F REX U ARR IV A Fanner's Department. CAT I LE GNAWING BOARDS. I believe tho causo ofcattto gnawing flintr ni-ll.a hnnfila ntn t . !.,..... il.i viiv. fwii4i3j ia Lrvcuilai; I.IIUU fooa is deficient in some property that tlio ' .inm ., :.. .1 I uu.w... .vijuklo, uaiianifr uiuir nppoutcs 10 oravo uonos, anu not Bulling than tlioy bcootno, ns it were, desperate, and seek to satisCy this desiro by chewing whatever tlioy can reach. I think, by a careful an alasis of their food, it will bo found there is a lack of auporphosphat of liruo. I well recollect, when a boy, when my father first occupied tho farm that ho and I now jointly occupy, tho cows thou upon the farm would gnaw tho sides of tho barn, and ohow sticks and splinters. For al remedy my father commenced Bowiuij! clover, when seeding meadows to grass and tlio diseaso has gradually but surely disappeared. During tho winter, when thoy get a fair proportion of clover in their foddor, wo seldom notico any symp toms of the disease. But in summer, our paslurc uot producing much clover, tlio cows sock to moot tho demands of nature by chewing cvory bono thoy can find, but not with so much greediness as formerly. I would recomiuond feeding cattle in clined to gnaw liberally with good clover hay, and I will warrant them to improve in condition j and when thoy manifest a desire to chow, a sweet lock of clover hay will meet their approval. I think that chemistry tolls us that clover is rich in phosphate of limo, and therefore a luxu riaut clovor Held is a vein of gold to the farmer. Cc A'. E. Farmer. HOW TURPENTINE AND TAU ABE MADE. Tho immense forcst3 in North Carolina, which cover the sandy ridges, between the awamps and tho water courses, con sists almost wholly of tho long leafed pine the Pinis pulvslris of tho Southern States From thorn is gathered ono of the groat staples of North Carolina tho turpentine. These trees at maturity are seventy or eighty feet high, and trunks eighteen or twonty feet in diameter near tho base. They grow close together, very straight and without branches to two-thirds theii bight. Overhead their interlocking crowns form a continuous shady canopy ; while beneath, tho ground is covered with a thick, yellow matting of piuo straw clean dry leaves, and unbroken by under growth. Tho- privilege of tapping the trees is generally farmed out by tho land owner, at a stated price per thousand, about from twonty to thirty dollars. Un dor. this privilege tho laborer commences Sis operations. During tho winter he chops deep notches into the base of the tree,. a. few inches from tho ground, and slanting inward. Above, to the bight of two of three feet, the face is sacrificed by chipping off the bark and outer wood. From this surface the resinous sap be gins to tlow about tho middle of March, at first very slow, but mora rapidly dur ing tho boat of the summer, and slowly again as winter approaches. Tho liquid turpontino runs into the notches or boxes, xi they arc technically called, each hold ing from a quart to a half gallon. This, as it gathers, is dipped out with a wooden spoon, barrelled and carried to market, where it commands tho highest price. That which oozes out and hardens upon the sacrificed surface of the tree, is scraped down with an ron instrument into a hod, and is sold at an inferior price. Every year tho process of sacrifiing is carried two or three feet up tho trunk, until it readies as high as a man can conveniently handle with his long handled cutter. Yhon th'n coascs to yield, tho same pro cess is commenced on tho opposito sido ol tho trunk. An average" annual yield is about twenty-five barrels of turpontino from a thousand trees, and it is ostimatod that one man will dip tea thousand boxes. Tho trees at length dio under theso repealed operations. They arc then felled 6plit and burned for tar. Tho dead tree arc preferred for this purpose, becauso when life ceases, tho resinous matter con centrates in the interior layers of wood. In building a tar kiln a small oircular mound of earth is first raised, declining from the ciroumforonoo to tho center, whero a cavity is formed, communicating by a conduit with shallow ditch surrounding the mound. Upon this foundation tho split sticks arc tacked to tlio bight of ten or twelve feet. Tho stack a then cover ed with earth as in making charcoal, and tho firo applied through an opening in ih.o top- As this continues to burn with a smouldortug boat, the wood is oharrcd, and tho tar flows into tho cavity in tho center, and then by tho- conduit into tho vessels sunk to rcceivo it. A SWISS SOAP. Boil thrcolbs. of potatoes, mash thorn well, and add slowly souio good broth, sllicicut for tho tureen. Let these boil together, then add somo spinaoli, a little parsley, lemon, thyme, and sago, all chop ped very lino. Boil together fivo minutes j pepper and salt to taste. Just before tak xaL; it off tLo Ere to servo, add two well L.1UUE ARRIVAL OF Now Spriijg& Summer : GOODS i AT PETEIt UNT'S STOHE, IX LlailT STttKliV, COLUMBIA CQVXTY, PJl, WAS Just received (rum Philadelphia, nnd Is now opening nt tlio old stand lato'y occupied by .Marti & Hut, a splendid assortment of ...i i. ...hi i n i .... which win uu sum cucup lur C'AHI1 OH COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockcotislstsufLndlus Dress Goods cliulccststyles iimiiaicsi humous Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. OasMincrcs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, Sco. Groceries, Quecnswaro, Ccdarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS In slum nt cry thins uimliy kept in n country store 'l'hi' patrnuago of uM friends, mid tho public general ly. In respectfully solicited. Tlio highest market prico paid for country produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, March I, ISdl. Ml! IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOUK Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO Creasy's Store, in Light Street, Pa. ALL KIUS OF HOODS ! CALICOE, ' MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELC, OAHPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, llcady-Mado Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sogars, IIat3, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &o., &o. In addition tn our large stork or Dry Goods, wo Have flarire nml full assortment oflteadv Made (.'liiiiiimr aor Holland Hoys wear which wo are determined to sen ciicnper in in can no nought clscw here. Call and see, and Judge for yotirsslvcs. . . , II. W.CIICASY ii CO. Light Street, .Mtrch 1, 1563. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philad-clphla-for the lloliefof the Sick nml nietrosjcd alllictcd with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and es pecially Diseases of tho Sexual Organ. Medical Advico Riven Oralis hy tlio Acting Burgeon. .iiii.iuio jn, run i on sri;ii.MATUKltI!(j;A or uuiii'iii' v i;ai.us, aim other Uisonies oftho So. Hill llrn.HIJ nn, I nn li,i Mt'lV ntillniillLi i . . . V ...i.. in. ii i, uii.o employed III the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of lit. J"SKILL1X ilOUOIITOX, Howard Association No. !! South Ninth Street, riiiladclphi, 1'a. April o, 1S03 12m. 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN aoiM jijyo I'Ku'tvr nr.coii.rrioxs, MARBl.K .1X1) OJC DKC0JUTWXS, xrat .1X1) a.iY m.A'.v.i) I'Avv.ns. VLAixjixn miiaiiT coju.vox rPF.ns, BoiiDF.ns, Fun: no.inn l'lirxrs, xtjituks, b.ixds, inc., 1:1c, Will ho sold at greatly reduced prices, al the paper hanging rooms of the undersigned in Judge llupert' s'rora House, on decond street, a few doors helow .Mar ket. Also Paper Hanging Executed In tho host style, nt modsrato prices and in quirk tinm a- J- TIlOitNTON, IMoonisbilrg, May3, 1SC2 3in. JOHN S. LEE & CO., No. 10, NOIITII WIIAItVns, 1'hiladelphia. taI2 iUAKJEKS ASU SHIP GIIA ND L E R S, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Hopes, Twines, Tar, I'ltcli, Oakum, Mocks, and Oar(, &c. August I, leCU-K'm. LEATHER ! LEATHER!? 1 Mil, undersigned would aniiDuuce, that helms on hand . athisll.itaiidCap JJmporiuin, on Slain St., Ulooms. burg, un assortment of illtrerent kind of leather, such ns fliiu e ilf skins, morocco, (red andlilach)aud linin"s, all cf which ho will sell cheaper than can he had cli.cn hero in this market. Call and exciuine them for youri-elvcs JUIJN K, UlttTON. Uloouisljurg.Maj'21. ISOi. PU1SUJ1UTII a KUOTJlEttS. WIIOMISAIiE TOBACCO DEALERS U.103,OUTII Til HID STitEET 1' Ive doorsuelow Itace, I'llILADUIiI'llIA SCHOLARSIIII'S FOR SALE. rittsburgll Conunercial College. Iliughumptiu " " Crittenden's " l'hlladolphla. Hirattoii.llryant & Co.. " Thus.) Scrips, aru inamnunts ofl5 ami 8'0 nnd arc asinuch cash, by the Student on cntriiigcilher ofth ( above Colleges. Young indii desiring toobtaln .UliiMu od Collegiate I'.ducntion, will hero lludagood specula tion by npidyingul the otllto oftho Nov. l.lrilili. COLUMBIA DCMOCRAT TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Till! undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend and customers, that ho has purchased Ins brothers merest in tho above 'stabli.hment,nndtlio concern wils hereafter bo conducted by himself exclusively. II. I llta lllj. .n.a.il .....I 1 I .. ,.v iiivt.vi, una uiiers ior saiu, mo larg est and most extensive assortment of l'ANUV S'POVr.ht iivi.r ii.,r...l.tnr.,t .1.1 . I.. ... . ...ii''' .nil. ni.vri.ei. Hid slnlr .nniUi. e n , -, -.-v- v.-...,B,a . ,. uuiujiiciu ussur.uieui oi III. Ilt3t IIUll-llll, nil, !,. n. I ... I . . .. linn ,M.ii"i b.ijvub iu uiu niaiuei, logein- ur with btovo l'ixtures of every description, Oven sunt llox Stoves, Radiators. Cvllnd.tr s'tnviu i.'.t in,,. Air. Tight stovus, Cannon gloves, &c, Ice. Stoveplpo ninl I'lnwaro constantly on hand and m.iimf.utuied to order. All minis "i repairing none, m usual, on short notice. Th; patroii.igo of old frlonds aiul new custoinurs ro nectf'lHy solicitod. A. .M, UUl'llllT. llloomsburg, November 3d lSC0,-tf, House and liot lur Male. nPIIE Subsoribor offers for sale tho prop a rrty recently occupied by him In llloom.burg.coii Large and Convenient House, rlSiliL and of a well-Improved Lot of about two aires of lund. Tim premises are In perfect repair Appli cation maybe made toC, U, Uuckalnw, at llloomsburg. W. J. WOODU'Altl), Heading, October!), UC2-im. rjniIB PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DAXriLLK, MOXVQVH COU.YTY, P.1. UutoiUiunu.ut for Man and lleust. in gtod ttylo and ut mode rate rates. rilAKI.KS N aW.MlU, I'JO riutK, B4UI ,j-r.l tw. libi LOOK I WALL MPIIL WHS BBAVir BJEEIEIDV FOR THE AND Till! rem D I A B E T E S AND DISEASEy 01' TDK Thtie IHttgtratu ini TrottMuomc Distant, vhlchhnt thus far ItcaisUd the btst directed Treatment ean be Cutni'M'I'J OtHlrolM I) the llFMEDYnnolrforcutl Tlin CUUATlVIi properties of Iho medicine diiect Ihenisctvcs to the nr gnus of sei ri'llon, and by so altering tho rondillon of the stomach and liver that Hie starchy principle oftho food Is uotcoiivcrled into sugar soloug as the system is under the lulluciico oftho CONS ITTUTION WATIIlt, u Inch give tliose organs time to recover their keallhy , touo and vigor. Wo are able to state th.it tho Constltu', lion Water has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. sSTONU IN TIII1 IlLADIirU, CAI.CULUft, (IIIAVIIL imici-: dust inu'oaiT, and mucoub or 1 MILKY DlSCIIAIHiUri AFTHIt UlllNATINC. Diseases ocrurlng from oiinand tliusame rauso will be entirely cured by the Constitution Wntar, Iftaken fni any length of lime. The doio should vary u ith the severity ol Iho diseaso, from twenty drops to a ten spoonliil thrcotiines a day, In water. Diitingtlie pas s.igei'fthe Calcilii, tho pain anil urgent srmptoms should bo combated with tho proper remedies, then fullowed up with the Constitution Water, as above di rected. DYSMLWOPilt A(1!A, OR TAINl'ULL M nNSTUU A T10N, AND IN MENORRHAGIA OR l'ltOl'USU ri.owixo, loth ilisca'es arising from a faulty secretion of (no menstrual fluid -in thu one case belngton little, and accompanied by severu pain i and the olhera too pro fuse secretion, which will be speedily cured by tho Constitution Water. That disease known as t'AI.LING OI Til 11 WOM1J. which is ilia result of u relaxation of the ligaments of that organ, and is known by u sense of heaviness and dragging pains iu the back ami sides, and at times no couipaiiied by sharp liiciuating or shooting pains through the pails, will, iu all cases, be removed bytheinediiinei There i another class of symptoms nrhiug from IR RITATION OP Till! WOMII, which physicians call Norvousncssi Vlilcli wont covers up much ignorance, and ill nine cases out of ten the doctor does not really know whether tho symptoms lire the disease, or tho diseaso the symptoms. Wo can only enumerate them here. I spcal: more particularly of Cold I'ect, Palpita tion in the llenrt,lmpared Memory, Wakefulness, Hash es of Heat Languor, Laitude, nnd Dlniiiessof Vision, S I' PPR ESBKl) Jl KXSTHU ATIO.V. Which in the unmarried fjmalejs a constant recurring disease, and through neglect the seeds ol more grave and dangerous maladies are the result ; and as mouth alter month passes u ithuut an elfoit being made to as sist nature, the suppression becomes chronic, I lie a llent gradually looses her appetite, thu bowels are constipated, night sweats come ou, and ccnsur.iniiuu tluall; ends her car'.'cr. LP.ucoiinaiA ou whites. 'I his disease depends upon an i n ll.i Hint Imt of mucous lining of tlio vagina nnd wnmo. Il Is iu all cases ac-couipauic-d by severu pain in tho back, accrom the bowels and through the hips. A teaspoonful of the medicine may be taken three times u day, witli an in jection of a tablespoonl'ul of the medicline, mixed with aliu'f-pintof soft water, morning and evening. IRRITATION OP Till! NECK or Till! IILAIIDr.ll, INl'LAMATION Ol' Till! KIDNEYS AND CA TARRH 01' Till! IILADDER, STRANGURY AND I1URNINO OK PAINFUL URINATING, I'nr theso diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and tuo in ii 1 1 1 cannot bo said lulls praise. A single does has been know to relive the most urgent syptoms. Arc you troubled with that dii-trcssiug pain iu the email oftliu back and through theliips? A tea-pnoiiful a day of Constitution Waterwillrclievajou like magic, roil DYSPEPSIA, It has no cpial ill relieving tho Mot distressing smp tnius. Also, Headache, IIe.1rlt.11n1, Acid Stomach Vein itlng Pood, kc. Taken leaspooiiful after dinner' The dose iu all cases may beiucrtasedif desired, but should bo done gradually. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up tho uso of huciiu, cubebsaud Juniper iu llietreatmciit of these diseases, and only use litem for waul of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved Itself ot.uuI to tho task that has devolved upon it. DIURETICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant use soon leadtoclirunio degeneration and co ilirmed dis ease. Read. ReaJ. Read. D.ISVIM.E, P.I., June 2 Iclej, Dr. W.. II. Gucou-ZJucr Sir : In IVbu.-irv. lcin. I wasadlic.ed wtth tho sugar diabetes, and for live mouths 1 pushed more than two gallons o! water iu iwunly-fuur hours. I was obliged to gel up as often tenortwele times during tho uipht, and iu live nonulis Ilostabout lil'ty pounds iu weigth. Diirniug the mouth uf July, If til, 1 procured two hollies of Constitution Water nnd iu two days after using it 1 expeiieueedrelief.andatter taking two bottles 1 was entirely Cured, soon alter regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. J. V. L 1)1! WITT. Uoitou Corners, N. Y Dee. 37, led. Win. II. Gregg tc Co.: Gents: I freely givo you liberty to make use of the followingl'irlincateoftho value of Constitution Wa ter, Inch 1 can reccomuieinl in the highest manner. Slv wife, who was attacked w ith iialu iu thu shuiil iters, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Palpitation of the heart, attended with Palling of the Womb, Dvsinonorrlioea, and "Irritation of tho U ad der," I called a physician, who atlendud her r.boui three .nonius, wnen lie leu Her wurso than he toiiud her, I then employed ono of the best physicians I could llud, who attended her lor about nine months, niidwliilesho was iiiiderhis rare she di.l not sillier unite as much pain ; tin Itually gave her up and aid "her case was Incurable." 1 or, said he, "she was such a combination of complaints, that medicine invon fur ono operates dgainst somo other of her ditlicultics." Auoiu mis time sue commenced to use Couth utm.n WTi:n, and toour utler astonishment, almost the first dose seemed to have the dsirod effect, ami she kent on improving rapidly u dcr its treatment, mid now super- line. ma en. nuiy tn.-. iiuinueiii; uii.iirs. r-ue uas not ta ken any of iIioCon-tiuuon W.iThR foruboul four weeks and we are happy to suy that it has produced a peruia- ueiiv ime. W.M. M. VAN IlKXSCHOTtN. Miu.roRD, Cok. Nov, in, ISC1. Dn. Wm. II. Greoo ; Dear Air : I have for several years been alllictcd with that tooublesumoand dangerous disea.o Gravel which resisted all remedies and doctors, until I lent. CovsiiruiioXil. Water, and you may he assured thai I was pleased with Hie result. It has entirely cured mo. and you may make any use of my name you may sco ill iu regaro to His medicine, as I have entire coiillilencr in us cuicacy. Yours truly, l'ON'D Hl'llOXG, THESE AIUI PACTS ENOUGH There is nuclnss ofdiscases iliat urn. Inn. in.ii .... Iiuiistlngellei ts upon Iho hiimnn constitution as Din. betes uud di eases of the Kidneys. Illnddur and Urina ry Passages, and through a false modesty they nro neg lected until thev arc soadvauecd as In he lievmul II. i- coutrol of ordinary remedias, and we present the CONSTITUTION WATER To the public with the convirtion that it lias noenal iu ruiiuviiig uiu rnisa ui Diseases ior WHICH It uas bsoil found so eminently successful inciirlng ; and wo trust that wo shall bo rewarded in our cli'orts iu placing to valuable, renedy in u form to meet thu rc'iuireuicuts oi patient and pbytician, I'Oll SALE11V ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE $1, W.M. II. GEORGE & CO., Proprietors. Morgan ft Allen, General Agents, No. IU Clitr Sf, New-York, Sept. 2'J. lcC'. 12. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bi.ooMsiivna. r.i. Ollico in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Chariot R I. ill nuiuw. llloomsburg, Dec. I, iij'J. JOHN 0. YEAGEIt, MANUt'ACTUKEll ft WHOLESALE DEALER IN SSUIATS. CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND AUTIFI0IAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North ThirJ Street, Pliilu'd. Nov. su, tec.'. CHEAP MILITARY OAl'S ! MILITARY CAPS, of every sort, size and iiiallly for sule cheap at ihc lltouiii.burg Hat ft Cap Eiiiperjiiiu Also-Groceries,Coiifccliouarics (Cigars, ftc. JOHN K. G1UTON. oom.burg, Sept. II, IcCl, PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. ri Mil! subscriber would inform his friends, that hi It 1 now prepared In put up. ou thort notice, uud iu a sciemllln inuiiuer, the best i'uitixi ruixir.n i.iaurxixn nous, at 12, ccntdper foot Al work wurrauti d, E. II. UIULEMAN llooa.bur. Mav i 1 v Look lo your Interests' fresh jtmiivA l OF Spring& Summer GOODS, AT MILLER &EYER'S. mill! stibscrllior Invo Just returned from Iho JL With uuntlier large ninl select tissnritnct of Cl.t $it'iiu;'uul Milium!!1 oo(l, I niirihnscd nr. Philadelphia, nt tho lowest figure, mid whirl! they are determined to sell on nsinodcrato terim as run he procured elsewhere In lllooiiisbtirg, Their stork comprises muikv Dith.fs noons, orchniri si siyirs ami inicsi i.isniui" DHY annus, iixu onocr.nir.s, It lltDII'ltlK (lUF.F.X'll'.tllF., Ci:i).1ll IMIM, IIOLLOIY niutu tnox, Xiiit.s, noors ,y sitor.s H.1TS airs. Sic , $c, .ye., tii.iinri Mvi.nililniTiisn.illv kent In country Stores! t" hl' h tliey linile tin- imldlr ooneraiiy. jiii.i.mt ft nvcti. Illoumsbtir;. Match 'J, l.-'CX JVI2H' JEKSKV FOU SALE, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, HtiituMu for (Unpen, Ponrlic., l'carfl. ltiiRpberrlc. Ulrntt l.nrrlnsi. lllfirLWirrlni. I'tirM-llU. &r. . Of I . ill .1 . ! 10 nit yo acrcH rncli, ni Uio folluwhiji prlcru for tlm '.rn.iinl i-hi- (1 nrno ttlP ft'tKI. I(lftrmt forlll). .1 v' ' ' ""VT;" "(lu Payable S ,VV'L?,u 8 ..j ...... ......... .. .. ... ... Also, uooil Crnnlnirv lands, and vlllace lots In Cheat wooil. 'Jj ny IU" teci, ni sin enen, pnynme nj "no urn lur a week. The above land olid rnriii". nr sllitnte a CI,entw1od,Washiimlontow.blp, liirlingloii cottii y New Jersey, lor further Inlormatlo pply, with i P. O. HI rim n. for n rirritliir. to II. 1 ICl.-llVl.l.S ' I'.ll.l., No. TO Cedar Street, New York, N.Y January IT, l"i;3. PITTS'IURGII, PA., Comer Penn nnd St. Clair Ftrcet Tlio largest Coiiimcrrlal School of tho United Plates. with a patrolmen of nearly 3,tlliU Students, iu five years from III Slates, and the only ono which itU'ords complete and reliable lu-trili tiou in u1! the fnllon lug brain lies, vi.: .Mercantile, Manufacturers, Steam Una!, Railroad nid llo.ik-keeoing, 1 i rat P'emiuui Plain and Ornamen tal Penmanship; also, Surveying, Engineering and .Mathematics generally. S35.00 Pays fori Conunercial Course; Students enter and re view alany time. ill?" Ministers' sons' tuition at half price. 1'or Catalosuu of Ml paces. Siierliuens of llnsiness am! Ornamental Peitmniishlp. nml a beaatiful College view of H spuare fret, routaiuilig a good variety nf writing lettering nml fluttrisliiug. inclose 21 cents in stamps to the Piinrlpals, -ii;iMN3 6c a.iu j ii, rnisourgii. i a. April 10, lPi,2-ly. J'lII! underslgneii is arso extensively engaged In th Uttilcrtakiiitt limit,,., .'nut liertisriiiictfilillv on hand ud for sale at his Waierooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED 21 COFFINS, ISy whicli ho is enabled to nil orders ou presentation Almi Keeps a good llon-e and Hearse, and will at al limes b-j ready touttund l'lincrUs. SIMON C. SIIIVE. I'lloomsbi'rg, January 2S, 13S'J OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At Jy Joke & Vo., Riinkccrs. Ill SouTuTiiiitD Sinri:r. Philadelphia, Nov. I. IEC1. The undersliineil, having lien appointed Subscrip tion agent hy tlie Serrctuiy nf the Triaaury, is now pre pared to furuUli at once, thu New tivcntij yeai 0 per cent. Iiomls. of the United State s. designated us 'Pivo-Twi uties. 're deemable at Hie pleasitrit of the Governmi nt, after I'u u years, and ouihoriiud by Act of Congress, approved February 2.3, lbii-2- Tuo eon pon bonds are issued In sums of .;(), H'O, 95011. SinU'l. Th" Regiater llonds in sums of Sot), 9100,3301), 3 lubu nnd$j()00. Interest at per cent, per annum will couiuiciico rom datj of pun l.ase, and ia l'AYAHLE IN GOIU, Seml-Ai'nually. win. h is cipial, at the present premi union gold, to abuui ujht percent per Annuni. Pamirs, Men ha nts, Mechanics, Capitilists. nnd all who have any money to invest, should know and re uirmber that the-e IIoihIs are iu ctlect, n First Mort gage upon nil 1'ail llonds, Hank Stocks and Sei'inities. i ii el tin immense products of all I lie M.iiiiif.iituics, &c., tic, ill the country, nnd that the full and ample provis ion made for tho payment of tills intuci-t nnd liquidat ion ofprlucipal, by custom Dulles. Excise Stamps ami Internal Revenue, snrves to make these liotids Iho Rest, Most Jjvailublc and mou 'popular ItveshneiU in the Mitrkci, Subscriptions received nl Par iii.LegalTender Notes or notes and checks paren bonks iu Philadelphia, Sub scribcrs by mail will jeeeivo promp. attention, and ev ery facility anilexplanation will be allurdedou applica tion at this office, A full supplyof bonds will bo kept on hand for imme diate delivery. N?v. j.i v cuui.i;, uuusct iitiou Agent, fi, lc02-3in. ' Slmcncan15olcL (Opposite Inuceaneaic Hall,) CHESTNUT STREET. 11 ET WEEN FIFTH ft SIXTH. riUL.1l)F.l.l'llI.1. WV'ATT ft IIE1ILING3, Proprietors, November 3U, led. March 111, 1158 F. 0. IIAKUISON, M. D. WOULD rcspcctrully Julorin thu citizene of llli o burg, and Mcinity,thathe eontniuesthe practiic .MF.HIC1XF. .1X1) SUliOlUtY, ud soliiils u share of public patronage. Omen ou Main Streit, lira house below the Court House, iilonmshurg. February 3, ld5j if. 15R1CK! 131UCK!! UR1CKI: 1 Good iirick, just manufacture! -,,1,1 fn. ,'.l,i aIi., ...l...l.n ln .. .l 'lir.illlll amu V". .'l, , IIUIl-Bllll- 11 m-eii nVVlUUU n.i ., ,i,,,iii.,.., ' . ,, iwuiuv...cuug iiiHi, 1.IIU, p ply to tho sitscribur. HENRY S. ARTHUR. Illooiiuburg, June 2s, ibY,2. "1 jri. o RAW BONE SEI'ElM'lIObPUTE OF UM. HOUGH & SONS, ,M A LT ACTU KEHM it PilOPJMETGP.S, jtfo.20 South oelaxsaro Avonuo, PIIILADEI.I'IIIA. The uianfai Hirers are now prepared to supply a largo demand with tins valiulilu Manure. They would respectfully announce to I'aruu rs nnd Dealers in 1'er lili.ers, Hi it Iho price has heen odvnnced to 810 per 1 )ii in-, ii nee t scarcely oe aieiiiioneii in.ii tuis ihangM has b". n reuil, red nccessiiry by tile greatly increased cost of unit mals and labor. a well a by the operation I of the U S. Tampon luuiiulactiirers, Evrry Farmer using a I'eitili.er, may bo assured thai iholtAWllONI! PIHMl'llATE will still maintain I its high character for STHHNfi'f I and PCUITY. ilie i manufacturers preferring to mako a small sdvance in the price per uou, lather than allow Its merits lo fall , below their fanner standard, under increased cxpeiif.t I in m.inul'aitur.ng. I Ills prepared from ttarw lloncs. and warranted to contain all I he j j original organic inailer-iio bmired or caiciiieii nones nru used, unit it is sani iiuiter a guar amy from the iiiunut.uturi.Ts that it is free Iroui udul teratiun. 'ihu demand for Daugli's Raw Hone Super Phnsshulu last yeur uhaii.y Kxi tEuip that nf any previous c-ne Whir 1 U nsubatantUI evidence of Its high .landard or l"q'uiKiujr. l'lUOi! per J(r)0 LII.S --OA9IL Tito ubovo may ba hud of regular dealers, or of IIAI Gil tt SONS. No '.'U South Dtilawaro Aveuiio. I'htladclphtu T in- iv - - Mmpi economy is wealth. ouim Youit oouon roma pmn r ' The brat an I chtapesl Household iuucJij 'it tftc I Vai hi. ; MADAME X.ADOO l'OnTEtl'S MADAlIi .A llC I'l K TER'rt Ciirntiio I'al-atn I wnrrnnted Ifused ic.iirdln? to the dlrei Hoiik In cure III nil cases Coughs, t . I Is, Whooping Coiiah, A -ilium nml all nirertions of tho . throat ami l.dniis. Madame Zadiu- pntl t' ' Ibilsnm Is prepir ,1 Willi .ill 1 thu requisite ski. I, from a luinblnallon of the IWlrvui I'dlcsthu vegelable klhinloui , iill'ords, its reiuiilial ih.iIi- tlcs nru bared on lis power to assist the heallht iirru Intinn af tlio blood, thruuch the Lungs. It is not n vlo. lent remedy, but emoili iil wnrmltig, stnrchlug and etr ectlve j call be taken by III ' oldest person or thu young est child. MnitaniZadoc Purl' r's btl- sain has bein iu use by Hie public for over I.- years, and has ncirircd Its present sale Imply by being recommen ded by tliose who hao used it to their alllictcd friends and others, Mot Iinportnlil. Madame Zador. Porter's ruratlic llnlsaui Is sold nt a price which brings il In the r. neb of every oue to k -pp it convenient for use. The 1 1 in, -ly use of a slnglobotllo will prove to be worlh lid times lis cost. NOTICE, -Saicyour money! Do not be pomuiilcil ,)UI.0ir,KO nrtirlcs nt Is to ,l wlilch do not colitnli f j, ' " I r 1 1 1 . a r ri I'l'.-ut botiln of Mn.laiiio Porn f fn raljvc Ui,,ntll, t,c cnst f matiufnctiirlng whiih l n c Ul i n 1 1 1 ! grcii' us ulinnst any other medicine i and the very low prece 'it wlilrh ft liiold, makes tlw profit to tho sell or iippu, 'iitly sinall, and unprlnelpiled dealers wi ' somellnics reioiiiuiciidotheriiicdicinos on wlnchthi'ir prollts are larger, unless the customer. Iu,i-t upi.n ! Iiavlui' M.nlniiM Purler's and none other. Ask lor Madame Porter's Curative Itnlsnin price Elcents, nnd n Inrge bottles nt 'ii oeuls, nnd take no oilier. CTSold by all Druggl'lsatid Storekeeper nt IHcts. tit. 'I In larger bottles al '.'." rents. HALL RUCKLE, Pr prletora, New ork. January 21, lfra. jNos. 9, 1 1, 13, 15, 17 CotiitlamU St'cct, Nl'.Mt I1UOADWAY, NEW YORK CITY i This old- 'st.iblislud nnd f.ivorile ri"-oit of ilio Hiltl- ncss Coiuniuintv h is been recent!,- relllleil, and is rom plelo 111 over) tiling that can niMl-ter to Hie comforts of Its patrons i. inn-s uou i.iiuiiies iiro sititiuii, aou laiC' fullv provided for. it is centrally located In the lot iuess part nflho rllv, and is couliguous to the principal lines of steamboats, 1 rnrs. oinn iiusses terrn s. ccr. In consi'ipieuce of ill. pressure caused ly the Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to One Dollar w d l'ijhj C ents per Dai. Tlio table Is amply supplied with nil the luxuries of tile season, and iscminl to that of any other hotel iu the country. Ample accoiumodallous aro ollVred for upward of UIO gue-ts. i.T' Do not helli vc runners harkiucn, and others w ho may say "the Western lint"! is lull." 1). I). WINCHESTER, Proprietor. THO:!. I). WINCHESTER, l'eh. 15,lr'W. -'If'" " t'ltVlH.Cy' l 'b'tl-U -KS 'Ihc New ommerchd liuitd'mizs arc lorn ted opposite Court Home, conn r of Court and Chenango--V' 'reel '3. ThisCollegeis In no way conuect.'d with any oilier Institution. Theeuergies of tli-j entire Faculty arc exclusively de voted tothK Thudosign oftbis Institution istn airord to Young Mcnuii opportunity for acpiiring a Thonv;h 1'ractical tiuititicii F.ilncatiou Tho llonds and lVrms are carefully arranged by Practical Ati ountauts, expressly fur this Institution, andtliecoursu ol'lii.tiuitluii is sucli tocotubiuj Tlio ry and Practice. COLLKOI.VTE cnuiisi:. This Course embraces Hook-Keeping in nil its do pailiuents, Peiiuiuausliip.Couimeii nil Arilhmclic Rus iness I'luruspiiiiileiico, Couiiiiercial Law, Political Ecoii oiul'i Couiiuorcial Ethics, 1'arlnership settle inenis. n terling ('uitnterfeiied and alured llaiik-Notes, ftc 1 'I ho Sieiicrian System of Pel lanship i3 tuuglii in 1 all its varh ties, by iho mot .skillful matter of tin- ait. ! The l'.ool(-lLepiug department is under tho spiriai' supervision and instruction of the Principal, I). W 1 ..ui, ..Li.. GENERAL INFORMATION. Students caneuter at any lime ; no vacation. Wu: I time to complete the Cuiirse, troinlito 12 weeks. Asi l.mcu rendered togindiiates In piocuriug situation- Graduati s are presented wilh an elegantly cngrax i d Di ploma. 3.7" For nataloguc of ;n pages, specimen of penman ship, ftc, enclose two lette r -t ps and addn . LOVVELLft IV MINE!:. August ; ;w, lens. r i.iy :i. ic'ca-mm. C R I T T E N D E N ' S j PIIIUDELIMIM roWWEKl'lAL. COLLEGE, ! iV. E, corner rflth and Chestnut Sticcts ! PHILADELPHIA. j 'Puis I.ssrnuiioi, whiih was , iahlishil in 1PII and ' is now couscpicnll, iu iho elgiinuth mar of its exig ence, iiuuibi r, among its graduates, imndrudx of the uiotsureetslul Merchants -ind llusiiiess Men of inn l-o'll.try. Tm;Oiiivi-rnfthe Institution islely loalTordyeuu" 1 tni.-.i l.icilitiesior Ihinotigh prep.iratioufor business. " i Tub Ihii.Miits r.i'iinrare, Book-keeping, as niii'l ii-.-i- ' Me loth various departments of trade; I'ciimaLl,,,'. ! both plain ind oriiniiivni.il ; Ci.i,mci-ci,i Uio. Mvi., . '". Xaiiaatioa Civil Eugiuccrm, Draiti,,", I in',,. I v-i.,-,i.y, una .uutiern itaiignegco, TruSvsrnM urLxsiRi-criov Is p.-cullar ; nnclasses or set lesson aru made ue of, hut each student is taught Individually, soth.it ho may commence at any time, and attend at whatever hours are most cimmniuiit. CtTiMHU'E areissuedainKoWyafter the 15tli of April containing llamas uftlu nuileutffor thu yuar, and full ... ii-, in-, ft.u., nun may oe oiiiaiaeu al auy nine auoresiiig nie 1'riiicipai. IxLxrosivK AcioM.Muniriov.s, iritr-nprcail rnnitation and Iho Uneihv ciperlcmr rfihe Prioriml, this lustitu llonollerr. facilities superior loany other iu the coun try, foryouug men wishing to prepare for bii.iuess ami tuobtnin al the same lime oiruiMt, irhich Kit! prove a recommendation for them them tu any .Mercliau tile House. ' ""?-Ci!inmrVscriM of Trrathet on Uooit-Krip. ixci now imro widi lyiirculal. dthnn any other Work ou the subject, .no for salu nt tlio College S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, .Utontcy-aULitr, Jan. 2.1.1PH2 1 Jm. N.11I0XAL COJniBRflAL COLLUGIiS LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, S. E, CCltS'Ell J I'll AM) CHESTNUT STd.. New York City, Urnollijn, Atbant , Troy Ihiffulo. Detroit, (hvetaml, Chicago, and St. Lotiii. Ilonk-koeniug, Penmanship, Co,nincrciul Arithinetii Lniniiiercial Law, rornis, Correspondence, Ac, in ait cally taught. ' Tho.o Colleges being iiii.lcr thu same general nnd lo cnl management, and uniting iu each Iho .idvantago of all, oiler greater facilities for nnpailiiig instruct 1 i than any other similar institution in the country. A Scholarship is. nod by any ouo isgod in all fc I u unliiiilli.il time, Tho Philadelphia College has been recently culail and rLfurnished in a eiiperior luaiiucr, uud is mnvri I largest nnd uiu.t prosperous Couiiiiercial liutiiullon ,p Will OliHO. llryant Hiratmn'. si-nea of Text Hooks, cinbrao 1 Look-keeping, Commercial Arithiuctic, and Comuier Law, for sale, ami sunt by mail. JO" For full p.iriiculars send fur a circular. Oitober Id, IcOJ Jim, OYSTERS ! OYSTEltSM ITltESII OVSTEHS can bo obtained al ull times, nt tho ; Eating Uooiu of Ihu uuderslgued, uu Main street. ll.STONElt, Ulootntburg, Pa Sept, 10. 1609, EXEOUTOP'S NOTICE. Estate of Daniel Rcigel. dec'tl. T UTTERS testamentary on thousiatu of Daniel Kei. J.igcl.laloof I oeu.t toivii.lnp, in Columbia couutv necensed, huvebeeu glaiited by tho llegi.ier ofColutii. ' h .i county to tlie uiiuerslgnei a so rcsiilln.. ,u l.l . township; ullpersous having claims against ihucrtato of thu decend naie roqumtudtn present tlieni to lint ' Escciitcrnt IiIb rusidonce in said lownslnp, wilboit delay and ull peiious itnh ,t ,1 tn ,,,!, p!(j incut I'otth Willi. PLTUt L IlLllllLlS 1 eutot D'- in'' r l) I " ti f J t'f . I f', sick, fcrldc, and templofulngl Arejououtor order, with, our sjstcm do langcd, and jour feelings un ccnuorinblof These syraps toms nro often tlio prelude to ctlens lUness. , Eomo nt Of sickness Is creeping upon you, and should Is) a"';11, " timely uso of Iho lit . umj cdr. T.k Ajcr's Pills, and cb ause cut tho disordered hu mors -purify tho Hood, and lot tho llslds movo ou undV si i uc lid In hoaltli ngnln. They sllinnlilo tho functloni of Iho body Into vigorous lit Ity, lui Iff tlio bj sleui froia tho ol.itrucllotiiMiiKii lunao A ??:!.MSr,TJSP.,lir noY'reRorcd, kVtuUliViZiVcsaniltho liirtnir cpncr.il sggtaval on, sulTerlng, anu unease. Whh?ogl,.Ktuircond"fi take Aycr's Pills, and see how dl ice lly t ..'" lnturnf action d Iho system, and with it mo f!.tslngef."al.hognI,,,VI,atM this trh Inl and coininon coinpbdiit. Is also " 1,1 or tho dcop-soatcd Rod ilaiigorous c Is ""l'"8; . ; ,X. miritlin eflert ti1 Ibclil. CaHisl by slinlhir oosiruo. o ra" .1 domngcu'ents or tho imlun. runcllons or tlio ldv. thoy nro rabidly, nnd many or tlicni s'l'e'Jt'""'; Thoaay,",ans. iho kno-v t o i -Irtiijj oT Ihoso Mils, will neglect to employ thcui when suHering front tho disorders they cure. , ,. Statements rroni loading physic ml In """.".JJ1" principal cities, and hoiu other well known public fccr- fOUS. not a ftrmriivo .Veidianl 'fit. T-ouis, HI. 4, 18J0. Dn. Ateri Your Pills nro the paragon of r. I hat Ii meat In medicine. They have cmed my Utile daughter ulcerous . ores upon her hands a..dfec(lhat had proToJ luctirablo for years. Hor niolhor Ins been long grlcv omly nllllclcd with blotches and pimples on bcr skin a u4 Iu liir hair. Aricr our child was curcJ.eho also Woo your Pills, and Ihey have cured I,, M0aMDaa As n Pnmli physic. rrom Dr. R II. Chrdcri'i, .Yti Orkavf. Your Pills nro tlmp.lnoo of purges. Their excellent nullities surpass nn.r callwrlle wo possess. Ihcy nro mild, but very certain nnd cuVctu.il n llielr ncllon ou tho towels, which m ikes them inialuoblo to us lu tho d.iil ticatuieut ol disease. Hcnilnclic,SlchIl'enilnclic,Ii'oul Stomneli. From Dr. Fcoaul Jtoyil, Baltimore. Dctallito. Aunt Icainmt nuswer you nhil complaint I haio ciirc J with jour l'Uls better than to say oil Unit tM tccr treat tsilh a panialiee malicinc. I plare great ilepcti denco on an clfeetnal inth irtlo In my dally contest Willi disease, and bcdlc log as I do th it your Pills allord U3 the best wo lute, I vlcourso vjIuo them lilghly. rittsncno, I'a., Mnr 1, 1855. I)R. J. C. Ann. Sir: I liavn been icpeatcdly cuied of tbo worst eudiK'n any body can hnvo by n doso or two cf your Pills. It seems to urlso fiem ft foul stomach, vhfch thoy clcanso nt once. . Yours with great icspcct, ED. W. ritEM.n, Clerk r Steamer Clai iM. Illllousi Disorders Idvcr Comiilnlnta. JVom Dr. TliKHlort Bill, rfXew Thik CliJ. Not only nro jour l'llls aJinhablyndaplcd to Hitlr pur roso ns au aperient, but I find Ihclr beneliclul cITccti upon tho Liver iciy marked Indeed, They hmo lu lny pras llco prucd uioro etrcclual for tlio euro or idious cow )ilahiti than any olio remedy I can mention. 1 sincerely rrjolro Hint ivo haio nt length a purgalhe which Is wci thy the conlldcuco ct tbo piofvsilou aud the people. Department or tub iNternon, Washlnglon, V. C, "Hi Feb., 1S50. J gin 1 1 havo used jour Fills Iu lny gcneiul and hospita) pracllcocvcr since joitniudo thciii,aud c.mnot hcsltatoto say they mo Iho best cathuitlo no employ. Their regu lating acllon on tho liver Is quick and decided, conse quently they aio an admirable iimcdy for dciangiments of that organ. Indeed,! have seldom tumid ucusocf bilious tliicase so obstinate that It did not teadily yield to them, liuterjially joins, ALOXZO I1A1.L, JI. V, riojsician f the Marine lloepilal. Dysentery, Dlnrrliccn, Itelni, AVovina. JVoai Dr. J. (1, Orcen, cC'itoyj. Ynnr Pills luvo had a louir Irlal hi mv urnrtlcc. and I hold them In cbkem as ono of tho best apeiicnts 1 Inno excr found. Their alterative i fleet upon the Ihcrinakss them au excellent remedy, xvheu gUeu In mmll docs for U'l'uiij tliicnlcru awl iharrhaa. llirh- nig.ir-coatlng makes theni ciy ncccptatlo aud cuUKuleat fjr tho uso of women and cbildtch. Uj-spcpslo., Imiiitrlty of tlio ninotls From Ftv. J. Y. Mines, iuslw rMcml C'nne',, Baton. Dr. Aier; I Laromed jcur Pills with cxtrncidinnry encccss hi my family and among thoss I am called to visit In (listless. To legulalo tho organs of digestion and pinifytho Hood, thoy aro tho vny best remedy I liaxe exer known, aud I can confidently iccommeud Ibeiu to my frleuds. Yoitis, J. V. 1UJIES. Warsiw, Wyoming Co , N. Y., Oct. 2 1, 1555. Dear Sir: I am miug your Calliartlo Pills In my put tlce, nnd find them un excellent purgative to cleanse tbo systeui and mtrifj the fountains of the Wwsf. JOHN G. MEACIIAM, M. D. Conntlpntloii.Costtvencss, SiiptircHtlon, Itlieiiinntisiiis Clout, N'eui'iilc;Iii, Drop uy, I'aiiilysU'pifiitti, etc. Ficon Dr. J. 1'. Vaughn, JlotUreol, CanotU. Too much cannot bo said of your Pills for the euro of cosUccnrss. If others of our fraternity lmto found thrni ns cfllcnclous ns I Lave, they should join mo in piorhihn lug It for tho beuellt of the multitudes who suiter fruit, that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, Is tho progenitor of others that aro worse. I lelicvo coi tiwiess tooilginato Iu the liver, but your l'lllj ntloct tbAt organ and cuio tho disease. From Sirs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, IM-m, I find ono or two largo doses of your Pills, taken at tho proper time, aro excellent pi miotic escf Iho ualiti-u! rtcie- Uou when wholly or paitially suppte-scil, uu.l also ury effectual to cleanse Iho atomoih and f.ii"V i".nis. They aro so much tho best physic mo have lliat 1 lecouiuiend no oiuir lo my panenis. i l';ciil the Ilev, Dr. Ilkxol.es, of tttc .WWwfirf flu's. rturcA. Pl'LASKi Housr, Sadinnnb.fl.u Jan. 6, 1S50. HoNoarn Hut: I should ho uugnitcful for Iho ulief your skill hoi biought mo If I did not ri'isirt my caso to yo.u. A cold settled lu my limbs and brought on excru ciating Miti'atqio pams, which cudrtd iu chronic , hrunia lism. Notwltlistandlng I had tho best of pli)kl.un, Iho dise.wo grow worso and worse, until by the ndilco cf jour excellent acrent In Ualth-iore, Dr. Maclconzie, 1 lilod jour Pills, 'lheir effects were flow, but sure, lly pcrtcTCiiog lu tho uso of them, I am now entirely well. Senate Cuajioek, llaton Rouge, I.a 5 Hoc. 1655. Dr. Atek: I havo been entirely cured, by jour l'llls, of liheumatie Gout a puluful disease that had alllictcd mo fcrj-ears. VINCENT SUDEM.. JC3Most of tlio rills in market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy lu skilful hands, is dangerous In n public pill, fiom tho dreadful conse quences that frequently follow Its Incautious use. The&c contain no mercury or mineral substance w hatovcr. PriSS, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. FropWcd by Dr. J, C. AYER So CO., Lowell, Hass. Snl. I hv E I' . ill., ( M lllljenl. II II, ami .1 II MnSei rionnisliury ; J Si iiuj I. r. Kulir-huig ; Mast, rs &. Son, Milli ille : P Ma t -r.. C.i otoii ; l.a.arus &. I'isIpt, Or-nn.-eMlle ; G F I . wti r 1'invl 'r.svilb-; A Mill. r. Per w uk ; Low & Ih os.. Co nti rville , II F U' igli.dt , N'ttss Fspv ; M G Shoemaker, Ihokboru; Ueigliurt & N'uss, Muini lib' . J t"h.u.i's . t' lllaw issa ; Creasy U Co, l.iaht Slrei I ; an I de,ileriveiywhere. J lly '.'ii, I.S0J ly. , E V A N S cV WATSON vi .s v j'i- .ft SALAMANIIEII SAFES, HE-Sli'Wfis-sl.aii.r -MOVED to ,Vu. Ili.ViiJA Fovrlh KtJltU.rijfi.sV.-rl, Philalelphia. have on SrS'irw,,- 'AV'Si and ii large imsortiiiest if Fir" KHSdtf Pi'i'ijtK Thi.fproi.fS.il under Sal's. tVJsSH'-r l.o, iron doors, for banks and StsT- - i ftTT stor.-s, iron shult -rs iron i.isli, all MSfs'i!r'J2g liiakes of locks equal lo any made in the United Slates. Fire finfe ia our fir). Ml c time out right: tcllh con- tenia in good eomtitioiu Thu Salamander Safes uf Philadelphia agamit the world. EVANS k WATSON, have had the surest doiiin.tintiou iu thu following cer tificate that their tn-iuuf.iclure of Salamander Sifes has at length lully w arrant. .1 tip n presentations winch huwi been made ol I Ii as rendering ail undoubted bicurity against the terrific i lemi lit. Philadelphia April 12. I JUrnrt 7.'i, Hat ton: GentliMoeli-ll all'urds lis ; the hiehi st satisf.ution to state to you, that owing lo the ory protrilivi- u.ilitii s of two of Hie H.iluiiiaiider, Safes xx 111" Ii we purchased i.fyou some flv) mouth since I we saved a large portion of Jewelry, and ull our hook-, j &c. exposed lo th cal imiiious, Un. in KuiuUud place on I th" morning of Ih" 11th itist.. When we rolled flint these safes were located iu Iho fourlh siory ofthe building wo occupied and that they ' fill subsequeitliy into. i Jp up of burning ruins, win re the I list loueenlratiou of tlio heat caused Ih brass plates lo melt, we cannot but ivs.ird Ui.-pn seri.nlon of their nil I uuldu contents as moat coin iiicing proof of th; grc at ac- curily alpinlcd by your sales. ) Wo sh ill tLke gr- at pi -usiiri' iu recoiuiiiending them to men oi nii-iiiess us a sur" ieiiai.ee against inc. liEOKGI! U. SI.M.MUNS & Hill)., Mictllers. I!,' 1 hoy ha e suae piiiihased six large Safes., July -'J, K-ii.'. i' I . .11,11 I'll -IH-.-l ...llMi.Ok -' GHE E N WOOD SEMIN A 11 Y . JUilh'Ulcy Columbia County, Penn'u, This will kiiuwli School for both sexes will oien NOVEMIIEP. Ud, leCS. Tlio recent additions to Iho buildings; render accom odations for more than sixty boarders. Tho courso of study will embrace three drpartmciits Ihu Normal, Iho Scientific, and tho Cuniinerciul. Tho Principal will bu agisted by experienced teach ers, fully qualilied for their respective positions. Parents and others mav rest assured that nu utr.irls will be spared to make tin- c chool worthy of pnlrouage and that the welfare oftho students, luteilcLttiiillj , povslliuiy, alio mural ij , -wn r' reive ouriailisiniil euro hi ..miny i ii ii 'i hi iniij i -'in i lene our iiisiiiii i care Fur uppliiaiion, circulars or fuillii r pnriutilais, ail - I ress the iiudert-igned. ,if Mllluillu i olumbia couiily Pa, i . .11 A, Ml 1. 1.1. ru i j p, JOHN II. PATTON, A.M., Principal. Millville, l'.i., Sept. 13. 1HCJ. tffla&i f"k 5iHT!1 llV mh" WfUUyl- J "ts ' f 3UU M. k T. P. WATSON', L1VE1IY STAflf.R ATTACH El). 11 II L ' It i'H Pi. i ..-.VI-- n ..ill I'll,.. Am o eMIWAUKie.'fcr'X, -or- r.ii!iiuilcrslgnpil,gfntcriilforp.i ftgo, rcrn-c 1 fully Informs his cusltiincrs nnd Ihr pnMlcgencfiilly that he liasjust rcrelmd from Urn Enslctiio cilles, tf latgi stnnd mtisl sekct slock of Spring and Su turner, That has yd been opened ill llloomsburg, tn whlih In, Invites tho ulteiilimi of Ills friends, uud assures then,' that they nro olfi red for ruin nt glint bargains, lilts' Slock comprises a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAUEL, C'oti'isting ol FAsiiionui.t: Dittss (.'oiT.s, of every des criptlou; Pains, Vests, Skills, Crnviils Stocks, L'nttut' llaiidkurchlefs.tlloics, Sus pciiders, do. GOLD WATCHES A N I) J EAVELliY, Of every description, film iiinl clwnp. N. II. Keuieiiiher " l.oirenheig'H drop I'.mporlum.' call and see, No charge for examine Goods. DAVID LDWI'NMll'.IKI Illooui'lnirg, .March 2, IPin, 'linn! If.S'.l ) A FAMILY MAGAZINE DKYOTF.I) TO LITFRATVItR JlXD llf.l.lUlO.Y VOLUME Xxil.1- 1G3. IT Is the design of this Mneiixiiir to prn.hire au i I cant ninl pure lllarature, such us will cultli ate ih r taste, rrtluo the uiaiiners and ennoble nil Hie niin. n lire, Lilerary w llhiuit being peiluulle, relifi lis lu II" tone aud rhnr.ict. r wltliiiiit bigotry, il will make Hsi I' w Icnuie w lier. ver 11 is known. No mururiuo in the country is bolter adapted In the family circle, llullng tho forlhroinhig voluaie It will ( ontinue lo loiiiuliiln lis diameter as "The duel u ,of the Mi iilblii s " In lis; 1 1 1 1 ' ( 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 ill execution hy Hie lleporilorj Is M t c.jlml. d by any Magariuo in the laud. It is print' u fi' in sli r ntj pu plates on the Hut ft valoiiui red pap r , and ( tn Ii number contains two original sti 1 1 ctigrni il xi ru toil In the higli.'ststkleul th" art ly artl.ts who stand at th.- h"ad ol their profession. I he lleposiloiy bus spec iul mlii lion to the fim lly - II furnishes a great nino.int ef n .tiling aiii.tlul lo ul th-iiui.ili.irR of the family- young and old- net lor' gettint tip. children- It is fri sb. i aned loll oflile, lu HcIiciimis nnd General Lit. raliire il occupies I. nil ho tli.it ean Ii tilled in nootber way I s iwiiilug will du the lnart n n il suul gooil. Among Its contiibiitors are found sonic ef the lest writers in the laud. Their papi r- (.il 1 1 1 game, slie uud v.irn ly. its well as liislrui lion to Us I nges, it is th Inl ntlnu of the Editor uud I'ul.liihers lo make it III first i,iir.iu.' of ns kind in the mutiny Spinal nltelitloll Is iu Iterl lo the Miried tun! illls losling top. teols of tlie I! - itori.il I'i pin I men I, ubii h i .xhihitr fi a. lures no w here ho to be toiiud It w ill iiiiluot Si rip lure I'abiuit, coitt.iiniug many thince lliouc.bls I lid i ipo.itinns for Iho Christian reader and in'iiistir N'oii'sand Uueries. u literary and (iniui Uiilnngo bUhly ml. resllnc, to tlie iniul-ime ; N ( Un . ol ,i w Publlrations : Hi ui'. I Mi'iary. Si ii ulil'ie ami l,iligl-us g -inhoih iu I'a i ts. incidents, and -li.listii-s ot p in t.ioi t.t i aim' , Slili bo.nc for children whnli will be I II of stories and an. chiles peculiarly ndaMcd to Hit- ii si Mid lMtrui-t children ; Eoilorial GIiaiilnLs 1, mil up if rich uud rare pnsstig. s anil auccooti s glnitii d (crin Iho ll-litor's reading; uu.l Euitin's'l able wlilalso iiohi.oy 'pnte a vai iely. There is an eiotiomy in Inking (hi MaceMic, ifjo! look ul the amoiti'l of Hie ri ailing luiitti r A single i ol urn ' I - lbU,tl In i ic). I I'.'mo. i'l ii in i s u lili Ii 1. 