Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 21, 1863, Image 2

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    mum mwu
BL047TtsassiR, pa.
ttUsuuitanurjMKXii k.tK.' mMwun
Htr-"CMll TO TUB rnVBTIIWTH'N, AS Tilt'.
BUS AROUND HIM," .Diiifrl Hdiltr.
.auLLow mo pi.tou'riui, wiutit fxpiussm line voles or
rik Nmin a.idu Tut true staniiark or loyalty :
-Tht Hie present deplorable civil wnr has Wen
fnrr1 upon Ihe country by tlio ill. unionist of llio
B.iuiiheru Mntcs, now in nrius ng.iinst uie uniisiiiiiuuiiti.
Uotemuieiit, mi. In firms around llio 1'npitnli t h;il in
IhU N-itlniiuleicrscnry, t'.iusrei-s, b:inililiit nil reel
'frig of inert pnslon or resentment, will recollect only
III duty to tha wholu country j that thie tear Is net tcogtU
an their partin any tplrlt of oppression, or for any pur
pete ofconqutsl or svbjnuefion or purpose of overthrowing
.V interfering w'l.l the rltf.M er ettailishtd Instllulwn., of
Mess SMit . tut to defend and maintain the tnpreinney of
Ike Constitution, and tJ preserve the Union, Kith the dig
nity, equality, andrights of the teceral itotes unimpairidt
and that ai intuitu thtit objectt arc atcompliihtdtlie tear
ujlhtlo tease1
Another publication will complete the MxuriNrn
tolcmi of ths ( ULUMKIA DCMOCUAT. At no time
within the twenty ill yean of Its cilitcuce lias the
sitabliihnunt bem in st prosperous condition. Over
-rro hundred submltier htiva 'btrn cddcil tn our lilt
nltli 1 ihf pat two months, nnd still tliay come, itliru
.not the mrioft circulation of any news paptir in (he
Greet North. Our democratiu friends npprcciute a
lively, truthful. out spoKen and Independent journal
such as tin Oolv.iMa Democrat, ent hus been and ever
thall continue, hilit we control its columns,
tipret-iioin i.r oppreb.itlon of the course of this pa
ferreach us from various smirces tlis Camp, thu Tress,
and the fr'tatonian, all rliecrin; us on' to duly and to
glory uiiinisUKeiibly indicating its loyalty and patriot
ism. Tew families or business men arev Ituc-ut the
IVe sincerely tlinnk our numerous friends for their
yrompt payment subaianlial patronage and generous
toiudcnce-i'-atid tnst their interest in our success may
jrow aad Increase. To those of our good friends v ho
luvu thus promptly and faithfully paid the 1'rlittcr, and
nu fulfilled the first duty of a good 1, we tender
"onr unfeigned ac'.nowledgments. There are, however,
mauy others largely indebted, and who neither answer
our invitations or make payment. .With the opening of
the nclt volume, of vrlnrh due notice is hereby given,
jlha nami;s (.full suchilrliiijumls, will "be stricken from
the toll."
Oar trms of subscription, notwithstanding iIIm ener
incus advance In niatoriuU and the necessaries of life,
Trill not be Increased at present. $1 7S. ts paid strict
Or, in aiciijice, or S- 00 otherwise. pr annum, finite
,papcis five cr.Ms, per opy, nlways"cali down."
CrH()N. John Conness, Democrat has
-."been elected United Slates Senator from
Oalifornist for six year3 from the -lib of
larih next.
US The Sullivan County Courts, have
5becn poi-tptued from tho 2-lth of t'cbrii
.ory. to the 7th day of next April, on ac
uiui of the prevalence of the Small Pux
Ei.ysnutto Acavemv. We arc author
ized to ...aiino'ince that the Elysburc, Ac
ideray .in Noith'd. county, under tlio care
.of Iiov. Jacoii F. SVami'ole, will be open
aguin ou the 20th of April.
EST- SiAuaii & Son. We invite tbo at
ttentiou of our readers to the advertisement
.e f . i. ... c? T)l.A..l..iA f 1 T.
or uaug., b oup0 ..uH-
is one of the beat manures ol tho day, and .
is what it purports to bo, ahead of compe-
tition. Let our farmers and gardeners
-give it a trial.
EST" Sup-' o- tht.ry H randy. Mrs
and Mr. J. ii.n Kri'.si.eii. of Srott town-
jliir. in fl,w r-flMllr. uill nli'nS'.i aCO'l't ( Ur
sincere tlni.ks for tie p.eseut itio:. of a 9V witl'. otice of the applications
toule of Superior Clunry Bn.ndy. Mr. were published, woio served personally
Kreshr, in -addition to being a thiifty . "P the District Attorney, and reeo.n in nainiinn with his accom-' mondalions from the Piesidcnt Judges be-
,Pr,sbea Lady,iS.lsoascieutiaoandprac
ticil IIor(iculturi-t, aud always enjoyed
;a largo share of the Fruit ,of thcViae. Wo
highly appreciate such presents, when pre
sented by good Democrats.
A SciKon for hwinbo and Diusli.
We are told that tbe llev. Mr. lleecct
Presiding Elder of tbis District, Preached
a Sermon iu lbe m. E, Church, ol tins .
, oit it i , , ,,! ..fwi.tni, assault and battery upon tlltaui Lyer
place, on Sabbath last, a portion ot wliien ,,n
was specially devoted to the plorifieatiou and sentenced to a very liht hne. Ine
of DiDab aud Sambo. He approved of evidence developed tho most aggravated
the President's Negro Proclimation, wih'auj outr.igoam case of tho kind that ever
til of its unconstitutional provisions, which d j , our courl Ag be seou
Lave done more injury to tlio citiZ'ins oi
the loyal States by dividing
opinion-thau all tho colierU of Rebel-
dom, and has not yet in two mouths, or
... ... " t (-11 T I.
loyal States hy dividing
fulfil tho "Gospel oblmation," it tney i
have no respect for Laws and Constitu- thus avoid the breacli
jarrang has crcateu among utu iuuujucis,
1 tho Utiristain uiiurcn.
'T. Ja;i!iiiiiiniJoyor."
We refer Dr. John to the statement of
Dr. Koycr, in tho Demount of to day, in
which ho will find his pet Simon laid
out. Democrat of Feb. 7.
Wo have reud the record of tbo Clear
fuld Horse Jockey shame and infamy
Tho liar and villain is so prominently
displayed in his "staicmrut" that no man
jrith half a brain will be duped there
bv.' WeaiesatisGr-d that bad thu outside
pressure, the mob of loco foco cut throats,
f'li-i. . .,, ,,trL- nml e e:nril convicts
ti - .ml ..nil firmi-ipIS
v. .am., ,-,;;:,".", I :
ivuo were suippe to iisnnuuig ..u...
.all tho dens of infamy in tno country,
been kept at home, instead of being
present to brow-beat and intimidate tho
''unterrified," ono hall tho sum that this
i7ig Boyer says was offered him would
have bought as mny votes as would hve
been asked lor, unu nir.piy wuu iuhc
Drcckinrid-rera aro used to being bought
, -
.and sold.- Itipublican Feb, 12,
There gentlemen what do you think of
-that T It is a Jice specimen of Dr. John's,
most 0U01C4 cngiisu, a"" "w v "
. - . 1 ..... u.ill I, mL- (lie
Dr. against ttn.y fish woman, however
notorious for iudectney. It is about
c nual to the Dr's celebrated "pocket book" I
. . ..... I ...!
paragraph, and should be framed, and
bun up iu his private paibr, For ehaino
Doc'or, tor shime. Do your masters
force you to cieh depths, or is it the na
tural tH I -y of-'cw 'ird i"'u
cover win nccraie a single onve. urun ; ,va3 overwhelmingly against tliem. iiven 0f this uuhappy strito, which as plainly ap
professed Divinr-s,wbo are thus afflicted with ' Joshua C(jmtiyi ouu f tie-u. 0 wu counsel 1 parent should bo stricken down Chris
cified,1' and let Sambo and Dinah alour, boasting that bo "would not have taken - aijd C(J wllJu COiiquero.I, will bo per-:
thev would eviuco their desire, nt Ica.t to them" (tho rioters) ''off from Eycr if ho1 T,ni,.l. Lr-t. tlm nrlinini.initinii rise to a.
sis.... 11 "'WW'i1eWlUIIMI
TllO BloomsbUrR Riots nild An pretended that tl.a law ws ill fiui.M1l III
rti'ntir Prtrlin T -. TH ... 1... ...
. . "'
The power of pardoning 'dlTenoei,"
i Baeon'. Abridgment, Vol.7, page
,"is inseparably incident to tho crown;
and tbis high prerogative tlio king is in-
trusted with upon a special confidence that
h. will .pare ll.oso only who case, could
,faM.?,f !,e law itself may bo pre-
suiiied willing to hare excepted out of it
general rules, winch tho wUdom of man
oannot possibly wako so perfect as to suit
every particalar eato." Iu other words,
tho pardoning power h to n convitstion,
what equity is to law, 11.0 correction of
that wherein the law on account of its
universality, is deficient. This is tho com-
7D aw. S'" a" was auoptcu ny
the LegielBtttro of Pennsylvania by the
' uuing -piopcnj auupicu
to the circumstances of tho inhabitants."
It has never been changed ; but by the
constitution of Pennsylvania, it became
vested in the Governor. On the other
hand, the Uth section of the 2nd article
of the constitution, requires that the Gov
ernor "sfial- take care that the laws he
faithfully executed.'1 Whilst the 8lb ar
ticle requires tho Governor to. bs bound by
a solemn oath "to suppo, t tbo constitution
of this commonwealth, and perform -the J
duties of his office with fidelity.''
By tho light of the foregoing premises,
it may be readily seen that the question
''whether the law, on account of its uni
versality, is deficient" in a gi;en case,
constitutes the only criterion, by which to
ascertain the legal and constitutional lim
its to the Governor's pardoning power.
It follows also as an infallible corollary,
that when the interposition of executive
c!eiuoncy is applied for, tho Governor
should use at least, icasonuhle diligence,
in ascertaining the facts and circumstances
of the case, before exerting this "high
prerogative of the king." Hence a sa'e
and correct piactice coeval with the com
mon law has generally prevailed in En
gland and in .this couutry, of requiring
information from tho judges presiding at
the trial j whether the conviction was
produced by '.ho deficiency of the law on
account of the uuiversality of its princi
ples, more thau by the wilful guilt of the
convict, before granting a pardon. It
not, the constitutional duty of the Gov-j
eruor uuder his solemn cith, is as plain
as tho meridian sun. "lie shall take
eare that tho .laws bo .faithfully executed. '
So sensible was even "King Curtin," ol
bis official duty in the exercise of this
''high prerogative of the crown," that oven
he, issued an order from tl.e Executive
office that in all applications for .pardon,
notice bhould be published iu a news-paper
iu the neighborhood of the applicant and
also be tcivcd personally upon the District
1 J 1
Attorney who prosecuted the convict so as
to give opportunity for hearing both sides.;
lathe pardons of Irving and Dcnnisou,
j the two only successful applications to An
j drew Curtin from tbis county previous to
1 tbe '-riot pardon," tho executive order was
! fore whom thej were respectively tried,
were obtiiced.
Now what circumstances in the Blooms
burg riot case induced "King Curtin" to
hasten to show his clemency on the very
day that sentence was pronounced, un
known to any body except tbo convicts
and their nuliccns criminU ?
Pile de-
fen(!auts wcrc couvieted of a riot i
nn,ia!- nr i.i,,,,,,, ; nnnther
, j - j i ...,!
, "J -j i
column, correcting s
falsehoods of "Lying
Johu," the evidence
roso(.ti r to ouibbiesund quirks
dllpin,r tho wholo Ahowlll .hataveii -
--0 - -- -v 0 -
tu....j ..-t,.u,v.- ..... .v
the celebrated hrm ot "uirl:, bnap and
Uanimou, ; oveu ho admitted unally that
one at least was guilty. Guilty of a crime
uoou which Judo Xin", of Philadelphia,
,i i 0n, (.,., . ,
justly remarks as follows ; "lho divid-
ing line of guilt between tumultuous aud
riotous ast'iablaiies ast-ociatcd for tho pur-
noao of destrovin" property or life, aud
iVe-Moii.the highest crime against society,
will he found, ou im-ostiiratioii. so exceed-
will be found, ou investigation, so exceed
ingly nairow, thattho perpetrators of tho
t ... . 11
n luau would suppose,
ruuuing into tho eoubequeuecs of the other.
Why then docs "King Curtin" hasten to
exert bis bigii prerogative and pardou tbe
oouvicls Why the Governor of Penn
sylvania thus proclaim to tbo people of
Columbia County, that if vou go to Blooms-
. , ,
burg, your uouuty boat, you unuti os mwo
ui f Mobbed by those who have often
threatened lo doinolish your printing
nffices ; uud by tbo sou9 of those who
I -ir 1 r... 7
I jiavo ouereu iiiuuuj im suw u jjuiiiusu
By thoso who havo compelled ''Union Sa-
it.a'' ... Ili.tlry nllf llni.a nnrl hvr!inft tvlin
. t a .. " -J...W.,MW
i..... .1..! w-.i..
, w1(jm lbcy formerly called a "Union Sa-'
' .. .
vor anu maiu unu - rueui ior mo union
in order to savo his life I Wo must look
for a solution of this mystery outsjdc of
.1 i i i.:... .t. IT; .."
dutis ; lor it rraa rcro
tin, cm wn. it (but the rioter, wm ;
t.,v,t,,1 ,l,li M !J,,1 u -M- 1
Ihunsido, an "Amarlonit'eltinn of African
desennt," whilo .Ejcr was n Democrat ?
Was it that tho Democrats of Columbia
........ .VI...UI.....U-, .'.I.
Countr iniii.iimn.i,lv,r.P,l tl,n is,,l !
born, i'litorato'' (cars and all.tahom-Our l"lfr V ,Hfiotenlng to ilrlke ihini, and
seut to bo our Jud and';inntlimously ' J tSjiMTr'lS" ? 0n
clectcd tbo man whom 1, di.carded ? Di.&T
Andrew Cv.rtin want to compel the pco. r the sink Mr. B am only
ua of nailinii,ill n,tnv tn MtPt nt tl,?r lHksml to knoio 'haw vmtilillic a&'tl for
oft ,oJ lbrcu,9 of takin ,h(J , s"t0
.ii,.:' .,,,,., ., , ,i.
ovcr lc llC!J(ls , ,t0 ,(lbolition riotori!)..
fr0m ,Vhicl. they were n.nirily .prevented
hy tll0 illstituti01, of tllis proMCUton j
Docs ho seek an opportunity to call out
tho niilitiil ,, wrk his vongcrico upon
lbe Dl.1110(.Pn.B Columbia County? Tho
outraL'c has net a narellcl in blslnr r.nt
even in the tyrannv of William tun t on
quiror vli(n hi -ri'-vi-itod iWrnrniily for
the purpoo of alluring tho Mnglish into
insurrections, in crder to 'have a prctrx1
for further exerting the rights of cotiqucfit,
and seizing tiicir po-scs.-iotis ; for William
hud (.worn to support no constitutions or
laws. Is it not timo fur the people to cry
Ollt. aiisfi arid rptnlrn tlin nnrnrnniriit iiifn '
,bah. off BahM . our lotsb.lvo
faietl .., Hai tilHCS , TimL. blt
repeat the htBtor of all other apes, when
by 'lying tongues, tho selfish and ambi-
tious feces of the earth havo wormed them-
selves into power. Dy corruption .and
taxation thoy havo impoverished the pen-
plo and bankrupted the nations. They
have trodden upon constitutions and mined
couutric5. They havo waded through
scas of blood regardless of the lives of
millions, to accomplish their own self
aci;randizemont. AVc thcrcforo sav to '
our representatives at Ilarrisburg, thoy
ought to impeach Andrew Curtin. Whilst
wo need a Governor to vindicate our State
Rights against .illegal arrests by the usur-
perS at Washington, wo have none But ,
when wo require a Governor to see that
"tho laws bo faithfully executed," wo have
Audrew Curttn who places his feet upon
tho constitution, and would feign put a
crown upon his head. Therefore wo say,
impeach Andrew Curtin of high crimes
and misconduct in office. Impeach him
in the name ol the p o lo "f Co'u nliia
County, whose rights he ba-t trodden un
der feet, lmpe .'h him in (he niinu ot'
tho Constitution o.' this Coinnionwe dth.
.vhose provision- Lt has disu'arded. Im
peach him in the "mik of the peop'o of
Pennsylvania, wbo,i dust he ha betray-
,l o.l i - l . i . ...i
uu, wiiv. , uu-u imiiivi.i uuuiu in; nils am
lied, l.astly, in too name ol human iu
turo itself, in the name of both sexes, in
the name ot every bj, iinpeacii the c in
mon enemy of constitutional liberty, law,
order aud mankind.
f l!pnf.M-fmt sii!i?-.!i il i.ii:lnr Riri!f .
The following is said to bo an extract
of a speech made by Hon. Ciiakles It.
Buckalbw immediately after bis election.
Although a neighbor of tho Senator, wc
have never heard him utter a word in ref
erence to tho unbappy condition of tbe
country. He sant a letter to the Phila
delphia Jolilicatiou maetiu' which did
not come up to our .stamiaruoi patriotism,,
and so wo declared it, but if tl.e following
is a correct report oi wnat -ur. jjuukai.ew
said uu tho oceasiou of bis election, it will
bo seen that there is a possibility that
those who regarded him as un ultra sym
palhisxr with tho rebellious South
bo foiled in finding I im a representative
oi the Hughes sci.u..l. He is reported to
have said? Columbia co. Jicpubhcun.
"While the heart sickens at this loss of
life and expenditure of treasury, let no
lovul man hesitate as to our future course.
'ibu Constitution respected and tho laws
' ouforced, at whatever expenditure of life
and money; i ho interest involved do-
n ui ml a l lut n nri fin. Tr linn Id lift tl.n
ardellt j,rayer ofalljustmen that tho cause
people. Let there be no j. alousits, no
1 txUibltion of parly strif, no sjmpa.hy
t rebels. 'Opposition to the coimtitu
, autboritie8 ,u tt- stnuirlo to uiauitnu
and preserve the Gove, iimeut by a'l lo
gitiiuato means, v.
L'itKuate means, whether oy lorce ot arms
. . 1 i
or by proclamations calculated to weapon
a,ld destry ,Ue Powor of the governmeiir, I
and to remove the oauso of stnlu forever, 1
. mQ of T1U.:AS0N." Let us j
,ben in our action hero on this "question1
at least, ' as may bo nreieuu'd, show out
deyotiou to the government, to tho interest
of, f,ur childreu, and to the cause of civil
libort 'hrouSut the world;
Jlcpoited Spcich,
The foregoing article with the Editor's
coumionl8 aeooultm,vill, it, appeared on
t)10 5tb of Pcbuary, in tho ' olumhiu to.
RepuiicHnt fa,ili,rly known a the
i;,,(),((4,,,,.,, s,;l , .1 ,.,;..,." Wo jro
autlioi iz:-il to pronoiiDCi- it a uu-elon ioes
fabr'-eatioii -ind iioilir-i.ius I'aU. l.uod Ur.
John must Imvu Kfiown it to bo such a1 tho
tune of iu. p'iblieatioii, as it will be obser
ved, that he enrefully avoids giv'ngits,
delivery ei'-her fiuit?. jiUee or location, or
tho paper fic i which it was copied.
jgrT H0n. John D, M. of 0 ,
...111 nr..., ( f,r n nnnV nf fh
Hill UtUC j, '. J. IllUllft. .11 w.
u , r ir u i, A
1 ... ...
White, of Ohio, on the Enlistment of No
gro Soldiors delivered on the 2d of Feb
luary, 1803, in tho House of Itepresenta-
tives. We may pabli-b the npecob of Mr.
White ncx' neck.
iWot t ol' Ur Job'
ron.i.iuedTut of DoetorMms
......... .. . .f . , .1 .
ilV ill
I'Coiit nifti in iiMiuM wccKirepoit oi iuc
"Great Hlot Case." J
Ho Bays, ''It was showrfhiU lie 'Eyor)
'Ipnllllnntipnrl n tt neon. It mi nil ItlVllrl
"returned soldier l.v callik lntn a dcnor-
ypropiatinn wylJ inntasc-hti far,
"toMnm he tttlkul like a aicttnonsif
''ifif Mr, Cvlp tvtis not mar, '
'ilr. Casr. only interfered by '!iS
"protect It m."
"Wcliiivo ' such of tie nbovi1
lies, ns we deem worth correct' ; anil
nmnbci. tbcm for C01)Veililitll lt,fr(,ct. .,,
lies number 3. 4, 5, 0, and 7. lien num
lured on.! and two. bavin heen mmelnd
last wool'.
Lii! number three j that Eycr (aid ''the
men who wont from here to fiht ought to
be nbot."
The testimony of Moses Coffm and ev-
pry other witness who heard it, was, that
"Eycr said the men who went from hero
'to figbto" the niggers, ought to be shot."
Is not tbn difTjrnnnrt wnrlli nslirmnir.
Doctor? Mr. I- yor evidently thin'is, that
no war i, iURtifiablo. excer.t it 'be h neces.
sary stlf tltfece, such as thi-i wir was
prcclaimcd to bo in the hcghi?ii's,a war
in defence of the Constitution as it ts, and
tho' Uunin us it it) s ; which is tho fub-
stance of die Critlcndon Comr.pomisr. Ho
thinks like ioiiie others, itlutt a wa? for
th.-mere purpose of ''freer g nejjncs,''
and ''i.ljiig,nioti, ' is noi.'bii g but wlole-
nalc murder and robbery, Probably the
ixtmjd, Quaker I'obtmastcr, (who Vvroie
to a certain political mci'tinc that ''He
was ready for the draft, let it come j",1 did
uot intend to lit, iu number three. Ho
, merely failed to see any differeueo be
'tween a war in dofenco of the Constitution
and Union, and fighting "for tho niggers."
Therefore, is it any wonder thattho District
Attorney, lileo evory body else, suspected
tho Doctor was ''an infidel nbolrtionirt
and required him to testify under oath
".whether ho believe in t:hc exi-tenc--' of a
God. who will punish lying?" The Doc
tor test ficd that he di.l -so beli'-ve; and
went ri 'lit homo -iiid ,,.(i ihrfo'iotv
ing four a mi mr iiiiin v .itlicr fi-i.
l-ii- iinitib.r fjur ' tint Mr 15: 'Mey in
cfered only tt pro 'h,-"
The u .eoiitiadieUiJ timoiiy ol lijoja
lnin IJ jttiboy, u man of the very highest
taiidim; in the wliol.. I'.-u.i m m -ii r-.- f,..- irmli.
f..i,. !..... i . i,
" 3 ' ' "
iiai.ivo uiiti iiuin.-sij, ivuo was paril illy C51'-
. ro'iorated i von by liulel.iiis 'annafter,
, a purliujjs aiming ; was that h. 1st the
eanu tor u r.fiu, ogg, atiu r-nu-. , ,
iucr on. at iho cnnimoncouient of the not,
"1 (.Betijnmin Bunboy; saw D.uie' R 'ok.
jjey come off .the pavninent arid call for u
I rail r a rope 1 (lout ruiuuiubur wbieii. I
. put my baud on bis shoulder and diuv
I I i .. i .i i . . ,
nun uacK anu asuctt mm wueiiicr no w .s
not ashamed and told him he was a proa eh.
or of tho Gospel and it did uot lo-k well
for him to bo in a riot." Crossexamiued.
"Beekley said Eyer was a traitor and
ought to bo used that way."
Lie number Jive. 'vMr. Hrnn-n nnlw
dc-ircd to know how tnpoh tho asked .for
, , . , .
Uriah J. Campbell, te.-fific.l that ho
"saw Froas Brown aud beard him say!
"get a rope," and he said after I think,
"it was to ban
him." "Fioas Drown
ig at the time towards tbo
, , ,
was moving alou
principal crowd when ho called for i rope
It was spoken distinctly. I suppose he
could havo been hoard fifteen or twenty
rods, provided the other noiso caised by
the crowd had not been so loud." Eph-
raim Armstrong also testified that Freas
Brown was ba.looing and urgirg on the
Lie number six. "'I bat Mr. Oulp was
not there."
Wm. Eyor, John K. Girton, Epbraim
Armetrong, II. 0. Hower nn Jackson
Howor; five responsible and highly rc
spectahlo witnesses, testified that John
Oulp helped throw Wm. Eyorut of John
K. Girlons' stor., wbtiher huhad sought
refuge from the infuriated mob Aud
Peiry Jones, unoiher uniiupea.hablo wit-
n.a ...L..1I1...1 .1... .1 lnl.K I ... 1 ...... I l
u"i '"utu ium uuuu uieuiu jyor
was a secessionist end tbo time had come
wbcu Democrats would notd&Nsav vrbat
1, . i,
tho' Voaa 4fpi n
number seven. "That Mr. Case
ouly interfered by trying to prokct him."
Charles Diettcrich testified tlat "Case
Btarlcd round tho corner of the huso down
the nllov, I went round tho buso aud
Case stood at tho gate. I told (aso to let
that man alone. Ho throw up his arms
and said "let uu alonu Chariu; Ey er
o tiled im Notnothiti" " And t rry Joiio-tcstifi-
'. that 'n "At-ard Ad.ijrt Ca-so .y
lo I'.i'j'ou- iliiit if ;i- Mt'fibi'i) luo:. E,
ur n pa't, tby , wcld Mm i!iw sum-:. '
Now wii) doaVilie '('ain9," Dat r
iuvent some lie tl excuse sVelsom M'Curtj
the other oonvjit ; uotwithundiug hi
own cotius"! adniUntb.'t bs at lea! was
iSinee bj Ink', he has undeiti
ken to exeuso A ud) t.l
run, why not
thu "whole lug" and
b'use him I
Wo ootibl ( x'oud to
Ibt of falsehoods ;
w - .. .
but a it would no-onfish no ol.j , t f ,
t iop ill .n In illustrate lit! DnntnrN w . I-
known, inarainad p"ii4aut in lying, we
fuel that it would ba lo mueli liuo de
60anting upon tbo meKs propoiiiu of a
nuisance, and the nau aus qualities o' a
"Ih Grt'at lUot asi'."
We did not iiifi'tul to y one word
about tbr iiotca-c tritd at last court, bD
y mid u fimplc Htjiuucut unioiig tbo court
proceedings ; but tho I'also and malicious
publication inado roncernirig it, in tbo 7fs
miblicttn. bv Dr. John, calls .for denial
' . ' '
and correction.
,,,, . ' . ,
1 bo Dr. se s out by cxcusinrj himself
for not publishing the testimony, because
ho says, "it would iiifiingo too in. eh upon
our space." The truu reason ii, that it
would prove that the verdict of the Jury,
... . ,. t
was a most rijjltti-ous finding. I ho Dr.
dare not publish the testimony, and ho
ferls that lifi'd.iro not
The D.-. fl iys "it was shewn that he
( Ey,r) ooninuiieed an assault on an in-
vjii.i reiurncti soiuier,oy caning mm aue-
sorter - wtiilo Hie t.'iitli wai, aim so pro v
ed, that the Dr's. "invalid soldier" 'began
tlio disputu'by calling Eyor "a gray head
ed coward"'
"that lie talk 'd like an old
skunk" and "was a sooessiouist'-where-upon
Ever threatened to knock him down
il ho repeated the last epithet.
It was proved that Heckloy called for
a rope"-yet Dr John says. "Becklev
a topi, yLi ur, uoun sajs, DLhiey
. . r i , . ., i ,
itiieriereu oiuy io proioct'ine sicii oi
diur." It was proved that Brown called
frr ''a ropo to hang him," (Eyor) nnd
called him, (Eyor) n secessionist; but tlio
Dr omits tbo iirsl matter. It was proved
that Cu'.p was iu the crowd, and said ''Ey
er was a tieeesioiii-.t, and the time bad
coma w'hen tlio Democrats' were uit to bo
permitted to say what they pleased." And
'use and McOarty were proven to have
heeu evtn more busy and prominent. That
Cuc headed the crowd around tbe alley,
and McCarty was among the first to call
for "a ropu."
Dr. John says that Eyor "declared that
the men who wont from hero to fight ought lars they want more. They prefer this
lobe shot;" while this same Dr. John'10 an "'nisticc aud tho t niployment of
c.r.. .1, , i ; ,n other means ahau force to s.tttle our na-
sworo ou tlio witness stand in tins case, i .. , ,. , . ... . , .
, ,, ., , ' ' tional difficulties. I heir plan of treating
that Eycr Had said: i suppose then you. tm. ,ltt,iplllj bo ia ah.caily foarruy de-
(Drinkcr) are a deserter, ai.d ought to be bilitaltd, is to bleed and b ister him.
shot, as tho rest who went to fiaU for i.c!
Wo leave Dr. John, tho Editor, to set
tle tbe question of truth and veracity with
D John, the witness. One of them has
dciibi'i'.iltdy slated a falsehood for there
i- gn .it diiTeieni:! Ivtwi-cn what he pub
i -1 a- 1 ;:iid : In1 i-ttoie lo.
i IK r.inu rt.'.i stfoijfll , fairly . nin! 'l' iir
!y niu-.lti out; and il tbe farm go of falsi
u;ud .slid iioiisulise put bsbed i'i the lie
itinan, was made tlio ;-rcund Ufjou
wiiieii tha Governor grant -, I tlio pardon,
.t . . .. .1 . I
; i ne ii loose ae!iiiL-iii,;u '.uivo
an ai-eouul to
wtilo wittl their cou-.cioi.ues whi.-h
soou'.d tut like to have re5hi;;upou oiirs., 1U!UJVuUs and thousands to
I A be it ll.e i'net'- "ru lmlj'.io, mm a welcuuu, canuou weru tired,
!he p.-opie ki.ow them, and the pardon ! wie.itna wcio piesuiited, and tbo luvalided
never a!i a'.vaj thu gutl: of tli 1)'!- j soldier erowdeo around him to take their
lomiai.t, tliou;h they maj r.-eipe lh-Jii,r; "Id lOiiiuiui.dor bj the hand. At Bjsiou
v.lii. l, ind , l U ms to huw Lee, ,t ,Um.,.. 'lb i'"t,;tl wilh a beautiful swo.d. ,
poiiil tvn'u tl'uiu I ijty,
a v.irt
s'.iiu in tii .'ir jy ..
Th. Juij WAt eo-i.po ed of hjiie t . Vi I
inteliig 'lit men; not one of whom vtouol
say one thing and .iwear to ano.-hi'i' ; .Hid
one of tho-c Jurors was a clear headed,
well read, active and aril t tit republican.
A uian who would bo true to bis convio-
tio of right and ui.influcuced by any num
ber of men, to find a verdict v,hich hi,
iu-.lgmeut did not lully approve. All the
Defi-udauts h u tho bcuefit of his synipa-
tb.v l,lclr behalf,
The jury remained out in consultation,
,ess ,uun tureo hours, ami wlieu tlicy re
turned with a verdict of "Guilty,"-Thero
I s endorsed that finding on the back of
t.,,1: t . , .,
..,o luuimiiiviii, ..uu il ima Mgneo oy cue
proper signature of each Juror; aud tbo
republican ol whom wu spoke, had his tor pleading in behalf of a peaceable coin
xiamo iho eighth iu that list. This is a Pl'01"isuj aud the Tribune in advocating
oomnlete answer to tlin lv.,cn ;,,. tho divino light of sueessiou. Let ever
P. ,,.
Ul IUU Jcrj'tvltLarb,
Mr. Ejcr certainly bad the right to 1 ley and his secession aud abolition kinks
employ as mauy Lawyers as ho choso ;' and crotchets, and dirt and nigger fanat
and if ho employed all 4ho Democratic '''"'" any wai'- If Senator Dooliitlc
lawyers at the liar, ho did but little more fu d .notlli.l! '"" than this, lot hi...
.. nr i . j-- , , keep quiet. 1 ho Herald and the Tribune
than tho Defendants d:a ou the other -firAnd water, light and darkness com
sidoi bo-id.;s which, they imported a 'mingled. Dou't, dear Mr. Doolittle, do
oouple. We saw at the counsel table, 1 a"ylking so foolisn again. Don't, Herald
very busy in taking notes, or giving cvi- i
denoe. or fn qucut consultation, and oyi- THE MARKETS.
dently trying the cause, Peter S, Itishel,
ii ! T)"- ,. n , . . , ! Bi.oo.Msiiuitu, Fob at, laua.
E-q., and Brigadier General Charles M. vi,0at si r... , a r.n
Blaker, who seemed to be assisted by It.
F. Clark, Edward II. Ilaldy, and Joshua
W. Comly, Esqrs.
We presume tho oauso was well tried,
unless tbo many coiks spoiled the case,
in which latter supposition tho defendanti
were tho sufferers. So let them all creop
out of sight, and farewell to them.
Commercial Coluiges aro at last
lecciving tho degree of attention thev de-
r-orve J especially Of tllO business OOllimil-
.iu- nlin l-i.n.rin ...I..,. l.! i
ill). WHO Knowing What kind of ail
education is most pracucal scud their boys
1. 1 llio.-o intitut'oiis .tfier giving them a fair
i;ooi, .se. ,,i eduaitio,, a, preparatory
liry ?.li.t K'ti A I t,jr-.
" ''iitli ami l i;. -uiui sin-. t I'lnl'i.l i t I
Ii iv oet.u stort.'u and sun-i fjjiu ,,
ground in jsublii' i;.vor. 'i bey ' .-ii:
uuiivailvd iu this branch of e.luei,t:on.
J.laing now iliirteen eslb'g:,, locate.! iu
ihe lidding commercial cities of tl,o I'ni
tod Stales and Canada, tu-y havo tt
.i.i!.;J ciur.;.es .tf .1,0.-3 (Ii m fi ly of tho
in'.it luaenars tue country fiord a, wh
must ueuessariiy produeo a belter course
I in-irueiioii, ami cou-vqueiitly send
or h more reli.ible uecoiiiitJiiti than any
0 her institution a n. an.l timir ..nil..
,0 widely known, it will require no .,..1
muni iu enow vim a im'iiiiiniendation
from an Institution wlms n...,- ;-
luiu lutiu uas 11 iiuiuo greater vaiiie in in
, . ., uuusuwu
ry me limits oi a noglO coujum..ty.
T!-o -j :n iho Army.
Oen. llosi r a ns h n i--ue'l n rrnernl ,
Older iCspurtlii.1 tbo u:,: ol'tlk ll.'glO ill llii
Miiiiy tliut will 'j.HUiuihI tt.Ailf to all who
tiro not ubsolutuly negro-mad. Mo is
willing to usu the contrabands iu all work
for which their habits bavo fitted them,
but not to put arms m their hands. All
.1.- l.l. t .! .-!! 1 ...
wuiiu buiuilts nuruioioru uciaucu on
special service as teamsters, eooka,hoipital
smalltS( havo b'pcn c t t(J tjo
.roill to Rwci t10 0f ibu different
rcgiiircitts, ami negroes havo bocuputin
their planus. Tho latter also havo been
,0r,,10lj '' 10 'V 10 work ,ns lftbo.rcrs nml
to net as ussUlauts to the encmcors iu
opt.lling V0Ma
Hy tint arrangemen t Gen. Rosecrans
will add probably 1.5,000 men to Ins
effeetivo force in tho field, and will keep
in useful employment thousands of idle
negroes who would otherwise be a past
,0 tl0 cal,M, lin,i tbe oollntry, ny 110t
putting arms in their hands to fight side ,
by side with white soldiers, he will savo
his nrmy -from tbo demoralization sure to
.... l. .i. ,....... .!.. r. i:.i. :
,u vul tii luuuau uAiiuriaiuuia
... i
l,f I . . ., '
vo uavoan cviucneo oi him in me
dition of 'tbo troops at Baton Houge.
They arc ncarlcy all New England sol-'
diers, yet recent accounts all arce that
a? n,most in tIltc,of Voa '""'l11 '
tlio nttutnnt lo inaku t hum nlTi nln
i -
with the neijro iTimiionts which are a
legacy ot 'tho llutlor irgime. In evory
part of the field wherever negroes are
rceogiii.ed as soldiers il has created bad
b'ood bt'twe"ii them an I the white troops.
Gen. llOsECitANS in this matUr shows
ns much vTisdnm in administration as bo
has courage ami sagacity in tho field.
a .i, -AT.VvI t
Another Dralt troposod.
A 'bilPto draft soldiers 'bus been itrtro-
d oi'd into tho United States Senate by
Wilson, of Masiachu.-etts. This enter.
taiuuient will probably bo. got up for tho
people by the abolition leaders in ,,
gress. A. tor the callniL' out ol a million
and ii nnnitrr (if mi-ii. nml nflm- il.n ,.v .
puudi.ure of two thousand million of d-d-
Wilson had bettor get his S:ate, Massa
cliusetts. and the other Now Euuland
and New York to put in foice the first I
draft. Is thu No th Wo.t to be routinu
all v victimized bv abolition New Eui
laud.' Aro we to be continually 'pluu-
deredby New England tariffs swindled
hy her paper iiionoy, our young men
slaughtered nnd our Stales loaded dow n
witli'debt -mil our bright prospects crush -
ed out and ruined by a New Eng'atid
aoolKli'tl War:
it'.n, MeClellau lias been payim; a visit
as I. ci' as liostou, liowell, tve,
and h. a tour has beuii a eoiitiuuod ovation.
, ovevj iouu uu uaveicu, au i ui to-
ft ii ini t r n iii.i I tits imCfiil linnllln '
jvKguui.s iiotit l'oriiauu,, ami
otijki piaees waited upon him to iuvite
in .ii Ij i-it their uilfjient oilies and par
i..uc of tin.ii- ho.-pitality. But be had to
ti i'i . i i. niir ui 1 1 1.. .ii 1 1 1 1.'. tm. in .
...v.. v.,,, .ill LII 4 O V.D IV
, ....... .1.. . 1..... .1 11..... . ..1
....... lllLlllNUIIIg U1U lillUl IM UI
illti.i Weiiiv Atiiililinu Ai iuiiut.f--iiiiii r.
, , , ... , .
d..-giaile linn, by wresting 1 rum hiui tho
eoium.i,.d of tbe army of ihe Potomac
tout lie still r tains uot only the elllctiou
ol the war worn heroes who served uudor
hiui, but ibu great popular heart of the
people beats warmly in his favor.
JJutville lnliLi'jenccr.
M.r. Senator Doolitti.e and his
Latest Discovery. Mr. Senator Doo
little , who has connived to do little as a
statesman or wise legislator, has mado tbo
wonil(-''ful discovery that between tbo New
j ' " f,.h.e 'Iifme 1,1 lr.V
was p unged into this civil war. "This !s
i (Lo uukiudest
flit nf oil ' 'PI... V,.,-,,.
j aud the 7 'libttiie responsible tbo Herald
I tub stand upon Us owu bottom. W
protest beiinr enmili'd willi f.Vuo.
oil1 Uried " 70
SO Dried Peaches 2 Ou
GO Butter ftib 120
75 Lard " 10
00 Tullow " 12
Eggs.... doz. 10
1 Hay..., " ton. 8 00
Oats..1' "
Potatoes "
Cloverseed "
'I iuiotbysecd
Onions "
50, Ohickeus "
to Tin:
Jui'" siiarpiess $i7iu., Alfred iimveii, i:si
Ji'hii .Mullly,(Mlth. -1 .mi Slunre A.lienbaih,
H Irani llaki.-r, 1 uu , Sainm-l Eieret,
illuiui .1 Uuirk, U tm j R Alum triimn,
Mrs C (luarharl, 1 5U lliramThunias,
1 7.1
3 iu
1 uu
lOTu'ch, 2 ui o w v5 S""
Ku-pbeu Uiariun, j aa jt'iiasi'iut
il I"' l-". t'l.. S CD j (,'olu minis
I 7..
1 (III
'i uu
s uu
3 no
I. U It II fn.
Academy t0
. i. 11.... i.
II vV Afiitruns.
I. II Mill , i.s
i S ii us ,11, !...,
UO rl tiu..i r.
ti M Judse'lCooM.r 0r'1"i!e'""!1l
Judse Koons
1 0) ) John J Mclleiirv v.?
o im I n.t.iii. 1..., ..!.'... ,. T.'"'
i.v .in -.-aver, a uu 1 airs alary
'Jim f.Mrs .Mary A IVau ... ' 1
.;:;:.:;,;,; ,,,u"rs ,,0;:.. a
'"lei '' K lliibbins, '.'lid 'OoliilLbia (;uiity. a
Hani 31 ..irr.
I.itut A3 Allen,
-I 'UU Kiuuur,
A II I'ar.'er,
AIIjii aiauii, Cm;
Hiram lintu-ubeiiJer,
Ou.) IVeuvur. list. ,
Th .s. Weaver.
Isaac Mtiwi-rv.
1 Ad ) l.sMtti of Cnuruit lloin i
1 111! Jnliu l.rpKoll, Es'i to
I UU (-'has II iless, Esq 7- -,
M i Wm (.anion i:..i, 1,
1 s7 Lieut. (,'euy ;it, ,',1,
2U 'J hos (j El.c, A ijlj
I d.'i Alci'r Ungues,
'J 113
i ;a
I . ..rillBHCIIIini, 1 "1
i-ainiiel riteiler.
Is.i.h: lln-ii'iiuuch,
llou. I. II uuiiarV .
SiftSStf. Vi'l''io,
E.tute of Jas EvLriir o ,. .
Dr JO Ayuaicu i m .
Vviiil ill, ...
" J mhiipj-i i .3
John UU. Br,,
thmii. our r. ,.:.."!... r J.''!,'. V J
llilr ... ....
.in , 1'it'iiipniuuoauj iru.l uill
,roi" S ' l!eillll,J!'
On tho IStl. inst., by the llev.Vvifliam
J. Ji-ycr, Mr. DA.sinr, Fison, oftYontr
township, Montour county, and Muj
Raciiei. Uovkk, of Locu-it ttiwnih'p,
Columbia'county, 1
On the 15th inst , by the rnmc, Mr.
Jacob Gii.nEirr, of Hingtown, Sebuyl
kill county, and Miss Sarah Adami," of
Locust township, Col co.
At Town Hill, on the 8th in-t., by ltev.
E. Wndswortli, Mr. Damei. TIawimaw,
of Uuiou, and Miss Hedeca A. Koon,
of Huntingdon, all of Luornu co.
Ou Thursday the 12th ult., by Kov.
John Thomas, Mr. D. V., to
Miss KMRA J. Tieuman, all of Lime
stone. In Light Street on 'the 1st itit., by tb
Rev. .1, M. Salmon, Mr. Masoj 0 J jh.s
B".v, to iMis? Sauah E. Smit-h. both of
kight Street Pa.
f On tho 12lb inst., by Kev. W. Good",
rich, in Oruncevillo, at tho residence of.
',l.n i,..:.i'u r..,i... vr t v. r...
..iim. .t miuui, mr, uinin o, iillvllAHTy
' " I - - - m i.t.j L H
.. r ....
con-.uiMi, oi uraiigoviiie.
Pel). 12th, by Rev. A. V. Iiannfelt at
tlio rcsidonr-o of tho brido h mother, in
Madison. Mr. t!. llitti-tnv ilmrnv nf
llc.nloek, and Miss Salue A. Zeisloi'T,
nil r n.,l
un vi vjvi, , j,
Feb. 17tb, by tho same, Mr. Pimup M,
Smith, and Miss Aiiastasu I.. Oip,
bath of Moroland, Incoming co., Pa.
In Orange township, f'.ilunibia co.. ou
I Tuesday tho I7tli of January lu't. Mr.
inENUJT,.A wifrJ 0, hiMt: k. a
, ,,..,i .,,,. on rn.i
l "n " J '
III Hlooiiibiirs. on Tuesday tii'irnin;'
n)ilt'0 ; k
Uamev m d Ui
, ... .
i.isr, awer a very si. r. uiiic-s ot an .ihi-p i
bcatt uhcubq .J (in v
iu the li;)d year of his lifu
At tUH 1)11100. Oil tile 10 llir-t., J(015 li t
, "AYWAli, aged about :trj years.
ifile ep, dear l-' liart,.in ilnnihv it Id uriu,
Ku pulu .illiiti. or f.'iirs ul.iriiis ,
Your Ii -nvi iilj fpinl's now lit rift.
Willi .'m:!l'.-s briflit un.l nil th - ble-t ;
H'e grieve ju.r t fi on i-.iilli sj bn f,
Itul in our ti-.irs th. re is rt'li. 1
Your ll.-ftlug rare t.-lnw I-
Your work tio.v ou earlli ! o.i -.
l'liri-will, my il.' tr end, larew II.
Ill IIi'iUlIi I hope w chilli will in.,-t,
Ah tli 'rc with h.ily angles ilw II.
And f.r -xer rtst at J sus' fw-et-
Tk-r N. t " t
j CtU SID UCl tlS-i'lilUUSo
1 " " " ,.., ,,, 7,
, ADM 1Mb 1 II A 1 OR S NO I It h e of Charles U. Urun; it s.-' .
1 i:TTI.Uor V iju.i is:!-tro:n nt Ihn Kttati- m Cheiles
IJi 0. Ilrt-ei-e, latJ ol rfenlt taoiiHii. (
ty. il-ti-iieil, have bic-n rraiit.-d by III" Legi-l-r ol
town. hip aii p..rMiu h.ivina
Itlliihi:. riiulllv. in til. Illlll-r.l
I. r iiui.'. i ii ...i I
i hums itaiii -t lie' I -
.tale ol tho ilrc.'ilcnt an- rciui-.t -il I" in -s-iit urn i
tlia Ailiiiini-tr.'i'or wiilmui .1,-l.iy. an.l all i
dcbleil tu iii.ikv.- puii.i iit eirtlmiili
J.J IN II. tl!UVi:i lC. Adi.. i
1'ibru.iry Ml. 1S.VI.- nu.
Will be expoied to
die', at th- nviJince o
sal- , ut ib ie I'm-
of llecrL' lltiitiiiau n. 11...
Itii k tnv.lup. I.'ol. co.l'a. Tin 't inir-...... i.mrLii l.tb
Hi fulloiwiijj dc.eiiiu-il p. pi"p. riy".
Three cill-., mil. h ruw,. j-ming . .ml. a 1 t of .h -j-
llws Till. 'l' two tttirsc llini, t. "e .'f '.but. la &
pip,- biix.j ir.tLl. u ii'. n.; z .i-.'. li in- j .
h.irruivi., euliivu..ri.. oii r.-vu-i. Ii r. ..ii
iliiiibi and Hhle liriicns, '.no .u.u.u i.i..
liou,, ui..
Wlient, U)', rorn, oats una p.'la'nn bv 111.- b, n t
H,U,S(.. U, UVl -l'S I. IJ.II, "I' I- t.llitl Mill
Iwiu.liiiid w in.-L'.ir l.v .Ii 1) .rr.:l. urn. uu i If
-I '
(Jarlii U. .vc, 'J'wn gt.u.l c ink iiui..., lw.rl ir a u t. .
' ii,it.,stuve. im i eop...r n.i bi-a.- k.-u is -ui. a w
I ""' " UouuiiiiU i.ndkiuh n to. i-k,i. u
i .'"Milt- In i oinrn. Iiri- ill IU it . Im k n. Ui un --ul J .ay
when altt-i.ileiiie will lit-ti ui k.m ci.mJiWi,.i. L- "a-j
Uitoi ii, by
l't-b. Sil, JKC,Ji.
"TT"!!! ba expo.-e.l tosule, by Pub ic ''.-n-
t I at the of John .. i, It. (uu 1'm-ihs
ck. ..iiHitvt s litrin, 111
IJitum t n, ( . i ii. I n o
ll 1 u nesNil) . .Vluit II -1111.
soiul prnr-ctly. 1. :
1 lit. ft.lluM n,g u.S'tili.a j iri
t- tvit. four work horse-, out- brei-.lnip mare, on- otr.i
e.irulil rt:.liin au l.iiiii yearlincnll. 1'itiir tows Hiiro
Hea l iifynuic i-.itil..-, a Il.n k of aim I rli 'i p and a I-1 ui' Also, one I'.iriu uiiJ out In o Itor.i- uiiyiui, sunf
lead hariifis. Ilucki-yi' iciiper. tlircthiny uia, Imi -, ilo-HT'i'i-il
hullnr. corn t-lieller , nnu Dors. -r..l. -, i . j
mill, plow-, harruns, ciiitivntor, I'nii.i,'.e. am.
rlcullural Iiiiplinii:nts geiiernlly.
A lut oflny Hnrt rnr!.-f.. ler, with Mriitus utlj. r ,t r ' i c
ton ntiuiTout to iin'iuimi.
Jsalf! tu ci)utiunt-c nt li iclrclc a. in , nn i-.ii I . ,
U hen utti ntlancj will t'lvmi cuii-.itititiii u; t
Know 11, by
JlJllN 'A IsLi .
M. C'niTiiian. .luttionttr.
SiJEitiFF's Sales.
j ly virtue of sundry writs of i'endit''
l I tUponas, to 1110 dlrerled, Usucd out ol ih. i. .r. ot
Coninioii IMi-its uf Columbia county, will 1,11 s:u '.j
public .alu 011
Saturday the 7th (hy of .Mure u, 1
at one u'clntk, p, m-, of said day nl lie- l.'u 1 .
111 I'liioiusliiirii. the I'idliiH uig real lintati- m . .1
All that tlio uiidtvi-lwvl unu l'ou. t
Ihn follow nig ile crib.d real 1 slalL-to wit .1 .
trail of laud eiluat i 111 fenit towii.lilp ( oinn.1 1
bounded b) lauds of Mnirmv ('inrlin on 1,1 .
ramuil Milliik, Jnliu .Mi 1 1 1 1 k and Sunlit I I , 1 1 e
ill- Earl. r. ter ri. ling and oilu r 011 'in- V an
mining rtlly ei;'lit aires and eiflily p, riles. .Mr.
aroeritU-d a tiri.t Mill, 1 bia.t I'uruiir . mv I. v.., out nurii and olli -r 0.11
I. .
llieiiinlivided fourth pnttnl'mn mrl 1111 .Ah 1
f nt
i.i. u
tar.ei 01 iiuu nuiaii. 111 trie loArn-iiip i.l.N.,:l -
iioiiniled 011 the East by Ian . 11. , -u 1
by Andrew t rtivt liui;, me 1 1.. W. r 1 . '
1'i.huii; I'leek I'oiil.iinini -.. 11 ucr ianj .11,
Iho uiiitiiided fuurlli pait .ii'oiii-oth. r pi or p rrrl
of land situntu 111 .Mouiilpleas.tiil ti p , 111 III 1 1. uty
alnreviiid, boiiiidcd 011 thu Cut by rislnir,' It. k, ,,11
tlio Wo.l ninl N' by l.iua ul IV In. a..u on
South by 1 1. III. 13 (.'recK cuiitaiuiiiv' I' "lr ,11 r.- uu J 1 . .
perches ctl, v. uh Uu-uppiiri 11.1. it s
Select! and taken 111 execution I.. Hi.- piup, rl- of
Jaiuis Kciiti r. nilhiiuticj to faiuiJ 1.. i,.t.l t ire
At tho saino time and place,
All that tbo undivided one fourth P-rt
of th,) fnllntvinjj described riil estate In u it . a tvri on
Uitibiu cjU. v.
1 btiuinieiiiii ijiiiis ot yiiiarew (Jivvelliiit on tlm f 1 .ill
i btmntled 1,1 anils of Andrew Civjeliiin
I rulllus' aieiuch, mini II chick unu .-iaiuu.i I,. Hi V ot
I til J East, I'd ter tJclnie .111.1 mlurs on Ih 1 North com on
'"S'-hy t-ijjlil acies and e atlty perilitb, wlar.-uii n.e
ium-udoi.,jr out:
'reeled a (ril aiill, n blast t'urniic . sil dw i nil
JUil lilies.
' ALbO,
' thoiindiviiled fourth part of one other plec er J'
of laud riiu.ito ill the mivuhli of c. otl Ului
buundud ou tho Eait by lauds of John Win.-, o.
Boulli by lands of Andrew t'ruvi-lmg ami on ilia '
nnd North by dtliing .'reeti, coiiIjiiiiiii; scvi.ii
audllo perchis uiiiinpriivi'd,
. l
tneeerlun rourlli partnf on-nthv piece or pr'
,,,.na untu in aiouiiipleas.-.ut twp.. in the t
",UI"01'1' "'OKU'ltrl niitlei East by H.linu Tree
esi nun .oriii ov lauu o. j nin nil I , molt
m, , ,u,,t, v. n .Ull,-," .ti.arUtl .Ull
Urribus uoiiiiurivcii wiuim ai purleiiai.cts.
a. li.tu nnj luki.Il it m il .... i.d Hi., nron.
" 't'J Jf . '' '"-tm, w wmu, I L. u,J
o iau una laneu . i ex
casrn's (Irr y
ip i'.:
l'.l.o.i i , I'f