. Farmer's Department. POULTRY MANURE. The horticulturist cannot value too lug'i'y tlio droppings of poultry. For tho past 'wo or thrco years I liavo tested fully its properties, nnd feci satisfied that . c...n .:...i uu Viiu UU3IIUI ui l'uui.ljr iiiainiiu iiiijwuu nun ; -i. i i .i : ptusiur. mm uauu it9 i iuji urusaiug. ig equivalent to ten bushel manure put into tho ground in tho UFunl manner. It is particularly valuable for onion set?, as well asor almost every other garden vrgetablo. My prooesn for its use is this I dig and plant my socd, and in the course of a few days, or about the timo I think tho seed is beginning to gcrmi natc, I take tho manure, previously mix til with a small portion of plaster and put upo.i the hills or bods containing the seed. Hy the timo tho shoots come up tho tn uiuro is in a propor state for work ing, it having decomposed by loosing much of its ammonia, and I find it re quires loss labor to keep tho ground loose lhan when not used, to say nothing of its effects upon vegetation, which arc incal- cuablo. The season for saving this ma- I nuro, is now at hand, and I feel satisGod that il once tried will never be abandoned, if the mannro can be had. I might also say in this connection that i i consequence of the frequent attacks of th-1 striped bug upon the cucumber plant, it has become almost an impossibility to cnltivato that much admired vegetable. By the use of nir slacked lime, sprinkled every few days over this plant, their ravages may bo checked, and the horti culturist find no difficulty iu raising any quantity of tho vegetable. The same remedy will apply to pumpkin and squash vines. Farm Journal. GIVE HENS MEAT. The New England Farmer savs "it is not generally undcretood that the Iipii, being omnivorous, requires, to ensure fo smdity, a very liberal allowance of meal ! When enjoying her liberty, in the field, pastures or door-yards, the principal part of her sustenance is derived from inscets, worms, etc. She partakes but sparinjrly at such times of grain, and often when the article is supplied, leaves it for the more inviting food which nature supplies her with in her favorite haunts. Now, if -re confine her where tho natural propensity for this description of food can not hi gratifiod, even though wo supply the best of grain, and in abundaucy, she will i cease to lay. The privation afferts her "health, anil thero will necessarily bo an end of profit until this deficiency is sup plied. When fresh'meat or frefh fish can not bo supplied, tho oommon scraps of the butoher, which are hard and compact and can be kept and length of timo, answer the desired purpose." EULPIIUR FOR LICE ON STOCK. I have seen and tried numerous reme dies to rid stock of vcrniine, but never succeed so well as with sulphur, on a lot of calves last spring, by giving it in their foed. 1 tried it before, but it did not seem to do the work, and I am now satisfied it needs to be continued for some lenght of timo in "order to get well incor porated into tho blood of tho animal, and then I am of opinion that they will dc tjamp without further notice. I know rhat oil or grease wW destroy them, but think it requires a direct application to effect that object. A Moss, III. A NOVEL STUMP-PULLER, A writer in tho hiind Regis'er, states that ho lemoved a large stump from near Iub house in the following manner: In the fall, with an inch augur, ho boared a hols in tho centre of tho stump ten inches deep, and into it ho put about half a pound of oil of vitro!, and corked the holt up tight. In tho spring tho whole stump and roots, extending througe all their ramitioations were so rotten that thev were easily eradicated. This is a cliea'j, and easy way of remoting stnmps. PREPARATION OF FLAX. A correspondent of tho Montreal Her ald says it lias been discovered that in Lower Canada flax can bo prepared for the Mill with very littlo trouble or expense by a mode which answers as well at steeping ;' and that is, to spread tho flax on a modntv in Deoember, and allows il to remain on the ground unit) April. The tnow rots it effectually, and when the snow goes oil in April tho flax Js found to clean tnd dry, ready fo carting to tho scutch mill, without any expense worth mention ing. STORING POTATOES. Potatoes placed in cellars should be fully protected from the light, by cover iug with ttraw, or by other means. When exposed to light tho skins beoumo of a greenish hue, ami tbo potatoes coase to be edible. HARVESTING BEANS. What in (ha best mothod of liarvctting bes-s and preparing them for market ? 1 eparlng them for market ? Wl t oan bo dnno with tbo straw if no shtvn nrss krnt on tlio farm ?-S O . jnerp or Kept on mo lanu !- a, u. i LJ1UUE ARRIVAL OF New Pall and Winter AT PETER ENT'S STORE, 7.V LIGHT STM'.F.T, COLUMBIA (MKV7T, P.I, HAS Just received from Philadelphia, ntnl Is now nnniiln nl th(! old stand hie y occupied by Mnttli & Hut. n splendid assortment of avai irj Av fii sri) sc ssii ja which will lo sold cheap lor CAFII Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ill stnckconslsts of Ladles Dress Hoods cliulcct lyloa ami latost raniiions Calicos, XT V MUSlins, Gincliams, flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimercs, Satinets, Cottonades, Kcntnoky Jeans, Thread, Szo. Groceries, Quccnsware, Ccdarware, llardwaro, Medicines, tf Drugs, Oils, Paints, etc. BOOTS Si SHOES, HATS & CAPS, In ilmn rery thin o..liv Icrpt in n country store The patronnso nridd means, arm mo puntic general , In respectfully so jelled, The highest market price paid for country proilum. 'jv '," respectfully icitpii. I'M hU l.iH 1. Wslit Street, Nov. 13, ISCi LOOS I1M ! IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO t'rcasj's Storp, iii Light Street, Pa. ALL KINDS m GOOD CALIOOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELC, CAKPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-M:i do Cloth iug Sugars, Molaso3, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sugars, Hats, Bootr, Caps, Shoes, Drug?, Oils, t Paiut?, &C, &c. In addition tn our larco stoc k of Ilry Ono Is, wo have florae nml full assortment of Ready M.nlo Olotl.lni oor ten and Hoys wear which wo aro determined tn sell cheaper th m cm 1,3 boii,'ht ulsew liere. Call and see, and judge for yourselves. U. U'.CRCASV t CO. Light Street, r!,NOv. P 1EC2. T- MAKRIAGfE. ITf I.0VP.3 AND IIATtl SSsV sorrows and anger, hopes ami fears, resro VjTjSiaml Joys ; MANIIllOIUmw lost. bow restore - the iriture, treatment and radii'nl cure of spo matorrho3a or seminal wenknos; invnl'intary emis ions, sexual debility and impeiliiinits tn iwirriaco pen orally ; nervousness, consumption, fit, mental and phy sical incapacity, rcsultinz from KI'.I.F-AIIUiJK aro fu'1 ly evplamcil in the JI ARIII At! 15 OUIIU"., by WW. YOUNiJ. M. I). This most extraordinary book should bo in tlio hands of every yiiiinj nrr.on iniitniiinbitinc marriage, and euvry man or woman who dci.ir''H to cimit the nunibiT nt Undr oiispriuj to tin ir 1 Irnunnian np9. l'.vcry pain, disease nud nihe incidental to youth, lfatnrity and nld nje, is fully explained ; every particle in Kiimweugu mat siiouiii 11s siiiiivn is ii.ro civcii. Ill fill of eusruvlnjrs. In f.irt. it ilisiliiki's seen ts lhntev cry ono should know ; still it is a booli that must be locked up, and not lie abont tho hnus;. It will bo sent to any 0113 oil the recint nrtwentv live rents in soecie or postage; t.mips. Address lilt. W.M. YOUNG, No. liC r-ruuui; Mrcei. noovu roiirin. rni.ai.Mpiiia. fs Arruirn;i anh untoiitunati;. no nntter what may bo your ilisi'ase, lieforeyoii place ynursi Ifun iter tno care ot any 01 the notorious ll'tacka native or ruretsn who ailvertir.0 in tins or any other pap"r, s"t a cony of Ur, Ymina'a book, an.l rrail it. carrfullii. It n ill bo tlio uieniiH of savin? you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your III'". DR. YOUNU can be consulted nn any of tho diseases described in hU publication, at Ilia otOcn, No, Hi, 3. HUUU street, niiove r'niirtli, niiljilclplii.i, (llllco hours from 9to U, daily, March 8, ISfli-iaia. AT LOW TervnCash PRICES I and Pro'luce. However much the people desiro a peace, and resra lion ofthe present hostilities in our di.tr icto I country Ihi'V are also desirous of purchasing their foods at the l iiHv.i iiiurKri prices. BROWER U 0 will (ratify all desires oo this point, and althou?h en.ids navn auvniieoit in prices lie will sell von nt wnndurfil ly low prices. He tins now opened his urti.il larpe and completo nock of Pull and w Inter eno,i. n.uons whleh will be found n general assnrtmei.i of all kinds if eooda can nnu esam.uo, j j, IIIIOWI.II Dec. li, led.'. LEATHER I LEATHER I f" Tlir.iindersiBne.l would annnunre, that he hnson hand iitliisHdtandCnii Ihnporluni, nn Main HI., Illonms- nure, nu assortnicntot iiiiiurcnt kind of leaih r. such ns iiiiu run txins. innrnrro, (reu iinuirncK)nii(l linlnss, all cf which ho will sellibeapor Until can bo hail elscwhen. Hi this market. Call and eieinino them for jnuri-clves. JUitNii. (i.UTON. Rloomsburg, May SI, IFGi, OIGARS & TOBACCO. A Inrce assortment of choico Piears. Tnhnrpn. Plnsa' A I'rulls, Confectionery and Notions centrally, IcccUi er with a full slock of HATS mid CAl'iJ, constantly on hand and for sale cheap, at (he "Cloonisburs Hat It Cap JOHN K. GIRTON, Rooiasbiiri?, March III, t'CI. KH1SI1J1 CTII & imoTuuns. wior,iAi,F, T 0 11 A 0 C 0 1) fi A L E R 5 BtV lOS.XOKXU Till III) STItEBT IMve doortbelow Rare, PIIII.Anni.PllIA SCIIOLAKSllll'S FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial Collrgp. Ilinchampliii 11 Crllteiidei.'s Philadelphia. Hiratton. llrvant & Co.. " , ThesB Scrips, nro in nmounls of 513 ninl $.l) and nro u so mum casu, oy ine Mu J( in nn cntrinerillKr nrtli above rollcees. Youns indn deiltin? touhtain a Aiilsh. rd ( ollcgiato IWiicntion, will here llnd nsoo.l rpocula lion by applying at Iho oflico ofthe Nov. I. ItHiJ, UOI.U.MUIA DLMOCKAT. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP Tlirj undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend and customers, that ho P.-13 purchised his brothers' nieresi in ine uuove csiuu.isniiieiii.nniitiio roorrn u , nercatier oe conuueteu uy utinseirexclusirely, ue lias just received aiij oners for sum, the larjj. ?J est mid innst iisiis1vp iissortinenl i.f r'ANUV jtwTI a 1 t) V I.H ever iulrniluced Into this market. His slock consists of a complete assortment nf nn nesi iiiniiinz ami narior siovcs iiiiiu inarKei. loir, i, or with Etoyu I'uture. r.f every d'"cnption, Oven nud nordtovei, lladiators. Cvlindiir Hloves. Cast Iron Air. 1! wVr. "Ua WlLtJS, All Klnils or renal mv tlnne ai u .1 1 mi , l. vt nnttf Til' tiatronaKe nf old friemla and nrw cu itrmnrs rs. P'clf"lly solicited. A. it, Rl PERT, Bioomsburj, Xvember3. lfco.-tr to Trias gibsm DiiffiiDV FOR THE (f1 (T) Sfl Sa T fl T 11 T 3 0 iN ' U V t J U J U JJ B JV1J AND THE Qafts 1H..SHJ Wat foMSaif X fOIl I D I A U E T K S AND MSUASCS Of Till'. Titte nangtnut unit Tmull ctone Kttutt, v1tlclinte thus far Resisted the lent dlratnl Trrnhitnl can be Coiiplctily OotdrolUi by the IlKJilEDYnoic before utl Till! CURATIVU properties of the nieillcino illicct thoinscU-cs to the or Ram of ioprctlon. anil by so alterini! tlio rniulllinn of tho stomach nml liver tpaiine siarciiy principle ui ine 1 10 siomacil niltllivcr ir'iuini.' siuicny 1111111:1011; 01 inc foo.l is iiotconvrrtcil Into upar soloni as tho stcm I, ,,,. .... CONSI I1UI1UN WA.LIt, 1 which clvc tlioso orcans time to rerover their keallhy tone nml vifor. Wo are able to rtate th it the Conliti.., ' Hon Water has cured every cane of Diabetes in which it , lias doc 11 Riven. STON'U IN Tlin IltiADDt'R, CALCULUS, (iltAVUL uuick nusr dli'usit, and sircoua Oil MILKY lllSOIIAUOLS Al'THIt UlttNATINU. Diseases occurlng from onn 1111.I the same rnii.u w j bo entirely cured by the Constitution Wntor, if take, 1 nisi ncs occurlns from nnnand thesamn cnuu verity ni 1110 uisense. iron, tncnlv i rons t,, ,,,... 1 mooiilul threotl.nos a day, In unter. Iliirine (ho uw. , size "f the Calculus, tho pain ntid urgent sriuiituiiiH should b.! combated Willi th") iironrr r-rti,.i I 11,.,., followed up with tho Coiiktllution tVutcr, ns nbovo di- rotiou. iiYSu:NORRAa:., or paintum. MnxsTRirA- T10.V, AM) IN JIUNORUIIAlilA OR TROl'USn 1'I.OWING. Roth dlsenses nrisinc from n limltv serrcilnn e,nn incnstrunl lluid iiithu one enso beiugtoo little, nml ncciinipauied by severe pnlnj and tin utluru ton pin fuso si-crrtinn. which will bu speedily cured by the Constitution Water. That disease known ns r A 1.1.1X0 Or TUB W01II1. which la ilwresult of n rclnMUinn of tho licainents nf that nrsiiii, and is known by n si'iise of heaviness 1111, 1 dr.t:;ius pains in the hack nml sides, and at tiui s ac companied by sharp li.ci nat I njr or n Imntin;: pai 11 f t!irnn-h the pints, will, in nl I cabes. li" ri'ninv.'il bth,.in,.. j , ., Tin rc i another class nf symptoms nr'j Inz frmn lit RirAnoNot' Till. WO.MII, which pl.ysi-iaos all Ncrvni.8.ie.'s, which word covors up mm h lito: auci. and iu ninocaee-i out of ton th doctor duos not p nllv know whether tile symptoms are the '!i-.i.iss. or th1 uiseasc inn s) iiipui'iis. no can only enuiinrate 1 1 1 -1 1 1 here. 1 spi ak more partlrul irly of I'nhl I'c, t, Palpita tion in the Heart, liuparcd .Memory, Wiikefiilues,ri.isli- os of Heat l.ansuor. Lassitude and Hi ess of Vision. SUITRKSSCI) MKX&TKOATIO.V. Which in Iho unmarried female is a constant recurrin-' ilisenso, ami IhtKiish neslett tho seeds nt more erme ami danii rous maladii's uro the result j and as mouth niter n.oulli pluses without an i llort beinj made to as sist nature, the suppression becomes chro" le, Ihc pa tient gradually louses her appetite, thi bowel-, are rniistipated, mailt sweats co.uo on, and coiisumptittn Oiiallv ends her career. I.EUCORIirXA OR WHlTrS. This disease depends unon an lull 1111,11 inn nfim, Uiningoft o vajina and womb. It is in nil rases ac companied by s.ve.o pain in tho Inrk. nurns lr Downs nun inr.iusii 1113 nips, a teaspoourul of the iiidiciue may Iu taken three limes mi.n-. ivlti, nn Jeitioii of 11 labpspoonfiil ofthe ...ediciu.e', .lined with an 1 i-p.nioi suit water, moriiini: ni.dewni.i'. ii'.RiTvno.Nor tub xuckop Tin: dlaiidcr. INPNAMATION OF TIM: KinXHYS AND CA TARRH OF TI1C BI.ADIIUR, HrnAXISCRY AND UURN1NG OR l'Alxrm, UKINATINd. ror thesodisencs it itrulva sovorLijn remedy, nml too 111:11 11 l auuot be s.'.id in its prais : A single doushas been Hiow to nlivo Iho ino-t ursent svptouw, Aro von troubled Willi that .1 i . 1 r. k j i 11 l- -..,ln it, H,.. small ofthe back nnd thrniish Ihehlpsl A teiisjinnnful a day of Constitution Wan r w ill rc.li.iva you like music, TOR DYSl'lll'SIA, It hasno eijiialiu rclievinj tin Most distrcssinc smn- ........ I .n ll. .. ... ... II .1 (-1 , ... mi-. mam , ii:,ii,.ii nu, 111.-.1 1 inn Til, .1 L HI C". OlllllC I Vlllll lllni Tood, eVe. Taken lcai.iimiiilul u!W illmier- 'in, dose iu all cases may be increased if desired, but should ue iiuitu ,ruuiiuii. . PIIY-1CIAXS llavo Ions since clvcii un tho use of bur liu. i nleta n. juniper 111 111 'ir' ainieiuoi in -s" uiseaaes, mid only use the. 11 lor want 01 a h tt r remedy. COMsnTCTION WATT.R lias proved itself o'iui.1 to tho taalc that has devolved upun 11, diuri:tics Irritate and drench the khln-ys, and by'cnnstnnt use iM.ii v..luuhuii'. uuugiunu u am. co inruieu dis ease. Head. RcaJ. DNv.LLr, I'n JiiiioS 1SI1J. nr. i. m. 11. (.nr.oa--arr Air: In l-ebuarv. irtiil. 1 was nllllc.cd with tho sujiar diabetes, nud for live months I passed more than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was nb ind to i:et up 113 oiien ten or twelvi times ili.ri..'; tlu nijlit, and .1. llvo mouths 1 lu.t noon. uny pui.uus 111 wumii. 1111111111" tlia mouth of Ju'v leu., 1 procure.l two hottles of Coiislltulmn Water Jiuil in inuuiijs uu.ir naiuj 11 1 uxperienccil roller, andatt UMiizmo unities 1 was entirely cured, soon aflei rusmimiti my usual souu iieaiiu. vours truly. J. V. I, 1)1! WITT. Huston Comers, N. Y., Dec. 1!;, li-OI. Wm. H. Gregs Sl Co.: Gents: I . ly give youliherty to ir.nke uso of II.. follow iug Cirtllli ate of tho valiu of l.'oiiBiitution We tor. which I cm reccoiuineinl 111 the highest ni.inner. -My wife, wlio was utlacked wiih pain in tho tli.uil lers, wholo IuiikIIi of thu back, and in her limbs, nil,. I'alpltalinu uflha h -arl, .iiuuded with falling of th Womb, Dysiuiinoirhoe.i, and "Irritation of iho III.10 der," I called a physiri.in, who ntleii.liil Jier abnui thrco .i.oulhs, when lie lelt h.r worse than he I011111. her. I then employe,! ono of iho best physicians I could llnd, who atlunded hor for about iiiuu monlh ami while she was under his euro shu ili'l not unler I'lito us 111111 li pain; lie llinlly gavo her up and sail 'hsr case was Incurable." l'or, said lie, "ehu wns tuil. 1 combination of complaints, Hut ineditiiip siven for ono operate, djrainst sniiieolher nfher dillleullies." Abnut this li. no she cimiiieiieed to uso I.'o.n.ii nni Wrm, and 1,1 our uttur astnnisliuient, almost the fir- dose seuiued to have iho dsircd effect, and she kept 01 imprmiua rapidly ilsder its treatiui ut.uml now super intends eu'iri ly he domotli.; nlV.iirs. Kim has not la ken any of thi Ton '.minis Watlh fur about fourweek anlwoaro I. ippy to sayluatit has produced a perma nent cure. w.m, ji. van nnxsciioTtx. Mtu roan, Co.. Nov, 10, 1E01. I7n. Wm.II.Grfoo; r-ir Mr:-I h.ivefor several years been ndlictei with that tooublesoinoand dangerous dise.1.0 Gray 1 which rousted ml reinedlea an.l doctors, until I tuoi ConsrirvunuL Watir, nud yn'i may be assured that was pleasud Willi Ihe result. Ithascntlrely cured me au I you may 111.1L0 any uso of my iimueynti may see A' in r.-i;.irii tu tho niedicliio, as 1 l:avo cnliro cunrt.leue, in its clucacy. Yours truly, rOVD rll'IIOS'G, Tiinsrc ARn r.CTs paohgh There is nnclasg of diseases Hiat produro such ex Inust lug ell'jctH upon the humnii constitution ns Ilia bites and disease of tho Kidney, madder and I'riun ry l'.isajin, nud throueli 11 Jalso modesly th ) am in s leitod until Ihey aro Miai'iuucedas In bo beyond th control of ordinary reuiedios, and wu pre.enltha CONSTITUTION WATI'.R To the piibliewith the convii lion that II has nocinal in reli'Vinj the fla.s of diseases fur whiih it bus b- 1 found m einlneuily nii-cenii iutuiliij; and wu Irusi thntwo shillbi rewarded 111 our ( fl'orls 111 pl iii.iB 6" vnliialdo reisedy iu a lorm to meet ihe rc'i'iirciuenls 01 patient nud physiuan, run sAi.r.nv ai.i. niiucnisTf. painiiji, W.M. II. (ir.ORGK " CO,, Prnprioiors. Mnrcan Sc Allen, General Agents, No. W Clilf at-, New-York, tit pt. 2J. if B3. 1;,,,, vh A A, rt rji t ATTORNEY AT LAW, fir.oo.vsuoitn, r.i. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charlns R lluckalew. Illnniutburg. Dee. 4, 1W.I. JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANUPAOTCRP.IHc WII0I.i;3AI,r! DKAI.r.R IN ST A filLi C A P,y, STRAW GOODS, BONNE I S AND ARTIFICIAL FLO WE II S, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov. 29, IS82. cTlEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY OAPP, ef every sort. sl7.i and nuallty for salo cheap at Iho II omnsburs Hat .t Cap emporium Also (Iroi erlcs, Cmn'iUlouariei Ciaars. &c. JOHN K, GIRTON. eomsburu, Hcpt, U, Iffll. PROTECTION FUOM LIGHTNING. M Iinsiibserili r i, "i.l I i' rm hU frl"iids, Ihnt lu Is J ii' -1 " r ' 1 11. Iiort notice, and in a sarin il- 1 ' t n,m 1 j w, i) tiaiiTwn hops, at 13 cents pi rf- t AI work warranted. a U.BIDLCMAIJ, Bloomsiturj .May tl, Bt Look to your Interests.' ; If 11 Bail ARRIVAL, I Espiflsii aimed smmm g? o & m $9 AT ! MILLER &EYER'S. 'mill! tnt rlliern have Just Ktumcil from tho Willi milliner Inrffe nml null it nfinrtlnet of (MX X iitifcliifit 'at I'lilliiilelphla, nt thu Imvcst njilru, nn.t j i.i. ,,,y ,irn iliiernilni il l" iii'll on niiiinili'rato tonus . nVrati lw I'tocureil ulscwhom in Ulooiiuburg, Their uJoiEV iin3 noons, uTchoc't sryii'i anu inicsi lusuinii. IJHl iliuita, if iivi.riii,.t'( iriitmr m: wKKX'ir.iitn, cr.Mn h'mk. itou.otr tt'jmi: max, aw,s, J100T.1 if siioi.s u.nTs if c.irs, Jir , ., c, Iniih'rt ovrr) tliitur ti-nally Lnpt in fnuntry Stores! to hi" h they ln lt tmullp cenerally. Tho lllghcMpriru pahl for country iiroi iii-c. Mil. I. Nil li .V.l, ninnnmlKirj. April 20, 1FC2. . tMPOR'L'ANT NATUNAL WORKS. ruiiMsur.u liv . ArrLcro & co. 443 anilH") ronthcant Alio York. Tim followlnjt iforksttro scnltopuli criliersliinnypar , " .- 7 f . , 1 .. ' . nftha country, (upon tcccipt of retail price,) by mail or ' S", uiWlTCAS OYOt.OP.r. 01 A : A popular nlctni,ary of (Icneral Knott leilpo. I'.iliteil hy (Ihiriie 11 , ,.v nml (.'miii.rs A. Disa. nl.leil hy 11 numerous sc. cct corps of writer" in all I1r.111rl.es nt t'rleucies. Ait anil , r.lteratur,'. This work Is being pnblisheil in about 15 I lnro octavovoluii.es, each routiilnliig ISO two eoliuii 1 S, Vols. 1 to XIII Inrluslvo.nro limv reaily.eadi I ioi.lainlnglH'nr'.VnKJ, nri-iniil nrtlcli-s. All additional", volume .: lU''''r."" VV" " 1 VBln . l'riee, intioiu, -j.i; rneup,t.i .iu; nan ,,ior i; linn 1 Russia, SI ."lOencli. '',.'' American Cyclopirdlu Is popular wi ttiniit njr-. ,.i , ,,,1,1, lcnri.e.1 Inil not p-nln tile, ciu.pr. tien-iXn " : . r...., 1 ..... 1'.".' '. .!J. ..f-n'ti..., i- lv .,., It isa eouild to slatciifiit nfnll that Is known upon cery Inipprl.int top ic with tin1 'ci p" ofhniiiaii InMlli uic . l'.v ry Import, nntnrticlo iu il has been spetiully written lor its p.i?e hymen who uro authorities upon thu topleon whirl, they speak. They are required in lirliic tho sulijeit up In the present uininent tn i-t.-itejitit how it stall 'Is lev. All the tt.itlstiral liifnrniatlo.iisfroni th tntr.it repoiis; the pnarorliifiit ncuiiMli kei ji p.ico with Iho latest explora tions; hi-teriinl matt'rs iniludoth" fr.'ih'ftjust vi-ws the hioir.iphhal ni.tlci s nut nilv speak oftlu dead, but also ol the living, It Is.n lii.iary i f itself. AnmnnrMtM nr hik Hibmi: nrl'o.snni.fs: lleins n nolltiral lilsti rv iifth." I niteil MM s. Irui.illie nrsini.a tie,, of the IW le.1 r,H loin"- - In 17- . to l-5ti li lit- , rd an I i on piled by lion. Titois II, llm ox iroiii inn ui- fii i.il R corns oi tjnii-n". 'l ite work will be rninplied in 1', royal nrtavn volumes nfl.V.I p'lai'si'aih II of will' li are now r.'.idy. An .Hill, tioiial vi I line will b publish "I once in three ninull.',. ( l.lli. ?'l! Law HIi i p. SI Half tier,. SI; Half Call' ! I 511 i'iii h. way or riio.-uiir.n Tim cyci.oiuidia, oh i)i:.!. rr.it. l'orm aclnb of four, an I remit lln prlepnf four hooks, an, I live enpi'-s w ill h- -out at the ri".illt 'r s i p -nse lor cnrri'ige or for t. u n.bcrib rs tlev, u copies will bj sent at our ukpen-elor i uniaiie. J (J AUI'-A ra. Nn other works will -n lib rally n ward the exertions nfAsenls. An AiiEr Wanh.ii in Tins (ofsiv. rerms inline know., on appl.cl.on to the rub lslli.rs. Nov. a I, lctu. Tlin un-lcrflsiie its also extensively cnjraseit in the -t- Uinlertii'.tm' fwtlrss. ami keens constantly on hand nd for sale at his Warcronins, it lareo assortment of FINIS.' LD COFFINS, Itv w I1I1 h he is cnaM'Ml to till orders 011 presentation A1.-11-Keeps 11 son I llorso and Hearse, and will at ul times be ready lu attend ruuorcls. SIMON C. Sill vi:. Plnomsbi'i's, January 23. lfi'J OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, RUllfCIIII'TION AO V.N'T) At Jay Cooltc & ('., Rjiikcrs. Ill HouTnTmenMrrtr.T. I'hilailelphia, Nov. 1. 1FC2. Tho undersigned, bavins I "el. appi Inled fiibscrip. lion asent by Hi 'Seer, tery of Iho Treasury, is now pre pared to furnish nt nine, tlio New turiili ye a 1 (1 per cent, Prnvh. of the 1'nited Sillies ilesijiinl'd ns Tivp-Twcnths,' re leeinable at the pi asure nf (he (ioierinn. nt, after five its and oiihiirizjd by Act of Cu.icress, apiirined '.brii.iry ::. i i ' Tiieei, upon bonds nro issued in sums of $JX SH'O, JMH, f$H'U: 1 h II 'itiator llon'ls in sums of SM. $1(10,3500, SIOGO Hid SV.Mil. liitiMett..t -ix percent, per annum will coininci.ee ruu dale of puiUi.tse, and is lAYAIir,K IN 001.T), -cnii-Arnually. whiih is equal, at tho present premi union sold, o nboiit ,t percent per Annum. I'.iruwrs, .Men in ills, .Met hauir.i, I'upit '.llt. and nil who h ivc ii'iy money to invest, shnulil know and n up niber Ibai lin e l.oiiils ar iu ( ll'ect, a Pirn Viitt rare upon all . nil Roads, I'ank Stm ks an I Hjcm ilies. ind Ills immense, prndi.ils ol'all ihe .Maiiufaclares, r., 4r., in the 1 ounlry, and Hint the full ami ampin prni is ion made fur the payment of tldi interest and llouiilat ujuuf prim ipal, by cmloms Dulles, i:rie Ftatups and iriUrual lli vcnue, htcb tn make Hu so linnds tho Uat, Alosi. .iviii'ili.'c and nwu popular lnvrHtmtht in the JUrrcn. Subscriptions reMivednt Par ill I.esal Tender Notes nr notes and tin rks pnren bonks in l'hi'adi Iphia, Pub srnb.-rs by mail will jcreivp promp: nttenlion. mid 1 v- iy lai ihty nml cxplanut will be airorJod 011 npplica- tion ntlhisclliee. A full supply nf bonds will bo kept on hand for Inline liato delivery. JAYCOOICi:, Hubscription Aeent. Nov. 8, lc(12-3m. $ UlfM'tfrt ti e7t-i f LsS 4 Ojipovte Jiififfunnift! Hall.) OIIKSTNUT STIttMIT HIPlVr.HN PIl'TH HIX'I II viiii.jii,:i.t'iii.i. W V ATT U lir.ITI.IVdH, Propriflttrn, November 20, lrfr.I. fMauh i;i leal- F. 0. IIAR'USON. 31. I). , V OCI, D re.perlfnlly infoim tho rillzms of 131. n- V burg, und it iuiu, lb. t hu rnnlinui , ihs nrui til e Mi'fi i.vi: .1 vt suKur.hr, ml sollciisn hh ir of public puti pna re, ohue iui Mam Street, first hou.c below Iho Couri lln ise, Plun iii-b ir;;. Pebruiiry x Irjj-tf. Bli CK ! B1UC1CII llulCLv!'.! t)A AfiAGoo l Uriel;, just niiiriiit'actiiiof ')" 1 1 5 li11'1 f"r tlia tbeap, wholesale a rn-ed n'"1UUUi.ll. AltheUlooni.biirj llrick Yard.- pply to the 6'Lcribe.r. IIGNIIY11. ARTHUR Dlnomsbilrs, I11110 23, IHr.i. HEADING JLIL-110AD. SUMMER JUlIt.1.Vai:.'IEJ,T3. Great Trunk Line from Iho .Vonh snd NorlhWcst' I'liilaili Iphia, New orK. ili'adin;, I'ntUvillu, l.eo, lion. Alleiiiow'u, Jlastnn. " r., &r, Trniushav.i ll.irri.luirir fur riiil'iilelphla, yfpw Voil Itcadiiiir, I'idtsvillp, aiiUulliiil' tiiuilialu fiulions, ut a m, nud l.tilp in. Njw Vnrlt i xpr 'si leaves Ilain-leirif at 1-11 a m ai rivinri at New York utri "1 the u , inori'lnj. I' rslrom lUriislmri;: Tn iow i.k $.ilKI1; tn Villi aihlphl:i9l..1nnl i7). Hosing i li clt d llii'iii(ili. Ileturninic I live New-Vor- nt (i n. 111., 2 Noon un I B p. in., (I'm nuriih IJspren; l.uivo riillu'lclpliiaalti.i. iu., and d n p. in. Meeplns lurs In His N"iv-Vork I'jpr'ss Trains, tlu'iugli tu and frum I'iilslnirvh wilhonl il.aiijn. t'n-seiijprs hy til l Ciitiiw i-su i allrn.i.l leuvo Pert Cliiiluiint I. W a in, for riiilnji lplil.i and all iut 'ruodi. ato slailoi- i nud nia p in for rinladelplila, Clv Vnrl;, and all Way I'oiuts, Trains l avn I'nttsrillo nt ll a in, and 5.1.1 p in, for Mill idelnhla und Hi w Vork : nud ut.VJIln in for Aiihurn uud I'oit 1'lintoii only, c'luneitinu tor lino drove audi wiui mi i.auanissa i.nn uoad An accouiuiiidnlion pnsseurjpr train leavci Ileailinj at 0 a in, nud return from I'iillnilelphiuul i p in. , j" All the aliove trains run dully, Sundays excepted. A Huiu'ii ' train leaves I'oltaHllu at ",.M a. in, anj I'hilaii Iphia at 11,13 n in. I oiiiiiiunlculu.il, Milcag i Season, and Ilxcuriion Tickets, at reduced rates lo and from all points. (1. A.NICOI.I.H, May 17, IKS. Ccnoral Superintendent, WfllS'B'SiW.'ii ESO i Zili, Nos. I, 11, 13, lf, 17 Couitlaudt Street, KT.Atl IIItOAtlWAY, NI'.W YOUIC CITV. Thl olil-Pstnhlish."d nixt favorite resell of llm Hitfl nesi Cntnt'iinlty has heeii teconll rolltled. mi 'I Is com-pit-loin I'tcrt tiling Ili.it run m I I K. r In the rinnlnrts of Its pultun I .a ll'"i and fiiiiilll.-s lire fjx chilly nil. I inro fully provided fur. It 1 ci'iilrnlly located in tlio liirincss purl of the city, nml In cnntiKitout In the principal lines .f steamboats, tars, tunnlliussPs f.rrl' s, &c In cnunu'Vii'iiCT of thu pri-fHttrc caused by the tulicl lioi, prices Imvc been ruduccil to Om Dollar tu d HJty Coils per Day. i Tim tnblo In amply piippllnil with all Hie luxuries of the rt'Riii,nnl IBC'inni to Hint oi any outer hotel in uio country. Amplo nccoiummlatlnns aro olfiMCil for npwaril Rne.t. of 400 no nni neiicvo runnern.nnrKmen, ami ouiers w un may say "tho Western lloti l In full." II. I). WINC'IIKdTIin, 1'mprlrtor. TI103. 1). WIN'CllCSTr.R. I'eb. li.iecj. 'Ike. AVw ammcrcittl linildlngs are loca ted opposite Court House, corner of Court and C'lentmo-Hreets. This Collcgo Is Innoivay eonnoctcil with any other 1111. luiion. Th'i eneruics of tho entire Faculty aro exclusively do- voted tntlil'. I , ""esuu 01 tilts it.sttuit on Isto nlToril tn Young ?'' M, n" ot;i''rtniiity for ncqulrlnj a TtonvgA Practical ' T ,,,.. . 1 I'Ae lr . Arc. 1, ...W VV if, " '.1".', ' , , ,, - ,,r 1.. "tr,ictl,in V,' 1.. ..,. .i,. .,' "' 1 ry and I'rnctlce. coi.i.noiATi: coLmsn. This foiiTo emlirae s I oolt-Kei plii jn n jt, ,ic. parliiients, l'eniiii.ansliip.Coiiimeicial Irlllinictic llus ine s t njrjspmi'l un;, Conimi ,clal l.nu.Pn i t i c.-t 1 llcnii oniy. (.nniincreial Uhics, I'nrlncrslilp scltlements, lie ti ctiuil ( nlTit 'if'iled nml altjriil Rank-Noles, Ac I h j Hpeiireri iii System of IViinmaii'.hip Is taucht In all lis vurlet .H. by tl, mo.t si lllfiil musters nf tho ait Iho Honk-heeplnj itrn.iiinient is umler the special en I ul.ti, tin, I Ititf.T... ,1 r ..... u!... . ." v.. V"l p-.uiMM,, , iTfllClpa . .1, IV OP.VnRAI. IVI'ORMATION1 Ptml.'nts can enter at nny time; no vacation. ITsnnl tlm" to eoilip el' the ('nursi', froinntn i eks. Arsis. ; i "V; ; Vi" ."'S. k"","'"!Vr ... ,: . tt.Wi,,j i-ngrnt cu ui- i i ' Por O'lt'iloUP r f Tllnnr-eo f,p.l.nn. r.c- ... ship, cVccurloss two letter i.-in'ps and nl lr s l.OU'lll.l fi W XIINHR. Ai.yust .13, igBS. Mav n, s j , f... C R I T T K N 1) E X ' S C 0 L L E G E . A'. E. ain.tr fih ,! Chrshiut Strcm PHILADELPHIA. TKM Iwilt't nil. "rill h urn. ,.I.UJ.l,.ll. 1911 , is HOW !-0'l '.pientl. , t, . ,;.,,.,.., u,r e ... . lie,', nilllill rsill.lllll'r lis L-lmlllii, s I, -...I.. ..r "Nilir"'''' y'"" "four Ti!k-iB!tcr cf th . Instltuflon l , 1, 1.. ... n.r ..1 111 mi f.icilniefiiir tlior.'iiiih pre.iirnlii.uf hu-mAs ,... . ... ....... .... ,n.. i.-iam ,1 s r roui i,r ', ;t,o,v.',-,"7 p llle t' the vaiinlls ilpn-n linen), nf lr.,,1 ' . n ipplll'l- "0 '11', liutli pi 11,1 ,111 1 nr.i.ini..iiil ; iv.(OT,, , toil 7.'lfl.'irs, , ,ti tJ'HtO I I It'll ' ,1 ','trertii tf . I ,nt i ...... Ojf 'r,ih'J, tutil .'!o frit f,,ufftwrs , 1 T rrSv.ri y or I.!r, rcTins is p-ci.liar ; nn classes or ' ? ,r" "V iu '' ''"I '" f tan. hi Individually, sotli.n h may in, ,.. . ; attend i,t wh iten r hours are ii.Ohti'ouvjni Mit. ' ' Cstio-ixs nreis t u-iWaft r the 15th of April ronl linina u.iiii,- of th rtudi'iit.for Hi v ir. and foil parlw ilars oft thi , fcc.. an I nny ,e obtained ai any 111. 1 l,y .1,1 r -1113 the t'liiii ipal. ' In .xr:N...y" A., o-i-ni'i ,ri ins. tri I spread rrj,at.tw Tilllll ln.L,ihn r,urrir,c,f ih, I'riuc'ital, Ih,. In.tilii ti.iii'.ll rf.ieilni s upei in toiinv other in the ruuu. try I rvouni men wl-hlni; Inpreparo fer busine,s. and tiiiililiiln at the same timo ii.ri.on, ir.,ri mil pr -rr a r-ramMiwdtthn fur tivjui thoin tn any .Mcrchan llle House, (XVCi'iriNnrs's mrs of Trentlutt on Pnoit-Kiii'-IN11 now iiurti widelyclrc'ilntedlli iu any oilier wolk n the subject, aro fur sale at (he 1:1, II S. IlOOGUfl cniTTi NDP.sJ, Mlorneij'itl't air, I'nscir!.. Jan. S.-.IPfio ?A I0KAL I f CI II G T.OCATi:!) IN PHILADELPHIA. r. u. i.'i'l.M.K7ril AM) CilLbTNI'T S'1'3., lYi!1 York Cil II. Hi:. nlhii, Ml,,,..,, '',..! .. rVrv; rf.:-. und bt. Louii llook-kepping, r Ctimiii' r 1 il Law, c.tiii 1.1. cut. iiiiunsbip, (1iKi1nerrl.il Aritlimi tk 1'i.riob, Cnrre.p.iiiileuci.', i.e pintl I h 's.i ,..ill .ge licjiiy unih r (ha same rciieinl and In cul 111. 111 1.' 1,1 nt. a.nl unilin. in p.iili u,e .un.inugu I nil, 1 11 r gr '.it r l.i' Hiti 's for imp irimg i.i.lruc i III 111 auv m i r si "inar iiislitntii n 1:1 Ih- ,-1,111,1 1 y, Af. h 1 1 ship ii,.. by ii'iy oua iso.d iu .ill tot 1. Uhl.UiU 1,1 Uillc. Tin I'lnli.l.'Iphi'iCnll g'hu h-oii reeeutlyonlal, 111 1 r lirtini, 1 1,1 ,i nip fior 111 inner, mi l is now", I Itirg 'stum, inn.-t prosperuus Co.nniur'cial l.ut.tulioi. e the main ryaut h r-'lr'itl.in's s -riis rf Text llonks, einbrne ii"iik- .e. plug, 1 0,11111., , i Ariihiiietica.ul Connuer Law l irs.il '.nu I b.-ii t by mail. - for lul 1 jvirtieiilars send for a circular. October it, loj-J- Urn, OYSTEUS! OYSTERS! ! PRIISH OY.-T.-R-' ion b- rLt.lueil nt nil tine's, at Ihe ..utuin ,t...i,iii 1.1 uio iiiuu.nigucil, on .Mum ttri'ut. U.aTUNLR. Ulooniiburg, P.I., Sept. 13. Itca ORANOEVILLE Konaal and ( oiiimirciiil dhml .-jeji! Aradi my. 'TMlP.npxt Term of this Institution will commenco o . 1 iiursuuy, uciouer Jisi. in.t. i. a. WOODS, Sec. Orangeville, Oct 2J, IEC2. NEW 1UJSINESS Kill M. J"Iin umlPrtianptl re.pei tlnlly iuforiii III. ir friends nud Ihe public generally, that Ihey ham entered in to en partnership, under Iho iiai.iu, Elylo uird linn .1111,1,1.11 ic l.yV.lt in tin. in the "(11,1 An i.le," Hi lllooiii.bur'i, Columliii co , Wll' r' I'.ley illl 111! earr ying 011 1 he li isiuess of okm. at. .M, 111 iimiv;mi, iii iill lis li ersilL-d brum h."s a.itl lep.iil.neiits. an.iti, wlii.h ll.iy i.ivitu nu eiuiision i, the public pilro.iagn. p. 11 m.i.L-ii, I RIlD Ii C. U Kit Hliij'iihliiirg, -May II, I'ei.-tf. i V.SMO'Jl). J'tt l'ulillsheil ! .1 ti '01 -.1 r.uvi lope; t'rlec (i its: A I,ei trro on ll. JVuti.r '. Tr. iiiuu nt nn.l radii nl corn nf t-pni iniit' -rliu-u er . iiiluai Wietu is, involiiiii.iry I L II k it. lIlV'nllllll.TrV ........ i r. ..... x.uii u.mj-, iiii 1 1:1111. hum ims .i mar- rhj c n -rnllv. u muni mm. tiM-inn. -pil ny 'ii ' ,Vlf' V. 1 A i '':ty; r-ulutiar irum Ai 1 ' 'Ulviruull, AI. author OI til' frf fl JjOOh. A-C The woil i-renoe. ,l i nuiiifir. In Iiiiu Aflinlrahln I rC nil !m du n exupr itni . ihut th re, vlaurly nr ives iioiu im (,wn t uner itm , ilmi il, Inwfitlitcnr. "pi lit est f. i If nlii.se tun) ha i If rtuallv rj ( furtciie. ti nc: I'm If tibuoi liuii tin i If-rtiitillv r '"''''" is.'n mi, uii'i .illliriH (HII.L't'l 1111 it fir lite, u il wu leu 11 1. iff I ci iii op rnii'iin. iinuuiiK. iii.iriinii i.Is, lines, nr n't oials psiuliiiK ut u iiitiiie of cn-.i ui i n") c ."lain a id ill'-rtual, hywhiih every suir rer, no iiinlti r lint lit. condition nny lie, may Hire Iiiihm If t heaply, priinti'ly nml railicallv. 'I Ins Icilure will prove a ti.mii tu thuu sands nud 1 1 1 ii u si 1 1 it st. rJeiit under seal, In a plain envelopn tn nny address on the recilpt of six rent, or two postage .tamps hy addresiinj: Ur. rilAB.J.C. KI.INK, I -7 I owcry, New Votk, 1'ostOllico lloj, Kor. 15, Ifco'J ' NOTICE. iTpsrsons hiioninullieinseli'i'a imleht'id mtho siile s si-iiu t mi , ship, iiniii. .eenuii,. or olli'miso nni ll T" li V m l ifr id In pii'l and H.-tll ih siim 1 1 iiti.ni ih.s t a i l Iho lir-t of January, Im;.I. If not nttn.'led tn hy in i iiiuu. siioi urinunu and notes will lie Ii fl at Uso,, Ul.aiuh.'rliu's for cnllecliou, Fi AIRN'DU NlIALIi. Illoniiihiiri, Nuv.S9, 1S33.- EXEOUTOIfS NOT'Iol Estate, t f Danvl lleistl, dre'd. T r.Trr.llB t estaiiisntary on the ritatu of lianli I I!s. J jcci, iai oi i ocufi loniistiMi, 111 I ol ll tit bin lAiintv iiecensml, have been mautnil by tha llegiste, ofColuiu. m i couuiy !! u c uniiorHgiiPU aun rcH.linji in enid tnwnsliip i allpi rs ius liavint claims njalnst tho estate or tlio cun d 11 nro r "pr'st dto n res lit Ihem tn tho I xeruu-r ut Ms rctideiiri ill said luwnihip, uill.mi delay, uud all persons Imlil.teJ tn niakepayiiiriil fiillli with. I'UTIiRK. IIBItllUlN, Eirtuler, l)CCftlbcr,0,l 865,-0. pi ".i uio o res lit hem tn tlm Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Ami for the spscily euro tf the fcllorrlnir complaint. t ijcrnrulnniitl Srrofulon AfTcct Ioii,mihi. nn Tiimorsj, ijlrcrx, Knrus, Kriiiitlons, I'lmplcs, l'ustules, lllotchcs, IIuIIh, liliilns, nml nil NUI11 Dlsenses. OtIUXD, Iiul., (ith June, 1839. J, C. Arm h 00. (lent. I I feci it ray duty to e Itnowleilso nlmt your tarsapsrllla lias dona fur tno. llarlnrf Inherltrd n Scrofnlom Infecllou, I haro suirmcil yioin It In various iys for years. Boinetlnics It bunt Tiut Ih Ulcets on my hsnils ana arms) iHUnetlmes It turned Inward and illitrcsscd 1110 at tho stomach. Tn yenis ago It broko out on lay head and covered my sculp and ears with cne sole, which was painful anil lontliioino beyond dcucrlrlion. 1 ttUd manv medicines and stvei'nt physlrlous, lilt without much rollcTfroin ft'iy lldnir. lit tact, tlio disorder glew woi so. At length t was iijolced to lead in tho (lospcl Mcsicnger that yon had prcpat'd an nHeratire (Ssrinparllln), fcr I knew from your reputa tion (bit any Ihhnr you made limit bo good. I ti nt to Cincinnati and got il, and nied It till It cured 1110. 1 tool! it, as you sJilfi', In email doses of a tc.ispooiifnl ovrr f month, and used almost t In co bottles. New hiiA lioallhjr i.tln soon began to lorm unuer 1110 scnu, wiitcn aiti.r,.!! whtio foil on", Mr ikln Is now clear, nml I know by my ft'Cllnps Hint (ha illneaso lias (jono fiom my system. Von can woll believe that I feel wlmt I am laying when 1 tell you, that I hold you to be ono of the apontles of the atfe, and remain over gratefully. Yeuri, ALFRED n. TAUXr. St. Antliony's Plro. Koie or Errgluotn, Tetter nml Suit llliviuii, ncnlil llonti, Iiliigtvorm, Sore ISj'ck, Urorisy. Dr. Robert M. l'rkbla writes from Salem, K. v., 12lh Eept., 1869, that he has cured nn inieterato earn of Drops;, which thiesttned to terminate fatally, by Ilia Serscrorlni; uso 01 onr nari.apiiri.ia, an,, n.fo n uiugrous Militant Krvtipilxi by largo doses cf lha eaniol ) 1,8 mn' cmmon "pwmi ny h conamniiy. Ilronclioeelo, Goltro or Svrclleil N-ecIt. Zebulon Sloan of 1'rwpcct, Txs&, writes I "Three ic ihisof your Snrsapatllla cured 1110 fiom a dciln n hid- ,ou" wt'"nB Jn a0 neeu, wniai 1 uau siur uoui - . 'l"co""n'! "r Avn lies, uvanun Tnraor, Uterine Uleerntlon, Vcmnle IJlsciineu. T)r. J. Tl. fl. eimnnlnif. f,f Now York CIlT. Writes I " I most cheeifuily comply wllh tho request of yonr nRvnt In sayhiri I have found your Sarsspnrilla n most excellent Klter illro In Iho numerous complaints for which tf smploy such n rcmoilr, but especially In ItmaU tiltttua of tho Hcrefulous dl ilkcsls. I hsro cuied many Inrclcr ato cases of Iuconbo;.i by It, and somo nlicre the com plaint was cniiied by uloeratinn of tbo iiriu. The Iiher stlon llsclf nos soon cured. Nothing within my kuonl edge finals it for llieso female deraiiEcmoiila." Edward S. Slariow, of Newbury, Ala., write, " A irra gsrous ovwient tumor on ono of Iho nrmales in my ftrndly, tfhlch lis.l dcOed all the rsinedlrs wo coidd imploy, lies tt length been completely cured by your P.xtmct of Hir saparllla. Our physician thought nothing; but exthfo Hon conbl afford rcllsf, but ho wlvlscd tlio trial of jenr ParsnpnillH ns tbe last resort before cutting, nn4 it proved cffcctnal. Aller taklnnyour remedy olfjlit nstlis QO symptom of tbo dl'enso rclnains., Oyplillls anil Morcurlnl Dlsenan. New Ontjisa, 25lh Augnst, If SO. Da. 3. 0. ATrai Sir, I chcoiTnlly comply with Oio f Sncst of your airent, nn i rtport to yon soni of the vflcvW have rcallred nllh your rJarsnparllU. I bnvo cured nllh It, In my practice, most sf the rnm plnluli fer which it is recommended, and have funnd lis .Tects truly iTondorful In tbo rnro of rsnwi and Met turi'tl Uimsr. One cf my pallonts hut Sy.blllllc ulcers hi his throat, nblch ne.o consuming his pilito and (ho tcp of his mouth. Yoar Parsapsrlllo, steadily lobm, cured Idm in five weeks. Anothur was attuckud by sec onl.uy symptoms in Ids imso, ond the nlcrratloii imd eiten away a conlJerablo part of It, so thst 1 bclkiTellm disorder would rocii leach lili brain and kin Liin. Iluttt ylvtdod to my AilmlniBtrnllon of your Fsrsnpordlai tin ulccis liealed, mid hu Is well again, not of cotiue without somo dUOsuiHtbm lo his fafp. A wonuui nbo had been treatid for the saaie disorder by msuury hps sntleriuj from lids prison In hsr bones. Thpy kad bscidim so sen sitive to tho wcotbec Ibit 011 n damp day she suirevid ex cruciutlni; p.iln In her Jtlnts and bones, fc'bc, ti e, was cuieil eiiiiiely by your tnmipnriUu in a few wn.l,s. t know Aom its fi'inuila, which yeur ntxeiit gave nio, Ihrt this I'lepaiution from jour hioorVpry mu.t boa uieat lemedv ; eonso'iuenlly, thsso tuily luuinkuMo lesults ullh ll bare not sui ii'd me. iiiitcidklly yours, 0. V LATIMER, '1. 1. Itlieumntlsm, Gout, I.lrcr ilonijlalnl. lNriri.sti.scs, Preston Co., Vn., 6ih duly, 1S5J. Pa. J. C. Avutt Mr, 1 limn been n III I a rd nl.li 11 pilo ful rliionlc llintototnnt for n leni; tlnie.i hbh bnliltd Hid skill cf physic! ins, and stink to 1110 in ipils of nil tb rnev'llesl iciild llnd, niitil 1 tried your 1 niapnrllla. Onn bottle cuie.l ins ill two weeks, and leslsied my gumiM health so much that I am fsr hitler tl si be.r.i-; I was .(tacked. 1 lhlnl;ltawendofnlnie,Uclr. J. V'illiAM. 1 dulca Y. Ottcbsll, of Et. Lcnls, writes 1 "I have lsa affliclsd lor years with nn ntfalirn of the Liver, which disltojcd my henllh. I tricdurcry thlmz, nudvvery thln failtd to relisro tue; and 1 haiobaen n biokcu down man for some years' from no oilier rnuso lhan irronpemn. of the .it rt. Mj U'loi-d piutor, the llcv. Mr. Pspy, rultued sio to try your r'arsnpsrilla, becauss he said ho kt-ew ).,i, and any tliln,-! you loads nas woith ttylne. fly Iho bh faij; of (led it fins cured ine, and bos so purllWd my Meed ns lo m.iko u new man of lna. 1 Ivel younc pgaln. The befit Ihut can la said of you Is not half i;ood onoceh." I BcliIrru,Cncer Tnmori, Kalnrrrf mrnt, (ilciinlinn, varivs urwx ti,noiimioii or the Iloney. A Ri ent nili-ly of eases have been reporto.! ro nswhers cures of Ihfso ftirnildabln comphdnts have lcsidtsd f.xia the use id this remedy, but onr spaco here will not admit them, Homo of them mn ho found in our Amrrtetm Almsuiic, which Iho agnls bulew nainvd aro plcnucd t furHih giatis to id! who nail for tboui. 1 Dysjieiisln. Henrt Dlscnse, Vita, ISplJep i hy, aft'lniicliol y, r'cuml;;ln I Many leinnikublo cures id llieso altsrtlens bare lu;n 1 nn.le by the nlteintiio power of this mtdirlno. ltsllvtu lalcs tlio IIaI fuiiitloiis Ihto vttorons nolbp, and (iui oveircnies dl-uiidets wbb h woutu tie supposed hejnmr its I rcaeli. 9uch u iciucdy has long bt.cn reiiulied by the nt cc'ltles of Uio prrple, mid we ore muQdeut tlut tldi wiU i do fur thea. idi Ibat intrdicine can do Rssns.li'i T3V nwwn Trtrt.sp1 i a wH"y ion Tim VArin cunn oy Courjtls, Cnlils, liifliion'n, Ilnnrrcstosa, Ci'iniji, 111 oncliltls. Iin.lpleiit Clou fcliiiiplloii, ami fur the Iltltcf of L'outnmptlve I'fttloiitu ill ml nnrefl Inroa of tlio Diseoso. Tills is a remedy so nniirrkally l;nn to mrpera anv other fur Iho cum (f threat and lung complaints, that ft is ll.wli.ss help to publish tbe 1 ldti.ee f lis vlllnrs. Its unilvftlled excclltiiro for totii:hs and tulds, and it truly woiiihiful ernes of pulmonary dlninse, bam msiV II known Ihn'tiglioiit tlio ilrlllzed nation of lie etrth. Few aro the communities, or er, 11 families, mieng lima wiio hate not eoni psiw-nal expcilenco of itsilYtit sninolUlng l.npLy In Ihtlr midst of Its ietiy on r (to sulillp and dniigsioiis dlserders of Iho tbioatai'd lunfB. Jit all know llm ilirndlal filollly cf tbeso disnn'jrs, nud as they know, too, thocnVrtief Ibis rducdy, we ii'p I not do nioro lhan to usoro Hum that it has now idi thu vir tues that it did bno when making the cuies width tnr won so ftrrngly ujon tho conlid.ncs tf mnukinil. Jfreparad by Dr. J. C AYE3 CO., LowaU, Kasa. Kid it 1; 1' . .Hz. 1; M ii.i'ni liutli, and .1 R Moyer I In-iii-'iurg; It' '.'.J I r. Rol.r-liurg ; Miut. rs Si foil, .liillt ill.' ; P Mn t r. U nion; Laurns & PMier, Ui .ingeyill.' ; () P I'.ntli r I'm. lerst ille: A lill"r. II. r wick; Low & llios .Centervilln ; II P Hi igli irt & Nuss Pin ; Mil flioiiii'iker. lluil.lioru; lleighiit .t Nuss, illaiuvill : -I .-Irirph's-". Cnltawissn; treusy U Co, Light rHrt'cl ; 1111.I dealers everywhere. July -.'I', Irll-i I y. - EVANS d' WATSON ; HALWIANllP.lt fi M'HH, RI1. v ' , MOVP.il in ,V. Illiiii 'i,iir(4 k . S'r"t. l"iil it' ipV.i, h.iy.i on , and .1 largo assoiiment of 1'lr.i '. , 'lhi"l priifr''..hiiiian,ler S.if s. . .. I.o, iron iloiirs, fur banks and , ', ' , stores, iron sinners iron sash, nil makes of locks cnual to nny mailo in tho I'liited States. . FireSof" lit our fri, .Ill came out right; tcilh con. (en's In L'ool taiamti. The Salamander Safes world. of i'liilniltlphiu against tha EVANS Si VAT.c0N, Imvc hnd ill" 'tirctit ilemot-tratlou i'i tlio fdtlowinu prr liflfiiti' lliat tli.'lr uiniiuftiiturc M'&Lla.iinn Wv nni'-s lin-i nt l'n3lli fully wurniht il th ri rrt'si'iitatioiiij whicli linu li.-.'ti iiiiflc rf lli m an tvii U-rins an untluuhtoil btcurity nsrthmt llo ti-rriflc tlemf nt. lliil.iilf Inlila April 12. lil Ji'rjurs JavH k H'a'nrn : (iriitli inrn It nirnrdi tis th'1 liijli ' t-Mmf.iCli'.n tu tnt j to oii, tint nuiii;,' lit I'.lf yi'tv pr t-i 1 1 v ' M'Uilil r'fttu !' Ill' HiilitinJiii.l.T, haf a t hi' h hi iur'Iit 1 of yon tmtw tlvi' nioiilh tmru .' 1 u' -l a I ir ' p"iti"U cf ji-Wt Iry, ant all our hoitUs, rtr xiiortcd in ih fiii.uniitoiitijiu inUuiutuail lacu on in .,rih . i itii it.t I ICI. s..il ,.l lli.l l!i,u.Dtr,. I inns I . ll... t r,,i,rt1i fury nftli . huil-hii!; w t (icnipti-il an-i that tiny - f. 11 MihtMUHnllv iafa h ni nf Inn nine ruuu. wIi-th llm 4 Mtnt cmc ntmti m of Hi h-at ct iirfuil t!i liniKi iil.iiraio I MHt, a enwm hut Pfirl lh'M'ri'sjraUon of tiictr vnt- J ....rtli.nl j .....ct I'lint ilii in ir nr.ii C (.f tlu tn. entity air.inh'.l hy yoar nil. . iif.'. i.ii,,i . ,t i i.. ,n.i .,. it., I m.-n iirhtiin, a -tin- r. Itnur- nt'ainO lln. lillnlir.i: . HlM.MONSte IIIIO.. .Iccllen C7"'lho I. uvu since p.irchabuil ti liirsn t.if" s. July 'JI), leo.', I Aiciist IKI 0 RE. E N W 0 0D S E JI IN A It Y. MWcille, Cohinii'tfi (.ouuui, J'riiii'a, 'I his well kuuwh Ft loud for Iiolli seies will iiit.ii NOVUM llllll lid. UBS. TIip recent ail.liliona In the litilldinirs: render arcoi oJniliiiij for iu or ' il.au ml) hourdi rs. i Tiiiirmirse of kluitywill iiiihraco lliren di pirtnieiits -Hi" MTni.il. liu 1 'leuilll", and I'to i niuir.errial. 'I h l'rini'.i" il w ill he assltt 4 hy up rl' need leach crs. f lly iuiilileill'i"r Hi ir r speilivo positions, I Pan nl uud others umy ri st assured that liu efl'oru w ill he spared to uinlve Hi ' hool worthy of ptitrommu und Unit Ihe welfare of Iho iti.ilciils, iut'ileitually, phv Iially, and morally, nll receive nurcniisiiiutnira i'or nipliciilloii, liriulnrs or fnrlln r puriiiulars, ml. dress thu uudertisncd. at Milluillix nlumliia county i'a. 'I'. MAXVi:i I. Pli'lTH, JOHN' 11. I'.VlTtIV, A.M., . l'riiiciiial. Millvlllo, I'a,. Sept. i:i,ieC2, N A T R 0 N A GO A I, DILI 1 u'.uiii avtciivov evni auivpi 1 nn,p,iuiil to any l.llilOrnjNU, " ' ' VI V Ivy an .'M'h'sivc Oil, hl n a few cents moro ncr -,,11011 w'll fuihisli 1011 w ilh a ncrlcci Ull ( , ' M,;,i n..ll, -. " w -,. r rA.HAi.TMANU'UTI III riC'lMPWV. No. 1S7 Walnut Htrsci, I'llU.AUl.l.rHlA. rd-y '.'! IcIA I )C r I " FR 3i S 11 A R II 1 V A 7 " t -01'- www umvmsm - V O R - Ifilili Ml) WHITER! Tf 'i unnorsiiinijo, graienu ror pa npn 1 i .riillyliiforms his ciistiimert nd rhini,Mi;ef,'(" thatheliasjust received rrom tho L'a.Ur 1. JltlJ," ll inreest and most select stock of s'lioi, ih FALL AND WINTER Til Thnt has yu been opened in llioomsburc to whl l, Invites tlio nttedtlf.11 of his Mends, and n,si"c ),r tl.allhcynro ollered for sale nt great ba,"a ,,,, " m Htock cimiptlses n largo nssorlment of OIINTI.K.MRN'H U'JJARINO Ari'ARRL, Cniifistnm ol F.isniosinLctinrsiCox'rs, of evcrr d, crlpllo.i! Pants, Is, fhlrls, Cravats PtiiVs iViiVl Ilundkcrchlef., Cloves. Huspeniler,, &. M GOLD WATCHES A ff D JEWELRY, Of every desrrititlon. fine and rhnn. N. II. Kciiienihcr " t.otecnberg'i Cicnp r.tit.iorhm ' call and see, No charge fur cjannnir (foods. m .. A I1AVID LOWP.NllRnrt Moniiisntirg, .March 21. IPCS. (j,i0 lf-5i. VMS DaADflTS'JBSPSSnTOTf ! A FAMILY MAGAZINE Dr.vortU) ro Lirr.iliTUur. jutn nr.uaio.v. ; VOLUME XXIII-1S53. "I T Is Ihe deslpn of this JIaearlne tn prulucn an e!e I punt ami pi.ro literature, .alms will cullluitu tTi ' tiistu, linn tlu manners and ennoble nil tho nlnisr IIT'. Literary without belli;' pedunlic, r. Unions iu t ton nml ih.ir.ict. r without biar.try, it will make u,t.p w, lei.ine w Her verltls known. ,'n ina?ii7luu lu ih cii'iiilry is b ui t 11 lapted in the family circle. Hurlnc Hi' f, rth iiiiiiii'rvoluniu it will iciiiiiini t maintain lis charaeler as 'I h llueiin i f tho .Monthlies." In t nu rh iiile.il pxeiiitlou by Ihe Repository Is notpniinloil by any iH.iju7.liie in the lainl. It is priiitcu rrmn stcre. nlyp" plat 's nu t he lliiestviilonili r.'il paper , and pnrh niiiiib'r loiiliiin-i two oriuiunPst ! I ciifravliiKs, oxixu. tediii lli'liijh slstvlool the art by , ullits who stand nt the h 'ail nflhelr profession, I ha Repository has spiciul mlnplinn tu the family, - It fiiriiislies .1 ureal 111 int of rundlnv uilapted m iii'l th- niemli. rs of the family young and old- not for e'ttinrr the dill Inn- It I-fresh, varied full of life. -In lb lii'imis nml Hener.il Literature it occupies u uiibe lh.it cm li ' lill.'d In niiolher way 1 h nailing will do Ih h 11 rt an ,1 sou! good, Ai'iong its i iinti ib itnrs are foiiinl some of the lie.t writ rs in tin- Intnl. Their papers Rive tlpgauio, sp in and van ty. as well as In-iriution In Its pages, u h lln lot htiouiif Ihe IM 1 1 it n n I Piibliiliers to make il Ih'lirsi Una i7inu of lis kind 111 Ihe country, tf .mdnl iiiliutlon is Invited tn the varied and Iiiteioslliig con twin of thu H-.inriaI department, which ctlnluts e,.. 1. 1 res un w hero rlsp o be (uiinil. It will inrlii'ie Scrip. Mm :il, lu. I. containing many ilmlco thoughts and rxpiisitit.il for Iho Christian reader nud ni'ulsp r Not s nml tlirri' s, n literary nud criliral 1111 Inure lnelilj Inti resting to Hip in.uisilivp; ,otiu s of V w Publications ; Items,, ileriiry, fitiiiitlfle and llelijlous geiiiliod)in fads, iin.itcuts. und -11,11 -lies "fpcrmauie.it aliie; Milebo rc for ihililr,!. whiih will he f ,11 1 1" stories anil 1111 cdnt" peculiarly uilapted to interest 1111.1 in-Irurt ihililren ; L.iitnriii) (II, .minrr. nnitle i,p if rirli iiiid rure puss.igi sand iiniiilnti s plenueii fi rm liu Pilitoi's nuillii','; und P. lilar's 'lublu w id also , miIi'm.j quilp a varit ty. rhcre is nu economy in tnklnir the Mag"zlnp, if y n In ik at the murium ofthe reaeing inatli r. A tingle v, I lime I K'lll.'ll III" l.lllt I'Jllt",. 1 nlllll.l S WllilllLlp, s it rati would ms! JI .i 1 iiell. 'I Int is J 'I g t iu 1. e Repo.itory I'nr'l wu Dollars anil a ILi'i wht w.,ul 1 u, t jn'i Ion Dollars In ll.u honk frui ; und th.nn ling,. nu: .li r 1 f .up ih -tj. 1 ' uki u int. in the b.ng nn I ' IDR1- In i,tw if llm unpr-'Ceiiciit incitaso ii til cost 1 f pap 1 I'-.iil nil nlltii r iiiaP'rials i u, mm , . 1 lure, . '11., I iu i w .1 Hi - liu t Hint publi-li, ri 1 1 bin ur pump "i '11 10 a 1 1 tr., 111 iw .'illy 11 e 10 u.nty p re "i t'llo piifi) of Ihur K.'ul.s. we have ticinril it unj, ... ; lo ail' u.pl me ,.itl In-111. h " I ihc Hiiriinry fir tin . ciiiiiii'j j.'ar i.t.,i Ih.in in o and n Hall Hollnrr. Tl.i ! 11.11 I lie peiil invariiild) tu iidv.iuee. I All Mini, tor ol liu M.lhiuilst Cpisecp-di Imrrli tiro I III IT 'lilted IgelllS I1H.I Will retllVe Sll' senptl 'll .11. 1 I Pay .11 ills. I'ulilMieil by Put & Piiclirftk, 1 iiuiuni.ti, 1 r .'I M.11,1 1 itiith 1-1I1 . ts.i lull. 11 Portor, New Yiok 5.al .".lulliiiry rtnet llrders lien ivrd by Wm. .il 'Inutility, i liii'i.(io; J. I' .Mug-,', Hu-lun; S iHe'iis, I'bll 11I1 iphia; J P. Conk Ihiltliiime; J. I,. Ilea,!, I'm.. I "i.e. I' ,111 ; H II. Otis, l.ull'alo, V.; I r.Ui rt M Ulr-.y, r..iii I'rouci-i'o, I id.; I' II. I'eariie. 1'nrliainl. n gnu: A. II yli'i Js I'.iierno ti r, lli w. I.uuiiini, Pnglith'l. AI 1 through nn itrtri'iliteil traveling. mini ti r ol'iho Juiii o 1st II; is, i,i il 1 hurt h, inc. 1.1, 1 ia--:iis. JAMES H. SMI1 H, lAtrtwrr.R .ixn irnm.r.s.u.K ik.i i.r.n 1 N BltANUUS, WINES WIT IS KEYS, GIN'S, AMI! LIUI.'OIN, (JP.N'HRAI.I.Y. .Vo. li'afmil ola , between 0 ijf- Mh, PIIII.AIiPI.i'llI . V. II. HI.NIIY, Tr.iviliug Agent nn.l M.,Im.i.i.i. 0 7"')r,oiRi Rf ten i rot.i.v Soucirtu. Nuvtiulur l, I bi 'J.- y. lVEV YORK JIEDTCAL INSTI j.1 Tern. le it. vid'Mit Inslitiitioit r iitlor.-nil for the cure ol I lir'.uie llisat's of every nature, and fi protfl iina li ' f cm rpi.ii Ii oil prtisers and illllntl.r-. No rln-r-!i,-s ' sc.-pl for Meili' iue iiulil cured, anil in inso of ex lr"iue pnverty Iretitiueiil f.ee, Xo Minerals or Ti-i on ous lints used. Th" I'liyn ii iuu-li.n e hail Ion; ami ct ti'iiive i xpei ience hulh in privato and lifspitul prat lice. The follow iui; iiresomii of I ho " ompiuiiits to w lurh sp. ci.il ntteiition is civen. All discisc if Ike lleail, 'I'liroat Lung. Heart Stomach, Livur, Kidney, I'lailder, Itln uiiialisiii, l-'its, I'amer, I'lles, Xenous AltVctit.n, Ills nsi s i I'lito exllal (Jreans, reiniual V clou ss. Iu pi t 'in o and Viruli nl illeeusi s of every nature pu.itivc lycireil. i'ienses of riuinles and nil Irrtgularalies sin" es-tiilK Irei led. t!iiii!ui.ss nml lieafuefs cured Vt iiliiuit p:i In Hi I op' ralions. r,itients trcstetl hy km r. hy inline a statement of their rase. Medicine sent to any pari nf the country. ('niiFultntiun free to all. Address, Stamp em !i"t'il, Hit. 1,. fiKAVI R, fensiillinc l'liysirian, Ml.) Uroadwoy, New nrli City. Aprils, IS02-l2iii. A DM IN 1ST It AT Oil S NOTICE. Est'ite of Jackson George, decerns;, '. LliTTIll'S of administration on the I'statp n Jailr sou (Jeort'"', laic id Locust township. I.'oiiinitiia ceunly, ileciasetl, have hoi .. granted .y Iho JUpisti r of t'nln iiliia county tn .Mary lleorse iiiiu I'i ter K. . r In in, administrators, all persons having claims iijfaiust thoi'stiitn of ihe ileceiltnt, are ri "iictletl tn prrsent tln.ni In the mlnilnlf ir.-.lurs nl tin ir risidences In I n. oust low n-hip w 1 1 li i 'ii t t!i lay, and all pt rbons IndcUcd to make, payuieiil forthniih. M Miv fir.onnn. rivi'i.n u in uur.iv, January 17, IP!3 Ow. S3. jldmnttstraior). NEW COLIDIUUS ACADEMY. The l.'oluinlius .Malu and 1'emale Academy, III opoa I ts nr.t term, upon Tnrsilny llle 4th of Mnv. Itl'9, This st linol oirtirs superior Inducements to nil who an' dcfirous of aitiiriug an M idemirol pilucalion to prepare fm teachm: or la "Ida in a . lioreiirjll I, now ioigs if any of the moletu or nnelent Innruages. I'or further infoniinilon ennuire of It rt. 1IINT.IIAM. Piinrlrol. or of Johh KoONs, &CUV.. at "'evf Columbus, Lnicma eo I'a. OtU-ii. leliJ. STOVE AND TlJMVAllE S1K IV1 'I III. unilersl!iicil would iniorni tlin citizens o I I DtoouishiirK and vicinity, lliailiclusjiii.tr cived and oilers I'or sale iincor Ihe inostexteusiva assortments of I'UOKINCund 1'ANi V STOVEH i er introdiiceil into this iimikrl. Thu Christopher '' 11111I1119, James lloMiaiul filehe are auiouij th.- tint ilass ciiokins HtiivL's.nll of whiih nro nir-tij:litiiiidi:nshiiriii'r His l'nrlor .tons are liundto.no uud tlio nssorluunt vt ried. A1,J-rnrticular atlenlioit is paid to Tm-U'nre uud lloilso Sinutni;, iipnii slmit nuticp. All kinds tt repnitiiiif w ill ho done with neatness and despatch. (C- Country nrudusa taken iu cuchnneo for wnrk. I'lULll' J. MUVCR. Illoom.biirR. May 10, IcliS. STRAW STRAW ! 1 STRAW 1 ! 1 TON'S HTIIUV, or all ktiula, 111' kwheat ei cepled, is wanloil Immediately, at Ihe Mil' (irnvo Pnpjr lllls, nparl.lsht Street, furwhUf i ash w ill ha n-il.l. TIIOMA3 TUENCH. Mill (Jrt.TC, Aujust!), IfCS. JW0 FAP'iS Tha siihscriher offers for salo or rent, tho two fr.lloir Ins I'arms, one of Ihem situate in ruiiiugcn ek town ship, Coliiinbi.i cuiiuty, coulaiuing VJ 4 J'l I --rwV mori) nr Sfii!"! 'srleure .MtJ. Two rli nr less, ubout llliy-llvu acres of "hit'! cleared land, whercnu urn erci led a cool in ritorv ylU.Hi: llll'ELI.IA l UUVlf, and HUME lUUX. Wncon House, Corn Crib, and othir ni.ibuildiii;!. .1f.SO, -Ouo 1 1 he r I'nrni, sllnaW In Conton towinhip, L'oliimhlii ciiunly, rnutaiiiiuii ONE HUNDRED it THIRTY-FIVE i"Ss Acres, about Tlilrty-rivn Acios nfwliicli Is clcnrcd land, win reon uro creeled a Hl.lMi. na DIVKU.IAtl I1UUSK, FIUMF, IMttX, and l!liL oilier iiiiiliiiildluas. raid I'urm 1' sin.ato on llnvnmPrceK, nlioutiwiiinilrs above rilHI Water. W.M1 --Two ntlnr small Lots, siluato In Fisliinz cro' k towudilp lyiiiiou 1'ishiiiKcreiik liond.and one 11 lln frnmeiill Water, ono cuntnininir I'cult At HI ts and tlio oilier a Town l.nt, and cood buildings nn each of tliein, Cv'Teriiisaiidcondlliinsinnilo kpawn hy WILLIAM II.I.LLU rislilnirrcek- AujurtSO, If'J me ,i4ws mj. ai ii .a t. A.fc.v t u