Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 07, 1863, Image 1

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JLliVB li. TATE, Editor.
VOL. 16.--NO. 49.
o f fTc e
hi the nrm Brick Rullitliif, opposite the lUchnnge, ly tide
eftht CVurl Itotuc. "Democratic thai Quartcri."
tviims or sunscnirTio.x.
Jl Oil In mlvntirc for nno copy, fornix moiitln,
I 7.5 In advance, for nno copy, ono yenr.
OH lfuiit paid wltlitti tins lint three iiionthi.
'. 2.i I f lint li.ii.l v itlitu tlic lirat sit muiilliD.
y .'iU I f not paid within tliuyciir.
tlJ' Kn tfOll-tl-rlltllltll , -tt.,11 l.,. lii.i Iliiti .1. nAn,l.
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Jon H'lntK. of eerv description, neatlv and hener'v
ctciuted al Hi j tliortert nolirn
Oiiginal Poetry.
Written for tin Columbia Detnocrnt
J.ISK' URHTkN l tin TIIK K'NCRt. 0, J. 1. .MeXLICK.
II V II. f. II.
At Priilni lr, that iliri-ful ilny,
A .lay to tic riiiouib tl Ion? ;
A ilay tif iln.-iln heroic liravi',
Worthy to ho ciuhriiuJ in snngt
llmv bravely fought our gallant m-ii,
Wlial il.iriiiK deeds hytlii'in wore w ron;lit
Ointisllu.' with owrHlieliniiig foes,
VU:it b.tttl i: u'orwas hitter foughtl
One th-mini! men gave up tin Olio-t.
And nu th ' li ll f h.ittlo
Ton thousand ninro. welter! ig in gore.
J.-iy bully wounded ni.le tiy sUc.
Ah I unny of Ill 's ! gallant men,
Ituvc lived n while tosiilf't p.iin ;
Though in th 'Hit of o ni.leJ foil ml,
'J'lu) truly are among tin sl.un
Aul th in, Ji-n-1 I'oareo, iivrtimiof those I
Tliy dreadful death wu nil l.inu'iit 1
Thiiui;h norroiv i-h.Mhl our anv'er m ilt,
Wj'iI o.i thy foisjour c.irjs ent.
An J oh ' thy in. lanilioly ilenlh
In il 'eji -si sorrow we ileplme
Wo weep that thou art g 010 from llattli we hul ajver sec llu more.
I'.ot U10113I1 t!iy fri 'inl rh ill never meet
'I'll -e Iito, In kiinlii aii.l l.i love,
'J'hy ,nrit 'i ill th 'ir irit greet,
In t li v bl tft limn ', u ith,
lint from thy lips 110 iiiiirin come,
A-i1 ile.iih neals thy sightless ey(
TIioii sayest that for Ihy i.'oiinlr's gooil.
'i'liy at' a willing s it n lieu.
Ah nobleyoiith ! ah p.iti-iot liravel
Thy 111 ..nory we ill rever 1 !
Will I u.' th for thy (.'.ointrus Jake,
A id o er thy gra u w ill ehj.l a liar.
wo will !i:i a pearly t -ar,
.- I -nr ol sorrow on thy yrao,
Wiul.' nioiiriiing th ii 11 1 1 ..1 ly tool,
t)ii horn tro , au.l good, an.l liravo,
fowl Tswllo i'a.
1'i.r th; Columbia Dj1110cr.1t.
Tho Loved Oaes at Homo.
uy i:t.i)i:n JOHN BUTTON.
'Vaf, "kSlrfr'.Vrton. "
ll i.v hatil 'IniM pirt Willi tlu frloi l I liol.l dear,
l'r. 11 my h 1 11 nu I my km I red In mini.
It tduiiieil th it in V li'.iil triiig ans ni.lor w ould,
To hi. I il l 1 11 to th j Ijvs.I ones at ho. in.
Hot in' country ko urjeiitli, eall-ol 111 ' aw.')',
And li . interests wer.i lurUoiiing 1111 conn,
Jly duty, constrained me li -r voice to ohey,
Auiitoliavi thid.'ar loved ones at I1111110,
An I now, though th 1 diit'iuco hctwecn ih i? grrat,
Au.l gr ;aur 'tis ii tv to h maw .
In Joy, an.l in sonow, I how to my f.itj,
Jiut forgot not th 1 love.! onos at I10.11 1,
Vlnn toileso.ii! nu I weary I'm nnr.'hisg along.
Ail covered uiUi il;it, an J with foam.
'J o th icr 111 . 1 ktrilc 1 up a catch of th? song.
The song of tlu lav .-.I 011-s at lioiiu,
Wlun wrapt in my ir.n'i.'t, I lay on thi groind,
My roof is tin star light d ilomi,
Ho weary with watching my slJcp is profoiiud,
'J'heu I ilicam of Ih - lui'.-d o.i-'i ill lio n;,
U'li3ll th; h.ittlo is raging, mid li 'rci is thi strife.
And tlu hrave boys are meeting th Ir doom,
My heart grows the stronger, though denrsr my life.
When I tliiul; uf tho loved ones at hoiiu.
Wh itovcr heti li s 111 ', conn s'iiI'tJii1; or deatli,
I'm read) for what is to come,
My pray os shall acend, while lingers my breoih,
Tumcet them 111 l!i-ncn in) homo.
Hon. C. L. Yallaniligliam.
in the Ihtnc nj Reps,, Jumtary 11, I6GD
And niu, Mr, cm the I'l'ininl States,
l'ew York, New Jersey, and IVnnsylva
nia, consent to separato ! "'an New York
.city ? Sir, the trudo of the South inadc
iter largely what flio is. She was the
factor and banker of iho South cotton
filled her harbor with shipping; and her
hauds with nold. Hut iu an evil hour
tho fooli-h, I will not say had, "tnon of
Gothem1' p-rsuadrd hor nioridiantjinnees
against their first lessoin in business
that thu could retain or forco back tho
HOiithiTii tiade by war. War, iiideed,has
given her, just now, a now business and
trade greater and more profitablo than the
old. liut with disunion that, too, must
parish. And let not Wall street, or any
other (jreat interest, mureantUo, manu
facturing, or commercial, imagine tint it
ohall hviie power enough or wealth enough
to stand in Iho' way of reunion throusrh
peaoo. Lot them learn, ono and all, that
a public man who has tho people as his
support, is stronger than thoy, though ho
may not be wort'n n million, nor oven one
dollar. A litto whilo ago tho bank said
that they were king, but President Jack
son speedily taught (hem their mistake.
Next, railroads as-umed to ho king, and
cotton once vaunted largely his kingship.
Sir, these aro only of the royal family
piinccs of tho blood. Thero is but on"
jjing on eaith. Politics is king.
I!... ... ..... .
ls " 't tllC koyatOHO iu tilt! great bllt I10W
,; ,.r .1 it.."5 .
"'""""n ""-n ui mo union. Due 13 il
bolder tsltltl'; illlll, 111010 tllilll tll'if vim
I 1 1. . . . ' ... .. . W.'"M ollu
1 "',5 '0s Wllllll Iter 01 the laiialical or diS'
ttirbing clement than any of the Mates
a iiu pen-no oi rotiiisyivamii arc quiet,
vS.I , . 1'ra ' c"tor!'"g
WILllrilir. Iirillif 'l.riri.. ui(.. 'I1 1
,n Rn. ",nu 1
iiiuiuoi uie noui'M oiu Jnglisli ana Uer
nmn thrift than anj otlur. No people
mind more diligently their own business.
Thoy Irivo but one idiosyuora-y or peeI
ality the taiiffj and oven that is really
f.ii' iiioie a inatier of tradition than of sub
stantia! intere-t. Tho iudmiry, cnter-pri'-e,
and tin it' of PtiniMjiv .Uia aro abuu
dantly able to t.tku c.tre ol tlieinsohes
aguiiiit any roiiipctiiinn. In any event,
thi L'tiion ii of mote valu , many times,
to lur than any local iuteies:.
liut other ties a'so bind thu.-e States
..un... lutuni; i0,v Jersey, too. is
bound clossly to tho South, and H,0 South
to her; and more and longer than any
other ;Statu, she remembered both her
duty to thu Constitution and her interest
i" tho Union. And Pennsylvania, a sort
or middle ground, just between tho North
ami the South, and extending, alto to tho
Host, is united by nearer, il not stronger
tics, to every section, than any other olio
State, unless it be Ohio. Sho was slu
i ..... .
j lu.i. .ii.iniii.3 nu, mi
imr Iroiu Ujlaware and Alai vland. Th
Delaware river, common lo both Penn
.ylvatiia and New Jersey, flows into Dela
ware bay. The Susipieh tuna empties its
watert, tltrou h Peiin-ylv.tnia ami JIary
land, ihto tlm (Jhi'.-ti pa ku And that
groat Miitu.fchcd it-ulf, extending to Noi
tolk. and, t hurt foro, almost lo the North
Carolina H-ies, dov'? belong, and muit ever
belong, in common to the central anil
outlieiii State, under one Ciuvcrnmciit ;
or ol.-e the I'n" of teparation will be thu
Potomac to it-, hi'. id Haters. All of Del
aware and .Maryland, and tlu counties of
Aeeoiuii'C and Aoi thampton, in Virginia,
would, iu that event, follow the fortunes
of tlio uiiithi'.rn coulcileraoy. In fact, sir,
dis.igrceabli' as iho idea may hi! t ) many
within ilit 1 1 li'iiits on both sides, no man
who looks at tlm map and thou rellueu
tpon history and thu force of natural
causes, and considers the present actual
and the luttiii; probable posit on of the
hostile armies and navie at the end of
this war, ought for a moment to d jubt that
either iho Siato.- and coun ies which I have
named ii'U-t go with llu Norih, or Penn
sylvania and Niv. Joi'ioy with the South.
.Military lorce on cither tide cinimt con
trol Iho deutiny of th
twei'ii tho mouth of tl
Mtfs ljing be-
Lih 'S''poaho and
the Hud.-ou. And bay were itself
made the line, Delaware, and the East
ern Shore of Marlamd sui.l Virginia,
would liL'liing 'o tho N irth; while Norfolk
the only capaeiou harbor on the .-ou h
eatern c ia-t, must bo couimaudod by the
suns of .oiiio new fortress upon Cape
Charles; and 15 iltiiiioie, the now queenly
city, seated then upon llu very boundary
of two, yes, hostile, omif 'deracies,
would rapidly full in decay.
And now, sir. I will not ask whethor
the No.thw 'St fail fiittseni" to sepiritiou
from the S nth. Never. Nature forbids.
Vo iire only part of iho gn.ui va'loy of
the Mi-ii.-ippi 'I hero ii u" lino of lati
tude upon which t.) tcparatij. Noither
partv would desiro th'' old line of ll(j dog.
1 t. HI) nn bo'h sides of the river; and thero
Nno liiitui'al boundary ea-t and west. The to it aie the Ohio and Jli-touri
livers. But thai Iiuu would lea- e Cincin
nati and St. Lo is, as border cities, like
li.illiuiore t ) decay, and, extending fifteen
hundred miles in length, would become
the scene of an et 'rii d border warfare
without example even iu the worst ol times.
Sir. wc cannot, ought m t. will not, i-cpur-ate
f 'oiu tho South. And if you of tho
Eat who have found this war against the
South and for the negro, gru ifjing to
your hate or prolitublo to your purse, will
coiiiiuuo it till a soparati m lie forced bo
tvieon the slaveho'.ding and jour nun lavo
holding States, then, believe me, and ac
cent it, as you did not tho other solemn
warning of years paft, the day which di
vides the Noith from tho South, that self
same day decrees eternal divorce bitweou
the Wet and the Hat.
Sir, our destiny is fixed. There is not
one diop of rain which de-ceuding from
the heavens, and fertilizing our soil, cau
os it ti yield an abundant harvest, but
flows into tho Missis'inpi.and there, ming
ling with the waters of that mighty river,
finds its way, at lasl, to the Uulf of iMoxi
co. And we must and will follow it with
travel and trade, not by treaty but by right
freely, peaceably, and without restriction
or tribute, under tho samo Government
and flag, to its homo iu tho bosom of that
Gulf. Sir, wo will not remain after .sep
aration from the South, a province or ap
panngo of tho East, to bear her burdens
and pay hor taxes; uor hemmed in aud is
olatod as wo are, and without a soa coast,
could wo long remain a distinct confedera
cy, liut wherever wo go, married to the
South or tho East, wo bring with us three
fourths of tho territories of that valley to
tho Kooky mountains, aud it may be to
tho Paeilio tho grandest and niot mag
nificent dowry that brido ever had to be
stow. Then, sir, New England, freed at last
from iho domination of her sophuters,
dreamers mid bigot', and restored to tho
control onco inoro of her formor liberal,
tolerant, and comervativo civilization, will
not stand in tho way of tho reunion of
these Statos upon terms ol fair and honor
alio udjutiiient. Aud in this great work
i iiiiiivaiiia ami .V.w.j,r;,y, especially porary sojmln, ,itIl slilV0Si without mo--to
thu south, and the South to then.. Ir-statmnin tho freo States. Without all
II.. i. mi ini'i.ii , l...,., r... l..rAU . ... . .
the central frco and border slave Stale,
too, will unito heart and hand. To tho
West, it is a necessity, and she demands
it. And let not tho States now called con
federate insist upon separation and inde
pendence. What did they demand at first?
Security against abolitionism within tho
Union, Protection from ' iho irrepressi
ble conflict" and domination of thu abso-
lute numerical mnioritv. A chance of
public opinion, and confenuentlv of politi
cal parties in tho North and West, so that
their local institutions and domestic peace
should no longer bo endangered. And,
now, sir, after two years of persistent and
most gigantic effort on tho partof this Ad
ministration to compel thorn to submit, but
with utter and shin: 1 failure, the people
K ' 1 J
ot die Iroo Sinter aro now or aro last
aro now or aro last be
coming satisfied that tho price of the Union
h tho utter suppression of abolitionism or
ami slavery as a political element, and
tho complete subordination of the spirit of
fanaticism and intermeddling which gave
it birlh. In any event, they arc roady
now, if T Invo not greatly misread the
siVns of tlu times, lo return to the old con-stitutio-al
and actual basH of lifty years
ago three fifths rule of representation,
apeedy return of fugitives from labnr,ciunl
rights in the Territories, no more slavery
r tn ! nit nHn - rl no! t M II 1 1 f 11 tit
itLinuiuii tin twill i", iiuu iiatniv tnn iuiii
these there could be neither peace nor
permanenco to a restored union fatates
'part slave and part froc." With it, the
South, in addition to all tho other great
and multiplied benefits of union, would be
far more seeure in her slave property, hor
domes'ie institition, than under a separate
government, fir, let no man North or
West, tell mo that this would perpetuate
African slavery. I know it. Rut so doos
tho Constitution. I repeat, sir, it is the
prioo of the Union Whoever hates negro
slavery more than ho loves tho Union,
mut demand separation at last I think
that you can never abolish slavery by
fighting. Certainly you never can till you
have first destroyed tho South, and then,
in tho languaco, first of Mr. Douglas and
afterwards of Mr. Seward, converted this
Government into an imperial despotism.
And, sir, whenever 1 am forced lo a choice
between the loss to my own country and
race, of personal and political liberty with
all its hlc-Mngs. and the involuutary do
nu'stic servitude of the negro, 1 shall not
hesitate ono moment to choose the latter
alternative. The sold question to-day is
"between the Union with slavery, or final
disunion, and, T think, annrehy aud des
notistn. T run fnr tlm lTnimi. It Waj.
good cnoti!:h for my fathers. It is good
nnnnr.1i fnr nc nul nur MitMrrin nflnr ns. I
And, sir, let no man iu tho South tell
mo that she has been invaded, and that all
the horrors implied in those most terrible j
of words, civil war, have been v'uited up
on her. I know that, too. Rutwe, tilso.
of the North and West, in every State
and by thousands, who havo dared so
much as to question the principles and
policy, or doubt tho honesty, of this Ad
ministration and its party, have suffered
cvervthlng that the worst despotism could
inflict, except only loss of life it-elf upon
'.lie scaffold. Some oven have hied fo
tho cause by Ihe hand of the assassin.
And can wc forgot? Never, never. Timo
will but burn the memory of these wrongs
deeper into our heart. Rut shal wc break
up the Union ? Shall we destroy the Gov
eminent because ' uurpin2 tyrants have
held possession and perverted it to the
mott cruel of oppressions? Was it over
so done in any oth'T country ? In Athens?
Homo? England? Anywhere? No, sir ;
let us expel tho usurper, and restore the
Constitution and laws, tho rights of the
States, and tho liberties of the people; and
then, in the country of our fathers, under
tho Union of our fathers, and tho old fla'
the symbol onco atjain of the frco and
tho bravo let us fulfill tho grand mission
which Providcnco has appointed for us
anion? tho nations of tho earth.
And, now, sir, if it bo tho will of nil
sections to unito, then upon whnt tonus ?
Sir, between the South and most of the
States of the North, and all of tho West,
there is but ono subject in controversy
slavery. It is tho only question, said Mr.
Palhoun twcnty-fivo years ago, of suffi
cient maguitudo and potency to divide
this Union; and divide it it will, ho added,
or drench tho country in blood if not arrest
ed. Ithasiloiio both. Rut settle it on
tho original basis of tho Constitution, and
givo to each section tho power to protect
itself within tho Union, and now, alter the
terrible lesions of tho past two years, tho
Union will be stronger than beforo, ntid
indeed, endure ttgese. Woo to the man
North or South, who, to Iho third or tho
fourth gonoration, should leach men dis
union. And now tho way to reunion : what so
oasy? Heboid to-day two separato gov
ernments in ono country, ami without a
natural dividing lino ; with two presidents
and cabinets, and a doublo Congress; and
yet eaoh under a constitution so exactly
similar, tho one to tho other, that a stran
ger could scarce discern tho difference
Was over folly and madness liko this ?
Sir, it is not in the naturo of things that it
Hiiouiu comiuuo long.
Rut why speak of ways or terms of ro
uniou now? Tho will is yet wanting in
both sections. Union is consent and good
will nnd fratornal afl'cciioii. War is foroo
hato, revengo. Is tho country tired at
last of war? lias tho experiment been
tried long enough t Has suflieieut blood
been shed, treasure oxponded, und misery
inflicted in both the North aud the South?
What thou? Stop fighting. Make an
armistice no formal treaty, Withdraw
your nrmy from the seceded States. Hc
duce both armies to a fair nnd sufficient
peace establishment. Declare absolute
free trade between tho North and South.
Rny and tell. Agree upon n .ollvercin.
Recall your fleets. Hrcak up your block
ado. Reduce your navy. Rcstoro travol
Open up railroads. Ro-ostablish the tele
graph. Reunite your express companies.
No more Monitors and iron-clads, but set
your friendly steaniois nud s'camships
again in motion, Visit tho Norlh and
West. Visit tho South. Exchnnge news
papers. .Migrate. Intermarry.
stavory alone. UolU elections at tho ap
pointed times. Lot us choose anew Presi
dent in sixty four. Aud when tho gospel
of penco sha 1 havo descended ac.iiu from
heaven into their hearts, nnd the gospel
of abolition and of h ite been expelled, let
your clergy and the ehnrehes meet again
in Chiistinu intercourse, North and South.
Let the secret orders and voluntary
asscciations everywhere! reunite as broth
res onec more. Iu short, give to all the
natural and all the artifieial causes which
impel us together, their fullest sway.
Let time do his ofhVe drying tears dis
pelling sorrows, mellowing passion, and
making herb nnd grass and tree to grow
a'-ain rpon the hundred battle-fields of
this terrible war.
''Rut this is recognition." It is not for
mal recognition, to which I will not con
sent. Recognition now, and iitteuiptcd
permanont treaties about boundary, travol
and trade, and partition of Territories,
Would end in war fiercer and more disas
trous than before, llecogiiition is abso
lute disunion ; and not between the slave
and the frco States ; but with Delaware
and Maryland as part of tho Noith, and
Kentucky and Missouri part of the West.
Hut wherever the actual line, every evil
nnd mischief of disunion is impelled in it
And for similar veasoti, sir, I wmil 1 not
at this time press hastily a convention of
tho States. Tho men who would now
hold stats in such n convention, would,
upon both sides, if both agreed to attend,
come together full of tho hate and bitter
ness iuseparab'o from a civil Avar. No.
sir; let passion have time to cool, and
roason to resume its sways It cost thirty
years of desperate and most wioked pa
tience mid industry to destroy or impair
the magnificent toinplo of this Union.
Let us be content if, within three jcars,
we shall be able (ornMoro it.
Rut cnrtrinly what I propo-e is inform
al, practical recognition. And that is
precisely what exists to day. and has ex
isted, more or less defined from the first.
Flags ot truco, exchange of prisoners, and
all ynur other observances of tho laws,
forms, and courtesies of war aro recogni
tion. Sir, does any man doubt to day
that there is a cnnfcderalo goveriiinont at
Richmond, and that it is a 'bcligcrent ?'
Even the Secretary of State has discover
ed it at last, though ho ha written ponder
ous folios of polished rhetoric (o prove that
il is not. Will continual war, then, with
out extended and substantial success, make
tho confederate States any tho loss a gov
ernment in fact ?
3 ri t it confesses disunion.'' Yes, just
as tho surgeon, who sets your fractured
limb in splints, in order that it may bo
healed, admits that it is broken. Hut the
Government will have failed to ''crush out
tho lebellion." Sir, It has failed. You
wont to war t ' prove that we had u Gov
ernment. With what result? To tho
people of the loyal States it has, in our
hands, been the Government of King Stork
but to the Confederate States, of King
Log. "Rut tho rebellion will havo tii
umphed." Rjtter triumph to-day than
ten years hence. Hut I deny it. Tho
rebellion will at last be crushed out in the
ouly way in which it ever was possible.
'Hut no one will bo hung at the cud of
war." Neither will thero bo, though tho
war should last half a century, except by
the mob or tho hand of arbitrary power.
Hut really, sir, if thero is to bo no hang
ing, let this Administration, and all who
havo done its bidding everywhere, rejoice
aud bo exceeding glad.
Aud now, sir, allow mo a word upon a
subject of very great interest at this mo
ment, aud most important it may be in its
iiifluenco upon the future foreign medi
tation. 1 speak not of armed and hostilo
intervention, which I w uld rcsijt as long
as but one man wa-i luft to strike a blow at
the invader. Hut friendly meditation
tho kindly offer of an impattial Power fa
staud as a daysman between tho contend
ing parties in this most bloody and ex
hausting btri e ought to bo met in a spirit
as cordial and ready as that in which it is
proffered. It would be churlish to refuse.
Certainly, it is not consistent with thu
former dignity of this Goveriiinont to ask
for meditation ; neither, sir, would it befit
its aucicnt magnanimity to reject it. As
proposed by the Emperor of France, I !
would accopt it nt once. Xsow is tuo
spicious moment' It is tho speediest, ca
siest, most graceful mode of suspending
hostilities, L'.t us hear no more of medi
tation of oanuou aud the sword. The day
for all that has gone by. Lot us bo
statesmen ut last Sir, I give thanks that
some, at least, among thu Republican par
ty seem ready now to litt themselves up
to the height of this great argument, and
J to deal with it in tho spiri'. of the patriots
I and great men of other countries and ages,
and of tho letter days of tlu United States,
! And now, sir, whatever may have been
tho motives of England, Franco and tho
other great powers of Europe, iu withhol
ding recognition so long from tho confed.
crato States, tho South and tho North aro
loth indebted to them for uu immense pub-
lie Ecrvico. Tho South has proved her
ability to maintain herself by her own
strength and resources, without foreigti aid
moral or material. And the North and
West tho wholo country, indeed these
great powers havo served incalcuably, by
holding back a solemn proclamation to the
world that the Uuion of theso States was
finally and formally dissolved. Thoy havo
left to us every motive and every chance
for reunion; and if that has been thu
purpose of England especially our rival
so long; iuterotcd moro than auy other
in disunion and consequent weakening of
j our great naval aud commercial power,
tmd suircring, (oo, as she has sulTbruu, so
long and severely because of this war I
do not hesitate to say that sho has per
formed an act of unselfish heroism without
example iu history. Was such indeed
hor purpo.-o? Lot her nuswer before the
impartial tribunal of
posterity. In any
event, after the great reaction in ) ublic
sentiment in tho North and West, and bo
followed after some time by a liko reac-
lion iu the South, foreign recognition of
the couteucruto mates could avail little to
delay or prevent final reunion ; if, as I
firmly believe, lcuuiou be not only possi
ble but inevitable.
Mr, I have not apoKen ol loreigu arbi
tration. That is quite another question.
I think it impracticable, and fear it as
dangerous. Tho very Powers or auy
other Power which have hesitased to aid
disunion directly or by force, might as au
thorized arbiters, most readily prououuee
for it at last. Verj grand, indeed, would
be the tribunal before which tho great
question of the union of those States and
the final destiny of this continent for ages,
should be hcaid, and historic through all
time, and embassadors who should argue
it. Aud if both biligereiits consent, let
the subjects iu controversy bo referred to
Switzerland, or Russia, or and other im-
initial or incorruptible Power or State in
Europe. Rut at last, sir. tho people of
these several States here, at home, must
bo tho final aibiter of this great quarrel'
iu Ameiiea ; and tho people and States of
thu Northwest, the meditators who shall '
stand, like the prophet, betwixt the living
and thu (kail, that tho plague of disunion I
may be stayed. i
t:r, this war horrible as it is, has taught
us all some of the most important aud sal
utary lessons which ever a people learned.
First, it has annihilated, in twenty
months, all the false and prenicious theo
ries and teachings of abolitionism for thir
ty yeais. and which a mere appeal to facts
aud argumeut could not havo untaught iu
half a century. Wo havo learned that the
South is not weak, dependent,
uuenter- j
aud idleness, but powerful, earnest, war-
JIIOlll.V, I.U1I UjHblt I'J Bll.tW,,
bivurv I
liko, enduring, sclfsupporting, full or en-
and inexhaustible iu resources. Wo
have been taught, and now confess it open i
ly, that African slavery, instead of being ;
a source of weakuess lo the South, is one
of her main elements of strength; and
houce the 'military necessity,' we aro told
of abolishing slavery in order to suppress I
the rebellion. Wo have learned, also, !
that the uou-slavcholdiDg white men of!
the feouth, millions in nuuioer, aro immov
ably attached to the institution, aud aro
its chief support; and abolitioni-ts have
found out, to their infinite surpriss and,
disgust, that the slave is not 'panting for
freedom,' nor pining in silent but revenge-1
lul grief Ov'cr cruelty nud oppression i it
l! imnn littn. lint lini,ni
, u.v.. "r"" ....... t--j ,
' .... ... i.,..i .1 i.. . t.: .....
but happy, contented, I
miiiciieu ueef iu mo iii.imi-i
and unwil- i
ling at least not eager to accept the ,
precious boon of freedom which they have
proffered him. 1 appeal to tho President'
for proof. I appeal to the fact that fewer
slaves havo escaped, even from Virginia,
iu uow nearly two 3 ears, than Arnold aud j
( oruwallu earned away in six month, ot
invasion in 17S1. Finally, sir, we
learned, aud the South too, what tho his
tory or tho world ages ago, aud our own
history might have taught us, that servile j
insurrection' is tho least of the dangers to
which she is exposed. Hence, in my do
lib' rate judgement, Africau slavery, as au
iustitiitijti, will come out of this conflict
fifty fold stronger than when the war be
gau Tho "-'outh, too, sir, has learned most
imporiaut le-sous ; and among them, that courage is a quality common to
all section-, and that, iu battle, the men of
tho North, and ospco'ully of tho West, are
tilth equals. 1 1 it lii' 1 to there has been a
mutual and most mi-f hicvous mistake
upon botli sides. Tho Souih overvalued
its own per-onal courage, and undervalued
ours, and we too readily consented ; but
at tho same time she 1 x iggeraUd
our ex-
nggerate strength
aud resources, and un
derestimated her owu ; aud wo fell into
the samo error; and hence tho original
and fatal mistake or vice of tho military
policy of tho North, und which has al-
ready broken down the
war by its own
weight the belief that wu could bring
overwhelming numbers nud power into tho
field and upon the sea, and eruh out tho
South at a blow. Rut twenty mouths of
tcrriblo warfare have corrected many er
rers, and taught us the wisdom of a con
fury. And now sir, ev-ry 0110 of these
le-sons will profit us all for ages to como;
and if wu do but reunite, will bind us iu a
closer, firmer, moro durable Union than
ever beforo.
I have nor.', Mr, Speaker, finished what
I desired to say at this time, upon the
grout question of tho reunion of these
States. I have spokui boldly and freely,
not wisely, it may be, for tho present, or
for myself personally, but most wisely, for
the future aud for my country. Not cour
ting censure, I yet do not shrink from it.
My own immediate personal interests, nnd
my chances just now for tho more materi
al rewards of ambition, I again surrender
as hostages to that great hereafter, tho
echo of whose footsteps already I hoar
along tho highway of time. Whoever,
here or elsewhere, believes that war can
restore tho Union States; whoev
er would havo a war for the abolition of
slavery, or disunion j and ho who demands
southern independence and final separa
tion, let him speak, for him I have offen
ded. Devotetl to the Uuion from the be
ginning, I will.not desert it now in this
the hour of its sorest trial.
Sir, it was the day-dream of ray boy
hood, the cherished desire of my heart iu
youth, that I might live to rco "the hun
dredth anniversary of our national inde
pendence, and, as oralor of iho day, exult
in tho expanding glories and greatness of
the still United States. That vision lin-
gers yet belorc my eyes, obscured indeed
j by the clouds and thick darkness and tho
j blood of civil war. Rut sir, if tho men of
this generation ore wise enough to profit
by the hard experience of tho past two
years, and will turn their hearts now from
the bloody intents to the words and arts of
peace, that day wM find us again the Uni
ted dates, And if not earlier, as I would
des-re and believe at loast upon that day
ct tho great work of reunion bo consuma
tcd ; that thenceforth, for ages, the States
and the people who shall fill up this migh
ty continent, united uuder ono Constitution
and in ono Union, and tho same destiny
shall celebrate it as the birthday both of
Independence and tho Great Restoration.
Sir, 1 lepeat it, we arc in tho midst of
the very crisis of this revolution. If, to
day, wo secure peace and begin tho work
of reunion, we shall yet escape ; if not, I
see nothing beforo us but universal politi
cal and social revolution, anarchy, and
blno Ishcd, compared with which the Reign
of Terror in Franco was a merciful visit
ation. Col
WrUht and Valandingliam.
These two gentleman had quito a pas
sage at arms, in iho National House of
Representatives on Wednesday of last
week. Tho speeches arc too long for
our columns wc therefore quoto two or thrco
paragraphs of the ranuing debate in which
arc condensod the peculiar viows'licld by
each of the speakers, on the war question.
There is a point made iu these quotations
which ought to satisfy some of these vir
tuous ''straight outs" aud bigoted Hepub
lif.aus, that Vallandigham was a strong
suppeiter of Stcphon A. Douglas for tho
A'r. V ALiljAlMJlUHAiU. i asK the
gentlemen to permit mo to say that, in
pPlllJ ot repeated corrections, tho gentlo
man liases his argument, all tho way
through, upon the assumption of a positioc
on my pait agaiust tho whole tenor of
my speech. I am for tho reunion of all
those States, and a hundred more that
may be carved out of tho limits of this
Uuion. 1 beg the gentleman not again to
misrepresent 1110 upon that point.
Mr. WRIGHT. I have no disposition
to misrepresent the gentleman from Ohio.
Mr. Speaker, my policy, as I said a
moment ago, when I was interrupted, is
the restoration of all the StatC3 and Ter
ritories, organized nnd unorgauized, that
onco were uuited under our national flag.
I desire to seo them all one people, 0110
Government, 0110 Uuion, with 0110 destiuy
and one liberty pervading the wholo.
That is tho kind ol reconstruction I want.
I desire to soo no peace on any other
terms' I want no armistice. Let me
suppose a case. Suppose there is sueli
a peace declared as the gentleman from
Ohio would ask, or such a peace as those
who, two years ago, were supporting
rociiinnilgo 'or tho 1 residency
I Mr. vaIjA.nur.uam. The geutlc
1 man surely does not mean lo indicate
that I supported Hrcckinridgc
Mr. WRIGHT. Certainly no!. 'Hie
gentleman suppoi led Doughs, at I sap
purled him. I did not alludo to the gen
tlemen, Tin; Mauch to thu Gisavk. What a
mighty pi oeesniou has been marching to
ward tho grave during the pa.-t year,
moro that lio.D'.H) OJO of U10 world's pop
ulaiion has go:io down ti tho earth again.
Place them i'i long array, nnd they will
give a moving column of thirteen hun
dred to evory mile of thogloho's ciremn.
ferance! Only thiuk of it; ponder and
look upon thuso astouuding computation .'
What a spectacle, as thev "move ou"
trnmp, tramp, forward upouthis snpen
dous dead march 1
Lilo is short and time is fleotin", ."
And our henrts though strong and bravo
Still like muflled drums are beating
Funeral inarches to tho grave !
Tiik Lei-ter. A father wroto to his
on at boarding school, the following let
ter :
"My Deau Sox If you aro well, then
wo aro also well. I atmd you with this
letter my old coat get n now suit niado
of it.
"lour dear mother sends you. without
my knowledge, fivo dollars Spend tho
nmnoy for sonio useful purposo : then it
will please 1110. Rut if you dou't, you a-o
an ass, aud I your most affectionate F.v
tiiuh, W. S.
CSy'l'ho Rebellion has diminished our
exports tho past year ono hundred and
thirjy four millions of dollars compared
with IsOJ.
A Horrible Spectacle.
The Mankato (Minnesota) .fifcov brings
us full details of tho execution of the thir
ty fight Indians at that place on Friday,
J)cc. 20, by order of President
So great was tho excitement in tho vicinity
( iiuu so large mo crowd of spectator llock
; ing to the scone, that martial law was
declared as early as Wcndcsday On
(Monday before the execution. Cnlnnnl
Miller read to tho condemned Indians the
deatli warrant of tho President.
The day beforo iho execution, the Indi
ans were conversed with as to their nast
crimes and coming doath. Some of them
ware muoh affected, and many of them
protcfted their innocense, claiming that
they had becu falsely accucd, or misin
terpreted when on trial. They said that
the guilty had generally escaped, whilo
thoy, relying on their innocence, had
been left to die.
The general justification urged by them
was that they wcro compelled, in order to
save their own lives, to accompany their
chief in his attacks upon the whites, and
of thi3 there beems to be no doubt.
At ten o'clock tho condemned were
marshaled in procession and marached
through files of soldiers to the gallows,
which had been so constructed that all tho
culprits could bo hung at once. They
marched eagerly 'and cheorftilly to the
fatal spot. As ascended the scaffold they
changed a death song, which was truly
hideous, although it seemed to inspire
them with fresh courage. Ono young
fellow, who had been given a cigar by one
of the repoiter, just before uiarohing from
their quarters, was smoking it on the stand,
puffing away very cooly, during tho inter
vals of the hideous l'IIi-yi, hi-yi-yi," and
oven after the cap was drawn over his
face, ho managed to get it up to his mouth
and smoko. Ano her wu3 smoking his
pipo. The noose having been promptly
adjusted over tho necks of each, all was
ready for the fatal signal. The scene at
this juncture was one of awful intcrcft.
A painful and breathless snspenso held tho
vast crowd which has assembled from all
quarters in witness the execution. Throa
slow, measured, and distinct beats of tho
drum, and the rope was cut. tho scaflnld
fell, and thirty-eight lifeless bodies wero
uanglmg between heaven and earth. Ono
of the ropes was broken, and ltaltlinrr
Uuuner fell to the ground. Tho neck had
probably been broken, as but little signs
of life wcro observed, but ho was immedi
atcly hung up again.
The bodies were then cut down placed
in four army wagons, and taken to tho
gravo prepared for them, among the wil
lows on the sand bar, nearly in front of
the town. They were all deposited in ono
gravo, thirty foot in length by twenty in
width and four in depth, beiug laid ou thn
bottom in two rows, with their feet togeth
er ana ineir Heads to the outside. They
wcro simply covered with their blankets,
and the earth thrown over them.
Anecdotl' or Pope. One day, as
'ope was engaged in translating tl,.. c.n.
w " w ' o w
had," he came to a passago which ncitli.
er ho nor his assistant could interpret. A
strangcr.who stood by, in his humble garb,
muuesuy suggested that, ip he had
some little knowledgo of Greek, perhaps
uu vuum assist mem.
"Try it, try it .'"said Pone, with tlm
air of a boy who is encouraging a monkey
u eat reu popper.
"There is an error iu tho print," said
the stranger looking at the text. "Read
as if there was no interrogation point at
tho end of tho lino, and you havo tho
meauing at onco."
1 ope 3 asststaut at onco iinnrnve.l nnrtn
this hiut, and reudored tho passage with
out difficulty. Pope was chagrined ho
could never oudtiro to bo surpassed in any.
thing. Turning to tho stranger ho said,
11 u Eiircasno lone :
"Will you pleaso to tell mo what an
interrogation is ?"
'Why, sir," sa'd tho stranger scanuing
tho ill shapod poot, "it is ti little crooked,
contemptible thing that asks questions."
Since tho removal of MeCicllan tho Ar
may of tho Potomac has moved, accord
ing to tho Venango Spectator, on au ay
crago about twenty-.two inches and a half
per week.
C-A Washington dispatch to tho Now
York Times savs ono hnnili-e,l nmn.M
j absent without leave, were ou Thursday
ouiuneu irom 111c rolls.
C5y''Look out for paint," as tho gir
said when tho follow went to kiss her.
C"Zeal without knowledge, ii faj