COLTMBIOttAT UIIITM) BY I.11VI I,. TATfi, PnoPlltnTOIl -lloonuijjurg:- SATUKDAV, lIlAUlil 28868. EG'-Two well-written communications in prose, and ono iu poetry, appear on tho first page of this journal. The vorscs nro from tho pon of n youthful democrat, of only thirteen years. "Ink drops" nro the production and Eontimcuts of a Christ ian Patriot, and, with tho poetic effu sions, will bo read with interest, and edification. Also, tho artielo sinned (iA democrat." Wo also direct attention to tho unanswerable letter, on same pago, of the Hon. Amos Kendall. Wo publish a livo papan Our friends appreciate its importance. Reading matter rogularly appears upon ovcry pago of tho Columbia Demoerat. Tho Feeling Now Never wcro tho Democracy so earnust or so consolidated as thoy now aro. Not even in tho days of Old Hickory woro they o heartily in earnest, united, and cagor to express their feelings at tho ballot-box Tho tcrriblo realities which surround us as a people, the horrors into which Sec tionalism has plungod tho country, have olimiuated from tho Dcmocrals the last remaining vestige of that unhappy fueling oi dissension which prostrated thorn two years ago as a party , while the monstrous deeds of tho hour,thc gigantic usurpations, the corruption unfolded concerning this infatuated Administration and its parti san army of contractors and jobbors, have aroused and strengthened tho Democrats beyond example. They go together as a unit now. And they will terribly rebuke tho pensioned slanderers who havo dared abuse them so outrageously to assail their character as a party, and to impugn their patriotism. If an election were held to-mor row in Pennsylvania, says the Harrisburg Patriot, the "Democrats would oarry the Stato by 100,000." And wo do not think the estimate too largo. The same feeling prevails in Ohio where (sajs a gontlcman oi a neighboring town, who has just re- turned from a journey through that Stato) the Democrats would to-day sweep the State like a whirlwind,and oleot such an WHOompromUing National man as Vallan- digham by 75,000 to 100,000 majority. I Wo bslicvo it. Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Indiana havo shown what tho feeling is. Tho Republican party, like its head at Washington, has proved a tremendous failure It has sunk out of sight iu its own corruption, and the noonlo wait for an opportunity to rebuko its destructive hoadlong fanaticism, which aims at final Separation aud Dictator- ship. And the time is fast coming whin tho epitaph of lhat disastrous organization Btiall bo written. Its brief but torriblc history has' already been written in char- actors of blood. e53sT1i0 Ounknrs aro movinrr all tho powers that bo, to cot clear of any per- sonal or pecuniary responsibility in the troubles they have brought upon the country. Thuir votes havo helped to bring ou tho war, and now they cseapo the draft on conscientious scruples, aud in tho very teeth of tho Constitution, which Van Buiiun, of New York.have lately en says that ''such as conscientiously scruple tered into an abolition co-partnership, to boar arms, shall not be compelled to do Thoy arc now serving their new masters so, but shall pay an equivalent for person- in tho dirty business of traducing loyal al service," they arc moving heaven aud Democrats with a zeal deserving a bet earth to escape tho payment of an cquiv- tcr cau3C with briSat Pr 'Pccts of "poor alcnt. Thoy gas about tho enormity and Pa'" Even Dr. John and Forney laud wickedness of tho rebellion, and refuse to ' tl10 renegade Trio, contribute men or monoy to put it down. ' N. B.Hi:.ndrick is after tho Repub Democrats who do their duty are called lican nomination for Governor. "copperheads," I Of a piece with tho above splendid spc-1 TLo trait,,r Wendell Phillips, in oimen of hypocrisy, is a remonstrance a speech recently delivered in Now York against the passage of "m act prohibit- city, used tho following treasonable Ian in nocrocs from eomine into tho Stato." , ' H Liberty to the slave, or death to which they havo sent into the Legislature. The whole thing is decidedly rich, and 1 charmingly characteristic. Send for tho Daily Legislative Record, No 50, to our mombcrs, and you can see it all, fiSr Tho Bulletin has a dispatch say. Inr tmi tlm prtndttinn nf nnr firmv lmfnrn ,,r, , . , .,, T. . ,. , ,r.,i Vicksburc is terrible. It is dated March Oth, and has hopos that tho city will fall iuto our hands. It says ono-slxth of our army is on the sick list, and tho admis sions to tho hospitals about three hundred per day, the