Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 21, 1863, Image 4
Fanner's Department. MILliS VALUARLK 1'0R PA11M WO Kit- If any Wly wislica the mulo for a sail lcn.t, ho is wrhoiuo to Iiis choiise.anci lit) will li ive good company mid good ox. maples beforo hiin. lu Persia, Syria, Spain, Italy, and imleod in nearly all nawitropioal countries, tlicso aniin als arc ufiuu used for titling. Tor rough, moun tainous regions, tliey arc invaluable, boing to shuro-footcd. Uy a little training, too, they can bo brought iutou very ajreenb'o gait. A forciju wrightcr says : "In Bag dad, most of tho learned and holy pro fessions profer tho ass, as do ull ladies. Tlioy are of a peculiar brood, and often 'ifty pounds sterling, (S-50.) Tho favor ito color is spotk-33 white ; they are inag i,ifficontly caparisoned, aud have their nostrils slit, which is said to make them long winded ; Surely, their wind is long vnough when they bray. 1 The bray is Lot much admired , generally, but thu author or a soarca tract on tho nobleness of tho ass, (1595,) after giving us all its ewect tones, concludes by declaring that the continued braying of live or six asses forms a melodious kind of music, 'a song of world without end.' Hut it is with mules, as draft animals, that we have now especially to do. They arc sometimes fioni fourteen to sixteen hands high. They aro stronger, sure footed, and more durable than common Lorses. They aro su' joctsd to compara tively few disuu:o. I ho expense of bhecing them is slight Thoy will live and thrive upon one-third less than horses, und cat contentedly the cheapest aud -coarsest kinds of food. Yit, it is a little leinrtrkublc that the ass is, quite fastidi cus about his driuk, preferring only per lectly pure water. Ilcnco the meaning of 41 passage in an ancient cla'sic ; Tlicr kites, would that tho fountain of your mind Vvie clear again, that I might water an i.?s at it." .Much has been said about the obstinacy, stupidity, and vioiousnsss of the mule. Put whether these alleged vices aro not owing chiefly to the ill usage ho gets, is perhaps an open quettiou. Mules aro keldum known to die, or to become old, we never yet met with out called much over ten years of ago ! At least their ago is seldom thought ofiu purchasing ; lor , . . , r - . they are Serviceable ior thirty J ears or , , i . , , infire. Vo are glad to seo that they arc , . , ,.,! icing more anu more uscu ior larm wort dm. .Ixncullurist. jJXPEIUENOE WITH PEACH TKEES. Ttu years ago I bought and trantplant- d tWO UUndred pcacll trees, WlllCU ncftCU me two years ago, $-00. Thu soil was loo rich, and thoy aro now uearloy all dead Pyur years ago, I bought au orchard of 0d0 poauh trees, anil 300 apple trees set between them. These treei are 10 years transplanted, and last September thoy netted mo 52000. They were get on t'.iinuer boil than the first lot, except in t -e corner where thoy have all died. I .- t satisfied that peaches require the taui kind of soil that potatoes do, to pre vent ncir rotting thin or poor upland. Cultivation is necessary to fruit bearing . If tho orchard by seeded, you need not expect many peaches. The kinds 1 like, are; old Mison, Crawford's Earlcy. Crawford's Lato, Mclocoton, Smock, and lorris White. The peach borer is on invtterate cn tmy, but the ''yellows" is tho great des troyer. Perhaps that diseaso is superin duced by rich soil aud common farm yard Manure. I think mineral manure only aro Mcessary, and littlo of them if the laud is properly cultivated hy raising potatoes, or low crops- or without crops. Cor, Am. Agriculturist, VALUE OF APPLES. There is scarcely an article of vegeta 1 le food more widely useful and more universally relished than tho applo. Why trery fanner in the nation hasnnt a good tpplo orchard is one of the mystorict, Leteiery fain ly lay in from t wo to ten barrels or more ol apples, and it will be tho moit ecoiumical iuvest uent in the ii. i'o range ufculiuaries A raw mellow iitii is digested in au In ur uud a halt; while boiled cabbage rtquins live hours. Th: most healthful deceit thut can be ji'.aced on the tabic, is a baked apple, ll taken freely at breakfast Viitk coarse bread und butter, wiih meat and lith oi any kind, it has au admirable effect on tho f'oneral system, often reuioviug con btipation, correcting aridities, and cooling off fobrilo conditions, muo Ii more ofl'cctu allv than the mo t anniovcd rocdiciuos. ,, , . , , . ., I i InilllcS CJUm uu uiuuuuu iu ouuaiuuiui t'f apple sound ripe and luscious for UK pics, caLea, candies and othor sweet, juents with which their childron aro too ''ton indiscreloly stufftfd, tlicro would bo, ys Dr. Hall, u diminution in tho sum io.uI of doctor's bill, in a single year, au2 nt to lay in a stonk of this delicious . iod r a r. bulu tranon's use. i STOP 15LO01). ' Tho iis) .r 'i a wool hat applied to a v.ouaj t -j) i s blooding. , LA HOE A Ml 1 1' A L OV Now Fall and Winter AT PETER UNT'S STORE, IX LIMIT STIll'XT, COLUMtilt COVXTY, HAH Ju.t received (mm Philadelphia, nml Is tinw opcnlm nt the old stand lite y occupied by AltitU St. I'.Hl, it splendid nsinrtincnt of 1i Icli wilt lifl sold cheap tor OAFU OR COUNTRY PUODUCE. Ills stockcoiislitsof Ladles Dien Uuotla cholcoit styles and latest fiiihioiK CaltCL", Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. , Casimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, tt Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Quecnswaro, Ccdarwarc, Hardwaro, Medicines, Druj;s, Oil", Paiuts, kc, BOOTS & SHOES, II ATS k GAPS. In t linn f cry thins utmtiy kept m a rountry store Tho patronage of "Id friends, nml tho public funeral- ty, is respecttiiny snicnoii. Tiie highest niHrKci price pniu lorcounirv prouurc. P12TI1U I2NT. Light Street. Nov. 1.1, 1SII2. LOOS HSE1 ! IP YOU WANT TO BUY YOU 11 Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO Creasy's Store, in Light Sl"fd, Pa. A)Jj IllXDS OF 0003S ! CALTCOB, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, PL ANNE LC, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Keauy-Mailo Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrup3, Coffeci, Teas, Pish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Shears, IIatn, Bootr, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c.,&o. In nililitinn to our large stock nf Dry Gomis, we liave I "'! I't'l "'TIIIHIIVII. Ul i.u.iiiy .,1.11111 Mil II I II K inor Hen ami Hoys wear which wo urn determined to i kii uuL-,i)MT hi 'ii i.ui in itt.ii ii i, eiscwuere. uau unii I seu, nndjudRb for yourselves. it. w. unuABi-& oo. u;ht street, rn ,xor. s iec3. -r- MAHniAGE.-ITS LOVKS AND HATH ,snrrnvs ami nmrers, hopes and fears, rejrru v and joys j MANHOOD, h'm- lost.ltnw rohtoro the nature, treatment and radical cure of situ j luatorrliaia or seminal weakness; involuntary emis I ions s 'Xual debility nml impediments to marriage pen orally ; nervousness, consumption. Ills, mental and nhv .sieal imapieity, remltim; from HIIM'-AIIUHi; aro fu'l I., nvt.l-t I In it,.. M.VniHAMI' f-lllkl I... i.'.t YOIWU. !.. This most evtranrdiuary book should U III llir i ums in litl-lj I "Hill; .C tl( ti(illuillM,llIlf; I nru riiitru, and revry iniui or woman who ili-sir.-t to limit tlio niiinhor nt their "irsnrin tn their ciroiiiiit.iii- nns livery pain, disease and acbe incidental to joiitli, 1 f.iturity and old ago. is fully explained j cverv particle in knowledge that should bo known (s herngiven. It is tall ot engravings, in laci, it Hist Inset secrets Hint ev ery one should know ; still it is a hook that uiu.t be lucked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to nny one on t Is a receipt of twentv live cents in specie or pn-lage stamps. Address 1)11. W.M. YOC.N'fi, No. till SPIlUCi: trect. above I'ourth. Philid'-lphla. ITT- AI'l'I-ICTHI) AND UNl'dltTHN TK. no matter what may bsyour disease, bjf.ireyou place yourselfuu. tier tho care nf any nf tint notorious tiaek -unlive or fnreigii whn advertize in this or any other paper, get a copy nf Dr. Ynung's book, and read it carefully. It will be tho means of saving you many a dollar, your health, ami possibly your lite. 1)11. YOUNG can liccomnlted on any of tit 9 diseases tlHst-riiio t in tils piiiuiratlon, at bis nlllco, No. Hi) B' iiiiL i, nir ei, auovo i-nuriu, I'liuaiieipliia. Oil'ic hours from 9to 3, daily, March d, lcCi Uiu. AT Ter ms- LOW -Cash P1UCES! and Pro'hux, However much the people deiro a peace, nnd cestn lion nf th" present hntilities in nnr distracted country thevare also desirous of nurcluibing their cooda nt Hm I nwost market prices. J.J. BR0WERI will gratify nil desires no this point, and although gitnds I have advanced in prices ho will sell you at wonderful-1 ly low prices. Ho has now oneiicd bis iicnal Inrm. nml , complete slock of Fall and winter goods among which will lie found a general assortmenl of allkinds of goods Call anil cvauijuo, J, J. UI20Wi;il, Dec. II, tr-lil. LEATHER! LEATHER ! ! III 12 undersigned would lie has nn liund nt bis Hat and Can I2iupnriuiii, on Main Hi., Illnnius. burg, annssortinentof dltrerent kind oflenth"r, such as linn calf skins, morocco, (red iimlb'ncn)and linins, all cf which ho will sell cheaper than can be had elsewhere ill Ihis market. Call and eieminc them for vourselvcs JOHN K. CHITON. P.oomslmrs,.M.iy 21, ISG'.". FI11S U Dl tl'l'II 6i IIROTI1EKS. WIIOLHHAI.K T O 11 A C 0 O 1) E A L E II F 103, NORTH TH I It I) ST11F.KT I' ive duortbelow Itnrc. I A MllOUIiSIIII'S I'OK SILL Pittshurgh College. Iliiighnmpliii " " Crittenden's " 't liilladolphla. Hirallou, llry.ilit ioCn.. " ' i'lu-st "crips, arc iuuinniiuti of $15 and ."o anil aro n so much cash, hy the Htudeiit on cntriugi-ilher nf th ah ive ' olleges. Young niiln desiring looblaln u lluisli. ed olleginto IMiication, will hero llud a goud specula tiou by npplyiunl tho ullicu of Him Nov, I. Kil-. COI.IJMIll III'MOOItAT. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully informs his old friend and customers, that ho has purchased his brothers merest in the above i'tnblihmeut,iiml thu concern wils hereafter he conducted by himself exclusirely. lie has Just received and oilers for sale, the larg. ,'SL'J est nml most clloutlve assortment of I'ANCY flrSt "TUV 11H ever introduced Into this market. Ills stock roiisisti of a complete assortment of lie dsi i.oouiug anu parmr sieves in tne iiiarKcr, iiigetii or with Stovo i'ijtures of every description, Oven nml lim . -loves, iinuiatnri, i uniliir moves, i an iron Air ' Tight stoves, Cannon Htoves, &c &c, IStovepipu ami I Tinware coustaiitty nn livid ami maiiuiaiiureii to order. All kinds of repairing done, us usual, on short unlit e, Tin patronage of old frieuds and now customers ro pectfully solicited. A. JI. UUPI2IIT. I Ulooinsburg, NovomblT 3d lif,0.-tf, oYSTRS j AT STOIINERS SALOON. Tltr.SIIOYHTKrtcan ha bad nt all hoiirsnniin day, ' rll'liiVHI), nr HAW nt Planner's Halnnn. Theyc I ... ..I. ...I ....I I.,. l.a r..nwt n. 'Ill an.l l,c (I... IIlIC t 50 cent. I.'allut tho "llattory." II, ST0I1N12II. doom. burg Dec, C0160-J. I1LA.NK SI ULANKS! I Of every description, for tale at tliisoffio FOlt THE COfifiTi-TU T 3 0 M and tiii: ron 1) I A B E T E S and msijAaua or thu KIBMRXS AWS SLASHES Titit nungtnui aud TrouMttomc Dittntti, uhiehliacc thutfar Ilrtttrt the best tlirtcted Trtntmtnt tun be Cumplcliln Onlmllcd by Ihc Itl'MI'.DY ntiic btfort utl run oouATivi: properties oflhe lurilli ino illli rt themselves in the nr (inns nf serrL'tlon. nml hy so iilteriux the rnmlitlon nf tlio stnnincu nml liver imiituo nillrliy principle oi inn tnoil is nut run vcttvil into sugar mloiis us the system IS UtiilUf IU ilium iitu (,,: CONSTITUTION IV AT 12 It, w Inch plvp those orpinis lime tn rt i nvt r their healthy tune nml vior W'e are able in tute th t th - fnustitu-, tlmi Water lias cured eVt ty cast ol I'iiib. t.s to liiill it lias been slvcn. i'O.VI2 IN Tilt) 111. MlDI'li, ("Al.f'l. I I S. il.Wi:i, Hill K 111)81' H l'OrlT, AM) Ml'Ci'tS Oft Mll.KV DISt.'ll MK'.l.d AITUIt DltlNATiMI. Diseases nci-urlnjr from oiit-nuil thesaim' t-nus" vill beentirel) cured by the Coiistliutlou Wnter, If taken foi any leuuth of time. The ilosi shoiilil Miry lib the severity of the disease, from twenty drops to n ten spoonful three times u day, in water. Ourmir th pas saiie "I the Calculus, the piiin -hi i urgent ruipti.uis Milium lie rttiltii.iii-u wiin in ii.,i, r rt-lll ill 'S. til -II fulhmcd up u llh the C'urit-tittii i .Vat.'r. as .ibovr ill- rertcii. uvsMi:.oai!Aa:A, or r.MM'. m, iir.xs i:r- TION, AND IN JinN'onilll.MJIA Oil I'llOITPIJ l'UJWINti, Until diseases arising from a faulty Ffcrlinii of til'' menstrual fluid-in the ime cast Infusion little, nml accompanied by severe piiin ; nu til-1 othi r a tii'ipro fusu secrelinn, Mhnh 111 lu speedily cured by tlio ' Constitution Water. .iiseaso known na I'A I 1, INO or Til 12 WOMII. which l tlureult of a relaxation of the llirnim nts of that organ, and is known by a sense of hea iness ami drusginic pains In the li n k nml sides, and at times ac companied by sharp liicinatliiff or shooting: pains through the parts, will, iuall eases be removed hythc medicine. There i another class of s) inptums nri itig frmn II! HI I'A I'lON Ol' Til I! WOMII, whldi plivslrlaiis tall Nervousness, which word covers up muili ignorance, and in nine cases mil of ti-n the doctor does not really kuuw wlietber the symptoms nro tho disease, or the disease the symptoms. We can only enumerate them hero. I spenk inoru particularly of Cold I'eet, Palpita tion in tho Heart. Impared .Memory, Wakefulness, Plash es of Heat l,nuiinr, Lassitude, and Dimness of Vision. Kl'lTMS I2i?r!i:i) MIINSTISUATION. Which in th,- unmarried female Is a ciiustnnt recurring Jisens !, nml thmuuh neglect the Feeds of more grave and d.uig, 'roils maladies are the result ; and ns luniith after mouth without an ell'nrt being inndc tu sUt nature, the suppretion b'coiuns rhro ic, ihe n lient gradually looses her appetite, the bowels arc constipated, night sweats come on, uud coiiauiiijitiun flnallv cuds In-r cari-er. i.i:ucoiu:a:. on wiiitps. 'Ihis disease depends upon an inllimation nfmurnus lining oft u vagina ami womb. It ii in ull raui ac companied hy severe itain in the b.ii-U. uccross the bowils nml through the hips. A ti'aponuful nf the iiieuiciiii' may oe laivi'ti inree nines a nay. w mi an in jeitlou ofa t ililesponnful of th iiieiliciaie. inueil with a n,t i-piui in sun wntiv. muriiing uud evening. ntuiTTio or Tiir. NixKor tiiii ulaiideii, INl'I.AMATION Ol' Till: KIHN12VS AND I'A TAP.lill OI' TIIR ilLAI)lll:ll, HI ItANUUItY ANDIiUllXIN'tlOl! PAINl'iri.UltlNA'I'lNC. I'or theseillseases II istrulyn snvoreigu reiuetly, and ton much cannot b saia in lis prais A single docs has been Mtuw- lo r liv.- th iiiut urgfiit syptoms. Are you troubl '.I with that, s'siug pain in the sin-ill ul'tli - li iris ail I through th - hips ( A li'liipooiitul a day of Coueiitutiou t aier w ill r -lioto uu like I'Oll HVrfPCPrilA, It has no cqunlln reli.'Ing the Mnt ili8tresiii? smp toms. Also, Headache, Heartburn. Acid stomach Vom illng I'ooil. &c. Taken leaponiiful after dinner- 'I he dose in nil cases may be increased it' duMred, but should bi done gradually. PHYSICIANS Have lung since given up the use of buclitl, cubt-hsnnd Juniper in thetreatineiit of Hi so diseases, undonly use theuifor wuut ofa better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATP.K Has proved itself oiualtutlie task that has devolved upuu 11. DIUUCTICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, nndby cmi'tniit use aoiui lead to chrome dcgeuerutioji uud co lllrmed dia easc. iicad. RcaJ.- Rend. D.INVII.M:, Pa., JuneS Ml. Mr. Wh. II. (lurnn Daer tin lu I elniary. lriil was aHlic.ed w tth the sugar ill ilut uud for live inoiiihh I p.i-ed more III j ii two gallons o; w ater in iweiiti -I'nui hours 1 was n!i ig.-tl tu g.-t up as ntu-ii leuortwtiv times during Hit night, and in live muiiths 1 lost about titty pounds III W.'l.'tll. Illlrlllllg the llioutll ni Ju y letu, i prucureii two noiiies oi i;iiiisitiuiton water am in two days alter UMiig. 11 I experienced relief, uud nit taking two buttles 1 was entirely cured, sunn nltci regaining my usual fuod health. Vours truly. J. V. I. 111! WI PT. Iloslon Corners, N. ., Dec. i!T, lelil. Win. II. flregg i.- Co.: dents: I freely give you liberty to make use of tin following' irtitic.ite of tlu vuliiu of .'nii'lilutiou Wa ter, which I can reccoiiiiueud in the highest manner My wife, whn was ntt.icked with pain in the shoiil tiers, w hole length of the back, mid in Ii r I hubs. Willi Pilpilatinu orthe heart, attended with tailing of Hi WtiaiU. Dvsmeuorrhucu. and 'lrritatiim or tlio Itlati tier," I called a phvsiciau, who alien. ltd her nbnui tliree.nouths, when lu kit her worse than he I'onii br, I Hun employed one of the best physiiiaus I couia umi, w uu iiiieiineii ner itir aitotit iiiuo moulli ami while she was under his care she iiil not Miller quite as mticii patu ; lie uiiuiiy gave tier up ami sa .1 Ji.-r case was lucuiable." 1 or, said lie, "she was sm I, a cuiiitnii.itloii ol cnuipiaiuts, mat mediciuo given fi.i ono np,Jrate tlg.iiiisl someotlier til her rl lti,-tj 1 1 j i-s.' Al.otit mis nine sue ttimmeneeti to una t'tis 1 1 1 itxi ,s Witek, uud tno ir utter astniiisliiueui. nliunsl the fir dose seemed to have the dslred i-U'ei t. ami she kept ot iinpiuviiig rapi Hy ii. ,ier its treatm nt. am! now super intends en) iruly he,- doim-Hic atlairs. tli'has not ti ken any of the ns tiuiios VV a i i.ii fur about four wi i k and we nro L.ippy to suy llut it has pro.iticed a perm.i limit cure. W.M. M. VAN Ull.N'SCHO I' N. Mir.i.toi.. Da. WM.II.CBion ; Dear Mr : I h ive for suvci with that tootiblesoiuennil tlan winch resistetl ml remedies n CiiNsriiuiioNVL Wati.u, ami y. sn. ' ov, 1'), It-' I. il y 'nrs b'eii nt'.lirte r aii. flise.'i e- I in, tors, until I tool ' may be assured that t has entirelv cured me w-as lueaseu wnu ni" resuu. and) oil may male any use of m uameyou may seo 111 Hi regare tn tuu uieilicliiu, us I i uvu entire cnulideiie iu lis clhcuey. Yours truly, POND HlilONt:, PIII2SI1 Ann PACTS I'AOI'CH There is noi-lass of dieases lliat prodiico such ex haiisling rlfects upon ihn human cnnstituiitin ns Ilia betes mid diseases nf the Kidneys, lilatlderuiid Urina ry Passages, nnd through n l.ilso inndesty Ihey are m g. lei tail until they uro so ui'vmicnil us to bo bevoud tin control of ordinary remedies, and wu preseut'thu CONSTITUTION WATHR Tn the ptililie with Hi t coiivictinnthat it has mipqnnl in reinttiii inn riass oi uisi-ases ior wnicil it lus tiM'ti found so eminently successful in curing ; nml wo trust I that wu shall be rewarded in our efforts in plailug so valualdo reisedy In n form to meet ihu rcmiirciuenu of patient and physiciuu, ro:i samjiiv am. nniificiSTS. rnicn$i, Wit, II. CUIOItfii: tv co Propriemrs. Jlnrgan c Alien, Ccu rul Asouts, No, 10 Cliff Hf, New.Vork, Sept. SU. lacj, 12m. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ui.oo.vsiHma, rji. Offlce In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles llucknleu'. lilooinsbiiri:, Dec. 4, lr.VJ. JOHN C. Y EAGER, MANUT CTDI!I2lt WlllJI.IItf V1.I2 I)I2AI.i;tt IN , (J ' P, STRAW flonnS. R 'NNE'S and ARTIFICIAL If LOWE US, No. 2.V7 North Third Street Pliila'd. Nov. '.'0. ISO1.'. Oil HAP MILITARY CAPS I MILITARY f'Al'ri. of every sort, size nml nunllty fur sale cheap nt the ll'ooinsliurg Hat & Cap Uuiporium Also (Jroceries.Confectliiiiurlcs.'l'igitrs, ice, JOHN K, UIRTON. oonnburg, Sept, 11, IKdl. PROTECTION PJ10M LIG IITNING . MMU: subscriber woulJ Inform his friends, that hV'ia X iioiv prepared tu put up, on short notice, and in a dentin manner, the best VUlTlXi rOIXTF.ll LiailTXIXO HODS, nt 121 cents per foot. Al work warranted. E. rt.UIDL12.MANi Dloomiburg, May 31, Look to your interests. 01' m s AT MBLLEK & OYER'S. rplIU suits rlhcrs hnvn Jut fcturneil frnui the X With nnntli r Inriio nr( si'L'tt nssortuii't nf t!U purclinsi'ii ill niiwiiripiiiai in in i iiihi'si iiuri'. nun Willi li they urn ilcterinlni il to a 'II "u nsiiiiiilerata tedus nsMitt In' prncuroii eisenuuro in uiiioiuiuurK, iiieir .li.rk rnllllirises uiDir.n' mil s nnons, of chnr' st .tjles nml latest f ililnn, l)HY i7' 'lS, I.S't) (IkuIT.Iill'.S, it now in: qui:1 a imiik, Cl-.DJlli IMHK, IWU.' !V IKIUli (OA, ,v..s, Jinors ,f simM HITS ; CI PS. Ac , tfc . Ift., In slmrt evervlhlnirii"U,illv Kept In inuntry t?lnros tn will' h they InWte the puMIe cem rnlly Tho Ilta1ict priru pnhl fur tounlry proilufn. Mll,l,i:i & UVliS lllnninshurs. April Sil, W2 I iPOllTANT NATIONAL WORKS, ruuuaiici) nv n. appluto & co. I 44H 'tf'4'1.') firoii'lwu- , Arm Vnrk, The foilmvlmr irorhsnro sentlnfuli rrld r" In nny per nftlio Limntry. (upon receipt of retail pruf,) by mail or t-spri ! I' I'.n'i ... l Tin: ,ni: a -si iihmji i'vi;i,(ji'i;iii, X nonulnr ' Diitioiinry ol ueii'rin unnn ii'iigr. iiiim ny (inintii,' 1 It i'I.i.v uu 1 1' isRM s A. Is ill, a d hy i iu ro is s." lect corps "f w rit -r lu all brum h s nt sicrf ni l s. Art a,i I rtititu- I'l.i- rl, I' b lu p.iblitij I in J, ml li taiu, tn I ivo vi liliti' s i a, h i-untaiutuv, hid two ri'lniu pug Vols. I In M II incliiilv it. are Itow r jn! ,..i li coiit-iiintig u, ar 'ino tirisimil nrttcle.. An itili.ilituiHt volume II h ptildi h ti tin-1-i t ali.itii t,r",' motiths Pri 'o InClotli. 6;i; fhenp. .l .".iij Half Uur.. i ; Half llnssla, 81 3l)i mil Th New Aiimlcnn Cyclnps.'illa Is pnpultr w ititttut ee- lug sup ', Ifiir'i 'il bill not p-minlc, unupr -li msii-" , hut smnii ntly tb-tall 'd. Ir"f rrnni p -rs" pi 'pt mil pnrtypr I'l ice. fie-h nil ' v t nc curat ll Is a ,- t ,.'t' t statem nt ofnll th ,t is kiln n ipo i r I p t , ic with th e p I h i.. n-, i it t i , . nt,t a, Hi i ia ll h ,s u n p la':- t h, ii till .: . b rit "i ' 1 1 Hi ,- sp'ak Th r ar. i"i. I, In nb Ihe'pi "lit I in i "I i'i t 't I i t li.t" ii s i ,. 111 si iiisticnl Inform .tin 1 1 lVn.,1 Hi ,'.f,i n, i, cent raphlnil n ciiiint- k p pac with ilw I t, d y( , lions; lilst rieul iniitt r lathi e th Ir li si mst v , th" bit.gri'iiii a m tic s -n t t il i p ak ..I '.l-. u, ad, b il also ortti living. It is ii ll'trary of Its if. Attf.inui mini-or 'iiik D-nvrK ei-t nsoiti t : Heng a ptilltleal hist ry of til ' Unit d r-'tnt s from tip nrgani.-i-tlmi ol'th lii'-t I'.-tl. ial teigr s in IV . to 1 r,i,. 12 lit' ed an 1 con piled by I Tit,ou. m-xiiin I'ri.ii the Of- llcial llei nri of Concrss. The win I; will bo complied In !." rn)al oct.i oliuii" of Wl) pagL'seniii 11 of which are now randy. Au addi tional oliinie willb" iiiililished unce in three month. tiolh. :i l.nw tfh-ep. $150; Half UorSli; Half Calf 1 50 em h. A WAY OI' PltOCUNIMJ TIII2 CYOI.OP.I2IH A, Oil lll'.IIATr.S. l'nrm nrliih of four, and remit the price nf four honks, nml live enpi -swill he -out nt the reniltt -r's exp mse tor cnrriage.or lor I 'ii nuisrriiurs eleven copies w ill lie scut at our expen-t fur carriage. TU AUr.iVi'S. Nn other works will o lib 'rally reward the exertions ofAgents. An Auim- Wmfii in -mis Ciu-m-v. Terms maile know n uu application lo the Pub ishers. Nov. 'Jl. lrrUU. I'lir. iimterslgneit i nrsn rxti-nstveiy engngeif In tne Uililrrtnkiinr Jlimlntns. and keeiisrriiistiinik. nn li.iml ud fur sale at his Warerouins, u large assortment of FINIS 'ED fSgSg OFFINS, Ity wlilch he is enableil tn 111 orders on presentation Also Keep a good Horse and Hearse, and will at al limes be ready to attend litner Is, ril.MUN C. Sill Vi:. Hloii.nsbi'rg, January Si'.t . lti!) OFFICE O.' JAY COOKE, KUIlsCllII'TION AUI2NT, Al J:iy ViwUv &i 'n., IS iiiKprs. IN HooiuTuiRiiSrntrr. Philudclpbia, Nov. 1. 16122. The undersign -d, having I "i il itppoiuleil Kub-irip. ion agent by the stecretury nftliu Tr. atiny, is now pre. pared to furnish at nine, tlu i'rw tnrnli yuii (1 prr mil. (amis. if the United titntes dcjg'mleil ns TivcTwentics,' re leemable at the pi -a-iuro ofthe (."veriimi'iit. after live venrs nnd tiuili.irizud by Act of Congress, npproicd 1'ebriiary 2"i. im-J ' Tiieioupon bunds nro issued in sums of SoO. SI'W, J.iun, 6IIKIU i'h llegiater liomls lu sums of 30, 5101), $2i00, 9IIMH 11.41 ? iUl'J, Inleiestnt i-U per cent per milium will commence rom date of purchase, ami is l'AYAULi; IN (10I.I), -eiiii-Arnually. which is etpial, at the present premi um on gnld, tnnbout light per tit pur Annum l'.irni irs, Men 11 1 ills. Mechanics, i 'apii--.lits, and all whn h-ive any nituioy to ime.l slioiild kuou and re. on mlier that the e lloinls are in i-H'i it. u 1'irsl Mnrt rage iipohall ail Itn-uU I'nuk ftu"k nnd S'l-tcltl s. ludthsimm use prntliKts nfull Hi .i,. Ar. ic. in Ih' country, ini-l that lie- full nnd untile pun is i ni maile for the paynont eftbh iat rut eitil linnlual 01 nl principal b) custo s Imiles 2x i i fi.nnn. and lilt rual i.ei uu, , si r s tt iirtl.e ihi-st linnl.- ih.- lirii, Aii ,i , ivai.iUe unit htoiiipujialur Jtifi") in llic Aim , iib-criptioit rt'nh etl i,t Par in Legal i'fiiler Notes .r in t- s aii, I lie i ki part-ii bunks in Pin ma-lphiit. r, . rib -rs by mall wil jee -ive nrninu. mi .nil.i, u,,,i ,.. ry fin ilny and explanation will iu uifi.r.tfl on appli,.u. till s'lpi-ly "f I Is Willi), k ,,t ial-deliitry .1 Yt'OilK... a .bs Nov. ft. 1 f.i- :i;u. I j -ti, - - - A .'... Y ? Ct 7 (Opposite Iiittr-cn fine i.'ull.) 2iii2.-5T.ui s'liinipp i!i:twi:i:, ni'iii a. hixth i',i. W V ATT . IJIHII.IN'CB. . .. ' I'raptlttott November 211), IrY.J. M.iuh III le.,s F. 0. HAR'USON,)!. 1) WOl'l, I) ri-spcftfnll) iulnrmtlie otizens (,f I'l, n burg, and Icinity.tliat he tmililuesllie nr., , Mi-.niL'ixt: .4X1) svnT,:iir, ml solicits n share nf public iintrnnuu. Ot'Hih on .Main Hlreet, lirst house )j0w Hie Cnuri House, llloo m. bury. ' 1 eiirmiry n. ir.u ti. mi-uiv! 151U0KU niticK!:'. Goml Uriok, just niuiudictiiroV 4 11.1 I... ..1.1 I. . I rUUiuuu : nr? . i.,,,:u" PPly to the suscribir. ,r... Illnoauburs, June S3. ISlii. " A,!T!1,Jtt- HliUliNU llAtJj-K9AI), SOMMLtt JKIMXaMtrjrs. rt rent Trunk l.iun from llio North sol North-U'e stf V I Philadi Iphin, New o ''utliiis . 1'utt. vlllu., nun. Mleiiimvii, i;.iliiii. i- fee. Trains lenvi Harrislnig for liiila.ltlphla, New Yorl Heading, fottsville, uml all intermediate r-tations, ut a lu, nntl 1.10 i m. Now York i ipress leaves Harrisburg ut LOS u lu m riving at New York utfWlhe same iiiuruing. t'ar-s troiii Ilnrrlshirg: Vi ew.York $oli()ili tnliiil. ndtihi SI., lull, I Sii. taggngu chetked thrnush. I.'eturuiug liavn Nw-Yor. nt lin. in., ii! Noon und 8 j ji, tu., (Pittsburgh r.Jfircss) J.cuvu Philadeliihi.iatd u. 111,. UUU .1 IU p. 111. Hoeplng uiw in the Few-York I'jpri'ss Trains, through to and from lillsb'rth without change. Pn.sougt-rs by tin ( ilnilrnad Icnvn Port CHntoii at 1.13 ii m, for liiil.(e!ph!a uud nil inirmi d. nlo .latlim. ; uud at 21 p in S Philadelphia, New York, uml ull Way Points. Trains leuvu Poltivillu nlll a in, nml p in, fur u in, uuu -4,10 p 111, jor and at 3.31)11 in for Auburn iiiiauiiinn i mill l.u.v 1 i.iiv ami Port Clinton only, conn ling lor line liruvu uud with thu Catlawisrii hail ItJd o :,mu..S&K rr train leaves Heailing at 0 n 111, nnd return I'roui liillnHpliiuiit 3 n 111, .'j V " ..mi.' .,, u.ii.j ip ..uuu). iiir i i-i t.AHi"!J?l,,,. '.',l,""U!' ' "Uio W uiii, and li ladelpb a 11 a.13 11 ni. I 011.111u1.icat on. ,I leagelSenaon, amj IUouraioti lickoti, at reduced rale, told frmn allpulnu, . ,' All ll.u .il..,,, I .,, In . .il .li.ll.r ...I C, A. NICOI I.S. JfaylMMt, .'HVrol fluperintendtnt. A : , y'-yv- "7' X WHS riHKft Pso p Hi, Nos. 0, 1 1 , lit, 15, 17 Cou'tlnndt St'crt, ni:ui iiiunmvAv, Ni:vv voiik rrrv. This old'eslalilllied nml fuvnrile rcsntl of the Inisl lies I'niniiriiill V been recently relltl-d. nml Isrniii' pi,-1' In iivi'rylhliiir that enn nilnltfr In the rninri.rts of lis p.ilrniis l.a.lli-a uriil families nru spuclally nml tnro fully provll''.i r-tr. It I- cnnlrnlly IncatKil In I ho liu Inoss pnrl nfllic city, mi l is cnnliiilniK In III" prlnciml linos i.f sti'iilnboiils, curs, iiiiinllinssi' fi'rrli's. kr, In coiisii'iii'iit! uf III,' pressure cauicil hy the Itclicl linn, prices llnvo lii'oii rcilureil to , Oim Dollar a d I'ifty f etils per Day, The tuM" l ninply snpplli-il with nil tho luxuries of Hit. spiisrin. nml Is O'l.lnl tu that of imv nlhnr liitti! lu llm country. Ample actoininodiilions nro nffureil for tipwnnl of -100 ;7" l)n tint believe rutiiiTS hnrkmen, nml others who may eny ' 'the WeMcrn lint' I Is full ' II. II. U'IMM 1 dTl 1. 