Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 10, 1863, Image 2

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ItLOOiTISltlllKS, 1A.
rwnnw, nr x vnT ukam.y cnahimoch, rtn ui
rnLLnivimi n mournon, muni Kxriu:E tiik oicKor
"That tlio ptctcnt iloplornlilo civil unr hn liocn
farccil upon tlio country liy tlio iliiinioiilnta of tlio
floutherii etatc, now In nriui nBnlnttlioCnni.titiilioiial
CJovcrnnient, nml In nrmrnirouml tlio Cnpllnl J that in
thl National cixomcnty, t'ouorcfs, lianlhhiR nil furl.
In? of nicro pnlnn or rrprntinrtit. will recollect only
itn duty to tlio whole country ; thnt this war in not uaettl
on I htlr partln miy tjiirit of oiiprrtilon, or for unymr.
ofitttrfertne vlth th riskt or utablished tn$titutton$ 6r
(wise oiniMi out id orcna nnu mnininin ine supremacy of
hi Constitution , and U pmerre the Union, vitk the dig-
t riuat tiyi anu ripnis oj ine eivrrai ciaies vnimpatriti;
&tH as soon at these objects are aecompliehtd the tear
io crarr.
fcarShcriffs Sales and Court advertiso'
mcnts appear in to day's Democrat.
J5- Tho Editor-in-Chief of this Journ
al, has boon absent from homo tdo past
week, at the Seat of Government.
03?" A now Post-Oflicc, has been estab
lished at Willow Grove, Columbia co.,
untitled "Willow Springs,'' and Mr. F. Hill, appointed Deputy
tor The New Yotuc Anaus. This is
one of the best papers published. It in
free, manly, vigorous strictly indepen
dent and soundly Democratic. By
Comstock & Cassidv, N. Y., at ?2 00
per annum.
JK2f Isaac Lincoln's letter to his Broth
er Abraham, publiahod somo weeks sinoo
in the ''Columbia Democrat," has been
enquired for by many of our friends.
Sorry wc can't supply tbcni That cdU
tion of our paper, has been exhausted.
Ohl for the Link-Items."
JCSrCapt. George W. jAconr, of
Mount Pleasant twp., Columbia eo., in
tho' 187th Ilcgc. P. M., writes to us from
Yorktown, Va., and gives a favorable ao
count of the Draftod Militia. Says they
are generally well and tolerably comfort
nblo. Like all tho other boys, intimates
that they woubi prefer a 'homo situation.'
fits?" Tho subscription and advertising
accounts of tho Star of the J'orth, havo
been tUo hunda of Mrs. Win. II.
Jacoby, for immediate collection, the Edi
tor of said paper having been drafted and
obliged to go to war, it is necessary that
prompt payments be made, in order tka,t
his family may havo means of support.
See notioe in another column.
XT New Year's Gift. Somo lady
friends of tho Lutheran congregation of
this .place, on New Year's day, presented
their pastor, Ilov. J. It. Dimm, with a
''purso" of 822,00, and a few valuable ar
ticles, swelling the sum to $25,00. The
Furpiise was perfect. These tangible expressions-of
regard and approbation tend
to cement tho relation of pastor and peo
ple moro permanently, and encourago to
great labor for tbe people's good.
CST Accidental Death. Mr. John
Droshcr, of Ccntervillo, St. Joseph co.,
Michigan, writes to his friond, Lewis Eck
roth, of Mifflinville, this county, that ho
lost his littlo Son, about she ICth of De
cember last, in a raost distressing manner.
Tho little boy was three years old, had
climbed upon his father's wood-pile, when
tho logs rolled down and crushed him- to
iustant death. This was a severe afiliction
to Mm. and Mr. Drcshor, ai they had just
list their little Frances.
ESySiWDEN ; Death. George P. Smith
a colored man, says tho Pittston Gazette,
died very suddenly in his barber shop, in
this place, a few evenings binco. He
was sitting at tho door of his shop, when
ho was all at onco seized with faintness.
IIo asked somo persons near him to help
him into the shop. They did so and loft
him alone, as they supposed comfortable.
When his partucr oamo in, Smith was dead
in his chair.
C3FWo see that they have had a ''dem
ocratic Teacher's Institute," at Beaver.
Wo happen to know tho majority of tho
junto ilguriug in the affair and henco nro
not surprised at their proceedings as found
in the last Democrat. Wo very much
doubt whether one of tho number has a
professional certificate wo know tho ma
jority of them havo not and somo of thorn
havo no oortificatc at all, anu yet tuoy pro
Euma to dictate to tho Department as to
who Hb all bo. our next Couuty Superinten
dent. All tins may bo tolerably goctu do
mocraoy, but as that institution is not an
exemplary patron of education, it will
liaruly pass muster.
Columbia Comity Republican.
In this county, it has boon supposed,
that the People had something to do with
tho selection of their officers. Dr. John
and his cohorts, it would appear, aro of a
difforcntopiuion. Thoy "will hardly paw
And if tho tcaohers in question, havo no
"Professional Certificate," as the Dr.
avers, it is because they could not sco tho
County Superintendent. Such, wo aro
informed, was the case with four out of
five tcachcro in one township. Havo wo a
County Superintendent ?
Tho Yoar 1862 and 1Q63.
Our paper has closed tlio eventful year
in American history of 1802, It has been
a year of blood and plunder a yoar of
carungo and 'conflagrations a year of
iinbooility, falsehood and corruption a
yoar of bastiles, persecution and tern a
year of despotism, prido and vain glory
a year of sorrow, desolation and death,
A yoar in which 000,000 of our bravo
young nion havo gone to an otornal home,
and' their raco blotted out forever. It
closotTiu despondency and "despair.
May an overruling Hand opon up the
now year with a wiser and hotter dotiny I
May 1803 bo au improvement on 18031
With this hopo wo greet our patrons with
tlio familiar snllitntinn. nnrn sn nviiMtti
i r .1 1 .. . .
01 " Heart 8 COnilUCncO ami DUOVanoV,
Wliat Mr. Holpor Thinks.
On tho subject of "compensated eman
cipation," tho President's friend, Mr.
Holpor, of "Helper Book" memory, treats
us to nn outpouriug of indignant eloquence.
IIo is forninst Honest Abo on that ques
tion, decidedly so. Hear him :
'Compensation to slave ownors for their
negroes J Preposterous idea I Tho sug
gestion is criminal tho demand wicked,
unjust, monstrous, damnable I Shall wo
pet the bloodhounds, for the sako of doin"
them a favor I Shall wo fco these curs o(
slavery, to make them rich at our expense 1
Pay these whelps for tho privilcgo of con
verting mom into decent, upright men?"
AVhat can Abraham say to that ?
CST Our- late ItnvEitsn. A oorro
spondeut of tho Berwick Gazette, and a
Member of tho Eighty-Fourth Itcgim'cnt,
in speaking of tho Battlo of Fredericks
burg, says :
"Our men fought nobly in tho lato bat
tic. They struggled bravely againU over
whelming odds, thoy advaucod without
shrinking against battories from which is
sued sheets of iron and flamo and death,
tliey charged against impregnable fortifl
cations, and when rcpulacd, foil back and
charged again. But, what availod all
tlicir bravery, and their patriotism ? Of
what account was it that individual hero
inn was displayed, that mon rushed into
tho "jaws of death, into tho mouth of hell,'
that so many noblo brave were slain? Oh
God 1 why was this movement niado?
Why wore so many noble lives sacrificed,
so much suffering caused, and misery and
mourning brought iuto so many families?
The nnny is ready and eager to crush tho
rebellion but we don't want to dio for noth
ing; wo don't want to seo our friends and
messmates cut down in tho prime of life,
and no result nccomplinhcd. Wo aro wil
ling to fight, but wo want to whip them ;
we want to conquer the rebels and restore
our country to a greater than its pristine
Licuts. Jackson and Forrester bchavod
with great gallantry in tho lato fight and
cama off untouched. Both aro well. Tho
other Berwick boys who aro with us are
Yours, J. B. Y.
Such is tho opinion of a Union Soldier
of the lato inhuman slaughter. And such
1 -I T . - .
wouiu dc uio expressions ot almost every
soldier in tho Army, notwithstanding,
Burnsidc, takes the responsibility of tho
wholesale murder, and Old Abe, congrat
ulates tho country that tho sacrifloo wai
so small. Thousands will repeat, "Ohl
God, why was this movement mado? '
CSy An investigation has been going on
for a few weeks into the expenditures made
in New York city, for onlisting, organiz
ing, provisioning, Ac, of volunteers
Vouchers purporting to account for about
LARS, havo bcon examined and fostod ;
and it is found that nearly one million of
this sum has boon actual plunder, or rob
bery. Thus matters continuo to go on under
our Abolition Republican Administration.
Wherever money ia expended on a largo
scalo, full one-half of it goes into tho
pockets of plunderers and robbers. And
all these scoundrels aro full of windy patri
otism and for pushing on the war, whilo a
curso to the great body of the people, is
so managed as to bo a rich blessing to the
Government ooutract thieves and robbers.
How long can tho country bear how
long will tho people submit' to this ruinous
condition of things ?
CoMr-REiinNENmxoTiin Issue. A Bos
ton letter in the New York, Tribune, and morning over the death
of Major Willard, ''killed," (if that is tho
word,) in the Fredericksburg pen, says
."He is cone, another willing offerim:
irom tho men ol tlio noble, educated up
per class "of Massachusetts. Wc yield
them up almost without a tear; for this
war ts iUassichusetts war Mussachu.
setts and South Carolina made it, and wo
demand tho duty and the glory of our
full share of tho sacrifice."
All this is a solemn fact ! Massachu
setts and South Carolina made the war.
Lot them rip.
In a Quandary. Mr, Lincoln insists
that his colonization idea shall bo carried
out. Ho says it is practicable, and that
thoro nro only two difficulties in tho way,
One is that tho countries to whioh the
negroes aro willing to go, will not rcccivo
thorn. Probably Mr. Lincoln has ascer
tained that it is easier to do somo things
than it is to do others.
lZ ' 1 ' '
JJS?" Wo of this Administration, nnd of
this Congress cannot esoapo history. Ade
No. Indeed, if you nil cscapo tho Pen-
itonliary, you'll do exceedingly well,
"I have no purpose, directly or indi
rectly, to interfere with the institution of
slavery whero ii exisls. I hcliovo 1 have
.. L .(..! II 1 , 1 , . ... - . .
mi iiiwim it mux to no so," j.mconii
Inaugural Jhldn as, Marth -Kit, 1801.
The Pcrfiiliutis Violation.
Washington, Jan. lit, 180n,
liy the President of the Um'cd Stales of
Whereas : On the twenty second day
ol September, in tho year o our Lord one
thourand eight hundred and sixty-two,
a Proclamation was issued by the Pres
ident of the United States, continuing,
among other things, the following, to wit :
''That on the first day of January, in
in tho year 'of our Lord ono thousand
right hundred and sixtv .three, all persons
held as slaves within any State or des
ignated part of a Stale, the people where
of shall then ho in Rebellion against the
United States, shall be then, thencefor
ward and forever free, and the Exccu'ivo
Government of tho United Stales, includ
ing the military and naval authority
theieof, will recognize and maintain the
freedom of such persons, ami will do no
act or acts to repress such persons, or
any of them, in any effort they may
mako for their active freedom.
"That the Executive will, on the first
day of Jiinuaiy aforesaid, by proclama
tion, dosijniatc the States and parts of
States, if any, in which the people there
in, respectively, shall then he in Rebell
ion against the United States, and the
fact that any State and the people there
of shall, on that in good faith
represented in the Congress of tho Uni
ted States, by members chosen thereto
at cleotions wherein a majority of the
qualified voters of such Slate shall have
participated, shall, i:i the absence of
strong countervailing testimony, bo deem
ed conclusive evidence that such Slate
and the people thereof are not then in
Rebellion against the United Stales."
Now, therefore, , Abraham Lincoln,
President of tho United States, by virtue
of the power in me vested as Comman
der in-Chief of the Army and Navy of
the United States in lime of actual
armed rebellion against tlio authority and
Government of the United States, and
as a fit and necessary war measure for
suppressing tho said rebellion, do on this
the first day of January, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
sixty-three, and, in accordance with my
purpose so to do, publicly proclaim, for
the full period of one hundred days
from tho day first above mentioned, order
and designate as the States and parts of
States whoroin the people thereof re
spectively are this day in rebellion against
the United States, the following, to wit :
Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, (except
the parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemines
Jefferson, St. James, Ascension, Assump
tion, Terrebonne, Lafourche, St. Martin
and Orleans, inclntling .the city of Now
Orleans,) Mississippi, Alabama, Florida,
Georgia, South Carolina. North Carolina,
and Virginia, (except the foity-eight
counties designated as West Virginia,
and also the counties of Berkeley," Acno
mac, Northampton, Elizabeth City, York,
Princess Ann and Norfolk, including the
cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth,) and
which excepted parts aro for tho present
left precisely as if the proclamation were
not issued.
And, by virtue of the power and for
tho purposo aforesaid, I do order and
declare that all persons held as slaves
within the said designated States and
parts of said States, are, and hencefor
ward shall be, free ; and that tho Execu
tive Government of the United States,
including tho military and naval author
ities thereof, will recognize and maintain
the freedom of said persons.
And I horeby enjoin upon tho people
so declared to bo free to abstain from all
violence, unless in necessary solf-dofence,
and I rccommond to them that in all
cases, when allowed, they labor faithfully j
lor reasonable wages. And 1 further
declare and mako known, that such per-.
sons of suitable condition, will bo receiv-!
cd into tho armed service of the United
rviccof the United
s, positio.Vtatio,, '
i , i '
d to man vessels of ,
States, to garrison forts
and other places, and
all sorts in the said service. And upon I
this act, sincerely, believed to be an act of
justice, warranted by the Constitution,
upon military necessity, I invoko the
considerate judgment of mankind and tho
gracious favor of Almighty CJod.
In witness whereof, I have hcrount0
set my hand aud caused tho seal of tho
United Slates to do affixed.
L. S Dono at tho city of Washington,
this, tho first day of January, in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and sixty-three, and of tho independence
of tho United Slates of America the
By tho President,
Wji. II. SnwAiii), Secretary of Stale.
Soi.niEits Not Paio. Soldiers aro
sending to their friends at homo for moii-
oy, as many ot tliem nave not received
a dollar from tho Government for five
months. Tlio complaints como not only
from tho army of Virginia, but from the
Southwest, from Nowhcni, and from
othor points,
. .
iQyTho ''riiir,onini,io.v ' No. 12, com
pleting first vol,, is at hand. Its success
is assured nnd it will be continued. It is
a very entertaining publication.
Somobody to Blamo.
Letter irom JJ,irn tie's army, written,
e ir i i i. ; i ,
a few days before the late disastrous bat-
tlP. States, tlllt in OHO llilthl. nlnlln. twelve
' ' o j
of our sidaers were brought into camp,
FROZEN TO DEATH while on picket
duty .' Many of the men were on guard
without pantaloons having been for
three weeks uithoiit that garment weal
ing overcoats The thermometer stood
II) (leg. below zero. Many were bare
footed, having been furnished with Mass
aelinsetts contract shoes willi soles allied
on, which went to pieces in a few days.
Moreover, the men were half starved.'
In the same week, eleven sick and
wounded soldiers were frozen to death in
the hospitals near Washington, where
thousands of negroes aro lodged in splen
did brick mansions, rented for the pur
pose at an enormous expense, and fed
and clothed like princes I Moreover
many of our soldiers have not been paid
one cent for from six to ten mouths.
There aro guilty contractors, quarter
masters, and higher officials, who will
have to render p dread account to God
and man for the death and suffering of
our bravo soldiers.
Follow Law as i au as Convenient."
The following extraordinary paragraph.
appears in recent letters from President
Lincoln to Gen. Grant, Governor Johnson
and others ex. rcising authority in Ten
nosscc, in which he recommends to their
consideration ono Thomas R. Smith, who
goes to that State for the purpose of so
curing the election of representatives to
the next congress. Mr. Lincoln snv
"1 shall be glad fur vou ami nf
you, to aid him, nml others acting jor
this object, as much as possible. Jn all
available ways give the people a chance
to express thoir wishes at these elections
hollow law and forms of luW ns nr as
convenient, but at all events get the ex
pression of the largest number of the peo
plc possible. All see how much such
action will connect with .-in,l .i...
proclamation of Soptcmbcr 22. Of stiurse
the men elected should be gentlemen of
character, willing to swear to support
the Constitution us of old, and known to
he above reasonable suspicion of duplie-
"ours, very Respectfully.
l&ignctlj -a. LINOULN."
Mark the expression, uIMlowlaw uml
forms ol luw as far as convenient." In
the estimation of the President, whenever
law is inconvenient it should not be fol
lowed. What a bciuitiful doctrine to ho
preached by a man whose duly it ;s u,
execute the laws! Surely the President
cannot be serious when ho advises his
officers to obey Uio laws only when it is
"convenient to them. A nice man the
President is In compel others to obev
laws, when ho only regards them when
they are convenient.
Army Correspondence.
Extract of a letter from Lieut. A, 73. Tate
Near Fredericksburg, Va. )
Sunday, Dec. 21, la02. 5
Our great Battle "the
fight of the war" was on the luih of Dee.
1802. In our Company, i 'o., I., 1 Oth
liegt. P. V three soldiers aro supposed
to be killed, and tweniy-ono known to be
wounded. John P. Eves, one of my boys
from Millville, Columbia co., died at the
Hospital, on Tuesday night, the 10th int.
from tho effects of two wounds ono shot
in tho back and the other through the
right arm. I made application and Used
my best efforts to get permission to bring
him homo to his widowed mother and re"
lations for interment, but was denied the
privilege. I attended his funeral. He
was buried on the Bank of tho Rappahan
nock. Is.MAn Fox, was wounded in the knee
and is now a prisoner in the hands of the
Rebels. It was impossible to get him oil'
tho Battle Field, ilis case is not without
hope. It might bo judicious to announce
the fact of these two young Columbia Vol
unteers in the "Columbia Demncraty All
tho other Columbia County Boys paBsod
safely through tho terriblo ordeal and aro
Some of us mado hnir-hrcadth oseanaa
Captain Chapman, was badly wounded in
two places, in Ins foot and back. Hh
001 P a"'Putatcd. I had a hole I
SStS'ui, oT Znl" I0"4 Sy n "'I ' i
anu oamuol . JJoono, has the marks i
through both knee, of Lis pantaloons by a
00t I.,,u?t , a":Puta,C(1
i i a,,11!
pantaloons by a
Rebel bullet
Wn lio 1 il r t 1
. " vimiUii joyiui news :
to prepare our Winter Ouartcrs. and aro !
all as busy as Beavers iu erecting Huts
and Tents.
A. B. T.
J1KAD yn's. Oth Regt. Pa., R. V. 0. )
Oami- neaii White Oak Cnuunir, Va. (
Dec. afl, 1802.
Mn. Wji. P. McBkide, Bloouibburg Pa.
Deau Sir:
It is with unfeigned sor
row that I answer your letter of the MHrd
inst , I am compelled to corroborate tho
report that reached you, of tho death of
Isaiah McBiuni:. Ho was instantlv killed
after wo had penetrated the cuomies lines
to a great distance, and could not bo
brought off tho field duriiis tho tiino wo i
hold it. His body was left whoro ho fell. I
winch was far hoyond any point whero tho'
T!! fL"Z!.
my. It is impossible now to learn any-
thing further abouf it. Vou ean rest as-
sured, that.ifitweropossibloto get his
body I would do ,o. My attaehuient for
.i . i ii ... . .
tiiu uruvu uieu oi my oiu company, is too
Ktro.iLV and their lovo for nud ntlmr. inn
great to allow the gravo of any ono of them
V, 1, ,rl,M ll n,," nnt l, nn,.l.ll i
,i. uwuivuiiiii imi
bv tho toars of svninathizin'' friends: ex-
hjii, nun. uuu.m,.,uu,u uiiukuiuta jiiu-
gCIlt tllCUlEVlVCS.
ISAIAH, uieu tiic ucatu oi a truo loiuior,
! .1 .
in tho cxtrcnio front of battle. I deeply
sympatliizo with his friends, and can only!
(Tn,. tl.n .AnLlIm, llml lifl ,nn liil 1 i In
' . , ,7 ' , B, . ,
in defence of tho samo country for which
forofntllcr., fougilt fc0 011g Jnlld w0, for
' (I,., cni,n ,..,,,( 4t.nI Imi mmln i,u (tin
" ...i,. iiiniu. w Ua
ftl-nnlost. hnnnlna! nnil frnntf tinnlrt nfi flin
? 1 1 , 1 ,1
laco of tho earth ; nnd under tho samo flag
which has led us victorious through threo
wars, and which I hope will yet bo triuin -
pliant in this.
With very great respect,
I mil Sir,
Your obedient forvant,
Major Commanding, O't '. A'. C,
Camp nkau Fin nuiticKsiiuua Va.
Deocmlicr 17th, 1802.
Cor,. Jjijvi L. Tati:,
J)t ur Sir :
Thinkinz that our friends
in Columbia County, would bo anxious to
hear as toon aj posMblo tho casualitics of
our company, in the battlo of tho i:)th of
Jwpcmber, L havo concluded to send you
a li.t whieli vou will please publish, and
flnmn.M I A fitt, 1!t I If fl
KII TjKI),, Isaiah McBridc.
Piivato, Jlilton G W Hamlin.
Sert. R W Howman, Loft Lung.
Corpl. W S Margcruiu, Shoulder.
Jl A bliuman, J,eg.
Joseph R Hess, Shoulder.
Ge'oivo Mears, Slicht Uruisc.
Piivato Wm. E Coffniau Ilnnd.
" L S tiiieman, Dreast.
Sylvciter llowcr, Hip.
A 11 llngoiibiieh, Shoulder,
Julius Kiamcr, Tliih.
A W Mann, Side.
Robert Jloiiroo, loot & Thigh.
Win. P rice, Hand.
Frankliu Hehr, (Slight) Ankle. amjsuiu'oskd i;iLr,i:i.
Privato, John J IIcss.
li-,,,,iii, n., .-,,
A.i. i. i. ,111,11
w.i, ,,u t u.ruuuy puunaiicu it
list, nearly similar to the above, but belie-
, nnr '. i i T.i' i.-.i
vingit would be ol interest to the friends
of our uoble soldiers, Jt is reinserted.
Grout Victory at Murfrocsboro'.
The Rebels Rctreuiiim and our Fmccs in
Cur Losses Estimated at from
i,00 to
uv oum:ii,m, iiurii:ui!A,Mj.
C.uir Niiaii iSIURi iiEKsnono,
Jan. -1, 180;i.
Toftlnjnr General Halloa;, Gc?teral-in-.
i' my inspaici. ot last evening
I have to aiiouiice thai the eiiemv arc in
r ,, . .
I hey left last night. The rain havin.r
raised the liver, and the bridge across ft.
between the left and centre, burnt: in-!
...i.i, i -. i . . i
couiplete.l deemed it prudent to withdraw
.i.. .
that wing duriniftho nilit.
This occupied my time until
o clock and fatigued the troops.
The commein eini'iit of the -eireat was
known to me at seven o'clock this mom-
nil'. Uur ammunition tram atiived t ur
ing the niuht.
rn i ....... .
lo-clay was engaged in distributing the
uiiiiiiuiiiiiiiii, ouryiug ii ic dean, anu eoi
leeting arms from the liuld of battle.
The pursuit wan commenced b' the
centre, the two loading brigades arrived
at the west side of Stone liver this even
ing. Tho railroad bridge was saved, but in
what condition is not known.
We shall occupy the town and push
the pursuit to-morow.
Our nice i nal director estimates tho
woimiloil in the hospitals at short of5500
and our dead at 1000.
Wc have to deplore the loss of Lioutnn-
ant Colonel Garcsche, whose capac'ny and
geiiiii'iuaiiiy deportment had already
endeared him to all the oflicers of this
command, and whoso jrallantrv in the
field of battle excited their admiration;
Major Ooncral Onmiiiandins,
Who Bogan tho War ?
Secretary Chase, in his report deserves
great credit for setting at rest tho question
under whioh administration tho war com
menced. Radical abolitionists have labored
hard to mako the impression that tho war
Wns linrrnn undor lint.,,.-..;.. 'n, n
o ' iuinuvi.uiu IUIU. X 111.
'J'bo Socretaty, however, is of a different
The Socretaty, however, is of a
OI,i,".i0n' f0r h Sll8 in ,h0 vcr'
of i s ronort thnt "tlir bmt-hm
cz nS L
mil nf tl.
existing rebellion, soon Armt the hcoming
nf l)lf fl ll'-l lelvttttnn .1 .1 - .1 a1
pioyment of all necessary moans for the
"'' u l"u lu?uu'
ow, this is a very candid adtuissiou,
(and gives the lie direct to the abolition
I charges that the war was commenced du-
rlnn tltn Ai,,ilsln,t.n c l)
mv ,i..,u,ii,Qii nuuii ui i ruaiiteui iu
ciian AN, and wo hopo that tho radicals
will profit by tho profession of ono of thoir
own number, and a leading member of
tlio administration. Thoy surely will not
attempt to deny tho allegation of Mr,
Chask that tho war coinmoncod after
Prcsidunt Lincoln camo into power.
Lancaster Intelligencer.
JDaF Aycr's American Almanac has
now !,rriv0;1 a" 'snw ready for delivery,
gratis, by E. P. Lutz, to all who call for
it. Our readers may bo surprised to
k Httlo pamphlet which ha.
TZ ,T! ' " raVr!l ?,,r Vioa
,! ,q . li,rctl "rcu!tttioii of any
j . , ; J . " ; !, J . V : , ' P11"0 "'bio.
J" ' ""L ?"S,Inr"...nnd
pmuih i-u iiiiijiiimi inn ii v uai ons as win na
ei:,i , i ' .. , .
"'JIT""" ,u "'. "-. ' population,
V I'UIMIl.llllIU
should keep it, for il contains information
o ot r own vast iinm-iin Ki,n.(, r..,
our own vast domain. Every family
Ollld keen it. for il nn,,lnli,a trLmn,'J.
,i ' . '.V- ' " """'""""
which an aro tiamo to rrnu ro. when
Ri,.k,inKS nvr.rir iLi.i.t. . ... '
prove invau.n iio irom noinc at hand in
Season. I VOU takn nnr vnii . ill
-.-J" '1VW JWM Hill
call and cet an Aver's Alnnmnn. n.,.i
when got, kcop it.
' I KS .
. to tim.
j B'M""' MBWtA ft
to the
' iinn win i;iwii
?ii7 Clillnn flfo II Jnckfon glO TO
I All 'f II fl,.nrl,nrl A Illl.
- Kmianl Orniolt
fniiiilil Cli'tiny
i;i,irr joim mmon
1 i:t or iiami-i it. ipia,
J . ,J II ..l-lllllilli ...1.,
' ? llro H Tnttoii, ? Irt
!!..'. !..?.... 1 11
j ii 'loniniir toniny
1 .'.(I ,'f Iro V I'ft'i-xn
,1... 11 fm.l'.. .., I. Il'l... 1.
1 I.Miiliiuili lif'i u ni,,viri'ii row aim
JolMillrtr. 1 1.1 (l.mch.'r u llvaim 1 .HI
Samuel OliWIIi-mlork) 1 7ft Hat 1,1 MII.t 2 no
llavl.l Hh.iin.-r I 7.-. Jot,,, I! IC (lirlnn a OH
'" ?.": " ' :; " B'" " "
a mi
V II.I...I....1. - .11 I I.- I.-.I..LI I'... IMI
7 i-O'l K Krirkliai 1 .',0
Ii All ,J,.hii I,' Wniii. r I 'ill
I t? ;llanlil f I'nlnn rjr.. I 7.'.
I :: John Horn tp.l. At. M )' OH
Inline A In-" III, IW
Sriiiiiil lletz
Win J Rilor. V.f
.1 amen A Xorrin
(I I !l..i-l U'rlnl.t
Itev J (I I'i'iiiiy
John llnnlz
1 i i n 1 1 . i 1 Hill
Inliii At. n
1 1 1 -1 r J Mi'tt
H.-inmnl lloyt lln-j
Win II Jan.l.y
'.' lllliCMof J.i.qill llollnr
i jumickS ,Mriu.h
Hlicrlll I itrimin
Ill (li)'JnriArnn- r. Jr., S
7 (III John I) minimi f (17
1 .inn,i. Hihnjli-r, I'.rq., 3 W
A J a ' iM-rtjon
- " I ijaroii iiarrin, i."'., i i '
I OH iu ). i; iiiiyman
mm.JT iirittain
(Iro llarlnian. rr.,
1 :m
! ml
n no
l no
I do
-1 no
.'ii. hi. 'I W llnttiimn
lli'inlni k Hclioi.l I Hft
A .1 Kmiih, l!fi .
Ilohr Mrlli-nry l!s'.,
atlonnl Hotel,
Mr. I . rrnnll. l.l
Win C'rrn-y, r ,
J.X' a '"iJnmii
n'li vi!!!creiu"i
i lioii.-tt n. .11.
;l ,
' W
i no
1 ...)v nnkoy
iiiJi.lin II CutniiNon
, ,,,,
1 (hi
'J'li.iina S.ilitnn .',0 ,Jo5.'i'li Slior-inakur
llonry lli'rn (Ccltlrc) 2 JO Miilhln A .tloor'
llani. l SnMli-r n I'll John A Oman (.III.)
I.I -lit A H Allen 1 HO li.-n. ricnilin;
Ilirani A fciivt'ltiiiMihlaer M I'.ll i IIi-IitIi I(. V.rl
I.oviCm 3 7S II 1' M. II.,
K.-tilicn T folk I 7.i
s i ii
I Oil
I 75
i no jia'ini"! ncn tiuuomj i ." tlu
PJiOTici: is hereby given, that the nib. tin
i crrlptlon nml a.!vi'illlii(r uri-o!ii.t ilno Hie I'nli- j
IMipf or tlio Hrin or-irn: NoKin,,iiri- iilnrml in Hie
. Iiiin.lof Alr. Win. II. Jar.iliy ol'll nom.bir'I, lor limn.'-
oiaip nun-en n. 'rnc i;.utor o iai.i ii-ip-r liavnitf li.'i
ilrnllnil, nn.l rlilli!o.l to fa to I iHti-ihi rv that
tiroiiipt p riy m n t h h- ninln In or. h r that Mb I'miill;- iiinv
Ii.ivu iiii'iiim of Kiipinrt. Vour i-nrly n to thin
iniitl -r may fiivu uH nml protc aili'iiiitas -iinv to Ills
laniily. W,M. J tt'iillV,
l'lii. star i'f Iht .VurlA.
January 10. ttfl.1.
In Bloomsburg, at his own rrnidcjirc,
by Rev. J. R. Dimm, on JS w Year's day,
ir r ii ... '.. '
;Ir. Li:MUi:r, Duake, to Miss Emaunu
' ... I I . -
'T ..ii .r t .
iu.un, .in oi v iHiiiugciTCK. i;nl. . fn.
On the 2 1th lilt , bv li.iv. J. R. Dimm.
nt hiaown lo-tidcuce, Mr. Ai.m ut Huules.
to Miss Saiiaii Jacoiiv, all of Bloonifburo-
On the yflth tilt., by the R
V. J Jl.
miiiin, at tlio rt'stdpiico ol tiic
i .
111. (' S
father, Mr. B II. Lr.u, of Scott towusliip,
tO iMlSS S.VIIA1I J.W'I! K.-MIAm-.-t-ii nl
in .. .. " . "',
isii.oin towiiKnp,;ui orco'umhia eo., Pa.
' IuBorwiofc, Sfitli ult., I.y the Itev. J,
in. i.iiiiiuu, iir. .lAOiin OWANK, to Aliss
'PiiuMii:, both of Luoiiie co., Pa.
On the 1st inst., at Town Hill, Ltiz.
II.. 1... Tl 71 ... . ,
j a., uv ii. -v. i-(. m ail.iwortll, iMr.
Ml,I0-'' r':vi:xs, to Mm Jiu.i Am;
t-.Ai,i.i;M)j'it, ootn ot l'ainnount township,
Luzerne co
j Al.o at the fania timo and p'aco by the
I same, Mr. McICi;i,m;y Biiixk, of Sugar
loaf, to Miss Er.izAinrni Paumbtku, of
: Benton, ('ol co. Pa.
Near Exchange, Montour co-, on Now
Vu.H-'s ovnliintf l,v flu 1!.... ft V 1'!.,....
w til i. ,1. lilll'-ll-
l,nUse. Mr. Jambs, to Misi Sakah
Fmn.i.-r. nil ni
ir-fTn r,r t,v
XLXiu ib
,,. ,,-,.!i.iiu mi , an. in, iun.t.
wiipifS) i,. i .imp t
i neat t-i lius &1 ,i0 Chopu Anti ng of)
, Corn
HO! Dried " 1 00
50 Pried Peuehos 2 Go
40 Butter lb IS
02 Lard " 10
CO Talloiv 1'.'
I Egjr.s. . . . "fl doz Hi
I Hay.... ton. 8 00
' JJup'yjuint, .c
ptatoe.-i ' "
'loversoed "
i i. .. i
I ' 'ii ii y-ti;ii
, n,,; ci
'0 ChiokeiM " pair 25
Elatr nf Jonathan Fry, drrcascJ.
Tr.TTf:as of AitminUtrntlon nn th.i nstntu or Jonn
Lilian. I'ry, lain of Montour township, Cnlmntii.i ro ,
ili'Ci iikciI, him- Iwon'il l,y the llrair'n- of Colnin
hia cn in Hid iiit,?rii;n-il - all pcr-oni having ilninig
nff.iim.t tho ctnti of tho ih-ceiiili-nt urn n-'ni'li'il to
pr;'-.i'iittli"in to tho nnilorl!!iicil. nt IiIh i - In
san! townnhip, uithnin ilnlay, mnlnll pi'rMim in.kl.toil
tnmake pnynicnt liirthwilh.
ri'rru nr.ixrsAoii, jt,im-r,-
JamiiirylO, 1PK1. 4v, 3J (.
Esinic of Jacob Siegfried, drer snl.
tllTTOl-t of A.ltriinitr-itinn on ttio llytati' of J,iil,
iSii-sfri 'il. I.ntnof ilranx.' nvp , (lolimiliia ro , ilr'tf.
Invo '.'ranloil liy the IMviiier ofColiiinliin r,i in th'itiii.
dersl.'iiuil ; all iktsoih liavinzrlaiiiH nsai'irt tji.i ffintr
nfth,' ilnci'ilontnrn ri'.i'ipto.l toprrm'nt tli'in to tlio
Ailinini-lratriv at Iht roaldonri- in sai.l toivimlilp witli
ran ill-lav, an 1 nil urd ons imlclitcl to inak-j payiiiiuit
i.orisA siiionui'.n. Mmr'i.
Janrary in 1ra. 1v. ,3 on.
Est'ie of Dani-i liornlicrs;cr, ilacasrd.
Tr, iTIUffof Ailnilniitrntion on llm mtnto of Hani"l
Jllornliprirrr.lntD of Locnpt township, t'oliinilila t-o,
fin p.-iki-iI. Iinvr- Iir-cn ernnti'il hy tlio lli'L'iUrr of ;i,lui,.
Iiii county. In tho iin.l. rileiwil ; xi Ii (.rjon-i l.n-inir
rlnim ajainst llio in.n,. nfilm ili-t-irlunt arc fini-it.
dltn pr"cnt Ihi'in to tin; (lininltriitrii. at linr rn.l.
in ??.'", ""I"lw"'li'P. wllhniit iliil !,', anil all iKrsnnt
inilihtHdlo muKo p-iyiniMit furtlnvilh. '
HANNAH H'lUXIIKItrJi:.'!, Mmr',.
January 10. lPMltv. am.
I'tihlic KoHni for LIcpiisps.
N9''7.(,,l: '"'.""rcliy riven that lhi f.illoivins p-rnnna
' intnlimiliiaioiiiity h.n-i. Ili-, tir prtiilm , i ,,
Court of Quarter S- ..imi. ,.r ..i.i ........... r..-
nn.l Slum I.tronn-n in ihrir r,,." I.',.. .:1
wliirli uni.l pcllli.iinivill hu pr,.i nto,l,i H, unPI Ciurl
0 .Monilay, th.- "ml ,y If I'ti.runry, A II . Irt',.1. ot
uhlchall parlies intr rr-toil will take iiotiro, nml t,
l.i.-uni-cntvill hi' L-r.nn, , Wmliictilay, lho-ih ilnyof
1 (iliru-iry. iii-M, m J u'cloili, p, ,n. '
Iti'uso I'ii 1 1 man.
Jiiroli M. I'ry
lllr.Hii Piiighcr
ppiiriiou, Tlik!,l,.
' driM-iiivooil,
1 ll-rwiik.
JACon nvnu.Y, cmbk.
Dlnnnulmrg. J.m.jn, IH'a,
Y virtuo of a wiit of Levari Eaciar,
to inn ilirrrte.l.
Cloinninn l'lrin of llm County of Colninlna, 'll he t-i-pnud
to pnlilir Rule on
Mu!a?j,thnd day o' Vrhnuirv, 1F0:'
fit one o'olo- k p ,. (lf f, ,iynt ,,, ,.,, XmK (i
All that certain tract of land, in
inn iiik I'll Jiniii in i il
pnj, tlipnro liy lands of ,n heirs of
oapow:thn,;,; amrrvvj?!!"::"1
fOlllllinll,'. tlfiv n,, ,.,1,' i, i '" " " "
",lT"..i" ,"''l"i'n unl t hi ol, na the prop
erlynl Jonih i:vitjii u in, i,mu . ... ... ' rol'
nlhc prop-
!"5; r
AN, A,.
l'.,nn.,.., , J',!,,A I'- I'UK.MAN'
' "ma, Jiiu. i it, iriiti.
I,' j ' ' A v
a iv i u,
.,j,; ' ,lI,rf!niEr,cs, or,!'10 '"bferiler,
' LJlt'h '"I '.?" ".'ilV umbla county mi.iuin.J
. j-i ..... . . .
(Or.I """l'"""-'i
nu A livn cn.'i'n
MM. ..!?.,.,lVK.
ifheor "",,m11"1 im"-
Tho nivner la renuoneil tn rin,. r,r n.,i .......
,,.,., 1 ' J, -
tr""''"1 y w,li l' 'n
ll of
J,..,unry 10, iwi m mr .m r.Mii.t;
Iti-nluinh, vvn iY. .. A -' ,n lorni'r oi mu m o - . nro i iiii. o, ne In r'-luin i niiin , i I - i.,
, -r--v f , - .
Bvl- . , !rriN of t( 'tili'wt
I ."Jf r'tf
Imlillawilo nil . ' ,C(M'U
niMlcalii on . '"i 1 il I
. F.H ... "I-' , J Itl'lll M-tl tlf .HIMlmYll Uln
, ' ' , ' "'J"""' M.
; llloiiinsliiitn, tlio dlliiMliiB l.Vn'i Hum,, i,. Li.
111. 1 ,1, .V. ti.o ii i, il W i;' .'i i'.' ":.
I 5 All that certain Inl nl ,,.. l .....
mi f...,, . .. ...i.i., ...r.;.. v... r. .. ... V. "'"'me
M, "IV nruiiT, M., li f.i i, t
,( li,i! foiii'-oii.. n-.l ii l.nirr,,, i r. ..' Y ' ""jn-Mi
.-' ' ' ' r,,.V, . (i, III,,,),.-. ,. .
i,n, iii,i,.ii- ihrn. i. i V .1 i . . . . "inil,, i
iv l -. 11 1 1... n'Mri I. ri, i . .,' !';-'VJ' ' ." ' 'MIm ,'
', 1 ,". .' ' !(V ! ,'l1J"h" Hmii. v , , "
V'J. . V 1 L" ) ""'"'' ' ' till l,i-t
'""'""III III nil Hilly. M IM'M'I It (in- it, ,:.. i I
rrniiio Hit
oiling Ili.ti.c nml finl.lj u til, (I,., ',,,
'"fli-il m..,
.th ecu,
One other Lotsiliinlu in Eipy. townO,:
I loillllv llfor,.iil,l. on Mill "
t -r
Two other Town Lot lying coiifncm,,.,
on . . ' I
ty liliiioinilil, rrotitiiiir ( n tun A; , '"mi
In ,-nrl, f.llin.. ,il..l ul...n... ,..
.in- I, ,. ...i
, , 7. . u -,,ia ii ii
. - i "in nil.
Ii nihir ,i
!'y lot. onili.) north l.y 1, n' '
Inn. "Ii-riini arc rrfitiNln l.iriii. I'l.-iinlri, , i, ' '
largo rmiiihlNit tflioj., tvlil, Ui, i...ii" ZuJi'11 """
"'its or purm oi mint, r (Mil.
I" (.ri'i'iitvoo.Hov.nlili, Coiiiniliia ,.,i,ity. ,',, ' c
oi;ility.. ,lit ,,er,M, u.-'li t.,b.-r loiihiii,! J1
fl; (rili.J.I ni f.illmvj In tilt: on ,0
.""iiy rum.
- .-ii .in, 1.-111, y iiiiiiiriii ,Mi-l i,, ,
mill on tin- m. iih l,v I.-H..N ,,i- iu..,i , ' ... "V !u"'
iiroiroctcilnsoolSiiH-.MII,,, ., IVnnio 'l) ', "''
lIuiiFiiaiiiln llutn.ttlth tlm n.iirtoniiil.;i ,. J'"-I'"'
Ono othor Lot situate in E-py, C01 nr,
! ninl, a comity, ml,! I,.,i.3 n ,1 i,, , . , "
, nlv li-i'l In u .-ill i in,. i... i .ib..i .... . .. "I"' I.
ii,..i,. i, . .,!,; j .f i " . ' ,,u ." """.
lan,l of Jul,,, Krn,...r. , H . . i JV'r '.'i " -
,. ' ' o
wont hy ii nir.'iM, nn.l mi 1 1 1 -
an nil. t
llrniii'IK'niiiii. nru on H...I i..r.. u, .V.10 '-'ilt
i'nniii' IHv.'lllna Hhiihu mil a I'rainu 'ir i,
ui ti'iinnt-.-x. .nun in
One other Lot hi'uate in Eny.
1 ro-.iniy alnrumu.l, fruiitiiiitflMv ri-iton i '. ,'
.1 onu l.iimir '.I nn.l i-iihty r,.. i ,, , ,
natal on t, wi-t l,v lit or i", , , ",, , " '
-,t tln.-in hV l,iu,N j i . "7"; ' '
.uri-it'il iu.,,,1.1 rrani.iliim.o nn.lVli.blV "
iuirtunnncK. niiiiin.-
Ono otln-r Lot nitunto in Espy townsh
' unci .r.,r.-r.i.i. r,.,,,,!,,, h-n.Jifi I,'.1!!
' llV,'lJ lu:u'u """ " ' '-i"v f '
"I '"' 'Hi, lin'lll.ll',1 on tin. wr, i .,,i, ,,- .,.!
.i" i.t. ..r. ti, i.., i,.v i.n.'i, 'V. Pny ,, ''in'
ILIIrt ll III.' II tl 'ill l n .1 ...x it. . ... . i ...'.' H '
nun i uv (in u i v niiii Kit t . u..n. i. .
,.. ,m.n nr r(:, ,-, ,r;; ',. ,;;i.r,"l"r
. mmHnw!';1.'1'1 'l""r"'i'i'".iii.' with tl,
Two other LoU Hituato in E pv, tnn-ii-
III ninl pnniili' .. r........ l.l , ..... 1
' , , 1 ""'""") ..iiiri-uaiu, n-iuiiiiMi nml il. ,,Ti,..,i
."- ""nn -. -i iy -iii.i, or . , i i
fir. nn lp -1 l,v Inn u i'i... ... 1 . 1
In il,.,;li;.,....r,.,,, "'. '
, ,.,' "'"'"" ra ll,
V,,rtci..w.-- w """'"'"'i"
V-III. Ill
in ,
( crfy io TifoLi" n iTtar'.0'' a'"' 1,J ' "'
At the same time ninl ularu bv virtu , f
n writ of l.trari t'un o.. all th,i-i,' ihr.'o r'rt.inl ,,,t, f hh 1. I,, ,if8 , ,,!. ., 1
or.-i ti'.,. Ilnjr i-mnimiou, to caih oth -r hi ii i, ,
Ali.lli.iir' .-i..J..iiins th.i town ..I t'atlimi,.ii , . ,
thn-5 Loin'.l nn.l niimli.-r.'il on th.- pint u-i,' ,!,.,
ol I llnli, rf A l.llli.Hi iiuiiil,i-r n.ti-Kix 1.-, ,
anil lilly i-iiihl, f..rinlir,' urn. ,i. ,iinr,. , . , .,. .
or I'lan, of tn loin, in-. I no I t,.,, r,., t in t-nctl u. I it,.
uiiii' In liruimtli. oi im nu. ,.at l,v fuiirih t t
orl.l I," i -it'll A.l.lnion. on th,. no'rih l,v U .ilnut
hlr.'tf, on th.- t.-.t l.y ,.y. , ,. ,. y,,;,,,,, ,,
('l't'ii'r- l5","'r,'K Ail-Jitloii to tho I .., f
H -i.-il. t.-iki'n In i-.v-oiitinii an to , m, , t ti - i r
pcrty f Truman M. tlul.i.l,- .,.! i-rJ. Ann , f
Mii..nNllrn.k. ) JO.-JI Ml II. 1'1'HM.i"
Iiun,u.,itri;, Jim III. lltil. j fr-y
rCnTlfH m hi p-bv ?ivin In all I. .-itri.y. ,r mi
an I oth. r p.T-oiM int r,-,.'.l in Hi.- ,.,ii,t, ,,
Hp.'illv.' ih-rnli-iii-. nn.l" 1 1,,, f,,!!.,,,
iiiinl.tnition nn I cuar 'ian iiri-oiintx h.,vi. I,,., n 1,1 ,i
t .I i.r.l... II....: ..... . ett i... .
.- " -"T . , oillll.l.lll Itnllilv au.l i-
Ii.- or. i.'iit--tl lur i oi.liriuiitif.n i.o.l 1.1 .... ,.,,....
plum's Court, to ti,-1, .1.1 nt llli..i,u,hiiri?. in ll,. ,
al.iri.ii.I, n,i t i- Iiii-s.uij th.. ih ilny of K, lunar,
,,i . i, inn k. in in,- .nn i in.,. ii i,r mi i,i rn,, .
II xr.
I I hi" nrroiint of , r Yociini. Onarili.-ili , f II. h. , .
ruiii. a niin.. r- 1,11 1 of J pit Voiiini, l.u, ,. i; -
injcr '.'k toiviMlilp, (l".......,
i Tim nrimiiit of J.iroh Ynlm, l! uf I ', .
K.-ii,'liar I. hit.- I.i.lia limit n.n niin,,r i lul.I ,, Ha'i.i-1
I'r.nwi, lato ol ti.-iiiio l.m ii-lnp. i,.o',.
.1 Tin- lu-ronnt nf Mary llolnu a liiiit,iir.-ii-iT nf i'i
Mtut- of ll.livin H.ilni.-j, lat.i ofri-ilnii,'irfiili t.'t, n jJ-i,.
I 'I'll" "i:nii.l a-nl final nrroiint of Win. Ilui. nln h
nn.l l!..,iri;i- lln... -nlmrli A,lin'r of lluj. i,!,.i h,
Int.- ,.f i: .ntr.- tirp., ,1, c',l.
5 Ar.-oiinl r A,irii .-J.i.lih. ii.lni'r., of tin- i-i ,i , I
C.'lni,t.. I, r II. 4-i.iilh hit. of II, irk tup.. ,l.-c'l
(I Arconnt of John It. My,.r. .nlm'r. of th" . ,ui. . f
John V lat.'i.f Ml I'l.-aiiint til p . ,1. cM
7 Arioiint of Siinnnl C,,n, nilin'r. of v. Viii.i
einilh. lato of .Mi fllin ton iirliip, ,1,-iM.
P 1' ii,-r.,.iil of H.iiniii'1 C'r-nny. ii-ltn'r. ,-.. -i.
mm. of i'nrn..ii, II, u.,..U, uf t ifllt't tip '
!l 'I'lni nn oiuil of !t n MimiitIi. ,.f tin- p r
son ninl iiat,. of 1). niit v. Hu.iiiiu, it minor ili,.i,.t
n.nlin.i, ilrc',1.
Ill Th,- nr int of Ji.lin A !',,i. n.ln'r. of Marl!, i
S, hml.-y, lal.i of Mii.ihuii ton mOilp, ,1... -,
11 The ni-rnunt of John iiial. y, aiUa't o( J-ih'm.ia
I'llill Lite of I'ini' tw p., il.-i '.l.
l'J Th nrroiint of lr ini U.-rr nn.l Win l'lalt. n lin'ri
of ll.-nj imiii I'i.nt. .,t.., .f Pun- twp.. I'tiM.
HI llm llrst'nn.l HiiiiI of Willi, im Shulir -.n, Titiii.-ui, u,liii'r. of John C Kiimv. Intn i f .Mal
leoli tl'. p., Ill l-'ll.
IiANIIH, I.KIJ, I'.Kiiisrca
Illooiimlinr!; Jan 10, If CI
rO't I'HHltU AllY TKK.M 1 HtWi.
ni.ioin John Ht-rni-r,--iioroii'h
oi ii.rii irk -John McAnall.
Ili'iiviT I'.liin .-'nvili-r.
tintri' l.nvi Iliilihuini, John Ziiiit, Ituiirj Hi'H,
t'linion linrrnn;
('atlatvi.i -Win. Z irr.
ri-lnni:i r.ii k -Jolin McHiwirv
I'laiiklin - llir ini J lli-uilor, th,n llow.-r
Ori i niionil Maiiiing Ajil..ii,in
Jai-liMin -Jaroli Vunu'j
l.nnist-fiaiiiii,. AiI.uih, Hiivi.l Hand;. (I. r' llon r,
Henry iihoaily. l.rntianl Ailani".
M.iili,in-Wni. Winti'itti i n, Win. Krunini r,
Oranxi Jiwoph llnyhuri-t
1'iiiis- Ira l'uri I
Ilo.iriiii'rrcli-I'iiillp foul.
.Sioti-C'li.itk'j ToivKt.
rou iT.iiiiuA:iY tihim, ISHH.
rinnin Jiulati lloon,., ',il, t'lians?!, Clntlr
I. -r. J.n-i-pii MiarplrdP.
Tor Ui-rtt i-k--'i', mh-iikI llnonn.
Ili-awr-l'liarl-j li.',li,-l,ai..
rriiii(rfi'k-).ivi, i-' r. fr t.iiiiurl (', mi' r
( .iItiiiMh.iWiii. (,'ri-a.y, lii'ijuiiiin nlii f. il, . :,"
(Vlilro-Jnhn i.'rnvi'r, Cyriin c'r-vi'linE.
(.imj iiHli-itn Aln.;iiirlr W. Il. a
I riinklin tVin, .Meu.cli, Hani v.arr. (IrorL-i' froit.
I lahmsori ik- Win. Ilurkah w.
(IroiiiiiiiKiil-Iaac I'.itlon, (iporso Wnshhurn, In 1
Ili nilork Itoli'irl IIiibpi-I. t'yrim ll..pH
I oiii.l-l'iti.r .Mlllur.Jr (.uk Kc II r f l-rl'.!-"
WailK.i'i- Alfri'il p,-j;g, Jnhn l :t tt. t tur . John t . . ..
II. wiry hlmht.
Miltliit-IliiiiiHiii'l Klrkoiiilall.
l'iiii---Jnsaihr'hoi.iiitki.r, Iiraul lloait, J.irih Dp i
l.lrl. in.
FiiS.irli.iif-JainHii I'.
Kile, Win A. Kiln.
' ,. "javKoiiuliirft
ti i nt
ir.l I.,
h. p; .1.
nm oim ilUonk-r,
Durli iu .Meulil (.ml.
nv ",zf?i iii'iisiLm.
''on'I'ltt.'lyni.-iiir.ili.i'H the narroil,- rffi.-l ol th
""It u.nllnttlne any rl(! , , .Ij ,,y u .1. 1,, i .,. "
tr. ,,t (;,,, , ,viml nuy j ''ly
1 I HI '
i iljl ot
.i ..'..' '"' v.1 "ii k'iii ir.
!.".' ,""'"ir'"' f'i'l ''"HI loot fr..,,i il I.'....'
.. '".ioii uy r vuiu anil ra lhi ,. ,n i
'''" ""':. r..Mh..r u,an or.iina.y r...i. .,t oi, n-.'f
1 !.W .'" ".."' C"l"'r-.lly ?i,tro,,,u,.
... - r-'furu Hp kairiu .1 or.ll.ia 1 1 . II
n,,? A..'"." riv'y ronn.mtiy t, .ai- m it.
Jnnuarv Ifl, "nirirwi. riiu.n. .,"..'
Ill J V....I. 1 i . .
Ut every tlo-ci-rjitron, for Nile nt th c
i ii, i, ...
in,. I'l-u iiri, in n ,,,.' .. ,, , 'u puro iiiiinmt puiii-riii j iil,Mi