Gonoral McClollm and the Ad ministration, I Tlio World Bays, wo publish this mom- HO! I1M1M a ivtMinnn ini i,igtho 6rcntcr v1 0.10 iu. UUIJU III Dili UlMilU Villi I publican documents preparatory to the presidential campaign of 1805, which has just been been issued iu the nnmoofn ( Jiiint Congressional Oomtnittco by Sona- tor Warte,ofJliio. J Ins document pro rcunsjlviiuia Lfghlnlurc, BIHTiUl BY l.UVI t TAT 13, PROl'lUKTUIl -S'Moonuiljiirg:- SATCRDAY, AIMML H, IB6.1. listen to tie dictatus of all military expo rienco, but in vain. Tho movement by ' which Jackson swept from Richmond to ward the Shcuandoah leaving thcthoughta and souls of-tha Watliineton cabinet can ' tivo iu a trarrco of terror bohitid him, never 0'lo oylo Speaker. for a mnment dcccjvod Gchcral Alof lcl-' .nn.U considered. i lan. Jackson's movement, ho told tho Mr Bound oallod un llio bill to chancre SENATE. Tuesday, April 7th, 1802. Tho Scnato was called to order at 10 J government, was simply intendod to pro- tho location of thd Hank of Northutnbcr- , . .-.--!..r . l . P L ! C I 1 P 1 .1 l . rt . !fcc3 tube a report on the conduct of the ! vu"1 " .rum rcoaiug iimum. .arm iron onnumoorianti to aunnury. r Hilt . In I .o ,iiKnri-nl nMrl nn I "c '"J " vumouii nun i. - ; j - Wsy' Wo call attention generally, to our , Jbst of new advertisements this week, which are heavy and onconraging. EKBoth branches of the LogiilatnTc havo. agrcod o adjourn sine die on tho iffiMi innt. PAY UP ! PAY UP ! ! ,. Wc hope that as tho Grst of April, tho general settlement day, has passed, those indvbted to this oltice, either for subscrip tion, advertising or job work, will not for get us in their payments. The May Court, which will bring many of our debtors to town, will allord such a fitting opportuni ty to call at our ofliro and square up their . aooount8. We need money to carry on our business, with largely increased ex ponses in paper, ink, etc., aud hope that thoBc indebted to us will not Jail to make a n tc of U efa't, and act accordingly. Connecticut. Thi State has, as uiual, gone for Abo litioniais, but by a much smaller majority than la-t year's. Buckingham is elected Governor over Seymour by probably 3,000 majority. La,t year it was 9 US. i he Abohtiuniits elect three members of Congress Henry C. Doming, in the First district, Augustus Bundagec, iu the Third, . and John II. Hubbard, in the Fourth The Democrats elect one member, James E. English, in the Secoud distiiet. The democracy of Connecticut h'avo made goou ugut, under all the circumstances, . against the whole power of tho adminis tr-atiou concentrated against them, a glo- . -rious fight They did all they could, and - more we did not expect. Arch bisl'op Hughes ou Politics. . 1 ,-Archbi. hof. Hughes, in a note address cd to the Editor of the Herald, thiuka .that "if a law of conscription had been adopted twenty' months ago in the North as it had been in the South, the results Avouia.be oi more humane conseqaenccs to both sections than tlicy are today. And ho further adds : "All the predictions ever expressed in words, or ever entertained iu thought by tho archbishop of Now York have heen loo' truly verified in the results of our un happy civil war. The only difference is, that tho Archbishop thought, that by at tho West the achievements o( llouvrans and the non-acliiovenicnts of llalleck, the numerous expeditions hurled against va rious poiuts of tho confederate coast, and tho groat part played by tho navy, aro dismissed iu vagu o and general terms of carelessly commonplace laudation, the course and conduct of Gcnrral MoOlollan, tlio founder and commander of tho Army of tho I'otomao, aro dwelt upon as tho sum of tho military hibtory of tho past two years, nud subjected, not indued to any thing liko a (u'l and judicial examination, but to a sust'iined minute and malignant assault. Tlio report is (imply a passion ate partisan indictment of General M del la 11 as the responsible author of all tho military misfortunes which havo attended our successive campaigns in Virginia. It resumes and couden.-es every charge which faction and folly have ever advanced agaiust this oeniiuaudcr. To deal witli it as justice and the truth of history demand would be to exhaust the paticnoe of our readers by relaying a hundred slanders already thrice stricken down ; it would bo to do what tho committee have left ut terly undone, to set forth tho documentary evidence of tho whole courso of events for two years in lucid and orderly array. This, however, it U 1 appily unnecessary for us to do. Tho authors of this report were evidently left ignorant by the War Department of the existence of many of General McOlcllan'.s most important tele grams anu uispatcucs, as well as ot ni preliminary reports of tho leading actions of the war ; and it is not surprising, there fore, that they should havo been equally uninformed of the fact that his full and minuto narrative of the whole history of the Army of tho Potomac is actually upon the. point of passing into the bauds of the entirely buccrssful. Tho daring coufed crnloiaccomplished his purpose fully ,threw the authorities at Washington into utter confusion broko up through their panio-, a U1 by Speaker Cessna. ttricken folly tho final combination which' afternoon session. must havo delivered Richmond over into I Tho House proceeded to tho fiual con. our power, and wheeling then upon his gideration. of bills upon tho private calan. line of march swooped down the Obicka- jor and over ono hundred wero passed hominy, joined his forces with those of I Tho account of the Postmastor of liar Lee, and dfovo tho Army of tho I'otomao iuto that retreat which its own enduring house or hbi'resentatives. Tuesday, Aprit 7th, 1'8G3, Tho IIouso was called to order at 01 HESOLUTIONS. Vols, and at another in N' Cavalry. To ''fill up" this letter allow me to re late another queer incident. Soon after the occupation of Winchester, Va., by a small force of cavalry and infantry ivoro sent In The, following arc the resolutions passe? at u meeting held at &ti'l Watery tcceiitly. Whereas, Tho Constitution of tho TT..U-.1 O. ....... ,.'( ll. Cl.i. C I).,.,.,..t. UIMVCU laiuiun .mil in inv ui.uu ui i viiiicji- . .. .., vania, Buarantoo to tu tho "Freedom of c a"i "' J snocoli and of tlio Press," Anil, whereas, tuo tiuio lias como wnon Hie direction ot etrasuurg, io rcuuuuunw cvory man should think soberly, and apeak Aftnr a short cannonado wc drove the fscoly, therefore f Newtown, and occupied the Una veil, i liat, tlio bloouy struggle '.... JTacWa is noi in "!,' -- -- Willi su lied to re ilm'nrr en k InrirR W lite 11 0C Oamo the abolition of slavery, an object as .nor-1 aftor Ao B in which we are now engaged, our opinion, carried on by tho adminintra- forces threatened to surround us tion lor tho 'restoration of tho Union as it porior numbers, wc werocompcll was' nor for 'tho Constitution as it is' but for (ir0i jn ,0jng so h aTg0 vvlii 1 ally and socially wrong, as it is unconsti tutional Jlciolved. courage and the patient skill of its com mander were to mako Immortal in the an nals of war. Who thoy wero under whoso iufatucating counsels this terrible, this crowing offense against the nation was perpetrated the full light of hWtory will ono day revoal to us, and when that revelation comes it were bettor for them that a millstone wero tied about their necks and that they wero cast into tho sea. In that day also tho American pcoplo will nioro fully and fervently catimato not only all that they actually own but all for which they might havo been indebted to the general who refused to make his mili tary judgments bend to tho purposes of fanaticism and of faction, or to allow his sense of the truly wise and the truly exped ient to be disturbed by the outory of panic- stricken politicansor to the hallucinations of hclf-constitutcd masters in the delicate aud difficult art of war. government. The country, which has in tcrcsts in this matter quite beyond the con ception of partisan lutnguos, will await this narrative before Gxing finally upon those whom its fearful weight is destined to crush into everlasting shame tho terri ble responsibility of the blunders aud tho procrastinations which havo tost us the lives of thousands of our brothers, which have loaded tho industry of the nation with still accumulating burdous,which havo put in peril the honor aud tho very exis tence of tho republic, Meanwhile, however, and upon tho faith pnrlv nrnnnsifinns nr rnnmlintinn Mm w:nl ' might have been cither Drevfnt,d or .haj ?f this hot .andJ.astv !jr,.!. -a KS,Tiuraiion might. not have been protract- ministration stauus forward to exonerati cd so long." General McCiellan, at least, from repon 'KVquranon might. not Have been protract Archbishrp Hughes disclaims all pol- sibility in that supremo crisis of events "he never which compelled the abandoument of the never has'scigcof Richmond after the thunder of iticnl partisanship; ho says had auy political courso, and or will exercise any influence on j olitics." Our guns had shaken tho standard of the But this docs not prevent him from seeing confederates upon the very walls of their what the whole wcrld sees, if not blinded 'defiant capital. by prejudice, that "by early propositions! On tho night of tho S2Sth of Juile 1802, oi .conciliation, tac war tnigni nave Deen either prevented" or shortened. On whom then, rests the responsibility of this pro tracted war ? 4d 4 Abolition Leagues. Wc warn all Democrats, all laboring mon, all lovers of liberty, and all opposers of tlie abolition jobbers aud robbers of the present abolition party, to boware of and ttand clear of tho abolition leagues which they ore' trying to form. It is tlio aboli tion party. They see that their organiza tion 13 gone. Thoy dare not come into a contest under thoir old names. Thoy are forced to restore to a now Know Nothing, Wido Awako trick, stupid as it is, to maintain tho least show of success. Let laboring mm remember that it is the old Abolition, Know Nothing party. The pany that drew geographical lines anil formed sectional parties. The party that called tho Democrats "Union savers," and ridiculed tho idea ol tho very disunion and, civil war they wero making. The party that got up the Wido Awakes to march liberty aud bread out of tho poor man's possession. The party that prom ised good times, high wages, honesty, re form and low taxes, and immediately re fused measures of adjustment and began .the most stupendous system of party rob cry, fanaticism and corruption over known in this country. Tho party that has ban ished gold aud silver, justified mobs, tried to suppress, newspapers aud gag the very men whom thoy are now seeking to entrap. It is the party which makes tho negro the equal of tho laboring man, which seeks to overridj Natioual aud State Constitutions which bribes men in State Legislatures, ud vhioh seeks a centralized despotism. The old Democratic party tho party of tho Constitution aud tho Union, is good enough. It is tho party that gave us great ness, prosperity, .hard money, good wages, ebbap goo ls and national security. Let no now fanglcd hocus pocus entrap you again. Their elicit is alrtany a fi-Huni. The honest pfople are againt them. Northumberland County Uimoerat. VST Plant tree; -Now- is tlio lime. Every person who has tho t.pce upon his ." premises, ora vacancy opp bite his House on the street, njtould improve it by plant ing euitiblo Ircos at once. General MeOlellan found himself' called upon to elect between a retreat iu the face of an enemy superior in numbers and the risk of the complete annihilation of tho finest army of the Uuiou. A more cruel alternative was never imposed upon a soldier and a patriot. How bravely was it met, how wisely decided, our children's children will road with clearer eyes than ours, and honor with more liberal hearts the young general who resolved that aw ful question with no thought or caro but for his country had given into his chargo. When tho dio was cast the report tells ub that General MoClcllan sent to tho Secre tary of War a telegram stating his con victions ''that tho Govornment had not sustained the army.'' This tolegam Mr, Stanton, evidently did not think ii well to submit for inspection to Mr Wade and his colleagues. Tho country would liko to see it will no doub; ere long be permit ted to sec it, and will then more fully ap preciate tho reply." "If you have had a drawn battle, or a tlrepulse, it is the price we pay for the enemy ,not bting in Washington. We protected Washing ton and the enemy concenlrutcd on you. Had we Urippea Washington he would have been upon before the troops ktsnt could have got to you " In those few but moBt pregnant words lies tho triumphant vindioatian of General MoClollan's fame. Theso words confess all that the most impartial students of tho peninsular campaign have so often and so often and so earnestly asjerted. "We protected Washington and tho enemy con centrated on you." Weeks beforo when tho campaign uguinst Richmond was cul ininating fast to victory, the bayonets whioh would havo made their vieiory se curo wero withdrawn "to protect Wath ington. To "protect Washington" tho Army of the Potomac havo been amputa ted of its right hand, and its commander coolly invited umid the suddeu crash of all his best-matured plans "to dq the best he could." Wlion tho soldiers ludispcu--sable to victory ou tlio James aud tho Spoecli of General Lane. General Jim Lane, from Kansas, who now disgraces the Unltod States Senate by bcintc a member of that body, made a characteristic speeoh bolbro tho ''Loyal Lcaguo" in Washington City, on Satur day ovoning, March 21st from wl.lch we extract the following choice morsels : ''In Kansas, where. I live a Copperhead is not anoweu to remain in me state, it he rfocsu t leave when ho is crtlered to, he is shot down. "'That's tho way and ap plause.' I am informed by the Govern or of our State, that no further back than last Saturday, a Copperhead, haviug re fused to promptly obey an order to leave the Slate, was the same day before night had closed upon him, found with two bul let holes through his body. ''Good," and applause 1 havo been told that Uuion loving men in this community have been compelled quietly io hoar secession language day by day. ''That's so. "J Hut I trust lhat before the time comes when I will bo no weak .is not to be able, to properly resent an insult of that sort to my country, God will take me home. Langhtcr and applause, As far as 1 am concerned, I would liko to live long enough to see every whito man no in South Carolina in hell, and the negro occupying his territory. Loud applause. All this may sound to you very wicked, "'not at all ?" but to me there is no place on earth that, I think now, ought to be desecrated by a traitor. Applause. I bid you God speed in cleaning out sympathizers with treason in tho District ol Columbia. QApplauso.J It would not wound my feoliugs at any day to find the dead bodies oi rebel sympathizers pierced with bullet holes, in every street and alley of the city of Washington I Vocilorotis applause.J 1 would regret howo er, tho loss of tho powdor and the lead. Laughtor. A pause.. Hang them ! and save tlio ropes. That's tho best way, Loud applause. Lot thorn dangle till their stinking bodies rot decom pose, and fall to tho ground piece by piece Enthusiastic applause' When wo take iuto account tho fact that these sentimonts wore uttered by the Hon (God savo tho mark!) James II. Lane, Senator from Kansas, a prominent and trusieu icaucr oi mo party in power we can form somo estiraato of tho desperate lengths to which thoso fanatics are willing to go, to retain in their hands