OOlil'JlBlA DIU10CBAT. UDITI'.I) HY LEVI I . TATti, PROrRIUTOIl ftlsOOiHSJItim.., A. SATURDAY MORNING, Df-CEMERR SC. 18C2. JMJBl'OSES OF THE WAK1 t-oxiiiirws, nv a hie nearly chasimcu, passed tns vuLijnvtRM MiSiUrrtox, wmcn rernrssn i iir oice ur till- NttlCIS AMI 19 TIIClKt'K STANDARD nr LOYALTY 1 "Thnl tin) present deplorable rlll wnr Iiiik been -fired upou Ilia touittry hy tlio ill.'inionlstii or the Southern states, now in nrms nnliivt Ilia L'untlitiitionnl .iivfriiiiicitt,niid In nrin nroutul llio Cnpilnl ; that In this Nntlomil I'ucreciicy, Congrun. banishing nil fonl- iu oi mere passion nr resentment, win rrriilliet nnly its duty to tlm wholcrountry that thli war it net leagnl en thtlrparlin any tjttrit of pprttiion,cr fcr-nnyipnr-putt cf tonqnttlvr tuhjngaiion arpnrposref vrerthrcirlng tr interfering ylUt the right! or tttabUthcit taitiluticnt if tkote States, bulto lltftnd and maintain tlm ennntnarn t 'tin UonitifutUin, and U prtferct the Union, with Ike dig nity, tjwcHty,indrightt of the eertral Main iinnsnlrnl; tndthalas eoan at thai otijtdt ate teccrifllshM the tear ctc Al l mil." Legal Notices. lOur Mends iu general and tbo Mem bers of tho logal profession in particular, in taxing Court bills, will plcaso romcm. bor, tbnt our advertbiug terms aro invari ably, o.nk notitAR per square for tho first thros insertions, and twenty -Jive cinls por square, for each subsequent publication. Nothing moro uothing loss. This brings all Auditor's Notices, Executor's and Ad miufrtrator's Notioes 'to exactly S'2 '50, lul for the prci-tnt wo will chargo for each publication only two dollars. Tho Domocratio Flag. Tub Fonir "Waynb Times and Union, one ofitha ablest papers in tho Stato of Indiana published by (!ov. J. W. Daw .son & I. W. 'Casuuikll, Eq., baa hois ted the following strong and patriotic Dom ocratte Flag: Foil PHCSIDEN'T IN 1 SIM , EN. GEO. Ii. M'CLELLAN. FOU UCEPBE3IDENT, GOV. HORATIO SEYMOUR, Ol-NKW YORK. The combined naraon of McClellan -and StYMCUii, aro a tower of strength. In their loyalty, fidelity and nationality, 'tho Peoplo hare unlimited confidence. Suoh a Ticket, at this time, would sweep tha country from the Aristook to tlio Bio Grand ! Heleaae of Fort Lafayett Pris oners. On last Saturday, twelve prisoners were Tuleascd fioin the 'JLmgrican Btil7',' among'them wasTTr. E. U. Olds, of Ohio. All thosa had been arbitrarily arrested, and incarcerated without being allowed a hearing, and many of them solemnly aver that they are not oonciaus of having com mitted any ortnie or being guilty of the least act of disloyalty. Tho following Oath : " do sol emnly swear not toaii the rebellion," was taken by all exoepting sis, Dr. Olds being among that number. Ho refused, though declaring his loyalty, because ho thinks his release ought to be unconditional, as' there was no ground for his incarceration. Br' Olds, it will ba remembered, was elec ted to the Assembly of Ohio last weok, by near threo thousand inajoriiy, though he -was hiunwlf in prison, and the canvas was conducted by his friends. Mr. B.rry, of Maryland, one of the prisoners, has become hopelessly iiuauo, tinea his imprisonment, and wis Eont out of the '"JajiiVe". utterly broken downin body -as veil us in mind. IiOVO and Clare for thO Negro ! The well-informed New York coxres ponduut of tho Philadelphia Ledger has tho following paragraph in his letter of Friday, which will be of poculiar interest to white peoplo ; 41 A well known clothing firm in this city hag just beeu awarded a contract for the manufacture of fifty thousand suits of clothing for the contrabands. Thoy aro to bo furnished as toon as possible." A week ago we read in the dispatches from tho Army of the Potomac that eorao half dozen soldiers on picket were frozen to death from tho extrcmo cold weather, and on account, of course, of not having tufficient clothing to keep themselves -warm. And yet iu tho face of this, and worso still iu tho fact that many soldiers' families aru actually starving and perishing at .homo for the want of sufficient food and clothing, the Administration at Washing ton sends an order to a New York firm "for the manufacture of 50,000 suits of clothing" fur a hordo of worthless ne groes! But what caro old Abe and his minions for tho "poor white trash'1 sinco they havo taken tho gallaut Sambos and lovely Dinahs, thoio ''American cilizensof African deecont,'' under their special pro tection ! When white men get into pow er frgaiu, theso Abolitioci.-ts will havo a tearful account to ronder, Heaven grant that tho time may speedily come, car Hon. William II. Polk, brother of 1 0larg0 f!iis honor, William El President Jas. K. Polk, died in Nashville well! Surely it is matter suitable for Tuosday morning. Mr. Folk was a 6trong tuo P'ic aud important for tho coinmu- Uuion man, n former member of Oonercss: an officer in tho Moxioan war. and ono of most eminent citizens of Tennessee, Ho was a genial and accomplished gcutlomau, and very inuoh beloved. C&r Tho girls in Lawrouco Mills cow r'Ufivo o.i an avurajo sixtv cents I'dijiu this county, recently bogged n large WUU: and their batd, Hi, tj iioor ro way wh tc iiL! Aro Floyd tiud 'I'hoinpsou in Washington? As our readers aro aware, U has been reported from Washington Unit unsigned Government certificates to tho amount of S-,G0U,000havo been stolen from tho desk of Treasurer .Spinner. It has been hinted in this city that tlio thieves aru no common pilferers, and tho extent of tlio operation give color to this suspicion. Ikoulcy said a few days ago that thero were rebel I'caco Commissioners in Washington. I'crhars Floyd and Thompson aro about I Wo would suggest to 'thoo abolition journals that inado so much fuss abmt these 'gentlemen, in connection with the in dian bonds, that they do'a little howling over thu certificate 'busincs. In thcio days of 'lithographing tho Mguaturcs of of ficers to genuine government issues, it is fair to prcsunio that theso unsigned certif icates will toon be duly signed and deliv ered to tho puplio, and when returned to Mr. ypinncr for payment or rcdomptiou, will bo very likely to pass muster. If so, tho theft is a matter worthy of notica, and tho Abolition papers ought to say somo thing severe of tho loose management which givea 'Opportunity for such wholesale rob bery, and ought to learn positively wheth er Floyd and Thompson have really been in Washington lately I Gleason's Litorary Companion In Colors. This valuable Literary Weekly will commence a new volume January 1st, 1803, in grand style, and will be printed in eight different colors, something which has never been attempted in this or any other country, with new typo and entire new dress throughout. Tho Companion is an elegant, moral and refined miicellaneous Family Journal. Its columns aro devoted to Polito Literature, Wit and Humor, Prose and Poetic Gems, An unrivalled corps of writers and artibts havo been en gaged for tho coming year, and several new and popular features will be iutio duocd. Each number will bo bsautiftilly illustrated. Iu size tho Literary Comp.in ion is soino fifteen hundred square inches, forming a mammoth weekly of sixteen octavo pages, and containing nearly twico as much reading matter nud of a moro rcfiued character than any other weekly paper. 'I 'crois, only 1 a year. Sample copic scut free. Published weekly by F. Glcaton, corner (f Tremontaud lirom field streets, Boston, Mats. 'jTax on lYewspapurs . The Government tax on newspapers is excessive. It reaches them iu four differ ent ways. The tax on white paper is enormous so also tho tax on ink, on ev ery advertisement, aud on the income of tho publisher. It would seem that tho tax direct and indirect wa3 purrosely arranged to embarrass newspaper.). It certainly forces them to raise their piiceF, curtail their dimensions, or continue to publish at 'a ruinous loss. The prico of white paper has increased within the last two or threo months neatly o;ic hninbetl per cent. If all who are indebted t- us will pay what they owo us, during tho present month, wo shall continuo to pub lish Tiif. Democrat at its. present sizo and without any addition to tho price. But we cannot longer afford to send it to people who never think of paying the printer. .... ,(,. , ., Returned and Wounded Sol-' diers. i Wo have lately rocc and should havo sooner noticed tho return of many of our young friends from war. Isaac W. Hart man, and Win. Lutz, of Benton, and Adgt Geo. S. Coleman, of Orangevillo, havo been at home. Wm. II. Snyder and Calvin Achenbach, of Bloomsburg, aro at home recruiting. In tho battle of F'redcricks burg, wo loarn by a letter of Lieut. A, B. 1 Tate, that three young men of his company viz: Aaron M. Vansicklo, Josiah Fox, 1 are wounded, and John P. Eves, is tniss- ing. Jos. K. llc(ss, of Benton, A. W. Hugenbuoh, U. Strauser and A. W. Mann, of the 6th llcgt,, have each been wounded. Literary magazines. Wo havo received, at this offico, the fol lowing named monthlies for January 160:). Godoy Ladies' Book ; Peterson's National Mngazino ; Ladies' (Ohio) Repository ; Arthur's Home Magazine. car Tho "To&d Stiokor Preacher," of Danville, it was remarked by loyal people, on Monday lutt, was unusually delighted at tho Court proceeding, and evinced his gratification by variona grins and josture'. A vagrant was indicted for assaulting a helpless female child, and tho query scorn ed general, with which party tho "Toad Sticker" f-ympathized. Perhaps tho child' father was a Democrat. tSTWhy does not Dr. John, lay beforo tho roaders of his JlepitUkan, tho ndmira- 1Joe3 e question the Jivlgo's loyal lS or is 1,0 nfraiJ il wll inculcate sound morals and discourage "disloyall prac tices! Capture of a Catamount and Otter. , Hx-Shoriff S.nvuek, of Orango township, ; Uataiuount, and u full crown Otter, meai u ing jver four f vi long Tho Administration journals havo pro tended that tho .daft cts of tho Message were to bo attributed to tho h'Uto of iU transmis sion by telegraph. On the contrary, tho telcgiaph has rather improved than injured it. Wo look into tho official copy iu tho iSn'ional Jtclliutcci ai.d find such sen tences as theso : "If tho condition of our relations with other nations is les gratifying than it has unwlly been at former periods, it is cer tainly moro satisfactory than n nation so unhnppily distracted as wo aro might rea sonably have rijiprihcnchtl." For "apprehended" read "hoped" Wo do not apprehend what is sit 'is? actor y, 'A blockade, &c , could not bo cstab lished, &c, without committing occasional mistakes uud inflicting unintentional in juries." Blockades do not commit mistakes. Blockheads do, ''During tho last year there has ?iol beat only no chunge of our previous relations with tlio independent States of our own contiucut. but more friendly sentiments than have heretofore existed aro believed to be entertained by these intimately connected with our own." If there has been no ''chungo,"how havo the sentiments become "moro friendly ? ' Hero U a discrepancy of another kind : "In the month of Aupust last, tho Sioux Indians, in Minnesota, attacked tho settle monts in their vicinity with extreme ferocity killing, indiscriniinatoly, men womou and children. The attach wtis wholly unex pected, aud thcreforo no moans of defense had been provided. Information was received hy tho Indian Bureau from diffcreut sources, about, the time hostilities were eommoncedjthat tt simultaneous aWir.k was to Ic made upon the whilo settlements by all tho tribes between the Mississippi river aud tho Rocky Mountain." It seems, then, that tho Indiau Bureau had information that ' tho attack was to be made." How, then, was "wholly unex pected." Speaking of tho Agiicullural Department he says : "It will soon bo prepared to distribute largoly seeds, cereals, plant and cutting " What is tho difi'uruneo between ''seeds and corcal.i, plant and cuttings I" May not cereals be se:ds, and plants be eercals, and cuttings bo plants I Speaking of a bounds ly of separation, he says : "Nearly all its remaining length are merely surveyors' lincH. No part of this lino can be niado any more difficult to pass."' A confusion of singular and plural which might easily have been avoided. Hero aro two profound remarks. Tho italics are from tho official copy as publish ed in tho A'atinttal litldl'enctr : "Aud if with less money, or mouey moie easily paid, wo can presJrvo tho benefits of the Union by this means than we can by the war alone, ii- it not also economical to do it? ' Certainly it is not so'ensy to pay some thing as it is to pay nothing ; but it it easier to pay a large sum than it is pay a larger ono. Aud it is easier to pay any sum when wo aro able than it is to pay it before wo arc able." It is impossiblo to add anything to pro fundities liko theso. "If thore ever cou'd bo a proper time for mere catch anfumonts, that time surely is not now '' The telegraph operator dropped the word ,Jcnc(," not knowing what to mako of it. Tho President Hays, on olosing : "Wo cannot eseapo history." No ; but ho has escaped grammar, logic and arit hemetic. Discovery of a Silver Mine. Tho Butler Herald, of tho 10th inst., sayt that several gentlemen have succeeded in discov ering a largo quantity of Silver ore- on tho farm of Zebulon Cooper, of Slipporyrook township, Ilutler county, and havo enter ed into an at liolo of agreement, and aro going on immediately to niino and erect machinery to work the same. Tho body of oro has been known by tho parties for a number cf years, but they never could succeed in getting a leaso of tho property until tho present timo. The first olue that was got to tho locality of tho ore, was got by ono of tho first settlers of the township, a Frenchman that had assisted in excavating n largo amount of silver from the oro, at that timo tho French hold Fort Pitt and Fort Venango; but ho being Lut a boy at tho time, novcr succeeded in finding tho locality of tho ore. A nuuibor of years afterwards, tho crucibles and other aparatua they had used, werofound on the farm that tho present parties havo succeed ed in discovering tho oro on. Tbo parlies that havo succeeded in getting the loaso, havo beon slyly opeiatiug in tho matter for a long time, but no person knew thoir business until lately when tho articlo was siunod. Mr. Cooner icts ono third nf dm oro when excavated. Thero u nuito an ixcitemont here. Mr, l'iko says that ho knows of several places where tho ore makes its appearance -3. i Deer HniH.ANPREw F. Lauhach, Esq,, and Mr. Richaud Kile, of Sugar loaf twp., in this county, ono day lad week, wont out on a hunting expedition, and captured two fiuo Deer, weighing about 200 lbs. caoh. A lino lunch of Vein, son, no doubt. Pity, in their good luck, thoy forgot tho Pi inter. BSJr Lieut. Alem B. Tatk's Kttor on our first page, from tho Army of tho Po tomao, to a friend in Bloomsburg al though not intended for publication, will, notwithstanding, bo read with general in-tere;. JVcws t out ihv. Seat of War. lEI'l lilt TillOM LIEUT, ALUM 11. TATE. Untllo I'l 1.1, war I n-dOrkkibutiJ, Vo, I H.ilili.iih iii.irniiij, D,.Cl , jscj. j Dear Wife: I writo thU brief letter to yoii'tttnidst tho roaring of Musketry, Artillery aud Cannon, Tho eonlllot com , menced on Thursday, early in thu morn ing, by tho L'smbardmcnt of Frodcricks burg, On Friday morning wo crossed tho Rappahaunock, on Pontoou Bridges, on tho left of Frodoiicksburg, uudorfiro from tho Rebels. I Yesterday, Saturday, Doc. Ill, 1802, . was a sad day for tho Union Army, and will long bo remembered by our t ompany ' and Regiment. Wu went into tho Battle, at about 0 o'clock, A. M:, and so tcrriblo j was tho firiug, that wo wero obliged to jlay flat on ihogrouud, until about 1 o'clock P. SI., supporting uno of tho Hattqrios. 'At I o'clock our Biigado advencud upon I tho Rebels, aud sueh fighting an wo gavo them, veteran Soldiers Gen. Gibbons, and Col. Lylo said thoy never before witnessed. Our company was on tho ex treme loft, Co, K. and being tho lol't of all, wo were exposed to all tho crots firing of tho Rebel Sharp-shooters. Tho saddest part 1 havo yet to toll. Wcontercd tho batllo-fiold with fifty two men, and came out with only twenty one MEN I Our Captain was wounded. All tho Columbia County boys, except three, came out safe. Poor Josiah Fox, was wounded in tho left kuco, by a ball ; Aaron A. VunsicUe, was flightly wounded in tho forehead by a piece of a shelll ; aud John I', is missing, supposed to bo woun ded. All the Columbia I'ouuty Boys, it aff- ordsuio pleat uro to bear testimony, fought I nobly and behaved bravely. I took a1 , ,, , , J niiiMtcr, myself, anu nrcu several rounds. Our Regimcut drovo the Rcbe.s aome 00 yards iuto tho woods, and wo ouly left tho field after the other portion of thu Brigade had disappeared. Forty tu.o men of our company aro fcnowu to bo hilled and wounded. I have said that our boys boro a noble' nnri i, ii,,, ii.,i,i '!., t v i...i: Jr., (Son of your neighbor, Eiq. 'auder slice.) fougLt like a youug hero. I was with our bravo boys all tho time, as I shall bo iu the future, if my life bo aptirod. Our Regiment is ubout half cut up killed aud wouuded. Four commanding offieeis aro wouuded in thU lUgiuient. Tho fighting, at present, appears to bo ceasing. I am unharmed after passing through threo days hard lighting. Gen Sickle roleived our Corps. This is all I cm write you at tho present time. Time here is precious When the battle is over, if s-parcd, I will scud you :i moro full dofcription of tho fad realities of war. Tour .affectionate husband. A LRU H.TATE. Who avo tho Soldiers Friends! A day or two ago, Mr. Holman of this Stalo, oll'ored a resolution iu Congress ; epilepsy, yiving every soldier discharged ona ount'' Kiikbaum, Wm. of wounds, sickness, or for any honor, able cause, a part of tha one' hundred dollars bounty in proportion to the len"th of time he had served. Ihe resolution instantly called fuith tho violent uposiiiou of Love joy, of Illinois. Stevens of Ponn--ylvania, and Julian of Indiana, mid by a strict parly vote was laid on tho table. The democrats voting in favir of tho rea olutiou and agaiust laying it on ihe table, and the abolitionist hfraiiiit it, and for lajinp; il ou the tablo. The soldiers will hava no dillieulty in seeing who their friends and enemies "re ; tho voto on this resolution demonstrates it. In July, 1861, when thu government was in need of soldier, in order to in duoc inon to volunteer, an act giving each soldier one hundred dollars as a houtity, upon his disehargo was passed; but dur ing tho gcnoral session, when tho aboli tionists supposed they had all the soldiers thoy needed, they quietly slipped a sec tion into soma bill, repealing so much of' tho act of July, as gavo a bounty to sol diers discharged for any purpose heforo the expiration of threo years. Was it just towards the brave men who entered tho servico of their country under a belief of receiving ihe bounty, and then cheat them out of it i Is it not moan, cruel, and dograding in tho gov. eminent, to tell tho poor maimed lor life men when thoy apply for the bounty that thu act is repealed, and that they cannot havo it because they lost a leg, an arm, or because iheir health was (orover gone heforo they had served threo years ? Thousands upon thousands of bravo inon are forced to put in the remainder of iheir days crippled, and incapable of canting a livelihood for tlioinseives ; who have nothing but the cold churties of tho world to depend upon ; who, when thoy vol unteered, expected the bounty, as some little recompense for the great suH'ering endured in their country s cause, aud their own irreparable hiss ; who teel their disappointment more aecutely on account of their forlorn and helpless condition, ! and tho base ingratitude and deception ol their government. 'J ho net allowing tlieso poor lellows it tiounty, was repeal ed neaily a year ago, and every member of tho Congress that repealed it, must have known that it was repealed. Hut, notwithstanding that laet, in August last wo listened to a member ol tlio samo Congress making a war speech in which ho said, that overy person enlisting for threo years would reeuivo a bounty from tho government of ouo hundred dollars, whenever discharged. Did this member ol Congress intern! to tieccivo Ins lellow citizens, anil liiuuco iiiom to enlist uniter. tho belief that thoy would bo paid tho ' promised bounty uuon tluir diecharire: n1 belief which ho knows to bo false, or was ho ignorant of the fact passed by tho body, of which ho was n member! Let the honorablfi acntlcmae take vhich hun "rr-r'-J'JS .t-..i.....,..l.l.j...l.,w.i.si....il..i."......- of tho dilenu ho pluascs. On either Mr. Riokot3 gavo bail in Si, 000 for his hand ho proves himself to ho the soldier'' for his appearance tit coutt. 1 enemy. ho too, voted against Mr. Hob mail t resolution, It is hy mich deception ption nnd injustice Idlers that llio abo; tnwiiiilrt our fralhint snliliers it, .,- . . .1 r.u...i.t.:. t iiuuiiiaio uiuiin tiiwii vua 1 1 miiuo iiijio i and disposition of tho soldiers ul our army, il unity five out ot ovcry Hundred,!,, c at.. ir..i - .t of them without . lnM ... ,11a. .,,4 ........-,1 I,. .1,.... n.mn. reiraru iu iiuir loruicr I I'. .&... i. ".".r. llllllli:il XLftLIIX. Will 1I1JL I1UI1UU1III IVilltl , V - - . tlin -tifirl V in power. We . i. could eito numerous valid i'-' "' reasons for sucy belief it wo deemed it necessary. Tli3 inen cotnposiuir our ar my are our follow chizons, with tho snmo interest in tho perpetuity of the govern ment, and a much better opportunity to judge of the manngemcntof the war than we have, mid they liavo loiifj sincu be came satisfied that tho party in power is noither their nor their country's frionds ; that the sooner it is released from all re sponsibility tho better for the soldiers and llio country. Fort WatfUe Times J- Union, List if lraf(e! Men Dxcmplcd ByJ,V. Wilson, U. A, Examining Surgeon, COLUMBIA COUNTY. Andrew's Samuel, aged 32. examined I Nov. 10 cxemptod on account of defec tive cheat. Andrus, Isaae, age -10, Nov. 10 ; hernia. llrown, David, age 42, Nov. 12; badly united franturo of left leg. Beelttol, Daniel 3., ago 22, Nov. 14 ; deafness. Billick, William, ago 25, Nov. 22 ; badly united fraeturo of right thigh. Bridbiuer, Sainuui, agu 42, Nov 22; phthisie pulmunalis. ' Bitterly, Redman, ago 40, Nov. 22 ; j hernia. Bellas, WasliiiiKtoii, afle- 27. Nov 22 ; chromic bronchitis and predisposition to phthisic. ?0foa'v llmhc"! nS a0 i valvulur disease of heart. arr, Alexander :i-re loss ol'teeth. Nov. v: Derland, William, ag -37, Nov. 22 i stamincrinfr. xev'n.A J'jvaus, v illiaui ;,J., aire 33. Nov. 10 : PVederici, Jesse, age 27, Nov. size, (heiglu 0 feet 2 Inches ) F'J1'1-''', John J, ago 31, Nov. he-nia. 14: ago 32, Nov. 25: dyspeptic phthisic. lordlier, Jonathan, ago 44, Nov chronic rheumatism, (on oath.) Gntin, John W., age 41, Nov 10 Mi predisposition to phthisic. Girtin Willii.m G., ago y.2, Nov. 22 ; t'iseaao of heart ami liingo. Harwig, Lewis, age 41), Nov. 5; age and hernia. llarm.tti, John, ago 24, Nov. 22; epilepsy. Ilarring. Samuel, age 32, Nov. 22 ; chronic opthaliuia. Harriuinon. Nowtun. -.urn 2,? vr o- . '""runic bronchitis and predispos tion to piiuusie. Heath, Geo, ago 10, Nov. 22; vari coso veins. Ikler George W., ago 23, Nov. 14; chi'oniu uloers of legs. Jones, Wm. P , aged 30. Nov. 21 ; hernia. Jones, Harvey, ago 27, Nov. 22 ; aurof tila. Jvestcr, David N., aire 40, Nov. age 40, Nov. 14: , age 21, Nov. 22 disease ol heart. ' Kline, Joseph H., age 30, Nor. 22 ; ; hiss of teeth and disea e of heart. I l.oudeiiuauh, Viiliiani M., aijo 3d. Nov. 22 : vaiienso veins, and hadlv uni ted fracture of right aul.le. Miller, John P., ago 44, Nov. 11 chrunic rheumatisin. lUiller, Jacob, agu 23, Nov. 14: chron- 1'" "ptlulmia Miner, John, aire 42. Nov. 22 : ln..s nt teeth Miller, Charles, ago 211, Nov. 22 ; vari cocele. M'Michael, Joseph K., ago 20, Nov. 22 ; inbury of spine. Uhl, i.li, ate 30, Nov. 14 ; diseaso of kidneys, (on oath.) Parker, Josepii C,, ago 22, Nov. 14; valvular disease of heart. Runyon, Joseph 0 age 3. "5, Nov. 22; general debility anil disease of heart. Shoemaker, Philip, ago 38, Nov. 21; ehronio gastritis aud disease of liver. Shook, Charles, ago 31 , Nov. varicose veins. Santeu, William, ago 21, anchylosis of right elbow joint Shulz, Cornelius, ago 31, Nov. 10; varicose veins. Tousoy, William, age 30, Nov. 22; curvature of spine. Thomas, Joseph, ago 38, Nov. 22 anchylosis ol left elbow joint. Whitnight, Michael, ago 31, Nov. 14 asthma and size, (height 5 feet 1 iuoh.) .i-aneoma. ' Weaver, Augustus, N., age 26, Nov, hernia. "The Door on thu Othe Iir.a."- Agib . KlokcU , lq., former chief of police 29fS2SrtCdn lhUy last Dv ileputv Slionff bearaan. on a car, in which K. 15. Ohne, District Attorney ohaiges Mr. llickets, in conn"ctiou with Jerome G, Miller and Gt-orgo Muoboii (thu v. .-n,n,i tun uauiii, witu a con spiracy to iilugally arrest and deprivo said U. 11 Cbaso of his liberty. Our readers alUloulitless rceollcct this oase so well that it is needless for us to recapitulate the facts further than to remaik that Mr. film made tho viotimof ouo of those worthy! ''sniellniL' eainmitirei" l, mil ltrtn,,.,m .n a ,...vt. Mwiiiuu ou common under tho now order of ihinns youimuu uuuer tuo now order ot things' - uj5ui - uicu uy a party wmcn ooatcU tuoir ; lvo of "free speech" and "free prc-sj."1 . i " moment of mUtal'ou en. thiihiasm, al owed himself, as ohiof of polioo to becomo u tool in their hands, and ao- , oordingly arretted Messrs. Chase, Davcn- 1 1)0" "mi ivuip ior no ono Know what, unucr uiouroau, comnreiicnMvo oliarco of "disloyal praotioes." Thoy wero res- trained of their liberty never tried no , oharges ever proferrcd against them to which Mmv aim il mmwAr. nnrl ni. ,l..t wo are a-waro pf discharged. Ilenoo theso j - -- - i.ii.i buit tot illegal arrot aiiil comiraoy. Tho same day Joionro V: Miller was arcsted, and also cavobnil. Subsequently Mr. Muiihoii wm, brought into town under arrest, and after somo difficnlty, procure ul ' ;7 Tr,""""'"""'?' uttll 1UT. IWCKCH WD3 niso TQ MTCftlCU Davonnort. and vvn understand also at tho I uiriuubU w inn iiuiii. tji.il in liiviu ,i...i.in.. I-... l . . - .... I probability of at least bringing to Unlit tho I .. . .1 I . I . ninnies oi tneso very cwm spies men wuo, i .. . .. J J , 1 II llirtu Itml I in ntfAP ..mitltl .,,l,ttn. mil v. ....v. luniyi. tiuuin puLf.ui-. uu. J ' . : i- - "j"""", b""-"""" oo wreak (heir vonccauoo upon politioal cpponentJ. .Arresting men for no other srime than that of being Bcmoerals, is a n UWIU DVOluill vl IIUU lllb II UIIIU (juuil.-i ui i j mil ii u now ua ucii.iiui 10 bo worthy rn investicalion. Litzirne Union. SPECIAL NOTICES. A CAIIDTHTlin HUl rCIUMl.-Tlin Itrv. Willir.in Concrovi). hili! Inlniriiig an a Missionary in Jupni, i curoil uf C'niiMiiiiitluu, nhni nil other 1111'nim liml r.illi'il, by ii rcrlpc iilu.'ilnuil from u liamrd phytUlun renlillitf hi llio pn-otclty "I' JimIiIo. 'I his rtilpo li.u ciimiI eri-nt iniiiilii-ra nlin ttoro hiITojImi! fiom roiisuiup lion, llrmicliillii, Hnro I lirnut, t'liniilis liml CnMii and tlio iloliillly anil nervous .1 1 res tt i un cimccl Ly ilicne ili.uf.1ors. llOKiruua of iKiiiliMInK ollirr, I will pcilil this rod it: uliirh I hiiio lit oiis lit homo with loo, tu nil uiiu need il, frcu of ilurge. Aildrem lltv. U'.M. C090ROV11, 430 ruttnn Avcinii!, llioklin. N, Y, Dec. 6, lrGJ 3m. Tin: i.oNi'nsdioxs and hxckkicncc ok a POOR VOIIM! .MAN. A crntlcninn liuviiirj licoii curi'il of tlio results nf tiirl)' urmr iin.l illmnn.-, ivlil. friuii iiinllvcsnf lieiioviilcnro, renil to llinra wlin roqiiont it u copy ufthi' nliavc int,Toliii? n.irr.itivo, pnlill-lk'il ,y liiuinuir. 'I'IiIb Ultlu liuuk in iloffitfiioii nii unriiiiiH!nl cull Ion to yoimi moil nnil lliunri wlin miO'er friini Nor iiiis Dilnlily, 1,0's irf luinnry I'miiin uro Ilirny, tic, tee., iippl)'iii nt tho mi inn timo llio iiii'iinn of scl f i iir.', Hinclo i-1 1 1 1 os will Im fori I umlur o in u pin In onvol npo, wliliuut rlmritc-to any ivlio rt"iUBl it, liy ad. dionsing tin nutlKT. OHAfl. A i,am nnv.T. Oriiiipniiit, I.i,n2 lalau.l, Now Voik, N'nv. B.I, lW.'.-il.iii Uniformity of Prices I A New IVitMri' In llustiifni, livery oin III "tt ii fnliniiimi I JOM;h Sc. fO, fif the Or.'noiit Ono 1'rifL- Clolliiin; More, No. Ul Mi rKetntreo nlmvo CHth. I'MI mlo pliin. In addition In hiving tlio larjfeiM, niort vnrii'd mid fu.liinn.ilds fifnok of Clotliinjrln l'liilnde pliiu, initdo ex pretly for ri tail ulos limo louslitiilodovery ono ItU nun sutCKiiiiin, hy linvini; ni.irkcilin I'viiros, i ii. cm Ii nr. tlrlu nt the Very loncrt prieoit ran ho mild for no tliey cniinot pun ib y vnryiill iiiiift liny alike. Til (r.i)iid urn ell tpnnxud and pri'pari'd, ami prenl pninctaken ullli tlio inakiiii; f tli.it nil iniiliny uillitho full n.siirunn. of iioltiiir; n good arllrlu nt tlio vi ry low nut price. AlfO, a Inrijo ntnek ol piocr cooiIh on liand.nf Hi.' lutrut i-t) In nnd lie-t ipinlitl. m, w Iiu Ii u ill Im made to order. In ttii mo.l l'.-iKliloo,iblj nnd lient liianin r, pi r c int., Ii'lmv riTilil prici'tf. Keini!niln.r lliu Crescent, in .Maiknt.oliovo Fixtti Ht Vo.a'11. JONCSiC Viuriitr Unikoumh Tliero l, irlinps, no ilopnrt nient ol'mi.ilary Inoiiiei-ii in lil h Uioro linn boon n more marked iiiiprnvonicnl limn in the dollilng of sot iliors. Not many jours finco 'Hllrcrn nnd privutof were el.nl in (rafiiienlH M'hlih ttrro nlmni-t akin-tlcTit. Tliej iv ore lontlior slock J, ttliiili ttiro wortlir ofllio nnino, for lli'iy Uiptthn wearer in tnlmlntlnn i while their padded Ureiutu and tilit sleeves inmlo Milition a milter ofpre.it dilliciilty. Diirinir the present wnr, such of our volnn livr uii procure their uniform at Ihe llroivn Mime Clothini! Il.illof llnikhill U IVilon, Sim. tiu.l nnd Hili Cli 'stniit slteet. .iliovi! Kixih .'liiln.li liliia. olitain clo lliliis that m ptrfi'Uiy eny, miIkUiiUuI anil liecnuiiiift The ri rm niinied have anno lariiely Into thu husinofi. o ni.'iliiiil! Military Clothlnc and their f.uililics ein.hle them Hi fill tho largest oidjr in the ihortest posnibh time. t?L-il. 'Jl. lEfll NOTICE-! to Tin: patiions or Tin: STAR OB?" TffiG lyait'E'H. NoxtCi: is hereby piven, that tbo nib fiiriplion and ndvcrll.-lnn arcciiits due Ihe Pi-h li-her of the hrrt optiik Nnmii, nre plnceil in the handi ufU, II. Little. Can... of II .nniifliiiri;, for immeili. ale inlh ifion The Ihlitor of said paper Inn ing li. en dratted, and olilige.l In t" lo wiir.it is iii cesnirytli.il ptonipt payments Ira nndn In order that fniuily may havo meniK of support. Vour early atteiitioii to ihir innlter may sat c costs mid prove ndvniitriiieoiis to hi. ""'ily. WM il jk.'ohv, 1'ab. blur cf the J.'aith. OiMP Simmos". ) llnrrislinre, Oit.SJ, lEtl'J THE MAEEE1S. liLoojisnuiia, Deo. SO, l0a. U hent $ bus Si :ttl 50 00 f' It It 12 Hi 00 2C ltyc . u ' Corn " " Oat.." " L'tukrtheat i'otatoes " Cloverseed " I imothyaeeJ Onions " 50 Diied 1 50 Dried Peaches 2 Dutter. Lard . . Tallow. Etfgs . . . Hay... ... '$lh " 'V do--" ton. 8 fiO Uhiukens " pair MARRIAGES. On the 14th uii-fc, at the residence of .Mr. b. O. llutjr, hy th.) H !v. . p Eyer, Mr. William T IJiiteiv, to Miss AIatilua L. I low man, all of Hloombburg On Tuesday evening-, tho 10th inst. at the house of thu britlc's father, by Hcv. 1. T. Ever, Mr. L. N. Moyeu to Mias Haitik K. Eviitt, all of Dlooinsburo;. On the ITith inst, by Rev. W. Oood ricli, at his residence iu Oraiu;ovillc, Mr. J. 1'. MaitiiAV, of Estivtnwn. to Miss Sah in Amelia Eslijk, of Greenwood, this eountv. On the 27 tilt., hy Geo. 1 I.oro, Esq.. Mr. Isaac You.nt, of Wnrnersvillo, and Miss Mary Jane I'auiieu, of Grconwood Township, both of Columbia county, Pa. At hie residence near Wnshingtnnville, on the 11th inst., by llov. John Thomas, Mr. Uknj. F. Waiineu, of Moroland, to .Miss Mauv A, Si jims, of Jersey town, ''olunihia county. DEATHS. Nc Hvilllvilll'. ( !lllnniliin r,t r., I Monday, Deeeinher 8th 1BW, Mr. (ii:oo 5 , Dowku, ayed 61 years, 1 month and L. tla vs. On the 4th inst., in Davidson township ; Hannah, wife of Joseph Vi.nsieklo, and daughter of tho widow Zeltiff. in the 20th j year of hor ago. ! ''In the midst of life, we aro in death." ll, fl.i.lm i,..,i..,.l.:.. 't 1- .. Thurnday ol bs ' w k7 3 33 yea JACoi.Suiont.EU, Ihto "a Soldier J, the nn,i ' csajsEraKsU, v I' tVO vlUDCVUSCHlCUlS F.XUI1HTIUN. riillLI ir-t Sumi-nnniinl i:hililiinii ol tho uOrangpt-llla J. Norn,.il ic Ocminiiriinl Hchonl" will ho uiven on Tl tin.- DA V i.vuMxn. net!. .!A,i. ir..V " i nu iricnns oi i.uucniiuii nnd tlio Jiuldic t'enernlly nro ora,.ScViiie, oec.so jet,"." lCu',u'KCK' r"nc'i"" uniiuu in allond, OYSTERS AT STfWYTlMm o a t fwi v TiiFS!iovtfiTttiV.n i F plwuu" Msu,i",:ailifiia? h,uIuc,r1y?",,, ""J by "10 l,a,,"-cun ... ' ' n. stoiinlu l""c"""'"rK iiUCKiiwaaua & uionmshiitg 1, .(). NOTIL'Ui. hereby fiven, that tlin Annual Meetioo of ftnckholdors will bu III h J L,' ' X- litVy iimV: ."iioWKin.u Minim. a via ii r ja,ar,,. ITJ-'m 'i.""". ,lf ,wlvu "'clo,,t ll0"" 0l"l fur .... '.." . .'"'V ' !" muut n in l.ol lll.iM 1 . t -rvj for n, ,niuinn iVNII TWUI.VU UlltlXTOIlS, , Kin.Mon fRTTCllOVU, .'-r((n rvc an ip(i;.,n I'niflrd Statw liiNtroul llov,.,,,.,. 1 O riCi: I, l,..rol.y Rivnii 11. ,t it, ,1,,,,,, ' .i,.r. ,t,l-n ,l .. . ,...1.1 1 . .' !'. . , '".l 1 Hill ,. ' un.i in tim lounty r CotuiDMa, nt l(, 'f',I1Virt,''r ,u ("'r!'t JSr .?f."XiS'""""'0 '"' "1U 'V"" ""; nTltttiW' Nilf,,r . ' u'y.ia..Ki...niiotoi rji rniiawMun, MiMrtiny( Jan, loth, &, t 'Sll I,, (Who' Hotel. . ' '"' t j,,a '".'"'""" J""' '". '. i ,(,, ,, m'f'n. "'wiiii y II. ..!. Ir M'l.ii I .. ,. t.... ir.t .... omSwJIiiV "MaX, 7,1, " i, rV-Sf r.'"' ff..-l,..! ' "-i "u""- "I Al I KT.Ki.ri.,b..l i. i ii-'.. '"".ii,''mi'ii,iiiaia iiiirii,,,.i F t pny tiw .imton mil tm . ,. "!, ""'"si'Mi tu I .li. it... ti ..... t i . r- ' II hi, N .i. i wiiniii iiii'iimu ti-tiiieii, win i, it.ii,,,, : Hi , .cpntum miiiitinuiii uhm iiu. iut - 'i'" i n , , luZ.ru:;--!'1 !;'''' ii) n-iiicu i rnu iukp. ui'ki.icii (luii'niiuini '""Mi nr llin riiiuinun currency nfllu' rutinirv i.i 1 " r"m , tllatimit, ' ' """mil,! in. IL I.AWlirvii u. I'olleitu I3, lii.i,,r. i,' 1 Colloctor-ii Oinco.Tottaiide, P.i, V ' '' 1 " ller. t li lW, -an-. j NOTICE IN PAHTI'IIUN. Estate of Isaac Wagner, 6V.. ,,'',, In the Orphan Voart if (WmiiMi inter elihiti, thu, eoHtatnid "'' """"is Ifnnc WnrjiiiT. ituruniM"!, who ,11, d ti,i..i ', ' in iiih iieniiun Ol ipiiue vm,.. .. h' ii, r HH.t , linn r.f Hi,, n,. lM.ltl. ofll,.ar . ',., ,''! liiriifdllint Urn ciid uremlscs , 'l,.Tl "i In nrcniniuodato nil tho Iii'Im of tl,. tli.it tho siiiiik inny h p.,1,.,1 and ,? ,' .. 1 acroniinoilato souo of tho hells ( th ,ni, ' V ." nnil thf y havo parted the Mime uicoriliin'li 'i lion. ,, thererLrepray th- C.,t '.Wl , , r f" f'" thu heirs and repn . iitnlive of ..M ili.r",l. in . 1 Indheiii lo I,-, mid appear at the t.,., ( h . ; in 1'ehm.iry next, then and Hi, ro to n J, ?' ,C":'," said Ustaleatlhd vuliullnii thereof. i,d i the heir, and repre,-,,,,,,, ef UL o , ' Niunt, then to show ca ise. if any u,r,. i,,.. ' "V. ' " said preiniuM sh.ul.l noi In ,f, a,,,, 'rVti,;ZUa'1"n n 1 p r o v i .I ud . n ii 4 u'," ) Hhmypon. lie.'. Jth, I .-.Cv.', J. liriun re,l i Rr.nntcd, y rsoi.nl uotiiv tli of t'l I,.. " ''" patties in Iho (Jimmy, and six He, ks rii.tii,. ,., ', hv nillil rnllmi in ,.nu ut lh- .,, V l" " .-. i , ' . ' . . . . . - " ll'IT. Ill I. In.. .. nr.lir,, In h, ...tit ,.. II,.. .. ..... ... . . ours, . oiiiiiiui.i rouniiv. iiii.t a iu;ir i-oiiluni'uj Hi. whero their r. si.leiii.e l hmiHu, y ,, , . """7 lerlllk'd fioin Ihi Ki'ion.s ), ,. (m, , f'"' I.Yi:il- V Vl.rk 0 , 1 ho various piirlie. Interestnl ,n the shove p, , will picas'-nccptlhi lon'foiiiiiiiintiinii,,., """ s 'f'Ai' n t'Liuu.v Mim-rr's dttiip. , V ,, lllmiiis'uuu. Ii, c. 0, l.li-J.-it, , auditors .sonc i;. IN Tlir.OlirilAXMlJtll'UfiimTlli;, , ..... , (JOLUMItlA. llr.ru ur' ANIiKlin u , LATU 111' Uliltw:. Ii liouui mi by;, ,, ,lh-- ALL pors'iiis lntr.te, u ill t,,,,. , , ,. . . iler.ii:ii"d.n.p..iii.e,l Audit,,, i,v th,ni,n for Ihe .oniity i,f t oliiinbiu. t in luj; ".' r.ili-H and pioporliiios tu,, ,,,u , ,,,,,, . ;" h.indsof JiiiiK.iritllri.., Aim in.ir.tim ff Ai,! j lirnss, deciineil, to mid mi, on,, n rii.,iu ., , ,, of the duiiascd, iicrnnliiK to ih, tJ, , , .,, ' , ', ' Liv. will in. it I'.., .i,,ne, lutr, wi i u,. I'": 1 ' 'llice, in lltooiii-hiir, on ' 1 L-.......I... ... .....1 ... .. ... ... ... ... I, ii ,,, . ... . I ' 101 mo purpn. us i i,i iiis spioiiitiuini , , ivhuro all pintles inl.irerte.l nr fpnr d i ,r. On Ir claiius. or he di unite 1 hum ,.,.liik i i , ; ', uf such nss.'ts. JOIIV (f i id. 1-iii Hc.oinh-iri. I'lir.hZK jlnj,,,,, AUD1TOUS XOT1CK. in tiiu diii'iianm uiijb roii Tin. rurvrv . e Om."MiilA, UrtTATniir- AHK.I am KTK LATuui' .Mirri.iN T.nvNew.r-, ii an . LLp.rs.iiisliit, r.-st.t. will t ik n.Ke ,.,, 01, i','.. '"'Vi''"'"--' Audit, r b, tu u.-ui . Uinrtof ( ..U.ohia county, U Hpo,i uinribjii,.t f ti halaiic, in , iiau.iK of Ht.-iuts II M. l"u Aj ,. ..lor f sail Al,ri.,, ,. hli, ,,. ,, 4 Ih. Vg il rl 111,! Hits ,i,t , presnmm,, . t th. d, ,. o. , . uii "' ' ' '"" " '" " ' "' ' TUurfLiy. Ike Tvt'tjmnth ,1 i-j . J.,r,j ,y , , , prtli'ip-irpos.'s ol his Hppeinm.,,1 Ml ,,r...ii. .,, ter.sti.'d ari r--'l-iinid u i re rem ih. i, , i,,,.,,. ,. ,. OljfUIIll, . ", ,,,, ,, Tw-.l i Tutu ClIflK,., I" I 'I ll .!l. f Hloouiroiri. Ilen i.ihei su l','a V ' ''"'' ALDI I tHl t, NiJTU" in Tin: oiti'iiAN-i i or in- T,C ,..,.. rv . . roi.UMiin. i.sr.tTi; ui' juiin m K- k , 1 LL persuns ..l r.'sl'il lll 'ls ll.,tUr. tlil.l e. uudirjisn.iJ npp.iiiit..,! .t,u i,, ht , , ,,, onrt of the county .f Luliiii.l.ia ..un, ou.n. f. . Ihcatcoiini of Willi in, lltiihaltn, ,.,. ,,f ,0c lytr tors of John ,M. Iluikaleiv. ,l,r-,i., w,n i,,.,,tl interested i, l Hi-h. et, ,'H Otlic. in l'i....,..,t ,,, Slloni-y, Mr yv-i.iy fourth day f..a n ,g .a I , l , for thu purp.f ,.l Ins i.,p..ii,ii,ui, HWl a, ,. all parlies ml, mt..i i.-.j,,. f. u i.i i,ti, j , , , think prop, r. Jon.v ii run:, u, . ., , , lllouius'iur, Ui :e,iil r J, leul 4 auditoiFs Nonci:. I!vili,,l.l.),l!.''!IA''" ,-'"u"'1' Fu" - "i 1 1 , . .in' ! I, . J'.flAII VUW, i ..L. .......... ii., 1.1.1, u j vv r , in, f ii pill! ,iulltr ,i.pini.., iy ,. , !,(,' , ,,, f . ......... ...ul. , n,,,,,,. s.ui ,,, B,ijt i,,,,, count f My,,,,, 1 o..lcr, A.liii,i,iit,,, ,.f j,,,,,.,, ,, ler. Ii.tu of ItrJurcr", R ti,sM,,. i iu,i,ia w ,lk .1. cons.',,, iiiil t, k,. ,i,., ., ,,f , thi h inds i, ih, nrri.ii.ia.i, , u , . ,,, tiirii.t..,!. f. , it,.. ,,,., 3 ,f, i,t,.n ,. . (Ilflre, in 1 1 . U'i:y. I.-IH, ,,t t Tu- sen) ins -tli , 1 Jdii. il 'ck A M. lI'illLyi r- ( L.UiJw.V.iir,.,. nil, r ) lri,-i Iu . llluoinshorir. I'ee NOTICK I.N lMKTlTlO.N. LriTATi: Ol- ALL J MAUH. liKriJAdH'. In the orihan-n Camt if CWsk'.w i,i.r? TO Chester I'. JIan, t llliniu M,.,,, ( J., , ill (.'olunihia lour.iy, ,,.t, ,.,! YOlIaii,! .ath.fy,,,, .r tUI , i.s ,'t n , r'!."' ? Wf"".' nn.l nnd ; iilonit. ,. ,,u, r" '.,f ""' rTl;l"lu ' "f tu- "'"IJ' of Oi till,,' i f 'V "' viiluatloi, rtl,e, al . uniliia, 1 will hold an Iti'iuestoii . said premi... o Tuadn'j, the Tmntg-eertnth Jay i ..i.ioiry -,. ntlloj mniisioii huuse of U, ,i Alem Mnrr J.i'n. n tho wiinty f ( ol'..t,i . l n . I. .,, ,u . rc'imstedtoiitteiid ,f j.u titintw ii,,,. Piimtri'sOinit J JflAll ll l'L ltAV tiro!,, r. iiio'itiiDiiuril, Decemhi r a, IPC" , AUDITOR'S KOTK3K. ,.,VA'r. v.llA.:,, 8';ul',l'r KtiR tiii: cnL-vTVur LAI I. Ut' MAlllfON TOIVNrilill-, )X"I A i,L persons interesied wl 1 take nttiui, tl,.,t t ,011l'n,'t'11'l,''l.il1l'iiiliMAii.lti,r by the (irplni, -ourl, for tlm county of . olumi,,',, to s. tiw ,1U, Ijuit tMrtiCu. ; mid proporlliins of th lm,lMv ornss'ls m tlio liamU of joiim ri.iirn .l,,,.,,.., ..... . . , ...... i, Jaril, ilcceusod, to mill linioni the tr rm,, cr,.,lii,,r. ol Ihii . inonsed urcordlni! to tho 1, r i rti,M.,li-,: l,r A.n "'S' 1 51 re.tul si the l-rotlunn.. tary'sOince, in Illoniushur;'. on Saturday, the Tirentn-fuiftS Jag if ., uiry. jl. I) in,- for thi purposes of i, nppi,,,,!,,,, ,, , nuA i ,, nil pnttius inieri'ttcl are rcnum-d lo pre.ei.t ili.i liniim, o; In, ilthnrreilfroin comiiij in for stinru ul suchnssits, lilomnsbure, llecmiiher 13, looi- . AUDlTOIt'H NOTICE. ,prni0IiwoN',,.t-",'llT- ''" thi: ri'l NT i..i u ( r mi: TuwNmur-, nm.-u. A '''' I'l'""'; inti rested ill take notice, that Ih'- im r dersig I iiMiointed Auditor hy ihuOrphmi . I enr ol tho county of CnlumMii, to utile nnil ndlii.t lie rates nnd proportion., of tlm hnlauro or an.its in Hi Iiands of Ai.i.M II. tVuirr, Kxi'cim.r of Jeirnh lint i ecease.il, to nnd mining thu respectiw rrc.titi.ru of Hi ilecinleiit, iietoriliiid to Iho order established hy h. win meit Iho parties intere. ted at ths 1'rnllioiioisrj t llhlco, la llluoinsbuM. on Hiturda). the Ttetnttj. fourth day cf January. A I) Ii-M-for tint purposes of his iippoinlmiiii, whim and win'' ull parllos intnrestt'd iiru icipicsttil to prest'1.1 tin" cluims.or he ilitam-J from cumins in for a slntf l suchusscts. ' hlooin.lmij,', December!;), lcf,-i-Il AUDITOirS NOTICE. .'X'1',1.5 conn, ron tiii: to'-vv LATH Ol' .MOM OL'U T.JlVVHIItl'. I1IX' II. ALL ticruona Interested. w mlm nnllco ll.nl He' iindcrslKiicd. iippiiiiiti a Auditor by Iho Urphii" ' Court of t'o iimblii , ,,iu,n ,, i; ,.,i., ., ,,i ii, . !""'" "' "f ""' '" ' K'K nudl'i'.WH M Kabmikbu. ".xecuiors ...f Uinry Krum, ilerensml. lonnd llenjamin l.ninlmy tin liiii.li.md ur H.irnh i, " M1 ."' Isruiother of tl,' . f rM UntHw: Z " I ' preferred to th,. Court r-p"r.fiillv . tlutllio In.ptesl appointed l,y Ih- l". ?!", ' i i;rni inuruiii. i, if.. 151,2. in innL.i .......... ,., n jimt,., , , nuce.iuill, w III llll'tl ill pni lies interested nt Ills oillcu In Ulouiiiih'iu', ou ThuriJtiy, the Ttctnly. ninth dan uf Janueiy, .1 l. I'C for th- purpiKes of his nppuiiiinieut. All iersonin Ii'ri's4ei nre miulreil to pr. s' tu tin iri limns hel'or' ' Amliior. or Iu il, h.irr J ttoni tuniiuj in for j slur Ih- luiid ItnilLIIT I l I JSvit l,lo,ini,nirs I'er nib r la I ii ?l