DEMOC OLUMBIA 1 HAT LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. VOL. 17. NO, 2. O0LUUB1A DBUOCRAr i-uiiiiisttED every Saturday, iiy LEVI L. TATE, tj ELOOMSBURQ, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, o Finals the mw nritk BIMIff. WI ' r.ichMj t, ly tUt ef thi Ourl JItut$. "Vnnteratie llcai Qutrttn." TKKMS 01' SUllSORU-TION. 'SI 00 In advance, for ono ropy, for lx montln. 1 75 liindvuh.o, for one ropy, ono year. i (M Ifnut paid within the rirt tlm-e uirmllu. - J If not paid within thv first U moutln. t M If not paid wlthl" tliuycar. to-No ...Imrlnttou taken Tor lc thnn six tnonlln, VndTo paper dlcontinucd until nil arreting. .l.M Hv 'xlvrampinr. I.m'rlrd ontMlar n.r iq .V ii."f W flr '"", ttaa three! nrst ....rl Iu ; ' Eml wt., P-r S.p.ari, lr every ...Usonuei.t Ji.iiWoiiK,of.!ry dofrlpllt-, r.catl and c'.icnr'y uiutud attuu h.utkjii nun... Original Poetry, Wrlrten-but not-for the Cid.unbia hrtnocto The Camp. Fugitive Poetry-Hy a Hollvr. 'Tin. mow ii falling tl.lck ami f.nt, the tr nnd eroun.l are rovercd o'or, The '.urn.") ililvr-r in the MJiht. Tlulr lliulis arc tired, ntlff.nd ire. The men within their quarter. II', Opprcs-rd with trief -welshed down by elo.w, Yl.ey think urir-lnilir hiavo a altjh, To be ith loy'd ones ut Iwnn. Tin guard walk slowly to and fro, watih- ll. 4UM11 lull re hi eyei i Nor ali.'ltrr Inn '. from tin nnw. Wliiili hi ill dcsrcnil. from ila.Ue.i'd hkin. The tr.opa hae ruirsse-ull are true, And would not reik e'en jtoruu liku the.o, Were they not llslitlnj fur tn lnvi, And Abolition's whinu tu.plaj3. 'Thoy'll fisht f"r froedom nd our law.,! or thr ran tanJi !ut ill notrihK for urjroe'B cute. The loyal Hiurk Mb oflh land. 'Then lit out only motto Ijj, IkR Ninoi and onr Nano-i'i. I.uvf.. Our Count. y. t.' I.H" r!- The rights of Wn.ii.-MkS - l'r..J.ini' cue. Army of Ihe l'oto.unr, 1 1 li. If i.i. I'oinmuniciUious. " yortliefclumlia Vtmtttvt. THE TRUTH u. FALSHIIOO ). To the Editor: As I noticed n-cenilv an article Tuil.liHticd in that abolition shoot of your r0wn,writtctby one Cornelius RfCtyvho ,n drafted and is now at Yorl:toivu,m Vn, nt which place he .uauscr vv to I have aunicd tho pmilrgo of pen- Cromley, John Orosslcy, Ss tiiiip; a few line-,rogi udtng sonic asscitions nude in it.for which pleace permit spneo in the. columns of your most valuable pa per. Tim Abolitionist, to whose writ ing'l havc refer.!, says "There are a great many of the drafted men at York town, who arc disloyal," meaning the I'emccrals, and intimates that bad it not -been for this disloyalty in tho army and the opposition in the noith to the Admin istration's war policy, the rcbuliion miftht -.:..oi limn have been nucl'cd. Had "O - , this booby known tho came of the oppo-1 idtion to hii party ho would not havo writ ton as ho did. Why did the DcniocrnH oppose tho R'publiean measures before thoclcotion of Abraham Lincoln. The following arc some of the doctrines as promulgated by tho He'prr Book and endorsed by tho sixty eight Ucpublican ,.! Vinrs of Conurfs?, which tho Demo- I crats, as a Constitutional party, could not J help but oppoio. 'S That it is a solemn duty to abolish Sla- ' . very in tho South or die in tho attempt, (Pago 2, That no man can be a truo patriot without first becoming an Aboli tionist, (Pago 170). 3, That against Slavo Lolders, as a body wc, (that is tho Ropub sicuers and cndorseis) wage au cutcruii- - notine war. (Pago 130.) !. That tho f present is tho timo to try tho strength of - nr arms, and that now is tlic tunc to strike. (Pages I'-l) 123 ) 5. That the slaveholders must emancipate the negroes or wo will emancipate them for you. (Pago 190.) 10. That we aro wedded to cue purpose, from which no earthly pow cr can divorco us. Wo aro determined to nbol'uh slavery at all hazards. (Page MO.) Thcso aro but a few of tho many docla rations which wero raado by tho leaders of tin Abolition party, which the Demo crats opposed ,,beeaiiB0 thoy believed it to ' bo a Stato au.l uot a Federal matter. And 1 would hero inform Mr. Rocco, that had it not boon for tho Abolition party, to which Jjto belongs, declaring it to bo their purpose to intcrfcro with aud destroy State institutions, wo would not havo had a rebellion to put down. Aud sinco tho AbolitiouiEti have, by pursuing an uncon etitutioual course, effected a dissolution of the American Union and involved its people in a momentous war, the like of AND "TO Which lins never before been knswn on tho Atucricnn continent, they have sot tho Constitution aside, assuming powers out side of it, by which they intend to accom plish their object, via : tho abolition of slavery. Let us notice some of the usurpations of power. The President lias, by his proolanintion of January 1st. 1803, dia- recarded tho reserved riulits of tho States. and nt'eniptod by that proclamation to equalize tho white and black races. Ho ' has persisted in listening to and carrying out tho cnuusols of men whoso avowed doctrines are inimical to free government. Uc has divided a State without the con- sent of her Legislature. Ho ha degraded the Union army by rceriung negroes into tho service of the United States, Ho has in many instances suppressed the liberty of the Press and free speech a liberty feared only by tyants. Permit me to stop here, as time fails ine to mention one- linn ui uiu uuuuusiuittiouai anu ijrauui- cal acts oommittcd by this Abolition Ad- miuistration, since Mr. Lincoln's innugu- ration; acts which 1 do now and ever shall disapprove, and against which tho majority of tliu people of the Preu States prntes. We woulil have this dunce ( Heccr) to understand that they are tho oneniius of tho Constitution which wo op. poe, acd no ono else; and just .o long as Mr. Lincoln and his aiders, such as Greeley and Drv John, continue to vio late tho Constitution, o long will they bo held as :Cmics to their country. And becau-c we, a a psrty, disapprove tho un constitutionality of Abe Lincoln and his crew, wc arc called Secessionist'". 1 would hsro adis this smut hound, Jlr. Recce, to l!c his nigger trap shut hcrt After, and not t xpoie his ignoranco to tho public, for hn mind ia not very limited at best, or clue he would not adrocato tho doctrines of a parij wh so avowed object has al ways been lo dissolve the Union, ami have, at Inst, effected their purpose, And what are lio iffecta f War, with all in t'onscqtunccs ! A DEMOCRAT. Democratic Meeting. A largo aud enthusiastic meeting of the Democratic citizens of Cooper and ad joining townships JLttlour c-, met at tho I L T Lazatus schoolhouse on fnturday Feb. 'lic itioc ti iiir us called to onkr by ap- j 1'rtsi Jcnt. Johu Samuel Lazarus i and Jacob L"iby Vice Prerideuls, and William McNtiifh .Secretary. On motion Isaac Maurer J. C. Ammerittai!, Jacob She'liart, Daniel Crossley and Amos Wea ver were appointed a committoc to draft resolutions, I)uii"g the itbseuco of tho committee .1. C. Amnicrman J. II. Cam bell and other gentlemen on invitation addressed tho mooting. Tho committee reported tho following resolutions Resolved : That we earnestly desire tho suppression of the present rebellion the I tWI IMIIIIH1HH Wl Utltl Hilt HUH V11U lUOlUU' ,iou of lh(J ().ac0 nld uity of the United termination of civil war aud tho restore States; aud aro therefore in favor of tho adoption of any and all meaiures as will most speedily and effectually bring about thcso results. But; Wo aro oppor-cd to muking this a war for tho abolition of hlavcry in tho Southern States. o arc opposed to the Presidents emancipation proclamation. Wo aic opposed to tho arresting and imprisoning of I'reo and loyal ciiizeus by tho President or his subordina'cs without authority of law. Wc aro opposed to the suspension ol the Habeas Corpus in the loyal States. Wc aro opposed to the arming of ne groes in this war and placing them on an equality wun our ganani wnite soiuiers now in the field. Wc arc opposed to the purchase of nc- groas by tho government and taxing tho people to pay for them. Wc aro opposed to any act ol consorip- tion which gives to tho president unlim ited power over tho military of the coun try.. IJcnaiics wo uoiicvo all these acts and measures tend to widen tho breach between tho North and South to unite the i:o.tth to divido and distract the North to demornlizo our army, to em- bnrrasi and inipoveiish our people, and to prevent a termination ot tho war aud a restoration ot the Uhion. Tho resolutions wore adopted without a dissenting voice after which, tho meeting uljourncd with cheers for tho Union the Constitution and Demooraey, JOSEPH MAUSER, President WILLIAM MoNINDH, Socrolary A Califo:nian reesntly wrote to a friend in tho cast "ou had bstter come out bore, for. mighty mean wsn get in offioa in California." BfiT The less a man knows, the wider ho toar his mouth open, it is impossi ble for a fool to keep his jaws shut, as it is for a sick oystor to keep his sholl closed. Br Democraoy aboe par nt present BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. HOLD AND TRIM THE TORCH BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT l-IIITl'D BY LEVI L. TATE, mOl'METOU -SGIootibijurg:- SATtlUUW, llIVRtll 11, 1803. S- Union Lhaqucs. Wo observe tual Abolition papers are busily en- 6atrcl1 in efforts to get up what they call Union Leagues. This is a piece of gross deception Thero is no Unionism in tho Abolition party. Tho Union League is a 1 organization to prevent ft restoration ol" tlie Union. Philips has truly declared thl11 tho A bolilionists "hoped for and Hymned d aunio?t." and Thad. Stevens Iias declared in Congress that -'with his consent, the Union shall ucver bo rcstnr- cd'" ',1,0"' H-urcloro, who join thcto LoaS"os, do it dcjUoy the Unioa. ffa? J uo toiiowin"; tacts torm a some what singular coincidence: Iu tho fall of 1852 Horatio Seymour, democrat, was elected Governor of New York, and in the following spring Thomas I). Scvmour, democrat, was Governor of Conncc ticut. Last fall Horatio Seymotr, cfter a lapsa of ton years, was elected a second time Governor of New York, and Thomas II. Seymour again follows as the democrat- ic candidate for tho Lxecutivo chair of Connecticut. Nothing remains to mako the coincidence pcrfct hut for the con sorva'ivo men in tho latter Stato to elect their caudidafa. j uUrrasiig Hel." Parson Rrownlow ! Hc'c that succeed to all the loyal aud na and Henry Ward Ucechcr have for some j tional virtues of the Whig party, and that time been running a race in profanity and vulgarity. In vulgarity, Iirownlow gener ally gett a little the start, but Hccchcr slips up on him sly in profanity. Brown low, at Cleveland, got a full neck ahead of h: moro polished friend aud brother in the L-ii'd. Ho said : " There are eight regiments of runaway East Tonne5ocans iu Rosccran's army. lie hoped when they returned to their native region under the command of that , ollicer, thoy would he ablo to grease hell forty times with the gut fat of rebels." :o: A Scene in the West. Col. Biiscy, Post Commandant, is a true gentleman and well liked. Prompt, courteous, and business like he is a good ! man for tho po-ition. E?cry day negroes arc coming into his camp with their little i bundles, claiming protection and food. j Thursday aftcrnoou tho following actual event took place i J. 15. Pillow, brother of the rebel Gen' oral, who has a beautiful plantation a few miles from Helena, and who was worth half a million of dollars previous to tho war, est mo into camp, through the lines, with one hundred aud eighty-thrco ne groes, of both sexes and of all ages. At iho head of his servants, who followed in single file, ho walked lo the Colonel's hcad-quatters, whoro the following con-ver.-ation took place : "Good morning, sir." "Good morning, sir." "Where is the commandant of the post?" "Rol'oro you, sir." "Well, Colonel, hero is my small change, in tho shapo of free American citizens of African descent, which I deliver over to you. Here is a correct list ot their names, acs, sexes and accunations. Plcato send them ou to tho President, with my compli ments, and say to him that, if he wishes anything else under my roof, on my grounds, or in my pockeis, all ho has to do is to ask and receive." 'Mi. Pillow, I cannot rcccivo these people I have no food for them have nothing for them to do havo not food enough for our soldiers." 'And I cp mot uso them. I had bacon to keep thou, on, but it has been stolen.- I had com, but it has been gobbled. Now I havo nothing for thorn to cat, and as l.innnln his Jirinr illtrt n ntn-nrpr w J co ,. 1 .., 1 . boarding-house , you will pleas seat theso people at your table." "But I have no such power." "Then give them work. If you fail to manao thorn, 1 will touch you. The art can be learned in about thirty years. "I havo nothing for them to doi" "Nor havo I. You will uot seo them Rtarvrt. T hone. I am a loval man havo been a prosperous one, but can no longer euro for theso people." -:o: The Extra Senatorial Session. Tho Scnato will probably remain in session for near two weeks. There aro a lacro number of appointments to confirm, and many cases will elicit long discussion. OP TRUTH AHD WAVE IT O'ER COUNTY, PENN'A,, LcUit from a .Imlso ol the Stnlts Sniircmc Court. United , , Sonvo time in tho latter pail of tho Inst tummor. President Lincoln appointed . , ,, T 1 f .t. C. .... I Damul K Mi lera Judgooft m S u , Court of tho United Slates. Wo retnem- ! bcr distinctly that, when tho appointment i ! 1 ,t. ..ii.Iam .....a Aat-ftlt rt Almost everybody. 'Who is Daniel V. ' Miller V Ho was a man unknown to fame, and tho general impression was that) 'lioucst Abe1 had elevated to tho high est legal tribunal ol the nation an old crony of his with whom ho had been accustomed to crack jokes during tho court torm in the western districts. At lengtn wc learn komcthiug of the man from himself. If we cannot ascertain u-ho ho is, we aro at least informed what ho is and the infor mation is satisfactory to us. If Judge Miller is as sound a lawyer as he is a politician) w must give the President crcd it for having made ouegood appointment. Tho Judge, in a letter dated -'Keokuk, Iowa Nov. 11, 1802." declining on ac couut of his professional engagements to attend a ''craiul jubilee of the friends of Constitutional liberty and of 'the Union." thus declares his sentiments : Tho recent elections have gladdened my heart more then 1 can find language to express for I feel that by the success of j h Demoorilcv wc sliaU havc a speedy re storationof tho Union and Constitutional liberty. I am an old Clay Whig, as you all know and when that party went down, I united with the Republicans, in the hope aud be wo would havc Whig principles and policy prevail under another name. Bui J got. more than I bargained for. It was not' in tho covenant that we should have civil war as a consequence of Republicou suc cess ; that the public treasury was to be plundered by wholesale: that "free soil" in loyal Slates should be covered with martial law ; that "free 6pccch" should be chained in the dungeons of the bastile j that free homes should bo sacked !o deso- ! h'tion, and tho free men should bo confin ed in its practical application to the ne groes of the South, and the Abolition wing of the Republican paity at tho North. No ! Wo old Whig.:, in uniting with the Republican party, did not consent to be a parly to any such violations of Constitu- 1 tional liberty. Had the counsels of Gen. Scott, Millard Fillmore, John J. Crittenden, Stephen ' A. Douglai and indeed of all the wise and good men ol our nation becu uccucu, wo would not now be aftlbtcd with the civil war that is upon us. They could not have P-" uu " tcnipc nt revolution, uiu uiu -uruiuuuuij ' proposition would havo saved all tho rest of the Southern States, cud long before this, at a trifling expense of money, and at a small loss of life, tho rebellious States would havo been humbled beforo the flag of the Union. But how did thn plirenzy of the Aboli tion leaders moot that proposition ? They said away with it, away with it, and crucify all who admiuister it. They furth er said, leave tho slavo States go ! Wo 1 can do without them, and we will speedily reap the advantages of a separation. Vhen the conservative element of the nation proclaimed itself for the Union, then tho AbolUionists assumed that tncy were tho war party, and denounced all othsrs as rebel sympathizers. I That tho Abolitionists aro in favor of prosecuting tho war for their love of thcUu ion I am sure it isuot tho case. Their object is to abolish slavery only, and if that should fail thoy will again spcedly raise their old cry of ukl the Union slide." I Gentlemen, it is tho mission of tho Democratic party to savo tho Union. 1 " UJS ll""'0 u"c" ' "'" -""-- . t. I. - 1 ....... r- i,nn n lrtffil 11 it nnliAnn party II mis UVI.I u.liv. uwiiau.un.ttiii law as the only safeguard of freedom. It was tho party that hurled from power tho , ,. ... 1 D,i:,: . t: aULIlOlS Ol lllu 111U1I hum euu uuu ihhi ia ,u,'"ua ul . ' i ycars aS0' d for al1 that Pcr'f tlw ' Sea our 81,,P 01 DlJ,u ") gloriously through tho waves of civil com- moiion and tho dangers 01 iorcign wars, I regard tho Clay Whig party, and tho Douglas Democraoy as genuine branches of the old jjomoeratio party 01 1 uo I Whonl SCO UCn. CCOlt anil i'llliaru ' Fillmore, and Crittenden, and Kctohum, and Hunt, and all tho old prominon Whigs of twenty -five years ago, now un ited at tho polls with the Democraoy, I can have no doubt tbafif tho immortal saco of Ashland, that purest of patriots, 1 most eloquent of orators, and wisest of I statesmen, Henry Clay, were still alive and THE DARKENED EARTH." SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1SG3, in our midst, ho too would lend his voico in favor of that party whoso watch-words arc the ''Constitution as it is," and "Tho y must nnd s,all b(j prMOrvcdi., .ril A1.n1!ilnn lnn.lnrit hml .n 11tl M - ...... of tho character of tho contest they wore ! , , uuiuiiug upuU) inuif jji uviaiuwi iuv war would bo over in tixty days. They , have had all tho money thoy asked for, all ( Leo, and the consequent threatening of tho tho men they asked for, and yet tho war border of Pennsylvania, twenty live rcg rages with unexampled fury at tho end of ' intents of infantry wore orgauized aud, CUO days. The result for tho last 18 months demonstrates clearly the necessity of a universal change of rulers, aud as old Whigs claim to love their country moro than party I hopo they will all speedily unite under tho Democratic flag, for the slavation of our Union. Respectfully, yours, Daniel P. MittEit o:o EST" Lackawanna County. A bill has passed our Stato Lcgislaturo by an almost unanimous vote nnd feigned by tho Governor, providing for the erection of a now County from the northern townships of Luzerne. The Hons. Win. Biglcr, II. S. Mott and James Pollock, aro named in the act as Commissioners to run the lines, and locate the County Scat. Besides tho usual sections providing for the holding of Coutts, ite., the bill requires that an election shall be held on the third Thurs day of July next for the special purpose of submitting the measure directly to the peo ple, in accordance with a lato amendment to the Constitution. Or!) Twenty Millions. The U. S. Senate has passed tho bill appropriating Twenty Millions of Dollars to aid in tho abolition of slavery in Miss ouri! This sum divided among tho loyal Slates according to population, would re quire form Pennsylvania oulij about 52, oOO.OOO ! TiikExtiia Mileage. It is said that tho Hon. Stephen Baker, of New York, is the only member of the lato House of Representative who positively refused to rcccivo the third milage. The aggregate amount paid to gentlemen ou this account is probably ?80,0U0. ' :o: General Uuenside, having been as signed to a command of which ha will as sumo tho duties into lew days, loft the city, this aftcrnoou, for tho North. " An individual who tried to clear his conscience with an egg, is now endea voring to raiso his f-pirits with yeast. If ho fails in this, it is his doliberato inten tion to blow out his brains with a bellows, and sink calmly into the arms of a youii" ii n KrS Nature confesses that she has be stotved upon tho human race heats of the softest mould, iu that she has given us tears. E3f An auctioneer, vexed with his audi ance, said, 'I am a mean fellow moan as dirt and feel at home in this company.'' 53" The Democratic Stato Covention of Connecticut, which met in the City of Hartford on tho 18th ult., was the largest ever assembled thero, Hon. Thomas II Seymour, Minister to Russia under the at the menials , think that a merry heart Administration of ex-President Pierce, is a continual feast, and depart to vour and one of the most gallant, chivalrous ' daily business, imagining yourself a suf and unflinching Democrats in tho Uniou, ' fererfrom indigestion was nominated for Governor. The nomi- J nation was hailed with great enthusiasm. I Mauk it. Horace Greeley, in a la'o We hopo to see victory perching on the issue of his Now York Tribune, says; ,(I bannors of the Connecticut Democracy. wa3 willing in the winter of 1800-01, to 3" 'let the Cotton States go,' if they roally Pkotbst of Illinois, A letter from desired it. I was not only then willing Spiingfield, 111., ihus refers to the rcsolu- that the Union should in good faith mako tions adopted by tho Legislature of that , them tho offer, but I now deeply r.'grct State, in reforonoe to Mr. Lincoln's craan- that it was not made and acted on." cipation scheme t I While such is '.lie avowal of tho most in- Mr. Green's joint resolutions protesting ugaiust compensation 10 tuou otaies as may abolish slavery, wero adopted by the House yesterday and their adoption has been reported to the Senate, which ha3 already acted upon them. Thcso impor tant resolutions havo now been adopted by tho Legislature, and havc gouo to tho world as the opiuion of tho pooplo of Illin ois on the subject of compesated omanci pation. Mr. Lincoln's own Stato is the first to repudiato bis new heresy. Other States will follow and he will find that his sclicmo will be ono of the most unpop ular ever devised by au administration, BQ7-TI10 Philadelphia Post-Office has been removed to the now building on OhcEtnut Street, next the Custom House. JK2f Cassius M.Clay has been appoint- ( ed minister to Ruisia in place of Cameron resigned, ' TERMS: Pennsylvania Militia. Tho Adjutant Oeneral, in compliance with a resolution of the House of ltcprs sontative of ILo 15th ult., says. ..j jjiiyu iuu uuuu. IU OIUIU IIIUI, UUUCi tho oaU 0f the Governor, of tho 11th of ' r ''I have the honor to stato that, under Ot'piOulUCr laa upon tho iuvasii.n 0f Maryland by the rebel forces under Gen. actually placed in tho service, of the United States, with tho full complement of field and company officers to each, which, with twelve uuattacbed companies, (eleven of cavalry and ono of infantry,) also fully organized, would mako an aggregrato of 25,000 men. That the President of the United States having by letter to tho Governor, sanc tioned his call and agreed to received those troops into tho service of tho Uuitcd States, I proceeded to tho city of Wash ington, by tho direction of tho Gnvcnor, on the 127th ultimo, and submitted to the Secretary of War an estimate of appro priation required for their payment, and for transportation required for their pay ment and for transportation aud subsis tence furnished by individuals. This estimate received tho approval of tho Secretary of War. and wns transmitted by him to the Chairman of tho committee of Ways aud Means, and as I am officially advised, has been inserted in tho General Appropiiation Bill. A9 soon as the bill shall become a law, the war Department will make arrangements for the time thoy were in service, aud for tho liquidation of of all proper claims arising under the call. Very respectfully, A. L. RussEi,, Adjutant General of Pennsylvania We publish tho above for tho benefit of thoso of our readers who havc been leok ing for some definito action as to the pay ment of those troops who, uudcr Governor Curtiu's order, relinquished the tios of home and sacrificed pecuniary interest to march to resist the invasion of their native and adopted State. In these dark days of speculation and fraud, they do not feel deposed that tho moneys due them shall go into the pockets of the hangers ou of tho Administration. It is for ihii reason they will hail with satisfaction, and pleasure tho information contained above. If tho Government wero not able, there is uot a man anions the volunteers, wo ven ture to say, who would urge the shadow of a claim. But, iu tho?c days of supera bundant "greenbacks" and abundant fraud, tho case is an entirely different ouo. Maxim tor IIusiiands. Resolv in morning to bo patient and cheerful during the day. Laugh heartily on finding all tho buttons off your shirt as usual. Say, merrily, ''Boys will bo boys," when you discover that tho children havo emptied tho contcuts of tho water jug into your boots, On gashing your chin with a razor, remember that beauty is but skin deep ; and in order to divci t your thought from the pain, recite a speech from Hamlet or indulge in one of tho harmonies of your own native land. If breakfast is not ready for you chuckle and grin pleasantly fluential man and paper in tho Republican ranks, the Republican papers here have ' the impudence to assert that the war is prosecuted to prescrvo tho Union ! TiTe following appeard on a loiter from a soldier, addressed to a young lady '-Sol dier s letter, and na ry a red. Hard tack in place of bread. Postmaster shove this .11 t. . , . luruugu. iuUarya Bla.Up, uutseiuit UlOUtbd due." n n rn, n Conferee Convention. The Con- farces to elect a Senatorial Delegate to the Sti'to Convention, from the counties of Columbia, Montour, Nonhumborlind a d Snyder, will meet at Northumberland .. .., , , ,r , . , on Monday tho 10th day of Marou, inst. car Tho appointment of G. Nelson Smith, ol Johnstown, as a Paymaster in the army has beon conhrmeil by the ben-ate, $2 00 PER ANNUM. VOLUME 27 ? A Clirist.Hn General. Tho following correspondence ought to have appeared earlier in our papor. It was first published in tho Boston Courier. which said : "We rejoice in the oppor- muiiy 10 puuiisuiue lonowing profoundly interesting and effecting correspondence-, communicated to u by a valued friend :" My Dear Sir : Tho following corres pondence between Qen M'Clellan and Bishop Whipple of Minnesota, took place immediately after tho battle of Antiotani. Tho Bishop, who had known the General for yoars, allowed mo to tako a copy ot jy tho corrospondecco but not for publica tion. Sinco the removal of General M'Clellan, however, thcro would seem U be no impropriety in tho publicution, and possibly may throw some light on the secret ofhis power over the army, in gain ing their lovo and inspiring their onfi' denco. Yours, cvC, j". A. B. Copy. Headquarters or the Ahmy or Tun Potomac. My Dear Bishop: Will you do me tho favor to perform Divine Sarvioe in my camp this evening? If you can give mo a couple hours notice, I shall be glad of it that 1 may be ablo inform tho Corps in the vicinity. After flic groat success that God has vouchsafed us I feel that wo cannot do less than to avail ourselves of the first apportunity to render to Him tho thanks that arc duo him alone. I, for ono feel that result is tho result of His great mercy : and would bo glad that you should be the medium to offer the thanks 1 fool duo from this army and from the country Earnestly hoping you will accede to my request-. I am, very respectfully, Your humble servant-, G. B. M'CliKLIiAN Major Gc7i. Com'g. To Bishop Whipple. Frederick, Sept, 21, 18G2. My Beat General: I have spent the day iu visiting your bravo boys who aro in tho hospital hero. I had the privilege also to visit the waysido hopttals, between here and the camps. I am sure it will gladden your heart, as it did my own to -cc tho great lovo tlfy to bear you.' When I told them how tenderly you had spoken of them, and how you knelt with me in pray er for God's blessing upon them, many a brave fellow wept for joy ; and on cvory side I heaid, "God bless,"'Gcu", bless tho General," while here and there some veteran claimed the privilege to say, "God bless little Mao." I had tho opportunity to cimmend somo djing men to God, and to whisper the Sayliu s r.amo in their car for the last journey. If I did uot fear of worrying yon, I could wiito au hour, telling you of worJs of loving confidence snoken bv thoss bravi. 0 j sufferers, who have been with you in good aud evil report. I will not. Butltaunot close without telling you how sweet is the remembrance of the pleasant service held in your camp, nor to assure you that it is a pleasure every day to ask God to bless you. Your way is rough. Many do not know you. Many arc jealous of your sue- ccsss. Many will try to fetter y u But let no cloud above, or thorn beneath, troublo you. Above you is God our Father, Christ our Savior ,thc Holy Ghost our Comfortor. God will hear our prayers. It may bo a f weary, foot sore way, but thire is light bevoud. God bless you. I am, with lovo, Ycur servant for Christ's sake. II. B. WmrpuB. 'fi3- Last summer tho editor of tho Miltonian published a lot ol lies about Mr. Puidy, the editor of tho Suubury Dimociat. Mr. Puidy prosocutod the lying Abolition whelp, which brought ! him to his senses 10 get out ot tho scrape, the skutik agreed to pay Mr Pur dy's attorneys and all tho -other costs, aiid aUo publish a retraotioo. The fol lowing is tho retraction. An arliclo published in the Miltonian of July 23th, 180', in rolorenco to T. II. Purdy, Esq., of the Sunbury Beinocwt, av'DS ).CCI mauo tne sunjcci 01 proscci tion asainst myself and Lee M. Morton, . ... , f , ,lntr' In liU nlinrnnter. I hereby ns- sort that I believe t'10 artiolo insofar as f. " . . . WM .,, n, (1 mUr,1(J ns 1 ,nnW f nntbinn- ar-ainst tho ohnracter n a of Mr. Purdy as a man of integrity and honor. I thorcfore retract rny and all parts of said article, which may in any inauncr unpoach his stahding nf a man of Uonor boro.0 the pubHo H 1?USK 1 thiuk I'havo seen you before, B,r. aro you not Owen Smiih!1' "Ob, BIT , UU Jl'U UUb VM.V.i UUlllUi t J j yes, I'm owen' Jones, and owon' Hi Jju' i I aud owen' ever) body." I .,.1 1 4 i ! n T-1