Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 06, 1862, Image 3

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svrounw.unuisuBi a o, 1802.
BST Wo a-u pleased to Ioars that
llowio lvnile Potter, of isconsln, has
liccn defeated in tho Milwaukee- district,
by over 2UUU majority, by It. A. Drown,
a true national ucmocrai, J ims, one
after another of tho "Union Saver" is
loft at homo and an old "Union Saver"
sent in his place
What Stops the Akmv From the
army new wo publish this morning
gays tho iV. Y. World, it will be seon
that the only reason for General Hum
side's long delay opposite Fredericks,
burg is tho inefficiency of the War Do
partmenl at Washington. Tho army
supplies aro not forwarded in season,
and General Rurnside finds it as im
possible to move us did General McClell
an und r similar circumstriiiecs. Dut
how is it tho rebel aimy can movo so
rapidly with not a twentieth part of the
military resources that aro at tho com
mand of our government, may be asked.
Partly becausu General Leo und Jackson
are in a friendly country, but mainly
because the, powers at Itlchinond have
brains and energy, while those at Wash
ington have neither. Had Gen. Burn
b'uIo been properly supported he ought
by this time to have reached Hanover
Junction, but tho utter want of system
and forsceing which prevails in the War
Department have brought him and his
lino army to a stand-still on the north
bank of the llappahanuock and have
given tho rebels all the timo they needed
to block up the new road to Richmond.
Let no one blame Gen Durnside for a
delay which is not his lault, and let those
who censured Gen. McClellan for his
alleged slowness remember that lie had
even greater excuses than his succcss-jr.
A correspondent of the Sieclc the
government organ ol fiance writes from
Tunis, Algiers, as follows :
'Our ollego of philosophers at home,
I 1- -LI. I.. 1. . '
may, mm no accomplish a
great deal lor the cause of science, but
the Americans arc ihe people to turn
the o discoveries to practical accounts.
Many of tho modem inventions here are
American, and one American chemist,
Dr. J. G. Aver of Lowell, supplies much
of the medicine consumed in this country.
His Cherry Pectorial, Pills. Sarsaparilla
and Ague (Jure constitute tlto staple
r 'medics here, Lecauso they nreofcasv
application, sure in their results, anil
have the confiih iko of the people.
While the science of .Medicine is carried
to a higher perfection in our own coun
try (France) that any other, it strikes a
Frenchman as a liitle singular that an
American Plusician should furnish tin
mcdictl skill and remedies .or our Prin
cipal Province.
W e are hnppv to inform our readers
that these superior mcdici es which ih
Einporo-'s Principal Province is obliged
togctlrom America mat, be had bv out
neighbors, at the Drug Stores in Dloora
llll I'd.
An Knoini: mi's Kksi'onsiiumtv. A
railroad rngiiier keeps his eyes fixei1
upon the track with the steadiucssjof an
riale every moment that the train is in
motion; and if one will pause to think
( f it, when dashing alone at the rate ol
live and twenty miles an hour, it is aw
fill to renumber that he is the onh
person who does look ahead. Tho lire
man takes H e.isy, liriii'f up when necs,
eary, ringing the bell, applying the breaks
&o , as he is directed, but he docs not
trouble lumsell to keep a steady lrokout.
As to the conductor, brakem they
cannot look ahead even if they wanted
to, any more than tho passengers can.
It is enrioub to think, too, how slight a
thing may hurl the train to destruction;
the breaking 0 a flango, a rail, a nut, a
crew ; ihe, sudden! slinpiug of a valve
any of those apparently unimportant
tilings, will end the train whirling
down a precipice or into a river.
u I limb in DenuuTiif
Wm. nurpess
lion. II. W. Tracy
llirhardton's Agoucy
Andrew Frens
Adam Keller
Michael Sculloy
James Vocum llsq
I'ctcr.M Beater
Heguter ft liecorder
S3I 00 Joseph Weiss 1 '
31 uil.l.ieulileoU' Ult 3 7
in Ud.llugh Mulligan " .'I'
1 UII John S l.eo it Co 12
I ".I'l'aul te'l hoiiiuson 7 Oil
1 00 Airs s; Morgan llrown 10 00
10 11'Juhu II tin aliy
3 00
3 OU Jamcs 11 uiiiitu
' r, WiiillKualish .M D
10 00
7 75
e no
1:1 il)
1 00
2 tio
1 so
i 00
1 00
2 00
'si Oco. V llemh
2 0(1 llounrd Association
Hon John N Conynclian4 00 H S iot comer
'.in .t uruiuan
l'rk Christaiu
Hit of Conrad Adams
James V Keeler
Jos llcbs(l'nrmer)
John Wcnner
Jicub Duifenbach
1. li II. 11. II. t o.
Itobert Ilaur
Il II t.imo V.i
Moses Coil'iuau
Jiiucs llarton
Art Muss
Jacob Ilk-lil
liHvid II Wagner
Win Wugner
Joseph Weiss
..... . - rn P L' II. . .III!...
1 .in 1' K .Me. nil 11 111
2 2jC 12 Wright Usq
1 73 John O Weniii r
I 50 Manilas Crosley
1 Jll!Ocnrgu Crossley
1 ouMalhias (iilliert
y 00' Wm. Ilowinan
I (10'Uati I llrolist
5 oojUsl of Itnmsry llagen-
a no buch
3 00 James Vn.iliorn
4 00 Ji reiuiali Hniteiibuch
1 00 Mo-es W McHcnry
2 M llvan Wellivor
1 r7 Ust of Siiiii'I Shullz
;i 75 1 John Luby
1 0!)
4 00
4 00
1 2'
1 50
3 30
1 2.5
1 75
R A I LjR. O A D.
UKNifLVAMIA tun. UOtll UIUUtl.
OuanliiftcrllonilnyNov. 17, IfOJ, time at Xortliiim
burluinl Sluli' 11 tt ill bo 11 follow s :
Leave If 'tirarJ.
U 32 a. M
5 04 y.H I
11 r. i'. m
1 25 a M
SleopiiiR t'ars oa Nlglit Trains
boilitvays between Willlamsport nndllaltiinore.and 011
tlm rennsylwinia llailroad between llarrisburg nnd
On .Mail Tram in both directions a Car goes through
via. l'cnrnylvunia Ituil Road without cliangu 1 etween
lliiladclplua and I. oik Haven.
tfup't L'nsterii Dividon.
fee 0, ie02,
Terms Cask and Produce.
liowrvcr much the people desiro a peace, ami ressa
'nni of the present hostilities in our distracted country
inyaro also ilesirou, of purchasins their looi at U10
" I'ltratify all desires 00 Ihis point, nnd although goods
ate unvalued in nrlces hu will sell von at wonderful-
'''""' Prlcss. Ho litis now opened his ucual large and
.. i ll" l. "wk "f Tall and w inter unoJs auong hieh
" u.i innnd a general auorlmenl of nil kinds ofg
...... ., '. ! f -11 1. i...i ..e nn.i. .
pi, . 1 v'-'ieraiaiiorimeni 01 nn mhos n""i
-! and examine, J, J IIKOM Hit
'' I U, IcBJ.
MMMM " I iriTTl Hiiiki tiiiiTiT'ri iri" ii Ittttil tfT Xftr
-hiu, 11 ILKE&-BAHMU TA.
T'l'lSVy'Aiij'of'te'!'' " ell-knowt, stand
reK .au.ra'c'i'lin T'nVtt W1" 'l'Ptinc.i.,, to
Snare, nnj ffiiirr,J8V,ly ,',l,un,f'1 "" ''"Ulc
' u-v"-'"vor you como to town, pleaso cull.
-Wlket.llaife,N0y. S. mv J' VAPI.B.
r iS f , C?lirUli A,'""s'
L aTiI 8,? J iwtlon on Ihe KMo of c ml
been granted by o ItrJl f ,V Pr . ' "?" '"v
utKlpricnci i ito'L.' 1 !,,".(.inl!l!''"t''iy I" Hie
Into or tin, lepr.r-r,. "."v," ncalu.l the e
.Wtnlnliiirato "at his fffn 1 1 f'"' Uiemtii
fortliwlt i. P0" Inilebtcd to make pay
1111- l,,
Without ll
tueiit rottluv
November 13, IWH-Ow. J"N ME0A!""Ji!i,.r.
In Court House Alley,
next door to Tin orricE or TtlS
a LooMsuvna, va.
November 8, 1PC3.
