Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 04, 1863, Image 2
COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT DITKD BY LtiVI L. TATU, PKOPUIUTilB POLillUAi. SM.AIS. 111b CONSUlli'liOV ACT. effect would bo to lay (hem protrato nt UXGCUtloll Of tho CouSOl'iptlOU coin oau be under such tin infatuation as We desire to call the a.crious and can- tho feet ol tho Federal government, which, I Law. to begin thu enforcement tf thu consorip-: lllll ntlnntinti AT mir mnilnix n.wl 1 1. A COnSllll' til llC till H nCClll. flir tilt' CXPrciSQ I III tlin PTHmillflll nfllm intnrllnn Lm !.,. ..,,1 l,i ,1, dm ..n,r1n he, says tho Grcmburg j;pubHcan lo of mtnin di fined anil limited functions passed hy tho lato congress our govorum. and assuming thu mtatiaciug attitude ofi voto of lI,c 0rnl"l blntt' wlth 'J10 ' !''g we have ihoitfjbt it well to osovor- an absolute distator. Such n mode 0fwP,, 0 u. .... mul. "JSInannr Victory," -93Ioonuil)urg:- RATDRI1AV, Al'ltll. 4, thetrrms and tondency of a hill pawed, would becoino u vastcoticolldatcd military motit in about to boBiibjcetcd to th nmtd tho tumultuous icenes of tho cloittie ui'ffotisui, rcaily lo bo boizcu by any est trial of iu strength which it has ever procedure would ha to coiilruly to tho . . u " t I 1 I 1 1- . . . ..... ' ijoursor the late Uonrcs!', commonly call- urcsar lvapoioon, s led the 1 Conrcriptiou Act," Without cn- ,oue wielded Ucritl!' lllto lllitltltn lllt:l'l.. it nifin tin nmi. bclwc n ... - - ' N4i i w , , ,a Mtcly, though bricflj btak'il, that this law 10 be t.rnv iiltt -V r,.M r.i not whiith from ur Lath era cjino . nrotectmn rind U,Mm, mul wu Imm .-..inn ,, ti. ., t,... !. .r.wtu ... . ,. w vj, mi lll ill IUJ "I'li -- i i, w Ml. , v ULIUIIU IU UIU llUVII lililiU "IIWIII - . til nerrv, Ilcii'tnhcaii, over atari. u lilt', irCKIUCIllOl (UP UIIIICU ' ilium iu3iocni in i'v.iuu uu- .......j.. ... . v.u.u. w iii-iiun iu muia mill wi.tmilL' lO (icairov, lirsi lenuur IIIUU ' . . A Nbw Stoay A tho inoilnry '''Jolotiel Floyd's Ward." is drawing Ne.v IlAMrsiititc ELiSJTtON. rho sn'urtluu .'to W. bu0'iu a noiy hv llin nm'l- wliioh to'tilhcr OJstluM than a hundred nr nU1()r 0f (.Aurora Kliml," "Lidy oiisui, icaiiy io uo Buizeu uy any isi iriai oi its sircngtli wiucU it lias over procedure would b to coiilruly to tho ........... -- uumui ui ...u.ur iuu, 'uwjf ir Napoleon, successful aol.lirr, and undorgono. In its theory it rests, lil;o all gonuius of our inst tittW, and imply volL"'' is 1,9 ffom "'J""1 LWn," "l.ady Audlcy'g Secret," o. T wielded amid.t bloody contentions frcu governinonU on the atlaohinent and such ignorance of tho lenipcr or our peo- aJ' 7iyu ' tSI.'iniire, llcpublican, y8,U3U t think tlin ci U tn lintaini.i thU .vaur tin acaichy at.d tyranny. Is this vcnciation of tho people who .vL-ninvl('d;jc pl, that no aalcsiiian with an unpojuliir 1Ii,ni"1""' U'!,r I)'l00,Hl' n,,tl "ori,,8 its rrptitatiou for publishing about the ben j thchoiitage of our children I It its bonolicont sway ; lo w'lioni it (litmuses law to execute would adopt it unless hu 'lad t""'"') Democrat overOilmoic, ai0,SUj 0f imy pjper in the country, not that whbsh from tur fathers CJino ( protection and blessing; and who havo belonged to tho fated class ulioui (hcods, j Kpub!ic:i n , :,81 1 Last ear the imij.iiity ?, and which wo posff.sstd in pcaco un-( always hcrcioforc rushed to arms with wishing to destroy, first lender lud. f ""ry, Jlqnhlicau, over Siarlc, Demo- hry J Ciim mfft lin imi.nnl ml mi ni atrnl inn iiajn mml ' imtrintlll i.l;mr!f v ti m.lmlil il. iiiillinril . W i.l.-..r. I:. .1 jorat, WIIS 7 i3'l 1 tV1 I iU U U K 1 13 V ll 1 1 i ( Xd States, all tho inhabitants of the country 'il lh" roont iidmiuistratioii assumed ' patriotlo i.lacrity to uphold its authority We eaiinot tlieri'foio credit tho rumor that tht arc being started in nil parts of the wyol State. The only way nuccossfullv o oppose the ruovctuenss of tho opposition ! I by Catabliching an organiza ion so com plete and effective up to bo ready to meet Ihcm nt all points. On tho r9 of tho Lot ua Dtganize, i i . .. . "" ..v n.u.. BUggCPl w our UCmOCrallO -!.:, ! .... I n.... f It.n A....n,nf ntl.t iU-fnnA il. I...H... t. I.... 1. it... It :. 1 ! I 1 ... frll'Ods the TO i tV f I v,,'vi"w luruigucrs, wtiliu iiiiu uuu'K ",v i'"". ... ......... .- ... iv una utiu uu iiiu i iiaiuuui n.ts nip(iuiiuii v.iutiuriii iim- JuboI hs C dt Vr h at Cnr 0rg"nlX c-irablc of beariug arnt. ' that If there ho any doubt that such would j pride and our boast that, unlike the uion- lor as provot general to enforce tbrotbouUb. " " t" '" , S r.0"1S i'1 Jividot the whole territory of the United be the legimato effect of tho execution of ( archies of tho old world, our government the conscription, 'I ho appointment of a o o i u y, similar to thosiJ y, ..,..,,., i. this nv. lojk at its 'rand feature. Evorv i has never been comnuilcd eitlu-r tn resort militnrv K.itinn. fr,.li Trnin u inlilimr tin. I triits, into military divisions, each com- .State is to bo cut up into military di- j to a coiiscripticn of its citizens or tho em- lash of harh uud detested authority over .inauded by n Provost Martial, and nil 'Ulo taeli by a JJcputy I'rovost i ploymcnt it lorcign rcenarios. Tho a rebel city, would bo equivalent to my I nctinc und'er tho direction of a Frovo.t M.utial each subject lo tho 1'iovost Mar-' nations from which wo are descended, ii,,r Hint tho administration intends lo rule Martial Umcnil at Washington, his ! General at Washington, and all ap- , thou -h it has sometimes uted meroonary tho loyal Not th wild tho'sauin rod of iron drolnred to bo thoir duty to obey all or- pointed by, and retpouaiblo to tlio I'tcn- . troops, has never practiced a conscription; wiih which it would bold down a comiiiuu .l.,-, r !. i t nnn .....1 limit. Thnt in cu.rt.liii iMifi there m.iv ills aci-nrdiii.rlv n. liiMi'dihirv ntnl lini-iiln. Ii.. i'...l. ....t ..I . . c M.. i l., . . . . . t ,i.biEui iiiu i iuivii .uai uui .l i uti ill , .uu ... . j i - o J j ..v.v.w u. rui'jlliiti;il lltiria. It I'luuuui PfX c cction in 1 ennsyivanm hung the . cxorciso ccruin functions, of a quat,i be an appeal to the civil tribunal, does ibro honored tradition of tho Anglo-Saxon commences the eiiloreenioiit of thu eon- inot important repulta. V not only havu judicial character, in order to prevent or "ol in the least impair that military power race that exemption from extorted military sciipiiou la-v in this spirit, God only flUovcnorand Supreme Judge to elect, evafii0il0n avoidance of any draft which, by in very natuie, must bo su- ssrvico is otio of tho peculiar privileges of knows what ca'auhtios arc in store for the v,.u .11., ui, .sgno aro tuc mot which may be ordered by the Pro-ident, pitfino wherever it exitt. All tins is utter omontoits that hafo ever been submitted jor tilh without referanec to rsig-ney ly without warrant and is wholly incoin H the people for final adjudication. - of a pnrticular case, counseling drafted paiible with the exi-tauco of free govern Miould tho opposition triumph, freedom of men 110l t0 appiJi,r. nient. It U ati exaggerated copy of the i-pcech and of the press will die. Iusolcnt j T . . ' n military organization under which despot- db they now are, in tho prido of office, I cffeCt 3,d ; U, H-lJu. ?.. Uula ...d France-nay, it IpLI1 !C.;0mC.te'li,"(l9 "" SO-T!We;gtl,yoVthePco"utry, and totally imtely ,,i,e,nds the latter, lu this "Internal vigilance is the pnej of liberty." .1 ...m.:. i o country, under this act, thu extent of the ... I II C Ll (I V IS lillT I1I1IIL1LI 111 1. 1 1 I" 'Vt!! 111 DlllLLT. 1 clubs and reading rooms circulate relia ' papers and documents. Let the peo- j lie be fully aroused and we can not fail ! ' ! I! .1 .. I... Ml by robbi.K them ol the material of which " ' ' it is composed. The militia is the am-ient and safe Irccmcn. 1 bo necessity which tho j:ov ornmeiit is now under ol proeuringtoldiers by a mo hod which is contrary to the hi. toms and repugnant to the traditions of tlio race from which we are descended, natur ally aw.ikeiia iu all considerate minds in tense solicitude respecting tlio success of the experiment country, Cao"" The Abolitionists aro continually talkui. about ''a moro igmous prost eu tion of the war, and aro protending that Democrats are preventing that consumma tion. Now, if the Abolitionists want il When it bceou.o tliu- prosecuted iorouly, they can easily ac- i)8uoccod. Lot tho movement bo origi ..ited iu town, and otW sections of the oanty will soon follow. Sewaid and Emancipation. The New York Tiibune lately publish ed a dispatch from Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams, our ministers to Euglaud marked 'No. 287 Confidential ,' dated July 5th, 1862, whoreiu he uses these remarkable expression: ''It scorns as if the extreme advocates of African slavery and its most vehement opponents were acting in concert together to precipitate a senile war thu loriucr making the most desperate attcmp to over throw tho federal Union, the latter by demanding an edict of universal emanci pation, as lawful and neccessary, if not, as they ay, tho only legitimate way of Having tho Union." 'Whether Mr. Soward pcrsona'ly en otsed the President's ''edict of uuvcrsal .emancipation," wliioh wiu issued so soon (Dltor the date of this letter we have no ''direct means of knowing. If he did, ac- cording lo his own Bhowing, he, and "tlio 'extreme advocates of African slavery;' "'were ''acting in concert to precipitate a "firvilo war." If ho did not, ho should Jhuvc openly disavowed the-nct,and 1 1 -arcd his-skirta of the imputation. Tho Tiibune rsaya this dispatch was sent without Mr. .Lincoln's knowledge. How'cvcr this may ibo, the proof is Etrong tliat, up to a ccr ttain time, Mr. Linoolu's judgement coin- dc- fr.nco of tlio people themselves ag.iin.t all cnrmie,s foreign and domestic. It existed from tho commencement of the