Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 04, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. 17.NO, 5.
published every Saturday, by
o ffTo e
fi ft ZTrictc RaUdlug, cppoilti Us rzcJanf e, Ijr iti
iae vturi llouit. "Dtmotrane utaa iwrri,"
Select Poetry.
f iVfllton for tho Philadelphia Sunday Mercury.
'Oore on i time, old hooka relate.
Oat when, it matters not to state,
There w a mighty blow i
The Jews, willi reins' horn,. strange t tell.
Blow tutli e blast that dovu there fell
The walls of Jcrlchn I
fiumo folks declare that such a feat
rt ie impossible to Lett,
Out thie ii ell a blunder ;
For Abolition, alt mm t owu,
Without rami' home, hei fairly Mun'n
The Uulnu bond asunder I
nvr It eorumrnced 1 will relate
It wai In n New England ttati'.
Where ntennre fond of cheating;
When, apple nan,, flail foils abound,
And pork and beans the whole year rouad.
Are reckoned first-rate eatiuK.
With pumpkin pie and Johnny cake,
And oft they get up a clam bake,
Being fond of rusted cUtni ;
A-peddling notions, too, they ;o,
Like Batan, roaming to aid fro,
With docks and wooden hain.
With nasal Iwri j! nnd of brass,
Pei lylu; noro (tin thru surpass,
Kit uiukinit spurious wacei ;
N matter wheth't friends or fiiai,
They delist to poke their note
lu every atie's alfuiri.
Korhalf a cent they would disput
Au honrtliny are so very cute,
A tent would net thi'in raving i
And though they would it halt' dsy,
T whittle n pine log ,11 ny.
They would not give n shaving.
The country long withstood the stifle.
Tor kack a far an Plymouth reek,
U's easy now to tract' it;
Tkf farta are nicking out in plain,
To rnb Iheru nut men try in vain,
rVr uo ,ue nn erase it.
Kach year snrnefo'ls their voices rals.
New Knjlnnd's "blanioy mono" to pri.
Or to it write a eoiinet ;
Yet history cleurly proves to triio
There usver was a viW crew
Thanlt.ajc nltn landed it.
Although they would not curse or sw-s.r,
t'rJi ludiana' heads th eralp ih-v'.i tsar.
Plug woman and mast witches;
Besides, ihosn pirirKtmng kuares.
All owned, at wull as dealt iu slares,
Prt, iwcr-ia-e their riches.
And wonld hare held them till to-dny ;
But when the nigger would not pay
No longir wonld they hold thein ;
Alan fur niggers, it appears,
TTa lunde, hut postponed sevtral year
Till Mr. rilgrim sold them.
Away down south the elaros were sent.
Hat Mr. Pilgrim not errurnt
Within a new condition ;
For R hen he had received the pay
Per all his niggers sentavtuy,
llu preached np Abelition.
Thongh every year, ships hy the score,
He fitted siutfor Afrlc's shore,
More niggers for to capture ;
And when he had the darkeys sold,
n'd curse the trade ami count In a gold.
And "freedom" cry itli rapture. ,
Rut while a sent was to be made,
Us stack fast to tho nigger trade
Continued to supply them ;
tilt what is rather strange to toll,
Uo thought it very right tn sell,
But very wrong to buy them.
When he a fortune had acquired
Hy niggcrism, te retired
With pious consolation
Declared the thing by hlrh he'd aiade
Ilia fortune, was a hellish trade,
And needed reformation.
Though for reform he daily cried,
And his old customers belied,
(Ie stnek fast to his pelf,
Like every rogue throughout the nation,
Who eriee aloud for reformation,
Hut don't reform himself.
Dot Pilgrim could not live in p;ne,
Ner from ills niggcr-stenling cease,
In spite of all his bother ;
For he somehow with sluvea must deal
Po off down south he goes to steal
The nigger from his brother.
Although lie bid before ngrccd,
And swore hy the Apostles' creed,
In spite of all disasters,
If any nigger ran away,
He'd scad them back without delay,
L'ato their southern masters.
tlut now he proved as clear as mud,
It must be for the niggers' good
To leave the old plantation,
And eorac up north to loaf about,
Pick ragsand bones, clean foul pools nut
Ret pious consolation,
Thrice bappp must that darkey be,
To have evch blsssings and be free,
The rilgrim eft would utter ;
N'a master now baa he to dread.
Moreover he cm earn his bread
Dy pickings from the gutter.
(tut why should I enumerate
Hew Pilgrim went fromtate to Plata t
Pufflce fsrme to tell,
With other rascals he intrigued
Wbo awere the Union was a "league
And covenant with bell,"
Tbui years passed by, converts were made,
' Aad many a plot by tbem was laid
Together in communion ;
A Thoueh often foiled, with mleht and main.
Tbeytrted, and tiied.and tried again,
For to break up tbe Union,
' At last tbey by one desperate stroke,
, Ainnder ourold Union broke,
Out new they cry amain ;
Ob dearl cbdearl what shall wa do J
Cemsjoio our Aielition rrew
Tic Union Join again."
r 0 I I H 1 111 A Fl ) HI n r n l W
UU 11 L 1.11)1 II UI'JIH U "J llll 1
SATUItDAY, AI'IMIi 1, 1803.
Democracy Past, and Future,
Wc ngreo with tho Viillcu Spirit that
with all the coiitcniptuoui sneers and vitu-
perativc abuse heaped upon Democrats
and tho Democratic party, the past histo-
its cn as wit: present position oi mat
in.iit.v mill in in,,ii!ior: liolXen I.f ...lil la
II .1 . ... ..
an enviable one. No intelligent man w.ll
pretend tc deny that, from the formation
and adoption of the Constitution down to
the election of Mr. I.iucoln, with the ex-
ecpticn of a few brief years, tho DeniO'
cratio party controlled the policy, 'main
tained the honor, extended the territory
mid made the history of the eountiy.
These fact: have already gone into histo
ry, and are accepted by tho civilize d
woild. During this time its policy was
I to keep pare villi the progress, and, ns
occasi.ui permitted, to develope the rc-s-ources
of the country. In all these
measures it met th fu rccsl opposition at
every step ; and yet in years rolled
nrotiml, and reflation and calm judgment
took the place of pa-sion and excitement,
hc!fo s rune measures wero universally en
dotted by the popular voice, and all of
(hem remain upon our statute books un
repealed to the presont day. Almost ev
ery oppo ition s"iiytor vot-d ngaiiit the
ratilicition of Jefferson's treaty for the
purchase of l.oui-i:ma ; ad ytt who, in
the noxt generation, would have been will
j inj; to see that vast nod rich ti nito y again
I in possession o!' it foreign power, or who
' to-dav is willitiK to let her cut loose from
, suu block up lite mouths ol the .Ml-'-ris'ippi
against the trade cf the great
Wo t? 'The Federals lo ft man were op
posed to our second war with Great llrit
jam; sud yet who to'day docs not look
! back with pride to the gallant fijit we
i then made for the lights of nur young
commerce upon the high .-ea-". The ail
I minion of Tex was violently opposed,
and yet to-day wc nro lining a powerful
military force to keep Te:c.iin the Union.
The Wit'g party were universally hostile
to our war wilh Mexico; they counseled
tho Mexican to "welcome our troops with
bloody hands to ho-pi'ablc graves;" and
yot who to day wishes Clilornia out of
the Union, coming to m as the did with
her h tntls fu'l of goldeu treasure, or who
would be willing to give up the other vnl
liable territory then acquired ? The Doni
cratic part- steadily adhered to tho Mon
roe doctrine refusing any fuithor foothold
m the North American continent to
of the Kuropean Monarchies ; and the hu
initiating experiences of the past year
the possession of .Mexico by the French
- tell us that the only safe policy for the
United States would have been to star.d
by that doctrine to the bitter end. These
arc but a few of 'he many in-tanccs in
which lime and sober judgment have on
doried the policy of the Democratic par-
I. ! l ... 1 - .1.. ...
j, uowever vtoionuy me vanous meruit-:,
she originated wore assailed at their in-
ecption. Verily, ho has good reason to
bo proud of her history.
And what is her presenl position in rcf-
orcneu to the great crisis through which
our institutions arc passing .' It is true,
in the heat and passion of lite moment,
she has been bitterly and malignantly as-
s.iilcd and misrepresented. The foulest
epithets have bcou applied to every one
who dared to hold fatt by the old organi-
zation, Her public men have been dc -
nounecd and defamed. Hut this has been
the caso before, limes without number,
And now that tho reaction of the sober
j second thought is coming on, let us throw
, j ....................... w. viiu,u.iuiiuu, J.1H1H uvtiutliliv, , leiUIIUl V, UUUUll-
political pnjudicc to the winds, and sco honored cry ''.Millions for defonoe but
how fair her record shines in tho clear not ono cent for tribute." This convoys
blaze of tho noonday sun. , tho exact fooling of the Gonntry willing
With the first note of war that came up to spond wealth and life to put down rc
fiom Charleston harbor, Democracy, true bullion and maintain tho integrity of the
to her ancient principles and her plcdgus j Country, but determined to do neither in
to tho peoplo, avowed her loyalty in tin- order to carry out tho pet plans of a pack
uiistakle terms. Sho sent her thoasands of aboliliou difunionists,
into thc army, sho oponcd her purso, sho ,
bed her bio ul on our first batfo fields. . Two Republican newspapers in
Congress assembled and soon followed
tho hour of gloom after tho defeat of our
army on the plains of Manassas, wheu
fear, despondency and dismay filled all
hearts. Then it was that Congress, by
an 'almost unanimous vote, dcolarcd that
''this war is not waged in any spirit of
PPrtssin- r any purpose of conquest
or subjugation, or purpose of overthrow
ing or interfering with the rights or csub
lished institutions of those States, but to
dtfeud niiil maintain tho supremacy of the
Constitution and to preset 'o tho Union,
with nil the dignity, equality and rights
of the several Slates unimpaired.'1 Dim
! ocrats took tho resolution in good faith.
j Under tho now calls for volunteers, bun
j drills of thousands mors offered their sor
: vices to tho country, and thoir graves are
. t0 1,0 fou11'1 011 uVer ba,llc Ccld h'om "ul1
' llun n nd Fort Donelson to Fredericksburg
! and Murfreesboro. Tlio rcular session
' of tho 'J'liirty-soventh Congress met, and
then began the darkest days of the war.
It took but a short time to prove that rad -
... . ...
; icaiism uau control ot the national legis-1
Intin,, :.Mnni;M.,l.lrt
: stitutional and iniuiious measures wero
hurried through, with all the blindness of
the wildest fanaticism. Democrats and
j Conservatives of all parties pleaded and
remonstrated, but a deaf car was turned
to their entreaties. Then Democrats and
Conservatives cpetily opposed and de
nounced these measures, as subversive of
liberty North and South, as sources of
weakness rather than strength, and as
tending directly and inevitably to the very
end all o much dreaded an ultimate
dissolution of the Uuiou. Hut radicalism
regarded neither tears nor threats, and
the.-e measures were put upon our statute
books. Then Democrats declared their
'. policy, boldly and Grmly. Let it becv-
jeryuhiT's asserted," said Senator Ducka-
lew, ''that the Democratic party has never
agreed, does Lot now agree, and has no
intention of agreeing in future to a disso
lution of the American Union.'' "Wo
propose.'' said Senator Clynier, in a late
speech iu llu- State Senate, 1 to accomplish
the preservation of the Government and
the Constitution by the union of the sword
and the olive branch. For those who will
re.-ist the power of the Government not
the power ol the UlmiuWtraiion not its
uiicousti'utional acts hut the power of
this Government rightfully administered
under the Con-titution, tec huvr the sward.
To thoio who are wi ling to submit to its
benign, iu healthful, its peaceful sway,
t'i" teill hail out lUc olive brunch of peuci"
And, said the same Senator tc his Itepub
licrn hearers, ''Wc mean to toll you that
we are going to bring yon back to the
! cause of the Constitution and the Union
We mean to tell you that wo arc going
to e the sword and the olive branch in
.-cttlingthis difficulty that whether North
or South, wo will use the sword u on those
who are opposed to the Constitution
that we wi not nn,W any pcW()Uj whoUu
er in the South or in the North, to diso
boy, to di-regard, to ignore, or to set at
defiance the Constitution of the United
j States. We moan to tell you that the
same law which is to be obeyed at the
South' i to be obeyed at the North."
Here is our platform in brief but cxprcs-
sive words. Let It bo boldly, proclaimed
before all the people. Let every senti
ment, every sentence, every word it con
tains, be weighed in tho scales of public
opinion. Let it be hold up in tho clear
light of buoad day, and let its compichcn
ivc length and breadth and highth and
depth be measured by Union-loving, ( on-
! stitutian-
revering, law-auuliug, conserva-
evcrvwlmrn. And. if W!n
virfu0 b(J no, yct M in t,(J hcortg Qf thc
pe ,plCf ;, horc vct burng ,nt tQ Jnmost
B,tur ,ho patrii;tic fl.)me firgl 1.;Iltic3 hy
the fathers of the Republic, it is not too
mc, t0 expect that tho citizens will rise
; their might, as they have douo in days
gonc 0Vi anj peaCcabIy, quietly, by their
Votrs, at the approaching elections, will
1 SWCep sectional fanaticism forever from
1 tlio faco of the land,
- - -
1 je3r' 'Millions for tho Constitution, but
' not ono cent fur emancipation" was tho
motto displayed at a great public meeting
at Chicago a few days ago; arid no better
parody has ever been made of the old and
x Illinois, one in Edgar and tho other in
Coles county, have rceontly repudiated'
that party and joined thc Demooracy,
BS3- An angel without money is not
thought so much of now-a days as a devil
' .:.U - t r.M ...f
with a bag full of guinea
State of ll)c (Eou.nirn
S 1' E E 0 II
o r
ni;is'rr;st clYiHF.k,
In Tiin Senate of PsnnsyTiNAMia, j
March Gth, 1803.
On the Joint Hesnlutlnn tendering the use rf the
Senate Chamber to Et Uovcrnors Johnson and Wright, '
Mr. Speaker: On this day, at this'
hour, iu this place, a great issue is on
trial, fraught with interests, not only fori
tho present, but for the future ; ami if i,
in tuoaeeiSion ot this issue, liavo acted a
' part, however uumpnrtant, I shall here-
!afl" look back t0 tllis ',;IV lo ihU ll0Ur
1 a" ' 'J.!' PlaCC wl,h fcul nfiS of " littlc 1
K' oiiuvioiiuu, I
The isuo involved is not one of person-; '
! : : ..c i.:.i. , . ii. . . '
It 13 UUU Ul III"!! IlllllCtpiU C01II1J U.ICK III
' 'be foundations of this GovctDineut. It
is, sir, whether tho loyalty of tho citizen
is to he ludecd ol bv his fealtv and ad
hcrenco to an aJuiitristralhn , or whether '
it is to be determined by his fealty and ml-,
hercneo to the Government of the United ,
States. ' I
In order to decide this q lestion, it is ,
necessary to present this brief exposition
of tho situation of affairs that without a
tjon.-iitutiou there could have been no
Government and no Union, and that unless
there is fealty and adhoaroncj to that
Constitution, there can bo no tine luyltt
to thc Government and Union btscd on it.
That is tho issue to be tried to-day. Di
guise it as you may attempt to confine
it for party purposes, party reasons, and
by party chicanery the issue presented
by every Republican Senator who has
preceded me in this discussion, is that my
loyalty is to he tested, not by any adher
eucc and devotion to the Constitution of
the United States, but by my adherence
to tho (I'lnin'stratioii of Abraham Lincoln
the prc-enl occupant of the Presiden
tial chair I !
I say to you, sir, I say to every Sena
tor, I say it lo the people whom I repre
sent, I say it to the people of this State,
that there is no such test known to the
Constitution, nor to any tribunal before
which I. you, they or any one cancvif he
summoned to answer. I repent it thai
the Government is founded upon the Con
stitution ; that thc administration is u
mere crcaturo of that Constitution and
that Government; and that where, in de
fiance of that Constitution and the Govern
ment erected upon it, an adniiii'stintiiin
strays from its pri" ciples strays fro.n
the pathways cut by our ancestors through
tho r ck of uncertainty and danger then
he is only a truly loi,-a-. man who uses
every effort to bring back tho admini-tra-tion
to the old beaten path winch avoids
the dangers of fanaticism anil error. Thai
is the question to be tested here and now.
in tho vote upon this resolution. That is
the question to bo decided : and the people
of this State, outside of these halls, will
so consider it$ and I new, as heretofore,
appeal to the people from whom spring
all power to sustaiu me, ami those who
may voto witlt me in deciding this ques
tion as best befits our judgment under our
What is thc question presented ? It is
a proposition to invite Andrew Johnson,
the so called Gotcrnor of Tennes-tee, to
address tho peoplo of Pennsylvania from
the Senate chamber of this Slate- I have
various reasons for opposing this propos
ition. In thc first place, I hear boldly
proclaimed that he is not at this hour and
never has been, by the Constitution or
under tho laws, the Governor of the State
of Tennessee, except when years ago ho
was elected to that office by the people
I say, ir, that his appointment by tho
President of thc United States to that po-
sition was a usurpation of power on the J
part of tho Prcs'nleut, and that there is no j
warrant under tho Constitution, uo author-
ity in tho laws for his appointment ; and
that every net which he has assumed to'
perform by virtue of his uncon-titutional
and illegal appointment has been in dero
gation of the rights of a sovereign State,
and iu lint violation of the Constitution of
the Uuitcd States. I say, sir, further
more, that no such position as Military
Governor oi tho State is known to tho
Constitution of the United States to ap
point a Military Governor over that State
and that to make such an nppoiulment
was to create the Stato of Tennessee a
military province and that, his appoint
ment was made to carry out and subs-.rvo
the purposes of the present administration, j
which is to reduce all the otatcs ol tins
Union to tho condition of mere depend
encies of a consolidated oligarchy or des
potism. That is my position, so fat as
concerns this pretended Governor of Ten
nessee, Andrew Johuson has not been
for years, and is not now, tho Governor
of that State; and I will never recognize
him as such, by voting for this rosolu
tion, Rut. sir, without regard to any
question of his offioial position, take An
drew Johnson as an individual, assuming
that he is rightfully clothed with tho robes
of office, and may constitutionally exer
cise thc duties of that high position ; even
then, I say to you, Mr. Speaker, that I
, UOVor by my vote will allow a man to
como into these hulls and from this place
speak to the people of this great Stato in
support rf what I know to bo illegal, un
constitutional and tyrannical acts of tho
Federal Government. I know, sir, that
Andrew Johnson has gone as far as tho
farthest, and h ready to go still further,
to destroy, to uproot, to upturn every
principle upon which this great and good
government of ours was founded. I know
that he has bent with suppliant ktieo be
fore tho throne of power ; I know that,
for pelf or some other consideration, ho
has succumbed to every measure present
ed to him for approval or disapproval ;
and I know that in speeches delivered in
tho capitals of other States ho has enunci
ated doctrines which, if adopted by the
people of the great North, would be sub
versive of individual freedom, and personal
right. Sir, by no vole of mint; can any
person holding such viow.i address the
peoplo of Pennsylvania in this chamber.
Never, sir, never, so long its 1 have a
right to forbid him, Let me, sir, tct this
question by contrast. Let mc ask the
majority of this Senate, whether ho who
has lately been baptized by tho votes of
three hundred thousand men iu the Em
pire Stale of this Union one of the
greatest of living statesmen aud most pa
triotic of men Horatio Seymour wheth
er, if that distinguished Uutcrnm, wa on
his way from the Kant to the West, through
this capital, he would get a single vole
from the Republican side of this chamber
permitting him to address his fellow-citizens
in this hall I Not one not one.
Would Joal Parker, that Governor of New
Jersey, elected by the people, get one vote
for such a purpose ? ould David Tur
pio, who by the votes of the people of In
diana is tho successor of one of the men
whom, by the resolution, it i proposed lo
have address us would David Turpie be
permitted by tho votes ol members on the
other side of this chamber to occupy this
hall for thc purpose ot delivering an ad
dress ? Not one vole would he rrceive.
Yet ho is tho chosen rcprc cnJativo of the
majority of the people of Indiana anoint
ed by tiieir sanction, I aptized by the ma
jority of their votes. Not one vote would
ho get, and you Know it. You, gentlemen
on the other side, fear tho verdict of thc
people ; you have reason to know what
it means; and he who coinc3 to you cloth
ed with all the glory of the popular will,
but lately expressed, you will cast off for
a mere hireling of Federal patronage and
Mr. Lowry. Is not the man of whom
the Scuator speaks a disloyal man?
Mr. Clytucr. Tho people of Indiana
have sent him to the United States S 'n
atcand you dare not deny oT quction the
choice of a sovereign State, lim, sir!
who is the individual whose name we ask
shall Lo embraced iu this resolution ?
Who is he whom wu would ask to come
hero and receive the hospitalities of this
State? He who next lo him who was
'first in war, first in peace and lirst in the
hearts of his countrymen." is the people's
idol he who amid doubt and gloom, up
on more than one occasion, has rescued
oitler from anarchy he who upon more
than one occasion has been thc means of
saving this government he who has the
great heart of the greatest army upon tlii
continrut throbbing every day, every
hour, every moment in unison with hh
own Majoji Gkx. Gno.R !
He, sir, has been denied-tho hospitality of
a Legislative body iu which you Republi
can! have a majority. You will not vote I
to tender hint tho'c hospitalities aud why'
Recau-o ho too is anointed not only by i
the voice of the groat people, but by the
adoration of the hearts of the Army of the '
Potomac. You will not pass such a res
olution if his name is to be included. No,
you who have thc power now for a few
months or years will nofrsatiction anything
that savors of what the people desire.
You are determined that they never sh ill
bo seen, never heard. That is the deter
mination which you arc acting out hero
and elsewhere. I tell you, sir, that those
who have been disrobed and di-owncd by
tho people, who are tho incro minions of
executive power, and who submit to thc
subversion ofthe people's rights and lib
ties, I never will consent shall speak from
your chair to tbe people ol this State
never, sir, never !
It is known to you, sir, whoso legisla
tive experience in this hall extends hack
to a period commensurate with my own,
that 1 am not in tho habit of wandering
from thc paiticular i-uhjret heloro thc Sen
ate to introduce general issues aud cxlcu
ded arguments. Rut, sir, this debate has
been far diverted from tho original ques
tion. It has embraced all the subjects
that could agitato the public mind at this
time. If it could have cvon rested thoro,
I should hare remained content. Rut
gentlemen upon this floor have chosen to
single ine out amongst the Democratic Sen
ators here '11111 reler to tho prohahle re
suits of my action upon my own future.
I, sir, am an individual individuals as
compared with principles and great results
arc nothing. Piineiples ami truth arc
eternal. Man is mortal and goes to his
kindred dust ; but if, sir, in his person, in
his acts in public or in private life, ho
represents principle if when powers, pas
sion or prejudico threaten to destroy the
rights of the people, ho daro stand up in
defenco of them, ho may die, he may go
to his fathers blessed or unblessed. A
Hnuipdcn and others have illustrated this.
They hiivogono down in gloom ; but thoy
nro now held up in brightness aud in glory,
and, sir, no matter what may become of
mo in regard to this day's action, I know
I shall be sustained when the passion and
prejudico and violence of tho hour havo
given way to the sober thoughts which
govern nieti when ihey arc not bereft of
I might in this connection repel repel
indignantly, repel with truth--thc sFjaults
that havo been attempted to be tuailo upon j
tho groat party with which I havo thc hon
or to act. You, sir, were hero in April
18(11; you will recollect that when the
lirst jjun was fired upon Fort Sumptcr,
that ono shot fused the great heart of tho
people of this Stato and presented it as a
wall of adamant against rebellion and
treason at tho South. You know that
without stint, without measure, that great
heart , 'Democratic aud Republican, poured
out everything for a common purpose.
You recollect thatiu July, I SO 1 , when wc
had been defeated upon tho plaim of Hull
Run, when the army of the republic caino j
into Washington with tattered banners j j
wheu there was fear and dismay there,
hero and elsewhere; when the Republic was
tottering and tho President was almost a
suppliant for hi place, you know there '
was no division of sentiment or foiling. '
You further know that in tho Congress of
the United b'tatos, on the 'i'iil of July, after!
that deteat, a resolution was offered dolin
ing and setting foith the objects ofthe
struggle. You know that resolution wa j
adopted by a nearly unanimous voto. I
You know that in the hour of fear and
dismay, of tiial and danger, that resolu
tion came as the voice of hope from Heav
en. It reassured tho people; it told them
that this was to be no visionary, no fan'
atical struggle ; but it was to bo purauod
for the purpose of suitaiuing thc cotisti u
tion and restoring tho Uuiou of our fath
ers, and that when this objict should be
attained, peace wojld reigu once more.
What win tho result ? From the disorgan
ized, helpless and beaten materials of that
army, he hy whom it is asked to-day to
invito to the capital of his owu State, and
to whom that boon is denied by Republi
can Seu.itors, seized hold of thoso discor
dant materials, aud with the hand aud
mind of genius prepared thcui again to go
upon the enemy. I will not trace his liis
tory It i written iinperishably upon the
annals ofthe past; audit will shine in
those ofthe future. Rut I will turs for a
moment to a peiioda.yoar later, when
ano'her disaster met our arms ou tho same
field, and when the panic-stricken Presid-n
aud his advisers again crouched with fear
withi i the walls ol Washington, when they
felt that the Goths and Vandals were at
their gates, when hey were providiug for
flight lo some spot of safety and when
they felt that power and place were vatii-h-ing.
Again ie palsied fear they appealed
to him whom for parly purpose they had
degraded, aud again, like a true patriot,
like one who never acts from sordid or
improper motives, he assumed the com
mand of that routed and demoralized army
ar.d in less than three weeks he had again
organized it and had commenced the pur
suit ofthe common enemy across the hills
of .Maryland and into a plain where many
of those who now hear me met thc ene
mies of their country faco to face. What
did he do ? A second time he saved the
Republic be saved it by snatching victory
out of the very jaws of defeat, and 1 now
place upon record thc universal sentiment
of every man who crvcd under him, tint
if it had not been for the confidence ofthe
Army ofthe Potomac in General M'Olel
lan, Pennsylvania would have suffered an
invasion whic would have been destructive
to the life and property of her people ; and
vet Senators refu-e to receive the nrotcetor
and defender of the State in the halls of her1
Capitol. Hut what is tho sub-cquent h s '
tory of this matter ? Shattered and bro
ken, his legions lay awhile for rest, to be '
clothed, to bo fed, to be restored to their
wonted vigor ; and thou again ho was in
pursuit ot thc enemy whom he had met at ,
Antictam and at South Mountain and dc-
feated. Rut, sir, when hi was about to t
strike his blow, ho was again pursued by ,
the miscreants who wis'.icd to divert this'
war from tho purpo-cs set forth in the res-'
oHition of July, lSISl , and dragged down'
from his position as commander of the army, j
lie loft it dispirited, broken hcaitud. deject
ed obedient, it i true, but without nerve, 1
without vigor, without power, lie left it
at the dictation and command ofthe ultra
Abolitionists of tho North. Georga H. 1
M Clellan was not an Abolitionist, and
therefore he tens' nU a gnicial ! ! ! Thc
remaining history of that campaign is
written in blood and in .disaster. Hut,
sir, I will tell you that along the camp
fires of the Potomac at night, no soldier
goes to sleep without praying God for
blessings upon the head of his old com
inander; aud oh ! sir. if those in powet '
could summon the resolution to cast be
hind them the prejudices aud the passions
ol those who do not wish to sec this Union
rosiored unless slavery be abolished, that
ncblo commander would bo put again at
the head of that army and he would cuvc
out vielory and would bring buck to us
once more triumph and peace aud union ,
I know it, they know it, you. gontloman, '
know it ; ami if you hud the manhood
which you should possess you would by
joint resolutions speak this truth to tho
powers that bo and make tkin hear you .'
Mr. Speaker, it may bo p'oper for mo
at this timo to stato what I believe to bo
the purposes of the great part) with which
I havo tho honor to act. In tho words of
another, who from bis exalted position
has a right to speak, I will tell you i'that
tho Demoer 'tie party has never agreed,
does not now agree, and havo no inten
tion of agrcoing in future, to a dissolution
of tho American Union ;"and 1 will say
to you further, that wc propose to accom
plish tho preservation of tho government
and tho Constitution hy tho union of tho
sword with thc olive branch. For those
who will resist the power of tho govern
ment -not tho power of tho Administra-
I tion not iti unconstitutional acta, but
tho power cf this government rightfully
administered under the Constitution y a
have tho sword. For thoso who aro will
sing to submit to its bonign, its healthful
and its peaceful sway, wo will hold out
the olive branch of peace And horo I
will say to you, sir, (and in sayiug it I
feel that I express tho opinion of thc groat
Democratic party of this State,) that wo
believe, and will over believe, that tho
laws which have been passed by tho Con
gross just emlcd-Mho confiscation and
other acta which havo stcclod tho heart ol
the peoplo of the South thcro is no such
thing as a Union man left in those Statos
now engaged in rebellion, and wc toll you
that we iutuud to melt tho heart of that
people by repealing your unjust,' your un
coiistititional laws; and, when it is molt
ed, we expect out of thnt heart to bring
peace aud happiness lo the peoplo North
and South. Wc say to you, Mr. Speaker
that wc do not believe it is in thc power
of twenty millions of men to subdue and
bring back that people, unless you have
among them allies who are attached to
to your cause, devoted to the principles of
the Constitution and its guaran'ecs, and
desiring, its protection that you can
never, never exteruiinato or subjugate
Rut wc tell you, str, that if you will do
only what the Constitution and tho prin- '
ciples springing from it demand, on overy
inn ami in every valley thoro will bo rais
ed up allies lor our assistance, Thc lead
ers who desiro place and power may be
against us, but when tho peoplo of tho
South, recollecting the glories of tho past,
and looking to those of tho future, feci
that every right is to bo guaranteed, every
privilege restored to them, then, as I be
lieve iu my God, I believe that they will
come back to the Constitution of tho old
Government aud to tho Union. I tell yon
now, Mr. Speaker, that all thc blood, all
the treasure you have spent or may spend,
will be in vain, unless you repeal the un
constitutional, oppressive, tyrannical laws
which were enacted by the last Congress;
aud I ttill say in passing that I believo
"(tho Supreme Arbiter bcingr my judgo)
that if that Congress had never met, or if,
having met, they had simply voted appro
priations and dissolved, leaving tho whole
question to bo settled under tho resolution
adopted in July, 1801,his contest would
ere now have been settled, and at this day
wo would bo enjoying unity, peace and
amity. Upon tho heads of those who
prevented such action upon the heads of
the iron who enacted those unconstitution
al and damnable laws, and did everything
in their power to combine the southern
heait against us, fb'cvcr be thc curso of tho
blood and mourning that fill this land. If
tho demou of destruct ion and hate if tho
father of evil hinwclf could havo been thsro
dictating their counsels, actuating them
to deeds which muse result in thc utter dis
memberment of this Union, he could not
more thoroughly have effected his hellish
purpose than it has been effected by tho
dominant majority iu the Senato and in
the House dm ing the last Congress. And
when the history of these times comes to
be written, (and I pray to God that tho
historian of this era may not be obliged
to write of the decline and fall of tho
American Republic, but that ho may only
write of its trials past and present and of
its future greatness,; ho will record the
hour when the nation came so near to des
olation aud death, and he will ascribe tho
disasters of that hour to tho unremitted,
persistent, diabolical machinations of Ab
olitionists in aud out of thc last Congress.
Such a historian if ho has the philosophy
ol Hume if ho has his far-seeing penetra
tion, and can trace effects from causes, caj)
not fail in the contemplative hour of tho
future to say what I say at this moment,
that to them solely and thecrly belongs
the terrible calamity that still darkens
and enshrouds this land. In conclu
sion, sir, what do we propose to de
clare by voting agiinst this resolution T
Wc propose to say that no one who has
been the instrument, the partaker, the sup
porter of these tyranical, these unconstitu
tional, these arbitaiy measures which havo
fused thc Southern heart and divided our
owu, shall be heard from thc capital of this
Stat?. Wc proposo to say that wc will
not listen to him as a body representing
the people of tliis State ; wc propose to
say that thc verdict of the people of the
State at tho last election was ngainst all
such da ii n i able heresies. We mean to tell
you, gentlemen, that although wc have not
a majority bete, we have it on thc other
side of this hall, and wc have it among tho
p?ople. We mean to tell you that that
majority counted by three thousand last
year will b tun times three tbousaud at tho
next election. We mean to tell you
that wc are going to bring you back to tho
cause of the Constitution and tho Union.
Wo mean to tell you that wo aro going to
uso the sword and the olive branch in
settling this difficulty that whether north
or south, wo will uso thc sword upon thoso
who are opposed to the Constitution that
we will not allow any person, whether iu
tho south or in tho north to destroy, to
disregard, to ignore or to set at defiancs
the Constitution of tho United States.
Wo mean to tell you that thc same law
which is to bo obeyed nt tho South is to
be obeyed at iho North. Tho people aro
with us, and by tho graco of God and tho
voice ofthe people, before niue months roll
around wo shall have it in our power to
put in execution all that wo Bay,
The Duke do Irvis, who died recently
in France, chimed to traco bis descent
j from a first cu in ofthe Virgin Mary,