TIt'lo,!l.'!.'!'."ii','lf,'1 h0Jn.n resularly "licniil 'uc
wlin miS f: lh,".r"I,y Vr"" ' -ervlcesm nuili to all
Wliomay full ilUpojoil to c vn him a call. Ills crriit
iitlnractlo i to his customers. At tl.o :imii n,,m i,o .iii
n rMiPnL !i'ct 'not,' Irniu,.(
rvVn'IV All.l'5"on" 'lesliilin: to obtain mv srvlnns.
tliJ ,ons Inform mo to that etr-rt linfnr.' limy mlvcr
I!loom.biirir, ra.,Nnv.8. 1602
Wii lOn's New (Tiicjiii Stonv
The un(lprtf?nfl h. t,..t i ,
""I'vi.utjuotuiuituin ui n iiucr
ilats and Caps,
I : W"
CoinprUliiR every sort, slzo nnj quality, nhlcliwlll bj
sohl at unusually low prices. '
I1 . . . nno 10101 Kll,s' '"Oltni- 0nml l.iiiNnstn
which he inv tea tho at ciitlnn or !,.,. i, ... . ... . "
public a,,u ""'
rJimaritinp or,.P8CS. am! notions generally.
E7M.'ll lit 1 in lint ?..!.. ..... J '
Main Street, nbovo liio fcAcliani;. ' '
,,, , , JOHN K ItTO.V.
UloomsburgiNov.S, IS02
Stuaykd from tho premises of the sub
scriber some elaht weeks sluco. a
white nml rcil In color, steep rumps,
small horns, keeps her liiml lees wen
uniler her in wnlklns, nml liming hud
ono ear torn by n ilog, A suitable
ward willbe paid for her recovery.
t ri
j. . i
IlloomsbHre.Nov.e, 1i?n2. D"'' u'AI'l,i:"'
xvxivu AiND CAUTION. ,
A or m 'nUZ T!' nC''5' ca",io"C1' tl"'l purrl,alnU
nMlloe r, ?y UA "'isllliiHieiit orn note liaml ,
:'.V.'.lr'..,,'c,l?.,l,,ll,' ""'en1 ic three mouths mine I
"nun miiu note lias been lost or iiiUljnl.
Madison township, Nov. 8. 1SQ3. 31 UIII!ISTIAN''
E S T R A Y.
Camp, to tho promises of the sub.'cribt-r
lafct lurtie!'btil'-i!Cri''el! '""'"'''I'- Columbia county, nbmr
Willi a white streak across his had;
..mi is uuiiiii itt u years old. - he nwui
is requested to coniu r.,run,,l
property, ami pay charges, or iliey tt ill be disposed of
according to law.
November 8, 16fiS-3t
K S T R A Y.
C'ame into tho enclosuro of tho undor
' signed, in Conyngliam township, Coluiiibiaeoiinty
on ornbniitthe first of last Augutt, a mr
Dark Brown Ucifer,
iippoaed to be two years old. Tho Vy-ViilJ?
on m.r Is rciunstcil In provo properly, njjf
pay chiiraesnnd take her away, or she, tCffisaiSnS?'
will be disponed of as the law directs.
. ,. , MIUilABI. SCLIM.r.Y.
-i ui'iii il , c, J"0.. ,H
ijuronrm aa-d wnor.ES.iu: dv.alkb
No. '.VIS If alilitl 6V5., bctwrca .'! t)'-
C. n. lir.N'RV, Traveling Agent and kVibii'i'in'.'1 A'
K7Oriifks Hi"rrrrtL'LLr SoLimnn.
November 2J, I BL2.-y.
TIIH subscriber lias Just received a lot nf Hosiery,
Triuiniiiigs. mid Woollen Uoods, such us
S O N T A ri, C. A H I n A I, I) I r, S,
7. il 1" II V II S, S II li T I. A X II W O () I., & c.
A .SO,
STAYS, DOf.i.S, SATfllKI.f,
roiri.Moxins, ani xorton.
C3 Wheeler ic Wilson's Sewing Ma.-lilne fur sale. 43
Also Mrs. Allen's lliilr Restorer, iiinrli wi.l L'lln to
gray hair its natural color.
a. n,,
A'cTf. Dnar lie.lnm tViirt llnuap
III lonuburg, .V ovemlier l.i, I8ii2.
ISous :tnii Esol iv $
IIE Subscribor offers for r-nlothu prop
erty recently occupied by him in Ulooiusburg, con
a, tisling of a
lilil Large and Convenhnt House.
3 "Lit. nnd of a tvell.iinproved Lot of ntmut two acres
of land. The premises are in perfect repnir Appli
cation may be inadotoC. 11. Kuekiilcw. nt blnnnisburjr.
Iteading, October M. 1S02 -2in.
For Fortress Hloiioc.
Poultry of all kinds. Ver.l, Calves, .c. t verv Wed
nesday. Iluttcr und Epgs. Tor which liberal price
will be paid.
Fall Goods,
Just recrived and will bo sold at fair prices,
Jcrseytowg.Oct. 25, 1802 Im.
Etoomsburg, Columbia County, I'cnnu.
SILASDODSON) .'ropriplor.
rpnkcs picas lire in announcing to the pulilo- that he
I has taken ami thorougbl) refilled the i'orks Hotel
formerly occupied by Itobert lliigeiiliui h. I'.li.oin.lnir.',
aud is prepared tn accomodate travel!' rs. ti uiiisi rs.
drovers and boerders. II. s table will lie supplied with
best products th markets nll'ord, and liii I - 'l r will be
constantly fiirnih-il with tho ilinuesi li.iiois,
n'i-A lareo and commodious stable has been ereiled,
with a convenient stable attached. Alteutit" o.ilers
willalways be iiialtend.inco.aud hnlrusis his 1 bilging
uttenliou tu cusluuicrs will secure liim a liberal sharoef
Uloomeburs, fa.. Nov. 23, ISM.
"STIIAW ! ST 11 AAV ! 1 ST K A W ! ! !
TON'S SI'ilAU'.of all kinds, ex
cepted, is wanted immediately, nt the .Mill
Crnvo Pancr Mills, near Light Sired, lor w hu li
cash will be nald.
MIIIGrovo, August!), lFC?.
nAxnux. Moxrovn cou.srr, r.i.
RntertuiHiiictit fur Man and llcast, lu good stylo
and at moderate rates.
CHAKLKS N. tlAVAUi:, 1'ml'rictor.
anvillo, April 10. leo'J.
Estate of Catmrhie Uerringer, tler'il.
IlTI'llIt tostaiiientnryonthoeslale of Calhannc He
-irlnser. Into of Ucuver lowiijhip in nluiiibla count
Herensed bavo been craiitud by t lie Itegi.leroft oliiiu
Ida county tn the undersigned also rcsidiim in said
towiishipi all persons liaviiiu rluiins iigamst the es
tate of the decedent urn renuested In pn si nt ihrin to
ih.. I'.rrrntnr in his residence 111 lleut' -r twp- nulioiit
j... a ... l,,.l,l,,A,l lit 111.1k oavineut
neiay, nun on 'onu'i. '.,,..,1.,,, s r.i-i.
'forthwith. JOL'L IllinUlU -MH.H
Oct II, leG'J-Ot LttcuoR
T'L? ,"V,0TsiIt.?et respectfully Inform their friends.
. 1 I'10 '","llc Rc'"-f"lly. Hint they liuui entered In
ui Ve iC,i'Jr,',,"n.,lur,,ll """J tylu mid llrm o
i.i 1,11 in IMP
I McrcatJti BnimM
In the "01, Arcade," In llliioin.hiirir, Colunihh ro.,
wliiretliey inti-ml carrying on the business or hese.
V. V.! """"""!' I" I'" lj dlverslll d bum- lies nml
lepatt iij iitd. nu.lln u lit li Micy Invitn mi oitmuu or
tlio public patrouonu.
P. II Mtl.l.r.ll.
llloom.bur. M0y II, Hi.l.-tf. I'MI.!I,'K C CVBtt'
J7ni:siIOVSlTH'rnn bo obtained st oil llmr uttli
J. Latins Room oflho uiuIorrlRiicU, on Jlnlmtrert.
I mi i..i n
Illnoninnirg, Pit., Pent. 13. lfC2,
ormnl antl ('onniiorrta! clinol autl
. .i .
P'J'j n"st Term nflM. ln.lilutlnn will commence on
j. S, WOODS. Sec.
