Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 07, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. mm. II
mm mwr t T j . i . I . . ......
. ATTlyTl WYA (iOSiVir l,tlwccU wo Plirllc3 St'1"1' upon tliu ministration party, and nuil sink it deeper
it fit! 8 i til I ' VI IB (Hilt same giuuiiu, in uury i crqieui, as a jiuuuo piuiimiui. ever louiiiiuu
T.TnVif L. TATE.
f -T.T".. . I
Of lau v.
Jtamre. tu ildt
TKtlMS or suiwtmT
l no In iKlvaiicf, J'r itn.- --i . ir
r-. In n.lvniiri-. droiiiM-oiiv.oni
'2 0) ll'iU't I1'" I "i till tin- tiUtt n
2 S3 lfli'll'iiil'",l,: ' rt;' 811
'J .ill II in" i'H" ,I' ' ",
-. v.. .iilt.r rltiltfct tilli'li I ' i I
! iin'iwli 'f 'lwiid"ii mI tmt il l .Hi
nil imlil. f . ,
Al.V!..illll'M-NI' If" '""l-V" '
lor 'iinr-,r In tin- "'" ,r "J
I trtl'm, ii hi II ""if " '
Jitil WllllK. Ill UVffi ' I""-
wculi-il nt III i Iwrw-t '"'' '
-i o u 111 .
i.'i t mnntli.
nigc shall liuiu
i'it ontUUar
litft tllJ.Ttti.llk
ry suimr-i'i. in
Jt- nii.l clitr.i'y
" "Oiifeiusil Py.
Tho Vwominn: iiJ jsnuro.
It :ii .i .1 irKl
Tlulf "ii rr
fiO'l j'rint tli
,in 1 ilr.-.i. I'll !(
I'rnrui-r M-m i
pr -nt war in-1
Mlfll l..ia
iTh lit 111" 1I'I.'H ' l i i r i.
fh? ilnn ' I ii ' s f i ! Ii.
in hsirl' ii
I a").llf II'"''". I
i" rori T'ir
fl.t 'till I t
Ami h t
. K I 1
i hi w
I'M t . UlilV
i. It ll t I
U Ii' . ') I I
in Ii"" to .1 :
I ! iiu i ir
l-i it'-' i
Hut the Demo
urats in my judgment, safely calculate that
they cm tako Lhuo on any of n, hundred
necessary incidents of tho war, and defeat
their opponents by a largo innjority.
Many pupposu that the effect of tho
proclamation of cinaiicip'itiou will bo to po
thoroughly, speedily anil completely anni
hilate tho extripalo slavery, that the slave
holder; will h.ivc no longer a P'otivo to
act togoiher. This is an egregious mis
take. The proclamation will have no saeh
effect. Its eo htiiutioualitv is tlciiied. It
var between two different nations. ''
Book 111 , chapter 17, p .l'JS
I it is not to he wondered, nt thoreforo,
! that so learned and profound a jurist as
the honorable membor tiom Pennsylvania
Mr. fctevcnfj should express the same
, opinion.
I The Douii o ats will not ot course, listtfu
to separation lor an i .slant. Much a sug
Cition, in their eyes is treahOii a prop
osition to di-s live, the bniun lor which
oiie outjlit to ue iMiigeil. Tiny expect the 1 is Mill uiiaxeoatetl, amy is validity uiide
tpluetiou wlie.lnr the Union aiinli be ro&- tor mine J . The whole subject it "yet opun
toted by lorce or by oouini' lo be to debate and fin 1 t.ettli!ineni The
tiuuiiiitied to the people in the next election judiciary IX'p'irtmeiit is to render its da
ani upon thi.t to cany tint country. Their eiaion upon it; and, in the ineuitime, it is is t oj pj e tho Ailuiiiiistratiou sun to bo tlio coutroling iisuo in a popular
plvon it- antt tlaveiy policy. I hey put ' election for I're.-idcnt. ThN state ot things
.-iu the coiitiio.iiioii aet, ihe tMisJUuri will undoubtedly inspiio ths bhiveholilors
neipaiioii ael, Hie rreiident's i'roela- witli a more reso ute purpose (ban ever.
Oil of emancipation. Theo incisures Their effort will not, as iiorelolore, be to
. pruiio mcu unconstitutional, Ueur prevent the Abolitionists from freeing their
tliel validity, ami o.urv tiling duiie,oi to h avei ; as a distant antl speculative pro
be (hue, in pni'Miaiiec ot ilieiu. In adtli- p 'sition, but to rescue him Iroin the grasp
ii niito tins lli' titiaci; i lie .viminiftration
on .Hfouiii 0i us lutpeu ion of iho writ of
ha itf corpui, iiOt-.c an rinonmeiit, eorrnp
noaJ iiibcLilii) ,'i.V ., a lliou.-iiud olhi.r
itn'iil .it.J. lint uti tin; war and the intuii-
ntv If the L ii tin, tliev are tiku adauniit liumner,) w ho has lately been ro eli 't 'd
it.- ll 1 hey i hum to fa. Of tliu war for to serve another term of six years in th
"f""" ft
i nU t" fni'iii-n Ml
,!' .l!'.l.
.1 ...- lull
I'lrawiimi'ii'iit.i ifi.-iii! i!
Ai t!i '11,5 i ru'V.i ill Ir
ll ! i-4 .ii 'ir li-rt lit
P, U hilt lilfjllt Sf4" '' 'l,u
Iiiim mil .i i- in'-ii tk lir'"'
, i. nil.ti r . ni'i.' Ii r.' in "I'l
ilouSi I I i J i 'i 'i
Jt. ,.l .1,
linil.f i-fi
I I'tiL'lltli'llf "'' 1,1
I: t Mi M i
A lio
jiv tliVjK'inr h'
i ii lit 'ill y elvi 1" I
. ,-j :' H t'i
Hint f. 1 1 nil
of the enemy already a'Mi-a ly la;d upon
him. It will redouble their Will and biing.
out every latent energy.
lUM.NIll! ltt MAUNU8 Al'UTiT.O.
The Senator fiom !Ma..-acliusetts, (lr
. . i . . i . . . ,..1. , . .
coin- body he has Ions' adorned, sdiould, in thi'
the tixe of the Union, but to be lor
pionii e ia:nT tiitui war. 1 Ify v-.,iy very ,iri?is point ns to tlie pioper aetion. U -
ti ul li.V lys that tlie llcpuliiiean- have tiiud jmroly No'thnin character, his groit abili
toreejir lio year, and cxliausted the tins, his lofty aspirations, his saetili for
ebulHti nud uj.on iliis claim tlio adoption freedom, ll.e entire oouhtleuee ot his
of then nio.lio i .,, all that is Iclt lo be Uotie. ' State m sp intanooinly btowed u; on
Thii utho uiaiii.ei' in which the politic. ai.s him and that Statu the noblest in A nun ion
ot tlu eoumrv pioiiOfl-' to terminate this I all .inirlc hi.n out as one authorized and
ureal, ejiull' ct.
Air'il iatue sjoins reejutiy lo have been
ellVeieil lo end between eeitainelo-
I 1 .'.I Ai.nri i
t;i ii i' lam
0 eial I'. 'll ul
A nil.. X : I'
l-5i..i 'ii' 'i
I! t'. II.
crctoture hojti c. Tliu Dodor State
in are ihe remnant oi the old wilier
required to with a decisive voice on
this greafotciMon.
There are also in this Home gentlemen
whoFo words on this mem 'utous theme the
country will listen to with intimfo inlce-t
The houoiab'e m-nibor frrni Pennsylvaui
in.l Ait ric.t.i pariioo," who, .ill their live.-, ('Mr. ThaiMjus Stevens,) one of tho truly
eueii lili: an tuteii.u liat.ed of the Denioe groat man of America full of learning
r.icy. !ihe now u. nte with p irty to ard wisdom tried by long years of aidnom
cIIji t tlii i otjj :et. The H 'public.iu of the servioo in tbi? cause, who h is never falter-
Albany IdIiojI. under the sagacious lead- ed, and is now it elected in hi.- District
eishi,) oj Mr. SVeed, who lor long years by overwhelm ng number-, stands foiemo4
to ight to Van UitroU regency , and finally among tlimo of whom the nation ivill ex.
hot ke it town through tho agency of free peet deliveranee from tho danger' which
ii. ki vbJ.iit si-jiiicm 'irai
hi- Ur,
soil, areitiso nanti in 'Clove witli tneir out
uppjiii'iij. '1'liu- tin army of the D.-in-omaey
tiues the field ihe next great
political u ittle, bupporieil on the left by
the folloiitfs of '. lay (Jiiit. uduu , and
on the rifeiL l)y iliu.spuoial trn.nJs ot Win.
Ii. Sew a.
S i eh ail'Ot, may wall feel contident.
oncoinpais it. Lot thfl'so men, and such as
ih -so, speak and tell the ounlry what to
d ) in this hour of tr riseoridont poril.
Nevertlirle, 1 cannot resi.-ain from
fsprosj'mif inv iudivi lual opiniun that tho
true policy of tho North is to terminate this
war at onen. The lomrorit continues, t'c
worse our situaiion beeomes. Let (ho two
Houses of (Jougress adopt the following
It is a c'iJ. ''iuatiuii for vi :toi, ts.itiu
I , . , i. . .1...:
vain liavttli; unruor,! imutieiaiis rooiuiiiius :
, r .I,... .. . -i I I i . 1 1 .1 n r r
,V,ay, ot Ivan t.rongeil X liail ot tlie Ire i.JonUal man acso vea ny w isenate ami uouie m
Member of sion. Noii'i vain 1ms the ditcivio Sec- ' Representative-!," ilc , That the ex jeutive
. . t i-..tiii- nC S if iii.iiiri-ii! lir. I'll, ii .nt. in nf be and ho is heivbv l-ennn-fnil In isue. n.
