i mminfJMMHiwiiauwJuiMMi"."';1'" Urn DEMOCRAT Vy.-Cl.tVO TO TIID CONarirUTtoN. A8 Till- IIH'WIU.' Klltl MAItlNl.n """"" NO TICK, SPBOt AL NOTIOBB. 1HE MARKETS. . mil.. ..n.ii.iimi ... f.lni.tla ., l,,-l,,.lt-i,nii n,,l,. ' A Ndiettfiilly mr r himself n n CAMitnVli: I'ull IIditoii or Dimotrttt run urnu. or injur, iv iii.uiivi i.fu.i.vi, j. ii vni i uri I u,r : V. ..-.e. rrnil-m 0L031! PLANK, wnin niuih AllUUMl) IUM."-finl' Ofhilir. PURPOSES OP THE WAKt -ou.oivi.su xnnwriiis. WltlUl '"""''V",,,, . Jf. t.o .. itM""!"",?,0, 'win 'hnYbeeu ' r till um pre jtMJ H'Mi tho inuniry u) .,m,,(i,Hml no.itli.rn - tm .now m "'"7, ru,,,l i tlml In j .iv 'Miami, "mi i" "',' ..ij-hinK all feel- Associate Principal of Greenwood Hi-mln ty, Mnrcli IflW .MIIMU l'a. io i Dje. HAiti.ns o. ntnKi.r.v win ,n a havdiiiati. roil COUNTY BUPr.lllNTlJ.VllllNTnl the Com. moii School, of ;n1iiinlla County. Mnnh II, lti:i, j- -,, i WMWi.WWMWW"IM"wl,'w"" ilWl On the llilli ult.i by Jacob Shipinnn, Esq.. at tli c rcFitlciiCP of tho bride's filth cr, Mr. Vai.estinb WtimiMTn to Miss 1.. . - i .i.r I lti I 111Mrtl tl nil nf llfitil. ,n ...r. -- - in ,ivii xVar Hit a ucen r, i,i.aii.i n i uihhiij.imi n, l" luur umnuy' i.y -;i!L,W:t,.H..!.,i ' lock lowtwMp, Coluinb-B onutitv ItfAllPltl i Willi your iic rmlmoii I wili In mv In tlif rftiidri of w I .. . I, .1 I .1 I I .,! I.u ...lil.M I..., II I., nil .. 1... " llCill k I . ...it. r. ii.i " J I i. ... ...... .hi ll It ,f" H till. lip. ivMIl full illtiTlllllI- fur III iklni; ' nil. I ilnluil n ttf in ilo Vi'K.'liililu II ilm llml n IIU H'm t .ully removi" m mni rnnpi". niouni'ii. un, i riTKii"., nml nil liniiitlllM of thi' fklli, li'nvliiK tlm rniin-jHlt tl or. "i"" Hi iiSil'l'fiiilrul. t will nln mull ften tnthmn hn vitif H.iU Itpn.lo nr It iri' fiirm, (linplr illrfctlon-1111 1 Infm mntlnn tlml 'will flinbln tiwin tiilnri nfnli pr wtli cf I.imirh'iit H.ilr, liltkrr., or n li-imnilm. In lii. limn 'il iliiyii. All nitlctlon aiKWi-rirt I.y ftutu it.n 1 1 wlilimil thnrje. llffiiectfiiHv yimri., TllO.i I'. CIIAt'MAV. Cll IllUti No Ml Drimawnyi Saw Yutlt. rrb. 2?, ltOT-nm. UiilfotmltTnlPrlees ! A Ni'W lVnliltr in HilhIiipss 11 cry Iil n y.ili'niniinl JOM'.ri t I'O. of Ilm frcfi'iil nnr. I'llri. Clnlliltiii Pl.iM.Ji'n. 3(11 Mnrket flruct it .1 ..... . fil. nv. I H till. I'll .'II I' ll I 11. At 1 o n lllll, Oil IlltJ mill inn.. ly in nl ntl.ni to Imvlutr il. lnrefi. m"t vailo.l nn.l Hyu. Corn " " Oatfl..1' " Huckwlii'i't'1 Potntooi " tJlovorsccl " 'I iinolliy-.ijil Onions " JH.oiiMsin.iiu, Maroh 21, 1803, t' bus ?1 40i Green Applet HO " ' "(li Dried " 75 MO Dricil J'caclics '2 50 OlMJutter 'gib SO OP i 70, Lnnl ,( 10 00;Tiillov " ia I Egijs. , , . '(8 doz. 10 lllay... " ton.ia 00 CO, Obicltong " pair 25 A National Democratic iVwsiinpiT, TO DD rtJBMSHED DAILY AND WIII-KLY IN TUD CITY 01' I'llitADUtrHIA, HY A. J. (JJiOSSIlltK.NNEll (JO. a. it oto.nit.nMcR mANiiH I. nnr.ir, wm.ii. llii, . u Nuti.iimi i hi'ji .. hi ,ri,i i ci oiny i iitv i1.. t nuAMorin. mr. uiii.i.m tvm.r. nf in. r .. nn or ri'Miiiiiii i ,,t,Fr,l , " t (iromiy or tl-iuii .ni".. n.iv ..-.iMivMiii wiiuiiiooniitty iM''"r!'M'' of l aiiiiiouni, Liizorno county, to Miss ,Wn Bk.i,mn. i.y imvimr " A .i.i. ri I. iiiu olrll cf tPfrtttM,"'r ;. D ,. ,,,, i ,i , i ..tuclent tin' vt'iv lnwit m in- It ittrrri.i(f : Ih Ikt r(tf r " ,,,,( lUttlUUl 1'OUIIty. "".B!,r'".":? IV" "l,i':,.l!''", . n. .S'lllcJ our fp 117r1.11 ui". . BLANK A sup : villi ail o nnnic niifK m i loiiiinu in i ii 1 1 iiiii'i in i ii iiiiinpr.. . ... ... - i' run.! limn i i vrry ono ; iuv- uun-u ui .uu uuiuinuiii if 'iiiourac. nrke.l In fljiir . mi I'lioli , "Tim Aur" will mlvorati' tin- irliiriili nml pnllry oftHp Iti'inocriitli psrlyi anil will, Mn'rifori', uuror. sanly liini It p ttornliiui iiftlii' l,nl"ii n. it win, iiikI ili fi'ihltlie (.'oimtltiitiiinofllio Uiiituiltft,itj, urnl Hint oflhl. C'iiiiiiiioiihimIIIi. It will Irii'ly n.ni Curly iliHiiimiill Irgltlinale nuliji ctii of nowrpiipir I'oiiiiiii iit, InrlililiiKi iir.uurs.;, nml pit'. I'lllllirllllV nt till. Ilm '. nil uilrllnli loilMPrlcil Willi II" 1 nt llf- itin nVinl'fl nrlinlna tlm fMtKtlllR llllli.liii.y coiulillilll of olir ronlltry. 101 01 tltO nbO0 nrllClOS, It will IduMmhIi .rllli'l.u Ilm .nl.llc ntt nf pnl.lp hinil nf Ulnnl.o f,ir tol.. nt netTiinli", un.l ili f. iiil thu li'cnl mnl cuimlitiiliniisl i it . i . liulil. ok Inillvliliinl iltUi n. mnl uf Fovurclgii utiiti'i". D15EDS A MAItltlAOE OEH TII-'ICATES. NEW FANCY GOODS. hMy'Xr.WX 1 itb iut , "'""" """.' ' I. . ! . IT IllgjOII, 1" llls HAUIUIJT IMIIIIM. Jill.UI IK' UUIIIILV. enn In. ml. i fi r o lli'-y iinit liny nllhi'. nun prpnr nii-i Jirfni 1 ... . .I... nil. ... i .. in. I rPlin .llh.i rilllT lint Jllft rcclvi'il :t nt nr Mn. Icrt At lilt' nilH' ti'nci'. by tllC Ha IHO, Oil lllO il't.-rnll n.nrniicn nt mllinun Rnml nrtlili nt Ilm M'ry ' '''rliiimliiUK. nn.l XVoollonOnoili, micli n i t t. I I a. in nil ,,l Ildiil irm t'ni nrirc. . i "ii, il liiri"' n "i inn y uirir- tin inui n i n w n no vvghttottntt" A. i,ii in iiuui' of tlm Inti'nt iitvliiiinil lint iiii.illllnn, wlilili wi I ln iimiln , OOltltlHv, of to null r, In tin. iiio.t l'.iliiniialilo ami licrt tun tl n c r. Si , Prof. Pinch Si Dauohteh, arc holding musxal Convention in our Court House U has been a cnniploto success. 'J hu per formances were delightful. , i .ijr . ' " A ni:at Country Sioiu: Mr. J. II. OkeAiY I:o -ps an rxcellont utou- in Cntta ,vitna toui-bip, only two milfs fr mi YJlooim-buig. His urticlc. ttc choico and geod. Moivovi'f,( Mr. Cion-y is u very obliging it nd gi ntlciuaiily tm-n'lian. General Huui-ii was in Bj'Hullut:on wiih the Secretary of War nearly all day. Ho leaves to morrow for tho Geld of hi.-' operations. M. and E. W Wymcoop will coin- mence their Seh.tol on April 0;h3 18G:i. Arrest of a Judge- Judge Constable, of the Fourth Judicial Circuit i 'ourt,of Illinois, has been arrest d by order of fiei.c.'al right, Tor rcsis-ting .he arrest of deserters. Ho will bo tiied iy tl.o U. S Couit at In iianoj.olis Major General McDowsll and staff, and I'jngadior General Sleinmcr, ai rived al .ao Bumot House last night. Mijor Gen. Rss.eau is expected to-day. Prephccy of ien. J.icfc?n;j. Said the old hero to a friend at tlit Hermitage, a rhorltimo before his death : ' The Abolition party is a cH4oyal or- laLizition. It3 pretended love for Free- 3 'ui means nothing more or Ics tlnn civil war aud dissolution of tho Union. Honu-t men of all parties should unite to i xpon' liieir intentions and auest tin ir progress." Xci7 HainT!- D EA'I'IIS. . in r ri'ltt. liPi, w rrnillt l.rlri'ii, lii'inciiili-r tin) I'ruicuiil, in Mntltot nlinv Hlvlh str""t 1 No SOI. JOl-.r it tX). I To Ninvnm Si trf.r.tn.i nt- nnni fEXM A rivi,r''iil I cp ntliiiiH'ii linvliii lie ll r.'ftnri'il In lionltli in n fuw In tt'llllanir.pnrt, nn I n.!:iy l.mt. In tliejiltlt yetir f nlnr pxpi'imlvo itioilca of trml nt without niicm-. Iier ncc Mm. MARY A. llill'.ni.l'.It, wifu of Charlc. ! "",'l7 '' "'"' l,llJ' .ni,i,i1irnt i to III. in i nfllli toil U'llnw cr"iilnri' tli" ini'iun uf iMiru- lli'inu, It. Doplil-r. t " .f'iriiiPtly nf llloorn lm rit. mi tli roc pl of mi mlilrciin'il ciivi'lnpn Ii" will kpiiiI iiwmw.iaiHiMw.iijiwuwMii , irt.L. a cony nt ihi! ri'icriiitiiii ii.eii. nirci I in nil. iJDIIV M. IIACNAl.L. lfli lillloll r L'U Ynrli" rlrPit. Ilrinikhn .Mnrrli II. i01ICE CAU I ION. I, I, pnrfnii. nro liith.'' iintlrli'il anil mull nifil i " n'.'nli.kt tri.pnsiiiir uilrr i i llahini Iniiilliitr j t'mi.iiHiN o , inn' li nf lli.'ir iii'kii.'(i In tnlil", No iiii.tl.'r wii Ti" III i illii. i.i" tuny npp.'iir tn Ii . nt . its I ori.ln tuny l. Ir.icnl tn 1. 1 1 i . - r.l p. r'ilriitluii. or .1 I mitt ('r.iuip. nn.l hum riniipliiinl. nr ' ilir ' t ppxliirti of mill.. In .hurt i il nri th.' h.irliln?' m nt li.ilf tlm 11 . 'ii '. Hi 1 1 ii ill 1 1 1 ii I ir.ii ii I iy. ir im iney nn inuipii Ii v ili'ik.'il ii r-imulluii. nml n. II iv I'inhtli. nl tin; ti'nlliiK 'it in rim I'tli-r ; ir p.isiii3 upmi nuy p ir- . ti.nt t.' r of th.i liu ly i..r,in,' Ihr.i iirh III nor. . if li.ili, I Mil' pr. i .i. i.l til.' on .uri4i)t. " tin1 l.nw - "I Mi si. pur .1 mo iln.i'il, Hint pr.pnilloii nl iil'i'it'ei) ihl. l.'nni.i niivi..,tli in .in n p..ii!! minlu nml prm I li'il iioc.'.nrilv ful ow . Ki i'P rlur. Hi i . him', nl cnl.lv .till lio lull. ctd upon ull tiucli oir.'mler. wltliuiit riispact .Ml ,:i,uani, in tf-nt r.-rur-iir of ,.i. "in. or If con to lumoii ! tr.iit.'il.hr.'iik II in iiiioii' ll,.t Iv. In n tiin. lj iiw of lll.ll ll.l'il SHUN N, I MAIIAMU l'i ll'lillfi ('I II VI IVI'. liAl.v Sol. I I .iirs. iii.iin . fiiu.ii.i.N, Maine twp. MiircliQI, IieC3.-,l. K(l N'T.WI S, t! A II I 11 A Ml I US, Z 12 1' II Y ll 8, .4 II II T I. AMI IV O O I U C. .1 , S O, ni.mT., iiooi'-sKiiiTS, HI'AYS, IIOI.I.H, HATCIIi:i.S. roiu.MoxiiiH, ami rriii:n nopion's. n3 Whi'i'li'r tt U ll.i n'a Swliif! Mni hlnu for . nlc Al.o-.Mr. 'MIpu' lliilrlli-.torcr, which will Live to gray lialr It. iialurnl color. A. 1). IVKlin, , . Xrtl nccrlclor Court Home llliorn.lmrj. Vnvsnili r I j, 180.2. ADM I X I ST It A TO U'S N OTICE . Jlninic if Juhn Harfc. dcinsitl. SIX CWrS RliWAHD. 1 nnnwn) fmni lln" employ otih" Fiiliscr Iti.'r In Mount. .Vpli'Uiant t'.w nliip, t'oli.iu'iiii t-o., on liKio.ity ait, mi inUViit.'il nppr. utirp to tu-' I.truilni; hu.im.'.ii. iinim'ii i lioiiin. Ilitth-iijZJ.I all, ut iLyt-ar.. ill itbove niwartl but un oxp 'U.c'g w ill he pui.i loi hi return. All pi'r noiiii are lu'ri h. cautlniii'ii uulii'.t liurbori Mj; or trusting ftai I runaway on my account, ai I am ill turiuineil In pay no tkliti nlii'ii contr.ii.tlnj ali 'r Hi it .kite ii. b. v.wDUiiai.ici:. Murch SI. IMiia.-Sw. I.y ull lir.iic'Ms, at 1:1 iciitu ami 1 Mnrcli 1 1, l-),.:l. i eent per hiittle. 1 I 'I'lilll of Ailinliii.tr.iiinn on the IJ.tnto of John jU i .i r i tr. late in u,inrlii(ii'roi'ktnvuhlp,t'i.iiiiil,i,'i in., I iIpi".ii,,i1, linvn hi'i'ii priiiili'il hy lh,j llecl.ivr of t'oluin. i din county, to the iinilir.liini'ili nil n r.uiit li,ilns i InliiKnaalii.t Hn- fl.-iti3 nl the il. i'i'ileiit nro rnpii'nteit 'soon 111 'runfti r i.i-iri.'i-oi iiii'iniii iiio .inn ii iii ration m mi ri'.iiii'iipi iii-nii iinvii-nip. wiiiioui ihiay. anil all person, in ih ht'iil to in. ike payment forthwith. J MM I II I.OMIKNilKllcru. llccenili.T 27, lefiO.-fiiv. jtem'r nsnln.t nn.iiult. fmni nnv ounitpr It will seek to annken Hie inlmlii nfllie prnnle tn a prnpur son.e nf the actilnl cniiilitiun ol the Itcpiililir to pre.ent to tli in, tiitlifiill) . Hi" farlal peril, ill which wo Miunl a. a iinll iii to L-xhil.it Hie luniiiiitiiili' nl tin' llk that I. Ii jfnru llu'in, If tin y wnuhl cheik uur ilnw'iiH'aril prosire.., nml liiin.plre Hieiu with p.ittlot. tc tletTiiilnntlon tu apply i nr. iikmioy for uur nalioim. III. i In hri f, It will, In nil lliini., nlm to he the fnltliii.: OYpoiiciit uf 11,'iiinf.rntic pmiciplei. ami tn remler il.eif wnrtliy to hu an oraiin ni'thi' lleniocrntlc pnrty. iimlcr w ho.it nu.pir.ii. our rountiy prn.pornil .o Inu nml no well. There turntlon of that purl) Hie party nf the t'oti-tllutiuu nml the Union- tu power. In llicl.epl. I.il Iv u ami ri'ctilie goM-rutuental liraoch . of tho Hlnte. nuilof tho 1'iilon, wc helleve to he iiici'.Mttr) to avert nn.iri hy, an. I the utter ruin nf the r.ppulillc. To contribute tuthat rcMtirnlinn will he our hliihe-t aim. Mh.i.Ncw., Ijiterary, Coiniuerrliil. ami other ilepnrt 01 lit., w ill receive ilm' nlteiitluu, mnl will be rn run ilurteil u to mnke "Tim AuV' worthy of the .upport of Hoi Kem ral rend "r i 0"- Tin1 iii.iii) ililliciiltle. now .irrnun IIiikiiii rn I terpriKO ol'the tnncii 1 1 n In ivf tli.it Ih wlnclithe uiiiler .Uiniil are ijiiatizeii re.puri' tliein In ippen to the pali lie for a ireiiprou. .upport, ami toa.H iur - Tins An.'' it liberal I'.itroiiaiie ami extemlcil (Imilfttlon. The pn . 'iit ciino of tin. preparatory arrnnsenieiil' wiirnut. the i i, clntlnn Hut Ho' lir.t nuiuber of the ji.illy will appi'iir helori' the tlnn. of the poiiiiiiR ininiiii, 1 1 1'liruarj , iru.i i in; eeMy win do i-uui ;l!sfl3. lbG3 rm:,i!flihla & ;rie Hail Itond. Tin. itrenl lino trnrer.ei the N'urllictit nml Nntili ir-tl roiiniiiii of t'eniiiylvutiin tusilie city i f line, on l.nke i;rlu lllim b'en lea.eil hy Ih. Peni.jlrntiln Itnllroml ( niiipniiv, nml uiiili r th-ir nutpleet I. belns taplilly OJieni il llirullllilllt Itt rntlio I L-1 1 S 1 1 1 1 li ii now lu use lor I'nu.iiR.r nml 1'r.lfht liu.lnen .from lliirrlloirit lo DrlftHooit (S.l l'ork)(l77 inlli-.ion ! the lln.ti rn lllvi.loii, ami from fjlir-niclil tu Krioun the Wi'ttcrii llltl.lnn. (i mill'. ) Tint ur rAMe.oi.rt tiuin. At MoHTiiotnLRLAiiD. Mnll Train leave., r.n.l I 9". 1'. M. , i;pri i Traill " 11 ill " Mill " " IVcit 3 3 ' , r.pre. ' ' " W A. M. Cm. nin Ihrouch Willi tilivur both wny. on Hii .k i train. h"teen I'hllnili Iphln nml dock ll.iven, nml llaltliuore nml l.mk llntm. New nml tleunnt Hloi p 1 lui t-'ari nrconip.nilni! the llrpr.-.t Train both way. 1 Ill-two. ii Vllllanii.port ami llaltlifiore, nml IVilllniiii. pint ami Phllailelpliln, i I'or Inforiiintloii re.pecllit? I'.u.eiijtPr liusltie.i, op. plynttlie H. II. Cor. Iltli nml Market rM.. i And for 1'relifht hii.liiP..of the l.'ompiny'. AdPiit. : M tl, Kini'ton, Jr . Cor. 13th nml Market Hit., I'll 1 1 ,T J. i . Ilevnnld.. I.rln. J M. Drill, A Ceil I X. I!. R: It., Ilnltlmnre, II. II. Iluiiitnn, lieiii, 1'reliHit Aft . liillmlrlplil.t. 1,1'IIK I.' Iloilpt, (I 'III. Ticket A lit 1'hll.lili.lpllU, Jn-'ph tll'ott.,(leui. .Maii.ijer, Willi mi. port. January t?, ICJ:i. ( atlawbsa J: ail Koari. PASS HUI'IiltT STATION. BOUiillVAIUI IIOU.VI) TllAIXf. liillaili'tphia &. N. Y. .Mnll ll.l'l A. M " ll.tpri'.. l'.'.30 A. M IWllTUWAim IIOU.VI) TRAIN'S, r.linira Mail 4.51 r. M Niaura llxpren I2.S0 A M II. R. (JOODlVINi SapM. VHItalnport,-P.i Nov. S3, lr.J. Heading P.ail limit. 9 i.tm I ;i mi l.oll I MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS ! S To have the plendirc of Infuriiilns nii Hint ' V wc are .,ow prepared tooil'.-r, at our Old Stand 'o-. in:!, lltj Ac 11.7 Ninth SI'L'OM) ht I'lll. AO A. A wi ll ml. it, d Hloiki ( M1LL1NLKY A: Democratic Victory tu sliw r. Whrn the War Depart tviit icnt a por tion of ih army back to Nw Ilan psh.re to vote the aduiiiii-trutiou. ti. k i. il mis.-l hive Kent with them the iugeniou- lek grnphio agent who cooks up Hit first new of disasis to our arms in Virginia Thosu in the fii tl telegrams are vinto rie';. but after a time, when tiu-twaitbv neWH in reei'ivi d, I'.iey turn out to It' t r r'i !.' ib lcal-. Ar.n u it In.s jirovi.d in Nt iv Hanu'v'stri!. With n",l tho r -tn:u !.i-.'vi:ig he.iv D.-im ci'atii; gains, tins tel. i.'gr i hie .(."ii ri.iiia.'C'.l to ei'iivi-y ;!u iii.pressiuii ilittt i Lu It; publicum hail nl r.'ii-t hold tin. ir own, and had si cuicd Governor, Legislature !.ud Congress. Ihit day by day the trutli leaks out by diiblcl. Il is now certain that the two Democratic candidates for Governor polled 8,000 nn rJ votes than did the Republican candidate I a gain ol 11,501) as eompaied with la.-1 j year, and over 19,000 as compared with the year before. Thi is pretty good for it email State like Now Katnpsliirc. But this is not all. It conceded the1 Democrats have rccurml one Congicsv ' tnau, and another is said to he in tloult, but wo shall bu surprised if tho offrial count does not give tw. Coiiipfsiik u to ' tho Couservativis. The Lrgis-lature is t lid to be largely l'epu'diean, and if i.o John P. Halo will bo returned to tho Senate. ; But well as New Ilainp.-hire has done,' all accouuts agree that Connecticut will do1 vastly better. 'Hie. Governor by 10,000 majority, and all tho Congre-Miicn are to!-' erably sure in that State for the Demoe-' raoy. iV Y. Woild. , Tit AW GOODS, in irry inrltty, u'ihc lutcst impnrtatinst uml of ttic iicvol atu UiimI l.thltioiuilili! i-l l oui nriiAWT)EPAirniKXT j w ill co lupris" i ery vaiiely of I'.nnm u, llatv ft Trim nilliu. to li' loiiuil in tiiat I lit i of the l.ilutt nml ln".l .ipproveil eli.ipi s mnl htvl,... Hi.lu'itms mi Mirlyutt!, Iriiu iioi "ur--. II tptUI'.illy, II. U'AiCIl, Mareh l-l. l,-l,:t It Win. B. liKADBuui' S PL1XU- FOR THUS TA li USUM:? T No. -117 Hruomo Street, Ni:v YotiK. i h.' .nlHciili-r respectfully invite. Hi- ,nt"ii!ioii nf In. lrieii.i unil Hi i pulilii- ueitcral ' to In. liaiio-rnrn-i:-ulili-luii Mil .it ,M 4 ii iliuoim: struul, toiur i.f Crn-by Slr.'et. I llav Ins w iihdrnw u 1u. interi'.t, ftoil. nml inaterial i I'rcim tin lati" liriiiof'-l.ielite it llr.nli.'.iurry,'" whl Ii linn ' va. nit-,.v,'d mi the ;i l st January nil., and h.ivini piirili.n'd tlw cutiru tit.ick uf liano I'orte. ,'iud liauo I'orte Mai. n il uwiied by liln bruthrr, llJwnrd IS. di inli iry. in the inui ilrm'. he i. now pr"parpi-'l to ilPIl Hi . nn leiiti.'d .leiiiiiiid for hi- r 1 I. ruled Pimm I'urt.'H. r.nipl j mi; the iiiot hkilMol ami .'p'ri uc d i ni 'liu.' u . w mi a larni; Mock of the lnt mid luo.t th"i ijhlil .en-oa.'.t mat, -rial ami an abundance of cnpiml 1 li- Ll.l. t.'iv lllll haul the p t'.oual sllpi'rvi-inil of Hie me whol. luiMii of iiiautif.it-lurin.' Iim in-tuin nt. mi i m en i 'led In turn oat liaiiU'rorlJ. of iiu:'pi,illcil lone a,i I ilurabli'ii j--. mi Mir.ii'.Y 3 m:.v s'iai.i: ii av i roui i:. In the nrranaeai oil of our new cal", ilmwu and pi ,iii.- t willi tin- iitino-t car,', e.pr -ly lor our n nv u--triiiii.!.it , we have ailiKd i ,-r iiiiprni emeui i ln.ii an in anyway l-ndto the p.rfeitioii of tli-i Piano-I'-iite, a id wo tail eotilidi'iilly am' rt. that Inr delicaci . f t'liich, volume purity lirilli iuc anil -wei tiie. uf in u, coiiibiiiud with tii.it.tr 'iuth .mil -.uliciilj .if fiauie ieci"t.iry to durability, thc-u iiistriiiiiJiit.-, are uue- pi iliil, ".inii.Miiii ami IlK't-rv" it our motto, and wo inv it lie clo.est iriliciHiu of the he.t uiilii.i.i!d jndjjur, in ill i .iii.l' u." livery i i. 7-t r iiiut-ll t warranted for five year", IV ll. it. lili.WlliritY, 4-27 lirooino tjt., cor, i. f Crosby, Xew Yoik. .Mjrch 1 1 IfcCll. :iui t 0 i'OVf!i;MI"iVi:J.-Th,i n.li.-rt'.et lnvln.' been 1 re.turi.il tu lieallh in a f w w . ek-.. by in ..ry .Iniple reineih, afl.r h n tint uir-r.-.t . 'vrnl Jeiir. with a o 're Itiui; alleclloii. ami that ilreid ili.ea. -, cnnmiup' Hon i. aiuloii- to in. ike know n tn III. fi.liiw-urt'.rerii Hi,- in 'HIM of cure. To nil who .1 - i r It. he will .end a copy of the pre. ripti-Mi ii-ed, Ir e of ihare: with the ilirectl.in. for prei.irius ami niui Ih ..line, whii li they will liud a nr, etir for i-o i.'iniitiou, ii.thin.i, hruarliilii. e -Tli only i,i 'i t nl tli a Ivertl e. In ..ni.liuir Hi- pre, .criptliili I. to beiieilt the ailln led ami .prend infnrioa ti oi Hill Ii liucoae ive. to he inh.dit ible and lie hop . ev-ry uir rer w ill tr lii remedy, a. It n 111 ut tliiiiu iiotiiiiij;, ami inai pr-.ve a I.I.--.-.I iltf . n. v. I.HIV XKIi ,. M'll.SDV, Uilliini'.burch, Manii II, l-i,'J-:im liua. Cniiuty. X.-w Voik. Tij Mlltvuu.s .-I ft i:iti;r.M ui i.orn m:.i;s. drilpr. ik A llever-nd (ientl 'in in having h li r.-t'ir.'d tu rih. l'riiM.lnn.. IMour, llutter, Chee.e, on,, healii in ii f'W ilny.. alter iiiider.'oini! all the 11.111I '"" .V"-',"'' " ' nifcKey, wool, m.liil and irriliil.ir ei'll.ive lll.iile.nl Ir. Iillll'llt ..",nry i ronnce nun ueri ll.lllill ADM INISTR ATOHS NOTICE. Jtiiti' if Urnri Giiirlnnl, far'nn. 1 Ili'lilllS of mliiilnl-tratloti 01 the ll.tate of llrnrv j Cearli irt, late of llemer tup Ciduuibl nn,, ,pi--,;, li'ivelieen srant -.1 by the liei!.t,.r nfrnlunilii.-i rn..lri tin mid 'r.lsned ; all perfoni Inn inn i lai.u imiilut the i -tain of tin. ilei-i (holt are r "iues.te.1 t'lpre.eiil Hiiiiitu the uiider.iue., m Hller re.ldeni'i.. In ,ii, towil.llip. w illn, ol ih lav. mid all persons ind. hted to make pay ment forthwith. ri'.lillt lii'AUIIAn., .f,,-r. citiiakim: (ii'aiui i it r. .,,. Deeemlier S7, IwlJ-iiw. TERMS DAILY : ri-raiiuuin, -It Mouths, Three Mnutli". (.'utile, di'lli oroil nt tlie rudiiier. mi I to .Weill, nn, I Carder i S rent em Ii, Ii " Pavuillit reouired itivnriablv In fiitiniiin. Adilre... A. .I.lll.()-Slll!l..,i:i! tc' I).. I.,0 Cil liiiit.treet, I'hilnJettililn IMi.TMi. V,a. --Sai. U'i:i:ki.y : Per niiniini, Hi Munlh'. Tliree Muullii. Ten Copie, to one iiddre-,, Twenty " " 1 tuny 4'flfl J.il.i flu 17 3(1 3;.(l 15.0.1 I PAUL .t THOMPSON, (Jciics-al (omt:iisi(iii illcKliaots, i 1 w ilh nit ,ucri . i"inider it III, . acred iluly to com , niuniwite to hi" nlllicted fell.Th crentiin . the llleall, ol I cure. Hence, on tile reccpt of an addr,'"d outi'lup j In; will semi (In-i-in enpynf Hi' pr-i'iipllnii iicii. Hlr 'It- llr. huts' l, IIaii-ui.i., leu l'ullnn ft. UruoU ! lyn, .New urk. 1 ell. H, I, ',,1. - lino. iil'l OM'r.flAKlX!? AXO llXl'llllli Nii: (!!' A l'lMll YOI'N'! M IX. -A eentl.'lii.in ll,, villi: been cured of lliii r '.nit. uf eaily error and ili.'ii,.-. will, from iiu.tlvi'.nif heiiev "I nee. M'tiil to thn.e w hu ii'.pii .1 it a cnpi nl Hi ' ah ive irttere-ti'iis narrative, publi.lied by Inui, If. Tin" Hill, hook I, ilen!ned an wurniiiirniid c.iaiin.i t,i v.iuu j in u .iml tlm. e w no MitV.-r fro.u er vmiH ll. lulit , Lu .of llciiiury I're.n.' ure Denny, .c. .Ve ,-lllllMUi: at til ' ,1IIIH tilll tile 111 'all, of .elfrilre. Siniil i ipi '. w ill Ii M ilt under s nl in a plain en el op . w lih'iat ih.irit-, tunny win) r-'iurnt it, by nil. dri.ln ,uitli. r. CllS A .AMItlilT, (ir "I'tipolnt, l.iuis t.lutiil, Sew Ymk. Xov '.'). Ui'S.- ll in eeuerallv. Xo. Ill XllRTM MlUIUfi., I'llltVDEI.l'lltA. ,'C Ili.t'i f.irton, i . . Kii'.rr, John limn r. U.K. .M.iir (h. Ji.lm l.r i. i . .Mile, Alb Tt-o i. Ileroani Hup. rt. II, A. Curlier, I. avid l'lnllp.. "C ollilloll. S (ID I on WILLIAM G. PERRY, .: OOK-SELLEI?, Stationer. Book- 1 l hinder. l.Uuk h ink iiiauiifaituie.r, and Dealer in Imported and vuiuricau st,iti,ui"ry. Miuth U'e.t i .ir. Jlli .Vc lime Ht,. rhll.nhiphia. I'er-nu. vl.ilini: Hie cll y, or M'lidiui; nrder. will do well to take a ni"iiiorati,liim uf the abov.' Aililre.. j 'I'll.- --toik h l.-irff.i .ind well ,i..urte I, l'rirr.i .ee. , Puoiooit ,i'.t Vi.ul'v.., "lliui; iroei niii t, in -jj.'i oij'li. , TheiiiiWeil -tyle. ami larife-t ,i.ortiiuiU in the Cilv, ! Win. li. PURRY, Piibli.-lu'i-, I IV. cor. Ith &. Itace hlra.. Philadelphia i 17 picru h k v -'0 n. a l ii um. Over 10 i diflVrem varieties telling from Tuct. to i'ir di'Zja. Win. G. PERI'.Y. Publisher. rj. W. Cor. -Ith liace liilladelphi.i Tlio Wright Sorouado That eminent convert to Hon, llendriok B. Wright, was serenaded last evening at the Co nincutal, at the oxjensoof Lis new fri iids. 'I he play, ii'tr of the ban', wh'clt was generously iiired by llic Union League for the occa sion, arrested tho attention of podcbtriuns, until about as many were gathered togeth er to hear Mi'. W right's rpcech as an or dinary dog fight would have collected. Mr. Wright spread his IT i. ion wings, and oarul aloft in iho atmosphere of patriot ism somewhat higher lhan Dan Dougher ty's favorite Lit tl ever ventured hut how t,r when ho came down wo cannot say. The !:it wc saw of llcudrick he was unt of eight 1 That other Wright, (bo of Indiana,) w.n present, and also niado a npiceh Both these gontlctnan claimed to be Dom- oarats 1 hoy aro employ it by tueir new allies to ao about and secura nboliiion te- ; cruits Irnm the Doniocraiio ranks, by declaring thcm-clves Democrats. But this , dodgu will not answer. These apostates cannnt carry any Democrats with them into tl o ranks of tho j. boliti' nists. n-pay their now friends for the expenses .'iooidetit to their entertainment with sup ' pcrs and seronado, Hut the country will bo pleased to learn that tho Abolitinni.ts , for once Jiavo Wright on their bide. Ecriing Journal, S.00O llui-n w i nins Paper, inclu lln- of n ote, l.etti r I'm il cap, S. 'nn. in. mil, Hi Draw ins piper, ulllug at imv lutiii.. for ca.h. Win. G. PKR11Y, Stationary, S. H". cor -Ith, it il-icu liiil.i Iclphi i. Ut lti TSS t'A i lONEilY. 2.500frrt.t bterf 6C0.CU0 yr Illaul: bools Cr'0,JUO ivvltptgt HLite. Ink, ('inl.ini . U'rnpptn jmiKT, r.H- Iimik?. lad-IV'iiLitH (.uM-lVus, t rv lint'. !iti.Hil bunk - ( iiriiri. xc t jartru pnttl'iii fit' u iiic'i ftvX pure li.tMitl bbfuru Hit rtu m price and ittnv H-lling t.ovv int: c -n. Wm. U PE'.RY. Pnok-eller h Stniinncr. .t. II'. cor. -Ith, .V Unci I'tiUaiilpkia. Jlarcli 7. lfOi -a mos. "ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE j iiUitc of llurrict 1'mtiU, iiucaW. ETTIvtS of admiuiralion on the A list it ul' llarri t Y unit, late nf I'lne tuwurhm. Colj ,'iiiia eoa ily. ilece.i.ud, hiv- h -en itr.inled hy the lii'Hi t ir if '.li'.iai'n.i r., i inly to Hi i il l l.'i nulled : all peri m. h ivi if; el, Hal. , ri ihi-t tin est.it i uf 111 , itece- . , .. , . iijiu .ir i r '-pi ji -,i in pr-'. nn in '.ii inui i a iinuii-iraior AbolltlOllISm, ut lii ri-ilme. i in .ul toivuship Willi i It delay, and ,in piirii in. in. i oi'i.i in in 1 1. pa., .ui-1, i I'uiuw tin, lllll V tl HIIL'l.T., Adm'r, March H, IJ8,1 -tiw Win iiiliMl 1 UI (ill tilt Cltiiill, hi.w.'V.r .e-ri! mni b allei Mien .m l r.l i cit hy the use cf MaJuinc 'ailoc I'ori t'. . nriitivu alaui. This iiivalu ibl iii.Mir.iue ii'- Hi' efaoriliua ry power of nil viua iiiiiii.-uiiil.lv ulierpmu t'nituli Ho. imeii liilBea ty - f I r. ,'illue'j, llikiue., anil ti'kli.i!; in Ih Hi rout, ll l.in,i"ii the lill ijln, anil will b . lo in I to Ii.' v ery asr 'ealili-to Ih lat -. ltUiotn Mid.i't reuied.v, but eiio'lli, nt- w ari.iiui! .eunhiiii. ifii.l eir-i'tivi. Lailietiik li by lb nl.ltfnt per-"ui . r inaii'j "t i hil I; 1'or Mile by all lliuitiii.t. nt 1:1 mnl . ills' per bolll": i RECEIPTS FOR FIIBUIJARY to the ! -o: fol'iuiliia Coiiulv, ir' 7.1 , ,1 ii ..ii i:erly i 'l . ""'ii , r-lu ritli'iirinan, 1". in ' John i. Hum. in. - u'l Wm. :. nnni-. asti, (Heplieii I'ohe, tm ; C. Wolf, l.' C. Kahu, I "'d ; i ol. Jacob I'yor, 1 511 . I).m I l,,'e.i-. I li. bert Uukbill.. Wm. S i.'reay, i;.t, iff! A. Mown l ew i. ta-ktolli, Jacob I'.lltlloll, All Mill II. J hu A I'llllrlull. II. Whipple, , I. M lllppl,-. ' i-uaui-i ll.inck, Meph 11 .MlUll.'Well Cilllli I Ulert. ('liar', h Mu Inn I. Ji.lni Miilily, ill ) Mo itu.nuery iline, I. i vi A. Hun III. ,iu, II. A- W.ilnui. ll.'i.. J'leoli 1)1 lb' Ibl. l; iiiiiiin I Kirkiiu'all, lllia, Dribcll.ia, Win. I mnuii, I. pi , , John Sn.illi. I'o'i.. i;t. ol Jane (.iiijlet, W T, I law -on, l.tt. of I' t. r I'rawiord i:-t. of Joeph White, ll'tate of Jan. l'oiilk. J M. i'.iltoil. Henry ' ill nli-inlur. II W Ariintioujf, I II. It"., u-tui I-. TT" t'ou.iiiiiiieiit, nf I'rovl.ion,, rinur nnd l.'fiiiiitrv Produce uliiited. uml return, promptly made, Carh ndianced when ill nired. - (lltllHUS for all kind, of i'i-h. I'rovl.ion,, I'lour, 111 led i'l iiiin. .e lilted omIioIow csl I n.-li 1'riu Aiiiit I, lt-i.il IJni, ADAII.NIdTl.AM'OR'S'NcVl ICE ' " Estate of Enilicr Dnlrllis, iIccciimiI. rl'.l'Tl'.lt-1 ol'adi,il!ii-.tral.in on the n.tntn if I".ter i Drib dlil, I.il ol (Jr. ell Wood twp, ColH'obi i connly di'cea,ed, have le'i'ii pr inted by the itegl.ter nf L'l.lmn- ! Ma cininty to the uuh r.isned ; nl' piroin. Iiivina i l.min ii'raniht the e, ut ol in.. ilei--.ent are rc'i'iested to i'i t th-in luth' Adiiilni-trator nt In. re-ileiuo1 (Jreeiiwoo.i twp. r. il limit ih lay, and all pi ruins in- hi i i n icj ,i iy a t.u f irt i vit i. ah.", viiam niaiir.i.r.iH. Adm r. I ibriinry 14, lSilS-f.w $ BLOOM.-BUJtc; SKYl.IGUT, (('III; tinil.-r iuiio.l ii.forui, th i iti.n, of ni,i. I am' neiijliliorliood. Hint h" h.i. t.iki u Hu- lnr"e mum in Hie i:iiiniiire lilock, ' ii udluu oil r Mcr.. Stoner fc l'n'. Ilakerj , ami I In- liuokflore where he ha, put In a lorireSkyll" t. It intily l. r-k I ittlil lls.it v I pic- ur i-.iii lietl (e.. . .perlally -ro-ip. nil, ru i mil pcr.oii an be taken' it a, w , II u- . p.irat". Iliha.anii tn i oiii.leriible i xp ii,i' to make hi, r. abli-h n.-nt llr. 1 1 l.i. mi .and li Hi-refore .oln it. a lieral patru lay lorn ibi hliii. to rnn-taiitlj iiiiituiuc-o j the iiiude i iiuproii incut- of the nit. , SyCo'lii 'j produce mketi in Cveli.iii'.-e for pliture, HliXuY lioSEXtriXK li Ll'iuiu-hnri:. Xi v C.I lJi I. I Xov. (' A O' A t 5! J 7,1 ' liiilip Appl. -.nan, I .i.i I Vutllllll J. lie... J un j ll. cor lei-nlUnv, I .'hi) A.J. Dvaii., i;-'., 1UII luaac l.enly, oil , Jam, . Iloat, 1 7.i ' Jai.'h i.ti"iip, 1 flu j m I'ank, I ."ill ! Tluilli,!. iVelllll, I 7.1 ui. J Ikler. ll.'i., S un' .laeob I em., It, a (III ' Llllirtc. (in nllllllll, 1 i," ! 1', i ren-y, S Ull ' -aul'iel Iteiuloy 4 (ill , l.i' iit. J. M. H ilsnn 5 -J.", ', ll v.(ii'ort!e llunti r. 1 .".(! ' J.i. -1 I l'll..el, liSaJl'. I'ro.o 11 id M. 11., I Ll'! J'dlll lioll, ,i lid j Win. (i Perry. tl. Hat .on t-nii. 5 liu ' i ;." I 10 3 III 1 Ull I ml ; 1 oU ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. tto of Vhurles C. J'cccr, thr.cttsel , 1 l.i'i' of Adiiiiiil-traUoiionthe ll.tale of Chnrle, it C. Urei ce, lal- of r-ci.tt tai.'iihip, Coiuioliia e.ein- ty. decP1e,t. have been pratlleil by the I. i'2ller of Co. luinbla coiiulv, to Hi. iiiiil.-r-uni.il. renidiuj in .nil town-hip All pernio, haiiuit claim, ne.itn-t the 11.--lllenl tiie il i- - il . !1 1 me r".pi...t d to p i ."in them to 111" A iiiiiiitr.i-i-r without delay, and all per.uii- jn d. hi. il in iiink. p.ivtui'iit forth" lib , Jiiiix ii. cni'.vr.i isn. Aiim'r. 1 I'. brinry SI. lSi:i.-( ,. OYSTERS AT STOIINERS SL00. I i7nr.MII OVl? li'.ll eau he had at all hour, of Hie dnv, ' I ai'lJ.t 1111. or I! AW ut rnnhucr'n Galium. 'I hey i an 1 be obtained by Hi" (Malt nt 3it cen, and b the ll,'ilfi-iri ut 311 cunt. Cull al thu "linker ." II. HTOIlM'.ll. ' lllnoiu.-buts Dee. :n ISIS. COAL FOR SALE. .S. O U, ' S. I'rtntfJ, nonkhiiK.'cr .'i Bankbook .1 A AT FA i TV li li R ; U'uni.mu: ami .1 i.'..i, Dkai.i it in piiiN'iiXi;, vnii i . .ii! wiiAppixii PArr.iis AflfNT lo i "uii: 1 Al IWI-iH ril'KIl M1I.1 .. Main Street, fir-t donrh iow Ihe Public r-p'iare, WILKESBARltE, PA. N'ov. S.t. lni ISm, EYJiCUTOlPS NOTICE. F.xhtte of James Evntl, rfee1'!. TDTlillW Te.tniiK ntnry on tSo enuo of Janie. J Kv uitt, latuof (iranae totvti'liip, i oiiiiubin conni;', ll 'c..it,ed, have b-e-i UKUlted by .lie lieyiiilor o Col. iiin'jiii county lu till under-jiiied nl o re.idini: in ruiil tnn'ti'li'p; all pi-r-nn- liavni" claim, ainui-t the e. tun of tlm duceinli ut are reipiebted to pro. out Hieiu to th i:eentur at hi, re-id. 'tice in .aid trmn.hip. with oatil Uy and all p r.ou., iml, bled to make payr.ic-it lurthwith. .vosra r.vmiiTT I'lbrtinry 7, l?cn - ft,$: i:erutor CIGARS & TOBACCO. A Inrjie ns.ortuieiit of i hoice Cicar,, '1'i.baccn, I'lp", I nut., Cunt 'itionery mid Nuioo eciif riillv.tni'i'tii- er w ith a full tnck of II ATit and CAI'jt cou-taiitlv nn hand and tier Mile cheap, at the "llloom-bitrg Hal i ,'up Cinpoiiiliu." i JOllX K. (JIUTOX ' IJnoiu.hura, Mnich 1(5, 1 f"l . KKW GKOiIMir s:ue." i'h ' uniler-iineil Inform, hi, iricu I. and the public yeii' raliy. tii.it ha ha, opened i Xew (iiocery -tore, on .'.lain Hlrei I central in llluoiu bur?, win re he lia. JiiMt rereivcl till kind, of (Srocrie-. .Mnl,n--c.. t-alt, Cimli and Notion generally, w liich will be .old very tin ap !ir ready pay. (illllVT lilHXK- l.iXi: 1T.OM I'.III.ADID.lillA TO 1 1 K INTI'.Klllll 01'" n:NM I.VAXIA, THU tCIIUYI.Kll.l.. tl.SllUi;ilAN CI'AIUUii I,XH AXD W.OUINII VAI.I.lllH, i III'. MlltTtl. XM)l.'IIIWi:.JT AND THI'.CANAIlA!- PAm-I:N(!I:I! TUMXrt Lnaie Hi. ininpaiiv , depot at thriteeiitli ami Callow hill itre.t.. linliid dphia at Hi following hour.: M"llMv. Al Ml. M 8.1,. A. M. for K miine, I. binon, llarri-li irS. l'ott-ville, I'niesroi .Tiun.i'pi.i. S iiibury. William. p' r i'.lailni. ltocli.'t' r. Niii!iira. Call.. Ilull'alo. Alientown llkvflhirru. l'itt.loti. Yoik, Cirli.ie, (. Iiaii.lier.bxrit llii-erluw ii. f-r, , ., Tin. train coiiii"ct, at UEADIN w llli I..it I'tnn .ilvanl'i liailro'i'l train- far I'lent.m n, Ate , and Willi , it,, l.ib.inoii Valley train for llarrl-liiim. iii;.i' 1 1'lilt I' CI.IN I'' IN Willi C.ilnwi-.i llailiojl trmii. In I , ilke-li iir", Willi itmp ut I. nil llaveu. I'.lnilru, .r at II MiltiniHiD. with v'ortUi ii Ceiilrul C.iuilierl.iii Vail -y. and fehui Ikill and S,i'piiii.i,iu.i train. In, i , or th'i nib'' rln tl d . ill i. liu -port York, t li.i.nb' r-b ir I'ltieerMie tic. ai'tiiunoon r.xrnr s.-i , l.mves liilliletphl.i nt :i.:ii) 1'. M for Heading Pott. i i , I'm 'gnue I Inr 1 1 -burg. .c .nnni lilon ul llarn" buri! Willi I', in. . I vaiil.i Ce.ituil liailrn.id trams f r litt.burg A-c, Xorihren i tilt ml llailrnad lr,ins fu. tSiiiihiiry, Noilhiiiulierlnnd, Iduura t.c, mid nt I'ml Clinton with iiituui-.il lluilr.iud Irani, lor .Millui. U'llll.iniM'Oit. lllu, Ira lluir.iln A.C. UKAIHm: A(;,'O.MriDATIOV. ! I.p.h m llendlng nt li lid A. M. .topping nt all wny klatioii. ', arriiei- in I'ml nielpiii.i at M. Ki tiiriiiiv'. I 'an - liiil.nlclpliln al t.ltu I', .M. j arrive! in Heading .it 7,;m 1' M. Trains fur l'uila ielphin leave ll-url-ib'lr nt S A. mid I'mt.v illent '.'.IS -v. vi aiming in rhi ad"lplila LSI) I'. M. Alt raooii Iriiln-leav iiarrisli'iiB at J no and I'oit.v lit al '.Mill 1'- M. arriving at I'hl .id lp I ..i : o.i e M. ' Mark. I train, Willi a ii.u.i-itger ear altnclicil, leave. I'liil.i.lelohia al 1 1". M.. fur lieadnu au I all w ft.i- tiim.i linv-i". Healiiu at I.', noon, an 1 D ov iiiagiowu at II', M. for I'hil.i o Iphia anil all wav et.it! I An the above Irani, run daily. Sunday exe. pled. Mindny train, leave l'ott.villi! at 7...UA '.1 and liiil.i ile p i a al ii.i.. r .11, ' Clil'.Sli.ll VAI.I.IIY IIAU.KOM) P , i...,!,"..!., I'rotii How uinetow n and illterniedl'it polhwtake the e.l i A M au I -1,311 I' M train. fimu Phil a.li'liihia, renirnnin' Irmii DJW'iiiiiutowu i.t 7,00 A M nu.l I J.JO noon N1HV YOitK UXl'ltE-t I'OH I'li'TSIlUlKJ AVI) iiiH W1WT. i....,,vc, S'ew York, at 7 f Al, IH.i-ing Heading ut 1 j, ii7 midnight, and lonueitiiig at llarrl-biirg wllti I'eiiii.vivauia Itallro.iil i:p.e., i rain tor I'ltl.uurg Iti.ta'riiini. Kturua. I nun I. 'lives nnrri burg au urn vat ori'i'iiu-vivania I re-, IV. uu lilubarg a :t,lo A M. pa.. iiu lte.nl leg o.m v M and nrriung lit New Yoik nt t'l.nil A Ai. r-leepiuii ip', aicoinpaiiy Hie. train, tiirough h.tiv.cii Jeise fit a,l Pilisburg with oat ehamre. Mail train, for Xew York leave llarrisbiirc at t A v. nml S.UJ I' M Mull trails for llarribliuig leave X.w Yorl-atli A .M a id 1. iimni. dUHu , ..lili.l. VAI.I.UV ltAll.KOSD Train, nave l'ott-ville ut 7.15 A tl ami 1.3.) I' M riliirniHg fro.uTusi arora at H ii.i A ti, and 4,43 t' VI. I riUllO i I.KII.i. AXM SI'SUL'DIIA.NNA It vli. 1 HOAli. Train, leave Auburn nl3,4. AM for liuegrcve and ir-.rrui, ire. run', at '.I.10A VI , anil 7 P Al f..r niiit grovo on v : reluming from I arrlMuir'i at I.IIJ t' Al anil lroin l'i in grove al S A Aland 4 and ,i 1' Al Ipiiniiitmcnl of I'lovoft i1lAtfcli..'-G(i: er.l. W'ashinoton, March 1 8. Tlio following General Order has loon issued s - War Dapnrtmcnt, Adjutaut-Uoncral's Oflicc, "Washington, Maich 17. leon, General Oiders, No, 07. Il is hereby ordered : Fitst. That Colonel Jatno.i 1J, Fry, A.sistant Adjutant Goncral of tlio Utiitjd Statos Army, bo, and hois hereby dotailod an Provost MarMial-Goneral of tho United Slates, in pursuauco of f-ection of tho act approved March 3d, 180 ft, "for en- .nil!.... W...III .. ... ..I . . milium nun uiiiimg out ine national torcci, ttid for other purposes." Ho is accord- ingly aulhorizttl ahd required to perform all tho duties of Provot Marshal-Gcncra rot forth in the said act, and such other Itities as may properly pertain to his office. All communications rclativo to Um businefs of Provost .Marshals, ai.d tho provisions of tho act of Congress aforo- nd, will bo iiddrnftd tohitn, Srcond. That all appointments which have been heretofore mndo of Proro.t Marshals are hereby rcvol cd. By order of the Sccrstary of War. L. Tn ijias, Adjutiint General '.- - Provost M.ir.-hal General Draper, who lias given satisfacli n in ihat capacity, uu- L-r the civil organization, will cuninue in llico until the military iirrangemcnts ro- (uired by tlio act for enrolling nnd or- mi.it.g thu national forces sha'l have "'en coinpli.tcd, His duties, however, will not iiitorfuie with thoso f Col Frv. I l.iniiffifil ir mo-iiii my m Hi n.n i, i. wi.l n n..ia.,iil. ilir JOB TVPJ3, AND Fancy Printing Paper Wi: arc now full nrrnarcd to nrint tho neatest arid cheapest JOB U'ORKm the country. JOHN DOLL r.Ot; Xl-rhcl M., Rhilndclphi'i '.M !( It I t'.ll of T ivs, lip-, and fmcy Artidea. , The Inrgrrt van ty of Pipe., To.. ll,irkct. nnl I'ANi Y (Jiu HIS Tl) li'. 1 (IUN) IJ iHUClTY , l'lea- call and clv.-niiu'c, Varcii 7, I - i'-:i -Ilm AT LOW PRICES1 Terms Cash and Produce, llnwi'vrr inucli the neotite de.ire n ni nee end rei.n lion ol'tli. pr.', in h i-tilnie, in oar . i-1 met con itry hey are al,o de-iroiia ol p.irclia.iiig tln ir ( noi s ut tho uw.t market prices, J.J. BROW ELI v HI gratify all ile-ire, to tin. point, anil although gtlods have advanced in price- lie will .ell ynit nt wonderful Iv low prieun. lie ha. now opened hi. iicunl large ntnl oinplete tocl:of-!pring,v. Hiimm rgoi.,'.. anioag which w ill lie found a general aisortiuutil nf all Mini, of foods Call and .'A.HIIIIIC, J, J, liltOWUll. Marcli 7, le.t'.'J. rvWIll.Y ('OA 1 . Hi - i . on itiiplii itinn to ihe ry bet i l market, fur 1.1 ilm of thi. Journal. ALSO, 1 1'.' I 4 5,1 1 1 7.- ifORK'S IIOTii A l'ruvision more I. atlaclie.l tn Ihe -aid otalili.h i-i. ,n ... i iV iV... .... .if. ......i . "i. .. . ..-.i '.: onlv. ta all noliit., lit re.luce.lral !,,"(...'. u,vui t, ..-,. jjuii,.,, , . ii ui. ll.-ill.u ' ' I'lLM'liV TK.KI'.IV. Tlirough first da.- ticket, ami emigrant lukels tn nl I th .' prixi-tpl i puint. in Hi j Ninth and Wist and Cilia ' 'r'he follovviiig tir.kets are nbtnluablc only at tho nflic (iff. ilrndford, Tre.n-urer. No. 227 until 1'ourtli it,. I hila lelplna. 01 uf (i. A Mcoll., Cenural eupirniteiid cut, lleadliig. COM Ml'TATI' TICKETfJ. At So iercetit, iti.cuuul. bilweeu .my punit. detired lor ta.Milie. ami tiriu,, MI .i;M!i:TKivr.T.-i. (iood for 2001 mile,, h.'iw e -n all point., nt S Iu35 each for r.iuiille.nn.l Urn.. SIJAHOV 'li'-KKT-', 'or three, nine nr twelve mouth., for lio'.iler. I, iuviti'd. i Country Produce UK, ',', Ulonwsburg, Columbia County Pcnna. imnm.htirg. Jan.. Si. r-oa. u lu exchange for goo.t.. U1..NJ. HHASMU.-!. 1.1.1 i ,vi ! .1 .'.-. ; I en S 0 i Sll S III. S flu ! I'U I 1 (HI I 1)1) i :.. S .III -'a 3 73 a (in l iki 7 37 I SO 4 S.i 7 (Ill I'.t. Il.lher liribibl-, S ISO tl' ll il. I. illle, i:.' 1 roin Hie i3o K.- i.l. tit. . 11. Tate. r..l. Viiademlico, Jr, l.C. Kuril.. ). II. Ileuil.y. i; o. N irln Us. S. W. limine. A, Al. Yan-ickle, S 00 V. ' flu All n ill fll Ai) CO SILAS DO D SON - Proprietor. 'f :t',i' pi -.i-iUr. hi anti" mi nn; to the puhlic that Iia 1 litmt.iKiMi ami thuiiumi- y r IH' -il t)h: I'urkt Hi.ttl fTini rly o, rtipi-tt by llth-it lIaiMiTitich. I Inc.itbiiri;, iiiid is pivp.ir "1 tn acro.iinilut ti.iv. ll.Tv, t''ttitMii r. (Ir'.f :m 1 b-nriliTS. M.i Inble will b" niipplitMl with h -1 proilurts Hi ' m.t k-t uiKt'I, ami hi 4 Itur - ill bj C'jtlttl.itty fiil'lit-ll 'I W ith the ( linln t ti-plOM. -.V laru tinilrinmnoiliiiu- ftulile h.tstti'i 11 crpftcil, uull a ri'iiVv-ni ut i-labli iitt.iclh'il Attciitie nlli'r. i lit alu a) g In- itiuitfiiHjuici', a till he tr.M hi- 'Miitt"; nit iitmii tu ctisluiiK '. tit future iiitn a liburat .-ii:irt-' vt' piitrua;Ti': lilrtimii'burs, r.i..i.v.(-l.J. ISt'J. IMPORTANT NOTICE J TO Till'. PAiiii rt Ul' T.i 1; STABS P8.f THfllE ili'Wiia'ffia. JOSEPH J'USSELL, M.nnil'iictiir. rof V-sUMHRE- LAS, SUN UMBREL jj LAS and PARASOLS, llw. '-' l'i I N. -1th St., PUILA'D. M.'irc7, I.V3 -Ilm. ELI II OLDEN 13' Our Kiecjpts for I'ehrii.'iry-h' ing the .Imrte.t 1:1, mill 111 th" year foot up rni ntirugiitgly. I'ri.iupt p lynii'ilt- in Hi "! Tl ible tiinus, with lin goly inereu.e I e.p 11 lilurea. nr" Ih-' In.po and .upp nl nf iii -chaniciil . lee,".. Thanking our friend, for th ir gen -m h e if fiage, we eariieRt'y invoke Hi ir iuer-.K.'d utleiitluii l prompt r.-mitlunce and pumiiial pa iiiei.t. NEW B AR.BER. SHOP In tt it f t lti;:s Al.'r.v, mst uuott rintm orni-e or i im ",-0i,i.mu pF.Mninvi,'' V l.OO.MblU lin I'.l, Xoviinhcr 8. IrT'J. "WATCHES, JEWELRY il SILVER WAKE. 5?rt Splie ui'dtr-ittiu'd would rosp"cl- I " J Vv b fihly inv it" your atlenti, u to l.ln w ,- .n I i,t Ui , Lli'.l -l.i k oli'iiieliotdnmimiverwntiii. I .e I'nie (i.dd I. w elrv, of overy liiu I mid I nrn ty of .tv lea tniiipri'lug ail of tin iijvv. i mnl nnut heautiful ilenipns. Al.o, -t ill I (Silver Ware, e'pt tl to Coin, and Hi be-1 .Make of riuv 'r I'l.il,-1 Ware. Hau'i article I. war- lailtfd lu hull. r''.r '.ellted. j. Watch., ami J.-.vc.y carefilly re'air'il uml .atl.fjctio 1 g.i.nnii tujd. J M! HI II ARI.llV. (r! icpe.,nr tn r-tiniH''r & llarl. v Xo MSI llUli I titro, t. I'll I l.A'n'A. r.'li'y W , litU, -3 mos, 1 j 1 ti ., jiy 3 ij in. 3 vvv.i. 0 tcic.inr., muax bmhiiu r.i. Iiin-.ini er-lgue.l, having taken thj, well-known .mini j (fornuily nf Major l'ulerbaiigh;, retpi-ctfiifly .olb- it. tile p-itronage of Hi" public. Xo pain, will lie spare.! in any of il, department, tn ri utter s.-iti-faitioa to all gu.'-t. The TAUt.i: ami tho li.Mt w ill alway. he .'ipplied w till th'i Ui;8l' Till". M A II iil'.T AITHItll.-l. ' 7 f.'o id -tn'iling mr llnrs-s au l altuutive Ho. tiers. The "I:1i1nn20" I. 'ii-ibly -ititiitid 011 th., l'liblic rt'ptare. ami ha. therefore pe-ulinr a lvaniai;e, in p-r-. 11. attending Court or doing bu-iiuia in Hie public uiinei.. I harge. molui.itn. X. H.-Wlleiievcr you coin.) tn tow n, plcnse cull. II. J. Y.U'I.i;. It ilk.-. nnrre. Xov. Ifl. lev.'! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. OiU'vE VOL' it COUGH I'Oll 10 CENTS T'.e beg' an 1 cIkoihU llou!clioll fcineJij '11 tltv Wo'ld, JIADAJir. ZMliC l'-r.Ti:it'r3 madami: zadoo rcn. 'f I. It'S Curative Cnl-ain i. wr.i milled ifllM'll I'Ci-oldlllg to Hie direl 1 1 Oil . . tl, Cll re III ull la.e. Co'l'.'ll., I ol.I., Whooping I'liugh, Ailuna nml all ,-ill''i lluu uf the tliruat and l.ilug.. porter". Mi TXVITIH Hi." ntleutioii of ever' render nf; viftH 1 thi. p nier, vv hu ll 1. 11'. id,-. 1, niiiy llioiuatid w uf III. u"i p. in. 11. uml a. 'iialMl.inii . i'o hi. lliiiX.uim.-u.iliy luge ,1.1, 1 b.ailil'.il vutl ty of, AMi:i!ICV and IMI'OHTHI) WATl'llKS, CLOCKS nu J li.'giini design, of Jl'.vvUI.HY. Silver Wuro uc, ' ELI IIO 1 DEN. j 703 Marlicl f-troet, PHILADELPHIA. Muiill 7, In3- l.'ii) No MOUNT VERNON HOTEL 117 and 110 North Second Streot, PHILADELPHIA. The nliovn well known e.taiili.lii.ieiil ha. been leased li) tliu viilLcrtber. Thi. Hole, i couvi'iiient'y In-ateil in a central nnd liiiiine.. part tlhecity ll 1. Inrjc. au.f 1 iiiuino.liou., ami well lurin. ud tin i.iigln.iit. riiroii, vi.itiug li 1 city are re.pnetfully iuvited to rail and patronu 1 till, e.iabll.hiueiit. a. iiothlug r-h.ill li - wanting tu iiiaka tun gui'rla coiufortablo nnd a.ilu i . 1 They will novor b al.lt. to. TE fMS ONE DLLA S PER DAY. clli. uu ami vi.itor. cm h 1 accommodated on r,iu unubla leno hy Hie day, iv.i'k or 111 null, J. OTTENlCIRIv, ' uprietor. No 77 Dock r-l .I'hil.i T.ati. of llalllmoro, Aid, uml M.11 i '11 ll.ej.r. r. ,d ti lillladi 'pllll, M r li ' Wi 'in M. & T. P. "V ''HO l )VFJlr STAlll.R JTT.lChEl). it mu S-i.uMD Sr. 1.1-rtvKr,.; S,r,stTti Ann. lint. v. Xov J.I, JBllJ. UXUOUTOlfS NOTICE. Ett-t" of i:i'Z'd.Hh JUtlrr, du 'fl I'.i'i IHI t i,'ti.ii"iitory on the 1. late .if l.liuliMh JMiller lute nf Ml lie h. nil tovv'ii.liip ill ol. co., di'c.ia. ' I 'l ive lij en ;iaul l by the hi I'l-I' r of I ul 11 in Ida euunty t" the iniili-i.lgu.'d ul.n ri .Idlng ill .aid tn vv 11 - hiii i alt per"iis havnu rlaiai. ngaiilt the eu. lain of the ilereil'iit era reipte.ted to pre. cut Hum 10 liu 1,1 m 111 ut In. r.'.i linn- In .aid twp.. without del. iy, mi l ul p 'r-uiiiK liMeld'.'d M uml; p iymeiit fiirtliwitli. WM. II.' I'M. Januurv 21. I-M3 -lit r? J 01) Lxnuinit fl'll I li -Sv LxVSlS-t ii'rici: is iu;rcb v tit ven, that tho sub rintion and ,t''-. iii.ing ueri not, due the Pub- li-her ol tiie -ii ,n 01 uu: ,vuin. ire placed in thu hinl-u! Mi,. Win. II. .l-.eoby ot it onui.b.irg. foriinihc iliate collet 11 .11. Tile I'.dilor of .1101 paper I1.1v ing been (trailed, and oblie -1 ' ro to war, it 1. iic.---. r tliat prompt payment, be m ul.' 111 order Hint lii. fauul-, limy have iiie.iii. of -.upp'.i 1. Your early an iitiou to Hu, mutter may tavc- iot and prov e auvautugenii, tn lii. raiuiiy. i 11. 11 j iconv, Vu'j, Star cf the .W11. January 10, 1JC3. Tlio Magic "Hnif O'lSH ver, Tun 1'tr.rKcitoN or .Mkiianism. Beluga lltintiiig nml Open face, nr I.a.ly'n or fien tli'iiii'ir. Watiii Coiijliiiied, ( Oil.' of Hie pretti ,, niot conv "iiicnt, and il 'tided lyllieb.'bt uml ehe.ip-.t tiiiippi.ee fur general and reliable two, evi r o'V'r.'d. It ha. vv itlitu it nnd co. oeci.id w ith it, ma -hiii ry, it, own winding attaiii liient, reuderin't a k.y -ntir.iy uiniece-...iry. The 111., . of thin Watch ar rumpus 'd of tw o metal., tlio nutjr one bung line 111 ratal gold, it ha tliu iiuprov i'.l ruliy artinii lever looveiui'iit, and is warruiitcJ .111 nriurato t i n 1-1 n,- .-. l'rire, .up ibly engraved, per rti.sor.-i hull do'.en, i.'il.UU. ftiimplu Wat. lies, 111 neat nioroci-i, b,ie., for (li.i.so )iropo,iug tn buy at wholesale, S '' sent by expre... with bill payn'Me 011 delivery. Sol liers inii.t r.-tnit paviuvut 111 iidviiiice, n. we cniin.it eoil.it from iIiimp in Hie truly Address ilt-'llllAllli Hit' .-. Ci ... t-nl" iiiiporl. r-. Cor Xurnu Julia St... Xew York. January .11, 1, M-Pvv . I ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Etlatr 0 Jonathan Fry, dti.cacd, T IVITUIIS of tdinini.tiaii'ui on the ll.tate or Jona t 111 111 1'iy lal uf vioutnur tow n.hip. Ci.liiinhi.i co., ilre,'.i-.od, have bum granted hy thu l.ic!,'- of Colum. Ida 10 to Hie iiud, rlgu d ' all per 011. hnviiig rliuui. ngiiin.t lite I'htat.' of Iho ileciiiiiteiit are 1 ."i 1 i'i t.-i 1 to pre.eiit Hi, 111 to Hie iiuder-l.tied, ut hi. r.'-nleiieii m .aid lew nhip vvitlmui ileliiy, aiidail per, on-, indebleii to uiasc iiiv 10, 'in f.irthwiih. I'. Ti ll IIIIIXRACII. mtm, Jaini.irv in. I '?..-' Li"'L-. " A LEO I UUF. AHA' l!esliliti2 011 the line o! the ro i.l vv ill h- furnished Willi cards entitled thcnuclvi-. liud vvivis to tickets at half fare. nxcuK.-iiox 1 ic:ii:n. I'roni rhiln.li'lphl.itoprincipai station- ool:'nrSat iiraa Sunday and Aloud, iy. nt n itu,:ed fares. 10 bo iiiid .inly at tlio l.ickct Offlre, iitTliiltcciith and ( .illuvvhill hlrc'i ts. riir.ir.iiT. (inn Is of all dcrription forvvard to all tho above points from Hie coniputi'stirvv freight depot, liroud nn.l U illuvv btrect.. rHUlflllT THA1XS heave Philadelphia daily at li A M. I I M : and C 1' AI lir Heading, l.i baiiuii, narriluig, roltsville, I'ott Ciiuton, nnd ull points tuy in I aiaTI. Cln.n at the liiilailelplna Po.-t oinbe for all places on the road mid it. branches at fl A M. nil I for the prind pal station, only nt 2 Ifl I' AJ. Illeoiushiirg lib. II I; Oi. Lackav.'a.iiu fi Dlocm-sSmrg Railroad rS AXD Al'TI 11 KJ TUAIXS WII.I. lll'X Leave .feram, IIW) A. Al 2.10 I' A' I.PItVB dkc'.m. 11, i.'j PAsanxanr. AS roi.i.nwii: M 0 V I X O SOUT II. rte''tt. 1 On A. Al. e.lu Arrive 11. (id ll.in 11.4S I'.M O.'.'ll X O ll T II fl.'J'l I'. M. WW i:.3.1 c.ti f.4.i 1.4 III.IIJ P. tl, 3.1D Exchange Hotel, fcin: lou, r. r. jnMcs.J No. 7? Dock Street, next door to tho Po.t Oirtca, Philadelphia. I his well known estnblibhiiieiit maintains its usual 1 celebrity, and its well Known mpiiiation of being III ' best 110 I'EI. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN liuill be m.'aiiicil. lieoiii m.iv fi0 had n. all hour. p.r uuht. 3; c uts ; p r vve. k, 4-.' .j), per mouth, SI". The lt.ir'im! Casting I) 'pnrtmeut, ure furiiinhed with thu li .tot everything Hie m.irlut ran produce. CAME, FRUIT, 'EG ETABLES, and delicacies of every clime may he had at a moment's notice. Meats at 12 cent, and upwards, andinav he had from 3 A. AI till IJatuigl i, (! ntleiiKii iiuiy' rest as urei) that no mpeiisp will li., spared to render thin Hotel a aiudi'1 one. J. OTTENK1RK, Proprietor. Al.ircS) 7. 163 -8, tVEVV IIAS'fl UilNTO CAPS, C2i.'l0sa' .'-U'Vy sDhi'ap StOE'c. The inidi rs'icVril liar Just rerpived f.om tlio Uatteri Cities 1 iipirior.i'.ortinenl of Winter Huts and Caps Coiiipri-ing rvry sort, sie and 'piality, lvhirhwill bt sol.l nl uiiii-u,,H low- prie,-r. Also - A Hue lot of Ml)-, MOIIO i:os,m, Minns t. wiiiiii li liivii- s thciit entioti cf sliosniakurs .nd tkji public Also. C"OR' I'.II'.S, VOI.A-'SI'.S. am! nrtions generslly. SB u y ( a 1 1 at tin lli'- ip tint nnd Cup Jupuriuin, Alain Strict, ahuvc Hu i:uii.ing.-. JOHN K GIUTOV. Ktoonisliiirg.N'uv.f. Ii'i'.i T. M A DM IN tS I RA I Oli S NOT.CE. Est If of iJiiiii l. floni"rnri tlrccii-.rd, THHSof Ailiiiiiiiilrallouou the e.tnin of Daniel illornl.e g r. late nf l.ocu.t tow inlup, oluiiiUIn ro., d.ceiui l.li.iveh en grant 'd hy the ll.gl.ti-r of t'oluni hiiiiouii y, I'.fi - 1111 lor -il'ii nl ; ull person, having 1 laiin- aiMiii-t the cstiite of In. dee nd. ut ure 1, Tie. t edtiipr ol lb incilij 1 d in 1 11 1 t rat ri a . nl her r..i ileuee lii Fiiietovvnsliip, svilliii.it delay, tinJ.ll pi f un. ml l-tud. 1 iiialn p.ivuieui forthwith. II vNVMI ll'IIIXnnillilil Jd'ir' j, iiiiar in 1 j iv $.' nu Aluilnuie '.ndoi' I alsani . pr th" ri'iUinilit I ..lillllllllli Oil I dies th ' V.'getiililii kllllldolil uli'ird., it. remudi.il piali tie. an-n.ireii on 11. power ti. a.ni 1 Hie Ii .1 11I11 11 ri ti latum ii till 1 blood, llironi.li tile t uu... t i, not a vio. i nt remedy, hut eiiioileut vi ai liilog. seariiil.ig ami 1 IT eitiv 1 ; 1 au li.. taken bv th old .t p 'rsou or the oung. et child. Mii'lani'.ailoe 1'orti r's bnl. Xv -am liii.liei.u 111 use hy tho VyjT ...ri., .... ",-. in - 1 ,ii r, 11114 I. is iir"rir''o 11, pi'-si-iu s.iiii Itupl liv b, lug re-ouiiliel. I id b ill",' w lio have used it to tli-ir iilllnted friends nu I oiher.. iMii-i linpoitant. -alad.imeZnlnp Porter's Curative Iliil., ro 1, sold ut a price winch bring, it in tin reach of ev". v one tn k".ip it convenient for use. The time, ly Use of . 1 single bcttle will prove In bo vvurlh III' time, it. cnst. Nt I'K.i'., Have your money I Do not he persuaded to purrhas 1 uitirli'. nt 4s 10 $1 which ilu not contain the viiliie, . fu 13 cent buttle of Ma I nine Porter's Cu run ve Haii. mil, the cost of 111:11111 1. li lur ing vv I.il 1 1 is ns gri u ns iiliuo-t nuy oilier me dliinu ; mid tlm very low preci. at which tt I sold, makes tlu profit tu thu sell, oruppa. nilly .uiiill, nnd iinpriui'ip'ileil denier. wi so n, liuu- ri'i'ouinieii lolli 'r inudiriiies rui whirlithuir proilt. lire Lirger. mile. s Hie cu.lotuiT. ill. 1st upon iiiivini' Alulmue Puiter's nml none oilier. Ask for Mudii'iie '"on r s ' tirative 1 alsinu price 13rent., and 'tl 'arc Until nt 2". oeiits. nnd take 111. other Sol. II. nil .rug. i tsuiiit St -rekceperc nt I3cts, , i tn Inn r hollies 111 2.1 rents. II W '.- H' l'KI i; I'r prlitor. Xew Ymk Jaii'i.'.r I lit of th" h '.t r 'in- Ml 'ltd l'i n .taW l'ni'tape. Vice .".ca'o. A L' eturo 011 tho N-itiiro Tn utnn-nt & Un Ileal ( i re f Sp 1 111.1t ". 1 li 1.1 01 s initial Weakocm liivolinit .i Cmi. -1 in , S'Mi.l ) hilny. au 1 Inip'd-u tu ' it. t'i i.'nu'i guierally Xervn 1-.11 s , (.'uiimiui-iI ton llpH p-y ,1.1 1 I'll : M ution nnd 1 hy-i' al lucip-i 1 III . reniiluii: iroiu S- If lU'l-e. v.p, lly It ,h, J,t ulver vv II, Al, 1... V otli r of Hi . l.i , 'on itonk ve 'lit., vvoil,, r. .1, ui uc .aiith. riu tliis.idiiiir.'ildi. Lecture. 1 il ail) P"'v , IroMi hi ow 11 ep rieii"o 1h.11 1 1 nvv fill coiiseipi in . oi Self Amis may h .if " tually loiuoved vvitliout 01 in ine, nml with. uit ditiig'roi. .urjieal operation, bou. I" '.nurniiu -ills. tin'., oreornials poin. ting out 11 mo le of euro nt on rt.ii 1 nnd ,11" 1I1111I by wliiih every sulTeier 110 m ilt r vvh.it hi. ciiuiilinn niiiy . h', may mr him ' Ifeiieaply. private!, and ra nally.i Thi. '.('dure will pr.ve 11 honn to th.us.iuils nnd iliou sand.. 1 Sunt miner cnl to any a hire's in a plain, s nled eiivelnpe. 011 the receipt uficuiiu, orpostigc siutiip. , by uildros-ingi I CHAS J.ll. Kl.lXll Cll , 127 lloivory, New Vork, I'nst oHicu llu, 43ill ' rcbil'ir li', leUI, Pcr.tnton, Kingston ' 11 oniuslj'irg ' Unpen. " Danville, Arrive at Xurt'iumhcrland, Al O V I V (5 Xorthiniiberlainl, Danville, " Iliipi'it. . riooiii.liurg " King. ton, Arrive at Scruntnn, A I'.i.s-u.i'r Tram nlsnleaves Kiugstou nt S.2( A, Al for -rr.iiilun.ti.roniii'1't with train for New York, -l.e-t iruiiu. leave. Scrniitnii un arrivnl uf Train frmn New Yor- ut 1.13 P. M. Tli" l.ackuvittnia nnd lllonnnhurg Hnilru.i.l eonnprti with th" D "lavvare, l.iick.iiviinnn and e.iern lliiilrom at -rraitto'i. for S'ew York and inlerui dinte point. t-at At Hup rt It ronuect - with the l'utt iwi.-.a It 11 1 rn.t I. tor pnint. In, Hi . ii.i nnd west airivnig ul liiiluili Ipliia ut 7.11(1 I.AI. At Xorthiiinhi rland it efi.ri't. vv uh Hie liiihnliiphin tc llinit. U.niidX.C 11. II. for points west nml .until I'ii,,"iig. rs 111 riving nt llairisluiig I flu P M ; Phil. Iidelplna IU I'. Al raltin.ure l".-.il P. Al. John p. ii.st.r.v, uy't J C.Wcll,, f7f' Tictet.lgii November IfW. S. ?.3:H Villi, WiVS WIlOI.USH.i: AXD llIJTMl, BEDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, X'o. 2.1 X'urtlt Peciin.l Street, iippositn Christ Cliani, PlllLAHhi.t'lJlA. 1"7 CoiiHantlv on him I, a large lis i rtr.l' iit of lied., Muttrcs-c'., inillii'S's, Cusliiuu.. IL.tr. II link, Calinil' nml all nrticl 'sin the line at the luvve.t nrices. N. II. Partii'iiliir utt ution paid tu ieiiovtiiig Nlav 1 11 .,v..i 1 ,1 1 iv .,..1. .Manlt'J. I-UI.-IS01. BAUGIi'8 RAW BONE sn;:R ruopssTc of lime. BOUGH & SON, ai n;rA'.Ti'Ki:iis tc "PfirwEToua. XIo.20 South oehmaro ilvcuud, I'llH.AIUU.l'lIIA. The nianfactiireis nr ' nw prepared to supply a , irgjilemau I with tin. v.iIu.IiIj .Manure. Th y would r.-p.'itfuliy aoii'i line 10 r.iriners unit l)"iih rs 111 I cr uluirs, th 11 Hi price Ii.i. h,-i o udvaneed to SKI p,r .11 lb . ll n m d n- ire 1 b mentioned mat this . h-nge liiist..'"ii riti-ieri'il ii"eesi',r by the gr.'i.ll Incr aped ,ibt of nml 01 il. and labor, a. w 11 as b th. op, ration dili" 1! S. T.u upon uiuituf.ictnr, r.. liver) I'.iroiir 11-iug I'eililii r, may h- n.sui"d that Hi' I! iV IIOMI lilo.spllAI'U will mi I maintain ,ts Ini'liiharaiter tor s i ltKt; 1 II and li III I Y, -hu uiiuufu. Hirer, preferring t uinlc a small vnnee m .11 prire per uoii, intli, r th .11 allow Its 111 nt. In full 1 iow th ir i.iruier .t iud.ird, under increao, d . p. met ill 111aiHil.1cl.lr ug. 11 i prepared from Harw I'onep, and warranted tn em ilm, 1 all lli 'ii "liijiii.il orgiitiic mntter no buured or cahiuiid Hones are us d, liud it is sai I uml r u guar anty IrumllK' iiiiiuul'.ictiir. r. that ill free lroin adul 1 iruilon. Hie ileinaiil for llaugh'a Haw Iloiufuper I'ho'phain Inst y.-ar 01u.1v .' ui.in that of any ir, vmu. cue whit I) i. il sab.lantUI ivlduuco of its high statiiiurd or p.paiiiiiiy. I'Rlcr. sin pt-r jm 1. nc V4ii. The ntrnve nisy ha had nf rigiilar denier., or of HAl Cll v t'DNS, No. 20 South Delnwor lu.e, liulaUilphia, 1 coruary .. leeu, Jinn P 11 I L A D E L P II I A. PAlMSIl LJANGINGS Ci V f 1 . . A )M O -Cl U f)i f 1 7 1 1 111; Proprietor of this wi ILknovv 11 and centrally loca I ted lltill.i', Hie HuillMlb I In I KI., situate on Mill, Street, 111 lllouiusburg, nniue.iiat.ii' "..uo.ite Hie Colum hi, 1 County Court House, respeillully i.furius Inti friend. an. I tin- public in getieial. Unit In, llini.e is now in or out iielay, nud ull person, nidtbtea tu i...k. n.y der fur the nr, ption aiidi iiLitaninient o iiavci.'rs who furthwllh. iiuwni.i, & iioiuiKi:, Corner roilrih mid Alnrket Sirens. liillndppliiii,linvo iiovv 111 stock, a ilim vnrnt cf IV A I. A PA PER S, fiot up cufiessly lir tin ir Spring Trade. window p PKii nr rvr.iiv 011 nu. to whii I) they 1, vu the all 'iitinn nf Morek --per.. H- In tie 11 r u. it-p.irliiv h' ,1 1I1 bg louio. tho chin tstyles "i 'h s' sn, M ,rr.h 1 isul - i tuny le. I ill. posed to fal l. 1 it vv nil tlnir custom He hu. I spiire.1 no 1 peiiso lu prepatiug the I'm ii .mil, fur the ciiierMiiiini-ui 01 111. guesis, in um r siian tm-r ' ne any. tiling wanting (on In. parti to iiilui-ter to their personal comfort. Ill' liml-e is spacious and enjoys nil eicell.nt biisine.b I'H'iillon. 1 iliuiiiliUMs run nt nil llm ss betivoen the r.clinn;e 11, .nl and the vnrlotts H ill Hon. I Depot., hy wlnih tiuv tiers will be pleusmtt ruiiveyi-.l to an. froiutho ro speclive .StatloiiB ill due time tu meet the Curs. W.M. 11. KOON8, niooimliure. Julv 7. BLANKS! BLANKsTi Ofev ry dwdrii ticn, for fale at this omr ADMIN ISTltATOIt S NOTI' E. Esmle of Jtc-b Si frted, tkee serf. I liTTHK- of A.liuiuistr.ition on His Uitate of Jacnh l,Si-gfri d, j.i toil .'range twp , Columbia co , dee'd. hav" granted by th. It gi.nr ol oluiiihin co to the un der. uue, i ; all p. rsmis having i liuili- ugniiisl the estntii ol'lh" dei-'I'tiii are r, 0.1 tedtop nt th-m tu the Aduiiuistratm at Iter ro.i u-ine 111 sul . t. vv chip w nh iii.l I. HHP SlUCl'llia... .ti.wr'm. Janrary IB. l'.an.-tw. 5. KI, (Lato Whito Swan,) RACE STUEiT, s DO F.V THIRD IM111.AUI.L1M11A. D C. siKtUUSrT Proi mr.Tfir Fo ".' f am .'.'. e iW I Ltb'Dii t t 1. V Hdu.UlS f unit M- tl'- I . 1 m