Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 28, 1863, Image 4

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    v ----
Famvu's DcpariiniMit.
Ttfc Jfuw Ktiglitnil Farmer say :
Wr tinTft Inr acxrnrnl vpnra lrnnivn nn I
cliliirly fanner whoso itelda arc level and
well iilutod to th' uiu ol tlio mowing
tnaolniio, but who could not surmount the
iJoa ttiut nmcuinnry is a plaguo on tlr.
farm. So, nt early dawn hu wns bent
over tbo fcoytlio on ins broad norcs, until
ho wns acquired a bend in bis back that
uo .mcdicaiit can cure TliU year tlio
p'csniro was too strong for bujx'IIe
Leanl tbo clock of iiiiHMjiu'O'n'l a,out
him and saw bis tivigiuors clearing their
tield ut tbo rf ol'tvvo toeres to his oue.
lie could sCind it no longer. A machine
va purchased and proved a good one ;
a nil now he may bo been early in the
morning un er his bcautilul trees, feeding
the poultry, or slowly following bis fine
oows as they nibble the sweet grass on the
roadsido, on the ir way to pasture. Ho is
in no hurry . not be. lie sits twice a.
long at tlio break iVt table as ho did last
year, und thinks tbo food tastes bettor
than it did then, lie rises early, to be
sure, did his practiced oyo scans every
thing, and sees that all is right. The
borsci arc bitched to the machine about
nine, and, prc&to, beforo twelvo there U as
much grass down as all hands can lake
-caro of. lie thinks he can o rn more in
the time which he has to testow upos hi?
ttock and his caro of little things, thai be
ever did in the mowing field. Indeed, it
necuia, ho says, as if ho had "nothing to
As the time is now approaching when
fruit crafting will commence, and as w
bavo been frequently asked of late for the
manuer of prcpariug grafting wax, ot
withstanding the many tunes we have
-already given those receipts, though not
exactly tii'rccing with late experience
e herewith publish what, has been found
ly us to answer the purpose admirably :
Five parts of rosin ;
One part of beeswax ;
One part (.f tallow.
"Melt these in a skillet, tineup, or any
metal vessel 5 the skillet being prefer .b'.o.
as it cna be bundled better, and ibe was
keeps warm longer in it Melt thee
over the fire and mix together well.
"VVlicn the scions arc set say as many
as twenty ov liiiriv, or aslow ds is wished
have the mixture ready and apply it
warm, with a small wooden paddle. Sjo
that every part is rovercd and the air
comnlclelv excluded. H renuiies no
b a n d a gc. (2 erm a it low a Tell eg rupti,
It is often a serious loss wh n fields in
wheat the previous season, and seeded
down with the view to remain in grass foi
several 3'cars, prove on examination, thai
tbo grass seed either from dry weather or
other catiECS lias very imperfectly taketj
The usual rotation, which requires each
field to be plowed in its turn, or as it may
be required, is torio'jly interfered with
.by such a mishap.
In these cases,- we would advise a few
quarts of grass, seed to be sown to tin
ucra ou the surface, while tlio frosts of
epriug have left it comparatively open
nud when the ground becomes dr)
enough to pass over tho roller. This will
cover tho seed, and very oficn cause i- to
grow and vegctatJ beautifully, avo'.ding
tho ncceoitty of plowing up the AM.
Furm Journal.
The best way to cut ofl' in the early
spring beforo thu buds swell, tho grow th
of the last year, clo-e to the wood ; make
the cuttings, one fool long ; remove all
the eyes except iomc three or four at the
top of the cutting, to prevort sucker ; then
place it compactly iu good -sandy soil tu
hall its depth, or iix 'niches, and by good
care iu one yar it will bo sufficiently es
tablishcd 'or trau.iplanting. , It should
always bo cultivated in tho form of small
bruah trees, and by skillful bauds ca i
be easily made to assume a baudsome
pyramidal or espalier form. All superllii
ous wood should bo carefully pruned out
every winter, and the plant invigorated
with a rich manure in the sp iog. The
curraut or gooseberry can bardly bo over
fed. Pardee.
Tako c'pecial care of all tho ashes made
on your place. Don't permit them to bo
exposed to tho weather, but keep them
under cover. Five bushels of ashes,
mixed with two double borso cart loads of
inarih river mud, muck, or poat, will
convert the whole into gonn manure. A
hogbhoad or two of soapsuds would do tho
Bamo thing therefore among your other
sarings, save and util za them.
GT Sunflower i-ceds are laid to be the
best known remedy for founder In horesn.
jVs soon ai ssoortainod he is founderod,
mix one pint of tho seed whole with the
fee.d, nud an entire euro may bo expected-
COT Plough deep wbilo ilugards sleep,
,nd you will hava o rn to soli and k"ep.
yju.srai. ,
New Fall anil Winter
av unur srnr.KT, columma coivr,
nA liitl rerrivcdirnm Philadelphia, nnd Is now ,
!L. J.t .t.n.1 la m,.lhUll hv Matt'
& tipeitnn ut tne uni r..,.ni, , u j vivu'ivi - -
U. tint, a iplcmlid asiorttnent or
which will bo nolil cheap lur
tilt stucltcnnslslsnf Ladles IJicii (Joodi l
ninl Intosl fashions
Muslins, '
.o" Shawls,
Kentucky Jeans,
Thread, &o.
G roceriea,
In limn ..ery thins nimliy kept in n country stnre
Tlio n itrunnsi! ofnlil Irlemls, nml tilt! pulilic irenerul'
ly. I respectfully so icileil,
The hlsliost innrRct price rain lor country prnuuec
t'UTUit i:nt.
Light Strost, Nov. 13, H'CQ.
Fall & Winter Goods,
Crrasj's Store, fu Light Street, I'a.
Ruady-Mado Clothing
'ugars, Molasses,
Syrups, Coffee ,
Teas, Fish,
Salt, liacon,
Hams, Lard,
Tobacco, Shears,
Hats, IJootr,
Caps, Shoes,
l)nig', Oils,
Paint', &c.,&o.
tu a lilllion tn our larse stock of Dry Gnoils, we Have
fLirgi a ii ,1 full assortment of I'.i'mly M ule. Cliilliins
anr jin nnil lloyrt wear which wo arp ileteruiiiieil to
sell ch -ap ir th ii can tio houijlit elsewhere. Cnll nml
see, ami jtulRii for yoursilves,
it. v, omi.i v a. co.
Light Street, Ta ,N0v. S 1?C2.
?K sorrows ami ausers, hnpes nuj liars, regro
ianiljoyii liut.linw ruMoro
the naturo. tr.'atinnl ami cure ofsp.i
nintnrrlura or s" ucakiu'ssj involuntary emis
ion, sjxual ilchility nml iuipeiliiuents to uinrriage (.'n
irally; nervouiuca, cnnsuuiptioi. Ills, inetital ami phy.
sicil inc.ip icily, resiiltiui: from SKI.F-AIK'tfi: nre
lyexplanjil in tho M AllllIAliK CI.'IIH:, hy WW.
VOI'.VO 'I. II. This most lonliiiary linnk slinul.l
lu in th han Is of every youm.' pitrnin cniit"uinl,ilhig
ii irri lit ", ami novry man or ivoiuan who ilisires tn
rimit tin mi'iilicr nl'llmr iilfipring to their i iroii.ii-t'iii-
i .s livery pain, .lis ;.is nn I ,iC:i InriJeiilnl to j oiitli,
I f.nurily a nl ol.l an. i fully explnine.l ; every p irticlo
... I, .l,l. Iil,l Ii., L tii.i.-.. U linn, l.,.. , I, ..
fill ot'ensr villi. In fact, it iliselnses seccts that ey.
jrv trie shniilj know : Btlll it is a hook iniutlie
loeko.l up. nn I not lie alioiit the hnuso. It will In s'nt
In any ouo ou the rJceipt of twenty live cents in sp.-cie
or intrr'i' -Iniiips. Ail lress III!. W.M. VOr.VO, o. Ilii
1MU :i; street, nnnve ro.irtn. I'liilaip Iphia.
XT' AI'l'LIUTi:!) AND UNTllllTUX TiI. no matter
whit may hi your disease, u you place yourself it it -ler
the car1 of any of thn notorious Quark -unlive or
r.r-i''ii wliu mlverlizj in this or any i.ther pap i et
a copy nfl'r V'oiingN hook, and rratl It tarruUif. It
ivilllutli ' means of saving you many a ilollar, your
lie'lltli, nnil pnssihly your life.
lilt. VUI-'NU can lie coiH'ilte.l on nny nf tin illsensi's
leserilmliu his puliliration, ut his office. No. 110
3 'lllIUi: fllrJct. nhove 'ourth, I'liiladclphia.
O lio ho irs Irnm !tn 3, daily.
.March tl, l.-G2-13m.
Terms Cctbli
und Produce,
However much the peoplndesirn n peace, und cessa
Hon nfthe prut hostilities in our ditrnc1H cnuntry
they nre also deirous of purchasing their oods ut tho
1 fiwest market prices.
willgrntify all de.iros no Ibis puint, andalthoughgUods
have advanced iu prices lie will sell you nt wonderful,
ly low prices. Ho hns nnw opened his omul Inrge and
co np'eti. clock nf Fall and winter con-Is aunng whic h
will ho found n geiicrJl assnrtiiieul of nil kin-'s f enuds
Call and ccjiiiine, J, J. llltOWLIt.
Dec. U, Ic'j.'.
n"MI P. undersigned would nnniunce, Hint h hns on hand
L nthls Hut and L'an Unipnriuiii, on Main!'!., Illnoius
liurg, nn nsiirtiiieiit of dlirerent kind nf leuther. surh as
Hon calf skim, morocco, (red nml IsincK) und linings, nil
i f which he will sell chenper than can be had elsewhere
Hi this market. Cull aiiiU-icmine them for yourselves
lUoonnhurg. Mny 51, 1802.
five doorcbelow II nro.
I'lttslmrgh Coiuineniul College.
Ilingh.iuiiliii " "
(Jriltonden's " I'hlladolphin,
Hir itioii.llryunt 4; Co.. " '
Thost, Hrrips, ar iiiainouuts nf 15 and ?'in nnd nro
n so inurli cash, by thn Slinlent nn entringtither ofth
nbovn .'olleges. Young iiidn desiring toobtain a llulsl1.
ml i;nlegiuti! Cducntiun, will here Hud a good specula
lion hy upplyiugut the office of the
fT'lIP. underslgiieil respectfully informs his old friend
J und cit'tumers. that ho lint purchnsed his brothers
ntorest ill the nbevo i-stnblishment.uiidthe rnucurn wils
liercafter ho conducted hy himself exclusively.
.j Ho has Just received nud offer for sale, tho lurg.
.O.J est nml most extensive assortuicnt of fANUY
jf-gfl S T O Y II H ever introduced into this market.
rl His stock consists of u completo ussortineut nf
hrt bst (.'nokingnnd parlor stoves in the market, togelh.
iv with Stove fixtures of every description, Oven and
llnx Stoves, Radiators, Cylinder Stoves, Cnt Iron Air
Tight stoves, Camion Stoves, tec, fee. Stovepipe und
Tinware constantly on and iiinnufactured to order.
All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice, .
Ths patronage of old friends and new rnstoinors re
pctfully Ollcited. A. At, HUl'Ur.T.
inooiiHiuiir'j, r.wninT aa itsiTu, tr.
I9oii!e Bsot lor Sale.
I'lIE Subroriber offers for i-aletliu prop
erty recently occupies oy tniii in liiooinkuur.coii-
Sllllllg oi u
r . .1 - ...... 7 1
1 Jtuigv firii, uini'tfHim ssui'..i,
li. nnd nf w ll-lniprnvod L"t nf about two nrr'i
of laud. Thepreinisei nr in perfect repnlr. Appll.
cnlion may bo made tpC. It. Uurkulew. nt Innniijhurx.
Kes tin;, Ottoker 'i, HCS tj
l!HT!y,' li'Aiili
If IIS SB25AV Ift'iiIQlristD
0 N
7 ! T U
AND Till:
T 1 0
and nisinsr.s or thi:
iimuzitri Aim es-assss
7'Wij Durgrront ani TrouMtieme Dittates, vhlehhart
tun fur ItegUltil the httt tllreetnl Vrtalmtitt cult be I
Cwtilctily VonlrotM lyLU IIIUVMJVmic bfertu4l
propprlles iif th iiu'illi Ino illiiil lhi!ini!lve tn the nr ,
ruin of prrj illon. mul hy n nltiTlni! thn conilllioii if .
tlio ttlniiincli HiulJlvur tlnittlu- flnrchy principle nf tho
fonil Is tint cnnvi'rtiiil into sugar tnlnng n tnu flymtin in nn -.'n nr run each, ni the! rnllnw'nir prices rnrllii,
i uiiiler tlu iiifluciuu c.f the prt'snnt. vln! ' ncr's lor 82(19, II) ncri". for Q I III. 5'
OOXtSITI-TTION WATI',11, I nrrosfor S. 0, SI pen s for $411, 1 ntro fur S-'U. l'aynblo
which bIvp those nrnnns time tn reenver their krnlthy hy n" "lollnr n week, ,,. i n.-.
,. L I.., i l i,,. r Vn ,r ..I, In in ii,i ill i tin, I'lni.titii'. Also, snnil (.'Tiilihnry minis, nml villflEelnts In riieni
t,nuiiiiilMi!or. U o ar. iililo to stilt i II .1 tin) nni uu , innc.,1. nt Sill eneli. ii.ivnhln hv nna in.
tl.m vwil.-r ills ciif en every casuni uuunes in wiiiiiiu
llUi ll-M'll RiVLIU
bTUN'L IV TI1R lll.AIIIiri:. CAI.Ct'l t'S. (UlAVni. t
Kltn'K Dt'Sr litimSIT. A.S'll MltdUd till
.MII.KV Illi50li.l:(ii:s At'Tlilt L'litNATt.VlJ. I
Diseases occurllig frniu one nml thesaino cause Mill J
lie entirely cureil hy the roiislllulloii Wutor, lflnk"ii
foi any length nl time. The ilose should vary with Hie .
I severity of Ue ilijeuse, from tuetity ilrops In a ten-
I spoonful threetltnes a ilay. in untcr. lliiriuglhe pns
s.igooftln I'tiliulus. the pi, In ami urgent svtoptiuns
shoulil h.i comh.iteil mill llin propn reimulies, tin li
I followed up with the UoalltiiUu:i iVutct. us .iknve (!i
ovdM i:or.n ao:a. oh punti'li. sir.N'sntttA-
f I.OWINt!,
llnth illsenses nrlsiug frnm n faulty serrfllnn of too
uienslrunl fl.ii.l-in the one case lieiugtnu little, mill
accoiiipaiiieil hy si'V re pain ; anJ th othcr-a loTipru.
fuse secretion, which Mill bo speedily curfitl hy tho
Constitution Wilier
'l .llscaso known ns I'AI LINO 'If Till WOMll.
wind, is th i result of .'i rclusntion oflha llguiiienlA of orgnn, nud is known hy n s'liseof heniines ami
tlraggjug pains in the back and sides, nud nt times ac
companied hy sharp anting nr shooting pains thinimh
the paits, iv ill, in .ill cases, he removed hy llu meili ine.
Thi-re I iiniilhiT elas of symptniu nrl ing from III
IlirAIIDVOl'Tlli: Wll.MII, which physieinos mil
Nervousness, which word cnvcis up luiiili ignorniiee.
nnd in uliiecuse, nutiif ten the iloetor does not renlly
know w lii-tluT the symptoms nro the disease, or the
disease th.i syniptnuis. We enu only euiiineratn llicui
hero. 1 speak ninn.- parlici larlv of Cold I'eet, I'lilplla
tiou in the Heart. Iiupared .Vein iry, Viikefiiues,riali
es uf Heat Languor, Lassitude, ami liinnessof Vision.
rJL,l'l,l!it!!U Mi:.Tl!I'ATION.
Which in th i iimunrried female is a rniittiiut recurring
,tieasj, ami through i"gleit the seeds oi inore ginn
nnd daugi'roiis imil.idi s tiro the result ; nud its mouth
niter juoiith pushes without an cil'iirt hein made to n -
siet UMture, the sujipr-tluu i,ecoiiien ihio le.ihein
tijiit gradually ioosi-s her nppetile, the imwcl me
cnustlpaled, lifctlt sweats come oil, ail J comuuittuu
llnallv ends her career.
Li:ui'oiii:a:A oc wiiiti:.s.
1 his disease depend! upon an iutl.iinatinn nf mucous
lining oft e vagina ami womb. It I in all cas'es ac
companied hy seete pain in thu hick, nrcrot-s lie
bowi ls mid through Hie hips. A teaspiiuufnt of tin
.uedicine may bo taken thrre limes u day, w ith an in
lection of a l.ib!epoonful ofth iiiediciuie, iiited with
aha f-pi ut of suft water, uniriiiiiz and evening.
iiiiiiTATiuvuf Tiir: nwicui thu iii.audkii,
TAUitu or Tin: iii.adiii:ii, swankuhy
for these di si a.i it i truly a sinureign reuu-dy, nin'
tori much cannot he s.h.i in its praisj A single docs has
b 'en snow to r dive lis. uiot urgent syptoius.
Are vol troubled with lint nistressiug p.iin in tin
s'ualt of t'ie back and through I he hi j is t A tcuspnonfin
a day uf Constitution U liter w HI relieujou like masic.
ron DYsri:rsiA,
It his no equal in relieving Hie Mnt disti eslug snip
toiiis. Also, Headache, lli .irtbiirn. Acid Slomai h Yom
illn r.ifnl. &e. teipuuufil alter ilium-r1 ' h
.lose in nil may h.- increased if desired, but thouli
l: iK'iiu y rati urn it .
Have long since given up tin- use of huchii, cubi hsnn..
iuuiper in Ihelreattiieut of Hi 'so diseases, aiidonly usi
1I1..111 fur want of n beiu-r remedy.
lias proved itself. O'pial to th3 tnslt that hns devolved
11 pun it.
1)101! P.TIC3
Irritate nnd drench the kiuneys, and by con-t.Tnl u
ooii lead to chronie, degeuerutiox auj co niriiietl dis
Read. Ilea f. Iload.
DNVll.!.n, Pa., Juue'J IrliO.
Dr. Wm. II. C.XKmi-JMcr iie: lu liiiuiri. Ii-tit. I
' " "
' "'J' '," .," ,'.
''Olir . I .H Oil IgJ I
wjsul!IitL..'il with tfi a sugar nun 'tjs.uml for live iiiouth.
n gallons of water iu tweut)-lnu
Ingelilnas often ten or Ivv, Ivi
times during tlu night, ami iu lite uio.iiIh 1 v,t ahuui
nny pouiius i.i weigtn. Iiiirniug the niouih ol Ju'y.
letil, I procured two h. ttl. s of i.'inislitullou Water mm
in two days alt -r iing it 1 relief, and ulli i
taking two bottlesl was entirely cured, soon ultei
regaining my usual good health Yours truly.
J. Y. L Hi: WI IT.
Huston Corners, N. ., Dec. i!i, letil.
Wm. II. (iregg v Co.:
lients: I IVey give youlib'rty tn iiinlte use nf tin
follow in irtillc.itooftlu valiu of 'nii.titition Wa
tur. which I can r-'Ccniiiiiieu.t in th t highest in. tuner.
My n lie, w ho wit attacked w Hli palu iu the shuiil
ders, ivlmle luugth of tin- h ick. and iu h r limbs, will
Palpitation of th li-'art. atlended w ith Pulling of th
Wo. nb, Dysm jiidrrhiiiia. nud "Irritation of the lilail
der," I called n phvsiciiu, who ntion led her iilnmi
tliree.inuths, wh u ho lull h r worse than he I'oiiui
her. I then employed one of thu best physicians I
coull Und, who niton Jed her for about nine mouths
mul nil lJ slri was under his care she si I l not biiU'ci
M" t J as ninth pun; h.i ly cave her up and said
"lur else was liicuiable." fur, said he, "she was such
s combination uf complaints, that medicine given for
ouo npirato iig.uust soinenthcr ofher dilhcultic."
Abaut this time sho couiiuericetl to uso l.'os-u ion is
W TH.ii, n it -l to our utter ustoiiishnient, almost the llrsi
dose seemed tohnvu the ilsired ctleit. nud she kept on
improving rapidly iisder its Irentiu -111,11111! now super
intends entirely he,- dnmestii: all'airs. Shchns not ta
ken nny of thei.os tiiiiion Waikk fornboul fourwetk-
ami we nro nappy to say mat it has produced u perma
""'rnrtD, Cons., Nov, 13, leoi.
Iln. WM.II.Rnrnn;
Dear Mri I have for several years been nllliclei
with Hint toouhlesouieaiiil dniigeroiis iliscii-e - tiravi I
which resisted ml remu lies ami dm tors, until I took
CosriTuno-Ai, VYaikb, nud you may he assured that I
was pleasal w ith the result. 1 1 has entirely cured me
and you may nuke nny 11 so of my name you may see Hi
iu regire to the medicine, us I have entire conll.leuei
in its elln ucy.
Yours ti 11I v,
?n 11 n nn 1 vi:
Tiingr; nr. r votpiinoi'uii
Thern is nncla.s ofdiseaos that produce such ex
hnusiing eirects upon tin htiiumi cniistiliilion as Ilia
hefs anddiseasisof the Kidneys. Illndilernnd l.'riuu
ry I'assages. nud Ihrough n talse modesty thev are m-i!
lerto.l until they nrn snin'v.iiiced n lo'he hl-vond th
control of ordinary remedies, und vu present thu
To tho publi iwith th-ro'iviitionthnt it lias unequal in
1 relieving the class of diseases for' which it hns h-en
fo'iud so eminently successful iu curing; nud we trust
Hint wo shall lu r.wurded in our ilfinls 111 plaiing so
. valuable remedy in n form to meet 1I10 requirements o
j patient and physirian,
I'Oll SAU'HY ALL nnUflfilSTS. PlitDIJ SI,
W.M. II. (illOltm: v CI)., Prnprieiors.
Morgan li Allen, Agent, No. iti ClilV ft;
Bept 8J. 1PC2. V'in.
S, & XT, T X. E ,:
jii.oo.Msuuita. r.i.
Ollicn iii Court Ally, formerly occupied hy Chnr' n
ninniuihtirg. Dec. I, le!5!l.
No. U37 North Third Street Phibi?d.
Nov. 180'i.
I .MILITARY CAP3. of every sort. .Ire nnd quality
for sale cheap ut thn IHooiusburg Hut & Cap Cmporiuin
Also HrocerieSiCuufectiniiuries f'li'nrs, A-r.
1 rnnubiira, Sept. U, lPfll.
'Ill: sulnrrlln'r would iniorm his friends. Hint hs'ii
,,", ,,,1M,.,.., ... ... ,,,,, UI, ,t", .I,',,t., .1,111 (,
sclenlitli- mnniier. the best
at 3 ccntiperfoot, Al wojk warrnnted.
risimilmr", Stiy 31, Iff 0.
Look to your Interests.
rnllU-iilm rllier linvc ul rcturncil frnm t tic
i X Willi nnotttor Inrgc nnil oli'il mnorliiicl of I'M
' pipriaiy nud miubksi'I 4oi(ls,
tiurrViHcil ut riilliiilclililii, nl llm lnfl Ognn, nii.l
will- h llicy arc I -1 r 1 1 1 u 1 1 lo m'll cm nn luixlurnl ' Ltiiis
,, , nn li titncuri.'J clsswlmrn In l!l noui ry. Their
tiii k ruirlic.
.,!; dm is nnoDS,
uf clmi"' t ft 1r nnil Into! fnlilnn.
i niiYaiHiDs. ia'd (inocr.itr s,
imiDtr UK WKi-Jf'n: .;,
I (OA. AVJA.s, tinoTs v Mlin.f,
I iriT-i atrs, . n-e
I III ali'irt rvrvtliini?iiii!illv cl In rminlry Ptiircij
toMhlili ihpr Intitr Hi" pnlill- tnn' rnllv
Tlio lllqlicstiirlH' nnM for iiiiintty iitmlncn.
Mii.i.i:n & r.vta
ninmnlitirir. April Sri. Wl
Snltiiiilp for (!nips. l'cnchi's. Vent, llnplierrlo,
strn Ir-rrlfd, lll:nk1,irri'' fnrn lit., fcr.. nf I. 8 5,
. ,' . -.,. , ,, -. .,..i,,r .
h-ntwonl.Wnshinctniitnwnship, Iliirllnptr,n cniiiity
Now J'rsey. 1'nr
rurllier iiiluriuation, nppiy, Mini j
.r.O.Stnnip.fora circular, tn ,,..,;
Vo. m Cedar Street, Now York, N. Y.
January 17, 1C3.
TTS'IUIIOII, PA., CnriierPenn nnil Ft. l! Inir S
Tlio largest Coniluerrial tfrhnol of the United Slnto,
with 11 pulonage of nearly a.lin.l Student, lu live jeais
from :l I .-Mates, und tku only one wlm h ntforus complete
nl reliable Institution inn'l tin- Ii How Ing hrnio lies,
vizi .Mercnntil.1, Alnntil'nrinters, Ptenui lu'iil litiilrond first Peminin Plain nniMirnainen. Penmanship; iil-o, .Sunejing, JJngiiietrlug nuj
.Malheuiatlcs geucrullyy
Pays for a Commercial Course; Students enter and fo
ri 111 nny tliuo"
il ".Mitilsters'snin' tuition nt hnlf price
for Cntaloguo of Ff, pages, ipecliueiis nf Ituslness
and Driinuieiital Penmunshlp. and 11 binsllful College
view of 8 sptinre feet, coiitniniug n gocd 1 nriely of
w riling lettering nml flniirishiugi Inclose 21 cents hi
etampsto thu Prim ip il.
.ii,,Mi.3 k sunn, I'liisiuirgii, i n.
April m, ISM-ly,
j-.-.k-j--.. ,
V' -
( Uf un lerslgtii-insiirso extensively rnsnzeit In tli
Uiultrtakintj Huiitr3n, nml keeps roust. intly on linmt
id lor sale ut his Wurerooms, a lursn assortment of
KlNlS.lhD czZSl v UFl'INS,
ily wliii h ho is enabled to 111 orm-is .esentntiuu Keeps n good Horse nnd Henrse, und w ill ut al
'lines he ready tu uttend funerjls,
ril.MON' C. Sill VII.
lUoiuiisbi'rg, January 23, 1E5U
At Jy 'okc & ro., Uuikti ts.
HI t.u r'u Tniiti) Stii fl r,
I'hiladelpliia, Vov I. IPfi?
The iindersisned, having I "tii nppi iuted Mihcrip.
1011 ni'i-nt by the Secretury of tho Tr usury, is now pre
i.ired to furnish nt onie, the
Arw twenty yuu Ctpir cent. Ittimls.
if the I'liitod Suites ,t.srti nled ns 'f ive-'rwentiss.' re-lei-iuahle
nt tin-pi nure ofthe Ooverlilnent, niter live
vi'iirs and outh iriiod hy Act of Congress, approved
l-Vbruary SI. 1 Ki vi-
Tm-' oupiiu bonds nre issued in sums of fi"D, SH O,
?."i00 Slum
'I'll liegi.iter lloiuls iu sums of 551), $101), JO, .3 10 in
and S'lmo.
luleicst at "-ix per cent, per uiinuin will coinniciue
coin ilulu uf purcliuse, und is
I'A YAnr.c in' 001 n,
"emi-tpniuilly w hirh is 1 qual, at the present premi-
1 1 gold, toiiboiit , iit p r cent per Ai n
f ir 11 -r. .Mori 11 1 lit... Mechanics, 1 npii-.liht. nnd nil
, ii" n.ivi- nny inline) in llu s.ioutu know and re
ii' nib 'r thnl tho e llouds are in elfi ct n l'irst Mort
iiige iipnn nil nil lioads. Katik Stock nnd Hi-cu.jtics
'lid Hi-, iiiini nse prodiii ts nfall ihi- Manufa-lares, ttr
"I'.. in Hie country, nud that the full ami umpi. provis
ion made for the payment oftldi interest and lim, j.iat, h custo 1 s Dulles Hxi ise s'tainpsniid
internal lie venue, serves to make the,e llouds the
Uiit, Musi. Jlvattubie unit wobt popular
JiVtUiWht in the Mm In 1
Subscription-, rei elved nt Par 111 Legal Ti nder Nntes
ir notes nud checks paren honks iu Phi ndi Iphin. Sub
,' nbersby mall will jeri'ivu proinp'.iiUi ution. nud 1 v
ry faeility nnd explnuatinn will 03 afforded mi nnnlira
11011 nt this t liice.
A full supplyof bonds will bo kept on hand fur imine-
iatu delivtiy.
JAYCOOKH, Subscription Agrnt.
Nov. P, lslij 3ni,
(Opposite lutifetumnc llallA
ciu:sT.uTiiTi:i:i:T.iii:Twni:, niTii. sixth
I'romitlui s.
Nnvember 30, ism. Murih 1:1, lc..l-
P. 0. 1IA1UUS0N, M. li
l Ol'I.l) ri-.ii itfully inform thu citizens nf I'll o.
burg, uml vit inity, that he cnntimiesthe timet irr
Mr.Dwixr. .ixd,
ml solicits u share of public pntrounge,
Diiin. on .Main .Street, ilrst huusu below the Conn
House, llloomsburg.
f t hriiary n, le5.5-tf.
!Uootl Urick, just mutiiitaoturo'
ir.llll flir Slllll I'lllMTl. ivlilile.-ilr, ....!
I UvU.. ii A 1 (in itlnnin hlin i", ltrilr Vn..l
pply to thu siiscribor.
llt'.NItY S. All'lTIUU.
lllaamsburs. Juno 93, 18C2,
u.vmf.k jiKiuxa i:.mi:.yts.
O rent Trunk Line from Hie North slid N'nrtli-U'estf
n Phlladi Iphia, Nutv Yor'i. ''ending. Puttsville, Lcn,
nun. Ml.intinvn, L.tstnn. -c (cr.
'1'r ilnslcnv.i Hnrriihiirg fur Philii lelphia, New Yoi!
Ileniliug, I'ntisiille, uml nil amtii ns. nt
it m. si ii 1 1 1. it) p in,
N. w Yoik xpr 'ss leui-es llurrisburg at l-'Jj n m at
, rinns in . iv , urn nm sj mo aiin' mnn tnu
I 1 i 'I' tlnrrishurg.' 'Pn w-Yik 4,".li()il: tnPhll.
nth Iplnu S I 31111,1 S.'7D. Ilag.'iige check. ,1 through
I t eliiriiing . live New Yor at I u. in., -J Noon uii'l d
p. in., i, Pittsburgh I xpress L-nvu Plilladelplii i ute u.
iu . nnd 3 li p. in.
H eliillL' cars iu 111', New. V. irb I In,'., Tnilm
t llirnugli tn nml from Piitsluirnh w iiii.-nt chango
I P.l-SJIig rs lw III.. I nlaw i-,i lillrn.iil leny.i Port
' l.llHtiiu nt L'jii m f". I'hiln.lelpbiu un I nil lul.'rui i..
lute sunns ; un. t t 3 p , f, i fn lunt-li.lil.i. New Yi rk
. nnd nit iYuy I'.iiuis.
"J'tlllll, I .IVil Pi.tlsvlllu nt 0 ,, , nn.l Of ., i,. Cnr
1 till 1 l -lphl und ,'r w ork i un I ut5 Wti 10 for Auburn
and Port t'JIiitoii nnly. conn iniig er l ino tirove ,nid
wtllitli 1 CiiltiiwisHi I nil Komi
Ail iifcniiiuio'lnlion pass tig r Ir ilul' iii Heading ut
G 11 111, and return from Piiihn'clphiuiil 3 p 10.
17" All Iho nl'ove tnil ns run ilnlly, ti tmliiys except nl,
A .-'iiii.liiv trniti leaves Puttsiille ut ?.: II u 111, un i
l'lill.l lelphia nt 1,13 i in.
1 ii.iiiiiuiiiciiliiui, .Mileage, P' nsnii, an I lU iurslou
Tirkets, at reduced rates to and frmu all points
(!. A. NC(). LH,
Mnv 17 'P(i9. (Jonernl iiiperntendent,
OfcYcry dosoription, for tnle nt tliisoflio
I iiVV'.vtr-l-'S 1 '! '"J I . ' I -V.-.4 A
IM i S' IL
0. II. Ill, 15,
17 Ooititlaiidt St'crf
H n lint) MlWAV. SCIV VOHK 11TV
' 'fill nlil..'lnlililiil nnl fnvnrlto ri'i'tl i.r llin liul
' n. I'.iiH H 1 1 1 y 111 Ojuii r ( cully nilltiil, tin J larum.
nli'tf In n.'i.'O Ilium Hint run mlrlin r tu the tamrortii of
ll patron l'i II " 'mil faiiWIJ ore tpicinlly unit inrc
fully prnvl.l''il fur.
I tl ccnlrnlly t'iciitcil In the hu lnc pari t.f Hi" city,
, nnil I ciiiilliiiii'H li the prlntlpnl 1 1 11 u n i f el. niuLini.,
i curl. iiniiiilitiiiii0 firrli'. Ac.
In coini"imnci! of lli.''roiir(i cauioil liy tho Relicl
linn, price hiivu li tun ri'iluei'il tu
Our Ditlur tl l'ijty ( cv.i per Dm.
Th j t n b 1 i In ninply uppllnil Willi nil the luiiiriu of
llif.i'Hiiii.aiiJInc'iiinl lu Hint ol'ntiy nthcr hotel In tho
Ainplo iircominnJnUnin nro offered for upwnril of 400
I II 7" On tint bi'llcvr1 rminoM liarh turn, nnil other who
1 may ny "tho Western lint"! I full "
It. I), WINUKUflTCn, rmprl-tor.
lull. 15,1CC3.
'J he A'ty oinmtrcitil Huiidings arc locu
led opposite Court House, corner of
Court and Cltcntmso-Sirccta.
ThlsCnlljjeis in nnnay cinincitcil with nny other
'I'he ein'rsli's of tho entlru I'uculty uro exclusively do
vofd tuthi.
Thi!ileUn ofthls liislllntliin istn nlToril tn Ynnnp
,",...,.. f, . ,i, .. lJ"Th
'I II 1 linn', nml forms Rro carefully arranged hy
Practical Accountant, expressly fur this institution.
I nml 111 course of lustriittion is such to combine 'Jheo
rj und Practice.
coLi.r.uiATi: conifit.
This l'nnre enihrurfs I ook-Kei piiii; n nil it ile
paiiuieuis. I'eiiiiinnusnip. t;oiiiiuoiilul rilhinitle. llus-
ines ' luresiioud -nee. t'unniierri.-il l.nw . I1,. liin.l 1
' imtV. t.' I'llilr-a. I'n.titnrt.l,, ... ill........... ,..
leeini'- ' ii'ioiTi Men ami nirnreu 1 nuuoies, A:c.
hi Speuc rlnn tyslein of Peuiiuiiinsliip is t.miiht in
nil Its v.irl Ih s by the mn.i sHllful innstei of Hi art
Tho Hook-Keeping ilep.irliueiit is under the special
siiji -r, 101,... ....u iitkTruLiiuu 01 ii.o l llllcipal, U. V
Low k.1.1.,
fillVf.UAI. l.VfOltMATltlV.
Miiiients ranmiier nt any time ; 110 Miiallnn, ITsunl
nine m ciunp v ii- 1 nnre, troiuiito mweelts, Assis
1 1" ( r M ilrri ll t" C I II illlntl'M In nriiiMii In.. s nre pics mi ted w ith 1111 elegantly engrineU 111-
It?" for ont ilrigueef Opagcs,specltneiinf peniunn
ship, itc, enclose two letter stini'p nnd mUr. s
Ltnvr.Li & w itNi'.n.
August 30, I8C2. Piny 3, ISGi-ISm,
C R I T T E N 1) K X ' S
ruiMui:i.nis oariHi-tMAL.
C 0 L L E G ,
E. comer i'J"ilh nml Ctes'nta Stuc,
l ilts inTiTi'iioN, wnii 11 wn niitUifitej i ipj) ai,,
is now conse.pieiuiv 111 mi: mrinemth amr i.f its exNt
eiico. nmiuVf miming it gr-du-ites. luiuilrcils of the
uiuslsnccsssf il Ali'Tch nits and I'-iiiliuss Men of our
TiiKOnjicr ofth Instltutinu i'sol y tn nirord yeimg
men f.icilill -s for thorough pre arntiinifur
Tut Ha vM'iit r uoiirnre, Iluol,-!:t'p nr, as nppln-i
hie toth' miiuils ileplirlnients of trail,-; fcUMiwtli'iv
iiiitu plain nn 1 nrii iin 11 t il ; llrt tl low Xa lit
malice, Mirlfnllon Cieil Kngmecrmg, J)raiitg, 1 hon
og'iriihj. and .Mti'lctn Lai'gnogrs .
TiBrivriM oi Ins in ur 1 ion isp-culinr : no classes or
s--i ii"-oiis ur i uu 1. o 01 uiu cticu si ir -ut j taught
1 11 li idiitillv so that he niny coinmeueent nay time, und
nt tf 11 1 ut whatever hour are uint fnnvjni,ut.
t;TAi 01, ce nre issued a, nm all -t the nf April
containing names of th stiideut.for th yi-nr .md ("till
parlii ill ir of tir n, A.R.. nn I may bj i.tiU-iin.., tll ..
tliuo hy .i.lilroing the Principal.
Is I'.vrKvsiv:: ArroM ton ti ins. trUf-tprrnil rfUf,tion
nn I Hi"riAyT;iMif!iA Vrr'nial . thi Instiiu
li in "tr.'r f,n i lilies upi'iLir tunny oili .r In the conn.
try f.'rynini'j men wi-hine tnprepnrn for l.u.i,
nml to olitai.i at th ' same time meuixi. irliich
pe't-r a rreti:amnii,ithn for them them to any Metciiaii.
III.' House
rU'ilThNin-N's tVrir e T'tnHni it I'noK-Kisi-.
isn now iiore wid. ly circiilntedth iu nny other wcrk
011 t!ic t ubjcit, are for al nt he Coll l"-.
s. iiodi:i:i chitti ndhv,
slttorncij-at ute.
Jan. 5..H,., 12m.
IU . I0"'.V3. 1J tillllE A -X; i ( LLIJ'.KS !
9. II. CCr.VI UT TH A Ml CHi.sSIWUT HTd.. '
AY ip 'o-k i , llr-oUin, Ail,., ,h i-uil
liiijj'ulu. Denul, (l-vt.iud, Cwaao,
tut i Louis " j
Hook-k-epini:, Penuianship. Cosimereial Anthnu ii. '
i.!!iyTi'.Vm "V ' 'r""" u'"r-'M'"UJtiue, .i pint
III se Collei'e-. helile limlnr lb., a- .,..n..t it. !
y . .i- ""' 111111111 iu l'.ii ti
i .ui.vii rar-u r i.i -iiih.'s loi impirliog m.tiilc
... ... .i.i. oui r si.iiiiur inslltiilli u in Hi uoihlry.
A r. ho.iisliii isiued hy any ,,; ,.,i , , rtll',tl
nnliiiiiied ti.ii
TU Phil i lolphia College in, I, . rer,lt.. ,.,,
au.i reriiiiii.h-, 1,1 ,, r,r nn, lh.r, i ,B ,m-,.
llftil'ito'1'1 ""'t 1,r"'"'r""' '''ommelclal I n.-1 1 l.iti -n
i. mint & !irntto:i's s ri-sof Text Hooks euibmc
Look kc ping, i oiiiiueriial Arilliuiwlic, and '.oi.iiuer
Law lr sale, ami soul bv mail.
iJ for I' ll panic ilurs send for ucncular.
Uctobjr tt, l3,i- l-.'ui.
FliRPIIOV-T li ran hM,bl:il,ied til nil limes, nt the
Luting Liiotii ol the under, igned, on llainncuet,
lllonui-btiig, Pn., Spt 13. IK-.1. IJ-Mu-.Lll.
Piorcial nil !n::, ScImh! anil
r HP, next Term nftliis Institution w ill commence on
I hursduy, ( 3, si. Inn
i. S. WOOliS, Sec.
Orangovilie, ll't '.'.i. IBC'J
flir. iinilcrsisiieil re.peitlully iiifonu Hi ir friends
1 nml the public generally, tint tli.-v haiei-utereil 111
V7rM,l'i'r,l'vl,,.,,M''l''r,lllu "ll"'u' ' & i. t:lt III Hie
ill the "Old A," 1 11 lllooin-liuie, Colutubin rn
whiri'lhey Intend carr vttig on lh business of ohm',
iim.,n, iu nil its diversified hinmhes nnd
dep.iitnieiiis. and to tliey imjto uu extension i.
tho public patronage.
a. 11
,,, , ,. i iiini'i; c. l i:i.
Illoonisbiirg, .May 11, ni, -tf.
.U AM-JO. iD,
" Lost ! How I.csltiii'il !
Just PnlillsUsd i7. a S'aled fuvejope ; Piici. 1: els;
A Lei'turn on tlio Natiiro, '1'rentiuent uml r.itlioal cure
of Spoiinutorrhiea or seiulnai ss, inv,-luui,iry
I'-imnissi .sexual debility, uml impeiliinents tn mar-
riase gjnerally. iiervrnsness, roiiiumptiiui. ipi,p-
mi l Ills; mental nud phv-ii nl inrap.icilv. re. tilling Iroiu
self iibiise, &c. -Ily Itobt. J. Culv. rwell, M. I)., tiutlinr
ot th 1 llreen Hook, .fr
Tin world. r ( tiutlinr. In this nilmirnhle I ec
uro, cl iirlyprovii from 'lis own experu nre Hi
lawful ccnscipienccsiifsUf.nhuso may ho i-ff. tliinlli u
moved without meiliiine, uml wilhi.iil tlangi nuts nir
Bi. nl op 'ration, bougies, instruments, tings, or n r
dial pointing cut a moilii of cure nt once certnin nml
ctl'ietual, bywhith ever) nitr ri'r, Iii
couJill iu may be, may cure himself 1 hetiply, priwitely
und rnill.'i.llv. I Ins leiture will piiivo 11 beon to thou
s mds uu I tlinusauits,
rl -nt imdnr seal, in a plain cnvi lope tn any uddren
on th r clpl of six cents, or two postage rtuiuns
llr. CHA6.J.C. KLIXK,
I'.'T "'nweiy, New YorK, t'ost UlDeo llox, J3rTi.
N'oy. 13, WV.
II pirsmis k'lTiingth inselves indebted to the nib.
S"rh 'r nil N'nt'l. Ilnok Account, or othernlsi. nr
Irr hi' iioiirl
in I th Ilrst
I tnrail nndsellle lh' sntiin h I wei u this
fJuiiuiirv. im;.i, ir not intended to hv
til t I till , .l, h llei'Oiliits nil I Miles will h,l lefl ut Hsu
llh nub irliu's for iiilleilioii,
, 1!. .MUX III! K II ALL.
IT, 1 lll.h'lrg, N'oy. ?n. Ii-fi2.
I'. X EO ! 'TOIi'S NO I'll K.
Estate t Dmivl lift ml, I'rc'il.
T r.TTI'.'lfi I 'staiifintnry 011 Hie eslato of Hani, n, i.
I gel, lut f nci. tmvnsliip in l oi, mil, la muut'y
pec uis.-il linv 'h 'i'ii giant d hy the l!eg,rr ii'"niii,r
bin -ouniy to tlf uu I 'rslgii'd nlsii re.i 'iug in said
Inwinhip : allp 'rsnus It ivjng claims nrnlti-t Hi rsiutu
nflhi d.'cnnd inr, r"pi"st"ltn pros nt th'iti in the
lieruleriit I, Is residence in sntd tnwnslip, Million
drlny and all persons ludelit d to inokepaymi'iil fiulh
D'J-'nnicr'Ali'iH, t,
M, yen nick. hM; ni
toniplsFiilngt All jeu outcf
order, Willi jour iyilm
rnticcit.Kmt u,i,f,llD,.",!
ceiuroitiiblot Then IJiup
lciusMcffim thi pritoie i
rsrioui lllnns. So"" M
ileknrss 1 ciceplngiipeuyi"1.
Slid should l '"'' J "
timely use uf the right tim
ely. Tl. Ajir'i Pills, nd
cle'iliM outlbedlsoideifdliu;
,m,ruilfy tin Uovd,n
let the IliildimoM 011 inviD
i.,.i in lirnlih again.
Thev illniul'il" Hi (unctloM
of llie ltl liitovlgoroui m
tlvlty, piulfy the l"i fr7a
.I.. ;.l',n,oli nldch mski
dlieise. A cold netting soinewheio In iu wh J
ilriicti Its iintuml fiincllons. Tliose, If not
react upon thenwlrcs nnd the lurieundhig organ!, pro
diicliiB geneml ngginvnlloii, sulTei ng, i"d
While In this condlllen, opp,eie,l hy bo deinttKC.nei ,
tike Aim's Pills, nml leo hoir illiec llj t hey I" ten "
nnturnl action or the srslein. nnd with it Hie bu5""'
feelhiR of heallli ngsln. What I tl no and so nppnrc it n
this trivial nnd common complaint, Is also tiiw ln many
of tho deep ented nnd ilniiRirous dlstHnpcri. 1 he so me
rurgntlvo cITect exrels Ihsni. Cnnse.1 hy slni Isr "bslru--
!, " , .. ...- ,.r II. a ..tliirn rnnct Otis III tbl
linns nun iii-r.!ii);eiiiviiii, v, - .,,,
boilv, thoy nro rnpldly, nnd nuny of lliem suiely, c urei
hy the sinio mean. Noun who know lie) tIi tin of tbeji
oy llies.liuo inrnn. ni'iio "m- ,M
fills, will neglect to employ them wlieu lunVrltifi nom
the di.orders llicy cure. ... , n.
Slslements fiom leading phjslrlim In some cr Ui
pilnclpal cltlos, and froui other Mull known pullH Pn
Horn a towardi'itf HotUnl St. Loutl, '' Mo
Da. Your l'llli nro tin, of nil that I
groat In medicine. They liaro cmed my little diiughtcr
of ulceroui lores upon her hands nisi fet Hint had prorca
Incnrnlito for years. Her mother has been long crier,
nmly nflllelod with blotches nnd plmpb" oh her skin n 10
iu hrr hair. Arter our chil'l wus cuied, ths also tile'
your Pills, nud they liuro cu.ed hrt. QmnlwBL
As n rnmlV Vlijulc.
From lh: IX If. Oil le i neil, A'eie Oi.oiu.
Your Pills nro Hi. pelnco of puiRes. 1 heir excellent
mntltles surpi'S mil cnllinillu wo po-sess. ihey r
inlld.hut veiyceitnhi nnd clf-ctu il lu their nctlon on the
Lowels, whleh in ikei them Imaliiublo to in In the daily
ticntinvnt of dliease.
UcaUnriIie,SlfUWn"nc1ie,I"onl Sloinncli.
1 roni Vr. Mc Kim ii Jhgii, UuUimiirc
Dsinllno. Avrnt I can, sit nuwer 1011 leml complnluti
I havocniil with jmir I' l'ller thin to siy oil Unit HI
cicr llil mth apainnliin mnlteiut. I lino gieut tlcpen
denco on an elTi' tilth nlle lu lay d illy contest ullh
disease, nnd bclicvlm' ns I do lint .lour Pills nfTuid ut the
lest we lute, I of cuuisu isluo them lilghly.
PlTTsncno, Pa , May 1, 1S55.
Dn.J.C. Aim. Pli-i I linio Is en ifpmtcilly cured of
tho worst A.iiiiuVis any Isnly can halo hy n il'iso or two
of your Pills, It seems lu uilse from a foul iteaiaclt,
which they cleanse ut once,
Yom s w 1th gi cut i cspect, r.D. V. PP. ntll.n,
IHlloim Dlsoitlcrs I.lvcr C'oiiipluliita.
J'ioii Dr. Theodore 1H1, iXiw lurk C-lil.
Not only nro jour Pills ndinlmlde uilnptid to thtlr pur
posj as an aperient, but I Und em ctsnpon
tho Liver leiy martini ludenl. Tliey Imvo Ininypiac
tice piuicd moro elfcctunl for tho cmo of b'li'ntt comv
plaints tliiin tiny ouo lemedy I enu ineiitiun. 1 sinieroly
lejolco that uo li ne nt length a puignllie whkli Is wor
thy the cuuuduuto of thu piulis.iim und tho people.
PmllTMr.tT OF TUB iNTBRintt,
W'nshliiKtuii, I). ('., i th l ib, ISiO.
Slut I have mul jour Pill lu in gotieial and huipitul
pi actlco ever slme 3 oil mado tlit-iii,iiiidcnnuot hesiluto to
say they uie tho best iiitb.irtio uo einplo). 'J lair legu
lalilig attlou ell the liter is ipiklt nud decided, colise
ijuently they mean iidmhiiMo lemedy loi- deiaugimeiits
of that ci feau. Indted, I I1.110 seldom fuind 11 case of
biUaus disease so obstinate that it del not it-tidily it-Id to
tlmui. iiiitcuially Joins, AI.U.V.H HALL, M. D,
J'itsician nj the Marine lla'pital.
Dysentery, DI011 Iitin, Itelnx, AYoriin,
loni Dr. J. O. Gitcn, of Cocojo.
Your Pills huto lis.! long tilnl lu my pi act ire, and I
hold thcin lu esteem usoiie of tho Ust jmeiit'itts 1 havo
ever found, 'their ntleiatite ellict usu tho Ilrcr uinlves
them nn excellent icmed), iTheu glu-ii iu small doses for
Utioits tlywd'rii uutl liimrltmi. 'lln-ir sugni-cMttlug
ni'ikes tlieiu it-iy iici'i'ptullo and couvuulcut IU tho usu
of -tvolucu nud childitn.
l)y sjiciisln, Imiitirlly nf tlio Ulooil.
From JCcv. J. I' Jlunes, 1'aUt.r of Adieitt Cliitic'i, Ibxton.
Pn. Aver: I li.ivoused our Pills villi extraordinary
success lu my family und niiniiig t!ne.o I iitu calh-d to iait
iu distless. To it'gilltitu tho oig.1111 of digestion und
puill'y tho blood, they nie His vtiy hi--t lenitdy 1 liaie
ever known, nml I can cuiilidriitly lecomiueud lliimlu
uijli lends. Youis, J. V. III.MW.
YAtt3w Wyoming To., N. Y., Oct. il, 13S
Dftin Sin: 1 11111 using imn t'.iltini li'i Pills In my pine
tlce, nnd find them 1111 excellent piii;uiHe to ile.iunu tbo
eisteiii nud mi ify UiC Jintittaiin uf Hir Ll,ml.
Const lint Inn, Costli eiicss, Siinjirrasilnii,
Illlriiniiit Ism, ('out, Aciiial-'iu, l)oi
sy, Puriily siis, Kits, etc.
Ftom Dr.J. P. Vavyhu, Muutreul, duada.
Too much cannot lo said of your rills for tlio cure of
eesti't-ru-'sr. If others of our fintoinlly hate Gautd them
us elTlcncions ns I lime, they should j ihi 1110 In pitn.l,iltn
lug It for Iho lienetlt of tbo mnllltiidts 11 ho sufTer fioni
tl vt complaint, which, nllhoiiuh Imd tnuugli In itsuir, fs
tin, progenitor of otheis llmt nie iioi-'e. I helb-ie coi
tit'oics, tnoitgin-ite in the liver, but oui Pills itfitct that
ovgaa and emu the disease.
Finn Mrs, V. Stnatt, Vhyskian and Midwife, Unston.
I flnlono or two l.n go .losss of your Pills, taken nt tho
proper t'mciie exi client preniftllves ol lbs iiamut mcic.
(ion wlii-a wholly or paiti.illy Mipuc.sol, nud also veiy
effectual tg tfriitiss thu smiiiici nnd erpcl ic.imj. 'Ihey
am so inn h tho l-c-tt pliisic wu iiaw tliut I locuuitneud
no other tu my patleiits.
Fiom the Jtt. Dr.,ofll,e Sttthutiil Vpis. ClimiK
PlIASKI Ilnt sr. fal.iiiunli.fin., Jim . 1SS0.
Ho.vnnrr, !m: I should ho iiiigintifiil for tho lellef
your skill has biought 1110 if I did not ispoit iny case to
you. A cold settled In mv linilHiind luought on excru
ciating; Hfitrnlfnc paws, which ended in rltitiuw 1 hrinaa..
fslii. Notwithstanding I had tho l.e-t of plilsidaus. thei
diseiiso giew worse und worse, until hv tho advice of join.
l-S-'l-lle.ll itrrAli, in ll.'lllll 1. 11 n. 1 II- Vm-li n l.v I lrle.l ti.nrl
rills. '1 heir elTecIs weio slow, hut line. Ily poisuiuiilig'
u . iu Hie usu of llit-ni, I mil now eiitlitly will,
ErsAtn CttiMnrR, Union Jlonge, I.n f. Tec. lc35.
rni. Ayer: I have lii-ou entirely cuisd, b jour Pilli,i
Itlirumiitic. (lout a painful disease that luid uflllctrd ut
foryears. YINCLNT SI.IUKI.I.
fiCy-Mest of tha Pills In oinit.rl cnolnln Sfsicuril
wliiih, although it tilti.ille riunrdi lu skilful lituds, li
dxngerous In a puhlle pill, frmn' the ilicsdrul tniisf
qnences that fiiieiilly Ml ,w its Incautious ins . TUei
contain no mercury tn- Ulineiiil substance whatever. '
Priqe, 25 conts per liox, or 5 Uoxos for $1
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEIl & CO., LowoU, Maj.
hu. n i-, . . 111.. H .M ii.ijenliiitli nrn. .1 II Vtcr
I'lnoinsbiir.". .1 Hi hit) h r 1! ohrj hu 1 g : Mnti-r ti on.
.Milliillo; P .Mnst.-rr, llentnii; I n.tirus t fisher.Or
.nigei Hie ; (i I' I'owler Fowl mm ill.-; A Mill r, ler
w itk; Low fc Urns. Ceniervilli-: II 1' Iii iglt.irt Jk'iss
I'spv ; M C tilto .maker, llin kliorn ; Iietgliart t:'"!,
M.iinville : J ,-h irples C.ntaw irsa ; I reasy 4 Co,
Lishl Ktreel i mil dealers t-vurvu hero.
J 1 y t!i., 11021 .
.MIIYill) to ,Vo. Hi !,', lira
arret, I'.'iila lelphia, h.ivi on
an 1 n large assurtment oli-'ire
u. -' -t(P.';
I Thi 'f proof .i.ilamnnilerlnfes.
io. iron iiiinis, tor n.iiiKinnil
Ji .-K-r-.: J "'",1 """H r iron sat, nil
. , munis 01 tuci.s 1 'iuiii 10 any
III the United Stall s.
' iudo
FirrSufniii our jir), .VI came out right ; mil eon
nils in sood condition.
wot Id &al'"":""",r faur'" 01 Plnl-nlelpliin againt the
hnve had the surest ilMiiostration in . fidlotysg cer
tifleat.'tlinttlielrni.iiiiifuctiireofSdniii.'iiider tf s bus
nt length 1 1 1 1 1 v warranted the repr,. .tiit wti h !ave
h vit iiind, of them ns ren,leriu3 an uiuluiil.t jil soturity
ngtiinsl the terrific elemeiit.
, . ,. , . Philadelphia Apri'12. 1 30.
tmir p";v "' t.'uiitl -m.-n -Jt us
the highest satisfaction to state tn you, tlt o,g tn
H.,f, sl, eh wi. , r. aV'il'
w- saved a large portion lnilTZHinTl"
.',,-,, ,,.etiite ,,,1111,1 . or inn of t,. i,,aiui der,
kc, i xposed to the cniiitiniioni.iir,',,,, ti,, . .. t ,,i L. , '
the iniiriilng i f th 1
Mill ' ""
U lion wo ri'IL-ct (list 111 n.-stifas iv. ro located it tho
fourth sory ol the build g w, ccp.,l nl II 'tl y
f II subse.pieittly intoti In up . f ,, , riiii. wl.5 h
yn, concentiutfoi, of the h'nt i.n.sed the I r ",10
iii -ii. wn riinuoi nut regard tlil ir. ser.t
liable contents ns most tout i,L (. ,,r ,,
Jii'iu i.f ilii r vu.
curtly n Horded hv vours
f of iho gl, tu se.
11 e si an mite great pleasmj 11, ri'i'n,niendtng 'i in I
men of bus s ns ti stir n llitie" nuint fir."
Jili.e 1 V -u.ix.,,,turJar,
I August St), Bj)
I IIWville, Columbia C.unni, lewa
'I 111. well know 1, Hchool fo, boil, seic, n u ! '
' NOVLMimi!3d,lK-.
Thn recent ndililiotii tn ih butiiii,,.".. ... ,
ndntlons for morn tliuu sixty lionrtlers '
'I'liu course of study will cinjriii ih... ,
I - the Normal, lh Hclt-ntitic ,, ,", hn J,' V"U 1"n
'I h . Pr w ill b ,ei ,,V c,n I1;"' ,
"' t "I ','"!"' t"f tlnirr ,i up;, 'Cacl1-
Parent nml nlhers mnv re.i , ...1 , "ini.
will bo spared In niake liisri,.,.,i . ,J lforl Hiu wrlfare ut Hie .1, .... .."."' Mtrnungo
lihv.lellllt-. nml lon.nll,. ,.111. '"."I'll. Hill-1 ts I II II 1 1 V.
I'nr uppliriillon, liriiiiiit, rrVM'rU,,'',,'i,'.r,!!l,'ill',,'',,il
dres. the undersigned, al Mill, ffX'p'i"
J01IN 11.'i-,,, AiM)
Millvllle. Pa Pepl. 13 lctl-J. I'lticipal.
N A T R 0 N Al?oTrJTi" 1
'AlliiAVTi:ri vnv i-v,;."- " J I
nnilenunllnnny KHIIOHUNn. ""uIVi:
ivitx ouij nn explosive lltl, when - ,
nor S11II011 will rnrhl.t, ,..,.,''" Il
. n---- 1 - 1111
"ills inoie
I'A, SALT M ANI'f APTitii,.
No. 11 U'nlniil Hits., ,"f W'VV
No. 137 Yulnut Htieet
Jhy 13., lliij, I jeur,,
V A 1,
Ifjll.Ii ill WINTER I
lininderslgtieil, (rrnbliil for !
1 liiiiviii orinsniicunDineri nnd t he public coup
that he hi-Just received from ttie Ka, erui citu. 7.
inrscititid most select .lock of cum, th
inrgcil itul tuoit select itock of
Tli.ilhytliecii opened In lllooiniburg, tu whirl, k
Invites the attention of his friends. . .,.1' . .wf'lr '. h
that they nr.; olfored f, sale at gre.l turga ui,
Stock cotuprlsci a large assortment or '
(it:NTL'.:sinN'H utaiuno APPAnnt.,
CotifKtuig ol f AiiioNint.i! Dntsi Coats, nf ,,, a..
..I.olnli! Pnnls. Vnsls. HI.IM. l . .7 "J.
iiaiidUwchicfs, Gloves, H.iipndcr.,r.. '
Of eveiy description, fine and rhenn
N. U-Iloiiieiuher " I.oirenhtrg'$ L'atap 'Mpt,rtua
call all et c. Nn clinrge for cxnmliii floods,
niotnsbtirg, Marth 89. 18CV. (Jue )39 )
"OS ILiVHaSS tll!IspNDJQ'li1(DIliVi'
mxovt:u to uti:iiatvhe m-i. hluoiom
! 1 the design nf this Magazine In prariitte in ell
1 pa i n 1 1 ii puie iiicruiure, uttli us win luitiv nte till
taste u ntil-mo mniuieie ami ennoble nil the niinsi
I lie.' Literary w Ithoiit belne I'eilUilir. letiLiin. Ii, ii
loudiinl thurucli-r w llhoiit Ingntry. it will mtiki it-, k
woImiiu wherever it Is known ,N ii-.nt u.inu in t)m
toutiry is nutter minpUMi tn tne tntniiy circle, limit, '
tllii Mth :oiuiug i olutiic it Willi oiitiiiue to, i,
chtiMtcr us "'l h-- Wui'cii of the .Moiithlli s." In it
in 4c i lid el n-fteculiou b is in t ei,iu,li
hi'Tmy Mni,i7in iulhaluiid. It Is nriiiirii fti in .tin
otyi1 plaleB on the finest enlendi red pnprr.nnd mill
niiiiur c .mis two original tteei eiigrni Inrs, til in
leoi in i iiigusi si ttiiii me urt uy urtuiB tin si
titi'ti-' h ad ol their prnfessioii, ,
lie neposiior) lias spi Hal nenptlon lo the fii. ly.
tt firui, lies a great niniiunt of reading aiiupttU to a
theiieiuh.-rs ol Hie fuinil) Joiing und lid- ml for
gating the children- It I Iresh, tiried. full nllifi.
Iii Iclieioiis nnd (ieuernl I iterulure it orcui'iei u niil
thn can ha filled lu no other n ny I sriiioiug wllli 'iirttiinl soul good.
,7iiiong its contributors nre found nunc if the bis
wrier in the land. I heir papers give iii game. s Ir
nn. vurii wi ll ns luslriRtioii tu Its pi e,,. n i
tin InleiitiKii of the i.dltornnd 1'ulilitliors to n,ke
111' first ilngiitrliie of its hind in llu coniiliy. tin
utiiiliuii is invited to the nrieil nud lut-'iciing i
ttii'-s of the i: ilorinl lieparluieiit, w huh tllnlii' 1-1,
tu os no w hero else to he I on mi. It will iucluiii
lit 1 I iibiiiet, containing many thtiice thought
iliiositioui for lh" Christian render nud lu
Niiesnmi Uuiries. n literary nud iriliiu n
lii.hly interesting to the it"tilsili w ; ,i,liu,i,i ,,. ,
Pililicution ; Hems, I ileriiry, t-eieiililir nud lii lli'iun
gtatbod.l In fai ts, illciCcntn, uuil - tlilislies ot pi rli.iiuu i1
vi'u , riuenoare lor iiiiiiir.-n wniiii win i,e t ill i I
it ries und an cdntes pi tuHiirly udupted to inteif si iil
ir-lruit ihildren ; IMilurial i;leiimu.s, ninilo up
ri li an. I rare pusages ami aneiiloli s glcni.eit ) rtu tl '
I! iloi's reading; nnd Lmlor's'i utile w ill tlio ttt.Loo:
iiute a varlet .
f Jmru Is un economy iu iNkim the Mcrxine, if yes
' loi, .il the amount ol tile n tilling leaner. A , ingle i 1 1
u ie is IPpial to i ig lit Oiuo. id ii mi s w huh t.t pii-si ii
res would cost SI '.V, elicit. 'I i. li si t ill ll.i
11 pository for Tw o Hollar and a Hi. If w v. onlu t ot
lyiTi!ti Hollars in the hook form; nnd tin nn Iiiij,.
uliiiliTot superb ilecl eiiLTui ings in the hiitgeiu t
IIIHtM. lu view of th" tinpriied'iit n, it
, tfi' cost uf pup -r nml nil otllicr it up rials 1 1 tout ufnt
, til e. uml iu il u -11110 fi' I that pub iiln rr I bi i kl
ut- comtielbid iii ndd Irnm tweiitv lh ' to lhiit in r 1 1 1. li
loth- price of their kouks. w e hnvi ilcen.ed it mist l
Ipatteiiipt tne publicutinli i f the liepnMtniy t, r tliS
ef mug y. -ir nt less than tw n und u Hull lu.lliiir. 1 I.i
iili-t he until i.ivuriahlv ii. lulvnuie.
ill! .Ministers of tin- M tliouist llpiseej al t hurthitt
a&reiiilfil .Agents and will leu lie Minn ii in i.- an
I'i'iii -tits 1'itblii.hed by P"e A llin hi oi k, ini It. net
I'ti ii r nl' M iii ii v l.ighth rite ts.t ujliou i'oili r Ni
Yb Is. sjiitt .Miilbuiy .-lien I'rileis litrtiml 1 VI t
Mtllooelitv. t liiiiigu; J. P .Megei . l.o.ti'li; S I.i;ii,
I'll) idolphi.i; J P, 1'i iik Ihiltimore; .1 I.. In in'. I in
hut;. P i ; II II.Olis, Hull'; Y ; I cb, rl to"
S ia I'ltiueisi o, I nl ;T II. I'eiirne. Pnrtininl 'ri-c on
II 'i.iu Piiteriio-ter, llnw . Lou .i ii, HiiLlal'it .
tluligh nnync rei'ited truiclius L.iui Ui 1.1 the Mill
oi.iit r.iiiseo;i.,i tiuriii.
ir' i.i, leu- ai.
It.vponrnit j.vd
01S. ANII LiaUulM, Of.Nl'lt W.LleV
Vj. oJd : Fain ul 6fs , Lttinrn S t j-
... . run wiLL-iiiA.
C. P. Ill.Nfl Y, Traveling Ag-itt mi I B iIimu.-.u.
."V- Onn -ti" llssrrcTarLLY Uo4u-is.
Nov. Iilher Ml. I h !. &
i 1 11 11.
A b"u. tnl -in Iiislinitlnn i in'ow ed for the cure n
i-'hriiiiie liisi ti"! s of ,-i sry nature. 1 n.l t . p.ot it love
I11N 1 0111 'put k itilvi'rtisers ami impost, r. r.'n ,i.(it
' x. -pl for iitiin ni,. 1,1,1,1 ,uri.i, ,,,i , ,,,, ', t
r-me pou'iti ir-nt ntfree. Nn nr l.,i ....
o is Drugs used. Th' I'hysli inn have had lung nml si-
, " i , 1 1 1 ti 110111 1,1 put inn mm 11, .,tr
tie" I ii follow log an- soim, of Hie 'mil piniuts lo wlii
special is given. All iliseus. .f Hii'llin,,
lh runt Lungs, Heart r-totuacl-, Lliur. Kidney. Ilhiddi r
Illieiiuiaiistu lit. Cancer, Piles. .Yertoiis Air, inmi
1 uis'tisesit Hi ' M'Mial llrguiis. Hi initial ciikm
ual lireuiiK. Si miti.ii 1. ,.,.1-,.. Urf 1..
pot. n. e and 1r.1l nl ilii ui s nfi-ury ni.turi o.i'tiv u
- lr' "i 1 " ones nun uu irr -guiiirnii, 1
suties lullt treated, lllimluess nml I mine, a rurc.
willioiti iminful oper.'itioiis, I'utii nts ti. r.t il l-j It'll, r
., -to, n siiiieiiieui 01 111. ir in,,'. I'tnicim- ,tnt lit
any pun 01 in. country. 1 onniltutioii fiec to, ill.
Address. Stmp I'liclosed,
111'.. I.. CRAY, 3. Ci nnilting riiysirlnn,
, I.UJ KruailWuy, Ntw Yoik till'
Apiil 3, I8G2-I?m. '
KslHin of Jut Icon Ueore, deems, i!
i.i i 1. on ni niiiiiinisirntioii on tho I slnte of Jark
,.,0,,,.,' i s ', ', "' ''"eusl township, (o.uinl.i,
cm it), ilecLiised. hate be, ,, ernntcd by the K.glst,
of Lulu ubia county to .Mary Ceorge nnd Peter I.T er
h In.H.lniiiilstriitnrs. nil persons hui lug lint us ngnm-
............ ,., ,e , ti-iicni, are rripu-stvil to iwesiu
them in the uduilnisttators i.t their . . 1 ..
oust tow 11. hip wilhout ih ley unu all pirtuus inucatufl
" ,-aiiint U1 ill Vt l.ll.
M.f!Y ki:oi:ri.
IT.Ti.KK 1 1 i.U U I'.r.V,
January 17, Ift.3 fiiv. jj.
The Columbus IMnle nud femnle Aivideniy. w ill opei
. ... ., , , .,,.., , , n,,,, mi, 4, u, rt,j, lets.
'Phis si lino) oilers superior inducement tn all who
nre iii-,iriius 01 ut. uiriii" nn n-ei emiciii fiiiiii-:itu.ii.,
.r.'pi,i no iiiiiinug orio oiiiuiun iiiorougli LnoKleJov
I of any of Hie molerii nr nnt ient Inrgiiaccs.
1 or furtusr information rnqtilro of
II S. IHNtillAM. Prinrlpal.
, "r of Jouk Kooas, Bic'y
nt New Coiumbui, I.utcrnn co Pa.
Oot.itf, ItU.'.
s, 'j IlKundersigiied uniild Inforui thn citizen.
tfr t llloouisliiiig and viriuilv. that he lis. in.. .
ftryi elved nnd oil" rs lor sale one of the inostt-xteiisii
'CSi nssnrtiuenls nf ClIOKINHnnil FANi Y STOV1 9
ever liitroiliiceil into this market. The I hri.topher t n
uinliit,, James llobhnnd (ilobe are among the fi st ,--, s
nurni r
rr"o';tnves are hnndsotne n,l the a , , a
' ' . "
'articular nttention is n.iid 10 1,,. v .r.
nnu iniiisii iniinug, upnti short liollce, ill kn,s r,l
rejintring win do urine with neatness nud dispatch
y Country produce taken in exchange fuj wm,
llloomsburg Slny 10, 16C2.
TON a SI'U IU'. of all kinds. Iluckwhcnt ix
ci'pted, is wnnled ininiedintrly, ut the .Mill
liriive Piper ilills, ncurLiglitSlreit, foruliiih
cash will hi paid.
JIHICrovc, August 0, 1EC!.
The suhsrriher offers for nils or rent, the two fnllnvt-.
ing farms, one nf tin' lu situate in f ishingcroik town
ship, Cutumbia county, containing
moro or less, iihutit illii-llve aires of with
If5? is clenreil land, whereon nre erected 0 goods!
.IIJIP, Two i-tory FK.1.VK HfK.UAO DoUnJ
uiiu ra.T.wt; tt.ttij, 11 ugou Jiousc, corn crib, nnd
other outbuilding..
ALSO: One other Farm, illunta In Usnton tnwi.shin.
Columbia county, rniiininiug
1 n)iSU Acres about Thirly-l'ivo Ario nfwhlih is
1 !ll!!l t'''nicil land, whereon nrn erected a FHAMF.
' If)! DlfKLUXn DUUSi:, FMMU lUlh.W uml
tJBtlU. other outbuildings mid farm is si tun tu ou
Huvlngl'rri.'..ntoiltlwoiiilii nbovcbtill Uater.
rf.SO -Two other suinll Lots, sltiitnc In f it. ill n
rro' k township lying nn f ishiiigcreei nrnd and 111
11 U floiur.liinVr.1 r on, containing I'l I R CI S
U'llheuth r n 'I'nw 11 Lot mil good bull iigneirh,
i thoni, " 7" I'lMitii atii coiidllii siiiu.e ki own k
W'll I.IA.M,s
Jlilil Uris'k Aniust id, HU