FariTKiV's Dp.nnH.nip.Ti L iiaissi.-A-.-. x-xJLjrr HOUSSE YOITR IMPLEMENTS. U pninn nny ono having the Orst cor ml' view of oconomy, to sco valuablo farming Implement exposed to the weath er from Fall to Spring. And yet this is tiuitu common in many parts of tho coun try. It would not bo extravagant to nay that such implements as plows, harrowd, hoca, cultivators, scctl-sowcrs, mowers, reapers, carts, &c, diminish in value ten per o.ut. a year when not housed, more than thop nou.d if always under cover vrhen not in use. But ton per cent a year m a heavy tax. Farmers would oomplain, and justly too, if tho Government imposed a tax of ton per cent on the valuu of ag ricultural implements. But how many inflicts this tax on themselves I A place 1 for every implement, under cover, out of) Bun and rain, every ono on the farm to know its place, and to put it there tho moment they are done using it, should bo the rule. YELLOW CORN VS. RED. Wo see it stated in tho Western paporB that yellow corn bring in market thice or four cents n bui-hel moro than red. It ia saiil alio, that the mixed yellow and white, brings a like advance over rod. We should not have supposed there could bo intrinsically so much difference. But we have noticed that ideas become stereo typed in trade, generally have scnio truth for a basis. If it is so in this case it would bo well, not only for those who grow com for ihe market, but for those growing it forborne consumption, to substitute the yellow, or the mixed, yellow and white, for the red, PROSPECTIVE PROFITS FROM STOCK GROWING. Horses, in consequence of the great demand for ihem for tho army, arc con siderable higher than formerly. Cattle for meat, work, and milk, have not yet risen much, but probably will advance aoinowhut in price. Sheep can hardly lail to bo in extra demand for somo years to oorac. With these prospocts, farmers, we think, will do well to increase their herds and flocks. There can hardly be a doubt that for some years to coino the growing of ttock will be at least hand somely remunerative. BOILED CORN FOR HOGS AND OTHER STOCK. Wrri. Van Loom, writiog in tho Prairie Farmer, says that ho has practiced feed ing boiled corn to his stock and hogs, and is ''taticfiod that he saves one-half his grain, and gains as much more in time;" that one bushel of com on tho cob, boiled, will produce as much as two fed raw, am! in one-half the time. In one cxpetimeiit he fed three bushels of boiled corn, per day, to twenty-seven hogs, for ten days. Tho average gain was two pounds per day. Ho then fed the same lot of hoga on two bushels of raw corn per day, for tweuty days they gained a mere trifle ox or one pound per day. Theee were small, young hogs large onos would have fatted better EARLY SOWING. A few bright, warm days, fuch as at ways occur tho latter part of April, are usually safliaicnt to- bring on an attack ol the planting fever. Tho garden must bo plowed or spaded, beds laid off, and in. go tho beets, carrots, parsnips, turuirs, eto. They find a cold bed, tho soil is packed over them by repeated rains, and many of the seeds rot outright, and the slender germs fail to lift the heavy soil pressing upon them. It is far better to leave sowing most seeds until tho ground is dry and warm. A few of the hardy sorts, such as early peas, potatoes, onions, lettuco, tomatoes, spinach, salsify etc. may bo put in during tho month of April, May 15th is sufficiently early for the gonearlity cf seeds. They will then come up quickly and grow rapidly ; every one knows, that a quick grown vcgctablo is for better than ono which has taken a whole season to mature. Beets for late fall and winter use do best when sown from tho first to tho middle of Juno. OA HE OF HARNESS. T. Oliver AycrJ.a prantical Iiaraos3 i ts 1 . . I maker, Kent Co., Del., contributes to tuo American Agriculturist, the following su fastions : ''IltirnCSS sbotlltl bo kept IlUIIg , CJ t O up on wooded pegs in a clean dry room will, a plank floor, so that it may be free from dampness. When soiled, it 8,ould bo washed with Oastilo soap suds. liar - ncss that U iu constant use need oiling fniir l m a vnnr- it nnlir npnnstnn-ill n lour lirav-S a year, II only OCOaStODdlly brought out, as carriage harness, etc., twioe a year will bs sufficient, if the wash infi be not neglected. To oil harnesu, ueparato all tho pieces, PEW and lay them in water until thoroughly r HE Subscriber offers for sale the prop wet through. Then wash thsm cloan, and VirtTlr?ul'M b'him in 1,lo(""'1"i!-cu'" wet through allow thorn to dry suflii'iently. To know ' when they aro in good condition (or oil ng, bond a blrap, and if the water does not oozo out, it is dry enough. Train-oil (wlialo oil) in sometimes used, but neats foot oil U much better. Mix with a littlo tamp black, and with a brush apply it to both tides of the straps, About six houra after ollin'i wash tho wbolo with Oastilo soap and warm water, let thorn dry, rub well nirh a wooli'n cliflli." LJlllGE ARRIVKL OF iewopring(X summer GO MS AT PET EH KNT'S STORE, ix uonr srnr.nr, Columbia cuv.vrr, r.t, HAS Jmt received Irnm Philadelphia, niul in Unix openliu nt the old ulnnd life y cccuplcd by Marti ii I'.nl, n plcndld nsorlmcnl of which will tic cold chcnp tor CAfll OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. ltl Muckcnhril.lt of Ladlci l)rcs Uouds tliolccUt)'lc and latest faihlon. Calicos, Muslins, . Ginghams, Flnnucls, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. CAsimcros, Satinets, - Cottonatlc, Kentucky Juaus, Thread, Sic. Groceries, Queenswaro, Cedar ware, Hardware, Mudiciucs, Drugs, Oils, Paints, ScC, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In hnn -texy thing uvmliy kept in n cnuntry More The patronage ofold friend, and the public gcnoral ly. I re.ucctfutlv t nliileil. Tho highest market price paid for country produce. Mght Street, March 1, 13'iX look "mm IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOU It Cheap Spring- Goods, GO TO (reasy's Store, in Light Sit ed, Pa. ALL KINDS OF goods r CALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELC, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Mad o Clothing Sugars, Molases, Syrups, CotTeo.s, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Separs, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drug.?, Oils, Paint?, ' kc.,kc. Iln addition to our larfio stock of Dry Cinndu, we linve f largo anil full assortment of Heady Madi. Clothing aor lcn and llnya xvcar which xv,j are deti-rniincil to sell cheaper th. n ran be bought elsewhere. Call and see, nnd Judge for yourselves. ii. u'.cnr.APVfe co. Light Street, March 1, 1803. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philad-elphla-for tho Relief nf the Sick and llitrcsscd afflicted with Virulent ami Chronic Diiiciirca, and es pecially Insease- nf the Sexual .Jre-am. Medical Advice eIivii Graii-by lhe Utinc Surgeon Valuable HIU'OltTS on fU'illlXIATOi.'ltllfllA or iSHMlX I. xVIJAKXIISr?. nnd other lifelines of the Bex n il Organ, mid on thv XT.W ItKMCDU.S employed in the Diipunnary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of char-rc. Address llr. J. SKIM.IN IIOUfillTOX, Howard As.neintlon N'a. SHoiitli Niuth.Street, 1'hiladelplii, l'a. April. 5, ltfbJ-l-.'m. 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN fixf. aoi.n r.in:its, cold Axn vf.ut.t nF.coit.irio.vs, M.mm.F. .ixi a.1 hm m-.coit.irioxx, .YF.rr Ji.vn a.tr ai.nzF.i p.ipf.iis. 1'1.1XjIXI) ISlliailTCOMMOX 1PF.RS. IIOItPKllI, F1IIF. 110.1111) PlllXTS, swruF.s, bi.ixus, Fic, i:rc. Will b sold at greatly reduced prices, at the paper hanging rooms of the undersigned in Judge Ituperf s"rorc House, on decond streit, a few doors below Mar kel. Also Piipcr Ilisiis Exe-utcd In thebcbt style, at Moderate prices and in mirk tim-i .. . . , U. J. THORNTON, llloomsburg, .May 3, IECJ :im, JOHN S. LEE k CO , No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. HOPE iWAKBiaSS AND SHIP C 11 A N D L R 11 S , Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes, Twims.Tar, Pitch, Oakum. ISIucks, and Oars, &c August I, IrilO- ISin. LEATHER! L EAT HICK ! ! Tliniindcrslgncd would announce, that he hasnn hand iithisllatandCaii Hinporiuni, on .Main St., Illonins. burg, iiiiasortincutof dill'erent kind nf leather, such -is line, calf kius, morocco. (red andh'acK)aml linings rill cf which hu w HI sell cheaper I Inn can be had else-whole In this market. Call ami ex-einiiiu them for yourselves llloomsburg. May 21, lSf,2, -"- ITU.Y. ' pttisiiiUUTii & iiiioi'iimts. WIIOLHSAhE 0 R A 0 0 0 DK A L E R p A3.1051.VOlt'l'H TIIIKI) STItUET Pivc dooribelow Rare. PlIII.ADin.PHIA SCIIOLAHSIIII'S FOIt SAKE. Pittsburgh Commercial Coe;e. Illughampliu Crittenden's Phlladolphia. Siratton, llryant &. Co.. " Tluss Serins, are in amounts of A1.T. m,,i c.o n.i .A I iiiirii losii, iij i oe niuiieni oil eniriugeiilier ofth . uovn oiiegos . loiing nulu.lesiring toobtaiu .ululsb. 'V1 -?'-'k''' iMcniion, win hr-ru nmi a sooa specula tlon l.y njiplyiriat the otlicu. tifihn ' N,'v 1 coi.cmiii x hiimociiat. TIN WAR 13 & STOVE SHOT' TMIi: undersigned respectfully luforins his old friend I ni I - t I sf "IH I I It-Ill 1 mere, inS iflfflSffllii,,, 33.".$ . tt-'olilKudVo?. Z ffyAZVZ&iuS!! Xtf. 1 winnnii oioves, tc cc. s ovep po and T1warc constantly on hand and inauufaclured to nrder. rtii sum" i cepiiiring none, as iisunl, mi short until e, Th patronj",! of 0, friends and new customirs rc n.ctf'illy solicited. ,. M. RUPERT. Hlonniiburg, November 3d 18C0.-'tf, House ,111(1 Lol lor Sale. 7firi'c and Convenient House. 'JL and of a well.linnroveil Lot ofiihout two acres of laud. Tlicpreinises arn in perfect repair Appli ration may be uindetoC, It. Ilurkalew, it l Icmnisburg. W. J. WOODWARD, Reading, October M, lfCS-Jin, JOSEPH FUSSELL, Manufacturer nf sTUMHREI.LAS, SUN UAIRREL LAS and PARASOLS, Nos. S ,tl N. ith St., PHIL A'l), March 7 1803 3m, 99 FOR THE ,G 0 n STiTUTiOfl AMI tiii: ' roil I) I A B 15 T K S anu i)isi:.si:i3 op Tin: Time Jitngtnni ami Trisubkstmt IHltattt, vhithharc thui far Unified the bctt directed Trcatmtnt can be Camptttily Controlltd by tht It I'MEDYnov btfvrcuil tiii: cuiiATivi: . properties of tho medii inc iliurt themselves to the or pans oi serr jiion. ana ny so aueriug me rouuninu oi tlu sto.nach and liver that the starchy principle of tho food Is not converted Into sugar soloiig us thu system is under tlu Influence of the CO.N81 1TUTIOX WA'IT.It, which give those organs time In recover tliclr keallhy tone niul vigor. Wo are able to stale th ,! the t'nnslltu-. (Inn Water has cured every case of Diabetes III which It has been given. STONT. IS Tlin llUDDI'll, CAl.CUI.'ff?, IfllAVI'.l. rrnti'K dust ui:rorfiT, and mucouh or mii.ky jiiticii.uiuuts Arrnn ukin'ati.vo. Diseases orciirlug from one ami the same cause will bo entirely cured by the Constitution Wator, Iftaken foi any length of time. Tho dose should vary nith Iho severity of the disease, from twenty drops to a Ira spnoufiil Ihreeliuies n day, In water, During the pas sage "ftliij Cakulus, the pain and urgent svuiptoins should he combated w ith the proper remedies, then followed up w ith the Constitution Water, as above di rected, DVSM liXORR AOJA, OR 1X.TIJIJ, MtSN'fl I'MJA T10N, AND IN Mr.NORRII.UilA OR I'ltOl'UHK n.OWINC Roth diseases arising from a faulty secretion of tne menstrual fluid-in tho one case beingtoo little, and accompanied by severe pain ; and the oilier a too pro fuse secretion, winch will bo speedily cured by the Constltntmu Water. That disease known ns PAI UNO 01' Till: WOMI1. which Is the result of a relaxation nf the ligaments of that organ, and is know u by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains in the back and sides, and at times ac companied by sharp lacinal lug or shooting pains through the parts, will, iual t cases, be rciuoicd by I he medi -inc. There I-. another class of symptoms ari-ing from lit ILirAno'Ol'Tlli: WO.UII, nhlih physicians call Nervousness, which word covers up much ignorance, nnd iunlnecases nut of ten the doctor does not really know vvln ther the sjmptnius are the disease, or the disease tip- symptoms. Wo can only enumerate them hero. I sprak inoro particularly nf Cold I'eet, Palpita tion in the Heart, Impared .Memory. Wakefulness, Plash es of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and lljmuess of Vision, suiTui'ssKi) .mi:n&tiiuatio.v. Which ill the unmarried female is a constant recurring disease, and through neglect the seeds ot more grave and dangerous maladies arc the result; and as mouth afler mouth passes without an ellort being made to at sit nature, tho suppression becomes chrn'.ic, ihe pa-tii-nt gradually looses her appetite, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come on, and coiumttptiun finally ends her career. i.r.ucoi!iiu:A or whites. This disease depends upon an Inll.imatlnu of mucous lining oft -e vagina and womb. It is in all eases ac companied by scere pain in tho b.uk, accrnss the bowils and through the hips. A tenspoouful of the medicine may be taken three times a day, with an in jectlou of a tablespoonful of tin inedicime, ini.xed with aha f-pint of soft water, morning and evening, IRRITATION OF Till", NIXK 01' THU UI.AIJDKR, INTI.AMATION OP Till: Ktll.Vr.VH AND CA TARRH or tiii: iii,addi:ii, siranuurv 1 ANDIICRNINOOIU'AI.VI'Ijl.uniNA'l'INt:. Tor thesodiseases it in truly ti sovereign remedy, nnd too much cannot he sal.l In its praise A single dots has been know to relive the uio-t urgent syptoms, Are you troubled with that distressing iiain in the small of the back and through Ihe hips ( A leapnonful a day of Constitution Wall r will r-lievo on like in.'iyic. I'OR DVSI'UPr-IA, It has no equal in reliex ing the Most distressing smp toms. Also, Headache. Ileartlnrn, Acid ritotuach X'om illng Tood. tec. Taken tea, poouful after dinner- 'I be dose in all cases in ty be increased if desired, but should be ilonu gradually. i'HVr--icixa Have lung since given up tin- use of hucliu, cuhehinnd juniper in thetreatinentid'Hi ls" diseaees, audoiilyuse them for want of a better remedy. Cl)HTl'IIJTION w"ati:r lias proved itself o pial tu tlu task that has devolved upon it. DIL'lir.TICS Irritate and drench i'Iiu kiilneys, andbv con.tant ue soon lead tochronie. degeueratios'aud' coiiiriued dis ease. iicad. Rca. sad. IliM-iLM-, Pa., Junes! (i;j. Dr. Wm. H. Citcno Daer 4fc- In I'i bii.irj. lull, I was afflicted w Ith the s ujinr ili.ilKt.-s.ainl for live moiiihs I passed more than two gallons of water in iweutyfour hours I was oh Iged to get up as often tenortwehe times during tlu nmht. and in five mouths 1 lost about lifty pounds iu wi-igth. Hurtling the month ot Jipj . leol, 1 procured two bottles of Constitution Water and iu twodays alter Using it I experieucvd relief, and alter taklii' two boitlesl was entirely cureil. soon alter regaining my usual good health. Vours trulv. J. V. 1 Hi: WIIT. IJoslou Corners, N, V., Dec. 27, ltd. Win. II. Orcgg k Co.: flouts: I freely give you lib -rty to make use of ike 1'ollowiiigi'irtillcatoofthj valu of Ciiutitutinn Wa ter. whlrh I can reccouiuieiid in the lnsli.l manner. My w lie, who was attacked with pain iu the shoul ders, whole length nf the back, and in her.luubs, with Palpitatlnn of the heart, attended with Palling of tin. Womb, Dysiiieiiorrhoea. anil "Irritation of Iho Iliad der," I called a phjsieiau, w ho attemleil her about three .uontlis, when he lelt her worse than ho found her, I then employed one of the he,t physicians I could Had, who attended her for about nine months, and w bile she was under his care shu did not sutler quite nsuiuih pain; h.) finally gave her up ami said: u:r case was iiictnuoie. i or, sain lie, "!ie was sllrb n coiubinatinn ofcompl.iints.lhat nudicine iven for one op -rale-uguiusl some other ofher dlllieullies, icr dlllieullies." miuui mis nine sue commenced in use i;on-in nil in xx tbu, anu ,i our utter astonishment, almost the first dose seemed lo have Iho dsired tiled, and she kent on nnprni jug rapidly u -der its I real men t, ami now super intends entirely he.- duiuoslli: all'ilri.. Shehas not ta ken any of thei.iis riunox Watch foraboiit fourweck andwearc happy tn say that it has pioduced a perma nent care. WM. M. VAN lil'.NSLTIOTtN. Mm man, Conn. Nov, HI, lEfil, Tig. WH.II.OP.Kiin; Dear Mr : I havofnr several years been afflicted with tint tooublesnmoand daugeroiK disea-u Oravel which resisted ml reineilies and doctors, until I took Co-ismrno-nt, Wats r, and you may beassured that I was pleased wilh the result. It has entirely cured me. and j on may make any uso of my mime yen may see lit in rogare to ilia medicine, as I Have entire coutidener in its etlii ncy. Yours truly, PONHSTIiOVU, Tiinsi: ah 13 i'otri:noiii:h Thero is unclass ofdiseases that produce such ex hausling eil'erts upon the liumaii conslilutioii us Din-bet-s and diseases of the Kidneys. Illndderainl Crina ry Passages, nnd thruuch a (also mndesly they are neg lected until they aro snadvauced as to 'ho beyond the control of ordinary rciuedias, and wo present Iho CONSTITUTION WATP.lt To the publii: with the conviction that it has nncnnnl in relieving the class of diseases for which it has h-en found m eminently successful inciirlng; and wo trust that xvn shall bo rewarded in our eil'orts in placing so valuablo rcisedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician, I'M SAI.I'.IIV AM.DRUORISTS. PP.IOI3SI, WM. II. rsilOlini: - CO,. Prnpnemrs. Morgan & Allen, fieueral Agents, No, Hi CHIT Hi'. New-York, Sept SI. l?"(l. i3ni It X E: : E y ATTORNEY AT LAW, HLooMsnuna, rj. innro III Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles R uucknlcw. lllnonisbiirg, Dec. 4, US'.). JOHN C. YEAGER, .MANur.icruRuit it wiioi.iisam: hi:ai,i:r in MJL II I I A I -"' i -s -ss -.. p ' i JU " 1-' STRAW GOODS, 150NNE I'S AND ARTIFICIAL FLO WE US, No. 3.57 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov. 29, leO'.'. " Oil BAP MILITARY CAPS! MILITARY CAPS ofi-vr ry sort, tiro and oinillly fur sale cheap at the ll'oonisburg (lat& Cap Ihupurium AUu-Orocerics.Cuiileclioiiarics.lCigars.&c. JOHN K. (IIRTON. nomiburg. Sept. U. Ifdl. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING-. IIP. subscriber would Inform his friends, that Iu i I nnw prepared to put up, on short notice, nnd in a ii'ientltli- manner, thu best vlatiX'I roiXTM) i.iaiiTxrxa itovs, at 131 cent! per foot. A work warranted. r D.UIPliEMAN, Btootruburg Slay II, JfifO, Look to your Interests.1' economy is wealh ERfJh ARRIVAL .CURE YOUR COUGH VOW 13 CKN' OP Spring 1 11 11 3 1 MILLER & EYEK'S. rpllK nulls rlbers h.nr Just returned from Iho JL With another large ami select nssortmct nXKit ivivrX :m snxmnv.v mmuI., tinrchased nt I'lillmlctphln, at tho lowest figure, and which they arc determined to sell on as moderate terms nscan h-' procured elsewhere In lllooinsburg, Their stork comprises wiF.fi' mtkss noons, ofcholc-sl stxlesand latest fashion. iinr noons, .ixn nitocr.itiF.a, n utmriiiK Qy::.Mivn:, CF.Mll ll'.lltt:, ItOU.OH' IMIIK lltOX, XjW,, HOOTS ,y SIIOF.S II1TS ,V MPS. Sit , .Vc, V-. . , ' III short everything usunllv kepi In country Ftnrc to whl'li llicy Invite the Jinldlr genernlly The Highest price paid for country produce. mii.i,i:ii ic nvca. Ilincinisburg. March ISM. JihW JIIHSLY LWito vo s-ai.i:, ALSO, 0 A 111) UN AND FRUIT FARMS. auituble for flrapes, l'enches, Pears, Raspberries, Strewberrlcs, Illackberries, Ciirrint., tit., nf l.'JJ.I, It) na '.'0 acres each, a, the following prices for tho present, via: '! acres lor SJno, 10 acres for SIM, ft acres for Sl.ll, 21 ncres-for $1(1, 1 ncru for SiU Payable by one dollar a week. Also, gooil l ralililiry i an us, anu x mage iois in i iirni' , xvood. 'ii by inn feet, at Sill eneh, pnyanie ny on.i uoi. , Inr a week. I'liJiitwood, I he nbove Hind mid Inrms. are IMi;ite n l i'h3atwooil,U'ashlni!toutnwnshli, llurllngtnn cniinty New Jersey. I'or further information, ripply, with P. O Ptnitui. for a circular, to n eriivi.-r.iv I'lAttg. Vo. CO Cedar Htrcct, New York, N.Y. January P PnTrJ'lURCII, PA., Corner Penn and St, Clair Ftrcct Thelargest Commercial Pchool of the United States, with a patronage nf nearly 3,0011 Students, in five years from Ml Slates, and thu only one w Inch atlbrds complete and reliable Instruction In a'l the follow ing branches, vix: Mercantile. Mnniifnitiiccrs, Steam lloat. Railroad and llnok-kei-piug. I'irst P'omluin Plain niul Ornamen tal Penmanship nlso, Survejlug, engineering uud Malheiualics ginerally. S35.0O. Pays for n roiiinicrclal Cour'ej Students enter nnd re. view at any time It "Ministers' sons' tuition nt half price I'or Catalogue nf Mi pages. Specimens nf llusiness and Ornamental Penmanship, and a benntlful Cullege view of H spuare f et, contniiiiug a irood variety of w riling lettering nnd flutirishlng, inclose St cents in slampstu the Principals, J UNIONS fc SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 111, 18G2-lj PIIi: Iltldersl2n.-iris.-itn exteri--lelv enenue,! Ir. the -1- UuJertalwir llinitict. ami keepsconstaiitl on baud no ior snieai ins narerooins, a large assortment oi PlNlSllI'I) "- ( '(Hi'l-'l USCjJJI w . . . . . , llv which he is .-nabled to Ml orders on presentation A1.-0 Keeps a zmid Horse and Hears -, and will at nl times he ready to alt -nd I'unerils. Simon c. an i vr.. P.loonisbi'rg, January 2 '. l.J50 OI'FIUE 01- JAY UOtiKE, SUIS-CHIPTtON AOHNT. Aijy Cokti & IC, II nkp.is. Ill SoLTiiTiiiai,Sten.T, Philadelphia. Nov. 1. 1.-II2 The undersigned, having I i-i n nppi inled Sulin rip. Hon agent by IheSecri tnry oflhe Treasury, is now pre pared to l'u r n 1 - Ii at onie, lie: iVrtr ticeiiti yrtu (i per cent. Points. of the I'nileil Slal-'s ilesigealed as -I'lve-Twenties,' re. deeinable at the pi, asure oflhe Covi riinient. afler li e years and nnthori.eil by Act of emigre, approed I'ehruar) 2i. Ifnj- Tuecoiipoii bondsare issued in sums nf S."tl, Sim, .lnn. $li)iti Th Reglnter Roads in sums t.f $M, 100,801111, SIOUO and rJ.VIOII, luteic.tat r-ix per rent, per milium will commence rum dale of purchase, and is l'AYAHI.K IN HOLD, "cnii-.Xi'iiiially. which Is eiiial, at the present premi um 011 gold. In nli, mi 1 lit per cent per Annum. r.iriusr. Men ha m. Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any inones to invent should know mid ie mi uiber that the e llonils are Iu c d'ect. a I'irst xiort gage upon nil l ull Roads, Hank Stuck and Soeuiities. andthsiiiiiuense produrts ofall ihe Mauufart.ires, Sec, in lhe country, and that the lull and ample proi is ion made for the payment of tbh interest and liuuiilut- , mn"' priuilp.il, by cust s IMitles. Ilxcini ftamps and mc rna. vi i,ur, srry in uiase niese l.onus tin- iieU, Most Jlvttihbk and vwn popular liivs inei.t hi il'ic Murlm, Subscriptions rorcix oil at Par in Legal Tender Notes or notes and chocks pareu bonks iu Phi-adelphla, Sub ambers by mail will jrcvive prninp'. ulleuiion, nnd ev ery facility andexplaiiatioii will Iu ulTordod on applica tion nt this cHici.. A full supplynf bonds will be kept on hand for Inline-.liatodcliw-ry. J YCOOKI3. Subscription Ag-nt. Nov. 8. l-fiS-Siii. 2mcticaug l5otcl. (Opposite liiue-cwientti Hall,) iiip.sTNU'i s'i iip.i:t.i!P.twi:i:n pi niifc sixth piiii.JinF.i.i'iti.i. IVVATT u nr.m.iNos. Proprietors, November 30, ii'.. Xlarch III, IH5t- F. 0. IIAlUx'ISON, ,M. I), WOI'1,11 respcclfull) Inform the citizens of I!on. burg, and iiiuit , that he rout limes the practice mf.dicixi: .ixn suimr.itr, ml sollcitsa shun- of public patronage, Oikick on Main Street, llrst house below tho Court House, llloomsburg. I'ebru-iry 3, !f.Vi-lf. 15RCK1 RUI0K11 HR1CK!:'. Good Uriel;, just manufacture' r nd for sale rbeno. w lintn l n, .n,l IVUU.., At thu Itloomsliorl. Ilrirk X', r,l p ply to the susenber. III3NRY S. ARTHUR. Illoonikhiirg, Juno !?, I HOC EaUUH'.S RAW BONE SIPER riiOM'HTU OF 1AM. ROl'GII ct SONS, MAl.'I'ACTURl'.l!S k PROPR I UTORS, No.20 Sonth Oolawaro Avenue, PlIU.ADKI.l'lIIA. The mnnfacliirers are now prepared to simply a largiidniiinud with Ibis valuable Miiiiure. Thuy would tili'a'rs, that Iho prlco lias been advanced tn gin per ri',peciloii aiioouiice in i iiriui'i, aou I'eaiers III I or '.'(ID lbs. It need scar cell' be mentioned that ibis i ham, has been r 'II lored necessary by the greatly increased cost of maten.ll and labor, as well ns by Iho operation oflhe II S. Tan upon manufacturers. livery Parmer using a I'ertili.er, may hu assured that the RAW HONH PIIOSPII ATI.' will slill maintain its highilmracler for STRP.NII I'll uud Pl'lll I'Y. lhe manufacturers Preferring to make a small sdvam e in tliu price per nun, Hitlier Ih in allow Its merits tn fall below Iheir farmer standard, under increased expense! iu iiianiifiiitur.ng, u ll is prepared from llarw Hones, and xvnrranled tn contain all theii original organic matter-no buiired or calcined bones are usud, und it is said under a guar anty from Hie inuuuf.ii Hirers that it fs free Irnm adul teration. 'Ihe demand for Haugh's Raw Ilonu Super Phnsplinto last year ukxilv uniw.n that nf any previous ena which H ii substantial evidence of its high standard or popularity. PRIcV, 811 r -.000 1.'IS CASH. Tho above may ba had of regular dealers, or of II A t (111 tc SONS, No. SO South DelawaroAvcnut, Philadelphia, Tcbruary? 1P03.- Dmo. i WEALTH. rs The. lies' ant clnrtjit.it Home ,ol' iuhcIi ti lite If o III. MADAM E V, "000 " ltTt: It K XI A II AMI. 7..XI1WI' l-l u. Tr.ll'rt Ciirnliv,! I'lilsnui l wnrriinti il If ii.mI iccoMIng to th i dlrei Hoik tu cure In ell taes I'liui'lis, I 1 1 l, Wl pi n jt mull. A'lhui.i and nil all'-i lions of the throAt'iud l.iings. Madame Zadnc port -r's I'alsani ! prepared with all the re'pilslle sM I. Irom a cemblnatloii nflhe h t rem edies III" vegi table klnadoni nilurils. Its reiiitdlal ipinli tics nreb.ired on ll pow.-r to assist the h. iilthy clrcii lallon of III .- blood, through the I. miss. It Is not u 1 in. lent reined) . bill eluoilelit ' wnrtnlng. searching mulch cctlve j can In- liikeu by Hi I oldest person or Ihn )oung ' (M chill. MailamZa.lne I'ort r's bat- i sain has been In its by the tiuMie for nv -r Ii" yeer. an J lias arnrlred Its present sale , Implt In h lug reniiuini'li. led bj those who have ued j It to tin ir iiilllileil Irli nds i and others, .Mint Impoitniit, Jladame '..nine Port, r's ("iiratltc llalsaui Is sold nt a prldi which tirl n " It III th riarh of every one In keep it coui-eiil.-ul for use. The time- l If use nf a single bottle will prove to be xiorlh 1 110 i jmes its eont, ri'('K, rax-p yntir money I Do not be per--uaded ,,,,,., - , i. ,,, ji u.,i,i, ,i ,, eontaln I 1 . it,,K, f i:ir,Mt biitle'ofMa lam.' I'ort -r's I'll- ' n,t i t e P.,i Inliin. the rost orinaniil.irturiiig wiinn is as gren a almost any other inedlrlne ; anil the verj low I prenn nt whiclilt Hsohl. m ike in-prnni toiiiesiii ernppi. utly siuall, mid iinprlni'ip iled dealer wl snineiluies rcromiuend other medli lnes on w Inrh their profits are larger, unless the cii-tomers I mist upon li.ivinf .ilailarne forter anil none oiu-r. "-h ior , Madame I'ort-r's i uriitlve l nlaiu price neents, nnd n large bottles at 'Jj oeuls. and take no other. 1 .-Sold by all tlr'lggl ts and Storekeeper' at Hts j a,. I In larg"r bottles ai '.'." cents. i II XI,:. Xi RUCKi.K. Pr prletors. Now York. Janu.lry II. lrliM, Nos 0, 11, 1!), 15, 17 Cointlttiitlt St'oct. Nl'.Xll IIROADWAY, Nt'.W YORK CITY This oM.establih-d niul favorite resort of lhe l'u--i uess Coiuniuiiiiy has been r -eoutlj tilete In evenlhiiiL' that can mini.! titt-il. anil is i oni to lhe conilorls of I families are speiiall) uudcarc- 1 is pairon- I..HUI I'lillv orovlded for. 1t I, centrally located iu the lei ines part of lhe city, and is contiguous to lb principal line i.t stiauiboats, cars, oinuibusses ferries Kr. In coiise.pienco of th. pressure caused by tho Rebel lion, prices have been r.'-luei d to One. Dollar a d l ijlij enh: per Put,-. The table is amply ttppllcil w ith all the luxuries ol the season, and is equal to tint nf, -in i ther liiitul in tin country. Ample ar-coinino lotions are oil' r-d for upward r f -I'M gue-.ts, tr- Do not believe runners hacknien, and others w hi may say "the Western Dot I i- full " D. II. WINCIIHSn:!'., Propriiti-r. TH03. II. WINCIIHSTPIl. l'eb. IJ.lftii!. bVxV 7JA 'Ihe iVcif omiiierrii I Ih'i tUnir-f tire 'net leil opposite Court Home, corner of Court ttntl Chcnunitn-Street 8. i TbisColl .;je is in noway connected with any nth r I In-titnliou. I The enemies nf th" entire I'aculty nr e.xcluni ely c.'e I ot--,l lothjs. Th ide-ijn ofilils lustiiiiiioii into atlord lo Yoiinrj Mu an oipoitiioity 'or iainriug a llr,.ugh I'nuticat j Ilitsiiie.s F.it'icittion I Tin-linn!, and 1'- rins are carefully i.irnund bj 1 PmciI'-.iI i loiiutaiii-.. i-xpressy fur n,ls 1 n-i inn l, j, I an. I III" con i -ii of I ii. true I mo is such to combine 'I h"i I rj an. I Practice. I COI, 1,1101 ATP. Ci'l'R-P.. This t'o'irse eiubiae-.s i:ook-ICe pinij: in all IU d partiueiils. renniirinslilp.rooimeii i.il 'rilliun llr I s 1 oj,reprlti!euee, I 'olomerrllll Law , I'o illi 1. 1 I run oniv. i-'iouui-ri lai Mine. 1 ariio-r-lnp sMtn,.l()f.,.fc( j l.-rti.l: I he Count -rf Hed and alt.ired Hank-Voles. 1 peril- rian .system 1.1 IVuiinmiiship is lauehl in all its xarl 11 - U 11., 1110-1 ssiiiiiii uia-ii-r-01 Hi., art lhe Look le,-iug ili'p'irtment l undi-i the I up"rvisloii niul iiisirurtion of llu P1l.1cip.1l, 1 I.OWSI.I.. sprn.,1 II. W. CIA'HRAI, IVI-'i-Rxia I ION. Sl'idi'iits ranenn-r at any lime ; no x m-.-.tf ri. I'sii: I lime lo rump i le the Cuur'e. Iroinlilo Ii we, k-. At si--tincereudered tojrailuates iu procuring situation tirnduat -s ar 'pres -nted with an. legaut y eneraved Hi plouia, '.y I'or oiit.ilogue of ;tlp-i3es. specimens .if pr nm.m- ,(., a,,, . n H-uc i M.-intnw anu auor' ss i.owin, a w Mt.vint. Angus! .HI, I8C-J. I a.v :i, iM.i-i-.'io. C 15 I T T E N D K N ' S I'llIS.liM.'l.i'HJV nMLiicitniL. COL I, K G E , A'. E. comer fiti e, -t I ( 'irs'.nti Stier i . PHILADELPHIA. Tins IxsrircnnN, wlnrli va nttihlihr,l in IPJ t nnd i HOW couse.pi.'llllv in III eighli.iith v,r of s exi.t enee, numb rsinnong Iu graduat-s. Imndri-ds i f the inotsiir,-essfiil .Mi-rih.ints -Mid Uusin.ss leii nf our Country. TiiuOtuM-r ofth' Institution Issol.-ly tonirnrd vonnc men facilniesfor thorough pn nrationfor b ism.'ss. Thk lliiAMites i-u-niiTare, lluok.rrnsng, a annlie-. ble to the various ilepaitmeni, f trade; 'n-,',',s.,',., both plain and ornanjiiil.il t:ammernl imr .V,r!,V. mattes, Xurigalioa On F.ogtorrriug , llrauinu, i Inn. , ogarplitj, and .Vo'ern Langr.ogei. ' I Tri.Sv-iKM ov lAsrituLnov isn-rnii.,s .... .... set lessons are made ii-e of. but en. h ,,i,eni is lauclit Indni.Iuiilly, soihat ho luayioiiiniencr-at run time und attend at whatever hours are most eonvjnii-nt. CcTit.ooiis areisnied (raW;nf.r lhe l.-,th of nrll conlaining uamoK of the stu lent, for th vear, an I full pariicularsofirrni .tc.au.l nny In obtained at run time by adilrcsing the Principal. ' lyl.xrKxsixic AccoMMnn iins, iridr-tprrml rtputm, an I th" irugihiieiperhnieofikr Vrinepl, tlii-s liirtitu ti m oilers lacililjes wu.l)r t,v other in the ronn try. foryouug n wi-hiug loprepar., fr hnsines and In olitniu at th same tune f ,ni..ou, vl,irh mtl prtten rerommendalhn for them thvm to any ,Merc,au. til i House. ' ll7"CirF.Nnss's 'cries of TrcMii.ni on I'oon.K'ii v-I i.nii now nore Hidi-lycirruluttMllhau nny oilier work' on the subject, are for sale at Hie Coll,.. I s. iioiKins ciipi"i'i:xdi;n, .11 torncyntl air, Paisctr!. Jan. 2.7-lff,3 lint. nviio.3, coai.nK.uiAi, oui:;i:s I.OfATI-.I) IN IMIII.ADELI'IIIA. s. iLccuvniiTni ami riir.aTxrr sts. lCW I or; L ift, Ili'iOkltlu. A btli.li. 'Prim livjjalo. Ue'roit. ( hvt,uul. Cltiuiso, ,,. . ,, ' - .i iJ awl Nt. Louis llnok-ki-rping, r.-iiniaiishlp, Cuiuierclal Arllhiiu ili (.iiinnii rilal l.iixv, furrim. Ciirrefp.iiileiicc, ttc, limit call)' lauclit. ' J llt-'u nlli'gi-vi ln i ii c uti.lcr the .auie cciK-ral ami In. fill nianai;iiiiii-ut,Ku.l aniitiitir iu each thu aihaiitaio uf all, ml rirrc.iterf.i.'lliiic-a fur iiupnrliiij! in-trui! ; l than tiny other flniil.tr iiiiiitniieu iu ciuiuiry. A r5i holarsliii lmic-il by any mm iHguul iu all fti n untliuitcil limu. Thu I'hlliiilclplilalJnlleuu has h;cn rcceully cnlni , ami rcluriil.hcil iu a uperinr iiiamier. mil iuuxx-Ci I l.irBi'.tiiuiliniitt prutpurnus t;uninii;rci.il I lie inn l inn . thu rlatn, llryiiut k Hlratlnn-i, serin, of Text Il uik i-iubrac louk kcipiinr.oi,,, rclnl Arilliiiiitlc, ami Liuuiucr Law, tor fjiilii, niul mini by mail, ScTnbc" frJ,"lc,.;!llli',,,ri " CnCUUT- 0Y.STEUS1 OYSTEItSI! I-xHUSIIOVftTIIIlf' ran huohtaliieil at all tunes, nt the . I. alms Iluuui of tlm umlcrfJuui'il, on .Xluin i,irc'i t, tlloonifljiirc. I'a., tti pt 13, ici'2. hXEOUTOK'S NOTICE. Estate of Damtl Ileigel, dee'd. f I'.TTr.llS ti-rtainenlary nn the citato nf Daniel Ilei. I cel. lato nf I ocil.t mix n.liiii in i i,i,,,i,i r. ,. pccc-aii'il, havchccii maiileil hy Ihn llcvl,ier nfi oluui' bia county tn thu uii'lerfiuuri'l nlno rc.iillin In until tnxvnililpi allper.nin havimf claim, atrriliift Ihai-nlali! uf thu iliiconil iinra r'.pii'.tniltn iirniiiiit llicin tn the l xerutcr ul hi rciiilenro in stil.l liivviithip, xxitlmn delay and all pertain imlchtnl in make puyuiclit fuilli with. I'liraiK, IICIII1UIV, Kucutor, tUfmbcr.'iilr'fS, . I ! m w I1U1.1.U1P,II ' AYER'S CATHARTIC Are veil sick, fcble, and cmiiplalnlnEl AlexouoiiUf order, with "nr sjslcm do tanged, and jour feelings un comfortable! Tbcso sjinp tetiisnieorteti tho plcludo to H-iloiu IlliiefS. Sutno lit cf tlekmsm Iscn-epltistipon yon, and should be averted by a Ihnely uo of the light i-vin; Mil. Take Ajei's Pills, nnd cleanse ent lliedlsordeieil hu mot s pullfy Iho Llood,nd lot Iho ilIJ move on unwj sliucled In health again. 1 hey (Ihnul.ilo Ibo funcllcii! t .1... l.n.li' Into luototH nC. SP V -i iMly. putify the slein from - ' " (he oUtimtlons which tnako ,llseie. A foM selll" omc licit, m ins , oiiy, in., ucr Uruels Us natuinl funi jlons. 