colonization of the country it defended tho early s-.tilcrs from both Indians .and French at Concord and Lexington, it inaugurated tho revolution at Hunker Hill it met, without dishonor, the flower of the British army and so, throughout tho revolution and the war of ldl-!, it mainly mainiaiucd the nation, down even to New Orleand, when -Jackson, and militia, closed the was iu a blaze of glory. Tho Constitution of Pennsylvania de clares, in regard to the militia, that l,thi freedom of this commonwealth shall be armed and disciplined for its defeuce." Has the Federal government the power to annul our Constitution, hy destroying J militia I lias it the right to pas- thi oon sciipliou act? That government h not an original sovreign, but an aitificial and limited political grg.iuiz ition, created by tho Constitution, and can exerche tlioie powers only which are conferred by lliai instrument j which, itself, declares 1 li at '.ill powers net delegated to tho United Slates aro reserved to tile States respect ively or to tho poole.' No clause in the Constitution give evcn semblance of power to make mob euactmcnt, on the contrary, the State militia is distinctly recognized, and the control of Congress over it is limited to calliiit: it forth when necessary, and for nccosiary to run counter to tlio traditions coiupiisti it i tiey n.ivo ti.o army ana th Piesidoiit, whereas, iu Fiance tho and customs of a groat and spirited peoplo, "m navy, tho purso and the sword, the conscripts are divided into classes, and it ii one of the clearest dictates of wiidoin policy and the President. They can free on y ti ceitain number can bo taken in to render tho execution of the unpopular the niggers and inipiiaon wliito men ; crat, was 7 f3-l 1 If tho Governor of Now Ilamplis'ro were elected as tlio Prenlda it is o'.ecto I by a plurality Eastman uoildbo Gover nor, and would have beaten hi eompiti- tors in tic Ii more than Mr. Lincoln heat nmnol W.micii , , J K Krlikti.iuul Jircclunridgu and Douglas. j p Waiter Maiey's (Democrat) majority in ll o'iinott Fust Dis'.rict is from 75 to IllO. i nV.wLii Tho Democratic u.ain in thu Logiitutnro H'lim'.Vs'hiv'r iir M liorr Jhn lllfltirlclt ltliCEIPrri FOR MAUCtl ' TO THE . . , 91 J CiIiiiiiIiia Cointy il cm loA) loo 1 i.lj Jutiii n-tlr ti 1 UU j O .o W llri-bcb 7S 110 1. T slnrnlon 1 00 I TSi W ,Mcl(i lv7 H w l llliiuirNf al 3 04 I Oil j .Mi K 'Ivy. Neil .4c Co 39 I.I I0i Jamil l.uiby . 3 JO 1 75 ' M.ittlil.l. aUnlTet 3 0? I '. j i .Mnninniety Kiln? 1 3J ud )vl tliey would have us believe that they cull t prosecute tho war vigorously. The Doinoi'i'uls have never ma u an- oppoii tiou to a war cariied on lor a legitimate I and constitutional end, nor do tln'y now. J Hut if tho Abolilio ist w:r t die ur earned on vigorously, why don t tliey each year. Even the Ort Napoleon, on j law as itioihuisivo as it can be made in Ins return from Waterloo, found his do- . consistency with tho attainment of its oh maud on the Senate refused for auticip - ' jeet. This obvious mrixiiu of udmiiiisti a tion of consumption. The President of the , live prudence is well stated by Mr. Uniud States has a legislative body moro Thurlow Weed in his recent letter : false and foolish than that of Frauce in j (j011i,rcss i,as arlll0d 'tho goveruinout iai5,and wields a power unknown even with all tho powers that its exi"viiciei to Napoleon thu Great. 'required. Thu administration is clothed tLimativis vohintar? Surely no. oly It appears then that tho invit ible cot,- with extraordinary financial and military prevents Unit, and i.s they eor.trol the pol sequence of tho execution of this eon- "Utlioiily. The lederal government is now juy of thu war, lhLy tloull, Barry ,toll se.ipt.ot. law must he : jevlod iml ., deul of hta0 mwn. In ' u"&aV uml ',') ' j I. I ne Ufsfuctien oi oiaie iigur.s, tlio lust year ot the war our young men ""au "'J' ,uu""u""' u,u """T" 1 0Ill. i,;lif 0f followed by that of thu State thumselvos, ru-lied voluutarilly to tho held, and our , whole ioitli to raise a nigger regiment ,, ..1.1... . 1 I . 1 . .... . . ' hv ileinivinif thotn of tlio mi itia. the r "anus as vouiiuariiiy suppiieu tne govern- , to relieve abolition .Massachusetts Irom the is still moro signilieatit. List year tho Republican imjoiity in the Iloifn win till; Jy.,;'..'"11' this iniijoiity is reduced to nearly on half. J'1,';,",',1",;!;1," Three Democrats nrn elected to tho j!r"y,".'l'1!fcronv Senate hy an aggregate majoiityof a.J.IO, l'1!;'1,', "'i',1"1" or ovtr "DO each ; and nine llepibliean Vm tiuat ' 1 , I. 'tut: of V (ifom Senators by an agregati? iniuorily ol H,- Jnim Zi i-tofi 100, or less than UoO each, oo much for Mm Maty VuunUlo the Itepubl.can skill iu districting the na'.M st.Vi ""H ' I'.l ii.' J.irkmil.11 II .1 .1... V... ir ..!,!-,.' Ilml.l V...iit.r 3 Ui .'rufopiur Kinch U.wu lllL-au nui iim nu.v j. .1.11.71111. , jull1 L ,lrBl C U ( I oil tl Atrll I'.hiot remark,: "And thus, will, a fflffl 'Kf1'1 majority of only some ODD in the Slate, M J l 'ufu, the Republicans and their allies have K M a simimm 1 tw ; ij.t.ito ..f Vni ithono a o-i , , ', , . . , Hjiii'Ii I -liiiinaii I Oil i Haul ' I lJlRi.r Br H OJ eleetttl thrit-.'ourths ol the oeuato. J his cm r j Kiinarnnan a W'Mo.on waitu j ?s , , ... , . ,.. W T sjliuuiHii i:.. lOiii H llartman 4 ii sllOW. tllO gl'OsS HiJIlSlloe 0,id inequality j n Jamitun 1 M j ficurgf llartman ill lianl. I t'lll.'r ! II ti l'hllli a W Uln Umvill C UL! J.isjj Wull. tn MS 3 .'ni ! J II Fiiriinui CD!) Ilunl'l Vocum 1 75 A cir '.' 1 :s Uuu Ifi-nrnc Sccil i 2U DavM I'lilllps 7n J Win fchujitii 1 lio I i hnrUa V iJ ; llotr.nan I 00' IVLlf tic. Nictly A Mr. I'iUKrrulJ 3 0.1 ; J IK're.ny 1 75 J II S Van. Ii mile 1 74 f Henry Fink !iil 5 1'i't, r (,'rvveilnc fi 00 ! Il..iett Cnthcut IM ol J,ickniillcotKs3 73 'Jo.-cpli Ikclcr 10 00 I 70 1 IU t 50 I 7ft 1 no .1 uo I 30 1 7fl 40 1 73 I 00 40 I 75 lli w 1 CI 3 I' J 74 7 00 I! ItO 3 00 a 40 of the present Senatoiial district law. The districts were formed with a view to enable the Republicans to carry a maj n iiy of them even with a popular majority of two or time thousand again. t them." ' "Tho suceesi of the Democratic party iu this elt etion, even as judged by the eleo- j I ion of iti candidates, is not unimportant Wo have gained one member of Congress, ' o Councillors, uejily forty R'preitnt utives, and the two impoitant counties of Merrimack and Graft n, thus giving in the counties iu ine ..ill. .....I .,...,, M...I. .1... .1 . If ii.i.i iitiji uni. .uuuua. .....Ill UCUIIIU, and icai! tnt thu lesson it teaches careless- S. '1 ho destruction of popular liberty,., Onerous laws can only be carried by tit c ercctinu of a military despotism. into effect "with the consent of the gover Wlmt shall be done? Three course . ned." Since Uongm h was chosen ly are open : I wbh'h tho coie-eriptiou law was enaeteil, .' , .' ,Pi . . , ii., r there has been u political revolution in four I. Io submit I 1ms is wholly out ol . . , ' . . ... , , , , ot the largest s.ates in the Union. J hero the question, unless indeed we have al- U!U,SC3 ',. sut., reaction. Let those ready sunk so low that we aro lit only to who are responsible for the country's wel bc slaves. , faru -icck and profit by them. .1,. Tho compulsory law-, of 1 ho hist (Jon- draft ; anil the flaming, leaping warriors of Andrew's and Greeley, from New Eng land. iu ' war aro not yet "swarming ' to engago ol thu a inoiii visjorom prosecution ol thoiu. . ,, . .1 . , . . ' ' Stata Governiiicnt another year, but they ' Out upon such hypocrisy ! , . , , , . ,,...,: wllinh .. ... , , ,. 'then iuevideutly awaits tho n." Mo.vrouit. I ho Dan villo Iittchgcmer, J , , , , I hi io c;:u he no ilo.ibt a t wh c:i way of the -'(th mat., duuuid a new dre-s, and , . . , , . , , ! r"W II imp- hir; will go at t u Pres. presented ti eiy lu ntltoii e a u.iai ce. i 1 i, l.i.. i l .,...1 l.i : ;,, ..I....... 1 'dential election. 1 IP U IJ null, juuiimi) uijv uinij; in t i - , Hon. Wllst n McClndlote, Jmlpi- r,f the Uulttd iiUU-f Circuit Court, I'lraMfhl. Coru-r tVnn nnd St. Clair Sr'trvM, I'l rTHHUIIOH, PA : Tin:'i.Anci:dT, ciiAPUtr and ut. $35.00 pai4 for ;i fu 1 Coiinncrcial CnurnL'. I ti V" Su extra ilmt-1 Tnr )'.niufut.tiir'.'r, teaLb'at, ; Itntlnud ami II ink i'n k-K'erphiL',ullii i.t bull im.M Mtmli i,tu . tilrtr mtiA btatu. - vifwaLUU) tiiim . . t . i i ill I n m I I'll i nil 1 9 ciitMiicwH hy f iieriLnrcii icmn. Ugi.IDS l.llfl intrigues, COrrUJitlMl Uinl VTH anj pr4riiral Acco nitnuu, Un .r nr- ounp m-u l'r at tin huct'ifMt, nl in lea pi eirenst tuiii hoUtfU llint'.i-r thu mn-t l.n-i.ituf anil rcvponnlilo fituatjoi. Inphiihac laiit'-ti ti r u v it or y lit urc tht linivrrfdl T I r iicu ttir f.'iauu.itL if th tolhgL', hy tmsiueft Ill'Ml. I'M f. A (OWI.I V, th h$t Pf tunan In the Union, wu (Villi tn I 'ri! I-1 n iiuh-r c f fir-r -r .i.iuuif, autl uvlt ml 1 1 ih nuir. t-ti tn rnpm hiiMiir writing, I or ni'"t niii'iiH -1 IYiimaiiliip, ati i ntatitu' tu-t-ilnmx lull inturiiiuDiMi, m hii tv tity flvu rentr to Jl.NlilN'p ti Sul'i'll. J'nntipalx. T Attend w hvt' Hie tfoiin and CUritv of Jtutiue AI.1 ii and ttankir (.T'tUtiaUs April J'J, IdJ-ly. April 4. 1BC3. fraud alone have prevented further suucci : si'6 iuid a coinpttitu victory. Tluy in i y ' and probably will enable the Republican parly to hold the nHicial control o'.' tur Tllli Pil!8!).13R OSf STATE ...mrnily of i,.l.r.W0 m. S if , p.pul V . U T " T'- ',"J.' ""I """""r ... . I . r l tin. Vlllll Mist. . Vpmilt.cll 1 ! !1 Vll.tfll'V lAI' iprauny uiiii resniiuuu iuiuu, lu u.s..n- p0,c soulnieiit must approve them. ' , the frame tav w... ....... .i-nn on' n i nivn i I!, mil tn lint Th s !Hiliinu:i iviimnl hn n iln iim hi. llli; maiuuian. iinvu, a uui n luui.Tia Oil would uot regret and deplore any distur- ;or without the reserved right of revolu- bnncu of the public, peace iu any part of tinu, tyranny would bo eternal. . the country, growing out of resistance io a. An tienl io tue courts of liw. the law by citizens liable to conscription. This is our true defence. Iu the sanctu- Tho spirit of resistance once aroused would ;l. !,-., lr nvnpi.s.od bv 1 al""K " 101 111 ,,l"-u u.j,- ,,( :..:,.,. sliiill Hud the v ndica- bo feariu v eoutiiL' oils. o ur to the L'eu- Socrctarv of Statu, but that ho finally governing it only when employee; in " tio nf our ,,1,. The Supreme Court of oral repugnauee of ritizem to serve in the .allowed himself to be driven by the "pros- j sorT,ce of tl,tJ Ulllte.a !5tfltcs ;, r"emn6 Ul ii;y,1SyVania will not hesiiate to declare army contrary to their choice. The draft sure" of the radicals iuto a measure, j lUB thc iPP!t1'liI" f:" thu luw. liy tho judgment of the judicial ordered last summer was merely a method which as Mr. Sjward intimates, canonly . 'J10 oftl,e forc0- 1 ho ,Co."3tllu" i tnbtinali. wo are bound to itwesbou'd of giving a fresh impulse to voluntary en- I (inn lliniif.invn iinnfiiitie 11 -v niltlinritu I . . . . ecrve to assist thojc who aro "making the "u,u -' l,"u;",uo , J M submit. Thcv arc thc sole expositors ltstmeins, and the enormous bounties and most desperate attempt to overthrow thc j u"'n'"u 01 l" " ) 0f thu iaw. We should not hositatv to unexampled exertions whi h it occasioned VAt Union furluls " h reiv,u8 10 bt!ltc6 ,1,e Ivield instant and hearty obedience to this show with what interne feelii,.' onr free . - , .11. 1 1 ! I.t r.V C: n 11IL: oliLll II1SL 1L2UILLII 1 1 ll t UlUI 1U1 obtained extremity we hive not vol airivod. It' wo proscription anu denunciation. even do, an appeal to. arms in self defense iu'ere ; .. ,ini, ,ri :.:,, wUn 1 Administration on that ocasion, had their Z&r Jap. John Ko.iiboy, will lease call would be iustili:.l,lo before Gol ami man. ,.,,i . a ?ii ,: : woolly ticket cut and dried the I huisday , t this ofliee hoping to secure an ciidorseiiicnt of the D.vxinr, REiNnor.n leases u iu Cattawissi, and re tires upon bis farm nrar J niricvUle. Coiiiiiiiiiiicalioihs. 1, uui tuc uemocrnis, not io ue , cjsjri, srnt7xsxxz3Bx-jpii.juiiiLj 'iiiMi.ttt tinri.iinr .1 I'nM lliimn. -""6"" ""ll""al - , cratic ticket, head. id by li K. V.isiiue, onci of the most radical men of our party. The Burgess was considered the te-t vote and wo carried our candidate despite all tbo efTorts of tho opposition to del-it htm. This is again over last year's vote of 70, and over that of the year before, 110. This is the first time tho Democrats havo Whdora and Philosophy. The $300 fixed as the price of commuta tion in tha Conscription Act is to be paid "for the procuration of substitutes," Tho Government uocds money as well as men; and tlio money thui obtained will bo ex pended for the beuctit of the men who en ter the service. The idea is uot an orig in al one. liepublican. Oh no, the idea is not an criginal one. We find the same wisdom and philosophy in tho President's message, where he gravely informs tho world that "it is "easior to pay a small sum thau it is to py a larger; and it is easier to pay any ,uui when we havo tho money, than it is when wo havo no money," Veri'y, the fhdom and philosophy of thc present ad ministration are past finding out. fSier The Philadelphia JJie.',s and its fooblo echo at tho State Capital, the Ilar rishurg Tilegraph, are laboring with all their might to produce dissensions and civil war at tho North. creatures who edit these two btiauicle-'s organs of the Adiiiinibtfstioti are uotsatisfi- powers which mbstantially control it. In ,.,,.,,:.,. .,.,.... wi,.out nMSon or nrei- co.-auuinitios roeoil from this mode oi rai. the face of these plain provisions, argu J U(Ucu jul,sc8 .lHko u.gUlaturts, Presidents ing troops. It is nut the feel of this party nient would be supet fluous. Any man ol common sense must perceive, and any court of law would dcterniino, that the Conscription Act is and void. Hut it is said in this, as in other cases that necessity justifies that necitkity and people, and viudieitcs the Coiist'ru- or that party, but the common reluctance tion of tlio o untry lor alio good of a'l. of peaceful citizens to bo torn from their Rieuiviug from our fathers a Union and homes and the bosom of their families, Cousti.utiou .vbieli formed, with tho co or- and forced lo encounter the hardships. diua:e State governments, a political sys- privations, and dangers of military lile. tern ;he ino-t porlout which the whole has The administration, under Mieh eircuui- ever seen, and under the harmonic us ac- stances, should exercise its autllority, it it ii a" nprM pTAVriiku is hie rnfcn it r aim hv xrc- L'lU K A'lCMI'I DS AND hlKtlK(tr I'.U1IRKV KlHbU. HY ;. A. MA uu is r, usv. or iti virriM. "It in important ttr huUu tblnklus in & frt comty t-mni iu pirv c.hiImhi in tlmsi ntr fi tal witti it ailniiuihtrntttm, to coutiut' i!imtf Iv-i itlini tticir tesit-tii (.(bt-rfft. avoiiiinjj, in 1 1 fxrriic nf th poAtrn i.t' oiiii (IrpjrtuiPtit to rnrpmcli upon ant'th'-r- 'I'hs vpiut i'f nit roaciiuiHtit tirnlti ft roiiiclitlati thJ p'nv.-rn of Ml tile liepaitiiKiits in on, antt thus to ri At'.. r h ' (lienor. ii of uut ruait:ntt u rt-ftl Dtr potltm." Wa-iii.nhhin. "(,'lnif'to tht Cniiptitntlntt, a th? f hipw reckeii nmfl iivr rliMK t-i tin I. i.l pi ink, whui ui'lit ainl tl.. .cui pet cl08t .tro'iu I Jiiiu," UasaL V iiistly C WIUH TON. I'lililiolicr. 113 Dri-ailnny, Nivr Vrk. i Mo ptifier for tho lusortion of a lew1 ruii i-iu-a tim siiiL'cstions, naturally arising out of iccctit Alr'' 4' ktJ'1, Cm, Tatc: Fur tke Columbia Dcmotrit. Please give space in your I evi nts. We have, iu thes" back townships, in tlin Inli'Iv In Id elLM'tioiis. won I'loriailii i i i.. i- i i. r j ' " uee i i uu: iu eui i v iiiu uuiuu"ii iui suiuu . , ,t i,i:,:. : . . J n . Demo rutic, or, as the AnolitioniiUs term jcars and it is an empbal.o eou.loa.naUou . , . . . . knowsnolaw.' Ifthi3 argumcut is joncl t;on ( wliioh thu iiutiou his prog cssed in not in tlio spirit of a hard-hearted and to justify Congress in disregarding th p, uup iralled, we will never ecu- domineering master of men's lives and Constitution, it is far better to justify the 1 Si.,,t t0 ?urri.mor these great gu.iranices liberty, but in that of a suiyp.ithuing and people in disregarding tho law. Rut iu of rimom .d bapiuess. This was the paternal goveinmeiil, anxious to call foriii truth it jmti(ie3 neither. Roth aru bound p.JOp,.s Wac, to ns-eit the integrity of tbo tho nobler impu ses of its eituons, rocon by every legal obli-ation, and neither ',,, .,, t0 uiidieite the suprcm cy of cile thoiii to a hardy duly by tbo removal holds the power of .-elf-di pm-utum t,t. ( onstituiioii. Tor the attiiinmenr of of every rea.onaldo ground of complaint, Tho supremacy of the Con motion and the ,,, 0,j, t.t blood and trea-uie have been ! and the practice of cveiy allowable art ol' lawsis the solo assuriieuoilibtfriy.bccurtiy ,,0uicl oiu wiih l.nish prolusion. I'ho , conciliation. Of course, it must not com aud order, aud the iisinpers oi Wiishing- p,.0pk' an; usniy sli'l, wiihout stint or promi-o its authoiity, nor abjure the use ton who ileny this Uoetrmo, proclaim r,mit, i& piceetd in this eouio of sac ilico. ol foico; but it is hound by every con themselves tyrants by the act. But they have a right to insist upon oner- sideiation of humanity, ju-iic-', niul policy Rut, apart from this, tbo instant rc-' ' wisuom integrity, and regard fr I licit The debased ponso to the recent draft lor three huu-, nglrs in those to whom aro coiiuumI the dred thou-aud militia, shows that the pre I great v.itionai nuif, uuu who soimiieiy teuce of necessity is false in . fact. If tbo promised, at tbo outhrj.ik of the rebellion of the miserable party who arc driving the country to destruction. Throughout the county tlr: Abolitionists wer-routed completely. In every township except one we elected all tho oflieers, not allowing tho woo liea even an inspector, Valley, which huietofore ha.- been genor- IION. C. L. VALIiA.N'DltJUAM'S vItKCOItU ON Altolilinn, Slavery and ihc fivil War. ..iii-in iti ii. rpuis WOltK i III prim ami nll ao..n tif ren ly. it We had but ' """lain. iiiiiileti' anil' rniHm i.f Mr. V. I I.iii.IijIi.iiii'm iirn.riiial .iici'Clie.. oil III.' ih,.tu i.l.nv. little opposition wi h which to contend. iMl1' of '''"' .,',",L'r 'i'i' ' niiUi. e . lr iiicif! jiiib, uti-B, ttc. Hie u.irK lias lii-eii car.. Tlio niuro conservative of the Abolition f"''y 'V"1 " l" . pr.cnt. i.uny ami em. I ri'itly tlu iinlili'iil r.irur.l ami p iumif a nun 1iqi i P'.irtV have become pretty Well cooked, viow. in rilati n tn llio raimi-n l our ii.illi.iml trotib. ' ,ii ,i In, niul iIib right reiiii-iin. lur Hl-iii, nr .' allrn:llnj au and aro on a stand whether to adhere to ; cxtrauruiii.irj- .im-iunt ur pniaii- .iit-niinn. i uu wins ii on gim.i, kiinsiaiiiiai pjiier, s la u;o, the party to which ihey have always be longed, or not, because of the uucoiiMitu- lional and t r.iuuical laws passed by their illy Abolition, was carried by the D.u.o- ' , ' A d b(iJ. o , e)if ...... I il'...:.... . ..1 t,...l. i ' and eoiifinu it so tightly that nought but (labriel's trump will bo powerful cn.iugh nuininoii it to lesiireetion. ed with the auffeiings of ourpoorb'oldiers-ignvernmrnt needs additional force, why h H they would Uu nothing except that nrpctitc for blood craves for its !' 10 aU0,Ilcr draftlPiiiti.ato. wlueh wa, legmmato and neee-sary to - . . , , .i .. , . I l.-ir:il find mirrt to Vin nhevnd 7 Wlivdocs prot-et and deleuil tlio Union and the lusion in our pcaceiui ioriuerii uomes. j- ... LoiistitutsOii, it tlio views which wv Hut' of usurpation this tyranny over the citi have exprcsed in regaitl to thu eonscrip- zen! Is it so, that tho blooil of our ol correct, to aiioinpi to cuiorco it butchered brothers, causes a iceoil from would be violatiou of repeated and Mileiuti the buttle, field, to bo met only by LVder- oaths and pledges, aud destructive alike al bayo-.ets, driving new myriads to 1 of tho rights o i States and tho liber slaughter? No - the pas-age of this aot thepuoplo more thau this, it would is an equal insult to the courage and pa ho iujurous, if not disastrous, to tho cause triotism of thc people. Iu tho face of all of the country for right cannot ixsu' tho disasters consequent on the ignorauco, from wrong, tho presumptiom, thu corruptions, tho vacillations and thc jealous os of the Ad- Man' nf f,ur '"''"cri who have tuinitration, they are ready for fresh ef. long f .rgotten to pay up, as wo informed forts, any time, any where, for any legit- lhu'" would bo the case, last week received imato object; for they hold enshrined in 00 ""oluu.bia Democrat." Wo havo had their heart of hoaits, tho pure fl .1110 of to pay cash for every paper wo ever sent ! patriotism, tuch as their oppressors know l"'la. lI,oy liav0 "nVh Avdauiii us ,ioro names nave ueee In mch Bceue of terror, tho two ionoys) would doubtlccs dsnr.j with delight. we warn them, that if unfortuu Holy it evor comes to a statu of affairs like that, their happiness will be of short duration Iu tho French Revolution, those who urg ed) the people onto deeds of crime and at. ocity 'finally suffered tho fate they had laid up for others ; aud those iu this coun try wno'ae tho most anxious to renew .he f cones of 1701, may rest asurcd that ven. gnee will be no Jcs Euro iu their caBes than in that of their French exemplars. Mau a note or TiuSf-Tho New York Herald, a nutral paper, mye 'Sfinator WHsen. who has iust urged lbs mammootk t.'on.crin'ion bill thiough i not of. rfcudV to burst and blao in all con- ol our pmpe'ty r . .. i ..i; .1 ..i .1 ,. i -ii . the benato, i. the man who stoppea fiuwi-1 BUroing flro, before which will perish alike urdtcu tll,s wuei;,uu wu win now try to nenU a few months ago, a'ld thu left the Army of the Potomac unsupported and prevetitod tne capture ot iiioumona tho tprants ofthe North, and the traitors bring all such delinquents to a speedy set- of tho South, und out of which will cotno "omciit. by a regard for its own stability and lor the tranquiliiy ot tho country to which it owes protection, to smooth down ob tucles and :oothe tho public leeling hy tho adop tion of all reasonable measures of eoneili ation, as a preliminary to the execution of the law. Tho whole country, Republican as well as Democrats, havo long sine.: io-t coiilideiiea iu tho cabin-t as now organ ized, and in tho administration of tho war is at present conducted ; Mr. Lincoln should accordingly yh Id to tho universal demand of Irs own party nul of all parties foi a .reorganization of the cabinet before attempting to put in execution a distaste ful law, to which men will moro cheer, fully submit when administered by officers who enjoy their re.pect and confidence. Wo have goncrals out of employment who havo a grertcr faculty for inspiring popular ciilhusiasm, and securing th' warm attachment of soldiers, than any now in activo servis ; and the President, if wise, will soften the national rcpugiiair co to tlio ronncription hy (jiving suitab'o ommaiids to tho generals in whom the I'nc.j Paper envrr.. 50 runts: clnlli 73 cjiih. Iii'liv.' liy inail or vxpttm, pr.'iiai.l. nu receipt of tho prici'. S.'inl or Iiti, irilli tlm money nclil, to Co IiiiiiIhh, Ulna, aililrni'il to J. II. KILV A. CO., nr to iim. xll'li vi:v. r.r ii... i...i i .. . , cr.its by a majority sufficient to uleei both j ' , ,, , .,, . ... : L-xp-itmi J ini'iit of tbo.-e laws will hereafter cause i:vo,j ,,er.,aP iimtci.r. the above thr-, u- of the inspectors Abol,tio,-n. at pre.ent tleflc COIuerv:ltivus t0 joill wilh us iu lut. I ZVJ&& 'XXt makes but a pu.ful show m tins eoun-yj . for tbo Unio1 ug u was and the (,Ql. ... ij.,. and by next fall wo expect to crib, coffin, , . - a ... ,. . d .,. J ' oration of lbs conservatives who have' KlYSHUIU ACADEMY heretofore belonged to the Abolition par- j rou ty, wo may, by using our best efforts, j MALES AN) I'EMALES. cheek '.hi-. Abo, ition element in its unc iu -1 B"v fJ; JLVJ1'01'11, A' M" r-',"ti''''1 snJ Eg?" T be New Yoik Times'. New Or-; .stitutioual and ruinous course, and by pro aJi;llV 1 1 ihuJ n ' .Vi " N ' 'IV"cl,jr "f Di leans eorrespjudent says : J claiming to tho world that this Govern- i nr. mniMmi mission iii couimi'iic. an mhx- i ll.W. Al'UII.-.'illli. Iii.lruulon mil bu chvn in all Im iiiaiiiii niul llii'lier Kiil'U.Ii Urnnrhe. I.hiid. float hero respecting a ilisouleily spirit of enuality t.nnciplos on which the Con-1 i;,,,i m,,,n. n,,,if ba iia.i m i,r, liaviug inai.ilested itself among our troop, ' .:,., frnmn,im!ll. ,,: ,,.n onh, country nt $i,sua wovk.ami n.ti.u viiuei,r..r j I JI.1..1IO l liti UlAlll Uli ill 11 WUKKll. (1 00 a cu 5 Oil . 7 W S Ou . 1 iiiii.k Kcipiiii:. ifitra) .... t l On Ciinlin'.jiil Uipciu,'.. SS AdUri-H Ki:V. J. f. WAMI'Ol.i:, 1'iiiicipal. Uly.burg, l'a., April I, ISo'J.-'Jw leans I'orrespjnUent says 'lam sorry to say that rumors are ment shall be administered on principles it ."lop Island owing to the there Without a particle ofsagasity or common ! a renovated Union aud a vindicated Con wv--j j CJ t V If HMV. "S J . tenia, Senator NiUon keeps ofliee by con. .gdtution. ton, A. M.. of Mtllvillo, has beou appoiu ftUa according to his deetit., Counti 'Superintendent. JomiB. Pat If this law could be carried into cxceii- ted, by Tho's. II. Uurrowes, Supcriuteu- jS'ateoofa'l power of itU dffen0, its tv, rtrt, William Rutgeif, . 1. C f .l,i,.na. linnn rtV IntillI Mtico tbey will reward this abolition cbsr- ioasuiuch as it would deprtv ti dont of Publio Schools for Cbluiubii eoun reste l for mutinous conduct Yes and unless our judgment errs ideally, there will bo moro '"di -orderly spirit" manifested, and many moro officers 'arrojtud for mutinous conduct" if negro enlistment is still persisted in, From per sonal observation, aud information and opinions given by reliabls men in diff -rcut sections of tho army from the .Middle an 1 Western States is radically opposed to tho measure. ' SCllt 1)1 the Southern pCOplo to a riUtlioil ; I Elemenlaly Uuiilikh. llrancliti, ' 1 1 ' , (!jiiiiiii,iii , . I i ,1j .. rr..,..:.. i. ..!...! i U'UI'n I'l .IMUlhlUU, uu l, iijuiu Ulllk'U .lull I I . 1 1 . p . oia eoiorou regiun in. ueports go so lar as - ' , couiinoii to state that several ollieers have boun ar- that wo may, heing huuuU with onilurtng , , ' ... i. . . " . . ... I.aliu, (ircnl; or irinnn Uumc mi III.' 1'iaiio or ,Mn0(leon. (ultra) i i.. .1 I...P n... l . "" nappy punpiu i ii .hi uriuiu. inn ueiore we can again enjoy pcaco and prosperity, wo must defeat the purposes of this Ad ministration j for the lain Congress has, by disregarding tbo reserved rights of the States, invested all State authority iu old ' Abo Lincoln, the Abolition Dictator. 1 They will find more difficulty in enforcing ( tho tyrannical laws they havo made, than j they had in making them. Arc wc Amer. ! oau citizens, who havo enjoyed thu bless-' ings of liberty purchased for us by our forefathers, who broke tho ohains which ' A PUOKLIMfl. FOR. THE LADIES. ' SENT Fit KB OF CHARGE. -ldurcMTllOUM:.M," l!ox iU3 V. O., rtittidelpMi. I' April I, ls.G3.-3w ADMIN ISTRATOIl'S NOTICE. Estate if ieiij, Jones, deeestd, I'.'C'I'lUtS fif A,llnliil.lri,lln . I.r. I'.ininnf ll.'lll. bound t ho 111 to tbo RritUll laws, Willitl" tO 2- J"""-'. lalu nf iranai) tnwnIiit, Culumlila rnunty. ' a ilcLnasjil. bin . Ii.'i.isranti;il by Iim llisl.t.r !' fuluin rciuaiu inactivo wlulo our liberties are lliu c""ty. m Uio unUi-raieiiua ; nil p mom ia " , . ,. i'l'Oiiunj!aiiin lliu ctntj ill tlm ilifcmlciit am ri 'lU' ti 'l i taken froill IIS : I m prcsfin tli.-tu n this Ailiiunlntratur at in rfUeitu- in.alil 1'iuiibliip. witliiiut delay, ami ell pcrtoln la Sir, if wo wish to ho free if wo mean ,li:l,llJ'1 tu "'"kc' Pa'"" I'-rttuvuit. jisut'r. "ilisiinionits" thoy do "desire tho per inauout division our count) y' and thoy do not "hopt, ami 2pect to acliievo its recoiistruetion. ' Lot tho people roiuem- soldiers hayc confidence, and undor whom . ocr this distinction." thoy would prefer lo servo. The people' will more cheerfully snbinit to vigorous Somcho-lij has front us a oommuni- CtSS" Tho New York Tribune says of tho onservativo Democrats : 'They are not disitnionists they do not desire tin peruiumcnt division of tho country hut thoy do hope aud expect lo achieve its roeon-truci'ion," This is precisely the difference between tho conservative and not basoly to abandon the heat interests of ji, lf-iu,-. s?, .i i i-.?. i l. rni i ...1 i i . . iue udoiiuou mnieuia. ratuoui urn . our country i stanuincr uv nna ecctnc all , nit vns? a Arn or; it?v power rulizcd in onu man, or rather -n J., No. to North fiiuti .tteet. rhH an idiot, in viointion of the Constitution, ra Wodoir wu must, witii undaunted courage and a 1 Sh.'Ult'H firm deleriniliation, resist all ItlCOnstitU-' ITT" Th'larce.tuiul nncnafiotlrnunl liniinl ili.mniuh 'I'lin .int.. I. .,,., IV,. tho lowc.t irlci . lilindii paintml and triinmeil djunl tlOliat UUIliatlUS, I lie only liopo lor OUr luuew. ntnre pIuIci mado and Icttcied. country is to overthrow tho Aboliiioirpar. I Apf" 4' "'3""n .. ty, after which inaugurate men who aro STlAY HOG measures if tho administration will first cation signed "Copperhead,' but. withhold honest good, constilntion-loving men. a mam; nor,. rdVod fUo.wai found in tin i ... , , i . I in ,1 j i . ii i i nfewduy. ur, ii a dtiabUd tondltluii, mo show a roasnnablo regard to the wiiher of tho real name, and wo again announoo I o this end let us all work, and pcco boon ukan fUn i.r hy ti.o undcr.iineit. 'ih iwmiI the peoplo which U Has ao loug rosiitcd. tliat wo throw all such anonymous papers' may yot spread hor wings over our d'u- imuisdiaieiyauj ynywt rul. It teems to ua incredible that Mr. Lin. under the tablo, I tractcd laud. A PEACE LAN, Diaiidiburt M-m t.iffei