fJOLeiHAlElOCSUT ' fcATtKIUY, J KUARV Vf , '1803." t-J" Wo nrc fl it tl t,o inform tltc public" tlmt tl.f Rev. Thomas II. Cuu.feN, late - Ti I . .. . oi nopi, tewm., una nccepicu tno JlccTor- tliip pi St, l'n ill's Church, Blnnrntburi . ' .1.1 . i . , iii . i i .1 . I . . i . I. n .1 niul that ho expects to hold Ins first service .1 -. c 1 -st Oil tl C lim MlllUli lllMnicIl, being the r. i .I,,,- tl, .,.,, .1. i -fir t till) Ol the month. , , !o! i . I l&rChW'bns l:aitlom-lin, Dart AO . , r,J,,.',, ' r 'Qrcnl Diittaui to 'Gubbio' is on our ta- LIp 4 am' containing articles nwoh ns UriaVjhiltu'in, Greece, Guano, kc ku : Also JJnok of Uuijs, part X from May 10, to May U0 containing articles on JUhisc Tallorynuil, Anno Boleyti, St. An Sitsiiuc, CalviE, Charles II. King Aithur, Ac: J. B. LippincoU & co. 22 & 21 Xo:th Fourth St. riiilaif. Awny Coit(jsjoii(1ciicc. ('AMI' NKAIl UlM.r.U I'l.AIXS, V;l Jim. lo, io;i. Cot-. .Ioii (..'. l'liui:?.!'., ftljl l oar .W : 'J'liorc lias Leon no im po- tiint, movement in the Army of the I'o. lonitu'j on Ihiij lor special mt'ti'ion, sinco my last Irtt-r, TJm Hoop, geiieriilly have goi o.into vihtir quaiters, although Ihoy liave iiu ilucx ordirs to do to it has Ittcomu 'i charactnisiic to make themselves foiul". rta'ulo, if i-iily for a nltoi't time. Ophiiom are divided ns to thu probabili ties uf a in ivu ii out this place. All the roa.l'n'y to and from lha dilfuiont luiiiling- are ii.'u rordnroyi'il, which is the only plan of making thctu passable in Ihii elTTy. j- -.toil. Pun hyj r;li wjn preveut important military tiKivouient.5, It i- not pr i'i idle that we will be moved to tho Peiitn-ul i nt til.- pr."S"iit, becau c tli" -a. ii" i. i "in ihnl ri't.utlud ohv move nn ii'-' and .i.'I 't 'il our ran!:- before, i s it .t' tltn -ft- hi in ire than any oth'r. 35'iil:-, oi jim- o itj h.ivo been ordered further S'liiih. do not. tiiini; anutlier Mii iuiii .itte upt will be tu.ule ajjaiint l'rid cricLbiiig. If with u ciiinpietc and eonii l.'iit army we Aili'd to carry those tuose (l.'a l!;. .ioi'I.i, how ean wu exjuet to J .10 wh u nar army i-i to .1 cert du extent, 'diileaiteiii il ; wii'Ti the elifiuy have iin provid in. I .slreiitheiud their work-), made rid" if.i -ili .il.iii I'j ) bi ikj of the riV'.T,and nnpi'jted nil iiuver wu defect ivo in tiiL-ir ku nor p.i-itiou-. 1 It it was luadliejs. ( 'iiiinjl. uiilac.-ii, t.i attaek them in tluir tlu-n, .' tut it's.J i it be n w ? lint, iilbiwh; l!io-!J fonnid ible works to be taken, v bit cut ml upon our diUtoultiss. i'.vry nilgo woii.U be a Frederic-hlmr ; evciy tr.p jf wo-dst.d liver, and str. amlei wouM ne ,i i'.-ititot de tune, until iii' .Ij 'Ul'l leach tin- Chifki houiiuy agaiuj -inJ aj;aiii tilit the battles of tho IVu n j.i'a. Ami b.iii'jt,.' their ar my, their atK.inia:'(.:i of pniiion, oisnear in; their ' ui p !!" iUj le ue ica'.e our.1 further' bthi i.d -r-t heir appiruitly ouuii-?cit.-'tit eavairy, vf. uou..l have V) ovcr eoiuj iuad, kiiom-, ri'ii and al tLe duad-vanta!"- ol a iviutt r c-itiipain 'J'o incroi-c 0'ir d.itie.j ii(, wc rmnci rvmuin.i'(1e. Jo tin' spring ail 'he nine months men go, and twenty regi men's of N4 'ork troopi who enlisted . for .'.vo ycar.-i. 'I lure m-ii e olu-r Iff) two'ycais men, but I am not positive. 'i'bif I. ave only tin' ti'igiueins of tin lhreeyean nyiiin'iit.-i, w Ine.i are so sadly reduced as to bteonic aiino t iiif rl'ectiro. I'Vom the-.o laitn Km cm draw jour own inferi'fic.i. Fioai ilio heiiiniiiii f li.itOj- ln'en hopolu j .ir.'i mi an in my power to keep uthiM t-o ; but a deep gloom ha si'itled upon the army. From every ,-ide, day afur day, comes tidings of disristet it'll I ne men ior over nix mouth.-!, huve been unpaid 'I'o add to their discontent, a nroe ainatioa ha been iued freeiiiL' millions 0f b ae :s, p aeiiigi l.tAULii, iiti uif, iiiiii.k.. j i a them in the armv and many on toe name foatinu: as white men; nolwiihilaiidiiig tho prote.ts of the latter, and tho dis, sn'. iii.i- has for tho Neu'ro. Two U,l till! ' .,. - liavo jrone by .-iiiee thai, proclamation was j issued', and as a war mea-.ure, it' has not' had tho least cfT'ct upon our cau.te, other than to increa-o discontent' , .My duties requiring it, I liayo been in almost rvery orps and Division of the' army of tho Potoniao, and have found both , officers and men opposed to the pi'crent' policy of Uig Administration. I bavo ytt to find i)e nvni in favop of the Piocluma-. tion. Iliindredri of uUit'crs are rueiuing, and numbers of others v.-juld do so could l they get an honorable diicharg". Every officer of a certain Pa. Regiment sent in his resignation, and llm Govenuiieut re fused to accept thein. .MeClellau, m ever, is, the army's idol. Tho least rumor of his reinstatement pft- duccs an intciinc onlhusiasni among llio men. It may not bo generally known that on his removal, onu entiro Corps r-taeked their arm-, and llm re?t of tho ar my wore (Jnlcre.l oat under arms to pro servo ordir. Fortunately tho tumult was qu'ieted without bloml ihed. The Piisi dent. I sincerely b' lievo, ahvayx been, and in itoiO, bit fri''nd and his removal v isonlv 'o a'i-fv Ualleeok, Ht.uit hi and Ohaso. Oftho3- whoso strenuously dciua. ; dv:d his removal, l ivi-li to a.-.,;, what bavo wo aiued ? I'redcrieksburg can tell ! Tho views abovo cxpreb.-ed are only tl.jso of an individual whoo means of iu-foi- natioii are not boyoud thoso of the 1 umblest priv.ito in the army. Wo dont protend to know tho planu of our Goncials but being thinkiug animals, wo cannot vo Train from drawing cortain conclusions r,.n.n ,.,1,1.1 d ca. Jlvrolo object is to -i- i...r . .1. ln nfntv COUIltV. tllO IUIU ,, ,,l.V y r , 11 aco tieioiu im- j --,: . ftatO ol tllitiPl Its fiCO tllCIIl. My JWIS- meat may bo wrong, but my inlCidhm aro eorrect. No one wishes more ardently to sco tho prospect brighten, our army vitio rious, rcbolliou crushed ami peaco ro btorod throughout tho land, tbon lojin- AuriLLEiusr. LLANKS! BLANKS!! Of every deFoription, for sale at tins offio SPECIAL NOriCEli. ,,.. THE GONFESSIOhS AM) EX PERI. HNCH UL1 A NERVOUS IISVALID ' ., , . J i . i '"".""unniii nsanaiitnm to young 1.101 , , nnil Mint., wi... .uff. t mini f nrvrms dcj.llm... : I: ; v iS!i?l.,:-f..,"".,,.r'. . .y ' m., cuml mi,,,. .....I . : i......iT.--Ii ... ,"l.J""lUiC!'!l totillilcnfn ii. i i , s )' ;'"' . Jnlrpliicod totiflilcnfn lii :...'.. M.'1' "-,. in 11 V 1)9110(1 (lltlm "l.a'L0:,,';rMll"''1'' ")Tnir. Esq., HifutKj-,1, Kingrdrii,,r '.zr. wiionpiNrtroiiononi.'iicuii, ..., . inn w,.,,iv. n ,jiiuuii, However atvrn "y ' mioiiMmi mni cnrci by tho no of .iQh, '.fi'H'n lomrs' urtllivu ..aismil, Thin litviiltiain.t iiiiWlcltic o.,csg tin; pxtrnnrillnrt. rv I'ftver of r lr- Hitf t in ini-.1l ut oly IiooiiIii.i fnUsli, llniira.jnpK, liifllcii'ty rf brenthii.j, lliisklncs nii'l tickling ill tin- throat. It loo.on. Ill Phlegm, and will 1 Iniiinl In bu oty ngtcrablu tutiie tat"i (tin ml n M'll.'iit t.'iiicil.r, lint cimilll. iit. wiitlnlnit. searching ""'r-rtiyo. can ltd tih. M hy tit- nicit m.-ioii r ynutij.'st cln lih Pnr sale by all Urtignl.ta ut i;i niul ,,jr hMhl A C'AllllT'lTIinSttl'n.niNO.-Tlio Pev, Vtilllnin I o.ilrnv.', while labeling ns u MUFlnunry In .lupin, Win cured n i'iiiiHiiiiiitlnii, when nil nlli.'t iinniM lnnl rill mI, by n riin from a li-nrm-il tiliyililmi toldhu lu Hi.) ct. ntclly nf Juil.ln. I III. r'clM lim i iirjil cr.'iit i ili.ti.wlio w-crn riill'-jlna from roiKump. tlon. Ilrcmtlilliii. 8utu I, C'iiujiIm iiihI t' niul lli! ilcliilily mid ncrvoiii ilcproetluii ciiiiucil hy lhi'c illmrclutK. . Ili'tlriHiii of licimfitllnit Mliorn, I w ill pi .1 tliifl rrrhio wlilrli I li.tvu bni.iglit Ixm.o Willi iiiu, to all who tict.l Hi Irou of ilurgo, ,dilrua ukv. Wit. cojnunvn, , -IID l'liltoii AVciiuj, llrokljn, N. V. net. C, lfCI Hin. MiUT.nYirxiM.ftM.-Thirc i, f-rlm pi. no itrpnrt mnnt uf tnl.ltnry Litrinota In whl. h ihctu litu Ihm ii iiinru iiinrki'il Improvement limn In the clmlilng (,f o. (lliTJ. .Nut innnj y fitico iiitln r. nmt prlintc. wcrn clnd In lit hlch weru nlnini-t t kln-tlclit, They w.iri' lentlur tin.k., uhleli u . re worthy i.rihe n.imn.fnr they K.-ijI th" wearer in Irlb'iluiiun i while tin lr p nlileil hrejun nnil tialit 1 .ev. inailo vnlltlnn ri untier liferent iln.lniliy. Uiirini lli.j prcMiit wnr, iah nf our vnluii. I' "r n procure imlr uiiirurnm nt Ih.i Urown Htno i.lnlhini! Il illoriloiiilillUt Wll.nn, No. Mil nnil (.0.1 t'll tlinil street, nlinve Hislh .'Inlil.lclpMn, nMniii ci0. tiiluj tli.u H pi rl'.'ttiy limy, niili.tnutiiil .nil! lieronilni; 1 he llrm niimeil h ive erne l.irfi ly Into Hi" Im-hicj. i linhinj Mllitiry :iotlilnjr. iui.1 iluir f.irlllllei. ninhln l ii nt lu (ill th laigiikt unljr In thu khrjrUst polblo tlinn. .'.!.'J1 . 1 J It I TUB CONTUSION'S ANMI liXPIJIltl NCU Of A PODIt OU0 M IN A ceinloiniin linvliijihei ii mn il it llu r 'xiills .if oarly error mi J dociiK.-. wlil.frnm Ui'tlrvi.l lunct ulnar , rt-tnl to Ihovu who n 'picut it n fopv o th.. uli ivu hit rt uiu njtr.nivc. pilhli.heil l.v hi.iK.'If. Thia lilll.i hook l ilenlncl .n-n wnruinc iinil cuilioii to ynnui in in iin.l I Imn who- nifi'T frnm Ner 1'i.n D.lillit.-, I.o of llrm. ry I'ronie ore liLiny, c, &e , o'tpplyi its nt t tin siiine tini i th tie ntm of vcir-ciiri. t-iMr'j i.,.,iua will hJ n'tit iirilor Mil in n plain rnvel ope, -w lilmiit tli!in;u,-io nny wliu rc'iuiol it, by ad. diet.. ins His aiithi'r. fills A I.VMIltltT. nreciipnlrit, l.niijj lilatul, New Vi.rk". Nov 0.1, 1'f.l. a in f''jCTJnJffu-gi'J.ji"j.1 m.'i.rgrrvTT'r- t-v-wotj r H K UJi 1 1' f S V bil'DKU E .M JJli . TO TUB lion Win fHvf 11 fi 'iiintt S.mi 1 'I Cr. n. l'i l.l.ler Ji liu Sutton i ij lin iy Sii)ih r IV in Ku III) run l;-t ,iflliu. I'.rittlu (o. Acr. Sociuly I I. SllJlll.111 l.n'l .1 .h ii i.t I. V (ll'llii-i (i"n I) Imk-nti 510 00 1 Mill II lienrhnrt .-, nil 1 .Hi Ceo H Tutton, 1 I (HI I 0'l;H iil J llcKru tl Oil 1 5(1 1 ilotiimir comity 4 in 1 ;..) .Ii IV l'n- . I '.'.5 I Vo'lului S i) 7 nil II u.l.r.i.t of ll. U liil.-nlght li.dtl IJ 5J, V lr .1 IVu-' e !U l .o 1st icn -r ' I. valid i an S i.iiiiel (Mil (Hemlock; 1 .n.ivi.l iiill r e Ui) imvm riiitu r ,.tli in llri.'f barli I. A Hewitt, Ui' tr.ii'i. I 1117 Win .1 II;. I. r. Cat .lino A M irns IN'V J (! I'lMlliy Jollll U..!lt7. II. m S IlllMllU' I Hill .1 ii Ii n .Uli llemy J He4 Siunj-'l II ill Cfi't Wai 0 J ii otiy Sh rilf i urui.iii J llvsS Kc Siik-U I'm. i iamb 1'v.llls II J I J J en '(I. i, nil, A J I Ii rlmn .1 ll' 1l.ll.lll!er .Mi.-li i I miiiain J.. -pti II .It Pel -r l.p! Mntin I! I. IVi'it r'tnvit ll.ili Mt llnlll : "i He (-U'.-JtlonO J It r.MUM. .M II J iv -ni.K. y 'rlioiiLU S.inten lli.ury He--1 f eiurc) lltnn I Snv.ler l.l lit A H AUrn i t.i Holm Li: tiii ton a iii 7 Iv Urirklinnui, r.n., 1 oU (i ja ijnhn 0 UViitur 1 M 1 tfi 'Dituk'l I' I'aluiir.Jr.. 1 7.5 1 ii jJuliii llrn U"l- JI ) J e IP Wri;til I U) '.' 1)0 lift of Jon'ph lleMer 1 ?.' I iiip.!Miliou llc-.a (l.l.Hin.) 1 50 I JO'Slllillel St. tut 50 i I.II i hicuh Troup ' 9 fa 1 DO : l.l mt K 11. r I HO I fin JO tCttlom, i:ni., .-. oil II do ( Inroii Keli luier '-i I". i iio .! ii i in-. : '.. 10 mi (Jin nli I'.iri -r. jr., 5 ID 7 I..I (luliu ll lil mm t 07 1 .In 'I.eiia Silimler. a W e hi j.iu.ii until.. i.i-. 1 ! I h.l ll.r.M.1 K IlilWllllll 5 I'D 1 HO (,. o llnrtioiin. --r., 1 'J1 a Mi .aiinii I IV llniiniau U (.0 1 (10 illeuili k tidlool Ili,t , 1 III 1 lit) (A J i:v.iu, IV . 3 O'l I III It'.hr II..1I, ory i:s'., I. u.i 1 (i.l.Nai'uiist Hot. I, 4 i I.ljl'r. i'. Pr- til'.' Id 1 1 .ijw.ui're.n.y. -r , S i.u .7 ."i.liJohu ll Corit' llnn 1 W .10 ,Jo h Sho 'imikur 1 00 2 40 "iillit.i" A 11. . rn 7,". a l"J John A (iin.ui till.) 1 0 1 MJeo. I'lel-nllir e . & .0 i oi Hir.iio I mi i jip, nliMcr -.'1 i.i i i cov a HIM- Hi.t.-rnK. IM'!-, II P Moody, .11. II., Ke.ih-uT I'olk I 7. Jo-., nh Lilly 1 00 Our receipts weie etieoiii,ipinir for lierimber. IVo llrtn'. " ir - .Icons rorth. Ir promptitude end Iru-t olh ft will i inulate tluir lA.itnpl.'. Iletnittances hy mail nt our owl. riA. Ncu3 CHrbucrtiBnncnta ; H'l.W (ifi'StESiy ti.Q'Ml. , The uiidcr'i"nM Infiirin- ln ui -U'ls nn.I the public j n rtiu that h- h,i. open .1 n iv-w '" ry .-tore, in. lni si Sir. "I c ntriliu lllnnui-liiir:. where he has liu t rec. iv . .! all kinds of (i-ncerio. llnl n-,'. Sail, and ntmtn generally, w Inch mil be sold xury chcip fr ri.niy piy. j ALSO, ', A Prmlsinn Store I ntl.ich ! to llu sai.I ctnl.lUh. ' ....I. ..... I.,. !, 11 ,r..rift GMMIlll (if III 111,111 I .,. l .,, . , J.. ( 'lr p. I, ran, Corn un.l I'ced generally, to v. hlrh attciillon I'im it d. ' Counlrv In culiiuiB" for snn.l, III.NJ. EltASVlL'S. Ill,7n!ii.iiirj. Jan., 51, lPKI, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. L'tJ 'r of FAlZ'djCtlt Miliar, rcV; f rrriM! t -fla-n ntory on the .slut" nf I'ld-nhrth !,,, lite. I it t lit Pleisaiit towilsllin 111 .i"eMSe.i , ivei,..n irmitu t.y me i,,Ci, rot ninn ..,... tv .,, ti, mnl, sian ol i.lso r.-snii'ii: in tai l low ii.lnp ; all person-. Iiivitiy (i.n.iis isi.n.i t.iu cs lale of Ih ) decedent are icpMslcl to present Iheni to ii.,. i v oi nt In., re. i ',, ne in s'M.l tw p.. w Itlmut d liv, end al pirsous luilebled to null pnvniunt foil in ttu. WM. 11,1 PR January 'JI. MU-l.t 3 0,) t:xn.i;ron. ICON OJM Y JQWA l T H . CURE YOUR COUGH FOK 1:3 CENTS The bi'it an I ohe"rst Household rcmcili -n the ll'o'ld. MADAME ZM10C PORTEIl's M IIA .1. " 1 v-v TI'.R'S CuritH" I'.ilsam is w.iiriinl d il ii '"'I co-online; to th .liruitioiiM. tn euro lu ..11 ..'.." Con. lis. I nlJi. ivt.ooi.litj, Asthma nod nil air.ielioiis of throat mnl l.i'n'-s. tho 1 TIa lams Znloc. potior s P1sj:ii i pr.'pire l with all l.i,, ,iiMt.' s'.i.l, Hem a reinhiiiinion cfih" l.e.treui- I'dl. slhe v.lllllhl.'' keudetll nlfords, Us remedial quali ties nr. bared on lis power to a-.i't llm h' nllhy clrcu l.iti.ui af Hiu bluu.l, throuiili the I. utigs. It is not a vio I. nt r. niedy.lntl emoilf nl v, .iriuioa. s.nrchiug atnlelT. utive; ran hu taken by thn ol lest person or tho youiij," est tlnlil. Ma.l.ini'.iJoe I'dtf r'n bal sam has I' di " llsc' " "" up. lie for over isyearr, . -111,. ncirired ll pr.-sunt l'i v"":j itai-iy ov n. inj "" ,j.Ja . I l.e llius.i who liav.i used i-ii to "ihLir nl!ln.le.l friends . Sin." Iiiipottant. Mielaine Zu.loc l''"ter's f urativo il.nm is sold at a p. lu i which brings it III III f ev ,S one to koep'it couveni nl to ' !,(.o i'oo I u.e of 11 single botlle will prove Io bo worth I0J Tr,V,,'!.IlSvo vour money 1 Do not he per.uid.'il Ciirativo n - ? ;vv n &$i 11 I 1 s--. i"'.s 11 I All. . . ,' mrViiasu ijr.icl.' ... 4. ,0 ,1 wine h Jo im '"j- H,e' v irtni's of a I c-ut I, ml of 1 .1 . 1 I r 1 1 i( ( f . riit.vo tlalsnni, theco- .f 1 if 'l UI 1. , 11 s -greii as aluio.l any ollnr mec-unr , a 1 Mi 1 rj 1 J.reee '.t whnll It ; sol . 111 .i n . - P "H ' ' ' 1 ,ioo.n.lmrs. Ikcc sain II. an. limn 11' ll"" 'd de ,1 t v. 1 1 . uv nppa. Mi.i) - . "'',.,' " .,. V,,,, ,, tl, -ir nrlliits'rru innvr.uiil -ss Hie r.i-1.,. rs in. l.l "I;;;" hUV....' 'I'.1 : , 1 M. e., 1 leuiits. ftlld Madaiou Porkr s I urnli vo I nl-mii prn-u .' ,-. imitics at W noils. nuotaKo 11 o ran. ,''i,l l,v " ..r,.g4i-t..m'ISlorekeepurtatl3cts. ( and ''''"'''KUCKuEi'pr.ri.nor,, Now York, . Jollury -, imi. IJ I I'll' I " .1 M. k T. P. W A I' ON, r nrpnv STA11LR ATTACHED, 3'.. North M RT.llrrwrrs .VAKH.ti: Atn.m.i.A Nov rt, iso:, lulled Si les Internal (tovcutic. I TVrtvrlCt: It hereby elvoii Hint llio (littles nti.l i V' "";' ,M' ''".''.'' i L'-'itni r-tnie t t" I. in tlia to nuy fiJoliiniMn, lit tin limp nnil tilitres li"relnnfter motitioncd, for thu purpoiu of rccolvlni! Illonmnliutit, ThilrmtriV tt t'rl.lai-. Uli mil Otli nf Inn. unry, ltin:i, nt Kxchaiuu lintel, (',Hlnv.n, tfnt.irdny, Jan, 10th. 18G3, nt Kniteiilm. i!or' Hotel, N'tiiue.iln.Mrtiiilny January 15th, 1E0H, nt Jackson .Georftn-K lint. I, f.'.CV'itrnlliii Tuesday, Jan, nih,le03, at llcubcii Wan feT, lUrwIrk, Thurntny, Jmi. Ulh, Iff.l, nt P.NIrdy'ii. Oraiijo'vlllc, 1'rl.lay, Ju, ll.lli, ibOH, m AleJiinJit IlushCB'. .Jv'lTIfM'.unl.o (riven, that nil prnmnmiliniivijlcrttn i; IO.;iy Hi i Uuilen mnl tat o nn.e...l upon tlictn ivltliln til 11 mi p rule I, w ill Im itnhl.) In pay leu per c' lii.ui u upon the tin reul. I uyinunt ' limy h.) i.i.-nl 'iit niy ofth.. M.nvutlni.ii nn.I plncci men. ' t nucl Hint inny hurt mil th.) convenience ol tin pnyeM, i tlovcrnnieiit iik y only will In rci--iv.l from i hut to iiu'ouitiioilntu lax Din ere. 1 Imve .nn.i ,,,,. .,,,. i hy which I inn t iku, lurliles tluvcriini. m fnni,,, (.on.l ilrnl'n payable lit eiv York or 111 1 iar rmids r th t ciiiuiiion currency of thu country by nllnuAtig thu (llicoiut. II. t.AWIII'.VlinSIJOTT, Colleito I Mil llUtrkt, 1'cniin, Collector's niTlrcToiiiiiiilc. Pa, ( iiccw ii-ei, :iw, j KOT10E IN 1'AHTITION. Ex' ate of Isaac Wagner Srdcc'h Cot.t."t!ltl fol-'NTV, S! ' li Hit Drfihan't Court nf ColvnUti CtMnly nfiroalJ, Inter alt i tt IUha toptnlHid: On thu petition of Inane Wagner, one of thn heirs of Isanc Iln,'!iur.iler.".-isi3(l, who ilk'.l jutjslute, nnil of Iteiijninln iioiiilioy thu hutli.iu.l of Sarah liiiniboy, who Is niiniher of thu heirs of said Isaac Wacticr, loc'd , was prelerrud to thu l.'ourt respuifully rcpruseiilitii!, Hint the In.piest iiipi.iil".l by the Court, nt the , liny 'I crni llieruof, A. !., Ieli5, tu mako parllllnu or valuu llon l Ih.i Ileal Cxtal.i of thn Mild'iit, haiu r tho sil.l prutuUes r.iunot be ilivided so as tiiairoiniiiod.ito all Ilin heirs of the nald ilecidcnl tut that tli" nam may hu parted no, I dive. led o a to iiccnliiiiiodnlu voiiiu of tho hrirs f Hie said decedent, mnl th. y have p.-utcd thu same nccor.lliicly. '1 he p. li-, tinners therefore pray the t'oiiit will primi u rule upon tin. heirs iiuitr. presuiituHves of raid decedent, rc'iulr liu them to h i mid appear al the stated Orphan's Court in February next, I lieu nn.I there to cccrpt or ril'tin- Hi" said Hst.ito inluillo.i thereof, an. I In case nil the heirs mnl r"prcseiit.illvrs rel'uso so to take Hiu saniii, then to sh.iiv ca i.i If auv Huy have, why (ho said should not b i sold accirJinj: to tli, net of Assembly in inch cim) made and provided, (Hid they w ill ever pray, etc. IillNMAIlI' I1OMH0V. IS.lAi; W, mrrti'poti. Dee. .1th, PS-:, Petition read mid rule craiile.l. persminl uotleu th -reof to be n tv.-d on th partle in till County, and tl wef l.s notice t,. he flven by piiblicaliou in oil - of the new sp iper" lu lllooti. Iiurir. I'olunibii eniinly, nu.l a Inn. r ("Uit.iliilni: Hie iioikc io ,-M selll to III-' p-rll.'s out nt tile I wheiu Ihelr residence is kniiwii. Ill- th,. Court, Con my I L-'iriir.u.l fruui th. J'ecor.le I) c Ulh trie. JAcoit nvutii v. tviit o. r. The various partie.. iiiter. sted in tliealimu lMltinn, w ill please ncc. pt III" loreoiim uoUllcitioii. JUdlAII II. I'tiltll M. SiiEiitrt-'s Orriru. I iAtrij?'. lllnoiu.bur!,'. Hec. 'U, ksii'.'. f,ts. j AUUITOlt'S NOTICE. IN THE ORPHAN'S COt'RT TOR Till". COUNTY OP coi.i'.MiiiA. r.-T.vpi: op ANDitnii' j. iira&s, LATE Ob' HI'.ltWl'-K liOllOl'GII. DEC'H. , I.t, p Tons int r.ste.I will lake mil in, that the un 'Tl it- r '.i. u.... ii. i d Aiiilitorby the Dipl. mi's Curt for the . emit) of Colin. il, in. Io ki Ilk ntu. niljiist the rates att.l pioporlious of the bat.iui.e or uts in the hands of .larjanl lira atrn ofAndtnv I llias., deceased, to and aiiioiu th - respective cr.'dlk-ts of the .leeem.e.1, uccoi.liiu' Io l liu ( staluicheil hv law. will iu.i t Im pirlies inUrested at the Recorder's Dice, lu lllooin.-.biirf, on Saturday, the Tircnln fourth ilny of Jtiauory, .1. D. 1-f.l, fot thu purpo es of of Iim appointment. wlRn mid v.-hero all p.uti. s interesle.l are r iiu. d topres.i.t He ir cl inns, or bu debarred fiom couiiiij ui f,,r a' of such .issets. John n, i'rei;zi:, .jHrfiioc. lllootiifliiirir. Heceinher il, J-.iJ Jiv. AUDrTOUS NOTICE. IN' Till", OKI'!! s un a ' nil! Tin: COTVTV Of coi.i'Aim v. i:--r i r,: or mtA'i.iii speivarp, i I. IPC Ol- .Uli I'l.l.v TOlVNdll.p. 11. C I). i I.l.perrousint.'re. Ieil. (he un . il. iijned, app. iiu. d Au lilor hy Hie Orphan', Couriof Columbia toiiuly. to reporl iiistnbiilion oflho,iii.viuili' l.a.iii of Stunts H. SI. 1 .-iuIk. AiiiuiiiN ir . lor of ..ii.l Abraham Stewait. dec'.l., o and au.on? Ih if. il il.iio.aui. an I represent ill lu of Hie di .-.lent, ill in,', t thei.irtiuiiiUiei,ied nt higolt'.u, lu ii,.i,,mu bur,:, o.i TlMrJtlJJ,lhe Treil'j-nlnlh Jay if Janvary, .1. )., f.-) f. rtlie purpofea of In. iippoiiitmeiil. All per-.oii'. in-, t. r, r.te.1 are r iilrei Io pr.-.cnt He ir claii.n b.lor" th Auditor, ur bu debarred from con.iin: in firiiiharo o' tin 1 ii ii il. H. II. LITTLE," .luilliar. Jlloomsliurg, December 2d, Jri,i:-4.w'. AUJJITOR'.N XOTK.'E. l.v Tin: orpiia v- cociiT nut phi: cocx-py eiv COI.UIIIll.l. hSPA'PI. or JOHN .11. IU I RALI.II, LA PE ui' riSlllNCCRI.I.K TU P , IIEC'H. I.I, persons int 'rested Kill take no'ir.., that the una. rslju.-.l a,. p.. luted Ali.'itor In llio Oi ban's ( ouri of th.. ..I' Coliimbia. onexlepin in. ,, dm llieuceo.tiit of it illi.ii. i lluekaloiv, one ..I th i Lurrii. orh of John il. Il.ukilnw, ili.-d., will mecitlm partteii inier. ste.l ui the Ricnrder's Odice, in I li.-nin-bari!, on Siturd y, the Tirrat y-t'ourlh dry of .lanurry. .1, ., I -O, I'er Ihn imrp'iiL's of his appi ialmeiit, win u and w Ii u, all p irlies nrj le.pieot d to utcn.l if Hi i Until, proper. JOHN C I'P.Ci:.E. .Mitor. IllooRirliurS, Ileccnibcr Wl, Irt.J- In. AUDITOR S NOTICE. ' iN'Tiip.oitiMiA.v.-' (.'ocitT roi: - it n conxTY or coi.riii.iA, i.spai'i: or jul-iaii, LATE or llf.IARCnilLK TIVP., ULI 'I). illi: Aiiditornppoliii.'d h th" Orphan's (,'ourt efcn. umbia e.iuniy, to telll" and .idjitbt th.. u,-. coiini nt llvi i.i I'oul, r, A liiiimtrattiiof Jo-lah I'ow ler, Into ..f llriare k i..wo,lnp, Coluuilna tnunty, deceased, mid to I,, disirili i ton ofi!',i iialauie in Hiu ha.i.Uol' Hi . a.-counlant, mil iiieeiilin p., i ti.-e in. ti'ri'-l'H, for tlu purpose ot In, iippoiutioeut, nt l,ls Olllc', in I looiljsluir;', on Tilesilay, Hie 2Jlh day of Jan. nary, 1:0.1, at ten o'cloil;, A .11. RO'IEIIP I". CLARK, .iudilor. IHoomsburjr, pee 'nilier-J.l, l.-ei- -hv. NOTICE IN PARTITION. ESTATE Ol" ALEM SIARII, ULCOASf D. it (,1c Orphan" Couil of Colunlm LVnaty. TO Chester C. Marr. Uilliam Man-, Charles .llarr. N'e..i'i I'nrr, llir.ini S. iiiur, li.uh. l I'vi rharl laf Rachel Marr. and I'nrrkt Van I lew. latu llnrii. t Marr. childien of Alem Hair, late of Scott lowiiihip in Columbia county, ileira.u.l: Oil niul each of you ale ler by nntilVd, that In pursuance of.iiwnt.if Partition mid and Vnliiiiiioii issued out of Hi Orphan's ( mitt of Hi.- county nl i'i.I. null, la. for llio p.utluoii and v.tluitioii nl ttie ri a I s lata of A em .Marr, dec',1.. situate in the county of (VI umbia, I willholil no Inquest on the tui.l, on Tuaday, the Tsctly-artrnth day of Jauvnry next. ntlhe mansion Imuto of the .aid Alem Marr, (lce',1,, in Hu county of i oliiiiibi i, when and wh re you arc ru.juosledtu attend if you think proper: JOS1AII II. FUR WAV, FiunrfsOrFi.i:, j Men f. lllonmshur,'. Il.'cemli, r 13, ifi'.2. j AUDITOR'S iNOTICK IN THE ORPHAN'S COIRp POR THE COl'N'TY 01' COLI'MIHA, I SPATE or rr.Tl.U CH.IIVFOI.I). I.AI'EOl' .MADL-O.V TOivNShll', lll.'C'D. LI. irrill. int'-rerled wi'l take 11. .nee. .hit il.e ,1 11 i r-uii 'd, appointed Auditor bv th o tihno'S Court, forth" co'imy of olumbi.i. to s tile mi t ui.jus1 Hi i rale and piopiirtiuns of thu halancu ornss. Is in llio hands of Jou S u.i 11, adiiiiin' r of Aftr Craic ferj. di ea-ed, Io nud niiioug the lopetuve (te.lllor of Ih - ..-c. used, according 10 tin. or.!, r ( 1 all ir li .-il by law. wi I m, t lb" pirli. s Inlereeti.l at Iho Prothotio tary'a UIIiiv, in Illn .m-liurg. oil Kilurrf.ty, the Ftrentit-laiirili I'ly cf Janunry, A. II. 1603, ftr tin pinpos"of his appointment w le n and win-to all p.irtl 's imerusU'il nre ie.u I to pres 'lit tin ir rlulnis, or hu debarred from coming in (oar a shuro of assets. M. E. JACKSON', Auditor, lllooul.barK, Dccenih-r 11, Ird'J-Jt. AUDITOR'S OTI0E. IN TIIR ORP"AN'.4 COl'RT, I'OR THE COUNTY' or c'li.tiiiniA, 1: -TA'i'i: or jo-hPit wu m:, , LATE Ol' PINE TUUNSIIIP, Dl.t.'",' A l.l. 1) thou, hit rest "d will lake notice. that the 1111. 1 M ilursign.'d appointed Auditor l.y th 'Orplian'r Court ' nflhu county of Columbia, to utile iiti.l .I'Ju.t th" , ,,), ,,, ,1,, ,1, uititi- ,,, 1.1 in,- Inn Is 01 A1.B.1 11. WuiTk, Executor of ,orii. ll'.r'r, ,k,:,, . dec -1, 11 iVii-.'."' i oibce, 1 f"'"';''J. ir -.I, to nud an, mil Ma r. sp iltvn rr 'dit..r. of Iho 111, iic.cirii'!' 1.1 ma oruer i''.isii"ii nv law. tui'p.irii s inprertud nt the I'tollinnotnr) 's ia I. loom. b tr (, ot. Saturday, the Frcnly-lourlh day of Janunry, A. V. lff-3, forth purpo. 's of Ins appolntim nt, wle 11 mid w hern si 11 are r..quei,"i tn pr'suul tlnir irre.l from iu torn sluruof M. E. JACK30N'.. tud'lor, comber 13, let-.-It. AIM-ITORS NOTICE. IN" THE ORPHAN"-. Cm'R'l.rOR T'UJ COl'N'TY (IP CDI-l .Mill I, E-'TATE OP 11FMIY lillUM, LATE of ..lONIOCRT'ilVVSIlIP II. .C t). , 1,1, pers ins inter. t ol, wi I take inuico that tho ' 1111 l irslgu.'d, appoiiiled Audilor hy Hu Orphan's Com 1 of Coliimbi 1 loio'ly. tn icport ilktribiitinu ol III I, slanc in the hau I of (1-.ih.ik iii.lokhi an. I I'm in M. U, Ex c.itnrs of Henry Uruu, decease. I. toand aiuuiig tin1 legnt. os of Un dec dent, will mod llio par ti, s interested nt his uihco in lllooiiisburg, on E-Attrsshty. lie 'Vciily-iiliilA day of January, A. P. lfC3, for the purposes of hli npp.liitineiit. All persons in. terestud 11 r rruuitcd iu present their claims bu'nrc lb" Auditor, or he debarred from cumlng in for a thais of . tho fund. ItonERT P. CLARK. Proorniburj, Decerotier 13, Register's Notices, i NOTlClili hereby civentn nil lesnteos, crcrlitors niul other persons Inter, st. d In the citntcs of Hm re spcrnve iiec uenisiiii.i minors. Hint tho lollnwinund luliHMrnlloti nii'l cunrillniincrouiits have li.-cu fllc.l lu the oPlrfl ofllei Ilecl-ter or Columbia lounty. nnil will be pr -setited for ronltriiallnii nn.I nl nwnncu lu the Or phnti's Court. In bo held nt lllooiiibutB, In the county nfnresald, on Wednesday tin -till day of l'tbiunry next, lit U o'clock, In thu iirieriioon of said day, I Thn nrrontit of Peter Yoeiim, (liarillan of Holiocci ".ui... ., oi..i..r rnii.i in .josepn lucuoii iniu oi lioac liiRctrek township, lcrcae.l. S Thn nrtnitit of Jacob Yolia, finorrtinn of l.vdla Helchnr.I. late l.ydiu Urown. u minor thild uf tliinlcl I't.nvii.latoof Alnlito township, ilcc'il. , 3 Thencroiint of .Mary Holmes niltnlnlstrattlt nf the oitate of lliliviu Itol.nes, lata ef rUhlnfctcek tmiiishlp (l.'C'll, I Tim secon,' nnd final nrcntint of Win. Ilscenhiirh and tluorjo llnirotihurh. Adui'rs of Blinon llngonbucli, lato or Ueutro tivp., .1, c'.l, , 5 Account of Aaron Smith, n.lin'r., of thn rstutool ' Chrlstople t II Smith In' nf Ileinloik twp ilec'd. j 0 Account of John 11. 1' ycr, ndui'r. of llei estate ol ! John P Colfinan, late nt V' Plrnannt twp., dec'il. 7 Account nf S.itnticl ' t msv. a.lm'r. of C. .Mlnot Fuiltli, Into of MII!ll'itnniii.Hlp, ilcc'd. 8 riiialnccnttiit of San.iiel Creasy, uilm'r. rfehnnii tioa.of I nincliiis Reynolds, lato of illfllln tivp., dec'il. I) The sreount of It P ,Mcnn,-h, (luar.llan of tho per son niul cstnto nf llewllt tl. Ilodiuo, n minor ililld ol ...Millie, tiec .1. 10. The account or hn A. rmiston, ndm'r. of Mnrtha fiihnoley, Into of .Madison tontishlp.dee'd. .!'. !'.'"' ""''V1" of John Ptaley, adm'r. of Johtnoh Plait Into of Pino ttip.,.iic'.l. 1J Tim account of Iriitn Kstr nnii Vin. Piatt, ndm'rs.. of llmjuiiilti plait, l.itsi.f 1-Inls-iHp.T.lcc'il. 1.1 The first and llmil account ofiivilllam Shullr. nn.I her 'Pilmnn.iidiii'fs. of John 0. Klnuy, late cf Mad. I son tu p,, dec'il. '. IIAMKI. LtERiiiMTKR, P.lonmshiirs Jan 111, I8C3 CIS-, T SIIEiilLF S SALli. 51 VirtllO Of a lint Of Levari. FaCMf.l ' f. to me illrecte.l. issued out of thn Court at, Common Pleas of tho Homily of Columbia, will bo e.x pu.ou io pumic sale on Motlu), tli 'Id day of Ffbrnrt't, al one o'olucl., p. m. of said d.iy at the Cnntt House, in l.lonin-biirij, tli.f.ll.inlii;t Real Estate to wit: - All that certain tract of land, situate, in ! llio tniin-hlp of (, In thu cnuntv of Col. in llio iitubi.i. bijliu.iiij nt ,i I'h, tnut corner rf lands of1 llftijuinlu llatt, nii'l ticoiK" Hlrino, north sixt.en .1". ! crei i ea-t, one hun 'r .1 nn.I f,i.uteii perch to n p itt, I iii.-n. ,- ,j .eioi-.o iiiiiiu l.e.llino so. nil Si'VIMliy-lniir ih-iree, iii.l, il.My tun and fivct iiths por.h.s Ion po.t, theme by of the h Irs of I, amen, south I sKteen , frees went .ma'd and fenrtei'ii p. rilus . t" u port, th' i.e" by lain'aof ll. Unit. iwMiivf-jur il.-' zrewe.t clchlv-tiio neich s loth" m.i. u i.fli clnnlnv ' contaliilni; llfly iuu nm. n lialf at-r'-s inor" Or 1 .... , rtly of Joseph Everett with node" to term teinuts IO-IAII II, I'H.l.ll ,.,, .,'. Plooin burg. Jan. 10, 1I-I3, GdAND JURORS FOP. l'EHRL'Al'.Y TE11.M, 1 00:1. Illooni John Sterner. Ilnrnu'h of Rerwlrk John .McAnall. lleav .-r Ella, .--nyder. I outre Levi Hutchison, John '.aticr, Henry Hess, ( liutou llerrimr, Cattiu.i..!i -IViu. Zarr. ri.liiii.'tcteek -.liihu llcllenrv l iai.klin - Hit un J Reeder, Tims. Ilowur (lie nwoo.l 1'atlnns Ipplemnn J, uk. on -Jnccb Vounir Locii.i Samu. I Adams. Ilnii.i Hmick, CcrJ Ilow'cr. Henry KI.on.l-, Leonard Adn.'n-.. .Madison- Win. ll'ii'teiitecii, Wm. Krcamcr, OraiiU'-Jis li Uli) hurst Pine -1 u Pur. el llo.i'iujcrd k Philip Cool. H, oti-t'liniles I'owkr. TRAVERSE rnn rilKRCARV JURORS Tr.p.M, laun. r.lnom-Jmlah Pn.iee, rhilip Uiiangst, Cliatlcs Kah- e r, ,ioj. pn wiarpl, as. I'or II rnrfi Tounsnnd llonne. Ile.iver-Cliail'., MrVirlrtt'l. Ilri.irrre k David rilialf r, ft Samuel Conner Calt i'i u-a H u.. Crir.-y, rici jntnln Viller. (tcurgc PreN h. L'cMru - Jo'in Croier. Cyrus fpiding. C.ioj 'iclni.i - Alex.mler W. R h I'rH.ikltu ,1 in .Ikii'di, Ihiol 'l '.arr. Ocorye Scrtl, Pifliinc' re k m. Hittknlriv. (i.'niiuo.l -Isue P,.tlou, Ceoru Washburn. Joseph Kill-r. II. lulnrk -Robert Ril.sel, Cyrus Ree... L... o,l -Pet' r lliller. ,lr C. oiRe Kr-ll r. Peter llelii is .Ma.'i-ou-Alfred len, John j.astsller, JohnSmitli, II 'tit) Vnsn- r. M.lllni I nineii. I Kirkcmlall. Pun- .loieph ? i. e'i:mk,.r, Israel Posart, Jacob Dr'i, Id bis. Su;arl'..r -J unes P. Kile. Win A. Kile. d'4 11 M !M t ! Ufottniibitrp, i'nluinb'a County, Pennu. SILAS DO D SON, i'i'oprirfnr. 'I'nk - pleasure in anno. inrinc to the public that he 1 hait.ik.'li and lllou.ililh y r. lltte.l 111- l'opks Hotel ;iirm.-il) o-cipi .1 by Koli-rt Hnii.'i.liu. h. InooiilMire, , it'id is jir pur a to .icco.oo.l.'ile tiuveller- f 't'osl. is. ' droi eis un t hotr -crs. Il.s t.ibl ' w ill h i suppli l wit ti I b, -t pro.iu.ts Ih - iii.ii k-t- all' rd, mt-i hi. liar will be ' iou,i.ni1l. fjrui h .. Willi th chi.ic-t lei'iois, i . A hits an 1 . nuei i 'i'.'i, ,t.'ihl, Ii i Ii '. n crert"il, i w tth n i . nv-oi -tit ,tmi' att,,ilK'i AK'-i.-ive o.l.ets I W ill t.lvv.t , s I., in atlll-la'.i. e nu 1 he tt i.-t- In . rldi-it." alt ntiinto i iEt".ii r iv ill me him .i lihiral rharuLf pi.troinir, -lllo.i.ii' li'irj. P.1..N11V.-JJ, ISOJ, TIIH Prep, rn'lon is ileii Ii i l) th" best rr.lirtitut for P'lte Jav.ih Cod'.' that has (n.r linen on'Ted to llei piiiilic. .ilaiiiii'...tnr"l v lib L'r at car mid so Ii tpi-ily i oiuliiu -il ,mii pur" criv p, a- to r. lain enmplet.f) iho 1.1: le, tl-ivi r ami p 'i nil ir annua or th b-t Jaa or mo ilia Colfec, withoul .mi of it inionou, ,a ,n. II'.- feel as-ureil it w ill hu ii-- d l.y tans rf Iho.ismnls who cnnnol ii..' th coll' e pure witun'it Miif-riu t: trotii nervous .1 1 -., t ,. r-. s 11 Ii ns Mental depres-iou,'ss, Idlioiis deraniiiMiieiit-., In.lis. ttiou. Dyspu psia with other s)iipious t" '.n riil pro-t. trillion. THE "UNION" COFFEE Coniplet. Ii the n ireo'tic ttTi.rt of Hie pure arti. k', allr.iM.i3 .1111 om-to itijoy a mini.. 11, cup of ex. ell' ut 1 "If " v. nh. nt any mi I. nsant i tl'ect. II. ins It a tnv, 11 itniiu.H an I fpialy iijjrce.ibln to tile bitt r.felT. -, lie I'-t I co'.tldeitt from I tie I uutiLM so d. maud by prii.itur.iinilles,tl,at it will be unitetsally U-I'll. filling much f.irtltnr than orrtin iry rotfee, nl 0nlyh.1l price, 11 1 anum tail to le; pen, rally inltodi'crd. nlttPi 1 loss, -Pruparu tin sainc as oriliuary cntT-'o hoilinr; will. !'"" A lull supply constantly for sale nt I'rone ikliPs U'h L'.ui' llrus r't'.re, :ii7 surtli "llilrilStred, Philadelphia. Janunry 10, lei3. t'iibilC n(iiPl ffl" l.ft'iif-Pji. "JVOTIf'i: i" her !.-.' giv. nihil th- f dlniving psrsons 1 illl.'i III.-I laio'lllt) li.v .- filed lln ir p till. Of in th Con it of (lii.Tter S s-ious.ot said c 'inily. 'I'av ru .-lid Slue 1.1 Hi. ir r n 'live tew w Inch tald pilitin... villi 1. pr 'set t. ,1 1, the t ij.l l'n ir 'tl ''loiiihiy. th Virl day ,f P brnluv A D Irl'l. r, wlili hall partp s int. ru-fd will tnku tiilice. iiie! tl". 11 ..swill n g'aiin.ioo im .lucsiinv. t 1" 4lh ilav cf 1 etiruiry next. At'ii.i. ants. ,U O (0(l,, p. ui, 'I'ow nshlps. T.ncrn Scon. Ree.e ',.( nnr,, IViHatd Crien, Inri'li II. l'rv John l.iggntl, llir.1111 Smulhers, Cteetivvond, ll-rv. I -k. JACOD EY1 RLV, Mlonmibiirg, Jan. 10, ISf.3 E R T R A Y H. A M E to the premises of tho ub-eribor, in Jeikson tewi:. hip. roluii.bla counly torni tin e T" i' 'i.-.her Inst H1 ' STC!','?, ?:'.2Li.t.? vviih n white face, a hole u the left ear mid a -lit in tho right, and is tvvoycarsnll pin,t.' left ear. 'Jim owner Is requested to come forward. Prove propMty. met payi har;es, or they will bu du.pu.ed of accoraiiigioiaw- HIRAM FIAICDK, Janunry Id. If"! -31 ADMIN IbTHA'J'OU'S NOT1 ,E. Esiide of Jaecb Si'F.fried. thee, isnf. I'.TIT.R of A loinlstr itin'inn Ih- I' tati of Jacob Sigl'rl.'J, lit"!''".!!.'. I.vp , Colit'iibi 1 eo, (l.-.',. i,,,..,, ..7,, ,,,1 hy th It -.-" , tnj-i,. ; nil person h. v r rt , ,11 enlil l CO., (ii" " rui'i.i 1 1 in I person n, vim 1 laiiit- iig.iit'si itei en f. nfih-' dei. d "il are r,"iu t'lt'.prs m ih in In the A I ria 111 i dralrlA at It I re iii Hill I Imvii.hin w III.- nut diliv, mi l all p r on 11t.l1 bid to make p.,) muit ' 1 jri iv. 1111. L'H'ISA SIP.GPRIEII. .MmrV. Jnnrary 10 t-f.1. - 1iv. l jh. ADMINISTRA I'OR S NOTICE. Iht- .to. of Unni-l ifarnhrrr, ikce t-etl, (I! ITERS nf Admitlistrnlionon lie. rst.ile of Daniel ll Iter, hlo of I.... u.ttoivii.litp. Columbia ro ihc use',, Ii tvo been arani "I by the ll.gkt. r of Colum bia nullify, to llm un .-rsign1 d ; nil persons having . t .: I... ,..'..,- .......... , rr.,,...,... I I.U, ins tie.. m. '. - . i'. ' en,., or, rtcoi tli, oil to thu 'i diniuktiiilrix. at her resi. lieu. eln sanltovvii.hip, vvitlio'it iklny, uudsll persuui iu.kbk'dio make piiynieut fi.rllev Hit. HANNAH IPHlNllHRUEIt, Jinr'i. January Id, IS03.-4W. $! 00. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. li'viriHi! of Jonathan I'y, deceased. rr.TTJ'.HSnf Adinlnlstrallon on the Estate or Jona Jlhun I'ry. lato of Montour town, hip, Columbia co deceased, havu lieeu grained by tho llcsis'.er of Colum bia rn to Iho under. igued all persona having claims ngainst the cuato of thu dccenilcnt nro requoslcd to preseuttlium 10 Ihn unilerslgiied, at hit rcsidrnco in ialdtownshlp, without delay, uiidall pcrkons indebted to make payment forthvvllh, . , , 1 PI-.TEU liniNllACH.-TiisiV. January 10. 1603.-Iw, 9! 00. Of Every Variety and islylc at the NEW VIltM or M ILL E It k S V I S II E R, IN jr.RBUYTOtVtV. avingjii,'t received our Spring Slock. from th i Kisti rii Markets, w-o feet ileii.rnii,n,i to sell (loo Is nt ,t I Itlto lower prices than they can be fiutliiucil tlsewlicic. oun motto in "Small Profits anil Quick Returns" Tin public nrn respectfully solicited to call and examine onr -lock li foro pi rclinst tir ciscwhere. nsue c.hnriru nntlilne for elinwlng our Roods. Produce of all kinds taken lor uoods, . Mii.hiin &swisiii:ii. Jerscylnwn, May 3. 16C4. liLOOHdllUltG SKYLIGHT, ....... .....tnr.lsne.l lurorms tbn rltifeos of t'.li.m.. I miit nelalihorhoud, thnt lie hns tnkut the large room Inlhu I'.xr'mlicc lllink, intendiiii! over Mt ssr . Sinner fox's l.iikury. niul ine nooist.ire wnere ne i.asput in nlaris SkvlHi' t. It Isonly by Skylliihtthat Koo. pc. ires can hM ton especially croups w here eaih person iiivn v well iis set. nrittc. Italia gnu tni-otislileriilile expanse to make his rs iililis'i nent first rlassnn", and hu lhrcforu solicits a In rtl ii.itru lit" to enable him, toconslniitly liniodtice in , ..iinpriven.elits of the nit. fly-Co'in ) proditcotelieii In llxchmise for pictures. UV-i-o'D JI HBNK Y KOHKNij POCK. ninom-buri!. T.'ov.'il IWil. Mnv. 0 ', I SAPONIFIEHI SAPOtf IKIEU 1 1 I n-r rill! t'AMII.Y SOAP MAKER m I All Kitchen Orea- can bu made IntojjnoJ BOAT, ijr ln 8AI'ONIf'lLI'.I ET-llHlEOTIOXS AOCOMPANYINO EACH BOX I BOAP Is cmlly ma.lo with It. ns makins n cup of col' Wanut.M.lurc.1 only l.y inn t iiieiiues., PA. SALT MANUl'ACTO'U.Nrt COMPANY. No li" Walnut Street PIULADf.l.rHlA. a . nr vrV" ptfrt "7nrv run n MAtjA OlhnlJ., JSU r J-tlllilJ 1). G. PIEGUIST, Pp.ornir.Tort. r, . r j, JT.I T I .... r Fortlltrly f om M&IC lloltl JelMttiOH, t a 'p V RIlOAD.-'. Cir.Ris, Mircii 1JI " l"ni. "J GOUGU DROPS! COUGH DPiOPSl! (-VERY body us. s l'RO'ir.t'ini.iis' couun m-.oi-s V4 It act. p.-o.npllv lines arrestlitJ the worst cold in 44 liouts. In nil nll' ttions of the Chest, Throat, wli"lh r ni-iiU or chronic 11 w III he found of imtii nllate lieii.'lU. Try 11 siiisle bottle and) oil cannot fall to ap pro ittt,' lu'iiefu!tie-s. l'ur Sale by most nil Storekeepers nnil Druggist. Prepared by C. rRON'EPir.' I). No. 317, N, :id.StPhiladelhla. N'oy. Ifi, lHRI-mn. JOHN S. LEE k CO , No. Ill, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. AXll SHIP CUA NI) T. E I? S, Spun Caiilkini!. Ilojlca. Twitus.Tar, rilch, Onkiuu. laock., and Oars. .v.c. Au-ust 4, IKO- 1-Jui. Wive P. 'f4' GJi-jjaesii i' r Knit , lot of superior P1111. Pr.oorCii:Nr,cpeclally mlap. t, .1 for .'in.'liliaa Roofs, One i-illou wilt tov.r llnl leci 01 or iinnry rnianc. a:. I Is Ins. led proof n.'aii.,t linn and W7t wiatlur. Can be inaniifat'tiirers prices, i.y uie .-aiiou or nan liarrci, nl the ollici ef the uo. uinuia Democrat. LEVI I, TATE. ninomshiirs, July 13, lfil. GIBSON'S A N 1) CGA7IT s;sTni.5si3,7j!:tVr, Iio. 125, Scuth Eleventh, Street near V.'alnut, Enameled Olass, Frctro, Oil and Encaustic I'aiiitin John f-in-ov. o. II. Cusov. JatiHiiry I J, In..I 3m., XiMiias ami "J 111'. Proprietor of this wetl know 11 and centrally locn I ted House, thu EicttiNun Hniti., rllunte o ;nii, SIr.'f I, in liloniu-li'irg, iiiiineileili ly 'peosite Hie Collin, In a Count) Court IIoiijc, respiitlully ii-.Totms his fri nils a-til Hie p ill in 111 general, (hat his Ho. is- is 1101. in or der I'-r th'' r c- pitoii 1111,1 em, rtaiumeut of I ravel, rs n hi, may I 'I'll p d Io lav or II vv nh their ( list....!. He ', ,s s pa'r"-! no xp 'Use iu -reputing thu lli it io', for iu eni. itainment ot his gu. sis. iieiHo r shall lie re De any thing winning (i n Ins parti In luiuift r t" He ir personal comfort. Ill house is spailous and L'liioy.s .111 exc.' 1km I bii.-iu est' ration. ! , Oiouil.ii'.'s run at all limes between the Etching ! H'.t-1 mi't the various R11I Ro.i-1 I) p.,t., h) vvhn h tinv el -is will bu pirasautlv convey .110 uu: truutlu re Kiiective Station in due time to meet th" Car. W.M. It. K00.N3. Illootnsbiirg, July 7, I.-ll. BAKERY k COFEOTIONARY. ;. .!ip j ho undersigned continue his akery and Cnrfr tiooaryitp .1,'am Sulci, L.xtha .u Ruik.inss, w he keep FPi E Sll HUE A D, PI S A NO OA KU constantly on hand. Parties sit plied w ith cake on lib oral terms. All 1 inds nf fruit, Vrgikhles, rrnvlslns, &c daily received from the Cities good and fresh-cheap, Ice ti'aui pupated nt :il cts. -er ql. Small beer, Candies, Nuts of all kinds. tc Kept for D. 8 POM'.R. niloomsbiirg, June 21, UK. HA' HAi': AX 3) W1STM CA?i, n55'1033'u New Ciipnp Klorr. Th : unil. rfkn"il has Just received from tho Eastern Cities 1 sup. r.or.assorlinerit of Winter g Hats nii-1 Caps, 5vJ? t'..iilirsng ev 'y sort. sir. 1 and quality, vv hlrh will he .-..I I ..t 1. ..a. '1,1. v . wi- pir 1 ... Al' . -iv hi, Ii h 1 till" ll t if kill-. -lOI'O I'O f, III I I,1M0S to un lies the at vi.licn of SUajmukors and th public Alo. (Ji'llf.'i RIi:s. MOt.A-H. S, and nnilnn generally. I : -('all nt ll'e li.'ip lint and Cap Emporium, on Mum c Hiu Lxcli.inje. JOHN K CIRTO.V. Illooinsbure, Nov.', la(.S NEW BARBER SHOP. Cn (dtitt iloiisn Alley, ssjt seoa to Tilt orncE or thk "coLrMntA ntinrRer,' B LOOM so una FA. NovcmbJr s If'i. j'ubi. 0 &IUAI11:, irn.Kr.s nAiiF.r., fa. ri-iirnneerf i;nril. Iinving (alien tins wrii-Kiioivn sinun I L .Inrm-liy 01 .iiejo- 1 iin'iuauguj, n.-tu 1.. A.., .,ir.,, 01 ih,- n lldie No p.11.1 will b - sp iral in any of its dcpmtmMit ro tcnJ't uti foltou t" nil au-.t. The TAUI.K mid tha I1AR willaLvays be supplied w lili tho RtST THE V ARRET AITORIkt. i "T- On el - tabling f"r "ors-siin.. niieimvo nosii-rs. Th,! "lUih it.g " is eli.' limited on Hie Public S pi-lC". Vl'l lots ui' r, ioiu y .1...., u , 1. ...,(.- us .111, 11 lug 1 ' m or '..,..j ."'."." i"-... nd - .. .. , 1 ,-!,l. N.ll Win never you como to tow n, please call. IL J. YAPLC Wilksg-narrc, Nov 13. 1B0QI ATTENTION! TO Al.l WHOM IT MAY CO.VCrLV. 71r:in,cr.isneil ti"ing n regnl.Tly "llcenssd ne tiniu'cr." h r'-hy olf rs his .ervices ns surh to all vvhotnny fell to give him call. Ills great OMierienco in III " builnesi, will rnnbl.i him to render ui Maoinu to ins ( usvoi.i.'is. n. in- . .... .-... .. until. 11 all Aiullonceih. 'not lic.'isi"!.' from billowing uidnill'uq, ns llei (Ine tlxod Ly llio I'nited States will uri'lvb il.iiposcd.mi'ltlij law carried out In its full , extent All persona ilesinlng to oblnln my services, w ill plcnsii inform mo to that r IM h'fu'" J hey jilvur 1 to. SIOrJESCOH M IN, p.loomsburg, Pa,,Nnv.S.lef3 Aurtionte. I WANTED I For Fortress Monroe. Poultry of all kinds. Veal, Calves, itc.evrry Wed nesday. Ilultir anil Ejbj. lor winch liberal prlci will bu paid, , Fall Goods, Just rccrivsrl and trill be sold at fait prices N, secoy. lutcytoiv;,Ocl, M. 1831 Im. I '1W0 FARMS i ft'OK SAfiBJ mi RliXV. hi rr sale or rent, the two follotr s ihi V "'"""' nf " "nt,. lu I'ishiugcreek town I ship, ColinuMa eoiuily, (ontslniiiis j , ONE JIlIiNDrfED AGUES, i rJl'l 0.r.'.c,, I1'"".1 n'y-no o-i-os. or r, i.(cJi lS'll "c",,'l lnn,l. ivliercoii nre erected n Rood Mhiro&i"' W-0 1,ou'c' -"- C"- "'! .tf.SO; Onn other I'nrm. sllnneii, nnn,nn , ii Columbia county. contnl,,u township, ft-. ONE II UN DH ED k TIIIUTV-PIVE tl2:nT,1 VlU,y-yhB ,u,c" "fivhlth is liiVin.i' : . J . '" ""k'.-. rr " ' arm Is sllnato on i.iiotcsiiii water. '.",-Tiv.i oili creek tnivn.bli. 1. 1 .fit v-i . . creek tntvn.hi . i , , ' """.ne in rih ni i, il r o Vi V,1'.,1. . "? 1" I'l'hinacree Road, and cnS loiln rrouiPtili Wnl and Hit otl. . . ,., ...--...., ,. ..v. , "i muni, i, i'.,..... ..... . " . .?. . " """.".'i. ... i . ., io u nn.I ir.m.i i.,.ti.n.,... ....... ' "I'.,..... ....I ..... . .7. ......a- .'., . , lu.i.uiH ns maun know n by 50,cek,AuS,.t30.Ie.V'U'1'UI 'Kl:,',l' Paul k Thompson General tominlsslon Werclianls, im i o , . rmtrns m ' Iish, Provisions. Plour, muter, Ch-c,e. Oils Iwled I'rulls, tlraiu, Heed,, eahs Whiskey, Wool Country Produce ml Merihandc ' Rcncrnlly. No. 31 Noitii WiuiivEs, rniMnEM'iiiA. 0 JJs2! l 5? Cfl ' ii MANUFA CM R Ell; PP.l.NTt.NO. WRII.Ni.j URAPPIN-o PAPnr.3 AOSIST 101 TB4 riTUTts.A rm, MILLS. Main Btrsrt. first l..,,rb-lnw the Public fc-puare. WiLKESRAUUE, PA. Nov. as, leui-isHi. I r P 1 IIURflfl, PA., Corner Penn mid Pt.CI.iir 3 The lamest Commercial Hetinnl of n.n I'nite.i mi,,,.,.. wilh a patronage of nearly a.mill Studonts, In five )e.'irs from 31 States, mnl th- iint-j mm uI.k 1. riil' e-,n,nt-.l., un.l rell.tbl iiistruclloii 1 11 n't the follow in.' briinches! i,: Mercinlile, Mitiini'a. Hirers, Steam lloat Railroad and Cook-ke plnir. Pir,t P-eniliitu Plain mid Ofiininen. (al I'.'lini.lll-tilii ; a., Sutvellll'T. Hlleinei rl...- mi, I .ILilhet.'iatics generally. Q35.00 Pivsforn Commercial Cout,o; Snidcilts enter and rc t lew at .my time " Minister' sons' tuition nt half price I or Ciitalo-ue f ui pages, Specimens nf llusiness P. nmaiiMilp. nn.I a b-nstlful College vieivol H pitiire fit. c"ntining n good vnrktv ot wriling lettering and flourithliij, Inclose 21 cents in stumpstu the Prinrlpals JI.NKI.VS & aillTII, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 1!), Iff.-J ly. NEW FANCY GOODS. rp!It: subscriber has Jut received n lot oriloaicry. jL 'I rlmmiiigs. and Woollen (ioods, such as caps, n t; 11 1 1: s, S O N T A ( U, C A e I II A I, D I E 3. Z E P ll Y R 9, S II E T I. A N IJ W O O L. fa C. .1 . O. OI.OV1W, IlOOPSKIRTff, ril'WS, DOLLS, SATCIIRLf", POR I MONIES, AND OTIIt.R NOTIONS. C3' Wheeler A. II llsoies l-ewing Machine for sale. Also-Mri. .- lien's Hair Reitorer, which wi 1 giVe to gray hair it natural color, a. n IVf.KP. Vet fhorbtha OonH House ' 111 joiiHinir'j. f 1.1, leoJ ISo.iMi nzitl LTjoI for Sn.e, r?'IIE Subscriber offers for t-nltthe prop- i erly recently occupied by him In Illoomhur-,con-AtSi skiing of a f 7. jji Large rind Convenient Floust, & Ixllit and fifn vvell lmproTcd Lol nf about two acres of Innd 'I he premises are in perf.ct rr f.nir Appli cation msy be madetoC. R. liiicknlevv, at I'loomslntig, W. J. WOODWARD," P.rnilins, October M. 18i.S-Sni. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate if Ihnnj Gmrhart. deceased, r FI'l'EP.S ol iidtninistrntio'i on th-Estate of Henry LJ fJenrii trt Int.. ofle itier twp. Columbia rn.. rfccV., Invel.e.-ii er.inteil bv the Ii' gi t-rnfl co.. to the un e rcijou.l ; all persons I1.1v lug rlnim- ngain.t the es-tal'i-l'th- ik.ed'i.t ere r, qm -t.-d to pres. -. it th, mlo the uu.lersigr.e.l, nt liner r -si len'',' in said township, without delav. ami all persons unit bled to uiuke pa) -incut I'oithvv.ih. PCTP.R r.RARH'IRT, Adm'r, C ITHAI1IVE liEAUilAKT. Adm'i. Decctnbor 27. leW-Cvv. -JJ. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate rf John Rarig. deresid, rr.TTP.RHnf Idinlnistr.ition on the Estate of John J'q, li.te 1 f Rorring. reck tot-, n. hip. Columbia co.. ilcren, il. have b-'en grni, ted bv the Register of Coluin bin county, tn the undersigned; all p'rso'.s hiving clnitus ngiunt the estate of the decedent .ire reqiieatc.l to pres. nt them to the Idntinistrat.nn .it his residence in nid township, without delav. n'ld all persons in (kbted to make piyin?nt fnrthwilh. .I1COII LOSCENBERCFR. Decemhsr C7, lai'J.-f.iv. $'J. AHu'r. 6; C'.oojibburg S, .?. Co. ,y OiTi'i: i h 'r. by plv. n. thit the Annual Meeting ' 1 of fin- kindlier- will bo h. Id at the public bouse of Usury Haas, m ar the Kingston In pot on Mondiy, tht I2tkd.iil of January, next, between th- hour- i f tw-lvo o'clock noon, and four u'clo. k I' M , fir the purpose of electing ,1 lRESIIUAT, AND TWELVE DlRECTORt), o servo for tip ensuing year. P. PETTEBONE .Secretary. Kingston, Use M, luC.V3t. S. 33 .!. A7ii 225iir WfV'S IVIIOI.P.SAI-i: AND RETAIL DEDDINU AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, No. 'Jj Notth S-cnnd Street, Opposite Christ Church, Plllt.AhhU'UlA. T? Constantlv rn hand, a large assortment nf Reds, Matlrcs-cs, I sllla.. s. ('unburns. II. nr. Husk, Cattail' nn.I nil articles in th" linn at the lowest prir-s. N II. Particular attention aid to renovating Nov and "PI I'entli rs. March i, IcOl. lSro. f TOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philad- f 1 'l.h'.i-for the Relief ofthe Si.k and Dl-trrssed uniiclml with I'lrulent and Chronic Diseases, nn.I rs p ' inlly .-i 8s- of the s. mil i trgans. .Medical Ai'vi".' given Oralis by the Ictnig Surgeon Valuable RLPORTS on SP.-UMATOI! RIKEA or SI! ,1N I, VI l AKM'.SS. nnHother Dis Hsesnt the Sex u il Organs, nnd (in tin NEW REMEDIES employed In lit" Disper.pary, s nt in staled letter envelope, ircu of rh.irge. s c 1 J. SKIOUnilTOV, Howard" A Association I.Upr '.' . J i en Vinth Street, fill 3. ICii'-l-Jm. RMV Jlil.S:.? I..ND3 FOJl SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS. Saitnble for Oripe, ienrb.-s, Prars, Raspberries, Htrewb 'rrk s, 111 rklutries. Curr.nt., &c, op .. ais, 10 ia vili nrrcs f aril, m Hie following prices for the present, via: '.' uirislor $i('0, 10 tier, s fur (110, A acres for ,0, il ncrrs for $10, 1 ucre for 1.'0. Payable by ono dollar n xveek. Also, good Cranbury lands, anil illage lots in Cheat wood, io liy lim fei t, at $ HI each, pn)aMe by rna dol lar n wiek. The above land and farm. nr situate ut i'h.,ativno I, Washington township, Ilurlingtnn counly. New J' rsey, I'or further inloriuation, apply, w nh a P. 0. fcitamp, for n circular, to II FRANKLIN CLARK, No, PO Cedar fctrcct, New Yutk, N. Y. Januaty 17, ISlll. MOM-OIK'S IrAitDKLSOS fOFFKE. crt.l'.tln.i. Intid.l from thu best Java CoiT.-O. ll . recn'oui 'ii.led by pliysi. pans n n superior N I'TRITIOL'S I -llp.VhRAtiE fur (i.m nil Il. bility, Dyspepsia, nud all 1 billions disorders. T'ho' who havn been coinpell. ed to alnn lnn Hiu n-u ol toll' o will u.u this wiihoul in- T'll I Jurioiis ell'ects. One fan (onli.lus the ttrcnstll of two liounds of onlinnty rotfen. Pricu cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, '1P.V.K Prieo Ij cents MiMjrArTCRr nv M. II. KOLLOOK.Cbcmist, Oorner of llroad and C hestnut fluents, PHILADEIPIilA And sold b all Dnnfijiits an.) Orec.ri. Match S9,leW- Km. 10,000 PIE 3ES WALL PAPERS IN 7A7, IIO.I) I'AVV.Kit, tiur.n I' r nixorun toxs, MJtlini.K JIS'I) O.IK I1KC0HATI0.Y8. jfiwrjt.Yh ('Kns. r.jit.Y.ixj ii ma i rv commo.y r iPF.ns, nonm:ii. Finn no.iiw mutts, statuiw, iili.yus. inc.. r.ra.. Will r sot.) at sroatly reduced prlcos, al the papcf lian"ln" rooms of the Hrore Homo, on rJecond tindsrsljneil in Jildon Rupert' kcl. Alio sircci, a tew uoori dciow .liar. Piipnr Hanging Executed In the best style, at modulate prices and In mlfk.jjjn , . ... E. J. TliOltNTCiN, moomstrurj, MayJ, Iff.a aim STOVE AND TIN-WAUE SHOP. rt tilt underslffi.e.l urn. 1,1 Inf.i.n. .Ii . au.,1 - lllonin.biirv and t iclnltv. that he has In. t m Kni irvtfi clvc.l niul oners for sale onoof ih 'C ..e.l.kl'.llj. ...I u ...... ..rt v.-t , ... i diuii,!, j tv.'r Inlro.lurcil Into this mailet. The Chrltopher C'n Kiiini.v, j... ..en noun ii ii o ,ione am qui niR tu urn rifts a rookins StoVes.nll of wlili h are nlr-Lsht and tjns tmrncr Ills Parlor .toves nro nn.1 the nssurti lent va rind. AI,0-Pnrtlculnr attention Is pai'l to TinAVar. and House HtiouliiiK, upon ihnrt notice. All kinds repalilni! IVIll ho iloiie wilh rientness un.l ileipatch. C Cuuntty pro.luco taken in exclinnce for work. 1'IiII.IP S. .MOYER. r,tonnisaitrs. May 10, 180S. NEW COLUMBUS ADA DEMY. . Tile Columbus Main nn.I 1'rnult Academy, will opem tt, nrit term, nron Tuesday iho fill of inv. ItCS. This school Hirers ritpcrlor Inducements to alt whe nrcrieslrmtj of acquiring an nredcmlcal Vduratlon to prepare for leaching or ta oMaiu u thoreu;b knoitlede or any of the modern or anck-nt laneuagcs, I'or further Information enquire or K.&.hlNCIIAM.rrlnelpal.. or of Jom Ktvns, B.r al Hew Colunslrui, I,mot co., Pa, Oet.u. in. NOTICE AND CAUTION ALL persons are hereby cautioned against putcliaslnr or in anyway taking an assignment nf n nolo hand railing fot 3.5, riven hy J. II. P.iuM, nud endotssd by Ju.lce McRuyuiilds, .luted soma three mouths since, wlili M said Note lias buen tost or ml. laid. . , I'. CIIRISTIAM. Madison township, Nov. 8, 18G. 3t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. EUate if Danvl Itcigd, det'd. KTTE.IIH testamentary on therstate of Daniel Reli Jgcl, late of I oc.ut township, In Columbia couty peieased, have been gtautcd by the Rpjlsler ofColum. bii counly to Hie un.lersijii.ed also residing in ssi l township ; nllpfrsntm haviu; cliims against tho cstat of Hie ileceml ntarn r. "inustedto ires';iit Iheni to the l.xer.itcf nt his residence lu snitl torvnihln. wllhuu ,dtlay. and uli persons iltdcl.tejl tn lonke pnyment foub I". rc.i i.ii i. iiuiiiit.i,, icrtuusr, ,"nibr.6,sr,L B. IM'rRTANT NOTICE 1 'VTHP. PA'I'P.ONS OP TUP. m OTICK U hereby .given, that tho sub. rii'tni. 1. I... ...V. ocription nni ni vcrtis. j,.- n, fk neiier 01 uie i-tah . Tin; i.- nrc placed in tlia liiitid(or.iIrs,Viii, II. Jscobyuf lliinill,i,llrs, rr i,mM. diale collet ti .n. Tim Ldlvir of said lialng been dralled, and obliged to go to war, it is ccsmry thnt prompt payments ho m uln in dur thnt his fondly may have means of support. Your ci.rly idtcnti.m to till mutter may save costs and prove n.lvniitngcous to bid lamliy. WM. It. Jal'OUY. rito. Star vf Iht A'orth. Junuary IO, t?63, ADMIN ISTIiATOR'ti NOTICE. Estate of Jacnon George, deceased. X ETriHia of .iilmiiii.tration on thn Estate of Jack. JL. son Cf urge. I itu of Locust township, Columbia couiitv, deceased, have been granted by Itif Register of Col.t-ubla counly tn .Mary tleorgonnd Peter K. Her belli, ailmitiirdrntnr, all persons having clnimg ngainst the I'stato of the decedent, uro reqiie-ted to present Ihem to the iidiiiliiistrnturs at their residences In l.o oust tow uship, vx illioot di lay. and all persons Indebted lu make puv incut forlhivllh. M 1RY ftEORflE. PETER K. IILRIJEIN. Juimary 17, lS'VJ-Gvv. SJ, Administrators JAMES 1.VFORTF.R JtA'D H. SMITH, tl'llOlXSJlLE DKAl.Ell BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, (UN'S, AND LinUORS, OENERALI-Y, No. 323 Walnut Sis., between '61 Athi PHILADELPHIA. C. a. rtENPsY, Traveling Agent and Salesman. Sy OnnrRs ResprcTHHXY "SouciTrn. Novtmber Si, I eSi.'J. y. W YORK MEDICAL INSTI TUTE. A benevoletit Institution endowed for tho cure l Chronic Diseases of every ndturc, and to protect inva lids quuik advertisers itnd impostors. No cht r ges ,'xrrpt for .llediriiie until ttired, and in case of ri treme .overly treatment fiee. No Minerals or Pcisn oils Drugs tifcd. The Physlt inns have had long and ex tensive experience both in privnlu nn.I Hospital prac tice, "the follovviiigaresomu of llm cotnplaitits to which" special uttention is given. All diseases nf tho Head , Throat Lungs, Heart Stomach, Llvor, Kidney, Madder, Kb iimati -in. Fits, Cnurer. Piles. Nervous All'ection. Diseases of the Sexual Organs, e-cmiiial IVcakuess, Im. poteni e and Virulent dieea-es .f evtry nature positive lyrtre.l. I'ircases of I'einnles and all Itregularatiet siircessl'ullv treated, liliriiltiess nn.I Iicafness cured wilhoiit painful operations. Patients trcnteil by letter, by .ending n statement of their tase. Medicine sent t any part of Hie country. Consultation free to all. Address, Stump enclosed, DR. L. OKAVl S. Ci nmlting Thysician. l.UO Lroadway, New York City. Aprils. r?B2-l2m. tin ,n j m a 3 ?. ay tu v a-i ll ) UreaiTSaiTAEBiTiEE $2 i'a.VjT', 5". E, corner Third and Do'Jc Streets, PH1LADELPA1A. Hat made loonier, orany St)lu or finality at Short Notice. January 4. IcM. Cm. MAISHOUD, JiZli- now Lost ! How Restored ! Just Published In n Sealed Envelope : Price dels: A Lccturonn the Nature. Treatment nnd radioal cura ..f Spermatorrhea or seminal vvc.kness, involuntary l.mmtssluus, sexuni ueunii,.. nun iiiipeoiiiirius io our ring,, gim rallv. nervi iisnrss, eniisumptinn, rpiknsr and fits ; mental and plu-ical incapacity, resulting troio .elf abuse. ir lly Robt. J. Culvi rvvell, M. D author of the Orern Fool.. 4 c The worlil-reiiowueii null. or. in mis lire, ilenrly proves trnin his own experience that the lawful cense jiiencesof sclf-ubusu may bo cllWiunlly r moved without iiiedirine, and without dangerous sur gicul operation, bougies, instruments, tings, or cor dials pointing out a mode of cute at once certain and etl'ettuat, by vvhnh every stitTerer, no iimlter w hat his condition may lie, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically, 'I hi lecture will prove a bcon to thou sands nu.l thousands. Sent under senl, in ti plnin envelope to any address on the receipt of in cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing ' Dr. CIIA9.J.C. KI.INT,, 1.7 Bowery, New York, PottOrticc Boj, 4SS0, EJVoy. IS. libi ' NOTICE. AH persons knowing tliciuselves indebted to the nib' seribi r cm Note, Hook Account, or ctb. rr.isu are hereby n to call and setlle thu same bitvvecn Ibis and the llrst uf Januaty, Ieb3. If not nlti nile.l to by that lime, such nreounts nud notes will be left at Esq,. Ilhamberlin's for collection. E. MEN'DF.NII ALL. llloomsburg. Nov.?.', 1SC2. "APPLES FOR THE HOSPITALS Cktrai, Otrirr, SitiiTinr Commission, j WAinioM, Oitobcr 'Jd, Icb'J The inquiry being frequently made whether tho Coin mission wishes to receive apples for tho lite of tho wounded, it sho'llo, ly be publl.hcd, as widely as possible, Hint dried apples ratim t ho sent to its Ho pots in ton large (lUautiiies, i ow n and Village Relief Soci.'tns are requested to make iirrangrmeiits ror par. nig, cmtiug, nnd drvlnj by their members, and suih voliiuteer nssi-tann-ns Ihry can riill.t, and tn notify farmers that liny will rnene such good Irult as lliey may be di.pnj' d to olft-r nnd nru unable th uiselves to properly prepare. Dried apples may b sent in barr Is or bonus, or in strong hags marked "To bo kept dry." Dried frnits of other Mud), aud all good canned fruits, willbevuyocceptabu-. I UED. LAW OLMSTED, October IS, 1803. General tkcrotury. ORANGEVILLE Korraal and (omntrcial cbool and Afathray. mnniii'tt Term nf this Institution will commence on i JL 'i hursdny, uctouur Jim. nisi. I Orangevillc, Oct IS, 18CC. ... . J, S.WOODS, But NEW BUSINESS FIRM. underslened rctperllullv inform their friends I nud tho nubile generally, that they have entered in In ro partnership, under tho liainu, t)le utid firm o MILLER ri I.YER i tho. Jtil'l'C.JIIll tsbKMIKCSM, In If "01.1 ArradC'li. illooai.butg. Columbia rn.. ulierolliev intend carryn.S on tho hitsiness of gins Hit, .MF.KCllisuaiMi, in uli its diveriillod branches aud depjitnients. an ltn whlih they invite an iiltmion of ,t. public r.,o,ce h. ii M,tEn. PRr.D'K C. EYK. Illonmiburj, May It, J'fll.-lf.