'Ihcse, V net idle c-J, react upon Ihcmselves and tho siuruuiidlng organs, pio dudng general nuRtaxalloii, "'r,,'"r' s"".!..!?!!' X bile In this condlllon, c ppiessed by ho detiingemcii s, take Axcr's Pill", nnd sco how lliortly tliey re-lore natninl action nr the system, and Willi It Iho buoyant feeling or heallh ngiln. What Is ll no and so apparent lit this tilvlal and common conipl.ih.it. Is alo tmo ln many or tho deep senled nnd d ingcious dl,leiHpcrs. 1 bo aaina pitraatlvn effect expels them. Cnuscl bv slnillur obvlrue tloni and derangement r tlic liituriil fiincllens or tho Isnlv, Ihey are rapidly, nivl m-iny of Ihem snii-Iy, , cure,! by thosnmo means. Notio who know lhe vliluss of llioi Pills, will neglect to oniploy tlicm when sulfcilng from the dl'ordeis llicy cine. ... , , ., gnlenints freni leading p1i)sM.itu In Homo or tin principal cltle, ami fixaii other well known public per rout. nm a nirmrltna Merchant tSt. Lmti, M. 4, 1M. Pn. Avrnt Your I'itU aro lie) pai agon of all that ts great In medicine. 'J'hey havo cuie-l my Utile daughter of ulcerous soics upon her hands and feet that Ii id proved liiciir.tt.1o for years. Her mother bus been long griev ously nllllctc.l with l.lolchci and pimples on her skin unci In del- hair, Alter our child was cured, Mio also trio' your TilH, ami Ih.y Imvo ul lien MonanMBi As a Fit mil ?Uylc. From lh JX II. IhUwttt, OittaM. Your l'illi nro tli" pflnro nf jtur. Tlielr oxcellMit ninlltlc! Htirnn'-i an; rath.utiu wo Mse. They Are milt!, but very cei tuiii nmi clfi'du il In tlir-lr ncll'Mi mi tho lio.vt'1-., wlili li milieu thcin ItnaliMblo to m Iti tho il.uly. ticatnu'ut of ilNoae. IIcmlnclic,SlrUT.cnilnrlic,Foul fjlomaclu DrUTtllno. T.nt Icnni nuer von t'-ViIcomrliilnti I luivo curel with jnur V.U hotter thnti tn mynlUhnt irt t it? twit with rt p'lrflittivi' nicrficine. I pliito prrut il' lvi ilciico on tin MTcctii il ratlmth lu my tlally cotitct with (llsp.tp, mi'l li'lieliu I lti tint jimr l'illi nfloid us the best wa have, I of coui.so ixw llicin highly. ritTsnvr.1, Pa , Mny 1, ISM. Hit. J. C. Arm. Plr: T hfivn I.pimi tcrcatntly f uicil of tho woist tmulach nnv rnn luuc hy n tl fto or two of jnur L'itl. It wciu- tu ailfo (rum n foul iloiunch, which they tlo:muo nt ourp. Vours with great icppct, IIP. W. PIUTnLi:, fltrfc i Sttnmtr Chi i an ntltous DIsnrilci'fl Tilvcr Coinplnhito. Fi-om Vr, Thtmhre Ikll, oXno loth C.t. Not only nro our PilNiihniinMvii'l.iti"l tn Ihclrimr pnso ni an aprrlont, hut I llml their hi'iiPJlrinl riT"ttiuiott tho Liter wry maikcd imlonl. 11nyli.to in my ii.ic tlco proicil !iif)i('i-iri'ctunl for tho cmo of bttwns C"ii jlainU than uuy ono utnt'ily I can iulmi! i-ti- 1 t-hiu'ii ly n ji.leo tliat wu liiivo at Inigth n mit;.iMo wlikh (t ucr thy tho coi)GdciK3 cf tho piott'iuu ami thu i0klc. DtPAtllMDNT OF Till. INTERIOR, ) UahiiiKtoii. 1. C, T 111 1th., 18fi0. Pint I have uel jimr rilU In my j;ruoinl nmi lumjuUl piactlceccr since joti m lu thnn.timl tannot lii'silnto to wiy thcyurotho hubt nilhmtic wtumi-hy:, 'J heir m'rii l.itiiV action on tho liter U fjiiltk ami ilecileil, n)tM fiiontly they nio an ml mi nil lo iimiedy for ih inurements of tint org.ui. Imlent, I h:nc m'luiu fouiul a case of littiotts tli&eusc so olMlnato th.it It I i I tmt iftulily i M tt) tliein. Irattinally iouis AI.O.N0 li.Vl.h, M. 1 , J'iist'cinn of' tht Mriut Ilosj'itjh DywcntCiVy, Dlntrlurn, lltlux, AVorms. i.om lh J. It Uittu, ttf CHOtgn. Your PUN lmo hiul a Ions 1 1 i.t 1 lu my mart ice, niul T lioM them In fptciin ns ono of the Mei ifiits 1 hato ever fouml. '1 heir nlteiativo dTcr t ii) on tholl.n nmkca them an excellent icmetty. wheu ien iu fiuwll iIihoh for bihous tlyscnbry und tiutirttatt, 'llnir nipu-coathig makes them eiy aewptaUu ami cotnciiicut xr thu tiro of women nnd chlMieu. Dysprpq In, Ttnpitrltj- of tlio Hlood. From Jicv, J P. ltiinat itor of Ml cut Cftuc, It aim Dr.. A ter: I Into tnn-il ywv PilNwiili p,liaonlin.iry euccccr hi my family nmi hiii'iii tliuso I mn rtlh,il hi vinit In ilitic"". To regulate tho organs cf diption mid puilfy tlio htooil, they nro tho w-ry hct lemeily 1 hato out kuoMi,:uid I can confidtutly U'CommcMid ihim to my file nd-. You. is, ,1. V. IIIMI.g. Wausvw, WyomlnR Co., N. Y., Oft. -4. 1."5. Pr.AU Fin: I am u; jour Culh.n tic Tills in my prac tl.v, and find thorn an ecellcut i'tirj::itivo todoaneo Iho n-stem and vm ify tUt fvniidu'iH uf th? t JOHN (I. MKACIIAM, M. I. Con stlpntln;i, Cost Ivcnes, Snpprohlni, lllirmiinl Imiii, foii1, A'curnl j;in, Drop- I'nrulyfcN, XUn, i(c. 1 Vtrm Dt'.J. Vuttnlni, Mot.trrrt, dutirlct. Too much cannot li wild nf your Tills for thf ruie (f cnsli'MMS. If (.1 hois of our fiatemifv have f-uud tlicm ns efficacious iw I hae, they f-hould jin me in jiiuMnlin tiiftitfir tho h'-nt'df of tli mtdtltud"s who .nil.T fioin that compl lint, whhdi. atttn.iij:li hud ruwiigh In iln-lf, fs the pHvt'iiitm of othcis (list oie Moir-. I hclic-f cos tiffins toorighnto iu the liwr, hnt yom, Pills nffect that C'igui nnd cmo tlu dlsear. Frcr.i Mrc. 77. Muait, IVntia'an nut Mwtrti, TJaton, I find nun or two Iarjr dofs of your Till-. tnkni nt the proper t hue. mo ( eflleut pnmiotlesof the Hittnutl mat' Hon vIhmi wliullyor pull illy Mipprc-td, und alR'iiry effectual hi c.Viour tlio $!oinm't and rrpcl "iiih. Tiny ' nio eo much tlio Vit ph.sic we h.io (hut I iei.einmcu'd no other to my patienle. Fionl the Hew Dr. ILttdrs, tht MttJuuVs! rph. Cimch. Vuaxj Ilir-r. Pavnnnah.fi.i.. .lanC, IK1C. Itoyor.rn Put: I t-huiild ho misrule ful fi Ihe relief yourekill has hrouht inn If 1 did imt icpit my ra-e to j nil. A cold Mottled lu niv limbs nnd bivupht oh excru rljtlns vfurttltic jwus c endr 1 in chiotii' rtiritma tism. Notwithstanding 1 h.id tho lio-f fif j ii vjIc inn", the (li-eao piew worse and wniM, until hy the mlviro of jour eteellent acrent In Taltinorf, Ir. Mm kcnzirt, J trlod jour Pills, 'Iheir effects wcio slow, hut sme. Ity ierfcoerhig In tho uso of tlu ni. 1 nm now mUrel well. Fr.sTi: C!inrn, Pnton Kongo, T.a Tiec. TSf.3. Dn, Aypr: I lii.o hei'ii entirely rmvd, by jour Pills, tX llheumutic GoutA painful discao that bid aflllctcd mo tor yeais VIXC1IXT EUUKhh. Jfta-Most rf tho PiPs In mntkrt rontnln Mcrcurj, which, nlthoufth a valuallo irmrdylti frkllful hands, ii dangerous In a public pill, from th'j dreadful eonse rjuonces that firrpiently tollnw Its incautious u-e. 'ihesc contain no mercury or mineral subptanco whntcu'r. PriQG, 20 cents por Tiox, or 5 Boxes for $1. Proparod by Dr. J. C, AVER lu CO., Lowoll, Mass. '-t i i. .it. M i nub ttoinii .Hi' .1 K i i jcr I loi m-lMiri. ; .1ihutrr l!tdirl'Um, Mn-t rx & fMUi. lilKill.-; T .Ma-t r-.llMit.,n, l..i..inu ft Pi-h- r, tr .iM'jc ill-; (i V I'.iu h-r r I rv il! ; A Mill -r. Her vvuk; l.itu ,V lli" , C.i ntT ille ; 11 V lb itdmit .t TCili -Pwi'V ; .M J rili" tn ik"r. Uurkhorn ; Ii' iluit to, Nu.f, Mamvilb': .1 Mnrpli't.-. ( "alt.-.u in, ; L n-a) Co. l.k'ht sltrri t : till firal.-rs ev r h hi-ro. J ily :i . H)2- ly. EVAN'S U'ATHOX-- ri.t..MAXIli:il fAIT.H, nil JIOVI'.I) in .Vo Ili4uni Fourth .Vr-'f, P'tita'Ulp'ua, havo nn niul n Inrrji- npfiirtini'iit r.f I'in- . -?i I hl.-r .m."f .-.ilnin.iii.li'r r-nf f. Ifn, irc.ii ilniirs, fur I.. ink niul slur (., imu shult -ri" imn k-iIi, nil inrikia i.fli.ckti i.-.ii:tlln nny luiiilc , in the rnlt.'il Sliitra, j Fire Safe lu o'ir frj, 1 tent in una I loittlition. .1,7 rarrir? out right; iri'rA con. Tin- r'.il.nu.-iiulcr siufi-ri nf riiil.iilclnhin nc.-iint the I xx oi 1,1. ! KVAXS cv WA'lON, luivo hml tin-mri-st i,-iiim.tr,niiiii in ihn fi.Ilr.Hiuj c-r-tifiint" Hint th -ir iii.'iiiiif.uiur,' nf H.ilnuiini,l) r f.if.-H h.-i ' tit IciiKtli fully wnrr.-inl ,1 ih r, pr n.-ntntinus xx lih li liuxo , h.'i ii inn l i, ih in ii rcii Icriii:.' an iimlniil.t.-tl KCitnty ' asaiiiflth-t.-rrillciljiui-ni. rhiht.i. Iphia April W. Ir'.Hl. .Vrmrs l.raio ,f- lValfon : Ci utl -u,. u n nilnnU im th.- lii':ln-sl r-itikf,iiiu,ii lu null- to vnu, that mini" t,. tin-vi ry i.rr,t,-rliv i:,in ,fnw.'i.f tin f.ihiin.in I. r, Mih-s. Hhii h pun h,m il . f y,ni noiun llv.- liiuuth siuct- nu rairii ii mmr piirinui 111 jc- .-iry, an 1 nil nur lmik f.r.. r.xpiiM-ii in in c-;i i.i mi nous, lire- in MlllM'tl tl) III ' C'.'ll.llilillDii. llr,. in llioikt, .l mI..., .... I, lij, ". Ill I llil lllfl.. , Wlicinvn roll -it dr. I Ui-m' rnfn r r- Inrnl.-'l in lhe fnurih ffiu v nl th - liiulitii.,-u . ,,,r,,i i .1,.. .1. .. ' . 1 ."I1 Lunn. g ruins, vvh -r- Ih i f . li'iic. iiiiaiii.u iu inn in ai cauiii'ii lu iir.m4 nl iiuseil th -1. ram plate tu i:i"ii. xx e cannot luit reear.l th pr. f. rialinu (,f th -ir xnl- i 1 , t r i,r,,. r ,,1 ll,.. .,.,.., .... uaiiie cnuienin as uu si cm v mi in curity nll'uiileil by your tale. W'e i-h-ill tuke gr. at pi -nsiire Iu rccniuniDii.Ilns tlicm to men nl li'i-inesf as a r lire r. Iianc ucaiiut lire. I r,-.,., ,!i:IUli: H.J1IMMIIV.S& Dim., .letrrlltr: I I limy haxe hince pnrchii.c-il .ix lame H.if.-n. i July SU. Is'lV. AiiL'iihlW, IPS'! G 1 1 J E N V 0 0 D SEMINARY. MWville, Cohm.blu Counlij, Pemi'a, Thiti well knoxvh Pihonl fnr both tuei will opon NOVUM IIIIU 3d, led., Tim recent llililitinm tn the tin il .1 1 1 r,.,l. n jT..jLiiim.i.' Jiv.Ji.imJ nil.iiiomi fur inure llitiu flxtx boanli r. ' The eonrii of blinly vv ill 'eiiilirnce ibrce ilrpnrlincnti - Ihn Xnriual, Iln, Heleiiiitle. and l'-e I onim'riial I lii! I'r'iiiipal xx HI he as, if wl by cxp rienccd loach cr. f Hy .mililleiifii th. ir r. rpi Hue p.,fitinnii. I 'arenl.iiuilolhc'rMiiayreitaiircil tliul nu uirnrls xxlll bn .pared in iiiaki! ill, Mlioi.l xverlbyuf paliiiua"ii ami that thu xxelf.ire of tho .tluiicntii. ii. Il, cturilfv phyfically, ami uinrall). i ill rr'i i-i v n on r rniiki n n i r,r,,' lor applicaiiun. i irmlari. i.r luilher pariiiulaif-. ml-1 prei. the unili-riifjiieil. nl Jllllmllr i nljimi m cuuuivPa T. iXtAXWI.i I Pii'-H, ' JOHN II, I'.UTOX.A.M., Millvllle, ra Pep,. .3 IrfQ. l'r"'C"""' ftlnaison fpt nnsc M. Si T. P.'WATSOV, LIVERY STA11LU ATTACHED. ' Hnmu HicrDMoSr. riKTxvrLN Viiism ir Abcii.I'uit., .'nt- i Wl I PRllSll Mill IV A L -or- -f on- EVERY aODY IlUiiinlcrflitncil. prntcful fnr circ, tctpct i fully inrurinii hlMiittutui'r nmi tlic pul.l Ic fcni-fnllr Hint In-lin.it;t rreriti'il from tha Kimternc title., tli lnr;i-8i uiu inim r.cicti smcic in Si)rin' and Summer, Th.it lini y.l hccti iiii iii'il 111 llliioniiiliiir;, to which ha Invlti-K th" riltcntii.il nf his Crlc'tnlii, niul nanurea tlicm tliul lli. tin- mr.-ri-il fur mli- nt ifn iil Imrgiilur,, lli HHnl ci.niirlsc.' u Inriru liti.rtliu-lit at tii:NTi.':.Mi:. H vi:,iuni Ai'iuni:!., Ci.ilf llll.i! in I-'Ai'limvXHI.i: IlnM I'iiati, of every rlr cril.tlnni I'liiiln, Vc'Ftf, Hlilrln, tlrnvnti Stoik( t'l.ttxin lliiiiilKcrchli-fi, (Huvcr.. SiH'licnilcm, &r. GOLD WATCHES A N I) JEWKLHY, Of cx-i-ryili-ncrlplHni, nnc niul rhenp, N. II. llciuc'iuh.-r " t.oirenbtrg't Cheap F.mporlvmf call unit cc. Xich.irs fur rx.iiuliii! (IihiiIh. DAVID LOU'IlNlinilrt lllnninrtiurir, .Mnrrh Q. I SKI. (June lU ) A FAMILY xMAGAZINK DF.FOTEl) TO l.lTFltATCHF. .1X1 ItCLlOlOX. VOLUMU XXIII- 1C63. IT In Iho ilrfiftii if thl Jl(irii:lnc tn prmUicc n il (th nt aii,l puri-lit riKMri-, .uclitii villi culihnii- Hi. tnti-, r. fiiii" lliu i. iii.ni'r lint- t i.nnl.h-nil Ihr nlii.Mif III-, l.lkrnry ulthi.nl In Int: ii'i.'(iiitir. rtiiiUur lull, loin- niul ihurarli-r Ithuul hliii try, II "III innki- Iln If x Ici-inci Ii rever II l km.xxii. ,Vn ihaciii-luc In Ihf i n intry i' h.'tl. r n 'npt.-il In thu fiunlly i In Ic, During ll.- forth n.niiii' vnliiiui it will cniitinui In Innlnli In In I'lmrai If r in "'I'll (lui c-ti nf tin.- .Xii.nthlli c" In ll. iu ih.i.ilriil i'.Xi cutluii I.J the Hi '.i Hit; I. nr t r iji'altd hy ,my liif iilni- iu tin- linn'. It j-1: l ir 1. 11 l'u in ttir.' nt pt-pl.ni h nn tin hut rt vulriitii rcit ptipcr , niul i ar a u i.iili -r . .tu i ic 1 ii n tix n nru Imn Mi-el cuf-ri.x tut", i-xi i n-t-.ll.llh Illch -rlrttluiil'tlii l.rt Ly lirtlitr xx hn Held lit th Ii ml nl tin-j r pri.t . Ii In' llipoiii.,) 1. ii h i-p. 1 1 1' I ih'h iIoi'i I i the fi ii ily.-' II f.irni.h.'ii a nr. at niiii iint i f . . m'ii n M'nilic! in nil tin iu 1'iiih -in "I tlu' fan. 11 x . i s nici ilii-mt Ii.r g -t 1 ii ir Hi - cliililn-ii- ll i in "'i. x ii' '.'il full cil Illi. In li.lii'li.iif, :i .in fi.-tii-r.il In r.mni- n ii ri pics a i.irha lh.it cm h" lilh'il lu in. th. r n uj I'r n.n.li g xxillct III.' ll art a Ii ii "ul n.inU AinuiiK lt innliibiiliiri. nre Inuinl film' rf the licit xx rll-'T. in tin- Intnl. I In ir pnpi-r tlx i I. niiiin. r h .i niilxari ixmih xxi-ll a liirliurliiiii In lit 1 1 r. c i r. ill. Ih - Hit iitlnii uf tin- Ih I tor anil I'ulilliht'if tu ii. r 1. It Ih - I i r -1 i iiL'.ilii ' nf li kl nit in Hu cuuntiy. Mi ilul aii.'iitl'.u inx ituil In the x arid anil lj.tr rc-tini: itti 1 nt-, .if the C in il.il li'pailiiii'iit. xxhiih ij.lMl.ilr. ti il tur.'ii nn xx here 1 1 d. l,t Iniin.l. It xv ill li t I iii.i- m rip. l.ir - al'lu.-t, i i.i.tali'ini- i..Miy ifii.irc- thuiiMx Mid -xp.i'-ili..ui fur the ( hrUtjiiii rtritur itml n.-iitir N'.il sun. I (Imn ii n ltt''rnr.x mill i.iiliui: u.cli.i.iy hilily Hit r fling tn the H'.iilnlixi ; ,l u i i. c I N i i I' il.IicHtii'ii-. -, ll i-i. , il.iurj Siiiiilllic Mil1 Hi Iii.ii u K tu I., -ilv iu far Is iiirli'eiit-, mnl -li-lir tli t nl p. rn,i u i i,t x .tin i r'l.i.-lii an- t..r (l.il r. li xxhiih xxjli Le f .il i.f I'-riL-a niul iitir-,li'ti' l" i ul ir, 1 1) ni.af Ii il tu Ii Ir h rl 1 1 il ni-tiuit rltlltireii ; I'.-ul' lial l,li aiiint v. niil. 1. 1 i.f rich unit tiire p.'ir".ii: f iiiiu nm ci.i.li i iiltniu u li in. u.h ll'iil'.r'i. reailiu;! ; and Ih.llor'a 'I ahle x-. ill tiltu t t..l i . ijultii a v.iil.-ly. There i an c-'-niiniuy lit laklric Iho Macrriiie, if xa luuk at the ami. mil ef lhe r, iiiliui! ni.-ilti r. A hiic.Ii- x i 1 uiiii- ! i;-tiril tin i-ht . lu. n. x nl mm r xx hid, at i. m i.t rate xxn.il.l ct.fl SI enrli 'I hat In xmi eel Iu It.o Ili'Pii'il. ry f-.r 'fix " Ilnllari- anil a linlf xv hat xv i ulu i mi )ui leu lli.linr-i In the huik l.-rm ; lnid thi n a Ulpr ii'iuili r.'l iiperl. .le, I ei'i:rr x ii-i h in lhe I aicaiii 1 iHltl--ln I' xx if ilie tiii rri-ih nt ii.rriiiFe In Hi curt ir p.'ip'i li. i.i nil i.tltu r n ul- Mali i f u.niitilnc-i. tur-, niul lu xl' xv fill-f.i't Unit I'lhliile rr. 1 1 ).i rka a r i"i.i.i"'e.l tu ii't.l In.i.i tvx r-ui) fix i in llurl) p. r ci i.t t'.th-p Ii flh ir Ki.i.l.f. xv e iuixe I'li'iiii il jt uiiimfi' t alt nipt In-' pi, liln ulu h I the I!. " filmy I r .lie i-i.niiiiL' y.'.-ir at I- than ixvu ami a Hall Dullarr. 1'hl. nm I h pni-i inv-inal.ly ir. .I'.x.-iMri'. xll Xliui'i.'r- nl in M- tli... il Kplfcei nl t hurcli rro aci-r :it -.1 .Xf.-nii .ilul xvili r.i.ivi 1-ui riri lu n. ami , r.ix'in nli I'lil.li.hi-.' hy I', c .V l.iuhiiik, i iiiilhiMti, . nni.-r nl X'nln v I l.'lilh i-llei Ih l lljlti ll I'lillc r. IX MV 1 Vurl:, J 1 1 xlulli'irv -Irut Tili-rn lii ci ix i il lij iu. XI. I ..!(" lit v. t liliacn; J I' M.ict-i-, llurtc'ii: H Ijiruini, riiil.i'ilplila: J I. ' k l!n 1 1 i.t.ti r-: J. I., limit, I it I h Iiiui:. P n.i ; II ll. uiii. I iili'.ili., . V .; I nhi rt ,M Mlir x , riu I la-n-i-i' ii. i al ;'V II. r.-aruc. ri.rlinu.l.t'rrj.-Du; A II .vli'i.'-' Piiti-rnii ter. Ili.vv , t.nmiiiii. t.uutbhtl. Aim Ihr'iiii-li any an r.-i.ili-il trnx. litis mini lei nf iho VMli n ImI V.ii p.il hdrih, dee I I, ld,-. lif. J A ivl E S H . S W I . H , iMvoitrr.n .ixn mi"u:x.ii.K nr.ii.r.ii n.'.A.VDIKS, WINKS, WUISKHVM, ;iv:i, ax 1 1,1 iron J, :r.vi:i! m.i.v. V-.. li.'H Wat- ul tits , bel..nrn :5 ' ,j- I'lin.Aiir.i.' in a ( H. irii'HV. Tru.-llu: Ac-nt an 1 S.il ni.in. -.'""iin-i-m lltii'teiii-i.i.T r-'.ii.ii. i kii, X'ix- iiiIit ii. i ci 'I. j Y.X VOUIv .MKIUCAIi INS'I'T- 'it ri:. A ll ' l v -I 111 I i.lltlitii.ll cru.'r.xxcil fr.r th. cure -4 'lir.'in. Mil a,--el vi ry it . r ri r.- i ml tn pr.-i, rt n n li'-f ..rk a-xi Him r- niul iui ie 1. 1 r. t.n cli.-r- ' " ' xr-pi I' r i in . i, mil i u'.-i,, r m in if,,, it.y ir-iu-p"! .ly r at nt f Xn X'ni-r.-.li iirTri n is llr, iv; Uf".'. 'I'll I hx i. iaii h.ix e l.m lii'ic i.u,i i iiMV i , . i 'in- hi th i.' p lv al anil I. ri. j .ul ma. til". 'I'll f ll"VX ins an-mini' n lhe e,,u.p an, Is ti, xv 1,1 lift p rial all 'iilii'ii i jiix-. u. All iIim-iik -s .f i;. lun,, Tlip.ai l.utij I'.nrt Htr.itinr' , I.lx i-i. Ki.ltii j . fliaili'sr, llh' atintn I'll-., fiii'i'.'r. I'H.-i-. Nirxi.its All.-nini, Hi-, a" " ' f ih- -i-xiial itrc-ii'. r. miniil xv , akm s, pit -in e ami Viral ul ! i . a .i r nf ex erj nnlure prx-iiix . Iiciie,. i ien" 1 1 IViual. k ami all Irn rjiilarnlrJi kiirriifsiull ir";,t .l. I limiii' arnl lie.-ilu. ih curix4 uilhinii pninlul up ratiniii.. I'ah ,m. lieM' il liy Ic in r. h) -I'li-Hiic a ftati'in. nt -.I iln-ir r i'n '. He.nii in at 1. any par1 nflh.- rmmtrx. I'mniiltaiinn fr-r in nil, A lilr.-ff rt 'Hip I'lii-I.,-..-,!. lilt I,, fill A V P Ceniullin; riiXFirinn, l,n;i l:rnai:xvax, ,Ni xv Voik rilr. Aprl'S Pl'-i- Uiii. A DM LVI.ST U ATO It's NO TIC E . E.st'tte of Jtl; on George, ''eccm-d. i r.TTI'HS (.fn.'i.iiiii'traliiiii en thu I ?tatr of 'ink I mn Onri'.', late nl l.i.riiFt tiilv li. hip. 'out it.t.i n cr.untx, I'en r.n il, liaxe I.ei ii ncnteil hj ihe l!ipiift .if f'nlii uliia rniiiitj tn Marx (ii nrse anil l'i lor l. i vr Ii 'in.n.liiiiiiifiratori-, all p, ri'ii hax Ini i Iiim.f r-irainrt thu I'flale if ihe ileceili ul are ri.juiMul In piefirxt Iln in tn the iiilininiur.iturf al llnir roiih-iicet iu I .x-nui-l inxi'ii.lnp. xv illinnl 1 1 in nmi all pvrnuiF Indc. toJ in make pa) went furtlux i.h. MAi;V (inOIlflH. I'l.'l I.I! K lll'.IIIIIIIN. Jiitnury 1?, l?f.1 -fxx-. JJ.'. .-dmiuutratori- NK A COI.U.MI5US A''A UIOI Y. Th.1 (.'ulmnliiii Male anil IVmale Acam iny, xvill ppn I If urxt leiiii iipiiii Tucfilay lhe Stli r l N'nv. IHJ. Thlf f. hniil iilfcri fiipenur iuitucenicut tn rill vviir arn ili'firinn i.f ai'iiirln an a' i I'rnilriil i ilucatinn-tx prepai. fur teachim: nr to nl.tainn tliur-uch kimxvleils nf any nf lhe nirvfern nr ami -nt Im r;uni,'i'fi, I'or fit till, r lul'iiriuaiinii i ii'iiiire i.f II K. IHXllllA.H, rrlmiial. rr nf Jntix- Kovmi, ti c'Y at rv (Viinnibtiii, I,ti7t-rn m., I'n. Oct.'Jj. Idii.'. STOVE AND TIN-M AI1E- SHOP. I 111'. lerfipiii'il xxniiM inform the ritizi tif rv 1 liliioiiifliuii: ami vicinity, thai hi-Inn, jiift ri rfgJ clvnl ami oil r lur mile nnu ol the tucmt cxti-nsix r2 llffOllinellti, of t'tKIUlXfiaml I'AN' V HTllXT.i i X'i'r i nt mil uci'il iivin Uiii ii.ni ki . Thu I hri-luplier l il ti i In . . Jnuii'f llobbnml III. bearu amnim the lirnt tin rnnkiii" fHox-eH.all nl xxhiih are nir-tif.lit niiilirai. huri-f! Ill I'ailor tnxi arc haml.oinc ami the m-furlim lit r it'll. AI.-i) 1'arliciilar altiiiliuii m paiil tu Tin-Wpy. anil llniifi. Hpnutiuu, upon ilmrt nulici-, .xll kimlr tf rcpalrini: xxill he ilnne xx ith nentiieim anil ili-f patch, Ev Uounlry prnilucc tukoti lu i.xrhaiifje fur xxork. rini.il' f, .movi'.h, lilooniFLurc .Vny 10, IPCS STIt A W ! STIU'W ! ! STli A W t( TON'S SITIM 1 S3 8 cepted, in xxa UV, nf nil klmla. Dili kwh. nt if anted immediately, at the .Ml villi, ii. ar I. i2 lil Si reel, forxxhiili cah xx il hu nalil. . , THOMAS Tiir.xni. Mill drove, August 9, 1502. TWO FAllAJS. Pim SALS' iUl RBRT. Thn inbiicrlber riff, r fur tain ur rent, the txxn f.illixf I" Iff I'nriru, one of Ihem tiluatu ill I'mljiigcr'eK t..xx kltlji, Colli iiibia i aunty, criiitniniiiR OiNE 11UNDKED ACRES, Aji innro or lct, iibniit lllij-fivi) ucrci. of wld' rlLiS 'Klearfil Inml. xxhenoii are i ricted u K'"l Txxn Ctnry fll.i.VK hHF..l.l.SO liQl'lr Mun-IM.Vi: HjiUX, Wuson lloime, Com Cub, eil other ni!tbuililii!. .1,A'0.--Onn i ther i'ririii. mtiiotulii nentnn toxri.ttnf Cnlumbla county, cnntalnliii; ONE II : Un7)REiT& TI11RT Y-Fi V B JX, Acre, ahniit Thirly-l'ivc Alio, i f xl.i' h (t. clcnred laud, xxlu.rif.it nru i-rccli-d n J A'.J.uP t 'T 1 1 1 ! iHrv.Lt.ixa iocak, tiu.hi: imix, ""9 uu.ik other nulbulldliisii. raid I'orin H limH" llaviiigCrctik, about txxoiiilc ubnyi-Mill N nH-r. .SO jTxvn other etiiull Lilt., litunte in Yi'blfi creek tnxvnuhip lying on Fiililnpcrenl. ltouil, unil ou milH fram etill Wntrr, otif rnntiiining rol'U AT lit nnd the othi-r a Town Lot, mid unnd biilldlnii' nn r'vk nf thorn, nC7"Torininndcondltirnminleknnxvn IJ' .... , WILMAM IKK1.LR f Uhlnjcrcck, Angntt 30, lt?C-J,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers