Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 11, 1863, Image 1

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jtSfT'T-'y-'' Vjj y''w"'-Sy!!?irj??'i,,',l,Jl' """"""wn twwm'pwwiMiuui n .u l jhwumwhwihh jiiiwiiiBiwiiiiiMiiji.iiwiMWMWMMWMH i n-m ii'aiMtiiiii i lutw n jr niiMin wn itwiimiuMwui.jwjiiiiJLaw iiaTiwr-rTriii Tiiiwi'iiritf
Vol. 17. no, 6.
CwUiiu'tmi DiMiuirrot
; LEVI L. i'ATB.
, o fTFc e
' lA Srltk Dulldtii, tppciili the Vickttngi, itj tidt
itUt tWI , "Dimtiralic liwitynrttri."
Oiiginal Poetry,
Fur the Cslumhta Democrat.
SY iRintill Uttt.SlkV.
UiiholJ thi druulfnl ttorm ntlie !
Hulk 1 hear th- ...iter d.uli ;
'Hound tlu1 Ion o iliip Iho li;jlitnln fli.ii,
llur ildej III') Iiilluu. I.i-li.
THj forked llslitnliig'i vlviJ rIom
Illumlm- thu fiuinliiji wave,
Aq'I lights Hi: bod li.'r crew mint thate
A deep, tumultuous gruvi!.
With uiail'nliii upeod, to yun dark cloud
nli now tou;
TbiMi too'u 'mill uri!i;i foaming loud,
' .V. .avr ilarti blu.
'J III iU.liliii nil b .me rriijfgj: roU,
.Vhi-re toll tin more can .avii,
hhi fail. I lies lat, aful .hock,
And klnki!i thi iva.f.
lir .cattred cr u e1i ao tu.M,
Thry il4ut jIoiik tho Jeep :
Or, b Hi.' m arc c'rlvjii uihor?,
on liin) .and. it. .Im-p.
No friend to wiiich tlK'lr v irllim ii;h.
ur leuJ aims!jicc tlicro;
No tetiiliT hand M rln.p tin' c)C,
With Iiupii' tr-niiu Ui uiru
Nono ill I Wiih K i tot oliiclmn eld
riivir tluli i limb, rrtiiipni-,
"I bi r bodim In no tombs rr. laid.
To ili-utu mill r -pna!.-.
Tiui toxHfJ h i'v r rat'lux
By every tuipi'atjlrlw n,
1b;y rlri'p, pi rchaucv, In hoar t lo.t,
Their (Inal doom 1 n llfariu.
Do'tili t, N on li J.5 th, lifilt.
178th ttetj'inent P. Li.
Thii (iue reg' incut wtu gathered froii.
lb' ouimtio of i.ntie.iit !
.ntie.tii t, tjoituiiuia. i.u-
Zrriit j ml A J ot) tour
luruuliiiig luiii' co
llie li ittiilioucil
.puii.s, tlii second
t. line, iht third 'Vi'lr, and the last t0.
Wf kuow of uu rutriiupuc "that has maili
i'v At. r piolicieiu' in practical military
l.iiiHYletle wittiiu 'i olio.t a pmiod 11.
"irvieo, or e uld iiiake a better appear
auetf or lo.ijl of b ttr diioipiitu!, Pouu
V)lviiia limy ,..ll be proud of suli mi
li'it. Tin officer Kt tuuttjr last Satardaj
Vi't'tf Bj lollow. :
67,j' Ujjicei Co O li l. y. miitfi J iliu-
roti ; Jt. Colonvl, J.;hi Wiin r; Mjar.
J inirb V. (Jiiciiilii'i ; A"ju tut, Syd
ney Mullly ; Jl -gt. 2. .M , I.aac iVvl ,
Cli.tplaiu, riiOuias 1. Hun.; Asil. Cur
geotu l"t, IJeorge H. li. rfwa.e; yd.
Wi.lbtm V Peek.
hmr. Ojjhc s. (!oii)p my A detain,
John M. Baek.t ev ; 'Jii lucitn. mint, J jIiii
Company H Capi.iin, Horace A
Yuudi ; st Lieut. Kdwiu Mus.-cr; '-'d
Lieut., Hiram Aiiiiihhi.
t.Ioiup.niy 0. Oapuiu. John V. Slioc
tuiiker ; lit Lieut,, J, t.'. Hig ; 'd
L.fiit,, Stephen V. ll.iyt'3
Uompaiy J). Captain, Justus F
Diehm ; 'M Lieut., William D 1J iylo.
Company K. Captain, Jac b E.U.irr;
tut Lieut , Levi -Mjeraj d Lirut., Geo.
W. Uowiier.
Company E. Captain, Jylm A. Win
nr; 1st Liont., Aimer T. Drown; 2d
Lieut,. Samuel A iM ill -i.
tJompaiip G Captain, Wm. T. Ad
jims ; 1st Lieut., Thomas Jiailoi ; x!d
Lieut,, Strphen Vansant.
Ooiiipany II. Captain, Throdoio IMcD.
J'rice 5 lt Lieut , Hiram II. I'.vaiia; d
Lieut., Frank F. Howard.
Company I. Captain, William H. Shu
man; 1st Lieut., William U. Keiubold ;
Vd Lieut , Daniel ( Eut.
Company K. Captain, Ca'viu D. Hen
dig ; -d Lieut , John .McFadden.
Iu this list are many well worthy of
aprcial notiw, but our 6pnco will not al-
'ow us to mention more thati Co'. Johu-
inn and Chaplaiu Hunt.
jyjti , Col. Johnson i a ' fhiladelpliian, arid
rias fecn uiiicii naru ferries, Me was a
-titt? t,tai" u"der Col. Uaker at Dill's Dluff;
ef'M" was severely wounded, but succeeded with
a. few others iu swimming the river. Ev
'ery one .peaks of him as having tbo iu-
ggfe lercsta of the country at heart, and giving
'all hi energies to thoocrvico. A number
4'of t' e incriiburs of his family aro r. ith
Chaplain Hunt, commonly known
'Father Hunt, is quite au aged and very
venerable looking individual. He is a
yirginian by bnth, and we have often
beard him say that nothing has ever entit
led him so gteat mortification as to see his
1 tjVnativo State made the dupe and tiol of
South Carolina, lie is very cml u vatic
T-'iu mppo.t of the U ii' i) t has betn iu tho
u,crvice from the beginning of the tebsl-
lion ; his bad eoujo hair-breadth csojpea
Httlc ; ha p-hlldfen k the service, and
declares ho hud rather sec them full nobly
fightinif, than them living quietly at
home at such a time its this He performs
a great umou'tit of labor, attend-
. ing to the spiritual interests of his own
I regiment, visiting t.ho general and braneh
' h'o.-.pitals,i and vUiting the eiek, and offi-
oiiiting at the funerals in iho.-e eominamls
that have no chapluiu at present with!
, ... ,, ', ' , I
them, lie has a tent Undrir a Urge tree ,
., , , t i i
on the parade ground, jut ea.t of the
nnu.ft nf (hi r.i.i.m.iiit. iv hnin lm hun mrl
receives thoio who wish to converse with
him, and where, at tattoo, all who are dis
posed, gather round and join in singing a
hymn and offering up an eveuitig piayer.
As we have gazed uneti him there, we
have been reminded of Abraham, as al
most 4,000 year auo, lie ceupicd the
tent under the oak on ihe plain ol Mature.
He is extensively known through the
country a? a temperance lecturer. We
remember, nheh a little boy, more than a
aooro of years ago, being highly delighted
libtening to him on that subject.
He'liaVs, freshness and vigor that con-trnst-i
sitikingly with hi.) age-marked face
and form, and that if jut adapted to doing
good iu the army. We listened to him a
few nights ago, in the church, and could
uot help thinking of the followiug lines',
we read homewherc iu other days :
"Thunph hie lock limy he (.rnlt 'rcd and Cray.
Ami rli' stri'iiglh d his inanhoml il'-pjit ;
Yit ufl- climi mill auiil, aj liu iwiidt. nu hu way,
.May be .trolly in an t-M iiuu's iK'tart,'1
Wit know not what branch of the
church has the honor to claim him as her
representative we care not it is enough
for ti" to 'know that he loves aud -crves the
Satiour. Wo hopo when life's battles and
matches are over, to gain the victor's
ciown and meet hitn amid the iriuinphaiit
hoit on the bright plains, where no roar
of caution, no groan of the wounded or
lying, no sigh of the orphan or widow is
heard, and where no ho-.ry locks, or
wrinkled brow, or tottering limbs are
o'ecn, but where, on the banks ot thu ''pure
liver, ' beneath the tree of lif', peace
reigns uudioturbed, aud fil are outig,
and liright, aufl. fair, and happy forever.
Tiu t uviti'icf.
i'ruiu thf Wnjiu- County (OImiij
important and SUirtling Lei tors
from tlie A-t'oiy.
Lktter tkom South Oakomna A 11 r.
Co.SDl.M ,S J K S AH.
The fol'owing letter was written by a
ili'publican soldiir, formerly acitizm of
Eat 1'nirtri tORU-h:p iu tins coutny, and
now in Hunter's South Oar liua army.
It is evidence that the s bliiTs iu every
department condemn and denounce the
luoclani.itioii and the war. The stay-at
home Republicans, who talk war, and Jo
iinuuee '.be soldiers tor vt i itting thus should
sho'llder their muketi and take their pla
e -if. In this way they would do the cause
they advocate more .'nvicu, than by
iiiteatetnngvtoieKceagHin-i tneir lu'tii i inrs
b. .. b . .
who I'Utcvtam (liltereiit opinions, aud kuow
' "
ilieui to lie cowards :
FiiH Sumter Tt'iiiis Inc Snu'h will sum
Us Jii''rte sobiitrs li,ed
ftqhtintijor the. Aegr e
ihrwUn th'.t iftl.ewir is
TI.e tioMierv
if t.'.c w ir is not en led hi
,7i7fe thnj will c.nme nunc A filtt fy. laLie-bodied aud efficient men cau be mus
ticce the SolHas and Acirots A j.Yc-' t re j 0r rervice. J. D. II.
gro sliodts tit our sotdiers, .yc , yc.
Pout Rd YAli, S
Fob. 10, Ki03.
Slit; I saw
Fort Sumter.
aud the rebel flag waving over it
were close to Chailc.'tou, the place where
the rebe'li n wits first hatched out. 1
wou'.d like to shoot the lirst brood of I hose
infernal traitors to their country I wish
the devil had ilium all ; but 1 think they
will gain their ind. pendenee. 1 think,
font tho way this war ha, gone on awhile
, rT . .,.., ,
back that the Union is l ist. All the boys
aro getting tired of fighting for the infer
nal daikies. This is all that wo aro fight
ing for, The darkies may go to the
you know where, for I barn enough of
them. Tho negro ineii arc getting scarco
here. They aro all played out in the ar
my, Tlie soldiers say, if lho war is not
closed by Juno they will close it thom
selvos. They will all go home, and they
may as well, for the South will gain her
'I he bo,s attacked a darkoy nest the
other night, killed one aud wounded sev
eral, h was a regulur battle. The boys
burned the negro town.
A fiw days since, to boys and my
self got in a canoe. Wo were paddling
along about six or seven miles from camp,
, when a gun was fired, tho ball did not
' mike ti, but H stuuiif'l two of us' o that
' we fell into tho water. Wo crawled into
tho cttnoo, p cknd our guns up and looked
around, finally I saw a daikey loading his
rrtm, I aimed. Tho boys did not want
to scccf, btit I thought idj llfs wis"
tt 'iirlym good as nny tlurkcy's So I
left the load fly with as good aim as T
could take. The old devil divippeared.
I think ho got his fill. I think I gave him
the belly aclw. We are fighting for the
blaolt cusacs, who shoot at the aoldiors.
''f'terjrom a htpublicwi suuliaUe de-
"""";' e '''l:''''i-r'" Cur"
tt cntitih upon the Nt Riots
mi , ' r , ,
Tbo following estract u f.-oui a letter
w ho was an ultra republican when he en
tored the army. The lovers of the Ne
gro can see wh it misery their policy en
tails upon the utifoituuato objects of their
love :
Camp at Young''1 Point, La.,
February 15, 1803,
We aro encamped in a swamp
on the banks of the Mississippi, Louisiana
Old Abe's Proclamation has had a had
effect here. U e have about 1,000 niggers
at present. They are working iu the ditch
Thoc of them that starve aud get sick, are
tinned out to die. (When I speak of the
"ditch." L mean the oanal wo are a going
to dry up the 3lisis.ippi river with.) I.
Hunsberger was down to tee it jesterday.
Hu sayts that the very air is black with '
uegioes. You can ace negroes laying
aiouud dead almost any place. This is
the effect of Uucle Abe's 1st of January
Proclamation. The war is over with me.
I didn't come t Gght for the freedom of
the negroes; and you may tell the He
publicans who like negroes to come down
here aud they cuu get louiy with them.
Solon Dovdston.
YounO 8 Poim La., Feb. 18, 1803.
Fnel Wallace If the
radical Republican Abolitiouiits will per- j
sibt aud !iV this war should be ptoecutcd
for the hboliahtnvut of slavery, and think I
it can be done at the point oi the bayonet j
if they t ink it an cany and pUasauti
thing, :end a l'w of those bold, deGant, aud .
smoothed touuged Abolitionists to fike my
place for six mouths, and if they think it
a pleasant way of living and the right nietli '
od of reconstructing the National Govern
ment, 1 will go back and toko ruy pojit
cheerfully ; 1 hare clvrays been at my
post ; but if they let me go home I wou't
say a word, at least not of complaint.
W ate now involved in a debt of 81,
.5.10,00111100 since the 15th of April, 1601 ,
wh ch must be paid by a tax direct or
Indirect. If this d d Abolition rebel-
li in continues, what will he our prospect
of ever paying tnis debt I believe the
words of I'oulas, that "a war for the
I'n ion is a war oi dissolution, " These
words arc endorsed by thousands in this
army, who before they sinelled gunpowder
denounced Douglas' sentiments. It does
me good to hear thee men talk at times
If they had the ''lather'1 of these Amcri-
f.nii I'ilivnii. nf AfiioAn flij.r.iit. Ahe Lln-
1 , ... , ,, n-, :. .,
.coin, and his children sllina pi.., they
! , , j- i e t r
cauld dischaige a few charges of grape
, . . , ,, . , , .
aud canister at them with a good cousei-
tieaiin 01 tins regiment utn; uas
, t i i.i t .1 , ... 1
'been on thu decline Only about aoi)
T111. New Yohk. Trihunb o.v the
Last and Last Max
The New York Titluite of the 17th
thus admiui ters a rebuke to the crazy
J partisans who talk about carrying on the
j war for an indefinite number of years.
The Tribune says :
l,S'ehave no altercation with those
profiled Unionists who dilate on the abil
' ,!' ul lho lod, Sl!1,Cs,10 ,,,jiuU'? ,un'
ii teen or iwaity years' war. We do not
Uou t ,uo jy 0,- such a waf) b(Jt W(,
do not regard it as within he scope of a
rational probability.
e hold every year's duration of the
rebellion as dimiiii-hing thu chance that
it will ever be put down, lletter make
this year after all, the effort whereof we
are capable, with a fixed determination
that there shall bo 110 rebellion to fight
next year
"If we can beat tho rebels, let us show
it. If wu run' I heat them, let us owu it
And let us provide for and prosecute the
campaign of lb03 as if there were to be
no other. When it shall havo been con
cluded, wo trust there will bo no ground
of controversy as to what shall bo doue
There is much sound sense in this view
of .Mr. Greeley.
U. S. Lr.OAL 'lENDER NoTES. Till!
Supremo Court for tho district of New
York, decided, last Saturday that Utiited
States legal tender not:s were eonstitu
ticnal as to debts contracted before the
passage of tho law making such notes a
legal tender. All of the four Judgos con
!.cnrrd in thid decision.
tr " k'jv' v - k.-vT- - . fw
ItlllTKU HV LKVI I.. TATB, l'ROI'llll-;TOR
SATlHItW, Al'llll- 11, 1863.
Ahhkst or Gov. Tod or Ohio, We
are informed by telegraph from Cincinati,
.t.... L Ol !p r U!-fi..1.1
tuac ,du otier.u ot ru.rumu UOuu.y arre.
.1 jL. Ol .1.
ted Gov Tod, on tho 3d .mt., on the
charge or kidnapping Dr. Ldson B. Olds,
an indictment having been found aga.nst
bun by the Grand Jury of that county
Tod was taken before Judge Johnson of
inn .uiirnina .miipf nn a urir r i rtti nt-nv
the Supremo Court, on a Writ of tiubtas
eorputt aud held to bail to appear in June
Gov. Tod was instrumental in having
Dr. Olds arrested, having written to a
member of the Cahint, urging hi arrest
as a dangerous man. We trust the Court
and Jury which will try him in Fairfield
county, iu June, will give him justice,
Let the State authority, and the rights of
the people- be vindicated, Ohio, we be
lieve, has e, severe law against kidnapping
passed with reference to negroes, We
truit the Abolitiouiits will be pleaded with
its application to u'it!e men I
JST This is one of the Iudiana "Cop
perhead" rosolutiotis :
"Raotveil, That notwithstanding our
want of confidence in the AdininUtratiou,
we yet hereby pMgt ourselves to support
it in ait consittulto;ul mtasuns to sup.
prt ss the rebellion at the South, aud restore
to the Government the nroner and fuller,
erciso of its legitimate authority.''
This is one of the Kentucky "Copper'
head" resolutiens :
"Iiesolvcl That our institutions are as-
nailed by au armed rebellion on one side,
w.iich am ont'i be mtt by the xword, and
ou the other by unconstitutional ot. f
Courress, aud ntattliug u-iuipatious of
power by the Kxecutive, which we have
seen by ixpeiitueut cau be corrected by
thu ballot box "
And this ii one of the New Jersey
"Copperhead" resolutions : -
"Resolved, That the unequaled prompt-
cess with which New Jersty has
ed to every call made by the Piesideut
and Congress for men and means, has
. , , , , '
bet n oeoastoned by-no lurking animosity
to the States of the South or the rights of
her people ; no disposition to wrest from
tlwm any of their lights, privileges or
property hut simply to as.Lt iu main-
laiiiiiiL', us ie hus evtr bilievcd unit now
beltev.s ,t to be l,e uutj to do,the suprtm.
acy of Vie federal t omttlutiou ; and
while abating naught iu her devotion to
the Union oi the States and the dignity
and power oi .he Federal Government,
at no time since the commencement of the
present war b.s this t-tate been other than
willing to terminate peacefully aud lion-
Orahly to all, a wir uuneceasary in it ori-
gin, fraught with horror aud s jffcrma in
its prosecution, and necessarily daiteerous
to the liberties of all in its continuance.
,, ... ' ,, . .. ' ,,
llf Illwirtiitq At nil , n ltd ni,n uniiiiinii '
What do conservative, reflecting men
tliMilf .f fi it,.., i-lm-wl inn, ' 1 au i,nlln.rtil ti-v., w Ulllb t U1,,M ,IU U I' M 1 . V. . U
,. , .... . , .i,, 1 ....
railirnl A hnlitimilwtii T Itlnli I tin. mrwf
... ,,, . ., .-
'loyal to the country, the Constitution
j.t .. .. it j i - t . ' our suns aim uiuiui-is. no duuuh. ua.w
and the Government i Under which set i , , . . , . , ,
. , ,, entertained the propo-itiou on tho 10th ol
of principles is it most probable wo can . , , ' ,. , . , ,
, . , . ., ,, . , ,, Deceutbcr.but he heed essly and wieked
succecd in restoring the Union t The) '
people of Columbia county answered these
questions at the polls, Friday before last
1 !lipolihrj lu be Esiablishcd.
"Another principle mu-t certainly be
embodied in our loorgauizcd form ofe,ov
ernuient. The men who shape the legis
lation of this country, when the war is
past, must remember that what we want
is power and strength. 'Ihe problem will
be to combine the forms of a Republican
Government with the powers of a Man
urchiotl Government" I'hUa. 1'res.
"This war has already shown the ab
surdity of a (ovtmmnt with limited pow
er 9 ; it has shown that the power of ivrif
government ought to be uud must be un
limited.'' Jua North American,
Such are tbe sentiments of the leading
organs of tbe Black-Republican party,
They require no comment, except to be
denounced as the rankest treason to tb'e
jVSTTke National Intelligencer says, it
is observed that the me 1 who make mili
tary omnisoience their forte, and military
Fciencc their foible, arc generally tho men
who aro most anxious to " arm, equip and
discipline'' some other class ofpeople than
ecyAt a wedding recently, when tho
officiating clergyman put tho question,
''Wilt thou havu this man to bo thy wed-
ded husband 1" She dropped her pretti
est courtciy, and with a modesty which
lent her beauty an additional grace, Bho
replied, "If you plflM.',
The Wbr.
A Wheeling dispatch states that on
Monday seven hundred rebels uuder Gcncr
,1 Jeuktns, captured Point Pleasant, Va,
Subsequently the town was retnkor..- '
. ,ll, l.i!.,rt fnM,.,n ,,!
n fi. i i I
prisoners. Ourd one killed and one wouu-'
A Cincinnati telcgratn is recponsible for
it... it,.. .t,ot. ,.,,!
Ihe n port that the rehIs arc retreating
f ir . . ... ii t. .... .i .
from Kentucky ranidlv. Petrram. at la.H
accounts, was 'south of Stainlford, hotly
puisui d, and is said to have abandoned
... ... . ,. -p.,. rnrn4 . rn.
fa adva d illc,eon
ni.,M of 4,urfrOM,,oro. Scouts rm
thiU tlie rebel8 1US. fightor fall back n
acc(iunt of b0anty BuW4tenc,.
,. . . Vfi.r,,;lv. nf .,. Apa
fmm Bn .t,' .l SbqI ,
Iroin I'ort Hoyal on the Otlt mst., puts
" . - . . '
us in po session of much interesting itifor-1
matioii from rebel quarters.
No mention is ui.ide of. any attack hav
ing been made ou cither Charlestonn or
Savannah, though active operations were
going on in the naval squadron.
fiayauah is suffeiing for provisions.
Even salt is twenty dollars a sack.
General 'Beauregard has demanded the
surrender to the rebels of the steamers
Keystone Stale and Mereedita, which it
is claimed were dptured by the Cnieora
aud Palmetto State ou the 31 of January
last. Admiral Shubrick and Geh Totteu
are to decide the case.
'I he negro troops had driven the rebel
forces some eight or ten miles out of Jack
sonville, Florida. According to the Sa-.
vanunh Republican an engagement lrnl
occurred between the confederate light bat-
teriM ,ld ,ho Uniut) ,lb(.alB Veeultiiiu
.,,. , . ,
without harm to tliu lonuer. Ihe negro
... r j i.. . ,i. . i
ruiu .uc iiis uor, icureu. out ratuer council
In compliance with the request ot the
Senate the P resident has designed Thurs
day, April 3d, as a day of national huaiil-
iation, .astiug, and prayer
' (
fllr. ValluiidiBlinm ou Ptarn Prniin.s.
Mr. Vallatidigham, of Ohio', iu a speech
madr si ,ce his return home, Used the lol-
lowing explicit language:
On the 1 2th of last December, when
'f'om the City of Richmond tu. urination
came to the City of New York that there
was a disposition to compromise and re-
, ii , , ,i, .. , ,-,
turn delegates to tlie. national Coneress,
, , f ,. , ' ui,n.a ,
a"d bc "ienl to the Constitution ant)
laws, aud thus restore the Union as it was
the President, on that day, rcjectod the
prol,03jtioI) anJ tbe damning evidence of
, . . K- , exists in New ork over
h'11 owu autograph, ciies "hear," but
there is au ob igation of secrecy at present
and the letter has uot yet been given to
the blio. T1)ell,,y after the Federal
, , , , ;. .
"'"' crosscd the Rapphaiiuock into
, Fredericksburg, uuder the beliei that
I Iticbmoud was to fall, aud thus eud thu
renelliou. The day previous Abraham
T . .1 ..11 . ,.:.;...,
JJIIICOIII tCICClun nil uiuuujiuuiu m itii.iu,
. ' .
1 over his own signature, and the day after
1 the hopes of lha blind man in the White
... .
1 House were dissipated tn l.V
. 1
defeat at
i Fredericksburg, and tho loss of 20,000 of
i b
ly drove away all overtures.
Militaty Pluuaet c a.
Mr .'handler, of Michigan, (Rcpubli
cau) said in the Senate before ailj mm-
ment that 'nil itary flieer have been
guilty of pillaging from the rebels and
dividinc the snoiis among them.elves -
Large sums have thus been seized, held
aud divided by certain Generals."
Mr. Lane of Kansas, 'Republican)
said he kucw of a Urigadier General who,
having received a number of slaves, (18
I believe J within his camp, give them up
to tho owner in cons-do utiait of receiving
forlif-eight bales of co'lou ! M. L. also
said that the custom was for commanders
to give permits to bring cotton and for
military commanders to receive a per
ceutege for the permits and protection
thus afforded. These transactions had
greatly demoralized the army.
Mt, Chandler on the same occasion said
tho Seuate had deliberately voted to eon
tinuo the present demoralization in the
army, and to uphold the thieves, plunderers
and robbers in Ihe service.
Exactly uliko.
White men are to pay 3U0 per head
j to set the niirgcrs free, and then 8300
more to free themselves from tho draft. uoc,, ' ,clom 10015 "''''anil tin. I'ru.cess
Thus.thovalucof.a wblto man and nig- Alexandra to(.her hu-band.'s lom.b .'ihe
ger is plaoed at the sumo Gguro only the ,turi'0 ninBIc lMt 'bcre in eorrow
formsr has the privlego for pojir.g for both. inK "jmatby.
wo Freemen, or
. Slaves P
aio wo
In iow of r.ll the arbitrary acts and
measnres of the AdminUntiion it should
.....I.. i ... i f i i .. .
"l cc couMucreu ,a.o auu ut.ju,t to say,
that the dc,pof.M under which the Atuer-
tcan ntonlo now live, is raual to that of
",u" lILOl,lu " ,lvt-i 18 4UJ1 10 111,11 ol
Russia or Austria. Hut sonic of those
. . . '
bravo and men among in who have
dared to make that remark recently, havo
, . ' ;
nren driiniinerd as trr.itors. oesetvitir' of
0fcn cienouucca na irr.iwr, o.
'bo gallows
Ilut in order to show how ,
ra - ,
much reason these so called
traitots havo
for their assertion, we
quote a con
(temporary, mo i.antoru V omi,;, i;Ws,
i . t . r . l'i
I. rni . rr 'I
cf March 21ft, in apoakuig of arbitrary
arrests by the Administration, says :
"To illustrate the incredible extent of
their infatuatipn and insolence, we quote
L ' uip' , . corr"P?" , u T
Secretary toward a vhameful but charac
r .1 i!. .1 - 1. -i
teri-tio passage. Thu Secretary's whole
. . "
otlicial correspondence was tiy uongress,
Isits winter, iiruercd to bo printed, and
sucti aniitlier mass ot omciai ivruttii;,
whether for its voluminous amount, or the
character of a large portion of the dis
patches themselves, was novel" before seen
in the transactions of this Government.
We may add, that this country was hover
before so disgraced in its diplomatic cor
respondence. Here is the pasnigc ; it i.
taken from a dispatch to the British Min
ister :
" l.M v Loud, I can touch .a hi i.t. o
of A citizen or Ohio. 1 can Tot cu
Uetf Tho Republican papers falsely
charge the Democracy with opposing a
i;oroi,s prosecution of the war." What
the Democrats oppeso is just, that which
pievents a vigorous piosecutioti of the win
that which has paralyzed all our owt,
efforts, and given energy and sirctig'h u
the enemy that which has divided the
North and uuitcd the So ith1 This i
hat Democrats opnose. and what thov
will ever oppose. Ann tncy arc uuaur."-
ah y opposed to tho real purpore and aim
to which the war is now diiected, which
can re-alt only in ruin to the country.
Put to the preservation of the Government,
the maintenance of the Constitution, and
the ristoration of the Union, every true
Democrat is ready to devote himself and
all he has, now and forever.
The Quakeus or Pennsylvania.
The represeulat'vics of tho society ol
Friends in Pennsylvania have addressed i.
remonstrance to lho' Legislature in refer
ence to the amount paid for exemp
tion Iroin military duty. They say that
the infliction of a fine of 5300 Is a meas
ure which, if carried into effect, will act
badly upon the society.
No let up gentlemen. You arc no
better than thousands of our poor men.
laboring mechanics, whom the Conscript
Act "will act badly. ' Prepare to shoul
der arms; and like good oitiz ns go to the
reicuo. Vou help3U mike the war, now
help fl ht it out.
The Repubican press says it is trea
son to advocate the cause of peaco on any
term. Even preaches continue to preach
war, ami yet Christ in His Sermon ou the
Mount, tell us that "Blessed arc the
peace makers) ; for they shall be called
the children of God," anil in Romans we
are further told : "itow beautiful are
the feet of them that preach the Gospel of
peace." Which is safer, therefore, to
lollo-v the war preacher and the Dtvil,
or the teachings of the Bible and the Sou
of God.
jjttV"The Pennsylvania Abolition State
Convention will assemble at Pittsburg on
the 1st of July, instead of the 15th, as
previously reported.
Lancaster County. Tho Democrat
ic convention of Lancaster oountv met on
Wednesday last, aud appointed Hon. I h.
Hiester, Dr. II. Carpenter, Dr. J. K.
Raul), Richard McGrann, II. S. Kern-,
and It. T, Ryou delegates to the State
Convention, with the unanimous iust'uc
tion to support lho claims of Uou. Geo.
Sanderson for Governor,
tfirWni. II Temple, ni'imb-jr cf C011
gress elect from Delaware, died a week 01
j two'binco. .vr r. was a Deinierat, fleet
jeil by 37 majority over Mr. FM11 r, A!.
I ministration inoinber of the U-t C 'liims,
ttej-tiiist ueioro ncr sen was married,
Roll of Honor.
A certain iti'fivmdual onco mada the
""""""rrauon tnnt mon and animals
m -luuiM net v "Sron llii-nm.h n fnn "
- -b
"T h Carriot' h"
url"er that over mooted que.
.- ., J
lou llns tttc "1(lt8, rl acoino especially
In l. t... ;. . . . .
"? "i retorcnoo to an.' article
I'uyllsllca 'n
b Tctcru
t "(,'
luyitsiiea -m tno lutli ult., in. tho .Harris.
..entitled Roll of Infamv.
t . .i . ..
lu lliat ro" artf tu0 following Stats Seoa-
to is
Wm. A. Wallace, of rjjarfiold county.
Geo. II. Unoher, Cumberland 11
Hcistcr (Jlytner, Berks
( . M. Donovan, Philadelphia
C. L. I.ambciton, Clarion
A II. Glatz, York
II. S Molt, Mouroo
John C Smith, Montgomery
G AV' Stein, Northampton
J B Staik, Luzerne
These men imay well bo prrtud of th
votes they 0 1st for which! thoyrare stig
matized as members of a-Roll of Infamy.'
Tho Ilcssinu of iq Telegraph, .intention
ally omittrd to inform his readers of the
full facts in thu Ho omitted to
state that previous to theso men votin
auain.-t granting, the use of the SenanT
Chamber or tho State to such political a
pirantsas Andy Johnson and ex Go.erndc
Wright,, the eibdition majority of the
State Senate icfused to grant the same
linlrSct Geo. B, McCr.Et.r.AX, the
zrcnust Cuptoin of the age Bat, citizens
of Pennsylvania, it is your duty to probo
this thing full. Look to tho men who
voted against granting the ;u?rv of that
chamber to the man who has tw'o s v d
tho National Capital, who has reorganised
two defeated armies, who stands to dar
first iu tho hearts of his counirymon ; aur
than calmly pass your verdict upon thoi r
Here arc their names. Read th-tn
Observed them carefully. This is, in
doed a roll of infamy :
Amos R.i;Boughlor, Lebanon emtnty.
Franklin Bond, North'd
O . h r 1, L!I.IJr... .
Smith Fuller, Fayette ,-
"Wm. Hami ton, Lancaster
J. A. Heistand, Lancaster
Henry Johnson, Lycoming '
Win. Kiusoy, Bucks
M. B Lowry, Erie ,
Chas. M Candlcss, Butler "
J Niuhols, Philadelphia "
J. P. Penney, Allegheny
J. K. Ridcway, Philadelphia "
J. 'I. Robinson, Mercer
J. S Serrill, Delawaro .!
Alex Stutzman, Somerset
W T. Turrel, Susquehanna
Harry hile, Iodiqna
S. F- Wilson, Tioga '
G. V. Lawrence, Speikor, Washing
ton CO. , ,
Soldiers of tho rmy of the Potonno !
there arc the names of the Abolinon
whelps who icfused your gallant com
uiander, Geo. B. McClellan, a heariug iu
the .Senate Chamber of tho Koystopt.
State I that Stalo which' ican( proudly
boast to own '-theuobldst Roman of them
all " When you return to your homes,
and exercise onco again tho elective fran
chise, wc well know you wijl ; nipte out t
theso Mio'ition hounds thetr just dues and
ever uphold the fair fame of "Little Mao'
the idol ol your army. Clearfield Repub-
1 cau.
FllKM' .NT.'
Gen.. Printout has been on
Washington two or three weeks soliciting
another counnaud. hut tho Republican p.
pcrs say it lias been refused bits at thu
instigatkn, of Gen. Hallrck. II this in
so, Gen Hallcck is entitled to praise.
Among the ho.t of military charlatan,
and humbugs of the day, Frcmout is ihe
The FitEtcnoM of TiiEiPitEis! With
in a short time four newspaper, .office to.
eated respectively in Kansas, Iowa, Hit
nois and Ohio,- havo been destroyed bv
nigferjicad mobs. The attrooities of the
French Revolution recoiled with lerrib e
effect upou the heads of those whee- initia
ted them ; and so it will be, before long
with these infamous mobe. Violence al
ways begtts vio'encc.
ftSP White man aud lllaek map bad a
till: in Baltimore. While told jjbick
'tbi.- is iur war; you ought to, fight."
Waiter toted, has uuffin to do
i I dia war. Two degs light over a bone.
Did you ever see do font fight 1"
Takino a "Ton." Tho Abolitionbrta
used to chargo Dr. Olds with being a
.drinking man. Thej now liars proof tkivt
Ue knows lion to take Tod,