Fai mo, s Department. HOW TO CHOOSE A FARM HOUSE. Tho farmer requires a horse- that enn take him to market and around his firm on which ho tan occasionally rido for pleasure, and which lis must sometimes mo for the plow and harrow. First to notico is tho eyes, which should bo well oxatuincd. Clearness of tho eye to a suro indication of goodncbs, But this is not all tho oyolids, cyobrows, and all other appondages, must bo considered ; for many horses, whose eyes appear cloar and brilliant, go blind at an earley ago ; there fore, bo careful to obsorvc whether the parts between tho oyolids and eyebrows aro swollen, for this indicates that tho eye will not last. When tho eyes are remark able flat, sunk within their orbits, it is a bad sign. Tho iris or circlo tiiat sur rounds tho sight of tho oyo should bo dis tinct, and of a pale variegated cinnamon color ; for this is a suro sign of a good liorso. Tho eves ot a horse arc uovcr too largo. Tho head should bo of a good iza, broad between tho eyes, large not trils, red within ; for largo nostrils bcto- ken good wind, bo regarded ; for The feet and legs should a horse with a weak foundation will do littlo service. The feet should be of middle sizo and smooth the heels should bo firm, and not spongy and rotten. Tho limbs should bo freo from blemishes of all kinds, the knees straight, tho baok sinews strong, and well braced. The paster joints should be clean and clear of swellings of all kinds, and oomo near tho ground ; for suoh never have tho ring-bone. Flesh-legged horses are gcnorally subject to the grease, and other infirmities of that kind, and there fore should not bo chosen. Tho body should bo of good sizo, the back straight, ornearley so, and have only a smalf sink ing below the withers ; tho barroll round, and tho ribs coming clo.o to the hip joints, The shoulders should run back, but not ioo heavy ; for a horse with heavy shoul ders seldom mov03 well; chest and arms largo. A horso weighing from 1,300 to ), 500 is largo onough for a cart-horse; 1,000 to 1,200 is largo enough for a far mer's horse; 1,000 to 1, 100 enoago for a carriage horso. is heavy I should adviso overy one to get sorao experimental knowledge of a horse before purchasing. Ohio Cultivator . IMPRISONED ANIMALS. Animals need shelter, hut imprison ment is neither necessary nor hencGcial. The horse and cattlo stalls in too many instances supply only ouo requisite, viz : warmth. Animals aro oiton penued up from week to week, in narrow quarters, reeking with filth which fills tho air with a noxious eflluvia, whers little or no- light can outer, as though thoy were undergo ing nunishmeut. Now oven the hest ac commodations that can ho provided, arc in a measure unnatural. Our domestic ani mals at the North, are natives of warmer climates,, where they aro accustomed to aro tho -1. ....II . I ...... . , I. r. ........ fear.- Every important change from this, their natural condition, will moro of less inter fere with their hest develepmont. If abundant and wholesome food, puro air( and plenty oflight bo supplied, tho bone fits of shflltor will more than counterbal ance tho loss of freedom. Confinement of animals should not ha too strict. Some amount cf exorcise ii indispensihle, Tho horso' that is kept standing on tho stable floor for weeks, as swollon limbs, loss of appetite; will be likely to acquire the habit of cribbing and wlion finally used, will over exert himself, and Iheu quite likely lay up for a time with stiffened uiusoles. Cattle be- come resue33 ami jovensn irom long coufinemont, and will not lay on fat, or give a full flow of milk, without a moder ate amount of exercise daily. A good plan is to turn them loose in a sheltered yard after tho fiist feeding, while tho sta bles aro being cleaned. Animals as well a men enjoy a change of place, Snd with these their health and comfort are inti mately connectid. Aimr. Ag, now MUCH PORK IN A BUSHEL OF CORN? It is important that hog raisers should know how many pounds of pork can be mado out of a bushel of corn that they may decide whether it will pay best to soil their corn or feed it to hogs, at the existing prices of each. I havo bem making some experiments anil taking notes which may interest many of your westeru readers, as it would interest nio to see similar notes of plants aud rct of others. On the 13th of September last I had on hand 120 head of hogs, various sizes from tucking pigs up to 250 lb. hogs. Tho lot ireigheil 8,500 lbs , and all ruu together on an eight acre lot, about G acres of which is set with w jite clover and bluo grass. I foil thorn from September l.'Uh to Decem ber 1st, 000 bushels of com, by throwing it to thorn dry ou tho ground, togi ther with all thettono coal ashes and salt they would eat; (tlio coal was fed to iiutralizol rS HE Subscriber offers for mlotbe prop any acid in tUo Btomach, caused by high JU,y,uus'l(V"u,,'cJ byhim in u,"'"e;,co. feeding, and prevent cholera and otliuri diseases.) Tliey were furnished a dry ! place to sleep in, Ou tho 1st of Deo. I Bold 7,800 lbt of fat liogs, and found tho entire lot had gained 0,702 lba , or 14. 7 lbs. for each bushel of corn foil, They 1 aro mostly it cro.i betweon tho Borksuiro, predominating; some fw havo a croj j nith tho Chester White. Hoo llAififin. ' Hirtge Farm, III. LltlGE ARIUVAL OF New Fall and Winter GOOD AT PETER ENT'S STORE, av i.imtr srnr.ET, colvmma cavxrr, r.i, HAS Jiut received from Philadelphia, and l now opening nt the old aland lite y rcciiilcil by Matt tc Cut, a f p I u ii d I 1 na.ortmcnt of which wilt lio sold cheap tot OAPII Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. III. atockcnnalstaiif Ladles Dreai (looJt cholccitittloi and latent fmliluya Malices, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Casiimeros, Satinets, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &e. Groceries, CJuecnsware, Ccdarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. ROOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In nhoti rory thine ttsuntiy kept in a country store The patronage of old friends, and the public general ly. I respectfully snltlled. The highest market price paid for country produce. I'CTUR UNT. Light Street, Nov. 13, 1802. LOOK IF YOU WANT TOUUrYOUR Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO Creasy's Store, in Light Sired, Pa. AliL Ml Of GOODS ! CALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, , FLANNKLO, CARPETS, HOSIERY, iS II AWLS, Beady-Made Clothing j Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tohacco, Supars, Hats, Root", Caps, Shoos, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c.,&c In addition to our large stock nf Dry Coods, we have f large and full assortment of Heady Mado Clothing aor len and Hoys wear which we nre determined to sell cheaper th m can be bought elsew here. Call and ace, and JudgG for yourselves. II. W.CRCASV & CO. I Light Street, Ta ,N0v. S 1802, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philad-elphia-forthe Relief ofthe Sirk and Ditressed 'afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and ts- ' pet-uiiiy ureases m ine menial urgans. . Medicnl Advice given (!raii by Hie Arting Surgeon. I Valuable RHPORTS on Sl'I'.UJIATOIMtHaiA oi SI'.HIX L WHAK.N'USS. nni'. other Diseases ofthe Sex ual Organs, and on tin NUW HHMnDILS emrdovrd In Hie Disponsary, sent in scaled letter envelope., frea of I ll'.li,, , ,1,1111 Dr. J. HKILUX IIOUfillTOV, Howard Aasocintion No. '-' South Ninth Street, I'hiUdelphi, Po ArrilS, lSGi-f.'m. ' 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN Fixr.aain rjiPKits, ooi.u jixn vv.i.vf.v nv.v.ouATioxs, MaitBu: .iKn ojik dkcoiiatiuxs, xr.iT.ixn a ay ar.izr.i) rjrr.iis. rLJllXAXI) UltlGliT LUMMOX P iPF.ns, i0A'e7if, firi: uo.mn phixts, stjituks, ju.ixijs, ma, rra. win oe torn hi grcany reuueeu prices, a! th" paper ii.iiikiiiu iiivuii, i mo uiiucrsigiieii in juugo liuperl Sroru House, on Second street, a few doors below .Mar kci. Also Paper Hanging Executed In the best style, at moderate prices and in iiirk tint" U. J. I Him.VlUN, r.Iooin8burg, May 3, 1803 3in, JOHN S. LEE & CO , No. in, NORTH WIIARVns. Philadelphia. ElOPE MAKERS AND SHIP CHANDLERS. Spun Cotton for Caulking, RpB. Twinss.Tar, Tltcli w.,i,uin, .mil, mm .jjrii, &c Au-ui.t -1, ISliU- l'.'iu. LEATHER 1 LEATHER ! Tlin undersigned would announce. Hint he hue on hand burff. n iifirtniclitol tlhUrtnt k inlnf icnih.. IIiih cnlf tikiiii, innrocco.(rfil nmllilncK)uiMl lnt" -ill cf whirl. Un will fcdl cbeiiper than cm tm lu,j i-Nowhorc u una "iivvi. v,mi uim rjLL'uiiiiu uifiii rnr yonrsclvce niooni.burg,Mayi,ISC2. . PR1SI1J1CTII &, IlItOTIIERS. WIIOLI'.PALK TOBACCO DEALER? AO 103,.OICTU 'I'll I It I) STUICET PivcdoorshclowRare. I'lni.Anni.riiiA 8CI10LAHSIIIPS FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College, lliuxlinmpiin " " Crittenden's " PJillndolphia''. Ptratton, llryant ft Co,. " . TUen -Vrlps, aro iuamounta nf 15 and $.-,n and aro a so much cash, by the Student on enlriniri Hher of th , above ''nllegej. Voiinj until desirhijj toobt.iln a llnikK ed i olIeziniH Education, will hero lluda good specula tinn by applying nt the oflii-o ofthe ' Nov. I l-toj COI.UMItn lll-'.VOf'RAT TINWAKB & STOVE SHOP. rpnr. undersigned respectfully Informs his d friend I and ciitoinors. that lie has purchased his brother, merest in the abovn establishment, und tlfn concern wils hereafter be conducted by himself exclusive ly. 1. II ' has Just received and offers for salo, Iho larg. S,!,".' !',"'1 extensivo assortment of I'ANCY W0S i p I. a ever introduced into this market. , y 'II' 'lock consj.ta of n complete ussortincnt nf he hMt Cooking and parlor Hove, in the market, togeth- or with htovn 1 mures of every description, Oven and lloi Stoves, Radiators, Cylinder Stoves, l.'it.t Iron Air. Tiliht stnoes, Cannon Stoves, &c, tec. Stovepipe mid Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds orrepalnug dono, as usual, on short notice, The pntronago of old friend, and now customer, ro pcctf'iHy solicited. A. ,M. KUPIIRT. Ulouinshurg, November 3d 18C0.-tf, IBousc .'Hid liol lbr Sale. I " t . r LUL an.) of a well. Improved lm of about two acre Reading. Oelnker M. 1802- iv00 -VAltU' rjpiIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DAXV1LLF., MOXTOUIl COU.Tr, r.i. EntcitaiHincnt for Man and least, In good style uud ut moderate rules. CIIAIU.K3 K tJAVAG!!, fro rlflor. Djuvillt April 19, mi. FOR THE G AM) tiii: D I A 11 B T E S and Digi:.sr,a or tiii: Mm Dangerous ami Troublesc-int Diseases, u-hichhart Ihusfar Resisted Ihe best directed Treatment tan be Campltttly Controlled by the IIKMi:Vi'noia before nil tiii: cuiiativi: Properties ofthe lucilli ine dlicrt themaclvcK to the nr. gain of accretion, nndliy to altering tho condition of tho tomnch mid liver thatthe starchy principle of the. food ia notcnuvi'rtcd Into sugar solong us the system li under tho Inlluencc of Ihu CO.NSITrUTION WATI'.R, w Inch give those organs time to teem or their krnlthy tone and vigor. Wo aro able to Male th it the Constitu., tlou Water hnscuj,ed ovury case of Diabetes In which it has heen given, stoni: in tiii: nL.Minn:, calculus, (!kavi:l hukm; DUST lll'.l'OaiT, axii mucous on MILKY UISCIIAaOUS AFTLR UI1INATI.VO. lliseasea occurlng from onnnuil thnaaiiie cause will be entirely cured by the Constitution Wator, Iftiiken foi any length online. The dose should vary with the severity of tho disease, from twenty drops to a ten spoonful three times a day, In water. During the pas. aagooflhe Calculus, the pain and urgent svmptoma should bo comh.iteil with tile proper reniedle, then folloHcd up with the Constitution Water, na obove di rected. DVSMr.XOUllAdlA. OR PAIM'ULL MENSTRUA TION', AM) IX MUNOIlItllACIA OR l'KOl'USU I'LOWING, llotli diseases arising from a faulty secretion oftne menstrual Hold-In tho one case bi iugtoo mile, mid accompanied by severe pain j mid the other u too pro fuse secretion, winch will be speedily cured li) the Constitution Water. ' Hat i sense Known ns I , l.l.l.Mi ui' i : ivni . which Is Huresiilt of a relaxation nf the ligaineiits of " . " -li?" .II.-.HI1I1-SS an. i , draeeins pains in the hack nnd sides, and at times nc com pan led by sharp I irinating or shooting pains throiish the pails, will, in al I cases, bj removeil bythemeilieine. 'i'liere Is nuniher class of syuiptoins nri-iuir. from 111 RITA I ION 01' Till! WO.Mll. vhicli plijsiciaus call N'eri oilsness, which word covers up uiiirh iguorunce. nnd in nlnecnaea outof ten tho doctor doe not really know whether the symptoms are the disease, or Hie disease the symptoms. 'e can only enumerate them here. 1 speak more partlrulnrly of Cold IVct, l'aliita tlou in the Heart, Impared .Memory. Wakefulness, l'lni. es of Heat l.aiiguor, Lassitude, and llimuera of Vision, suppiiussnn .mknutiiuation. Which in th? unmarried fouialo is a rnustant reuirrlni; disease, and lluniicli neglect the seeds ul more grave nnd dangerous maladies arc the result: and as month nftor mouth pascs without mi effort being made to ,-u-sist nature, the suppression becomes chronic, Hie pa tieut gradually looses her appetite, the bowels arc roiistlpated, liijlit sweats come on, and conaumpliun dually cuds her career. I.HUCOltltaiA OR WHITES. This disease dencndi unnn an inll.iuiatinn of niucniis lining oft c vagina and womb. It is in all cases ac I coinp.inied by severe pain in iho buck, nccross the noneis and inrougii ine nips. A tcusponuful of the medicine may lie taken three times a day, with an m- odion nt u tabiesuoonliil oi Ilio mei cime. mixed with alia f.pintof soft w ntnr. morning mid evening. iimutatiov or run xr.cicor tiii: in.Annnii, in,AMATio,v or tiii: Kinxnvrf ami ca TAitiui or tiii: iir.Aniir.it, srnANcuiiY AMMIUUM.Vt: ORPAIXrUI.URIVATINti. l'or thesedlseases it istrulvn anvori'isu remedv. nnd too much cannot he said in lis praise A single dues has been know to relive the must urgent syptom.. Are ini uonuien Willi mat illstressiug pain in the null ofthe back and through lhuhins( A teasnnonfiil a day of Constitution Water will rclieeyuu like magic. ron 1)yspi:p--ia, ii nas no cipiai hi relieving ine iost oistressitig smp- iiMiis. '.ibii. iiL-.tiiiitiiu, iietiiiiiiini. .iliii eiooiacn voui itlug I nod, ice. 'lakca tcaspuonrul after dinner 'I he dose in all eases may lie; increased if dcbiicd, but should be dune gradually. PHVr-lCIANS lluve long since given up the use of hiichu. ruhehsnnd Juniper in the treatment of Hi 'so diseases, audoiilyuse lueui ior w aiu oi a ueuer reuieuy. CO.VtSTI I'UTlON WATHR Has proved itself O'i'Jaltothe task that has devolved upon it. Diuurnca Irritate and drench the kidneys, nnd by constant use soon lead to chrome. deencratioM and eo illrmcd dis ease Head. Read. Koad. Danvim.k, Pa., June 2 lfl!2 Ilr.Wji. II. GREno-cr 6ir: In I'uhuary. ISBI. 1 was nfllicicd with tli. sugar (iiiilut ,uiol for live uionlhs 1 passed uiore tliau two gallons of water in iweiity-luur hours 1 was nli iged to get up as olteu ten or twelve tunes during th night, and in iho months 1 lost uhout iiur pouims in weigtii. liiiriiing the mouth nf J m v Iflil, I procured two bottles of Constitution Vater ami in iwouays alter using ii i experieneeii reliel, andatl taking two bottles 1 was entirely cured, soon lifter rtgaiuiug in y usual good health. Yours truly. J. V. I. Hi: WITT, lloston Corners, N. Y lice. 27, leul. Win. 11. firegg Ik Co.: Cents: I freely give voiilibcrtv to make use of the followiugrirlificateoftho value nf t'niititutiou Wa ter, which 1 can reccninmcuil in the highest manner. .My wife, who wai attacked with pain in the shoul ders, whole length of tho bark, and in her limbs, with Palpitation of III.! heart, attended with Palling of tho Womb, Uysmcnoirhoen. mid "Irritation of Hie Iliad der," I called a physician, who attended her about three, noiiths, when he left her worse than he Ion ml her, 1 then employed one of tho UJSt physicians I could find, who attended her for about nine mouths, and while she was under his care elm did not MillVr ipiite na much pain ; hu finally gave her up and said : "licrcnso was lueiiiable." l'or, said lie, '-she una null & combination of complaints, that medicino given for one opi rates ilgainsl some other ol licr dilucultjes," .thout this time she commenced to use i:os-in in i is Wstkk. and to our utter astonishment, almost the Urn ilne seemed to nave me cisireu ellect, and she kept on improving rapidly uxder its trcaliueut, and now sillier intends eniirely he.- domestic affairs, rsheh.is not ta ken any oi tnoi os riunos Wateii forabout four week, mid wenru happy to say that it has produced u perma nent cure. W.M. M. V,N IlU.VSCIIOTiiN. MiixmnD, Cosn., Nov, 19, 1601. Dn. W'M. II.OrtEon; Hear Mr : I have for several yenra been nfllictol with that tooiiblesouiannd dangerous disea-c (iravel which resisted ml remedies and doctors, until I took Cosiiiurio'AL Water, and you may heassured that I was pleased with thu result. It has entirely cured ine. ami you may male any use of my iiamoynii may sec fit in regnre to tho medicine, as I have entire confidence in its cllltacy. Yours truly, POM) Sl'liOVO, Tiinan Ann tacts i:oiiou There is no class of diseases that produce such ex hausilng effects upon the human constitution ns Din bet -a aud diseases ofthe Kidneys. Illaddernnd Urina ry Passages, mid through n lalso modesty they are neg lected until tlicy aie boai'vaucd as to he beyond the control of ordinary remi clijs. nnd we present the CONSTITUTION WATHR To the public w itli the rnnviitioit that il has no equal in relieving the class of diseases for which it has bsen found so emliientlv successful iuciirlue: mid wn imst 1 that we shall he rewarded in our efforts in placing to valuable remedy in a form to meet the requirement of patient and physician, ron kai.hiiv ai.i. nnunnisTS. rmcn W.M. II. RKORRR u CO,, Proprietors'. .Morgan II Allen, General Agents, No. 40 Cliff St', New-York, Sept 20. lffij. jn,,,. X ' T' K s A T T O lt N E Y AT LAW, nwoMsnuna, pa. ' Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charlc. It IHIIftmClY. Bloouisbiirg, Dec. 4, lfM. JOHN C. YEAGEIt, .MAN'UPACTURCR tc WIIOI.KSAI.i: IIRALLR IN SUL AT.S. CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNP.'I'S AND Alfl'IPIOIAL FLONVERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov. 2D, 1802. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY CAI'S. nf every sort. .Ize and quality ' ooin.burg. Sept. 11, mi. JOHN K. GlttTON. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. 'pill', iiib.criber would Inform his friend., that lia Is J now prepared to put'iip, on short notice, aud in a cientiflc iiianiicr, tho best , PlATfX.i POtA THI) I.tailTXIXn RODS, nt 121 ctnt.pcrf jot. Al work nurranteil. I E B.I1IDLKMAN. Bloemiburj: M y I, JPC0. Look to your Interests. Ell EsH Jill RIVAL OF v?rnfinfivtrm AT MILLER &EYER'S. rpllC tuharrlher havo just returned from Iho Jl Wlthnuntlier largo anil select nssnrtmot ntVAA Siirintr niail ftiniiuci' Snoods, purchased nt Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and whiili they arc determined to n il on its modurnlu ternn nsrnn lie procured elsewhere In lllouiusburg. Tliclr Mock comprise : Dithfs anons, of choinst style and Intel fashion. Ditr (intii)s, i.yj) aitociiitir.s, mjinit'iitK (H'r.rX-ir.nti:, Cf.Mii ii'ahf., not.i.oir i I'M a ItlOX, MM., HOOTS .y 8UOF.S ItATS ,y Mrs. See , ,-c , ft., ' In short cicrythliigtisiially kept In country Stores! to which they Invito the publlr gene rally I 'ilio Highest prlco paid for country produce. ! Mll.l.nil tc t'.YCB.. I llloomsbiirg, April an, li-'GJ. KKM' JliltShY LNi3 FOR SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, iiltubte for (Irnpea, IVaches, I'enrs, Raspberries, Pt rcu l.f rri r a, lllm Uherrles, Current.. &.. of I. SiS, 10 na '10 arres rnch. ni the follow lug pries fertile present, vlai '.'n acres lor Sijno, id acres forSUO, acres for SM.O, 51 ncrm for ?IU, 1 acre for $21). I'nynlilj by one dollar a week. Also, good rrniihury lands, nnd village lots In Cheat. wood, !i.' hy Ilio feet, nt Sid each, pajable by 011,1 iln. lar a week. The above land nn. t.-irin. are slluute n I'lieatuood, Washingtou township, Hurling ton county New Jersey. Tor further Information, apply, with 1'. O. B t a in 1 1, forn circular, to II. lT.ANKU:.' I'l.AltK, No. HO Cedar t'treet, New Vork, N, Y. January 17, l"(i.'l. I'lrrS'lURCII, PA., Corner I'enn and St. Clair Street The largest Commercial School of the United States, with a palronagtf of nearly II.HUil Students, in five ear.-t from HI States, nnd the only one w hu ll nll'ords complete and reliable instruction In a'l the follow iug braiKlies, vif.: .Mercautlli'. Al.inilf,iiturei, Me:iiii linat llnilroad I i n..i-.i,.,....i.... vi.., i, n, ,,:,.,. , p,,iiinnuhipT uUo, Survujing, lliigluecrliiB and sjji. lemalics cenern v. .00 e; Students enter and re Pays forn Commercial Cour view at any time. It r" .Ministers' sous' tuition at half priie l'or Calalogii" of Hi panes. Specimens of Hu.lueas ami Ornamental Penmanship, mid n henitiful College view oft' spuiirc fut. containing a good variety oi writing loitering mid nourishing, inrloso 24 tents, in stuinpsto the Prinripals. Jl.Mslii.-s nil l in, riiieuurgii, ra. April 19, ISf.J-ly. ,i,c- :iii e 'z - . r 1If H tiniifTBiuin-fTT nfn clnnivrly rnsnsred lf( llie Undrrtahtnx Hutinras, nml kipp ciiut jntly on hand ndforbdluat his VurrrooniKt a l.trjro nsort miit of FINISHED (25, I'OI'FINS, Dy whiili he is enabled to till orders on presentation Also Keeps a good Horse and Hearse, and will at al times be ready to attend l'unerels. rM.UU.TI l Bill v I.. nioomsbi'rg, January 2J. l?i'J OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, fiUnsCIUI'TION AOENT, At Jy 'olic e: (in., Ruikfifrs. 1 M South Tn i e. n Si n i kt, Philaib Ipbia, Nov. 1. 16U2. The undersigned, haviue I eeii appeiiiled Subserip Hon agent by the Seer' tury ofthe Treasury, is now pre pared to furnish nt once, the l'eit twciiti ycai Ctprr rrnt. Month. if the Cuiti'd Stales designated ns Tive.'i'wentles, re. fceuiahle at thi' ph-a-nire ofthe f.overnmi'Ut, after five vears and outhorized by Act of Congress, approved I'ebruary 21. IW.J- Tueriiiipou bonds are issued in sums nf $,,0. QUO, $51111. SH'llil Th Regiater llonds in sums of 30, 100, 5301), .$1000 and $5110!). Interest at 'ix per rent, per annum will commence rom date of purchase, ami is l'AYAin.i: is noi.n, 'cmi-Apniially. i hu h is equal, nt the present premi- t m on gold, to about iuht per cent per An num. r.irmsrs, .Mer' In nt!.. Met haiiies, I'lipit'ilist", and all who liave any money to invest should know nnd re ni iidh'rtlinl the-e llonds are in ellect, u I'irst Mort- inge upon all i ail Roads, liank Stocks and Seem ities. ud Ills immense produi ts olnll llie .Maiiiifn'tares, J.C.. e., in the country, and that the lull and ample provis ion mado for the payment of thh interest and liipiiilat. ou of principal, by i union s Diitb s. Kxriso Ftamp and Internal 1,'evenue, serves to uiaketheselioiids the JJcU, Alo&i. ,'lvailubte and mou 'popular hives' mrnl in the Dlnrln, Subscriptions received at I'ar in I. egnl Tender Notes ir notes and check, paren bonks in Philadelphia, Sub scribersby mail will jeeelve prompt attention, mid ev ry facility audeAplauatiou will be ulliirded ou upplica tiou at this office. A full supplynf bonds will be kept on hand fur inline liute delivery. JAYCOOKU, Subscription Agent. Nov. P. 16C.2-3IU. 11 mi ( Opposite JiitifcntKiKC Hall. ) ciinsTNin sTisr.HT.iiin'U'r.nN' rin n & sixth. r u u.si 11 i.t.f lu.i. V V ATT U liniJl.lN'CH, 'rori(or. November .10, lSOl. Mareli 111, IS3P P. 0. IIA11KISON, M. D. WOULD respectfully inform tho citizens of l!l, n. burg, nml vuinili , that he eoutiuuestlic prae-tier MFDivixi: .1XD suittiT.m; nd solicits a share of public patronage, Oriii'K ou Mam Street, first house below the Court House, liloouisbiirg. l i'bruar) n. le.'J tl. BIUCK! imiOKll IMUCK!: ! nHft001' "t'el;.iust liifinufactui'C' 'ill 1 1 1 1 1 nll' for salo cheap, wholesale 11 rn-ed rtJVUUU At tholllooinsbnrg llilck Yard. pply 10 the suscriber. II CNR Y S. AKTHUU. niootnsburg, June 28, IBiiC. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUAIILE PER SONAL PROPERTY. Will be exposed to due, nt Iho residence o sale, at Public Ycn- ofCeorgn llartmau, in Hem lock low s. hip. Col. ro Pa. On 'I'hursday lu ireli 12lh. the following described persnnal property, viz. THUK1J HORSES, Three colts, milch cows, young catllc.a lot of sheep it hogs Three two horso wagons, (one (if which is a pi no box,) one truck wngou, buggy, sleds, sleighs, plows harrows, cultivators, and ono revolving horsc-inkc, double nud tingle hurut.s, ouo eartmid gears, forks, hoc., &.c, Wheat, Rye. forn, oat. and potatoes bv the bushel, grain in thu ground, liny hy the ton, llax from the bw Ingle. Weaver', loom, one wool wheel, spinning wliuel and vinegar by llm barrel. Hods and building, Cornets, &c, Two good cook stoves, p.irlor and tel. plate stove., iron copper and brass ketti ls with n va riety of liousehlild and kitchen furniture too tedious to mention. Cy Sale tn coinnu nre at 10 o'rlork. n, in. ou said day when mtcaduucu will he given and conditions be made know 11, by UUO. IIART.MAN, I'ch. 21, 1FC3, m m4 Jl ' Neatly antl't-xpeditiously Printed. Ollice ofthe COLl'MDH DE3IOCRAT. Cv. lt V:" , .'Cu'iV'' . i ' fit llie iw.t.i'iwiuiiifiiiitft.yiiij .jiu.iin'i- " miiiM Wfl.is a'r:K'c bio i ua, Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Comtlandt Street, NI'.Mt 11HOA1IWAV, nijw yoiik i-itv I This old'CataMished and favorite resort of Hie lhisl ' ness ('(iiiiiiiuiiily has been rernntly rnlltteil, and in mil' I pic to In ever) thing that ran minister to the romforla of its patrons l.ndlea nuil families are specially and care ! fully provided for. I It Is coiMritHy located In tho Im lnos pari nf tho city, nnd Is contiguous, to the plluclpal llnea i.rsleaiiiboals, ears, oinnlhiisscs forties, tc. In conseqiienco of th.' pressure caused by the KObel Hon, prices have been reduced to Our. Dollar m d iijlij C cuts per Dai, I The tatilo Is amply supplied with all tho luxuries nf Ihcseasou.audiaeiual to Hint ofiiuy other hotel In Hie I country. , , , , ,.! Ainpio ncconimouaiious are ouercu inr upwnro oi mu gue.ls. By" Io not believe runners liackuien, nnd others w ho may say "the Western lintel Is roll." I). II. WINCIIUHTI'.It, l'roprletnr. TII03.1), WINOIIlISTr.II. Kcb. 15,lfG2. 7ic A'f(t) ominertitii Hniltlhitf.i arc faca lal oppodlc Court House, corner of Court and CmutiisoSirtels. ThlsCnllegu ia In noway connected with nny Dtlier I li -1 1 In t ii in. The energies of the entire faculty aro exclusively de voted Infills. Thndosluu ciflhls Institution isln nlford to Voung Men nu opportunity for acquiring a Tkorough J'raetlenl llunineit tjaeation 'I'he Ilnokn nuil l'ornis nro carefullv nrrnnied hv I l'rnrtical Accountant, expressly fur this Institution, nun ine course in iiHiniuiiui is sucn tocouiuine Theo ry nnd Practice. coLLiini.vnirounsi:. This Course embraces llook-Ki'i ping In nil its de partments, reunmaushlp.i.oiiinierttal trithmetlc tins iness. rnjri'spinidcnee, Couunerclal Law, I'o i t ten I Croti uiny, Coiuiiierclal Ltbic I'lirtuership settlements, lie ti ctiug ('iiunterfi iled and nlt.ired llaiik-N'ntes, &c. ha Spenrerlnii System of I'l iiuinaiishlp Is taught In all Its viirlf tii-H. by the most skillful masters of the nil. The Hook-Keeping department is under the special mperviaioii 'inn insitucwuii ui mo I'riucipal, u. v Lnwii.l.. onVHUAI. IN'l'OllMATIOV. Students can enter nt any lime: no vacation. ITmnl time to coum'ete th" f'.nirse. from Cm 1 2 week.. A..I.. lance rendered to graduates in procuring situations. t.ruiliiates are preaenteil with an elegantly engraved III ploiiia. iy l'or ontaloguenf 70 pages, specimens nf penman ship, fcc., enclose two letter stamps and address i.owr.i.i k w vuxnit. August n, i s2. p'y:'. idbs 12m, C 11 I T T 15 X 1) E N ' S nniiADS'i.rHsA o.iisnaii'iAi,. C0LLEG E .. N. E. corner nflh ami CirshuU Slices PHILADELPHIA. Tins IssTiTC'nov. whiili wns estublUhctl In IPI-I and Is now ronseu ieiitlv in tho eierhteenih mar of its rim. euro, numbers niiiong its grndiiates. Iiuudreils of the iiiost.urcessful Merchants ind lluiiiess Men of our Country. TiimlniicT of Hie In.titutinn issnlely tonffordyoung men facilities for thorough preparatioiifor busiii'. ss. Till-IlniM-uis ct'uiirare, IlvoK.lrcp'Hg, as applica ble tn the various deparlmeutH of trade; I'e'imanflnp, both plain anil oru.im.'iilal , Cammtmnl law. Mr hematite-, X,n tstaltan Viril lUifflnetrHtg, Drafting, l Aei. ogarphy, and Ma'lern I.nigiunres. Tik Sv-tkm or In i aue uni is p'culiar : no classes or net n shoiis are inane u-e oi. nut each student is taught I ii ill v i .1 u : 11 v . so that he ma loiumi'iieeat nny time, and aueiiu ai wnaievi'r Hours are iimM i-ouv.iil nt. Citai oiie-Ks nre issued annualltnft -r the 13th of April containing uani.is of th. stu lent for th yar, -ind full particulars of term-. Sir... and may hj obtained at any time hy ndi!reiug th - 1'itiirlpnl. Iv V. rr.st v. AeroMMon. rioN.. ieidr-inrra,l rrnntntinv all. I th" teitjrthi erjirrleme vf lite Peitie'pal, this Institu tion oilers facilities superior many other in the mini- I try, for young men wishing tnpropnre for business, i and to obtain nt th- same time n.ri.oMi. vtirk teill prarca reeam .,, iion for them them to any .Mercl-.au- I tile House, j rr7"Ct-rENF,'.i Scrir.1 of Teratite.1 on I'ook-ICh r- ' in now uoro wldelyrireulnt "dtlnio any ottier work I ou Hie subject, are for sale at 'he College. s. notions ciiiT'i'CNiin.v, ' Altarneij-al t.air, rRISCIl'M.. Jan. mfiv: lOm. Ml IOm Clil!.lIE.'.( , t OLLEtiJ S LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA. 8. II. Ct'llN'CRTI'll AM) CIII.ST.NCT STS. A'tifV Yoic L'it.ii, Ilrooldiiii. Alb'ifti, Ti ny tin ilio. Dc roU, ( I'Veiand. Chicago. I and St. Lotiii. Hook. keeping, l'.'uiiiausliip. CiMiiuereial Aritlimeti, Coiumer. lai I. aw , l'orius, Correspondence, A.e juiitl ally taught. 'I hi'se Colli ge being under Hie same gen-ral and lo cal iiiaiiageuieiit, and iinitiii; in e.u h Ihe adiantage of all, off-r great -r f.n ililies for iinparlmg iulrue i than iinv ntlier similar institution in Hu country. A Si luil.irp.lii i issued by any one is go id in all ft I u unlimited lime. Th i Philadelphia Coll -ge ti n Ii .en rerently culm and refiiriiislieu in n sup, nor manner, uu I isnow'i I l.irg.-stanil most prospeiuus Coaiiueri iai Institution -llie State Hrj.int tc Stratton's s"ries of Text Hooks einbrae Ilook-kei pin.', oiiimeri nil Arilhuu lie, and Lnniuier Law for sale, mid sent hv mall. l'or ful' particulaii send for a circular. October IS, leOJ- l-.'m. OYSTEUS! OYflTEHS!! iRHSII OY.-TI eau b-obialneil al all limes, at the . lilting Room ofthe undersisned. on Mnm street. ll.STO.Sull. Wooimburg, I'n,, Sept. l.'l. ltC2. OllANGEVlLLE Xoriaal nil Cuiitin o'ci.tl Scliuol ar.d Aiadnay. 'T'lir. ne.vt Term nf tills Institution will commence on j .L '1 Inirsdiiy, October ai st. iust. J. S. WOODS, Sec. Ornngcville, Oet.23. lfcC2. NUW RUSINES8 FIIOI. 'pill! undersigiied respeiilully inform their friends mid the public gi'iiemlly, that they haioentereil in to ro partuershiii' uinter thu name, stjlu nml firm o MILl.HR fc I.YHR ill tho jlili's'CHrsli EEjjjiiECMs, in the "Old Ai cade," ill I'dnonisbu rg, Columbia fn where they intend rnrrying 011 th h'lsiui ss of urn rai. ,1Ihiiiim)i.imi, in all il dlvi'rsilli il I, mm lies and depnrtiiK nts. auiltn whkh they invito an extension ol tin) public patronage. P. II MII.LCR, I'RI'.D'Iv C, UVKR. Illooinsburg, Slay 11, ISiil.-tf. kX, if How I.osl ! How Hostoml ! Just Published in n Sealed l'.nvf lope : I'lico fi eta: A I.eetero on the ntiire, 'I'renlmeiit and radioul rure of Hpcruiatorrhtea or seminal weakut ss, tut oluutary i:iuiiilskion., sexual dtbilily, nnd imieiliuieiilii to iu:ir I lag" generally, uervnisuess, eoiisuiiiption. epil, py and (Its i mental and plij.ii al iiieapai ily. resulting from self abuse, &e Ily Rnbt. J. Culverwell, ,M. lb, uuihor ufthe fJrffii Jlool., i(C The woild-reiiow ned nulhor, III this admirable lee lire, clearly proven from his own e.perit nee Hint lb" limful ccuseipieiicesof sclfabuse may he illi'ttually te moved without inedii ine, and without dangerous siir giral op "rations, bougies, iuslriiiueiits, rings, or cor dials pointing out a modn of cure at once certain mid eil'.'i lual, bywhith every suH' rer, no tnntter w hat hi. toiiditiou may he.iHiiy euro himself cheaply, privately and radically. 'I'his lecture w ill prove u boon tn tliuti .itnd. uud thoii.auds, rienl under seal, in n plain envelope to any nddres. nu Ihe receipt of six cent., or two postage stamps by addressing Dr. CIIAS.J.C. KLI.VJ!, IliT flowery, New Vork, I'o.iOllke Ilox, MiO. Kor. 15, ISli'i ' NOTICK. All persons knowing themselves indebted tntho enti Hcriber on N'oto, Hook Account, or otherwise nro hereby nolill.nl to call mid setlle Ihe aaiiie In twoeii Ibis I mid thu lirst of January, IMKI. If not nltendeil to by tint nine, .urn accounts nun note, will be Iclt ut Ci' llhaiuhcrliu'. for collection, H. Ml'.NIH'.NII ALL. lllo'in.hurB, Nov. 51), 1P0J, EXl'XJUTOU'S NOTICE. Estate of Hanvl Icigcl, dee'd, TKTTIJI'.B toitamontary on tlio cvtuto of Daniel nei. Jgel, lute of I iiciist township. In Columbia county nreenseil. havcbCeil elnnted be thu Reaisler of Colo in. 1 bi.i county to the itiidersigued also residing in .aid .n..,ul,l,. . ,,lll,tr.nD l,.,l,t ll,i,a n.nlll.l .Ii., na.n.n WW? ofthe deceuil uare r "pte.tiidtu tire, nt them tn ihe Ixrrittcrot Ida rosideure in .aid town. hip, withnii . delay, and all person, indebted to make payment forth with. I'ETl'RK HHR11UIV, tirciitir, ( ncemb r.6 IBM, (,. jupjiutfmjaJwiiVjiiliLg j A YE It B 0ATHARTI0 Am von ilck. fctblo, nnd icouiplslnlngl Aieyoaoutof cider, with your sjslein d. ranged, and your fenllnga lin eomlorlablot 'Ihm simp. torn nieortcn lh preudo t Ullulia IIIiifm. rioma Ht of Bkkn.sa l rree.lo'i "" you, nnd should bo aicried l.y n timely tuo of the right lamed)-. Tako Ajcri 1111a, and cleanse out Hit disordered bif mom purify the blood.and let the Holds mow on iinoh stiucted 111 lie.dlli "gain. They stimulate tho function! of tho budv Into lgoious ae llilty, pmll'y the s)lem fiom Ilio olstructloiia which iimUo ..t 11 A..iA. ..,nuiip,A in til,. Itoilr. anil ol Hrticls lis nation! functions. These, If nut rllocd, reaettipon theinielres and tho euriottiidlng orr.nns, pro iluclng geneinl nggiavallon, sulTcrlng, nml dl.a.iso. While III this condition, oppressed by the doinnn'inctits, take Aycr Pills, nnd seo how dhectly they icstoro HiB natural iicllmi of tho syslein.nnd Willi It tho buoyant reeling cf health again. What Is trnonnl so nrf fircnt in this tilvlnl and cointuoii complaint, is also tliw ln tuany of the deep-sealed nnd d.ingeroiia dlstenipcrs. Iho sums purgatlto elTed expels Ibem. Caused by shnlMr obstrno. tloiu nnd derauRCiii"nls of Ihe inluiol functions or tue body, they are rapidly, nnd many of them siuly, ciireiS by the same mentis. Noim who know the t Irtii 's ot Iboio l'llls, will ueg ect to employ Unnn when (UlfctlnS Irom the dlsordera lln-y euro. , ... Statements ft cm leading pliyslthtu In some M the principal cities, and from other well known public per sons. Prim a ronvarJlnp Machatit if St. Lewis, r,b. J, 1830. im. Aver! Your Pills nio Iho paragon of nil that la Eient In medicine. Thoy havo cuied my little d uighter of ulcerous snics upon her b inds nnd feet that b id proved Incurablo Tor jean. Ilor mother b it been loin! tcrlav ously afflicted ltli MetcliM ninl plnipleson her aliln nm In her hair. AHer our child was cured, she also trln'i your Pills, nnd they have cuted her. .., ' ' aha MonaiiiDan. An a Pninh. I'lij-nlc. Ocelli Dr. IX H'. an(ier,j,,i(, A'iw Orttnrv. Your Pills nro Hi.' p.-lneo or puiges. Their excellent tinalitles anrnass nn.r cnlli.ii tie wo possess. .Thoy are mild, but lery ceit.ihi ntul effectual In tliclr Mtlnu on the tioirels, w-filcii in iks tlicni Invaluable is tn in ine uaiiy treatment of disease. IlenilnchSlchllVnilnt'IiCjFonl Gtomnob. Irom Dr. .VimhI Ihytt, UMimcrt. Dcinllno. Avmt Ic.imot nuswer you tci( complaints I havo cure ( with your 1'i.li better tli.iu to my oil !'"'( lea reel1 trial iwt'i t pnrtiallrr medicine. I place gtcnt depep denroou an i-ffeetiml lallmitle In my dally contest Willi disease, and bolioilug ns I do that your Pills nfleid us Hie best we have, I of eouiso value them highly. rirrsiiuna, Tn., May I, IBM. Dn. J. C. Arrn. Fir; I liavo ben icpeiitcdly cured of tho worst timtt'tclie nny body can haio by u dose or two of your l'llls. It seems to aliso front u foul sloniach, Which they clcano at once. Youis ivitli great leipcct, ED. AY. l'ltHIHdl, ttci o Steamer Clarhn. nillous Illsoiv.ern I.Ivit Conillrilnt. J'i mil Dr. Thcatlare llttt, rA'm ln Uty. Not only nro your l'llls ndiiihiiblv adapted to their pivr poso as an aperient, but I find th"lr boneflcl.il effeclsiipon the Uicriery muked Indeed. They have in my pi ac tlco pioicd more elfectual for Iho cine of lihoiu cm. plaints than any one remedy I can mention, 1 slncciety rejoice that we li no nt length a puigatlio whiili is wor thy the confidence ol the profession nnd the people. DrrAiiTMKM or the iMtumn, 1 Wnihhigti.il, 1). C, "th lib., 1MU. Sin! I havo used jour Pills In my general and hospital practice ever since you mado them, and cannot hesitate to Bay they aie Iho best culhai tie e employ. 'Ibelr ugu lating action on the liter Is qulilc and deridid. coiihs pientty they me an adinitiiMo lemedy for deiiiugemeuts of tint oigau. Indeed, I havo eel loin found n cine of bilious disease lei obstinate that it did not lendily j leld to theiu. J riiteiiiallyyouis, AI.O.NZO 1IAI.I., il. I) , J'ltisician of the Marine HoryltaL Dysentery, Dlnrrlurn, ItelnV, WuriiiH. l'imii Ur.J. G. Gittn,qfL'luotgv. Your l'llls liaio bad a long lilnl In my practice, and I hold them In esteem as one of the best apeilenls I halo eier fuiiud, 'J'beli- alleiatlio ellert upon the Hut makes them an excellent lemedy, when glw-it In small doses fur liUoHS dysentery and tliturlian. 'ibelr sltg.n-cenllli makes them veiy acceptable- nud coiiieuieut tur Hie u9 of women and ebildieu. Dyopeiinin, Imimrlty of (lie Ttlnnil. rrom JCiv. J. 1'. lliaies, Ihslor if buriit Cltm-th, Moitcn. Dr. Avert! I liaieued your l'llls Willi extiaiidlnaiy success in my family and niiioug lhe.o 1 am eatled to isit in distress. 'I'o legnlate the organs nt" digi-stion nod puilfy the blood, they aio tho very liest lemedy 1 liavo eier known, and 1 can confidently leeoiutneud them to myfilcnds. Youis, J. V. lllMI'.S. War?iw, Wyoming Co., X. Y Oct. 21, 16.13. Pi! in Fir: 1 nui living join-C.ilh.u tic fills In my piac lice, and find them an excellent puigatlie to cleanse the system" and imiily the, Jhuiilaitts of tlir.lln,rt. JOHN (I. MIIAOIIAM, M. I. Cons tlpnt Ion, Cottvciiti.. KiipiM-i-snlon, ItlKiiiiiiitisiii, (.out, IVciii'ulfjin, Drop sy, liiriilyl(, FItH, etc. 2'i tan Dr.J. V. Vmighu, Montreal, Canada. Too inueli cannot be said ot your l'llls for tho cure of costirenesi. If others of our fiaternlty hale fmnd them ns euleaclous ns 1 have, they should join me In pinilalui Illicit for the beii' llt of the multitudes whuMiflcr fiom that minpl.iliit. whlih, nlllioilgh bad enough lu llse-U, Is Ilio progenitor of otlieis that aie worse. I Lelicio cos. tweitesi loongiuaie in tue llicr, nui join i ins niiect uuii orgau and cmo the dUease. From Mrs. .'. Flint t, Vhysteian and Midtrife, Ihstov. I find ono or two latpo does ofyouv l'ills, taken at the proper time, ore excellent ,ioniutives('f tho natural sccre don when wholly or pin hill) suppieised, mid alsoiery elT-etuttl to cleanse the stomach and eriul u-.i-inr. They are so much tho best phislc we have that 1 lecouiiueud uo other to my patients. Feottl the Her. Dr. IIawl.c,r.ftlie Medalist Fpls. Chnrcli. rn.tsKi HoLGr. Faiatinah. tin.. Jan. 0, 130. IlnNonrn Sin: I should bo uiigiati-tul for tlio relief your skill has brought me If I did not repuit my case to yon. A COM Si'lllCil llimviliiunmi i'ioiiol oo t-.eru elating veurtdti'S pams, which ended In chronic j .f iiina tism. Notwithstanding I hint tho he-t of phtsUi.ilis. tho di.easo glow worse and woise, until by tho adilce of j our excellent njient In lialtli-ioie, Dr. Miul,enle, I tried jour 1'illi. '1 heir e fleets weio slow, but sine. Ily persotiilug In (lie ue of them, 1 am now i-utiiely well. Pcnatc CtuMtitri, Raton Rouge, t,a 5 Doe. 1R53. Da. Ayer: I luva been entirely euied, by jour l'llls, ci llhtimatte Goutu painful disease that bad uflllcted mo for years. Y1SCBNT SUUri.l.. j5-Mot of tho Tills In market contain Mercury, w-liiih, nltliougli a valuable, remedy lu bkllful hands, U dangerous In a publld jilll, frail tho dicadful conso cpiences that ficqiieutly fnlloiv Its Ineiutlous ue. Tht contain no mcrcniy or iiiIiicihI substancii whateier. Priqs, 25 cents per Ilox, or 0 Hoxoh for $1. Prepared hy Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mam. Sol , 0) t; i . ol.. ti M i i.i j.-Kliui ii. unit J R lojer I'looinsburs ; J Si lini b'r. l'ohr-h'iri: ; Masters t Son, Millvllle ; I' .Ma-t' rs. Il. uton ; l.azarus ft 1'i-dier, r niiL'eville ; C I' l'"wli i l'owl r-vill"; A Vill r. Her wiik; Low fi llri's . Ci'iitori ilio : 11 1' Ri ighait fc Nuss I'spy ; M O Sho -mak 'r, llm khorn ; Helgb.iit Nui". 31ninili' : .1 Shirples'. Cnltawissa; creusj & Co, l.iulitStr.'ei : and dealers everywhere. July vie., Ir(i2ly. EYANR .V, WATSON- rJAI.AMANlll'.R .lAI'HH, III' v, MOVI'.II tn Xo. Hi youth Fmrh " , Uriel, PSiladilpiila, Have ou uud n large assortment of I'ir" 'aV Thief nroof rialamaiider Sifes. "jl iso, iron doors, for banks ami a.r .l,.r..L ,.,. I'lllliP. r,ll, w', I 11 iiiiikes of locks t"iialtii any niiule in the United States. Fire Safe in our fin. Alt came out right; trith eon. trnt in ..ell. condition. The Salamander t'afes of Philadelphia against the world. EVANS & WATSON, have had the surest deniostintion in the following cer tiorate that tln ir luauufarlur.' of Halniiiander rbif s has nt length full v warranted He ropn s 'illations w huh havo lieeu mad,' of th -in as rendering an undoubted security against Hie terrific e b'tiu nt. I'hiln lelnhl-i Anrll 12. leVM. .Ifrssrs Kran H- IVatttont (Jeutl. ni' n It allords us . the highest mtisf.irtion to state to you, that owing to I the miv protei tie .' quiiliti softwoot th Halamander, Hafes w'hli h we purihns ; of you some live month since we snved u lar'e porlion of jewelry, and all our hooks, Kr evposi ii to th" i aluminous, fire in llaustead place on 111" nooning of th" Ulh lust.. I When we rellei t ihvt th 's fnf.-a were Inrnted in the I fourth ory of th buildiiig wu occupied nnd tint th yi fill subsepi'inl niton In up of burning ruins, where the ' vast com i ntrntioii of the heat caused the brass nlates to t melt, we cannot but regard tfi 'jire.i rialion of llieir vol- j liable contents as most roimucing proof of th' great se. i-nrilv n Ml, t-,1 l,v vonr allies. Vu sbnlj lake great pleasure in recoiiimeiidlng them to men ol busin s- ns a "lire n linnce immnst lire. OI'.URtir. V. rtlM.MOXftt IIRtl.. .rircJcM. 0"They hate since luirthused six lame Hal'".. Julyi!U, IHii!. lAlC'i'l"". iw G R E K N W O O D SEMINARY. Mil'vilt, Columbia County, Penrftt. This well knowh Pcliool for both sexes will open NOVr.MllllR 3d, m-i. Tho recent ndilitions to thu building.! render accom odation, for more than sixty boarder.. The coiir.ii of study will embrace threo department, -thu Normal, thu Hilentille, mid I'm ' iiiuinercinl Tho Principal will be assisted by experienced teach ers, f Ily 'inalllledfor their P spot live positions. Parent., uud others mav rest nssiired Ihul no ellort. will bo spared tn make Ihe school worthy of natrnuiige and that the welfare of tho student., intellectually, phy-ieally, and morally, will reeeivcoiirconstaulraru l'or npplinition, circular, nr futlber purtieulars. ad dress thu undersigned, ut .Milluille oliimbin county l'a. T. MAXW.HI.I. I'O'l'lH. JOHN II. I'ATTON, A..1L. I'riucipal. Millvllle, r,i Bept. 13, If 03, NATRONA GO A L OIL! WARR ASTHfl NOV EXl'LOrilVi:! anil equal tn uuy K I'.JlOdlJNI!. WIIV buy im oxplu.lva oil, when n few fins more per gallon will furhislt oii with u perfect Oil I M-nhoiillb't TA, HALT MANTFACTl'RING COM!' NY, No. P7 Walnut ftrett, rHIMUULI'lll V l'cby '.'3, ieOl, I jc. r mm " ' III i c ip ,i , i. , . FRJ2 SI1 A R l I v'X lt -or him undersigned, grateful for pft . , fully Informs hlscusjtiuiers and t,ei,ii' "T,"- largest and most select Mock of 'nrn Htles, th ! FALL AND WINTER 'rllflt tin.V.I l.xnlt ,..,A...t In 111 . Invito, th'e anon o 'of iV r 3' ", ' ,!" "MeU that they nr.; offefed for sale it A iZl ! Slock comprises n large assortment u l",r''"l"' His HI!NTI.'.:.Mi:.Vft WIIAIIIXO APPARIU, Coiisiftiiig ot fAsinnsintrllnrssfinrs. ( 11 , rrlptlniii Paula, Vests, Shirts, t'riivaf, J!l,l '.'" Ilaiidkclchier,,tllvcf, Miif pointer.. &c ' ''"01 GOLD WACHES A N I) JEWKLHY, nrntnri',1s..,U,u I ...... ,t ... -v, ,,,iit iinu alio riiene, , N. 11. Remeinbor " I.ciee nberr'n Cheap Cmncrinn, I call and see. No charge for ekninlng Uimh P "' mooniburg.Mrcl.23.ieCa'.,AV1" ,'0W,,i?l!,1liSu0) A FAMILY MAGAZINE ir.ivn:i ro urnttATOnr. axi, nu.ioiox. VOLUME XXtII--lD63. "IT la the design of tills Maforine to produce lie . i, ill. 1,1,1, in. I U llir-,llU, slltllSS will eiihlvnte t.iste, lednelliu inanuers and iiini,l,l,i n n r lire, l.lternry without being pei.unlic, ieikius in lis tone and eharacti r without bigi tty, It will n,i,u .I it w-i Iciiine w lierjver il Is known ,o irngiirim i, ihe eoiiniry Is hotter adapted to the family eir, le liuiimt thu furlh oniiiigMdiinie it will i out nil.- to miiintni,, ... rliariuler us '1 he Uuetn ofthe .liuitbli, s" In Ms m 'chanlenl execution by the lleiiiji, ,y j, i,m, r,uni, ,i hy any .Mngalni' In the lauii. II is print li Iri in nir ot'ie plaii s on the flu, si v.-iluiim r, i. pup, r , ni,, , , , li il in l .' r I'liutaius tw o original st 1 1 ncn.i me , ex eu tudlii Hi.' high 'ststileof Hi, art byiirlisti who stand nt the h".ld ol their professii n I lie Repository has spi i ii.l ri c: n j Hon to lb, frn,, . It ftirui.hes u gr, atiiuiount of iei, ing ao i, (l t, H the inenib tb of the family Jiang ni,u , n, i , , getting the children- 111 iri sh. i ,i'leii full oi f . lu Itilipiou nnd (ienernl I Iternlurr itorci pies i, niciis that can be filled ill no i ther way l.iinLing wnieio tha heart mi, i soul good. Among its eoutillintors nre found some of thu best writ rs in the laud, Th. Ir p ipern'Kc . I gmuc. si.i u nu I i iri, t) . us w ell is in. inn lion tn lis pice-, ills Hi,.' Hit ii 1 1 on ul the H'.itorand I obli-h, rs to oml.e it th' first iagi.7.lno of lis kind in lli- co, ii iry. t,,i, iill.'Ullou is Iiuiti'il to the vnrleil nml Iht-resting ion tents of the 11 Mi rin I I i pari meul v. hub ulnhns , a lures no w hern else to be loiiuii. It w III im Im . scrip, lure abinet, rontaintne many eboiej tliouglits t,inl expontlons for tho Chiisliati riiim-r ami ui'insi. r Null's nml (tileries, a lil-'inty and riiiici u, ii,i,i highly interesting to the inipilsiiiw. ; olm s 1 1 ,. w Publications ; Items. I Hernr . Si ii otilie an I Ui iai. im g.'iubiid.vin fails, neli' tuts nod -t.-.tliliis ol p, 111,1.10, 1,, value ; Sub'boarc for ehll Ir. n wliiih will b. I II 1 f sloiios aud ani e-iloienii 1 ulii.ily mlafteo i ,,..1 , ,,n instrurt rhililreu i lMitorial (ileiitniigs 11.110 up l rich ami rare pnsag. s nun nuec i.oti s-glinm u 11 rm n.e H'litor's ri'iidiou, and I'.ciior's 'I ubb' . in also tinl,i.,y ipill" n variety. Then- is un erminuiy In takinc Hie Mainline, if yen look at the amount of I In- r, iiiliuu uiatt, r. A siro-'u ,', nine i I'.'iual to . i;ht I'.'iun. Voluini s w huh nt pi , 1,1 rates would tost 31 et rli. '1 lint Is ) 11 gi I :u tl , b'cpoMtor) for Tw n Hollars and a Hall w w, 1,1,. , , ,1 yn't leu Dollars in tii book li-rui; aud (ih 11 n I, ,g,i iiuiiib -r ol superb sti 1 etiL'rai nigs in ibe'lim', n 1 IHItM-. lu ilew of the uiiprerVn, nt io.i.uh. IM the cost of p.ip'-r mid all otther 11 at' 1 111U if n , 1 ,.f; , tore, nnd in 1 ii w 1 filie lie t that puhii-h in'lbi.iks nr eoiiipi'deil ton lil 1 1 0111 lwvnt Ihe to 11,1ns f r c in to th pi iee of th,-ir Koo k. w e btie niioi'Oit 11ns .' to attempt tue piiMb ulloh 1 I the R 'sil,' I rili' loiniitg yi nr .-it I ss tb in two mi 11 Unit It, Pair. Tbi.' , inu-t hi- pai I invarntiiy in uidnuei'. AH Mmist'Cs nl Hi M.th'iiiisl Cpi.erpal' 1,11 rilt nn arcrediied Aei-nts au-.v. ill ni-eiie Su i ri 1 1 1, o- mot I'nwu -uts. I'ilbli'.heo liy l'"e A. Hit. I k, t in. timi'tt. , forie'r of tlniii I tyl. Jl r-itei ts t Hilton t. I'm t, 1 ! w York, 2:111 Miilburi J-tiiet (Irilem l;i"iie.i by Un V lloughtv. I'hli-aLoi; I I' Jlng. e, P. i.,; S Unii . ! I'liilaJi'lpblu; J I'. Ci 1 k 111 1 1 1 m ., r ' ; J I. I! 10. I itis- Int. g, I', 1111 ; II II. (Mis liuir.ilo, V .; I 1 b. it M Hlr San ,'iaoi'isi o. 1 nl ;T II. I', nrue. I'ortiniui.t'ieiioi', II - 1 1 1 ! Put thh- 11 r Row . 1. 011 .on. I.ni'li.lnt Ai-n llironah n ri j nei rei'ltn' traveling mini V 1 el the Met.i 0,11st Hpis.opal I'hurih, Inc. I.I, 1-1,2 m. JAriES H. SM i H, iMPnivrr.u .tXD n'titii.LS.ii.i: ni.ti.r.it nilAN'DIES, WINKS, WHISKEYS, OINS, AND I.I 1C0IIJ, nilVHIi M.i.Y. Vo. '.MS U'idtiul Ms , bdivcvn ii I i)- 'i( I'llll. l !'.!. Ill A ('. H. IIIINRY, Traveling Agent uu.l S.,1k..,i,hi. "T Dun. in Ki u'keTi ei.ev Soutirt-t). No-i nib.'f 2-. I p2. y VAY YOPK MEDICAL TSTI -Trri:. A liGiH-vnJ.'tit Itti-ttltit.f.n endowed f-r t!i firn ot riirniiii: I)ii-.i-i'i4 nffvi'iy ihilun. tin A tn pn.tf i ! n.rn lid t' mi ti u K f rttfl' I- nml inipot-tur-. ll d'tr K f -.r il fur 1 cil( ine 'iiitil ( iin-il, imm in 1.1 - trciH-: povrty ipntuii'iit (ii-t,-. ,n Ihii-iuIf or Vv a is Itr i'ts iin'il. T I i . I'liv hi -.mr It ivc h.w! I on u tifnt x 1 1 1 1 v ' t Mri 'tic' tx th in ) l viil ttlhl llot-p'tnl j r i' -tic ' 'I'll li'ltov. mi! .irt' ninii' of tin 11 nii Jtint- td w lu M lf-r-i;tl litt'Mittoii ix oi. All illfi-;if - t Ii. ii. Tlirt'-il Lutij;-., Heart Sicmncl', l.lvr Urltu-v l.un.i t. Uii tiuiutiriiii. 1 it. CmiCi'r. I i f te XcrxiiUi AHmiimi. Um iiKL't- I' i!n .-i'ual OririiH.-i f1 mhiiil ' jK i h-. tin pnt n.ftiiiil Viritl nt iliu ;i-th nf fi-ry lu-tiirc i'""" Iv c irt'tt, l 4t'm''n cf l'i inul.'i nml all 1 rr ar.iti h rtuc' t-!(-fiilU trfit-Ml- i'liliilii',tti nnd Iii mIih i nr 'l ft itli"it puiiil'ul npt'rntimi I'ati. tn .it d h I n r, liy t iiilini: ii't-Mt.-ni ni of tin jr Mvuh lit -t nt u any purl i the rountrv, ( nii,-n!;iti'.:i fr't tu li Addr.'. Hifinp i tuli'.-.'il. Jilt I. 9. (VnMiMiiic rhv.Hinii, CO. iiioudft'iiy, Ni orh City. April. p. JPft!-lSi:i. ADMINlSTRATOirs NOTICE. j'M'Uc of j'tcCion ut'or ic:i 'tsiri. I I'.TTI-'hH of ailmiiiistralinn on the I'slate of 1 1 1 k . 1 sou f.eoiee late M l,t coat township, t o ir il'i-' lOOle. ,1,','t i. oil . t,.i4 w lie. , .rtil,.,l I..' II,, I.'si't.i. r of Coin ulna county to Mnrj lieorge and l'i t"r K, 1 1 beiu. nditiiuiMr.itnrs, all per-ous having ctaK si't'in" t the estate ofthe decediui, aru reiUt,t,'ii to i,s t I ti ' Ml to tlio in 1 1 ii i ii i s t rn l i t s. ut tin Ir resnli m-i in l. oust town. Iii p. w illiout ihlii) . uud all pirsoiis in Jo u I to make paimeiit forthwiih. mary n noii nr.. i'r,Ti:R k iii iii'i.i'i. Juiunry 17, IfCl-fiw. Atlniitintiuinr NE-V COLUMI3HS APADK31Y. Thu Columbus Mnlo and l'i luiiln Araeleui) .will t p"ii I ts nr.it term upon Tuesday tin- t!hr,fvv, ttf.'. This s iinol oilers superior iudiiL-i meul tn i.ll ol'O aro desirous of acipiiriug an ii'-eiteuiie-al etlue.ttioii- 'o preparefortcaehing'Orl" obtuiua tlinri'iigh kuuwlsilj" of any of Hie inodein or nueii lit Iai guages, l'or fuitlu r iiitoriualinii i ii'iii i rn of 11, H. IIINCHAjI. I'rinrip.il. or of .l01l.f KoONs ?rc'y.. at New Coiumbus, Lucerne co., I'n. Oil.il, leo.'. STOVE AND TIN-AVAHE SL( P t HU undertignnd would InlVrin Hie rili' is tTiil I hi iHii.n im i u uiiil it-1 in l j . that he u i -t 15! ei veil and oil'i rs for side one ofthe most v i -ie tSSy! assnitmeiits ot CllOMMiniul l'AN Y Si "M -i ver llltloilliri d into this llllllket. Tile I hri-t' pll r I " il in Im . , Jaim s Robb mid Clobi- lire mining Hi 1 In I i cookiue stoves, all of wlin Ii are nir-tlsht and tns n i His parlor -tovi s are bandsonie aud tho asioiim ried. Al.-O I'arliciilnr aitentloii ts p.id to 'fn-W e mid House Mtiouting, upon short notice. All kuo -repniriiig will lie dune with neatness and despair. i CJ - Country produce taken in exi bange for w oik. PIIILir ri. MO VI U. IHnonishurg. May 10, it','l. STRAW ! STRAW ! ! STRAW ! .' TO.VrS SI'R UV, of all kmds. Ilmkwl.- ii rented, is wanted iiiiin 'dtati'ly, nt Hi Orovu i'at"r Mill. nar i-iulu ritrLci, tvi w Uu rfiuli Will lut tl :t lil. TIIO.MA3 TRLM'II Mill Grove, August tl, 1502. '1W0 FARMS. FfiB SAli33 OJR The subscriber offers for sale or rent, tho tw o fallow ing I'lirimisime (if them situate in I'i.hingcrci k t i" ilup, Columbia county, loutaimug ONE HUNDllED ACRES, fitaa), moro or less, about flrtj-flvo litre, of whi h IB?lH l eleared land, whereon liro i rcttfd a eou'l MMjA Two Story FH.'lMt: DWF.I.I.IXO IK, I ' nuil Fl'iAMF. H.lltX. Waguu House, Corn Crib nil other outbuildings. ALSO: -One other .'arm. situate in llcnton towti'liiP' Columbia county, containing ONE HUNDRED & THIRTY-PITE Ariel, iitinot 'I'hirtv-I'lvo Aeios nfwb.'l1 !' iii cleared laiul, w bi'reon urn erci leu a 1 1. ! ' divf.i.uxo itoust:, fiumi: iiaix. ""' llii. other outbuilding. Mild 1 arm n sim t' IlaiingCr'ek, nbouttwu mile. ubo.' SHU ; ai " W..0.-.Twn other iinull Lots, situate m 1 . " creek township lying on i'i.liltigcri-es Head an mile from Hill Water, onu i iintaiiung riil ll fl " nnd the other n'J'nwn Lot, nnd goon bullil'us ' "'"r 1 of thein. Term.ttiiJctiuditliusmudi' I noi if ev w ii 1 1 a i lur.i i... riililnjttctk, u5t't"'U rt MEM ao . -ron. m AND