tho reins of government, against tho express will of tho people, and to carry out their favor ite theory of negro equality. For those purposes "Union Leagues'' aro bting formed all over tho land, which are quasi military organizations and by which thoy hope to browbeat and intimidate free American citizens aud prcvant tlicmfrom expressing, through tho ballot box, their utter condemnation ol tho ruinous policy pursued by the proscnt administration. Hut thoy will find that tho majority of tho American pooplo aro made of storner stuff, and that, truo to tho traditions of tho past, thoy will peril their lives rathorthnn givo up ono jot or tittle of their just rights or liberties' Patriot J Union. risburg, for postago during Maroh, amounting to $2,521, GO, was presented. Mr Rex moved to appoint n comiu tttec of five to investigate this account. Not agreed to. Mr. Thomas moved to re-commit to the Committee ou Accounts, and to authorize them to send for persons and papers. Mr Rex being called on to furnish evi dence of malpractices, assorted that he had been handed the names of persons who wero willing to testify to such malpractices in tho Harrisburg Postoffico. At this point, a letter was received from the Postmaster,, Goorge Uorgncr, in which he requested tho members of the Legisla ture to comply with the Postoffice Law, and prepay their documents by stamp?. Tho letter reflected severely on tho char acter of thoso of tho members who voted to investigate the accounts of the Postmaster. The Spcakor declared that no such let ter, in such insulting terms, could go upon the records of the IIouso Finally a special committee ol five was appointed with power to scud for persons and papers, and investigate the accounts Mr. Rex jtated that ono month sinco ho had made some remarks upon this subject, which tho Postmaster (who is al ing protection f.oui tho female secesh who That, tho Adtuinistrrtion, niaselv nursued. Althoueh no "cmanci- has forfeited all claims to our respect and '..! nrocmalioM" was in forco at the confidence, by the manner in which it has i ' SVmnathized with tho "con- 1 j --I t trabaud," and cheered heartily when, liko a faithful dog, he took up his poMtion un der tho gun carriage. Part of tho march wai at a trot, yet the pig kept up; Caval LIST HV CAIJSE&j FOR THIAL. AT MAY TlihM, HW&. , ttmiA i KMIfif.M nl.M.J'itin K. lUMi, M V. V. iiiiuiI Klnlli'f. 'l nl. ri. JuMi R. Otoft. Al a. Maty ITdtniMi, w JirVi K Of.ilt, M 1. 4. M.nr IVi'rthuin, tt. John K (Unit, jl l. 1. riilllli WlntclnlMn, W. VtlMitlne W InVfftonfl. . linni I F. fijbul, v .toismnu H PH 7. llfuty Wrll, v Otorite Kllil.-f Jf. tt Jacob l'.yi'f. ' Abraham Kntf. 9, Abraham Klaio, v Juh Cjrt. ui iinvU l.rf. M al l.nnuil I. IKlll". II. I)inil r tr b,t i J;eph Oennl. U Klllah Jlf.Mnttxe. el t'lifltaln Unlit in JtiM II Hfmvn ct al Leonard II RupJM, .14. IVtiir M 'ltanif.li. v Aatnn C'la)t.in, 13 Hninui'l llltti'tilivnilrr. v film II IMr. IC. .lniuc llariliiij v F.ll.li !t'ee. 17 Inaliih II I'line. vn Win. Ikeler H. I.uul a flt-wi'n, EtlnibMh llallu. ID. Jatnh llatfll, V TctiT Jacnlijr. 211. Jarob I'on.l. V TUmnn. Naslx. . UI. (l.'nlee llofhen, etui 'JC (.'rliwcll, (I il 2. lliivld Unlnb'ilii, v Mhhaol Urotcr. B.l Runnel P fturkur. f Wm Ikrjnr. 54. William A Kline. Ueo W lie rm n, nt nl. 45, The Mliii'fn Hank. ,i al. t IM wnrj M llllner. 86. R'-becca Vamlernllre ri (Jeorsc Podnun. S7. N I. (.'amrlifU. W Eamtinl Johnnon. 55. liavhl J Waller, t t Wm. J llasenbuth. M. Ilenty Coontr, Lemuel Denne I. el ol, 3U LneibiT Frnnklln'n Ailmrt l Chrinlaiil Wolfet nl 31. II rfjbfTl, f Reuben Nicrly. conducted tho war. eithor not haviriK th intolligoncc to grasp tho subject involved in it, or tuo uriiiuoss to carry out ino I10DC81 convictions oi us own miuu. Resolved. That, tho President has not favored a sectional and fauatioal party, ho brtvoly ofiarged through them anu re- that caro as littlo for him ns thoy do for Joined us; the Infantry tried to entioe tho country, their chief object being, hjn; away, yet he would not dosert. Ho .. .... I. . r , inrougll niiu, toaccompiisu a iavorn uuu. Revolved, That as a reason for his re pented violations of tho Constitution, he has set up tho tyrant's pka of necessity, a pica ns void of reason as it is unnecess ary aud dangerous, Jlesolved, That ho has gradually been assuming uuwarrantablo powers, until ho uow fills tho Presidential chair m despoti cally as does tho Czar the throne of Rus sia, Resolved, That to require us to acqui esce in the courso he has pursued, provos his iguoranco ovor tho Nation whioh he presides, and is an iusult to the intelli gence of wen who know aud appreciate their rights. Resolved, That the war has been but a waste of money and of lifo, spreading lies o'lation over somo of the fairest por tions of our country breaking up tho re lations of society, and filling the land with tears, lamcutations and woes. Resolved, That the objuctof tho war being unconstitutional, the people are un der neither Iifgal, Patriotic, or Religious obligations to sustain it. licsolved, That tho war should cosso, and every peacelul moans used in order to lor L n, Mora.; New Drug Store, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. mm; iiii.ler.lmeil would Infum1 ttn-tr friemln and it public cenorally.thal they have taken the ntanafor-.y .... A r ... I m I. . Lt.i.!M nlin.il n n 1. I n i . A 111 rt Crt f 1 rt I II 1 1 1 f f(IP so publisher ot legislative uecora) Had rl'"B ' . l 1 1- i 3 .i i n j i if a large majority of the people could be nnVfir vnt ViilliliahpH in tlinf. liprmil na lift . o. . J . . r. r . J. i -..., was required to do by law. Mr. Rose thereforo moved that th Com heard, their voices would bo in favor of peace. Rtsolved, That we congratilatc the mittcc on Printing be intrusted to demand country upon tho expiration of tho thirty froinGcorKoRcrcerthe fulfillment of his "venth Congress, which assuming powers contract. .unknown to the Constitution, and not found in previous congressional history, has left a record, that will assign a major ity of tho actors to tho infamy thoy de ' serve. Rtsrdvcd, That to be a loyal citizen, The motion was agreed to, and tho Priming Committee was so instruolcd. Tho Speaker announced that the Post- I 1 . . I I. M . master uaa seni oaci; tuo mans iroin uio . n... :...:.. ti.n House, and refused to acknowledge the L and not to mcn ho tramplo them frank of tho members. Tho oommitte to under their feet. investigate tho accounts of the Postmaster Resolved, That tho conscription bill was chosen, to consist of Rowland, La- passed by the last Congress, is unjust, in porto, Royor, Urown (Mercer,) and Glenn, tliatit favor- the rich, who for three hun- IT 1 J I IS , 1 , ,1 .Llln.f. nnn rt( no.m ifu llnVI&lAllfi XX ll I f Several bills of no public ..i.po.tanco ,t 00M?gns tlie poor .ian Co tho hardships wero dispossd of, and the IIouso ad- an,l dancers of the battle field, that it tram- journcd. ' pies upon the rights of the States, disrc- gards the civil laws and places tho whole Collision ill Delaware. courts under a despotic military rule. Tho Legislature of Delaware having' Resolved, That wo plcdgo our utmost i . i i- exertions, in the uso of ovcry lawful means passed an aot against ll ozal and arbi rary '-'""" " , .,,, 6 J in rnmnvn Vmm nnwnr a nnrrv that has aricsts of citizens of that State, by the General Government, Governor Cannon, who is a Ulack Republican, has issued a proclamation, stating lis inability, by tho Constitution of the State, to veto tho act. virtually surrendering the authority of tho State iuto tho hands of tho General Gov ernment. Ho refuses to carry out the pro visions of the act just passed, and declares that tho "people of Dclawaro hold truo allegianco to tho Government of tho United States as paramount to tho State of Delaware, and that they oboy tho con stitutional authorities thereof beforo tno Legislature of tho State of Delaware, or any other human authority whatso- proven itself so unworthy of tho high trust committed to it. Ar my Corr espondenco. j Gamp xeau Belle Plains, A ! March 20th, 1603. i My Dear Col : Tho notes of preparation are being sounded, and the "Army of the Potomac ' may movo at any moment. Tho great troublo heretofore in rapid movements has been tho impossibility of moving wagon trains. This is now obvi atcd by having a number of pack-mules ; lor each Division to carry nmmuaition. over. Tho Legislature havo since adopted tho a j1 sf3 tuat this (;orP8 if Knt'nnlrre 1 (it lie nhrmt in mnrn arul ho folio tving resolution : I , . , Resolved, That tho doctrines of Gover nor Cannon's address in regard to urbitary and lawless arrests, aro, if carried out, fatal to constitutional liberty, destructive of tho poaco and security of our pcoplo, and deserve and hereby receive at the bauds of the Legislature of Delawaro, prompt and indignant repudiation and aro declared worthy of the severest reprehen sion of a people who inherited tho privil eges of freemen and wish to preservo them uuimpairod. Governor Cannon, it will bo remember ed, was oleoted iu consequence of the in terference of the military forces in Dela waro at the last election. Tho members of Congress and tho Legislature aro Dem ocratic. The Legislature should impeach him at onco. followud closely through Winchester, and to tho pollings of tho boys returned only a grunt of dissent. Tho distanoo from our camp to Newtown was ten miles. Hut the saddost part, of my story remains. The company uerc short of rations, and tho next morning the pig was missing. Verily tho ingratitude was a base ciime, yet a lino steak for dinner made our orim- inality appear less, ARTILLERIST. Nctu SlDucrtiscmcnt& Register's Notices, TVOTIl'K In hcrnby riven to all Icgatenn, ereitltorn .M ami other arsons interested in the entates or tin, renptativu decedents unit minors, that the follawinf utluiinietiatloii and euiiriliim urcuuuln have been llled 111 tin: office ot tho lli-gUtcr of Columbia county, and Mill be pranenteil for cunllrmatlunund ullnwatice to the Orphaua' Court, to be held ul UloumnhurS, in the coun ty aforesaid, on Wedne.d.iy, the i!th day of May nt, at i o clock in tho altcrnoon cf naid day : 1. Pinal accouut of George llolhinback, administrator d h. noil of George llollenback. der.'d 2. Account of Isaiah S. ileliek, admin- intrntor of Lewis Aiileman, 'late of Scott tonnhip, deceased, 3. Account of Jesso Hicks, ndmims'ra- tor, with the will annexed, of Joseph Millard, late of Centre tiiwllhhlll. deceased. 4. Final account of Pclur Sehug, ad. uiinistrator of Susan tichug, Into of Scott township ilnf.!liil!il. 5. Account of Samuel Adams, admin- istralor of Ileiinaville Krlsher, late or l.ocusi town o'jl ii . ilrrnnml. 0. Pinal account of John C. Myers, ad ministrator el Uenry l)tr. late of KoarinetretRtown ship, dec, used. 7. Final account of Samuel Mention- hall, guardian of the prrson and estate of John Dan iels. 8, Account of Samuel Mendenhall, ad ministrator of Thomas Harris, lato or umoin (own shin. ilLCL'ii&ed. 9. Account ot J union lttttenhouse ami Reuben Swank, administrators of Solomon dwank, late ul It. .iier lowushio. decenstid. Hi. Pinal account ot Jor-cpti Mcneiicr, i administrator of Henry 1) MilKr, lute of Mifflin town-, snip, uccaseii. 11. rinal account ot Uhanes v. ami r.ui.ninel Hill, ndmiiiistrutnrs of Jacob Hill, i.uj if Centre towiifillp, dec-used. IU. Account ol Samuel Holler, execu- tor of Christopher Heller, late of Milllin township, deceased. Ki. Account of Peter S. Ilelwig and John I'. Wulter, e-iecutcirs el Jacob llelwij, late of Lo cust township, deceased. It. Final accuunt of George Miller, enecntor 0f Henry Miller, late nf Milllin township, de ceased, 15 Final account of Caleb Barton and Delilah Inn wile, late Delilah l.revelin-; executors of Chanty Cretelm?, late of Llonm township, dictated. 10, Account of .Jo ciniah F. Price and David Iteinbohl, administrator of Ulijali Price, l ite of l.oeii.t luwiiahip, dcecased. 17, Accouiit ot Reuben Hnrtiuan, ad- miiiiirtor of Jacob '.( iilofl, late of Madison town ship, deceased. 18. Account of Philip Miller, adminis trator of Isaiah Sliuinan, late ot Muine township, do-csascd. I'J. Account of Simon 0. obive, admin istrator of Daniel Hhive, lato of lllooiu township, de ceased. 0. Account of William Peacock, ad- minintrntor of Charles W. Shannon, lute uf Bcoiltown ship, deceilned. x!l. Account of Reuben Fahringcr and Jonas fctteriuaii, admluistiutorn of (ieorgc rellermnii, late ol l.ucu.t township, ileceuscd. U . Account ol Isaiah S Moliek, exec utor of George Sloan, latu of Scott township dec Land. 211. Account of Charles Hartmau and John Shumaii, executors of Catharine llartiiiau, late of Cattawissa township, deceased, '4 Account of Charles Ilartman and John Bhuiiian, administrators of Mary Ilartman, late of Cntuwinsa township, deceased. JJ5. Account ol Leonard Adams, ad ministrator of Ludwic (leigenheiraer, late of Locust township, deceased. 20. Tho fourth account of Peter Ent, one of Ilia executors of Matthew McDowell, late of Scott township, deceased, 27. Account of Gcorgo Keller, adm'r. of Jacob Keller, lato of Fishinscrenk township, dee'd. UAMi.L Li. i;, uegisicr. llloom s liurf, April II, leC1). ins fly occupied by Ueo. Ha-inburn, in me Kicninj Bm 1,1 ill r on .'lain street, in iiioomsoure, wncin neons Just reiclvcu a full nupply of Ui'ii, jTIcdiciues, I'niiltK, Oilt, mm . nl' Biaiuiist, Whl-h wilt ki nold on moderate terms fr ready pay. Also, NOTION.1 generally, of every vaiiety, nnrtaivl ''physicians' ireserlptlonn carefully compounded, tt all times and nn shorl liulle.i. ' IP" Coiifectlnnriy of the best eeloctlonn, and Fd Water In season. L7" A share of the public cutoin in renpcrtfnlly "c',r', nvi:it & MovKtt. Sloomsbur;, April ll, I8f!3. (ilRTON'S CUf'AP -HAT 8TORB IlEMOVEP. 'I UK undersisnrd havinR untight out the urneery q I linUd Htrouii. bus rtmovi'il his Hat and ( an Ptir up tn Stioup's old stand, nhtrc iu addition to a napn- rior asnorimeiii oi winter g Hats and Cups, Comprising every sou. site ami quality, whir Ii will b .old at unusually low prices, In will continue the Orn eery and Notion business as carried on ty Mr. Slroap, Also-A fine lot of KID-, MOKOi KOS and l.lslinsU which he Invites the at entlon of Hhasiaaknrs tad Dn public . JOHN K CIRTH. Clooinshurg, April 1). 1BC3 TO THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS Off COLUMU1A COUNTY. GEN'I'l.KMI'.V :-ln pursuance of the '43d sectioned til Act of nh May, 11-51, )ou are hereby notified to meet in cotnention, Al tlf Court tlousc, in Iiloomsburg, on the st Moiid-yhi My, A.D. 1803, lleingthi' Mi day of the month, at t o'clock In tho nfteriiociu. aud si lei t, riin mr, by a majority of th whole number if Dirt', turn present, one person of lit erary and siirntific aiuireiiii-nts, and of skill and el perieuie in the art of tearhmg. ns Count v Suim:u in ikndi'.nt For the three surn-eding years; deteftnine the amauat of iiimpi-n-ntioii nr tin same; and certify the result to the State Superintendent, at Harrisburg, as requires! by tin J 'J ill ami 4ilth sections of said act. J 11. PATTON, County Superintendent of Col. county. illvllle, April II, leb3.-:iw F, C. LIGHT ii CO., ( Late l.icht k r.iidhuryn. ) I'laiiusllia'lu Maiiullictiirer 121 JJiuome 67., A'cif J'offc, Second II I nclt Enst of Urondway. '. LIGHT', the original founder of thln.nell knn Hstabtii-hiiient, Senior I'artner. and eai 1'raclicul Viano lortt .VsAernf tho lute firm of ' I tight & llrudbur) s, having retuin.d his Two-third iuieri-i.t iu the wuolc luisiiu-s stock, uiaterialn Jsn., and, s' In propiiiitiirship in his Valuable Pxt iita, inclnmvis nf his itlibrauu I'slb.T lr?M, L. I KD it.UN Pit 11 E, ' the only one wlm can nnktthe s'.lpoilor I'lanu fortes for which litis houn - has h.-en no popular .Ml iiitringi-mi-nu un Ins ri'hts will be prusaculaoj according to law , LVAII I'iaim Kottes from this mnuufactory are war rautf, pcrfuLtiu every respect for tirn years. l.ibi ral t,'riii- to Dsalers. 1 ,. . Light.i Jic Co., I'll nronuie St, Now Yoik. April 11, leUI 3 in. Hooker ana McOlolIan Tho Republican paporshavo been pub-jtual. lisbing a statement that Gen. Hooker, in his testimony beforo tho War oommittco, said the failure of tho Peninsular campaign was attributablo to "tho incompetency of Commanding Gcneralj McClellau." Gen, Hooker, indiguaiitly denies ever having made this false and disgraceful cllcgation, mid tlio Government organ at Washing ttST Nono but a physioiati knows how much a reliable alternative is needed by the people. On all sides of us, in all communities everywhere thero aro multi tudes that suffer from complaints that noth ing but an alternative cures, ilenco a great many of them havo been made and put abroad with assurauoo of being effeo. Rut they fail to accomplish tho course thoy promise becauso they have not the iutrinsio virtues thoy claim. In this state of the caso, Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., of Lowell, havo supplied ns with a compouud Extract of Sarsaparilla, which does prove to be tho Jong desired remedy. Its peculiar difl'erenco from othor kindred preparations in market is that it euros the coat, ono start, urawcrs, anu ono pair of stockings. Mounted officers must car ry everything thoy want on their horses, and each Rect, of Infantry, is allowed two pack-mules to carry officer's blankets and ratious. All this looks like work, and best of all will enable us to follow up any advantage we may gam over the enemy. Dihciplino is now very strict, and Gon. Hockcr, to all intents and purposes, has made this a regular army. As U'ual, though, tho strictness will probably cease when active operations aro resumed. You doubtless havo road of many ro uiantio incidents during this war. Al low me to mention an incident, tho facts of which I know to bo true. Many who WCrO "soldierilie" in the snriUr of I8G2 b,,Jst. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their at "tlu B"u.Hfi m tuo Bimugui ,ou" tundanco, agreeably to their notices. Dated at lllooins. may roiliembor KatuB. who Stopped I l1!',' 'lay of April, in the year of wi Lord one , , luuiisandeigut hundred and sixty-lhrec, iiiidiiithc eigh- at the "Clarendon in Froderioksblirt! Va, ty-sevuutliyearof the Independence of the United States , . . & I of America. J. II, fUllMAN, Cliickahomiuy were (Lifting madly about ton, tho Republican, says it "has tho best i diseases for which it is rcccommendcd, upon the track of Jackson aloug tlio Sho- authority for atatiDg that tho report is! while they do not Wo aro assured of whollt, false. Geu. Hooker did not give this fact by nioro than ono al our intelli anv such testimony." What lio will next1 ?unt I'Mei"'" W neighborhood ant poll tlio tracK ot jucksou aioug naiidoah tho I'otomao, and tho Rappa hannock, General McC'ellan has warned tho government of the fatal course it was I'm suing, had implored the President to and I l f r 4 Vi n fivastltni n!flnnrtn s imim null, m ne sinned uy tnu- onic.,,. em mica o. ucu- onM of jt3 trut,,rTennMSC0 Farm. cral McCiellan ? or Xaahvillc, Tcnn. PROCLAMATION. Wlir.RRAS, the Hns. Wilium nLWflx, rrestdent judge of the Court ot Oyer nud Terminer and (Jen cral Jail Delivery, I'nurt el Uuarter Sessions of the 1'eacu and Court nf Coiunmii l'lius and Orphan's Court, in the -JGtli Judicial District, composed of the conntlen of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, and the Hon, John M 'Key nold a & Stephen Ualdy, Associate Judges of Colum bia county, hat o issued their precept, bearing dale tho lilh day of Feb. iu the year of our Lord one ihousaiU eight hundred and sixty -three ami to mo directed tor holding n Court of Dyer and Terminer and Ueueral Jail delivrry, General (luartcr Sessions of lliu l'eacc. Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, in llloouistxirg, iu tho county of Loiumina, un uie lust .Monday, (wing uio 4tnuay)o( May next, aud to cuntiuuo one week. Notice is hereby given, to thu Coroner, the Justices of the l'eucu and Constables of the said county of Columbia that they be then ami thero iu their proper persons at IU n't lock iu the forenoon of said day with their records, inquisitions and other reiueiubrniicu to do those things which tu their oihces unncrtuin to bo done. Ami thnsu that are bound by recognizance, tnprosccutungatiist the prisoiu rs that are or may be iu the Jail of said county ol Columbia tu ho then uud the re to prosecute them asshall aud who sometimes rodo a gray horso, and by many was called ''Charlio." She has been with McDowell's Corps over sinco tho organization of tho 'army oi tho Po tomac, ' and for a long time served ae a private in tho army. When King's Di vision left Fredericksburg to reinforco April 11, I8G3. Sheriff, Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Kipentu, to mi directed, Issaed out of the Court of Common I'leus of Columbia county, will bo exposed to puuuesam ou .liouuay, inc nil nay oi aiaynexi, alllie Court House, in Ulouuishurg, at 1 o'clock, r. M., A certain Lot of Ground, situato iu E- Ponu nt finlnpnnnr ulio mndn Mint rnn-rnl py. feott township, Columbia county, hounded an fo. xopuai uuipeppcr, suo maao mat lorteu (n'w , wil,0n ', ,10, ty M.;, ..,,,,.. 01. .,. march on foot. oarrvilir hor mnalrol t,ul' "J1 f I'avid Whitmlro , on tho south, by murm on 1001, earryin0 nor musuot, al Alley. 011t(! t,y tofCilJ . ruwiar, boine ih knapsack and equipments. At tllO Rap- fr"t rel. and in depth ISO feet, whereon i. ercc- r t 1 1 ted a One-nnd-a half-stnry Vramo llonse, aud 1 ramo pahannock Ford, during Popo's retreat sinbio.wiiiithoappimeiiaiicen, r ' her.eil, taken iu execution and to he acid as tho prop, 6ho was slightly WOUUded, and at Rull erty or Isaac McUaniey Run reo'd a severo bayonet wound in tho , mt.t ,SAU f1' 1,UKM'iii;lfl choek. Since then I had not hoard of "'"""" APrii n.ieorl her until yesterday, when bohold 1 "Char lio," mpropin persona oanic iuto my tent. Tho history of her rambling) in Boccessia e'idco Dull Run aro of tho moat romantic order. At one timo she was Pa, TO THE MUSICAL. ''Us Swert to be Kcnjcinbered.'' I'lllrt NOl'l'U SUNIi his Just hnen net to niiiilc. X adapted tu th- I'iaim, ami thu author has had it copyrighted. Ho is reany now to fill orders rn th shortenl noliri'. by mail, to any part nf the I'liiteil Ktatos. I'rirt- .i cents per copy, sent prepaid lo any address. To ugcutn a liberal iledui tion will he inado. Addn-ss Ii. M. UUUKKS. Selinsgrove, Snyder county, fa. April 11. lSti3. , jr Any paper giving the above ona insertion. aa4 sending a iiiarKi-d topy to Hie "Selinsgrovo Times, ' stitlt ri-e.-ivn j, cop) by mail, i'or two insertions twe. copies ; ami fur threo insertions three copies will b-j scut. NOTICE. " VIOTin; is hereby given, toull p-r-ms intere-ted. 1 , that the following accounts have been hit-d nnJ will In- presented to the Court of Common Pleas, to M In Id at lllooiusbiirg, in and for thei ouuty of Columbin, on Wednisd.iy, the tith day of .May next, ut - o'rloclt In theaft'iriioou, for eonliriu itiuu and allawauce, ua iess cause ha shown tu tin contrary : 1. The account of John Deittcrich) trustee of Catharine Vetler. 2. Account of .Jacob Ilartman. nilmin- islrator of Jamb Haitmau, deciased, who was trustet nf Mary Heinbach, a lunatic. JACOU l'.Yi:iU.Y, rmtbouetary, lllooiiiFlmrg. April 11, 1HC3. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George. Stine, dee'd. Testamentary ou tlto estate of Oeorg r nrruaa u I NOTICE. MOTICK is hereby given that application will he 1 nisdo to Hie (Jnvernor of Pennsylvania for a par don for Jeremiah Urerdorf, of tho county of Columbia who was convicted in our Court of Qiinrter Sessioun of an assault uud halt "ry nt Septeinlivr term, leoi. J ii, ritUUZi:, Atty forOvrdoir 1'iloomslnir:, April ll, i,x Stiuo, late of l.ucu't townshin, (ioiiiuibiaiouniy. deceased. have her n granted by :he Uegintnr of Col iimhia county to tile undersigned al.o residing in said township i all persons having claims ngainst the en. tale of thu deceiideut urn requested tu present them la th'i lixeeutur nthis residence in said lownship. with oat di-Uy and ull persons indebted to make payment forthwith, DA.VtKi. STINK, April 11, 18G3lts,SI Kxecutor. REMOAL. a-: a it ti 11 T iu HViF. underiigned respectfully informs bis friend) X and thu public generally, that ha lias removed from, the "Union Hotel" to thu "UAIil.U HOTEI,," in thu borough of .Mimcy, whi-ru hu w ill he happy to enter tuiu in a sati.fuclury iiiauucr nil who may favor hita with their ciutuiii, Thu best stabling u the county, with ample accommodations for travelers and drovers. No pains will be spared to render the stay of guest pleasant and comlortablo, A. M. SMITH. Money, April II, 1P03. Columbus Male nud Ft'iualo Academy, WITU Normal and Commercial Instruction. PKOr'. It. H. illNUIUM. l'rincipal, and MRS. S.H. II1NUIIAM, 1'receptreas. The next term of this institution will eomruene''! MONDAV, the 'Jutli of ArillL, insl. Tuition, fiom 5lto $ii per term, ts lluird from $1 75 to SJ tu) per week, Oaul rooms (or thosu wishing to board themselves. I'orfimle'r particulars inquire nf the l'rincipal. JOII KOONS, Sec'y of TrustsOB. New (.'nluiiibus, ipril 11 ISiiil SPECIAL NOTICE. ON mm ufu r JULY 1st, li3, the privilege of eerv verting the present issue of I.U'iAI. 'l'tlS'llt'il NOTllS INTO THU NATIONAL SIX PKR CUNT. I.UAN (roiuiiiunly called "I'lVu-TwrnUcs") will All who wish to invest iu the 1'ivu Twenty Lci.U must, therefore, apttly Iwl'orc llw 1st of July atxt. JAV COO KB, Slirisrrllitifin Aeeut. No. Ill S Tlllltli St,, 1'hiUdclpkis. April l. lM3.-3in WALNUT HOTEL, LIGHT STREET, Columbia county, Fa. J. I). lllUi:, I'mprietor i'lll! uudersigned lias located lit the abovo iinnfJ hotel, formerly occupird by Peier Schug, and solwv it 1, ahum C ,,Mi,. ,,.,,,., ... u (iuod uccomiuoiliitioiu for man and beast, IbC best kind of liquors nl the bar. April II, lto:i PETER YOHB tt SON, HAVH recently i penedn ROOT AM) BIJOU SHOP, in I.Kim'KI'KlT.T, Columbia in-liny, I'n amU' prepjr ,, a iiu tw j. w,i ,, ,horic,t nulietr' ll IU Mwnnl pi i . (V(; t lu UU. April II, li j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers