Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 17, 1863, Image 4
fi LARGE ARRIVAL OV jNcw Fall and Winter GO JDS AT PETER KNT'S STORK, 1A IJOIIT BTRKET, COLVMUtA CO WOT, PA, HAS. Jusl received twin iiinatiiain, nnu is now J J nponlngnl tho old stand 1Hb y occuplcd by Matt which Will 1)0 sold licitp lor OAPIT Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. Hit! Dress Goods choicest styles ana latest rasnions Calicos, Muslins, GiDghams, i-tjannols, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Oasshnoros Satinets, Cottonadca, Kentucky JeauH, Thread, kc. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Cedarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, etc. BOOTS & SH0E3, HATS & CAPS. In short every thing usually -Wpt ,n n country More The patronage of old friends, and the public general ly, 1 repccifully soicitod. The highest market price paid for country produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 13. 1362. mm mm IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR Fail & Winter Goods, GO TO I'reasy's Store, in Ligitl Street, Pa. ALL KIN 11 CALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELC, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Muclo Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Scpars, Hats, Boots, Cans CUtT' - - " Drug', Oils, Paints, &c, &o. ..tuntm, tn inirlnrzQ stork of Drv Goods, we liavo , fi iro and full assortment of Ready Mndo Clothing 1,1 V- . .. .. l.t-l. ..... .. ... il.rf u.millil tn aor ,'iennnn noys wear cll chcaoer thin can ho bought elsewhere. Call and sec, and ..lgu for yourselves. CREASY tc CO. ILLUMINATION" ii ORAN&EYILLE. JTL ' At Fritz's Store, ORANGEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., PA. rBHho undersicned has iust received a Ittrrre and select assortment of choice Snrinz and Summer Goods, which will he sold chean for cash ur country produce. His stock tonsists of indies Dress CooiU, choicest etylesaud latest fashions. Calicoes, , Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hoaiery, Silks, PUT FROM 7 TO 12$ eta A YARD. Casaimcrs, Satinets. Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, cj'C. READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Queensware, Cedorwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. BOOTS k SHOES IIaTS& CAPS. til short everything usually kept in n country store. Tin patronage of old frends, and the public generally, is solicited, May 3, 1SG2. WILLIAM FRITZ MAKRIAGE. ITS LOVES AND HATB tnrmwi fillil uttnord. Itritio nml funru suirrn and iovs : AT lost. bow resioro !" the nature, treatment unci radical cure ofspu matorrhofl.i or seminal weakness; involuntary emig Ions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage gen erally ; nervousness, consumption, tits, mental nnd phy sical incapacity, resulting from SELF-ADUSE are fu. ly explained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M. D, This most extraordinary book should ha in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and eevry man or woman who desires to cimit tliu number of their offspring to their tiroumitnu os, Every pain, riiscasu nud ache incidental to jouih, ljfuturity and old age, is fully explained i every particle m knowledge that should bo known is here given. It is full of engravings. In fact, it discloses secrets that ev ery one should know j still it is a book that must be locked up, nnd not lie about thu house. It will be sent to any ouu on the receipt of twenty live rents in specie or postago stamps. Address DR. WM. YOUNG, No. IIU BI'IU'CE Street, above Fourth. Philadelphia. I' 7 ATFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may hj your disease, hfore you place yourself un der the care of any of the notorious Qriaeii natlvo or foreign - who advertize in this or any other paper, get neopy of Ur. Young's hook, and read It earrfullij. It will bo the meuiisuf saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your lifu. DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publication, at his office, No, 410 DMiuur, Bircei. auove rouriu, ruiiaucipuij. Office hours from II to 3, daily, March S, KOi-lSui. AT LOW PRICES I Terms Cush and Produce, llnwrvf r much the people desiro a nesre. nnd re. in oi oflhf present hostilities lit our distracted country thyaru also desirous of purchusing their goods ut the i iweil uiarsci prices, J. J. BKOWER wiMgrnlify all.le.ires on this point, and although goods have advanced In prices ho will sell you at wonderful W low pries. He has now opened his ucual large and creinlcto stock of Fall und winter goods among which will bsfmnd a general anortra it I of all kinds of goods C'ji an 1 cumins 1 ) BROWFJI Use. ir c l.nt, a spicnuiu ussureotcin i W-t lJ jut rjri la S5A M FOR THE cows t rru t i o roil D I A R E T E S AND DISEASES OF THIS jcxknsxs: anx blabber Theie Dangerous and Troubtetome Itistitts, tchiehhart tit) far Iteililal the lot directed Treatment can he CumiittUltj Controlled by ttie llt-MKDVneie brfertnr.1 run curative properties of the medicine dliect themselves to the or (inns of secretion, nnd by so nltorlug tliu cnndillon of the stouiacii nun liver iiiattne sinrcny principle 01 tnc food is notcnuvertcd into sugar soloug us the system is under tho iullucnce of thu CONSTITUTION WATI'.R, winch give, those organs time to recover llicir kcatthy tunc and vigor. We arc able to state lh:,t thu Coiistitu., tlnn water lias cured every case of uiubetes in which it lias been given. STONE IN TUT. nl.ADIU'lt, CALCULUS, (lHAVKL 11UI01C DUST lUU'OSlT, AND MUCOUS OR MILKY niSUIIAIUlUS Al'TUlt URINAT1N0. Diseases occurlng from onoand tliesaiuo cnusc will bo entirely cured by the Constitution Wator, If taken foi any lengtli of time. The dose should vary with thu soverity of thu disease, from twenty drops to u tea snooiilul thrcotimcs n day, in ater. Durinz tlie na. saguoflho Cnliiilas, the pain and urgent symptoms should be combated Willi the proper reiupdlcs, then followed up with thu Constitution Water, as nbuvc di rected. DY8M IINORR AfKA. OR PAINFULL JIC.VSTRL'A T10N, AND IN MKNORRIIACIA OR WlOl'UHB I'LOIVINO, Until diseases arising from n raulty secretion of tnc menstrual lluld in thu one case being loo little, and nccoinpanled by severe pain i and the other n too pro fuse secretion, which will be speedily cured by the Constitution Water. That discaso known as I'AI.LINO OF TIIT. WOMII. which Is tlw remit ofa rclatation of the ligaments of that organ, nml is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains in the back and sides, and at times nc rnuipanied by sharp lacinatingor shooting pains through I lie paits, will, in all cases, be removed by thomi-ilicine. There is another class of symptoms nri'ing from IR RITATION OF Till! WOMil, which physicians call Nervousness, which word covers up much ignorance, and in nine cases outof ten thu iloitor does not really know whether the symptoms are the disease, or tlie disease tho symptoms. Wo can only enumerate them here. I speak more particularly of Cold Feet, i'nlpita tion in the Heart, lmparcd .Memory, Wnkcl'ulness.l'lash us of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Dimness of Vision, SUI'lT.r.SSF.D Jl L'NSTIt U ATION. Which in tho unmarried female Is a constant recurring disease, and through neglect the seeds of moro grave and dangerous maladies arc the result; and ns month alter mouth passes without an ell'ort being made to at, fist nature, tiro suppression becomes chronic, ibu pa tient gradually looses her appetite, thu bowels are constipated, ni(:ht sweats come on, and coniVitiptlun finally ends her career. I.EUCORRUIA OR WlltTLS. This discaso tlenendi upon an inll.imation of mucous lining of too vagina and womb. It is in all cases ac companied by severe pain in the back, accross the bowels and through the hips. A teaspoonfnl of the medicine may bo taken threo limes n day, with nu in jection ofa tablcspoonful of tho uiedicimu, mixed with it half-pint of soft water, morning and uvenlng. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THU HLADDF.II, INFLAMATION OF THU KIDNEYS AND CA TARRH OF THU BLADDER, STRANGURY AND IIURNINGOIU'AINFUL URINATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praiso. A single dues has ieeu snow to relive the imut urrjent syploms. email ofthe back nud through thu bins A Icasooonful day of Constitution Water u ill rcheva you lilit magic. FOR DYSrni'SIA, It has uo c-jual in relieving the Most distressing smp toms. Alto, Hcodacho. Heartburn, Acid Stomach Vom ,tln F.ood, &c Take n teaspoonfnl after diiinrr .1. .. i.. nll ...D.ia.inir liuin.r.tiBni4if il..ip.,l l.i,,. itlng Fjiod, &c TaKon teaspooniui alter dinner 1 he dose in all cascsinay be increased if desired, butshould bu duuu gradually. PHYSICIANS Have InilL' since sivcu un tho use of bucliu. cubebs and 'juniper in the treatment of these diseases, andouij usu -- iviint ofa better remedv. Has proved itself smjaltoluo task that lias devolved upon 11. DIURETICS Irritate and drench tho kidneys, nadby cnntnnt u-c soon leidtochrouie, dcgeneratio and coifirmed dis ease Eead. Head. Rend. Djsville, I'a., June 2 I "OS, ur. wh. II. UREM-yjaei- An-: lu I'cbuary. lbGl, I ivus atllicicd wtth the sugar di.ibete,nnd for live mouths 1 passed uior than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours, 1 was obiined tu Ltt un nc ,, t n. .. .... times during th night, and in live mouths I lost about imy iiuuuusiu weigtu, uuruing the month or July, lrbl, 1 nrocured two bottles of ( in uvoduys alter usiug it I experienced relief, nnd alter taking two unities 1 was entirely cured, saon after reyiuuiuu my usual goou neaitli. yours truly. , J. V. I. DE WITT Iloston Corners, N. Y Dec. 37, Ibol Win. II. Gregg & Co.: Gouts: I freelr cive vou libertv to m:,kn nan of tlm jfollowingCiftlUcateoftho value of Constitution Wa- ; rer, wnitn 1 can tecconimeud in tho highest manner. My wile, who n as attacked with pain in tho shout- dors, whole length ofthe back, and in her limbs, with Falpitatiou uf tho heart, attended with Falling of the Wo.nb, IJysmenoirhooa, and "Irritation of the 11 lad ! der," I called n physician, who altciwlcd her about ' threomonths, when ho left her worso Ikan lie round her, 1 then employed onu of thu best physicians I .could Hud, whuattouded her for about ninu lunnlhs, 'aud while she was under his caro she did not sutler ' juito as much pain ; ho finally gave her up and said . -her case was Incuiablo." For, said he, "she was such , a combination of complaints, that medicine given for one operates dgaiust somo other of her diilicullios," About this timo sho commenced to use CuN-miuiriN ' Wstbr, nud toour utter astonishment, almost the first dose seemed tohavo the dsired effect, ami she kept on , improving rapidly u dor its treatment, anil now super- intends cii'iruly lief dumcstiu alf.iira. Kl,,.loi ,,. ken any orthoCo.s.noriON VVaikk furnbout four weeks and wu are happy to say that it has produced a perma nent cure. WM. M. VAN IlENBCTIOTtN. MiLtioao, Conk., Nov, 19, IfGI. i DR. W.M.!I.Gnean; I Dear Sin I have for several years been nfltictcd with that tnouhlesomenud dangerous diseii'e Grnvil. I wuicli misted ml remedies and doctors, until I took Constitutional WATtit, and you may be assured that I was pleased with thu result. It has entirely cured m. audyou may make any use of my namuyou may see lit in regaro to tho medicine, ns I hato entire confldener I u lis emeuc. Yours truly, l'OM) SlitONG, THESE ARE TACTS ENOUGH . There is noclass of diseases that product) such ex hausting effects unon tho human ronf-tituil j betes nnd diseases oftho Kidneys, llladderand Urina- . .- i",,.iui,Ginu,cj ine uiu org- i lected until tliey uro sonevnuced as to bu beyond the I control of ordinary rcmedios, and w e present thu j CONSTITUTION WATER I To the public with tho con virtion that it has nneenal in relieving tlio class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently successful in curing ; and we trust thatwo shall be rewarded in our efforts in placing se valuable remedy in u form tu meet the requirement of patient and physician, 1 FOR SALE 1IY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE 1, y WM. II. GEORGE CO,, Proprietors. Morgan k Allen, General Ageals, No. 4U Cliff St', Now-York, , Sept. 20. 1F02. la,,,. l.ackairaima & Cloomsburg Railroad JI 0 V I N G SOUTH. ratsenger. Aeetn. I.eavo Scranton, " Kingston HOD A.M. 10.15 A U.20 Arrive 11.40 A " Ihoomsburg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrivo nt Northumberland, MOVING Leave Northumberland, Danville, " Rupert, " lllooiniburi 11,10 12.(13 I'M 12.43 X 0 R T II 3.20 i'.M. 6.00 C.U3 C.55 f 1,45 P. 10.00 P. M, 3.40 iwngsion, e. 1,43 pt jj iiiut,PViaiiluii, 1U.UU 1 . .11, 3,-JO A Passenger Train nlsolcates Kingston at 8.00 A. M for Scrautou, to connect with train for New York Re luming, leaves Scranton on arrival of Train from Now York at 4,15 I', ill, Tho Lackawanna anil Illonmsburr Itnilron.i ,nnn.,,. with thu Delaware. Larkawanua and U at Scranton, fur Now York and Intermediate points cast ..., ,, tuiiiicti ,v 1 10 uiu uniiawissn llallroad, for points both east and west arriving nt l'lin,,,i..i,,hi.' ; (1.13 P M. , At Northumberland it eonncrts will, ilm n,lNHii,i. U ErivR. R.amlN, C It, It. for points west nnd south -Passencers nrrivlnir nt llnrrlki, urn .1 r,n i r n adelphia 10 I', Baltimore 10 80 P. M. t n t.r ..... JO,lN 1-8LBY, tp'i WSrvrrrtwr to, J9r, I i Look to your Interests.; in r.Sr nnnr,r ' r'IJio" ",ul',f'lu ov Bipiansa Mm ry.nifiiiii'nwn) G & O IP 8 9 AT MILLER &EYGR'S. THE siilijrrllnT. havn Just rt-lurned from I bo With another large and select nssortmct nf(!U S)riiiait(l .wiiiuiiii'i -!)oJs, purchased at I'hilndclphln, at tint lowest figure, and wlilih Hie' arc) ditermliied to sell on asinoderatu terms ns ran bs procured elscwhcru in Iltoomsburg, Their stock comprises Lion' Mini! noons. of choicest styles nnd latest fashion, ijtr noons, ax mtoi'i:itir.s, n ninu'inK itf.7:AMi'.flr., CRDAU IVAltR, HOLLOW lW(K IO.V. .VAILS, BOOTS SWOr.-V HATS X CAVS, .e , Xc Xc., In short eerj thing usually kept in country bloresi to Willi h they invne ine punne gcnirany. The Highest price paid for coun '"j'" y niooinsburg. Aptll W, lSCT. IMPORTANT NATUNAL WORKS, rUULISIIED II V I). A1TLETO & CO. 4-13 Hf41") Jirotultuth, New Vork, The following works are sentlnSuh criSersliiuiiypar of thu country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or 'KlEVEUANir.RICAN CYCLOPEDIA : A popular Dictionary nf General Knowledge, Edited by llniaou Rtrl.KV and I'll Mil ts A, Dana, allied hy u numerous se lect corps uf writer" in all branches m fclencics. Art nml I iterator,-. This work is being published in about 13 l'irgu outnvo volumes, eacli containing "M two cnlmn Vols. 1 to XIII inclusive, nro now ready.e.irli rontninlng "ear S,SuU, original nrtiilei. All iwlditional volume will be published once innnoiit Ilirco montns t PrieC, 1I1-I01U, ciiui-i,,., v, nun ,i,ui n,,n Russia, SI Allearli, The New American fyclnpicilla Is popular without see-In- .utierfuiai, learned but not pndanir, cnuiprehensivo . .. .... ,n..itniiv detaildd. free from personal Iiinue and . . i, i.:. ... I oartV nrcinuieo, irepi, . ...v,.,,..- . , statement of all tliat Is known upon every important top-v j w itli the scope oiiiuuian ini- nigi'iice. i.very import, nnt nrtltle In It has been specially written for its pages by lliell Wlionru uiimomi,,. .vv.. .. iu,m . itnu tlinv Koeak. 1 lley nre ru-iuireo in nrnili uie "inijeti op n, 11 r ....,.,,1 tn tttt,l.i lllt hniV 11 t,,,ta . All Ih'cstatisliral inforionlloii Is from th" (ft rcporlsi tliu aeograpliital account" keep pnru w ith thu latest explora tions ! historical matters iiulude the freshest Just vi"H s lllO lllOgrapUICIll Oiiiiirr, ii". "'in J r,' ,in tiuv i.-,ii, nu, also orthu living. It Is a library olitself. AnittooF.Mt.NT of hik Uhbaii: orCo-mavss: Ileiug a political liislory nf the United mates, from the i rgani. i. lion of the tlrrt Federal Congress in 17HH to 1 (.(!. Edit ed and compiled by llnnl'iio.vus II. Iltsio.s from the Of ficial Records of Congress. Tho work will lie complied in 1j royal octavo volumes rr.n n-irr-s e:irh 11 of w hich are now riady. An nddi tinnnl volume will be published once in three months. I KI...,.,. 'll.m. Half Miir .. . lit, if Calf Sl'Al eaih. . , , ur rmnjiriii iiiu w i ui.wi .i.i.i.i, wu Uliliil i j,.-. Form a club of four, and remit the price of four book", and n e eopies w in mi n-m " m'- reiuniei i. i-.,inru carriage. or for ten subsrrlbjrs ileveu copies wlit bu sent at our expeiifufor carriagu. TO AlrL'.iNTS. No other works will-o liberally reward tho exertions of Agents. An Aour H jstfs in nits i oesrv. Terms made Known on application 10 me i uo.isuers. Nov. 21, ISi.u. rVHE undersignen Is nlso extensively engaged In the jl untieriautnt; vutiness, ami Keeps cnustanuy on nana ml for le at liis Warerooins, a large assortment of FINISHED ,23 COFFINS, Ily which he is enabled to till orders on presentation Also-Keeps u good Horse and Hearse, and will at al tunes bu ready to attend Funurels. SIMON C. SIIIVE. Illnomsbors, January 20. 1S30 OFFICE Ot" JAY COOKE, sunsciiirxiON agent, At Jay Conlto & f'o., Baakcis. lit Souru Tin 11 n Street, Philadelphia, Nov. 1. I6C2. Tlio undersigned, having leen appelated fubetrip. tinn agent by thuSecretery oftho Tri.uury, la now pre. pared to furnish nt once, tho jVffo twenty yrui 0 per cent. Iiontts. ofthe United States designated as 'Fire-Twenties,' re. deomabinnt the pleasure ofthe Goiiriiment, nfter five years, nnd uuthorUed by Act of Congress, approved February 23, m-- 11 Tiiecuupon bonds are issued in sums of 830, SI 00. S3U0, slduu Th" Uegiatcr Bonds in sums of S30, S100, 8300, SI000 and S30P0, Interest at Six percent, per annum will commence rom date ot purchase, and is PAYABLE IN CIOI.D, Scmi-Arnually.wlilcli is equal, at thu present premi um ,011 gold, to about tight per cent per Annum. larmurs, Mcrrha Ms, Mechanics, L'apit-.lists, and all who have nnyiaonoy to invest, should know and re uirmbertliat the.c lionds are in effect, a First Mort gage upon all Hall lioads.Uank Stocks and Seiuiities and thsimmrnse products ufull 1I111 Maniif.ictar'es. kv' Sec, 111 thu country, and that the full und ample provis ion made for the payment rf tbh interest ami liquidat ion of principal, by cuitou s Duties, Exrisoftampsand lut.-rnal Revenue, serves to mako these llonds the Vest, Most Available and nwit po)mlur Investment in ttc IUtrh(i. Subscriptions received at Par in Legal Tender Notes or notes and checks parcn bonks in Philndelphi.,, giii, scribersbymail will jeteive pruiup: intention, and ev. cry faci ily aiidexplanation will be afforded 011 applica tion nt this cilice, ii'"" ii' '".".""I'Plyor houds will be kept 011 hand for imine- JAYCOOKE, Subscription Agent. Nov. ?, IS6;-3m 600 000 M A h 13 011 FEMALE UVU ngeuts to sell Lloyds new steel plate county colored Map ofthe United Btules, Camillas, and New Mrunswiek. From recent surveys, completed Aug, 10. I5G2i cost $20,0u0 to engrave it and one year's lime. Sup' rinr to any SIO map ever made by Coliou or Mllchell, and sells at thu low price of fifty cents j 310, 000 names are engraved 011 this man. It is not only a County Map, but it is also a County and Railroad Alap of the United Plates and Canada combined in onu, giving every Rail road station and distances between. Guarantee any woman or man S3 to g3 per day, and will take back all maps Ihatciiinot be soldaud refund tho money. Send for $1 worth to try. Printed instructions how to canvass well, furnished all our agents. Wanted - Wholesale Agents for our Mnps In every State, California, Canada. England. Franco und Col,., A fortune may bo made with a capital. No Competition. J, Uroadwav. Now York. few hundred dullard T. LLOYD, No. 1C4 Tho War Department uses our Map of Virginia. Mar yland, and Pennsylvania, cost rJHIO 000, on which is narked Anlictnm Creek, Senrpsh'irg, Maryland Hights, Williamsport Ferry, hiioresvillc, Noland's Ford, and all others on the Potomac, nnd every other pl.ico in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsvlvauia, or money re fun rieil. Lloyd's Topographical Map of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, is the only authority for Gen. Iluell and llio War Da. partment .Money refunded to any one finding auurror III it. Price 30cents. From tho Tribune, Aug 2 "Lloyd's map of Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylva nia. This Map is very large s its cost is but 23 cents, ami it is the bust which can bu purchaseu," LLOYD'S (Jit EAT MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. From actual surveys by Cants. Hart, and Wm. II,,,,-. ! en, Mississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis, .Mo., shows I every man's idautatloii nud owners name from St, Louis to the Gulf of Mexico 1,331) miles- every sand bar, island, town landing, and all places 20 miles back from the river-colored in Counties and States. Price, SI In sheets, $2, pocket form, and $250 on liiion, with rollers, jteauy nepi u. Navy Depaiitment, Wasiiinciton. Sept. 17, ieC2. J T LLovn-SIrs Send uieyoiirniapofthe Mississippi River, with price per hundred copies, Reur-Admlrai Charles II, Davis, romiuandiiigtlie Mississippi Squad, ron, is authorised to purchase as inauyusare required for use nf that squadron, GIDEON WEIILB, Secretary of Urn Nivy. October II, le(W-3t. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY GAPS, of every sort, slxa and quality for sale cheap ut the nioumsburg Hot etc Cap Emporium Also Groceries, Conrcctioiinries (Cigars, etc 1 JOIINK, CIRTO.V. oamisurg, Sift 14, l(li), I 'A.' '"JJSSSi S",?!1.'?! WINTER A till A NO EMU NT WliTatnr!, WIT OP I'ASSF.VGEIt TRAINf", Nuv -uilicr I. IHUI. I (t'nsslnii Rending) i Down to I'liltaillophla, at 11,20 ami 11 A M, lit noon, nnd 4 P M. Up, In I'ottsville, nt 10..VI A M, and .l.l.l V M, IVES l TO H.UANON AND IIARRIHlll lKl i Western l.xpress from New Voik, at 1,07 A M. Man t rains, at in. .1.1 a ,11, onu ,1,4,1 r , (ki Sundays, tho Dnivn A ,11 Tram passing Reading, at U.'iil A M, nnd Up Train, nt 5,37 I' . Until 10,,VJ A M niidJ.IJ P M, up Trains connect at Port1 Union fur T.tniH'ina, Wllllanlsport Eimlra, Huff. 1 ulo, Niagara ami Canada. I The lu.ati , .ii, i rniu only connects at Port Clinton for Wilkesh.ure, Hirautou and Plttstoii, The Western Expros Trains unmeet at Harrlsbiirg Willi Express Trains on tho Pennsylvania llallroad for Pittsburg, and all points West : nud the Mall Trains ivineil at Hitrrisburg for Lancaster, Chainbersburg, r'hilbury, VVIIIiaiusport, Lock Haven, Eimlra nud tlio t'anadas, Througli First-Class Coupon Tickets, and Emigrant Tickets at reduced Farss, to all the principal points in tho North nnd West, nnd the Canada'. COMMUTATION TICKETS, Willi an Coupuiis, si percent discount, between any points desired. MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 5inn miles, httiveon all points, nt 81.5-for Fnliillies and lluslness Firm, nnd fewon Tickrit, guod for the hold' r only, for threo mouths, in any l'nseni;et train to Philadelphia, ill SlUcarh. School Season Tick cts oue tlilrd less. I. Passenger" will t ikn the Expres Train West, nt I liu UPPER DEPOP, ami all other Trains, at the LOW ER DEPOT. 10 lbs of baggage nllowec each passenger n f Passengers are rciuested to tiurchasc tlielrTlck- ets heforo entering Hie cars, as higher Fares charged If pain in cars. Up trains iea"n llhiladclphinfor Heading llarrlburg nnd Potlsville at 8 A M, 3,13 P M, nud at 4,ZU P M, for Reading only. ?T Excursion Tickr-ts, con.l for one dnv. bv (5.0-J A. M. Accunimodutiou Trulli to Philai elphla nml return at $'J CO each. n. A. All UI.I.M, Oenera I Suiierlntendent, January -1, lr302. 83 S 5-Bs, 17 Courtlatidt Street, NEW YORK CITY. Nos. I), 11, 13, 15, NEAR I1ROADWAY, This old-esla)dir.lid and favorite reort of Ibe Piisl- ness Coniinuniiy has been recently rclliteil. nml l.ri. plete in cvurylliiug that can minister to the comforts of lis pairoos i.,-oiies miii lainincs arc sjieci ally and tare fully prm iJed for. It is centrally located in tho bu incss part ofthe city, and Is coiitimioiis to the principal lines i f steamboats. cars, oiiiuiiiusses lorries, fr. Ill rotis.'quonee of the prcnoirn causcil by the Rebel lion, prices hn e been reduced to One Dollar in el lijlij ( cuts per 11m. 'I he tnhle is amply supplied with nil iho Inturl,,. r ine season, nun is equal to mat ot any other hotel in the country. Ample accommodations ore offered for unwanl of 411(1 gUU'ts. II no not ii'-iieve rnnni rs.hackmen, and others w ho may say - uiu western llot-l Is lull." ,. D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. THUS. I). WINCHESTER. Fob. 13, ISOi 'I he iew ommc.rciul Ihnldings are loca led opposite Court House, corner of Court and Ctentingo-Xtreets. This College is in noway comucteil with any other Instiluliou. ' Tliu tneiglus oftho entire Faculty are exclusively de voted td tills. J Thedesigu ofthls Institution afford to Youii" ..Icti 1 an opportunity for acquiring a ThoreiHvh Practical Uufilnes Ijlucatton 1, 'n, V'?"," al"' nre carefully arranged bv Iractlcal Accountants, e.xpre, sly (or (his lnslituti,.u, rynmU'racHcc''1 ll",,"u""" U b,lt1' '"combine Theo- coi.legi.vTe course Tliis Couro embraces liook-Ke, iing in all its de partments, l'euuiuaiislilp, Ciiiioeicial iritlnunic llus iuess Coj respondents. Commorcial Law, I'o ili(-;, Etoi, omy, Couiuioielal Ethic., I'urtnership setllment", lie terlinz Coiinterfelied and iiM.m.,1 lr.,..i. m,, I he SpcnivrMii yIeIll of Ponnmainhip is tnught in all its varli lies, by tho most skillful iuaIur-of the art Tliu Hook-Keeping department is under the special Mip rvisiou and iiibtruction of tho Principal. D W Lowttx. CEVERAL INI-ORMATIOV. siudents can enter at any lime : 110 tl.nni Wire eiiiop.etocoe (.nurse, irnllHito IS weeks. Assis Gradiiai,i".f.d .'"graduates in proc-urinc situaiiuin.- piouia. -"ti.'dwilh an elegantly engraved Hi- trvl-nr oataloguo 1 f TOpagcs, s. . ship, fcc, enclose two letter Mamr." YouVcrCs"111,1'1 August 30, le'C2. l.J1VI:i,i.& iv XK.VER. fMay3, tst.2 12m C R I T T E N D E N ' S I'SIIUl.ELl'IlJA C3IAIi:UAL. COLLEGE, j. E. comer nflth und Chestnut Strec.s PHILADELPHIA. Tuts Institution, which was established in IPfl nnd is now consequently in the eighteenth war of its exist ence, number-. among it graduates. hund,,l9 or i10 mostsiiceossfiil Merchants -ind liusiness Men of our Coti nt r j TiikOiufct of the Institution i" solely to nffordypiin" men Utilities fur thorough preparation for Imsliu ss. Tub lUANCiissTAionrare, Itvok-lecpinn, ns applira blu to the various departments of trade ; , ,,,, both plain nn.l ; tVwwsecie law .Va he matic, Jangalloa Cml r.ngmeertHS, l)rauin.t, t hau Pgarphs, and .VaJtrn Ijiiignoge. TrKSv-rtM orlNsinct-rioN ispiculiar ; no classes or set lessons are made 11. e of. but each student is taught individually, suthat ho may rooiuieneent aui time, and attend at wli itevcr hours nre most convenient. CTi.ooum unissued nu after tin) 15th nf April coiitniniug namos of the studentsfur tho year, and full parllniLirscrtern,. &e.,and may be obtained at a j liniu by nddresiug thu Principal. 1 InCvi-bvshu AiioMMooniovs.inrs-rfn,; rcnntti and the lengihyeipeeienieefih, Pnncinal, this In.tnu lion offers facifities sup -rior tunny other in the! rou, . I try, for young men wishing tnprepnre for business, I and to obtain at the s-umu time a xehieh trill I '.. .. "'"""""a"'"''! ior iiivui tliom to any .MercSan. tile House. ' rT-Cnni.NnSN's.tcrif.f 0 Treathe on PooK-Kt'Ep-inu. now noro widi'lycircul.itedtlnn any other work 011 thu subject, are for sale lit thu College. S. IIODGE3 CHITTENDEN, Ailorneij-atl.aie, FrttseirAi.. Jan. 23-ISC2 12ui. S3. A. H ft W i g IUIW-DOXE SUPEU-PllOSPIIATE OF LIME. B A U G II A NDSON , Wiiiinracliirt'is nud I'lojulciors, iYo. 211 bouth Dchmnie Jlvetntc PHILADELPHIA This inaniirn is inaiiufactiircd from pure Raw Rones nnd wnrranted to contain all the-ir original organic mat ter- nohuruedor calcined houesare used, nud it is sold under a guaranty Ironilhumanuficturers thut it i free ti uiu adulteration. ,"7" '"y "n lllt ilemaiid for this manuro exceed, ed Unit of any foriuer one, and w ith few exceptions the results have been highly r.ivorable. No pains n ill bu spared to maintain it- stnudnsd or popularity 1L- StNU INVOUKOUD1.IISEAIILY. 1'UIck, Slfl per lidOO lbs. cash GROUND If AW RONES. WARRANTED PURE. A largo supply on h ,ui for Fall sales. 1'UIck S:55per UUU0 lbs. cash. ITT" Tho above Manures can bo had of regular Ilea Cr'Cr"L..o .. n . IIAUOII & MJNH, July 15I'?ouHlI)clilH'a'' Aveuue, Philadelphia. LEATHER! LEATHER! ! THE undersigned w ould nuiiouiice, that hu hnson hand athisilataudCaii Eiuporiiim, 011 .Vain St.. liooms. . ' ,i , . ' 1 """" 1 kind ofienthi r, such as Hue calf skins, moro, co,(red niidtacK;iind linings, nil cf 1 huh ho will sellcbiaperlhiin nu, be had elsewhere. Ill this market, Call und cieinlno them for v nurt,-iv.,. I Pioom.bu,lf,May24.1802. J0 ' UlTON. j 0IGA11S & TORA0CO. A large nssortnient of choicn I'ignrs, Toliarrn, Pipes' I l rcilts, Coiifeiiiouery und Notions generally, togeth er nitliafull stock ofllATSniid CAPS, constantly on hand nud for sale cheap, at Uiu "Uloouisburg Hat feCnp Emporium." 1 iOHN It. GIRTON, llooiasbiirg, March 10, 1WI. I i-niSU-JlCTII (M KUOTIIKItri WlIOLLf ALE 0 11 A 0 0 O D E A L E R ? N-U.105.NOKT11 TI1IUU riTUIol'ST FivvdourtbclowRare, lillLADULPIIU AYBES CATHARTIC seal Are ym slott, ftcUo, nnd etnidainlugl Ar jou out of oidw, with yeitc systsm de ranged, nnd jour feelings m coinfoitablsl Those symp toms arc often the prelude to serious Illness, r-cirao lit of iekiis Is steeping upun jpu, nnd should ho averted ty timely no of tho right run edy. Tako Ayci's Pill", nnd slesoss out tin disordered lin mors purify the bluod,fjiid 1st the llulds move on unol stiucted In health again. They sllmukilo tin) functions 01 lllO UOiiy llllO oruiwu. tlvlly, purify tho sjstnu rrnm i.n i,l,strort Inns which make lsM. A cold sclllss snmowhere. In th; body, and oh. ftrusls Its natursl fnndlon". These, If not rclloiecl, senot upon thr-niselres nod tbt siirroundlug organs, pro dndng gensrnl sggraTntloo, sutTerlng, and dlsenso. WI1II1 . lit this oondillon, oppressed by Ilia doiaiigciusnts, take Aysr's Pills, and sro liosr directly they les ore tho natural acUon of tho sysloin, and with It tho buoyant feeling of health again. What Is true and so apparent In this trivial and common complaint, Is also lino in many or tho desn-seats d ami clingsrocts diiltnipers. flio sstna purgative effect expels them. Cnmod by similar oustruc). tlons and derangements cf tho natural functions or the body, thoy nro rapidly, and mmy of them surely, curd tiy (ho same means. Nous who know the vlttues of thoso Pills, will negjset to employ tboin nheu sulleilng from the disorders they ours. Statemsnts ficin leading physlclms in somo of tlio principal citlus, nud froia ollior oU known puhlie tor sons, JVcm a I'oixcctrditij Mcrelitmt eSt, Xoiifr, Tib. 4, 1S58. Dn, Avui! Your lilts nro tho pnrngon of nil that 1( creat In nwdlclne. They havo cmed my llttlo daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and rest that hud proved Incurable for ytnis. Hor mother litis been long gilev ously nhllcti'd with blotches and pimples oh her skin and hi her bale Artec cur child was cmed, sho nlso tried ,our PU15, aud Ihey have cured her. - M0KaMDalJi Al re PnmlV flij-nlc. From Dr. 11 11. (tirficriit, iWw Orieans. Tour PUIS nro tlm pvlnco of purges. Their exccltenl dualities surpass an r cathartlu we pnsseis. Ihey aio mild, but very certain and Ifectual In their aclliai on tho bowels, which makes them luvaluablo to us In lbs dully treatment nf disease. UcndnchCiSIcUHentlnchFoul Stoninch. iron Dr. L'avui d lltiU, lUltimore, DmnllRO. Arini Icamvit ausncr sou what complaints I havo arret with your I' butter than to say nil that vie ever treat with nimraalivt Mtdicim. I place great depep doueo on an effectual cuthnrtla In my d. illy contest wllh. dlsciso, and believing as I do th it yonr Pills aKtird us th best wo have, I of courso valuo them highly. Virtwuna, Ta., May 1, 1BS5. Dn. J. C. Arxn. Slrt I h ive been repeatedly cured of the worst headaehu any body can havo by n close of two of your Pills. It seems to nrisu fiuui n luul stomach, which tiisy clcanso at ouro. Yours with great rospect, ED. W. PRKM.r, der!: of Stiamtr (Vurl'ii. Dlllnu Disnrdcrfi Iitrer Conililivle. From Dr. Tlitodore Veil, cftftw York (7... Not only nro yonr Tills ndmlrafcly ndnpted to their pur pnso ns an aperient, hut I find tliclr e tfects ii ou tho Mvor Tory mniUed Indeed. Tiny huvo in my piacv tice proved mere effectual for tho euro of bilious coiri' j7crnt.t than any 0114 remedy 1 cm mention. 1 sincerely rejolco that wu have at lengtli a pmgatlve which Is wor thy Lbu coufidttliuu of thu plofwsslou und tho pee pier. IrcPARTMEKt or THE iNTtnlOII, ) Washington, 1). C, 7th Feb, IMC. Bint I have tutul youv Pills in my general ami liu'-pltal prnctlcoerer siuoo you made them, aud cannot hesitate to tKXy tnsy aro uts oesc rnin.irnc weeuipioy. iieeir regu iating aetlou on tlio liver is quick nnd derided, conse quently thoy rue an admirable) remedy foe dcinugc incuts of that organ. Indeed, I havo sel loin found a uu-o of bilhna disexue so ebstinnto that It did not readily yield tu thorn. Kruteroully yours, ALO.Ny.O It.M.L, M. I, IhytidaH oj tic Marine Jlotfitau Dynoatery, ninrrlictn, Itnliix, Worms. i'rfjni Dr. J. O. Uiien, oJ'OluCttgo. Your Fills lis to had along trial lu ray practice, and I held them lu egtecm ns ouo of tho best aperients 1 have ever round. Their alterative cited uou the liter makes them an excellent remedy, whnu given in smiill dose" for cVhcms dynrder' and diarrhcea. 'Jheir sugar-coat lug makes thwm very acee-pUble aud conve-nient for thu usu of woiuuu and children. Dyspepsia, Impurity at tlie Dlnncl. rrom llm. J, F. llinei, Jistor afAdient ChureJi, llnton. Dn. Area: I havetucl your Pills Willi oxtraoidinur sncccss In ruy CciuIIy cuul among those I am called to v Kit J11 distress. To regnlntu tlm organs of dige-dlon nnd purity the blood, they &ro tho vc ry best remedy! havo over known, ami I cull coalldeiilly recommend theui to r 1.1.1. V.., J V LlJMICIl Warsaw, xyj-omlng Co., N. Y-, Oct. '21, 1S.13. DtAit Sir: I am using your Ualharlis ('ills In my prac tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse thu sysUni and SKriV the foiiutmnt of the. Unl. JOHN G. MliACUAM.SI.D. CcilstlprctIcin,Costlx-niess, Ruppri-ssliiti, Itheiiianlluiii, Gout, Kuurnicrlu, lix'op l'urivlyatj, Flta, etc. Prom Dr. J. V. Vuitgltii, Jcufrc'I, CanaJa. Too much cannot bo said cf your Pills for the euro of cnjti'rcnm. If others of our fiulcinlty linvu found them as cfllcncious as I leivu, they should join me, lu ptoclnhn ttiK It for the benefit of tho multitndes vrho sutler from that complaint, wlilcli, altliwuitli bo! enough in itself, is tho prorcon iter of others that uro wotnu. I lellctp cni. timias to originate in tho Ilvor,bt your rills atl'ecl that organ aud euro thu dUsase. Pram Mrs. . Stuart, Dhsitician nucl Midwife, Boston. I find one or two lnrg doses of your PUN, taken at tho propor time, aro excellent promotives of ths natural cr Urn Tthon wholly or paiti.illy siippinssed, and also very effectual to eleawm tho tloinuch ami ciscl luermi. Ihey aru so muth tho best pbyslu we havo that I rtuouunoud no'otlier to niy itluuts. I'ron tin Hev. Dr. iraiola.ofHu llctlicnlisl Ppit. Church. Pcr.Asm Huuis. Savannah, (la., Jan. 8, 1850. IIokorcd ?u: I should hs nngrattful for tlio relief your skill lias brouuht mo if I did sot rspsrt my case to yxi. A cold settled In my limbs ami brouglit on excru ciating neurahie jmsihi, wliich ended in c'nuni'e rAsnmu fina. Notwitlistanding I had the host of phviUluus, tho diie.vco grew worso ami vroue, until bv tho advice, cf your cellnt ngont In Rallluore, Dr. Matkcnsie, I tried jour rilLi. 1 htir effects vrero slow-, but sure. By psrsoterlog In tho use of lines, I run now entirely usll. Shuts Cmaudu, Baton Ronge, l.n 6 Pee. IMS. Da. Axir 1 1 hav been entirely cured, by jnnr Pills, of Jihmntie Uouik paiuful diu:no that had afflicted mo t years. VINCENT SEIDELL. ATrMnst of ths Tllki In mnrkst contain Mercury, which, although valuable remedy lu skilful hands, is dangerous In n public pill, from tho dreadful conse cuoncea that fi-eouentlv follow its Ilirnutlmis lice. 'lh..m contain no mercury or mlneial subsLiuce wjiatover. Prigfi, 25 cents por Box, or 5 Hoses for $L Proimod by Dr. J. C. AYEH &, CO., Lowell, Majs. Solj iiv K 1" , in., O M Gageiibucli, nun J R Voyer lin-iiHburg; J tfehuyler. Ilohrsburg; Mast rs U Sou Millvill ; I' Masters, Ilentnn ; La.arus & Fishur, Or ansrevill.i ; G F Fowler Fwierville ; A Mill r. lb r vvicki Low & llriM., Cent rvillo; II F Relghnrt & tiro Fa iy ; .M G Sim 'maker, lluckhorn ; Reich , rt t Nuss Maluville: J fharples-. Cnttavvlssa; Creasy & Co.. Light Strut ; and dealers everyvv here. July -.'i. Irfij ly, EVANw.v WAi'S-JK- 9AI.AMANDER SAFES', RE MOVED to All. IliSairlA feiirli r.'cl, l'iitadctpliia, h.ivo 1111 . - und a largo nssnriuuut of Fire , Till 'f proof S.ilaiuauder Safes. . , v Iso, iron doors, for un,! ' stores, iron ali.m t iron sash, al! makes of locks e'tual to any made 111 the United Suites. I'ireSofc in one frj. All came out right; uilh con tent in good condition. Tlio Halamaiidor Safes of Philadelphia against the world. EVANS & WATSON, havo had tha surest dcninstralion in 1ho following cer tificate that llnlr mauiifacture of falamaiiiltr Safes has lit length fully warranted tip. reprosuntntions whieli havo been m.iiio or th -iu ns rendering an undoubted security against the terrific dement. Philadelphia April 12. ). .Vmjj-j .inns ,v nation- Gentlemen-It affords us the Highest satisfaction to state to you, owing to the wry protetlive iiualiti, s of tivo of thu Salamander, S.ires winch we d of jou some fly,- moulli tinier vve saved a large portion of Jewelry, nu I all our books, &c exposed to tip- numinous, uru inRuiistead fdaco ou the morning f,, . jm, j,,,, When vve roll 1 1 (hit these safes wero locatod 111 thu fourth slmy ofth,. ,, ,, S wu lr(ll,lln ,) ,lut t.y fell subsequi ntly iutou h np ofburnieg ruins, where the vnst coiieentratlou of the In 1st caused lip. brass plates to molt, vve cannot but ngjrd th preservation cf their val uable contents us un si cnnuninig iiroi f of thu great su. curity ntli riled by jour sares. Wo shall luku great pleasure in recommending them to men of business ns a sum relianc e against lire. ,, GEORGE U. S1.MMUNM& URO., ..-welter. rhoy have since purchased six largo Safes. July 2d, itei-.. August SO, IMS G R E E N WOOD SEMINARY. Millvile, Columbia Count t, Pinna. This well kuovvh School for both sexes will open NOVUM IHSIt 3d, letSl. Tho recent adiliiiona to tlie buildings; render nrcoiii oJalions for uinr-) than slxtj boarders. I hu course of study will embrace ilirco drpnrtinents 11 , .' 1 ' "e -cteiuiue. unit fie i ouimercial. or r iiroi l'i,n" ' ";,u"'i,uJ '; exp'rientoel tuuch- ,, - " 1 , .." ,1 i.-.o-iii,-j pokitir.os. 1 ':," - I'liinoii none-, ns usual, 011 snort notice. .ireul- and others may rest insured Hint no ( fforts 1 hitronnau of old frinuds nud new ru.tnm'irs ro will bit spared to iuakolli 'M-hool worthy of patroiingo , P-f Miilly -.-,.l,.,t. A M j-ijp-,ItT mid hat tho welfare of the students, lot llictunlly llloniii'hurii. November 3d Ifdi.-tf .". physically, nml morally, will receive iiurrotistunuarii ' "V. ror implication, clnulurs or further purticulais, ad. N A I R 0 N A E O A L () T T, ! dress the uuderi gnee . ut .X llluilln . oln nim, ,o,.,,. i, ... . . . r...".... vr,..-v ' u 1 ' 'i' i! il'ii'i i i I'li'i'.u -' T. AIAXWLI I ril'l'ls JOHN II. PA'ITOV, A.M., Principal. Having sold nut my interest n( the Greenwood Semi. ary, tu M Potts, who was for several years coiin'-ctod Willi tho Insliijilion as u successful teacher I hereby cheerfully commend him to my friends nhdpa Irons, ns a gentleman of ample qualification for tin) i'o. silloii hiinssuiues, and in every way worthy ths loufl dcncei und patronagu oftho public. WM. HIIRO l.t-ri. "HIvl.lB. m.. Se,. 13. UC3. l'""C'l,ClS' RLA.NKSI BLANKS! Of emy dtttilplloo, for sate at this ofii FRESH A RIl 1 VA 1. -OF- FOR urn uihwihi) 1 HE iin.Ierslgnod, grateful for pnl patronage, rcspce fully Inforn.s hlscu.tumers and ths pnhllcgonerally ha hn. Just received from tho Easturno cities, III Dint tin tints llUt l.irei'f t nml )nn,t select itnck of FALL AND WINT Kit That has V.t been opened In llloomsliurg to which hn Invlti.s ilm nlt.'iitlim of hi" fiielids. und insures them that lin y are oll'ereil for sale nt great barjaius. His Stock coinprisi'S n large nssnrimciu oi GI'.NTLEMEN-H WEARING APPAREL, (!iiiimiua of I'vpitioxAMK Dnuss Covts, of every lies crlptloni Pants. Vests, Shirts, Cravat" Stocks, Cotlem lliiudkurchicfs, Gloves, Suspeiiilurs, &r, GOLD WA 1 CMES JEWELRY, 1 Of every description, flno nnd chenp. , N. II. Rememb -r " l.aircahrrg'i Cheap r.mporlna.' call nnd sec. No charge for examlng Good". DAVID LtJWF.NHERO I lllooniburg, March 2'), lr?Cl, (Juc li'3'.l.) "r" n r? n 1, .r, -i -.1 , L. rr r .', - LbililJii'ij Wilts' 1)1. A FAMILY MAG AINE Diwrun to Lrrr.iuTi'iw. .iun uni.mio.v. VOLUMB XKIII-1C03. j (T is tlm design rf this MneiiRine to pro.lurp nu ell 1 g.nit and pine lit'ire, -11 Ii ,i nil, e il Ivat tu i ' tact", n fine Hi nivmors aud euiio'il alltli' nloisol lil -, Lit 'rary without Ii ing pe laolie. r, ll.'i ids in lt 10.1 ami ilmriiii r vvitliu itbU'dry, Il will ,u ike Helf woleoin.' ivh r -ver it I" known. Mi ih'i mjiu i lu lis! 101 it r v I. b itt -r a l.ipt J In th - family cif, I.-. Darin; th forth o uni t vol i-n il will r,mli,ii lu maintain in 1 ehar.nlei- as ' Hi Ul "-n of 111 ' II mtllli " lain m, -eh inn-ill 'Xi eutloii by th It 'poit try is u do pial-'il by mi) il, In th laii'l. It i print mi from st- r otjp il,il s 0,1 Hi 1I11 t . ten I. r I pi'-r,.iul e.u II iri oh r eontiii'i" tiv o original st "i eugr iv 1 1 !.. e -t-liu til high 'st-tvl'iif t'l ' art by ,utnn u!i 1 sl,i 1 1 at Hi,- h on! ol th ir prof '"ion I 1 Ii ' Itepo-itory h is spa l it a.lupiio'i M th - family. It firiiih s a gr at 1111 1 nit "I'r -ail.i'i a-l ipl 'd to .1 I Hi- u nili -rs of in - f.i oily -yi' iiig an I old -not for g tiiiigth.'tliillr'ii- It I - IV ili.v.ii'l fill oflif.'.--I11 It liioii" ,1.1 1 G -neral Lit ralur il ore ipl s .1 nii-liu tlicteinh tilled in 110 oilier way I s r. adi ij iv ill do Hi he.ntaii 1 s ml goo I. ! Among He eiiiitiiliulors are foiti I soui'nfth! h""t I writ rs 111 tli'l.iud. iii 'ir t. ii -r.giv -i 'g.iiKM, spie 1 I nut van ty.,i well as in-trii"tio 1 l.i ilspi.'.c It l th lul minimi til' CHlur.iu.t I'ubli-h t to iii.ilj) it Hi tiret -r.ri 17.111 of it" in til 1 1 1'itry. fSue iil I nil, 'III 1011 i niv it hi I III.' V .1 r 1 ',1 ,111 I I It -r "ling c un. 1 t ul" ot til - E il Till ii, pa,iiii ul. which ex'uliits I'e.i- ' lures no ev Ii 'ro el"o In h ' fo tu,l. It will i lelu I.- ciii turj ' .iliin -I, c-o il iiuiai 1,1 my choic- thoights ttnd I 1 xpiHili'Uis for tliu I liri-lian r- a u-r n.J I ni'iiistur Not s.iii.l Unrp". 11 iilrary mil criti "C 111 I mgu hllilj inter 'sli.ig to the impil-iuv ; M.lie sol evv l',ilili",itioiis ; It, 'iii". 1 it ru ry. S i ,111111? and Religion g tu f.ei ts, iiitii't-iils. nml t,.ti-iic ' I p riii i'nent 7 Il, l..l. .... C.r .1,11, s. u h,.l, eeill 1, . fillof store, -s and nllec, lot -e'tc ullarlv uelapteil to i'lt tetaul Instruct chil run ; l'.,ilui,it llluioiugs, mad.' up if 1 1 ru .111 1 rar pas-1 ige auu am c, lot gLam i form th" Edit ir's not .' : and Edilur's I alile will also 1 mbody .put a variety. Ther- Is an economy in taking tn.i Mat:i.7ine. if jou look .11 th a oo intof tile lending tn.itt r. A siusle vol- llltl I- 1. 1-1. II to en III r.'iuo. vol 11 ill es won 11 ill ir,-s' oe s would cost SI '.'i earn. I h.i is yu gi t III (lie ilepo-itorv for Tw o Dollar and a Dull' vv hat win Id cost vol lea" 111 t!u boeilt form; an. I tit 1 1 it huge 1, i-vr - I,. 11,,. 1, , ...l.,t Mi,r,-.i. in the cost of pap. r aud til oltller ou t ni l i f I ir-, ami 111 v in the f.p t that pubii-h, is 1 1 h mk ar-- eoiop 1 :d ( a, I I I'ront tw -my tiv o In thirty p r c ent. to tip p. It ' "f til ''r konk". We 11 IV.' ill" 11, 'd It llllsifil 10 , nt nipt nu p.ibliintioh of the. I! 'po"it.iry f r the eo.ui'ig y ir at less th 111 two no.) 1 llnlf D.dlarr. 'Puis mil I be pud inv.iri.iti',.v ill a Ivaniv. Ml "inn -l 'i of in .M -tli mist Episr -pal ' hurch are i i-r'ilit d vg oil ,111,1 will rec. iv,' Sunrrlpiion nnd P.ij in uta I'ubli-h '.I by i'ou fi. Illieheoi t , 'I'll 1 ti. ' oru rot lining t.iglilh c-iti-et,( eutt-ui K I'oit.-r. New Yoik. gild Mlilli'irv Mieet. (Irl-'r llici-ived by Will. M Dmiphlv, I hi.-i.go', J P Me-jo.', limtou; S. Iligtins, rinl.i p 1 1; J P. ( oeik I'alliu.ore; J. L. It''a 1, I'ilis 1 11, 1 r o,. , 11 u.iii... l'.,i:l'jo, v ; lli.b rt M Liry. 1'r.iiici, o, ( al ; 1' il.Pearii'!, Portland. ' 'reguu; A, 1 lii J-4 P il -ruo i.-r, itoc, l.o'i Ion, I'ugttth I. .l-.o Dim r'h any in crenit 'd trnveli.ig mini til 1,1 tin Meth odist Etuseiei'il Ctiureli. Ute. 13, lei :-':ts. u;t OK! RiucK 1 ! it 11 1 l K : : il! 1 1' 1 '" 1 f"r ,n' 1 11 "''' rfi' '' " ,JJJU ai, Altliellloomshi,7g Ilrlrk Yr.r.1.- ply lu His tu seribur H14?,'IY it. AkTfftifl. Blcnen-jluts, tun-. SS, IVJ5. hEADINU RAIL-ROAD. it7.if.UA7t A lilt .YfJTA'KA 7S. f r-at Trunk Line from the North -ml Notth-Wesi for - i'liiliu:. Iplua. Ni vv Vor-.. "eailiug. I', tt,v ill,-, u-b.i- 'loll. Wl'-lltolVII, l.a.-tiHt. s.c., cte. Trains leave llnriisburg for I'hil.c t.dphia. New Vork,,';, I'ottsvill -, and all inter nicli.iii s-t.etp ii.,ni t, ,t in, nn.l l.lclp 10. N"iv V" Xir, "lcive-i Hnrrislitirg nt t-'JJ a in ar . t-t,PW v,,, ,, e 05 b!UJl nlnr ln(, Fares froui II i-nsbi.r,' : To New -York ;.',imiI; to Phil ndelphu . .,n,l i,! Tu. Raggagu check 01 through ,. , ,mg I, ave i-iv- or nt 0 n. in., 2 Noon and t i. 111., viilislnirgli i:.p;ussj Leave PhiladelPlii.t al -i ,1, 111 .t'til :i lo p. m. fl .-ping ears in th- Netv-Ynrk I'xpress Traint-, tluo'igli tu and from Pittsburgh w ilhont eitaitgo. .illltoll nl 4 4". an,, for I'l,:i,l.. 1., , .1, It,' statlOS- I UIU Ut.I O 111 I'nr Phil.i.l.'lol.,., V,v V',,.1. . . , . . . : . "- an. I all Way Point. ' Train. I, ,-evn P,,ttsvilu nt ham, and 2.1.1 p m. for i hll.i.ii lphla ami New York ; and at .i.Lllp m for Aul.urrr an I Port c liutou only, eoitnecliiig tor lino Grove nud Willi tile Cattavvissu I all Rn ul An accoiiiion.lution pass 'oger train lenves Reading st J a in, and r. turn f,um Fiiiludolphi.iut S p ui. All the abovf trains run dailj , Suuuuys uirepUit. A .-uiiiia. leaves Potlsville, at 7.i0 am, and Philadelphia ata.15 p ru. i "oiniuiiicali m, Mileage, S 'ason. and Ticket., ui reduced raieu to nml from all points (i. V. Ml (l i.m .May IT. 'ffa General Sup 'nut .-n lent. TO COX U.M I'TIYES 'pHE Advertiser, li.iviug b -en restored to heatihlnnl J Tew vve, ks by a very simple reiin-dj . alter having siill Jems vvitliu lung nlfeiti ui, nud Hint i ir.-ad iiis'.is.i.CotiMinipliou inuuxiou-i touiakeknown mills telloiv-siillVri rs the. meansof ttire. I i'o all who itr-inu It.i will .end n copy of the pre scription ti-ed 'free of ch irge,) with II ireitioit for ! pr.-pitriiij and using tin- same, winch Hp y will find u ! -uul ( pat: lor Cos.LMeriu-i, As-iuiis, Piioseiirns, & i'h only ol'j'.ct of llio adv erli-er in sernling the Pre. siripti'Ut is lo b lu lit the nlllirteil. and spr. n.l infi rma- i turn vvhieh hu ronci Iv, s lo he invaluable, und ho hoiu s 1 everv fciilU-rcrvvi I try Ins leni.-dy, ii" it will cost inem ' ui thing und may provi n bb-sslng. Pailios wi.liing lint prescription will please ndefreis. likv. I lilVAItii A. v ll.'fii; Widlaiiisburg, Kings Cotraty, ).,jc7 YeifJC. Eept 2T, Iftf.J-Snio, KftjrilvCB TO DISCHARGED SOLDIKIiS. rpilE iiuderrianed. h iv Ing been appointed Examining .1 IViisioo Surgeon, lor the eointtu s of Columbia and Montour, vv ill ex iuii ie til npplie.iuts AT l'.l'.l'.WK'K, ou Monday, December 2' th lKtJ. Ul.oi M -III R I, I uosd.iy. " litiiii " DANVILLE, Wednesday, :n(t " Applicants will Lij prepaied to slum tin ir dinlnrge papers. H. P. MOODY, M. D. I.ellin ill. Dec. El, IgliC. IU Tension Sar'een STRA W ! ST 11 A W ! ! -ST It AW ! ! ! TON'S HIT! W.of nil kinds, llurkwheat ex-ceptt-d, is vv allied lllltlieillntely, nt tho Mill Grovo Paper Hills, in ur I ightKtrtet, for which imsii in in- pain. ,,,,, . THOMAS TRENCH. Mill Grovo, August 0, ISC2, TINWARE h o'fOVE Sllol'. 'PIUS undersigned rcspeetfully informs hi old friend 4. mill i-usioiiier. that he i purchased Ins bn titers nterestin thunbovo eslablishmt'i.t, and the concern vvils lierealler he conducted by himself,., , tn,,v..le- He has jti-t reci tved unci oll'ers Tor sale, the I 'a ".".'! .'!"!"' t'"'ivo assortment of I' A , tjet-asl ) Lrt ever introdiiceil into this mark t. ' -- His stoik consUt ..I ..,,. at..,.. ... u . larg- Y Ilis i stock consisti of u i-otiiieiu nssortuiei'il nf , , - , '. .. i ,',,,pi,-iu iissoi inieiu o ha h'-st l ooking and parlor stoyns lit the market, logetli- H,ri,H''''".",', 5 fW'ry description, five,, und IH Stoves, Radiators. Cylitnlur Stoves, Cost Iron Air- i "ves, caiiuou Stoves, &c &c. Stovenipu and i!!'"'1"' o"J."tai,tly ou hand and inat.unittured to i.rdur. - .iiuateii.o EXPI.OSIVKI and eitiul to any KEROSENE. WIIY ininn euphnivoOll, when a few eenls mora per gallon will furbish you vv ith pcrftct Oil Matte, only by rb fl,A'"T..MAlsul'A--"i'l''-'x company. r.byV."c2,nln?eni,,.r",!, l'll"'At,l:''',"'A' PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING f HE subscriber would Inform his friends, that lis Is ' .i fi .'Vl'.'f ! ,'?'KliF unii'MMi hods, at 12 tents per foot, All work warranted. . 11 1,11,1 Ml, 1 E. D. HIUI.r.M N FALL Blonanbiirg, May 21, 1600, I LTIMORE hOOIC HOSt'ITAL KSTAnl.lSIIED Ad A UEI'UlllllilO.M Ul'ACKRuv 1 The Qiibj Piute ichctc a Ctnc can Ce j ' Obtained, 1 I-vR- JOHNSTON has iliscovered tha mo"t t'eit.dn i JJfpeedy nnd only Effectual Remedy tu tlm Wert I ror nil pi I Willi Diseases, Wenknes or the llnck i,t i Llnihs, Htrlctiitf", All'eitiona of the Kidney n and l.l.n, Her, Involunlury Discharges, luipotenc y, General I)-, ulllt, Nurvoiisness, Dyjpepsy, Languor, Low tpmu L'imliistoiior Ideas, rnipci.u mi m ine noail, Tinililit,, Tremhllj-it;. ,iysS,ZVJu 'V? thu Head, i I ';' ';,,.H"" kh ! ,V,. ! . f.5 !" ,,,.v llimoens ii, i3io, ,,, ..iiioioos", Ills ,no f Lungs, Stuinnch or Dowels -tlioso terrible litUf,, iirisiug I rum tlie Solitary llublts of Yoliti -tlm.,' sum r , and solitary prniucos o..,t-1,,.,,, ,, ,r m, Ul Mhisongol Sjreiis t" Ilm Murines ol l'lj?us, ,,ut,t 1 lug t i")r most brtdl.iut hopes ur untie ipatlous, ruiiu, 1 tug marriage, &e. Iinposslblu, j Y O II N G M F. N Fspetliclly. "ho have heroine tho victims of H, Vice, thai die.idl'ul and destructive! habit which anin, n Ily mveeps to mi iiiillmely grave thousand" or ,, Men of til i most exnlted talent" lend brilliant lists II , t I win) might iith'irwlsu havo c'lilranr.d list -ning Senap.j 1 Willi thu thunders of t Lenience in vviikud to ei,l'i ,y . Uvlni' lyru, muy tuil Willi lull conlldunco. M A R It I A (1 E, I Mnrrlel peifsoiis. nr Young Men DmtPtiiplniluT ,, , rhigo.h'llignwaruof plijslinl VTeakness, organic demote ) IV cleformllies, 4ic speedily cured, 1 lie who places hlmstll under tho tare of Dr. .lolmston. ' may religiously i onfii 0 In liU honor us n g, ntlemeu. ,,, cunlldiiutly rely upon his skill as n pli) siclan. O R O A N I C W IS A It ,V IS S U niniedlatily cured nnd T'lll vigor rustnro.r. This Distressing (Wr rtlun which r nd, r life mi, r-rable and marring" Impossible-Is the penalty ,:,, , Ilia vlcllni- nt improper inooigt-iici s. iouug p r sons nro ton npt In romuilt excess from 110 not I, avvaru 01 ine iireiiiiioi eoo-e,pii-ni-u urn iiniyin. Now', WHO null unuersiiiiniM 111" suiijeii will p. i lellil loo'-oy 1 I,.- , soon, r , ,ylhoe falling tut" Improper habit than hj the pnnliut l u"ldus bin? ileprlx oil nf Ilm tilensiirn of h ult ! . n springs, the iiio-t surlmts nud elestructivi; syniplou, 1, ' both ho ly nnd mind 111 1 f. Tlio system In coiiii's dernn . I ed: th,j phy-lcal an I mental f 1111, timi- vveaknpil I,,, cif proersatlvi' power, nervous in liability. Dy.pip.'j palpltalioii of thu heart, ludlgn Hon. roiislllullolial ,1 ' Inlilv. n watting of tin! Frame, Cough. I.'ousiiinptio,,. I -yt'eay ini'i di'J"'. oti :(is, " : south fredi.rh k streit I l.irfl haod i ! going from Sl.iltluiori street :i few ,1,,,,,, froui tlw c on', r. Fall ' ohset v e uanie nud liiimli , 1 -,,.t, rs iiiiu b" paid ai d contain 11 t.iuip. Tn 11, I tor's Diploma haiis in his olllce. ! A 0 U 11 IS W A It It A N T IS D I N T W () I KO MLItl UlY o.l vvt'ioe lllli'UA 1 lilt. JUtl.VtSI'IkV 'Member of t tin Royal Cillge ol ftilrg ,oM Graduate fm.ii mi,' of Hi "t I'uiiii nt .'oil . i'..ii ..i ... und th' greater part of who, I) Y I op,, ,, ' - 'A t' lu b keen sin ut In til ' tlrrt llo-pit it ol Loudon Pan I'll: , d, liiliniu'i't 1 1-' ,vh t', li'i 1 11 it d - o.ip' 1 r th n 1,. toiiliiing ritrethat wer-ev r k iovvn, ma.iv ir,,ii,i , wllh riuaing in the head an I ear. when a-l p e , norvo.i'ii '"" h -iug al.inned al siiddi.11 sound., nn.l n.,.,, I'.iluess, vv ith fre I'lenl blii-hiug, ntt. uded s.iiui-Mei, ,u, Jer'iugeinenl of mui'l. were turoil , T A K E P A R T I C V I. A R N () i' 1 C P. M A R It I A G IS. Dr. .1. uibtros" 's all thu" ho ti'ivu in 'rod Hi, u, , i bv imiroper luilulgr uee and si.lifiry hiluls. vi hi 11 ru In both body n.i.l mi, id. uiiliting 1 1 1 -i 1 1 1 lor ellh, r iiess, study, soe 1, tv or rt.iin-. i'lu'e are nun of the eu I an I in liuirlioiv 1 II' , i- prl. .lined bv en,ly li.ihils ol'voiith, v 1, We.iku.ii ,r ,. 11,1,1. an t l.i'.iibs. I'.lill in l!c II 'lid. Ml in .1 e- of tti. ,t Loss of .Mii'ciilar Power. Palpitation of III II a , . pepsi.i. Nervo'is Irratalicllty. II r.m.'e 11 ul of th mk , ive I'linttinn... G.'ii.-ial D Inlitj , s inpiiiois of ( ou ,, "'jiisvl' M.LV.-i'h" f ' irf il d'-et-. no tl p ,1 r nllli-ll to be dr -a.leil, Loss of Mi i.'orv 1 'oof o"l..o ,1 I ' 't'l'1 sslu ot III l-pinis. l.v 11 1 111 ,uii'- 11 r-i 11 tn So, 1 iv "-r-i"lri'l l"ve m solilitd' , llniii, , ur noe uf Hi" evil- proiliu d. 'i'h.iu-1 111 Is of p r-oiis of all ago" inn now i-i l" ' ,,t is thu tu'K, ot 1,1 ir deili.iiu h si I J Is. I.i , ilia 111 ,r vi"or, h.'c-1-.ning -k. wl -' n d 0111.0 1.1' d Ii.,,,-. ,, npp '-uaiu alio 11 III ej niugli and torn- t l.'ei.lsupll'lloll. Y 0 1' ' 1. M I. N. Who have Injured thm'.ivi-" h a c rt-nn prion,, I'idiilgi d in wh n alone a h.iuu t -un oil I n, , hn i.vil 1 oiooaiiii'li", or at school the , If ' t 01 I'm ti ir 1 tiicliilv t il, even evil, n It.: -t" p in 1 1 11 ir'i rnr, u u ul.irn.tge liiipo-"i!,l'-, auu ileo lioj s 00111 oii'io inn , , should npplv imm 'diat"tv . v Vhe.t 11 pi U tint ivoung mm. th hope of 'us 000 . and 111.! dulling ot lli" pireut", -loelld I i all priisp-ct aud ,-ulav niunt ot lit,', bv lb - t-o . 111 11 r.-rtniit si-e r. t h.tbit. Sui li p ro.n- vp 1 ' cioteiiiplaliiig rt-tl-'i-t iliat a -o'titd mind and liedv nro tn , , c-ssurv t -i 11-1,1-- ,, 1 - Indeed, w llhiiilt l'i se tile Jo'!' .! Inn. igll III ., , a vvearj pil'Ji iniage. tin: p.o perl lion l il , III,! viuvv : Hi.' inri.l le eo'iies .Itu.lmvi .1 will lill.-d vv llll thu loi laoi holj rell ello.i ( Hi Ii.,, ,, ot .ninth -r li 001 bliuhl'Ml vv ith oiir ovv 11. D I li IS A S E 11 I' I M P 11 V H. ii Wtieu the lul-uuitliid and 1 iitfi rci.l --tit volar) ol pi eo. luds h 1 tins. in. bib '-1 th ' sec el ,-f Ihi (1111 1 ,-v, .1 too nfi. n itapp ut-. that an ill timed i-n ' ti n 1 drei n of ,.i-', ov -,y. il-t-! hi n from 1 ,', 1 I ev hn frn.o e.iue..'.! in .tin; r, J;t. 1 till i -1 c . 1 iiim, doiuyiit1! HP Hi, eonsiituii,.,ei , 1 hon i I tiiH.-ae tioik.'s th ir npp''t . - , 11, ore tlttn it. ill :i.-I 00s--. iti 1 1 o i p., 1 i ili.i IiihIjsi. .1 1 trt 111 i--, cf 1. 17 Ii t . i!-.-' r-if ti .. istie, a't I ur.i," Ii, 1 nu the i,-,io 1',, , , tie.,, proi.res-i n w 11 It rupiiitt,. ,ti I at l.t t t wlte litnilili and hn'i of th.' in'-. I ill 111 nu , l.i r.'lU 1I1 s use li 'entiles u hoi 11 I out .1.1 ',. till d nth p. its it p- 1 in.t to hi' i'tv.1 .1, 1 oil 1 ling t.itli tu "th it butirue l.otii w li n,ti 00 1 i tilrll." It 1 a melancholy fat 1 thoitsnit 1 f rin tht-i.-irihlo .11.. M. -, -,. t'li: lo lit itn.'i 1, uoratit pr-t-ui 1 'r. vv ho oj Hi o.eol. i . vii, .Vr,-. nrti, 1 1, tu ill e .Ulsln ulioli 110 1 ., U 1 r 1 in: olille uilsiiral'le S T II A (I F R S 1 1 i, .111, j.1,0 11,. r. ur ii'-uiui. 1,1 mi- iir "' i I'll , nrlleti nud U'ottlileu Pt- tuudirs , at 1 kiiim I eel is .. 11 lint or c haruetor.v. ho 1 1 Hr J 1 1. , sdv 'riis ineiiis. or rtv le tlieiiiseteis. in ih n. u yjj; .'ul. ii l.v Ediic.t.'d I'hviic i.nis ii ir , v j '- p you tritliuit itiooih utter mooiii laLmi ti, frtnl iut-.ills ei Mil ,,, . ,t ,,-., or tis in i i. us I P. "0 j unit he olil.ll u.-il. li 111! HI de pa I r. 1 1 U v e ) , u c fp-altli lii .iji ov r your t'a.ll'itt! ili-i.ppou, ' ie - Dr Jnliiisoii j the only I hysii-itiu 1,,'vuru, . II Is- erenuiil nil .-r n I .lolil;.s ,i I w iiv h 1 ; Ills i'elue.,1, l Ir' aluteul nr.-ullUiioev n i fji p-ired Irom 't lil'. sp. ut ie tit, gret.t It , ,. 1 ,l'n- 111 ' "r '" till 10 II, try t,.l ruo Vftic rrnt e than itnv o III rtii5-i feu in ii o , J 111 tl HIS MI-'.'F 111' TH I Pit s- i'ill! lltailV tllnii,.ill.l cored ill Mil- 1' "' I ter year unit the n.iut,-nit-in tmrlniil r ur t-. I tiuus perfiirmed by Dr. John t.,n rruis. in jtiiitriers "t the "-un." "( lippi r," i.n t met ' , H' i ' iliitiee iifuhieh hov i app, ar. d tigaiii an a ,, IIP' liutlie. be-l ,'s In- stkili'll g -i. o i tu1. in ' eV ter an i re - pousibil it r, is a s ill'iet, til go ru t ' sjilli-led SKIN DISEAS'l.M SPEEDILY CI R Hi I , P, 'rums vv riling shouM be parti' ulat In 1 ' ' Cltlers to hi" InstitiitiMU, in the t'olle v inu ti JOHN ,M. Ji H Vr- l'i t)f Ote Ikilllmnr'- Lexoji llorplteii, liiillim, ri vf hu. 1?, ISOsl. (.Xintch Ii J A rA IT a.vjj H. SM H, )..,. s IVIIOI.V.SAI.F. SHANDIES, WINT1", WinSKKY GIN'S. AND LIllHtlRS, CE'.EIS M.'-i No, li'-i-i I fat ii lit Sts , between 3 1 c?' I" ru n. i ri."' i C. tl. H".iiV, 'I'r.ivc.'ling Agent and Sil -iorio. "t7Ortiincs Ri-"!-.t-rn''.i.v Sol it-m.i, Nov uibur Mi. I nra. y,, KA'i lOWh I 0( D! 0J I, r til's LOCATED IN IMIILADELI'IIIA. S. E. CCKNEKTlii AM) fill.'S I'M i' 3 1 1" JNew York City, Jir-.oJyn, Ailxn y, I"' livjj'ato. tie nit, (l-vtland. L','i'u.. and tit. lout t llook-keeiiliig, Penmanship, c, di iioti i tl Anio'a !' Cotuiueri ia l.nw, Forms, Lorn-sihoid, ue, A-i. I" " cally taught, 'i'hesu 1'ollegr s being iitidi r ibo sunn gt-u ml 1 management, and iinitin. in en blue in '"s of all, olf'r gr- iil- r Ijiilllies for iiop.irti m-i ' than niivot'ier sloiilar iiisiittiiinii in Hir . uoi t A Si-hnlarsbip usiiuil by any oiii isgo ui in i'1 14 ' unlimited ninu. 'I'll i PhiludolphiiiColl -go has hon r 'r oiv en'T aui ri'I'.iruislied in ,i nip. rior iniien r, ail t- n '' largest and most iirusperou. Coainien lal Innd n 'a tlm Statu. Ilryant .t Strattnti'j s-eri-p nf Text lloolis ea.lirsn Dook kc ping, i.'oiniuerc ial Ariihui in , utt l in..i Law. for sale, and sent by mill IV" I' ir full particulars s u 1 I for a nrcj!ir Otlober lii, l-nrJUui. E S T R A Y. C'amk lo tlio pronn'Ms of tlm enbspr ber. 'in Fishiugcruel. tcivi liship, Columbia count) . .I'"-' ''."... v'e IM'ilr liUl.l,, c. j uc?s!.-tT'r"i"i-i-) Willi a whitH streak across his back. inu is atioiii iwo jenrs uld. iho owm l IS rOUUUSleit III I-OIOII l.,rnr,l nmii! propurly, and uav eliarm.. ,.r n,uv u. in b iJtionAed ui fording to iuvv. , NATHAN' FLIVKEMi'tnE November fi, 1802-31 fpilll undersigned, linviiig-oi.uned n new inn''! A I Slid; rtllop, on Maln.treei, in Hopkir-sviM ' ' l looinsburg, respei tfully iuviles til- ciul 'iuol Hp us uoei mo panne generully. All hinds in ' Shoes, tec , will bo promptly niudo tu ord r "' notico uid inoderutn terms. Fiom ling expi m m III linO Of loisln, SS 111 ll.iltnra l.ln.s II It' W 1 mattMmM" iiblu to iglvo general aatlsl'aclioii to ai who un ) 1 him with riistui.i, I Grain, Provision and Produce! gene-vl) lk. ii exchange for work, j y l n50e liloonnburg, Jnly il, j"0t 3m, (.if