1 i ri m i.i lat s would cost l '.'." eiich. 'Ili.it is Jiu gi I In He Itcpo-itory for 'l'w hollars and a Half w hi.l w eulil t o.t you Ton Dollars in lis- book Ii rm ; nnd 1 lit ii n huge numb -r ol superb -tei I oncrm nigs in the btngaiti 'I EIIM-1. In iew of the tinprt n-iii ot lutrtase iu tin st of p.ipei and all ottbi r luai' ' oils , f Iniiiiulut.. tore, .'ind in li w ! tlie l,o I thai pnblli lo ,s I I' be t krt i r oip ili-i! to a hi from tw eiity fi t iblilj pi r n in , to thu p.n-o of lin-ir kooks. w e liale itiemiilit lini,iile to iiiteioot ttie inililri aiinh i ftbe II. i . :-iinr Irtlo eomiiiL' year at less thai, two ami n Hall Dollarr. This uiil-t b" paid liivan.il.lj in iii.wniti . All Ministers ,.) in . .1). tiooi,i Episcopal I huri Ii mo iicer -.lit.-d Agi ur- anu wilt renin- Sin i riitt. u nml Payiu'-iiis. I'lilihslo-il In Pee &. Illti hci i k, t Uu Innali I'orin r of .Wain I il'IiiIi r-rt. i Is I njlnu A. I'otti r Ni w York, 2011 Mulbury Mieet l., his IU r ii i-il by Vim, M llnilghlv. I lilrago; J. P .Magi e, I'nsloii. S llll'gilr I'll i l.iil el jkh i.i; J, IV I'oiih 11,-iltlii.ori ; J I., hi no, Pills buu I'i u i ; 11 II. Otis. Putr.ilo, N V , I obcrl .M'ElroJ. San l'raucisi o, l.nl.;'P II. Peaiiie, I'ertiand Unoii, A, II jliu-J- Piileriio-ter. liuw , l.ouiloii. Eugbhil. Also through .my acrreilited truvi Hug mini tcr ol the Mith oilisl Ihusi np il Chun ii, I 'ee 1,1, In,.1 :iu. JAMES H. SMlIS-l, iMronrr.n .txn mioi.r.s.ii.F. uF.it i.r.n BUANLUKS, WINKS, WHISKEYS, GINS, AND LUU'uhM, Gl'.-.'EK LI.Y. .Vo, !is!r( If'tUnul Hts , Lttirteit ! I ij- Ki, rilll.AIIEI.l'HlA C. II. IIIINUY, Trivilin.' Agi-ut and riaUnniiu. ' ? rie.iivas Ilise,a rMit.i.v Soi.iliilii. Novi lull -l XI. 1 1- -i y. EW YOiiK .s 'IITF.. lieu s. ul Institution ipiloixeil lur tin- (oie o 'hroui His a-es ul -i, rj imlar. ,. o.l lo pro!. , i ip, lot- f oiu -1 s n k a.'ci-riisi r d m eisti-r No ,Ui r - s . xept t..r vi 1 1 p nn ouiil i uii il, iino in i asi i i it treiue pin. lly Ip aloi ol flee. Nn .Mill rills or I'l I i 0 o is liruo us -it. Th I hy.ii iaiis h..v ha long mid lep-iveixpi lie III IU ill p.llale mill llospit.il ,:u lice Tlie I'oliiiwiufiiii some ol ih" mmp aints tnwliisli special aitentpiu is gn en. All ilisiases . th. Iliad, Thrn.it Lungs, iiearl Sloinarl , I. u. r. Kidnei IHaihlor, Itheiiinatism. Fits, C.tni- r. Piles, , n mis ' Alii i lion. Diseases i fib- Sexual lirg.uis. S. iniii.,1 l eakiii ss I in. potem o aud Virul nt iln . a-c of em v u,iiure pn-iitve-lycured. l-iseui.es of Feniiiles and nil Iin gnlaralir, suri-essfulU- treated. Idiiiilui-ss and ietues lined wiihoul . ain fill op. ration". Pale nts lie, t d l,j lettir. by eiii'nn a slaieiiM ol oftln ir i, . . Meiii in. enl lo any pari of lln-Kaintri. Coo uliati n fre, to all. Address, t-'t-inip eni-lnsed, UK. L. Gll.W'i S, Ci iisultitig Physiri.iii, GOU Dro.idway, N.w York I ity. April.-. IJi:j t',m. A.l).MLISTUATOU'S NOTICE. Eunte nf J,nk on (lenrgo, t'eccrtsid. I I'lTTI'IIS cf adoillilstralloli on the Tstate of Jiirk I i sou George, Lite ot Lncosl township I'oiuielnn count), ili-i-ei,sed, have bei u grmitid I) Hie Its 1. 1-It r ..I Lulu ulna couiily to Miny iU urge end Pi ter h i c- -to iu, ndmnii.trutnrs, all pei.ons li.u lug i lain Hiigain t the eataie of the ilecedi nt. are r- .piesieil to presi i.t Hp in to Hie administrator at Hp ir resulcnrivj in Lu "Hsi towns),,,, without ,'i ij and ..II in rsonSndet ltd m nuke pajment t'urlhw uli. MAIIV GEiilli-'I!. l'lVl'i;!'. K III 1IIII.IV. Junuary 1,, lrt;3f.w. 8'. .;c,'wiii traiort- NEW OOLUJIPUS At'ADf.Jiy. Tho Columbus Mab and Female Arudemi . will opi r Us nrl term upon I'uesdny the -Ith ol Noi trd-J. This si liool oilers superior iinliu elm lit- tn nil w hi aru desirous ofanUinug .in lo'iiieuiii al i-nui.ilion Ii prepare for le.ichliiL' orto obtain a thorough knowledge ol'anj of Hie mo tern or ancient l.ii.guagcs. For further lufuiiualioti c inttiiru of U.S. II1NGII .M. I'i Ins 1 1 l. or of Jon.-, l.uu.Xs. Sic'y,. at New Coiumbus, I.uiirir; iu., I'a. Od.'Jj, lili.1. STOVE AND TIN -WAKE SHOP. HE uiideuigiied would inform the rilt.ciisof nil lilooin.iiuig and vli inily. Unit lie hjsjusl re- vaxB oiled nun on. rs lor sale one ol the uuistcxteiuitu 'CSffi assortments of COOKING und FANI V ST(I Ei over introduced into this uiail.el. The I'hri.lopln r '. tiinbii., Jane s Itobh and Glolie are among th, llrst clss cooking Stoves. all of winch are air-ligiitaiidgas l.urin His P.irloi -tovi an- handsoino and (he assortment vt ried. A LSI I - Funicular attention is paid to Tin IVnn and House Spouting, upon klmrl uoliie. All kinds reuniting will bu done w ith. neatness and despalih. Xy- Country produce taken iu excliauce for work. PHILIP ri. MOYLR. Uloonuburg. May 10, IcCi, S Til AW ! STPAAV ! ! STRAW ! ! I TONS Sl'llW,nf all kinds. Kilt Kx hint 1 1 cepted, is wanted immeilialely. at tin Mill Grove Paper Mills, near Light Street, for w hick cash will be Paid. .,. . THOMA3 TUENCII Mill Grove, August U, ItU.'. 1W0 FARMS. FOR SA-fsEJJfit KBSH'T. Tho subscriber otrers for sale or reiit,lho two follw ing Farms, one of thorn situate iu Fjslijugcricl. ton n ship, Columbia county, containing . OlNE HUNDHE1) ACHES, jot:, mnto or loss, iibout flfty-flio ncris of whli-i ilSL'IiW ls i h-nred laud, whereon in or vled u t d .liikill Two Storv FlUMK II l.l.l.IJi fi linV h iiinl FH.1MF. IlilliX, Wagon Houi, Corn tub, and ,,,, ..,,,1 ,i n,..,.. 1 " r "'""nii'iings .1LS0: Una other Farm, situate in lhnton towi.shIP Columbia lounty, contiilutug ONE IIUNDllED k THIRTY- VW E Aires about Tliirly-l'ivu Ami's ofwlnih rlelired land, u huri on ti re erirtoiln J'li.lMK Sis!!! uti'F.t.i.ixti tiuvsK. Fti.iMi; Bitix, ia WjILU- other inilbuildings riilill'arm is riluiilu on 1 TJji!i- other oulliiiildings nil liaviugl'reek, uboultwo mill s til, nrsn 'i'ivi ,,n,,., m,i,,n ,., eii-Sllll X liter ,1l,K) -Two other suitill Lots, sllual" Hi Flsliili cr- "k town-hip lying ou i'tslilngi-reet. lliud uud on mile froniSllinValer onu i oiiluiuing I'nl It At'lllti and th" nlhi r a Town Lot and eood lnnl.in;-s on uieti I th in Feriusuiiil luiidni' u ma- known br ILL! .M ilxl I.HU l mii'i't k iini t n I I '