91 1 if mi lift. fait! .ihn. tit ' s . V a i 'I r; nimnni) at .. - ---- - :-. - -.ra -3ftIonnisJjurg: SATURDAY.lUHCU 7,1803. Ohoap 13o oks and Stationery. Yili.iam G. Pkhiiy, Esq . corner of Foirth und llnco StroctSa Plnlndolphl.i, ndrorlisos big friends in this Columbia Domocrat. Mr. Perry, has a very fino Stro and a full assortment of select Sta tionery. Wo liavo dolt with him for many yars, and Qan testify to his honorable bearing as a gentleman, and nasuro our 'riends that they can scarcely go amiss In his heuio to find tho best kind of ot.ttion cry and at very roasonablo pricos. Musical Coiivoutiou. Prof. W. It. Ftscn, will conduct a Mu tical Convention at Rloomsburg, comniono ing on Tuesday, March 17, 180U, to con tinue four days, and closo with a Grand Conoi:ut, on Kridny evening, tho 20th of March. Wo bespoak for this pioposed Convention tho favorable onnsidoration of our pooplo. The labors of Prof. Finch, elsewhere, are noticed very favorably aud vtith inuoh suooess. Grnnti m tilMiihitojj. In thit Exchange lloli I Nno Hull -Tuts-flat evining, Mutch 10. Tho lovers of Fun, are informed that there will bo a grand Entertainment, of VcDtriloquism magic, mylcry nnd mirth lield in liloomsburg, tin nest Tuesday evening. It is said to exceed tho perform imoe of tho renowned Bignor Blitz. Seo Hills for pirtioulars Minister from Hayti. This Administration and Congrefs arc goiug it loud on tho nigger question. 'i'hey havo not only put Sambo on nn equality with our bravo whita private soldiers in tho" army, hut at Now Orleans tlicy havo Captain, Lieutenants, &c, of the name oolor. The latest novelty in tbis line is the announcement that a darkey Minuter aud Secretary of Legation, from JIaytt, lias arrived at New York, to he aecroditod to our government. This ii quite an innovation on old established customs. Fancy a big darkey among the favored diplomatic corps, paying 1 is res pects Abraham the First, while do white irath'' must stand back until "dis colored gemman" retires. This last attempt to pile on CuiToc, don't go down so well, hence it h hinted that thoitbolition in ana gors are keeping these lcprecciitativc of the Pine and Palm hack in some comci of Now York City, fearful that if they trot them up to tho Width IIjuso at Washing ton bofore Congress adjourns, that it might complicate difficulties in tho National Councils. aaV ar- Hon. William Witnair, Democrat, of Essex couuty, New Jersey, has boou elected by tin l.ogMature of that S tato a United Stales S-nator, for six years (rom tho 4th of March Tun OsNEsr-E Faumeu, is hero for March. It is always well filled aud verv instructive. Price fp eta per annum. iaupeis. Mr. Editor ; A "Cituon,'' in the last "Djinoerat," tries to make tho public believe that our flagrant -ystem in maintaining the paupers is on the Justices, who, according to law, issue onlors for their relief. Rut this ajems eithr an intuutional or unintcntion-1 al mistake. The Justice is morally aud ! loga'ly bounit to give orders for relief in j casosof crtneed. It is for tho Jus-! tico to docido whethor tho caic comes with-1 in tho spirit of the law. But it is for th5 ' Overseer to determine the form and extent' of the "relief after tho order is onco is-' sued. The law very wisely directs "re-' liief." Reliof from what? Why from suf-J Bering ! this is all. Tho law, though per-' haps hilently, rcquiros ccouomy or it would j bo augnwiso law. A sumptuous fare fori paupers; a neglecting treatment and a' tendency on th.? part of officers to make oapital for some ''position" at tho cxnenso' of tho public money is- criminal offence, Not ono out of ten would seek relief were tiny compelled to go to tho ''poot-houso,'' no itijr tho present ono, two or three, un-1 til WO havo ono snaoioila iMimiirli In nnntfiin I them all. MANY. 35S7 Itcv. Mr Scott, preaohes to-mor-tow, at 10, J and 7 o'clook, iu tho ucw Raptist Church. 'firfi A R E t A. E g' a. On tho 20th ult , by tho Rev. William J. Eycr, Mr. I.Iiinuv N. AnoHiK, and Miss Reiieca Iuvi'iNE, both of Mifllin tffp , Qol. co. On the evening of the 20th ult., by Hov,, T. F. liycr, Mr. Jacoii L. Giuton, to Miss Mary A. Unokh, all of Rlooius burg. In Bloomsbnrg, at tho residence ofjier ton-in-law, L. T. Sharploss, very suddont ly on the 4th inst., Mrs. Waooenselleii, aged about 04 yoars. In Danville, on the 27th ult., Annie, daughter of U. F. and Saralv J. llagon buch, aged 2 years .1 months and 21 days. rarowell our Annlu dear, farewell, Thy tweet young volco lastil'ri, A jilare is vacant iu on, hearl-i. Tli'it never ran be flUatl UUUHil i ltKCEIU'd FOjl FEDUUAltY To Till! -!o:- Columbia. Count S1S 73 in mi IS IMI a mi a m a mi i .-a i m i an i -.5 41.1 iisnu citrton, 91X1 Jnroii r.yetiy n , 1 (fit rjiicrm t urinaii Jnlm limner U John i' niinyniii II.M.Mntr. (Iy(?, C,.M)301 John Krenlcr, .1 (ill Miln Allwftfon, 7.') Ileriinnl Kupcrt, 1 Oil II, A, llarber, R ll'l llnvlil l'hillp, 1 III) II. Mrl.-cillUHIll, I IK) l'lilll( Aiinlciiian, 1 AO iith.iif j. iii'M, Hi roNler'a Ofllre, i Oil A, J. Iltoin, tU'd, Inane l.ohly, A fill lamu Hunt, I ?fi Jacob Strftup, 1 75 Win. Funk, 1 IS Tlinnin Trench, aim Wui, .1. Ihlcr. Im'. I HO Jneoli Hciin.tt, I nil I liaili'a (iOilllllllUI. 1 Win, (I. Until' Btonlfitif Vnltn. 1 O. K'olf, 1 f. Itnlm, I (.nl, Jntuli Ilttf, I llllVlll I Kut.crt ItnM.iin, i Win, M. CrrinVi I nt, ofO A, llnittn, i ;.ii j nil l .in l mi si) 1 7.5 1 .'jU 1 All I 73 3 nil a nn , i .own i .r k rot ii. Jncol, Mnnnoii, Allen Mmin, Ji liu A. 1'iHiiloil, II, Wlilpptu, I. Wlilpi'l,-, Samuel llauck, Slcplicn iMdlut'Wcn (Iiiliriul IHitI. ClntliK .Midi n l, Jnlm Allillly, (III.) Mdiitsonif ry Kllnn, I. ovl A. IIiiicIiUoii, II. A. Wiitfun, 11k Jntuli DrllitllilK lliuiitiiii'l Kltknuliill, Iiribcllil. Win. I nninii. I' . Jolin Hnillli, lid').. llft.of J.ma (ilnglur, w.r. luwi-Mi, i:t. ofl'utcr Crnwlonl I 7.'i I', llti.n.v. " nn 3 Oil ( fainiiel lli iiiti'V '.'.' I (ill I, lent.. I. M. WUtnn a5 Iluv,(ii-(iri! Ilinitert 1 fill (Jnri ph I'lmm II, Ufiti (,'. i'miiclleltl Al, II.. a ?r a n,i l tin 7a7 l eo 4 SI 1 tin .iiillll null, Win, O, Perry, M. Wn( fiiii c H.in. 1 fin I fin fi 5.1 I nil '.' (m '.MH 7 no r:l. Kuthcr llrlbelbla, 2 tin II II. Utile, I 2 0U rrnnilhuinillli'it'tl'.V. I. li nt. A II. Tato. fin T.,1. Vanitcrrllcc, Jr. fifl J.l!. Kuril". fin II. It. lli iiiloy, 50 lien. Mcholln, Sil r. W. lluniiK, fill A, ,M. Vaiif iclile, .'.U i:iiatii nrjnn, i cm in. " i J. M. I'.ition, 151, Henry liiilimlicnilcr, 3 'ii II. W Atnmlrniig, 3(iU II. Itnrentlock, lilli C3" Our I'crclptu for lVlirunry-beins tho shortest month In tho yenr-fout up encotitnjlniily,, 1'rompt pnyiiii nu In iIirpu turriblu tlmca, with Ifiraoly Iriereimo I vxpciiitilurra. iiro tho hnpn anil fiippcitt of mvctlanleiil miccei(. Tlnlikln? our frieniln for llipr giMicrnuj mif fragc, we cnmcitty Invoke 111 'lr Inrri-naeil ullijiitlon tu prnnipt reiiilttJiicii mill puuitiinl payment, Neil) Sl&ucrlisxmtttt. r AND- Fancy Printing Paper We aro now fullv nrrnarfd to nritif. (1m neatest and ceapest ,101 IVOtlK. in the OOUUlry. WILLIAM G. I'ERRr, nnflir CUT inn o . ! Stationer, HOOK- f blude(, lilaiik book inanufaoturor. and nealur in Imported anil Aioericau Mationory. routh est cor. -Itii fe Knee Ht., rhll.nlelphln. I crniia vlaiiiuir the city, or sendlni! ordera will do welltotakua iiii.inoraudum of ih 1 ahum Address. Ilie stock la Inrao and wi ll iHaortu i, 'Wcr Ame 1 110 ron kai'ii At,iiits, Helllnir from l.ili ts to ,,il oaeh. lhonewoat styles nud I irge.t maorlm-nt In Ihu Uilv. Will. (J. PKItRY, PlddL-hor S. W.cor. llhJc llace sirs., l'hll 11I1 lohia ' PICTUILVS EOn, ALIiUM. Over fi'mditlerent varieties telling fnmiMcta to SI7; par iloiijii, Win, (!. PBltllY, Publisher. H. W. Cur. 4th & Hare Philadelphia fi.O'JO HKtM4 tvrillim r r. inrlu.lli. or note, Lett , l onl-eap, ti, imnn, hill, & llraivtng papers selllne ut low I'URLs for cash. b Will. O. PERRY, Stationary. enr 4th, & ll iee I'lnla Iclplil 1. a. w llUiUUA'' ik'statioxumy. 2,500 Uroiia Sicsl reus, COO.OUO o'lirra iat ieoia 850,1)00 .iirrltipc, M.ilea. Ink, I'uitain & Wrapiiinff paper, I'ass bonks. I.i .nl i-eticila Uidd.l'.'iis. vi ri line scliool bouks vlsitiii)! I'ardj. &e. a l.iriru portion of which is stock pureli i-ed before the rise 111 prices and now sellnii! low mil e sn. Vv'm. U. PEURY. Ilnoksellcr Ftatleuer, S. II cor. ilk lt0.1-;i ui.iu. .y lln:t I'huiiJtlphm, Marclt ' . P II I L A D E L P II I A. PAPER. HANGINGS iiiiwm.i, & iioukki:, Corner l'ourtli aud Market fc'treita. I'liil.tdelphia.liavu now HI ttoilt.n line variety ef WA . I. 1A PER 6', C7ot up PXpesMy for tlifiir Spring Tr.uk. wivnow v or j:vi:uy nn.ni:, li wiiii.li llicy invite tla .iitftttinti of Mi'rkoejr.'r, ily" In tlmir r. t;ii i!cp irtuuut. will Ii3 rutiultlia .Murcli 7 Irt'nt . hick. JOHN JjOLL 5112 M'uhct St., Philadelphia I .MrOltrr.lt ( Tola, l'ii and fancy Article., J- Tliu lari'ert vain ij of I'ipet, Toys, ll.isk.jts and l'ANL'V (.OlIili TO III: l'OUM) IN TlIU CITY. I'll ,i. call and K.,inuiie, .Manli 7, ll.:i ihu ELI 11 OLDEN INVITIlS the atti ntlnii nf every reader of lb:i. piper, whii-h iiuhidea iiiu.iv tliiiii,iuil vi"'' "" l'n'n'iis and iiMjaaliiiauc -a-'I'o bis liliiSunusiially l.iri,o ami bbaiiuful vtriety of AUHltlCAN and MII'OltTllll WATCIIUS, CLOCKS and eleijaat desii'ns of Ji;w KI.KY. riHver Ware &c ELI HOI-DEN. 703 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. .Mnrth 7, 1.-1,3 l-.'ni 3IOUNT VERNON HOTEL No. 117 ami 119 North Second Strict,' PIIILADELl'HlA. 'I'liu aitovo V'fll Kiiuun i.'slujlirlitjuiit lius hucit Iraeu'l hy tiiu aubscriLur. 'J'liN (lutel is louiuuiuntly I'latcJ ia a rciurul niul liuino!i urt I'l'lli'1 cily. II in larsu aiul cununuilifiiis, 1 und well I'linn.-t tti;o.a'!io.it, l'eroiis viMiiiiK li m ily iiro rftpjct fully invitoil la I cull .tun p.ttr vii.l! Huh t'iulrUilmit-iit, us iiotiuu li.ill i Ud wantjii,' to iiulir i iic giieda cu.ufitrt.ilila and mIm TlfiUMS ONE DOLLARS rCUDAV.1 Cllizeiia und lisilors i.in he accoiumodatcd on reus, unable Units by ll.o day, week or mouth. 1 i' (I'P'i'i.'V irmir i Proprietor, No 77 lloek r-'cl'liila- I.ate of llaltiuioru, Jld, nnd .Madison House, .Seeoud il, Plulade'iihi.i, .March 7, lsL'J-Sm. JO.SEL'I FUSSELL, Manufacturer of SUMHREiJiAS.S LAS und I'A Ri SUN U.MRREL- IAS0LS, Nos. 2 k -1 N. '1th St., PIlILA'l). .Match 7. I3G1-3UI. Exchange Hotel, j t-ATK COi., K. It. JUNKS, I No. 77 Dock Street, nest door to the Po.t Oflice, Philadelphia. I ri'liia well known establishment inaintains its usual J leltbiity, and its well snuwn repuiaiion of hem" the best i 1101 EL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Shall ho sustained l!num may bo had at all hours Pr night, 37 tenia ; per week, 4-; 50, pur month, 1U, Tile liar nnd Haling Departments are furnished Willi tho best ol uitijii iu.' tlu ui.li kt ran produce. OA ME, FRUIT, Vila ETAULES, 1 and dvlieaciea of every films may he had at .1 niomeiil's notice. Meals at 12 cents nnd upwards, nnd may lie had from 1 .5 A. .M. till li at umi'l, tleiiti 'in. n may re.t ns.ured that no upeiia,will be .pared to render tins 1 1 ult I u luuuei one. J. OTTENK1RK, Propiietor. .March 7. Ie03-3m. JWew AT LOW Terms Cash PRICES! and Proditcc, However itucli lite peoplodcsirii a penre, nnd ream Hon of the present hostilities iu our detracted country they urn also desirous of purchasing Ilieir goods at tliu I owest market prices. JJ. BROWER will gratify all desires tn thi point, nnd nltboughgnods liavo advanced iu prirea hu will sell you til wnnileiful Iv low prima. Ho lias now iniened hia in mil In n.rt n.l couiilelo ttoikofijprlngiV riniuini'r gnoda, auo'ig wliioh will hu fo:in,l n general aasorluii'iil if nil kinds of goods ' i nn nun i jjiiiiiie, j j, Hllt.iWKII M.iroli '. SPEuXAL uo'Hiuha.' i.DitMorNMi J.v;'W,T! I Mft it tfiro) n H'TMic. With Mtl ilirrrtimi- fat inikinw " r;'l " .' ni id mi nun nnd iirtritf n Oinplu Vrainhlo IHIni,ihnlwlllriTclufilly rmf.ln. in lililam. I'lmnl..". Itlnlrlin. .rn un.t all impiirllle; or tin, Pkln, leuvlngtho caiiio inft cltnr. aninoth ami h.'.Tilirnl, I will nlao mall frcn totlioso having llal.l HoaiN or Ham fiicoa, linplinllri'' tlon ami Information Hint will IIIOTCIInl 'I'll li. I'im.1. In. n.inl.ln IrTu... tnatfl.t 11 fnll p..rtl, nf ...I. V hlrkera, or n sloiiitnt lie, In lean than 3D ,laya. All iippiicaiionsnimverr.ii i,y return man wiinonl i liaree Itcapecirnllv ynurat TllOrf. I'. UIIAl'MAM. Cheiniftf. NoSaiHroailv.nj',Nuw York, I IVb. 5S, lSJ-3nt. Uniformity nlTrlcM ! A New 1'eaturn In Uimlnesn r.vcryonn hi own Rilcainml JUNKH At CO. oflhc OrcsontOnn I'rlrn CIiiIIiIml' Stnru.rfo. "01 Murkei if raft above Sixth, I'bllaili lphla, In ml -ill Inn In Invlinr tho larcer, mnt varied nnil fa.lilniiablt rtm k ofdothlng In l'hllalelphH mailtiot. prcaaly lor retail aalea. Iiaro ronatlliituil every onn hl on n a.iteiiiau, by h ivlui; tunrk.nt In tlsilrea, on i noli nrtlrliiat th vnryloweat ptlru It can he aolil for aotln-r i rniiMot poaaiMy vary-all mutt buy allko. Therooda arc well atmnrul anil liruuare ami ureal 1 pnlna taken with the making an that nil ran buy with the full a.ur:iiir,i ol gcttiuii n piind nrtlcle nl tho very lowest price. Alao, n larsu stock t,f piece comla nu h.uiil of the latent at)lonnil beat 'iiulltlca, which will hoinailn tn onler, in the iiKi-t f.tshlonnblo mnl beat manner, '.'fi per rent, below credit prleea. Iteinuinber tho Crcacsnt. In .Market above Sltth atrect N '-'HI. JONUS & (;o, TO NDllVOUa KUITKnCtlS OF IIOTII SIIXKH, A Ileverend (lent email havlnit been realorei tn health in a fuW ilnyi, niter unileriioliiit nil tho imial rout nenrid irreciilar exiienalvu inoilea of treatment w Ithiuit auccfa, e.nnridera it lilt aacred duty ticom liiunicaln in hia alrlicted fellow creature the nieana of cure. Hence, on the recept of an adilru,ed envelope, ho will aenrt (free) u uipynf tho nroerlpllon uaod, Direct to llr. John ,M, Daii.-iali,, ltjli l'ulton tit. Ilruok lyn, New ork. Feb. II, IfoS. Imn. M"nTi,ONI'i:ir)7()N'lj AN!! UXI'IIKICNCK 01' A rooil YOUMl MAN. -A centloman liavinij been cured of the rcaulla of early error and dijeaae, will, from inotivcaof benevolence, aend to tboij who re'piegt it n ropy of the ulrive lnti retlnij narrative, publlalied by lilinielf, Thia Utile bonk ia dealened inn wnrnliur m,,i , ciiullnn to Voiini! men and Ihoae w hu aulfur from Ner- vnua iirmnty, i,oa oi ,,ieinory rrnin uro iier.ay, e. re , applying at the anine lime the nieana of elf-cure, Single eopiea wiil bo aunt under ainl In a plain envel ope, w Itliout rharjc, - to nny who rc'iueat it, by ad dreaaiiif th3 author, (,'IIAS. A I.AMIll'.liT. Orecnpolnt, Lone Island, New York. N'nv. 2.1, lrfi'.-:i m THE CONFESSIONS AND EXI'ERl ENOE OF A NERVOUS IN VAhT D .,,,.,,iJ,e.,,.?",,ll.S V'.,"!!.l?.,S,V,,.n.? ! H.irly decay, and their kindred ailmenta-'suppl) ini! the nieana of aeif cure. Ily one who litis rured liliu aeirnltet hi iuc n victim of misplaced inntlilem.i in ineillral huinbii'i nnd nuackery. Ily i'iirlnlns u nni I'"111 'iireiieueiiveiopi;, ingu eopiea may lie had nltho author, Nathaniel Mayfair, INq., lied ford, Kluacnun ' N''"' Vnrk. WIIOOJ'INI! COt'CII OR CltClJII, hnwever revi'ro I may be alleviated and cured tiy ttiu Usu or .Miidumu 1 Zndoc l-orter'a rurativu llalaam. 1 Tills invnlu.iblo ineliclne nnaaeaam tin nxtriiordina ry power of rellevini liuioedlnli ly wliooplue L'ouuli, ! Ilnaraeiiea", IlinVuily of brealliin!,', Iliisklnea" nnd ticklinc in the throat. It loosen Ih l'lil jitu. und w III bo found to be very iicreealde totlie takte! Iti.nntn '',''''!!.' T""' ll'l' ''V,ll',im '.;,n,"ii.l'':. ""il'iS meM persioi or ymi;,t child: l or sale by all Unionist at 1.1 nud uenta per bottle: a oap.i) to Tin: surrm:i(i.-Thc iiev. winiam 1 CitiJrove, while laboring aa a Missionary in Japin, was cured of rntisuiiiptiou, wlieu all otlier iu.-aus liml filled, tiy a rei ipe obt.iiui d from a learui d phyrici,iu r.sidiai; 111 the enntrity it Jeddn. 'Ibis n ctpe has lii red cri at nutiibt re wbn were suilejiuz fiom iniisiiiop. tiou, llroiiLliitis Sore I iiroat, t.'onelis nud t'olda nud th" debility and nervous deprersion c.iuaeJ by these disorders. 1 lleHroiia nf brnellltinc others, I will sedd thia recipe whii hi tone brniiKht home Willi me, to nil w ho need ii, Iree ef tlurer. Address j Hkv. WM. (VWOP.ovn. I tin l'ulton Avenue, llroklin, N. Y. I Dec. C, It-fr: 3m. y NEW BARBER. SHOP In Conn House Alley, NEXT DOOn 10 1HS OFFICE OF Till: "COI.UMBIV nVHOCllAT," Ul.OOMSllUlia l'A. Xovembor 8, KtH. W A T C HUS, JEW E Lii Y & SILVER WARE. iilltlrri(snoi M'niilrl rnmosf. ,j-sia jj f.iily inviii: your atieiition to bis o'l se f.i.4'tV A leUed stoi k nf I'ine 'iold and :1H er watcli an rine 0 1.1 Jewelrj, of evjiy l.iu I and lanelynt ttylea coniprisins all of the newest and most beautiful desiuns. I Also. Solid Silvr War1, equal to Coin and tlio ! bet. Make of Silver 1'lated Ware, i; icli article is war- ranted toheas rpr'entad. 1 II r' Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and aiti.fiLtio'i fit ir.in teed. 1 j (;in iiAiii.iiv, I (SitiT'isserto Stiuil'.-r 4 Hurley.) 1 Xn.iM MIKUrftrua. I'll I I.AlCA. 1 Tib'y S?, Hi'3.-3iniis, M. & T. P. WAl'SO 'J, L1YE11Y STAULC ATT. I CHE I). H t.hi H! nt I) St. UtTHiu s .Vrmut& Ai.ui, Tuila. Nov 5'l, l'-ei EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Eslati of James Ecnitt, dee'd. T inTIllifS Testamentary on the estate of Jainea .1 Meritt, latent Oranie township, ,ii 11 111111 ii 11,1111 1 v. ii,-i-.';e'l, nave o 'cu nntei he Ii., Keniator of Cr,. uinbia county to thd un.irslaii"J al o ri aidioii in said i'iivos'1'p ; an per'nus iiuviui: ,'l.iims at iint the en- tate of the ileein.lent aie re.iiested to pri sent them to the r.ieeutor at his residence in said tnwiship. with i ont delnv nnd nil p.irsiiuii indebted to make tiaynie'il fortliwitli. .MOSCS EVI.ItITT l'.eeiitor l'i brunry 7, Hiiil-cts.?: CIGARS & TORACCO. A large naanrtment of rholco Cigars, Tcbaco, Pipes' 1'ruils, Conf.clionerv nud N'otiims eencr.ilii .t.;eeih. r witli a full slock of IIA'I S and CAPS, consl.intlv on hand .mil lor ante rlienii. nl the '-111. mm, !,,,,- II,,, k. i?.n lltiiporium." Jul I N K. (jrUTuN. llnonisburg. March Hi. lebl. " NEW filtfli EUV S10KE. I Tlie undertl;'ued Informs hia irienda and the public Cruerali) . that lie lias open.-,! n New (iroci-ry rmru, on .Mam Stre.t euilriliii llloniiivluir'.', wli"ie lie has ' just received nil kinds of Kiocenes, .Molas.es. Silt, ' Cau'lies ami Nullona geiiuially, wlmli ill be sold very clicap for ready pay. ALSO, A Provision Store is attached to the said psinldish I ineut. in which wlllalnavs bo kept a g.od supply or ' Chop, llrau, Corn and r'eod generally, to which uttuition ' ia invited. Country Produce taken In exchange for gnoda. DL.NJ. BU.VsJIUd. IlliSom.burg, Jan., 'Jl, 1MKJ, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Elizalith Miler, dru'd LRTTrit f n.im ulorj ou Hie i slata of Hli.abtth Miller, lain of , Mt I'le.isiut lownslnp in nl. in, deciina'd Si ivt b hi granted by the lit tisler of t'olimi bin county to the tiu.iersiizued also r sidi'ig in .aid lownslnp; all piirsons htviug claims against the as. late of Hie decedent are requested to present Hum to Hie ll( eu'.nr at his residence in raid twp., w iiliout delay, und all persons indebted to miiko payment forthwith. W.M. .. II.I.HK, January 21. IfM-fit. 3 00 i:.t:cuiuii ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Estate of Danvi Hornbcrger, deceased, ri'. 'THUS of Admiuiilr.iliou on Hie ittate of Daniel -jllornb 'rger, late of I.oeu.tlownshiii, I nlumbin to,, deceased, have h.eii grunted b) t lie Utgi.li r of Colum bia county, tn the under , lgned : all persons having 1 1,11ms ugaiust the estate ol ihe dec'iuletit are re'iuest ed lo pr"seni them to the uiuiiiistruira. at lier real item i' iu s.iidtown-hip, without delay, aud all persons indthtedto make payment fortlivviih, ii wv.mi iiiiitNiii:iir,i:i,.wm,-i January in, iwi3 4w. i tin. RLOOMSJJURti SKl'I.JGUT, LHBY rpill! undersigui'.l inroruia lUa cili.ens of lllnom. I I and ui'ighbi.rbood, Hint he has taki u the large r ,-i in the Cxeliang- Muck, eM. ndi.ig m i r Jltssrs. i-'ton, r i & I'o's link, ry, and the llouk.ti u where lie li.ispntiu n large i-'kjlig . t. It is only by rk) light Hi it g.i . I ii,c- ii res ran netr ten especially atoaps wliero taili person an lie taken' i.t as well as aeparale. Il'i has goo In i-oii-iiiierablc expense to maku his ea alilishiuunt llrst class one, nud he th'Tel'iire solicits u beral palro ige to enable him, lo eon uiiully inlruduco the mule i improveiiii'iit . ofthu art. CT"!-'!'!'! 'J' producu tukcn in E.tcliaiige for plcturoa IIEM'.V UDSEN'STOCK. r.lnonitburg. Nov. OS IPM, N'ov. li 1S. si cs s n. "WaH trt Trlntor, Rookbiiuicr & Bankbook .1 A N U EA T V R E R Wuntmut aku Uu'l.tit, IlEili u i:i rillNTINU, Willi I.M. A.'.'t) WliAPPINH PArEUS A OUST lol 'IKK I'AT VWf SNA fAl'Ht HUM. Jlain btrcrt, first dnorbenw Ihe Piiblie. Pniinre, WILKESRARRE, I'A. vv yi. i.stJi i-.'i... , Ilr.ooMKiiilio. iMarch 7, 1803. Whoatbus SI OO.Cccn Annloi 00 JiVOi , n it rtJ. ix .7 AO Dried " 75 8(1 Dried I'cachos 2 CO i0 JJuttor $lb SO 75 Lard " 10 00 Tallow " 12 Kggi. . . . ' doz. 10 ! liny... ' ton. 13 00 CO Oliiokcns " pair 25 Oats. . " " li , i it HOKWlieilt " 1'nlnlnna U wv,..vv. Clovorseod " I Timothysecd Unions " HLANK DEEDS & MAIUUAGB OBH. TIFI0AT12S. ! A nuporiot lot of tho nbovo articles, i with ail other kind of J31anks, for salo at' tlio ollico of tho Columbia Democrat. NEW FA NOV GUODs! Tnrcpuh.frihcrhnajii.t received a lot oflloslory, 'I rlinmllipa. and Woollen (inoda, auih in CAI'H, NU ill fid. SONTAO H, (1 A II I II A I, I) I V. S, XliPIIYItS, SIir.Tl.ANIl WOO It, 0. Jit. SO, M.OVr.4. IIUOl'-MKIHTM, STAYS, DOI.l.R, HATCIIKLS, POniMONIKH, AM) OTIlKIt NOTION'S. j ':'llc'!'',' 'H,8""'' Sew ins Machine for Bale. jy Alan Alra. Allrn'a llulr Ileal, t. u i,ih niti i. ,,. n.n.. t.,,1. 1. 1. ' b"" " a. ii. wnrtn. A'nt ntorbtlcw Court IJcuie Novsraber 1-5, inn, llluniiKliura ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. J'ulatc of John Rarig, tlccascrl. 3 I.TTLIIH of Adinlni.tralinn on Did IMnte of John iii Itaris, lain of llonrlunrrcek tciwnaliip.C'oluiiibiii i o dere.nod, have leii granteil by the l'gitvr of I'olunv bin county, to Hie underalsned j all e raniit having ( lainiauitahiat tho e,tnlo of (lie decedent are requested to preaentthem tilth) Admliilstration at his realdeliri iiiaai.i iownuip. wiinout iietay. nud all persona In. debled to make payment forthwith. llcccnibor 27, leta.-Ow. gs. Jltm'r. ADM IN LSTH ATOR'S NOTICE. Estate if Ihnrji GmrhnU, ilrccascrl, S i:rri:iiSofnOnlnlstrntloiiniitheltato of Henry 2j ilenrhart, late oflleavcr tp, (Jolumbln co Jrt'J,, buvebcen prauted by the lteSiter nfColuiul.in io.,to tlie un.u rsiBiieiii 1111 persona nnvinir rinliu. n(!aiut tlm es tate of the decedint are renin, .teil tn nr . , tile uuderslruo.l, at thier rjaideneo in aaid townslilp, 1 wllbout delay, nnd all persona indebted to make pay- UIUIU 1IKII1W llll, rBTKR (IKAIIHArti, i97,V. , n- !:''1 '"AK'M! (MIARILUtT. Mn't. December 37, IfiiJ-dw, sj. PAUL k THOMPSON, Ur tiers I Commission Wtixliauls, DK.ii,v.as ts rish, l'rolloua. 1'loiir, Hotter, ('heeae. Oils, Dried I'mits, drain, Hieds, lleaii", Whiskey, Wool, Co.nlry Produce nnd Mcrcliaudiso Kciierally. Tin. 31 Niimii WmnvEs, rint.nFLrittA. IT7" (:onai'iiinetits of l'rovlaiona, I'lojir nnd Countrv Produce solicited, and returns promptly made. Onsii ndvaurcd w hen deaired. lll'.DHIIS for all klnda ef I'isli, Proviaiona, 1'loiir. lined 1 'ruita, tte filled u Hie lowetl Cash Trices. August 4, Iri.U l'Jiii, AD.M1MSTR ATOR'S NO I ICE Estate 0 Either Dtibelbis, demised. J" r.lTKIl-1 ofaduiiiiistratlnn on the Hstate of Estr 1.1 Hrih-lbii, late o (Jreenwooil tnp , Cnlmnbia eouuty ib censed, have been granted by 1 lie ilcchtor ofColuui Id.i county to the underaiuned ! nH pjrsona Invins claims nciiii't the e at 'of tie- decsdent nro requested to present tbi-oi lotlie A.luil ui.,lrator al Ins retldeniu 11 (.reeniMiodtwp , nitliotit delay, und all iiersons in Ltlu 111 ilcu piy.in.it tjrt i villi. AI1RAIIAM DRIIir.Mlla. rebrunry 14, leHS-fiw $!. Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. " Estate of Charles C. Jireccc, deceased. JKTTr.URnf AdminKtratlnnonlho Katato of riinrloa J (2. Ilrcere, late of Scotl taun.hip, Colurubiu coun ty, deceased. Ii.no been rranted by the Kejtister of Co. lumliin county, to the undersigned, residing in said township. All persons having claims nijiinst the lis slate ol the deredent are requested to present them to Hie Admini'tra'cr wilhout delay, aud all puisous in dUited to make paiment (iirthrtilh- JOHN II. C'KCVLLlNO, Adm'r. February 21, l.-Gts. OYSTERS AT STOI1NERS SALOON1. rJ'UV.SH OVrfrilll.-' can be tndatall hnur of the day, Sri'.HKI), or 11 AW at Htidiner's fctulnnn. Tluy ran bo oblainrd by tile On irt at 3ti ciois, and by the Half ni.rt atoUcent. Call at the "Il.ikery." n. PToiixm. lSloitiriKl.il ri; Dec. SO ISM. COAL FOR SALE. TJ'AMII.Y COAI. the very best in niatket, for 1 ou jinliratinn to the f-Vi'nr of this Journal. lilunmsbnrg, Columbia Cou.nly, Penna SILAS DODSON, Proprietor. aVikesplensurr i:i uoinuniiiif to the public that ii, i naai.iKen niiatnnroii'.'i, v ri titled tho I-'orks 11 , , t 1 j. . ....... . " - ..i 'cr'""rv oi eupie.l tiy ItoO Tt llHeeliburll, Illooiuslmre. , l'r"l' ir:d to neeoioodat,' traitellers, tenmst-ra. iroiers iiii.i nnaniers. u.s 'H e u-ill . snn,,i,...i ,.-,,i. best produita the iii.n ki ts niroid, iiud his Har will be con.t.intly furiiiali d witli the choicest liquors, L'A lar'e andeoniuicii ei italile liasbecn erected, with a cenvenient stable .ni.ithed. Altmtitc o.tlers will always In tu attendance, and hetru-ts his obli"ii" Httriitinn to custuau rs w ill .ecurchim u libural share ef patronage: llloouieburg, I'a.. Nov.S'J. IP6J. i rpHi iin 'er,ignrd, bavins Cikcn this well-known stand ' y tlormeriy ol .11 ijur I'ulerbaugli), respcctfafly solia- lls me introil.icu oi me pulilll. Mi pains will lie spared ill nny of in departments, tu render satisl.irtiou to all eueat. The TADLK liAlt will always be supplied Willi tbo and the liEsr tiiu MAiiKin- Arror.ns. P"" 5 1 Stnlilina for llor.ats and nttoutivn Hn.tlera Tlio llTrhnng"" is eligildy situated ou the Public ,!,.. i , .inn u,.n ,ii. iuiiiic j-i-iiniir ativantnL'ea anus alte'idmg Court or lining business in tlio olilres. Clinrires iniiderate. to per- pilblie N. II. Whenever you tome to town, please cell. Wilkes-llarM. Ni-v. 1.7. lfiCI "' J' VA'I'1J' ECONOMY IS WEALTH. CURE YOUR COUG1IFO-R13 CENTS The lest an ( cheapest Household rcmcdij Vl the If'orld. MADAMK 'ADOC VOHTEtt'a madakk zahuc pen- TiMCri Curntivu Ibilfiini u wnrriiuted if Usui eccording to the dirjctlous. to care in ail cn-.es Coughs. Colds, Whooping Cnujli, Asilima and all auctions of the throat and I.dngt. Mndauio Zndoc pnrtcr's I'alsiiiu is prupaied with all tho re.piisite skill, from 11 cenibination of the best rem i ilits the vegetable kinadom oilords, its remedial ipiali. ties are bared on m power lo nssisl the healthy rimu latioii aftho blood, through Hie Hunt's. It ,t out ... v.... lent remedy, but emoilent- wanning, aeartliiii" and elf ictivt; tan he taken lit tlm oliie.I oiirriiin nr tl... . e.tchiid. ' ' Mailiim ido,. Port, r'a bil- 1 aam hu. bt'i u in use by tho tiutilii for over IX yeais, and ha. utqrired lis prtvent sulo lui.dy by b ing reeoi.inieii. I I by Ho -,' h ho haiu used H to their untitled friends und others Must Important. M i lam .adoe Purler's Curativo Itiil.n in is sold at n price winch bungs it in the rentli ' nf every one to keep u convenient for u.e Thu time ly use of a singlolioiilo will pram to bo worth lot) times its cost. NOTICI'.. -Have your tunneyl Do not be persuaded tn puifhtiso articles ut Is tu 31 which du not (outaiti ihu virtues of u 13 cnil botll" nf.Mudnmo Porter's Cu rntive llalsani, tlieiosi of manufai luring whiih is as greut as almost nny other medicine ; nnd the very low nrt'i e at which II is sold, makes til. nrotil to tiiu sell. i or nppa. sully small, and unprineip.ilcd dealers wii uoiuc limes ri cuinuiciiuntni r mtuii nits oil w linn llitir prnllla aro larger, unless the customers insist upon having M'idaino Porter's and niuiu olln r. Ask lor iMndamo Pr.rter'a i.'uraiivo luilaam. price 13 cents, and large hottlea at '.'3 neuta, and tal.o no other. K"tMil by all Druggl.tsmid litorokopea at I3its. n,. l itiln'frcr butles ai S.7 eeuts, IIAI.I. - UUOKLK, l'f .prlsturs. Nnw Vork, Jiui'Uiy 'Jl, li 83 FORK'S B0TL. (OiiH The Finances of the irom mo ist any way oi riUe Aiiditoraelerfcd to aett(e and ndfilal (ho miotic J nicoiin . of f eluuil,i,iiti,,ty.n.,ltly g lfivo to report lint Hie) have examined iheaumo frouiJih! Ilri.l il.iy ofJanuaiy IH,, tolbn drat day ef Jannary lei,.l, and rcspe.trully lav brfore tho llonornble the: Judpeaoflha Court ore.onitnon IMena, tlio follnrtlu alatemenl and report eereeably tn Ike twcnly.aecond jcctlon ofllio ''Act of tin, lleneral Aaaernbly ol this .i'iirionealtli paafed tlio -till day of April, A. U JA.MIW S, MeN'IN'CH, Treasurer of Colitmoia county in ai CI, Mill U Hi . ,1,1 r..n,i. ' Dr. IHM. January Tn t.nca niilatandlni; 7 w, 0.'! Ef1'' i1'. '" M,n "fi A I'uu'tnn late Treat, 'jji nl Warcb I, Jury feeJ fa finea of J II I'urinaii, !JI CD May .. rush of M A Wllllaina, land ro. deemed 3 j " " ' ofThomaa Atcn, I.nnd reilccirifil 0 07 June " Anit. of couiilv lax aaaosaed for I . 1Hia I0 4H3 41 "cnah of inllltaryfunit I'll " " " I'niinty tax seated and unaiiitoit land r turned ( (.4 f. " Ilond " o " " Si.linel " " hHltN 'I ' I'mir " 1. (-,- )tJ July 17, " Joint A l'linslon, tedeiuntion numey Pipl 1, " Jacob Il.irrlucton. land rcdccmcil ' Henry lllnilcililder, " " Dee 7 ' J II I uriiiiiii. Jury fees ite. " Jacob l.yerly Jury fees fee :wi ,',r, in no i 4li 7u no 'l nu lor co.il 3 " J (I r reer.a " i o " " fuiidry perona for Use of court room lii Ml To amount oiitataiiillu lor 1h,u (i.',7 12 " Hal, from mil Itary tiiud as per net of Aacni. bly iased April S, lebj, (Iil2i1 ?J1 U'7 43 Cr. T.y nnintinta nutitui.llng for 1PC2 and previous ji-.il a " cxniinrutinnaHllinvcd collectors " Commissions " " " Orders redeemed 11 'I rei.s, commiai-ion on I U I n .17 IG3 4 i aw in isiv.i.i t:i 4iw "1 1 H53 30 1 (;5 87 " Anita, paid State and -piclnl Ktati) las than (lllnt.l " llalaiii-u in hands ofTrcaiurcr a u-7 -in JAMl'.S ft MrXtNCII TreaMiror of Columbi.i county in account uitli Hie tax 011 ilrgj. Dr. To ami. ii'sessed for the year lc'liJ " llalante due Treasurer (.)'. Ily anit. outstanding and 11 r. cnllnrlr-il ' I .xouerutiuna allowed t Mleclora " Cotiiniiis'ou " " aim of sheep order, redeemed " 'I reusuier's Coinmissiin 011 331)0 70 at I fir cent EXPENDITURES. Jltvrilors and Clirl:. Anita, paid Auditors aud CleiV W Win, Aui.iiiujj l'rolhy.A. liec. ncrts, Aff' icidlural Society. A int. paij said society Assizor's Paij. A int. pnid aoiennr for rpilng asio'ssment Bridge ami Road I'ieics. Amt paid sundry persona Uridgc Contracts. Amt. paid David Snv.niu .' " f 1 h ti inpinii ii co. " " A SrliuappeiibeKer " " John Lnl 4n oO l.'.iii 1IIU til) 413 i;-: 110 I II I 5.-U 70 Eridgc Repairs. Amt. paid dindry persons Blank Boohs Amount paid sundry persons, blank books, Board of relief. Amount paid to the fi.llowiu? persons ir.: 53 lli 41 17 RLOUiM. S'i nu l.ridj.'t Mcl.'nrnilr 7 Ui .Mniy M Heist 4- III) Ih.nly I'rilzgerald 5 in) l'auii) Noll 23 li'J Marfan tftimr Han at Ki sty i?UMIII M.'lll II C Wliil, 1 1 1 1: ti I .Mrs. C Uailaiuoyxr D3 50 .") tu I.i llll URIAH CREEK. .Surah Biinmoiis 'St 00 RERWICK. AIM Caroline Hih-'r IU lid Sumui lloiiser DENTON. It: nn Ellj.ibi tli Kemniery CATTAWISSA. 11 r rm tilers I Kate .M.iliouty Drucilla Kline 10 ti) Mrs. IVtls :ni ravill.i Wright Mirali Oi tciiey ,M II K..rr :t! no 50(81 M.'O -.nsaii Hnllincshciid 5 tin r-'iit.iu Price , on CONYNUIIAM. iiro 5i4) liocinnnHhairer CENTRE. II) i'O CJREENWOOn. 17 00 V. CREEK. 5 0!) MADISON. 17 00 PINE. OdM Ann ,M Watts in no .Mrs. 11 A Watts .Mi.r;ari.t Ma .Mary Mcl'ano II IV l'isiier C Musgravu Hannah l"nv Mrs. Ilerko .Mrs II EcU Sir U Wuiner 1) nil 3 IK) la l)J SOU Mury Jane .Manning SUGAR LOAE. 5 l)U Dorcas riultilf Sirs. MJ Uiitli a no SCOTT. Mari'arit Towlcr ( '.till irmu I'ligm Hlleii .M Price .Matilda Suiiih Sarah lli.llemau Vi i Thi'inton 3-1 ') Mary Hopki-is So (0 47 Oil 30 00 111 t'JI 47 O'J an mi Julian Dcihl 12 ."ii) un 37 uo 34 (HI Mrs. II Taylor r.li.abutli Sli'ieiniiker Ann PntterMUi l'ai 1 John Mclleynolds und Stoplian llaldy Asjc. Judges. 43 30 Total Constt llez Riturns. Amount paid the several Coubtahles during the ytar Court Cnrr. Ainout paid Mosea Colfinaii, (,'ourt Crier Cleaning Court JJousc. Ami. tint paid sundry persons 'Mi tlu Bi 00 44 00 17 no County Jinildingi, Amount paid sundry persona for repairs in and abaiit tho Court lluiisu and Jail 17113 Commissioners mid CUrh, Aiununt paid 11. C rum, Clrrk mo nil " " J- II. Patton. Coiiiiuisslonur 101 uu " " Win. I.amou ' i3 " ' ( liarles II. Hess " v.".). '1 " r.oiir .Mcllcnry ' j no S10M It " ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jonathan Eiy, da. cased. Ll'.TTl'.ltB of dmliilstration on the Hstate of Jona than fry. lut" of Montour township, Columbia co., deceased, have in eii granted by tho lltgister of Colum bia cu to flu uudersigiii d ' nil peri-on. hniug claima again, t the i state of the dei'iMident urn r ',ui sled to i l'feeul to 'in to Hie undersigned, a I ble nsideiue m '"'' '"'I'. w nn, it uei.iy, auilull person, indibud ! to make nayineiit fnriiiv.'illi. I Pl.THU IIIHVUACH January lo, I.i ,1.-4w. 0! un. .Jtdrn' A LEU 1 UKF, fwsra MEM jmi pmiieaeu in o.caici r.Hnwpt. j'nee sit cuilj. A L' cture on tlio Nnturo Treatment k tla lical Cure i f Sporuiat'urluea or Peniinal Weakness Involuntary llmissim , rJotu.il D. bility, an i Imp' l.u menu to llarnagj generally, Nervousness, Comuiu-d Hon. Kpilepsy and 1'ita: .Mi nttnu mid I'hysn -il Im-ap-i city, resulting tro'ii ri. If Mm..,,. &c y Hub, J. Culler, will, M. It., Author of tlm lirren Hook Aic Th world renowiii .1 u ithor in this admiral le Lecture clearly proves (rum his own cxpenen o that tho awful coiis."iienccs of Self Abuse tuny Im ell' 'dually removed without mediiiue. and without d.ingnroiH surgical operations bougies, iusrtuiuuiils, rinus or i ordi lis tioin. ting mil iiiuude ofcuro at onto certain and eif'ttuiil liv wliii h every Miifirtr no inatier what his conJition limy be, may cure liiniselfclienply, privately, innl rniiii allv. Tina Lecture will prove u buon to th.iis.iudauud thoii sands, r. i,t iimier aenl In any address in a plain, n.tled envelope, ou tlio rvctipl ufsi tents, or pontage stamp, b .iddrolugi OilAri .1.'!, KI.IVB , cil, PJ7 linsrory, jjew V utk, .ual ofl-M Hot, lofi I'tJ.aiy .-4. 1 ' Si 412 nn 17 II? 1,133 Ud ;i,nii;.3.i y tM 'J nil ll'.'ti 7ii 1.7 W J,43-J.tM 371 f 4 i. mi tn 4p5 3d ' fi fill County of .Columbia. of Jan., 1SG2, to he 1 Jan., ims. Cnnim it. lion cr's A I 'om r 1 . Amount paid loliu tl, free 7.11, Attorney OmimonwLulth CaHs. Amount paid aun lry peraona District Attorney. Amount paid I!, II. I,ua Election I'xnensis, Hprlns Klectlnti (Jeueral election SO (M 4'C 31 137 01 4 IS 43 :k-, 6Q 6t3l J l.r ,V Wild Cat Sea..'!. Amo int paid tu dltrcrent peraoiia Fuel. Amount paid for fuel 0. Ilouaa nnd Jail Incidental, Amount paid Sundry persona Insurance. Amount piid t.ycoiuiiii! Inaiirnnca Coinpiny iirjucitt. Amount pal I Ptmdry persona diirln; tin year Juries Witfice. Amount paid Jumra at lhv aovoral (,'our(a Medical Service. Amount paid J. II, Vtcltelvy altendanm on prls onura Printing. Ainoutit palil W. II. Jaeoly, I.. I. Tate. " " J ft. MindiiM, A. 11. Tate, S3 33 SODS 10 33 10 112 1 133 CU 1,00 SJ74 13 Penitentiary. Amount paid Cistern Penitentiary ' olhonotnn. Amount paid lucob I'.yerly, Protlioiiolary Postage. Aiuonut paid P.John, P. M. Post Mortem Examination. Paid F, C. Harrison ou body nf A. tally, Road Damages. Paid Jninis Ilveritt, Or.inje ip, " Jarob Yniitis. Jiickson, " I.. II, Rupert. .Muutoiir,' " Catharine Ynnn" Jackson. " John (.'reveling l'iahiui Creek, " H.nnuel Crevelln.'-a heirs. " John Davis' h-irs C'recnnnoJ, " 1'iterGirton ' " John lleller'a Hstato ,Madi"on, " John miliiei " Win. Appleiuau Denton, Register ,$ Recorder's Officj . SJI 47 t IT a U 31 30 03 in no in on tu no li IK) 20 nu 4U u I ti no 4.5 CD 1,7 iu o 00 i .11,1 ii i.ee copying nlehabitto Deed Hook, i-i 33 i'4 75 1 M Hi t4 1 . 11. fnviier enti'rv Jt Veil, Inn liat. j (Jeo. duns coveritij books Sheriffs Jlill. Paid J II. Furman, conveying prisom ra to the l.a.tern Penituutiury, " J. II, I'urmau boarding prisuuers, ice. Snrveior. Paid Solomon .Vejhard for County .Map, Sheep Damage. Amount paid sundry persons a. follow : In lli uton Township, " llriar Creek " ' Heaver ' " Centre, " ' C.ittnw isa, . " l'rauklln, . ' Kisliing Crci k, " " Cleenwond, " ' " Himlork, " " .ll. Pleasant, " " Maine. i. it ' Orange, .. " fcu.'.iiloaf, " Kcott, .. 313 41 1 tin i.i ?-n (j I 340 7, S!ini) i- no tilio ln'j iSii 31 in l-JSU U U) SCD3J1 Tip Stoves, Ainoutit paidal tlu several Courts, Taxei Refunded. Amount of tat refunded lo Josi pli Stack house, " " Abrihain Mosteliur, lioad, School 4: poor paid to Townihips, Whole amount of mlcra i-med, (o Deduel .nnoiini of taxes nlundeii Tow uhips, Amoiiul ot shetp orders isjued 51tV,.71 bO.l 31 Lxnendiiurca for tin. v nr im:o Wu Hie under. ignej Auditor's' of Columbia county be' lint dul eleted to adjust and sjitle tin; acr.oiiuta ol the , .n . 1 " '""r- cuitny tluit c not it othce ol Hi" Connuis-ioners and carefully ex inu ned I Iheaeciiiinta nud v uehers of the same froiii th.i (list ' Uy nf .laiiuary . I) , lrti.' u, tiiu first day of January A. D. leu.) und find them rorrttt as sit forlh in the loruguiug statimeiit and thai we find a balance dun Col co , m om- Ihou.aud sixty live dollars aud eit'nti'-.evoii cents iron, James ri M. inch Treasurer of said county. u'l'sVi" hands tins seventh day of January Jos hkniptm: i coumy ! juiivrruvvi.r.ii i ,y i Atteat-llanlel I.ec, cierkVANS Au,'"Ur3' We the undersigned Couiuils.ionera of Columbia rn do certily tlio foregoing i, n enrrecl s ntement of tliii . accounts ofCnluinbin eoitnt) for the ytar A I) l-C I Wituesa our haiiiia January 7lli 1 Gl " WM. IjA.MON. C. II. HESS, HOUR McIIENRY Attest U C I'nt'ir, Clk. Finn nn -1 of Col, CO. tiaiance uae Irouitollcilors Deduct from txoner.illon. k couiuiissions Italance due from Treasurer Ni.te ofCherringlun and swank WHi Oriltra unredeemed for 1H1 111 'J4 ' " leW 3ri 13 Deduct llt'deuif.tlon mi ney :ii)!5 Kalaucv in favor of Hie County, Stat unent of Dog Ta.c. Ilalanrn due from collectors Deduct fur exonerations and commissions 3".l 91 8, 13a U2 1 010 33 101 in Bl.i 19 541 73 f.WI 40 Arsociato Judges, Ordera linrrdoemed for ISS'J Italaute due 'i reasurer . SO0 75 17 Cd llalancn in favor of said Tnx l'ebruarj 3d, Irtlll .ipprovod bvtho Court, JDIIV iMcllin01.I)S, I RTHPIIKN IIAI.DV, llloonsburg. rebrilarj 3d, ll-o3. I IMPORTANT NOTICE ! TO TIIU PATPON'iJ Oi' TUB AToTiCKia hereby givcu, thnt the ,ub JL airiptiou nud advi rtising accouiita due the Pub. isher i. the Stau oi nit Nuuiit, nre d it. d in thu ..ov. ,i,B ,, hi. ii. ii-ouy oi i) ooinsliure. I ,t 1 nun ..r ,, , ... . . . I J1'llu tolletii .n. The Hdi'.or of said paer li.it mg lieen , iii.ill.'d, nud ..lii.'e.l to go to wnr.it is oee' ss.iry thai prompt payments be nudu in urdtrthai bis taiiiily may have ii. an, of support Your i.irlv iittentioii to ihis i loatter ma) nve co.is and tnove ndvuiitat'eous to his raiitily. w.M, li. j ,cuJtY, ! January 11), 1,03. f -V""4' I 1 f2 3 IU I CD ' 54HI II,-, -J4eii SI 13 CI 111 I 3 (WilOJ ; J Com a I ) Col. CO. I trass 7 700 93 1 Of,.". !-7 soon tie The Jlagic Time Observer, TlIK IVllVECllOS Or 5II11IA.HSK, Rung a Iliviiiug and iiien face, or I.ady'a or Ren tltinen's Wall h Coiabiiu d. Oiiii of Hoi prtlliesi, most eonvenicnt, nnd derided ly tin be.t anJ thinpe.l timepiece for general und reliable use, over oil", rod. ll has w iilim it unj coa. neriedultii us inachiuery. its ow n w Hiding ntlach i niuut, rendering a key entirely u' 'icccssnry. Thu 1 cases of thia Watch are composed of two metals, tho outer oiiii being ll -in Id tarui gold. II has tho improv ed ruhyuitiun lever movement, and u warruntuj mi , ticrurato linn piece,. Price, superbly engritHd, per easo of 1 hnlf ilnr.cn, JUI00. H.uuplo WuUJiea, in neat morocco boxes, for tliosu proposing lo buy ui wlioli'sale, 3S, seal by exprexi with hill payaMo on delivery. Holdiera must remit payuu nt iu udvunce, I "J we ciiiinit collett from (hose in (ho Army. Address I HUilltAKIl IlliOri. & CO., Hole Importers. Cor. Nassau i: John Ms.. New York I J.iuu.ny 31 1-03 bw Cajituro of tho IndianoJa. Tlio loStf df tlio Monitor Indfiiiiolft It, unrlor tho circumstances, ono of tlio tnoct Boiiom navnl misfortune of tlio war. With thU vsasol, tlio rntm Wobb, Quocrt of tho West, owl finch other rear ornft as tlioy can mustor, tlio ooufederntes hav now tho mot really formiilablo flcot they over hatl on' tlu Mississippi river. Al I10U5I1 carryfng bu two hsary gun?, tho Indiaiiola was ono of tt most porfeot and offieicntof our 7e3lcrh fleev. If uo jurcd by the Gght, thia vcssol,Vktbc hands ui uio reueis, mny put a stop to tVfl most important of tho operations against bur.-T. ft will nn nnnnr .n nt . s I e I' mill nnnt, ft -. r . I 11V . .. .ru , .i-i-iiiju iruui 1110 iuisau. sippi (6 tho Red by way of tho Tcnsai. river, for tho reason that tho light-draft -111 1 ft tin (lrKttn.1 wooden bonis which could be floated thro' would not bo ablo to contend with an Won. clad like the Indianola and a mm liko tho Queen of tho West. Should tho Indianola run below Poit lludtiQ sh0 may inflict terrible damage on tho unsuspecting trans ports nnd river craft at Raton Rouse and below, ller possibilities for mi'chiof in any direction aro very groat, doetl a vorv serioui rnattpr. This is in- Sheriff's Sales. 1 1y virtue of s-undry writs of Venditinrti i.tfonm, tn inn directed, Issued out of the Court cf Co mum Pleas of Columbia county, will bo vxpuid to Saturday the lilt thy if March, 18G8 at one o'clock, p.m., of said dny at the Court IIou. in niooinaburg. Ihu IoIIohIiik rial Kstalc to All that the undivided one fourth part df tlio following described rial estate to uit: a certain ractof land aitunte it, H-ott toiuiship Coluin- li co". bouude 1 i h i 1 1 , ,, nu on the Houth. lei .Mi link, John Altlliek and Cnninel 1.. Iletlleon .ast, I iter HcIiiik and otliera 011 tin, Nmii, n... nioui'l the Last, Ptt. r HcIiiik and otliera ou tlio Ninth con. iiiiuiue liny e.ulit nces nnd eiBhly perclieai i hereon areercited ,ir,.t .Mill. ., bla-t rurlmee ' Vli OwSffin huuses, 0110 turn and mil r out biillunifs ALSO, theundiilded fourth part of one certain other pleeo or parse oflmd siaatu in the township oficott nforeaald biiiiiideil ou the Kastby luudior J White, on thefoutlr '!: -''lt"i7 Lruvi'llnj, and 011 the West and North by 1 lililni! Creek toiitulijlng Seven acreaand dvu nerctie uulmproved, 1 M.SO, fiiii undivided fourth part of one other piece or pircol ;,r "'',' ..........i .i. as.uii in i iii , ,0 rounty nfori-.ald, Imiiiii, "d on tin- l:..si i, i'i.i i. "f. uu i ,v " " iurlh hy land ot John White, nnd ontho 11,1 1 s """ '' HsliiugLreek containing four. icrea nu 1 siitr (s) lu'rcliea iiuiuiprm-ed, witli tlm nntiurtciiaiirea I Heir.ed ami taken ihen in rxecutiiui us tho property o wiih iiotiov to iamiml L. titltle terra James Keitcr tenant- ALSO, zr. A I f lin r,U ... .... t- ueu pmcc, ah Hint tne undivided one fourth part of the following dosenh, d r.al estate to wit ! n ctrtaln ,r.m, ! VI , s",";"?. 1" ,ycolt ,wl''. Columbia county J"" d.l,'1.,",la1"' Andrew Creveling, on tin Houili t-numtl Mcllirk. Jnhn Mellick and Bamiitl L.llellleo I,), ull ! 'i1'",rnrid",!' "'! "U,e" "" No"l' cownln. lir.., ,..i V i . in?, r,f"iy.perc)iC8, wiiereoii aro r.,r.r . " '"asi riirnate, s x dwel inn house., one Uarn and other out-building. B 1 ALS0- boundej oi, tho Cast by lauds of John W bite" ,5,, ,,. ' Houlb by lands nfAndroiv Crevel.ng and o , , 0 V .-nid North hy Fishing Creek, containing noveu at a, nnd live perthea unimproved. . utrea ALSO, ! ''"c'rlsin fourth partofmio other rlcco or nnrcel of '"e"'1 "'W1" '" -"""'"I'leasant tw,, , m th0P Count ."rcbc,y,;,;h!! : , ?M"E".ri" S..,7eil .ii,rl i,7... j . . . I I 1,1 ,L nances Ceone i.ovil Jr.. ,vi,i " ' . ? ,inii laaen t.i i.n.i,,i..,. ... .... ... ,,,,,, v"-v sauimei wucuio, wrro (lerii b itn'a OrrtrR , ti.innns'.iurir, I'cb. 14, l.r.3. JOSIAtI II. I'UItMAN, rri1r. WIlOI.Hri.iLU AND ItHTAlL BEDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, No. 'Ji North Second r-treet, Opposite Christ Church PHILADELPHIA, CT Cnnstantli on hand, a large ns.rrtmcM of Dedi. Matlrea-ts, Paillasses, Cushions, Hair. Iluik, Cattail1 .... ,, ., ,, ,,,. nl (lle oWf,S prices, ft. It.-Parllciiiur uttentiou paid to reuovjtl paid to reuovdtlcg now nun iii.i reattiera. .Martha, 1-01. ICm. r, a .... a, VvM"J Swan.) "33 RACE STREET, AjjOVJi THIRD WIILADELpiiu. D. C. IEGRIST, PnorniExon. . . . j A ,a i , 1 1. 1 u ii , font Ei'6lc Hotel Lebanon, Pa MIS, CLERK, to-J-lim. formerly J-om I . V. KIIOUIS .March S!J, ItoJ IS GIBSWs A V 11 Ii: 0HA1 IV KSTlBLISIHIKJJ T, Ko. 125, South Elcvcr.tli Siicct near VJ jut l-nanielod Ol.i.a, I'rtsto, Oil und Encaustic l'alnti JUIl l.IllaOS. tl ll r, January U, ldal-3ni.. ' "' Gl"0' f piir. Propnet 'rof ilna well-known and centrally Ioc I tea lioui , in llvfiiAvoE lloiEi,. titLato on M...i Mreet. iu iitiionisiiuri.', luiinediately ?iuoiite tlie C.iluin ln.i Co.intj I 'ourt House, respei tfully iVforuia hia frieuda nod Hie imlilie in general, that bis House ia uuw in , i.er i ir the ree. ptioii nudeiiijrtainment of travelers who n.ay l I di.pused lo favor it Willi their custom, lie has pared no expense ill prepaiing tho llvtiusut!, for th -ii-i.,iiin,-i. ui Kut-Bis, ueuner snail tnerc be any. 111111..' w anting ton his part) tn minister i,. ,h.... n.,.. ciiiuliirl. Ilia house is spacious aud enjoys an cxct-ll nt basiuesa locution, I Vj- Omnibuses run nt nil times between the Hichama r Hotel and the vnrioua Kail Komi Depots, by which trav.-, flora will be pleasantly conveyed to and from tlm rc snective fetaliuna in rlno tlm,. tn i... I WM. II. IC00X3. v Dloomsburg. July 7, 1600. Kfflv i:a rs a.d wistui caps, i Tlie undersigned haa juat reeeived fromlhe Katlfi, , ( lima' 4 aupiriur;',isi-ortnient of Winter a tits ami Caps, pi? I Sdtf "hm ' Also A lino lot of K.IIH, MOISOi HIM and I.iunos to. whi, b h.) im lies the at t ntiou of blioemakera n'd thu public Also. HllOC-Uir.S, IOI.A"Si:s. and nrtiona rcnrallr n.oo,,burg.Nov.H.lfC2 J0"VK 0IllTO'- rpiE P ENNS l'L Y ANIA HOTEL, n.ixnu.r., .iioatovh coumt, rj. Kiiterlaiiiiuciit for Man and llsast, in rood styla and ut moderate intcs. CIIAItl.KtJ ti. t3AVAGG, Pro rlltor. Danville, April 111, litis i"r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Esinic of Jacob Siegfried deceased, r lnTUK-f of Administration on thu Usiato of JaciiU Lri"i'rritd, loto of Orange Ufii., Coltinjila c0 dec'il lint egrantod by tho lleiil.ter of Coluinbiu eo . i,. o,.,,.'. deiaiine if all purauus having i-ltiuis nguiusi Hit utn ui inn iivi cut-in uro rrquesieii ,o presniii tIPlil Ii IJ14 Adniiiilslralrix at her rosidi.ticc in aaid tow u.ltir, with ..u nriut, nu4 ui )IIJIUII lllltuietl 10 IliaK j, i II ,1, i.orir4p'.i;ai'8n" tw 4 on. '-.slar :; f I Jet.rs.V 1') t-flj