4 s iJtt'.uimnt. "iMPROVEMBN r OF 1'ASTUUES.- Th"outUUon of Uio v1,Jll,1,'ns in '"ny r the older dairying district a " ,prUc'o. Frnw llmt yl'l ' . Cno-lit thousand Iln. forty cows, numiiavs, -0 of tatter, irlU now support half Hint number. In.h fl" buguaao of theso disuiov0 land lm bcc "T ,t0 dentfe 3''10 Pabt,lrcfl lmv0 bco" . y T " a..... t. ImmrimArinl. rRCOlvhlll Tl. JU U1IIU iuim:...-.l - sfoW . , , .. .. i. JWrf tho ivninuro uroppttti ty uiu LySnrin tin lav. Tiifo lourtha of nil " iu ii,r.iin.l iM-niluoptl vvns enmeu awnv to tho yard, and nono of this oiuiolmck. Tho soil grow thin and the grass died out for want of nourishment. What oan ho dbnc to bring up such pastures T An ounce of nraotico is said to he worth n pound of theory. U is, undoubtedly, if of the right kind. In the spring of 1800 thrwriter carao into possession of a two aero lot run down nicilow. It was used as a pa turo lecauso there was not grass enough upon it to pay for cuttirg. As it -rona pfinenniont to the bouse, I used it for yarding tho cows at night. They ycro pastured clsr-whcro a part of the time, and thus all tho products (if theso two acres, and nearly fonr more besides, wore dropped upon tho soil by tho cattle. There has been a very great improve ment in tho yield of grass the past season, and tho lot, if used for mrdow another yeart will probably cut twico as much hay as it did in tho summer of 1800. Tho whole secret of the improvement is, that rnoM ha3 been returned to the roil than has been taken away. A similar improvement is witnessed in pastures devoted to sheep, if tlmy are not fed too doscly. livery thing tho laud produce is returned to it by tho sheop, together with a good deal tha land would not get, but for tha intervention of the f oding animals. It y sometimes claimed that nothing is g lined lo the land by nacsunc ihe crona through the bodies of , 0 . animals ; that a hundred pounds of hay rotted upon the land, U worth just as much as the hundred pounds fed out and returned in the shape of manure. But tm3 can not bo sof for the animal draws some eliiKcnts of iU body from air and water, as will as hay, while the manure quickens the energies of the soil, as tho rotted hay would not. It is well known in the districts devot ed to tho feeding of fat cattle, ou tho ridges of Dutchess and Putnam counties, und the western part of Connecticut, that i lands ouce poor, or nearly run o. t by , , . . . , ,.,,, hard Cropping Or 'pasturing, have becti ', I . 1 . .. . ..., ...,i r, villii., l,r brought up to Very great tOlllllty, by l,(, ,,! fonil!ni onini il Vriimnnn punter ami ieeuing animus. lutuu one , in Im.linla nf nlaotof m'r .ipi" .,,.P I to tWO UU'tielS 01 piasai pi.r .icrs .UC sown cvorv vcar, am iaue line caiue ' ""J v" i three yeaTS old and upward arc kept in them from Spriug till Fall. When th0 animals are turned in they have their frames already made and thero is no great draft upon the soil for bone earth The wholo grass is returned to tho soil in tho manure, exeapt the little oarritd off in the grain of the cattle. Somo times a change of stock from cows to fattening bullocks, or to sheep, will be all that is necessary for improving a worn out pas ture. If cows are kept, there must lie top dressing, or alteration from pasture to hoed crops, with heavy manuring. If the land is not arable, topdressid with coin post or with plaster in districts where it does good, will bo sufficient. Coxecticut. American Agriculturist' GOOD WINTER BUTTER FROM ROOTS. Every parson who has tin acre of good land, and good cowa, may have butter in January and Febuary, cqeual, or oven superior, to that which is made in Sep tember. Though not a farmer, tho writer subscribed for the Agricttstwisl in I860. An article waj published, recommending rutabaga or Swedish turnips as food for cows. In the Spring of 1801, seed was obtained, and planted in rows. The ground wa3 i.ot tho best f.ir roots, yet I obt.iined from 4 rows each 100 feet long, rooti enough to feed tow cows, onco a day Gvo weeks. The cows had commenc ed to decrease in tho quantity ami quality of the mi k, after having b-'en taken from tha gra?s, and beforo fording the roots, but in a fi'W days there was a marked iu cr' "og in both r('sppot. '1 ho buttur was cqialin in quul ty to that ma le in Oo toh'T. It was worth 3 or 4 cts por lb. more than the white, roily sub-X title, gen erally found ou farmers' tables r,t this eason of the yoar in places, where neither roots or grain are used. Thoso who have cvon fmall lota would do well to raiso roots nest year. lhn in time : select good so'l, manure during the Wintor, ant iavo tin ground ready by planting timo Tho profit on the few busbelsraued this year, far crcscdn tho eost of tho paper which led me to make the experiment. t American Agriculturist. CURE FOll UoTTH. GiVB tho hor0 OIlO i..nen nfsl ,V.,l l!m il,,n ,' OatlPO 0l,BJCifU lime ttll'fin tUlies II week for ion ArdirxP ' V!s fi icllk Id.is JOf IAtO Or ir" V -. ll.t It WHU tlieir Wow Fall and Winter AT PE'tEll 1' NT 3 PTOIUI, . uaut imr.F.T. ociwm cp.vt, '.. i nA"4 Jut so. civi-cl from Philadelphia, is nre opening nt ihe ot.l ttaii 1 1 it y Kccilutl by Miiftt &. lint, n splendid astortmant n wflr.h will lii sold thciii tor I (3Asll Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. I Ills stnrlv.nilslstsi.f l.ailiea Druit Hoods choicest styles nuil I ileal fashions ! Calicos, Muslins, Ginghims, Flannclo, Carpots, Shawl", HoMcry, Silks, UF.ADY MADE l LOT 1 1 INC. Casiimoros, Satinets, Oottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, A-o. Groceries, Queenswarc, Oedarware, Hardware, Medicinc3. I)ru", Oils, Paints, kv, HOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, In linn nirery thlntr nuinliy bil in n country store The pnttnnnse nfoM (ri."iiils, ami tho p.ibllc foncral ly, In re'pectfully soitclteil. Tho hlahc-t market price palil for country proilurr. lMVl'I'.ll I'.V'IV I.luht Street, Nov. l.i, 1SH2. IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOU li Fail & Winter Goods, GO TO Creasy's Store, in Light Slrcol, Pa. ira of mm CATilOOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINCIIIAM, I'JjANNKLO. CARPETS, 1IOSIKKY, SHAWLS. Roady-Mailo Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacou, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, S?rars, . Hats, 13oot", Cap3, Shoes, l)rugi, Oils, Paints, Ac., &c In al'lillon tn our larjro (.loch nf Dry OooiIk, ive lmve f large nn.l full annrlnienl of UcnJy Jlmlp Clntliinc nor Hen nml llnyii rvciir wliirli wo nro fletcrtniiu'it ti fell cheaper th n can !a linu'lit clucu licrP. Call anil nee, anil JnJgo for yourselves, I II. W. CIICA3Y & CO. I Light Street, I'a ,:.i)v. 8 1SU2. ' 2wj nrrows nn-i nnjoT. impcn in.i r.-nr, r-?rc v?gian,IJnvs; iMAMIOdll.Iioiv lost. ho ri'ftiiru m,r'', treatment anil raili.nlcurr of -p" taatorrliT.t or si'inia.-.l ueahuras; iainl.iutary uinid i(),, g .,.,, lk.,ility ami imp ui-nti. to uiarri.ino Brn- frully ; nirvo'l'iiess, iinisiiinptinri, llts, mi-ntil anil pby- eici iKip,citv, re.iuitins from HnLr-Aiic.K-aru ri Iv "Vpla'nnil in the MAIUUACi: (JUIlin, liy WW. Y0,IN,, , . .r)lla ln34t cxtraonlinnry lionl; nhiml.l '" . -. . ,.. imrriaJ'J, ami oevry man or woman who ilesires t Il, inil the number ol their oilsnriiU' to their citoiiiii-Uii- oes. Hvcry pain, discus" and ache incidental to jnutli, 1 fatttrity and old ntre, is fully explained ; every particl'i rn knowledge that shoul.l b" known is her. slvt-u. Itii. f ill of ensr , in;s. In fact, it discloses secrets that ev ery one should know ; still it is a hook that inn. t be lurk,; 1 up, and not lie about 1 ho house. It w ill lie tent to any one on ttie receipt of twetitv five cents in specie or pn.ta'! -tamps. Address 1)11. WM. YOUNU, Xo. -Ilii rfl'ltU'Ji: Street, above Fourth, l'liiladelpbia. ey ArrMOTIH) AND U.VFOIlTUXATi:. no mailer what may be ynur disease, before you place yourself un der tho earn of any of the notorious Oitaet: native or foreian who advertize in this or any olhor paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's hook, and read It carrfullij. It ffiE pZibtyyoSViro'. "";!'.' 1 Dll. Y1L .t cm tic consulted on anv of tho i Icaps ilern!ieil in his publication, at Ins oilicj, No. 418 tj"UUUK Sjtroei. above Fimrlli, I'hiladclphia. Oinc houra from Dto 3, daily. Slarch 8, lSC'-liim. AT LOW Terms Cash PRICES! and Pro'luce. However much the people desire a peace, und cessn lion of Hi" present hostilities in our ilistr.icted country thevare also desirous of purchasing their good at the i owem marim prices BR0WER e. will gratify all desires oo this point, and although gOoris have mlvaneej in prices ho will sell you at wonderful ly low pricas. Ill has now opened his ucual large and complete stock of 1'all and winter gooJs ninong which will be found a. general a..ort..,enl of all kind, of goods , Call and exmniue, J, J. llltOWDIt. Dec. li, IH; LEATIIKK! LE ATIIEIt ! ! Tlin undersigned would nnnounce, that he ling nn hand atliis II it and Can Kinporium, on Main St., illnoms. burg, nu asortiueut of different kind oflealher. such as flue calf skins, morocco, (red iindli'acrOninl linings, all cf which he will MllraenpQrSh.nl can he had elsewhere n this market. Cull umlexcmiiiQ them for yourselves JOIINK. CHITON. Hloomsb'trj, May 51, 1P(. PU1SI1.11UTH A. UUOTIIEIIS. vnoraiPALE T O 13 A 0 0 0 I) E A L E II p f. V. 1 05.XO11TII Til I It I) g-I'IIKET Five doorshulow Itare. PHILADELPHIA St'HOURSIHJ'S F0 sun. Pitt-burgh Commercial College. Iliuihaiiiplin " " Criitenilcn's " Plilladolpliia, Siratton. Ilryant Ic Co.. " Thy Scrips, urs iuamniints of $15 nnr) S5n and arc as so much cash, by the Student on entring cither ofth above i'oII'Kus. Vouug nidn desiringtoobtain nlliiisl', ed Collegiate Ilducnlion. will liere findagooil specula tiou hy npplyiiig..t the office nfihn N'ov- I Wi- COI.UMIll I1I:M0('kat, TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. TUT. undesigned respectfully Informs his old friend nod customer, that hu has nun based i, nturest in tiie above I'stablithment, and tho concern vt ils nuieuii"! o i;."iuiii.ieii ijf iiimseii exclusively, H! lias iiut received ami otfera for bi,i. ,i... i..n est and most extensive assortment of I'ANCY ntnrl POV I, ever Introduced hnoti,i T His stock coiuistB of u complete assortment of lie bt l ooking und parlor stoves in Ibe mnrlret lo'.'.ll,. : ir with Stove rntures of every description, Oven mid J in ritovBi, Ita liators, Cylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air- iikhi i j.oi, iumiuii novo, c Uc. Stovepips Hiid Tinware cu'istmtly on htiid mid nianufarlured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, mi short r.ntlce. The patronogo of ol J frieniU and new riutomsr ro peotfiilly toliriterl. A. JI. UL'PCUT. IHonmnlsjrg. f JovhiiiIic 3d K0.f, S3otisc nml Lot roi-.Sale. n IIK Suhsoriber offers for anlolhe prop- 8 'rly rersnlly occupied by him jn SHooniiburg.tria. Jjttlj iliiln; of a Ijfp Large and Convenient House, fffll " .f.Z. nil rv. ,V.. TU..., I JJS a- ...... ,..i,.. niiw, VRS amlnfa rv.ll.linproreil I-otofolionttwoncrs or mm. j nop;nmi,i. am in perfcl repslr APHll - odtlon my b Ulldsloa K. Iliolnlew. at HI001 rif . W i. WOODWARD. 1 Xra.'ls; Oclnbsr ',4. IIM.fn. FOll THE 00WS7ITUT i ON AN'O Till! rim 1) I A 15 K T H S .vi) DiMiiisii; or Tin: , k xn Mr. y s a m m a a nnx n Tktsc DdngeroHi ami TmMrtttft IHirntu, vhthhft tkntftr Itiiltlcrl Iki tittt dlrrttrd Treatment c tin It I Cimplct'liJ Ounlrolltt ( lil'MV.DY net." Iitfortut! Tin: cuuativt. nrmirtls nf till' ini'illi Itie illicit llteunrlves tn Hip or ffin uf nfrretlnil. nrul liy so alteriuv tin' couilillnii of I llm stnmHch nnilliv.'i that tin' starchy priui Iple of Ihe fnoil is nut run vi'rti.'il Ititn sugur toloiiji as the vystcni it u n I or tiu iulliieiii i of the ' (,'0,N81 1TUTIOM WATIilt, which jjlve those nrgnns llinr to Teener their kenllhy turn' Hint vltor. IVe lire able tn state til it the t.'onilitu-, lion Water has cured every cau of tllabetes In liicll It ll.H il.'UII (ll'll. sto.vi'. in tiii: iilahhpii, caixui.us, (ihaviii. iiitniiv nutvr ui.i'Dsrr, ami mucous on MII.KV IIIHl'IIAIKlllS AlTlII! UlilNATIMi. Diseases nrrilrlne from nuennd thesaiue cause bo inillrely cured hy Hie "iiMltuti'ni U'atnr. Iftaken fin any lauith of tine. The Una should ury with the I severity ot the tiireuse, irmn tuenty drops In a tea- Igptmtiful threetimes a day. In water. ' llurini: Hi" pa s.ijte "ftlie CnkiiliiB, the palu mi'l urgent sriuptouis sti eil'l lie couibited with the proper rcmcill, then fulloned up with the Oust jtutlim W ater, as ahatu c. reited. nvrtM i:or.ii ao:a. u PAixrui.i. Mr.xsmuA- TIO.V, AMI IN MKNOUIIIIACIA Oil I'llorUHl! ruiivixtj, Iloth diseas's urtslii!! from a faulty Fcrrclinn oflnc uiouslriiil flai l-in the one case heiimtou little, ami neeoiupniil 'd by si'ieru pnlu i nn J Ihe other a lniipro liv secretion, winch will ho speedily cured hy the Constitution Wilier. That disease know ii as I'AI.MN'ri Or Till! IVOMll. which Is tin r"s ill I'a relavntinn nf the llfruiipiita of that orpan nnr is Hih.vn ey a s 'use ot iieav loess and dr?Klue mius in the l i k and sided, and at tiui"8 ac com panted b) hnrp Ii.i liintin.rror thootinpnlns through tiie paits, v 111, in al I c-isei. be removed bvthe meiiieine. Tliure N auollier ila-.s of sj tuploius arfiu from lit 111 I'A I'lnN Ol-' Till". WOJlll, hicli physii laiu call Nervousness, U'liit'i word covers up inui-li ijiuurance, and In iimecise-i out of ten thii doctor does not really know whether the symptoms nr' the iliscaxo, or the disi ui..! the symptoiiis. We can only enumerate tlfiu here. I speak more particularly of Cold l'i i t, I'aliiita tiou in the llcait, liup.'ired Memory. Wakefulness, Waili esoflletlt l.anjiior, Lassitude, and Dimness of Vision. ririTitnysr.D jmxtrriiuATiox. Which in the unmarried female is a constant reciirrins Jiseis", ami tlnoiuh iiealec.t the seeds ol more caw and dunn"ro'i iiuilidi" nr.! the re-mlt; and as month alter month pusios without tin etfort being inade to at lt nature, the suppression hccouies thro Ic. ihe pn II tin t cradually l"m.s Uar appetite, the howls arc constipated, niuht sweats louie on, and casttmjillmi Dually cuds her career. I.KUCOItUO'.A Oil WHITES. I his disease dejienih upon an inll.ini.itlon of mucous liniuzoft u Minimi and womb. It is In all eases ac companied by severe pain in the luck, nn ross the bowels ami throuch the hips. A le.i'p'Hiiil' il of the meillci'i" ma be taken three times a day, u lih an in jection of a tablespooiiful ot the inedicim.', ui.X'd with ,i ha fpint of soft water, innrniui and evninif. inn it to or -j-nr; xi:cr. or tiii: iii.addkii, ivri.AMATiov or Tin: Kinxr.YS and ca tauuii or Tin: iii.addijii, Bni.w.rnY AXDianxixooii I'Aixrui.ur.ixATj.sc. l'or tbes.idiee.'Hes it i-tiul a sovoreinu remny, and loo mi n i' 1 1 cannot be rani in us praise A .insle , i alias been snoir to r live the ino-l uri'ent nyptoms. Ari you troubled with tint nif irers inj pain in Hie mimll oft'ie Ii.i c k und Ilinut'li the hips ( A teaspoouful a day of i;oiistiliitinn l al' r w ill relie o J on like lnufir. Poll DY.Sl'lll'SIA, It lias no equal in rellsviiij the Mott distrcsins snip ton". Also, Headache, Heartburn, Acid iiinuinth Vino itln,' 1'ood, fcc. Taken teaipoonful afiir dinni r 'Ihe dose In all caesnuiy be increased if dctircd, biitsliould !.' dnno gradually, I'I1Y-1CIAK3 llnvo lon since (jiveu up the use of Imchu, culi' lisand juniper in tb" tr Mtmeiit of tlnsu diseases, and only use them for want oi'u betfr reiuedy. CONSTITUTION WATHIl Has proved itself O'pial tn tho task tint has duvolved upon it. IHL'I!:tK'3 rrntate anil dreneh til j kidneys, andby con-taut use .n,ni lead tu chronic, d igen.raliui ami co iliriund dis ease. Read. 13 cad. Dawiux, Pa., JunnU IMi'J. Dr. Wm. II. fiRKnii 7,irr sir: In I'cbii.uv. lelil. 1 w.ii aiaic.ed w ith tin sugar 'li ibeles.aiul for five mouths I p.neil nmre than two gallons of v. ater in tweut v-tour Hours. 1 was ub Iged to gi t up as olieu ten or twelve tunes during Hit night, ami in live montiis 1 1 -1 ub.iut llfly pounds in weigth. Hurtling the mouth ol July It-iil, 1 procured two bottles of Constitution Water anii in twod.iys after itiug it 1 experienced relief, and nit. r taking two bottles I was entirely iure,l,i-uou after r.'i,'aii!iiis my usual good Ii -altli yours truly. J. V. I. I)D WITT. Huston Corners, X, Y Dec. lflil. Win. II. Oregg Co.: Cents: I fn Iv give you liliertr to make use of the follow nig I'irtillcatoiif the value of CoiiMitutlou Wa tjr, W'liich I cm reccounueiid intli-' highest iiiauaer. .My wife, who w.n attacked witli pain in the tlioul ders. hole length of the hack, and in her limbs, with t'.ilpilntioii of ihe h. art, atteuded witli railing of tin U'omb, l)y-"in ;iioii line i. and "Irritation nf the Iliad dor," 1 eall-d a plivsicria, who attended her about three .mnitlis, wh"ii he left Inr worse than he found li-r. I then . .uployed one of tin best physicians 1 could il'nl, wins .in Hided her for about nine months, and win I 'she was under his care she did not sutler 'I'llle as much pain; h-liually gave her up and said: h-rcise was Incurable." l'or.snid he,"she was sui h a coiiibiaation of complaints, that medicine given for o ie operates dgalnst someother ol her ilitiiculties.' .wi'iui mis nine sue coiiiiuenceu to use f;o-i 1 1 1 tn i is w ui' it, una too ir utter ustonisliineiit, almost the first doe ueeiu ol lo have the dtired ed'oct, and she kept on improving rapidly u.der its trcalmeiit, and now super iiileiiils eiinriily h'v iloniesti: affairs. Hhehas not ta ken any ofthn'.ns uutios Watkii forubout fourweeks and we are happy to say that it lias produced a perma nent cure. w.m. ji. van nnr.'scnoTt'N. JHM-rotip, Cuss., Nov, PI, led. Hit. WM.H.OitFon Deir Mr: 1 have for several years been afllictrd with thai tooublosomontid il.u'igerous diseaoi (3 ravel I. 1 ..1. r .. t ? . ...I ..'I 11.... I - , ' . Z y " i.J ' "T, was pieaseu wiiu i lie ri sun. it lias entirely cured me aiidjou may make any use or my name you may no fit in regsrn to the medicine, us 1 liavu entire confidence in lis et'ii acy, Your1- trulv, POVII BTIIOXIJ. tiiks'j Ann r ctsi:m)ch Thero Is noclass of diseases that produce such ex IniKling ell'octs upon tho huninn constltutinn us Dia betes a nil diseases of the Kidneys. Illnildernnd Cii na ry Passage., and through a false modesty th"y are neg lected until they are soni'vnuced as to be beyond the control uf ordinary rumedi js, and we present tho CONSTITUTION' WATP.U To therpuhli" with t'.e eonvictinn that il has nn equal in relieving the rl.i -s of ilseaes for which it lias hi n found so eminently surenisf.il in curing ; and wo trust thatwe shall be rewarded in our effort in plating so valuable roMedyiu a form to meet tho requirements of patient and pliywi inn, ro:i sau: nv am. HiiuntiisTs. imuci: si, W.M. II. OHOIirii: & CO., Proprieiors. Jlorgan 'i Allen, Oeneral Agents, No. -Hi cliff SC. Vnw-York, Sept. SO, 186i. is,,,. V 9Sf & X V A T T 0 It N E Y A T L A m.ooMSUvna, r.t. W O.Tico in Court Ally, formerly orcuplod by Charles lliii'kuluw, tllooiusbiirg, Dec, 4. 1 - .:. JOHN C. YEAGER, MAN'Ur CTIJKUll & WIIOMISAI.K DnAI.RR IN SWEATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, liONNEI'S AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street. Phih'd. Nov. 5'J, ISM. 0IIEAP 5ULITAHY CAPS! SlIMTAUY CAPS, of every sort, slio und quality for alo cln ap nt tho IHoomsburg lint & Cap Uniperiiuii Also (!rcerie.(.'oiilVctioilarl'!.iCit'ars,.,ir. : JOHN K. tilllTON. 1 milishurg, Sept. II, Iffl, 1 PROTECTION FROM UrTITNTTNTfi i MMIUBUl.scnl.er would inform his friend., that h'ii' ,mw prepiiro'l lo put lll. on sliorl iiotico, lll in u nclciiync iiiannar. th.'li-.t 1 WJITWI VUlATHIt r.intlT.VI.Yn r.VDS, ist 121.. ntsliff font. Al W"rk u.rrantld. 1 V.. 11. EIDI EM AN , Ple.miliur" M-v ?t I '(I Look to 3 our InU-rests.i L11L AT u2ILLEK &EYESa'S. I rplll'i h'iIhtIIicm linvn t'ifl r 'Mnidl from llio X Willi n n 'it li r lnm nnil k Ii ct iinmirtiuct of OI. ; Sin'icti; :uitl NimtJiioi' noM(s, nurchfl nt I'lilfmli'lpliia, at llm lmvcl figure, mi.1 villi li Ihry nro ildnrmlnnil l fll "in in ninilor.Atc Icrmi nuriui l' iTM-uri'il cIkouIiiki In llliiotn.biiri;, 'lhulr M k Miniprlufi" i tennis' pin. noons, ! nfi hnwl lylm rtml Inti'f-t f.ii,lilntl . jrv atntns. .ixi) nitocr.nir.s, mtinwiiii; t;:.vii'..l ckiuh ir.niK, iwu.oiv hwij ! rnn.y. x.nr., jioot.s ,y siun.s It ITS H- CV7'. Nil' fe lnlinrt evorx thins iiHiinltv kc-pt In innnlry Stnrcj tn uhl'li tliny Invite tin' iuMlr crtiornlly '1 hi- lllaliostptkc pni il fur rouiitrv prnilnce. I!liintiitmr. April Sfl, Ir,2 JVtiW JliiJShV ..VtS K0 it SALK, A 1,30, OAKDKN AND I'llUIT FARMS, Hilltulile for drapes, IVaches, rears, Unspherrlcs, Plrewberrles. Illm khcrrles, Currents, Ac, of I. SiS, ID oa '.ill acres railt.iti the follnnlnj! pries for I he present, via : '.' acres Inr $.'00, III ncres for 8110, .1 acres for M, 'Jl acres for S II), 1 acre for S'2. I'nyablo liy one dollar a week. Also, itood Crnnbiiiy lnnd, and villnpe lots In Client wood. 2.1 hv 1 Ci't feet, at 9111 each, paynhle by mm ilol. lar a week. The above in ml mid Kirm. nro situate n P.O. Stamp, fora .xyKUS H.AI.K. Vn. 1 0 Odnr Htrcct. New York. N. Y. i January 17, l-l,:i. TTH tUr.CII, PA., Corn 'r Petin anil fit. O lair S The largest Cninmerclel Hchonl of the United Flutes, with a patronage of nearly IMHIU fluili lit-", in five years from :il States, ami the only nun nhlrU iill'orils complete am! reliable Instruction Inn'l tiie fnllowlug branches, vir.: .Mercantile, Mntinfai Hirers. Htenni lloat, ilallroail and r.nr.k-kocplug. l'lrst P-eniiuni Plain and Oriiamcn. lal Peiiniansiilp ; nlsn, Uiirveying, Uotiiiectln; and .Mathcuintics generally. 835.00 Pays fora Cominerclal Course i Sfu lcnts enter and re view at anv time. ,j .Ministers' sans' tuition at half price Por Catalogue of Ml pages, Specimens of l!uinrs and Ornamental Penmanship, ami a b nntilul College view of.i spunre f' el couteiniug n good variety of w ritiug lettering and flnurHliiug. inilose -4 cent .s in stauipstu the Principnls. ji.,iui3 a 1 1 ii, riiisuurgu. i a. April ID, 1Piia-ly II H uiiilersltn.-t t atso eM"tistvitv enga""il tn the Uii.lrrtaUu? Ttu inr. ami keep constantly .n hand ml for sale at his Wurcrooias, u large assortment of KJNISUBD fgj COFFINS, Hv whirh ho is enabled to till orders on presentation Also Keeps a good Horse und Hearse, and will ut al time lu ready to attend l'ti.itr Is. SIMON' C. SHIVE. liooniPbi'rg, January 2'). OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, . SUR'-OKIl'TION AUEM, At Jy Vokv. & B-i.'ikcpjs. ii; Pouiit'J'ini'nSrin'Hr. 1'hil.nlclpliia, Nov. . 1FCC. The undersigned, having I ecu appointed Subscrip tion agent bj the Secret tiry of Ilia Tr aiury, is now pre pared to furnish at once, tho i'eu ttrt'.iitj iixi i)prr ant. Dnntls. if the United Slates designated -is 'I'ivc-'l'wenties,' re liiemabn at the pl"iiure uflli" liovi rnment, after fle years and nutliorU-d by Act nt Congress, approved I'Vhruury '2'i, Imi-J Tueeoupoii bonds nre isfiird in sums uf 50, sino, j'lili), SliiO.I Tli Itegiater Umuls in sums of $50, $100, 3500, tat.O ami $..'inw). Interest nt 'ix per ii nt per niniuin will eomniemn roi.i date of purchase, am! is PAYADI.U I.N OOI I), -'emi-Ai'uually. whiih is i qiial, ut tliu present premi um ou gold, to about i lglit pi r c ut per Annum l'.iriii"rs, .Men ua ills, ,Mei haiiics, t'npii ilists, and all who Ii ive any mom to in i -t lr"ild know anil re ini'iubi'r that th'" e Ibuids are in effect, a 1'irst .Mort gage upon all i. nil lloads. Pank Stocks and Secuiitic. mil tlisi'iiiiK'iise r .l in ts ofall tin- Manufactures, fee., fcr., in the country, and that ll.e lull and ample prot is ion made for Ihe payuient nf Hill mt'-rest "and lipiidat lounf principal, by ciiFtome Dutli s. llxciteFtauinsnml , Internal llevenue, serves to make these llonils tho best, Most, 'ivttilubtc ai.tl most popular J itves1 inful in the Blurhti Subscriptions received nt Tar tu Legal Tender Notes or notes and checks paren hanks in Philadelphia, Sub scribers by mall will jeeeivu prnuip: attention, and ev ery facility andexplaiiiilii'ii will bj afforded on applica tion at Hi is office. A full supply of bonds will be kept on hand for inline diatedclivery. j cuuiii., Hiiuscriptioii Agent. Nov. 8. I--3m. CAmcticaufl SjoUi (Opposite Iiiue.cntniHc Hall,) cnr.sTNin sTiinm- iii:tivi:i; Pin'iidsixTii VUll.JIMU.I'lllJt. w v ATT u lli:UI,l(!t, Proprietors. November 30, IP1J. March IK, If Sb F. 0. IIAllltlSON, M. 1). firoi.'I.D respcctlully infoiiu the citi.eus of Dion- buig and vicinity, that ho contiiiuestliu prnctlco nil solicits a sli ir" of public paironagc. Orms on .Main Street, llrtt iiottso UIow tho Court House, fllooiiioburg. I'ubruary 3, lrlfla-tf. J5RICK ! D1UCIC1! DIUCK!:! Good Uriel:, just lnunufaoturo' noil for niln rlieim. wlinlcs.-i lu n m.fl nJUlDUU nii At .ImUlonnisbiir'. IIHrk V'nril pply to the snscrlbor. IIUNHY S. AUTIW1U. rtlnouitliurg. Juno 83, ISH2. PUBLIC SALE OK YALUAI1LE PER SONAL PROPERTY. Will be exposed to nale, at Public Y'en ilue, nt thi rcniilcnci oftleorgo llartninn, in Ilciu. lock towMship, Col. co. Pa. On 'I'lnirsday march Ktli. the follow ins described personal property. y,i: THREE HORSES, Three colts, inikli cows, young cattle. a lot of hheep & lioea Three Iw o lioro wagons, niu nf whldi is a pipe box.) ollii truck Wlignn, buggy, si ols, sleighs, plow 1 hairmvs, tiillivators, ana one rswuviug uorsu-raae, I double nnd iiuitlo hiirneis, one inrt uiiii gears, forks, lions, Kc. I Win nt, llye, enrh, oals ami pi'l.i'oe. Iiv the linshul, ( grain in He gn uii'l, liny by Hie ton, ll.ix from tho winle. Wi avnr loom, one vtunl wheal, i-pinniiig ! vvliwtl nml vluenur by 111 i barrel. Hods and he lding, ','......,. ktn 'r.eri'.iiiid f 00k Kti.ees. linrlnr find ten. nlate iok s, iron (K11 per mid brass keltels with u va riety nfliuusihlilil aiidkilcln.il furulluro loo tedious to iiiciitinii. ' KT-Pnln tn lominence ollU u'i lock. n. in. on laid day wlieu atte.iduiice will he given and conditions be Hindu Uuuwii, by rcb. si, ,ef,n. UU' ,,A,m,AN' n&RSBjgC BILLS, Iwatly Htul cxpfiliti' usly Printntl, at thi or ' ci i rOLl l) ".:iOCilAT. ' Ta. O If I'l I.. ITflrtitr NI'AU nilOMlW W, NLlV V IlK l TV , Tin 'hi . 1 m j 1 j - li J nnnlavn u t.tif ilii til nut ..ii.nn i'r li n 0 ii r ' it' i t i " m i in., tilrl' lit u' '3 1 i "1 til it i It lnlni-li r t ' Id' rulnl .1 (f Ii ii p itrmi' Mtin m ana fnmilli iitn fi uilly ntn1 i.n 1 fully provhitil for. lint tiltnll) l'ii itltnl In tho bn lit' m pnrt of 'In city, anil l cnntliiiioiK tntlia )irlnclpnl llntu i.f ntcniiiliiiiiH, curs, iiiiinlliiKtvB furrlo A.c. lit rnniir"iiinco nf thti ('romiiiro r.nuacil hy tho lletict- llntt. priron itiivn intcn ruiitirvii to One Dollar tv d l'ifty C cuts per JJiti. 'I he lable Is amply supplied with all Ihe limtrii s nf Ihe season, and lsoiu.nl to tint of any other hulel Hi the iiiuutry. Ample nccotniumlntlon nro om red for upwnril of 40(1 guests. fQ- Iln not licllevo runners hnfktneti, nnilnlhcrs who inuy say "tho Western Hotel Is full." ,. I). I). WINCIIilSTHIl, PinprlcKir. TH03. I). WINOIIHSTHl!. I'cii. la.iecj. 'Ihe Nrtv oinmercitil Ilititliitg.i are hcu led opposite Court House, corner of Court and Chrnunga-Street a. ThlsCollLgois Innntviiy t leiteil with anv other Institution Tliu energies of the ontire I'nculty nre exclusively de voted lothls, , ..TU? "? "i , &K K l . V.V.r '. " " . . r. """"'"t v i l'racllce locomoino i neu. coi.i.r.oiATt: couiisi:. This Course euibiaces Ilook-Keeplng u all Its ile partmcuts, l'ciinuiaiishin.Coinmercial A ritlimotir llus- inuss Oojrcspoudcnci!, Coin refill Law, I'oiitlcul lUoii omy, rommcrcial i;thics, I'arlnershlp s lllcuients, lie lectlng t.'oiiiiterfeiteil and altered llank-Notes, A.c 1 ha tpeucnriaii Syntniu of IViininniishlp is taught In nil Its varieties, by the most sHIIful mn.tersiirtlni art. The Ilook-Kneplng ilepartment is under the special supervision and Instruction of the Principal, 1). W cr.vnuAi, ixroiiMATiow. Sindenls can enter at ifuy time j no vaenlion. I'siril time tu compietethe Cnurse, lroiuli to 1J weeks. A,sls tance rendered to graduates in procuring situations Crarluntes are presented Willi au ei gantly engraved III. ploina. P. y l'or oataloguo of TOptgcs.fpeclmeiis of penman ship, Sec, enclose two letter 'tamps mid address I.OWHI.I.& W MIM'It. August. 10, 1 802. fUay:i, IHili-i'jm, 0 R I T T K N 1) i X S Hi ILt Mi, I'll 5 A r.HAlEltn,li. COLL E G E , N. E. i:nrvcr of 7 lit awl Chest mil. Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins ItsTiTt'rmx. wliich was rtlnlill'hrtt In IP II nnd I now uin"pi ntly in Ihe rlghtrnlh unir of it., cst. eii'-e, iiuuib''rsaiunng its graduates, huudieils of ll.e mo'.tsiirccssliil .Merchants and Diisiness Men of our i oilinry, TiimlanoT of the Institution is solely tnnfford v"uiig iiie.il f.icilili.'s for Ihorouijh preparation for busiii..ss. Tnr. ll!ivriimTi':iirare, Hunk-kecp-n?, us applirn. hie tothe iriniH i!e ailments of trade; fenn.nri.liw. until piuni ami nritamniiii j Cemmccm lam Mo' lit mailer. .VarlgatloH Civil r.ggmierifr, Drauim;, I Imn- oji rtirpiiy. ana .'uurr.-i y.inlliijffs. Tif svitM or iNsmiHTios tsp'cnllar ; no clashes or set lessons nre i:iailiue of. bm em h ,tudeni j.. t.iu.ht I mil vidualiv , so that lie may commence at anv time and attend ut wh never hours are most convenient Ctai.ooci. nrelssuedniiii'i;jarnr the I.lili nf April contniniug unions of the studcntvfnr th v uir, an I lull particulars of terms, &c. ami may bo obtained ut nuv tuns by ad.lreilng Hie Principal. Is l:lRistvy Aci O'lMoil.'cniNS. ichle-sprrail reputation nnd Ihe length.) ericricme of tue Priurliml, tin- Initiiu lliin rilVr facilities' superior tunny ntlnrin Hie coun try, foryoung men winhing lopropuro for business, and t'lolilain at Hi" same time iiirt.on, ,riri mil prnre. n rccommtinlallou fur them them to any Merrhau tile House. KTr-'BiiTsnts's "mm of Trrithn on S'nnit'KM-.. ir.it now noro wi.Ulycircul.iti'dth.ni nuv other work on the subject, arc for sole nt the Ci.ll. gr. s. HODc.Hs cihtti:ndi:n Jlttomeii-at Lair. i'MMtew.. Jan. Ci-lflll'.' 12m. MLLES:S I.O' ATKI) IV PH1LAUELPHIA, n. cciivniiTi'ii and i.ii.:stn'ct sis s. Ii w York Vitti, JIi-'joUiiu. All) liufj'ah. Dc'roit, ( L ce.utd, Ulnva anil. St. Lotit t. Po'il.'-k pi-ig, tyoutiui'ri i.il l.avv callv tauclit. - inn llistnn. I oMieiereli'l Arillnii'li. . i'orins, C'oi repullllLnLe, (., pimi Til. "i I'ollei'es bei'ig imib r llio fame general anil lo. (ul m.in.i''i uieiit. and iniitin;. in cncli the .luwtnt.ige ol .ill, nil -r i re.it r f.n llm. -s for imparling iiiilruc , i than anv otlier slmil'ir inslit.itiiin in th unlry. A Sihnlarship issued l.y any olio is go id in ail li. I u unlimited tune. 'I'll' Philadelphia College lias been recently eiil.n , nu I rei.iim.il ',t in a supefior m'inu"r, and i, no, ', I largest and mud prosperous Commercial Inslilutioii i tho blnto llraut & Stratton's series of Text ll'ioks, embr.ic Ilook-kct'ping.C'imilucrcial Arillnnello, nnd Com r l.aw. tor sale, ami ten l ,v mail. b" IVrfiiH particulars scud for acirculc. October Itf, lBo-J- l-.'m. OYSTERS! OYSTEKS! ! FP.I'.SII OYsTKIlS can u obtained at all limes, bating Uuoni ul the uudeitigned, on .Mniunri i.t Hie t. li.STOM.lt. llloouisburg, I'a., Sept. 13. ISG2. OIlAiXGEVILLE Normal nil ; :n mi urci.tl Sulmol ami Ai'aihtuy. rrMIP !lfl 'Peru, fif ll.ia ln,Hiiln il. - I 8 ... . . ...ct.iuijiin t'liiiuiiiiiieoieou X '1 hursilay. October J J st. iliit. . , J. S.WOOlin, B.C. Orangeville, Oct. S3. 18(12. NEW I3USINESS FIRM rrHi: undersigned rcFpeitlully inform their friends ' nnd life public generally, that they huvnenti red 111 to en partnership, under the , r 1 1 no f. 1'v'i'i, t, .1... iiaiuo, etjle nnd firm o ,,'... (t. I.I, ," litn MvfVAiiti BS(iKiictces, in the "Old AiLiide,"in Uloonisbiirg, Columbia co where tliey intend carrying on Hie business of hem km, .MKnuiss-niziNii, in nil its diversified braii' hes and ilepartuients. audio whiLh they nnito all exteiiMoimf the public patuuiage. s. 11 Mti.i.r.it, l'UUD'KC. UYI'.lt. Illnoiusburg, May 11, J SGI. tf. Hon' Losl ! Iloiv I.c&loreit ! Just Published in a Sealed llnvelopc : Price I! cts; A I.rrturn on HieXature, Tr. atment and rndlonl Hire of Spennatorrhma or seminal weakness, luvoliintaiy P.muiissioiis, sexual ilelntily, anil iiupi diluents to mar riage generally, iiervounies , consumption, upip ins and Ills ; mental nnd physical incapiicilv, resiiliing Iroiu Bclf uliuse, &c liy llobt. J. Culvcrw e'll, ill. D uuilior of Hie Green Hook. $;c Tito world-retiowueil nutlior, In this admirable lie lire, cl.iurly proves from his own experience that Hi. lawful ccnsi "iuciiccs of sulf al.use may ho i flectually lu moved without moslii inn, and without dangerous sur gical op 'ratioiis, bnugios. instruments, rings, 01 101 dials painting out a modi) of cure at once certain nod effectual, by which every .uliernr, 110 matter w hat In. condition may he. may cure himself cheaply, privately ami rudically. Tins lecturo will prove, u buon to thou sand uud thousands, rient under seal, in n plain envelope tn any address on the receipt of bIx cents, or two poago stamps hy addressing Dr.CHA8.J.C. KI.INH, Hi, llnwory.Now York, Post Oihce ilox, r0. Nov. 13, UCil ' NOTICE. All persons knnwingthumsclvcj indebted tho sub scriber nu N'nte, Hook Account, or olhom ise nru hereby nntifl.nl to call and setllo the same between this and the ilrtt of Jniiunrv. lrin:i. If nm mien, l,. a m i,,. tint time, such accounts ami nnioa will Im left at Hsu;, llliamherlin'a for collection, j, Ain.VDUNII AI.I,. Illo inibiii g, Nov.M, leC. , EXEOUTOK-y NO'l'lOE. Estate uf Daniel Ileiptl, dee'd. T r.'riT.llH testnuieiitary on tlioestato of I'aul. l ite. 1 gel, lato of I ociui township, in Columbia monty p. ceased. Iinvebeen gianluil by tho liegisler oi'Coliini l.h cnuuly lo th undersigned nlsn residing in said to.vuslilp; allpnrioua hiviuj cl.uuii uguiust Ihe estate nrtii" iieronii nme rsqiissmuiii pr'aent tiiem to tiie Ix. rutorst Ins ro.ldoiico in suid Inivuil.lii, witlioa i .1 liy and all persons indibl'd to makspiyumit fortli j ll, U.l I-1 I. B fca kH H I. . M- . ... . I XlilOVAL CCaUlKHClAi AY)3R'S CATHMTIG MIjILS. mm Art ron silk, W,W, anil coraplnfnlnut Ar you out f order, ilth ytor tyttsra if lnnr.'l, and your ftslltig un tonifertsblsl Tlisi sjmp t.nn are ofl.ri llio prsluJo to reriout lllueis. fonts fit of slcknsit Is creeping upon you, and should be lemttil by a tlmslv u.a of tin' tlcht rsm edy. Tko A)rs filli, and ctcanio out Uw dl'srilsred hu mors piitlly Ibo UcwIhiuA lit tho fluids mote on tmtib sliuctcd lu lielh again. They atlintil.ifs tlm fain lions of tin boilr Into vigorous no llrlly, putiriiia jjstem trcm the i.livlriiiiloin tihlch moko Jlscitso. A cold sottles somewln.10 lu llm hotly, anil olr ftruets Ils iiMnrnl function. Those, If net lollatnJ, rend upon theinsclrcs nnd tho Burioiindlng ergnni, pro iIucIpr general ftggraratlon, RtilTei luff, and illiease. Wlillo In this condition, oppi.'Btcl by the derangement, talio Ayer's Pills, and ceo how dlieclly Ihey ri-itoro I lib natural action of tho system, and with it the buoyant foctlnjr. of health acsln. Wli it Is Iruo ami so nrparent In this trivial anil common coinplaliit, U nlsu lino lu many of tho ileep-senleil ami daiiRoions illitntnpcrs. The satno purgatlto ellset oxpols them. Caused by slinllsrolutnic. Hons nml derstigsinenls or the iiiiluinl fuuctlens of tho lody, tboy ro ispldly, nnd Innny of Hicm surely, cuiea liy tho sar.io means. None who know the virtues of lhco rills, will negliet to employ Iheiii nlien suircilng rrout tho disorders they euro. Ptntements fconi leading physic) ins In scmo of tho principal cities, ami from oilier well known pitbllo per sons. From a roruiantivg Merchant e.St. lnvit, III. 4, 186H. Da. Ayir! Yonr Pills nro tho paragon of all that Is great In medicine. Tlioy havo cured my little daughter of ulceriKis sores upon hnr hands and feel that hail proved Incurable for yenis. Ilor mother liai been ont giiov. oinly nflllcled wltli Mutches ami pimples on her skill nnil In lier hair. Aftor our child was cuied, the alsa trloo your l'llls, and they hate cuioil her. asa jionaniDai:. As n FninU yiiyslei TVom llr. H H'. U11 (ier.,iif, A'ne Otleai. Your PJIIs nro thiip.lnee of puiges. Their excellent qualities surpass i.n.r cillmitlo we posss. 'lliey aro mild, hut very certain and elfectual lu their action 011 tho lioirels, which makes them liivaluablo to lis in the dally treatment of dhensu. IIcnilnclic,SIi'nircnilnelie,Foul Stomncli. iVoiii llr. l.'uvat it Ihyit, lIMimm e. DsAalluo. Attut 1 cam vit auswer von teml comntnlnls I havo cured with your I'l. It better than to say almaf lee rerr Si cii toith ct uir.'? tiee medicine. 1 place gi ent depep Ueuco on nu effectual cnthiiilic In my dally contort with disease, and bellevlne; as I do tint j our Pills tilTuid us tho test wo have, I of course vuhi'i them highly, PitTsnttin, Pa , .May 1, 155. Da. J. 0. Attn. Sirs I linvn been repeiledly cured uf llio worst headache, any body can bno by a dene or two of your 1'ilN. It seems to uilco flout a fu'.il fdemarh, which they cleanse at once. Youiaivitli gieat ic.pcct, 110. IV. rilRMiK, e.Vrh of Steamer Clathn, Bilious nisnrilcri I.lvcr C'omiilnlnts. Prom Dr. Theodore Jl.ll, oXrw Vorle Cd'j. Not only nto your Plllsi"linliiiMvn'lnptid lo their pur pose as an aperient, but I Pinil llicir 1ienellei.il effects upon Ilia Liver very tuailieil iiiiisci, 'i ny tia In my prac 1 leu protod tuiTO elfectunl fr tha cure of h.lvim eini plaint than any one remedy I 1 in tnuitiou. 1 sim.t'i,)y rijoico Hut 1111 liao at liuglh a puiKativc wlibli is wor thy tho conBik'uce of llio piolnnlou uiid the people. DrPAHiurMT n tub iMsr.ion, 1 WashhiKtuii, 1). C, "th lili, lfc.'.b. Sir. 1 1 havo used youc l'ii t 111 my gum nii and ho.-plUl prnctkoetor slnco you madii them, and ciiuuit br.iute In say thoy aro the best catliuitio we employ. Their regu lating action on the liver Is quick and decided, conse quently they me an adinlrtiblo remedy for ileiangemciits of that or.in. Indeed, I havo seldom funnd ucaoof bilious disease so obstinate that il del not 11 mlily yield to tbtm. Iriitetually j"Ui, AI.O.Zo I'.AI.I,, JI. D, Jltyx.'vMn "J the ihuiiie Unjllul. Byticiitcry, Dlnvrltrcii, llclnx, AVuvnis. 1 '1 ma Dr. J. it G. . en. J' (Vocy i. Your rills havo had a long 11 lal In my ptacllce, and I hold them In esteem us one of tho Ufl npi'ileuts 1 Itato ever found. Their nlteiative 1 lice t uimii Hie liter makes them nu excellent icim-dy, wb"ii given In siiuill ip'es fr bilious dynaitrry and diarr'ia-it. 'llirir snpai-coatine; makes thei.i mi y acceptable and comeuicnt fur the usj of women and cbildien. Dynpeinlii, Tmimrllj' of llic IJIonil. I rmn Jlev. J. V. lhmis, J'ashr nf Adi-cnt Church, Ihtlon. Dr. Area: I have used jonc pills wilh extiifadlinry euccess In my family and ninong tho-.o I am called tu viMt in d'edress. 'I'o regulate tho organs of dici-tliiu nml pmlfy Hie blood, they aro the vi ry best lemedy I linvo ever hnnMii, ami I cm confidently lecoiiimend them to my frltnUs. Yuuis, J. V. HISIPS. WAtisvtr, WyomlPR Co., N. Y., Oct. 'JI, 1;. Drir Bin 1 1 urn usIiik yniiv Citliai th I'llO lu inv piac tlce, and find them 101 excellent purgatlr to.elunuio H10 system and purify ihe founltiuii of the Woml. John a. mi:acuam, m. d. Const Ipntloil, Cost Iveneen, Hniipvc f.sloll, IllK'tllllllliSIU, IsOttt, Nutll'Ultlll, la'(ll- ay, I'nrnlyslu, Fit, etc. From Dr. J. V. Vtiuyhn, Montreal, CUuada. Too much cannot be piU "f yenr Pills for the cure of CKltmi.is. If othcis of our firtteii.lty hate fjuud Hum us tnie.i' i.mi as I have, they eliould join mo in pi-oslalm-iiiixltf'i)' th'j liemditof tlio mnltituUes who suffer fiom that cmplaint, which, nltliouh b id oinnigh In il"c1f, Is the pro .euitnr of olheis tbat urn wnso. I lclii'tocn--tiraies 1 1'Mlghnte in tlei liver, but your PUH aQect that crgau mid Lino tiie diaeano. i'cort Mr! . E. itiui I, I'hytiaan uu I UiJvift, DMon. 1 find 0110 or two largo doses of your Pills, taken at the pvopcr time, nre excellent pi einotivts of the natuiai fecre lion when wholly 01 paitlally MippietseJ, nnd aim very effoctual to cfatnsc tho a'ewrica and erpd tfiins. They nro eo much tho best phyde wo hate that I leeommcud uo other to my patients. FroM Vie Iter. Dr. IliK!,e,of the Jldtinlitl Vpis. (H.urch. I'rt.A'iti Hni'.vr. Savunn.ili,tl.i Jan. 0, 18C0. Ifevonsi) Slut 1 (dinuld lu un.'i.itrliil t r Hu icllef your skill I.e. buat'.it 1 1 if I il.d not ip.'it toy c.uu to yon. A eld settled In my linibsaud biougbt oil excru ciating itcurar(iic pains, which cniletl In cfmmim he.inna tisnu Xotwiuistindli.K I h."l the I'"t of Fliyrlrin'is, tho tllo'iso glow worse 11:1 1 i ee, until bv llio advice ofyour excellent agent In U.iltici"i-e, Hi Muclct-t.zis, 1 tiled your Pills. 'Jheir effects were ilcw, but sure. Py persoteiing lu the use of tlieur, I am now itithely well. Senate Chamcse, llnton Kongo, Ii., 6 Dsc. 16.15. Dn. Avr.a 1 1 have been entirely cured, by youc Pills, of Itheumtitic OuutA ptiliilul disease that had allilcted mo fur yens. Vl.Nt'CM' SLIDKI.L. W,-Mnst cf t!io Pills In maikst centsln Jlercury, which, although 11 vnluaMo lemedy in skilful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, frein tho dreadful ennse riuencia that frequently follow Its incautious ue, lliese contain no laeicury or mint nil substiiiics wliattwer. Prico, 25 cents per Bos, or 5 IJoxon for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEH &. CO., Lowell, Maes. Hold by P. I' 1 utz. (i Al llagenbiii li nnd J II Mayor llloouisburg', J ihm ler. Ilohr-loi)! , A..i-1'is k l'ii", Milhllle; P Jlasl. r, Ileulon ; l.n.ariis & Pisln r, Or .ineeville : (I P 1'nwler Powli rs ille: A .Miller, Her n 11 k; Low ft liios., Cenl' i villi' : II I' Pn igliarl & Niist I'spv : M Hhoemnker, llm Mini 11 ; I!, igbart k Nus, Al.iiuv ille . J fharpless. Cattnwissa; Creasy A; Co I. iaht Strict : und dealers everywhere. July S!C, lftj-i ly. EVANS &WATS0N- rt.M.AMAI)i:il tt.I'i:H, IIH iMOVHD 10 Jll.. Ill.Sui.ri Fourth Unit, PniMWf.Ait. havo on mid a largo asso.tiu, nt ol l ire Thief proof Salaman.ler r-afis. Uo, iron doors, fcr banks unit .tf , - t- "1 1 Mines, iron Soulier iron b.ieu, nil rxj5fifc makes of locks cpial to any ina.io 111 Ihe I'nited Fltiites. Ftre Safe in one firs. Ml e nine out right; irilh roir (C'.s in pood coiutltie'i. Th" Hiilamundcr Safes of Philadelphia ngajust the world. EVANS & WATSON', have hnd the mrett d.ni'intratinii in the following cer tidcate Hint their maiinfaiture ofHalamaiiiler H.ifcs has at length fully warrant. . I Hie representntinns w huh havo been made ot them as rendering nn undoubted security against the terrific c lenient. Philadelphia April 12. IMu. ,Vetr. r'ii.s ! Watson: (ieiitlem. il - Il ull'orda tin the highest satisfaction to state tu yon, that owing to Ihe ery protective qualm sifte.o of the Salamund. r, fufes Willi li we purdinsi d of you some five month sinio we suved n largo nortmii of lenelrv. nnd all our hi" ks, tec, exposed 10 Hie calumnious, liro in ll.instiaj placo on ine inoriiing 01 me ntn inst.. neii we relict t Hut these safes were locate, 1 fimrth sorv ofilni lioildiii', u .j oe.-iioted and lh.it thev fell snlise'iueniiy jntnn heap of burning ruins, where the I Mist i once titration of Ihe heat caused Hi" brass plat s lo melt, we cannot but regard thejireservalion of their vnl-1 uablu contents as most lonviming prool' of tho great se curity .'.Honied by your sales. We (hall take gn at pl nsure In recommending them to men of business as n sure r. liaurc agau.-t tin'. (!i;oi!(li: W. SIMMONS & lilto.. .leaellern C'T'They have since pnriliab"d six lurgu Safes. July UO, Wi. L August 20. 1831 GREENWOOD SEM1NA11V. Jillvile, Columbia Count i, I'enn'tt. This well knowh Hcliool for holh scici. will t. o l NOVHAIUUP. 3d, lolii. Tim recent additinns to tho buildings; romler arconi odalioua for more than sixty boarders. The course of study will eiubrme three departments Hie Normal, the Si li-nuile. nml t'm i iimmercial. '1 in. Pr'iicipal will be nssisted hv ep' rinced (cucln crs, felly iuiiiifiei or Hi. ir r peitive potii'ins. Parents and others nun res! assured th.it no I'florts will be spared lo make Hie (-chool worthy "f patronage nml that tho welfare of ihe tinleul. intellectually, pbvurally, and iiiorHlly, will recclveourcointnutcnro Pur iipplicatinn, lirciil.irs or fm I lar r pnrln ulars, ad dress thu undersigned, ot Jlllluille Columbia county P. T. AIANWHI.I. PO'I'IH. JOHN il. TAT TON, A. JI., Principal. Millville, Ta., Sept. 13. IWW. N A T 11 0 N A CO A L 0 I L 1 WAltlt ANTBD NOV KTPI.OB1VIII anil equal to any Kiliio.HUNB. WHY Lay nn explosive Oil, when a few (sail mdrft por nation will furbish you with a pcrf.it Oil I M n.'i' flllhtj' Y I'il.TMlKI rvCTI PIK'9 OOMPiffY, No, lit Wsluat flrv. THU, flftTf , r t.y , irvi, l , r- I l! will I FRH8I1 ALL .1 B li'l I R I T lin unilr,gn, rtnusAil Ajr w . 1 fully informs Micitstmmirt ami tin r,ui,n 'U'. that In iiasjii.t received Ironi ui, v UfiJ I'l-gestand most sclecl tloclt of Ll,,lf" lUlil, (f, ; 1'ALL AND WINTJCll That ha yil been opened In Illnnuubur T luvlesnint, ,,', ,,r ,, niunils, n J' '' h hi Hial tlu y nre offer. ,1 for sale .1 " 'V'",'" W Plod, comprises a Imgcssortmi ntof '"". ?is l ui:.N,ri,'Mi:,N'HWHAniN(! Apj.,fr. I CoiirisMig r,r r'ninnAiniillBswl'0Aw, f ..1. .1 rrlplloni Pants. Vest., ("bills, ('ravil, v, J,,7 '? Ilaudksrchief., Oluves, Sutp.iiil.r,. ft te" GOLD WACHES A N D J E WJ5LUY Ofevry.lescrlplltn. fins nn.l .!,..., N. II. -ll.IUeiul.er " Lurenhcrt,-, Vheop f.K,;rL, . call and s"o. No iharg,, fur ,. J.,V,V "I'-' !" irg.AI'srch-.ej, IbeJ.''1" '""''l u 1 J s. A FAMILY MAGAZINE" un'orzn to i.irmunvtti: mm uklioioa. j VOLUME Xni-1863. IT Is the design nf this, Maffi,7luMi. i,,,,,!,,,. ... , 1 gain and pure literature, Hiilm, win ,lm .1 t,il. , lefliiH Hie liianners aim Unfoble all il,.. ,. lit -. I.llei-.iry w Hhoiit being p, , untie. ieilii"ii. ,!",'i . t,..i und character H.thn.11 blgi Hy, II will ,,), ,, .. weli i.mo wlurovor Ills known. ,'u magame 1, ,1 , ro'intrv is b jter n.inpNd m tin. family 1 in I, 1 '. th" rorlhsoii'iug volume It will com i.tiei,, n,,',i, ,, ,, chaf.i. turns "Th- tlueen or Hie A!i nibln , " 1' .'" ini-ehuuicnl execution bj Hie l!e opiii , ,,, , . , ' , "J by any Alagar In the land. It Ispm.ir 1, 1,, , ii, ,', otyp plates on the tluestnlemti r-o pup, r , ,, ', ,,' I11I111I1 'r contains two original tiel 1 lie dim, , " t ..1 111 II. hlghestslileol tho art l.j nrti.ts w ho mV. ,1 at til" h eul 111 their profession " 1 lie Iliposiiory lins sp. mil n.tiii Hon to iln t, , . furni-hes a gri at aiiiouiit of reai,iii(i in.uii,, , ', Hi" 111 nil. rs of tin riiiuily- young umI , I, . n, , . g'tllug III" ehlldreu- It i.lri'sh, viifliil. i. n pr ' ' In R.'liuii'ii- n.nl Hetiernl Liti rnture H 1 1 . 1 1 ,,. M . 1, 1 Hint eil'l b tllleil 111 linolhei way I'shuiiil , 1 , ,, Hi h arlatiii s inf r:ooo. Among its lontribuiors are I011111I s. in, , r 11,1 i,., w nii f in the I11111I. 'I'lieir fiapersi ivi .1' 1 an,L fM, u nl verb ty, as well as inslructn.il to lisp, gis tli - hit 11110110I Hie IMiioriiud l'lililirlis-r- to n 1 1 ,i Hi-111 t .lag .r.iu.' ol ils 1. 1 nd 111 n iniiniiv, ti,,, 1 ntteiili in Is ln liert tu the vurle.l anil Int. lenmt ,,, t ills of the H iloriiil Hcpiiitnienl. w hn li ( l,'l 1 . 1. tn' ii" here else to be r.1,111.. It w .11 i 1 1 1, , . , ,,, t ir ' ' '' t. eonlaliilim 11 any il,,,.,i n,, ,j ,v , , 1 v,i 1 m.'iis lor tliu t liilfiniii rui .1 r nnd in 1 ,,1, , 'i -.in.i tl.i ru s. a iilirniry nm. .in. 1.1 1 .1 In -l.lj nil-K.-tih to Ibe ii 'liiintm , nlin 1 ,, I ''-' 1 1 atioi's: lien s. 1 llcr.ii SiifiliAi. in n I,e , ,'. V. inl.,1,1 in 1 .1 Is, milifents and ,thli-li 1 ( , , .,' l v.itu : r'l.l.ibo.irc for ihllnnii w bit I will l,( f , st'.ri mi'l niKcili'issnvculi'irl) ni'.if 11 il 1,1 11 1, ,, , , , in Iniit cliil'lr-n ; U.ITloi lal t.leuil.is 11 m... 1 , , r. .1 ni'l rnr" p,is"rgi-situil nnei lion r gl. ,it,i u :. 1.1 1, i:.lii"i' r -a.lHig j ml llilitor't; J ..lie v i l 1 i,i, , , 1, . 'put ' a vui i-ty. I'Ii.t is nu eronnii j In trkinv Hie Mm .,, ,i,, look at Ille a 'iiou 11 1 of Hi n auiuu 111 ill. 1 . A nnii, 1 , urn 1. H.pi.il loeight I'.'mo. vi lin. . - v I.,, i, r.t ... . 11 'S w in! 1 1 ost 81 '.'., em li. 'I li, l is 1. 11 en.,, . I: n !- 1 orv fir 'I'll .1 Dollnrs nml a 1 1 all w n.t ... j.uTui Hollars in tb ln k I 1 ml ibu. '" ' "' '"l"'.!' Uf! I tllgrilV ll-gS .11 llll. I.!l.!l! I I.II.M-. lu view of Hie unpri cedf nt i.,n,;. th i cost of paper 11 ml all oltber mal. rials of i.,i 1,1. lur , and lu xieu nfthc f.n t that publi, 1,1 tt 1 ' 1 . nr- iiip"lleillii.l!llio.n twentv live to 1I111 n p n to Hie prico of tin r km.ks. w e iiave il'i'iioon m lo au mpi me piitiliratn.il 1 1 the Ui-pnsit.ir) in CMiinig venr nl h ss thiii. I w o mid a Half I), lie. r. 1 1 inn I he pai I lutaiial.l.i in aiiiauie. All Ministers of the Ati thool'-l llpitei 1 :.l l.n.li , arer ''Hied Agi ills and will n ci iv. r't!'iiiti u- , P.i in uts. I'ulili.l.nu by Pne k lllirl.c! ck. 1 ii" 111., Ci.rm r ol Main .v. I.igluli Srtei ts.l lullMi a I'm'.. ' V"i k. -J.'li .Mulburv ,-ir.Mt Orders Ri 1 ' im . Bl. ll'.'lglltv. 1'llKUg.i; .1. P MllO. e. I'o t"li I Pliiladelnliia; J. P. Cuok lli'ltiuiiirei J. 1.. 11. a. Im g. I' n.i ; II II. ot.t, Iturl'aln, V,: hob 11 V I. 1 ri in P., inci-.cn, Cnl.;T U. p.nrne. I'.irlianil it.,.i il ,iin.'- I'.ilcrnn-ler. Tiow, London, J'.ik. I,. I,,)'. A ' . Hni'iigii anv uecrelii, ,! travsllng mini lu ,.1 H,u V.i. o .ist Hpi. .,p,. 1 'hurt Ii. i"c 1 1, I. h-J 'lu J AMES .H. SM I H; IMPOUTl.ll .JA7) f 1711. Kt;.1W. I) KjI 1. Cii BRANDIES, WINES, WITISKEKs. tllN'.'t, AMI l.tfOlt-t, OP. ii.ll M.I.V. V .. :)j iJ'tUmU tits , bciwic.i 'II 11 , I'JIII.AliL!. 'I,IA t . IM. M!Y, Traveling Agent mi l S.ilisuis.i. ' 7-OltnMls Itsri-TIT3.LV hnl.n;.llv, Nov n.b.'r liyj. VKW YOllK MEDICAL l.NSTl i 1 tc'pi:. Alien ob.ut lustitutinu endow ed for th" cuie Cliroi.ii His, a'e. ol every iMIun-. ami to p.oi hIik . Inn. I om 'pi.ii k ailvenistri and iiun-tnrs. hi 1 1. j. i xe-pt for Hi .In In. until ru-i'd. end in in., , 1 . Ir 111" povi'lty lienlllll'iit liee. No Minerals i'l 1'. , . 0 u Unas lU'd, Th- I'lii-iil-nish.ivi' bad be, , 1 n-H" . ii'iii'ni-i' bolh 1.1 p ivute ami Ho. pun p lie.i I'll-1'illow nig u. soinij nl Hie , nmpiiilnt to ! I. : sp. coil nttinti.iu is givn. All .iiseiis"" if lb I'. Thr 'i.t I. on','-. ti art Htmn u.l', I.Ivor Uidnex I'l.-1 1 III., uimii inn. Pits. Cemer, Piles. K. rt 1,11s ' A. ." 1 His. .in,- , f id,. M.uai Organs. Hmi'-al i,ik."- ' pi.tcin e and Virelont iliernses oCevei) iintiirv p,.- n im Iviire.l I im uses of Keiiiales ami nil Irregol.ii n sue. i-liill tr 'I'leil. Iiliniluess nnil lie.'.luet 1. im w nle'iil p.nnlul opi rdtioiih. Putn ntt, tn .1. .1 I.) b' .i l.y -iiiiliug 11 f laleincnl uflheir rase. Medl. in scm it any part ol the country. Cniiniltatioii free Hull. Address, ttuuip em Int.' il. HU. I l.'ItAVI 8. Ci iihiIIiii; Pby. ir. m Ul.l llroadwnv, ,'tv oik ir Aprils, law - ISm. A U M IN US I'll AT Oil-' S N l ) T ICE. Estate of Juekion George, i.'tccusul. I Hl'TllPS of aiiii.ni.traiion on th" I'st.ite , 1 Ja. 1 Ii foil (Il'Olge, l.ile ,, ,1 lowu-liij, to. i .. (.oinilv, ilecea.id, l.ave b .11 g.antnl ,j iln li. ,1-1 i "I Coin ulna coiiuij lo arj (Jeorge and Pi P r l i . liein, uiliniuistr.itois, ul I peri'ii li'ii.lng cl.ti.s a.'."'' Hie estate of lb,, decedent, are rcquei, .1 lo p.- H I" ili.'inliniiil'-lmtors at Unir risnlen", nil' on, t township, iiliout di lay, nml all p. imiii. ind u.i lu make payment fullhwilh. AIMIV CI'.OP.Ci:. rnn.i; u ni:iiin:iv. Juiiuaiy 17, leC3--fin. gj. .nlmtnifiroui NE'V COLUMBUS A''ADE4J1. Th Coluinl'iis .Male ami Peai.ile Academy, wil os"t us nr.l teiiu. upon i iicFilny in.' nil 1 1 M. . I. i ' Tills si bool oilers Miptrior imluri mi nt- to ill wl are doirnus of acquiring an neeilemical educiili.w i pr-ip.iru for t iniliiug or lo obtain a Hion-ugh, l.iinn Is'b of any of Hn u.n lei n or nm i ul lat u.if,' s. l'or furlli.T informaiion rmiinri! uf n.H.lllN'fillAAI.Primlinl or of Jou.i Koum, bw al Vow Columbus. I.uicine o., I'a, Oct. ''", S.-tl.'. SI'OVE AND TIN-VAPE SUM' . ' i ill: undersigned would inform 1 lie. citi.. n r til i lllnouirliurg nnd mi mil, Hint he)ia-iu..i frtji& ctvi'u nun ou. rs lor snie one ui me mosloslr ro i L v.. ....... . , pHF, I ever inlrudiiceil into this inaiket, Tiie cliri.lnpln r ... .....uiiii. ttlk ... , Iliil.IiV.iii,..! 1' 1 V. " u'.-f i iiuibiiv, Jaiin's Unbbanil (.lolie un aui'iug lb lli-i . I -1 cooking Sua es, all of w till Ii .uc uie-lighl and gf Linn. Ills Parlor -tnu s nr" luiniNoine nml tin' .ii u e' , ried. Af.-O- Particular attcnllon is paid to Tm Wi n. mid Iiou. e Spouting, upon sh"rt until e. All binds 1 1 . repairing mil be il.m ' i it li irot in-ss ami ile,"ili li the Lr- c.innti v nro, Im.e tiiken i n ,.i, l,.n, c, ,., L Pinup s. aiovrn llloonisbtir:. May III, ItCi S TU AW ! STI1AW ! ! STRAW ! ! ! 1 ( TI)N,lS SI'U U I I ii I 'oiiteil, is wa I . li i Hrovo I'apor II " i-i.h will l,u - TON'S S I'll HV, of tilt kinds, fluekwlfot " vautcil immeiiiatelv, at His Al.li - Mills, near Light Street, f"r " hi b ca.h will he mid. 'PJIO.MA3 TltKNCI! Jlillllrovo, Ausustl), lbC?. 'iWO FARMS. Tha subsrriber offers for sale or r. nt.tho two follow lug Parma, one of Iheiii situute in Pishjugcrcik tww 11 ship, Columbia county, lontaiunig ONE HUNDHEl) ACRES, (VfcSsX more or less, about fifiyllvo at res of v 1 1 " JtS9 isclearedlaiiil.wl.erei.il are rretlod a g' " . jiXtH. Two Story FIMMH nil KU.l.n Unl't ami I'llA.vy. IIAItJW Wugou House, Corn Out), mi.1 ether outliuildlngs. ALSO. Own oilier Parin. iltuato in Banlon towinln,. Columbia inuiity, containing ONE HUNDRED k TIIIJlTV-FlVE tiJbS Acres iiliout Thirty-Five Actus nf which . J cniiireu iiiuii, wievr.ouiire oreiieu u i.7"j- Divr.i.uxa ituusr., jk.imi: mii.v. aJ ntlier uiilbulliliiigs. rniil I'unii is situate llnvinjrt.'rcck, about two miles above SUII Water. ALSO i Two nlher small Lots, situate tn FMnn rr'ik lownrhlp lyluji on Pithnigcroek Eoad, nml " ' Mile from Still Water, one inntaluing I'Ol'Il AC II is nd Uu ath'r 11 T"ivii J ul, ami gtn4 buildinis un ' t llwvi, f'7Toriaan' aandlusas jnuJ'' by tTII MAM IU1I UK Fiahtntirsok aii'sst ?, IfJ