Ornngovlllo, Oct 55, 16C2.
pninfetolbo premises oftln) Pubscrllier, In Suuarloii
V towuslilp. Colitmblnt'oiintv. on or nliout tin, lull f
tivo iinixDi.r. mwnns,
suppoipil to bo two years ol.l. ouo o
II 1. 11. . M't
.?'nvo l'.rnl,'t,'i t"y charges, nml tiikojliom
nwii) or they will lioillsposojufiiccorillni! toluw.
, JOSHUA II 1113.
Nov 2J, IbC'J. 3t.
A Ml1 .ft .1 n I r .1 I tl n.
I J I I i 1 '-'ii.i hi mi' fmiiiiitiiilt, 111 iiiip IW p.,
- wv . in (i. ii un ii-ih m niLMisi last,
.l nl'fi n .i irii'... HKiiM'ii
nbput Tour yiais rl.l. with n nuidi cutout on the lower
si'"1 of tin' rljlil i r, ami llo mil of tlr ratnn tnr cut
oir. Tin- owner i ri"picst.'J to como furwni-l, prnvo
proporly. pav ilnwi, ami tako her awny, utlatnlso
slio will li! ill spusuil ofuccorillnz to Inw.
matiii h oi:oji.i:y.
November Q. I?i'3-3t
J'Oli iiiJ.E.
riltsbiircli Com rrlal College.
lUiiiihiiutptlii "
Critt.-ii.l-n ' I'lillalolplih.
nbovo i.ll.v.
t-iriii'iiiti,.iiiioc,o. -
.timi'ints ol ai.i nm! g.-,n nn.1 am
itu :.-in on - t rintr a-i tit- r orili
lllt'tl it .Firitl" hiiililnhi :i lliiiul-
I'll i-nlleslat.' IMuruli in. will lure liinl ugoml spi.ciil.t
Hon by npplliii;i,l the otfn (th-
Xnv. I. l.-u.. COI.I.'JIIll III'MueitAT.
Of every description, for sale at thisoflio
Slmcncau Jg loicl.
( Oppom fc huifcnncntc Hall. )
ciicaTNUTSTitnuT.nin'wr.r.N nrnifc Sixth
wvatt tt innn.ivos.
N'ovembir 30, I.CI. March 111 If.if
WOl'1,1) resieitrullv Inroriu the rllizens of lllon.
burg, ami t iriulty, that he cent in lies the practice A.vt suitfir.iiv,
nil oicits a ihare ofpulilic patrouai'e.
(ll'uri: on .Main Street, lira hoiiro bolow thu Court
Iloiii.e, llloouwliurg.
l'i ;t, IrS.i tf.
pi AMI! to th" premises of the subrrlber, in Pine
tow n-liip, Co uiiibi.i county, about the K ill of Au
gust last,
a nr.o STr.rii,
w ith a .lit rutin the lower sid" of the rhht ear, nnd
two holes and uiint'-h in Ih ' left ear, s lid si -er i s sup
ptne.i to Ij3 about two years old Th.. owner Is reqoes.
led t come forward, pru-e prop 'rty, p iy eliurgcs and
take it away, otherwise it will lie dinpo.ed of aci Hid
ing to Inw.
OUOItfin CltOdLDV.
NnveniberSI. lfliO. 3t
M. & T. P. WA I'PON,
37 .y a:i Xoutii 2d Sr. Ili:nnts & Ai'iii.I'uila
Nov. -W, IeC2.
All p"rsni knowing tli'iiu'elves in.lrbteii totiiu sub
seriber on ote. Iloolt Ai-eount. or otherwise are
hereby until) ,d to ,-nll and settle th 1 s.llne In ItVeell tills
aij, I ihe first of January, li-illl. If not iitteude.l to by
th it time, sin h m counts and notes will b: lift at Us'i,,
illi.iuiburliu's for colleitiuu.
U. .Mi:'UUXIIAI,l..
Illoi niibiirg, Nov. 31), l?fi!.
Corner of Umw uvl Ll utro i I Streets,
tamaoi: , I'A.
JkIIX SCIIUIIT.Y, l'ropr'etsr.
.Vovember 23, ldf,2-y.
wiioi,csm; avd uutaii.
IIOUSH, No. 2.) North Second Street, upposiu Christ Cliuuh,
vy Constanlh on hand, a large assortment of Ueds,
M.itlres i'.iill. isses, CiishioiH, Husk, Cattail
and nil nrlulesin the lino nt the lowest pncei,
X. li.-Particular Mtention iiaiil to reiioiiiting New
and Old Teathers.
Maitli2, led. -12m.
rrlli: subscriber would inform his friends, that in is
.1 now prepared to put iii, uu short notice, and in a
scientific manlier, the liot
rurrixi voixrr.n t.ianvxixa nous,
at 12J rents per foot. All work warranted,
12. il. lltni.UMAN.
lllooinsburg, May 21, 1W20.
Cfntiui. Onii !-, tNi-rinv Commi-,ion, )
Wtsi; miiiin, O lober2d, lsiii.
'I'll- inniirt being fuum ml, mud win Iln r Un-Com.
missieu tvi-lus lo rec it c npplix fur lb" use of ihe
wound d, il should i 1 , 1 1 1 1 - .' 1 : 1 1 i) im puliilieil.ii4 u idi ly
1 as P'lssible. Hint ill le'd apples rent) t lies nt to its de
pots 111 too rir.'u iiiini!ii.-. ' o n .mil Village Itelief
r-ocii in are r 'niesi. 11 10 u-.-r e . rr'iueeiu -ills ror par
ing, culling, and ilrjmi by tli-ir lu-n.b-rs. and such
1 toluiiteur nsi tain on they can enli 1. an I In until)
j farmers Unit tl.ey win n-ieive siiih g ' inut ns they
I may b to oll'jr 111. nr uiinlil Hi in-i-hes to
! properly Iln d nppl 1.1.1) ..- 111 m harn Is
' or bote . or in stron ! b.-q i.nirk I' . b k -pt .irv,"
lliied frnits of nth l.iii is, lu.. nil g"od lruits,
w 111 t ery ucccpiuuie.
I'llLi). 1. 1 W DI.MSIT.Ii.
October IS, ISC2 (ienerul Secretary.
This pri'liaralion, uiado frum the liert Jm.i CnD'ee. is
recouiiiii'iideil by physicians as a superior X I Tltl'l 101 ti
lll'.VUUAlii: for (ieiieral I). I.illly, Dyspepsia, a a, I all
billions disorders, '1 liousanos who hate b -en lompell
ed to abandon the u-c of codec w ill use this imiIimui iu
jurioiis eiretts. (Jue cm roiitaiits Hie strength of two
pounds of ii.-ilin.iry roll'ee. I'riro 2.1 cents
Tim purest and In st IIAKIN'i; I'uWIHHt Minwn. for
making liglit, ueetaud nutiilioiis Dread and cakes,
I'rice 15 cents
M tM'r tc'TL'aED rv
M. II. KOLI.OOK.Oiinnltt,
Oomer of Itioad and Chestnut Slreeti
I Ami sold by all llrtignists ami Grocers.
.March 2'J, lsil'J. l-.'iii.
No. NoriU Thin! Street. Tliila'd.
Nov. 'j', mi-
The Columbus .Male nnd female Academy, will open
Its urxt term upon Tuesday tho -It ti of Viiv. Ifcll-J,
This school oilers superior luduceuieiit . to all who
are desirous of acUiring an ni'rdemlcul i-diicatiou to
prepare for leaching nrtu obtain 11 Ihoreimh knowledge
of any of Hie modern nraiuu'iit languages.
for further information oninnrH of
It.n.lllNdllAJI. Principal,
or of John Kooks, ftec'y.,
at Vew Coiuinbui, LuternJcu., fa.
Ort.'Jl, fed.'.
" RRICK ! " I5RICK ! I I) KICK ! ! !
OA AAA"'00'' 'i0'') Juft iiii'H'ifiiciui'e'
Il I II jl (and fur alo cheap, ttliolesnlo a ril-cd
.tVllU U tllIi. At tliolllnom.bnrg lliiik Yard.-
ppl) to thu mium,riDt.i
Illoonub'irj, Inns -3, leG!
Of livery V(irvti) i
y.v nii.M
M i L h L I, a. !S
IV I nr. i
lylc hi 'h.
I b 11 V 1!
I J awn;, jii-t reri.'t "l our fpnti)i JSloui,
.1 1 from iiii iiiikt rn n r k t-. furl ii t-rwiiKnl
to fl (lin,l at :i little loner prices than lluy inn be
piutlimiMl clKguliiT' ,
".S')a roji'ts ami Quirk lit turns,"
K7 The public are rumiortfulu- ,)llrlir,l tn pnli nml
ctaiiilnennr -lock b 'fore purcliaslnir Flurulirrd, an wo
clinrio nnililn; fur liinvliij our pooiti. I'rotluro or nil
kinds In lion nr no;l,.
Jerseytonn. Mny.1. Iff,2.
i1 R I T T K N 1) 1: N S
P!il(. (Mul.iMia l".lJli.K'.t.!,.
C 0 J, L E G lfi ..
iV. li. comer iflik ir ' Chr.iium .Vffc
Tins txsTiToTiov, which was tttaMlshtd In IPII am
Is now cnni'iueniy In tin- tirhlrtiith mar of lis .Ht.
i rnru, iiinuiHTsiiiiioiii,' us iinuiuntes. Iiiiiulrsils of th'
liiotuccesrul .Mcrilnnts mil liiishiuss Moll of our
TiieOiuict of tho Inslitutinn ! solely lonmiri'yr.iitif
moil r.icillliMs for tliomusli pr' iiirntlimfur b,
Tub llnAiittrsTd'niiTnri.'. Uiick'kerping, n nplllci
blu to tlii" various ili'inrlniciits of ; I'enma 'iln.
Iinth plain nml nriiiiiiwuliil ; limnir,a ,v ,
mattCK, Xarlirallon Cinl Kngmtcnng, l)raing, kan
ogarpiy, anil Mtiltrn J,nngiivf.'ts .
... . .. ..... , -i-uniir , 111. t'.tlfl
Ml n'nnimini llliltlt' ll-i- Ol lillt licit ftili:. nl ) tr
iiiuniiitiauy, siiiiini iiMiitiy loiiiini'ot iat miv ti
........ i . . ...... .
nl v.
Iitteml at wintev-1 liuiirs are most i onv .ul nt
t'AT, nn I is n-il u nuattynu r thu l.'ilh of April
coiilaiiiini! of the stuiluiitsfur til ',tr, mid lull
particulars ofterni,c., mid may ba ubtalim.l in nut
lime by udilr--iliig Ihe 1'
I.srAn-iJivi: Au oMMiint rinss, vl,le-tprcnit r'piilniinn
nml th" lengihii ninrlruit vf ilir frineiial, this Institu
tion oilers f.ii illlies niperliir tonny nlli"r in Ihe eon ,.
try. liiryniiiia men ttMilnj to irep.-ire fur business
nml toolituiu at the same timo a oiei.oMt, irhich kHi
fimtt a rrcomminttailm lor llietu them to any Merc'iuii
tile llollrU.
it7"I.VtiEsnis-s 'met of Trentitts on Took-Kih'-imi
now nor i ulilelyciri-iil.itjilllian any otlur work
on the subject, are lor sale lit the Colli gr.
3. IIOLIOUH ClllTTi.Nl)i:.V,
Jnn. !.i-l,C-; l-3in.
000 000 1
mils lo sell I.lovds now stei I ol
tounty colored .Map nf thu United dales, Cnn.idns, nn,
New Hruiiswlek
I'roiu rui ent surveys, cniiipleted Aug, 10, le02 cost
5J0.0U0 toengrave it and one jisr's lime.
Superior tn any 8111 map iter made hv Cotton nr
.Mlu lull, und srjls nt Ihe low rice of flfly cents ', 320.
000 names lire eiigruted 011 this map
It is not only inly unp, but It Is nl-o .1 County
and llullro.i 1 .M.ip -if th ' United Mul. s un.-l Cauii.lns
com bi ii eil in one. gitln 1 t.rj Hull road i tntiou uutl
di-1ancei b tweelt
liuiir.intee any i omiiii ' man .3 I to S per day, nnd
tt ill t iki- iiae-c all m.ipa Ihul 1- inu.-t be sola and rfuml
the iiiom-y.
S -nd Tor SI wi rill lo irv.
I'linted Instructio is how to cuntnss furnishid
all our agents.
Want. -il -Whol 'sale Agents f r our Maps in cverv
Mute, Ciiliroruia, tiiiuaila, 12nglaiid, franco und C11I01.
A forttiue ma) bo iniiile with a lett hundred dollars
capital. io Colnpetilioil. .1. T. I.I.UVU, .No, CI
llroadway. New ork.
The War liepartuu nt us s our Map nf Virginia, .Mar
Jland, and iVeiiiylvauia 10-1 sltiu I.Oil ou'tilnih 1
in.irked Ann. t un Creek, S.-arpsbur.'. 'iii'ylnud Higbtu,
1111 uuspori 1 erry. uuoiest lie-, toia.n s 101.1, n
all nth.-rs 011 the l'oloiiiae. and .Very other place lu
M.u) i.-tnil, Vireiniu, and feuiis) li aula, or iuncy re
Lloyi's Tnpo!riiiicn Map of K- ilvd ij,
Ohio, InttM'.a aiul llli'Ois,
Is ihu only authority for (!en. Ihiell and the War De.
parimeut .Honey refunded to any 0110 finding an error
111 it. I'rice oOc'iits,
from the Tribune. Aug 2'
"Lint d's map of Virginia. Mar) land, and Pennsylva
nia. -This nap is very large ; its cojt is but 25 cents,
and it is the bestwhichi-au Uz purch.tsee."
from actual surteys liyCapts. Hart, and Win. Unw
ell, iii-tissippi Itiver flints, of St. Loins, .Mo. shows
ctery man's pl.iiilation aut owners inline from St.
Louis to the Cull" of .tli tico-l,:i50 1111I1 s et ert sanil
h ir, island, town landing, ami all places 2d mile-, liaik
from tli'i iicer coiorLd in Counties 1111 1 Slat'-s. I'm--, I
l in slieH. 3.', poeki t form, and C1M on lino 11, with I
rollers. Ui-ady Sept 20. !
N It V Dtl'iniMLM-, WflllSOTON Pepl. 17, liTO. '
J 'I Ln.1v11-.-1r. .Svinl iiieyii.irni.'ipi.l'lh Mi-fi--i pi
River, Willi price p,-r'.l mpi-s. I!, ar Admiral
Charles II. Hat Is. coiliui.illdl.irth ' Ml- slisippi H-pind-rou,
isautlioi-i. 1 to pireiia as many as ,ir : retiircd ,
for use ol that s'lua iron.
i.IDKDt Wf.HLS, Secretary 1 l'th j Xaty. !
October II, leirf 3t. '
,U .Li' "mtfif k k' ., JiuifciTS.
Ill SgitiiTiiirI'S 1 si KT.
l'liila.'elphia, Nov, 1. lSG'J.
The undersigned, hat ing I een up pointed s-i.b.i Jp.
tion n 'lit by Hi,- S -i r- tury of the Treasury, is ttutr pre
pared to fuiulsli at once, the
A'ew ticeiii'i iiii (iptr mil. P.ntnig
of the Culled St. il-s desig aled as 'f ive-'l'wculies,' re-
d liable at th pi ii'iire of ihe Coteiiiiuent, alter five
years ami oiiihoriz.-d by Act of Congress, approved
IVbriinry 25. IS-2
Tue eon pon bonds are issued in sums nf $30, gtl'O,
5011, Sli'U'l
Th liegiater lionds in sums cf 50, $100, 300, SI000
nnd $3000,
luteiest at iv per cent, per anniiin will coninience
fiom dale of purchase, and is
I'ayaiu.i: in fioi j).
Semi-Ai'iiu.illy. which is eipiiil, at the pr sent premi
u on gold, to about eight p"r - 1 : t per Annum
farm rs. Meii 11 1 uts. ie( h.inies, 1 upit - list-, nit'' "II
who hate any inonev to Invent should kilo" i,n ' r
no nth r that tlie e llnmls are 111 ell' cl. u first r'
gage upon all nil Heads I auk rfl... ks an I S 1 i, ..
and lbs iiniueiise produi ts of all ih-- Manilla- lur ....
Sew, 111 the 1 ouiilry, and th-ii th full un.t nuipl nie, ,,.
ion made for Hie payiiii nl "f thh itili 1 -.t nu. ., ,iu ,,t
i"ii of priiii iial, by ruston s Iiml. s L.t.-i--e st.uops and hevi inn-, si rti s t inane thesv nmols tlu
L'est, Alnsi, Avuiiific aril n,o:4 p ipnL.r
InVi s'm'i.t in the Mi
Subscriptions re. lived nt far in LegalTemli-r Notes
or notes and ihei ks par en bonk, in i'hi .nli-lphin. Sub
s ribeis by mail u ill jeceivu prouip'.iilti'iiiii.u. and 1 v
eiy f.11 ility aiiile.nlaiiiitinn will lie nll'orded on iioiiln-.-i.
tiou at this cilice.
A fill silliplvof bonds will he kent nn liaod for tiniun.
diatu delivery
J WCOOKi:, Subscription Agent.
Nov. i, lei",2-3m.
TINU'AHM & T.! SlloP.
rplll! undersigned respectfully Infornis his old friend I
1 and custo.uei that he lias piirihas d his broth- rs
interest in the above -slalilirliia -nt,,n,.,lli - loueern nil.
hereafter he conducted by liimn If -ti liisit ly.
Ha ha just received and oll'eis for sale, the larg-;
.rtrVJ est ami uint etteiisivo assoument of 1' A N C Y
rfjav STt) V l!rt ever introduced into this market. I
""V His stock iimsists of u complete .issoitineut ef
hu b,t Cooking and parlor stmi's in the market, togeth-1
or with Stove futures of etery deseriplion, Oven and.
Hot Slave. Il.nliators, Stoves, I 'list Iron Air-1
'fight stoves, Cannon Stotes, &c kv. Stovepipe '
Tiutv.ire coilst.-iullv on hnid and in.inufiu lured to order. I
All kinds of repairing done, as Usual, 011 short notice,
'i'h ' p.itrouagu of old tiiinids and new cus-toui-irs ro
licctfully solicited. A. M. lUJfKlfi'.
Illooiiisluiig. 'November 3d li;0. tf,
E s T U A Y S.
AJin 10 tin-pr-'ini-i's of tlio u!" frilior
111 llentoiitowii-lnp. .'iiiuoibla lounty, about the
1st in i -pi-iuii r At), let v. a twoyeuruld
i ivi ; ;.,
TT . marked bv Itsiilnll niece ol)' llni l.,o of llu,
, icltear.
J Tin, owner Is requested In come forward, prove
1 prop -rty, and pay cluirjes, nrthey will bo disposed of
. according tu law
I ff.TI'.lt Al'l'LUM AN.
j Uciitnu township, Nov 8, IcliJ at.
V Q 1 5J -.- E A L L E l': Y
. fjilllJ uu-lersigiied Informs Iks citizens of III00111,
' 1 am1 uei.'hboriiooil, Unit he has tuki 11 the l irge room '
in the Lichaugu lllock, cMeiiding nv-i r M. s.r rjtouer
Sc fox's i-iikery, and Ihe lli.o'.siore vv hern he II.. put in
11 large rlkylie I. Il is oulv bv Hk) light that good pic-
' 11 r -s ran bet (on i-speei lly gru-ijis vvliere 1 uch person I
1 uu In' l.ike i isi as vv II is separalu
II-. tins gnu tu uiusiilei ililu etpeuso tn make his es
n 1.1 1 i'i in-11 1 lir.l class on-, and he tln refore solji lis n
In ral p.ilrn ig" tneuubl him, to coiistuutly iutroduco
thu mode 1 improvem uts uf the art.
IfJ" Co'iu ) produce taken in Lxclningi) for pii tures,
HHNl. Y lt()fii:STl)CK.
I Illnnin.burg. Nov. S3 IHill. Nov. 0 '32
All Kitchen (.'reaso can he made intugood a'uAf. tu
using a.f().'li'Ii:UI
HUAl is easily made with it, as making a cup uf cof
fuo Miiiiut.iclureil only by tho fiitelitues.
No 137 Walnut street rillLADULI'III .
Fit US 11 AR1UVA 1. I
l "r,".','Tln':': s",u r"' r,,r I"1" riitrMmiro. t.-pi-it '
n?-. i i '"f-'riua lilKcutiiiiirf, iinj llif pulillcBi'iior ,lly ,
Dial Im' ! lint riT.'li-... i r,,,,,, ,i,.. i.,.! ,,. '.f.
I,i.,.., .,.l ..Ti. " mmi ill
.-..eur. ... ....... r.-.L'Cl BlOtK 0
Tint ln yl been opened in lllooinsburg, ti. which In
y t ;s the ntt ', of 1,1, fr,,1(,. ,'," , 1 ,
Stock comprises 11 Isms e ., 0,1,1,1 m f
LtlllStSlllll! Ill
n, , iZ,Vhi,'i V.i '-'"iv-ns Stocks, Cottoi
llandkorchlels, (ilorcs, auspeud, rs, tie.
Of uVrryjIrKPrlptiwit, IIiumith! rUv, '
ri It'll! null. 'P '. f
call and see. N charg,', fcr cVninln; Vl L . , '
lllooinsbiirg, .March 2J,
DAViir lowi:ih:iio
"W. (Juo lc.V.1.)
Look to your In tresis.
INIl siihs rihers hato Jut returned from Un,
iillianotli r largo nnd sebat assortiuet ofCU
ripj jJtf; iiciil itsejiisi'' k'(mi'J, Philadelphia, at the lowest ilgur,., and
whirh Ibey are det 'rinim-il lo , II uu ns moderate terms
asea.i hi- procured elsewhere in Ulooiusburg. Their
stO'k COlllprises
uiin:v hit, ts anons,
ofchoie t .)iiand latet fihnn.
)() ani.m, ixi oitoi i.itiKs,
11 -ttDir in-: iiUr;ixii:ia:.
cr.DAR ii'AitK, liuutoir
innx, XAir. iwurx stun
If ITS CAl'S. eVc , He . .yc,
III short over) thing u.iially kept in rountry Stores
to tt lib li they iut llo Ihe public generally. '
Tlie Highest priie paid lor luuntry produce.
Illoou irg. APril2,l, Iefi2. & f.VCU.
A U .0 II J S)
It iW-liUNE
1? A U G 11 A N 1) S O N ,
oil fa- iiiiers and I'lnp.iciui-s,
Ab. L'ii h'juth iJeatcwc Avenue,
1 HI LA .'li L PIT I A
This manure is manufactured from pure U.-uv Hones
and warranted ti contain nil tli. or-auie mat
t"t--uoliuriiedor caliuied b.uu s are used, ami it is sold
uiiiiira guaranty fruniiliuiii.-inur..clurcrs that it islree
fioin a.lulleratioii.
17 Last season the dcio-inil for this manure exceed,
oil that of onv lormer oiie.nn i w tt Ji few etci iitic.ii the
resulls have b en hig. y 1 ivnrable. v ai,i v.lll !.
,..,11 1 I, mull .ti ,1 11
slim ,nd ol'iiooiil.iritv-
;j i Nn
l'.llLC, 5.0 IHi- -litllj ,bs CASH
WAliltAX'I'LII ft'lill.
A large supply on h .nd for full sales.
I'liicu Sprier :iiiuo lbs. cash.
C7" Tlie nbovo .Manures can be of regular Ilea
"r of HA( till & sons.
July IP ldo'-S''ii1il I)ul''lw'lro -enue. Philadelphia.
I2AS, the I Inv. Atno K. r.ruii,i.
jildee of the Court ol Over mid 'r,.s.i,in. . .,,.'.1 ......
eral Jail I) luery, Court of Uuarter Sessions of the
feace and (Joint of Common fleas and Orphan's Court
lu the 2elh Jiniiiial llislrnt. couipoHed 01 tlm counties
of Columbia. Sullivan nun Wyoming, and tho Hon. John
.Mi UeyiinliNfcSl pin 11 1'.ildy.AssiidiiteJ.idgcsnfColuin.
In, 1 enmity. I1.1V1 iss.i.-i. tin irprecept.b -uring dale the I'll,
dav of ;epl. in Ihe v-iir of our Lord one th and eight
hundred 1111.. sixty two una to me directed f, r lioldiii" a
Court of ))ruiii T r-nini r und (ieu Jail di-litify
Oe111r.1l Hu irt rS ssnuis f the Peace, ('01,101011 fleas
itlli.MllillllSLOIII.lll OIIIOIUMjUrg, III tile Cllllll IV
ci.i.iiiiiii.i. on in j ursi ooiiiiayi hieing tlie
H.-eeinber next, an I I'lconunue one wool..
I t day) of
Nolle is h r by tiv 01, to the Coroner, llu Justices of
the t,iee and Coiisial.l. s of tin- s.ud couutv of Columbia
that they be Hi. 11 a-e. tin re
11) o -noes, in tn
foreiu on of saiddnv. ttiinti,. ,r ........t.
Illtir oron.'r n.i,.n... ..
iii'l'iisitious and otlnr r-uieiiibraiice to m, thus things
tvnieii 10 111 ir nine s app rt.iiu to be done. And those
that iif bound by recognUaiiee, to prosecute ii'.nnt ihe
prison.-rs that ar or m.iy be in the J.ul of said couutv ol
Columbia to b th n .1.111 He re to proseciit, th in as shall
b.-just. J-ir-irs ar-r' -iu .1 d to b; in' their at
ten l.mce,,ly to th, ir notices. Jmt.., t iu(lbllls.
luir,', th 1. 1 en) of Nov th -yiar of our Lord one
th-iu.auii eight ,ren .,,; fitlj tito, and in tin- eight v
mm year of Ihe In n p mi !enc ol tlw Coiled States of
Aai. rua. (t.0.1 satu th Conimonwealih.i
IC-l.HI II. fUKtl tN, Shariff
Litcit;;u'.';!tiiM & (:; t,;
.n.2t)rj; fttllli'OUtJ
- , -nl
l"tV AVI)
AIM' It NOVC.M. 17. Ict!2. f.SSI2N(2I2i:
r.nrnij.'ir. Acrom.
MM A. JI. 10.15 A.JI
2'j Arrivo 1I.1U A JI
1 1. Id
bcranti 11,
' ooinsh in?
I V 11 .1 .b '
.. .i 1'
mil Til
0.5 ,
,1'ivill .
t. 1 .-
I 11 .i!i ir,
at Scr.uit'in,
1.15 f.
10.0) I'
t lass -nger tralii also lent es Kingston 11 1 f.op. A. M
for to n limit with train for New York, tt,
turuiiu. i' av s Seinntoii on nrrival uf Train from New
or . al 1.15 P. II.
'I'll.' Lackawanna and llloomsburg liailro-id eonuerls
Willi the llel iw are, Laikawaiiua and Wesiern
nt "cranton, for Now Yoik ami int. nnedi.iti' points. c-i't
At Il-ipert i I connect- hii.'i the t'ati.ivt is,i llai for
P'jijijs holh i-.-isi and wcbt-niriving at f hilaili Inula at
At Northumberland it ,-niinects with Ihe fliil.tdelphla
4. Lrii'It. II. nnd N. C It. It, f. r pniuls west aud south
I'ass.-ugi rs arriiin" at lliirn-burg 4 50 f JI j I'lul.
aiUlphu 10 f. JI.. Pallimore lo.-.n 1 . JI,
Ji 111 v ! 1, stt.r.v .?'.
1 " . 11 n...,i ti.., .. j, 1
i,i,..r'i. ichci
Vof, lllll r '2 In .'.
",G '0
aoi.n axi) iT.wi.T nr.roiiATioxs,
Xi'ATAxi) a iY tsi.rxi) vavuis.
J'J.-!XAMt UllinilTVO.MMDX ! 'TF.ItS,
ltouiti ;s, nu: uoAito '(A''.s.
ov irons, iii.ixi s. ma, i:tc
Will h nlu hi greatly reduced prices, a' the pap"r
hanging rooms of Hi ,111. 1, rsigued 111 Jiidgu lluiierl's
ror- llollSJ. nn .-secuuil street, a few-doors beluiv .Mur.
ket. Also
' per
ll'i'ifinu Executed
111 thabest et)l
at mod. rate prices and in quirk timo
.loo,sbu,g.May3,lW2-aiu, ' '"'V.
3illvilc, Columbia County, Penn'a.
This well knovvli Fi-hool for both sexes will open
NO Vf.JI lllll: 3d, Iter.
The recent additions tn the buildings! render acrom
n.'atiu, s for more Ipau r'tty boarders.
Thuei iirseot' .lady vv 1.1 embrace ihreo departments
th 1 Ni runt,. Un HcLnti-lc, an I tho omineri ial.
Tlufr'iieip,.l wil. heasi.-t J by exp rieucod teach
ers, f ,lly 'inali 'u llo.-then respective positions.
fnreiu and nih'rs in iy ru-t assured (hat uu elliirts
will h" spared to inalce luSniool worthy of p,itroiia"iv,
on. I that the vveli'iie of tlio stiiilents, lot. lleclually
phvsieally, and morally, will receive oiireoiisiant, are
I or application, circulars or further particulars, ad
dress the undersigned, ut .Mill,,, llu oiumbin county pa
T. JIAXW'Li I. I'UrjM. '
f riucipal,
Itnviug sohl nut my interest in tho Orcenvvnod genii,
n iry, tn Jt I'ntts, who was for several yi ars
r..inn.'ited with Ih i liistitutinn nsu successful teacher,
I hereby cheerfully commend hi,,, to my friends aiul pit
1. 1 i w j 1 uii'ii i". iiiu pn-
aillville. f., S, nt. i:i. lefij. I'rmc peli. ,
u.KUiii,r , i,iii,iiu iiii.iiiiir.iiiuu lor tno p
MII.ITAllY CAfft, of every sort, si.ti and ouality
for sale cheap al thu llioonisburg Hat &. Cap liinporium
JOlls' i; ric-r
nontb'.- S Jt ' fi '
And fer the speedy euro -of tho (VilWlnc; tourptsJitts,!
Sci-ofiiln nml arrofulous A ft'set Ions,
nn Tiiiums, Ulecis, Horr, Kruuilono.
J iiMiles, I'ustulu,, UvMto,
lllullis, mid nil HLIll lJIsoases.
. . . Ol'UMC, Iii.L, eih Jran IBB.
J. C. Aycr A Co. Gents I 1 feel It toy duty lo so
knowledro ht your srsaporlll has dorw lur nu,
listing Inberltnln Scrofulous Infootloo, I him niloMll
uoni It In tarlous wsjs fer tears. SouicUuks k bnrS
out lu Ulcers on my bands and nrinsl somsrhuuii U
turned liittnrd and dltiosed tn at lb stoiuaol. Tun
yeiirs iign It broke out 011 mv lusid mnl covered rny tcnlii
and nsrs with rns sole, v hlch k painful and kmrJonie
bcjoiid description. I tllvd many uiedldnos and setsrnl
li)s1rlniis, but without uiueli lelicf from any tiling. In
fart, tho dlsoidsr nitw orsr. At leiigtli I was rdokoil
to lead lu the Uospel Mrssmgnr that you hsul pmrarwl
an nlloiallve (S.irs,illls), u 1 knew fiom your rooidu
Hon that any tldng you uuds mutt to Rood. I suit tn
CloiluiiatloiidBut It, aud used It UII It cursil mo. I took
it, as ton ndtlse, In small doeu a Isnspoouful ot(.rn
rnonlh, and used aluiut Hues Lottlk Now ami l.idlijy
skin soon bsgau to form tinder Iho scab, wbldi oiler 11
tvhilo fi.11 off. .My rkln Is now rlssr, nml I know l.y tiy
tsdlugs that thu disease gone from my sysuna. Yfti
can nll bsllote I f,d what 1 ani snjlng w!m I toll
yon, that I hold Jon to be one er tho apostles or tlie aire,
and lemiilu ever gratefully. Years,
ALFituD n. lAixny.
SI. Alitllony's pirc. Hour or Krvnlnuln-,
Tetter unit Snlt Itlleliin. .Sen Id Ilsmtl,
Illiigtvurni, 8oro Hyes, Orciiisy.
Dr. Ilobert SI. Treble writes from, N. Y lab
Sept., ISM, that bo hss cured on latslernto easn of
Diopty, whloh tlucateiietl to terminate fatally, by tho
persevering me of our Sursnpailllt, nnd nlso n ilungenms
Muignant f.'ryiijwlm by Luro doses cf the saniet sys
bo cures tho common r.nptioni by It constantly.
Ilroncltoeele, Gnltro or .Stvclleil Node.
Zcbulon Sloan of fisspect, Team, writes t "Throe bot
tles of your yarsnpaillla cured tno fiom 11 Ccilrc a bit
sous swelling 011 the tiuJc, ublcli I had sullHeil ftoui
oter two years."
I.riicnrilirrn (ir AVIitles.Ot nrlnii Tumor.
Utcrluo Uleerntliiii, t-Viunle Dlsriisc-N.
Dr. J. II. S. Chaunlng, of Now Yo-S City, writes " I
most cheerfully comply n lib tho renu&.t ..f vour npjJit in
saying I huvo found your Sarsaiai Ilia a most oiaenoiit
alterative In tho numerous complaints lor tvhlisi wo
tmploy such a remedy, but especially In ftmals li,aui
of tho (scrofulous diathesis. 1 bavo rnrtd miuiy larcei
ato aw of Leiicorihrea by It, nnd somo tthore tho emu.
plaint win caused by ulanititM ot Hie uffriw. Tho iirrt r.
nllon Itssir was soon cured. KotliluR ttllhln my Imowl
tilo equals It fur theso fem.ilo derangements."
l.'dit ard . Marrow, or New bury, Ala,, writes, ' A. dnn
Reroiis niimVrit (unwi' 011 0110 of tho females In my fiuin'ly,
which bad defied all tho remedies wo could employ. Ins
at length been completely cured by jour Kjtrnet of For
Ripaillln. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa
tion could affoid relief, but bo ad,led tho libit if your
Hai siipiu lll.i as tho lat icsort bofore outline;, flrsi It
proved effectual. After laklujtoitr remedy eight weeks
no S) inptcro of tho dlscaso remains."
Syphilis nnd iUcvcurinl Disenar.
. , ,Nrw Oiil.Ftss,25lli August, tf.59.
Dn. J. C. AtCR! Sir, I cheerfully comply with fin, rc
guest ofjounigdit, and report to jon soma of tho cflect)
1 lmt-u realized with toiirSii-fiiparllla.
I hnvn cured with It, lu my practice, most sf tliacrno.
plaints foi'ttlilch It Is leeommended, and bato fomJlu
edects duly woudi ifiil In the enro of Vrnn tut anil Her
curnd lilxuu. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers
lu bis lluoat, which veto consuming Ids palalo anil U10
top or Ids niotilh. Your t-aissp.irllla, stcadllv taltcn,
cuied Mm in hie weeks. Another was attacked by sec
ondary sjniptouis lu his nose, nnd tho ulceration had
euten anay 11 considerable part if It, so that I believe U10'
d sord-r would roon leueh his br.iln and kill him. Until
) lildeil to my admhiMiailiiu of your Karsnparlllaj tlio
ulcus healcl, and he is well njjalu, nut of course witliout
eonie ilMigiiralien to his face. A woman who had been
tieatid lur thu smno dlsoider by mercury was sutlerlng
fiom Ibis imlsoii lu her bones. They bad hocfmo so "oiS
Htlto to the nealher that on a damp dny siw suiren-d ox
criicJ.itlog pain lu her j-.lnls and b..ues. She, too, was
nued enihUy by jour tnisapaillla In alow weeks. I
know hoiu Its fuimula, whul, )-0iu- ugeut gavo me, that
this 1'iep.ii alien from jour Inbmatory must Lo a ereat
reine. y; conse.Uently, theso tiuly remarknblo resulta
with It hato not surprised mv.
V rntei nally ) oius, 0. V I.AUIML'R, JI. Th
lllieumntlsni, Gout, I.lvrr ComplnliW,
-' Isnci'i.Mii.xor;, fiesion Co., Yn.. Clh July, L5I.
Dr. J. p. sir, I have been ultllctcd with a palp.
nil chiimle lllimmMim tvi a long timo, which bullied (Tio
skill of ,li)slrl.ius, iinj sjIikU tu me lu spllo of nil Ho
remedies I loiil.l Iiml, until I nlnl juir fcaruaparllla. Olio
Lottie cuied mo In two weeks, and restored my ;aic
health so much that I ,, far lutlcr tUui Kiore 1 was
atlacked. 1 think Ita wondeiliil oieiliiiuo. J. lTfllAM.
Jules Y. Oilchell.of St. I.ouls, tviltisi "1 have been
afflicted for jcorswith uu oicf.en 0 nt l.Mr, tthtcli
destroyed ni) healtb. I Irledevery tlilog.anclevmy IhlnR
failed lo tcllcve me i aud I lutto beeu a trokou-down lima
fur sonio jcais fiom no ether csiuo than ilcraiigr.nir.tvf
Vie linr. .My le-Ioved ador. the Iv. Mr. I'py,ndlItiHl
1110 totiy jour Sarsaparilla, because ho saUllw iuew yon,
and any thing) 011 madams woith trjlug. ljy the Mees
iug of (Jod It has curid m, and hss so purified ray tlcssl
as to make a ulvv nun of me. I Its) youiux svsiin. ne that cm to sidd of you Is not half eod wicnigL."
SrIilmia,Cniier Tumors, Hularfjncut,
lllcernt Ion, Curies urv.1 12fUattou Ci
thu lliiiien.
A great variety of cn,cs batata en rptrU4 i Mwbcra
ctnesif tl,ii formidable ceiuplala'j bate rwuld frem
lie) use of Ibis remedy, but onr space Le wUt not mLum
lln in. S'lin of them urns l. tunai in enr Anuii.'i'l
Almanac, which tlm agents holovr iisnsd ul pfcasU t
fnruMi giall, to all who call fur tbeis.
Dynxieiraln, Hcnrt I)lsen, PIU, E 1
si-, M, limelioly, A'ouraJgla.
Many leu.sikable euus of tbeee oOiclioiis Levrs brsa
mode by the nlteiallin power of this msdkiuo. It stnsu
latis the functions lato tigcrens attlos and tints wlikh uoubl be supposed Iv-jtunHia
reach. Pucb a remedy long been reqnlred by tlie oi
cesslilcs of the pei pie, uod wo aro confident tint tUs tviil
do fcr tlii-ni all that niediciue can do,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
roil THE lt.U'll) cuke or
CoiiKht, Ciililn, Inlliiriizn, Ilonrcoit-ess.
Cm uji, ISi-oiiililtlM, Incipient Con.
sutiiiitloii, nml far the IttJief
of t onsiiiiiiitlt e Patlviitt)
In mis 11 nci'il Stngco
of the
Tills Is n remedy so universally known to surpass &ny
other fer the cmo of tlnoiit and lung complaints, tlsat ft
is nsvless heio to publish tho et'idenco of Its t li lues. Us
unilvalled e.xcellenco fur toui-lis and, nod Its truly
wonderful cuies of pulmonary disease, bavo made it
known throughout U,o civillzrit nations of the ,ulh.
lew aro tho communities, or even families, among them
who bavo not somo ersona) experience of itseffetts
some living trophy lu their loldvt of its victory over tlio
subtle and dangeiotis diuonb-rs of the throat and lungs.
As all know tlio dreadful fatality of theso disoidcrs, Mid
as they know, tno, tho ellects of this leinedy, tvo nred not
do mote than to assure them that it has now all the vir
tues that It did hate when nuking tho cures wIiIlL have
von so etiougly upon tho conlldmco of mankind.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEK & CO., Lowell, Haea.
. f
lit.. ( Jl (larenloiell. nil, 1 .1 1! Mover
10 11 simr. . j m noyii-r liolir-lnirg i Jlan -rs tz Son,
Mult-ill ; I' t.,.t r.-. Il -uton: I.nzarua & fnh-r, Or-.liigi-iiile;
1; f I'ovvl r l',.vvb rsvillo; A .Miller. Iter
wnk, low .t ili. .I'.-oi, rville; II f Iteighart &. Urns
lpy, M (i t'lioeni.ik r. Iliii khnrn ; Iteighart & Nms,
.Mniuiille: J floirpless. Catlawissa ; Creasy & Co.,
Light Miet 1 nnl dealer:, overyvv here.
J.ll) '.'i-, leiij iy.
I'll' IV itri'.nil, I'A., Corn r fenn nnd Hi. Clair St
The larg, si . 01.1u1er1i.1l fehool of tho I'niti d Slates.
w ith a ling,- of 1 v .! uiiii Students, in live years
li 11111 Ul flat 's, i.,id Hi mil) on vvhii-h iill'ordM-oinplelo
mil reliable nisirui tnni iu.i I tl , lollovv nig branehm,
t i.: Mere ,111,1 -. .ti.,iii-i. Hirers, tli an, lloat. llailroad
an 1 ilonk-ke, ping. r,r,i l''euiiiiiu Plain and Ornamen
tal 1 eiiiuitiisliip ; nl,,,, Hurvejiug, Liigiueiriiig and
.Miilhenialic, g. nerally.
S 85.00
favs fora Cniniiicrenl Cuur o; ritu-lcnts cuter and ra
ti 'W at any ti.u 1
".Ministers' sons' tui'ien at half price.
I or Catalogue 01' fr. piigi s,. h,eciuieus of limine)
nod Drn.iiii 'iilal fenioan-hip. and a beaut 1 fit I College
view of si spuare fit containing n good variety of
tt riling letti -nog ami llodrislimg, iiulosu SI cents in
stamps to the Prim ipals.
Jc.Mtl.Ms .t a.illTII, Pittsburgh, fa.
April I P. li-V.
H'.vMut Aiti:Axni:.n:.,vs.
Gycnt Trunk Line from the North mid NorHi-West for
I l'hil i lelphni, ,evv Vnr i. Iteailing, f ottaville, Leba-
0011. vneiiiuvt ,1, 1, llon ai-., &.C, 1
Trains leave iarri-bu,g for fhila.lelphia. New York.
Heading, I'otlsvlll., u.i.l all 1 ute ruled in to Stations, al 6
n in, nnd 1 ..I p in,
New York i xpr ss leavs Harrisburg nt t-M a ni nr
living ul .Sew Yoikat.- tlio siiuie iiiuriiint. I
lares Iroin ll.irri.Ieirg . To .Sort -York .iuilll; tofliil-1
adelphia Sl-aaud S J 7.1. liaggiige checked through. I
l turning 1 nv-e .N. vv-YorsatUn. in., i-j Noon and f
p. in., il'itNlmrgh l.xpress; Leavn fhiladclpliiaatel n.
111. and ,1 la p. in.
flceping ,,irs m th, evv.Ynrk Htpress Trnius,
through to and Iroin I'lltsb irgh without change.
la.seiigi-M by Uu i '.n-ivv issa llailroad lenvo fort
Cllllloll lit 1.I.IIUU. for i'llilidelphi.i uu J nil interim di
ute st.iiio-s. ; an ,u j m ,or fiuladelplua, New York,
en I all .ij i'oiiii,.
Trniiis leuve I'.itcavillu at a a in, nml 9.11 p m, for
1 hiiadelphl.i ami Ni w ork ; und ut 3.3U p m for Auburn
and lorit liutoi, only, coimetting for fine t.'rovo uud
Willi thn C.-uiiivvissu i.mi iiomi
nu accoiomo in i p-lf , .nfef train leave. Ileaillng at
a in. and i-t turn fn,, i'ii...ii..i,.n ... k a
0 am, nnd rs turn fnun I'lnUuelidiiaat 5 n
iy All in-iili.ivetr.ii'1. run daily.Sundav sexcepted.
,A, i'!'1'!" U:im ,,,,, fullsvillo at T.di) ani, mil
fhilail.lidiia at I.U p in.
oiuuitiiiici lion, .tn eirre. Season and I's
.May 17, im. OoneraVriupcrinu,
' "iiiuiuiitr n, .tliieaw. Season, and r.i nr., on
I, Jem.
r (s'ltlMlji U'l'ti a, JtltOTllliUjT
T 0 11 A 0 C 0 1) E A L K R
?i lO.l.VOUVII TlllltU S'l'lllOKT
The Armies Within Sight Great Events
at Hand,
Wo have very -little news from tho
jlii'ihlUiirlcrs of Gen, Uurusitlc. Not
uiueli is allowed to Inuiripire, Uut so
1 far as known, On. Dnrnsidc appears to
lie fully prepared for a forward more
Anient j and tho moment this takes place
' wo may look for a great battle. That the
I rebels will resist with till their foroo the
t crossing of the Happahannooh by tho
j Union army, there can be no question,
ukvu ion v .-, auuiii iu uu tiuiirujiir.iiuu
at and near Fredericksburg ready for tho
bloody content. Wo annex all the item
of interest. '
Headquarters Arm; of the Potomac,
ATou. 12!). The enemy continue to raiso
earl h works around Fredericksburg, but
no new batteries were visible to-day.
Early yo3tcrday morning, a largo
body of the oneiniu's cavalry, said to
have been Ilauilon's Legion, crossed th
river some distauco above here, and by
evading the pi-kets, succeeded in making
a descent upon two companies of the 3d
Pennsylvania Cavalry, in General Aver
ill's brigade, near llartwood. Tlicy
captured nearly every man in both com
p nies.
The roads arc improving, aud supplies
arc coming more freely from the land
ings. N EW R EI5E L 10 A RTIIWORKS -Fl V E
ILud Quitters of the Army of the
Po'omac, Abt?. 30, 7 P. M. Some camps
of tin; enemy visible yesterday disap
peared last night. They probably have
retired to the valley behind tho ranje of
hills in thercar tf Fredericksburg.
New rebel earthworks almost daily
m:ike their appearance, and the range of
hills in the rear of the town is crowded
almost continuously willi redoubts an
rifle pits.
Some of our batteries, whose gun.s bear
directly upon the town, have recently
been protected by earthworks.
Five gunboats are reported to have
advanced up the Rippahannock opposite
King George's Court-House. The right
wing of tlie enemy cxlcnds nearly to that
point, but ut some distance frouv the
A few shots Ticre thrown over tho
river to-.lay by one of our left wing
bjlteries, probably, to Iry the rangtJ of
the gun.
Gen. Hnrnsidc has returned to camp
f.'om his temporary visit to Washington.
All is quiet to night along our lines.
Cairo Xiv. 29. The grand army of
south are all in motion.
General Sherman, with forces, lefe
Memphis on Wednesday.
General Grant's army struck their
tents yesterday, and marched olfon the
Holly Springs ro'it1 Seven days' rations
were prepared. Only one tent was al
lowed to every twenty m'n, one to the
ofliceis o( oacli company , and six wag
ons to each regiment.
The lebels are falling back towards
Granada, tearing up tlio track, carrying
off the rails and burning the bridges rvi
they retire.
It is reported' that they are even mov
ing the heavier articles of value from
Jackson, Mississippi.
Tho prisoner-i that have been tnken
confess to the utter Irt)pclcsttns3 of their
cause in the west.
I.O"ATi:i) IN
S. li CCIIN 7t' AM) CIIUSTNUT rfl'iJ..
iYit York City, MrnoUyi), Albany, 'Jioy
lSujjalo. De roit, ( I, vtlaud, Ci'ieaso,
and at. Louis.
Ilonk keeiiini, f euuiiiiiship, Commercial Arithiuetit
Coiuincriial f.avv, forms, Correspondence, ice., piact
cully taujht. '
'I hesu Colleges being under the suino general and lo
cal iiianiiKemeiit, uud iinitnti in each tho advantngj
ot all, niler greater Ui ilities lor imparling untrue. . i
than anv other similar institution in tin country.
A Scholarship n,a.ted by any one i.guid in all lo i n
unlimited tune.
The fhiladulp'ila College Ins b icii recently cnla;
and refurnish!-1 in n superior uianiier, uud i now I
largest and mo.t prosperous Commercial Institution
tlie Mate.
Ilrvmt &. Stratum's s rl"sof Text lluokt, cuibrae
Ilxok-Kc jiiiis, i.i)iiiiit.-r.-i;il Arilliineucaiid Co.uaur
I. Of. or .ale. and a 'lit by mail. I
1'orl'uH iiartn ulai, send for a circular.
October le, loJ- l,,i.
Wm Losi ! Now Rfstoreil i
Just fubri.lvud in u fci;uled Liivl-Iooo : l'Hi- a
A I.tctoro on tlw .Nature. Treatment an I radioal curt
or Hiermatorrho'.i or semlmii vv.alfu, s, involuiitarv
l.iiiiiin.loiis.seiual debility, and niipoiiinuuis to nur
riago generally, n.-rvcusness. coiis.unptiun. epilepsv
and nisi nionial and physical iiicap i,-iiy,r,i,ulti g froi
ttiiFirA-jgp11, J ra""u""-JI-u- uu,"or
The wurld-reiiowiieil iiullmr. in this admirable Lot
lire, clearly provej irom Ins own uperitneo thatths
lawful cense'iuences . f . If uhu. mu he vtl'ectually r .
Iiioveil without medicine, and willing dangerous siir
gical operation., bougies, instruments, rings, or r"t
dials, pointing out a inude o) care at once certain an I by winch etery siill rer. un matter whit his
condition may be, ihiy euro him.. It cheaply, pnvaiely
and radically. Tin. lecture ill ,.,a,e a hion t" Thou.,
sands aud thousand,. ' '"ul
ri'iil under seal, in a plain env, lope to any address
bateii?1 '"'"X H""' '"" P"BU
,o-o .. I'r. f.'ll A3. J C. KLINE,
,V ' ' ""'"j New Vork fustOlfic Uoi, VHV
f. 4
wins.. . -. .