Fanner's Department, .jij.'.iiai.ujx.i-;'U-'(".jii-JiJLL WINTERING MlLnil COWS. Oooil, warm slicikling.J if not already ni-nnnrml. niinulillin rot mat! V for tllCSU. It' 0 , , 1 flavine an CVC. US aircauv ltltlinaiUU. loriililcllonlicllliesseneu,no'Aieiiiiiiiour cimoiiiers 111c """"o ' ' heiicllt ncLriilinr. The retail nrlru Is now S5.T per 20UU ! proper ventilation. It will take more time and give some trouble, but yon will bo amply repaid for it, if tlio cows should bo well rubbed down with a wisp of straw daily, or curried and rubbed down, watered night and morning, and given an ounce or two of salt twice a week, or of tho salt and ashes mixture, with a little lime added. Give them the uso of an enclosed yard, which should at nil times be provided with rough ma terials to turn into manure. Their food should be cut, as suggested elsewhere. Tho roots when fetl to cows should be mixed with cut hay, fodder or cornstalks. Young cattle should bc well cared for during winter ; give them moderate Bupplics of food in enable them to keep in good heart and condition, so that in the spring they may be in a condition to thrive, without having to make up for lost time they should be provided with good, dry sheds, facing the south, and be protected from the no"tliernly winds have access to an enclosed yard, which should also bo covered with woods mould, leaves, and such like trashy substances, having in view contiunally the making them earn their keep by tho manufacture of manure. In addition to the long provender and cut food, they should be treated to a mess of oats two or three times a week to help to make muscle, and give strength their sheds should bo kept clean. Chopped roots and cut hay and straw fed together keeps them in good health, the bowels free, the Mood cool, and the skin free. FACTS ABOUT APPLES. Apples dried before they are fully ripened will make more pounds to the bushel than those that are fully matur ed, Very large apples will not yield as many pounds of dried applos to the bushel as smaller ones. Laigc apples havo larger sap cells than small ones and Iobb fibre. Small sized apples will often yield eight pounds.of dried apples to tho bush el. A bushel of Baldwins will sometimes make nins pounds of dried apples. Apples with thick, close textured skins keep longer than thin skinned fruit. When a tree overbears the flavor of the fruit is imparcd. The flavor of tho fruit is dependent upon the maturity of the sap through tIi- leal. The leavs are tho expanded lungs of the tree, in which tho sap is oxygenized and purified. ! The flavor of the fruit does not depend upon tho character of tho sap as carried up from tho root, but -upon the manner in which tho tree breathes ; hence the character of the fruit docs not follow the root 'upon which it is grafted, but the leaf which the scion produces. If there is a much larger relative pro portion of fruit than leaves, the fruit will be of inferior flavor. Pick all the leaves from a tree, and not an apple on it will fully ripen. Large leaved trees always produce largo apples, and a nurseryman can pick out of a nursery the trees that will bear large apples before they bear fruit. Many varieties aro naturally tender and arc early killed out of nurseries in cold locations, hence the advantage in buying the hardy remaining trees in nurseries so' located. OUR RECEIPT FOR CURING MEAT. 'J o one gallon of water, take 1 lbs. of salt, i lb. ol sugar, joz. of saltpelr-ij oz. of potash. Iu this ratio tbo pickle to be increased to any quantity desired. Let these be boiled together, until all the dirt from the sugar rises to tho top and is skimmed off. Then throw it into a tub to cool, and when cold, pour it over your beef or pork, to remain usual time, say four or five weeks. The meat must be well covered with pickle, and should not bo put down for at least two days after killing, during which time it should be slightly sprinkled with powdered saltpe tre, which removes all tho surface blood, '&c.,. leaving the meat fresh and clean. Rome omit boiling the pickle, and find it to answer well ; though the operation of boiling purifies the picklo by throwing ofFtho dirt always to bo found in all salt and sugar. If this receipt is properly tried, it will never bo abandoned. Thoro is none that surpasses it, if so good. Gamanloivn 'Jtlegraph. SU11ST1TUTE FOR YEAST. Boil one lb. of flour, a quarter of a pound of brown sugar, and a little salt, in two gallons of water, for an hour. When milk-warm, bottle And cork it close, and it,will be ready for use in twenty-four hours. ALLEN & NEEDLES' BDPKR-PIIOSrilATK- OP 1-1.111', Tlill STANDARD. MANURE, Uncquallm! by nny other In the market I nlwnys I ho 9111110 in quniiiy, mill invnriuoiy 10 no reunion ns inn nurc of stnndnrd excellence. J'rlcc $1.1 itr sow) lbs t'lt cents per id.) Its continued mceon IVr no many years past Imat onnrnntrf, llm fnrmnf linn that he 1 bill Intf n Inn nitlrli. Our Suner.rhnsnhntc nf I . I mr- Is nn i T inn I 111 IU chemical constituent", mid always tpbe relied on. JlLLEN N'EEDLEiP FEBTIUZEB. I Hy the Introduction of new nnd Improved ninclilncry ru our works, wc have innterially Iiicnnscd our facill. les for iiianuraitiirlng this article. Tin cost of pro nouinls. We believe Ittu'bothe best and clienpest Ma I mire 111 use. rr.ltUVIAN' Wo sell 110110 Inn Nu. 1. received direct from Hi" Permian (.nvcriiuicnt. lull A 110 1:. A very superior article, received direct frn, 11 tho Ifttitnd. 1'IiAS' Oroutid Plaster a superior article, packed In cnodstronit barrels. t!( l'.O. lluttim Makers' llono Dust and Ground flones . Warranted ruro. , , rrj-A lihorul deduction made to dealers in tho nbove articles. Al.l.UX U Nl'.llDLLM, 81 South Whirven and 11 Piuth Water btreit, (f ut Aers chore Chestnut,) l'lliluill ipllla. August ai, iNis am. r.n,.mviflii,l...rA.. I....,.. m .,.- mul nvm M A v 1 1 OOI I limi- In.t lintv rn.liirrt the nature, treatment ami r.nllcnl cure nf she! inatorrlia'.i or seminal weukues; liivoluiiiary eniis toir, sexual debility and impediment tu marriage gen erally ; nervousness, consumption, Ills, mental and phy sical incapacity, resulting iroui gi.ia Aiiusi.-aru tu lyeplultied iu llm .MAIlllIACi: (JUIDl:, hy WM. vui.mi. ,it. ii. i ins iitou cxirnoriiinnry tionK siiouhl ho in tho hands nf overy young per. on contemplating marriage, nnd oevry man or woman Mho desires In . ...... , .r i.. .,...1- 1 nun iiiu iiuuiurr t,i im-ir uti-nriuy u, iu,.,r ciiiiiiiiisiau- iics. i;vcry pain, uiscasn ami nciie incidental lo j uutn, lfaturily and old ngc, is fiilly cvplnliied i every particle in kuowlodgo Hint sliould hu know u 1 hero piven. Ills full uf engravings. Iu fact, it discloses secrets I hat ev ery nuc should know ; still it Is a book that mint lie Iockcii up, nun not no nooui mo iioiisc. it win lie sent to nny one un the receipt uf tw enty live cents in specie or nostneo stanin. Address I III. W.M. YOl'Nd. No. 4111 Sl'ltUUU Street, nhovc Fourth. I'liiladilphin. u7- Ai l l.iui i;i) ami UMum usAiii, no matter what may ho your disensc, before you place yourself un- ' tier Iho caro of any of the notorious QuocA native or' foreign' vvhn advertixo in this or any other paper, get 1 a copy of Ur. Young's book, and read it carefully, it will ho tlio mcniiHiif saving you many a dollar, your health, nud possibly your life. Hit. YOI1M1 cm be consulted on nny of tlio diseases described in hi publication, ut his otiice, No, 410 Si'lliici; street, niiovo rnurtti, riiiiaiieipiiia. Utlicc hours Irom Uto 3, daily. Murclitj, lclij lim. OIRCULA R. aMIE undersigned havlngheen engaged by the Demo cratic State Central Cnmiuitteo tu publish, under their nupice n Campaign Paper tn bo entitled "'Y11F. DFMOClUiTlQ LFJWKll," U.s this occasion to tall your immeilinto attention to tin-importance of using jour inllueiico Insecure a wide circulation for the same Tlio l'irs. Niiniber of tlio I'nper villi bo issued on Thursday, August 'il, lrKd, nt tho price of Twenty-ITvo Cents for the Campaign. The Paper will bo published bemi-weekly, until tho day of thu election. All orders tn be addressed to A. 1). DOILl'.AU, Publisher. South Third Street, I'liilailelpliia. 'I'oTnn I.oYAt. lira or Pesssvlvami: The Democratic Leaser it is Intruded shall be devoted to a truthful and fearless exposition of tho causes of the present calamities, nud tho relief which the Free, men of Pennsylvania may in part obtain through tho hnllot.bnx which, with the support they will give ns loyal men for Iho supprcsinn nf the rebellion, may in time und as tho only feasible, mode restore our distress ed country toils once prosperous and happy coinlitlm, ns always maintained under Democratic Administra tions of the (ovcrumcnt. "Tho Democratic Leader" is therefore not only recommended to your support, but yonr duties and interests as good rillietis will bo greatly promoted hy making efforts for tho u ide spread circulation of this I'apor. IW. HUGIIRS. Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee. August '-3, let!-. COUGII DROPS ! COUGH DROPS I ! EVUIlYhody uses l'RONUITlir.D.S' COU011 DROPS. It acts promptly sometimes arresting iheworstcold in Qi hours. In all atfi ctions of the Chest, Throat, whether acute or chronic it will be found of imiuetliatu benefit. Try a single bottle and you cauuot fail to ap preciate its usefulness. I'or Kale hy most nil Storekeepers nnd Druggists. Prepared by C. I'RONKFItlLD, No. 317, N. 3d. St.,l'liiladelpliia. Nut. 10, 1S01 3m. BRICK! BRICK 11 BRICK!'.! QA AAAGood U'iokjustinanuiacturerf 'ill lliillinu tor sale cueap, vvnoicsate a rn-od rJUUUU taili Atthenioomsbnrg Ilrick Yard. pplyto tho subscriber. IIUNUY S. ARTIina. Illoninsbiirg, June 33, 1 SO 2. WHOLES LC AND RETAIL BEDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, No. '.'3 North Second Street, Oppolto Christ Church, rillLADEU'UlA. tXT" Constnntlj on hand, n largo asorlment of Rods, Matlres-cs, I'nillasses. Cushions, Hair. Husk, Cattail' nnd all articles in the line nt the lowest prices. N. II. Particular attention paid to renovating New and Old Feathers. March 2, leGl.-12m. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. THE Autumn term of this Institution will commn on Monday, August 4tli, 1802. TERMS For Hoarding, Washing, Tuition, etc., for Eleven coks 13 08 . Ono half ill advance. Btudeuts wlui have not engaged rooms will do well to emko early application to WM. r.URGU68, Principal; Alillvlllo,, Ta., July 19, 1603. NATRON A EOAL OIL I WARUANTF.D NOV EXPI.OS1VE1 and equal to any KEROSENE. WHY bun an cvploslvo Oil, when a few cents more per gallon will furnish you with a perfect Oil ? Muilr.onlijlt'i TA. S ALT M AN U T A CT U R I Nf! COMPANY, Nn. 127 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Feby.22., 102, 1 year. BANK NOTICE. "jVTotico is hereby given, that tlio Bank ll of Danville, n Dank of Issue, Discount nnd Depos it.located in the Horough of Danville, .Montour county, with a capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, in tends making application at tho next regular srsslon nf the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the renewal of its charter, nnd extension olits privileges, for a term of twenty years from tho expiration of Its present charter, ivijn inesamu namciiiie. lucaiionnn capital, lly order of the Board of Directors. DAVID CLARK, Cashier. Danville, Pa., Juno 2, IdGS- Cm rplll! undersigned, having opened a new HOOT AND J, SUCH SHOP, on Main street, in Hopkinsville, East liloomsbiirg. respectfully invites the custom of thn citi 7. in nnd tlio public generally. All kinds of Hoots, Shoes, fee , will be promptly made to order, on t-liort nuticn nail modcrato terms. From long eiprrience in hi line nf business ho Hatters himself that he will bo able to give general satisfaction to nil who may favor him with their custom, SO Griiln, Provision and Produco generally tuken in oxclmngo for work, II. I'. DROOKK. nioomsburg, July 0, ISOI-Mm. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philad elphia for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed ainicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and es pecially Diseases of tlio Sexual Organs. Medical Adi Iro given Gratis by Iho Auing Surgeon. Valuable! REPORTS on BPURMATOISRIHJIA or SEMIN L WEAKNESS, and oilier Diseases of Iho Sex ual Organs, mid on tha NEW REMEDIES employed In tho Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of liitiiut; iiiurrss r I) J. BKUOUOIITON. Howard A Assoc lullon I.l. pr N . 2 Snlh Ninth St rect, I'hiladelplii.aP ilili, lf02-12m. 1 iwoTakms FOR SAIiM Oft RENT. Tho subscriber offers for sale or rent, tho two follow ing Farms, ono of them siluato iu Fjahiugercck town ship, Columbia county, containing ONE II UNDUE) ACRES, more or less, about fifty-five acres of which is cleared land, whereon nro or1 eted a good , Two Story FWAMF. HWF.l.l.IXCt IIOUSF.. und HtJtMF. MHK, Wagon House, Com Crih, and other oufhuildiugi. .1 .SO Ono other Farm, situate in nentnn township, Columbia county, containing ONE HUNDRED & THIRTY-FIVE Acres, about Thirty-Fivu Acies nf which is cleared lund, whereon aro erected a Fit. IMF. 1 1 it Mirr.i.i.Mif iiuenrv, jLLir. ziie., , auu UiL iithflr oiltbuildincs. Said Farm is sitoiitn nn Having Creek, about two miles above Still Water. .fiSO.- Two cither small Lots, slluoto In Fishing creek township lying on I'jsuingcrcck Road, and ont mile from Still Water, one containing FOUR ACIttS, and the other a Town Lot, and good building nn each of them, ( TTermsand'cotiditlens made known by WU' I AM 'K''f FR ri-'irt.frsek A"i J wMKKiiriTIO.V 1VAIEB FOR TUB CONSTaTtiTilON AMI Tilt! I'Olt DIABETES AND l)I8KA8Ca OFTIIU Thttt nnnptrouf andTroubltioine Dltcuti, which have thu far llcilittd the tittt directed Treatment tun he Cumidcttli Controlled b) the Hl!MKl)Ynoui before ml run cuhativi: prnnertles of tho niedldne dliect Ihcmsclves tn tho nr. gaul of secretion, and by s iilluring tho condition of iiiu ii itiiiinvci uiai lilt' Sliircuy prilli ipie III 1110 fiioil Is not converted Into sugar to long us the system , is uuuer lliu iiiuueiico oi un; j t CONfll'lTl'TIO.V WATIIll, whlrli givn those nignns time to reenver their keallhy tone nud vigor. Wo are nblo to state til it thu Coustitu, tlnn Water lias cured every case of Ulabutcsln which It lias been given. stoni: in Tim iiladdi'ii,, !havi:i. llltiCK IirST lllll'OSIT, AND SIt'COUS Oil M'lI.KY DISCIlAllOUfl Al'TllU UllINATINd. l)iseae occurltig from ono and Iho sninc rnno will bo entirely cured hy the ("oiistitiitlon Wutar, Itlnkeu foi any length of tiimi. The ilnso Bhuuld vary witli tho severity of tlio dUtnse, from twenty drops to n lea. spoonful three times n day, In w ater. During the pas sage of tho Calculua, the pain and urgent sriuptnms should ho combated with llm proper remedies, then followed up witli tho Constitution Water, as above di rected, DYSMKNOKHAUIA, OR l'AINl'UU, MUNSTJUM T10N, AND IN MUNOItltllAdlA Oil I'itOl'USU n.OWINC, Both dlseaes arising from a Inulty Frcretion of tn fluid in tlio one case bring Inn little, and nccouipaiiled by severe pain ; nud the other a ton pro fuse secretion, which will he speedily cured hy the Constitution Water, ! That diseasu known ns TALLINO OF Till! WOMD. which is thu result of a relaxation of tlio ligaments of that organ, and Is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains In tho hack and sides, nud nt times uc I coinpauled by sharp liiciiiutiug or shooting pains through j thn parts, will, iu nil rases, be removed by tlio iiii-illciiii-, I Th-ro is another class nf symptoms iiri-lug frmn III , RITAT10N 01' Till! WO.UI1, which physicians call Nervousness, which word colors uj, niiiili Ignorance, and ill nine case outof ten tho doctor dues not rcnlly know w hi ther tlio symptoms nro the disenso, or tho disease the symptoms. Wu can only ('iiuinornlc them here, 1 speak morn particularly nf Cold I'eet, Palpita tion In thu Heart, Impared Memory, Wakefiiliie-, Flash es of llcut Languor, Lussitude, and Dinine.s uf Vision. I suitiu:ssi:d menstruation. Which lu tho unmarried female is a ronstnnt recurring disease, and through neglect tho scuds nt more grave nud dangerous maladies uro the result; and a month ' niter mouth passes w about an eiroit being made tu as sist nature, thu suiinrcssiun becomes chronic, iho nn. tieut gradually loose., her appetite, tho bowels aro roustiputed, night sweats como on, and consumntiun finally ends her career. LUUCOIlliaiA OH WHITES. This disease depends upon nn iiiflamntinn of mucous lining of thu vagina und womb. It is iu all cases ac companied by sevcie pain in the back, ucrross the bowels and thruugli thu hips, A tcnspooiiful of the medicine may ho taken thrcu times a day, with an in jection ofa tiiblespoonful of the mcdiciino, mixed with uha'f piutof soft water, morning nndevtning. IRRITATION OF THE NIX'K OF TIIC, INFLA.VATIO.V OF Tlill KIDNF.VS AND CA TARRH OF Till! ULADDRR, STRANGURY AND liUitNING Oft PAINFUL URINATING. For these diseases It In truly n sovereign remedy, and too much cannot bo said iu lis pruiso. A single does has been know to relive the moGt urgent syptoius, Aro you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the hack and through the hips I A tcuspoonful a day of Constitution Water will relievo you like, magic. FOR DYSNU'SIA, It ha no co,unl in relieving the Most distressing smp tnms. Also, Ilemlache, Heartburn, Acid Stomach Vom 1 ting Food, &c. Taken teaspuonful after dinner' 'Iho duso iu all cases muy bo increased if desired, hut should he dune gradually. PHYSICIANS Have long since giveu un the usu of bncliu. ruliehsninl Juniper iu tliotrcatmeiit of Huso diseases, and only uso Ulv,u for w'll,nv-l!Vr,iVnUlJ CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itself O'pialtothc task that has devolved upon it. DIURETICS Irritate and drench Ihe kidneys, and by constant ue soon lead tothroule. degeneration and coillrnied dis ease. Head. Mead. Mead. Daniii-U:, Ta., Juno 2 1802. Dr.WH. II. Onion Dacr 6r: lu 1'cliuarj'. 1I-U1, I wusnlllicicil wttli the sugar dialictus.uml fur five nionths 1 pasted more than two gallons of w ater in lULiity-fuir hours. 1 was obliged to git up as iiflen ten or twelve tiuiCB during the mglit, nud iu tivu nionths I lost about fifty pounds iu wrigtli. Durniiig lliu mouth of July, lebl, 1 procured two bottles of Constitution Water and iu twudays ulter Using it I exp6rienced relief, and alter taking two botllcsl was outirely cured, soon alter regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. J. V. L DE WITT. Huston Corners, N. Y Dec. 27, led. Win. II. Gregg & Co.: Cents: I freely give youliberty to make uso nf the following Cirtiflcntoofthe vulue of Constitution Wa ter, w liich I can rcccuiumend in the highest manner. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the shoul ders, whole length of tho built, and in her limbs, witli Palpitation of thu heart, attended wilhl'nlling of the Womb, Dysnienurrhoi'ii, and "Irritation of the Iliad iter," I called a physician, who attended her about tnreu mouths, wfien hu lelt her worse than hu found her, I then employed one of the ben physicians I could find, whoutloudcil her fur about iiiuo months, and whilusliu was utiderhis caru she did not suffer ( uiio us mui ii pain i no Hjially gnvu her up nnd said : "her case was Incurable." i'or. aid In., ".ho wn curl, a combination ufcnuipl. lints, that medicine gjyen for one np'T.ue-ugaitisl soiiieotner of Her ililhcultics," mieiii mis nine sue iniumeiiceii to use Co-inunis ,v sTi a, auu in our utter Ustoiiislimeut, almost the first dosu seemed to have the dsircd effect, nud fhe kept on iinpriiving rapidly usder its treatment, and now super' intends mnrely he domestic all'.urs. She litis not ta ken any oftheLus iiurios Wailh for about four wei ks and wo aro happy to tay that it lias produced a perma nent cure. WM. M. VAN IlENSCIIOTEN. MiMlmttD, Conn., Nov, 10, leoi. On..W.II.ORran; Dear Mr: Ihavofor several years been aflliclcd wiin inai loiiuiiiusoinonnil dangerous disca-e t, ravel which resisted nil remedies und doctors, until I took boxsriiuTinxAL v ati.k, ami you may he assured that I was pleased with tilt result, it has entirely cured mo, Biiujou may make any use of my name you may see fit in regare to tho medicine, as 1 iinvccntiro confidence tuns I'liicucy. Y'ours truly. POND S PRONG, THESE AltE FACTS ENOUGH Thero is no class of diseases that produce such ex hauning elT'cts upon tho liumaii eon.titutioii us Dia betes and diseases of ilia KidtievM. IliniM.-r mul irri,i. ry Passages, and through a fulsu modesty they are neg lected until they are m iiriviiucod us lo be beyond tho (."..tiui ui utuiuuiy iL-iuuiiius, auu ivo preseiuiuo CONSTITUTION WATER To tho public with tho conviction that it has nncnnal In relieving tho class of diseases for which it has htcu found 60 eminently successful in curing i and wu trust iiiaiwc suau oo rewaritedin our ehurts in placing valuable remedy in a furm to meet tho requirements of patient and physician, FOR SALE IIY ALL DRUGGISTS. ntlCEfJI, WM. II. GEORGE & CO,, Proprietors. Morgan & Allen, General Agents, No, Iti Cliff St New-York, Sept, 20, J6G2. 12,,,. KOLLOIK'S MMiHMOS TOFFEE. This preparation, made from tho best Java Cniree, is recommended by physicians ns a superior NUTRITIOUS lii.yEiiAi.E lor Gciirrnl Debility, liyspi p,ia, and all bullous uisoniers. Tliousanus who havo been compell ed lo ul-amlou thu uso of coffee will usu this without iu. Jurious efi'ects. One can contains lliu streii;tli of two pounds of ordinary loll'ee. Priro 23 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, Tlio purest and best HAKIM! POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutritious Hroad and cakes Price 13 cents. MANUFACTURED DV M. II. KOLLOOK, Chemist, Corner of Hroad and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA, And sold by all Druggists and Grocers, March SJ, leO'.'.-U'm, APPLES FOR THE HOSPITALS Central Omit, Sanitary Commission, ) Waskinuton, October 2d, ItO.'. t The inquiry heiug frequently niudu whelher tho Com. mission wishes to receive apples for the uso of thu wounded, it should immediately he published, as widely as possible, that dried apples cannot be sent tn its de- Sots iu too Inrye quantities, I'own and Village Relief ocieties are requested to make iirrangomeuts rur par ing, cutting, snd drying by their members, mid such voiuutcer ussittanre ns they can enlist, and tu notify farmers that they will receive such unod fruit as thev may be disposed to oiler and are unaido themselves to properly preparo. Dried apples may bo sent in barrels or holes, or In strong hags marked "To be kept dry," Dried fruits of other kinds, aud all good canned fruits, will be very acceptable, FKKD. I AW OI t - r , ' Kt i " Lt-t HI ,! j .IVJ Oil ' VST N A t. jNaL v oJi,id. ' l't IIY l. A I' .' 1 . 1 ' il't 44U '(('4l-i ihonUwu , jlcic i'oii, I Tlio fiidnwiuit r rtkanre sriitto full rrlherslutni par j rfliii-cuuiiry. (iiimiii I'ncHpt oTrlnil ptiso,) by null of , rxpr i" i' tiii;ni:u wichhan oyi;mum:m. a popmur . ... ., ..i l .i,.u.. f.,.. i.u iik.ttt.iui i mVv , nil CM, A. nldVl by " .. iiu.uer.iu's so- ' .i.,n. of iwitur. Ill nil liriilirhi's lit Hrtplirlr. Art Olid Mternturf. ThlsiVork 1 h lint published in I.... .w-lnen vidiilnetf. Mirll rntilnllilnir ?.Vl tu'n cnlinii I ilnues. Vols. J tn XII 1 Inclusive, nro new remly.i ncli ' ,!lnal ankle. An additional volutin) vv I' be published mire In nlioui Hirer tiinnlh Price. lnClntli,s:ii Hlieun, 6.1 .W Half .Miir..9li Half lllissln, $1 ."illiiirh. 1 lie acw Aiiieri cuii i ) ciiipiruiii i impuiur w iiiiour see lug snperllrhil, learned but not peilaiiic, rninpreheu.lvn lint sullcli ntly detiilli'd, free from personal phpiu and pnrtyprejiidlro, fresh and jetnrcitrnto. It Isu rnmpli tu stnlemetit ntnit mat is Known upon every important tup le with tho sropo nf human Intelligent, livery Import, nut nttlclo In It has been specially written fur Its pntes hymen whimr.' nutliorltle upon tho tuple on which they speak. They nm required to bring tho subject uptn the present moment to tati'Jut linn it stands im,, All the statistical Information Is from tlio afrit reports; tho geographical nccoimts keen paca with Iho l,itet ovplorn lions ; historical matters include thu freshest Just v lews llm biugrnphlrnl no! Ires not only speak ut tint dead, hut also nfllie living. It Is n library nfltsclf. Annimn-'MiNr or tub. Dkhitk : llflug n political hlstnry of thu United States, from the organl.a tloii nf the llrst I'ederal Congress In llr1.! tu Mn. V. III. rd and compiled by Hon. Titu.M inll. lli'Nios from Hie Of ficial lleenrils of Congres. Tho work w ill lie compiled In I., nvynl octavo volume? of T.,0 pagi'sentli u nt wniiu arc now renny. All iiihii volume wlllbo piihlished once Iu thren month.. ('loth. $:i; Law Sheep, S:lJIJ; Half ,Mor SI ! 'Half Calf SI .'ill emh. A WAY 01' I'nOOURINM TUT. CVCT.Oi'.riDIA,' Oil IIHIIATl'.5. I'orin n cluh nffour, and remit tho priinnf four Inioks, nnd flvii enples will ho lent nt the remitter's ojpeiif for for ten subscribes eleven copies will ho scut at our eApenit'for carriage. TO AGENTS. No other works will so liberally reward thn rvcrtinns of Agents. An Auint antiii m this Couniv. Terms made known nil application tu the Publishers, Nov. zi, irou, B ?.p kv?.; " fiCli!li!ihi?;ii.-K3,l'i '"PITH lltHiorpIciiPfT in nlun pttniialvrli rn!fn!rnil In Iho J fJiitlcrtaUiii' llvtincAft mul ket'p rniuI,tntly mi lilt fllf .. . '. . . ..I FINISHED gggjj COFFINS, lly which ha is enabled to till orders on presentation n good Horse nnd Hearse, and will ut al times be ready to attend Funerals. SIMON C. SII1VE. llloomsbiirc January 21, IPSA IFij'C Proof (L'ciatcnal fib r Sale- A lot of superior Firk Proof Cempnt, especially ndap ted fur Cementing Roof. Ono gallon will cover 100 reet of ordinary moling, uud i insured proof iignin.t ram and wet weather. Can bo had nt manufacturers prlres. by the gallon or half barrel, ut tho orlice'tar the Columbia Democrat. LEVI L TATE. ninomsburg, July 13, 1801. GIBSON'S PECOBATIV ES'iM CMSHMEivT, No. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, Enameled Class, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Painting John Giu-on. Gi 1( GlBs(,v January 12, 16UI-3ni.. i-ihson. 'THE UNION," Jlreh Stmt, A'jote Third. V 11 I A DE 1, P II I A . THE situation of this Hotel renders it one of the ,n,i convenient for those who aro visiting Fha.l,.,,,ja on business : w h o tn l ,o i i. ..? . . " ' l1'1 ,.,ld,f,tll' . ,.u,ll,. , . .1..." '" ' l,,U ...ll.Uil. lllU-td 111 Kl'Iirf'll .11 ,,ln..... ..... 1, " , .li-issi"n i-ny ifniiway cars, and those in close iirnximity, nllord a cheap and plea"! about t'i,ui'!)'.l lCt''' 'rC8t a'"' """"-'""'t in Ol n il proprieior givos assurance that "The Union" shall he kept with sin h thnrncti r n will meet public approbation, and would repeiifully solicit, geiirrul ii'it. rouage. Ul'TOM s vpivi-iun-i. 1 February 2.1. H-fiO-l-J-u. Proprie'l'or FlllSUJltlTH &, I1UOT1113KS. WlIOIiESAI.K TOBACCO DEAL E R s NO. lop, NORTH THIRD STJIK15T Five door she low It are, PlllLADELrniA GILL & PAUL, General Commission Mcrchan.s, ntAU'R Iff l I6ll. rrnvisionn. I lour, llutter. Cheese, Oils, Dried iu.,b, "iuiii, o,uis, fi'-iuis, lUISKI'y, w oof, Country Produce nud Merchandise generally. No, 31 North Wharvks, PniMDEf.rntA. V7 Consignments nf Provisions, riour and Country rrooiico siiiiciiou, nun returiTs promptly made. Cash un .mi ui, mih-ii iiusireu. OilllERS for all kinds of Tish, Provisions, Flour, Dried 1 ruits. &c tilled al iho luw ctt Cash Prices. August 4, lt-tW-liiu. rIIE PENNSYLArANIA HOTEL, n.txrn.LF., mo.ytouk coumt, r.i. Entertainment for Jinn nnd tlcnst, in good stylo nud ut moderate rates. CHARLES N. SAVAGE, Proprietor. Danvillo, April IP, Ir-ii2 TRUNKS I TRUNKS! I rpiH! Inrgest, host linnilsnin i est nnd cheapest assort ment or Solo Leather solid Riveted Traveling Trunks. Ijidles' Jlonnet ,y Drett Trunk Children's Coaches. Prrinel- lers Leather nnd Carpet Hugs . -i Packing Trunks Ac., tec, n ' " , , , T , THOMAS W MATTSON'S. Ci lebrntcil London Trizo .Medal Improved sheet sprini snlii sold Leather Trunk niauufaitory, Nn. 4U2 Jlarko streu, South u est corner Fourth and Market, Phllad'n. August H l.37 If. PROPOSALS. nE unilcrsitlc(l, Coniinisfionor of Co H liinibiacniinty will receive proposals at Rlonms- uurguiiui uio -.oin ins., tor six nays cooked provisions consisting of bread and iloilcd Meat, for nbont mo men WM. SILVER. Commissioner, llloomsburg, Pep. 13, If 03. JOLIXE it LEE, No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. ROPE iTtTAKiERS AND SHIP CJIA NJD L Ell S, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Hopes, Twines, Tar, Pilch, Oakum, lllocks, nud Oars, etc, August 4, IKoll-1 Jin. (Lato Whito Swan,) 3 IIACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD 1MIII.AIIEI.PIIIA. D. 0. SIEGRIStT PnoiniETOR. Formerly fiom Eagle Jlntcl Lebanon, Fa r, V. RIIOADS, CtcRK, March 20, ieu-J ISin. Rouse and ffiOt for Male. npiIE Subscriber ofTcra for sale the prop- J . viiii; viiui'iiit ur mui u JllOUJIIsUUrg. C011. IK, slstlug nf a Large mul Convenient Jaitsc, and ofa well-iiunrnred Lot of nbont tun si-ma of laud The premises aro in perfect repair Apuli. cation may he made lo V. It, Uucknlew, nt lllonnisliiirg. W. J, WOODWARD, l.eauius, wciouer icos .in, STRAW 1 STRAW ! I STRAW III TONS STRAW, of nil kinds, Ihukwhcal ex. copied, Is wanted immediately, at tho Mill Oroya Paper Mills, ncur Light Street, fur whir h !lr "I ya.ii'avA'w.'i.i-." . V'.....-'.' mm Mil .-.':;:-v.--'. -;" I'lllI . i ' ' i ' RAILJIOAU. IBS rt.TA!ti n (! rn.. , - ....... llh !!. m i f ii nun imp ii'iitnii ' . hell. SlatH III h. .Hollows . l.rnre l Itrnnl, l.lttttCltrd, express 1" A.KintprcM Aloll IHr.Ml II 11 40 P. M II) 01 a M cli.niitiirr i'ni's nil FC f crllt Tral.'S Ml'tipillg 1 .11 S Oil MM" i0tli ways lift ween Wllll.iiuspoil ami llallliiuiro. nnd mi Hm I''tnla llallrond livtnruii IliirrWiurg uinl I'liilailelpliia . , ( ju ,vi i n rrntn in innii inri'iiiiins h -nr .in r via. IVuiisylvanl.i Hall llund wllhoiit tliaugii I etivni' I'liilailelpliia and Lock t Ar. Sup't I'.akleru DM io. .May SI, 15C2. CaKawissn Kali ilontl. f." PASS UUt'lUlT STATION. FODI'IIWAIID liOUNI) TRAINS, i'lilladelphlu & N. Y. Vltill IBM A. M. Ihpres l.i A. M Nllll'I'IIWAUD HOUND TRAINS Dlinlra .Vnll 3.41 I. M Niagra llxpros .1' M .Vliil.Kli'lpliiii & l!c;iilliig Unit ilo.'Kl. WINTER A II I,' A NQJiMEN'V 'VT or til' l'ASSI'.Vtllill TliAtNS. Niiveiulier 4. li'lil, rinlluii) (I'assing I Dowu tn ririladclilii;i at n.'.'U und 11 A .V, VI nnou, mul 4 1' M. Uti. I" I'liltsvllle, til 10,30 A M, and 3.13 1' .V, WUSP, TO l.l.MAXON AMI IIARIllSlll'litl Western r.jtprt'ss from No. York al 1,1)7 A .V. Jlal rriiins, ni iu.oj.v .ii, nun .1,4.1 r .11. ,, c,i.,. ,. ii,,, ii,vn A Al Train nassing Ilendinir On Saiiilujs, tlio u s0 ,v M, nud Up Trulii, rit 3,37 1" .M. I loth I0,."ill t M and .i.U P SI. up 1 ruins connect nt Port lliitun fur Tumaqit I, llli,iiusiort E'uiira, Hull (klu, Niagara and Canada. Tin- ltl,5'l A .U, -Prulu only ronnectc nt Port Clinton for Wllki"b.irre, Sir niton an.l Pittstou. "Iho Western Evpres Trains iiiuneit nt ll i'tisbitrg Willi Express Trams on tlio lYuucilvuiiin Railroad for Pittsburg, and nil points Wi st : an I the Mull Tr.'iiur (yunort at llurilsliiirg for Lancaster, Chainlier-burg, stinbury, William-porti i.ock Haven, Elmiru uud Ihe Cauadiis, Tlirougli First-Class Coupon Tickrls, mid Emigrant -Pickets at reduced Fares, tn all the principal points in the North und We.t, und the Canada-. COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 2'i Coupon, 2j percent discount, between nny points ucstrcti. MILEAGE TICKETS, finnd for 21011 miles, h. twren nil point, lit SIJ for rami K'S uud Ituslut'ss 1 (nn. niii tcwiun vvc'irf... eooil for Hie holdi r only, for lliri'i' luoiith, iu any Piisxi iiger train to rimaui ipnia, ui vw cacn, r-cuooi season i iik cts one.thiril less. I." Passengers will lake tho Express Train ot, lit Hi" UPPER DEPOT, mid nil other Trains, nltliu LOW ER DliPOl'. HI lbs of baggage nllnwro eaih passenger n f' l'as-i ii'.-ors aro loquested to iiurehase their Tick its hefuri' entering tlio curs, us hUher Fares iliarged if itaid iii ears. ITolr.uiH i'ii"n llhil,iilrlphiafor Reading llnrrlsli and Potlsville at 8 A M, 3,13 P Al, and at 4,'JU P M, -liur: , for Heading only. - Excursion 'Pickets, good for one day, by (1,02 A, M, Accommodation Train to Plulai rlphi.i ami return at $.! Ml inrli. (I. A. NIl'OLl.S, Centra I Superintendent, January 4, lri)2. Liickawiituid & Blonnisbiirr tailroad rvN AND Al'TEU NOVEM.21, mill, PASSENGER J TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: M O V I N U S O U T II. Freight I'll'i-entlcr. Vasprnrrcr. S 25 A. ,M li.llll H.:i2 K4!l 1 13 HI.OO Lcavo Pcranlon, 10.31) A. ill J2.13P M " hingstoii " ll'oiiiusbiirg ' Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at Northumberland, M O V I , li N O 11 T 1.30 ,'.10 ' II J.cavo NorthnuibcilaHil, , .11. " Uanvllle, " Hiipett, " Itloninsburg - Kingston, 5.13 5.57 MUI Leave tl.00 P. M, 1.13 P. Ml 3.10 Arrive nt Scnniton, A Pnssenerr Train alsoleaves Kingston nt H.3 OA. M. for Scr.inton. to i oiineil witli train for Ni-w Vork. lie turning, leaves Scrantou on arrival of Tram from New Yrr'; nt 1.15 F. v. The Kiiwunna nnii liiooiiishurg Kailioaii connects with the Delaware. l.:i(kiiwiinn;iiiiid Uesirrn Railroad i at m rantnii. tor "Sow V urK ami liilermediate ioiut( rast At lEupert i! coiiiii'ct w nn I lie,lor points biilh ea-i and wi st. Al .snrniuiiiueruiiKi ii i."iini.'cis wiin ino i iiiiiiueipnia fclliielt. R. mnlN. C 11. It. for points west ami south. JOHN P. ll.SLEV, Sup't 1 C.Wells, f7cn- Ticket Jl a Nov. 3(1. led I. W. Wii ESQ. KOW omiplos the room tip 4tnir9 In front in Mr. tlnnicste brick buililinu, on .'Main Ptfct 1 low llm Aincrir mi lluiisn. A most ioiiv ninit ollic" ; w lirro h will In hiii)iy nt all liiuiis titsc-c liU frinut.-. uiul cluntt. ,blooiiiisnirg, Nov. '., lMil. Hm m s o 5 s IlfEL'.D' 55 LIE $2 HAT, i S. E, corner 'third ami Eok Streets, I' IJJLA DEL PA I A. lint made tn order, nf any Stylo or finality nt Short Notice. January 1. I KM. Cm. Wii'.SrB'livu - tvBs, Noh. 9, 11,13, 15, 17 Courtlanilt Street, NEAR HROADWAV, NEW VORK CITV. 'Phis old-established nnd favorite resort of Iho Itiisi ncss Couimunilj has been recently refilled, mid is rum-pleti- in everylhing that can minister to the i uiiilort.i of its patrons Ladies and families are specialiy mid cure lully proii.hd fur. It i centrally Indited iu tho hu inrs part nf the city, nud is coiiligiiiius to the prim lines i.f sti-niiihuats, cars, nmuihussc feirii s, &c. lu coiiseqiiciico of the pressure caused by the llebel lion, prues have been reduced to One Dollut a d 1-iJttj ( cuts per Day. 'Iho table is amply supplied Willi all iho luxuries of mo season, nun is equal lo unit Of any oilier hotel in Ihe coiiiiry. Aniplo accommodations nro offered for upward of 400 guest. 0-'1ii not bi lievo runners. harkiiieu, and others who may say "tho Western Hotel is full." D. II. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TltOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. 13, leii2. 7iT- New Commercial Jhdld'mi's are loca ted opposite Court House, corner of Court and Chcnauga-Slrcctx, This College is in no way connected with any other Institution. Tho energies of the entire Faculty nro cxcluiivcly de voted tulliis. f . Tliodosign ofthls Institution istn nlford to Voutig Men 1111 opportunity for acquiring a Thotough Practical ' Jtusincsa FAucation I Tlio Honks uud Form aro carefully arranged by ! Practical Accountants, expressly for this Institution, undine course of Instruction is such tu combine Tlieo-1 ry nud Practice, COLLEGIATE COUIISE. This Course einbr.irrs Hook-Keeping in nil its dc-1 partuients, Foiiumniieliip. Cinninrriial trillunetic, lliis-1 mess t.'ojrespoiidenco, Commercial Lnw.l'oiitnul Ecou I niiiy, i-oiinu, rciai i.inics, rnrinersiiip si tllcmeiits, De tccting IJoiinterfi'ileil mid nltared Ihuik-Notes, itc. '1 he Speiiceriun System of Pciiiiinnnship is taught in all its varieties, by the most skillful inastersciftho art. Tho Ilnok-Keeplng department is under thu rpcilnl supervision mid instruction of tho Principal, D, W. l.OWLLL, GENERAL IVFOllM ATION. Students ran enter ut nny tiiuu j no vacation. Usunl timo to complete tho Course, lronilitnl2wecks. Assls taiico rendered 10 graduates in procuring situation Grnduatcs uropresentod with mi elegantly engraved Iii plutiia. Ks- For oataloguo of 70 pages, spccimeni of penman ship, &c enclose two letter stumps and address 1.0WELL& IV MINER jugul30, I BC2. f Mny I6C-J l-Jui rpilEProjirutorofihis well knownniul centrally Iocs a. ieu House. 1110 lxtllAKiis: llnrKi.. .ii,it,u .... s.,..t Street, in lllooinsbiirg, immediately onnnsitu the Colun! bin County Court House, respectfully inform his friends und the public 111 gruerul, that his llmiso is now iu or dor for tho reception and entertainment oftruvclcrs who may feel disposed 10 favor it with their custom, Hu has in nriMiuiiiir. Hu, i'. entertniiiinuut of his guests, neither shall Ihero'be any. thing want ut (on Ills purl tn minister tu their personal comfort. Ills homo is spaiious and enjoys uu excellent busiucsslocntioii. ' ' """'"" ,, "PT 0l,1"'il""'c "ln " "'"OS between lliu F.xchinge Hotel and the various Rail Road l)pnts, by which trnv" clrrs will be- pleasantly iimveyod to nnd from tho re. spective Stations in duo tiiuu to meet tho Cars. 1 ninomsburg, July 7. 1EI10. WM K00NS' noticeT Tho books nf II, II, Mriinn k eo. are left n mv nan Vif 1 tor purifying the blood. Awl for tlio speedy cuie U tin following conqiUnln Scrnriiln mill Scrofulous! AnVrdaiifl.sinuli nn Tumors), Ulcers:, Hnics, Kruiitloiin, I1iiiii1ch. l'iiilultf Illolchcii, HoMii, illnliis, nntl nil Sltln UMcnacft. OHtUNr), Ind.. Clh .Time, I8T.0. J, c. Ann St Co. Ocntfi I 1 feel It my duty to knowlcdgo what your Piirsnparllla has iloiio (or um. Ilavln inherited n Scrofulous Infection, I liivo mifflrcd fionilt liM ill loin ways for years, tfomctlmci It burnt out In Ulcers on my hand nnd nrnisl mnnvtltnvii If turned Inward nnd ddticiscd mo nt tlio Twr Jcnis ago II In olio out on mv head nnd couied my scalp nnd emt with rue rote, which was painful nnd lonlhsomo 1) ond description. 1 tried many medicine nnd fevoinl physicians, but without niticli roller from nny thing. In Inct, tlio dlorder giew none. At length I was rijulccd to lead In tlio (lopcl Messenger that you lmd pivpnrixl an nlleiiitlvo (Stnrmiimillln), for t knew fiom yoirr ninila lion tint anything jon'tafldo nnit bo (rood. IeontlO CinclnimtlnndRot It, mid used It till It cured me. I ruI( It, n Jon mhlse, In fmall doien of n te.ispoouful ovora month, nnd used nlnost thice boltlci. Now nud lioaltlry tklii roan began to foim under the ronb, wblUt nUcr.u whllo fell off, My fltln Is now clear, nnd 1 taiow bj- toy feclliiKK that Iho dlwnw ha Rono lioru my nynreio. YMi enn well believe that t feci what 1 nm Myinjc whan 1 fell you, that 1 hold yon lo bo ouo of the npestlea of tlio tige, nnd remain over gratefully. Youn, AU'ltUD II. TALtny. St. Anthoiiy'd Plrr, noun or nryeliieliu), Tetter mill Halt Hliriini, Mcaltl IIciul, Klnti'oiiii, Sore J&yeu, Droiny. Br. Ilobott M. I'reblo writes from Snlom, N. Y., J2tli Eept., 1SS9, that ho lias cured nn Jiivctcrnto auo of Dropsy, which threatened to teimlnato futnlly, hy tfco i emoverlng mo of our Surs.iparllla, and nlso a unnffirouii Malignant'Waj by largo doses of the same? myj bo cures tlio common F.rupliont by It conslnntly. IlroncliocelO) Ooltro or Swelled Noolt. Zebulon Sloan of Prespect, Texan, wiltes : " Tlneo Lot lies of your Sarnp.irllbi cured mo from a GWre n nil eons swelllmr on tho nuclt, whloli I bad eufToi-ea from over tv.o years." I.eucorrlirrn or Whiles. Ornrliui Tumor, Uterine Ulccintlon, Fcmnle IJIhciiscs. Dr. J. I). S. Clmnnlnff, or Now York City, wiltes " I moit cheerfully comply with tho request of j-onr nsi-niln Fajlnul havo round yonr ftirjnpailtlii ft most otcellout nllcrntlro In tho numerous conipl.ilnti for whl'h wo employ until n remedy, but especially In lhnah Mvasti of tho Scrofulous dlnlkrls. I hare cined many invobii ato enscs of Uucorrhcjeii by It, and Boino whero thu com plaint was caued Viy ttlcerattoii or tho li(ri. Tho uleer allon Itself was soon cured. Notliloir wllliln my lrnowl edo equals It foe theso femnlo dernnncmenls." lidnnrd S. Manow, of Newbury, Aln., wiltes, "A dan porous fiiaritm tumor on ono of tho femah'S In my family, hlch lmd defied nil the remedies wo could employ, 1ms et leiiKth been completely cured hy yonr Uxtrnct i.fFnr eaparllla. Our pluslclan tlionnht iiolhlnff Imt extirpa tion could Afford relief, but be ndlcd tho HU1 of your anaparllli as tho last resort before cuttliiir, nnd It proved effectual. Arter talilnffyour remedy eight wvoUs DO symptom of the disenso remains." Syplillli and JUercurlnl Dlnensc. Ndw Or.irASSP, 25th Aiipint, If fit. nn. J. C. Ann t Sir, I cheerfully comply wlili tho ro- Jnost of yourniteot, nnd report to you sonic of tho elicits liaro realized with your Harsnpaillla. I hate cured with It, In my practice, most f tho com plaints for which It Is recommended, and havo found Its effects truly wonderful In tho euro of IVuonol and Mer curial Vtuasr. Ono of my patient had SjphiUtlc ulcers hi hi, which were consuming his palato nnd tlio top of his mouth. Your Faisaparllla, cteadlly token, cuted hlin In liio weeks. Another was nttacked hy ficc on Jury symptiius lu his no.o, nnd tho ulceration hud cateu away u coiislderabto part cf It, fo that I beliovo tlio disorder would soon leach IiN bralu nnd kill him. Hiit it yielded to nfy administration Of jour Snrsnpiirill.i : tlw ulcers ho.iled.Aud ho Is well ngnln, not of couiro wlluout Etiiiio dtpfluunitlon to his face. A woman who hud hucu treated for tho enmo disoidcr hy merciuy was suffering frum this poison In her bones, 'i'hey had becomo K, n;u sitlve to tho wentlior tint on a damp day dio sufTet-od ox crucintlm; pain in her joluts and bones. Bhe, too, was cuiotl rutjiely by your tnisapurilla In a few weeks. I know fiom its foi mul l, vrhicli mm ORont pun me, tVuri this 1'iepaintlon from jour lahoiiilory mut boa great remedy; consequently, theso tiuly remarkable resuUs with it liavo not surprised me. I'ratcinolly jours, 0. V I.AIIIMCR, M. I. Ithcunint Ism, Gout, Liver Oomplniiit !- lNrF,rr..Dr..CE, l'rcston Co., Yn., 6lh July, IfiDO. Sit. J. 0. Ater: Sir, I huo been iiflliolcd witli a pab fill chronic JUtcumatirm for n long tlmo, whidi bailk'd tho skill of phyfclci'ins, nnd stuck to mo in spite of nil tho lcmediesl could find, until 1 tried jour Snrunparillii. Ono bottlo cured m In two weeks, nnd irtloicd my ecucral health so much that I am far better than btforplvrcrs attacked. 1 think it a wonderful medicine. J. l'lOiAM. Jules Y., of St. Louis, writes i "I havo been nflllcted fur J ears with an offictionif the Liar, which destroyed my hcnllh. Itiled every thin;:, and every tbinfi filled to relievo mo; and 1 haio bceu n broken-down muu fur sooio jenrs fiom no other cause than ilcrnttmcnttyf the Zii'tr. &ly beloied pantor, the ilev. Mr. l'.iy, ndvibol mo to try your Saisaparilld, becano bo Kildho knew yen, nnd any thin? jou made was worth trying, lly tbo blend lug of llod It has cured me, and has o puiilkd 104' blood n to make u new man of mo. I feel young again. Tho befit that can bo said of you is not half good onmigli" Soli Irrufl. Cancer Tnninrs, Kiilnrrromcnt, lllccrntimi, Curies ana Dxfoliatltm at the IJoiich. A great variety of cases havo been reported to nswhcio cores or Ihese fjruil.laldo complaints havo rllitt from tho uso or tills remedy, but our spaco hero will nrit admit them. Bomo of tliem may bo tound In our American Almanac, which Ike agents liolow n lined are pleased to ftiruidh gratis to all who call for them. DyspeviHtn, Ilcnrt Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, Melancholy, ZVcurulgla. Many remaikalio cuies of tlicso nflectlcns hum been mndo iiy tho Hlteratlvepoucr of thli medlcluo. It ttiniu lntes tho vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes dimnlers which would bo supposed IfepmHts reach. Such a leinedy has long beeu required hy tho n ceositlos of the people, und wo are confident Uiat tlill Mill do for them all that luodiclno can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rnn mr. hai-id cure op Oonplii, Colds, Iiifltteuzn, IIonrsi-neBS, oruuii, iftri,i,eiii(ii, Aiit:ipRriii. stiu Biiiiililloii, uiul for tlm IlcJict" of ColiMiiinplive I'ntitlits t . in uilvniicLil Btnca , of the IJlsiiise. 'TlilsMs a remedy so uolversally known to surpass any other for the cmo of throat and lung complaints, II Jit ft Is lr-eless heie to publish tho evidence of Its virtues. Lts unrivalled excellence Cur roughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, hnvo wado ft known throughout tho civilized nation of tho e.irth. IVw aro the communities, or even families, among Uia who have not eoino perfaoual expel ienco of itseiTeets G01110 liilng tropliy iu their nihht of its victory ovir tlio eubtlc nnd dangerous disorders of tho tin oat and lungs. As all know the drradlul fatality of thet,e dit-oitU-n., and as they know, too, tho c ffocts of this remedy, m need not do morojtban to assure them tint It has now ull tho vir tues that It did bAYO when making tbo cities which havo won so btrongly upon tho coDfldenco of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J, C. AYES &, CO., lowoll, llasa. Bold byif: 1 11U, (1 J?Cngenhucli, mid J II Mover lllmiuisliiirg ; J Schuyler l!nlir-li'iri;; M.ilrs & foil. .Millvill.' ; 1 Mn-tiur. Ilentoii ; l,ii7.nrus tc 1'islier, tlr nnnevilli' ! O 1' I'owler I'dh h rsvillu ; A .Villi r. H .r. wlik; l.uiv .t Urns .LVnlcmllr; II I' Ili'laliurt & llro 1'i.pv ; M (1 Hhneiiiiiker. Ituel.liorn ; Uciyhnrt k. Nush, Main villi i harplop, Cultawissu; t'rcisy & Co., I.iclit Street : nnd dealer everywhere. July :, law ly. , EVANS & WATSON ; SM.AMANDEIl SAFES, RE- ,i - . - MOVED to .Mi. UMeiuth Fourth .' ... i, Sr.'t, Phllalclphln, h.ivo on ;, ' '" t an In largo ussoitiueiit of Firo 'i - .- " (- ' Thief proof Salmnaiiilrr Safes. i-i"' .V I' ' Iso, mm doors, for banks uinl '"'' ..Jta". .' ' ftl,ri's. iron sliutt-r iron sasli, all '" ' maki s of locks equal to any iimdc 111 Iho United States. J'n-f Sirs in our .fro. .Ill came out right; ,eith cor., tents in t'ond cotid'tion. 'I'liu SalauiauJer Safes of Philadelphia against Ihe world. EVANS & WAT ON, have had the surest ilcmostrntinn iu Ihe follow-in" cer tificate that their iiiaiml'aitnro of Saliiiunndrr SaiVs has at length fully wnirantril tin- representations im-u been mndo of them lis rendering an undoubted security ugiiiusl tlie terrific element. . , Philadelphia April 12. 150. .Vcjjm Lrans a IVutto;,: Gentlenu n-lt nllords 119 tiro hmhrst satisl.ictirn tn statu to jou, owing in llirvrryiiroticlivrqualitiisiirtiin of tho S.ilain.'indrr, Sales w liicli wo purclmsril of you soino live month sinio wu saved 11 Inr.o portion of Juwrlry, mul nil our books, &r exposed to the caliuuinous, lire in llaiistiad place 011 Iho inorning nfilu uu, !.. When wc rcfl.'ct lut these safes wero located 111 thu fniirth sfory oftlin biuljing wo occupied mid that they till BUbseqiii ntly iuina heup of burning ruins, where the vnst concentration of the hint caused the brass niates to melt, we cannot but record llio nresrriaiii,,, ,,i-1 .,.1 1. liable contents us must conviuiing proof of the great sc. cunty nffordcil by your safes. ' fc'iai sc. Wu shall tckr great plrasuro in rrcomiueiidinj Ilium to .,i(cliii..nn ns a sun. reliance iigainsl tiro. GEORGE W. SIMMONS fc. HRO., .leieeller) i i i, . . ""'cupuiciiascii six large luf. s. July .1, in,-.'. rAngiistetl. IP5D STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP tvW I ' L, undersigned wniilillnforiuihii citiens of 3 1 11 0"-l"'f ""ii vicinity, that hc.liasju.1 re 3td elved uud oflkrs lor sale 1.110 of the iiiostrxteiislyu f nssortinents t COOKING and RANcy STOVFS .,....... irnr l . . . 1 "'" l""l'l DllVLO m, i , t , i 'm0 thlsuiarkit. Tiiii.Chrl,tophrr Co rookli'A si , '. ''V'i"" ? l'o are animig thu rl tJS cook ng Stuves.ull ,. whiUi uro air-tight and ens Imn. , J eu vi ' itoy,!" "f" tiuiuUoniii uud the nssortineiit.vii ind II, 7 H . , . " ' 't ' """ , P"'" 1 . T'O Wure rena inuM "Poll short iioiko. All k nils of tr iv r IV ' ,IC ,,lo"u V"1' "nil despatch.- lO" Couiilry produce taken in exchange for work. JMonmrburg.MnylO.Ur,;. MOVCB " tl TO CONSUMPTIVES. rplll, , Ailvertlser, having been restored to health inn ffZu&yhe'ii, .JdJil n'" ,d"'"! '.'! iH n-nilncopyolllic p,n- everv' h. W " Mi hr- hopes i .tisrv fivk rsnTs. Hunt fr. e -; p iii i nioi' i'ii in ' iiintuiiiii , ui t Ii i losing me men I follies ol h, ,n , ( x cniisliig'ileblllly, iieriousiuss, niirc- tun ' 1 palpitation of trio lieiirt, suicidal liiinghiini! n'1 Inry riiilslon, blnshlugs defritlic uii n , i lion nnd lassitude, eith eonfetthm nj tln'l.i, uf n Hoar'Hi'i! School Mirt, a Cvtliut svu ' ' the tiinrri, d nnd those cunt, inplatitur iurirr, if r i ii i ii pin i , iiiiiiiiis ui ini-ir r ,. I ,lu. lull. ,.l linflnn l,,.h . .. tilm pliicss.niid prlviletei to whlih eery ,um' ! k i l.tilh"!. 1 " i i mi MIl'MI MEN Mini nrr trnlilih d n ut, i rally inii-cd hy n had habit In ymiili, n, " wlili Ii , ire dUr.lness, pfilu., foffullnliiiss so " ' ii rlimlng In tho cars, wrnk i'jes, ui-ukiu ,'t , ' nud lowcrvxtrrniilh!, cunmsimi nflu,.,,. i ' t ory with nirlaniholy.iiifiy hnciiri'illiy -q,r ,,,,'" PARIS AND LONDON TREAT.MI NT """"s lv We have, recently ilrintid niiiih ,,f ,.. VISITING THE El'ROPI!.N lliisnii..,n.ur 'hi fntrsi lies of iho k in i w li'il i-i fin,) sfe...... ,.' 'i skilled Phlsijimis nnd Surgeniis In Lunai tinriit, 'Jiiosu Who pl.ico Iheiiisi Ives ,llu , ri-si iirill . ,., 11 nn . I,. will now have the full In iicflt ,r tin. i,-m,1J ' V ' EFFICAt IOCS REMEDIES, whlrh i ,1 ', '' iiiiriiuiiio nun our priicnii , aiiri ii,, puMClll Hired of Iho sumo steal, assiduity, Sl.'riii i . ' lion bring I'lild lo Ihi lrntses, whlrh ha ' o 01 tydltluguiiliediis hrrrliilore. ns n Pli, i 1 PECULIAR f profcsii,,,,,, 'lu putt tirentu jire year', L"1 J FnotiiFi.MAir I'nx. Ladles who m I- h r ,, thnrllienryol whicli has beiu r.,., i , ' , ' ensrs, nnd nrver failed In i ll,., t M ;,,iv , "lu""" any had iesiill-,w III use mini' but Dr Ii,,,, Terioill.ul Pills. Tho ,,ly Frru,tV'i , , ' servo Is, ladles should not tuku (hi m if ii, , sou to lielii'ii-tli'-ynrnlu re-mi mi,, , ,' Itlars or w hirh will he found on , " " " '" ' iijingoarli Imv.) though nlwaj a safe I, i ,., grntly jet somtlve nro Ihey. "" "' Friii' SI per box. Th 'y . an h.-mallod i ., the Unlt-d Stati s nr Caniida, I TO Till! LADIES -Wli.i, tor,!,, txS. , ndvier w llh rrgnrd tn any r f, f ' plaint to whhh their d.llmt. , r "" th, m llabli', lire purllciiliiily mvii, ,i t ' ' ' ' Tlll:".l. l lllO l;LI Ml PlUHH.IIll r lull" who-u Ii. altli will nnt uiin t r fi i tlrr tn nn ri'lisr 111 li fanilll - null In ,i ' It I a pi rlVi lly sal'., pr. vi iiin , i , ,., ' I n ixti-iislv Ii Used iiiiii.ii; Un ,, reduce,.,! lo SIU. b 1 M 'lid Sttt elk or I'diiiij itA , ,i .1 Treotl-e on the Cuwr rf I'remr nr. , ., (mil vnrnlnc publl-hid (l loo!, nimri . , priprrJ at'd tn Kiletlee union mtiiv - f,-tifite of thin fnlLl bitlilt, pointing out t ,. . inciirlublti attend tt rletims, und ,r iy perrs.. if the dlr-citc,f.'ont the conuti nr ,. It will be sent by Mutt on net ft t uf r(, ci r7" Atti'iiilnnir itally, from H in in, mm urn. , ii'il'M, mul on Sundays ffi.-.i 2 Ull ., r m .Mi'iliiliies with lull iliri'ithiti tn t lo um p ,ri i I'nltrd cliiti s or I'nna-his. by patinit i , III, Ir symptoms hi le.trr. Humiii -s i ,rr ,u strli llv roiilMi ntial. iW Dr. I.'s Oilier 13 ftrll l nl d as r.i ,, , lb,' name nf 1)11. LA CROIX, 1,1 No. 31 ,M:uui 11 ' , a hanv. N. V. Nov. 2,1 ICSI. IJ111. FRESH A II ,' 1 VA I. ' -or- ii;if ff W f, 1 EPHiKG tU I V'M I I sJtjt I J IIF. iiiii!rrig'iil. grnti'ful fur p.'i.i palfonn"i. H fulli- iuf'Tiits Iii i ii-iiiini-, - an.l iiir . 11 that lie li is 1 11 I rrr, ivil I'" 11 I u j.i ,t , largest and mn-t srli-ct stoi I; of SPRING AND SUMMED it x. 1'hat ha yit been opeurd In liloomsbiirg. tu v Invite III i iiiiriitli u of hi IVi. uds. mul usu , tint they arr ntl'i-rod for snl- ut g .-at bin ,111 ' Stuk ooiltni isrs a liir-'i.' o.iiirtn t ,.C ' (iENTI.'lMEN H WKVltlM; APPVllpr Cuniiiiig ol i'AinosArt.r Dnrss i,ot id -v criptiou; Pauls Vi't, Sinn, , h llauilkercliirl.i, Glove, Sucpendrrs. (cc. GOLD W AC HEb A N II JEWELKY, Of every desrription, fine and cheap. 1. 1,. ii :ii!.mn.i- i.aieeabfrg Vr'j;, rm call and see. Nn ihsrgo for exaioiug (ioou DAVID Ll'U . Hloomsli'irg, Mvrrli 2'J, lr( 2. . j ss's'tjrWEa.-s BAKERY k COFEC'l IOXARY iruoi.i.s, a, ,. 'The unilersigiied coutiiuii's in a'.r) 111 1 I linnary up Mum Str-it, E,,i, , , , , he ki-rp. FRESH RUE A I), PL S AN ( ronimitly 011 baud, Parties a eh, d w nil . - 1 . I ti r,u. Ktr All hinds ofl'mit, Vrgi't. daily reruved from the Citi s gi lib s. Pr JtC I ?tlllt pnpUHtl til, HI lis. , r- Small beer, Cundies, Nuts ofall kinds. s sale. B bl ' 1 Pllooinslurg. June 21, Ief2. VEW YORK 51 E DIC A L 1 : 1 '1'ITE. A beni vob iit Inslilutlori 1 n-lnn, d f-r 'i Chronic Disi uses of ever) nuiu.'. nn . 1 , lids fiom ' ndvnitisi rs mid 1 nip,, 1 grs exc-pt for ilrillciiie uiilll nirrd. 1,111 , U' mr pnvoriy iritinrnt firr. iV '. 1 1 The Phi sunlit h,i , h I iisiio.epiNriicc both in iinvair .um m tier 'i he ti'ljow iiigareMimr m'tlir 1 nm,, ,1 spi rial attrnt,iun is guru. All uis. as t Throat Lungs'. Isyirt Stniuaili. I. nor h, ., 1 Rheiiniatisin. I'it,-t'iiiiii'r, Piles, ivi,uu 1 Disriisrs ui tin: t-rxljjl Orgiins, Si iuiilaJ,VVi"!flini'V poirniriind Viruhirr,dinasiB ofru r ut,l .r, lyciiied. discuses of iViuuliv an, I all In- -siiiiesslullv trrnti'd. Pliiidui.s and c ..In milium painful op. rations. Pun, nt ti i by rending 11 stud mrut ol tin .r i n, . 1 1 a nny part of Hiu ci.uutry. rotisultniion fre- t, ' Address, St'.uip rnclir-, d, DR. L. OKAV1 S. Ci-nndnnir Pur 1 1 W.I hiuudwni , N 11 '1 " s Aprllo, ISC2-l2in. 'iSij pi, 11. 0. S JJ IU. n 0 DOWER, ; 1! h h T I p- T Ill'til'l-nii'i 1 . .i- 1..- . S55 nl sen n-rs to thu Imiir un ' 1 .' vJ Hloiiuisliurg und in initi . 11. 1 tu ittlrnd to nil lliu vnruni. 01, tho linn of hi priifessinu, hr is prm ii'i d o 'i ' imiirniedpiirc lain tei-Ui, whah will In in gold, pliiimn, silrcrunil rubbei base; to look the natural lerih, .Miiirnil pliit- mid block trrtli maimfa' tur. it oprnilioiiH on teeth, rari-'fiilly mul properly utt ilioiu.-liui, Pa., Augusts, l?iil. CIGARS & TOBACCO A largo assortment of cholrc Tignr, 'Polnu -o rn" Fiuits, Cniifi 1 linnrry niid Niitions gi in r.n i' -er with a frill stoik of HATS and I'APS r m ' "t ' hand mid fur snlo iluap, at the "llloumsburt Uai - Emporium." JOHN Ii. CIltriA DooiiisburS. March Ifl, loin. Ii. HUfLILIGAN, IMPORTER OF ALL KINDS OF iW&Tl rl rp?3l (Sa rats. Vf1 ifi AND 5IANUFACTURER OF JEWELRY Ko. 444 North S-cond Strett, AIIOVI! WILLOW. PHILAUEIPUU Nov. tn, imv LEATHER I LEATHER ! rpltn Utlilrrsigncd would nnnninirF llml tin lis J nil " ' ; .1 lltllld lllll no.l f . 1,1, . , """ ""I .'"'"IIUII1. Oil iIUll HI., " " - ''"'Hi "n nssurtment of dnrercnt kindof lim r " Imo calf skins, morocco, (red undh'ncKinnil linni"" ' C "'hitli ho w ill sullchrnner than mi. be hud eltrnl' ' I m makrt. Call und tem1no giem frn V'";!''' Hooinebure.Mny 91, ISM. SI. Q !S H -K1 A V ft r S'rintcr, Ilookbludcr & lilunli! cok Al AN U FA r TU R E .' , WU0LrsALE AND ItiTAll. IlEAll K IN PRINTING, WRITING AND WHAITING I'M'1 11 AOIWT (on UK CATAWflSA 1'AHJl VIII' Jlflfti Htjs-ft. rlrst doorhelnw the Publir Spuin'' WILKESBARRE, PA. Nov. 2.1, 1EM 12si. J M t LAW A T T 0 R N F. Y A T I'oit - y i