I LECTURE ON UUTTEIl MAKING, xno loiiowing extracts nro iroin a lecttiro of Mr. James Dumbrill, one of tlio most extensive dairy formers J,of England, beforo tlio London Farmers' Club : Our next considerations will be in the. inilocr dcpartmcnl ; and in the first place, it is strongly to bo recommended, where it is practicable, thai the dairy bo a distinct establishment away from tho rosidenco of tlio proprietor. A dairy-maid's duties are too onerous to allow of any distraction, and wo all know that domestic events will happen at times which require the wholo strength of the company. The marriago of a daughter or the birth of a son, might be tolerated ; but thcro are the more fre quent occurring dinner parlies, great washes, brewing days, fco., when even tho important duties ol the dairy become secondary. Therefore it is dcsircablo to placo tho dairy under tho care of respon sible servants who have no other duties. A man and his wife and a boy are suffi cient staff to manage a dairy of 25 cows. Tho dairy-room should be used for noth ing but its legitimato purpose, the recep tion of milk. The floor should be a few feet Jundcr ground, dry and airy, and shaded from tho 6iin. Benches should be of opon wood work. It should be heated in winter with hot pipes, so as to maintain a temperature of about 50 lie grccs. This is tho easiest mode of an plying artificial heat, and as efficacious as any. From experiments which have made upon the application of heat to milk, I have found that a sustained tcmpotaturc of 50 degrees raises as much of tho cream as can be raised, and that although by increasing the temperature by direct application of heat, cither by applying boiling water, or by placing the pans of milk on a hot plate, tho cream may be drier and appear thicker, yet there is in reality no increase of butter. A dry, warm, temperature, and a current of air through tho room, are the best conditions for raising cream ; a heavy, damp atmosphero the worst. The milk pans should bo of tin, oblong, with rounded corners. With round pans too much bench room is wasted. With carthonwarc pans, tho lastiu acid will, after a time, destroy the glazing ; and glass pans chip too easily. A great meny new inventions in the way of churns, havo enjoyed a brief existence), but, tho old-fashioned box and barrel churns still hold their own against all comers. Now comes the great secret of butter makinS, namely, churning frequently, Butter, to bo perfect, must bo churned every day, or, at any rate, every other day. The cream must not be in a state of decomposition, or you cannot possibly have good butter. Great attention must bo paid to this point, and the most scrnpulous cleanliness is required in every part of the management ; and then, no matter upon what tho cows are fed, whether whito tumips or Swedes, or whatever it may be, there will be no disagreeable taste found. Another thing that conduces very much to the production of a good quality of butter, is a suceess ion of fresh calving cows. In a hrge dairy, case should bo taken, to have, as nearly as possible, an equal number of cows calvo every month throughout tho year. Cows should be dry for six weeks beforo calving, and during that time should bo removed to more roomy stalls, with a large loose box to calve in. At this point tho treatment must dopend upon circumstances ; but in n general way tho less done for iho animal the better, and the moro sho is left to nature tho better. Another point remains to bo considered the applicotion of skim milk. This may bo either used for cheese-making, or for rearing and fattening pigs. Tho quality of choese mado from skim milk is of course very inferior, particu larly from Aldenrey cows ; for although their produce is richor in cream than in Any other brcod, the milk, after the separation ol tho cream, is tho poorest. The fattening of pigs to a small weight is far more 1'rofitablc, and forms, rather an important item in "dairy manage ment." They will require very little corn( as nothing fattens young pigs faster than milk. Farmer Oardemr, WATER-PROOF WALLS W. Smith'of London, has obtained, a patent for a preparation, which ho states renders the walls ol brick nnd stone houses completely water-p-oof whon applied to them. Ho lakes flint, or oth er snch silicious substances, and reduces it to Cno powder ; then ho adds to this somo powdered alum, nnd mixes them thoroughly with watter, reducing them to tllO Consistency of Common oil pain!, ... . ,. , ... J 110 composiiion is now iiinnuii wiui a prueh to tho surface of tho wall, and when itbecomos day it resists water This composition, while boing applied,1 rcqnircs to bo continually stirred in tho vessel which contains it. It is cheat) '"II and when applied to wooden buildings, it rcmlors them almost fire-prour. Farme q Gardener, Farmer's Department. LARUE ARRIVAL OV New Ctil J anil Winter AT PETKU ENT'S STOllK, ix i.toirv strf.i:v, cowmma cov.vrr, v.i, HAS Just received from Philadelphia, mid is now iiponlng nt Iho old stand llto'y occupied by .MntU k tint, a splendid assortment or ft 'ral 'Kill f& R'i which wilt bo Bold chenp Tor CAFH OK COUNTltY PRODUCE. Illi stockconslstsof Ladles Drcis Uoods cholcoslstylcs niul latest faililuns Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, ijauncls, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cas3imcres, Satinets, Cottouadcs, Kentucky Jeang, Thread. &o. Groceries, Quconswaro, Ccdarwaro, Ilardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, , Oils, l'aints, &c. BOOTS & SIIOE3, HATS & CAPS. In short ovory thine tisumTy kept in a country store Tlio tintronnirn of old friends, nml tho nubile, t-cncral. ly, Is respectfully solicited. i no nigncst uiarKct ptico paid lor country proiinee, rerun unt. Light Street, Nov. 15, liO-2. IF YOU WANT TO BU1T YOU It Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO Crcasy's Slore, iu Light Street, Pa. ALL 1018 OF GOODS ! CALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELO, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS Keady-Made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Ssjrars, nats, Boot3, Caps, Shoes, Drug, Oils, Paint?, &e., &c. In nddition to our large stock of Dry Goods, we Invo flarL'o and full osanrtincnt of Ready Mndo t.'lolhina nor .Men and Hoys wear which wo nro determined in sell cheaper twn can no nought usenncre. uuiinnn see, and Jndce for yourselves. II. W CREASY & CO. Light Street, Ta ,N0v. S 1SG2. ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEVILLG. i At Fritz's'Storo, ORANGEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., PA. r"1bo undersigned has just received a 3 largo and select assortment of choice Spring nnd Summer Goods, which will bo sold ihonp for culler country produce. His ttoiit consists of ladies Dress Goods, choicest styles nnd latest fushions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINT FROM 7 TO 12j ets A YARD. Caasinicrs, Satinets. Cottonndes, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, i$'c. READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Quecnswaro, Cedcrwaro, Ilardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, fco. BOOTS & SHOES IIaTS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept in n country store. Tlio patronage of old fiends, and the public generally, is solicited. May 3, 1362. WILLIAM riUTZ. MAERIAOE.-ITS LOVLS AXn HATH sorrow s and nugcrs, hones nnd fears, regro and Joys ; MANIIOtlll.linw lost. how restoro tlio nature, treatment nnd radical cure of mm matnrrhira or seminal weakness; involuntary eoua ions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage gen erally: nervousness, consumption, fits, icntalnnd phy sical incapacity, resulting from HIII.I'-Am.SK-nre ful ly explained in tlio MAItltlAGi: GL'Illi:, by WM. YOl'NO. M. I). Tins most nxtraordiniry book should bo in tlio hands of every young person com -mpl itiug f every youns norsuii cant uinlitiiiir muri mie, uii'i cev I y iiiuii .'I w uio.tu w uu uci-ires in ciiuit the number of their offspring to their ciroinnstan o"s. I'.vcry pain, disenso nud uclm inci lentul to youth, iff.iturlty and old ngo, Is fully explained; every particle in knowledge that should bo known Is hero given, Ills fall ofengravings. In fart, it discloses secrets that ev ery una should know ; still it is n book Hint must ho locked up, nnd not lie about tho house. It it ill hu sent to any on) on the receipt of twenty five cents iu specio or poKlago stamps. Address Hit. WM. YOUXO, No. -1111 Sl'itUCL' Street, nboyu 1'ourlh. Philadelphia. Cv" AITLICTLI) AND UXl'OUTUNATE. no inatlor what may bo your disease, boforuyou place yourself un der tho euro of any of tho notorious Qac.-nntivo or foreign who ndvcrtUu in this or any other paper, get n copy of Dr. Young's book, and rea't it earrfully. It uill bo tho men ii sol' saving you many u dollar, your health, nnd possibly your life. 1)11. YOUXO can be consulted on any of tlio diseates described irr his publication, nt his olHce, No, -110 HI'lUJCU Street, above I'otirtli, Philadelphia. Otllce hours from 0 to 3, daily. March B, ldG2-12m, PKOTEOTION PHOM LIGHTNING. 'pill! subscriber would inform his friends, that In ii J now prepared to put up, on short notice, and in a scientific manner, tho beet iii.1ta.j ii.il Ari-i I in ir-iA-3 nnntr at 1JJ cents per fuel. All work warranted. ' I L U.IHDLEMAN. liloomiburg, May 21, 1E60. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Catharine Her ringer, derd. I LIT l;ll teitamciitory on tho estate ofCothatlno Co -ringer, Into of lloaver township in "oliimbln count deceased have boon trained by the Hcuister of Coluiii bia county to tlio undersigned also residing in said towiishin. all ner uni liavinn claims mraintt the cs. EJtoM rZxub! "" v"'inn imimxmMnr on.it;' im? ct ' 'ntcinR I ifSSSfe ffl5 , ! visa eiEAir irseieiw FOR TUB 0 M ST.ITUTfOM AND Till! roit D I A B E T E S AND IHSBASCH 01' THU i Tiete Dangtrowi and Trouhlesomt Dtttnica, ifuVA hare thus far llctltted the hut directed Treatment can In Ctimplettly Controlled by the IlKMKUYntw bifore utl Tin: conATivn I properties of tho mcdiilno dlmt thenisclvos to tlio or t'.im of sirrctlon, nnd by o nlitrini; tlio eoiidlilnn of tho stoiii.icli nnd liver that tho ttnrcliy piintiplo of tlio food is utitcoiiverted into siignr solong us tho fiyntcm Is under tho iiillnciico of the coNsriTUTioN WA-rnn, hvhich nivfi thoso orRnns tlniB to recover their kealthy .IlllU.llli, kl.UI. ,U UIWII.JIU .U.lilll' II, II ,1111 1UII.I., tlnn Wat r has cured every ensoof DinbLtes In wliitlilt lias bjcii Riven. STONK IN TIID ULAnni'll, CALCULUS, (JliAVM. llUIOIC DUST lll.roSIT, AM) .MUCOUH OU ' Mll.l.-VTltniMIAIlllPJ APTI'D IM,IMA..V1 Diseases occitriuir from Ollnnnd thosnme rnu.e i-lll bu entirely cured by tho Constitution Wntor, Iftaken ! tin nny lenijtu ot iimu. i no uoo should vnry with tho t severity oi in.) uiscnse, irom twenty urops tnnten spooiifut three times a day, in water. Iluriiie Iho pas. sase oftho Caliulus, the pain and urgent sTiiiptunis should bo combated with tlio proper remedies, then followed up with the Constitution Water, as above di rected. iiysu nxor.it acta, nit i'.i.ruLL miinsprua- T10N, AXU IN .Mr.XllKKIIAGIA Oil l'llOt'USU ri.uwiNn, llolh dlscaes arising fiom n faulty secretion nftno inciistruiil Hull In tlio ouo enso belnaton little, nnd ni ioiiipaiileil liy smcro pnln i iiiid tho other n toopro- fiisn secri'tiiin, wnttn win no speLUiiy cured by tho Contitution Wnter. That .llsenu mum n as rAi.l.txn or TIIJl W03ID. whiih Is thuro'iilt of u ri laxntion of tho liiraments of tlint orenn, ami is Known ly u seixotil Heaviness anil trngging pains in mo nacK nnu pules, nnu nt times lie- companion ny sii.irp iiiriiintiugor siieotiug polus thrnii'tn the paits, will, in nil cnes. lureinovcil by tlieiuedl ine. i h ie i nnother clais ofsyuiploin'. nrl ilia from III KIl'AIIOXOl'Tllt: WO.1l 11, which physiiians call Nervnusiie.s, which word enters up iiimh ijnorance. and intilnccasei out of ten Iho dnitor doe not really know n licthi r tho symptoms are the disease, or tho disense tlio sj nipto'iis. We can only enumerate them here. 1 fpeak more particularly of Cold I'eet, Palpita tion in thu llenrt, Imp.ired .'Memory. iikcfulncK,li.ih- es oflleat Languor, l.af itiule, nnd llininersof S'i.-ion, EUrritiissni) jhkxstkuation. Which ill tho unmarried female is a constant recurring disease, and through niclect tho seeds ol more cruve nnd dangerous maladies nro the rtsult; and u mouth niter month passes without an eirort ticfii; uiade to nie sict nature, the suppression becomes chrome, iho tin tient gradually looses her appetite, tho hinvcK nro cunstlpatcd, night sweats conn; on, and consumplhtn uiiaiir euus iter career. LLIJCOItlifKA Oil WHITES. 1 his disease dnpcnd& upon no iull iinntion of mucous lining ol toe vagina anil wouiii. it H in all cases nc1 coiup.inied by severe1 pain iu tho b;uk, accrues tho bowels nud through the hips. A t"ntpnn'il'iti of tile iiieoicine may no laKeu inree iiuies a o.iy, w nil an in jection of u tabli'spooiiful of the nieiliriiii), mixed Willi nu.i'i.pinioi t-oii water, iiioruinc aiulcvening. muiTVTiov or tiir niickoi' tiii: iilaoiilii, ixi'LA.MATiox or tiil kihni:vs axu ca TAiiuii or tiii: nLAiiDLit, stuanguuv AXl) IIUKMXR Oil I'AIM'UI. URINATING. l'or these ills. 'ases it i truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot lie said in its praise A single doc has been I, now to relive tho ino'l urgent svntiuus. Are you troubled Willi that illstreseini; pain in the smnll of the back nnd through th'ihlpai A leaspoonful a nay oi uonsinuiion n ni- r win rcnevojnu like magic roil nvsrnrsiA, It hasnn equal in relieving tlio Most distressing smp tnius. Also, lleadaihe. Heartburn. Acid .lnmach Vein itlng Tnod, ic. Take a tcnspoonlul niter dinner- 'I he do.e iu nit rati", may be increased if dcnired, b'ltshould bo dona gradually. ritYSlCIAXS llavo long since given up the use of buchii, cubebsaiid Jumper iu thotreatiriintoftlpso diseases, undonlyusc them fur want of n belter remedy. CONSTITUTION WATCH Has proved itself opialtotho taslt that his devolved upon it. niurtrrics Irritate and drench tho kidneys, nndliy constant uso uoii lead tochronie. dt generatios nnd co ifirmeil dis ease. iicad. ileat-L Mad. Danvillk, I'n., Juno 2 ISM. I)r. W. II, GaEon ;fr Air: In l ibu.iry. lot. J, was afllicicd wtth tin sugar di itietes.nud forhve uionihs 1 passed more than two gallons of water in twenty, four hours. 1 was obliged to git up as oilen tmorlwcUc times during til 3 night, nnd in live month I lott nboul fifty pounds lit weigth. Doming thn inoutli of Ju'y, 1.-01, 1 procured two lioltlcs of Coui.tilutiou Water nml iu twodays after using it I experienced relief, nud nfn r taking two bnttlesl was entirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. J. V. I. UU Wl PT. Boston Corners, N. Y., Dec. 27, led. 'Wm. II. Crcgg i Co.: Cents: I freely five you liberty to ninko use of the following Cirtiflcate oftho t aluc of Constitution Wa tcr, which I can reccuinuieiid in tho highot maimer. .My wife, who was nttatked witli pain in tho shutil dcrs, whole length of thobnek, nnd in her limbs, Willi Palpitation of tlio heart, attended with l'allin; of th" Womb, llysinouuirhocn, and "Irritation of thu lilad iter," I culled n phsicinn, who attended lier nbout three mouths, when ho left her worsu than ho found her, I then employed ono of thu best physicians I cnuiu nnu, wnoniieuiieu ner mr niioitt inno mouths. I and while sho was under ins rare she did not riiffrr I quite as much pain ; ho dually gavo her up nud sui 1 ' "h?r easo wus Incurable." I'or, said lie, "she was such ! a coiubiuatioii ufcomplaiuts, that medicine given for one operator tlgninst some other of her iliuicuities." ! About this time tlu ciuiiuenced to uso ConnnuiiiN Wailu, and toour utter UFtnnlrimcnt, almost tho fir.-1 dose seemed to have the dsired eflect, middle Kept on improving rapidly uder its treaiment, and now super intends cu'irely he.- dome-lie all'.iirs. the lias not ta ken nny of tho Cow uurio.v Waieh fornboul four weekt and we arc happy to say that it has produced a perma nent cure. WM. M. VAN IinXSCIIOTtCN. MnxroKD, Cons., Nov, 19, 1601. Un. Wm.II.Greou; Dear Wrt I havo for several yours been afflicted with that tooubloniiuennd dungeroiis ilisen-e Gravel, w iilch resUtcd nil remedies nud doctors, until 1 took CosriTUTioAi, Watlr, nnd yuu may be assured that I was pleased witli iliu result. It lias entirely cured mo and j cm mav umbo nny uso of my name oii may seo fit iu regare to thu modiciiiu, us 1 have entire confidence iu Us cflUacy. YourB truly, rOMI HIT.OXO, Tlir.SK AUG rACTaRXOl'CII There Is noclass of diseases tint pindiico such ex hausting cited upon tho liumaii constitution as Dia betes nnd diseases of the Kidneys. Bladder and Urina ry l'asages, and Ihrouzh n lulso modesty tliey nru neg Inctcd until they nru som'vaiiced as to bo beyond the control of ordinary romedias, nud wo present 'the CON SliT UTIO X V A T Lit To tho public uitli th" convictiontliatilhaa noeinal in relieving tile class of diseases for which it has b.'ci, found so i uiliiently siiccoshful in curing ; and wo trust that wo shall ha rewarded iu our tllorts iu placing m. valuable remedy in u form to meet the requirements or i .,, ... , ,.,.. i"""-'" '" "" ro:i BAt,i:nv ALi.Dni'otnsm rnicusi, W.M. II. CLOItCI! tJ. CO., I'roprieiors. Morgan li Allen, (Jcucrul Agents, No. -in Cllir 6t' Now-York, rJept. 2d. IE02, 12m. KOLLOlK'fi CO'TEI). This preparation, made from Hie best Java Cufii e, Is recoinineuili'd liy pliyslciausus a superior NL'TIUTIOLrJ lllWLKACi: for (ieiier.il lb hllity, Dy.pepsia. nnd nil tiillious disorders. Thousands who invo been compell ed to abandon the uc of ccii'eo will use this without in. Jiirious oin-tti. One can contains thu strength of two pounds of nulinary toll'ee. Price 2.5 cents KOLLOCK S LEArAlN, Tho purest and best DAKINti I'OWDKU known, for innkiugliglit, sweet and nutntiuiia bread nnd cakes. Price 13 cents MAxcr.itTcnsn ny M. II. K0I.L0;iC.0heml(t, Oorner of llroad und il stuut citrcet,. I'llll, .Ill'.I.I'lllA. And sold by ull Druggists und Grocers. March 2i), Ifc'tli. 12m, APPLES FOR THE HOSPITALS Ci.vrHAL Ornce, Samtary Commission, j W ASKIKUTON, October 2d, ItC'J. The Inquiry being frequently mado whether Hi Com inlssinii wislies in reci ive npples for Iho uso of tho wounded, it should Immediately !, pubU.hed.ns widely as possible, Unit dried upplei culiutt bo sent tu its do. Si'. j.?.!Vo,!'.'!,,l''?,,,t.!?1V,,."',,'l viiiaioueiief ing, cutting, nud drying by their inembi rs, and such volunteer assDtauii! as tin y can enlist, und to notify formers that thoy w ill rid ve siuli good fiuit as they may bo disposod to oiler and r.ro unable thcinilrs to properly prepare, Dried applus may be scot in barrels or boxes, ur In strong bags marked "To bo kept dry." Dried fruits of oilier kinds, tud nil good canned fruits, will bo verynec-ptabie ritru, i.AWoi.Msrmi, October I?, 15 OeneMl becrctnry. IMPORTANT NATUNYL WORKS. n iii.iainit) ny n. aitllto ,t co. ll.'t uv''i Ihnaihvu, , New York, Tim f"d 'Wiiu workini" soullnHuli riibersltinnypar oft '""" A"""' ' ''l't ,,f "'' I"'""-) I'r '""'I r , ,".!'.r.."J'.r,i"lVV;i.i.irNM i.vii.r.t. ,,,A a Dlotlminry of ll ihthI Knnn Jailse. Hdiled by (Uontn: it v ftllil I iltHI.ES .1. IIANA. nil Oil IV II I O l enitis mn. ipft 'riirp f wtllor-ln nil branches oi tc lencics. Artnnd l.llcrnture, This worn Ii bolug publish d In nhntit 1.1 inrgi - octnvn volniimt, ciicii eoiitnlnlng 7u0 two cohnii ol. 1 to Mil litdtii Ivh, lire uoft' niady.onch irtiiic. An nddilion.il ! ..,..liltiit Ili'lir si i hi. original urti 1 1,1 limn VMM 11. ' pun: I n. i n,cr in n..o..i luri ' ino-IIlt i Price. InClnlh, 9.1 1 Hltnf(, !)".; Ilnlf Jlcr,, .? I j Half KimiilH, fiili'nrli. i J Ilia superfliiul, li'nrii' d but ni t ibiiik, rompr hi'imlvn 1 11" rt'i" . in,"i 1 1 .in J ' l l!1 l'"l " iMiiiii'iiiiii'. hill muni"11') ... ..... ....... .. i. nun P.irlV prfu'ilc"i 1 r li nnd yet nfi.ur.ib . It ls,i c.iiiipletn tntrlii"Ut of nil that Iskiioun upon etery iinp.irtiiiit tup. i Ic with the -c pe ofliiiniiiii hit llk'i ne . V,ft import. nnt nrllcl.' In it has Ii li p -v illy written fur It pa'es i liv nieii who nro uuihoritle- upon Ihi tupleuu which, they upenk. They nro required In hrliiK tlin ubji!ct opto I ' II. i.rnaent lUDIUellt tfl flllt" llt llol) il Stnillls Holt. All 1 thottatlstii'iil Itifnrniatloiilsfroiii the Intent reports j llu 1 ..n.nnlilr.il nccniinls keen imcn Willi Ilia Intent exnlnrn. lions ; hlsterlcnl mntters include tiie In lient Just ) lews the bioRr.iphlenl not i ri s not only spe.ik oftho dead, but nlso ol tin- llviiic It is n library of Its If. AuiunuKMENr or rue llnurn oi'C'oiiiiims : lining n nntitirnl liisti ry oftlie Ifnlted Slat. s. from tho nrjjnuU.v lion of tlm Hrt 1'edi ral CoiiRress 111 IIS I In ldJJ, ll.llt. i d and rouipiled by lion. Thomas II, Itann from tlio Of liclal Ueeords of Cnnirrcss. The work will bo complied in 15 roynl octnvo volumes of 7.V1 panes enrh II of which nro now rn 'y. An addi tional volume wilt bo publlslicd nneo ill three niontlis. Clnth. SI Law Hlncp, SI Mi ".ilf .MorSl! Half . Calf ft .'ill I'luh. ' a wav ok iMtouunr.t: Tin: ovc'LofAiniA, on I llKIIATIJfl. rorin nclub of four, nnd remit the price of fnir hooks, nnd five copies will bo font lit tho remitter's cspenso for carriage. or for ti n nub.rrilurs eleven copies will bo sent at our cxpeii'i'lor carriacc. TO AG KNTS. No other works will n llb.-rnlly reward the exertions this County. ,' OfAPCOtS. AS Alll.NT ANTED IN Terms iniute known on nppllcntinn to tho I'ub'ishcrs lV. til, lfiii). vi re v.- K'-aV'-v -I" ? Tliniinderslgiicirlsnlso extensively rngaced In Iho VndtrinUnp Iluttnrst. nnd keens constantly on hand nd ferrule at his Wareroonis, a largo nssortment of TINiailED tsgggB OFriNS, Hy which ho Is enabled To fill orders on presentation Also Keens n rood llorkii nnd llenrse. nnd will lit nl times bo ready to attend l'mienls. si.iiu. l;. mii v i.. niooiiifbtirg, January 21. WM A lot of superior I'nu: PkookCk.munt, especially adap ted fur i eineiinng Hoofs. One gallon will com r IHO feet of ordinary roofing, nnd is insured proof uealiiit ruin nnd wet weather. Can be had at iiianuf.ii Hirers prices, by tiie gallon or half barrel, nt tho oUicu'ef the Columbia Democrat. LLVl 1. TA'l'L. IMoomsbitrg, July 13, 1801. GIBSON'S A N D IHiCOiJATIV KS'IMDJJSJIMK'T, No. 1ZS, South Eleventh, Street near Walnut, PES EJUS. IS 5 !,?&!!, Ilnainoled Class, l'rcsco, Oil and L'ncaustic I'nluting John Otn--ON. (j. n. c,nsoM. January 12. ltqjl-nm . 'THE UIION," JSrrh arcri. Mote Third. P LI J A DEI. I' il I A . TIID situation of this Hotel renders it ono of tlio most convenii nt for tho-n who aro isilina I'bilaifelphin nubutincss; while to thosu iu search of pleasure tho const nitty pns-ing mil ria-ni City Railway cars and those iu i lose proviini'v, nflurd a cheap and plans' nnt ride to nil places of inn rest and .imuseinent In or nil-nit Die i ity. The, propiietor elves assurnnro that The Union" shall bo kept with such chatnetf e as will meet public approbation, and would ri -neeifnUj Kit, n .-r ri t pal fonage. UI'TOX S XLWroiII',1;. reliruary 2.1. l'CO - lBti, prnr, ,,.,r PIllSIirKlTII to ItnOTIlKItS WIIOLLSALr. 0 B A C C O D E A L E Tt f ft 0 . 1 0 3 , K O KT II T IU ii 1) fi I'll MKT r Ive door sbe low liar e . NiiLAnr.LrniA 'JHH PENNSI'LVANIA HOTEL, . njixviu.r., j.inxTovn covmt, r.t. r.ntcrtainiucnt for Man nml llenst, in good ttylo nnd nt moderate rales. I'll .MILLS N. r?A VAGL, Proprietor, rianvillo, April I'd, 1sf,2 TRUNKS 1 TRUNKS 1 ! piIK largest, best imii'Lom L est nnd clieapest uort nient of riolo Leiithcr solid llivelod Trnveliinr 'i'runks. , ' .adieu Bonnet $ t)re4a Trunk ,.- . Clllldreil's Conches, Propel. ';. Jt lers Leather nud Cnrpet Hags ' r. ' - - 1 Packing Trunks fcc, &c n i" ' TIIO.MAS W MATTSOX'R. Celebrntcd London I'rir.c Medal improved sheet spring Willi sold Leather Trunk iiianiif.iitery, No. -1(12 Marlto stroll, Mouth west comer l'ourth and Market, I'liiiad'a, Augusts I.-.57 tf. NAT10.-.M. HOVEL fLato Whito Swan.l J3 RACE STREET, AJlOVS THIRD PHIIiADKLl'llIA. D. 0. PIEGRIST, PiiomiCTon. Uormirlifiam EnIc lintel Lebanon, Pa t, v mm ads, ci.eue, .Match 2U, L-02l2:n. STRAW ! STHAW ! ! STRAW ! ! ! TOXH SI'UAW.of all kinds, llurkwlieat ex cipted, is wanted inini ilnt'ly. nl tiie Mill Grove Paper dills, near Light rilrect, forwhich cash will ho paid. THOMAS TIlLNCH. .Mill Grove, August (I, 1EC2. COUGH DROPS ! COUCrll DROPS ! ! EVLI1Y body uses rltONLTinLIItl' COI'OH DllOI'fJ It nets promptly Minii timi-s urrestiuv the w nrstcold in 21 liours. In ull nllei lions of tlio Cli 'tt. Throat, wlielher nciito orclironie it will be found of immediate benefit. Try n sniglo bottle nud you cannot fail to ap preciate its usefulness. Tor Halo by most all r-torekoepers nnd Druggists. I'rvpaicd by (I. IT.OVLl'int.D, No, 317. N. lid. yt.,l'hlladelphln. Nny. 10, lP0l-3m. RR'CK ! lUirCK!! MUCK!!! fi)A AALrood ltiol;,just nitinulactiifO' .1 9 ljSjnud for snle cln ap. wholtfalu u rn-ed 'JUi"UUtall. At tholllonnisbnrg Lrid; Y.trd.- ipty to nio suiiscribnr. Illnonisbiirg, Juno 28, IRG2. IlliNUYS. AI1T1IUR. JOHN LEE & 00 -rn. NtlllTII WIIAIiVLfl, 1'hiladelphia. AKO ii II IP C HANDLE IIS, Hpun Coltnn fur Caulking, r.opes, Twlnss.Tar, I'itch, (lakinii. Illocks, and Oars, &c. Au;ut I, If, id-1 J in. i fcj M ,1 At flJ ,R TV B2 Bf! 4 W S ! . JU.BiWuxj J3SCfc.14 in WIIOLLlLM.i: AND lill'I'ML BEDDING AND FEATHER WARE- HOUSE, No, 23 North Second ftrcct. Opposite Christ Chinch, PHILADELPHIA. ry Conslantlj nn hand n largo n orlinenl of lleds, Alattri's'Fi, I'nillu f, Cushions, Hair, lin k, Cattail' nud nil nni'l' sin the linn at llu lowest prices N II.- 1'arll.nlar ult imoii paid tu niioynlii.g New and Old I'eniliers, March a, lrt!l.-12i, PHIL ADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL - RL O A D. iki ct.vANU hah. ii ii .in to,, tr-ssre. on mi InftfMlonlnv MnySili, mi. time nt Northuui IrarlmidrJlnll. will ho n fullow. i .dire II II x press Mail Heard. I r.aHicnrd, (i -Id r. M 10 (II A M ti III a, H.I lixii I 18 I-.m Ii itucFS II Slinjiiiig Cars o;t Mglil Trai s Holli Ways bilivecn Wllll.innpnrtntid Hall linore, and on ' Counsvl---uln Unllrond between llnrrlsburtt nnd iih-i n ipilia 'niM ill Trsm in both illrcttlntis n t'nr roo throupli l.i. t'.'iiiitylviniia llnll llond wllliout cliaugg 1 itwcin 'xiHuijijiiii nun i.ucK Jiai Cll. HAMtri'.l. A. lll.ACK. up't Ikn-tirn III) I Ion. JlnySJI, ipca. i'lhl.Klt'lpliiii & Heading Hail Cond. W1NTIUI AllliANGJiMLltT (I'.isslug lleadiuir) Down to liill idluphia.at li.'JUuud 11 A ,M, la noun, nml I I' Al. Up, tu rnttsvlile, nt 10,50 A SI, nnd 5,13 P 11, tVllsJI", TU Ll.llAXON AND IIAP.IUHllUltll : Western Cipress from N'nw ork, nt 1,07 A M, Mail IVnln i, lit III.',, A .M. nil I .", M 1 M. On !.iiid'iys, tlin llown A .',1 Tram passing licadlug, nt P.id A M, nud t.'p Train, nt .5,fl7 1' .li. Doth lt),.Vl A Ji nud .5,41 1' ,M, up Trulns connect nt I'm t ' llnton for T.'iai.iquii, Wlllianisport Limiru, llull'. nl, Xlajuru and Canada. Tin ItDod A ,M. Train only rnnnects nt Port Clinton foe Wilke'barre, Hi union and l'lttstmi. The West 'ru I'.xpress Trains i onin ct nt llnrrisbnrg with nxprei-s Trains on th i Penus)!!-.!.! H.illro id for Pillsbiirg, and all points West : nud the Mini Trains crjiiio'cl al lliifilburg Inr Lancaster, Cliuiuberhburg. ftiuhiiry, Willi.uui-port, Lock Haven, Klmira mill the CuiiailiH, Thro, iih 1'irst Clnss Counon Tickets, nud Kiolerniit T'okets nt reduced Tares, to nil tlio principal points iu COM.MDTATION TICKLTS, With 21 Coupons, "" percent discount, between nny points doilred, MiLllAOr. TICKLTS, Good for C)3d mileiT, between nil pnluts, at?l.) for l'nuiilics and l.u-iuess l'lrm, nud f-iamn Ticicts, good for tin" bolder only, tor three mouths, iu any I'asin-iiser train to Philadelphia, nt $4ilcaih. Heboid Seasnu Tiek eta on. -Iliird less. I'.issengers will talio the Cipro's Train West, nt the IHTUit mU'oT, ami nil oth.r Tiniiis, al the LOW Lit Dl.l'OT. to lbs of bagango nllowcc each passenger II'" t nsM'iiner nru reiiini.teil to puri'hai.c theirTick. ets lie fur- entering th" cars, as hiJlier l'.ite. charged if paid in cars. Unlriim lea"e llhlhdi Iphiafor Ueailin" llarrfburc nnd l'oltsvlllu nt 8 A M, ;i,U 1' Jl, and nt Utl 1' M, fur HoadiiM only. ', S" llneuision Tickets, good fur nnn day, by H.tlJ A, M. Acc uiiuiodatiun Trulu to I'liilai eiplii.i nud leturu at cUiach. (i. A. r. K'UI.I.S. Gtntral Superintendent. January 4, 1SCi. $2 HaA'a', 6'. li, corner Third ami f)o-U Streets, PHI LA I) F. L PA I A lints made to order, of any Htylu or duality ut Short AOtiCO. January 4. ISO''. Cm Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 OouithiDdt Stcct, NU.Ml UltO UWAY, Xi'.W YORK CITY This ol l-i tn!dlh',t nnd favorite reort of the iiui- n" i 'mil ii'iniiv has , en recently rehtteil, nn I i eoui nli-le in e)er5thill'! th.lt inn linnl-t to tiie couilorls of its natrons l.adi mil lauiilius ure specially and care- 1'iitlv ort.v i il, d fur. 11 i- centrully located in tiie bu iuess part ofthe city and i contiguous to th" ptiiii.ip.il lines r.f steamboat. cars, nmmlinsses lerrn s. i:. Iu cons-'ipienci' of liie procure caused by tho Ilelicl lion, pnens haii been redureii to One Dollar ci d 1'ijtij C citfs prr Pat. 'I lie table is amply supplied w Itli nil the luxuries of the sea-oui, and is equal to that ol any other hotel in the country. Ample uecommodatious are otl'i red for upward of -PHI ouets e i ' Do not li. lieyp ruiu"r linrkmeii, nnd others who may ruy "the 1ett rn II,,t"l i tull." ii. ii. u i.MJiiusi lilt, rrnprietor. THOK. I). WIXClir.ri'i'Lll. I'cb. 15, lbf.2. s Itv iav Uommerritit liinluiv'H are loin ted opposite Court House, corner of Court and Ciitnungo-KirWs. Tills College is in no ivny cnnci ted with any oth Iu-tit'itioti. Th Mi- rgies oftho entire fatuity arc en luicl) ile vof .1 t"lhi. '1 he In-wn ofthls Institution istn nflord to Yonn" M. n nn i) 1 1 rt'ioiiy h.r u.-qiiirmg a 'ILarvugh I'rau c. llu.i' r. lAuea'ton 'I he lino , v nud Form" nro carefull) in runur il b, Ir.ietif.il Accoinilaiii.-. i-Aprtsly for Ibi- liisiiiuiii.u, and tie- course t.t tuntruclion is such to combine 'i hen ry and l'r.icticu. COLLLGIATi: Cl'I'ltSL'. Tiiis Course emli.ae. s imok-Kji ping in ull it. de-paitui'-uts. i'eiiniu.inship. Coiiim1 iciul ritltnu tic, ihi. iness tiurespoii'lenee Coiiimerci.il Law , Po.iliral Ltoi. omy, f'liuiuicrcial I. thu-, rnrtiu rthip si ttlemi nts, t'c teelini! Counterfeiied and nil.ired llnuk-Xnti s, &c. 'I lis Bpenci riaii Hyi-tem of I'eiiuinniisliip is tnuglit in all its varletii a. by ti.e most si illfiil li.a.-ti r ofthe art. Tho r.ooli-Keeplug ilepartinent is under tlio siccial superrisinii and instruction of the Principal, D. IV. Low til.. GI'.XUtlAL INI'OP.MATION. f-'tudents can enter ut nny tune ; no vacation. Usual timo to comp'i to the Course, from li to 12 weeks. Assis tance rendered to graduates in procuring situations Graduates nro presented witli an elegantly engraved Di ploma. r' Tor oatalogun r.f 7(1 pages, specimens of piitimau-. sliip, &c., enclose two letter Haiept and nddress " Lowr.i.i fc t' Mixnn. August 30, IFC2. piny:'. I6b2-I2m tpilUI'rni rietor of tills wi ll-knnn li nnd centrally Inea I ted llo'ise, til ; LxciiAsni: lloTKi., siluatu nn Mai, r?lrett, in lllooinburg, iiiuii')iliut"ly pno.iii. the Coluiii hia County Court House, n sperll'uliy ir.forms liis friends and Hie public iu general, that Ins llnus is now iu or der for th reception niidcutortnimnent oflravclcrs who niny teel dispo-eil to favor it with their i tistoin. lie has spatud no eiLiise iu pr"paini'.' tiie Lm invon. for thu cut 'rtainui'iit oflns diesis, neilli r elull there bennj. thin:.' wanting (on lii parti to imui.ti r lo their pi reon.il conifort. His liouse Is spacious mid enjoys un eic. ILni liu-iui ss locntioii. tty Omnibuses run ut all limes between tho I'.sch :n:;8 Hotel .niilllii) various Itml lload D -pots, by winch trai. clers will bo pleasantly com cjed lo and from tho re spective citations in due time to meet Hie Cars. W.M. II. KOOXS. lllooinsburg, July 7, J8C0 1W0 F All MS Tho subscriber ofi'ers for sale or rent, tho two fnlloiv im.' I'uriiis, one of tlr iii situat" in I'lshingcrtik town. ship, Colniiibi i county, l ouiaiuiiig 0.E HU.NDSEI) ACHKS, more or lass, about llfiy-fii e ncres of wliich iLiJrn is i ienreil land, wliureoii nre ereited n irood .I1 Two Mtory riM.vi: !IVi:iJ.I.a llUlhj:. nn.l tlUMK It.lliX, Wugon House, Com Crib, and other outbuildings. jlI.SO: One i thcr I'nriu, situate In liciitou town.hip, Columbia county, contniuiiig ONE HUNDRED ti T1IIUTY-FIVE Aires nbnut Thirty-l'ive ,cu-. nfwliiili ih ;; cleared laud, whereon nro erectod a h'U.IMi: , , j jjiiT..uxa iimni:, iw.uu: mux. nnd '';- oilier outbiiililings. -aid l'ariu is iluiitu on having l.'r ,pH, nbout two miles above Htid Wnter. '.'-Two other small Lots, iiluai" In I'ikIiIiu cr-ek it. n ihii lym.'.iii I'isliinjcrei lload, and one mil fro.u Kim iv.ii. r one ,-,mtuiniug I'l.til! .ri, 'iu I Hi' otli r a Town Lot, and ;'o , I bull 'In- on eacli "f Hi mi. r" Perms and imi.litl, ns miiJe kno'vu liv , , , , . WILLIAM IKliLlUl. I Ishlngcreck, AugUrt 30. LSI 2. 15 A MC NOTICE. N'otico is liei'i'liy j vonT that tlio Ilanli of limn Hie, u ''auk of Issue, Hisi it mid 1'ipos. It, located in the liuroush of Duiivillc, Montour rouniy, Willi iicupitil uf Pvv.i llundre I Theusand Dollars, in tends inn . nig npplic 111011111 tin- in-xt rt'iiiiiar session of thu Legislaturi'ol i'cniie) I viiiun. foi tin renewal uf Its clinrler, and uxtiins'iiuiifiis privileges, fur 11 term of twenty years from tile ejplrnlion of its pr 'si lit charter, with Hie same u.iinc, title, locntioii mu' tapitul, liy order of tlio Hoard of Directors. DWlDCLAIUv.Cishler. Dan illc, l'a., Juno 2?, IrM - Cm l'AUL k THOMPSON, (Jontral Conimipsidii illfrchatils, IHII.EM IK h, Trovlslons. I'lnur, llnttcr, Cheese, Oils. Dr Fruits, (Iruin, Keeds, llenns, Wliiskey, Wool, Country Troduco nnd Morchundiso L'cncrallv. No, 31 North Wiumts, I'niLtDEi.ritit. . D7 Conslgniiienti of I'rovlsions, flour and Couultv iroiiuco soiieiteii.niid returns promptly made, Cash Olllllllia for all kinds nt Pi.h -,,,, . Provisions. Flour. Dried 1'riilts, tr filled Jl the lowest Cash TiKei', AYEU'S OATHARTIO Aro 1011 sick, fueblo, nlul complafiilngl Aroytmtmtof otder, Willi jour system tin tanged, nnd your ftdlutrs nil ccnifortaldof Tliosn sjra li tems nro often ths prsiudo to fsrlous IllnefS. f-omo Kt Of slckncs Is creeping upon you, and should bo nicrteil ly a timely uso of Iho tight rem; cly. Tnlio Ayer's Pills, nnd ileanso out iho dUordercd hu mors purUy tho bloojfjvid Id tlio llnlds move tn uiiob slnicled In health ngalu. Tlicy sllinnlalo tho function., of tho body Into vigorous nc tlilty, puriry Iho system from n.n f,i..iMirtions itIiIcIi mako rtlso.130. A cold soltles soinewUcto In tho body, nnd ob ftruits lit nalnrnl funtllom. 'ihese, U net telUycti, rea t uron thcmselrcs nnd Iho ""'l'luS vvi.no in i ns con..,., , ,,.1 "-i,," (l :V ,ct,010 tb'd ' Zton 'o?tho s7s.cn,; nnd will. It th, buoyant ftelm of health agiin. Wlu.t If true, 1.1. .rirui n,i rmnnisn compLUiit, Is also tuio In many of tho deep-seated mot dangcroni . J'1." ".Jl?" body, thoy nro rapidly, nnd innny of them nrlyi" by tho sanio msnni. iiono who know the t Istm of iImso Jills. "IU uegject to employ Ihcm vihon suffering from tho disorders thoy euro. , . Shitcmcnts from leading phylt .ins Iu " ''"',? rrluclpol clUeS, and from other well known pubUs tec sons. JVon ci IbrniariliVj Merchant eifSl. 7j)hi', lib. i, ISM. lln. Atiiii Your Tills nro tho paragon of 'all that 11 nroat In medicine. Thoy hato cmsd my llttio lUiigutor 5f iilceroiif soics upon lier liamll nnd feet that uni pro)-wl Incurablo for yeai-s. Iter mother ha.) been lous ijclov ously mulcted with blotches and plnipluatm her skin ami I., if.. I. ..I- I fin- n,,r .-1.11 t nl CUIOJ. SllO alSO tiled your l'Uls, and thoy luivo cured her As a FnmlVr ?Jiyic. ricm Dr. U V. thrtiwtjiil, Xtw OWctrns. Tour J'llls am Ihn princo of purges. Their etcellcnj onilltles surpass nn.? cntlifirtlu we possess, inoy mild, but very certain nnd elfectiul In Ihelr tctton on thii bowels, which m.iKos iuoui inviuii.iuiu w u. "v treatment of dljcnso. HcodacIic,SlcJiircni1nclio,Fonl Stoninch. JVom Dr. IXvurd Vojd, mtimon. BcarHrci. Avtnt Icamvit nuswer yon icia( complalrils I havo cuii witli your Phis better than to say all Pint ml trtr treat witli njntrgntitt malicinc. 1 placo gi eat depey tlenco on an effectual cntlnrtlc In lny daily contest vtitu disease, and Ullolngas I do lint your Pills afford us tho lest ro have, I of course valuo them highly. I'msnctw, Ta , May 1, 1853. Dn. J. C. Aiiju Sir ! I havo bsen irpoatdly cored of tlio worst h'uthtcltt uny body can hale by n doso or two of your Pills. It stems to ariso fiora n foul stomadi, wblcli they cicansa nt onco. Yours with groat ictpcct, J!D- TV. rllLIUjL, Cltrk of Steamer Ctarlun. Ulllons nisnrrtcrs liver Comiilnlnts. t'rimt Dr. Theodore DeU, efXoo York CHg. Not only aro your Pills admirably adapted to their por pnso as an nperlont, bat I And their bencllclal eirectsiipon tho Liver very mnrked Indued. Tiny liavo Iu my prao tlco proved moro iltcctuol for tlio euro of bilious i jilaints than nny ono remedy I can mention. 1 ulnct-rily rejoico that wo haro nt length a purgulUo Thlch is wor thy Iho conlUonce of tho profession nud tho f euple. Department op iiit ImcnioR, Washington, 1). C, 7th 1'eb., 1950. Smi I liaTO used your Pills In my goutr.il and hoepllnl practice over slnco yon nmdo them, nnd cauuut hesitate 13 say they nro tlio bet cntbaitlc no employ, 'ilieir rcsn loting action on thoilicr Is quick nud decided, miitn quently they arc an admlrnblo remedy tor deruuenifriitj of that orjitn. Indeed, I havo soldom found case of bilious d&'ase. so obfttlnato that It did not readily yield to tin-in. fraternally yours, AI.ONZl) HALL, M. B.. JViyn'com 0 Co; JAo. at Hospital. Dyaontcrj', Dlnrrlioen, llclnx, Woi'iust JVem Dr. J. ft Oreen, Cluatgo. Your Tills havo had n long trial in my practice, and I hold lliom in estieni as ono of tlio best aperients I Iuto ever found. Their altcr.itho eiftct upon tlio liver laakea them nn excellent remedy, when given in small iIchos for litiout dijtenlcry and diarrhicu, Thtlr eiigur-eontliig makes them )ery ncccptablo uud eouveulcut Sir tho uto of women and children. Dysicpsln, Imtnirlty of tho Jllooil. From J.'ir. J. V. llimes, Jlutor 0 Advent ChureJi, llasbm. Dn. Attn-. I havo used jour Pills with extraordinary success in my family nud among thoso 1 am called to visit in distress. To legulatu tho o.gaus of digestion and purity tlio bloixl, they aro tlio very best roniedy I linvu over Itnimn, and I can coulidently icconimcnd thim to uiy rrleuds. Yours, J. V. III.ML3. Wahsaw, Wyoming Co., K. Y., Oct. 21, 1855. TIIAK 8m: 1 nni using your CitlinrtlJ I'llls In my prac tice, and mid tluin nn excellent purgative to cleanso tba tn-stem nud vurilji (lie fountains if the Ifont. JOHN U. MUAC1IA5I,3I. D. Const Ijmtinii, Cost IvoneH.c, Siiiiprcselon, Khcuiiiutlsiii, Omit, r;ouiiil(;iu, Druy hy, l'uralynlH, 1'IU, eta. iVcra Dr. J, J Vaughn, Montreal, Gtnada. Too much cjinnot bo said of your Pills for tho cure tjf oittli'iennj. If others of our fraternity have finnd them ns efllcaclom aa I liave, thoy r-hoiihl Join mo In proclaim lng it for tlio beneflt of tho multitudes who sutler from Hint complaint, whldi, altliough bad enough In Itsolf, Is tiio progenitor of others that aro worBo, 1 bdiovo ens. tiveness to originate. In tbo liter, but your Pills affect tlu organ and euro the disfeasu. lom Mrs. V. Stuart, Physician and Mldalfe, Roslnn. I ilud ono or two largo dv,oj of your Tills, taken at Iho proper thue,nio excellent prr.nict!cs ofthe natural score, tmn when wiioliyor iKittially piippie.(id, and also very effectual to s.'cuiss thu stnnadi and ryi-tl icfli-mi. Thoy aro so much tho b.-st phyoic we have that I lucouuucnu no other to my patients. Fronl Uie Kev. Dr. ltiwl.es, rf the Mdluxlitt Fpls. CAitrcX Pniin Hoise. ?n)aiinah,fln.. Jan. f,, 1S50. Honored Sir. : 1 i-hnnld bo iingrnteiul for tho relief your skill has bioulit mo If I did not repoit my caac- to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru ciating ncuinli'c paint, which ended iu chronic rhenma. turn. Notwithstanding I had tbo best of plijsiL-Iaii-), tbo dieeaso grow worto nnd wotfc, until bv the nilvlco of your excellent agent in Pultli'.iore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tiled your Tills. Their t rfecti wi 1 0 slow, but sine. I!y pcrsuTeilus In tho uso of them, I am now entiiely well. Eexatc Ciumbeh, Baton Ilougc, La., 5 Dec 1855. Tin. Ateh: I havo lieeu entirely cuiod, by your Tllls.of Ithcumntic Goul u pidnful dUeasu that bad uCllekil mo foryyars. VINULNT SMIiT.M. tns-!dnt of tlio rilta In market contain Mtrcury, which, although a Toluablo remedy In sklirul lininil, Is dangerous in a publla pill, from tbo dreadful lonsc quenccs that frequently lollow Us Incautious use. These contain no merenry or mineral substance whatovcr. Vilify 2S cents por Box, or B Boxoa for $1. PreplYcd by Dr. J, C. AYER &, CO., lowoll, Haas. Sold by i: T i 111., J M liagi nbiich, nml J II Moycr lilonnnliiire ; J Hchuyler. Ilol.r biirc: Sl.isters tie i-on Mill villi' 1 T Maner-. il. uton i Lazarus & Fisher. r nncevillo -, C 1' l'owlcr rowlersvitle ; A Milh r, Ler wick; Low ic llros ,C-uie. .He; it I' H1-i-1h.it t . Hro.. I'spy ; M ) f'hoeiniiker. Hut kliorn i lteiuliart &. Nuss, Malnvillo: J Miarpless, Caltawissu; Creasy 4; Co. I.lsht Street: nnd diMlcrscverywhiro. July 'A',. lnTnl ly. EVANS & WATSON- HALAMAXnr.il SAl'Lt), iu: MOVLII tn Xo. Ui South Fourth S'rt-l. I'luU Irlilna. iiayo 01 and u large nssorlmeut of I'lr1 Tin 1'i.roiif rialau..in.ler t-afis, 1 ' l-o, in u doors, for banks nnd . ; ' stores, iron i-hutter iron sa.'h, nil i.iakcs of locks equal to any mado in the Unileil i-tntcs. 1'li'C bfifcs i.i one fir). tentA in food condition. .Tl came out right; villi cot, The tf.il inlander ri'ifcs world. of Tliil idelphia against thu EVANS & WATSON. havn ind the surrst deniosiralion in tin following cor linciii ) mm lie ir inauul.i, turn 1 f rtalnmnndi r Hates has at length lully warrant.-1 tin- repr s 11t.1ti.111s wliirhli.iie 1, en uni",-11 iie-in us rcmiering nn undoubted sicurily U " ,u - I.IIIUJII, Thilaih-lphla April 12. 1?5I!, .,,,"!'' '""' :' ''"'" Cenileiu. 11-it nllords us t ie hiehost sntiilattlu-i to statu to you, that OHing;to the v. ry on tettivo qualiti. s of two of tho rialan.andi r, rales nhli h we puri.li.is d i.fym some live mouth mnru no saved 11 largo portion nf Jinelry. uud all our l.ouks, fee, i'pi;-.-il to th .iii-'i-.'io(i,lienillaustead place un 1 1 ,., mm ,, , ,, nl 1 . 1 1 , 1. . .. . . 1 Wlll'll We ri 11 'It MlJl lll-.J! a.lfna rn l,.A......l ... .I. fourtbsory of th.-building wu otiiipiod and that tiny r-ll subsequently into a h- up uf bu.-niuri ruin., wlu-ro tiie Viist loueeiitrnliun of Hi Ii nt c.iusi .1 Hi- brass plates to ii ... ..- tinne i oiu r gur.1 III -pr, s -nalion of their val a,.- ui.., , ii. , h iie-si , ouiineiug prui I or the great i curity ulloriltd by our nil s. U Sll.lll tUK groat lib .l-.nr. ill reenin,e.lii, ,i.n.n ... " " .i i, iiinir" m-aiu-i lire. iWMuXrf&lillo. .inciters, F7llichau nieupnr. haeim larm tt.il'. s. J.llv 2 .. If I.'. I Amm-I -'II. Iit.13 fcJ i'OVE ANI 'JJN-M ARE -.'.u "K u"'' '.simi.-.l noulii iiifurui lb SHOl'. titims - bloom: Ijllj e nml I n mill . tluii ii 11 I, 1. in,. lfS,.l biied 1111 1 1 il'-rsfors b-one ol ihemosli xiiiiisimi usH.rtiii.iiits ol clIoMNOund I'ANi Y H'I'flVLrt . yer uiroduci-il inlo this iniitlat. The Chri.ioph.-r (; iliuli.i.', James I.nbbinid (iol,eare niiiong tlu lit tn,g .,M.ok,ug Htoves.nllorH,i,h .iriiair-tishtnudgasluiruer . .a "'f 1" r.,X"M " "r,:,'l;ii"l'Oino ami iho usorlm..nt yu ! i n ! '''"""'ifaltiniioiiis paid m Tm-Wnrc n id louc- Hpouting on ,1,,,,, ,,;.,., A) Kjmls , f r-paliiug wm bu none wiih ii.-ain.-.s and dofpatch. Country produu' Uln 11 in cvchani;.. for work. ' Lloomsburg.MiDlO.H-ei . MOVI.U. TO CON UMI'TIVES. riMIIl Adverllsnr n. 1 .... .. ... . i few we, ks. bv n v,v , . " 1 " '" sntlered several yams with u lima ail',.,'i, ,, 1 , ,,. 1 ,n, . , 1 '"" ii"i i "..o. nnu mat lohis f,i I, ; Imr " '. '""'Mou' loiuiilioknuwii lonis lull, w-s nir. rnrs the melius of cure. In nil who iL-ireit.h. will stiiil u copy nl the Pre ,r ,', 'l""' "" "' '"l"'.)'tl. tho 1 re.ll'.u.rfor H" MfJMll.' same, winch they will HudA smiLLuiu. lor Cnssi'Mpr.os, Asnnu, Iii'uxciiitis. tn 'Ihoiiulynhjert r,r , udi erluer in sending U," IV-' ,',r' '',V '!' i'V" b nn'' iillrt,l..,n.l ip . n l i nfiiimS. . .Vi.!5&i13 iv.t .In i 'i vnl .1 1 bi', 11 hi I huh uuv nothing uuH may proy, n bl . . .. ' "J'l 10 II .1 lull mil .-ostlbein 111" i-arn -s wisi.iiit t , . -1 . . ' ' " Vr ','.' '.".r ? ,?"". 1. 11 k . Willl-imth.,.,. ir '.. Bopt.57 1Mj3m--' "'".')"'. ew ion. rMltWAUKIcillKaTi' DR. LAOI.OIX'S l'lttVATU MI IHUAt. TIIUATIPL OS Till! Physiological View of Warrl?gc. SJO l'AHr.3 AND 130 LXflllA VIXCg.-Trlco i-nl. TitiiNTV-nvK cturs. Hont frco iif posliigo to till nim. ' tho Union. On tho Innrmlllos ol youth nnd it,',., in! ill closing the secret follies of bojli scais of nil os .' causing dcbllllyi ticrvnusness, ili pri'ssion ,,r snirn. palpltiitloii of Ino heart, suicidal Imaginings, injo tary emissions, blHshlngs ilcfcclivu memory, lndle, Hon nnd Inssltitdo. icKA confessions nf thrilling iirr,.; of a loardlnff School Jlltss, a College S'lidcnt, c, ,1 1-o.inr Married Lnily, tie,fje. It Is n truthful nilii,,. the iiiarrlcd nnd thoso contemplating tmitringt'. whoi,, tettalu secret doubts of their physical toiiiiliinii ,..i ...I Inll. Ofll'll ll, l.,,l,..l,.,l II. 1 '".'.."' "'.il ' pluess, and privileges to whiih ivory human bin0 1, 1 1 Milled. . . . YOUXO JILV w ho nrn troubled nltli Mcnkne,, e. (t rally tuiisul by n bad habit in youlli, thu on;.,!, , , wlilcll .ire ilUluess, pains, forgftriilness, sonit-u,, , , , ' n ringing In tlu cars, weak c)es, weakness of n,e i.r.j? uud lower I'Slreinlllcs, confusion of i.lt as, luss nf m,' ,, ory Willi I1ielnn1.l111ly.1uay be cured by (he author's M-Vu TAIilH AND LONDON TltllATMl.XT. ,ftl,W Wo Invo, recently devoted much of our H.n 1. I VlrilTIXU Till! LUIIOPLAN HOSPITALS, , . . Hi. . - ..en... i. ,,,. 1... 1 1 1,1 s on. rvi , , ... . .......... .v ,,,,1, , 1 j..-,,, i iii-i u n,e in 1,1 1 skilled Pliysbilniis mid Hurgeons iu L11 rope mid Ihn i-.. tlnent. 'Ihosu who plnio themselves under luir i.ir will now lnvotlin full liinelitnflhii ,,. jjjjm. LI'l-'ICACIllUS ltr.Mr.MiW wliltli wo nr.' t onbieil 1. Inlro liicu Into our niutlct',,aiid tho public mav rest n. siiredortlio sainn r.enl, nssldtilty, MLCULCY mid ntb 1, lion being paid In tln irinses, ujilch lia, fllr ' f tydlstiiiL'iiisliedus lii'ti-tofore. lis 11 Phi slelun In l'LCULIAK ill partineiit of professional Tractile ", tl It pant tirrtiln-ftc years,' J r I'ltrscii I'i M Mi: Tins. I.nilles w ho wish for Mr dh in, . tho rllicacyofwliit.li hns been lusted iu thuuinnds of tnsos, mid ncvur failed tu elicit spei dy Ulr. wlllu,i,i any bad resiills.wlll Hsu none but Dr. D. Limey's ru iaii Periodical Pills. Tho only Tretailtioli lieces.ary to'nl, servo li, ladles should not tfitie tin in if t... ', . sou to believu they nrc In certain sttunthns 1 th,. ,,,.,, iilnra of whirls will be round on tho wrnppi r iiccm , i -I iiyingcncli box.) though always afo mid htaltiiy genlly yet soiiellvu lire they. " Price SI per box, 'i'liey 1 nil bo mailed to ,i,y ,,., ,, the United States or Cnnndii. 3 1 r " TO Till! LADILd Who noed 11 csnjldcnlhl medial ndvlsor Willi regard tunny nf thoso inti ri-Hiiig 111 i, plaints to which their ihlleuto organization reiuli is tlii'in linble, nre particularly invllril to consult us Pui:"Ll.Fni,o.llAi,VASir TIhiii.itim:."- l'r ii,arriert ladies w ho,e health will not admit, or w ho have tin sire to 1 lie reuse their families, may be obtained ,,t,. , It Is n perfectly -nro preventive tu conception , been t'XlenslW'ly used duling the lat 20 yiurs ir'l.s rudiiccod to $10. 1 rite Sici'fls of Yoiiiii I'nrciltd. Ji Trenlljr on the Cause of Premature I icmj .1 1,.;. ewil tntrning, .lust linllishtda link than ing thrlnsti jircgrrsi nd pternicner uuong eclnot.i, (Loth wnto,,j frmiilr of this fmvl hc'iit. feinting int the fntuluy tt. it inrarlnbly allcndi Us tlcllms, and det'fUing the rhuLc progress if the dhcaic.froiii the eommchri mnil 'otl.ee ii It vill be sent '.11 Mill unrrrililnf lue.l, f.nf cm,,,..' Il"" Alteiiilauii' daily, fimu r Inthe iiiortiing ml -a tiiuht, nud on Sninlays from 2 till 5 y m. Mediclni-fl Willi full direillnns -tut to mi) ) art r.ftln Uiiili'd ftalns or C.-iniins. by path nts cor.iiniict.-itn,. their symptoms by letter, busmen) iorrispi,t.i;i 1 strictly co.iiidi ntial. f V Dr. l.'s Oihi-e Is iril lo.-nted as est ildlfhi .l.uiidi the nanio of III!. LA CUUIX, at No. 31 Mnid' n tun Al bany, N. Y. , ' I Nov.2J ieil. lim. aiMtKiTSCt'S) BAKERY A OOFECTIONARY. I tl ho undoosljneil rnulliiues lilt J tionaryup Mam ttn-it, U11I11 ill keep-. nl ory and Cmfj gu ilUllitilll s, V. ' FRESH nilEAf) D 71 V A IWl n A U ! innstnntly on hand, oral terms, Patlios 6n piled with caS n II!, r3-All kim's of Fruit, Vegi I. eles, TrovLUns. i.. i daily received from thu Cities good nud fr. sb- , bop lee Li'am ptipairtl at 1)1 .. y er qt. Small boor, Candles. Nuts ofnll hinds, tte . Keut fir sale. , II bTO'. bit . niloomsbiirg. Juno 21, IPt). ,t.V turv 1 uiuv ii. i , U IviV ii JtBlt 1H TliTR. i Ii. ue 0I1-11I Iiistitut Inn endiHVeil fur iliu rt,. 1.1 Chronic Ihseu-i s if every 11,1 lore, nn.l t" pro), rl nm mis i.um quacK iinteriiai re nnu impottors Mo rls. gi s except for vltilui nuil 1 ureii. nml 111 case il .1 ireme pm erty iruitiie-nt free. Xo Mnn mis or 1, i i, oils Drnes used. 'J'lu- l'lirici:iiiHh.i, h.ni li m ,11,0 teniyei-xierliiice both in prl,nte nuil llo,iial 1 , j tie i. 'rim tolioH ma .in- seme of Hie omnium:. 10 1 u ', sin rial nili i.ii.m is "lien. All illsc n. .1 ik, I 1, Throat Lungs, limit, Htoi.niili, Llvor, KiJiiev. In 1,1 t Itlieltmatisiu. t it", l iiuci r, 1 lies, .et,uu. .1 ; . ... Di-eliaiHOt lb" . nuil llrgali.,, ,-, uininl M t uklu-bii In, poteiil a nud Virulent lin-i :im of every tint. Ire o. ii.t lye 1 roil. Hi-e.m s t.t 1V11, ales and all Im-yu'nr .11 siiec.-s-l.niv neat. d. llliu.li.e.s nnd Healui s tin. I without painful uper.-iiuuis. I'mii nts tn 1 t,-,l I v 1, n, r b) -inilius n ttati nient of lln ir case. Medium rum 10 nny pirt ofthe 1 01,11m, Con-uitntion free Iu ull Aiinruss. teu.p etn hed, 1 1 It. I.. (HiAVI ri. Consilium.- ?liy,.r'ji Mill iiroi.luny. f.uw uikl -., April 3, Il'q'J-lSni. '5, Mi N H. 0. HOWI5H, 3 U it E I) W I) E Pi T 1 3 T ;BpT-v"B!.. UK..-1'LI' 1 1 I LLY olfers his prof, s.icn UF, ni s.-rvu c to lim ladie-i nml ger.tiei.,. .4 ft III, nin-hiir" und vielnitv. He is nr, inn t to .111. ml to all tit., iiiru.114 mieriitl.n. in Hie line of his pint,-. 111,11. he is tuoinli ,1 nil tin lntu.t i iiinrntt-i! nori., lam tei III . l, bill, will be in.irl, ,1 .11 gold, idniiiia, mIv, rand rubber basu; to look ns we.lss the natural teet'i. Miueriil plat, am! Murk Ici-th imnuf.i- turcd and u p.-ralions ,u teeth, earef'ullv nnd prop, rly uitoinlso u-l.looiu-.tiiiig, Ta.. Au;u-it3, 111. ClQAiia & TORAC(rO. large nsnrtui nt if iboice t'lt-ars. Tnbnc--o Tit I'rillt-., Cnlif-i ti. ii- rv ami Ni.tion-i vi-tieriiliv.tns 'a A ,-r w nil 11 11111 sioei: tl ll.vni ,l'il I al i- cnnl., I;,uw hand mid i'.r sale ibip, at thu "Uli.ouitburr Hat ' v Cmporiinii," joii: H. OtH. a Honuisbiirg, March M, l-i. h. na rjDjiiGA h , IMTOUTLU Of ALL KiNHa OF A Nil 31 A N UF ACT U RElt OF JEWELRY, 1V0. 'I'M North S'cniul &ie;S, AUUVL' WILLOW. Fill LAD El TIILI. Nov. Id, LEATHER 1 LEATHER ! ! TllLiniilcrsigueil would announce, tbiil hi has 1 11 l.ni I alius Hat uinl Cap Lmptiriuiii. on .Mam St . M. on burg, minMiortinuntof ilillV rcnt kind of leatlii r. -.in b s hue e.ill sKnis, morocco, (red r.nd blai Hi und Hn.n; a , il whirh he will sellibji.per than rn. be had i-U, v.nnj 111 this mnrkct. Call and i-icmino theni for loupei'io, jWlNIt CSftTON Tlo-onisburs, ny ?1, Kbi. '51 Q SSI '5? S A 'V Si 7 I'rljittii', ookbin;!er & liloukLtok MA NU FA r TCI R E ! ; WlIOUlSALK ANI1 Hl.tJAll. DlMl.in IS riUNTINR, WltlTI.(i AMI WUA1TINO PAIERS AIIINT 10U TH TATAWTSSA 1'AVI.a Mn.lS. Main Street, first door helun- the 1'iiblie dpnuro, WILK1SSJJAHUK, l'A. Nov,C:t, JSOII'ini. rL. U . ATTORNEY AT LAW. nr.oo.vsiwiin. rj. Olllco In Conn Ally, fbrmo.ly iM-cupleil by cniiH"" C Iluektileiv. Jl!noInslmr,. De. I, lP.TJ. nMII'. undersign, d, lull ing opened n in-w li' '1' J fllCC rillul oil Milill ftreel, 111 lpk.u-wll- I Ploonifbiiig, rorpei tfully iuvin-s the lusioi,. "I 1 .ens uud the public g. ii.irnlly. All kinds m I - 1 Shoes. &:i . will bo i.roinnllv ln:oti, In . . ral, r 1 ti -lt . 1 noiiee nuti moiieralii terms, rum long i vp'ie of Ins lino of luisininslio llatteis hluisi-H that h 1' ' 111111) to give general satlslactlon to all who mi, i ' him with their custom, ID" Cram, l'rovieion and I'roduco geiniu'l) t..1 r' exchange for Work, II. r. IlIfiKlt" liloouisburg, July II, I6ni-3m. TTOWARD ASSOCIATION, Ph-iV.- J JL ilphi.i-l'or tlio Kehef of Hie Sick uud Instn t1' atllicted Willi Virulent uud Chronic lliseair., mid " piinilly Diseases ofthe Huxunl Organs. Medical Advicii giv.-n Oralis liy iho Aitmi" in"" V.iln.ibln ltLI'llll'I'.-l 011 aPI'.H.MA TUI. Utl'' x ' CUMIN 11, WLAUNLriH. nnd cither Hi ..1 It ' " "al irgans, mid on u,. XUW HUM Hill HH 1... "r ""Peiil-iiry, seni 111 seuicd leller limb p . Ir ihari'e. Address rllj. KKlJOUCHTON, I'nwnrd A A i t.'" ., I.INpr Hi. J el , itli Ninth rit reet, I'lul idel. I"-' 1 11113. leT2Uni. NATRONA EOAL OIL! WAIIUANTLDNOV UXI'MiflVL' und equal to any KliltOHHNH Wll Y (,! no evplosive Oil, win 11 a f. w fi n's !" per gallon will furhi.-li you with a puled oil llu('r ij a ly Ipi p vpai.t v.ivrr rm'iiiNf. comp t. v. No. J3i Walnut rtrtet, I'llll. Al'l I il I A Fby .'!!., itBIf, I year
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers