COLIiJIBlA DBMOCBAT edited nv i,evi i.. tate, rnorntETou BliOOilSSEIllKG, PA, BATUHDAY MOltNIMO, DECEMBER 6, 1862. tajjmjaatamjUMiajWHiii MmmsmrtBscpMO Opinions of Jtidgo Dohglai. ncpubllcnni of our dy, now tlint ho la no moro.profcss Implicit faith In tlio opinions of the Into Hon, Siii-iien A. DoI'iilak. We call to the witness Hand tho fixing hitory of that tried patriot and eminent statesman. In Hie United States Senate, upon tho 3d of January, 1801, Judge Douglas said ! '1 m1dres the Inquiry to republicans nloncor the rtn ta)hal in lit CVmll( of thirteen, a few days ago, trery member from the SjutA, inclvdinff those from the cotton States (Messrs. Tombs and Davis) erpressed their read! tiess to accept the proposition tf my venerable friend from Kentucky (Mr. Crittenden) ns n 1'lNAl, SUTTLKMUNT of the eontrorersy, if ttnitrtd and sustained by rcpvbltran members. "ItENUU, TIIU SOW UKSt'ONtHUIMTV or our ni8Anrti:i:.Mi;T, and tiii: only uip. 1'ICUI.TY IN TIIU WAY or AMICAlll.i: ADJUST MllNT, IS WI'VUTIIU IttU'UOUCAN PARTY." Stephen A. Douglas, "I hold that this Government was made on tho Whlto llasls'by Whlto .Men for tho benefit or Whlto Men uud their Posterity l'orcvcrl Setphen A. Douglas, .nn ymi .umii in HIT IT Hi i' I I '" ' 1 f ' Spoak Cut Frionds. A worthy friend of ours, who 13 a loyal demoorat and orthodox Divine, in a noto to us appropriately remarks : I would liko to writo sonio prose for tho Domocrat, but, tho stato of tho public mind demands something connected with Nation al affairs, and I say but little, publicly, on that subject. I have prepared several ar ticles for your columns, and as often, threw them aside, thinking I had better hold still. Yet I do not know, but Preachers should bo permitted to say something to ward tho UESTOivmo.v or the country, since Preachers havo dono so much to de stroy it. Multum in Parvo. If ever tho beautiful phrase, ''words fitly spoken arc as apples of gold in pic tures of silver,' was verified, it was in tho few words which Gen. McClcllan spoko in response to an immouso crowd of people who had gathered around his quarters, and saluted hira with a fine band of music at Trenton, New Jersey. In closing ho said : "And before bidding you good night I Lave this pieeo of advieo to give you : WHILE THE ARMY IS FIGHTING, YOU AS CITIZENS'SEE SUA 1 THE WAR IS PROSECUTED FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE UNION AND THE CONSTITUTION, FOR YOUU NATIONALITY AND YOUlt RIGHTS AS CITIZENS." Let theso words bo impressed on tho minds of all conservative people, and let them act in accordance with tho advice. Letters from Friends. An officer in army of the Potomao, writes us on Thanksgiving Day, and says from present appearances wc aro to havo a regular winter's campaign. Tho peoplo of the North, as I notice by tho papers, demand it. I wish those who are con stantly crying "On to Richmond," before wc aro ready, were here in tho ranks. I thiuk they would soon change their tune, to "On to Winter Quarters." Wo in tend to tako Richmond, but great will bo tho contest, and greater tho victory for our Arms. Tho battle of the War is yet to be fought. I suppose you are dining over Turkey to-day. Well, wo do not find fault with any, fortunate enough to bo in tho neigh borhood of Turkcydom. Our Thanksgiv ing dinner consists of the samo as we get every other meal. Namely, Hard Crack ers, Salt Pork, Deans and Coffee. We enjoy this kind of food very well. I am getting fat on it. Tho Crackers, to judgo by their harduess, must havo been baked for tho Mexican War. If my teeth wero not good and sound, I think I would re-( Eign. Tho cry goes along tho lino to-day, among tho soldiers, of tho Thanksgiving Dinner given by tho Clergy of Washington to the Negroes. Ono Soldier will inquire of another, why ho is not in Washington to-day enjoying tho Negro Dinner, &o &o.' Ono of tho Drafted Militia, from Sugar loaf, in this county, writes us from Harris burg, detailing tho unheard of outrage, that was last week perpetratod upon a fol lowsoldier (from Bedford 00.,) by ono of tho cowardly Guardi. Ho says tho soldier had passed out of Camp, and whon re turning by the samo avenue, and was far in Camp, heard tho order "Halt !' Stopping to look around, was fired at, and shot in tho leg ! Vhat tyranny. Shame. A Land Lord in Conyngham township desires to call a public msoting to consider tho interests of the fraternity. Ho com plain? of the serious injury to their busi ness for want of small ohango. Wo can't help him tho world is out of its course, ESTMr. Buchanan's Letter. We publish in to day's paper a second letter from Lx-Prcsident Buchanan, being a re ply to tho rejoinder of General Scott which wo published two weeks ago. Liko every thing emanating from tho pen of tho re tired statesman of Wheatland, it is cloar, cogent and to tho point, and wo fanoy that tho General will hardly risk a,third en counter with tho ex-Presidont. Wo bo speak for tho letter a careful and unprej udiced perusal. JCQylu handling over a hundred dollars, tho first two days tho past week, wo ac tually received One Gold DoniiAn I It is salted down in tho collar of our Port monies. Oh for tho glorious days, once mora of a Jackson find Benton Sound Cur- 5itcy. GaU.nvlssa Hall Jfuad. Spending a for? plcnscnt moments, when on n recent visit to Philadelphia, In tho offico of tho Company, with Mr. President De Punt, wo were gratified to learn, from facts and figures, that this Road is doing a prosperous business. Under tho efficient management of Gen. Goodwin, and its ablo Hoard of Directoas, and polito agents, tho success of the Road cauuot bo other wise. We record its increasing prosperity with groat satisfaction. Tho following shows tho receipts of tho Cattawissa Itail Itoad for tho month of October, as compared with tho correspon ding month last yoar : October 1801 S28.311 Less oonneoting roads 0,0lG S2',,2G8 2D,iM3 October, 1802 815,211 Less comnecting roads, 15,9i'8 Increase 0,VM5 Receipts for 10 mos. to Nov. 02 8220,184 " " " 01 172,852 Increase over last year after paying connecting roads. 00,332 - Tun Gbncssee Faujier. Tho Decem ber number of this well known agricultural journal is received. Wo can not too often recommend our agricultural and horticul tural frionds to tako tho Farmer, It is published at tho low prieo of sixty cents a year and each number contains hints and suggestions well worth tho subscription prico for a year. All who subscribo at this timo for the next volumo will receive tha December number free. Send the sixty cents to Joseph Harris, Rochester, N. Y. Or if you wish to cxamino tho paper before subscribing, call and cxamino it at this office. Tho publisher makes some tempt ing offers to all who are willing to act as agents for tho paper in getting subscribers, Specimen copies, prospectuses, &c, will bo sent free to all who wish them. "Can we Compete with the West?1' Such is tho caption of tho leading article in tho Decomber number of the Gentssce Farmer. It shows the difficulties which tho farmers of the East labor under in competing with West in tho feeding of cattle, hogs, &c, and offers some sugges tions which aro well worth the consideration of farmers in all sections of the country. Wo would rccomend all our agricultural readers to subscribo for tho Genessec Fur' mcriov 1803. They will find' it ono of the ablest journals of its class published in the United States. Tho price is only sixty conts a year, and all who subscribo at this time for 1803 will receive tho Decombor number of this yatxrfrec. Address Joseph Harris, Rochester, N. Y. GSyRcv. Geo. Hunter. Wo learn with regret, by the Bcnuick Gazette, that tho Rev. Geo. Uunteu, is dangerously ill at his residence in Evansvillc. It is sin cerely hoped ho may survive this disponsa tion of Providence. Mr. Hunter is one of the few truly loyal Divines in our section, and all good men anxiously desire that his life and field of usefulness may long be preserved to his country; CSf Sensation Preachers. Wo aro in formed that a certain Sensation Preacher, not far from Cattawissa, recently had his delicate sensibilities horrified on reading a brief paragraph, headed "Bloody Pulpit," copied from the Ohio Crisis, into the iTColumbia Democrat." Tho leaven is working admirably. Wo hope the truth may wend its way throughout tho land and strike torror into tho benighted hearts of the united hoard of "fanatical abolition ists." SST- Tho Forks Ho til, by S. Dodson, Esq., in thi3 place, hasmado a fair begin ning and promises encouragingly. Wo observed, tho past week, that the new Proprietor had plenty of customers and fed thorn most sumtuously. Tho guests ofthe ''Forks," liko Uioho of tho "Ex change," tho principal Hotel in Blooms burg, are always well provided for and appear to feel themselves quito at homo. 5Sy Judoe Emvelis openinq charge to tho Grand Jury, will bo lead with in terest, as published elsewhere in tho ''Co lumbia Democrat." KSTDead. lion. James Irvin, lato of Centre county, died in Philadelphia, a few days ago. Ho was Naval Storekeeper at tho time of his death. Mr. Irvin was an uncle to Governor Curtin. 8r Our democratic friend, Maj. Joiijj Piatt, of Lycoming, will be an applicant for Sergeant at arms, qo tho noxt House of Representatives at Harrisburg. CST James A. N orris, Esq,, 77 Cedar Street, Now York, has established on Ad vortising Agency Office, and pays cash to tho Printers. CfirTho Stato Lecislaturo will moot on tho first Tuesday in January, and a Unl-' ted States Senator is to bo olected just ono woek thereafter. ' JGSrCol. Ciias. J. BiddIiE, M. C, has' our thanks for a bound volumo ofthe pre- I limcnsry lioport of tho Eighth Census of tlio United States, 18G0. ( j - m 9 . j C?Mr. Girton has again receivod an aisortmont of fashionable Hats and 0ap3, with othor goods, to whioh attention is di- ! rco'tod. Kolousod from tho Old Capitol Prison. Tho following prisoners woro 011 tho 12th released from iho old Capitol prison in Washington, viz D. A. Mahonoy, editor of tho .Dubuquo (Iowa) Herald, arrcstod August M; David Showard, of Fairfield r 1 1 4 , 1-1 . , 1U"")" august, 1 ; uuugo iuicirawj D. Duff, nrrcsUd at Benton, Illinois, on 1 tuo l'ltll 0 f August, whilst on tho Bonch j hn II. Mulkov. arrested with Judgo John Judgo Duff; and Dr. Marcus L. Rooso, of ' Tatnaroa, Illinois. Thoy wero arrested on watrant signed by the Secretary of War but in whioh uo chargo was set forth. During tho whole term of their imprison ment thoy vainly endeavored to learn of what they wero accusedbut not only did tho Assistant Judgo Advoeato General, tho Assistant Secretary of War and Secretary Stanton himself deny their vory reasonable request, but actually desired them to mako statements in their own vindication without a knowlcdgo of thoir alleged offence. Furthermore, their counsel were not per mitted to sco tho papers in their case and tho accusations against them if such doc uments existed. They wero twioo taken boforo tho Judgo Advoeato for hearing, but remanded without any light thrown upon tho causo of their mysterious incar ceration, or being heard in their owu de fence. Whcn,atlength,they wero dischar ged 'honorably,' as tho certificates, signed by some subordinate officer read, thoy wero required not only to take tho oath of alle giance, but also to swear dial Viey would not institute or cause to be imtitutcd any suits against any authorities 0 the United States or of any loyal State, for thicr im prtsonmenl. The fact that some parties in tho West had brought suits for false imprisonment delayed their dischargo for some timo, as tho Judgo Advocate said nothing could bo dono until tho Secretary .of War was consulted. Tho result ofthe consultation was, apparently, tho incorpo ration of tho above now clauso in tho oath. When asked to sign this document some of the prisoners grow very indfignaut and refused to tako such an oath, but as some were in failing health, and did not know how long thoy might bo kept in duranco, Gnally, by advice of their counsel, complied and wero released but are yet ignorant of tho charges upon whioh thoy wero ar rested, if any there woro. Their treatment in prison was not bad, they wero obliged to furnish their-owu provisions and wore not permitted to hold private converse with thoso visiting them an officer always being present. Their correspondence was watched and it was only by strategcra that they could communicate with their frionds at home, as their letters were, after being read, desti'oycd, returned or confiscated. Ono ofthe guards was imprisoned for al lowing tho prisoners somo trifling liberty. Tho lives of the prisonors were constantly endangered by the carelessness of the guard in tho barracks below, several balls having como up into tho prisoners' apartment, discharged from mutkets below. Freemen what say you to such proceed ing as theso I Can it bo hon:st men or christians will longer associate with such a a party a party that thu3 socks to destroy tho very life of a free government. Hon. Thos. fj. Florence. Wo aro exceedingly gratified at tho ma ny kind illusions of a largo numbor of our exchanges, to our ablo and talented asso ciate, Hon. Thomas B. Florence, in con noction with tho Clerkship of tho noxt Hou!!o of Representatives. Mr. Florence has had ten years exporienco as a member of the House, and with rare clerical talent a good voice, and a thorough acquaintance with parliamentary rules, would mako a most capable and efficient officer. Wc may Bay, without egotism, that few men havo proved themselves more worthy tho confi deuce of tho National Democraoy. In season and out of season, as a reprcsenta tivo in Congress as a journalist, Mr. Flor ence has been zealous and untiring in up ho'ding tho great principles which must over bo tho guide of the Democracy of tho country, and his election as tho executive officer of tho new Houso of Representa tives would be a compliment ho li s emi nently merited. J. S. CO?" Another column of our paper con tains a notico of Stratton, Bryant & Co.'s Commercial Colleges. To all who tics ire a, thorough business education, wc say send for one of their circulars before going elsewhere, and note thu special advantages of their colleges over all competitors. Wo aro informed that students will bo rocoived at 25 per cent. discount from tho nominal rates, until January 1st. BSyA TRoniY. Mr. 0. B. Kulp, who , visited tho battle field of Autietam a few weeks ago in search ofthe dead body of a brothor who had fallen in defoneo of the Union has shown us a rebel bayonet ho picked up on that field of sanguinary con flict. It has blood spots upou it, which shows that its owner used it offcctually ere he yielded up its possession. Luzerne Union, BS5A Thanksgiving dinner was qiven in Washington to 1,200 contraband no groes. Mrs. Stowo and ltov. M. Chan- mug nuiu iuu wiuiiiiuciit, iiiuiy tuiiuis jirca - ent. After tho dinnor, tho darkios wero preacueu to tor six Hours. A Vermont divine in tho cour.vj of his remarks told thorn that ho regarded tho Democratic par ty as a mortal dovil, at which tho contra, bands shouted "amen,'' Tho Message The President's Message has been pub lishcd mid generally loud, "Wlia thiuk of UP' says tho Philadolphi z'Mif Journal, Every man ask hi What uo you mi hvv.rt' very man ask Ins neigh bor' nml.,la'n bo,li uro1 ut into a laugh. ASKlK m.iuuio juiiMi "11 Vide UM4CU by scores of tho people Inst evening if what wo had printed as 1M1- Lincoln's I Message was nil really gonuino -whether ! m llild not "j"st far fuu,' interpolated I r,., r il., .. 11...... I...! 1 .r 1 duuiu ui tuu?u xruiiaujiaiiis mm TIUICUIOUS soiituiicos in it. "Can it bo possible," our interrogators would ask, ''that a Prcsidout of thu United States is capabio of putting forth such stuff in a grave Stato paper "Yes," wo replied, "it is quito possible, whoti a man choscu by a party which boast of possossiug 'all tho intelligence' of tho country is President." But, cvou our solemn assuranco that wo had printed the words of tho document as thoy came to us, over tho wires, scarcely convinced our astonished friends that wo had not interpolated or made tcrious mis takes in printing it. To convince us that wo wero wrong thoy would open the Journal, and read from tho massage such Bunsbyisais or axioms as tho following: "Certainly, it is not so easy to pay some thing as it is to pay nothing but it is easier to pay a large sum than it is to pay a larger one, and it is cas'toi1 to pay any sum when wo arc ablo than it is to pay it before wo aro ablo I" and, determined to satisfy us that wo had mispriutod tho doc uments, our anxious inquirers referred us to the clorjng sentence of tho niessago. Theso, they wero certain, wo had added for tho purpose of throwning ridiculo upon that extremely "honest" individual whoso name is appended to tho document under consideration. "Wo say wo arc for the Union tho world will not forgot that we say this. Ve know how to savs tho Union. 'Vc of this Congress and this Adminis tration.'1 Tho world knows wo know how to savo it." "In giving freedom to tho clave wc assure freedom to tho free," "the world will ever applaud and God must forever bless Abraham Lincoln I Serious as tho situation of affairs is, and serious as wo ought to be and feel, in refercuco to a mcssaco of tho President nt at such a time, wc cannot bring ourselves to cosidcr this document with seriousness, Its ridiculous, farcical character forbids. it is beneath dignified criticism, and liko i securo in their persons, houses, papers and tho broad farce that usually succeeds the j pos"es.-ions from unreasonable searches saddest tragedy, it excites a laugh in spito , a"d seizures; and that no warrant to of any tears of the previous moment, Tho search anyplace or tcizo any person or antics of an apo on tho roof of a burniuo- things shall issuo without describing them house, fired by its own mischief could no ' aa 11C!irb' !IS may be, nor without probable bo more ludicrous thau Mr Lincoln's efforts ' causo supported by oath or afiiimatiun." to escape tho damning consequence of his ' "I" alj oriminal prosecutions tho accused own destructive policy ; and while wc de- a r'o''1 10 uc ual'd by himself and ploro the threatened destruction of the culo1 ; to demand tho nature and noble fabric, wc cannot but smilo at tho cause of tho accmatiou against him; to comic distress of ihe unfortunately elevated 1111)111 ,'10 witnescs face to fuco ; to have animal, though it does so ftrongly resetuhla compulsory process for obtaining witnesses anianl in his favor; and in prosecutions by in- Tho subjects which Mr. Lincoln attempts diotmout or information, a speedy public to treat arc sufficiently serious, and shall tl'lal uya11 impartial jury ol the vicinage." in due time receive due consideration in "z' prioucrs shall bo bailable by sufli theso columns. cient sureties unless for capital offences ..... v.'heu the proof i evident or presumption Execution op the Muroeiser of an great j and tlio privilege of tho writ of American Missionary in '1 uhkiiy. Habeas Corpus thail not bo suspended, Commander Thatcher, of tho ship Constel- unless when in caso of rebellion or inva- lalion, in a letter to the Navy Department il011 tuc public safety may require it." dated Spczzia, tho 3d inst., says he has '1 hese provisions of the fundamental law just received advices from our Consul at strongly guaranty to the citizen, personal Beirout, Syria, that the Sultuu's firmnu liberty, personal sucuiity and thu rights for the execution of the murderer of Mr. f private property, and tho power of the Coffin, the Amcriepn misiiocary, reached State is pledged to protect him in their Adana while tho Constellation was still enjoyment. at anchor near that place, and the crimnal u tuo other hand, in return for the was immediately beheaded, in the presence care and beneficent protection bestowed of a vast concourse of peoplo and without UP0U um) 'ho citizeu owes fealty to the any popular outbtoak, as had been auti- Government, aud is bound by every con cipated. . tidcratiou which ought to control human Tho Consular representatives of tho actions, to yield a heaity obedience to all United States, Franco, Prussia and Italy 1 s constitutional requirement:! and statu- witnessed tho execution, whioh is said to tol7 obligations, and to refrain from doing havo been hastened on account of tho th00 things which aro by law prohibited. presence of the shin Constellation , The official announcement reached this port a very shcrt time after she had sailed. Tho Turkish Government has behaved with great justice and comity towards the United States in this matter.' Mrsf!RT.T..'F.nns Ttpms A .nnrfil ni-- der from the Head quarters ofthe Military District of Washington fixes Friday; the 5th of December, as the day for the exo cutbn, by hanging, iu tho cuelourc of tho old Capitol prison, of John Kcssler, of tho One hundred and confinod iu tho old Capitol prison Assis tant AUjutMit Ueneral, Major Sherburne and Cant. Parkor continuo their labors nightly, Up to this forenoon they had ex amined tho cases of fifty of them, and upon their reports in each case, thirty (30) havo dcco set irec. CST Tho following gentlemen woro el ected, on tho 17th inst., as Directors ofthe Bank of Danville for tho ensuing year. E. II. Baldy, Esq., was unanimously re elected as President: Edw. II. Baldy, Peter Blady, sr., Wm. II. Magill, Samuel Wolf, .1. C. Rhodes, Geo. A, Prick, Goo. B. Brown of Dan ville. P. F. Maus, of Valley. Ferdinand Piper, Watsontown. John Sharpless, of Cattawissa. Wm. G. Hurley, Win. Sloan, of Blooms burg. G. II, Powlor, Fowlersvillo, Col co. The McDowELTi Couirr of Inquirv. Tho McDowell's Court of luquiry promises to bo of loug continuance Nearly all the dooumcnts called for by him havo been furnished. Generals McClcllan, Sigel, Rickets, Hartsuff, Popo and others, whoso prosenco hero will not interfero with their military duties, will bo summoned as wit nesses. Tun Democrats at Home. Yester day wo met a good old Democart from ono of tho northern countries who has six sons in tho Union arniv. Four of them volunteered, and two wero taken 1 ,y jiiq recent Democrats all ('raft. Of course, ''the stay at home, wliilo the abolitionists aro away fighting t ie battles of tlio Union " Tho truth is, tho aboli tionists originated tho was, and demo crats havo to do tho fighting, Patriot r- Union, 1 1 ri Now Vnst n . 11 iniuui, uiiuuuiiiui.uioii 01 1110 Ulliorcn uieut, who was found guilty, by court "irnes ami misuemeano.s wnicliarecogniza- enclosure of the Old Capitol prison, in the martial, of tho murder of First Lieutenant ! by jou, wemay say in general terms, that City of Washington on Friday, tho fifth Linsoy, of tho samo regiment. I arc chiefly embraced under tho general ; day of Dccembe?, 1 S02, at 12 M The Commission to examine into and ' f 11,13 of .,!Func" ?aisti.,l,B tatTe-?1"- The Provost Marshall ofthe City of nucnii ne r,;. r ,.,, lences against Public Justice the Public w :n J CHARGE or TUB mm. WlIililAITl ULWKLfi, Prfsidcnt Judge of the Twenty-Sixth. Ju dicial DhttiU of 'enitsylviinia, rriv ered to the Grand Jury, on the opening oj lite tounwia t,o, courts, ai Jiiooms- burg, JJeccmbcr 1 , 1 802. . . . . ..-.... . .1. " QeNTMIMHN 01' THE GltANI) JURY! Your duties as tho Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of PetiiHvlvaiiia iu - quiring for tho County of Columbia, aro of a subject within our power. In making grave nnd responsible character. Through ! c'1 n presentment however tlio kuowl your action nloiio can an offender against g" "llicl induces it should bo possessed tho laws bo placed upon trial for his crimes! Uvt-,v" ol' yur number, by your careful examination thu innocent 1 iu reference to this mode of pro- accused may bo .aved the vexation, moi li needing, as it denies the accused the bene ilnniinii nnil urtinnu nf n niililin lilt of u preliminary heariiiL'. prevents him By virtuo of the recJiit nuffraires of a confiding people and the consequent com mission of tho Executive of the State, it becomes my duty as the Presiding Magis trate of this court to instruct you in, at least the detail of your duties ; but, as these have been so frequently pointed out by mylearned predecessors,- an to make almost ovory por.sou familiar with them, it is only necessary to bring them briefly in review beforo you. Fortunately for tho administration of justice, a chango of Judges produces no chango in tho law. The incumbent is but the constitutional medium through whom tho judgment of thu law is pronounced. We havo thorcfore uo now views upon the scienco of law no now rules of civil con duct, uo new construction of powers or duties, cither of tho court or jury, to ad vance, content with tho legal landmarks set up by tho experienced jurists of tlii? and other countries, and considering them as safe guides in tho discharge of public duties, wc shall endeavor strictly to adhere to and follow them. In adiniuiatcringcriminal law it U proper and right to regard both the obligations of the government aud tho duty of the citizen. By reference to tho Declaration of Rights contained in tho Constitution of this Com monwealth, wo find among other things a plcdgo of the Government, "That all courts shall bo open, and every man. for au injury dono him in hi-) lands, good person or reputation, shall havo remedy duo counseof law, and right and justice shall be administered without saic, denial j or delay.' "Ihat the people shall be Unlortunatoly however there are those who will not regard social duty, nor be restrained from tho commission of crimes and misdemeanors. For the punishment of such, penalties have been provided ac cording to the grade of the offence, and to ho mulcted through in tuflictiuunt prefer ri( Orand J ur As conservators . . . . ' ?f u!u public pence you arc therefore to inquire diligently and true presentments "!lk" of a11 bUBU eolations oi law within tlwOounty as aro punishable hero, and which properly como before you. Decency Public Policy, Economy aud Health against tho Persons of Individuals against Personal Property against Ileal Proper ty and Malicious Mischief, aud offences against the Coin and Forgery. Iu consid ering tho cases which como beforo you, you will remember that tho only hnfety of society is in the certain and prompt pun- lshmeut of all persons guilty of crime. The certainty of punishment more than its severity is a,proventivo to tho commissio n ot cri tuo. Offences which corrupt tho morals of tho youth of tho land aro ra ore daugerous, enduring iu their consequences, than others moro openly ana nub He v committed. ici ous nabits Jormcd in vouth. but too often destroy the usefulness of their victim as a citizen, haunt him for many if not all tho years of his life, or biiug him toauun- timely if not iguominious gravo. Tho deep interest whioh society has in ilm vnnno- interest whioh sooioty has in tho vouno- has induced tho Legislature to pass strin- gent laws for tho protection of their habits and morals. Whenever tho wickedness or cupidity of any man loads him to violate suph laws knowingly, his caso should re coivo tho special notice of your body. But wo havo not tho timo nor tho inoli ntion to enumorato offences whicli demand your attontion. Tho District Attornov. will, if necessary, explain to you tho law oi cnon oaso as it comes botoro you, and tho court will give you special instructions whenever requested. AU bills of indictment will bo signed by tho District Attorney, and your ehiof bus. iness will bo to inquiro of such offences as may bo thus brought boforo vou. With- A.. I AH . n.. -1 , s ,7. 1 ui, uii unuuuiiuiH urst lam ncioro you, you uavo tuengtit, and it is your duty to act' upon, and present suoh offences as aro of pubho notoriety and within your own ' knowledge, or suoh as are given you in chargo by tho court; suoh as general public " .w,. --.-"h- , ... . """1"" "USUI 11I1 UU I'&UUUll'U 111 111U l'eace i'ublic Mora s aud nuisances, nffeoting tho public health and comiori, iuumpnou aim uugrnui viuu-, mim ing to dobauoh tho public tnoraltf, and tho like. In such cases your presentation is against tho subject or thing and not against individuals. You mav also nresontof vour own koowl- . - . . edge nnv offence commuted by any person ! w,fhln ti.o County! in which caso tho Court will direct an indictment to bo tircl'ei rud and witnesses summoned for tho purposo , furnishing all tliu evidence upon tlio from demanding the endorsement of tho name of the prosecutor on the indictment beforo he pleads, and takes away all rem edies for malicious prosecution, no matter how uufouudud tho accusation on final hearing may provo to be, wc arc of opin ion that it should bore sorted to only when public justice cannot be attained in any other way. A previous binding over by a magis trate is tho ordinary mode of procedure, its equal and exact justice to accuser nnd accused, renders it of almost universal ap plication in Criminal Courts and imikes it uuwiao to depart from it except under spe cial circumstances of pressing emergency. iLrXauiiuatiom ot cascslaid uclorc you aro lo ue cxparcc. jlou win cxanuno ouiy . , . . "11 t the witueses adduced ou behalf of the Commonwealth whoc names will bo en dorsed upon the back of thu indictment and you will examine ull of theso before jou ignore the bill. You aro not to determine tho merits of tho cause, but it is your duty to satisfy your minds by diligent inquiry, ihat there arc probablo grounds for accusation before ytu give it your authority nn 1 call upou tho defendant for a public defence. In tho discharge of this duty Foar, Fa vour, and Affection, Malice and 111 Will, aro to bo entirely bauhhod from your hi easts, and Truth and Justice aro alone to control your notion. It is necessary that at loast twelve of your number should agree to tho finding of a true bill. When found the foreman will endorse it "a true bill" and sign it as fore man. Should you determine against find ing it a true bill it will be endorsed " no bill' or " Ignoramus" and siguod by the foreman. In cases where the offence is charged in i ho indictment to havo been feloniously done you have nothing to say in regard lo costs. But in all other cases returned "Ig noramus," it is your duty to determine, whether the county or the prosecutor shall pay the costs, and if put upon tho prose cutor you are lo name him in writingsign ed as before stated. Tho injunction contained in tho oath which you have taken, ''to keep secret the Commonwealth's counsel, your fellows and your own, includes all that passes boforo your body, as well tho accusations made, as the names of the witnessess and the tes timony which they may give. The objet of this concealment is to guard aga nst the excitement which such disclosures might produce and to prevent ihe expo;urc of tho witness to being tampered with or menaced by the party accused. But if the purposes of public justico require Ihat nuch tetimonv be disclosed, then it is jus tifiable to do so. If a witne s in his testi niony upon the trial varies from that which he pave before tho Grand Jury, public justice demands the exposure by member of that body. In uo other respect is there a qualification to tho oath of sccresy. SnUlicr to be ll;iigeil io: Murder. The following order has been issued : . Jfeait-Qtiiiicis MiUlaty JJistricl of Washington. Washington, I). C, Nov 23, 1802. Ccneral Orders No. 33- Tho proceedings of tho general court martial, oouvcued by virtuo of special Order No. 105, Head quaiters Military District of Wa.-hington, dated beptcmbT 18, 1S02, iu the case of private John Kcsslcr, Company K. 103d , j it ui a uiiiiiiLLi n. luuiiti imiiii.v in inn New York Volunteers, found guilty of the wiiiri ,m,r,uftpW!Ji.:.,ii do Linsoy, Company K, lOIidiN. Y Vol- uuteers, and sentenced "to be handed by tho llook unlil dead ., inv!ni,0l.n ubmit. , tod to ,hu prUaiclunt of tl0 unitC(1 St.,t ' and having been approved by him. tho cution of said sentence. By command of Brig Gen Martindalo. John P. Shorburue, Ass't Adj't Gen. A Commissioned or Conthaiunds. Tho War Department is about to appoint from civil life a Commissioner to look after the interests ofthe negro contra bands now in charge of the government. Exchange, Certainly. Anything to bleed the treasury. Go in, gentlemen. There aro not hall enough offices yet to supply the thousands of hungry Abolitionists who aro applying for a ehanco to 'servo their ueloml eountry. Tho Bloomsbttrg llcpubican, an aboli- lion paper oi tuo urst water approving 1,11 11,0 mohs a'"l efforts to destroy the freedom ofspcech and of the press, still nas at , 'ts ''ai' "Frro f-peech, a fieo press, free soil and freedom. ' What a, I'n-'ss, tree soil and freedom.' What a ""rlesquu and s.itiro upon the editor ol tliat l)ilI)cr aiul l'arl' ' nuiiiiumuuiuna isoumy jjcmocrat. Neoiio Voti:s. Many of our readers aro not awaro that the negroes of Ohio aro allowed by the abolitionists to vote tho samo as white men. Tho roccnt deinoeratio victory in that Stato IV'IIH therefore over negroes and all. B-Sanrramon is tho county in which ivoranani j,incoin resides when ho U ai iiiiiiiu. u was an oin V lug county in oltl Whig times, hut gavo a small majority for Douglas in 165s, In 1800,' it.. i. r. ii.... uowuvor, it gave iiincoln a largo inajori ty uut, now it nas gone over a thousand against him Tho city of Springfield, the capital of tho Stato and county town of Sangamon, in which Mr. Lincoln's homo fs, has gone against him by some SOU majority. NOTICE! TO THE PATHOS'S OK Till! sXUt or Tim worth. Notioi: is horoby given, that tho mh. Rffintlnn nnil flitvcrtlifiiff amount .. . ilihcr rf tlio Stah or tiib Nnnm, nrt, t,c(il i ,, ' linmla of V, ll.I.lttlo, l!q., or llionm8irg, fur , ' a nto collect I ill. Tlio MItor fr nniil ti.ipcr Imvlin. i..' niu tui i'cii 111. 111 dfancii.nmi owigc.i mho to in ncc th,! Iffl It In nee ,irv thu t ml lil. r.....ii?. autinntf. Vuilr rnrlv n,tfi..ii i ..." mutter may ivo costs nnil tirovo nilrnntnircmii 1,. ! 1 family. U SI. II. jAI.'llllf " rub. Star of the Xotth, CampSimmoni., IlarrisLnirt', OU.'JJ, ie'j THE MARKETS. Br.ooMsiioito, Nov. 20, 1802. Whoat "ft bus. 81 25! Green Applej r,() Ryo.. " " 00' Dried " i Go Corn " " CO Dried Peaches 2 (in Oats.. " " 40 Butter lb 18 Buokwhent'' 02 Lard " j(, Potatoes ,( CO Tallow " , Cldvcrsccd " i Eggs . . . . ) doz, lo Timothysecd Hay .... ton.8 on Onions " CO Chickens " pair 2c MARRIAGES. On the 2Sth nit,, at Orangovillo ,y Rev. W. Criodrich, Mr. Thomas Vup of Briarcreck, to Miss Delia Boon, ut' Centre. ' ' At Ashland, Nov. 27lh by Rev. A. V rvesier, Air. ur.oiuii; w. scorr, of North. ll.ii .ri. ... I.'. . 4 ... "",uli'"i ' mi.-' rji.i.. i, xi;ris- Worth, of Ashland, bcnuylkill co., Pa, Fountain Spring, 1)VRE. orCllllliri'lun By the sune, nt Nov. 29th, Mr. Wm. co . CO. and Miss Anna H. Ki.ini:, of Cailon Pa DEATHS. At Miillin, Nov. 8, of Dypthcria and Croup, Francis J. R., daughter of Sainn A. and Thos. K. Hess, aged 0 years, months and 8 day. "Sleep sweet, Fr.inrcy, sleep, Secured from earthly care." In Centre, township, Columbia co , on Saturday last, iu the :tSth year of her ap , Mrs. Susan E.vM:,wilb of Jacob Spons r' and daughter of 15 m mini Seybert, deeM, In Blnomsluin:, Columbia County, , the 2fst ult.. Sarah Ada, thuuiiii . , f Ilov. J, R. D.miii, aged 2 yeaii, niuM ui UtllP. On' sweet floivrr hi" ilrnnpi nnil fiiiloil, One mvi'ot voico Ii f fl . : Oil'! fuir brow thu bnivi' h,u fh.nicil, Our 'I tar iluuP'liti'r nun la il.';nl, yiiK lim rtn to lif.ivi'n In-fur' us. Hut slm turns mi I uhvim Ii r Ii.i i'l, roiiilliif; to thu ijlurii's o'.t uj, In Hut lmi' spirit mini. SPECIAL NOTICES. ,A OAKliTlTIIUtfOTmUNrj.-Tlic Ilov ml ( o'Sruiu, uliilo laliorini! in a MiKinii.iry in '.iinn v n oVoiisuiuiiion. wluii nil nili. r rt- n n.d lail"-(l, liy a r.-tipc olil.iin.iJ fniiii u It-urnpil u In n roaidliiKiu Ui j crcut city of Juiliin. Mil, i(l In. uiruil tri'iit iiuiiibria iio ui'n- HiillVjint' fiom ti i.suii t lun. Ilrundittia. Sum I, I'oualm Hint i 0 ,n .,, , tliu ik-li, lily uiij nervous ileiiremiiiii ciuacd I, j Hi t tlinorik'rs. Ilfirouj tf limcfiltini! ollicm, I will mill tin nvip., lnrli I liuvi-I.ioukIU lioirn: ttiih me, to all wio nc J ii, Ircu ufclurgb Ailiin su ltry. WM. ciMfJ !' V i ll'J l'ulll.ll AVCIIUJ, llHlklwi, . Doc. (I, I?fi23m. TIIU LUNI'liSSIUNri AMI txi'iHin;?: , ,4 rooit YUI,'NO MAN. -A HOilleman Inviiis ui i r ol llu results ol' curly eirir mi l di.v.-:u-. nul , IIIOliN L'S llf lulus oleilLU, r.Ilhl lu tlllMv UlMir.j.., u copy or til i ali u-u I Ml ti-hii 14 iiurrauw. puM. .. IllliU'jIf. 'l'llis llttlu j .ok ti ili-nigiiuil a ii wiri.i r , ciiiticia to ymiiij 11 1,3 11 and i!i,HJ h i tnilr fum. vii.14 II liility, 1.1.4 ol" H.111 .ry I'r.mi in o II ( , &.C iiipil)iiij .mm bum tun.- III.; in- an nt , 11 Siii.Mj copi will b) t. nt 1111 J.i r s '.'il in a pi ,1111 . 11 opo. -ultliuut ilurge, In any Hlio r.-Miust it. In .kiii:! Hi: uu'.lu'r. i.'ii u A lam in nr. (Irccnpoliit, I.oiu: Island, Sow ... I, Nnv. CI, lcX!.--3.ui Uniformity of Prlcci I - A Now lY.ituio in Hu-i llvrry one ln own 'siuuii I Ju.SJJrt it ui. 1 I'roi'iit One 1'rii- U01I11111; .".toru', No. ZH .Mntl. t ulimo ciutli, I'lii ado plua. in addition to liaviui: tlio l,irtr..'I, must Miri'.l f.i-liioii.ibli toi l; ui' (,'lnh 1 ny in riiil.ul'j'piila, uia pnsslv (or flail all's , Irnu I'liUKiimtciluviiy mi own saltisiiiiiii.tiy It.iviir,' iuurk.d in tigurt's, 11 o.i nun nitiiu .r ioi'i pritu it ran in mud lor c.iniiotiioa ill y vary -nil must liny nlilto. tin y lim foods iiri- w.'ll spouu'i'd and pr luiri'd, inj jji t paiiistaki'ii Willi 1 1 1 iii..:iiii; m tlial ull run liny v nil ins lull a.siir.iui'i' ol'ic'ttiiie 11 fund aitiilu ut tliu v,r lu est prico. Al-u a l.irijc stock ol'pi r. i,ods on I, mu t lliulalal st) lo and best iu.iiit.-, wlikh will bi .i.a m to order, in liio most fuklmuiuli! j ami best 111111111. r, .j per cunt., 1.,'linv rruditpini'8. Rt-inuiiibcr tliu l.'ruscunt, 111 .MarUtt.abovi' Sistli ?l Vo. 'JUL JUNt.rf & (. .Mn.tiMiv UMrouvs Tlicn- Is, perhaps, no ilipj.t incut ofmi'iurj buslin st, iu m 111. it tliurv has Ii. n a moru inarKid improvement than in tliu cloilini" of s' dii'is. Not many inr since oirncrs nnil prnntu s clad in saruii'iits wliicli wuru utmost hkin-tirlit. Tin v woro li'.itlicr storks, whicli rro worthy of (In- nam. r r lliuy l.ipt th wi arur in triliiilatmii ; v, hilo tlu lr p "l" I breasts and tiht slcvcs niudu oliliou a luutt.-r uff r- t ilifflculty. During tliu prusi ut war. vith of our vm" ti'. rs as proturo thuir iinifurins ut tliu llrnmi -i m flotliiiii; Hall or Kotkhill & Wilson, Nos, t;i'll and i'i.i t'liefctmit street, abovo SiMh .'liiladtlphia, obtain it. tliuiR that is pctfiitly easy, and It lis llietlriii liniuud havo cnnu larselv into tho liu-unc" n tu.iklui; Slilitury l.'lotliini;, and ili.-ir faiilili-s t bom tu fill tho lartcit ordor In tlio shortest possibli tl III.!. Sept. 21, 101 NctDSlDucrtisuncni CAUTION. Nniiccand caution is hereby (liven, to all persons in teru.lcil, not to taku au assisuiiient of u curtain pi'iiui. sarynote. piirporiiu to bo drawn by tliu ubnribi.r in f.ivorof John llildinu.of llentun township, Uolu.idii i county, fur thu mm of eighty. Iho dollars, as said in't was founded ill fraud, for wlilih I have reci-ivi'd u" value ami am ili-trriulneil nut to pay it or any p.irt nf it, unless compelled solo do by duo coursu of law . . JOHN KAVl'Z Hoccinber 3, 180-J at EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Daniel Rcigcl, dee'd. IE'ITI'.U teifiniiMita ry on tho estate of Ilani.-I Ii-1 JSfi, lato of l.neust tow nship, in Columbia county deceased, have been gianted by the Register of 'mint. Ida county to tin undersigned also rcsidinc iu si. i township i all persous having claims niraliu t ilu or tlio deccinient nr re'piostudto prei nt litem t" tin ddVy". VaTJlVnnlulM w,,,)5ceinl)C. c ieti Ji' ;rUK ' ' '' ' - . rn-cuicrui ins ri'siiienro in sum township wim m iiiucmeii in uiaKup.iyin 'Ut I "in IV. lll.UliriiA, j;i cuter Sheriff's Sale. Ily virtue of an Alias Testatum I'cnilitieni Eiponas I sued out of tliu i,'ourt ofCoinmnn I'leas of the I oum ( I.UJiernu, niidtoino diructed, will ho cuposed to pu'd" sale, at the Court House, in Ulooinsburir, om I'riuuy. lb S!d day of January, A. I). IS03, All that eortain tract of land situate In llriar t.'reek township, ColHinbln County, IViih a . Hounded and described ni follows : On thu north b landsiiflteuben Miller & Daniel It, llossler.nnd i n tie Last by land nf lteuben Miller, on thu Houtli by lands 1 .'".'.!" "0sll'r, Jacob Fenstcinakernnd l en tho Wust by lands of John I,, dossier. cnutaluiiiK Hfn n acres, nil of whicli is cleareilland, whereon is ir.-n 1 " I roii ijouniliy, a frnme Hmru House, " RBiniuiPiinp.u riowMinp, ami ou ware noiir er,IkWli;Tr",,a,,J 10 b0 '"'" i'""' JllHIAII n. niRJLW Moninibur;, Dcc.C, 16fi2, ShcnS fatfawlss.t Kail it nnil. l'ASS RUI'EllT STATION. pi.., . SOUTIUVAUD nOUND TRAINP. rhiladelphu ii N, Y. .Mail II 11 A " " Express li.SQ A . NORTIIWAllI) HOUND TKAI.Vri Ulmlra Vail 1 U I" Ningra ExpriM IS..'.n , ., H.fl.OOODWI.N'.Siil't Willianiiport, l'a., Nov.53, If02,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers