Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 31, 1863, Image 2

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    or tlirco uionths 1 Sir, my judgment was
"m id u up and expressed from tho first . I
loarnud it lroiu Chatham i "My lords,
you cauuot couquor America." And .you
bavo not conquered tbo South. You nev
er will. It is not in tho nnturo of things
possiblo 5 much loss undo r your auspices.
But inonoy yuo havcoxpended without limit,
and blood puirod out liko water, Defeat,
tVabt. taxation, Bcpulohrcs, these aro your
trophies. In vain Uho pooplo gavo you
trcaiuro and tho soldier yicldod up
lUtu iuu SilU DUiuiui jr i wm
life. "Fight, tax, emancipate, let
.. 1 ,P . ' . .I! . II.!...
thoso," said the gotitlcmsiu from Maiuo,
.Mr. Pitco.J at tho last session, "ho tno
trinity of our salvation." Sir, thoy havo
become tho triuity of your deep daniation.
Tho war for tho Union is, In your hands,
a most bloody and -costly failure The
President confessed it on tho 22d of Sep
Hernbor. soltmnlv. and under broad seal
cf the Unitod States. And ho has now i
Tencated tho confession. The priests and '
rabbis of abolition taught
that God
ould not prosper such a cause
for tho Union was abandoned ; war tor tho
negro openly begun, and with stronger
battalions than beforo. With what suc
cess I Let tho dead at Fredericksburg
.and Vuksburg answer.
And uow, sir, nan this war continue t
'Whence ihe nionoy to cany it on ?
Where the men i Can you borrow T
From wkcnniCan you tax moro? Will
-tho pcopla hear it Wait -till you have
collcoied-v.liat is already levied How
many -rat'lione moro of "legal tender"
to-day forty-sevon per cent, below tho
par ot gold can you float t Will men
enlist uow at any piicc? Ah, sir, it is
easier to dio at home. I beg pardon 5
but I trust I am not ''discouraging enlist
inoutV If I am, then first arrest Lincoln,
Stanton, and llallcck, and some of your
othej generals ; and I will retract ; yes,
I will recant. Hut can you draft again ?
Ask now England Now York. Ask
Massachusetts. Where aro tho nine
'hundred thousand ? Ask not Ohio the
.North wist. She thought you were in
earnest, and gavo you all, all more than
you demanded.
"Tho wlfo whose babe first smiled that day,
TI10 fair, fond bride of yter eve,
And aged aire and niatr on eray, j
Saw tho loved warriors liasteT&wny,
Aud deemed it sin to grieve."
Sir, in blood she has atoned for her
crpdulity ; and now thero is morning in
every house, and distress aud sadness in
every .heart, ihall she givo you any
moro i
Butought'thls war to continue? I answer,
mo not a day. not. an hour. What then ?
Shall we separato ? And I answer, no,
uo, 110 What then? And now, sir, I
v.onio to the grandest and most solemn
problem of statomanship from the begin
ning ol mno-, and to the God ol Heaven,
'Yittimmer ol hearts nnd minds, I would
"dumbly appeal fjr some measure, at last,
of light and wisdom and strength to ex
plore juid reveal .the, dark but possible
"iuturcfof this land.
i'md why not? It is historically im
possible ? Sir, the frequent civil wars and
conflicts between the States ofGrcecodid
'not prevent their cordial union to resist
the Persian invasion-; nor did even the
thirty years Pelopounesian war spring
ing, in part, from the abduction of slaves,
and embittered and .disastrous, as it was
let Thucidides speak wholly destroy
the fellowship of thoso States. The wise
Uaniaos euded tho threo years social war
after many bloody .battles, and much at-
troeity, by admitting the States of Italy
vto all the rights and privileges of Roman
-citizensJnn tho very otnect ito secure
which these States had taken up arms
'I he border wars between Scotland and
jEugland running through centuries, did
not prevent the final union, in peace and
by adjustments, of tho two kingdoms un
der one monarch. Comiironusc did at
last what oges of cocroion and attempted
conquest had failed to effect. England
krpt the crown, while Scotland gave the
June to wear it : and the memories of
Wallace .-mdvthe Bruco of Bannockburn,
became part of the glories of British his
iory. I dass by the union of Ireland
with England a union of force, which
God and just men -abhor j and yet pre
cisely "tho Union as it should be, of
the uboKtionists of America. Sir, the
rivalries of the houses of York and Lan
caster filled all England ith cruelty and
.slaughter ; yet conipromiso and hterraar
aiage ended the strife at last, and the white
vose aud the red -were blended in one.
Who dreamed a month before tho death
of Cromwell that in wo years the people
of England, after twenty years of civil
war aud usurpation, would, with great
unauimityw.rostore the house of Steward
in thu person o'tits moat worthless prince,
whose lather but eleven years before fhoy
hud beheaded I And who could have
foretold in the begining of 1812, that
within soino three years, Napoleon would
.lie in exile upon a desert island, and tho
.Bourbons restored I Armed foreign inter
vention did it; but it is a strange history.
-Or who then expected to see a nephew of
jtfnnolcon. thirty five years later, with the
consent of tho people, supplant tho Bour
bon and reign JSniperor of Franco? Sir,
luauy states and .people, once separate,
have become united in 'tho course of ages
through natural-causes and without con
quest; but I remember a einglo instance
only in history, of States or people .once
united, and speaking tho samo language,
who have been forced permanently asun
der by e'vil strife or war, unless they wora
sonaruted bv distance or vast natural
t.nnn.lnrie. llm Recess, on of the Ten
'IVilms. i Hifiprenntiou : theso parted with,
out aotual war; and their subsequent his-
torv is not encouraging to secession. But
whon Moses, tho greatest of all statcsmon
would sccuro a distinct nationality and
government to the Hebrews, ho left Egypt
aud established bis people iu a distant
country. In modern times, the Nethor
lands. threo centuries ago, won their inde
pendence by tho sward ; but franco nnd
tho English Channol separated thorn from
Spain. So did our Thirteen Colonies ;
but tho Atlantlo ocean discovered us from
England. So did Mexico, and othor
Spotiiah colonies iu America; but tho
samo ocean divided them from Spain.
Cuba and tho Canadas still adhoar to tho
parent Govummeut. And who uow,
North or South, in Europe or America,
looking into hUio'y, Hiall prosumpisusiy
If these States is impossible? War.indeed,
wbil n lasts, U disunion, and, if it lasts
loug enough, will be final, otomal sepa-
ration, lirst, nnd anarchy and despotism
attorward. IIcuco 1 would hasten noaco
now.' every honorablo appliance
I Aro there pbysionl causes, which render
reunion impracticable 7 jNono. Wlicro
other causes do not control, rivers unuo ;
but mountains, deserts. -and great bodies,
of water occani ilinociablcs scparato
people. Vnetiorosis originally, aud tho sir, without union our doinostio irauquiin
lakcs now, also divide us now very I ty must forever remain unsettled. If it
widely or wholly from tho Canadas,
'iiuuij w i win nuu hum tic
though wo speak the samo lauguairo, and
:...!!.. !.. 1 .!
arc similar in manners, laws, nnd msti-
tutions. Our chief navigablo rivers run ' section or tho other to a distant country I , soouor this Administration and Goveru
froin North to South. Most of our bays I Sir, I repeat that two governments so . meut return to tho principles and policy
and arms of tho sea take the samo dircc-, interlinked nnd bound together cvory way , of southern statesmanship, tlio better for
tion. So do our ranges of mountains.
Natural cnusos all tend to Union, except
as between tho Pacific aoastand the coun
try cast of tho Kooky mountains to tho
It is "manifest destiny.'
is cmpiro. lloncc, hitherto wo
havo continually extended our territory.
and the Union with is, South and West.
Tho Louisana purchase, Florida, and 1
Texas all attest it. Wc passed desert I
and forest, and scaled oven tho Kocky I
mountains, to extend tho Union to the
Pacific. Sir, there is no natural bound-
ary bctweeu tno JNortn aim the botith, ,
and no lino ol latitude upon which to
separate; and ir ever a lino of longitude
shall be established, it will bo can of the
Mississippi valley. Tho Alleghanies nro
no longer a barrier. Highways ascend
them everywhere, and tho railroad now
climbs their summits and spans their,
charms, or penetrates their rockiest sides
Tho olectrio tolegraps follows, and, stretch
ing its connecting wires along the .olouds,
there mingles its vccal lightnings wiJh the
tires ol heaven.
But if disunionists in tho East will forco
a separation of uny of these States, and
a boundary purely conventional, is at last
to bo marked out, it must and it will bo
either from Lake Erie upon the sbortost
lino to the Ohio river, or from Manhattan
to the Canadas. f
And, -notr, sir, is there any diffcroncc
of race here, so radical as to forbid re
union ? I do not refer to tho negro race,
styled now, in unctous official phrase by
tho President, "Americans of African
descent." Ccrtainiy, eir, there aro two
white races in the United States, bolh
from the same common stock, and yet so
distinct one of them so peculiar that
they develop different lorms of civilation,
and might belong, almost, to different
types ol mankind hat tho .bonndary of
fheto two races is not at all marked by tho
lino which divides tho slavcholdiug from
tho non-slavo-holding States. If raco is
to be tho geographical limit of disunion,
then Mason and Dixon's can never be the
Next, sir, do not the causes which, in
tho beginning, impelled to Union still
exist in their utmost force and extent?
What were .they !
(First,thc common descent and there
foro consanguinity of tho great mass of
the peoplo from the Anglo-Saxon stock, otic men, be mado tho most effocfive ;ien
Had the Canadas been settled originally ' cies, under l'rovidercc, in tho reunion of
by the English, they would doubtless j theso Statcn.
havo followed the fortunes of tho thirteen Othor ties aso, less matciia in their
colonies. Next, a common language, nature, but hardy ess persuasivo in their
ono of the strongest of the ligaments 1 influence, have grown up under tho Union,
which bind a people. Had we been con- Long association, a common hititory,
tiguous to Great Britain, cither the causes nationa reputation., treaties and dipoma
whioh led to a separation would have tie intercourse abroad, admission of now
never existed, or else been speedily re- States, a common jurisprudonoo, gieat
moved -, or, afterwards, wc would long men whose names and fanio aro the patri
sinee have 'been .reunited as equals and mony of tbo whoe country, patriotic
with all the rights of Englishmen. And music and songs, common battc fied, and
along with these wero simslai, at least not go-y won under the sama flag. Theso
esentially dissimilar, manners, habits, make up the poetry of Union ; and yet, a
laAVs religion, nnd institutions of all kinds, in the marriage relation, and the famiy
except one. The common defense was with simiar influences, thoy nro etrougcr
another powerful incentive, and is named
111 the Constitution as one among the
objeots of tho "more perfect Union" of
1787. Stronger yet than all these, per- ,
haps, but made up of all of them, was a
common interest. Variety of climato and '
-i 1 ,1 r - r 1 1
SOll, and tborcfore Of production, imply-
ing also extent of country, is notau 'elo-
0 . r ,. . 'i,, .
moilt Ol separation, hilt, added 'to contlg-
m'tv hpniimns a n-ii-r nf 1m Mr, TF
ty, becomes a part ot the ligament ol
interest, and is one of its toughest strands
Variety of production is the parent of tho
earliest commerce and trade; and theso,
in their full dcvelopement, are, as be
tween foreign nations, hostages for peaco ;
and between States aud peqplo united,
thoy are tho firmest bonds of Union.
But, after all, the strongest of the many
original impelling causes to tho Union,
was tho securing of domestic tranquillity.
The statesmen of 1787 well knew that
between thirteen independent but contig
uous States without a natural boundary,
and with nothing to separate them except
tho niaohinery of similar governments,
there must be a perpetual, in fact an "ir
reprossiblo conflict" of jurisdiction and
Jintcrcsts. .which, itliero bejng no other
common-arbiter, could only bo terminat
ed by the conflict of the sword. And tho
statesmen of 1802 ought to know that
mora confederate governments,!110 Sepulchre was the cause of tho war
p of similar States, no I of tho Crusades ; and had Troy or Car
two or
made up of similar States, hayjng
natural boundary cithor, and separated
only by different governments, cannot
endure long together in peace, unless ouc
or moro of them be cither too pusillani
mous fir rivalry, or too insignificant to
provoke it, o-:too weak to resist aggres
sion, "
These, sir, along with tho cstabl'sh-
general welfare, and of the blessings of
liberty to themselves and their .posterity,
mado up the causes and motives winch
impelled our fathers to the Union nt.flist
And now, sir, what ono of them is
, wanting 1 uuninisncu uii'tno
contrary, many of them are stronger to
day than in the beginning. Migration
and intermariage havo strengthened tho
ties of consangninity. Commerce, trade,
and production havo immensely inultiph
cd. Cotton, .almost unknown here iu
1787, is now tho chief product aud cx
port of tho country. It has set in mo
tion three fourths of the spindles of New
England, and given employment, directly
or remotely, to full half tho shipping,
trado, and commerce of tho United States.
More than that : cotton has kept the poaco
between England aud Amenoa Tor thirty
years; and had the .pooplo of tho North
been as wise and practical ai tho states
men of Great Uritaiii, it would havo
maintained Union and peaco horo. But
we aro being taught in our first century
and at our own cost, the lessons which
long and
bloody experience of eight hundred yc
Wo anall bo wiser next tttuo. Let
cotton bo king, but peacemaker, nnd Ju
hent the blos-smc.
A common mtorost
tlnsti, still remains
1 to us. And
union for the ouinuion do-
fense, nt tho end ol this war, taxed, in
doutod, impoverished
exhausted, as both
sections must be, nnd with foreign fleets
and armies nronnd us, will bo fifty-fold
a,csential than ever boforo. Aud fiualjy,
cannot bo maintained within the Union,
i u nuv tu innuiu ntu
I how then outside of it, without an cx-
I -.1... I-..! . f .1.. 1 C
odus or colonization of tbo peoplo of one
by physical nnd social ligaments, cannot 'tho country ; aud that, sir, is already, or
exist in pcaco without a common arbiter. soon will bo, tho judgement of tho people.
Will treaties bind us? What bolter treaty) But 1 deny that it was tho ''slave power"
than tho Constitution? What more sol- 1 that governed for so many years, and so
emu, more durable? Shall wc selilo ourlwisoly and well. It was tho Democratic
disputes, then, by arbitration and com-! party, uud its principles and policy, mold
promise? Sir, let us arbitrate aud com- ed and controlled, indeed, largely by
I pronilso now, insido of tho Union.
tninly it will bo quito as easy.
And now, sir, to all these original causes
and motives whioh impelled to union at
first, must bo added certain nitificial
ligaments, which eighty years of associa-
Hon under a common Government havo
most fully developed. Chief among these
aro canals, steam navigation, railroads,
express companies, tho post office, tho
newspaper press, and that terrible agent
of good and evil mixed- "spirit of health,
and yet goblin damned" if free, the
gentlest minister of truth and liberty ;
when enslaved, tho supplest instrument of
falsehood and tyranny tho niajestio tc'
cgraph. All these havo multiplied tho
speed or tho quantity of trade, travel,
communication, migration, and autcreourso
of all kinds between the differcut States
and sections ; and thus, so long as a
healthy condition of tho body-politic
continued, they become powerful cement
ing agencies of union. The numerous
voluntary associations, nrtistic, literary,
charitable, social and scientific, until
corruption and made fanatical ; tho various
ecclesiastical organizations, until they
divided,; and the political parties, so long
as thoy remained all national and not
social, wore also among the strong tics
which bound us together. And yet all of
these, perverled and abused for some
years in the hands of bad or fanatical
men, hecamo still more powerful mstru-
montalities in the fatal work of disunion;
just as the veins and arteries of the hu-
man body, designed to .convey tho vital-
izing fluid through every part ofit, wi.l
carry also, and with increased rapidity it
may .be, the subtile poison whioh takes life
away. Nor is this all. It was thought
their agency that the itnprUoncd winds
j ot civil war wero all let ooso at first with
such sudden and nppnflng fury ; nnd,
kept in morion by poitica power, they
have ministered to that fury over senco.
j But., potent a ike for good and evi, they
and in the hands of wise, good, and pntri
than hooks of stce. He was a wise states-
man, though he may never have hod an
office, who s-iid, "Lot mo writo tho songs
of a pcope, aud I oarc not who makes thoir
Whyisllie Marseillaise prohibited in France t fir,
nun .oiuitiiua arm uie mar 61ikiii;icii liannrr ivnn-
sylvania gave us one, and : Yiary and the utlii-r, havo
'?;",? ,;!''1,'r!'.fi,r y,n' "".'."."i1 the icsi.iminn and
a.l ftiO(iibat(!s in the Capitol for forty yoars ; and
"ioy will do more yet uiain than nil onr armies,
lllnl'l.'h yu call out nnolliiT million of men Into the
not.i. sir, 1 would mid. Yankee noodle;" but nrn
let inc lie usured that Yankee Doodle loves the Union
more tliah ha hates the slaveholder
And now. sir, J propose to briefly consider tho causes
whirh led lo disunion ami the present chil war; nud
to inquire whether they are eternal nud ineradicable
in their nature, and at the same lime powerful cnoui;h
to overcumc all the causes and considerations which
liinpel to reunion.
Having lwoycarc ago discussed fullynnd clabornte
.ly tliu more ubstruso and. remote .causes w hence civil
commotions. in all (.overnineiita, nnd those ulso which
arc peculiar to our complex aud Federal system, nidi
as the consolidating tendencies ef Gov
ernment, bneause uf executive, pewer nud patronage,
ami of thetariir, and taxation and ditburseiueiit gen
erally, all unjust aud burdensomeilo the .Wen equally
with the South, 1 pass them by now.
What then, I ask, is tho immediate, di
rect cause ol disunion and this civil war ?
Slavery, it is answered. Sir, thac is tho
philosophy in the play "that a great
causo of tho night, is lack of the sun."
Certainly slavery was in ouo cense very
obscure indeed tlio cause of the war.
Had there boon no slavery hero, this par
ticular war about slavery would never
havo been waged. Iu a liko souso, the
mugu never uxisiuu, mere nuvur wuutu
havo been Trojan or Carthaginian war,
and no such personages as Hector aud
Hannibal; aud no Iliad or cneid would
ever have been written. Uut far batter
say that the negro is the causo of tho war;
for had there been no negro here, there
would be no war just uow. What then ?
Extorminato him ? who demands it? colo
nizohim? How? Whuro ? Wheu ? At
whoso oost ? Sir, let us have an end of
this folly.
Uut slavery is the causo of tho war.
Why ? Because tho South obstinately and
wickedly refused to restrict or abolish it
at tho demand of the philosophers or fan
atics and demagogues of thu North aud
Wett. Then, sir, it was abolition, the
purpose to abolish or interfero with and
horn in slavery, which caused disunion and
war. Slavery is only tho subject, but
abolition the cause, of this civil war. It
wna tho porsistont and determined agita -
tion in tho tree states ot tho qucstiou or
aDOlisuiug slavery in tuo oouiu, uecuusu
of the alleged "irrepressible confliot" be
tween the forms of labor in tho two sec
tions, or in tho falso and mischiovous cant
of the day, between freedom and slavery,
that forced a oollission of arms at last.
Sir, that conflict was not confined to the
Territories. It was oxpressly proclaimed
, i . , . . i - i. . , i
by its anofetlcj, us between the States also.
against tho institution of domestic slavery
overywhero. But, assuming the platforms
of tho Republican party as tho staiidurd
In truth tb sons was written in dciislou fry a
Drills!) officer, and not ly n American,
and stating tho caso most strongly in favor!
of that party, It was tho refusal of tho
South to consent that slavery should bo
excluded from tho Territories that led to
the continued agitation, North aud South
of that question, mid finally lo disunion
and civil war. Sir, I will not bo answer
ed now by tho old clamor about ''tho ag
gressions of tho slave power," That mis
erable specter, tho unreal inookery, bus
been exercised and expelled by dabt and
taxation and blood. II that power did
covorii this country for sixty years prc-
icoedmg this terrible revolution, then tho
MJIUSUIUU, IXUllllUl Will X uu
. 1 1 . -nt..:! ...Ml r 1
stopped by that other cry of minglod fan
aticism nud hypocrisy, about thu sin and
barbarism of .African slavery. .Sir, I see
mora ot oaruarisni and tin, a thousand
tunes, m tho continuance ot this war, tho
dissolution of tho Union, tho breaking up
of this Government, and tho enslavement
of the white race by debt and taxes nud
arbitrary power. The daj of fanatics
and sopbuts and enthusiasts, thank God,
is gone at last ; aud though the age of
chivalry may not, tho ago of practical
statesmanship is about to return. Sir, I
accept tho language and intent of tho In
diauua resolution to tho full ''that in
considering terms of settlement wc will
look only to tho welfare, peace, and safety
of thu white race, without reference to tho
effect that settlement may havo upon tho
couditiou of tho Afiicaa. And when wo
havo done this, my word for it, tho safety,
peace, aud wcltaro of the African
havo boon secured. Sir, thero is iifty-fold
less of anti-slavery sentiment to day in
the West thau thero was two years ago,
aud if this war bo continued, there will be
still less a year hence. Tho people thero
begin, at last, to comprehend that domes
tic slavery in the South is a question, not
of moral--, or religion, or humanity, but a
form of labor, perfectly compatible with
tho diguily of free whito labor in tho samo
community, and with national vigor, pow
er, and prosperity, and especially with
military itrength. They have learned or
begin to learn, that tho cvili of the system
affect tbo master alone, or the community
and Statu in which it exists; and that we
of the free States partaku of all the ma
terial beiieliti of tho institution, unmixed
with any pait of its mihchiuls. They be
lieve also in tho subordination of the ne
gro raco to the whito where they both ex
ist together, and that the conditiou of
subordination, as established iu the South,
is far better every way for the ucgro thau
tho hard servitude of poverty, degrcdation
and crime to which he is subjected in the
freo States. All this, sir, may bo pro-sla-vcryisui,
if there be such a word. Per
haps it is ; but the people of tho West be
gin now to thiuk it wisdom and good sonsc.
Wc will not establish slavery iu our midst;
neither will we abolish or intcrfero with
it outside of our own limits.
Sir, an anti slavery paper iu New York
(the Tribuno,) the most influential, and,
therefore, most dangerous of all that class
would exhibit moro of dignity, and com
mand mora of influence, if it wcro always
to dibci'ss public questions and publio men
with a deeout respect laying aside now
tho epithets of "secessionist ' and 'traitor,'
has returned to its ancient political nom
enclature, and oall certain members of
this House "pro-slavery." Well, sir, in
the old sense of the term as applied t) the
Democratic party, I will not objeot. I
said year. ago, and it is a fitting timo now
to repent iU
-If to luvo my country i to cherish the Union; tj re
vere the Constitution; if to abhor the madness nnd
hato the treason whh li would lift up n socrllcgious
h.iud ngajiiitt either; if to read in thu past, to be
hold it in the iron'Ut, to foresee it in the tutu rc of this
land, which is of more j aluetous and to thu world for
u;ci to clout- than all the multiplied millions who have
inhabited Africa from the creation to this dav 1 if this
is to be pro-slavery, tlicu in every nerve, Uber, vein,
bone, teuilnu, joint and lifamciit, from thu topmost
hnlrof the head to the last extremity of the foot, 1 am
all over and altogether a pro.Iave,ry man."
And now, sir, I come to the great and
controling qseslion within which the whole
issue of it i. io ii or disunion is bound up: is
there "an irrepressible conflict"' between
the slavcholdiug and non-alnvcholding
States ? Mut-t ''the cotton aud rice fields
of South Carolina and tho sugar planta
tions of Loui.-iaua," in the langurgo of Mr.
Seward, "be ultimately killed by free la
bor, and Charleston and Now Orleans be
come marts for legitimato merchandize
alone, or co tho rye fields and wheat
fields of Mxssachusetts aud New York'
ogain be surrendered by their farmers to
clave culture and tho production of slaves,
und Bostou and Now York become oucci
moro markets for trado iu tho bodies nud
souls of men?" If so, then there is an
cud of .all uuiou forever. You cannot
abolish slavery by the sword ; still less
proclamations, though tbo President wero
to "proclaim'' ovcry month. Of what
possible avail was his proclamation of
September ? Did tho South submit ?
Was sho eveu alarmed ? And yet he has
uow fulmined another ''but against the
oomct" brutuin lulmen and, threaten
ing servile insurrection with all its horrors
has yet coolly appealed to tho judgement
tof niaukiud, and invoked tho blessing of
,ho Cod of peace and lovo! But dcclar
ug it a military necessity, an essential
meabure of war to sub duo tho rebels, yot,
with admirable wisdom, ho expressly ex
empts from its operation tho only States
aud parts of Suites iu tho South whore ho
bus tho military power to oxocutu it.
Neither, sir, can you abolish slavery by
argument. As well attempt to abolish
i ni'irriugo or tho rolatiou of paternity.
rite South is resolved to maintain it ut
ovcry hazard nud by every bacrificu ; and
if'MhW Union cannot cuduro part slavo
l am part free,' then
it is already and
flunll v dissolved. Talk
not to mo of
, .... -
VVniil Virnillill ' 'I'i.II inn lint nf ATticn,,.
ri, trampled under the feet of your soldiery.
t -II .11. P T I 1 fl. .,
ivs wen lau; to two oi iroianu, oir, tuo
destiny of thoso Stales must abido tho is-
S.I 1. .YS- . ,
sue ot tno war. J3uc ivcntuouy you may
find togctliur. And Maryland
"U'ui la her ashes live their wonted fires,"
i Nor will Dultiwaro bo fouud wauling
j tho day of trial.
But I deny tho doo trine It is full
disunion and civil It is disunion
ten. iVtiouvcr tirst tauL'iitu ouout to uo
doah with as not only hostile to the Union,
but an uoeuiy of tho human raco. bir,
tho fundamental idea of tho Constitution!
is tho perfect nnd eternal compatibility of
a union of States ''part slavo and part
frcoj clso tho Constitution would havo
novcr been framed nor tho Union founded;
nud soveuty years of successful experiment
havo approved the wisdom of tho plan. -In
my deliboralo judgement, a confederacy
mado up of slnvcholding nnd non-slavo-holding
States is, iu the nature of things,
tho strongest of till popular governments,
African blcvury has been, and is eminently
conservative. It makes tho absolute po
litical equality of tho whito raco every
where practicable. It dispenses with the
English order of nobility, nud leavt-8 ev
cry whito man, North aud South, owning
slaves or owning none, tuo equal 01 cvory
othor white man, It has reconciled uni
versal suffrage throughout tho frco States
with the stability of govcrnineu. I speuk
not now of its material benefits to tho
North and West, which nre many
more obvious, But tho South, too,
profited many ways by a uniou with
non-slavcholding States. Enterprise,
dustry, self reliance, perseverance,
tho other hardy virtues of a peoplo living
,tn a
higher latitude and without hcrcdi
tary scrvauts. &ho has learned or received
from tho North. Sir, itiscasy, I know,
to denounce all this, and to rovile him who
utters it. lie it so. Tho English is, of
: all languages, the most copious iu words
of bitterness and reproach. "Pour on : I
will endure.''
Then, air, thero is not an "irrepressible
conflict" between slave labor and free la-
bur. Thero is uo conflict at all. Both
oxist together in perfect harmony in the
South. Tbo muster and tho slave, the
white laborer aud the black, work together
, iu tho same field or tho saiua shop , aud
without tho slightest sense of depredation.
They arc not equals, either socially or no
litically. And why not, then, cannot
HI, Jr. Ii,i,,iiw. rilil,. f'.nn Inl... li.-r, ! I,
vuiwj uui iti viMijr iibu ittuvi inu lit nm-'
mony with Kentucky which has both slavo
, aud free ? Above all, why cannot Mass.
chusctts allow the same light of choiec to
South Carolina, separated as they aro a
, thousand miles, by other Slates who would
keep the peace and live iu good will?
t Why this civil war? Whcueo disunion?
I Not from slavery nut because the South
i chooses to have two kinds of labor ; but
' from sectionalism, always and everywhere
a disintegrating principle Sectional jeal
ousy and hate these, sir, arc tho only
elements of conflict betweou tbcao States,
and though powerful, they are yet not at
all irrepressible. They oxist between
families, communities, towns, cities, cuun-
ties and States ; aud if not repressed
would dissolve all society and government.
Thoy exist also between other sections than
tho North and Souih, sectionalism East,
many years ago, taw the South and West
united by the ties of geographical position,
migration, intermarriage, and interest, and
thus strong enough to control tho policy of
the Uuiou. It lound us divided only by
different forms of labor ; and with consu
laate but mo guilty sagacity, it siozed
upon the questiou of sluveiy as tlw turost
and most powerful instrumentality by which
to seporaU- the West from tho South, and
bind her to tho North. Encouraged ev
ery way from abroad by those who were
jealous ofour prosperity und greatness, and
who kuow the secret of our sticngtli, it
proclaimed tho "irrepressible conflict" be
tween slavo labor aud free labor. It
taught the people of tho North to forget
both their duty and their interests;; and
aided by the artificial ligamenti which
money uud enterprise had oreated bitween
the sea-board and tho North west, it por
suaded the people of that section, also, to
yield up every tic whioh binds them to tho
great valloy of tho Mississippi, and to join
their political fortunes Jpeoially, whol ly,
with the East. It lesisted tho fugitive
slavo law, and demanded thu exclusion of
slavery from all tho territories and from
this District, aud clamored against tho ad
mUsion of any more slave States into tho
Union, It orgunized a sectional auti
slavcry party, aud thus drew to its aid as
well political ambition and interest as fan
aticism ; and after twenty live years of
incessant nnd vehement agitation, it ob
tained posse.hion finally, and upon that
issue, of the Federal Government and of
every State Government North and West.
And to day, we are in tho midst of the
greatest, most .cruel, most destructive
civil war ever waged. But two years, cir,
ot blood and debt and taxation and incip
ient commercial ruin nro teaching the
people of tho West, and I trust of thu
North also, tho folly and madness of thu
crusade against African slavery, and thu
wisdom and necessity of a union of tho
States, as our fathers made it, "part slave
and part free.'
What, then, sir, with bo many causes
impelling tho reuniou, kcops us apart to
day? Hate, pastion, antagonism, revenge,
all heated seven times hotter by war.
Sir, these, while thoy last, aro tho most
powerful of all motives with a people, aud
wi th tho individual man; but fortunately
they .arc tho least durable. Thoy hold n
divided sway iu tho samo boioms with tho
nobler qualities of lovo, justice, reason,
placability ; and, except whon nt their
hoi. lit, aro weaker thau tho senso of in tor
cat, aud always, iu States at least, givo
way to it at last. No statesman who
yieius uimseir up to mom can govern
wisely or well; and no Stato whoso policy
is controlled by thorn can cither prosper or
eudurc. But war is both their offspring
aud their ailment, arid while it lasts, nil
other motives are subordinate. Tho vir
tues of pcaco cannot flourish, cannot even
find development in tho midst of fighting;
nud this civil war keeps in motion the
centrifugal forces of tho Union, nud gives
to them incroased ttrcngth aud activity
everyday Hut such, and so many nnd
powerful, in my judgment, arc tho ce
menting or ceutripetal agencies impelling
us together that iiothing but perpotal war
and btrifo cau keep us always divided.
Sir, I dtJ not undcr-estiuiato the power
of the prejudices of section or, what is
much stiouger, of raco. Projudico uefildor
anu tnrrotoro mote durable than t'm pas
sions of hato and ravoiice, or thu spirit of
. O .r ..
antagonism. Hut, as I havo already said,
its boundry in tho United States u not
Mason uud Dixon's lino. Tho long stand
in" mutual icalousies of New Eiwlaud
aud tho South do not primarily grow out
of slavery. They aro deopor, aud will
always bo tho chief obstaolo iu tlio wav o'
lull and absoluto reunion. Thev nVn
founded iu difference of mannors, habits,
and sooial life, and different notions about
politics, morals, nnd religion. Sir, after
n . . U wi In ,. i. ,,n on ,,, , ,. f
Beuuuus luusi oi nil ueiwecu iue Biavo-
i . -p ti i... .1 .
holding nud nou slavcholdiug sections-
na of rncss, ropreecntlng not differcuco in
blood, but mind and its development, nnd
different types of civilization, Jt is tho
old conflict of the Cavalier aud tho Bound
head, tho Libcralist and the Puritan ; or
rathor it is a conflict upon now issues, of
tho ideas nud elements represented hv
thoso unnics. It is a war of the Tankoo
and tho Southron. Said a Hoston writer
tho other dnv. nnWizin-r n. Now K.ncNn.1
m 1. i . if 1 . i , ?;.7. .
U MasHnchusntt's war: MnsonnliinoHa nn,l
Q,,il, 1.,,.i: .,..! !i'l 11,.,:.. .1.. I .
giunin, tbo Kouudlicad outwitted thoCav-
aUor.aiidby a skillful use of slavery and
tho negro united all New Eng and first,
rf. ,i ,i. ,:. m..i. i 1
and finally sent out to battlo against him
Celt und Snxsou, German nnd Kuicker.
uiunur, viiuuuiru unu .npisuop.iiiiiu, anu
uteu a jjiiiiui ma uwu uuuseuom anu oi
his own stock. Said Ml. Jefferson when
Yankees to quarrel with." Ah. hir. ho
forgot that quarreling is always a hazard -
ous experiment,; anu auer some time, tlio J5oys ol the l.TJd Beg t. 1 stayed ove
countrymen of Adams proved themselves ni ht wilh KnoB Jacob u g f "
loo sharp at that work for tho couutryiucn ,, ,, rpi , 3 , , lu
r .T,.fT,.;r,n. Tint ,lo ;.... Ug t. The boys were all well.
of Jefferson. But ovcry day the contest
now tends again lo its natural and origi
nal elements. In many parts of tho North
wost I might add of Pennsylvania, New
Jersey and New York city tho picjudico
against tho "Yankee" has always been al
most as bitter nsan tho South. Surprosscd
for a little whilu by the anti-slavery senti
ment and tbo war, it threatens now to bleak
forth iu one of thoso great but unfortunate
popular uprii-ings, in tho midst of which
rcasou and justice aro for the time utterly
silenced. I speak advisedly; and let Now
England heed, else sho, und tho whole
Hast, loo, iu thoir struggle for power, may
learn yet from tbo West tho samo lesson
which civil war taught to Home, that cv
ulgato imperii arcuno, posse principal)
alibi, quum Romajitri, The peoplo of
the West demand peaco, and lhuy begin
to moro thau suspect that New England
is in tho way. Tho storm rages ; and
they believe that she, not slavery, is the
e.ius-s. The ship is sore tried and pas
sengers and crow are now almost ready to'
propitiate the waves by throwing the ill
omened prophot overboard. In plain En
glish not very clat-sio, but most expres
sive they threaten to "set New Englaud
out in tho cold."
And uow, sir, I, who have not a drop of
New England blood iu my voius, but was
born in Ohio and am wholly of southern
ancestry with a slight cross of Pennsyl
vania Scoth-Irish would ?-peak a word
to tho men of the West aud South, in be
half of New England. Sir, sonic years
ago, in tho midst of high sectional contro
versies, and speakiug as a western man, I
siid some things harsh of the North,
which now, in a moro catholic spirit as a
United Slates man, and for the sake of
reunion, I would recall. My prejudices,
indeed, upon this subject arc as strong as
any man's; but in this, the day of groat
national humiliation and calamity, let thu
voico of prejudice be bushed.
Sir, they who would excludo Now Eng
laud in auy rccoiutruction of tho Uuion,
I assume that all New Englanders are " Yun
! kecs" and Puritans; and that the Puritan
j or pragmatical element, or typo of civili
zation, nas always hciu undisputed swny.
Well, sir, Yankees, certainly, theyare iu one sense
nud so to Old Uuijl.iud we are all Vankees. North nuii
South ; uud to the roitli Just now, or u lilllj u-hiln
ano, we of lliJ middlu uuil western states, also, nro, or
were, 1 ankees too.
i, m mere is reany u very large,
and must liberal au.l eoiisenutuu iion-l'uritan ele
mi-lit iu the imputation of New iaiitluuU, wliicti, l r
; many ears, struggled for the innstery, and sometimes
held it, it Alain.-, New llnmpaliire, iiml i.'ou
I iierticut, nud once controlled Khodo Island whully.
I It held the sway during the Revolution, nnd the period
wheutho Constitution v as founded, aud for some years
uui-i ui t,if, .ainuuit suiu vnv justly, ill ICl, lliat
, to the wisdom and enlarged p.itrioti-m of Sherman uud
i.iiswurui ou uin slavery uesuon we were in c itci
for this admirable nuvornu cult and that. !,," .....
J'atersuu. of Sew Jcrsc, "their names oiieht to be tu
grated on hrass.aud live torctui." And Mi. Webster
in Idai), in one oftuoo Krand historic word.painlings.
iii.wiitii nu t. us co fcrcui u master, sain ot ,Mlift!.uihu
setts and South t'.irojuai Hand in hand they 1 stood
around the Administration of Washington, ai.d felt his
own great arm lean on them fur summit." Indeed, sir.
it was not till ,ome thirty earsai:o that tho iiurrow
presumptuous, juteiuiediilinj; and tiiiutieal spirit of the
oiu rurunii clement lieg.iu to reappear u a form very
much luoreuccressiveatid destruitive Ihuu ut fir.t, nud
threatened to obtain absoluto mastery iu ihurrh, nud
school, and Statu, A little earlier it had struggled
hard, but the conservatives proved too strong for it;
and so Jouk as the areat statesman and Jurists of thu
Wliij; etui Democrat!.- parties survived, it made small
progress. ,lhouj;li John Utiiucy Adams caiutoitlhu
strength of ills gnat name. Uut alter tlwir death it
brokcftits.a Hood, ami swept away the last vustiL") of
the ancient, liberal, and tolerutilis conservatism, Thou 1
ui:ry ioriu anil Uevi loiuuent ol lauatirlsui sprang .lip
in lank and most lu.Mirien t growth, till abolitionism,
the chief fungus ot nil, overspread the whole of New
lhiglnnd first, and then the middle States; and dually
.., u cnwunc.
i.eriaiuiy,sir,liio moro Uberal or lion Puritan clo
nieiitwus mainly, though not altogether, from the old
ruritun stock, or largely crossed with it. Uut even 1
within the lirst tenj cars of tUe landing of the Pilgrims
n more enlarged and tleratiug civilization wus mno- 1
due ni. linger Williams, not ol tho May.tlower, though 1
n puritan himself, and ihouroughly imbued with alius ,
peculiarities ot cant anil ireed and form ut worship, ,
teems yet to have hail naturally a moro Uberal spirit; I
and, Hist perhaps of all men, some three oriiioroytars
before the Ark aud Ihe llovu touched the shores of the
St. .Mary's, in Maryland, luuglit thu biibliiuu doctrine
of freedom ofopinion ami praiticu iu nligion. Threat
cued lirst with buii.iuu:ut toUugluud, su as to remove
us far us possible the Intuition of his principles ; and
ulternards at-iually banished beyond jurisdiction of
.Massachusetts, h;cause, in the language of the sentence
of Ihe lieuerai C'ouit. "lie bruaihediuid divulged dUers
new and strange ductriucs against (he authority of
iiijgisirntcs" over the religious opinions of men, there
by disturbing Ihe p'uee of colony, and becatuo Ihe
founder oi'llhodu Island, and, indeed, of a large part of
New nnsland society. And, whether lroiu his teach
ing and his v,.iiuple, and in the persons of his descen
dants ami thu.o of his associates or Irum other causes
und I another stuck there litis always been a largo in
fusion throughout New Unglund and what may bo called
tho "llogcr Williams eltniont." as distinguishsd from
the extreme 1'Uritau of 'May tlower nud l'lyinouth
llotk" typo ofthu New Unglaudcri nnd its .liitluence, ,
till lato years, lias alwa)a been powerful.
The M'l.AKCll, Tho gcntlemun's hour has expired.
Jlr. VAULANUiOUJl, 1 ask lor a htiojt time lon
ger. Mr, rOTTlUl. I hopo there will be no oljection
Xrnin this side of tho H ouse.
The Si'UAKIUl. If there be no objection the gentle
man will be allowed fuitlier lime,
There was no objection i uud it was ordered accor
dingly. Mr. VAM.ANIIIGIIA.M Sir. I would not deny or
disparage tliu ausleru virtues of lbs old I'uriluns of
Uugltiiid or America. Hut 1 do believe that iu the very
nature of things, no rcniiiiuuity could exist long in
ntuce. und no L.overiimi.nt en, I urn 1 iiii ic nt mis. ..,.
innm irmnr ., .1.... t
or Its jeieul form ho ds siioremo ronir,.i a.i i.
it7u HiiiL ciuiiiuiii in iiii ctiriipfci
is my KUlciuu coiivittiou that llicrucau he nu possible "or
dttrabio reunion of these Slates until it shall havuheeu
ugaiu suiiuruiiiui to oiner anu more liberal and touser.
v.itivo elenieiilB.and, above all, until its worst ami
mo.t inischevou development, abolitionism, tins been
utterly extinguished, sir, the peaco of tho Union uud
this lontliitriii demand it, lim fortunately, those very
cleuieiits exist abundantly In Now l.gulund herself : and
lo her 1 iiok wilhtonndencc tu secure to them thu mas
tery w itli n her limiu. Jit tact, sir, the true volcn of
New Luglaud has lor some years past been hut rarely
hiurd heru or tlsowliorc in public allalrj. Alnn now
control her polities and are in high places, filato uud
ledernl, who, twenty years ago, could uot have been
chosen selcctinen iu uld Massachusetts. Uut let liar
rtiuciiibo r at lumliur ancient renawu j Jel her turn from
vnln.giorlous adiuirutioii orihe ttuue luonunieuls oriicr
llUtUJS Ulld patriots of It fnrmnr n I ,,.,.,.............,!, ..
,,.. ,lf .1... ... t.l . .. .. I . , 'SWUV.UMS ...l.Mltt-
.,u, ... iii.i.uuiH Itlllt
designed lo lomn e.T.oVaie ' 1 .:."; Z?Vr"'Z.'
111 UlllI Hill III V trl rlii.'u ttil.l.,1, it....
und cull back again into I.erBlatu adimiiistrutiu
capo Iho dangers which now thrcalei. her Willi isola.
Then, sir, wliilolniiiiu xorably hostljo lo I'utllan
uicM,':,!,;; .w r '.""r.x.w
j.w l...glaud. 1 wouu imvv.U. Union a. n uu. ra,.,
i'"'-,N!1V inland n,i.e was.
I h she was. Hut If Vw i.
ion a. It wan." then i.VlS.'V'?''1 (
" V "
I..,.. II., II,., l ,i, "pui In,
. , ' '"t"""i inj ior secesiiou, An i
uclly comment,
. i, m lean, nn i
(Lonclttu'cd next tvecc.)
News from tho Army,
fccltcr from Liciif. Aleni II. Talo.
Wo roceivnd a lntinr
our Sou, Lieut. Ax,km B. Tatk, of Co
in dm mini, unu i r - . '
7 . . . . 7 "1 " "miig u
tuat no had been ordered with liU i....
to leave Bollo Plains, nud ioin thn
lliinlir nnni- 1Vnln,-:,.'1,..t .
to auothor engagement. On arriving tlicr
they found tl,a Hcgimcnt had dcVutc
,i(iu.A . , Lf'utc
ntltl "ioy pcrsUcd until thoy were n.
naule1' 11,10 rain Continued soino tbrc
dy8 UP0U thoiu, rendering the inarch im
possmic, nuii mey all returned to thci
old quarters.
, Last evening wo received nbolhrr ietl
nt "cUu 1 lau13. He says, during thu
. "larch, I had the plcasuro of seciuir il,Jt
i have just received information of thi,
tlnntli nf ntintlior Pnltiiiitiin ..i 1 i w
. .......... vuuiii. ,
uutecr, from my Squad. Mr. Isaiah Fox
son of the late Caleb 0. Fox, died iu tl,c
Military Hospital at Bichiuond, Va., on
4th of January, 1803, from 'the effect ui
his wound received at the battle of Fred
ericksburg. Isaiah was a bravo soliliurj
ever faithful and obedient, and our Com-!
pany, to a man, mourns his untimely
A Good Work lor tho Daaioc
racy. Old Fcunfilvanid won honor? etiwuk
to last until tlio next election, say-) the
0iio nsis, by placing, with heroic
Democratic niajoiity, Charles 11. Bunka
lcw, of Columbia caurity, intthc United
States Senate. Simon Cameron, the ror
rupt was there with his money, aud o-ilv
had one vote to buy, as he supposed
Ho therefore .offered o.ic hundred thous
and dollars for that vote and supp in-il
ii: uau sccureu u ; mil, whan tli iiiem r
was called for, ho arose ami said he pre
ferred lo vote for Mr. Buckalew to inking
the hundred thousand.'
It is said that the Bepubliraus, with i
majority in the Senate, were only lei
into joint ballot under the belief that they
had bought, a i'oc.
This wc hope will put an e ,tl lo all
buying and selluig votts for the
down, or under and oilier'cs.
Thousands ol Djuinerats repair, d ti
llarrisburg, and wero ri-jily to puuisn
any recusant, if such uu ouo turiwd u,i
Let the people over after this look t th i
Representatives closnly. and huuesiy w.l
take ihe plac ef rascality in j!si:itiv .
Halls. The good work has begun ; lei it
continue. We have had enough ofsurii
mon as Hendricks B. Wright, the men
her of Congrss from the District in which
Mr. Buckalew resides Tlio tallies .nt
now lurniug, and bettor men v. ill take
thSir places These fellows who ant
Ddiuocarts beforo thu people, aud llcpiib
licans in Congress, arc a r;reat nuisance.
jNotici:. All
purtons knowing thoin-
selves ii.d.bted
on subscription, ecc.. to
il, ';, T.if -n i il
l"e 'AC Aorth, Will lilcaSC tall
i and settle their accounts, as 1 cannot afford
j to biro a collceor, and being unable to call
1 " , '"uul"uu- trust you
spontl to tills appeal, US III y husb
1 il... 1 i . . i
tuu army. !llul 1 "lUt liaVO U10II0
on those indebted. 1 trust vou will iu
baud is iu
W.M. H. JACOlir-
Bloonisburg, Jan.
31, 18IM.
STAia if t sm mmiTn.
Notici: is hereby given, that the fhV
scrlpto!r and advertising accounts due the i ub
likher of the Siah or -nit Noicrji, are placed in tli
haildsof -Mrs. Will. II, Jui-oliv nl ll oDm,hilr.'. for i if
diato colletti hi. Tho IMrtor of said paper li.-iv Ing bei u
dralled, aud obliged tu go to ( is I rstir
. nrunmt navmeiiia I,.. i la l .,.,1. ,., i.i. r, i..
,,lvu menus of ki. v ,",,;i. . .A
natter may save costs uud prove advautaircouj to
iv ti. ti. j tui;ii .
January 10, 19M.
I'ub, itur of the Kirth,
the Markets.
Bi.ooMSiiuna, an. SI, 1603.
heat bus. Sl 301 Green Applci
ityo. . "
Corn "
Buckwheat ,(
Botatoes "
Clovcrseed "
Onions "
fid! Dried " 1
50 Dried Peaches 2
10 Butter taib
02 Lard
50 Tallow "
! Kgiis. ...'j? doz
; Hay. . .. ton.-
50, ChicLuiis " pair
In Munoy Borough ou Tuesday last, by
tbo Rev. William lifo, Mr. .IamisI'at
tkkson, or Orange tsp Columbia Co.,
and Mrs. iMautua B. Wiills, of that
On the 1st icst. , at the houso of John
Foulk, by Bev. 0. A. Bittenhoufo, Mr.
Jakes Ellis and Bliss Sat.i.ic Foulk ;
l.-.l. 1 "-I f .is.
uulii n I'srr f nr (rn imntmit nnmiFit i'-i
On the
o, mst. by tho Rev. William t).
Ijjor, Mr. Aausius G. IIaiiman, to .Miss
LiazAunxu Waxz, bothofinuiu township.
In, Luzsrno co. on tho 4th hiM.,
Mr. Seuasxian SKiiiciiT, aged about 45
In Wilkes Barro township on the 15th
mat., iur. J'sIIENezeii Black.MAX. need
1 s r -
mor".ug,tl,u l8thiust.,Mr.lIEN..v (!ua-
UAM a'aa" 71 'r3 aud U mouth.
Iu Kingston, MomUy oveniu,', ths 20th
ilist., Mr. lUcil.Utl) HUI'CISO.V llged about
15 J'Oai'S
Ji h, ou ti.c 1 mi. ... .
JiuiJAU SitOLMAKEU aged 05 vcari.