deaths having boon for a month past from thirty to fifty. o:o jU- Persons intending to apply for li censes to keep a tavorn, should procure I and file their politions at onco. Tho law is imperative tho stamps, &c, must not bo forgotten. :o: AST Don't forget to let U3 know where you rcmovo from, as well tho placo to which you romovo, when you direct your papers changed, : !o: && 'J'J)0 month of March has been tho ntot ramkikablo and changeable of any vn r o.ill. rt for at loast twenty years. To ii j Ind p. ih.ip.i nioro snnv, but it all I '1 .0. t'C. Democratic Victory ! Columbia ( otmty Etumocralic all over! COIM'EIUIHAWS"-otT (ho UAHI PAGE ! "Nlggorlieads'' on tho Decline! Tho result of tho township elections iu tho State, on last Friday a week, were do oidedly Democratic. In llloom township, whero wo havo generally been beaten 1) fiom 150 to S200 tho Democrats clcotcd Petiui HiLi.MKvrju, Esq., Judge of Elections by a majority of twenty. Jacoh R. Guoui. was elected Overseer ol tho Poor, over tho Abolition-Union Lcngo-Aduiinistratiou candidate, Chris tian F. Knapp, by a majority of two VOtOi. One of tho candidates of tho Dcmoerats was beaten by two votes, and another by five votes only. It is a curious fact, and ono of somo significance, that Frcai Rroum, a gentle man of somo notorioty, was preferred to an office holdor under Lincoln ! Iu Scott township, whoro the vote has been worse if possible than in Bloom, Hon. PuTEit Ent and M. G. Kinney woro elected School Directors, and James K. Biiuqlkr, Democrat, Justice of tho Peace. Iu Montour township John G. Quick was elected Justice of tho l'oaco, in place of Dr. Paxton, Administration, retigned. And so, throughout the country, tho re sults aro similarly favorable to the Democ racy. County Superintendent. By tho law, it is the duty of tho Coun ty Superintendent of Common Schools to give notice, by publication at loast for throe successive weeks, in two newspapers, of the time and place of holding the Tri- ennial Convention of Directors. And by tho samo law, the seat of justice of the proper county is tho place, and the first Monday of May, 18(53, is iho time ; when and where said convention shall aseemblo, for tho election of a County Superintend-1 out of Common Schools. It is the duty thercforo of Mr, Burgess, the present Superintendent, to publish such netie'e early in April, the first Mou- day of May being tho fourth day thereof. Fruit and Oruameiital Trees. Mr, W. II. Knouse, (succos-or of J. B. Jones.) Agent for the "Central Nur- series," of York, Pa., has visited Blooms- burg for the purpose of taking orders for tho delivery, iu April, of all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Grapo Vines, &c. Tho products of tho York Central Nurseries arc of tho first ! quality, and givo general satisfaction. Persons in want of anything in tho above lino woulJ (1 wo11 t0 oal1 uPon M - - Knouse immediately, at the American 110usc au lcavu lllc,r oruu" ii ii .i ;. 1 A Trio of Renegades. II. B. Wright, of Luzerno, B. H. Brewstkr, oi I'liiiaiicipiua anu jno. the Union. ' Ho is the loader of tho Ad- ministration party, ivhich, in tho eyes of Abolitionists, it is treason to oppose. Mr. Charles A. K.nohr, of the Army at Yorktown, Ya., has our thanks for a lato copy of tho Cavalier. Wo find muoh in it of interest iu relation to our follow- i citizens from Columbia, in tho 178th Reg, . ... . b P. SI. Tho Cavalier is tinall but spicy. We havo tho March number of tho Farmer and Gardener. It conie3 a little lato iu tho month, but that objection is overcome by its intrinsio merits. 81 00 a year for tho only farm journal in Penn sylvania. A Pkolifio Cow. Mr. Gcorgo Ilaz- zard, of Bloomsburg, has a Cow which has produced scvon Calves within four years, having had twins thrco times in succession I G twEUNATom.Uj, Hon. Wm. Hor kins, ono of tho noblct mon and purest domoorats in our Stato, has dcolined tho nomination for Governor of Pennsylva nia. Godns Lady's took, in all its beauty and exHkncO; U Mrpuly "Pnn our tablo for April. Official Returns Of tllO Towil-'Jutlgo, EUip JUlOOtlOUS, Ilild In tho various townships of C'olum- bia county, on Friday, March 'JO ,1803, j for Township Officers i Bloom. Jutlgo, Peter Hillmoycrj In spectors, John 11. Pursell, Hiram C. How- er ; assessor, Bouj, 3. Merrill ; Overseers, Caleb Darlon, jr, Jacob R. Groul ; Con stables, Philip S. Moyor, Gordon R. Goll; Supervisors, 0. llittcubondor, Ma thias Shaffer, Freas Brown ; School Pi rectors, Oliver A Jacoby, Wellington llartuinn ; Auditor, John M. Ohoiuber lin . Drier Crcik. Judge, David Shaffer j Iiispcctois, Alexander Luckurd. Emmor Dicterich ; Assessor. Henry Latnon ; Constable, Win. Klientob ; Supervisors, J C. Smith, John Kisnor; Overseers, Samuel Kolchuor, Jeremiah Jacoby ; School Directors, Wm. Lamou, Henry Doak ; Auditor, Emmor Deiterich. Beaver Justice, Allon Mann; Con stable, W. Longenbcrgcr ; Superviiors, Joseph Ucibter, Henry llindcrlider ; School Directors, G P. Dilcsbauch, Na than Hons ; Overseers, Moses Moyer, i harles Miohaol ; Judgo, Jonathan Rrcd bender; Inspectors, John Hiudortidor, John J. Driesbauoh ; Assessor, Josiah W. Johnson ; Auditor, Andrew Shunian. Beaton. Supervisors, Peter Apple man, Joseph Hess; Constable, Samuel Rhone ; School Directors, J. J. Stiles, J. C. Doty ; Judge, Stophon Kcefor; As sessor, Samuel Rhone ; Overseers, A A. Kline, Jacob Woolover ; Auditor, Wm. Hulmo ; Inspectors, Samuel II art man, Charles Gibbons. te Cattawissa Supervisors, Jno. Stroue. Goorgo Fredoriok ; Overseers, Stephen Raldy, Nathan Helwig; Constable, Peter G. Campbell; School Directors, M. G Hughes, Mathias Hartman ; Assessor, Clinton Ellis ; lnspetors, Charles Kriegh, Joseph Martz ; Judge, Jeremiah P. Finch er; Auditor, John Sharplcss. Conynglmm . Supervisors, Patrick Grady, Henry 0 Gable ; Assessors, Daniel T. McKiornon, John J. Wagoner, (tie votes); Justices, Joseph B. Knittle, Isaac W. Haus; School Directors, Daniel T. McKiernon, A. Snyder; Judge, John 0. Dicner; Inspectors, J. W. Haus, M. Kiukerton ; Constable, David Camp ; Overseers, James Barry, Sylvester Iloff- man ; Township Treasurer Joseph B 'Kuittlc ; 1 own Wert, John W . UctHoril ; I Centre. Judge, Jeremiah Hagenbuoh ; Inspectors, Isaao Whilmoyer, James Koehcr ; Constable, Clinics H. Dietttr j10'1! Supervisors, Samuel Ilagonbnch, ' Samuel Bower: Overseers, David K. Sloan, Joseph Poho ; School Directors, Frederick Hagenbuoh, Isaao Erwino, Geo. A. Ilerriug; Assessor, Samuel Ney- hart; Auditor, Aaron Kelcuner. Ftshiii" Greek. Constable, OvrusRob- bins; School Directors, David Savflgo, Hiram Hess ; Supervisors. Edward Unangst, John McMiohaol ; Judgo, E, jDuangst ; Assessor, A. McIIcury ; Over seers, II. Bittenbcnder, E. J. Mellcnry ; ( Inspectors, B. 0. Hess ; Samuel Thomas, Auditor, Thomas J. Hutchinson ; Town Clerk, J. B. Hutchinson, Franklin Judgo, James Roeder ; Iu- ' spectors, Jacob Knittle, Geo. Schick; ! Justice of tho Peace. William Mcnsch ; ' Supervisors, William Mens eh. Daniel onuier ; assessor, vjeorga v. iiariman ; Ovorsocrs, Jonathan Knittle, Solomou Artley ; School Directors, Abraham lio, amcs Kcster ; Constable, Thomas Ilower; Auditor Scth, llartman. Greenwood. Constable, Paxton Kline ; Supervisors, Samuel H. Albertson, David Demolt ; Judge, Nicholas Kindt ; School Directors, Joshua Davis, Adam Utt; Robert Bobbins ; Overseers, Isaac Ikler, Edward Henry; Assessor, Isaac D. Pat tou ; Inspectors, Wilson A. Thomas, Richard J. Eves; Auditor, Isaac Dcwitt . Hemlock. Judge, S. S. Slater ; In spectors, Samuel Ale, N. P. Moore ; Con stablo, Daniel Ncihart; Supervisors, Thomas J. Vanderslico, Elias Giggcri Overseers, Reubon F. Foulk, Jesse Ohl' Assessor, Hugh D. Mt'Bridc ; Sch ool Di rectors, Reuben B Wiuterstcen, Geo. W. Driesbach ; Auditor, John McRey nolds. J'tckson. Judgo, Frederick Wile; Con. stablo, Joshua Robbins ; Assessor, Asa Yorks; Supervisors, Asa Yorks, John McIIenry ; Inspectors, Abraham Knouso, James W. Kitchen ; School Directors , Johu P. IIcss, Gcorgo Ilirleman ; Over seers, John P. IIcss, Absolom McIIenry ; Town Clork ; Silas W. iMoIIenry; Au ditor, Hugh Shultz. Locust. Auditor. Rcubon Fahringer ; Supervisors, Charles Mcnsoh , Simon Fctterman ; Constable ; Solomau Fettor- inan , School dircotors, Wm. Goodman, Ilonry Adams, Daniel Stino ; Inspec tors, John P. Walter, Charles Billig. Judgo, Potor S. Ilchvig; Overseers, Ilon ry Ilelwig, Leonard Adams ; Assessor, Gera Howor; Montour. Coustablo, Noah Mauser; Justice, John G. Quick ; Supervisors, Joseph Mauser, Emanuel Lazarus ; School Directors, Evan Williver, Isaao Mowrer; Assessor, Noah Mouser; In spectors, Michael Rouoh, Levi Woavor ; Auditor, John Dietorich; Judfjo, Henry G'iger; Ovorsccrs, John Lciby, Issachcr Evansi. Mount Pleasant Constablo, Johu Shipman ; Supervisors, Wm, J. Iklcr, Daniel 7-i"lor ; Asscf-or, A II. II acock; John 0. Thomas j Overseers! I ,Malhias Gilbert, Clomuol Johnson; School Directors, Win, Oman, John Kline ; Inspectors, Ilonry Aloj Goorgo Kram6r; Auditor, Elias Droiblobis. MiJJhn, Constable, Wm Krickbaitm ) Assessor, Lawronco Waters; School Di rectors, Stephen Swank, Christian Wolf. Christian Lutz; Ovorsocrs, John Keller, Jonas Hartzcll ; Supervisors, lhomas Aten; Jacob Nuss ; Judgo,! S'nmuel Nuss; Inspectors, A. W. Hess. Amos Horlockor; Auditor, D. II. Mon tgomery. MuUism. Judge, Lewis Schuyler ; Constablo, Milton E, Coxc ; Supervisors, James Kisner, 8. W. Barber ; School umciors, Jonn amitn, josepu vise ;) Overseers, John A. Funton, Hugh M'Col . lum; Auditor J. E. Wellivor ; Assessor,! J. M. Smith ; Inspectors Wm. R. Demott, ! J. S. Swisher. Maine, Judgo, John T. Shuman ; Con stable, John A. Shuman ; Supervisors Daniel Fisher, Benj. Nuas ; Assosor, Wm. Longenbergor ; Inspectors, John Harmony, Joseph Hartzell ; School Di- ,,a n, , v t !, ii ctors, Charles Num. David b. Brown ; Overseers, Gcorgo blniman, Jacob Bow - mau ; Auditor, Daniel Shuman. Orangf.-Oonstable, Miohaol Keller , Supervisors, David Mcrriug, Moses Everiti a Judgo, Joseph Wuybunt ; Assessor, John Vim .nw fnmeoinra Willinn, Kintmr , . u j ....j. ak'.iwkj John Megargle; School Directors, Abner!,n uo opposition to ie wnties or tue Welsh, Muhuol Hagonbtioh ; Overseers, John Keller, Cornelius Bellus ; Auditor William Bellus. Pine. Judge, JaoobLong; Constable, Adam Bobb ; Auditor, Johu F. Fowler ; Assessor, Ira C. Pursel ; Inspectors, A. E. Girton, Benjamin Lora ; Supervisors, i-,.u ii.:-i.ui.;, fri.. .. ur.i School Directors, Thomas MoBride, John W. Hunter; Overseers, Beuj. Wiuter bteen, John Lore. Roa'iiig t'rff. Snpervisors, Miohaol Fettoroff, Daniel Rarig ; Sohool Dircotors, Michael Fettoroff, Samuol Wauok ; In spectors, Phineas Thomas, Samnel Cher ington ; Judge. Elias Ririg ; Assessers, Nathan Driesbach, Oharlos Dyor, (tie vote;) Constable, James Keiffer; Auditor, Philip Cool ; Overseers, Daniel Kunkle, Samuel Wouoh. Scott. Justice, J. K. Brnglcr; Consta blo, Samuel Bittenbcnder ; Overseers, H. Trombley, A. J. Eyer ; Auditors, Wm. II. Hagenbuoh, (2 yrs.) Reese Fairman, (3 yrs,) ; Sohool Directors, Peter Ent, (3 yrs.) Isaac McKanoy, (3 yrs ) M. G. Kinney (3 yrs.) ; Inspectors, Jacob Ter- williger, Samuel Kresslcr; Supervisors, Elias Kline, Elias Knim ; Assessor, Alfred Mood; Judijo, Peter Meliek. T j. , ... T , bngar Loaf.-8ohool Dneetors, Jacob H. Fritz, Alinas Cole ; Overseers, Jesso Fritz. Jacob S. Hess ; Supervisors J. F. KiU', Josiah R. Fritz; Inspectors, J. Hess, Shadrack L. Hess ; Constable Cor- uolius Girton; Assessor, Andrew Hess ; Auditor, Henry 0. Hess. Death of DanicS H. ilemloy. Resolutions of Respect and Condolence. Camp Near Bktj&b Plains, Va., ) March 20th 1863. At a meeting of the Columbia count y Volunteers, of company I, 130th Penn sylvania Regiment, the undersigned com mittee woro appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings and sentiments of the company upon the death of Daniel II. IlUMLEY. WumtESfby the dispensations of Al mighty God, this company has been called upon to mourn over tho death of this young man whose private virtues, heroic endurance, uncomplaining fortitude, and patriotic devotion to his country's good, has endoared him to us in bonds of sym pathy and lovo which can uever bo broken. Tiicrcfjre Resolved, That iu tho death of Daniel II. Hemley, wo have hut a good friend, a true patriot aud n bravo soldier, who won tho respect and esteem of his officers, and a placo in the affections of his compauious-in arins. Revived, That while wo deeply sympa thize with tlio family.relativcs and friends of tho deccased,wo offer for their consola tion tho inspiring consideration that he died in his country's service, and wo trust has gone to that happy land where din of war is not heard, aud tho weary arc at rest. Resolved, That tho editors of tho Columbia county papers be respectfully requested to publish theso proceedings and forward a copy containing tlio same to his parents at Polkvillc, Columbia county, Pa. Tho above preamble and resolutions woro unanimously adopted. Lieut. A. B. Tate, Com'g Co. Thomas Wricuit, A. M. Vansioklg, Geo. Niciiom.s. During tho Revolutionary war lho English knocked in tho heads ofsoveral thousand barrels of tar, which thoy had captured in store near Suffolk, Virginia, and let it run off into a pond about four acres in extent Gradually hardening iu tho sun it become a solid mass, aud re mains till this day. It looks like slato aud is from two inchos to a foot in thick noss. Our bos in camp near by uso it for fuel. 80 EKcwai'd LSorsc Stolen Mr. Jacoh Leihv, of Moutour town- chip, this eo., had a valuable Family Maro stolon from his stable on last Mou- day night. IIo offers a reward of ?50 foMho nuimal and :J0 for tlio thief, or 8 80 for both Pco Lis ndvrtiaeracit elsewhere. Oommunieatioiis. Dlfforenco of Opinion. 2b the Llilor of the Democrat f r , . . .1 . t I u Ca 8 y ' r 7 7T ; r 1 ndod mo a cony of tho ( alumina Conn- handed mo a copy of tho ( alumina Loun- ly Republican. On my return home find- ing a few leisuro moments to examine its contents, my attention was arrested by a ' communication under ths heading of Tbo Thirty-si-vouth Congross-What it Did." Curio ty induced mo to look into the con- tents of tho said letter, which the editor of -tho Republican seemed heartily to ap- prove, and to my amase.nent he eulogizes the action oi mo late (UMuuot; uon- ss, aud boaas of tho following as some greij8) ami boatts of the following as some 0f the more prominent of its cuactmenlfl : 1. A banking system, to which the old United Sutes Bank was indeed 'an obso- 'e iUea." 2. comparison wilt, hioli Henry Clay's would bo coiuidered 1'iee Trade- 3. Au increase of the regular army, uf which even the most infatuated if tlw , Winters would l,avo never rt.ea meu. 1 4. A centraluMion of power, audi as . !icenti 5. That Freedom for w hich "tho Old ' Man Eloquent ' plead so wnrmly. I These are the glossed miwns of the 1 . ... 'K KepuWioan Uoogress- livery one of I them cxoeiititii. Derhaiw. tbe Urd are i oi t i i American peopio. auq, ihcm are w.. boast of litpubhcan'um. No mention is made of any violations of fundamental laws or constitutional prerog. atives. Theso things tlmy would willingly . i ..I,, . , cover under the clook of oblivion. They 'have not the houenty t Ull the poople of any of the outragfou nets of the latt Ab- PS!UU tj00, If l0 bad, in the first placo, olxtion Coiigrt-tA the went dUloynl tut pioi'Uiinud a generul emauoipatiou and of fcooundrels that vsr disgraced the Na- eonfueatio'ii aot.he uever could have had so tioualCitol aud that the ecaiitry will gront au army of voluuter. only be relieved from its accumulated and , 0u,. tt.voiutiolmr ; siro barely escaping accursed wrongs when the Democracy t r.iin , broke the BritiUi fetters and de shall havo arisou-fi they arc evurywbcr lhe ing njoimrch, aud iu his pre doing in tho majesty of their power and ww gMe hittU u a tout g0Verl,mBUt wiped from the recordi of the country the wlliuu WM Hjmjrd bv the" world, aud .r i .i t : i.. i j. ..!..:. i'. ... maiuy oi uiu jjiuimu uhiu.ibiihuo.i , nuu the usurpations of his pet Abolition Uou gress. The iew Yoik Erpiess reviews the proceedings of the late Congress, by which the revolution has bten completed, Riid most truthfully say : Congress has enacted four acts which utterly subvert the whole form aud fraiuu of this Govornmont : 1st. In the delegation to the President the power at will to suspend the writ of habitis corpm, iu States not in rabi llion nor Invaded. 2d. The Conscriptiou Act, which puti under his command, at will, to take any wl0rCj ma ,0 ' hilII un()l,r any command out of the State he lives in. 3d. The Bank aud Loan nil I, the union of "the Purse aud the Sword, which gives him supreme command over millions and millions of men and money. 4th. The Indemnity Act, legalizing all tho illegal acts of the President, am! constituting Abraham Lincoln Dictator Geueral, which net the ''bloody Sena tor," I'omeroy, of Kansas, thn in the chair, declared passed, without a vote, whilst Domuorats wire speaking ou the question ! Under these acts no white man ha1? any political rights, or even security for his liberty. Tiq Republic ceases to exist, AND IN ITS STEAD IS SUBSTITUTED A CENTRAL DESPOTISM! and all theso things aro approved and lauded by Pale mon John 1 In a subsequent number of tho Repub' lican, I also observo, that this same Dr. John denounces tho loyalty of Senator Buckalcw. Coward-like, he printed a speech the Senator never utteied, and shrinks from re-printing those letters HK did WRITE. Even more : In thin organ of riot and violence, ho denounces law abiding men as "traitors and cnjipeiifads," for daring to exereihe tho right of free discus.-ion, and at tho samo timo insults constitu tional freemen by bearing at the head of his sheet, as in falte motto, "Fri-e Speech, a Free Press, Free Soil ami Freedom " A DEMOCRAT. Jackson township, 1803. Vr the Columbia Dtmoerat, Cm. Tate Dear Sir : Our nation al difficulties aro yet unsettled, nnd tho campaign now opens with Ich hopes of a speedy termination than it did a yoar ago The condition of our army, may bo Soo well supplied with provisions and cloth ing, high spirited and keen for action, yet gloomy scenes seonito thicken around whoro onco appeared dawn of light.- Tho sun of peaoc rofleetod doubtful rays at tho close of the convention which as-1 semblod at Washington, soiuetimo in J March, 1801, and left darkncs-i, in shapo of disunion, to settle over this whole land. Is it possible that this onco glorious and prosperous Country ,so domoly inhab ited, eo richly blessed with vegotablo and animal productions, so unlimited in coui-i mercc, and resources to so reat an ox-' tent, privato and publio institutions cloth ed with protection, could be invaded and yet present a scono of desolation and hor ror, under tho full coutrol of despotism. , Wl u" ""V ,,,Jl ,uu ,Jm,,u 81111 Laws, uol later than thrco years no in .. t... t .i Tt..t.... ... i full op. ration, will again bo iu possession of tho onco free Aniorieun ponplo T Is tho policy of tho Admiuiatration baecd upon the principles which nill obtain this end ? or do our rukn: with to elnn," the l"ff.urs of t'us govci'umtnt, uud in.pluut institutions unknown to us or any free people, and tho ship of stato still tosscu fanaticism, misguided by Incompetent marines. Do wo question whether expo- In s tnl. u h t policy ba ad upon priu- u.ii laugiit us uiai pom- u3u 4 v , ricuoo is policy I uariaunj un.,..- i ' oiplea rebuked by tlio peopio iimmhi wiui success. - b judgiug from tho past, whoro freedom and I t, ttitMiilt. pence arc strangers ; and those iu author- ty. ro they not ruling with rigor. I ol the time near when the people's . . , r i, . .. l r,!l wibUes can ouoo more no iun uu ...., rupremtod iu Stato and Federal logula- tiou, and the civil laws not mocked and - o- -- " la aud eo.Hor.ptio. b.lU will bo nmrtiai iw uu ooaionpuuu - no terror to loyal oituous ; torts anu p oas not dredcd by iunooeut people ; wUen llio virtuv of tho Constitution will again when b a foitiesj for -ivory man, aud a sUeliar f,.01u bors aud arbitrary arrets, with ". Z'00" , . , fnr which our country has been tnfosled for tb U.t two yaiel 1 ' l4 u ,!0uU..J iLu s olasa of neonle in 0ur owuntry, of a different color aud stoak, j J ' , who have be.u held ,u bomUge ... h s-1 tory first give au accouut, chall uow bo reeojrniasd is our equals and atwei itti, iu mBgt ftQ0 W0ttJ t by whoso inatru- mk.,ltity j, u nooounlihcd. and who ' giYe, A aull,ori,y f Tlu 'plain words r i:,,,!' : i ., i,i,.u.. t, ' LMiitTvi u i unujui n t i eg if wi nvu ihit i, a prtrt( uniivo no iuolination, di- rly 0( indiroclly, to intoifeie with slave iy l) th! 3Met wheM it cxUu . j belllJVB I have no lawful right to do so." Ho thou nw the Coin-titutiou gave him no such nulkurily ; aud no legislative body or preuidential deore could murp sueh au ilioiity aud smtaiii the Constitution at the , handed down to us an a riub inheritance. which is now on the verge of ruin ; tho principles and objects of tho fathers of our country are set at naught, disgracing even the freedom they lovod and regarding them us h ving always been tiaitors. Why did not Groat Britain emancipate their slaves ua a "mthltiry necessity,'' and why in thoir stead employ the Indians us ? Why did not Washington aud his compa triots give freedom to "Americans of Af rican doscctr," alter gaining a free and in dependent country, ami rumove this great evil at once! Why did ho not free the slavns when he silenced ihe whisky iusur rection ! Why did he command that the army should enrefu'ly regard the laws " Why did lot Jucksou free the slaves when South Caroiiua revolted ; when they had huciificcd their all 1 Wh did Abrah.un Lincoln Iree the slaves, when he said he had no lawful right to do so, tho fruit i of which hai caused civil war, blood-hed and carnage? BENTl'N. Maroh, 1303. tl'i Wen for the Ct'liimim Otntent. ummttnorativi! or tii- ii.vrn or JOHN A. HARBISON SltUMAK, i'nr". thus Well, my lotlur, r.iro thee well, my eiattra ileir. Fare thoe wall, my llrotrwrs j Mfl.t la dark and drear. Hut thi Hnn ia (IniTiiinjf, tio it silds ths aky ; nr.rkncaa lenv.-a, with morning', AtlJ 1 no'.i enn dio. Lay me oat io softly, (Iron my han ia up'in my breast, tp'ak to tue in whiap'irs, Voiy I go to rst ; MiimIu with thi uiiali, In th'i upper nir. Hark ! I Iri.n their voices, Sjoii, I ahull be then, Uloom.harg, March 1MJ3. cv n. Payiaant of tlio Officars Eagajoi in Slaking the tato Draft. In a meeago to the l.eislatoro lass wek on this subject, Gov. Curtin said : Tho bill for enrollment, examinatim, drafting .xiibsistenco and trancpnrtation, &e., aro not all returned to tho Military Jispait menti bnt throo hundred thuuatid Utill.trs has been estimated an tho sum necessary to pay all tho expoiifci ariuini; from it. An appropriation has been made by Coi -grcs, ne I am inntructcd, suflicicnt to pay the cxpniBeH of the draft made in this Stnta I hnv continued to press tiprni tho attention oi i tie .NatiuriHl u vori.ment tlio iirrpnetv "ti.en I hepo to arrange, drlfinittelv, tha ranncer nf tlicir paynienr, anil also lhat of the nnlitin. oalled into service for tho defense uf tlio State in !roptcjn bar lust, Sliuulil, however, any further disappoint ment occur, or delay in tho settlements or payment uf theso cbilnn, I roeoinended to the Ja;;iilMturo to mako an appropriation of of tnunoy for thuir payinens by the State, louliing to the jjpnoral Onvurnmont for reim bursnipniH hereafter. Tln persons employ ed iu the various departments, in maliiti"; tho draft, performed valuable somes to tlio i;ovt'nimtini,espomliiij much timo and mon ey ; it is duo to them there should bo no further delay iu aflarding them just com pronation. A. (i.'Uurtih. . Tm: Daily Ann Messrs. Ulssbrcn- iter ,V Co , isiii d from Philadelphia, thuir new Dentocratio pap-r, unlitlod tho Daily lu the Orphan's Court for tho county of Ago. It is a firat-olais, high-toned, read- Columbia ; Estate of John Oovenho ablo fiheot. Wo predict for Tho A"o a veil, lato of Orango twp., deo'il. brilliant career and complete success O Tho Slats of KniiFii hi i rice..., i ui outs ill nniif.-t3 lias a llOiCIl leeimenls of uhito humi (leu iiioihw.mIq f ii.QiiiiLiiin ui xiiiu llltll, 11VU lUgllllOWS Ut IlldiailS and tWO l'0illlt'Ulrf of nci'toes " mniVL3, . r Tho Wucr was to ibv Ut it) the North Di mch (' oal PAtmiot.c and iliUB.-Hon. Amofl 4 1 I- ll., In n mil ititi f V V it I luuiuai. ciosou , v. tv. who "niloucu Kendall's "Bible View of slavery,'' with tho following truthful and patriotic re umui "As surely as tho current year unfolds" j It, surely will the power of Ihd North' boforo 18(M pass into tho bauds of ,ll(J ijcinoorn.tio party, it tUat party bd lnoJorilto am vfiso. Then, and not till .1 ..... ll... ..Aii,tKiiiir.iit lift rintliriallml t,lon, call tho goyorninent I Oou ut.ou, as in he p os p revert to tho proseoution of thd M'l....: War as 111 uil us unit, ubiiguiwi, and ol uu,i thou, can tho Demooracy of lho Nortb oiror t0 ltll) poopi of l0 South ii10 Constitution unimpaired as a subst.tuto d d L, ,d t tl)Q ca,am tt.oy o lliea lUcv have reason to fear. Then, and not tin then, can any resdonso bo cxnen- tej ; tl0 South to a paoifio domonstration ju n10 North. xuiu pnmouoo, urmni s,iuouuranou auu su ecoss in saviug onr ..uvruC? amour U nion may distinguish and immoralizo jjemocratic pni ty ol'l&03, is tho earn- eat hope and pi a or of a Democrat of mo re than three score cars and ten. llemctul, Mr. L. I. btiAni'i.K3 lias g,ook 11 noious Store IIouso Hero he KuPn( 8 sPnolous ore 0 8 ' o:,n Jy "or ""rrnntilo with R moro el,8lb e 8t!ltl,,' wL,oh he Ja4 J"31 1 !nLn,l, nnm QiiKinrr nllil Mlllnltiiin r-'P""BUU "u" Goods, Mr. S. must fool quite at homo in his now aud pleasant quartern. New Stducvtisemmts. "V Wnnted.Twn 1'ius, or "lutlii hy ttia Editor. I'rcmi "y of hH milmcrlliirs wliu nujr lu par lho l'rlutor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. l'rancl A. Hciiilfnlmlfs Cuanllnnl Ni 37. Dp'c.9. t(Ct , I iu CollllIlOU Pll'fli The Eio culorn A. Heiri of Pr. f of CtluintiU . AahbtlU. W llanli. (luctliaril, j The iiudiiju'i'. tptlntil an nin linr hy Hi' CoHtt of Coui:n. Urm if as il inunljr, lu luairlml the aud diitiitmlr th.' fund utislwi! on thf titt-ntl.n ofthP Kl E.iiiIp of the ht iis .f Dr. A. II. Wilson, iiu coated, lu tho creditors, in the order In which the :imo limit, by thu lawa of frniujlvania, be paid . will at. lend at the the town of llloiu.burit on Wednesday, thf 2'Jtli day of April, A, 1) IMS, be, tnon the hours of ten o'clck A.M. and four o'clock I .M . uf aui.l day, to ptirform Ihe dutlen of hii appoint ment : When aud tthcre all penoiu intuaoled luay attend if tiny think proper. p.? An litu'r. llloom. bu it, March 9?. W,3. ?2 () OUANGEVILLK A 'ADUMY AND Trof. II. I). H'nlkiir A. VI. I'rineipHl. The next terra of lhi Institution will commence n Wcdnnday, April loth. Htudenta tluairoua of heini aa'iuitled tu tl. thor of the Nomiai I.'l;t.fie4 lihould hapruaenton Ttiea day at ID o'clock for Kximiliiatlon Tuition trom ?l to Sji't per Term of II week. Hoard in good f.unlliiM, .J.'lp-r week. Cloail ItoniiM fir atmlbnta wialnnj to boirJ them eelvea For further tmrtinulara inquire f lho Principal or of J rt Win IDS. Bsct, of Trualeea. March I"(0 ADMLNISTN ATOIVS NOTicic Es'alt o Villi am Rhone, deceased. Notice ia hereby nvtn thatt'trre rf adiuininratloii on tlio o.tats'of t m Hhono. I,,t. of llenton Inf., Cnlumbu ciuiniy, deras-eil, have bn:n granted h the Ktniir of aai'l county, to th unJtraii;ned, who re nijea in ald ll-iiton t'ownahlii t'olunibla eo. All per. Nona 1m iii clitiina or ilenian.ia nainat the f:atat of the decendent are reply, ted lo prcaenl tliciu for .rule ineiit, an I thoie iriilciite 1 to p iyinent wlthaut o ,!y. Wm. Ai'Pl.t ,',M.V, Ailin'r. March 2', IMS.- liv $1. G HAND JUK0H3 FOfl MAY, 18fl:). niooni A .1 Evan, nmi ll.i.nrt, Jnn ,T, nirkhy. Iteivr liivid Ilavl., llenrr lln.aler. llenton Pat-r Oa.e. .lucoli Kimlil-. Ilriar Oiek rfini'iel i-n-l. .loiin Rinart. t.'iitnv. iha Henry lli.lllnjfh'a.l. ( nnrnjili mi lle.ih -w Kiut'.lo ('.Hire Levi AlKliMtl Hemlock Iain: P.iraeJ, M.v.lm XV'liiteni;'it, Wirtr Pin miner MiiL'h llartman. Joint tVenner l.orutt IMvnt Miller Joseph Cleaver Ml Plea.aiu -Dim 'I Vandcr"ln Montour -N'nih Mamer, Henry (iisjar. Oriitic- Henry Deloiu. U i.nnu Cxi-.t k-.LMi.mrl Dl'er TKAVJ3USE JUUOHS FOR MA V, ISfi.'i. Mnnm C'ltrk M llrnnn. Richard I'lummer, Henry y.iiiinicr. Lvan JunnH, John U l'ur.-i, i yru Jolm- on. Ji roiniah J Hum cr. Heaver - Henry l.elir Enar t'reek-'i'liomaa Adnn. Oiorge lower, lior I! 'ran k llii'leon (Jwen, Jacoh Mindr. Ileutoii-Tlios liilihiiu. Uliaa .McIIenry, Uoheitlkctur Cnltnn laaa-Kcuhen Kulnha'ii. C'onyuhain 1'redcrifk 11 U'oh forth l'lJIiini; Creuk lltrini llittenli-inder, Vincent Kt- chart, t'i rus Mellcnry Fr.iuk'iu Moaca Ilower Groeiinooil LIij.ili K Ik. ler, Joaftih R Palton' Andrew A Hi rno.i llciulurk Isnnl4 Tur f, Kouben Foulk. Loriirt Win V. ajor, rimrlt-a .Metz. Maine Uhailes Nusa, ll.iniel Fiaher ,Milllin--l,eonard Uukenuall, Win 1'ehitt, J C llctler. Montoiir-Oneu nyorlj . Jnmo. Ilarton. Mt I'leaa.-uii Jo.eph lke r, Daniel Znlr. .Madiaon .Vihcnii.ih Welliver. Dr Thus J ywUher. I'ina- ISfitJri nun Winteri-tiieii. Kouringi ... k Oeorije llreiFbarli. rlusnrluaf John W Kile. Win II Scoltlisal Hut, Thoa. I'oHler, Benjamin Thornton (enrgu WjL'jovulius. HOUSE SlOLbIN ! Eighty Ihllai s Reward I On Monday niplit, .March Md, IFC.'I, there waJ rlnleit from tin stable of thu aubfcribor, in Montour township, t'olui.iuia county, to isc Bay ltfai c, Willi a neuron the right aide, about under the snldle. skirt, a, 1. 1 a lump iu.ule of the I 'it hiuJ ea. blow the kneo. Animal J yeara old rt'"!ir'l H paia Tur tlia itars and Thirf, er 35.) for tlio .Maro nlonu. at i ..o ..... jacoh i.Kinr. March V.S, l.-GH- a i) m in isrit ATOiTsWiciT" J. state of Unmet Vount, deceased, i JiTTUttS of administration on the 1- llatau of Harriet Yoiiut, lato of Pine, tmvmhip. LoluinbiiiLoiiitiy, liecoasod, have Iweu framed by III 'i Uesi.tur of ulu.nbi.i county lo Iho unduraiaiied : all permiua h ivio cl.imia again! lho tMuoof tl,., ,eci dent aro r.;. pitted in Ihem tililiu udmlniHlr.Hor at hl roi h uca iu aaid loivnaliip, h ithoui dtlay, and all pursona indebtod to ni.ik.) payment fortlnvilli. ,, , ,, UIK..M SHL'UV., Adm'r. March 11, ISM. (iiv AUDITOlfS iNOTlCE. In (ho Orphans' Court for the Counfy of Columbia: Estate of Gcorgo llart man, dco'd, lato of Ueuton twp. AM. pnraona intorcateil ivilltako nonce, that the tin deraijuud, appuintod Auditor by thu (..rphan. Court nl Columhm county, to atttle und ndjuat the ral Iiu4 propurtloua of tlie baluure or ne m the lun!a ef fieoiee M. llartman, nxecutor of Urr(e llailtuan, ilfceiiaed.loand union;- lli.i reapectlve crditor of tlm dueaacd, arcoidinij to tlio order e.tablitlied by law. ill iiienl the parties iniere.tcil at Hobert I', ( lark'a oll"u.e, in lll.uOMHIIUltf;, on TIU SDAV, thu TWUV TV-UIOU'lll day of Al'ltll,, lrfij, fr thu purinje nf hi. nppuiutii.eiit, when aud nhuro nil pamea ad are re'iuencd tn proavnt Iheir claims or bo debarred fruiu comiut in for u aharo of audi aiw. HOllliliT 1". IH.AUK, Auditor, lUnoni.bure, Marrh 2S. mi. It in). AUDITOR'S NOTICE. il, ... ... ..... An i'i.-rni iniarriruii uill lane, nolico that mi u -deiaijnuil uppoinleil Auditor by tlm Orphan' Cnltt on.uluiuaiacoiiiuy, in report diatriViuou if the bnl lure in ma uaiuia o uyitu n. McIIenry, one ol lhe '"'"'"f'1'"'' Johu t'ovmihovcii lieciuied t ami ninoui! the reapectivo creUlloraof the decendent. nrcor- ! ""' tu xt" u'lablnhod by Pm, will inert the P" lieaint reaiedat tho nllicu of lioh. rt F Clark l !lJ','.'"","l'u,.i'' 011 -j luy. ths memy-accon I ol Apr lil.l, for Hi. purpoae l hia appoiutment. when a .l "In re.t Ipaiti niier. ,1 .j at n.,uirrd t pre. o"a" i T" " r'um ' m,g f1r ,n" mm ii i.vmv It s of