOHNINai Aritlli 11, 1BC3. "w"C'LINO TO TIIU CONSTITtmON, AS TUB mih'WRecked mariner ci.iNiiaTOTriK i.xnr PLANK, WHEN V1UII 1' AND TIIC TEMPEST CLOSE AROUND UlM."-JHnlrl HUsUr. ""'I'Ullt'OSKS'oU TIIiTwAUl I'lllllinElf, BT A MIT I KKARLT 4. KAMMOC. rAMtU tilt futLoniHit ersui.trtoi, which hHihm sua vena vr Tc Nirioi inu li TiuiRt'r. atAXDAan or l.ovALrt i That tlie present deplnrahlo civil war has been tl pull Ilia lountry 'by (lie ill ojttloiu rta nl tne kecisipts for march TO TIIK tiOIiV.UKIA. UEaIIOCKAK. :oi- Tho following payments havo licon ttiado to tlio Columbia Dcnwciut ofiico, during i tlio niontli of Marcli : Fntnaol Wnnlrli J K Ktlrkbauiu J V Walter J S fh ii nun tluvM Ili-mnlt J II Patton A M IVui linn ull , Mr J K l.ewl ! Samuel Shiver Or N II Dorr I J nil ii Dlrterlck Win P Crcvellug Jnhtin 1'rltt I .lamb Shlpman I S HlllHklleCllt ; Chas fling i l.afnypitti Creasy riepueu tjnarnari (I OOiCnlumbia Ceurty 51 00 I 75 Will Appieman vlisni' 1 75 J lock) 1 75 ii Kinder I OOjllro W llriffcreh I Ofi ! L T Sh.imlif I 751 Isaiah W MrKelvy 4 .'ill Til 5 lid 3 All I OH J (HI 3 no 1 f ircrd Jinitlmrii statea, now J ii ii inn agiiinrl tlio Cnostllutluiiul UoveruiHcnt, mm in inula nruuuii the cnpitnl j nun in tula National emorgcmy, Congress, banishing "II r'11' dug ii mere pntsiou nr resentment, will rirollict niny , ni, uill II Only intiiu Whole country ; Met mis rant u( imfr" Win Itoal 'tn thtlr pari ( any rplril vj opprtttton, or for t , i:tutn of '. I' On .oa cccomil or tubJugaHen or purpoirof orltthroicitiir jm ',r,nll nr iittrftrmg iUS the rU'Af or tlalttihtd xntlUvOont j j ru riiimi Esq thou iliiiei, tut It Jrj'tnil aid Maintain thi luprtmoty "J , ,1r, Mary VansieUo ' t"''i'in ini mi- ... o lll'lirk I'ICIIll Il.lhlel Steel r K Hi th.ln Est of Jnikin GeuTife 3 "5 ll,ilil Yuagcr 3 00 Mt I ii . 1 JUIlll Ii (HUM llll Work Ot I ; Annul Hrllnpri a on inim Bintinan i Chin f'WIicr 1 IS II II tlnntcnmoty M I) 3 SU It k M A Shumnu 1 00 Hanmrl rhuniiiii 1 00 Kt of J kllncrruun 8 Si W T Sliunmii I'.tq J It Jnmisim liini; Vultnr CttirTlio Clork of tlm ourt renuess us !!,"'! wnirr - 1 l'. J UGVVr.ll 1 no Hi a 7J 1 Oil no 5 09 UnlfonnltT'fitrtltrei I A New IVitiirr In lluiilnrn JXny oni hla own Halcamnnl JONI18 t ro. of ttia "CrrirntOndTriei) tldltilnj tftoto.Nu. 201 Market ilrert rrl.oro Hlith, lnlliilrlililii, In n'lilltlim tn Imvlnir iba Urpc ft, mnt t arltd ar.J iBdiiiinnuiii aincR nr LloimiiB In riillmltlphln imJoel- iicunpiy iur remn rnina, nave cnnatituieii every onn in ii silcnmri. tv linvlnir inarktnl in fmnfra. tin rnnli nitklant the rry lnwrat pilce It (an tin aotil fur aolhey uiimn iininiy vury-an inuai uuy mine, 'i'h0 nn.i. .....ii 1 .,..r i i lis KUUI fTIW 1TVII PIW,l(i;U Bllll UCllllQn UlUI pr-H IK ifti. tvutttltVianJrlirKtit oftht tntral Jstulrs uiifmrmlrru,' land that hi toon tt uijtet' a min;lnfJli nr iuu 10 rrorr. Say We iiave tlm T'trnirr & Gardener. CQy'J'lio L.ttiy's Jtopository, for tL tiiDiitli of April litis boon duly motived. 1o giva tiolfcu to all couccrtied, tliut all 1'oliliuni for laTern lioeiiHcs must be filed 'by Monday April 13th, in the Clerk's oflkoi JSyln making up our forms luat week we iiceidentally left out the card ofCiiAS. J., Ksi(,t who is a enndidate for ihii offioL of County Supor intendunt of Common Schools of Golttmbin coonty. i() William Nril Ul 1 UO ! MtKeliy. Ni-aJ tt. V 30 oo 4 O'l ) Jaroh l.iay 3 20 1 7S Miitlhlai ShatTft 2 on 1 7A i .MonlBiunery Kiln 130 3 SO j J II t'urmaii 10 no 5 00 f liauli.'l Vncum 1 In 1 7S I A ft Ho ' "0 llnu (.uori(o ucott z :,a Hindi rhlllpi I li Win Hhufara 1 00 rbnrka I, do 3 00 Jrii) HolTman 1 30 I'rnli rick Nicely 1 75 ii r i iiigrraiii ; .1 II I'rsnny 1 75 ( II A Vinrlor.ll I 01 I 75 Hi.nry I'liiK 50 CO ' retrr t'rrve'lns I 75 (t on'lt"li.irtt.'iitliciirt l '0 Imrph Ikili'r I OD t'rof. ajor finch 3 OH lohii Attn 7 M II Klmiry V.t 7 IK) l)(J llarklcy a HO Krr.lcrlck Wile 3 00 i: (i nitkMi. i:. t m Cflntu cif Win llhone t no DiiiiIM Clcrr til 3 00 Mnea Watlia 1 75 A II llartman i 5 ULMirgr llaittnan I 50 Hlooilirbllrb' I tun Co 150 ii I. rniiipi 3 oo 1 75 Ityu. . Corn " ii.i, (i ii palna taken with thn maltliiir ao that all tan Imv with Y. : . tlicmit naauranra o iii ltmn n gnoi article lit the vrry lillCkwlioat" loweatpiro. Alan, a largo atnek Bfpli-cecnoila mi lianj li-a orihliitrlitylriinil I..H qiulillca, which will ho made olaOC? to iinler, In Hit! moil f.mhionsljlo nnd hurt malilieri 25 UloVOrsOOa ir cciu, diiiiiv crrim price, i ri' ,i j I IIIIUVIIJQUUVI . Onions " THE MARKETS. 1 UliOOilgliUIiO, April 11, 1808. Wheat V3 bus. 81 fiOi Green Apnlei 50 Otlt Dried " 7S Dried Peaches S -fit) 0 Butter.... s 20 75 Lard ' 10 00 Urrucinber Iba (VectiMit. In 1firkrt nfinvtt Hit lit attrM No 30 L JUNCtS U CO, wmtn m ii viwxwitxmCTruxkiWMiWKin 60 Gn AND JUUOHS FOB MAY, 1803. tllnmn A J Hvana, flenrge llaaaatt, loo J. Datklry. Ili-nviT -Davlil llnvla, llcnry llimaler. Ili'iiton mti-r Lnc, Jinnli liiinHo. Ilriar Clock- t.unni l (lenacl, Joa.ii ll ir.nTd. ( atfiiwlarn- Hour)' llnllllufliuil. ( oiiyiigliani llpnbvn Kmdlo Crntre l.rvl Alkinati lleinluck - lanc I'nrael, MttMia Whitenlgkt. Wia, I 't u in ii i r- r llusii llnrtiniiiii Jnhn Wemicr l.oriiat Hnvlil Miller Jmi'ph t'leovct Mt PI'ii'Mit- llantul Vnnilcrallan MiiiitnutN'nnli Mauaer, llonry (Jljier, l)riiiii(e- Henry IMnnir, U11.11I112 (.'rufk.-Sainnrl llvrr. Hay. Chickona " pair 25 00 1 75 n 75 1 03 G 00 j Jtafi) Waltrra I ?"Uur distant tubscribcrs will grcally I obligo ui by remitting their sub.-criptions tnroiign tno inaiis. NO'I'ICK. will be n UANIiItiATI; 'Dlt t'OI'NTY aiTCIim'i'.yUUNTol theCiiin. 111 o 1 1 Schiiala nf Columbia County, llanh II. ltJi3. . nunc .r.v ldr Mr. Kti Darton lias had bills ' firiuted for a Vendue, to bo held at liii ' farm house, in Bloom township, south end j of Fiaihingcreek bridge, on Saturday next, I tlio 1 8lh of April. Wo dut'in it proper to call attention to this public sale, ns Mr. li, hua much valuable properly to dispose 'of. Our friends may expect some good Jiargnins. Removal, Mr. I. T. Siiarplb'S hav removed lii Stock of Goods into Judge Rupert's hpacious Stotu Ifoueo. 'riicro hu , can enjoy brtlcr mercantile facilitien with J a more eligible stand, which he baa just j rcpleuuhed with new Spring and Sutiiuifi G ootid. Mr. 8'. must leal juite at home in his uow and pleasaut qtiurlurs. NOTtCli, I A T tho Miliritatlnn of frlinda. the unilrralpned would I i rvppi ctlnlly ulli'r liliuarlf n a (' AM)I II ATH l'OR ' TUB Ol'i ICK Ol' OOUNTV Bt.'l'I.UlNTIINIIIlNT. I j. ii' r.vrroN. 1 Aaaoclnti- Principal of (irocuwood Mrnilii. rv, , Murcli It, lrr,3. Mlllvllle. Ta. THAVKWSE JUKOHS roit may, 1803. liUnin -(.'latk M llrnnn. Ilkliard I'lummrri llrnty '.upliiyrr, l'.van Juiifa, John U l'uraci, t yrua John, inn, Jt-rviniah J lltotver. Ilrnvor llrnry l.ehr lirlar Creek Thninaa Admin, (leor;e t'.nwcr, llnr llirwlik -1 1 mlf on Uweu, Jacob Mnycr, lleiitoii-Thix tiihblnv Hllns Alclleury, Kgbertlkrler I'nttnwlaaa- Iteubcn Itohrbncli OetiynKlmui t'rcderlik It Wuhlfcrth l'lliilii: Cn?Lk IHr.1111 UitteHbandvr, Vincent 111 chart, Cyrus Mulleury 1'riiri k'ln Moncw lluwi-r Hravnwood Elijah 11 Ikclcr, JoaephR ratton Andrew Albi'rtHou lleinliu'k IIchiiU Pur sel, Ilouhrn Foutk. Loi ut--Wiii Vi'nRcr, Charlea Mr-ti, Maliiu--Clunk's Num. IKmirl Fislicr Millliu Leonard Kirkuinlall, Win I'cttltt, S V Ilclter. Montour Owen llycrly, J.nne" llarton, Mt I'leiKant Jinnph Ikcl.T, llaniel 7,i;ler. Madlaun Nelieiulali Wolllver. Ur ThoaJ rlwlalicr. I'iue- llenjl, mill Wintrrrteeri. Unarinif I rrrk Ourge Driubacli. fugarluaf Jnhn W Kile. Win U IVtorman, Scott lUal Unt, Tho. Fowler, Delijamln Thornton Ueorjje W Cri'vellug. SPEUIAL NOTICES. Piano Foiitks The attention of our rcadcrd ia invited to the advertucuinui ol Mufra. F. C. Lighte & Co, New York, iu another column. Tue senior of this Ur tn , Mr. F. C. l.ighlc, is one of the oldest Piano Porto niaki'rs iu this country. Thirty yrars Mtire, he commenced biisi nes with hut one instrument the produc tion, in all its parts, of his owu hands The industry and p')wcr of application thux cat I y i-sibitcd, couplt'd with the moil minute and intimate knowledge of his pro feffion iu all its branchoi, ha.-i led to the crciitiug of one of the iuo?t oxteiiiivo Pi auo h'lutu establishments in thtQvprld. Mr. Lighte Milt gives his,''per.oual inpec lion to the mauufaetuiiiig di.partiii(!nt. ncvor allowing an iiisttument to leave the factory without knowing it to bo all thai ' the most o.ircful workuiutiihip can make I it. To the fact of his groat aki.l us a ' manufacturer, and the carefulne.-s he thu. I 'X'-reiiicf , is undoubtedly to In ascribed ' the evitable reputation wnioh Ihu insin; lim it healing his name have achieved iu ! (ho musical w orld. ' Uciroa or Dnniertt llCiK Bia: With your pi'milrslmi I with to aay to Ihr reader of yi ur paper that 1 ni acini hy ti'lum mail to nil who wj It iHfrei') a lleripe, w Ith full illri ctiiiii-for iiinkln: anil tiling a iIiiii.ik Vegetable ll.ilm that wiUclTcitually remove, in MdaH, riinpleff, Hliilriie, Tan, Frrrkle, jnd all Impurities of thn Hkiu, leaving the aame mil cli nr. aniooth and beautiful. 1 will al'u mail free tu thoap having Itald lleada or Il.iri' f.L'i'4, aiuiplii dlrectioua an I information (hat will enable tueiii In mart n full growth nf I.uxmlent Hair, liifki'm, or u Mouatai hc, in lr than M dnj s, All applUatioiit anatveri'd hy retutn mall w Ithout cliurge. UnrpectfiilH yoiim, TlltlB. F. CHAPMAN. Chem'at, iNn 631 Ilioailway, New Yotk. Fi b. 18. l?e'J-3m. WIIOOI'IM! I (II Oil ( R ( IICI.T, howivrr ecr '.a. oc Porter' Curat ve I aMini. 'l'his in (tillable tueiilciiie pneiso the ejtrnorilina ry power I'frelieMiig iiiimediati ly whooping Couph, lln.irseiii't, UluVii ty rf hrealliing, lliirkiui'sn nnd ti kliug In Die throat. It loosen" the Phlegm, and w 111 be round to be very agreeable to tin lnjtr: it Unit a indent mnedv, but emollient wanning, aiarilung and eir.'i live. Can be taki n by the olduiU peron or juunget child: For ale by all llruguistaat 13 uud 'J5 aenis per bottle: To Nraiona PrrrratRa nr rinTii Ptxra A reverend geiiilenieu having been rrfturcd to lieiltb in a few dy, alter uudereoiug .ill the unuiil routine and irreg ular expentiive uiodea of treatment without since, considers it hit Hucred duly tn ruinmuiiiente In hla alflii ted fellow creattirea the means of cure. Hence, on tlu receipt of an ttditrctmed envelope lie will aenil fr 'e a copy of Hie prescription u.ed. Direct tn llll. JOHN' M. l)AC.. AI.L, li-o Kul in ii atrect, llrooklvn. V.w-Vork- March 14. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court for tho County of Columbia : Estate of Georgo Ilart inan, dre'd, late of lJenton twp. A I, I, persona iitterceled will take notice, that the tin deraigued, appointed Auditor by the orphans' Court if Columbia luiiuty, to settle and adjunt the niter and proportions ol the balance or anacta in the hands of Ceorge M. Ilartuiau, Executor of Cieorge llartman, deceiueil,toand umoiig tha respective creditora of the deceased, according to ttiu order vstalilirlied hy law, will miel the paitlea interested at Robert F. Clark's ofTire. in IH.UO.MdllL'ltt;. on TULSIIAV. the TWEN- TY-EltillTII day of APItll., 1:0.'. for the purposca of nis appointment, wiieu aiiu wriere uu parties iniereii' ad are re'piested to present their claim, or be debarred Ironi coining in tor a snaro or siu-n assets. ROUEUT F. Cl.ARK, Auditor, ninomsburg, Mnr'h 3j, leOl. 4t il 00. AUDPrOK'S NOTICE. In the Orphan's Court for the county of Columbia ; hsUte of John Covenho ven, late of Orange twp , dec'tl. A II H"rn, inter'sled will take nolire that thu rdersigued appointed Auditor by the Orphan's Court ni i o iluiaia coniiiv. tn reoart iiurrt union ol t ic bal it uu lion oi ii , ii in i.,, .r men; . --: wn be tllevleleil and cured by the lite cf iMadnme a"c 'll 1 " """ ffcyni, n. aiciiviiry. one ortho at t . 1 III i II 1 u t l-U t nrj nl tnhll I "nL'i.ti h ntn ll ,nifn .Hi tti filii lujniatralori of John Covuiilinvrn ilccc.nod tu nutl Huong the reepcrtivp rredilnrsof the decendunt. itceor 1 1 ft if to the nrdtr c taldif li'id Iiy l.iw, will meet tlio pur tirn intr-rt-'Bted Ht the ntlirs of Kohcrt V (Mnr ft Ni liltiomsliuri,', nn WHtlncHday, the tuomy-BCcond of Apr. It 03, fur tli'i purimnc of hi nppniiitment. when and hero all pari, UK iiitcrtctud ore required to p repent their ilainii, to he dobarrad from coming in fur ft khare of feueh uBicts. R, II, I.A..DY, Audirer. nionmiburi;, .March ?R, lri(i3, it $i 00. Age." A National Ilciuncrallc rtewsiopcr TO BE rUDUSlIED OAII.T AMD WBEtl.Y IN I THE OITY Or PHILADELPHIA, , lit A. J. (1LOS3HUKNNE11 & CO. i. J. otomDRtasf r. rkmcil i, URuan, tVK.B, wtLait, nl'iir An'i tvllt ilocttlM Mm mliirlitles snai tinllev Talloff. . 12 oftha lleiuocratlc party, and will, luercfort, neons. nn t , aarlly favor the restoration of the Union as It waa, and JbggS.,,. JJ U0E. 10 defend tin Constitution of Ilia United Statet, and that Inn 1 11 ill) oi mis ionuiionweaHii. of newspaper comment, including, of conns, and pre eminently at this lime, all questions connected with thaeilsllng unhappy condition of our country, It wil' fearlcaaly criticise the public acts of public aerrnuta, and defend the legal and constltntlenal tlghla og Individual citiiena aed af aovcrelgn states, I against oasaults from any quarter. it win seek to awaken tae luinua 01 tno prpie to a proper aenso of Hie uctual coaditlonvlthe Ri public to present to them, liutnruiiy, tne learrui perns ill wiucn 1 we stand 11a a nation to exhibit tho magnitude ol the task that Is before them, if they would check our downward ptogrcaa, and tulnfpirc them with patriot. 5HADBU11Y'S IcilutefHilnaltoii to apply ibubmuit for our naliana. , In lirlrf, it will, In all things, aim to bathe faithful oipnneut or Demoeratic principles, a ml to render Itself , worthy to be an organ of the Democratic party, under ' whose atiepicca our country prospered si, long and so well, There-torHlion of that parl.tlie parly of the Constitution and tho Unloii'-Ui power, In the Legis lative and executive governmental branches of the Htatcs and of the Union, we believe to be necessary Iu avert anarchy, and the utter ruin of tin Republic. To contribute to that restoration will be our hijlict aim. Tlio. News, Literary, Commercial, and other depart' meiits, will receive due attention, w ill bt so con ducted as to make "Tuc A ut" worthy of the support of the general reader. KJ Tlio many dllucultles now surrounding an en. lerprise of the magnitude of that ill which the uDilrr slgued are engaged require them tn appeal to the pub lic for a generous support, and to ash for "Tin Aa"a liberal ratronagn nnd extenueil circulation. The present atute of the preparatory arrangements HLAN1C DEEDS & MARRIAGE CER TIFI0ATES. A superior lot of tlio nbovo articles, I with ail other kind of Wanks, for tale at tho oflico of tho Columbia Demoorat. Wm. B PIJ1NO- FOR TEES TA IiLlSllMIM T J No. 427 Uroomo Street, New Youk. Tin subscriber reapectfully Invites the attention of Ills friends and tin public generally to his Piauo.Fnrte i.siauiitmucni ai io 4:, iiiouiue flreel, con jr 01 Crosby Blreet. Iliivlnu w llidrawn his interest. stncV and material from tho lutu Drill of"I.inlitc i llradaburry," which firm waa d ssn vrid nil tho 3 st lanunrv. u t.. nnd havini purchased tho entire Block of Piano Fortoa nnd Piano. Forte .Material owned by his brother, Edward O, Ilradbiirv. in the said firm, he Is now nrenarued to supply the increased demand for Ills cilchratcd Piauu tones, i.inpioying me most skiulul ami cxperlmiccd workmen, with a largo stock of tlio bust and mnatthni. oughly seasoned material and nn abundance of capital ho has taken Ih hand the personal supervision of the the whole business or manufacturing hla Inslumeiits and I is enabled to turn out l'lauo-Fortes of unequalled tone , and durablencas. URADIIURY'S NEW SCAtiE PIANO FORTE. warrants Hie expectation, that tho first number nf the Pally will appear before the close of the coming mmiUi, (February, 1SU3.) Tb Weekly will be iaued In the arrangement of our now acale, drawn and pre- . pnrcd with tlio utmost care, expressly for our new instmnients, we hnvo addud every Improvement nhlcli ' can In any way tend to the perfection of tho Piano Forte, nnd wo can confidently assert, that fur delicacy of touch, volume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness uf ' tons, combined with that strength und solidity -if frame necessary to durability, thatt) Instruments nro une- , luaifu, j "ymeiont and ntiiOTT" is nur motto, and we Invite the closest criticism of tbe beat unbiased judges In tho laiur hvcry Instrument warranted for Ave yenrs, WM. II. IIRAIHlURV, 427 nmomo St., cor- of Crosby, New York. March 14,I803. :tm soon thereafter. DAILY : Per annum, fix Mouths, Three Months, Cnplea dellvored 1110 counter, anil to A gents and Carrier a 'I cents each, NEW FANCY GOODS. rpHB subscriber has Jut received n lot of Hosiery, X Trimmings, and Woollen Goods, suili us CAPS, N U II I E H, HO.VTACB, G A I! I n A Ll) I E S, 7. EPHYRB, SHETLAND WOOL, ltd .1LSO, GLOVE'S, IIOOP-SlCIRra, BTAYU, DOLLS, HATCH ELP, rORIMONIES, AND OTIIKR NOTIONS. Z- Wheeler & Wilson'a Sewing Mnchlno for Bale. Also Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, which will give to gray h.iir its natural color. A. I). WEIlll, Vert Door btloio Court ihu$t Dlommburg, November 15, ICUJ. MILLINERY & STRW GOODS ! ! !7e have the plSnsiirc of fnfurmlng you Hint f V TERMS: WEEKLY ! $0.00 I Per annum, ftl.O. 3.001 Six Months, 1.UU 1.501 Three Mouths, 50 Ten Copies to one address, 17.50 Twenty " " 3i.0 Thirty " 45.0J u rayineni reqiiirco invariably in auvance Aiiuress, nt Eeb.7lh. fin.-.-ai A. J.UL05rlllItENNER fc "., 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, mm m AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Francis A. Meiidenhnll's Guardian 1 No 37, Dec. 2. 13i51 vi I in common I'leae The Executors & Heirs of Dr. f of Columbia co. Ashbel li. Wilton, deteiifd. J The under. if neil, appointed nn am imr by tho Court of Common Plena i.f said cnuniy, to marshal the as sents and distribute the tiind arising on ttie cxteiiHlnu of Hie Ileal CMntc ofthe heirs nt Dr. A. II. Wilsi In censed, to the ireditnrs. In the order 111 w lib h the same C'liM.iiRis owe 111U1I1 nf their idckues? tn colds. No 1 shall, bv the laws 01 P, nn.vlvauia. be uaid : will at- oatter where the disease may appear to be seated, itd I tend at the Recorder ntlici;, in the town of lllnonisburg oriiiiii inai be traced tn Mippres ed persrnratinn, or a mid. t'r.imps and lung cnuipl.iints arc direct prodmts of cuius, in snort i-ni.ia ate in, n-irniuirirs 01 n.111 ine t that is til a a. t liiimauiiy, I'r as tney are c.'iueii In checked perwpiralmn, and as Iive.eii,rhlli4 of tlio ivaste nuitter of tlin body e-c.ipes thrnush tha pores, if these pores aic rinsed, that proportion of diea-es ueces-aril) fol. ows Keep char, therelore, of coldi and coujIih, ih. great recur-ors nf disease, or if enn trai led, break tli"iu up Iv, by a tna"lyusc of MADAME FtUTEK'fi Cl'IM'l IVE It A La VM. Sold by all Druggists, at 13 rents and .'5 ecnU per bottle. Mari'h II. Idn3. I'D CONSIIMI'TI VF..-Tha advert'.er having been t restored to h alth 111 .1 f -vv weeks, by a very simple reined, afl.r Ini (ug siilTered several years with n so vere Inns allertlnnduil that dread disease, conump tioii is .iiimou tu make known to Ins fcllow-suircrera tlie means of cure. To all who deire it. ho will "nd a copy of the pre srrlpiiou used, flee of chnr';el with the directions for preparing an I U.10-' tin- siuie, wh'cli they will tlml a -ore eure for rousiiuiption. asthui.i. brum hitis, A. c Th- niilv object of Hi 11 ndvern-er in hendiiig the pre hi riptio'u is tu beueiit Hi" ai:!ii led. and spread inlonna tloli w lib h ho ciuiccll es tu he llivslu.lbl' ami be hopes eieiy sutler r will try his teuieity. asitwlil costtheui iiiitliitig, and niav prove a hleomg. I. iv. LliWAIM) A. WILSON. Wlllianisburgli, Manh 11, Ieu3-3iu Kings t'liunty, New Vnrk. cm Wednesday. Hie Slltli day of Anril. A. D 1H13, be twecii the hours often n'Unck A, M. and four o'clock P AI. of tuid day, to perform the duties of his appoint ment : M1e11 and where all persons Interested may attend If they think proper. J, . FltEI .F., Auditor. Illoonisburg, March 2J, ler,3.-4w. 8 01) ORANUEVILLE At A DEMY AND Prof. 11.11. Walker A. M. Principal. The next term nf thi 1 iir-tiluiion will commence on Wednesday. April 15th. trtudentH detirnus of being admitted to ei ther of tlio Normal Classes should be present 011 Tues. day at 10 o'clock for EYnminalinn Tuilion ironi 34 to SU per Term nf 11 weeks. Hoard 111 good families, SJ'per week. Gooil Rooms tor students wishing to board theui selves For lurther particulars inquire of the Principal or of J r WOODS. Uect, of Trustei s. March S. lr'C3 wo are nni prepared tooircr, at our Old etand Nns. 103, 105 & 107 North SECOND St.. PHII.AD'A, A well selected Stuckof MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS, 111 rvcry variety, nf tho latest importations , and of the ItUWCfcl Ulrl MIUIt f.lntllOIUblfi Kt) Ics. uun strawEepartment will co Inprise every variety of Bonnets, Hats c Trim ming to he funnel 111 that line, of the latest nnd most approved shapes and styles. Soliciting 1111 vnrly call, I remain. Yours, Respectfully, II. WARD, March 14. Ibb3 It AI IT WAS ft SEN PR ACT! I KD IK THE OtTKD RTATM BT IXIO D11VK A MUM PT 10K IND KIBRCIME Of AflBITRARf fOWBR. hy ). a. 111 a no MY, 01a or ITS VICTIMS. "It la Important that Ihe liablta of tblnklug In a fran country should Inspire caution in those entrusted with , tts auinintsirauon, 10 connne memseivas wunin tnsir 1 respective spheres, avoiding, In tbe exercise of tho powers of one department to encroach upoa ntiothar.-- 'I'll, spirit of encroachment tends to couaolidaM thi ' powers of all the dnuattuients in one, and thus tn aro- , ate, whatever be the form of government, a real Dcs- I potisni." V ASUINUTON. "Cllncto the Conslitutinn, as tho shmwreckod wari lisr clings tn the last plank, whan night and th Usa- peat close around him." llAHtl. Wtnsras C VRLETON. Pnblhher, 413 Broadway. Now York. vy Mr. Maliuny's book with the above title will ba pub ished this week, April LltbJ, WILLIAM G. PERRY, FOOK-SELLER, Stationer, P lunder, Ulank hook miittuf.icti.rcr, am Rook- and Dealer in Imported and Aiucrican btatiouery South West cur. 4lh & Ituce St,. Phlladelpliia, Perons vlriting the city, or sending orders will do nell to take a unimoraiiduin of the above Address. Tho stock is large and well assorted, Vieei .. PiioTooRii'ii Aluums, Selling from Ullcts to $J5 each. Thoiie.wesl styles uud largest assort ineiit iu the City. Wm. U. i'lSKKY., I'ublishtT, S. W. cor. 4lh & Race strs., Philadelphia ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Henry Gfarhart, deceased. 3 F.TTF.RS ol administration on the Estate of Henry "tu tlearliart. late of Heaver twp. Cnluniblaci).. ifccV.. havebeeu granted h) the Register of Columbia co., to the un.ler-igue.,1 ; all persons ha iug claims against the es tate of the decedent are requested to prebont thcmlo the iiudersigned, at thier residence iu said township, without delay, and all persona indebted tu uiake pay ment fuithwitli. PETER OEARHAm. jiir. CATHARINE GEARIIART. Adm't. December 2", ISO.'-Gw. J. TO N Ell VOI TlicO.ilh ol .UN'giance iu liuullto 1.0)- al liiuzjiis. S SltPFEUCIlS or IIOTII SEXES. A ReviT'inl (ieiilleinaii having b' 111 restored tn health in a few d.i.ts. after umlergoiiig all Hie routine and 'lireiiular eMienive modes nf treatment I without sure, i-s. considers it Ins sacred duty to'com- 'l'l. V, Vmli .,,,,, i,, nr f.i. uiiinirate to ln nirlictcd li llmv rrialures the means ot Jueiw 1 oik Journal of Lommacc, c,ir H(.r,., ,he .,.,,, r an addressed inwiope, remark, on subject JZXuJ'&Z . The offering of a pledge of loyalty to yv'.V.-iu,.. I tie people was an invention tloigncu to A DM IN 1ST U ATOR'S N OTIC E . Estate ol William Rlione deceased, INTntkf is hereby given that lete rs of administration l'oii the estate of Win llhone. late of Demon tn p., Columbia cnuiiiy, deceased, havebeeu granted by the lle.ii.iir nf said coiiutv. te tho iinderstEiieil, whii re- tistlnt ! Li,l in said lleulmi townshill Columbia CO. All per. ... - -- .... . . sous Imviiii! il.iinn or demniiiis ugainst tne eitaie or the deceiiileut are reqiisited to present mem lor settle uienl, and thoso iudcblcdto make payment without do lay, Wm, APPLLM AN, ' Adm'r. March 2?, lff,3.-4w SJ. HON. C. L. VALLANDIGIIAM'S HKCOHD ON Abolition, Slavery and the Civil War. TMI1S WORK la in prcas and will aonn be raadyr ll X coataius eoiuplcte and accurate copies of Mr. val landigham's priticipal speeches, on the subjects above named, Alto, parts of many other speeches, with kit ten, incidents, votes, etc. The work has besn care fully edited and Is bslievsd to present, fairly and cor rectly tno political racnrd and position of a nun whose views, in relatun to Ihe cause, of our national trouh les, and the right remedies lor them, are attracting an extraordinary amount nf public attention. Thu work is on good, substantial paper, -208 pages, large 8vn. Price Paper covers, 50 cents; cloth 75 cents. Delivered by mail or cxprsai, prepaid, on roccipt of the price. C7 Send orders, with tho monev enclosed, to Co luuibua, Ohio, addreascd to J. II, RILY CO., or tn liov, .MEDAltV ollice of the Crisis. A large aale ia expected. IL- i.very uewspnpar mat gives tne atiovc rnroe in sartioua, aim thia noitcc. and aonds marked ropisaad dressed "liox o'.K), Coluubua, Ohio," will receive tbroo copies ofthe work. April 4, l03 -3w L00E HMI! IP YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO ( roasj's Stort) iH Light Street, Pa. ALL KINDS OF (MODS ! CALI00E. MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELO, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Mado Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, St-pars, Hats, Boot1, Caps, Shoes, Drugi, Oils, Paiuts, Ac, ilc. In addition tn our targe atock or Dry Goods, we havu f large and full assortment of Ready Made Clothing aor Hen and Hoys wear which we are determined tn sell ch-ajier tin 11 can be bought elsewhere, Call and see, nnd Judge for yourselves. II. W. CREASY k. CO. Light Street, Marcli 1, 1863. LARGE ARRIVAL OF New Spring& Summer G IP S AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IA" f.lCIIlT STREET, COLUMBIA COUATV, HAS just received from Philadelphia, and (a now openlna at the old stand late v HccuDlod bv Martx J I' .. ., . . . . . r M. Ulllt II ri'lKllllltl U.BUI IlllVllt Ul which will be sold cheap lor CAHII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stnckcniislstsuf Ladies Dross (loads choicest stylet anu iniesi million Calicos, Muilins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Sharvl-i, Hobifrv, Silks, READY MADE LOTIIING. Cassimcres, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kcntuoky Jeans, Thread, Ac. Groceries, Qucenswaro, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Ac. ROOTS A SHOES. HATS A CAPS. In shn evorv thine munlir kept in n rnuntrv store The patronage of old friends, and Hie public general ly, is respectiuuy so'icneil. The highcit market price paid for country produce. TETEK ENT. Light Street, Marcli I, 1803. at low nticKai 7VT;i i-Cath and Prodvai. nnwsrrr much Ui wvoi4o dfrslrt mm.mI en Hon nftb-present hostilities In ur dfUt4 mobtr7 tharara also deal, out of aroJiaitBg ret rt taV I awatt tnatktt pilcea. J J. BR0WER vlittratlfv all desire to this point, a-o J allVsist'i rsaaln have advanced In prices hu will soil you at waaiUrf I) low piles. He has now opened his utual largt ut, compute stock nftfptlng k rtnmtni I gooda. atnMg whist, w III be found a gunufnt aaaottuiuiil ofallklndt of rrsatf Coll and clsmlrit, J, J, RKOWMB. March 7. IM3. Exchange Hotel. (lst( rs.., I, ti Jctftls, No. T? Dock Street, next door t Ura Pout Ollico, liihtdplphift. rPbli well known ottailUhmcnt malntalnt rtt H 1 celrbrllj, and lit nail known rspolatUa o4 t tha li-it HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Pbsll be aiislained, Room mav bt had It all bears - n.r night. 37 rents ; per week, ti 50, par mouth, lit, Th Harnud Eating llrpaltruintt art faralihisl WW, th best of everything tha luarkatrat prodaia. (JAMK, FRUIT. YEGKTABLEB. and delicacies af every clime may bt bad kt a nttatajl't unties. tlaola at 13 cent and apwarda. and may ki hid ft 5 A, M, till Flat sight, Uratt-men asay raal aa,rtt that to expanst will ba sparud It ttndtrtkli Dtitt I modal tue. J. OTTENK1RK, PrtprUUt-. Maret, 7. HOS !tn. EXCHANGE HOTEL, PVBLV MjlMAA,', n'lt.fEH-DARRK, M. 'pan un-'erslgned, having taken thll vrcll-kntwa U 1 1 Iforiucrly of Major I'litsrbaugh), rcapaclfufly ila tlie patronage of (he public. No pains will be spat'd In any of Its departaaiata, Is under satisfaction to all guest. The TAUI.B aa lavs l!AR will always bt supplied with lilt BEST THE MARKET ArFdKDH tT7" Rood r'tabling for Horse and attentlvt Utillsrs. Th "Exchange" la eligibly situated tn tht roWIt Square, and hat therefor p'iillar advantage to Mr amis attending Court ot doing bJilnela In tht f iWI ofArca, Charges moderate. N. R, Whenever you tomt to town, pUaaa calL 11. J, TArLaV Wllkes-Barre Nov. IS. 1WM! Bfoomsburg, Columbia County, Fenm. SLAS DODSON. I'roprUtur. I'nkrs pleat urt In announcing to tht publle that hi has taken and thoroughly refilled tht Forks Hll fcrmetly nrcupied by Rubert llagenbuch, Dlonmsaarc. aud I prepared tn accoinodale travellers, tsaaiittra. druvors and boarders. His table will be supplied with best product", the markets nITord, and his litr will kt constantly furnish 'd with tha choicest liquors, ilv"A large and commodious stable ha btea tfaae4 , with n cenvenicnt stable attached. Attentlvt tillsrs will nlwais be inntteudnnce.nnd he trusts his oslirlai nttriition tu cuatomera will sccart hln a libatal thirt c patronage: nioometiurg, l a.. r,ov. vj, irti. 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN FiXF.aoin pjirr.Hs. aou) jttfn vkwrt oraonAvtoKs. MAHRl.R AK1) OAK )F.COIIATIOAfS. .VF-ITAXD OA' (1U1ZF.D PAPF.H.Ii niiXAXi BittaiiT coM.vox p 'Pfmh, HORDKHIS. FIRE HOARD PRINTS, STATUES, M.IA'US, ETC., F.TXX, Will be sold tt greatly reduced prlcee. at the papf hanging rooms of the undersigned in Judge Rupert' Srore House, on Second street, a few doors below VI tr ket. Alio Paper Hanging Executed In the bctt style, at moiUrotc prlcei and In quick lira Ei J. THORNTON. Eloomsburg, May 3, 1802 3m. FRESH ARRIVA -OF i -FOR- EVERYBODY L THE undersigned, grateful fur pa fullv informs h.s custuiners and that he has Just received from the Easternc cltleB, largest and most select stock of n?o. roeoce custuniers and Hie publicgcuefaily The Magic Time Obsrrrrr, Tne Prr.rrcTioi, pr Mtciismsx, Being a Hunting nnd Open face, or Lody'a ot tie tlemen's Watch Combined. One of the prettiest, most convenient, and derl ted ly the best and cheapest timepiece for genrtnl tad reliable use, ever offered. It has within it gad Boa. neciedwilh its machinery, its own windini attach ment, rendering a key entirely unnecessary Tht caaua of thia Watch are compoaed of two metals, tht 'aSl -sMS ?zri - outer une being tine tr, carat gotn. It naa tne loiprov 11: .gevf f2a I ed ruhv action lever movement, and ia warranted aa -.!W I arcurate timepiece. Price, superbly engraved, par case or .1 hall dozen, $204.00. Sample Watches, it neat morocco boxes, for those proposing tn bay at wholesale, 335, scut by express, with bill payaal oa delivery. Snldiera must remit payment iu aHvanae, ns we cannot collect from thoat in the Army Addrato IIUUUARI) DUOS. Sl CO., Sole tmpurt'ta, Cor. Nassau & John tits.. Now York. January 31, 1H63 6w. "couvty the idea that there waa much dis loyalty in the North as to require every man to "ehow his band " The auffgestiou wa a faUe oiw, aud ro recognized by the 0 uutry. It wfts very much like ankiiit: ..i t .t t , ere men to mcugo iiieiubeivcs 10 nonosty, or t3ri!i'-uv w. owen womon to form ot virtue. Tht insulting. leagues lor a putiliu vow proposal iisjlf would be I'unoh'a malignant feelings towards ''the government" appears iu the following ; THE KNAVK IN LINCOLN GR1.E.N. When Federals bulletins wa read, And Federal greenback see. Why do wo think ol Robin Hood Under the greenwood trea I It is that Lincoln's Cabinet I.Ike him dofv thu law; Likk him are clad in Lincoln green, ' Like li 1 111 tlio lung bow draw. Like liini mors loud their trump t blo.v, Thau heavier odds ihe) face Like Ii 1 111 trust largely to their stairs. And live 011 spoils ot Chase. IMnaiWIMlllllWSI 11 Elysburg Academy for MALES AND FEMALES. RI'.V J. r. WAMPOLE, A. M P.-mcipal aud Peach INiarhrr of .Metbcniatici and i'ngluli Dranih-s rj'111. SUMMER SESSION will commence .in MON J DAY AFUILURlh. Instruction w ill be given in all ,lio C. iniiion and Higher English liranchea, Latin Crock and Herman l.augiingus. Instrumental and Vocal Music. Good hoarding can be had in privato families in tho country at ?l,50 a w eek, and 111 thu village for 82 , TF.R.MS PER OUAUTEll OF 11 WEEKI1. EliMiiontaty Englili liranchea, $2 00 Common " 3 r.0 Higher " "5 ..aim. Creek or Herman. 7 00 I Mui.ic mi the Punu or Melodron, (extra) SCO I Voeul Musie. fexlra) 1 00 I'.onk.Keoping, (extra) t 1 00 Contingent Expenses. ... J5 Addriss REV. J. F. W MPOLU, Principal. 1 Elysburg. Pa., April 4. Irl.3.-3w HORSE S I'OLEN ! Eighty Dollars Reward! On Monday inaht, March 23d, IFC3. there was stolen from the -table oflho subscriber, ill Montour township. Columbia county, ai" BSity IWsitre, With a acar on tlm right side, ubout under the aaddlo skirt, und 11 lump inside ofthe left hind leg, below tho knee. Animal 15 yeara old Sell rew ard w ill In) paid for the Maro and lhief, or 5. hi lor the .Ma re alone. March 24, 1SU3- JACOH LEIIIY. L Es rtfl O (IT' ' A ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. J aide of Harriet J ount, deceased. ETTEUS of administration on the state of Harriet, lato of Pine township, Columbia county, deceased, h ive been grained uy tue lUgi ter of Columbia county to tho undersigned ! all persons having claims against the estate of Ihe dece dent ari requested to present Ilium Iu tlio administrator at hi resideuco iu said township, without delay, and all persons indebted to maku payment forthwith. 1 II IRA M SlIULTZ, Adm'r, Manh 14, l?03.-0w A DM I MS T R ATO R'S NOTICE Estate of Esther Diibelbis, deceased. J' E ITERS of administration on tho Estate of Ester J Diibelbis, latnofGreenwooil twp , Columbia counly deceased, have been granted by the Register of Colum bia county tn the undersigned ; nil persons having claims against the esiatmf the decedent nro requested lo present thriu tothe Administrator nt his residence iu Greenwood twp . r, ithout delay, nnd all persons in debt 10 uiiico 11 .iy in : in furt.iwiiii. AllltAIIAM DRII1EI.I1IS. Adm'r. IV'bruory 14, 16fi3-f,w $2. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Estate of Charles C. Jircecc, deceased. IETTF.RS of Administration on Ihe Estate of Charles j c, llrcece, l.ite of Scott uwiiship, Coiuinbla coun ty, deceased, have been granted by tho Register of Co lumbia countv, lo Ihu undersigned, residing in said township. Ail pernios having claims against the Ls state ol the decedent are requested to present them to tbe Adiiiinistni'or without delay, and all persons in- ,l..).li.,i in imitn navniellt forthwith' JOHN 11. CREVEI.INH, Admr. February 21, 1853.-fits. EXECUTOR'S" NOTICE. Estate of Elizabeth Miller, dev'd. LETl'Etl testamentory oil the estate of Elisabeth Miller, latuofMt Pleasant township in, deceased kave been granted by the Register of l oliini bia county to the undersigned ulao residing in said t.iii'n.hln : all nursnns liavinl claims against the us- ta to of the decedent nro requested to present them to the Executor at Ilia residence in aaid twp., w ithout delays and all persona indebted to maku payment forthwith. W.M. .i.ii.iir.ti. January 24. ieii3 Ot S2 00 Execoiou Hon. Wilscn McCandless, Judge nf the United Statet Circuit Court, President. Corner Penn nnd St. Clair Sticet, riTTSHURCH, TA THE LARGEST, CIlAPEcT AND REST. $35.00 paya for a fu'l Commercial Course. pS- No extra for Manufacturers, .Itoaiubsnl, Railroad and Hank llonk-lCeeping. Ministers' snua at half price Students enter and re view at any time. 1 his institution ie conducted by experienced Teach ers and tiractiea! Accountants, who prepare vounz men for active business, at thu least expense and shortest thai they are olfered for s.i!h at great bargains. I! me. I or IHU IllUSllUCrUllvti ttntt tt:sii'iiiioit: -iiti.iiiinis. fttit.i iwii.i'iiri.' .i iuiv itre.'itinciti ui Diploma granted lor merit only. Iiencc tna universal Gl'.NTI.EMEN'S WEARING APPAREL mi ii... ..... ... --',,......, K..Inv.BIKiiRKir.T. th Spring and Summer, fit f l C6 f? a? 15- "8 $ $'V That lm yit been opened in Rlnomsburg, tn which he invites tue uiieiiiion 111 ins menus, and assures them His ,,r ... '"p'oif. A. COWLEY, the best Penman in tho Union, ! "M'"a '!'"', .Y'B'" !5',i,'sV ynivnts'stoekt, Cnt)n who holds the largest number of llrrt premiums, and overall competitor, tcaehea rapid business writini! For specimens of Penmanship, and I'ata'ogue con t.Hnnig full information, enclose twenty-live cent to JENKINS & SMITH. Principals. Zy Attend w here Ihe Sons and Clerka of Wuiiaesa Men and hankers graduate. April 111, lfC2-ly. April 4. 1!03. llaiidkcrcluefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Sec. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELKY, ,nd On the 5th inst., by the Rev. Win. J. -) tat r it .aiio J'.ycr, All. JEIIEMIAH IVELLEU, 10 J1ISS IIAUY U.RCII, UOlll Ot Ae'lUaua, DOUIiylKlll CO. Pll. In BlooiiBbur'r, on tho 2.1 hut. by Rev J, R Dinuii at his rcsidenco, Mr. Piiii.ii Angle to Miss Uiiiusn.vNA Spai.ey, all of Espy, Col. co. D Hi A T IS S . On thu 8th inst. Sarah Rebecca, aged ti ys 4 months and 0 days. Also on thu "Jlst Robert Audet son, aged lyr 11 mouths and 10 days, childreu of Win. II. and Eilie Shoemaker of Buckhoru. On thu 27th ult in Pine twp., Col. to Joseph Cornelison aged 25 yrs., 10 in 03 aud 27 days. In Bcnlon twp,, Ctil. co,, on Wednes day last, Mrs Uktsy Cole, wife of Win Cole, Erq., age d about 00 yoars. Iu Briarcrcek, on the HOth tilt., Mr Samuel Srn.nii, aged OS yrs and 8 inos, At Lime Ridgo, on tho Gth inst s Sauah Ann, wife of Joseph Hugho, aud young est daughter of Million llicki, aged 2!i ys SENT FREE Address ' April 4, IP03.-3W OF CHARGE. rilOIlLEM," llox i)43 P. O., Philadilphla, Pa BUXDS AND SHADES. BJ. WILLIAMS. No. 10 North Sixth street, Phlla- ttclplii.t. m.iiiiifai tuisr nf Vcit.tinis SEIiutls and Wiiadow !?Si;tItM OTT" The largest mid tiuest nssortmont In the city, nt the luweit prict s I lliols painted and trimmed e',ujl lo new. store tliadc madtinnd letleicd. April 4, ltfi3.-tni ELI HOLDEN Twviii.-i ma niieiiiiou 01 over imuti. il,. ,tti..p ifltth Itteltnleti inniiv thnllsil1 of Ills old patroiiB uud nrqinlnlanccs-To huf unusually large and ucautiiui variety AMERICAN nnd IMPORTED WATCHES, CLOCKS and elegant designs uf JEwELRY. Silver Ware, fcc, ELI HOLDEN. 709 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA March 7. Ir'1.3- 12m STRAY HOG. A MALE HOG, of good sue, wns fouiiii in tne Mrect a few days rime, la a disabled condition, and has been taknii mm nf by the undersigned. 'I he owner is hereby noiiiiad that ho can ham Turn again, by tailing immediately and paying n asonable i ipcnass JHnomtburg. Apnl 4, leO'J. W. E. oTERNEIl. BRICK ! BRICK ! 1 BRICK!.' ! 5) A AAA001' "iok, just inanufaoturor II III lljaud lor sale chi'iipt wholesale a rn.ed At tbclllooiiubnrg llrick Ynrii.- ppl to the tuicrlhcr. lllmniiMiiirg, June SP, IFliS, HENRY S. ARTHUR. SIX CEIS'lS REWARD. rHinaway from the employ oflho subscriber in Mount . ..t ..i i..,tn.i,n, i niiiiidiia co.. 011 Tuesday last, uu indented apprentice in tho farming business, named lhoiuas llitlleugnd about Idvears. The above reward hut no expenses "ill bo paid for Ins return. All per sons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting i,i,i riinawav on my uccuunt, as I am determined to pay o d, bt. nflus contracting V'!,1. VANilF.RSl.lCB, March 21, lSC.-3w. ADMINISTRATE S NOTICE. Estate of Daniel lloriu 'rger, deceased. T F.1TERS of Administration n the estate of Daniel I jllnmberct'r.lalc of Locusttow ship, Columbia co,,l Iteeii ifrntileil hv tl Register Of Colllnl bia county, tn tho undersigned 1 nil pcraotia having claims against the catatu of Ilia it icenueni are requcs 1'dto pr''seul lueni to uio .viiuiinisirairi. u, iii if,' deuce in aidtownahlp, without delay, and all persons indeblodto make payment forlhwilh. ll Ab'.VAII HORNUERGER, Atlinr r. January 10, 16G3.-4W. J 00. BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, riviiE iiiulersiened Informs tho riticens of llloom. 1 and ueighburlinod, Unit ho lias taksn the large mom in the Exchange Ulnck, extending over Messrs, Stuiier tc Fox's Hakcry, and the Ilnokstorn where he has put in a large Sk) lip 1 1. It is only by Sklighllbnt good pie-I ore can neti sen espe'ciaiiy groups wue-ru eutu iersuu an be lakenj ist as well as separate. llvliasgou to considerable expense to make his ca nblislinient firsl class one, and liu th-refnre snlicits a bcral patro igo tncnable him, to cnnsianlly intrnducti the. mode 1 improvements ofthe art. Dir" C'o'lii ' produce taken In Exchange for pictures HENRY ROSENSTOCK. Blonmsburg, Nov. 23 IF01. Nov. '52 1 1 I'VT oticf. is herehy given, ! ' J scription and ndvertising accou O Y S E R.S AT STOHNERS SALOON. I-iREHII OYSTERS can be had ill nil hours of the dny, SPEWED, or RAW at Stohncr'a Saloon. They can be obtained by thu Quart at 3d cens, und by the Half qart at 50 cent. Call at the "llakery." , 8T0INf-ni llloomsburs Dcc.201B02. BARGAINS IN STATIO.NKUY. nnrjrii Sttrl 'cm. 600.000 ovirrs Dlank book 850,000'tlopu, Slates, Ink, Curtain & Wrapping naner. Pass books. Lead-Pencils. Guld Pena. very line. I...1 ... , i.. ..1.-1,1.... e.l. A,r n Lire., itorllnii of criiooi uuiin- ,si,i "s ,... ..... 1....I .V.. It. .l.,.r..r,.n,vl. which is stock purcliaseii ue'ioro im rise in price aim , v..u...,, . ,..iv ...v -. .. - ....nin4totL.iMiii.isii. I uu.'nj. i.u.v.iiua, IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PATRONS OFTHE STAK Oi' THE NORTH. that tho sub accounts due the Pub lishcr of Ihe Star or Tint North, nro placed iu the haudaof Mrs, Win. II. Jacoby ot lllooinsburg, for ilium diato collecti'in. Thu Editor nf said paper having been dratted, and obliged to go to is necessarj that prompt payment uo m.iu in oriieriuui ins iiimiiy may iiavu means of support. Your early attention tn this matter may 6ivo costs nnd prove advantageous to Ins family. W.M. II. JACOI1Y, Pub. Slar of tht .Vortk, January 10, 1P03. NEW GRoTHitY STORK.' The undersigned Informs his irienda and the public generally, that he has opened h New Grocery More, nn Main Street central iu lllooinsburg, where lie has Just received nil kinds of Groceries, Mol Salt, Candies nnd Notions generally, which mill be sold very cheap for ready pay. ALSO, A Provision Store ia attached tn tho said establish mint, in which will nlivaya bo kepta good supply of Chop. Until, Corn and Feed generally, to which attention lb iiiviten. wm Mi BILLS, Neatly and expeditiously Printed, at the Office ofthe COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. NEW BARBER SHOP In Court House Alley, si.xTt'ooR io llll niritkor liu "coi.UMtu pruncRXT,' 11 LQO.VSBVKC, IM. November 1661 JAMES H. SMI H, IMPORTER AND WIIOLESAW. DEALER BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, GINS, AND LIQUORS, GENERALLY. A'o. itJS ll'alaul Sts., between 3:1 rj- 4th PHILADELPHIA 0. II. HENRY. Traveling Agent nnd SsUanian, (ryOnocRS Rui'icrrui.i.v SotieiTHP. November 22, IM2. y. COAL FOR SALE. I.'AMILY COAL, Iha very beat In market, for . on application to tho Editor of thia Jouraal. ri.uu cflllnt i.nw ii)U CiDII Win. u. ri'jiuvY. Ilookaellert Ptationer, S, II. cor. 4li, If J'ict J'aiadciiAia March 7, 1803-3 mos. I BbSomsburg, Jan., 24, 1FC3, NOTICE & CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby notified and cautioned against tresspassing cither in fishing hunting, stealing or io any other way tresspaslug upon any por tion of the premUes of the undersigned, as the Laws of this Coiniiionwe'ullh ill such cases mado and provided will be inflicud upon all euch olleadera without retpact ,nl"'0" RUDOLPH SHUMAN. Mr. MARY A SHUMAN. Maine twp, Uarch2l, IcM. Jw. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI0E7 Estate of Genj, Jones, deceased. LETTERS of Administration on the Estato of lUnJ, Jones, late of Orange township. Columbia coualy, deceased, havo been granted by the Register f Colum bia county, to the iiiidcMsncd j all persona having elaiiusagninst tlio estato of Ihe decedent aro requested to present theuitotlio Administrator at his residence lllsalll towllBllipt Wllll'iuv uciayi uuti an yt-it..- ... 8,$n 54: Of A 5X , Printer, Uookbinder A I!;ink!)ook .M A NU FA V TU R E R; WliOl.SSlLE iND ItCTall. DlfALKR IH PRINTING, WRlll.N" ANi) WRAPPING PAPER- lOtitT roa Tun reTAWlsse rtrrn Ml..!.. Main Street, first door below thu Public Spuare, WILKESBARRE, PA. Nov. 23. If CI 12i. CIGARS A TOBACCO. A large aasortment of rlioicfi Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes' Fruits, Confectionery nnd Notions genrralty.togelh. er withu full atock or IIATt rum c.ti's. ennnanuv nn I hand nnd for sale chvop, at tho "Uloomsburg Hut It Cap ' ""l"'1"1"" JOHN it. GlllTON, ! Iloomsburg, March Id, IfCl. Of every descrlp.ion, fine nnd ihenn. N. U. Remember " Lowenberg'o Chrap Emporium.' call and see. No charge for exniuing Goods. DAVID LOWENIIEIUJ Rloomsbiirg, Marcli 2. 1803. (June lc50.) Look to your Interests. FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring & Summer m s9 AT MILLER &EYER'S.. THE subs rib-rs.linve Just returned from Ihn With another large and select nssortinot nf Ci. i'iii,; and Milliliter vlsloods, purchased nt Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which tboy are determined I" sell cm ns moderate terms as ran be. procured elsewhere, in Uloomsburg. Their stock comprises LAVJES' DRhSS GOODS, of choicest Ftvlos and latest fashion. nnr goods, a.yv groceries, IHRDII'IRi; (I UF.E.YH'ARE, cedar iiwhe, nou.oiv warh IROX. XA11.S. HOOTS 4,- SHOW imTx HAPS. Ale.. c. i-e.. In .hort everv thine usually kept In country Stores! to which they invite the nubile generally. ti iiii'itest nrir.e nald ror country produce. " MILLER & EVER, nioomsbtirg. March '-, lf-63. S. WOtKAIV ISROWfV'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, No. 25 North Second Street, Opposite Christ Church, PIULADEI.I'UIA. !T7- Constnntl) nn hand, a large nsortme nt of Reds, Muttrcs-r. I'nillasses, Cushions. Hair. Husk, Cattail1 and nil articles in the line nt tho lowest prices. N. II Particular attention paid to rcnovwting Nw and Old Feathers. .March 2, 1SG!.-I2m. GIBSON'S mm m AND DECORATIVE ESTABLISHMRS, Ho, 125, South "Eleventh Street near V) cat, Enameled Glass, Freaco, Oil and Entanstio ralatttvg loui GtasoH. a. H. (Iitas. Jauuury 12. ISuI 3m mV JOB TYPE, AND Fancy Printing Paper We are now fully prepnred to print tha neatest and cheapertJOJS H'0tZK,b the country. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jonathan Fry, deceased. LETTERS or Administration on the Estate of Jona than Frv, late of Montour township, Columbia deceased, have beencranted bv tho liecls'.er of I'olam. Ma co to tue iinderMguen - nil persons nnvmx naiuis against the estate of the decendent ore rcqursttd tn preseut them to tlio undersigned, at his residence ia said township, without delay, andall petsnita Indeblnl to make payment forthwith. PKTFU UEI.NnACIIi .d. January 10, lS03.-4w, 81 00. TWO FA.LIMS The subscriber offers for sain or rent, the two f-lli--ing Farms, one of them ailunte In Fiahingcreek towa ship, Columbia county, containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES, JhrvrX. more or lest, about (Ifly-nvo aefts of wbnh aha I m rleareil land, whereon art erected a gem iniiltL Two Story Mt.l.Vi; HtrF.LLI.VO ltt,,t aid J-RAMF. BAR,'. Wagon Itoutc, Cora Crib, an other outbuildings, ALSO; One other Farm, situate in Menton townihf Columbia county, contnlniug ruin: rriinrietor of this welbknown and centrally loca I 1 ted House, III' En naniiit Horn., ritual" on Mni. ."iiir, debted to nuke payment forthwith ApilU, t8li3.-(Sw 92. JAMEH JONES, Atn'r, PICTURES FOR ALIIUM. Over MO different varieties aclllug froni75ctt to $175 per dozen. Win. G. PEURY, Publisher. S, W. Cot. 111. f- Raco rh.Udislphia, 4i.i ,tt lllonmstiure htn I'.intitv tnurt House, respectfully informs his friends nnd tho public in general, that his House is now in r i der for th" reception nnd entertainment nf Iravel'rs whu j may feel disposed lo favor it with their rustoui. He has spared no rxpensu in prcpaung tho Excnsmr. for lh ' entertainment of lilsguesl. neither shall tbcro beany.' thing wanting (on Ills part) to minister to their personal comfort. His house is spacious und enjoys uu excellent i business location. omnibuses run at all timet between ihs Exrhangn Hotel and the various R'lil Road Depots, by whirh tinv. elera will he conveyed to and from lbs re apuctivo Htatlons iu due time to meet the Cat. ' WM. II. KOON'S. Hlonmsburg, July 7. If 60. 5,000 Itom writing Paper, Including of note, Letter ronlsrap. Sermon, Hill, 4t Draw lag papers tilling it low rmcii for rash. j Win. G. PERRY, Stationary. B. W.cot 4lh, It Kite riiililclpblu. ONE HUNDRED A THIRTY-Fi H Acre about Thirty-Five Acits nf whirl. & cleared land, wlurrnnaro erected a rnt.t'v ruirfi 1 1 Kn tnniKF I'lrrlli' ft,j.Aa ..r other outbiiildints. Said Farm is siluste rer RaviiigCri'ek.abouttwomlles aboveStlll Wator ,1t0- Two other small Lots, situate In l'ih, cr"' tow nship lying on Fishingcrnek Road, and mile from Still Water onu containing Fiil'R "CI: t and the other a Town Lot. and good birildiuiis on rowb of thom. L"Tetina and conditn ns maJe know n bt WILLIAM IKHI U rishmtirrek, Angust 30. 1H02. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP 'pllEiindcrsigned would litrorin tna citizei, n I lllooinsburg mid vicinity, that he hasjust el veil and oltt-rs lor sale one ofthe most extent i e assortments of COOKING and FANCY STO Ps ever introduced into thia market, Tho I hrl'tophiir c. iliubus, James Rot-band Globe ate among the first clsa cooking Siovt's.all of whit h are air-tight and gaaburnet Hla Parlor tdvet ah' handsome and tho assortment vi rled. ALO Particular atlentinn is paid to Tin Wan and House Spouting, upnn short natlce. All kind, at repairing will be done with neatness and detniitib, if Country produce taken In exchange for work. PHILIP B. MOYLK. Illnonisliiirg. May 10, IP02. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jackion George, 'Jeceasrd. UTTERS of ndislnl. trillion nn tha Kattlo of Jerky I j sou George, lute of Locust township, Cnlambls rniiniv, derinsed, have beep ciantcd by tha Begittrtr nf Coin nhia county In Mary (It org and Ptter It. Her In in, administrators, all persona having cltlmsagaiaM the estate of the decedent, aro requested to prttttot them to tho administrators at thtlr realdcaua ia Las oust townahlp, w ithout delay, and all pertoni UdtrHM to maka raymtnt forthwith. MARY GEOEOK, rtTERK IIERBiTH, . Junuat jr IT, IMJ-tw, t". AMnutntft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers