Parmor's Department. HEADING LATEOAMUGE. It sometimes happens, cither through the Utencsa of tho ienion,('r neglect in rarly planting, tho cnbbngcs do not head completely before cold weather sets in. Theso arc often fed to cattle, or thrown nway, while by a little care they might be made to head during the fall and ear ly winter. To accomplish this, proceed ns follows: First,make a wide trench, and transplant the cnbbngc into it, set ting them together in a tripplo row. At each end of the row drivo in a crotched Ftakc, and lay a rail from one to the other, to form a ridge pole a foot or more above tho cabbages. Make a roof of old boards or slabs, ono end resting on tho pole and the other end on the ground, no as to shed water. Over this, lay a little straw, six or more inches thick, and when tho winter sets in, put on as many inches of earth, making tho sur face smooth and hard, so as to bo nearly rain proof. At each end of the row leave a ventilating hole, which must be loosely filled with stiaw in cold weather. Cab tages so managed, will continue to grow, and will fill up their heads considerably before mid winter. When taken out in spring, they will be tender, crisp, and beanlidilly planchod. TREATMENT OF HORSES' FEET. Mr. Gamgoc, Sin., in tho Edingburg Veterinary Review for August says : " 1 lie day will, 1 ueneve soon come when people will not allow cutting in struments to touch tho soles of their horses' feet. I have said in former pa pers that the wall solo and frog are so constructed that they mutually co riper ate, and that the intermediate horn, which I have shown is secreted between tho wall and sole at their union, is also required to be left entire ; but by the prevailing custom ol cutting the hoof these supstanccs, which in their nature are rebounding, springs, are destroyed or very much impaired. The custom of tinning the sole, and likewise of keeping that part always in cow dung or other wot soddoning material under the name of stopping?, was brought much into vogue after the establishment of our first vct- torinary schools. CREAM IN COLD WEATHER. For some reason not yet known, crcrm skimmed from milk in cold weather, docs not come to butter, when churner1, eo quickly as that from the same cow in warm weather. Perhaps the pellicles, whiclr form the sacs of butter in the cream, are thicker and tougher. There are two methods of obviatinp this trouble in a great degree. One, is to set the pan of milk on the stove, or in some warm place, as soon as strained, and let it remain until quite warm some say, until a bubble 01 two rises, or skim of cream begins to form on the surface. Another mode is to add a leaspoonlul salt to a quart of cream when it is skim mod, Cream thus prepared, will generally come to butter in a few minutes when churned. It is thought the salt nuts up on tho coatiug of the butter globules and makes them tender, so that they break readily when beatcd by churning. SUBSTITUTE FOR APPLE SAUCE. A lady writer communicates the fol lowing bit'of information obtained where eke "took tea last": A dish of what 1 took to be preserves was passed te me, which upon fastening I was surprised to learn contained no fruit. The case with which it was prepared and the trifling cost of its materials, not my tasting ap paratus, decieved mo as it is not usually wont to do. It is emphatically a tiptop substitute for apple sauce, applo butter tomrto presorves, &c. It is prepared as, follows : Moderately boil a pint of mo I.isses from five to twenty minutes, ac cording toils constancy, then add three eggs thoroughly beaten, hastily Btirring thorn in ; continue to boil a few minutes longer, and season willi nutmeg or lem on. Old Springs Chronicle. GOOD APPLE SAUCE. Peal, quarter and core as many apples you wish to cook; put them in a tin or brass vessel with just water enough to keep them tender. While they are cooking, have a tin cup or some other email vessel on tho fire, with about half a pint of water, one tablespoonful of but ter, one of sugar, about $ of a nutmeg grated ; when this boils, stir in enough pasto (thickening) to make it of the consistency of cream ; but pour apples in a dish and pour this over them, and if you are fond of applo cause you can't help useing this. American Agritultur ist. THE FLY IN TnE WHEAT. In consequence of thorocent excessive Iy warm weather, tho fly has already made its appearance in tho wheat, in parts of Lancastor and Chester counties, Thcae sections suffered greatly from the same causo last season. It was hoped they wonld escape this year, but it ap ' j ears from the above, that they tire again paltering. Farmer Gardener. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Double Study lurlyE ght Columns, Pnbllsh'il every Morning, (Ktcent PumlayiAhy Win. W. Harding, No. 15(1 HoulU '1 lilr.l Htrect, l'hllnd etplila, I'd. The Uronto-t newspaper of 1'hilndclphin 1 Tho trying limn of Inn nn t ior.'n history In which ho lire, rcmlcr a Llvo Newspaper! nn Indispensable to every mnn who would keep himself Informed of the Important events which tun dully transpiring. To fiiniytli ntmpor which will meet tho Just expectation r, rfj public In such n time tit Iho presJnt, require nn mA'rjntof Inbor nml of cxlrnordlnary expense nf which tho Tpmmunlty at large have no conception. Tho pub lisher of iirr. ritiLADF.t.rutA i.vtivntKR, line npnrcil no efTort or inonoy to inako It nil 1 lint It cnuld ha mado. Ilonldes Improving (in, I strengthening the homo force during tho pat year, sjvernl of Hie hest Ilcportcr nml Letter writers In I lie country hnva boon sent, nl great expenses, w ith tho Army nml Navy, nml have froiuently given tho publlctho llrst nml full, est nccounls hy telegraph and hy mall, of luipartnnt I'.l'KA'TS AT Tltr. SF.AT OF If A It. The Inquirer wn tho firt northern paper to give the account of tho llntterns nnd 1'ort llnjal victories, nml wns tw l ive hours In ndvnuec of nny paper in the conn try. In Its publication f tho detail ol tho Hull Kim Hatllo. l hnt Tho Inquirer lias done, It hut nn cnrncst of what will ho done, In order to give Its renders nnd hc"t sccuuts of every event of Interest connected with TIIF. GllF.AT HF.lir.l.LlOX, nnd nt the ami) time liavo it mnintnlii lis reputation ns the het penerul nowspnper in the country. The increase in the i Ireulntion of the Inquirer du ring the year, is tho hest evidence of the extent to which tho public rely upon it for Iho news of tho day, us circulation nn uveruiien lor several luonms' past. ovr.n tiiv iiojwiiko tiiovsaki copif.s n neck, or nearly forty thousand a day ; nnd it lias, during the yenr, in limes of excitement, reached over seventy thousand n day totting the cnp.icity of our fast presstotho utmost to supply thu demand. It com menced the Now Year with new utid bountiful copper faced type, nnd with renewed vlor mid activity lit Its news ana niiioriniucpnruncms. inv. inquirer is inuepcnueni in pontics. O" Prices nt which the rhlladi'Inhln Imulrcr Is fn nlshod : Plngle copies Two Cents, or Uvelvo cent wceKi tiauy rapor s per annum, in advance j T inontin 51, i n-weemy si. .Ml letters Fimuiil ho dressedto WM. W. IIAUUINO, Publisher. Inquirer Uulldlng, l!il South Third 13 May 10, 1802. I'mtAtiKiriiu, I'a ALLEN & NEEDLES' SUPKH-niOSIMIATH OF LI3IE, Tlir. STANDARD MANUtlE, ITneiuallcd by nny other in tho market j always the same in quality, nnd invariably to be relied on ns ma nure of standard excellence, l'rlco 815 tier 200(1 lln. (SI cents per lb.) itH cnniiiiueii success lor so many years past Is trio inc nrtlclo. Our Supor-riiospha'to of Lima la uniform nn .Inn til n r .... (I,- l, 1 1 1.. , ii in us chemical constituents, una always to he relied on .ILL EN ,y NEEDLES' FSftTIUZEB. Ily tho introduction of new and improved machinery in our works, we have materially increased our facili les for manufacturing this article. Tho cost uf pro duction being lessened, we extend to our customers the benefit accruing. Tho rctnll price is now 85 per 2U0O pounds. Wo beliove Itto bo tho best and cheapest Ma iuro in use. I'ERUVIAN. Wo sell none hut No. 1, received direct from the 1'ertivinn Government. .UIIAUOD. A very superior article, received direct from the Island, i'LASTUR. Ground Plaster a superior article, packed in good strong barrels, 30E3. Iluttnn Makers' Dona Dust and Ground Rones. Warranted 1'ure. I3"A liberal deduction mado to dealers in tho above irticles. ALLEN NEEDLES, 14 tfouth Wharves and 41 Pouth Water fctrcet, Hut Store abate L'hcgtnMt,) I'hiladi lphin. August S3, IBGJ-am. . eCT- MARRIAGE.- ITS LOVES AND HATE JJZTKSJjJkSOrrow's and angers, liopes and fears, regru yfjMiiiiu joys , ,ii m ui.iuij,iiiiw msitoow restore tho nature, treatment and radical cure of aim inalorrhira or seminal weakness; involuntary en is ions, sexual debility nnd impediments to ninrriage gen- erally; nervousness, consumption, fits, mental and ih. .leal incapacity, resulting from SEI.I'-Alll'sJE-nro ful- iy c-4iiainvu in in,! .luiiliiiliui. KUlur,, liy 1 M. i'OUMIi 01, 1). This most extraordinary hook almnM ue in tho hands of every young person contemplating narriage, and eevry man or woman who desires lo imit tho number nf Ihcir offspring; to their cimumstnn ies. Every pain, disease and ache incidental to youth, ,;faturlty ami obi age, is fully explained ; every particle u Kminiciiee mat elioulil lie Known a Here mien. II in full of engravings. In fart, it disi loses secrets tliatev- rv one should know : still it is n bonk Hint iniict I... ocked up. nml not lie nhout the house. It will he scut to unv one on the rect-int of twentv live rpntx In ir pii'tngo stamp. Addresa DR. tVJI. VOI'NG, No. 410 U'RUCE Slreet, above Fourth. Philadelphia. Cy- AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may ha your disease, Iwforoyoii place yourself nn- ler the care of any of tlio notorious Quack nativo or toreign- who auvcrino in tnia or any oiner paper, get icpy iiw. mug shook, utm rca.l u rm, It will be the means uf raving you many a dollar, vour 'lealth, and possibly your life. uu. luunu can nn any or Iho diseases 1 lescriued in his tuiblication, at his ollice. No. .nil il'RUCE Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. Ollice hours from Oto 3, daily. March 8, lcG-2 12m, C I It 0 U L A It. 1MIE undersigned having been engaged hy tlio Domn cratic Mate Central Conuiiittee to publish under ihoir nuspic-a a Campaign Paper to be entitled "TIIF. DF.MOCU.rriO," takes this occasion to call four immediate nttenliun to the importance nf using your iutlucurc to secure a wide circulation for tho saino i no 1' irst Nunini'r ot the Paper will be issued n,t.wiktv. nun n,,,hvnr ii,v, ,. 1 i V i. ! loi'elo"',, A!l ?riltrs ,?h -Vi, 1 1 J.",, I.! ", " ie,r'. ith 1 bird street, Philadelphia. to ne aauresseu to a, llldi South "o tiik Loyal Mum or Pennsylvania: 7Ve Democratic Leader it is intended rlin.II he devoted to atrulhfuland fearless iXiosition of iho causes of the present calamities, and tho relief which iho Free men of Pennsylvania may in part obtain through tho ballot-box which, with the support they will givo na loyal men for the supprcsinn nf tho rebellion, may in lime nml ns the only fensiblo mode restore our distress- i? fff!" V ''L' ."i!?!P''?" '"' ;.ppy e,,,.i.n. in dn.uyi, mil niuiouo illiuer ifcmocruuc A iulnislrn-- linn-nf il.nnnvnr.iinc,,. ..',. n,..i . "i "",i. is therefore not only recommended to m, m,nri out yonrdntiea and interuna a s good citizens will ba Ueatly promoted by making eirrts for the wide spread circulation of this t'anor P W IIIJCIM'H ;inirman of Iho Democratic State Cjntral ConVmi.teo. August 23, It-02. COUGH DROPS 1 COUOII DROPS ! ! -i.-.j .... ,v, r.,,,t ,,lu ..uietuuiu ivhether acute or chronic it will ho found of immediate benefit. Try n single bottle and you cannot fail to ap. prerjato its usefulness. For Said by most nil Storekeepers anil Druggists, Prepared by O. FRONF.FIF.I.D, No. 317, N, 3d. St Philadelphia. Nov. Hi, leoi 3in. JIVIJIV; dilVlUJVll ajJtlUJ.V Ml t)A frtnGood l5,'ck,just"ianufacturof and for sale cheap, wholesale n rn-cd inn. At tliellloomsbnrg Dritk Yard mil. At pply to iho subicrllior. HENRY S. ARTIIUtt Blnomfturg, Jun- 53. 18K, OYSTEltSl OYSTERS ! ! FRESH 01STEIl enn be Obtained nt all times, nt Hit Eating Room ofthe imdorsigncd, on Malnstrm-t. C STOVKIt Elooiniburg, Ta., Sept. 13, UOS. WHOLESALE AND ItET.ML BEDDING AND PEAT HE It WARE HOUSE, No. '.'5 Norlh Second Street, Opposite Chriat Church, rjuhJiuiiii.ruiA. ID- constantlj on hand, n largo na-orttnent of r.eda, .imii(ci-c, i niimsaes, ivtisoions, nair, llil.h, Cattail and nil articles in the line at the lowest prices. N. II Particnlar attention paid to renovating New in, mu t vuliicis, March 2, IMt. l!m. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. tpiin Autumn term of this Institution will comma Monday, August nil, I8G2. TERMS For Roarilinj, Washing, Tuition, etc., for Eleven IV ceka nn One half in advnneo. ' Students hharr not engaged room will do well to .wn.v.H jijiwii.ivn iO Ar.,fvle. COL co:, Pa.. iSyVi NATRONA EOAL OIL! WARUANTEDNOVnXPLOSlVEl and equal to any KEROSENE. WHY4!anexploslvaOJI, when n few cents moro per gallon will furhiah you with a perfect Oil ? Muilr.onhjL'i PA. HALT MANUFACTURING COMPANV. No. 137 Walnut ftrect, PHILADELPHIA. Toby. 23., Idles, I year. DANK NOTICE. TStJotico is hereby given, that tlio I3nnk JLl of Danville, n Hank of Issue, Discount nnd Depos it.lpcatcd n tho llnrough of Danville, Mnniourcnuiity, Willi acapital of Two Hundred Theusniid Dollars, in lend maijing appllcitinn at Iho next regular session of ,..n.--ii.Biiiioi cuiiiyivania. ror tno renewal of lis charter, and extension ofiti privileges for a term of twenty years from Iho expiration nf its present charter, with the same name.titlo location nn-l capital. Py order nf Iho Hoard of Directors ,., . DAVID CLAIM: ( irlii r. Danvill', Pa., June 21,1602 -Cm Willi tt'AIEti, FOR THE CONSTITUTION AND T1IU rou DIAB B T E S AND DISUABCM OF TIM! iasnsY.s Ann passer Thrtt n&ngeroitt and TrouWaomt Diseases, Khlthkare thus far lltitttnl the tirst directed Treatment tan he CumplcHty Controlled hy the tlF..ME)Vnic ifere u TUB cimATivi: properties of the medicine diicct themselves to tho or gans of secretion, nnd hy so nltering tho condition of tho stomach nnd liver that the starchy principle of the food is notcoiivrted Into sugar solong us I lie system it under tho Influence of tho CONSTITUTION WATHil, winch give thoso organs time to recover their kcallliy 1mw n II. I VI imp. Wn n.n, t.n.n .1.... .1... ...... tone nnd vigor. Wo nronble to Hate tint the Conslltu-, 1 tlnn Water has cured every ensoof Diabetes in whlth It uns ucen given. 8TONK IN Tlin llLADDFU, CALCULUS, OUAVF.Ii niltCK DUST IlUroSIT. AND MUCOUB OR JIILKV D18CllAll(Ji:S AI'TDIl URINATING. Pisenses occurlng from oho nnd Iho same cause will bo entirely cured by tho Constitution Wntor, Iflaken fol any length of tinn. Tho doso should vary with tho severity of tho disease, from twenty drops to a ten spoonful three times u day, In water, During the pas sago of the Calculus, tho pain nml urgent sruiptnms should be combated With iho proper remedies, then followed up with Iho Constitution Water, ns above di rected. UYSMUNOr.R ACEA, Oil TAINFUIJ, Mr.XSTRUA TION, AND IN MUNORRUAUIA OH I'JIOFUSn TLOWINU, Roth diseases arising from a faulty secretion of toe nieiistriial fluld-ln tho one case being too little, ami C... ....... n,l... ,. til l.n 111.. .ucu r.v.,u,., ,.,l. uu dili;iiii Cliretl HV UtC Constitution Water. That disease known as t'ALLlNf Or TIIC WO.MII. which Is tharoruliofu relaxation of tho ligaments of that organ, nnd is known by a annuo of iienviness and dragging pains in tlio hack and sides, nnd nt timea ac companied by khnrpliicinnting or shooting pains through tho parts, will, in all casos, be removed bvthe mcdieine. There i another class nf symptoms ari-ing from lit RITATION OF THU WOMII, which physicln-is call Nervousness, which word covers up much Ignorance, nnd in iilnocases out of ten tho doctor does nm really know whether tho sinptoms nro the disease, or the disease tho symptoms. Wo can only enumerate them here. I speak more particularly nf Cold lYet, 1'alpita tiou in tho Heart, Impured .Memory, Wukcfiilncss.I'la-di-es of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Dimness of Vision. BUli'llFHrilll) JII'.NSTRUATION. Which In tin- unmarried female is a constant recurring disease, ami through m-glect the seed ol more grave nnd dangerous maladies nro the result; and as month niter month passes n Ithout nn ell'nrt Mng made to at sit nature, tho suppression becomes chronic, ihe pa tient gradually loonen her appetite, tho bowels aro constipated, night sweats come on, ami coasumptlun finally ends her carrcr. I.r.UCORRCEA Oil WHITES. Ibis disenso depends upon nn iiifl.imation of mucous lining of inc vagina nnd womb. It U in all cases ac companied by severe pain in tho back, nceros9 tho bowels and through the hips. A teaspoonful of tho S T V.r.. ". '". . "y, witn anin- J r . n , '" " " . ""'"f11"8' ,lnlXea w" 1 nl'a,f-I,"ltof 8oft morning and evening, ' IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, J 1NFLAMAT10N OF THE KIDNEVt? AND CA- 1 VMMtll 111' THE 11LADDER, STRANGURY ANDI1URN1XG Olll'AlNFULUKINATIXC. For tliesodisenes it istrulya sovorcign remedy, and too much cannot be taid In lis praise A tingle does has bjen know to relive the most urgent syptom, rtrn you iruuuieii who inai oifriressiug p.un In the 1 stun nfllin h.ick nnil th.ntinli Hi,. I,it, , a . ,..r,.i , a day nf Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. I'OU DYSl'LTSIA, ' It lin It has no equal in relieving tho .Mot distressing snip- 'otos. Also, Huudache, Hearlhiirn, Acid Htnmnch Vom , mug l oon, &c. 'JaKeu teaspoourul after iIisbiiit 'Ihu 1 d"S1' '" u" cases may bolucrtasedif desired, butshould ' u0 uouo gruuuaiiy PHYSICIANS nuvo nnc since eiveti on tl, .., nf hud,,,. ,.,i.i..-., niner in,n.-nt 'i,r,li.. "l,.-' l,....'. r... . ... .:.' ; "... .u..,, ilium mi ,,n ui u iuiilt reuieuy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itself oiual tutho task that lias devolved upon ii, DIURETICS Irritate and drench tho kidneys, and by constant use soon lead tochronii; degeneration and coiflnned dis ease. Mead. Read. Read. Dakviixk, Pn Junes IrMU. Dr. Wm, II. GRE00-?ucr iir: lu Fibiiary. 1801, I was alllicied with tliu sugar dialietes.und for five inoniha 1 pased more than two gallons of water in tweiity.foiir 's " mourn oi amy, 1 1 I""curM two bottles of Constilution Water ami I il',"flJJ s niter uing it I experienced relief, mid niter I taking two bottlcsl was entirely cured, soon alter rt-gaiiiiiig my uiuai goou neailli. vours truly. J. V. L DE WITT. Iloston Corners, N. Y Dec. 27, led. Win, II. Gregg & Co.: Gents: I freely give you liberty to make use of the following Cirtilicato ofthe value of Constitution Wa ter, which 1 can reccotnnieud in the highest manner. My Wile, who was attacked with pain in tho shoul- . Ji m ? TSTT ' Z Si".:,".',1.!! n' , ,i , ' . . . : -' -'" i V onib, Dys itieiio, rhoea, and "Irritation of tlio Iliad I '.'.c'r-,'lc'1 a. Physician, who attended her about der," I called three montha, when he lelt her worse than liu found i ','"id i, ! ic f"1'1 ffl ?' 'Lr r " ."""f '1,lsicii",1 1 couiu linn, wlioaltonded her for about nine months, n" "hilo.he was under his care the did not stiller cT tfnAu i "-r c-isa was Incuialile." I or, taid lic,"i,he was such 1 a combination of complaints, that medicine given lor uiii-iuiir. og.iiosi sotiiu outer oi ncr (liiiieullies, ' V""-' B'"! tul""i'"'vl to '-nrn iiopioriug ra inn tuner its treatment, nnd now suiier- n,;ii nn .11 uicui iiunn. ivaiku tor about lOUrWOLKs and wo are happy lu suy that it lias produced a ptrin.i nentcure. W.M. M. VAN llENSCIIOTrN. Millford, Conn., Nov, 19, leci. Dn. W.M.H.CnFoa; 1i ar ir: I have for several years been afflicted with that tooublctomeniid dangerous disca.u Crnvel. wnich resistea nil remedies ami doctors, until I took i-onsriTUTioNAL ivwrK, ana you may In-assured that 1 ( waa pleased Willi the result. It has entirely cured me. in roiraru to tho iio rti;-!,,.. u 1 .. .. .i ' . r.,V ,. ..." iiihb emetic). Yours truly. , PONDUl'llONU, . TIIESS ARE TACTS ENOUGH There is no clnsa of diseases that produro Bitch ex liauslius ellecta upon the huiiiau coiiBtittition ns Diu hi tee and diseases nf the Kidneys. Illailder and Urina ry Passages, ami through a lalse moJeBty they aro neg letted until they aro so odvaucedna to bo beyond the control of ordmnry reuicdias, and wo present tho CONSTITUTION WATER To tho public wilh the conviction that it has nn canal In relieving tho class of diseases for which it has b.-en found so eminently successful ill curing; nml we trust uiuvwe miaiioo rewarueu in our efiorta In placing valuable reisedy in u form to meet tlio remiiremeiits of pnucni ana physician, FOIt SALE 11 Y ALL DRUGGISTS, PRICE SI, W.M. II. GEORGE & CO,, Prnprieiors. Morgan icAlleu, General Agents, No, -10 Cliff St New-York, Sept, 20. 1PG3. jo,,,, KOLLOl K'd 1)A!)1;M0. HWFEH. This prciMration, made from tho best Javn Coir.-o, is r'.,,,lll.l."i,l..',A,''I'Jl'"irin,le" " oiM'UfiurNU'FIHTIOUrf lll..rllAlZlT tlY l2faltinl ll..l.tllt Ik.. . .... f. . - , . , ""in, i'j t ii'p.ia, nnu nn bullous disorders. Thousands ulm in,,-,, i, ,.,.,,.,n. cd to nbnndoii tho uoof cotfeo will use Una without in. jurioua ellecta. Ono can contains ihe strength of two fuuiiua ui ifriiiiim finite rnco v) ceilta. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, Tlic puroet and beat IIAKIN'O POWDDR known, for iiiunin ngiii, kimci mm uuiriiiuus iirenu and cakes, Price 13 cents M AKUrALTL'nKIl Y M. II. KOLLOOK, Ohernlot, Oorncr of Hrond and Chestnut StrecH, PIIILADELPIliA. And sold hy all Druggists und Grocers. March iRl, loC2.-12ni, APPLES FOR THE HOSPITALS Central Ornce, Hanitarv Commission, ) Waskinoios, Octobcr'ad, it-ai. tThe iniulry being frciucnlly mad- whether the Com-' mission wishes to receive apples for thu uso nf the wounded, it should immediately he publl. lied, us widely ns possible, that dried apples cannot ho tnnt to its de pot in too largo iiiantitio. I own mid Village Relief Sociitiea nro re'iuoted to mute urrongeiucnta ror par ing, culling, and drying by iheir members, nnd such voluuteer nssittancu ns they tnu enlist, and to notify fanner that they will receive such good fruit as tboy may bo disposed to offer mid nro unable th. n.i.i, t properly prepare. Dried upplgs may be sent in barrels or boxes, or in strong baga marked "To he kept dry." Dried frnits of other kinds, nud all good canned fruit, will be very acceptable. . , ,, r HED, lAV C'LMBTF.D, October P, lf?C2. Goncral excretory. I IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. ruRLimmi) nv p. aitmjto it co. l .MH nndWTi lirnnrhumi . TCmii Vark. ) " - '- Tho following vrotktnru sonttoHuli'erlkcrslnnnypnr ofllmcmuitry, (upon receipt of retail price,) by imill or exprusq prriiniii , I Till'. N11VV AMIHUCAN UYUt.OIMIDIAf A popular Dictionary of (lenornl Knowledge, United by Oeokuu I lliru.vniid Oiurus A. Dana, nlded hy 11 numerous se lect corps of wrltnrslu nil branches nt Seleucies, Art nnd 1 ,itr rut.iri-. This work Is bring published in nlioilt J.'i I largo octavo volumes, enih containing 7.VI two rolmu pages. Vols, 1 lo Mil inclusive, nro now ready, onili 1 containing near S.fuHj, original articles, An volume will ho published onco In about three months l'rlec. in Cloth, 8.1 i Hheen.S.I 50, Half Mor.. SI: Half r.ussla, $1 ,'iOeacli Tho New Ainericnnryclopiedla I" popular wlllinut see ing superficial, learned hut not ped-.nic, eompr henslvo but suAHIi fitly detailed, free from personal piquo nml party prejudice, fresh nml It isn rnnipleto stntcmuiit nfnll that is known upon i vory Important top. Ic with the scope of human lntclllginco. livery Import, nut nrtlclo In it lias been specially written for its page by men whonro authorities upon thn toplcon which they speak. The nr" required lo bring the subject up to tho present moment to state Just linwlt stands note. All the statistical information Is from the latest reports ; tho geographical nccounls keep pneo wilh the latest explora tions ; historical matters Include tho I'roshcstjust views the lilographlcnt notices not only speak of tho dead, but nlsn ofthe living, It is u llltrnry of Itself. AtsnipoEMKNT or 'rim Din lip. ort.'oNiiitEss- ltclngn political hlst'iry of Iho Tniled ftates, from tho organiza tion ofthe first Federal Congress In l"l to lttfil. ll.llt rd nnd compiled by lion. Thomas II. JIkntus from tho Of flclnl lleenrds of Congress. Tho work will be compiled In ,? royal octavo volumes ot 751) pages each 11 of which are now ready. An nihil tional volume will be published onco in throe months. Cloth. $:; Law Hheep, i.l BO; Half iMurSli Half Calf SI 511 oach. A WAV OF l'ltOOHRINO TIIH CYCI.OIM'.DIA, OU IlKIIATIlfl. Tnrm n Mm, nrPiinr. mil! riMiifl tlin nrlcn nl Cm r nnd five copies will ho sent at Iho remitter's expense for rarritige.or for ten subscribers eleven copies w ill lu sent ni our expen-oior rarrjage. TO AGENTS. No other works will so liberally reward tho exertions OI AglllOS. AS AOKN r VAr,Thll IN lilts I.OUNTV. j i-iinn iiutuf-' iiiiowii uii uppiicHiii-ii in iiic 1 uoiisnerj. Nov. ai, li-M. 'TIIEunderrlgneiTlsnlso extensively engaged In the .a ru'"'erll'i'lf Uusine, nnd keeps constantly on hmd na lor cilo nt his Warurnouia, u largo nswrtment of PINISIIED (30PPINS, ii) wiiicii no is enabled to nil orders on presentation a good llorso and Hearse, nml will at al ,.. ..... . i iwuu) loaiiemi t- uncrelSi SI.MON C. SHIVE. Illnonisbi'rg, January 20. IPSO Fire it oo4" i'ciiicitl-lor i.-i!t:. A !"' 2r '"l'Tior Fine Pnoorl'i.MKNT, especially ndap r."'i for, 1 emi-nling Roots. One gallon will cover IHU leetof ordinary moling, and is insured proof against ra n and wet weather. Can ho had .it liianuf.u Hirers prices, by the gallon or half barrel, at tho oliice'ofthe Columbia Democrat. Uloomsburg, July 13, mi. I'UV' TATn- GIBSON'S A V 11 KEfOKATIV ES'nLISIMH:XT. Ho. 125, South Elcvonth Street near Walmt Enameled Glass, Fresco, Oil nnd Encaustic Painting John Oin.oN. (Ji n January 12. iMl-3m . "mnv. 'THE UIMION," Arch Street, Above Third. PHIA DEI.PIITA. THE silunlion of this Hotel renders It one of the mn.t convenient for thoso whonro visiting Phlin,i,,i, onliusiiip-a; whllotii thoso in search of pleaum-il e consliititly pasiing ami rcpaa-ing City Railway lit. and those in iloso proximity, afford n cheap and plena llhoiVt the'Vily1 ,l;lco8ori"",rc8t nd amusement in or Th,. proprietor gives nsurance that -Tlio Union shall bo kept with such character us will meet public approbation, and would respectfully solicit, general nit. ronago. UITON S NEWCOMrif February 2O.1PC0-1OU,. bN1'" ! puis ii anoi'ii &, uuoTiiKiis. wnoLESALE O B A 0 0 O DEALER? AO.lOa.NOIlTII Till It n STItJIET I'lvedoorebolowRare. PHILADELPHIA QILL & PAUL General Commission Blcrcliatiis, nEALERS IN Fish, Provisions. Flour, llutter, Cheese, Oils Dried Fruits, Grain, Seoda, lleaus, Whiskey, Wool, Country Produce anil .Merchandise generally. No. 3-1 Noeth Wharves, riiiLADELriHA. C7 Consignments nf Provisions, riour nnd Country Prndiico solicited, nml returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. r, ,r)l,l!).';i.!!3 r"r n" kimIs nr ''''h, Provisions, Flour. Dried 1 ruits, Perilled t the lowest Cash Prices. August I, l-WI-l-Jni. npiIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DAXni.LF., Moxroun COUNTY, r.i. Entertainment for Mnn and llenst. in good nylo and nt moderate rates. CHARLUS N. SAVAGE, Proprietor. Danville, April 1!), liiii mur. TRUNKS! TRUNKS! ! 'PIIE larger!, bert lmndsom I est and cheapest assort ment of Sole Leather solid Riveted Traveling Trunks. iMdiet' Ilonnct Drcas Trunk Children's Coathes, Propel lers Leather nml Carpet Hags Packing Trunk &c. tc, k. r-r. ;1 s . . , THOMAS W MATTSON'S. Ci lehrntcd London VxUu .Medal improved shei t spring solii sold Li allier Trunk innnufaitory. No. 412 Alnrke streci, South west corn.-r Fourth and .Market, 1''a. lc57 If. PROPOSALS. TIIK uncrsi(lcil, Comnii'iMonor of Co luuihiacounty will receive proposals at Illooms burg until the 20th ins., fornix dajs rnuked proiislons cnubislliig of bread and Doiled Meal, for about Kid men W M. SILVER, Commissioner' Illoouitburg, Sep. 1,1, Je?. JOL1NE Si LEE, No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. EtEBE MAECIEJtS AND SHIP C HANDLE IIS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes, Twinis, Tar, Pitch, Oakum, lllocks, and Oars, tec. August 4, 11-ViiJ- 12m. (Lato While Swan,) II ACE STREET, AJJOVS TIIILD lMIir.ADl'.I.IMII A. D. 0. RIEGRISrT rnomiETon. Formtrhf'om V.nlc Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. RHOADS, Cli rk, March 211, lbfia 12m. BBoiist; and Iot I'or Sale. rjPHE Subscriber olTers for pale tlio prop- J 'rty rcc nlly occupied hylilm in Illoonuhurg.con- r.hM4 ." i Larue and Convenient House. CHI III J JiiJK. ana oj a wnll-lmprnved Lot of about two acres of land. The promise nro in perfect repair Appll cation may ho inudotoO, 11. Ilucknlow, at llloomsliurg, Heading. Octob9, ,4, im- WUOmVAI")' STRAW ! STRAW ! ! STRAW 1 ! ! 100 1 TONS BniAW.of all kinds, llockwliem .... c pted, la wanted immediately, at the Mill Grove Paper VI ill, near Light Street, for w hich THOMAS TBr.NCII MillfJrnrc, August 9, 1X2. PHILADELPHIA &KHIK R A I L - ft O A D. Ill (I.VJSU lUtt, HOAP co trtstE, On mi lafur Monday Mny5th, ISfil, time nl Nnitlmni. hell ind Hlnlli will ho n follows ! ,cnce II 'tirard, 1 V.attuard, r.xpross 11 111 a.m.! Express t 4fi r. H Mnll 4 Id l-.M 1 II 10 01 a M Sleopliip r.nrs on MrIiI Trniiis llnlh ways h-twoen Wllliannport nnd llalllmoro.nnd on the lVnnsyltnla between Ilnrrisburg nnd liiilailelpbla (mi Mnll Train In both directions nCnr goes through vli. IVniisylvunhi llnll Komi without thangii 1 ctweuii rhllndclphla nnd I.uck Haven. .... ..... HAMUI'.li A. III.ACK, Biip'tllaitern Divi ion, May 21, I?f,3, Callavt-iss.-i ft ail Um. PASS HUI'KUT STATION. POUTI1WARD HOUND TRAINH. riilladclphlu tt N. V. Mnll 10. V. A. M. l;xpres 1.V.MA. AI NORTHWARD HOUND TRAINS l'.l m Irn Mall 3.11 P. M Nlagru Express 1H.I5 P. M riiil.Kiclpliia & Heading Hail Itoml. WINTER A R 11 A NGEI1J-NT rTTIr-nMwI ?f Ts OF PASSEVOER TRAIN-''. SV-4? November I, lull, (Passing Heading) Down'lo Philadelphia, nt 11,20 and 11 A JI, 12 nnnn, and 4 1' JI. Up. to PottsvHIe, nt 10,50 A M, nnd .'.,13 P M. WEST, TO LLIIANON AND IIAHRIHIIURG : Western Express from New Vork, nt 1.0 A M, Mail Trains, al III..'!." A JI, and A, l.i 1" M. On Sundays, tha Down A .M Tr im passing Rending, at 11.20 A M, and Up Train, tit ."...IT P M. Iloth ID, .it) A AI nnd fi.ll P AI, up Trains connect nt Fort Union fur Taimi'iun, Wllllniiispiirt Eimlr.i, lluff alo, Niagara nnd Canada. Tli i'l.Si) A Al, Train only connects nt Fort Clinton for Wilkesbarro, S ronton nml liltlnn, The Weatern Express Train unmeet nl Itnrrishurg Willi Express Trains on tho l'eiius)yania Railroad for I'ittRbiirg, and nil point 'et : ami the Alail Trains ntmncct at llnrrislmrg for Lancaster. Chamber. burg, StiMiiiry, Willhitu.'port, Lock Haven, Elmirn and Iho Cntindas, Through Flrst-Clai Coupon Ticket, nnd Emigrant Tickets al reduced l'nrci, lo all Ihe principal points In thu North und Wot. ami the ( 'nun la . COA! MUTATION TK'Ki.TS, With 23 Coupons, W percent dlnount, between ap points desired. .MILEAGE TICKETS, Goo I for 2000 miles, b 'tween nil points, nt SI3 for Fnnillies and llusin Firm, nnd Scueov Ticket), good fur lb" lml h r only, for Ihriu months, in any I'aa'eiigi r train to Philadelphia, nt $H!imch. School Season Tick ets otie-tlilrd Zj" I'assengi r- will take the E-tpreps Train Wert, at the UPPER DEPOT, and all other Trains, at tho LOW ER DEPOT. t-0 lb of baggage ollownc each passenger n" ra'juugcri are re'iuestn. to purchase theirTick- ets ln entering tho cars, in hijher Fares diarged if paiu in cars. Uplraini lcn"n llhiliilelphiafiir Holding Ilarrlshurg ami Piillsville at S A 31, 3,15 T II, and at 4,30 P M, for Rending only. Uv" Excursion Ticket, good for one day, by 0,02 A, AI. Accommodation Truin to Philjnelphla ami return at S3 CO eaih. (!. A. NlCOLl.y. Cltvcra I Shpcrintclident. J intiary 4, IPU2. LnckaKaniid A nioomsbiitg afIro:i(l 0 N AND AFTI'U NOVr.AI.25, 11-61. PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: M O V I N G SOU T H. Freight f Vatecneer. 10.30 A.A1 12.15 P At Faanevffer. S25 A. AI, I', 311 R.U P.4ii it l.i 111.00 N O R T II 4.30 P. AT. .1.10 a 1.5 5.S7 KOOLoavn ii.DO P. Al, Leavo Fcranlon, Kingstnn It oonishurg " Rupert, " D.invilln, Arrive at Nor'.'iumlierlan I, Al () V I N Leave Northumberland, " lianville, " Rupert. liliioni-bitrg ' King-itou, Arrive nt Peraninn, 1.45 P. Ml 3.10 A Passenger Train nlsnlcn es Kingston nl P.3 0A.M. for craiiton. lo coutiec t with train for New Vork, Re turning, lenves Scrntitnu on arrival of Train from New Vor'i nt 1.15 P. Al. The LackiiWMtina and UlnnmidiHr.! Rnllrond connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna und sicrn Rnilmad nt r-craulon. fur New Vork and intermediate points east Al Rupert it connect, with the CattawissaRai road, lor points bom ent anil west. At Northumberland it connects w ith tho I'hilndelnhin & ErjeR. K.omlN. C R, II. fir points ue.t and aoutli. JU1I, p. ll.r-l.l.i, suii't J O.Wells, f?cn7 Ticket Agn Nov. 30, 1-iil. W. VV1WT ESQ. VniV nsilllli eono, 1, V. trI-st I i In HT- ITnniiifst'a liricl( buildiiif.', on jMiiin Htrect Icluvv the iiiiit'riciiii ihhiki:, j iiium ciMivi'iiiiMii nnict' ; wiUTt lie will lm liappy nl nil Iimen Iomc lus frimiN mid clienti. lilnutfiEitdirifi Nov. !, ik;i. 3ni m " i iiwr.iv 0 3?33' S KffaE $2 HAT, E, comer Hard and Do:k Streets, j'IjjLA DE LP A I A. lint" made in order, of any Stjlc or finality nt Short ftOUCI'. January 4, 160?. Km. No3. 9, 11, in, 15, 17 Courtlumlt Street, NE.AU I1ROADWAV, NEW YORK CITV Till old-estajdishcd nnd favorile resort of ihe lint. nesa Community has been recently relltteil. .-in, I i.rniM. plele in eerjihing that can miHit"r to the comforts of us umwiia i..,u,i-n nnu laiiiuius are sjieciaiiy nun tare- lilii prm into tur. It i- centrally located in the bir juess part ofthe city nnd is contiguous to tin! principal lines i.t steaioboala cars, omiubusses ferries, &c. In coii.eipienco of Ihepressura caused by the Eebti- 11,111, I'llte!, iiuvu ui:i;ii luimci it in One Dollar a d Hfty C cuts per Dai, The table is amply supplied with nil the luxuries of in M'naou.anu iseuai in mat oi any otin-r hotel in the coutitiy. Ample nccommolations aro ofl'tred for upward of 400 gue-fj. E7"ln not b iievn runners lrickm"n, and others who may Kiy "tho Western Hotel is foil " I). D. WINCHES TEE, Proprietor. THOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. 15. IHE. 'Ihe New Commercial Buildings urc loca led opposite Court House, coma- of Court and Clununga-Strects. ThlaCollegeia in no way connected with nny other Institution. The energies of tlio entire Faculty nro exclusively dc votul tuthia. ' 'ri.a.l.,..,.. ACtl.l T.. -tf-.J . i- . c,g ,,, ,uie .nn, nun, iii ik in rjluril lo J Otlllg Men uii opportunity for acquiring a Thorough l'raittcal I Tho Hook and Forms nro carefully arranged by Practical Accountants, expressly for this Institution, and the course of 1 inunction is audi lo combine Then, ry and Practice. COLLEGIATE COURSE. Tills Course embrace linok-Kei ping in all its de partment, Peiiuuiaiiship.t.'oiiiiiieruul iruliiiii.tlc llus mesa Ciurofpomkiire. (ioiiinarcitil Law, Political Eton omy, Comniorcnil Lthics, Parlnershii setlh iiK iits, De tecting Counterfeited and nllnred llank-Notea, 4cr Hie Spencerian System of IVnnmanship is taught in all its vnrlLtiiis. by the mo.t skillful inaktersof Ihe nrt 'J'ho llook-IU'cplug ilepartineiit is miller Iho special aupcrvisloii and inatriutloii of tho rrincinal. 1) w Lowell. ' , GFA'ERAI. INFORMATION. Fludents can enter nt any lime; no vocation. Umnl time to complete the Cuurse, Iromll to 12 weeks. Aoia tance rendered to grudiitilea in procuring situation... jyi'duulea am presoiilud Willi unelegantly engraved 1)1- For nataloguenf Wpagc, specimens nf penman ship, &c enclose two letter tnnips nnd mldres LOWELI.& IV MINER. August 30, 1802. r.Mj.3, Jbuasi, T he Get ( use of HUMAN RITSERY Jim rumisiiou in n Bealed Envelope: l'rlco 6 its: a'iur.r. nv nR,, o inu OAUHi: ANII C'L'Ili: of Hiieruiutorrhieii, Connimption; Mental nnd I'liysicnl iiehillty, Ncrvousne.s, llpilnisv luipuireiiNutrilioii nflliu lli.dy ; l.ns.iiudo , VVeuknes of ihu I.iniln und Iho llackj Inilisposllion. nnd liuu. iiacily for Hludy und Labor j Dullness of Apprehension. 1.0S8 l,f .MeillOIV ! All.r.lni, In mi.1,.1,.. I i,i , ! i.n.j i::,rv. "" VV,. ;"f ""n'.'i'iiu.i , jiiiness : iicauat lie. , Allociions of the Uye ; l'impie on tho IVu : liivolim. tary .mission, nud Hernial Incnpucityi thu cousu quence.of YoullifHl ud,f, ri-on. kc., Vf. U7 I Ills luluilraliln Lecture denrls prnve that the nbovu euuinoriiteil, nllen relf nllluted, evil may lie re moved without iivilimiH und without rlniuemu snriri 1 cahiporutioiis, nml (liul,I bo read by uttry man in ihe Hent under 'al. in nny oddies.. inn plain, sciled f nvi lope, on the receipt of six cent or twn postage tmps, bynijdrrsf ini 1 k ,n-i. Pr, TIIA8. J. C, K,IW.. I l-'i i'owcry, Now York, I'oet OlUm llrr 4H Fsbrmry B, li (15 f- -i ATBE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Ami for (lie tfeoAy enro of tits Mlftwlnt; cmirrtirf(TMi fecroftilaniul ScrnfaloMH AflVrlloiifl.nttirti nn Tiimort, Ulrcrs, Morvs KrupttoiiH, JMmplin, lMmtttlca IlIottliuif JIuIIb, llnliiSt and all Skin Dlntasiw. OiKIAXP, In!.. Clh Jntw, 1BTA J, C. Aveh A Co. Oentm 1 ftI It my dirty to no knowlcilco wliit your FftrprApnrllU lirw iIoiip fjr inn, JlATlnjt rnhrritfcl a Scrofulous Infection, I Invo nrtTrtd fiomlt In vnrlous vnya for yesic. Sfoinctlimn It bimit out In U I cei i ui my li.tndfl nud nnnM momi'tiim If tuinoJ liinnnt nml dUtrcwiI mo nt tlio ptomnch. 'lVr jcurt n It Iroko out on my ltcml nml ctmroil my uttitji iitiil onti ik one oio, which m pnlufiil nnd IrNithmmo I'cjontl tlffrHptlon. J tiKil mnny nirtliclnM ruid rrrnl 1iflHfiti., 1'iit without much ivlicf from nny (hlntr. In I ict, the tlHorder pn-w whfo. At Inigtlt I wnfl rrjUo:d tti tcftil In tho UuF.H'l Slot-ngpr tlmt ou I19.1l Hiwtc1 nn nltviatlu) (Snrmiptill1n for I Knew ftont jour 1 1 iml rt tlon tlint nny thliiR you untile limit W irootl. 1 noil to Clni-lnnntlnmlgot It, nnd u-tl It till It cmeil nip. J tw,k It, ni 3011 nJle, In miiU ilorrnof n tcniponnfiil nvtru mouth, nnd iispJ nlnioxt three holtl rw ntid iM'jJIhy tltln Rftoii lfgan to fuimntuhr the wcvth, ivliloli u(tT,ii while Ml olT, My rkiu U nw itur, nnd I know hy ury fi't'litiRn Hint tho cllifnii 1ms n lioin my nyrt'm( You emi well believe lint 1 M wlmt I in 11 fiH)lnif vUim 1 till ou, tlmt I hold you t ho otio of tlia npu-tlcs of tho ngp, nnd reiualu over grAtcfuIly Vfum, ALHini) fit Anthony Flro. nose or Krylntln Tetter nml Suit Itlirunw Ncnlil lliml, lCliif;ivnriu. Sore VZycnt Ui'ojisy. Pr. Itohfit M. I'roMo writes fiom Erthm, Jf V., 12tti Fopt., 1359, tlmt lie hm cured nn Inrftiinto rnin uf Uttpy, which thicnti'iiod to terminate ftitnllyi ly tb pri"0icrlnf? uo of our ISursnp.irlllii, nnd ul-on tiiin,j'nu' Malignant i:rysiilii hy luri? di.' of tho tut-noi ijnya lio cures tho common KrupHoii hy It constantly, llronchoci Ir, Coltrn or Rwclli-ct A'orl:. 7(.kii!on Pl.t-in rf Pir-pi-rt, Tin, write t "ThifH hot llos of vour fnnpiirllla cured mo fiom n OVi'rr n bid -oui nw piling pii tuo necJti whlHi 1 Imd tulUird fiom our two onr." T.riicorrlircn or "White. Ornrlrtii Tmnor IMt rltiG lllct ration. Feinnlo IlUcnst'H. Pr. J P. S. ClmnnluiT, of New Yotk City, wilted M I tnnt cIippi fully comply with tho lequontof yonr np nt lu Mjins I hnvo found your Far-.inttlM n mt oviflh-ttt iiltcrntUo In tho nimiciou coinilnlnto for wht Ji tvo employ fuch n icmmly, but cfitcIhIIj' hi IhiwU Ilfatt'cs of thn HcroCulou ill,itlieM. I hato cured ninny lmntir nto acn of Ltucorrhfld by It, nud immo wWo th"- row pl.tlnt w.n raitfed y tttcmtthn of tho ttteru. trim uKt ntlon itself wns conn curud. Nothluff within my knowl edge e'lUnW It for Ihoi fbmnlfl dt,'rinR,tnnt'i.M iMwnnl H. Slnrrow, of Ntnbuty, Aim, wilte, "A iVn pprmn mtrUcn tumor nn ono of tho fern ilcfi lu my Cimi1y, wlildtlmd defied nil tho r?tnedie wo could ctiiptay. Im At I'-nath been completdy cured by your Jlxtimt rrSir npurlllii. Our phrnlclan thought tmlhlmjbut e.t(t po tion could nff.nd rt-llcf, but he n UIed tho It lul t f our IHiirMpiiiUli iw the lnt report before riHtlnif, dtd It proved tircctnil. After InUncyour nmedy olrfht wim no nyoiptom of tho dlonso romniii'"." Syiilillla 0111I PXcrcnrlal Hlsensr. New OiatMSji, Sftth Aumt, UW. J:t. J. C. Atrr. t Fir, I cheerfully comply wilh the w gnt of your nenr. nnd report to you fcoino cf tl cticctri I hire iciilized with your Harfppi.rllla. I Imvo cured with It, In my prai-tlre, mot rf the roui pUInls for which It in rtromnioitJod. nnd ho fmnd Hf cfTectri truly wond'.'rrul In the euro of V,wrtfl1 owl Xtr citrittl WvKi One of my pnthmli bid yptillltlc uln-re In lif (bruit, which were consuming hU pnlito nnd tbo top of h Ik mouth Vour Karsapatlllu, steadily t'tken cured him In Iho weeks. Another win nttiiddnl by hoc ondiiry iinptom,i lu lil Hosts nnd tho uloftutloii huA cnten away coiisidomble p'irt of It, fo thnt I bfivatliO in-order would Foon nnch lili bnlu nnd Mil hlnj. IhitU yielded lo my dmInintrnllon of your Hrj-Hpurillii! Iho liken henled,nd ho U wtll ngnie. mt of courho wttboul pome dLhumtlou to IiIj fico. A woman vlto bivl In on ttmtod drtho Mino dinyrder by mercury wns riutlorlu from Ibis poi-wn In her Inmos. They hnd becni m h'H frill vo to tho weather that on n dinip dny the uniriiiif d cx cuiclutliijc p.iln In her Jolutt und Lonen. Hie, too, vms cuitd cutirt-ly by your J-aieni arillu In n trw wreM. I kuow fiom iti funnula, which your nzpnt rivm mo, tlmt this rrcpmnlion from jour laboratory mint 1h n t-'icjit remedy; con6Hquently. theso tiuly itmnrkublo results wim 11 navo noi Futprwta me. 1 rateinally jours, 0. V I.AIUMRR, M. P. ZlheiiTiintlfimf Gout, 11 vcv Complaint. Jmrpkndincp, Trenton Co., Vn., fth Jutj, Pn. J. O. Avtn; HIr, I hwc Leon ntllkted with n p.ilo ful chionlo Hhntmattgii for n long tlmo.wlisih byt'Jul (lid Fkill of phj8l(I'ii)K, nnd rtiuk to too lit rplto of nil Ibe remedies I could find, until 1 tried your h'nrwparilta. Otto Ihittlo cuihI mo In two weeks, mid rettoted my gucral bdilth m murh that 1 am far bHIer th.m Klrrp 1 was ntLickuU. 1 think it u vrond'Tfiil medi.lno. J. l'KliAM. Jiik ti V. Cletcbell, of St. Tul, rrlbvi "1 Iih-q been ntllkted tor je.iruwith an oiTti'-i ff Vt Liver, wlticli defitroyed my henlth. I tiled eery thing, und e cry tliln (iiih'd to relievo mo; and I hnobeeu n brokt-u-duwn rtKCj ft r romo jenr fiom no oilier caue than thrmtmmt vf the. Liver. My beloud jator,tho Kov Mr. Kt-m, ndvlca mo to try yonrSaimipniilln, bermco l. Mid liobnew ym nud nny thin joit nmdo was worth tij In p. 1'y the blvfs UiX of t.tnl it ha c tiled me, nnd has c'o purllVd my )Vjd m to mnl.0 h now man of nto. I t el oum? ndy. Ibo Ufit that c.n bo mid of 3 oh U not Imlf (coi)d 4twi(i.' fJrlitrrus, Cancer Tumors, I"nlnrf;rnicia tTleei'iitlfin, Carte nilU iixl'ollatlun ol tlic Honrs A prent vni I-ty of fi ws bare been reported to n vIhto cure of thfso rirmld.tblo (ompl.iint bvo rt'utb'd bom (lit uoof tliU remedy, but our iwpftco berowlll iKt mtmij thm. mo of tht m nny bo found In our Aniej-tenti Aim time, w hlcli tho nf-nts below mimed nro pku-rd ta furnNU gratis to nil who cull for Ibuu. Dyncisln. Heart DUcnni', Fits, Kpncy nyt lilvInncholyf IVvurnlgla Jbiny renmikiiblo cure? of tliepe otVctknis lmv bren niiido by tbo alt) intlve power oflbi m(Uciip. It ftirjio hiM t)iliHl fiiorliixiH futo vlfroroui net inn, nnd UitM overromeR dNird'-M which would be fuppoed bujomr Ha rtiieh. iuch n lemedy lin lonn been iequind by tbo 11 ceithn of the perfilr, nnd wro nre tor.fidetit tlmt tbfi will do Ur them hII that medicine uiu do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron Tiir. lurio cure or CourIis, C'nlfls, Infliivuzn, Iloni'ir)lrs3, C1111111, Itroiiclilt Ih, liici jilclit !m- 11 111 ! I Ion, nml for tlin Ki.lltf of (Viiiminiitlvc l'liliriilN In iuliinr'il SIiiich of till; DUi'iiaC. TliM Is a remedy eo univrraUly Known lo fnrpafs rny ntlicr for tlx' cum 1 thruitt nnt luu? rtinipinliilb. tlmt it ll llM-Kips lioie tn pnlilWl till c-vlk'ueo r.f Its siilprs. It mirivallM exc llcnre fiu- roujdis nnd if4dN its tnily woiiilorful cmcd of iiiilnionury di.'!iv, Pitnln It linown tlironu'lmut Iiip ciiilir'-d niillon. cf llio fiirlli. IVw aro the iTimnuiiliii's, or n n fiimlhes, rnu-ni: tlMtn eha Imio nol soiuw m rsnsl i:;pi'iii rcu u iu r-t its si mi' llvlni; Iropliy In llidr ril,lt f Imlcrarv "tir tin suMIe and daiit'iiHs illi,rd-T ol' tl.i- tlunat and luns. As all l(i;,,w tlie ilri ndrnl litilily if tli ilionlcrs. M'rt s tliey l:now, too, lliotlTttscf till, n iiipiIjmi iu-i',1 wit d'j moro limn to u'-uip llicni tlmt it lis ni.v nil thn lr. tuo'i tlmt it iIM iiftu nlii'n mil.incr tlio rur, wlilili IW'B Mon so 6tlonly uaii tlio roiifld-'iiro of tii.itilttnil. Prertrcd by Dr. J. C. AYEK & CO,, Lowe'J, Mass. Hold by ii I' . iitz, C, M Rajrunbticli, nnd J 11 Mover, l!lonniImrK I -I fcSi'huyli'r. Rnlirsburn; M:ist"rs U fun, Mlllvlllii; i' Jlnstorr, Hi ntriu ; l.Ji.nru.. U. l'isli.'r, Or imicvillu i (5 I' I'mvli r I'owIi-rvilli ; A Milkr. Hor n Is I Low & Ilros ,('juti rvilli' ; 11 1' I! ilshait tc llros rspy ; M (1 Pliopiiuiki'r, lin Miorn ; llel; li:iit & Nuss, Muiiivillo : J flurliluss, t'nltrai issa ; Cjcitry A; t'o., I.izlit sstrjci : and dealer ovcryulirro. Julj- 'A, If'C ly. EVANS & WATSON GAI'IIS, 111'- A'ewli Fourth , lntvn nn ?St!'1' .Thief proof Bal under HafcF. .??teS?.j'S4! -'.-it Iso, iron doors, fur banks and iron shutters iron sash, nil N?OWsJ ,m,,Ka of lock o.iuil to nnv linnle III tho United State. Fur Safes in our fir). All cane cut right; rciiA con tents in good condition. Tlie Halamaiider ti.ifos of riiiladoliihia ngauitt the world. EVANS ft W'ATRHN. have had tho surost deinostrnlion in the fullowinir ror tillcate that their manufacture of HilmnnRiIrr s lias nt lenzlli fullv iviirr.'iiii,',! tin. r,.,ir,.u..,i,,.,...,,a ,. i.ti. i.....n been made nf them us rendering un- undoubted security nsninst Hie terriflc lieinonl. 1'hilndelphla April 12. If5(l, .lfcr. .Maris Walton: (ienll. iiien -it iiirurds us tho hiiihoM 6iilisfactlori to stnte to you, that ouine'tn the 'very protective uuul snflwn nf the Kilainainier, falee which wu purili.ised of you some flvu iiiuutli tlncu w o saved n Inrso portion of jewe lry, nnd all our bonks, &c. 1'ipii-ed tn iho calaminous.firoinltanttend on tho morning of the 3 It Ji int.. When wo reflect dial these safe Hero located m tho rourili smry nf thu buiMliiK wu occupied nml that they fell (.ubkoqiiently into.n lieup of biiriilui! ruins, where the vnst ronci'iitrntion of thu h. nt caused tlio brass plate to null, we cannot but regard tho prcervntiun of their vnl. liable conients ns most convincing proof of ltu griat so curity iilforiled by your safe. IV'o Mi.ill tuke t-real pleasuroin recommending them to mill or business us n sure reliance acainut firu. ., "IjOUC.i: W. SI.M.MO.VH & IHU)., Jeiecllers, lTT!''nJ.,"ll B'cupnrchased six largo y.if.'s. July "II. lf-ir.'. Angust ttl. 1P50 STOVE ANJJ TIN-WAHK SHOP i5 I "'"""' fi'fiiod would Inform thn fiiiicns cf . """iii'iiiiru aim VHIiuty, mat lie haslust re. fX3W 0,Vi'u for sale one of the most extensive iissnrtmenls of L'OOKIN'C and I'ANi'V BTOVKri mnir""ri0,,"cci.1.1?10 l""""rkut. Th (,,1er o ci ,. i ' S f.1!',' '"'r""! n!01"' nr: ''' .. , ; : mo uir'uuiiiuuirn burner J ,.fi (i i A,0J',P" '"""l""io und ibe imorlment Vn n l itm,1', 2r, i.1.r,'cul;'ru,lc,',lnll,s l"liJ " TiuVnrc rena WlnfJ '''P' "l'' short llotlcu. All kind, of neJJ2V. '" 1,0 ,',0"n wl111 """'if' anil dcspalch. LT tounlry iro.luio taken in eichiiugo for wnrk. lloo.n.burg..Vnyin,l?f,:. VHlUV ' M0VEK' 'i'O CONSUMPTIVES. T fevA' .""V' 1,avlnR wnoreillo hcnllhinn snnl l', ,i f ,'',M,", '"""'' ",,id' Ul"y Will find nl tw oui) object o Hm ni vernier in i mime I he Pre I no, b!'"' '"''"'""I"1 nlllict. d. ,. rt sp i. , U f,,nf , ! ever ,UU& win ,.lTf,x" "" W '" HopH XpnyW " c'"' I" 1 atlie. wishing Ih. pro'crlpllun will pl-nse cnldr". wi..iv IV r-"" ""1 u"- ,W mi. i.a ohoix's rniVATC jiiciucAi. theatisi: o.v tub I'lijMologlcal View of Mnrrlrgc. Sin I'AHKrl A SI) 130 r,NailAVING8.-lTfl, flout freu ornoslncu in 1,11 ...... ''. Tirmrv-IITR ttHis, tho Union. On tlio Inflriiilllos nl)nulli nnd mltum llhilllfilHt tlio SOMIlt fiilllc nf ljlltl soac of an ,..! ' ' rnurftiK iltlillltyi iH'rvuiisni'ss, i1.ik-skwi rjf i,i,i," iiililtiition nl tlio li"nrt, siilcldiil lnioiiiiiiiiC,, ' tnr emissions, I IhsIHiib ilcfotlUu in, inurr. t,,i 1 1 on nud Inssltiiitr, vllh evnetitont of thiiUlnc (..' I of a IXoardivp kehttl Met, a College "(, Isiitif AlwriM Jjitltf, ,if..5s. It is n truthful n.u i . t tliu nmrrloil nnd tlmsc rimti mi l.itlny tnnrrlnid-, lit,. Iintnlii m-rvt iliiulilnnf Ihoir iiliyslinl ciiuiUh,,,, tvliu nro nmsclnus nflsnliiK liw.uritid flu, u,,, ' lilnoss.niid liMvllot'Uf KiMliloli ctery liuiuui, h i,,',"1,' million, . VDL'NO MIA' wlionro trntililoil Kith ttptiVncs. -i rnlly tnusul hy n l.aJ linlifl In ) milh, Iho wi,.,,.p 8. ivhlili .iro dlralness, puiii", fortrclfnliiof, soinciir,, n rliiuini! inlho cnr, wink rjos, ui-nkm nf rln- r,' I! nnd lower exln nilllcs, ronfuslmi nf Mins.loss t,i i nry w Ith iiiclniirliidy.uiny ho rurod by Ihr aullinr,i v! Vti l'AIUH AND I.OMMJN TltllATJll.NT. "M W Wo luiirc, rvcrnlly (Icviitnd inmli in n,lr .i,. , vmiTiNii Tin: i;tiioi'i:.N iiosI'Italh. J.!'?, nursclvr nf tlio MiohIoiIko nnil rosinri lies of n, r skllli-d l'li.isijlntis iinilriiiri'"iis in Huroiir niid h i tlni'iit. Thoso wlm pint thomsilios umtrr in r ' " will now imvo Hie full hi'iipili nf th ninny Nnu" i r,rricAtu)rfUKMi:iiiLijhi.iiwo nr J u,,, Intrniluco int'i our iiriiclioo, nml tho public innv r '.V suri'dnfllio sumo rral. assiduity, SlicilllUY ,ii,,i . linn Iiolni; pnid lo tUolrnisos, tvhlih Jin ,0 sue ... ! tydlsllniiiil.lipdiis liorilofnro, ns a I'livslclan Ii T l'lX'UI.I.Mi ilcpiiriiniinl of profussinnnl I'raclliu J in .,itt tirrtita.tire Heart. ,J I I'tlMCII I'I MAI.K I'll.l.S. Lllltloi Wlin U fr H,l,, tho etnrnry ofwlilih lini toon titud lu IIiiiusiii,,i iiisos, nnd novcr fiillod to clli'rt sui ily ruri, witn nny bud rosiilts.w ill use none Imt lir. l)o,iinoy's IVi,, i rerloillcnJ rill. Tho only i'reiimtln resmrv t , servo is, Indies should lint tnko tliemif they hi,, , , I son to lieliovu tin y nrn In certain hUuhiIoui (thn , ,, , I iilnr of wliirli will bo fouiiil on tin-wrupnor n.. I lijinc eneli hn.,) lliouh ulw.i) tiifu unit" lieim V "' i pi nlly yet untirlivv lire ihuy. I l'rlco SI per Imx. They rnn Ire mnllcil to tinv i , , r ti.o United rtntes or Cnniidn. '" ,c , 'JO Till! I.AIIIIIH-Wh.i lined n e,f.,!cnl!r,l ,. , ' ndviser wilh nunrd In nny of tlmso int. r Mine r. n plnint" to which their delicate nrnniilz.itinri r ... tliem liablo, lire pirlicul.irly Invited to c.nnM,r (, Tiih-'Ki.n.rKO (Iaia isk, I'lioiKCTHf."-I r Indies w lmo hnlth will not niluiit, nr w ho l.nvo n sire tu liiiTi'aso llinir fanillles. may he nbtalm il nr id -It Is u pi rf.-Uly mfe prevenfivo tn eoneeiitinn, ., ",, been ixteiislvtly used iturliig Iho lint SU yenr. I'm. ruduce.,1 to $10. j 'IhcStcrrts of Voufli UmvpIIr'. A Treatise on the Cause cf Fretnature Derail, jt emn varntig. Just ;,tiWiWn book rhotrhg the i, ;,, j-rogrett tyd rrcialinre iirnovg nthoos, iloth Jennie if (lis fatvt habit, pointing out thf fatal, l . ih mrarlahlg aitcvdt its rlelimn, and ileveloidng tut i, progress of th' diseae,frcin the commencement la . t u , It will le rent by Mail oarceeiptof tun f 31 rut j' ,, , Altemlnnie dally, from in ihe iiiiiriiliiL' ti-l liit'lil, mil mi i'liniliiyii fror.i a llll ,5 p t. i .Mi'illclneH with lull directions sent to nny pert of n, I'nltml Htntes or Cnnwln, by p.itleiit ciiu.iiuinr i, their syniptoms by lcltir. ilnsitn;- correriii tub etrlrlly'iilinl. ' I 'T. Ur. I,' Otricf is strll In-nlo.) ns etalillh - the iinuie uf III!. I.A OllOIX, nt Nn. 31 .Maliluii I.uin. , haiiv, N. V. Nov. I2ni. FRESH ARU1VA J. -or- -I O II- " " - mm m mm I j "ii'ii-r.iieu, .-ruii'iui inr pai pnlrnn.iire g fully infiiriushiscilstinners and lli.iiiiililieiii that ho has Just received frnni thu Ihstornu el I l.i'gost nud most .elect stock of e a' llio. KI'KliVU AND SUMMER That lins y.t been iiieneil in lllooinsbiir)!, it. wbkn Invites tho ntlciiliun of his l'neiid, nnd iismic . i, thai Ihey lire nll'ered fur sal.i at crent lutrLtiiu i. yiotK uwiprl'-cs n li.rv nssoitineiit of t) i:ti. em i:.-a wkaiunmi AiTAiir.fc, i.'nnristini! of f'AiiuiNr.ii' Drisj Covis. nf .,, n rription; r.inta. Vest., rihirts, I'mvutB Hindis i,m. liuudkcrclimfs, (.Inves, tfusp- inters &:r.. GOLD WACHES JEVvKLHY, flf ever) ilesi riplldii, fine and thenp. N. II. lleliieinlj r " Uwinherg' Cheap F.mfor' v ' cnll und hoc. Nu ch.irire lor eAanimtr lim .1 IiAVIll I,(iVl:i!i;i!0 lllnomsbiiri.', March SKI, l!-ils. (ji10 r5, BAKI5KV & CO l'K 0T f O N A K Y. tu.'vi r.s A1X Tin uiiilcuisneil rontliiii,. hij nkeri nnd Conf tionary up .Main tftieit, i:,li i ic, u h r ho ketp- crns'nnlly on hand. Pjftiois sit filed w lib rtlm nn ill, eral ti ruis, Kt All Mu In of Trull, Vrgil.Mes. rrol..u., it, drill) rciived from the Citie uond and flush- rh. r,- dec i 9 'am pitpaieit ot 81 rfj. )r ot H IM...n. ....... , ... . . . . ..unuii;, ci nil Kiuas. c , jici i sale. 11. sroM.u. rilooinili irc June II, IPCS. 1VJHW 1'OltK MEDICAL INSI. ti;ti:. A licuevolent Institution endowed fur tho rn i.hroiiic Uisenses of ecr) nnture, nnd In plot. M , lids f urn ijuiiil: ni!rtivr nnd iinposliire. ft , i ires exerj t f,.r lledinuu uiilil cured, unit in enrn "i tieine puerly trcalineiit fiee. No Mineral or i ous lrti(i lined. The I hysiciiciis have lone n teiii-iei jperieiire m pnale und llo.ipil., , tiou The tidlnw ui" lire some i.l tlio rninpliiiiit t. i , special ntlei.linii is (!iveii. All illrenses of h Throat Lungs, Heart, Htninaeli. l.lvur. Kidntv, I . Uli.'uniallsm, I'll, .Cancer, l iles Nirvous Air i Ilisensesnf the t-exual Drc'iins. H.minal H iiikm s I peteneo nud Virulent dieinse of every nature pi i ly cured. I'ieasns of l'emales nud all IrreKiilar biirccssrullv treated lllinduess nnd llonlnepH ' wilhout painful operations. Patients trocted b) i hy vndiiiir n ttafeinent iil tbi'ir case. .Meilinn. any pun ofthe country. C'nnMiltatioii free to nit. r Adilrep. r-'tau p enrlcod, Ml. I.. tlllAVI H, OnMiltinj Thv in Mil llronilnuy, New nlv April 5 IfCS tl S ,r? sf & & X II. 0. IIOWEH, S T It U K 0 iV I i; ,' T I f T lli'.rtlT.CTrui.l.Vrirershis prof, - ik " " lv"; r i in" la i nun peniii u. "Xj LJ '"no""'"uri! nn il vliliiily. lie is ( j -,ii u ,,, nn uiv vitriuiis i the lino rf his profession, lie i provided wilh tin I , , i ,' '-,,,,, i -.I,,, , jhui win no ins r' cold, platinn, silver nud rubber basuj lolook no i. flu, unit, I (.....I. Minenil pl.ito and Mock tetlh nianiifaitured et, opi raiinnn on teeth, carefully end properly nil. nil lllnniii-lniig, I'n,. August 3, Irfil. CIGA15S Sc TOIJACCO Alnrgo nsnrtinent nf choice Cijnto, Tolmrro l'riiils, ('oiifeiiiiiiii ry nnd Notions general!) or wilh u full Hod. of HATS ami CAl'rf const., hand nnd for sulu ihunp, ut tlio lllooni.biirg Lu: Linpuriilui." joiit; k. tiir.i llomrrruri!, March K,, Iff!. H. MULLIGAN, mroUTLIt OF ALL KINDrJ or CtfUW !& toys tea, iiit 'hti AND MANUFAOTURIOR OF JBWHI No. 441 North Strand Street AllOVK WILLOW, PHI LAD El Pill r.fw. xx !ci ATTORNEY AT LA V- . Jii.oomnuna, fa. OtTiTjo In CiMirl Ally, formerly oectipM by CIrt''' . lluckilw ItlmmKIrirnr, Hor. i, iwj. LEATHER I LEATHER! ! rpilK undersigned would nnnniinre, that lin line . nihi'lintiiiidOap Kinporium, on Muln M., 11 burg, nn n.sorlnientof different kind ol lt-atln r. cf wluclrlio will sell chinpor than can ho hud ol in mi innrktt. Cut im, neinlnu nipiii Mir )ii mooui.bunr.Mayo,,,,. JOiTN it, (1 (IT1V & o & a a -3? u a a a v Printer, nnoiiblndpr k tJIankloo: M A N U FA C TP R E R ; WiioLV.i.t nii Hetxii. IleAi.prt is WtlNTLVO. WIUTINf! AMI VVItAlTINO r,Ii: xorwr rommi c-xtawissa r .in mu, Main Riei-t, first dnnrbtlmv lh I'ublir Hr ,- WILKESHMirr v