1'ronr etur. TIIOS. 1). WINX'IIIISTUH. I'vb.'M, 7ic Atw owmcrriiil IhtiuUngn arc hcu led opposite Court House, corner of Court ami Chcnrtngo-S'rcels. ThlsCnll -git is ill nonuv couneited with nnv nlbor In-tlt-itloti, I I'h n r.t -s of the entire l'm ulty nro exclusively do- Htl.-ll t.illlis. I'll - -unofthls Institution Is in nirurd to Vnung M n an oppoituulty for ucpilrlng n Ihorvvgh Practical Itiifhir J,tlitratton i ll, lliiok ami 1'rirms are carefully arranged by rcii'iiit.iiits. e.vpressly for Ibis Institution, nml Hi.' i nurse of I lull union Is such tiicouibino Theo. rj and Piarilce. cot,i.i2fii ath ciii'nrin. lills i'nurH .'ilibritei-s unU Ke pltlg ill ill Its ,1c i nt .-its P iio.minshlp t;. iiiiin-ii lal rillimetlc litis, i if 1' " .'.in rci i I aw. Pn Ccon 1 j ' ' tirtm r--hip si tlleinents, lie . . i, k-Niii. s. &c. ' ' ' ' ' ' 'ii.ii ,n hip I lauclit In i 1 i iilful imisti-r-ofth.' art. I rt ."'lit is uu ior the special to. ii t I III.- t'ti lclpal, I). W. ri Is ,v.t.t nistr i ' .it ijr.NT.P.Al. I VI'nllMAi IOV. Htldntc.i it 'r nt an tlio.-; no Miciitimi. Usual 1 1 lain to i.mnp t-te Hi" 'nurse. fnuiiCIo p.' u u k. Assls. tine r i--r -t t rni mil s In procuring situations. 'Cr-t'nat s .r-tir-s lit.-1 w ith au i leeanl'v i,ii,.i.,....i in. plo mi. ' t- I'or n itiingiieif -Ipners. ptrlinensfif p-nmau-ship, itc.. eiiiiin..- two IlII. r ftaifps and a ' . s. I.OWI'.I. i W MINI'.ll. AufusI.TJ.iFC2. May:i, leo-.'-ISm. C It I' l' T K N 1) E N ' S I'.JH.iDi.l.I'ifiV u.iU'lidAL. C 0 L L E G-15, A'. E. cor hi, , fx ih r,i I Cinhiu. Sticcis PHILADELPHIA. Tins iNs-nn'i-iriN, whii h was cataVlthcri In Ifli nnd is now cousetpi -nlll in the rlgklrrnlh iuir of Its sxist. eiien, nuinh rtiiniong its er.nliint humlri.tls nf the nie.t-tueei' .Mereh nits -ind liusiuess Men of our ouutry. 1'ity Ontit-r of th lu.tlfition s,n,.v to atninl vounr men facilill, s fur tbnioiigli preparatlon'l'or li.isin,.'s s. 'Put lliusriii.s-i-.i-iiiiTare, Hook-trc? nr, ns npidlc-i. III.' loth Mirious dt putlliielils of tritle; l'rma;,hin both il.iii I il ; flmsfol Inif .Va lie' matict. XunnnllO'i L'iril l.ngmriring, Dramng, i S'r.,b.l. aittl v'otcrn Lngnflgen . Tii:Hv- ii:m oi lsi iiri-i mv is p.'ciiliar ; no classes or set les-ons ar ade u e of but , ,,, , .iinleiit is taught Individually, sotbat he may couimeiice at any time, and ntleiid at whatever hours are miittnmi .ni. in. Cruintr:s are i. sued n.-nun; after I he latli of April containing names of Hi : student. fur til year, and full partiiularsorfru-.-c..iin-l may be obiuiuuil in any time by addr --lug the Principal. In IIaiknsivk Aciommiiim cions. vLlnriprrail repnt-tlinn and til Irii'rlhH erperh'iie of ilir I'rlnr'pal, tins I n -1 It u Iidii '"1" rs Ciciliii.-s -uperiiir to.-uiy other in Ht. ,,,,,. try. f'trynuii-.' men ii-liiim to prepare fr business, nml to nlll, lilt at til" same time l inruim. r,li trill ir'ren rccommt minim fur them them tiiauy MeicKun tile House. eC'iii-CTm s's srie rf Trrathri on l'ooi;.Ki:if. I mi now nora widelyeiriiiliiteiltli iu any ml, ,r tk on the subject, are for al - nt the Cull, gc. a. nouiiiM :itii-pr.Di:N,, Principal. .Tun.,-.' ifj,,,. "-W ii.i:c I.OfATKU I.N PHILADELPHIA, S.12. CCIlNIJlTlil AM) CHi:.STNUT STS., JSav Yotk ( Uy, ih wJik, Atbu.y, ''toy imjfalo. JJr run, ( I'Vcuitd, Cticuxo, an t .V. Lotii.i llook keepiu. P. iim.iiiaii,, Cnmuieri ial Aritl ti. ''tt'lV' VVu'-Vt r'"6' CtMresp.llldeUi.u, pinlt I ll s Cm! , v ,..,iig n,,.r il,,. r.,ni. tB,lurll .,,,,1 , cal iiiaiiagni.ut and umiii, , ,.lrl, . ,nat.,.u ol all. t'.l r gr -at -r ilitus fur imptrii.ig iimri.c 1 in in aiiv nth -r similar lustit-itn u in th -, ..uutry. ,,,,1." ,1",1.i,r","l' n"""ed by any tins ,tgu d in all Ic I li Unlll.ilte.l nine. T'",1.'1 'iplii,U''ill'giliis biim re tlyenlai, ami n liiruikii,.,, , Mlp .rlr ,,,, r, , n,nvfi , Ihetai!'' l",""l";i"u ' lu.iiiulion i it.!.lyi".!,..Jh.iJ,?il,l""' 8, ri"H"f T"u ! ''"'hr.-ic . .... -..,. .,, ..i.iiiier,,,.,, .V.IUUUCIIC, an. I i.i,i se ,v inml. uiu.i ,.'r'"J i l,u'"f leinl I'or acircular. I'liillKT OYM'KIJSI OYSTERS!! KK-'ll OY-'P I! - cm b-ibtaluediit all n,,,e i... street. Illooin burg. Pa., Si pt :t. I'.. S I'D ,.!;. OIUNUEYILLE fitirtiMi and rom;ti rial e):-ui ami '!' jay. 1 '"l5in'',:,I,,ro "i M", I"V,u'i" lvi c'""l.cicu on 1 ilUf.lny. Oetoit, r 21 ti jmt J S. WOODS, ,4,.c tj.'.s r., in,. i itit'ti. Hi ir t,i ,. ds l l i Hi Ih ih j huv M)l i to eo p.r Ml 1,1.1.11 liter, ii in il l in ii nip i,.i 1 1 li in tiii i, V ,. . : '"-' "b.....isl,iig, Ciduu.bia wh r. til y hit ii, i urryiiiai.ii ih. , i. Iiu-sj mi. M.nui MiztMi. in nil lis dlv rsill nl brui, has and il,'p.irti.ieuis. an It., whi h they imiie nu uMe,,,, tlu public patrouagu. H. II vil.l.l.n , , i nr.D'K c. i: j : il illnninsburg, Mayll, Hitl.-tf. f ( ! ' !..,. ti, ni I Jtlt Ptiblish-id 22 irt-aled I'.uv lope: Prirellils: A l.ertiirn on the Nuttir ', Tr -nlineiit an, I ra. Ileal euro of ppnrniiitnrrliu-a or s -inliui w.-akui ss, involuntary d biliii. and iiiipeiiimeule to mar-ring.- generally, n -rvi iisii ss, consumption. , nil p., and Ills j mental an I phy-iiat iiit niiai-ity. resulting triii self nbii.u. &c lly Itobt, J. Culv. rwell, M. i author of III Oreca Ituok. e i'hewoil,l-r tiiiHiied author-III Ihis admin,!, le I ic il r .-I irlViroves Iroin iis own lAperieni-i- I lull in law ml i-i-ii.pi. nr, ,,f Mlf .iliuse may he i ir i Inally iii witliout me, in,., and witlmut dangerous mr Binil oi rail ni.. bnugins iiistrumeiits. tings, nr n r tlnls pgiuliiig.iut n uioiln or rare at nncu certain and eir-i-tiial. bywiiiih every niir rer, hi ciiuililion may b . may i urn bin,, ifclieaiily, priinlfly and rudicalli. i Ins lecture will prove u heou to thou sands uud tit, mis, mils. d -nt uu Jer seal, In a plain cnvelopo to any address mi the receipt of x cents, or two po.iago stumps hy addressing ' .... Dr. CIIA8.J.C. KI.INH, N!W v"fk I'ostUlllco Hm, 4if0. Nov. 15, Ifbs! NOT IH E. A 11 persons knnwiiigtliiiiuselves indebted to the sub scriber nil Note, Ihmk Account, or otherwise are hereby to call uud .eillo the same b -tweeii 1 1, and the llrjt of January, 8ti:i. If ,lni attended to ly illiuinileinfur'c'nUecHum "'"' Wl" bu ,ttl ' Illo.sbr,Nov.SD.W,i. B'MnnNllAl.l.. hXEOUTOIfSNOTIOE. r.slnte nf Dniiir Ieisel. drr'tf T i:Ti r.llStestaniniinry nn tho citato nf llanl. l Rci 1 -Be . ate ofl ncu.l townsblii. l i.i ..1,1" . necensetl. tiuvcheeH einuts.1 i,i-,ii.. nn.,i.. mil rniiuiy in in" in tiers guei a so rcsidlnc In .i,i township' a rsnua havv'g il, lins ngaiiist tl'i' cslntr! ofthe decent! ii'tr re.u '.tedtu 1 oienl he, tn t ! I jecuterul his residence in ii J lm nili in, ,ii"b delay und ull peons iudcbte,I t i,"n , , I In ... .1. T 1 . S.B"-, U I llll- with. IIL. IlL'Tl IT nr.. .... ' .--1M I)fa,hcr.6,leflt, . tu,iii,i,, utiiulit. ft A 'l IGNAL I AYElt'S CATHARTIC Xj.LXjJ1iS. Ale Veil lick, fuobl, Mid roiuplsliilut Ale )uiit iili, older, Mill your tjstciu de tsitged, and uur fiellujcs uu comloitiiblel Thtise ajruiii UlltR lite bfleu the letnde to serious illness totoo lit tf sickness Is ciei plug upon you, nml should he nicitsd by a timely me vf tho rliit urn etl). 1'Hko A)i's lills, mid lleanso out the ttlsuldeiist hU luais iurlfy the blood, and let the lliilds move uu irnoh fliuited In siilil, ihey stlinuliile the fuiirtieus ' rf Ihe body Into lgoious nc llvlly, putlfy tbesjueni fuua the obstiuciliuis which mnko A col.l settles somewhem lu lh body, nnd oh structs Us nitmiil functions. Those, if net lellau-d, react upon themsslves nnd the Biiriuuuilhig organs, pie. diiehif; gcneinl ngKrnvalleiii suuYilug, nntl dii'tio, AThlle In this coiidltloii, oppasoil by the deiniiuenioiits, tsJto AVer's lills, nnd sen hot dhectly they lesion- tho nntiunf nctltm of the system, nnd with It tlio buoyant fesllui; of health njoin. Wlmt Is true nnd to nppmcnt In this trivial nml cuniiunu compl ilut, ll also tt lie In many cf tho deep seated and dangerous ilistumpsrs. The sains pillwitlie elfcct expcU lliein, Chiho I by obstrira tlons und dcrniigeiuents of the o.ittiial functions of Ihl tssly, they lire rnpldly, nnd many of limn smely, cured by the same means. None wlinknnnr Ihu yblus of Ibeso 1'ills, will neglect to employ them when euITeilng from tho disorders lliey cure Statements fiom lending fhy'dms In soino of tin pilncipul cities, mid fiuui other nell known publk I'or em. Ivm a firuiardirg .Vcrc'ianf f Ft. tvuit, fib. J, 1961 ,Dn. Arr.nt Your lills nro tint paragon of all thai Is great In medicine. They havo cuted my little dniightur of ulceintis sm es upon her hands and feet that had prurt-il lucurnbbi fur yens. Iter mother has been long kiU.v ously emitted with bbitrhps nnd lniplssdH hui sljii nuO In her hair. After our child was cuiod, slio rdsu tils' your Pills, ami they hare cured her. ASA jiouamijan. As a I'nlillt Vliynlc. From Dt. K 11. an-fifi-df, AVie (W'cmt. Tour lills nro Hi" p.lnco of pingis. Their esccllool minlltles surpsi anj c.itlint tlu ,o possess. 'Ihey nru mild, but vei-yceiltdii and ilT'-etiml In their r.cll'in en the iiorrcls, which tinkel thsm IlilHluabte to us tu the dully Irujtinent uf dlscasii, IIonilnclir,Hlrlilienilrolie,I''onl fstomncli. V-ein Dr. Itcvjid Ibytl, Ujttimme, DrAiiIlno. Aveui 1 cauret mjir joii vlmt enint.hiliits I havo cur.I with your lids b, Iter than to my oil ,e ni ever twit iwi ti itmirttive mt'hciut, 1 place pieut ilcvep-ilem-oou nn eir.cloal inthiitle in my ddlv contest vltli dise'isu, und toileting ns I do that ytuii' tills nlfoid us Hm belt we have, 1 of couise value tlism highly. I'msni na, Pa , nv 1, ISM. Dn. J. C. Arm. Sirs t hate been repeatedly cured of tho worst A'lonc'is any body cm bate by n dse or two or your lills. It seems to uibie fiom u fuiil ctnaiach, whish thsy clennsit nt once. Yours with Kreat icspcct, 21l. W. I'rtF.rtX, (lerl: vf Sltaintr Cji i nt. 'Illlous DNnrilera I.lvrr C'omtiliilnt!). l'rcm Dr. TltciJorc licit, rfXia J'n Ol!. t'ti only aro your lills ndiiiliatdruditptrd tn theli- pur-pns-i as nn ni-rletit, but I find llivli'lifnerirlii! ilfectsiipon Ihe I.lrcr eiy maibuil Indeed, ibvy have In my piac tice pioTtd lut.iu i-ITcrtuat for thu cms of b Item r?m 2'foi'itfs than tiny onj remedy I can ni'mllt'ii. 1 sincerely rejiru Hint Mti at length u pmgallve vibltb is vt.r tliy th couUdoncu ol the iofcsiou und tint epls. Drt' or tun iMtraei,, Wn-diliiKtou, 1). C "Hi lib., Itr,. Stat I hnvn n-e.l eui- fills in my geoeitd uud Inxpital pi act he ever since yuti niude them, and c.-tmiul iu-.lwiie in say the) ntu the best t-albitl tic Mo employ, i lull it'u latliu action on the liu-r Is qub-l. unit dcs'ti-d cuu-.t-qiionlly they me mi a.hiihatdo letuett) lot ih-iuuuiiuits cf Hilt ui(;.iu. Iiidtcd, I havo si-ldinn b-und utuit'if tiilunii disrate so obitl t. ate that It did net le.mily l-ld to thsm. Iratuumlly Junta, AI,d.n.i) 1IAI.I., M, 1). lliytituut nf the Mai mc ILidA. Dj scii terj', Dion horn, Itclux, Wmiui, J'mn III: J. 6'. Gicen, oj Caeij;i. Your lilts had n lung trill In my trut.tlcn( slid I held them lu estct-iu us on of Hi best npeiltrnt 1 lane, fcle'l- finllld. ih.-il-nltrlAllve elTect upon the IItpi liildl.'S ilium uu oxreiient leuu-u.v, 1 lull iimst lu inuill ttnses toi htltimt tty.eiiUrj uwl tli'tt rhtr.i. Tlmli sti,iai-coittlne; lu lKos tli.m eiy aCi-eplaLlu tt.ld uulitvultnt fvl tbo Ufco of Vfuuiell aud (hitdieli. Uyl'llf Imiuii-Ky of the lllooil. Vom 1,'t.v, J, V, lt,mct, 1'asfor uf Admit Vtuic'i, IJ-ist'.n. Dr. Ann: I lnve used join- lilU nllh cv.tiuuuhiij,v success lu my f.nnily nml iiiiii.ii thoso I am ealb-d to Mt .in tllti ess. To it-mllntn the ciiraus of dit-sllmi uud puiirv thu blood, they me tin, vny tit-.t it-mcdy I l.nve ever hnouu, uud I con letilldriilty leitantnt lid Ib-tu to my blends. ouis, J. . I11.MI.S. WirisiTr, Wyonilnu Co., N. Y., Oct. 'JI, 1US. llcin Fin: I utlt living y.aii- Catlni tls lills In In; pmfl. tit-e, mid find tle-m ttu e.sci-lli'iit pmi'silu- to tlousj lbs S)stcm mid lull ify Hit unlit it'n, al r'.s llnuil. ' .i.iIIm t:'. MuAtiiiu, sr. i. C.'nnttl Ipnllnn, Coil Iveuess, fiuiini ef-loii, stiii-iiiiim mm, J,iiil, ruiulf,;ii, linuit t.y, Piiinlyels, ri'it.u, cto. I'ti'tn lir.J. I. Vnu'ihit, Multireel, (lunula Too much coined bo raid nf yum- Pills fji- tho rmc nf ('slititiui. I r i t l,t-i m r oui- fiutmidty bnvc H iiad tbuu ns efficacloiis ns I have, tin, il ,i-ld ( .In my In ,.n,rl.di.f 111: It for Ihe ltn lit id tint mttltltud',s nbiisiiffu- lusn that t-iinipl.llut, ivhli b, nllliniiKh bad fuunli I.i Iihi-Ii is the otbeis tint nro wm.i.. 1 l,i.,,' , ,s. til-Hirst toinliilinti- In thu livel, but J'eui Pills klf.ct that oriu and cute the dUe.-ete. Frvm Mn. .'. .Vnii, V'n'ci'nii and Mi',lir(t, Ruhn. I find one rr 111" 1 u;M dos'-s nf jour lills ttll.t li nt thl proper i vt-. H. nt pi m, liven, r IV t.ttlmu! tear tint when wlmlly or pnill-illy, un.l ills i lery elTjctunl to tteiimc tlio sfumtich nnd erlif. me. 't'hey iirotoniuih the bust phjslo u hale that 1 le.-jinmeiiil no utlter to my patlfuts, I'mathe .'re. Dr. jie,'.rj,ei,e Mel'nVil f,)i fllimxh. ITl iF.l Hurst. Savnunnh (In. .Inn C ltf-C. HoKottcn fin: I sh uld be U'i,;ini,li.l fir (In teller your skill has hi might 1 1 1 If I did iut mi mi, lo yen. A cold s -ttlt-d In mv Iiiubsuud In. ii-hi on rvillu venrnt.ii.: juime, h em!,, tin i fi.,nn.' ),. tuna, turn. Nnlwlih-I llldlni! I ll id Hi Im t uf plij-n tail tho dUeasoglew viiim,iii,, .i,uo, until bvlltt ntillei'lll' e.vt-llont ngent in llaltlrnnv, Hi Jlai ln-oil. I lilfd ji.ur Pills, i huir t It'et ts wnu vlou-. 1 nt mi, l-y loiseleiig lu the uio of lh,-m, I am now entliLp. i.ell. Sr.vm RiMtirirn, Pnton l:eu ;e. Lit. f, Dec. T-M. Tin. Ar.i'.: I b.ivo lnvn eiHhlv em I, bv um I'lll". it Wientii.'tia 6'uuf f A' yn i s. jjiuiiiiii uioasi. ii'iu rail itii.ici'-o in YINCIINT ,SI.IIli:i,t rv-Mest rr tho Pills lu innrlct runtsln Mrreurr, Tfhlth, nllhinigli a vnluatte iein,lr lu sl.,1 nl hum's. Ix (Hngcrous In a puhP- il, fciu il: dirsdful c -rs. lienes tint fiispi,iitl f, ,w l in, intbulH u , TlieM contain r.o mercury nr u.imsul subst.tuts wbalinei. Priqp, 25 cents per llox, or fi Boxes for 51. Trepated by Dr. J. C. AYF.Il &, CO., LtwoII. Mps Sold by 12 P '. litis, li M llageiibuih.nml .1 It Vnyer I'lfn-in-liiirii I I Si li-iyl. r. llolirburg: Masters ic rioii, Milhille; P Ma t -r.. II. ntnn; l.ariru ,t ti.her, Or. .lnii-villi ; i I' I'mvler I'ow lrs ille : A Miller. Her nieki Low f. liios . t'enter ille : 11 1' 1! ighart & Nitss I'.pv; M (i SI maker, liiti-khorn ; Keigluirt tc Nus, Mniiiville : J 111 irpb s Cattaw j Lreusy 4s Co, Light St n el i au I dealers t vervwlnre. Ju'j vi;, lNii--ly. EVANS k WATSON- SM.AMANDI'.lt S.l'i:S, 111',. MOYI'.I) to .Vk. Hi ieuA Fnurlh S rert, I'ilfa Irjilliii. Imv on nml u lurge assnrliueut of lire iilief pmi.f S.ll llnnil.ler ti ifes. Imi, iron doors, fur bank's uud slur 's, iron slum 'rs iron sash, ull makes ot'loLks cniiiilto any u.adu 111 Hi I'nltetl States. Fire kafa In one ,fr). Ml came ant right! tcith con tent in prod r,n;lithn. Tin Salamander Safes of liiiladi Iphia against Ihe world. KArANS & WATSON, have had the surest tlemoktralion in the rmiowing cr tilled! that th-ir lure of Salamander Saf-s lias at l-ngth fnllv w-iirraut d Hi representations wliu-h have b -en ina l,- of th iu as rendt ring nil undoubted tenuity ngaiiist Hi terrific i leue-nt. Philadelphia April Q. 1H.1;I. .Vers fnrt e? IVanon (i 'iitl, men It all'nrils us the Iti"h 'st sat i sf.ic ll ..ii to state to you, that owing In the v -rv ,n,t. ctiv .pialili s.l'two of tin Salamander, S.if s w hit h ue imriiins d nfjmi so no rlv mouth since we ,ae I a larg" porti m of . welij. ami all our books, tec exposed In th iiiI.iiiiiiioiis, lire in Ituum-ad place on th morning nftli lilt iim.. When we refl ! I li.i th K s.-if s wi re located in the fourth sfnry ofth building in oi-iupied uud that tin y Ml subsequently intiui h. up of burning rums, wli'ro the vast roiicentinlitui of the In-ut cuun ,1 th brass plait s to in, It. we riiiim t but regard th pren riallon of their ml iiuble contents ns ne st (i nviuiiug proof of the great se curity afforded b) our sales. W" shall take great pp usiire in ret , aninen, ling thciii lo men of bu.iuess ns a sure relianeo ugainst lire. CillOltCi: . SI M Ml)Nr3 & llltO.. Jewellers, KThey have sinctt pnrcliased lii largo S.if, s. Julya.i, ItJii-.'. LAitgiistW, IHJa GKEENWOOD SEMINARY. Ililtinlli Columbia C'nuiUi, J'eivi'a, This will kuowh School fur both sexes will o en NOVUM 111211 3d, lefii!. The recent additions In the buildings; render occom. odiilinua for more llian rixly boarders. The course uf study will einbrni e Hirce rif pnrlmuita -tho Normal. Hie Hrli-ntifir, and t'le 1 uiiiinercial. I'hel'r ncipal will h 111. i.tej by experienced (each- nrs. 1 ny ipiuniieiiior Illelr rt speilive oitious, Parent" und others may rest assured that no effnrls w ill lm spared In make lb School worthy nf p ilrouagu uud that Ihe welfare of the Undents, int'llertiially, lihykiilly. and iiiurally. will roceivuoiirronstuiilarc I 1 or itiMilirntimi. 1 irtulnm nr fn rl In- r Hurt iru Lira u,l . dress the uudtrsisucd. at .Milluille I'oluiubi.i county Pu. T. MAXWI2I.I. I'lli 'IS. JOHN II. PATTDV, t..M., Mlllrilla, Pa., Sept. in. Itii2. I'liiicipal. NATRONA COAL OIL WAIlli.Wi'I'.l) NOV I2.PI.OrilVlll and equal lo nny Kr2ll()rjl2Ni:, WHY buy 1111 explosive Oil, whuu n few cents cr callou will I'urhish )mi with a pcifoct Oil M'lilr onhlj'i rA ,:V"T M AM "r'ACTI'KIVfJ COMPANY limri) mm F RUSH A UR IV A L t -o." Ml MlTlllKTER! Tt IIP. iimlerlmir'1. frninr,ii r... ... liilgest and most select .tockuf ,'a,"' clllm, t, ; FALL AM) WINTER That has ytt linen opened In tlluoiniburv tt. i . . Invites the attention or hit friends t,,i .1 n,,lcl! lt thai they nro oirered for rnv H, i,' ""in Flock .onprlses larg. i;,,,!ufM l"tnUu- - OUNTI.BMr.N'3 tVCAItlNO APl'Ai: i r. C ur stiug ol i'iiinNAr.LS Dm-,, pf . irlptlnn Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravat, B, ,,!"1! " llniitlUenhiefs.flln,'.. H. '...r..r"a" s, I'olto oltot, I 1 "r "i. mi , CIK i GOLD VVACHES AND JEWELHY, Of every description, flue nnd (heiin. . re. i -it...A...i.A. .. . call and see. ... v.,viiii,(-r i.atcKiiunrtr i r' r-..i. . V !,... C. ......IL '--- '' v..u.b.. ..inn, iik i.iiuos. IIAV1U LOVHNm2HO lllonnisburgi .March 25, IfC'i. Uuu ib,tj.) A PAMII.r MAGAZINE niwoTim to jixn na.iaiox, j VOLUME XXIII-1863. VP is thctleslctiof this MngLTint to prmluci aeil I g.iiit uuil pure litraltic, mm Ii us Mill inhlviilo th" taste, rr fine the mat. lit rs ni'd eniirdilo nil h0 alnisi'' lie. Literary without being pei.unllt, rriigltus In Us time ami Inn l.-r without Id, . t , ii ,,,ke w. Ii't.niim li .rever II is liuoteu. ,o iniipuxim, n, ii,. I oiintry is hotter ndapt-d lo th famil) circle. Hurlni Ih,' l.irlh -11111111? voltiiiie It will n.iitiiiuetiiimiliitiilnlis rbarail. r an 'J'h Um-i n of Hie Monthln s." h, ns lilrh.inliul etrutinl h Hi,- Uepesltnri is lit t eiiiiiiled by nny lu the lan, l. It If printf u In in k, r. otype ilali-s on the fincsUnlcn It r d p.iinr, nnd ,m.h liuiiih -r coiilnlus tun nn I mil Itnl eiigrin mg- ej.iu. I'd in th- high'ststvlDui ih.. ut hynrtitli Mho ntud l.t the It :atl ot th, jr prufessinii I lie tlcpnsitory I ns stt i i is I l.,!n Hon tn Hn liit.Hy II furui.h.'s a gri.-iliimiiiiiit uf i -iii mg uunpti-u le ti l Hi inemlurH nf the family young and t,ld- i,(,t for g.'tti'ig Hi ihil.'r.'ii- Itl-i'r ih.viiriiu f., oi lib . -lu li. ligloj. .mil (i.meinl I. it t nturi it nri-iii.ii i u uiehe can b II 1 1 -l lu nonthcr way 1 s rijulnt wiI'lo Hi.- In-art tin i soul 1, '.. Aiiiong Its are f'limd some , r j itti writ rs iu th laud. Th-ir ..i) -r- nivt .1 f,iu,e rritc uu I vurl ty.ns u .11 it ni'triit-.'.luii in lin pi,cts. u is tli' Int ntiouof the 12 lilor an.-. I ,.bh -In t in i, nl.o it the fust Mug iZiiie of lis kind it tin-country. eiHiial u It ii t i .ii U iu It fd to the Miri l . and lute let ting u t -ills of Hi i:-itirliil li . rl t.f-1. 1. whn It iilnt.its f. l-i rus tin w here i I.i- to be loumt. It v ill inrlum Mtiii. tire t'nbiii.t. i uiiiaiiiing many ihoieu lliouFliis aiid ixpositions for thu I bristinii ri auer nml iii'nist r Not (tutri.-s. i. nieinry a nl inton i.uii.i,i., bijhl) irtereftiiig to the iinpim:, ive ; , niu-, s i'l ,.,, I'.ibli -ntious ; If ins. i ii iiiij, s it atiflc nml I, i,t-i u gi'iiibo'luu f., its, liiiiift-uti, nu.l 'tui.tuk id pi riniiin t i aln 1 ri,,-lii.,iK li,r ihlli'r'ii t-.J.-li i. ill i. ,i, mines mi l uu. tdute. pi i iilmily n,l.,ieil tu 'i,, ,,.S' dlia iuiriiit ihililrt'ii; til. 1 ni s, u ant up if rit li aud rar. s nntl niieitlt'U - i..e ,ri ,, ti i. . ih., 1. .lint's leailiogj nnd l.,.itur'siLbl -unuUu vl.Ih.ut put ii v.irielv. i here Is au iconouiy Iu taking til Mngrainc, if ynu lool, hi the n 1 1 . 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 of Hi na lin.. in.uter. A single vol ll in- I- 12'iual tin Ight ishiio. ,t u, n I win. I, ,n prrn ut rates would ct.t $1 curli. i I it is m u gi.t m u.r Iti'li.isitnry fur Tun Dnllais and a 1.1 1 t li i wulil cm t nu leu lltillars ill Hi.; hoi k fi,r'l ; and thtna l.-ire iiuiitli i id .up ih m , , iigiaviit;ii in Hie baigmn ' I iiiltM' lu liv id the unpr 'i-eniii niLiiasciu the cost of paper nnd nil nttlir u .it rials of in..iai'ac lure. "niid in i l the fan thai publish, rs ct but ks nr i. imp I :u in add from twenty ll e to Hint) p , , i tall p. ne of th ,.r knoks we Ini'r ik-nieeiju itn ,,ta , l i attempt tu.' . iiblicatn.h i I'lhn itt-pi-sii.-ry f. r th. , e iming y. ar nl h ss ill in two ami ,i llaii 1 oi'air. TI is mil i ne j' i , ii inwiniimy in iiiy.'inc. All Ministers nt tu, M Hi.,, i.i Hjiiser-pnl Uninhnre uiir-ililed g.M uud will ri'ulie t'.u.siri I'lnn. tad P,im nts I'ubli.h,-I b) lie A. hi, i l,i-i ck, ' le. inn: ,i, i urn, r ol Mat , . I.ighlli -ri ts I ajln u 4. l m-r 1. . Yoik. -,'.i I .Mi.ibury tnili-is ll. n a iv ',,, M l)i-tiglil. ( In, ago; J P Mii-ei. p.,.ttn;S l'itki s. I'll 1 .i 1 1 ! p Ii i ; J p. r,,i, l;.iliii.,,,i,.; J. I,. ; , ll8. I.u.g. P. nn : II ll.niis, I'i. Sir. !. , Y.; Ili.b, rl W 1 ,i. Priiuris,-!,, I al.;T II. IVariie. Poriiti'id. . II ) liu us Pati-riin I. r. tt'iw , I ni ii ii, Uncial i ,i. through nnj .aire ii, tt.iwlius nuui tel till lulu Id'isi t.pal i'l, irth. " I.1, I i -:ik, J A ME 9 i-l. SMI1 H, I.VS'Ulfl'HH J1X! Ifilnl U..1I.K llA 1 I ft UK AN DIMS., VLV.;s, U1JISKJJ, tilS. v 1 1. Hit;, j;,.-, -V-i. :).'23 ifulitm btS , lillicrcn M.I.V . 3 f I',. r n iii'vi.v -r , , f'll.M'Kl i,-U, c. u. Ili..M,, rrnlmg .-i.t and Halui in. n," il tn un i: sp.i;i.i.y Houinsi. Nov lub.-'r i f C j. "v'ew York IS titi:. iiLDIUAL Nf-TI- A ben, vol ut I'islllutinu emlivcd for the 1 1 i I i mine iiis -a-, s ..I ever) uatui. nnd to .'nt ' t't " t ai-i-rnsers ami unpn tort g S ejl -pt for H-ilil H cured, ll ,1 ti, treme It) ir at it free. N.i .Mm. all o,ls linns ile,l. 'I'll -,.n ,, .,' ' nc in in i i p. ni,, 'p. .... . . ,i i .inn 1114 nr.-Milun o IP .(imp units 10 Mini ll special llttellli.u, , g,, . All I'lscase',, , f ,J Head I iron Lung- I'. i, .J,.aci , I.ucr. Iw In, y, liladikr ill ..,', i., I'll. i.,,,-.r. Pij -h, en,.u-JAil c" mi l)i as-s. i, li- i..l ihmi.i... r', .muni U.akiom, lm- pot -ii, .- and ir H , -',. .... f every na. n. posl ie lciieii. I is. nk s i f 1'. males aT,d all irr, ,. ',i,lr mi. ii, .rain i iiimii... s ami .9 . without paiittul opernniiiis. liiMi'titi, tn-i-t d b, I, hy -ending -i -t..t m r.t uftli-j, ,,, i , IU . any par ofthe rt..tnlrv. (ii'i-ultaticii. fr,-i i.,,.n , red i, r i I to Atlules, . St'-I. p eurl.iM d, LIS I. (JUAM.H IViisulliag p,vsuln Aprils PW-.2,,,. WJ K"""1"")' so. .JM AD.MINKsi li ATOil'.S NDTIOK. A'iffC nf Jul- on Crorfir, u'rcnjif, I l.Tii i I J ,o.i C-'iire I'adi.iliii.tration mi tin- 1 state of 'ak. L, l.'ll I'l i.tlttsl till, ll.l.lli it mill. ; ', , "sen. nave men cr.inlt-d by tiie l;ifisn.r d nlll i.bla ri.tlhtj in .Mar) (ieorge end Pelerb., r I. in-u'lmiiilatrit ,rs. ml prr.i.1,.. h.ivjug ilam.sngni- t 1,1,,-ts ato o Uu- dec nl, ut, are rcpi. ,i, d to pr s, ut them to tliondinjnniiutnrs at th ir resiliences in I n oust town-. h,,,. ,il.,,t,i . . ,y. ai,,l pUIBns Indeotirl lo make payment luithw i.ii. M ' BY GlIDIUiH. , ,, , Pf.i tR K II tit l.l.l S Junitary 17. 1,VI ;vv. 5... .jjtni,t,uirs NE (30LII.MUIT.S At'APl'MY. Tlu Cidui.-ibus Mn'e an.: I'emols A.-ademr, w ill oi cu ll nrM teim niniii Tin .!uj tin nn of wr. ncv. i ni school oll'-rs iii -nor imlminieni. to nil vfhu nre ilesiious ol nnpining nn 11. 1 dc aural eilucuiuo it pn pare for t.n bnig nr tn obtain a ttn-r uch know let t ul any of the 11.0 let n nr an, , ni i, , ,,, s l or furth.r liiforii.1.11011 1 inin 1 r- 1 I li S. PIS'J i M. Pim-lr-ul. .. .... . 1 r of J.iu.N I2oi..m, hec v.. at (w i.oiumbiis, I uisrne co , i u. l):t.Jo Ino.'. STUJ5 A J 'J TrJ.IVHK Mi ', 1. I III", undersigned woul I infurin th. cilixous r"J ' l.lo ni-iiine au I , ii iiiilr, Ibal h bus Mist r elveii ami oil rs mr sale one nfib . nimii xi. 11. 1, .-1 mi t in nt nf 1 ' 11 1 K 1 ;; it n ii 1 ,u, v h-iiivi-s 1 ver inlriidiiied nlo lin-mnilet, iiir ('hn.p pin 1 Lo umbos. James llobb ami lilibemo annuig tu fl.,i dms cooking Slov -s ull of v.uii li an bit -tight nml ens Inn in- r His Parlor -tm s ar hand oim, nml ibe in on, mta ried. AI.-'O P.iriicular atleiilioii ir pi.ij t -jni tVnn mid llotise Spinning, upnn short auticu. All kinds cf r'Tnniug will he done with neatness uml despatch tv" Liiunlry j ruduce taken in cvRhanse for work. ,,, , ., , I'UII.IP S. MOl CR liloom.biirg J'ny 10, ff,s ST11AW!! STltAW!!! 'I UN'S ST, MV, of nil kinds. Iturkwlieat ri l-eileil, is wiinted iiuiiK-iIiatelj-, u Hie Mill t.rnvu l'ni r Hills, n ur Light Sir'cl, for n ln.-h . .1.11 , in iu paiu. Min n . THOMAS thencm Mill Urovc, August 0, lC?, 'nvo FARMS SFmi KAEsBi OE US IBS T. Tin suhiiriher od'eri for tale or rent, the two follow -lug I'arms, one nf them eil little in l'iiltiiigcreck tuv.n ship, Cnliiuibiii county, i nniainnu' ONE UUNDilEU AGUES, more or h ss, iiboiit lllty-flvo ncres of wMrh isihar'-ti 1.11.1.'. i hereon art 1 ru leti u good iwo sn.rv FU.1.UK hlll.Li.Ln ,,. nntl Htsi.VF. 3UhX. Wuou House, Corn Cub, and outer nuinuiiutnes. other I'nru., sltuawln Ilenton towtiihip, Cnliiiubi.i cinil , cniilainiug 1 ONE IIIJNDHEU k TIJIUTY-PIYE Acres nboiit i'hlrly-Fiio Actus nfwhi n is (. j, ch ared Inn, I, vt her- nit are, ir-rtetln Ht.l.VI'. aif'li 1'iri.l.l IXO IIUVHK, FIIAMi: M,.V. and tlte'Ul other luithuililings raid (arm is siliinla oa Having Cr,ek, nboiit twoiiiilra above aii ll ater. .11.SO Two other nan 1 1 l.ots, silutita in liihln rre k lowitship Iviuguii I iililngrr ek Itenil nnd en i.ile from still Wat- r cue lontninlng I'Ul It KsiH nn I tho other 11 'i'. vn !.-,( in-1 gun, I" n a k. '1 Hi ui lertnsanl c-a ltlnnios knn ' WILLIAM IKniifcR I lihiiijj--i. uih t '6 U9 STRAW 1 1 100