: -r. icli in lavoi' o' - r - .' , .,' '. . . , , ,, , c .
1 ! . . mi havuij; U c no ; imbecile. Not in v..nt geiiei al out r lo all coin nami rs ot forces
, njl'lilll the UniOll , Vl. , ,l. , , c .IV I ,I, I,, ll.n unvinvil mililMVi. A nlmnnl i nf llm
j j a illU 11 11V '' l..llll.llt...-HU.l nuiUluu ll.M ; ' ..w .j.,.... .. i u i.i.viii.i vi vim
ve io .'pproval of orJiUI 0f (4.;ti:ig with the title for a lack i Unit;d States to di-cont.nuo ofT- n-ive opc-
S otliner, v Cliuoi I ot a OOliey I I tii'y eonni wen I'liuiu iu , mnuus aKitiiinn i;ii.juiv, airi iu muui
ity of Noithorn civilization. I hao no
four to set it in i-ompctition with that of
the South. Lft them proceed siila by side
in tho rac3 of empire, .and wo shall sec
which will triumph.
T!n Fcelius iu tin South -Wcsttru
O.s L'oaiu) SrnAMr.u Sioux City, )
MiMiiKKN s Dknti, Jan. 523.
To the F.lilor of the Inquirer :
I have been favored by a fellow-soldier
with the inclosed copy of a letter written
by him to a friond of his in Providence, It.
1. It is long, but I think worth peiusal,
anil if you deem its publication likely to
aid iu tlie cause of truth, it is at your tlu
posal, from an old subseiiber :
Dkau Flit GSR E :
Stiiamku Sioux Cjtv,
Navoli.on, Auk , Jan 10. j
I am about to do what will probably
cost me your friend diip write an honest
Utter. Not that. 1 have hitherto wiitteii
dishonestly, nor that you are accused o!
batitiir candor, iu considered. Hut
caudor upon the theme I shall treat of,
differing, o widely an 1 now do, from your
well known views upon tho s.iinn topic,
can not fail lo overtax our patience, in
volving wiiter and epistle in one in voca
ble niutLiua, Hut the fact is, I can t
write at all without being true to my na
ture, which has become deeply ttirrad with
shame and indignation by my country's
follies; how' deeply stirred this letter will j
pr. ve, since eveu yo.v good-will is not a
bribe rich enough to prevent si)' writing tl.
Like many other Republicans, who, lov
inil the whole country, and deprecating
coercion as the likely means of sun
dering it forever, were yet firm in their al
legiance to the old Hag, however loth to '
sec it committed to a wrong policy, I long
strove to justify this war, employing for
that purpose all my little slock of learning
and skill, both as a theologian and an am
ateur politician, though 1 had the decency
always, as my friends all know, to keep
polities entiicly out of my Sunday, lec
tures, When tho iacrci-ing needs of coun
try seemed to demand tho sacrilieo, I
heartily threw my person, as well as icy
voice, into the tide of carnage, willing eveu
to die, that tho Union might live, and ready
for any policy looking to that end, in the
spirit of iho dangerous maxim, "All'3 well
that ends well." The negro having stud
ied him in real life, not in the pleasing
li-tiois of the Dicclioi's I know too well
tMlltn for the OtumUa Dmocrat,
Col. Lf.VI h. TATU :
bankruptcy, and tho ever-lengthening lino j been brought to the tot. Indiana, opo
of nensionors. who for a paltry stipend cially, has no indulgence or partiality to
und a puff of praise, must hobble armless, crave at the hand of history. liar ro- Dear iSiV. A marked chftngo is rig
eyeless, lootless, to the paupoi's grave ! ; cord in this war U ono blazo of hcroio '''" the looks anil notions of our Ropub
For what were these things begun, for deeds, only dimmed by the want of cause 'loan friends in this looal'ty, during tho
what must thoy continue, without ccn equal iu fplendor to the conduct of her put few weeks. Imtead of that forocious
the remote prospect of an ontW Nobody r.on. Tho Eighty Third llcgimcnt, iu its look, .Hid thoo liarsh fpithets against Dem
knows. Rut from the many conflicting brief lift arduous career has won, nbso- O'T-its antl tho Dcmorratic party, their
rumor on tho nibjeet, We may examine lutely, the fi icst reputation in tho ecrviea "uiitenatiocs ns..uuio a different aoptct
lour of the morj common and plausible; so acknowledge! by older regiments, an'' entirely. It t true they aro rather elm
each and all of which, instead of jtiKtifj- by Generals iu nowise predisposed to flat- g' bo jtloooanc, but they havo Icb
im th.- war. are conclusive reasons why term. Personally, I am not very bravo, "R '''at ''Tiger Dodk 1" Tho ohango la
it shou'dbe condcmnetl, and at once abati- but my place now is at tho Quaiternas
iloncd. I lur's desk, where, except by sympathy, I
Firstly. We arc fighting, it is said, to , nave no concern about the uangers ol tlie
cram tho pockets and wine cellars of a van. Yet I am a man with fiiends iu tho
rank and a heart in my bosom; a man
of radical
i '.K.i I. u mil other loat - dlMiense wtti tlu ai.tilauM!
. ---f . . i i . . i.i ... i
ltd a caucus in WUH t!lR', tl,aa Ul "
i nt.,.. n. i, ,r .ili, v.-.a In vn tl t Mi. i.l nil m
X , .. , vmi-.i. ,..1. ...... .w -
it v,.u ii ii 1 1 1'l.fnll I . I .i
vAv'i J" ' V-" . i ou.i.-ton. wnlnvliu'li tn 'V wuu u not eran-
iti'i." f"'lpii":l e:traetJ from it , j,lo, to I lie till io.i of auothor Presidential
i m c'lfi t r : t
o restoring the
i c slaveholders
! eb dioii
The eli ifci neul in the accomplishment
of this reai't.S a.v
Mhwaito that end. which tliu iif.muistralioii is cjuductiug
i,nii'i4' aud iorevv-r for the lestoratm of the Union The war
I ,Ji if favor ol tlie h liiileeu tlie lirump c irii ot Jj.moerai'y;
i t ) . ant in favor not war fur iSmaucipatinn ; iut war for
J,al 'Mates as the conquest ; butlJtr. Linojlns war for tho
.. 111., ..,,....,1,., ir.,-. ... 'IM,,.vl i ,-, nr. I. fii- tl.-il if will
.1-1 tl. II I U l Kill IU I'll I IU U Ull nwi.w .w... ...... ........
P-Ii. -1.. I J. ? nil Iwiili nit, dis, ' snrvp. th.i end of Abolition. It lias nas-cd
'tici'i 'of t.-o eon ianl condition. I that stage. It! results are now in their
?,i o'jle lUiifst destiny of tho keeping. All a .y wiMiisits prolonga-
Aiu cao ni'71' COIIU'ul t:iu tion' " tlllJ !ir l)la(J(!,it llol,u t,lC
m ''"i i.aen On tliin pi'in. iplo. tion pledged to the principle that the
v lvc.Lj.-i J t, tli itltho true object Union is iitact.Vul the Con -t.ti.tion open
ftl i ftLfin rei lutioi.izV the National to ameiulmini tllnugh Southern votes. Iu
Uovfrurijl v," thoWortli into the the next puce tl
iMtifa slid f ''l' 111 ' ' Vl',tiuut' P"1'1'10 with -i"1
)0ll&'. ll'liviljtIS IU a po-UlHUlo pui-.-uu BIIUIV hi uie eiee.
tlioUmtur J s'ratu fctal;. i.lielievo place, its cU
.i..i I "1 r tl :inu n r Tiri'-i i it. Mi-.v-ii;it
t :
ol coi)3..iation.
j ji-ct it was (designed to whatever a'ject : bin ay bo preseuletl, is an
auinirauic ntiruuitiit ior lueui.
.. . . I.. . . . ,
US unionism. ! J-' tlie wai snouit happen to meet, wiin
. Mowed itiyset to liiuulgo unexpected uccesfc.inu ueieat uie renei
Lt t otM idolatry i tho Umou lion, the slaviuoniJi, will b? brought uncle
o i" simple bt.U.ioicst peo- just in tune tajoiuiiiem in oh-ition.
p jatit-al cantl about the If it should hg nn.M'onnplih no results,
U nt among disffonest ones, as now iceuu likeK this will inevitably
t . .1 ..1 .'. l .. :n.. tl...... ., l-.M.,t..rW ll.r, irifa
1 Ii . l'C1 a IU ll. 11.1 HIU 1,1 IUDUIU ll IIIUH.HI 111 Ull- (!i-j..ii!i
'' ll- k a i.i ' ...... int...:.. .i - . ... .1 ft ; . tl n,
11) vaiUI'U 111 pi jpoi nun iu Alien iiieui v is, uuuuiin it aim uuv , in".
an instluau'lit of national tho two forcu, Abili'nu and iSecestion,
i ... , 1 il! 1 .. 1..
pnwer. ) no a in ueau y coiuu. , nave -ui io nu
,v i.i.t'.'i,i-kt. nermiited to cuiitinV the fi.'ht long
enou"U io wear caeti
rt-jpoiisibilit y ol it being
.cans, it wea.ious them
jia. And in the third
thaitue di
eiiujis a I
vch t i.'e
i . . i . i i. i , . . z. . n .. . i
i iraio Eiai.'i i .ueitevo place, us eu ui iu ntm niuji mm u-
. . I 1 . ...... n I I ... I I. ul .... it. r. Ill l-.t "1 11 .1 ll IC HV Mllllll
IQ 01 Hie iv ll t any uiiiwi iiiii3 mu aiiDu.ijt, .mi. ....jwv b.w...
1 1 ofit. calctl.ilou to sub
the future entirely on tho defensive.
Hcoltird, That the Executive bo, and ho
is further req iesti d to enter into nego'i'i
tions with the authorities of the Confoder
ato States wi'h reference to a cesasion of
hostilities, baed on the following proposi
tions : I. R.'coguiiion of the iiulepe id. Mice
of th Conf.nli-v ito States. 2, A uniform
: ,, . sy.t"in of duties upon import. .'1. Fico
is tlie war , , ... . r. J. . . TV .
ti aite D' tweeu tuo two orates, n rrot
naviijation of the Mi-sissippi river. C
Mutual adoption o.'tho Monroa doetiinc.
CA.v live Toorninu.
I ontirelv disagree with thoso who as
sert that it is impossible that the North
and South eould livo peaceably side by
side, because there tiro no natural bounda
lies between the two, seuli as the Reeky
Mountains or the Atlantie Ocean. This
is a bugbear with which we impose upon
ouiselvus. The people of the North and
South can never become ncign
to each other in tha tontc in which tho
French and English or Kus'.siaus aro.
They arc sprunc; from tho same origin,
speak the sanio languajo, ptusoiis a com
mon literature, inherit similar polices and
religious views, and inhabit regions closely
connected by natural and artificial tios.
They will, therefoio, both bo always
Amoiiean. The only groat difference
between llii;i'u is of a social and political
nature, that .Tliich arises from the exist
enoe of African slavery in ono ami its ab
sence iu the other
This fact, however, offers no obst-iolo
whatever to such a separation as is involv
ed in independent political juiisdiction; on
tho contrary, it greatly facilitates it.
liefuro tho Federal Uuiou was establUh-
od all tho States were indep 'utlcnt, and
The war, in
irj c
Hent f
Wa in?
1 0 c"Tt
lllnr V
Zt r tho political waters
il the faouh tor tli.; p.isi iv o , ' , ,
,0 bouii "v. ft complcto mastery otVlw situation,
iShTLifu hXofiVCBr?,,lyi,0,r,r "a!1rvc,lt tll0ir
It settles olaw. , No- tech- I
er out, ami enu'ii
subside to their
llhc war, ihey have
to care about disturbing, unless as a
conu'iiic'it make weight, to bo thrown in
to the scale when better means should
fail I was proud of our regiment had
some lingering faith in tho President - and
somewhat more (though hardly full con
iidetice) in tho wisdom and virtue of our
Generals. Thus I went forth in hope,
trusting mainly in God aud our vast num
bers for success, and proud to find so many
old fibuds rushing with nic to the field.
This was six months ago. Anybody
with open cyeij, campaigning even three
months in tho Southwestern army, ought
to learn something that eould not well be
learned at home. Our boys have been
learning, and I dout claim to be duller
lhan tho rest. J:rot my faith in Presi
dent Lincoln has changed from a grain of
mustard-wed to a perfect nonentity ; my
trust in Union Generalship has dwindled
to the verge of despair, iu tho maehinory
by which ofliccrs are made becomes more
bare, and their characters, when made,
more visible and notorious. Noble excep
tions there are, but theso are tho men that
coon resign, or find thomiolvc3 court mar
tialed. Aly sentiments touchiug the black
idol have changed from good naturetl in
diffironco to downright disgust ; and I
need hardly add, my hopes of tho Union
aro reduced to a were hopo iu some new
political dynasty, which I shall now pray
and toil for with all the zeal and industry
my nature u capable of.
Were I alone in theso painful discoveries,
I might ho inclined to distrust ray own
commissioned aristocracy, whose reign and
rcvcl'ngi must end when peace removes
their shoulder-straps. Gladly would I
pronounce this a mere slander, hut I
piomised to wrilo an honest letter Doubt
less there is just enough truth in it to de
mand this one icinark, namely . That
such cause of warfare, agreeable lo the
privleged el. s alluded to, can noiaticatjS
satisfy the rank and file on whose blood
they aro supposed to fatten. Even gloiy
grows irksomcMt last, when eoi.fincratid
Mk no higher aim than the aggrandizement
of t) ranis. I have heard the b.TtotiHs
could bo turned upon their employer., ba
I never believe that.
'ccondly. Wo are lighting to "both!'
slcnriy, the Union to mrvivc or pori-.h a.
emancipation may direct. This, toi, has
truth iu it for a large elafs in New Eng
land, and for u few in the West. To
tliutii Caucasian blood is so inferior, when
co nptfri d with Africa, that we can afford
to chain its l'n-hest arteries that Ponipcj
may cul himself five, though notoriously
incapable of true frecdem, (which implies
self government and self-support,) as tlu
pairot is oftrue eloq lencc Theorists may
whitewash as they will. Our army has
seen tho black elephant as ho is, aud we
are lot ever cured of Uncle Tom's Cubiu
To fight iu such a crusade is a freak
worthy alone of'Miots and madmen.
Thirdly. We fight to rcslors the Union.
slavery to stand or fall as tho intero-ts ol
the Union may demand. So we were
told, and so we belioved six months ago
Uracil that such is indeed the fact. e
shall bo it -uecced by conquering ourselves
in other words, by throwing down the
sword and iire-braiuls, trusting to the
listening ear, the iust.uctivc tongue antl
the faithful breast No Union can be
valid or lasting until cemented by the
uuiun of hearts ; aud to say that we can
rivet Southern hearts to us bj hacking
them to pieces, is absurd in terms as welt
as in fact. A nation rreat as ours, in
wealth, population, arts, arms and com
merce, uau afford to be (.-qnally so in m ig-n-imity,
An I a Christian na.ion might
well tot an, example to the world by
dealing with her unruly children upon
Christian principles. Horn, xn, 17-2 1
Finally, we fight. : imply to humble und
chut inscribe the South, whoso growing
wealth, power and territory, excite the
jealous fears of tlu New England States.
This opinion, tha.igh held by very miuy
in the West and South, 1 can not ent 'r-
lam lor a moment. J.uu uns i am ueiuu
to whom the mothers, wives, sister?, and
children of those friends Isok for news
from tho fray, and whoiil they justly hold
responsible for at least the mortal welfare
of many who came with me lo the field. -Oh,
God t that I should ever havo aided,
even by a breath, to rush into tho sham
bles so much gO;od material for to poor a
If this expiatory off-ring for I shall
make the confession to them all can les
sen, even partially, tho guilt of the past, I
shall die content, even though hung for
saying what we all do know. If spared
to reach home, however, I shall devote
myself, with wier uud huint,ler zeal, to
the go-prl of peaeo, leaving war to brute
i-ea-ts, and striving, in deep contrition, to
go and sin no more."
A-. ever, your true friend,
ed.and such bo the real ori'iin ct our
troubles, then the Uuiou army is sure of
defeat ; for crime can not prosper, and
war from such motives is crime of tho
most damning type. Hutar share amia
bly the g ory we cau not prevent, than to
play tho part and share the doom ot 11a-mau.
I will not speak of the demoralizing
quest i on f
his kind can stand
THE AH3 V ' 0-:BJ:iv VUYE
1 . . t-
j utterly diWlved the eonneu- Anverilieless without roleretice to tho
3 Not th t-U the South, aud result .if'tho wa$, I confer, tho chauccs
till tSPpariiU BUU lUltepeuuuiii , u mu tJuinui vn .ii m i ii eiv;nuu mi bu.iui.!ui
he world. This is tho uecees- to that of tho Ahniitisti on. Great re
,,, nf i-ivAvar' auvwhoro. 'lianeo is placed jy tho lir on tho voto of
io helircroii parties indepen-! tho soldieyi, bit, in myVopinion, this is
tiui'o boii'. and, unless tho j dolusivo. The -oldior-, vfil bo nff.'etod In
'outuidjbs t0 11,0 ot
udepiaviit ot each ot
. il
, uiev
r forever.
iwn by Valtal as
liko manner vitl the re-tjl' tho people,
aud, moreover, yill bo tied of military
scrvico and ariJsUu3 to rcun homn. They
will bo disatisfieiiffoni a tLui-and O'iuuhs
i nation b jmes dividulinto and desiro a cIlv?". ' LIU sulfurm? and
..'l.iutol iintli'iinndent. and indignation yet (o be enqjt ijierod by tho
' . . . 1. ia.un r' mi li'Mri .... n t.l .. .',vtm
aCkllOWlC'lii B 'l COIlllUOU BUJiu- uuiniii".i v iii.'jiiiiiuiu
t.-i- :n .ii ,.n fititi inn v ill linn uiii. t . ii.i uii.bui. j lui liuiiu luu li
associated ni-der Articles of Confederation I iUu(rQient, or at least to repine in silonce
in the natute of a treaty. The argimients , nu"vbon I find the same views and feel-
10W autiuceil 10 SUOW lUC lllipiuct,ii;.iuim.ji . . , , ....;,,,, .,,,1
f f i,etM.J ,l.rt N'm-th U(s pervading oai -whom uvmint, and
aud Southed with equal force to proro every other wo are brought in contact with,
the impo.aibility nf what then actually ex vented iu louder and still louder whispers,
frlod and was accepted in tho caso ol tho 1 jjurdcnln" the letters to every homo, seas
thirteen original States ot tuo union oujn j.l0 broth at every meltable, and
shott.d they stop tho war und cnier into grave when 1 maw all this, 1 have no
treaty, lt vjould simply bu resolving tho iooKor a pretext for feigning ignorauae of
North and tho South into Coufederaiu j..l0U w,i0h, if men could ignore thorn,
htatos resuming, as to horn, tuo o m o i w th(J Btonas to c out
ii P tli,. nniil.iil.iiiitinn T llvl wooltl be tliu
wholuof it. lt is. thcreforJ, ii very bim-! What aro wo lighting for ? Iu tho
plo operation. name of reason aud humanity, what is tho
1 do not suggest this, however, on th gUbHtuo result, whioh can justify year after
idea that sliouiv. it ever uo auoptuu, tu- oar 0f saokcloth at homo and butchery
.... ii !..... 1 ! .... ..1A..1.1 In. n.iviiiniuinl J . . .
sep.irauou u impin-a wuiiiu m . f nC(!uctca n -his but thick strewn
I b lK'vo that it wou bt insure an ultimate ,
,n, in, nritklnvnrv baJ Golgotha., of empty Churches, crammct!
I hYC coufidenee iu the inhcrnut vital- hospitals, deferred brills, ueoelorntod
Dirge for a Soldier.
liY aEOUQiS II. l'.OICKIt.
Clo'o his eyes ; his work i-. dono 1
What to him is fiieud or focuiau,
l!i-o of moon, or act of sun,
Hand of luau, or kiss of woman ?''
Liy him low, lay him low,
In the clover or the snow !
What c ire he? he cannot know;
Lay him low 1
As man may. he fought his fight,
Proved his iru h by his endeavor ;
Lot. him sleep in solemn nisht,
Sleep forever and forever.
Liyhim low, lay him low,
In the clover or the snow I
What cares he, ho cannot know:
Lay him low I
Fold him in hii country's stari.
Roll tho drum and fire tho volly !
Whit to him nro all our wars,
What but death bemockin folly 1
Lay him low, loy him low,
In the clover or the snow 1
W hat earos ho ? ho connot know :
Lay him low!
Leave him to God's witching eye,
Tiust him to tlie hands that made him,
Morttl love weep? idly by :
God alone has power to aitl him.
Lay him low, lay him low.
In tho clover or tho snow !
W hat cares ho 1 he cannot know :
Lay him low 1
Tho Negro Soldiers' Bill.
Thi.ddetis -Stevens' Nerjro Soldiers'
Hill, authorizing tho President to arm any
number of negroes he may think proper,
has passed the House of Representatives.
This bill was biiccrly opposed by the bor
der State membei i, until it was so amend
ed as to prohibit recruiting in tliosv' States
The members from those States declared
that negro soldiers would bo shot there on
sight, aud .Mr. Maynarri, of Tenncsce,
equally apparent ill regerd to their conver
sation. Instead of Treason, Traitor and
Tory, so flippently niado n-o of a few
months ago, you can talk with them now,
without any threats o Porta Lafayotto or
Warren. Rut the most salutary chango,
aid I bilioro th s is general, s that
they are falling into the Deniocratio ranks
by scores. The Republican leaders have
not shown themselves smart by their rot-cut
acts. Thoy might have known tboy
ucver could p-.jtetua.e their party princi
ples by hiippression of prcsscft," nrbitrary
arrests and brute force. You had au ex
emplification of that kind of doetrino in
tho recent Riot Ca.?o in your village. I
remember tho Republican organ of your
town, at the time '-he Riot occurred, bta
teil, the boys, (that is the riotprs,; had
made a Union convert, but judging from,
the way thoy were bandied, they will find
by tho time tho Cou-t is through with thorn,
it is rather expensive, let alone tho dis
grace making ''union men," in that way.
I supple the Editor of the Republican,
would feel much safer with his uPochet
bcok,'" in tint kind of company, than in
a Democratic convention. Dccause, if In
company with the Rioters, ho were to lose
the money ho eould havo recouiie to tho
Governor ' ! ! and no doubt it -ould bo
returned, he being engaged in so Isudcblo
a busincs as ''making Union men. !''
As regards war prospects things look
gloomy. Lincoln's Negro -Pi'oclaniation
and the removal of Con. McCle'len from
tlu h -ad of the army have created great
disiati-faction ..11 over the country, and
the uuiveisal cry is, wo don't want to send
our suns down and have thorn slaughtered
by the incompetency of Generals And
what makes it still worse, the soldi -rS bo
gin to think they havo been humbugged.
Instead of fighting to restore tbo Laws,
the Negroes freedom seems to be the chief
object of the present Administration. Had
the Ad in'ni. tratiou shown its ncro pro
clivities at tho commencement of this war
what kind of r.u army would have rushed!
to the rescue ? Wo can judt'e from the
rush there has been of "Gretly's j t().f QQ
mm," who were to boon hand
.the proclamation was madej
fiiromerir 1 Kiiliflirlinrt TJ
i.i2 'o tniuic ana we srj
reaction in the recent e"!
jpod woik co itinuc unti
oil country, although il
a every pore, w'uh
smiling upon us, wo aal
former prosperity and
may Heaven speedi'y r'ant.
February, 1300. C.
,iit . . 'ii ti tn
effects of war. nor oven unlaw upon its 1 Pieau earnestly to nave -tnu pr. gi.aon.
i - ! tut . .,. i- -I. .
mo exceptiou was iiiercioro mauo. nut
!,r-v!n! I, -iri-m-a. n i p. further fori
, . , i ,, . . ! AT-.. I ' U'll I'lTiiivii mim tiii-s ui lui.
1, ulrtl.- .if ih.. .-..-..inn r fcti-ntfit ii. Alnrnv l
? . i . . l ... i. ,i members o Conrei:j in? Thoy dael are
to ihe anxious hearts at homo, nlrcrdy i . ,
ii.i i . ri... i. .11 1 that if a certain law is apnlietl to their
convulsed at the bare suspicion ol tlio hell , ,,
i , . - ., a , , . ,,i . ,,ri l i'W i Qiaies, men iiuuiiid v. iu leiiit, uio
behind tho si ono?, forbids m all to untold ' . . . ' 1 1 .
secrets of our prison house jven if
human languago could unveil tho worst,
as, thank God it cannot. Leaving suoh
gleams of Pandemonium for the hollow
eyes that aro compelled to bear them daily,
or to eloso ou them only in the last ohill
sleep, I eon line lliU letter purely to the
intellectual phrase of tho war questions,
where wu find cuough, aud more than
oiiojgh, to justify tho almost mutinous
anxiety for peace that lilts, a3 lhave said,
tho heart o( ihe groat South-wet tern army.
You may say wo a;o homo tick ; I trut
in God thoso ol us who havo homes, Iovj
tkoui too dearly even to forgot what we
luvo sacrificed, or to forgive tho Admin
stratum that wmld so needlessly, yea,
wickedly, tear us .from their hallowa!
circle For mo, luwcvar, the taunt is pow
erless, death having lett inu no oaitldy
hone to high for Yoj may call u- cow
ards. Our blood inu WA-bel out the foul
atsutsrston uiuu wiy u Id wucro w a vo
- -
-in a word, turn
itc, but if Congress
Ey- A Christmas Puepicti(S
There .arc many predictions which ar
made in a caso of certain days and cer
tain event''. This year Chrisinaj foil on
Thursday. An old tradition, published
many years rigo, and now in tho keepinjr
of tl o Hriiish Museum, contains tho fol
lowing us to the matters to tianspire the
year succeeding a Chiristmas on Thur. -day
If Christmas on Thursday be,
A windy winter you shall tee,
Windy weather in each week,
A-id hard temped, strong and th ,
The Mimmcr shall be good -.!. ' rf ,
Cum beats shall roun' .
That year is good fur Ian 1 o.u:
K ugs and princes shall die by skill.
Ifa child born on that day shall be,
It shall happen right woel for th e;
0. deeds he shall be good and stable,
Wise of spaoehan.1 reajonable.
Who that d-iy goes tltiev ng about,
Shall bo pani-hed without a doubt ;
Antl if sioknoss that day betido,
Ithall quickly fosn thee glide.
gr "You look'' sa d a wag, to a pnlo
haggard smoker, "us if you had come out
of" the grave to light yoair cigar, and
Federal Govornmeut
rcbvils," "traitors,
will consent to exoept them, thun they
will remain 'Moyul," and even aid and
assist tho Abolitionists i t jorring tha
hatod law ttpau other Stttos and coram u
nitics ! Do these men moan to ttand b?
foro tho world on such a iceoid as th s ?
If thorc is any right or any juifco iu this
bill, thoro is uo reason why it should unt
lm annlied to all iho StatPS alike, and wo I u... ,. l,ut? "
ii - ' I'OUIUU UUU JWUl IIUJ ww..
think the Democrats in Congress made a !
g.-eat miataka in fighting along patlta- tt-At what timo vrs Adam created j
mcntary battlo in behalf of such partial ' A little befaro Eye.
legislation. Tho arming of tho nogroes, , , ,. ' . T,""", , ,
a . . ... . , . ' A beu diiBiissed by a belU, and uu er-
tn the allies ot tho Abolition st. is no ,, , ,, fvff
, , row dirmused by a bow, are ant to bo oil
move than was always anticipatjd, and,
upon the theory of Stovons, Lovnjoy, ttnd ' 111 a 1 f '
Uiokiaan that tho uegro i s entitled to tha !
03P Volunteers Pray to God
liberty of tho white man. wo soo no j;ood kgop your powder dry.
raasou why they should not bo allowed to , - tor it. Tho uo. is but tlu Ltruo.o-.n ! The Stnrs r.nd Stripes 5Iv Ih
h- nu uce of a still nnrc at;o';ioui priiniao lung wn'.o from eve. v houfsin tb 'ai"
lUlU IU "l'l ' ' V