SlIEKIF TT)Y virlno of n writ of Yentlilioni Ex- rin. to ine il I rpctfl , lsticl nut of Hie Court of Common usns ni uiu i ninny 01 i;miimuin, win no ex posed I" public aula nt t lie public lirumn nf w. A. Kline, (u Huhrsbirg, III said futility, nil CATUHDA Y, Till: .Mill I'AV Or' NOVKMIIHIt, IHO'J, lit una o'clock 1". M , rifsnl .1 ilny, , , , A certain lot of ground, sittmtoin IMiors- l.nrg. (Ireotitvnnd tow tis'litp, Unlin Ida roiinly, bounded iia pillows, on tlii vvnst hy Main street of snl.l town, on tho koiiIIi hy tlio public ruml lending tnt lahlnscrcik, on Iho ont unit north by Iniids or Wllllnm Miithcr. con taining t"10 n.ronnil nuo"pinrler of luml, mora or teas, whereon In eroded iitwo story frntui! ntnro houe, tnn gool Irnmo dwellings until two story lilfli Willi Ilia appurtenances. ALSO, One otltcr lot of ground silurtto in Orern.tnn.I township, nforcsnlrti hounded on tho tioilli by Hi ' .Mnln ro'nl tinillui! from Kolirsl.urg lo Mlllvlllc, mi Hi'1 tvost buiiIIi mill tii el liy lends of the lute 1'rf il crick llnlir, ili'C'il., containing Jour nml three-quarter urrcs of land, mora or Iom. ALSO, Ono otlior lotofgroundMluateiii Oroon wood tuwnahlp nforesnH, lying nenr lhi vlllncu of llidirhurg. I ' 1 1 1 ) f 1 1 on the foiiIIi I j y III.' Main rond had lug to ll'inlnn on tlio west hy lands or Daniel Itcoru, on llioimttli bylniulanf laanr. Hewitt, on thn Mint hy land nf John SI111II7.. rnnlnliilng nu-rittli of nn nrre, s-hcrou la orrttoil ntwii Mury Irnmo dwelling house nml framo stable, Willi the npputti'itnnccs. Hi'liii'il, taken In (m ention niultnln! snld ns t lie prop, crty of Cllns Wertnian.uiid to be rnl.l hy SilERtrr'a DmiE, ) J0S1A1I II. I'UIIMAN, Ilntiiutiurir Nov. f , 1C9, I thrrlff, L The first described properly Is n very desirable oni', it la well located for tiicrcmtilc IiiipIiicfs. ii good country surrounding and only ono atom in tlio tillage of llnlirsburg. Sheriff's Sales. l)y virtue of nindry writs of I'endithni t'l.iponaa, to lite illr'f It'll, lsuoil out nf tins Court of Common liens nt Columbia county, will he exposed to public sale mi jUtiwtity, the Fist ilny of Jkcembir, 180U nl ono oVInilt, p. in,, of said ilny at the Court House, in Idouiusbiirg, Hit' lullnttlng Ileal Lstuto tu wit; All that certain tr.ict or piece of land, situate In Mndisnti tutvnhip, Columbia county, Penu. sylt aula, hnuuili'il .in Inllim s to wit : -tin (he nnrlli by Ijn.t of John I liiinjau, on th weft hy laud of Cnleh ruiisluu's Heirs, on th.' south hy land nf William Win. t r-te. u.uii.l on lilt east hy l.iud nl tleorft l'.t ei, con taining seventy-six acres, iuori or leas, win reon are erected n large two ktor fruuic iluclliiiIio'iie, n Inrt'e friiui 1 turn, wunou liotiati,u pprmi;liutit'atiil other out b lililhi" w llh the it'purti'iitiiii i.a. H.'lz oi. lak.'ii in i'i'i.utiuii ami to he snlil aa tlio prop erty of Jacob ri. ilooue. ALSO, At the pnmo time and place, nil that L'Ttuiu Kit df tainl pitnatu in nrinrrivfk tnw nslilp, ,'o! iiiuM,i inty. la. roni.tiiuitj,' twi tu-rc. In tliu amiiki mora r hixiii li-il ami dune rllmil i folluws tn it; t) i tlio wept hy lauiJa ot (it-nrifj Hriiwn, on hc nnrih lit l.tmlsor John iV-uk, mi (!n Kj't hy html of .Micli.ul liciwr w Ii Tifo'i it vtvt led a i;o"il t'rniifi Iiouko, a luink Ii irn with th nipiirtt'ii;jti( cs, fcteU '!, tnken in rvortitlnu nml tn soli nf) tlio pii'pt'rly ufJncol) . .MabttHur and John l'rlcc'.trrc tea wtti, ALSO, At t'io sptnc time and place, nil that ccr tiln lot itunti! in r'anfville, Columbh roiinly, Ixiiin. , li'il ami ilencri'M l as lollow k, to w it : (In the wt'Et hv Mala ptr-M'l, on th imrth ami cat by laml of I,liuii Iiit keitn, anil on tin' k Ml Ii by I. mil nt"'lioinn I'.utkel, conlaiiiiiii; Due-Pour ih of an acre, more or leas, w In re oa U i'rei.l"il n mnall Ir.ime tlHi lling hniise, Willi the npp'irt lianciv. S- izrtil, taken In execution lin.1 to he roltl na the prop erly of John I'iiv, die'd. -fiituii'i''!U(m ( JuStAll II. riJIl.MAN, lllnouuhurg, Nov. il. IBii2. ( Hiriff. Regjsteh's Notices. NOTICI. la liep'bv (riven to all leRateca. ereditera and nth r pcr-ontf iut -r'-sted 111 the r-t rated f the r.' nn.'ClivO I'cedi'llK and n,lnor. the lollowin" lid. i.tiuiMration au l Kuiinllaii arcounl4 have b -i u hied in tluolliee of Ihi' It'el.ti'r of Columbia roiinly. ami will h' pr 'ai ntod fur i oniiriiiiition .1111I al v am e. lo the Or plum's Couit. 10 lu In Id at Illiiiimsbiiii.'. 111 the lounly i.foreaal.l. 011 W. dm'flay the M day of Doicmber ueit, i.t Jo'iloek. in Ih'i afternoon of said day. lt reoiint of lit ury 11. 'A j li.-rt and Anna 'eliner oiliu'm of(Juor?e '., Inn r. lotu of r.rian rt'i'k T. i dee'd. 'Jnd 1'iriiaod tlutil areoiinti'f Sii'di "ii Km,rr ndinin Utralor td'Jat nl t! Knorr lute of. cutru'l'Mp dre'd Ul I'iratiiml ll'ial iicount nfnruh Tniti-I, adruiiiia tr.urn of lauicH Tr.. 1 Mute of le m.t Yip. d.r'.l llh 1'1'nt and ll.i.ilim Mint of Ceo. .M. Il.irtniaii adiu'r nlll.'n II. ir;.. 1,1.1 ha. 01 il.'ntmi twp. dee'd. .'ith I'm il m i 011111 of l.ihu Hanld, Cuitr II.111 of Aiiro lino .Well, un nil nii.urj ,1 villi s-riii Jidinrnu, uml (..iiiKhtor vrWm Jli lliiirj by lin iIiti , n if,.. I'lh A( count of Snitiui I I'r'iiay adiu'r nf the ottttJ of Abruh'iin riiinlli lun of Mifiliti t'A i, d. rV. 7th Ar- iMiut "f 'iaioiiel Criiuy adm'r nt the .c-tate of Pillion i.oll".ib. n r Pit.- !' ,M 111 1 11 tW, llrc'd. cth 1'inal an- inn ofl.iw ia VHtcr adm'r of John Priio lale nf t'lltlav i miui, ller'il, bth The itdiini ni oiivi r Covenluiven Cyrus Me Henry and IV , aly Wirt atlm'ranf John i.'ov.'iiihtn. in, lulu of Orange tu p, o. c'd, i)t.i::i. netister. lt 'lli't t Office 1 l.l..oui.'i ir HC9. j 1' HOC LA vi ATI ON )C71U'.Ri: S. lli Hew. .nm K. Pkkiiam, rresidon. v v jiidiii: "1 tin I 11 trl 01 iy. r and Ti rniitn-r and (ien ml Jail II livr. oiirt of (iuiiiler Hesnnns or the I' -lie 11 id ( null .if Common I'll as and Orphan's Court. In the 'J' th Ju '1, 1 .1 llistriit. nuniiohi d nl the cotniiics of Coliimhia Sullivan tnni Wyuiniiifr, and Ihi' Hon. John M( ltejiiolds& SI pli n llildy.As.iei.ii.'JinlensnfCnliiui. bi.i co'iiilj li.u ii.mi. d Hi.' irpr ci pt.b, arii'i,' date the C1I1 (lay ofpept. in lb.- v. nr of our I one thouiaiM liplu li iii'lreu n.i.. mij t.viiinil In me diKituI f r huliting a I'onrtnf Ov r .1 aul i'i runm r and G"iiural Jnil delivery, C'liieral r U s-ioiu uf Hie l'uicr, Cnuiluon I'iur.s and Orplrin's 'niirt 111 liltmiuihtir, in (ho cniiniy of I'ol'llnbia. 00 the lllht .Molltl.iy, (b. in;; tlio M fiuv) of li.'e'inbir ll"M and 1, 1 utillioiu oiiuimi'U. f.'nlie 1- Ii r by eii iin, to the Curnm r, the Jostlres of the I'.'.ii an I I'unutables of llio k.ihI e.iunlv of Columbia that th"' be ihi'ii niid He re in Hi ir pr.qn'r 11: rsuas nl J l o rl'ieti in tin loreiiiiim nf 5 ildilaj, with ti, ir ri'eord", in l'iiito'is ami olln r ri'iiii'iobr itiee to do thoce thinys which tn tin ir oiliii'4 npp rtulu to he tlone. And those that are bmintl by ri'ensiii.iiiii-, tn prnm cute ae.iiitst the prison rs that nr or may bo in the Jail nf said (omiv nl I'nliiuibia tn b-' th.'it ami tin're to pros. 'ron iht'in ns ah, ill In Just. JiirTs nr r "iui si 'd to h' pumt11.1l in Iheirat. I ' 1 i.l 111 u h, n r ' lo th 'ir not ic s. Duud at Illnums. hnr,'. the 1st i..t of Nnv., in the jinr of nur Lord me lleiii.rtitil 1 ifht h itn'ri'il ami sixty tun.nnil in ihi' "ilit v mth year ol tin' In b p 'inh iirt 01 tli I'liip il Sinte!, of Amerii-.i. (tiotl sie Hie Cn'oii'iuuwnlih.) JCSI.VH H. I't'lt.M ,', Bh.-rliT LIST OF OAUShJS, roa Diicinninu term, 180','. I Andrew Cre'v linz, v Andrew Mellirk, et nl. William ii. I. mire rs llarinou C Critelln;, 3 I'liilip Wiot"rslui n, i s Valentino Winterslecn. i lluch 'riin'opion. i t. al. vs Ainiiisliis II i'earre, ct a! 5 ll.iuiel 1'. Seib 'rin u;miius II I'i arco et al. li llrnry Wcll,jr vs (ienree Kiiilry jr. 7 Jacob l.yer a Ahr.iliaiu Klase. U Abraham Mas ", vsJaeob Hyer. !! Havld 1.. vi i t ,tl v .-.nun"! .. Itetile, 1U ll.iuiel r. &. j In il v Jorph (ieusil. II niijah .Me Win lun-1 1 al vs ChrHian Wolf. 1 J 1'ri'derick Markroli' vs Jehu Knl.isou. I'd tVilli.mi A ( .is. 1 1 al vi i intra tuwu.hip. H II II 1'ri'iis v Joshii i r.'tlcriuiiu et al S II It i'rens s Ju.hii.i lMti ruiau 1 1 al. JS John II llrovMi et ,ii vs l."ooard II l!iiiort. 17 I'eier M Trautlns A.unn Clajton. Id B.imiii 1 lliti intended vs Silas II l; Isar. III Malilou links 1 1 at vs Oliver I.ynn et nl. 21) Cenr.'e Hiil'Iims et al vs J V Cri.Wo l et lit. '.'I Jam s li.u iiil'v Id'C". t!'J I.enis Larisli vs linhert llau'enbilrh. SiM.'iumi I. Riil.rrl Ilaiji'iib'.irh. SI4 Andrew Lunch's 11m i utors vs liubeil Haj.iiibiicli '.'.1 I'eter 1 1 .iH'imii ii ' - ',i ciiiors vs H.ivid i'ox. -ii N. II. Cren i s Henry I' I'reas. 'J? Cum h I'.ver tl vs Mont. Kline et al, 2 Win I. l'.irks vs Clisha liobbius. 21 Abraham Miller vs Jn.epli W i'ry. r.0 Is. unit II I'r ,isv- Wiilnnii Ikc. r. Ill l.nuisaCou'eii vs i:ii..ibeth llelius, ;J Cull in lilt ilsiiy b'r v " 'I'riiauii .M llubbsl ct nl. :il Jaenb Harris is P'ter Jaenhy, III ndrew I'r 'as ei al vs Itirluiril Torhy. Jer II Voruiuet nl vs Jatnbllarriiigton Ct nl. ,1ii J,i oh llnnd vs T.llil in N.tiiln 3" Willi un z r vi. Joseph I'I.oiii. M Jnjepli W llailsy vsilev I). J Waller. jacoi! i:vi;ni.v, rroiiry. Prolli'Mi'iliiry's Olfien, I lUoniiiKlur i c Nov. P, 1,-icJ, CUE I N WOOD SEMI N A 11 Y . Millvilc, Columbia County, J'cnn'u. Tina well kuowli School for both aoxei will open NtiVi;.MIli:i! 3d, JeiiJ. Thn recent uildilions lo the huildinjis; render mrnnv oJalions for more ili.iu sixty ho'irders. Tho coursu of study will emhraee three ilrp.irtments the Norni il, the Hcieiiti He, nmt 1'iu i niinnercial. Tho Principal will he assisted by oxp. rleneed (enrli era, fully qualiili-il for their respei live petitions. I'.ircnts uml others may ri'st assured Hint nn ell'urta will bo spared tu make, IhuSnhool worthy of nalrounue ninl that tlio welfare of thn si minus, intellectually, physically, mid morally, will rerciveourrnnstnntraro I'or application, circulation, circulars or further par tinilnra, nddreas the iiinlerfisiic.l. until Oct. 1 IfCv.nt I'oiMiliiKt m, I luster muniy, l'.i and after that time it Milluillo Culiiiiibiu rouiiiyl'a. T. MAXWni.I, I'OITF. I'rincipnt. Ill vlun sold mil my ihi 'rest in Hie fJreemvooil Semi- niry, lo I M Poll-, who was for several years I riniierteil wiih the In-tltutinii us u aurcssnful lenrln r, I I hereby cheerfully roiiiiiiend lllui lo my friends iihtl pa ' Irons, asa o'-iitlemaii efiiniplo qualification for tho po. sillon hn assuiiie .and in ov ry way worthy tlm ennfi (I 'ice and i.uttun.iue ol Ihj mibiir VM liI'ltfiF..-"- join v rvrrov v m rune pi i. Vllltllle I'.i X pt ,1 i-r.j KHGEU'TSFOJl O0TO1JU11. ro Tin: Ciilitiitliiit Dtiitiirrnt Otl Co Artr Poc'y llnl..! t.....r... ' 82100 I 73 II 75 1 ninri Thomaa I 00 I'clerJnnca ,',t) laanc Darlalla'; ti oo Hiiruiicl .MeNlncli o(,i) l.llah ill llartiuan ( 0') Hugh I) .'Mcllrldo I HI Win Apniemnn 3 on J'.li'i A Ilntvcr H on Charlca II Null o on I'eter (Ilrton j .til W I, Mark 1 on I'lulip llllli' Montcniiiery Coin 1 fit! Jereml.ili llefa .0.) 8 00 AI11J Win II Koona .1011 lleo I'llrlPfhiili 170 lion John Mrllr-ynolila SIM len f I. Ward lion Nathan I'leckunatlnc 1 Oil John Cil'IIN John 1' rowler. risi Amlri'iv riirii. ni., 1 0(1 7.1 I f.U J .'.!) 1 7:. i ,.' .Ml fill 1 (Ml I At) 1 11(1 isj:.d 1 Ml 1)00 -to loo John Rnviler (Orauro) ' hrMlan Ilnrlley Hamiiel l. Killur I'retl'k lirchr II II Appleman I'rodcrlel Mculy Itv II HTobl.ia John Cnlilwell Ilaq ii iy (.nriainian 'NlllllitblU f.'nimli. John KilleriOrnnco) .ui.iniii i iiunnri Aapy l.nyton nil Ohl John lloner tic 100 mmi 'mm i IV YOU WANT TO HUY YOUK Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO Crr.isy's Slore, in Light Street, I'a. h mi OF GOODS ! CALIOOE,. MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELC. OAltPETR, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, lleady-Marte Clothing. Sugars, Molnssos, Ssyrujn, Cofrccs, Tuns, Fish, Salt, Uaeon, JIani3, Lard, Tobacco, fe'dirars, Hats, J5oota, Cap?, Shoes, Drug?, Oils, Faint?, &c, Sec. In addition tn our larao stork of Dry Onoda, we have f large ami full aaaortmenl of It-aily Made ('lotliine aor .lieu and Hoys wear whirl! wo are determined to tell cheaper th 111 can be bought ilnew here. Call and see, and jMdpu fur yourselves. II. V. cnUAHV & CO. I.IHht Street, Pa ,Nuv. S gr,a. KKU HATS Wi U'lNTEH TU'S, Th" iituli'ri!'ne linn Juft received from the C.ntern Cities ,1 stii riorssortnieul of Winter H iJats and Caps, Coinprislni; every sort, ize and quality, nhirhwlll bo dold nl unuiirilly low priu". Alan-A line lot of KID-!, MOROCCO nml I.tvivostn whli h he invites the at cution nf iiioeiuakers hiuI the iiublic Also. C.r.nrrmr.H, VOI.ASni'S. and notions cnnerally. r,Oill nt the I he.p lint and Cup emporium, on Minn l-lr..f.l fihnvn the CTr!i!iiif. JOHN K filBTON'. Illoomabiirg, Nnv.P. 1Rf,a HAKI JiUIOHS-DEC. TEU3I, IS2 l!or. Ht'rvvick Town's tint W. bjiiim. Hen Kin Sam nc I Mr Henry. Caiiavyi -ii .Inliii k. Itotitnif. C'ii'it' Chnttf Hill, (ienijie Herring, John Kckro'li I'.ll'vrioil Hii'jli"s. Conn imlinm Uenbeii Vn-snr. Fi-lnniirroek I u v id S.iv i'jii. (Jreeii wimil (3oroe Wmlilmrn. J-tckKon John Derr. I.ncilsl f-ititnml Me.iru. Mnnlotii VVilliain Kr.istu?, Elii" Diiler- irli, i'ilii l''nnfl. M 111 1 1 J.iciit) Vohii, j'r. Mount l'le.nnnt William Huwell. Mitilisou Cyril" Duidkii. Iti'iirniiereak Cli.irle Ko!c, Adam fibli. Scull Kli.ii Kriiui, Cliiirkis, J-i-eph I.illev. Thuttin" Trencli. 'X's'iivci'sc .Ssjs'orHi 11 1 r . liiTwiek Jo-epli Tlniin j-oi. lieni'iii A.-a Yoiks, S.itrnii'l Ap,'lomaii, I'eter K.iriie'., J.miii Al.jilenr,1. Itnaicreek J.ilin II M in Henrv Huak. FiiinkSin Jotiii Zijjler, Jeiumi.ili S. Full ridfle r, fieon.'!' Hco. Fisli'iiucrtiDk Cjru- Itobliitn, i)inil Mc- 1 1 1 ti r , Damn. tncKcr, John jMeUciiry. (Jiei'iiwoo t Nii'litilii" Kinitl. J.ii iili lierlin, J.iiitiM'ii II. Ikuler, Win. Jltbbiiis, l-nat: A. DeVVi i. Iletiiloi-k li.isoliell Foittk, b'ylvnstor Pur- rol. Jacl;-un .'nlin 1'. Hws l.ncnsi lioomn Keller, Gnoro Fiirini.'r.jr. Morilonr Ir'.iclier Al Mifllm John AiiMi, Hlixia Ii. lirown, Sain- iu.'I Nos Mnini! Josfipli (lisaer. Orange JtiMse. linuu-tuiila Simuel Achen burn. Iioan imrroek nnitie! (lonrhari, Michael Keilornli, Htntinl rijer. S'igarliiKl J'!"'i H irtimi'i, Cyiu I.irih. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. The r.xaniinatiim of Teachers will he continued ns fill lull'.. : Centre, at I'ppcr 1.1ml l'.idtje, 'I Imraduy Octobers .. Or.nnjj, at Orangi Mile, I'rida) , tn t. Ill , l'isliin'rreck, Peiiler's Sehfcol II.. Saturday' Nnv.i 1 lleiilnii and Shusarlo'if, nl lleiilou, .Monuay Noi'i J Scott, at l.lsht Slreit, Tm'sday Nov. -i, Montour and Hemlock, ut llm K Horn, Nov. fl. Cattail iasa end llr.mkliii Cuilaw i-a, Nov. (i, Ilenver. Muhiel'sS il., IVnlay nv.7, nliiiiie at .Vitinoiilii', falur lay Nov. b. Con) niihaiii, nl C men ille, on .Monday, Nov, 10. l.ofilitnud lloarinni reek. .Niiondi.i, Nov. II. Millliu, at Milillinl le, on Wednesday, ,nv l'J tit I'lersaiil. at lliilehis i.i's.i n '1 hursdei, Nkv 13, Jackson, Lower Uiinm Churtli, 1'rld iyi nv. 11, .Madison, at Ji r'j mwi, i a Sitiiirdny. Nov. IS The teri isesnl ,11 the iibov.. (daces lo commence nt U o'i lock A M I'lintliisliiy Is desired, and the attendance of direc tors re'iuested. WM. liUIUJi:3.'3, Co.Kupt. Nov. J, leCJ.-tf. 1W0 FARMS Tho aubsrriher ofl''rs for sale or rent. Hie tiro follow ing Carina, unc of Ihem .11 nut,' 111 i iiiiii;cn ' k lonn sin . Culmiibia county, roiit.iiomg OiNE HUNDRED ACRES, M more or loss, nbout Ulty-lh e uere-of vvhiih I? is rienr. d land, whereun ar orciicd 11 good i, Two Story J'li.4.Ui! DH'f.l.UXH luUH., and tll.'l.vy. IhtltX, Wnjun House, Cuin Crib, nnd other outbuildings. ...SO '-One mlier 1'nrm. situate in Iknlon township, ColUiiibi.i cniiutv, containing ONE HUNDRED & THIRTY-FIVE Acres, abnnt Tlnrlj-l'ivo Atios ofIilih in S t I I.. .. I ..I. - - f Ij 1 111,' ii" I'll iiri'd iiiiiii, i. n-j t-im mi- i-i t ihi 1. it, it'in imr.i.uxn iiovai:, m.imi: mux, and ''IL i.iher outbuildiiies. Mud l'arni is ailiiato oil liuviugCreek, aboiiltwomiles ubovufciHl water. ALbO: Two oth r aiuall Lots, situate ill 1'i.hing treek tnnnslup lying on I'lslnugrreei. llnnd, and une mile from Still Water, nnu toniuiiiiiig I'ol'lt ACUIH. 1111 1 Iho ntlier n Tuwn Lot, and good building' on each of thorn. C y" rermaauj coudllii mniiide know 11 hv WILLIAM IKL'LUK. rishlngeroek. August 311, rsotj. F. 0. IIARHISON, M. D. WOI'Ll) rospectfjlly Inform tlm citizens nf Jln 0. burg, and vinnitv, lie coisiinuusllie )irn clicn MKHICXE JXI SUlt(IF.r.Y, ml solicits n slmro nf public poiioiinge. Orriu-. nu Main rilreel, lint houm below the Court lln'iso. Illnniii.biirg. t'ebrusry 3. Ie5i-if. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Diooxsnrno ri Otfit In Cm A-iy. firm-ny nrfdiAs'1 b) C'J'es K I'e 'y.l va lllifOTi.bnrj Pots 1. lf Hoavy Artillery 1 ! Mw.Ini?i'ifi.,,,lM,llVjl?,,t.r-1t,Pr,l",uy 'ncnllat In Cnpt. f w ,'V.Uv8 ,,1AI Tl 1 Y M l'A- AIITIM.KI y (ll'JIh 1', V,) tlalmned in Ibu DHFKNUK OF WASHINGTON, D.O. Fllimt-tl nn llif henullful lllRlilauda of thn Pniomnr. Authority Inn Itiji been rioMU'il, lo Inrtcnae th.i mill). her ol ini'ii in unrh ll.itl "fy toone liumlrettiind lilly. f EEcct nils arc Wanlfd i o 1.11 lhn r.irikii nf Ihn iiliiu- tt.-(tti-v.n umnrni1 , lieallh. e omfert ,! popi.iarily of lh, nrn, oVtln. -erVleu ! 1. m "in? l amry 10 ainie me met. 1 lint nailery naa loat hut lour ini'ii autre it nrjanl.atloii, anil they were ill-ihiinred 011 iicriiiint of din a ta i tinlrniti'il h.'foru mey eoimrti. 1 nn.e wialutiir loenlial or ili'Hrlii),' fur ther information urn ri"Uutteil to nppljtn , I.iixt W. UTT, October 1.1, IrVJ. Illoomaburi!. I'a. riTTSnur.nil, l'A., Cnmer I'enn nml Pl.Clnlr Pts- TholnrKCtCoiniiierrial School of llio Cnlted Stales, I w ith n pnlronaire of nenilv n.ouii Ptiidi'iix. In ilvp i'ii 1 fruinlll Hlales, and the only one tt Inch nll'ords eoniplelo nnd reliable instruction In'ntl the fidlmi loi' I, rutielii's. vim Merrniitlle, Miinur.iriurcrs, Slenm limit. ISallroad nud Hook. keening. I'irst I'reuiliiiii Plain and Upiinineii. I tal I'enmniislilii : nln. Sorvet linr. Ciiuliierrlnir mnl . Mnthi'inntics generally 35.00 1'iys for a Onmmrrclnl Uou rso; Stiidcnti enter nml re rlew nt any tinin. ir.'".MInlsters' aona' tuition nt half price. I'or Cutnlomie of i-ri panes, Specimens of llinlncas and Ornamental lvinuaiishlp. and n henMlful Colleiio view of ct spuaro fed, containing a gn.,d variety nf writing lettering and flourl'lilng, Inclopo SI cents In stamps In the 1'rlni'lpnN. .IliMilNs? & SMITH, I'lltaburgli.ra. April IP, lPC-j-ly. IDivd OUir.rKiis, 1'bssvi.vaxi.v Aliuns, I Bt'IKU'.ON HCNHIIAL'S OIT'ICH, State Medical Jlourd of Pennsylvania, The Stnte Medical tlonrd will meet in Hie Ilnlloftho llouin of Utpiesiutiitives. ht Hnrrlsbnrg. on 'rhnraday Seitember lull, lHo'J, nml sltonedny, rortlicex.imlnatlo'ii oftaiiilidates lor tho punt of Assistant Surgeon In I'eitu sylvauia llogimi'itla, Candiihiles will register their nnni"s 'it the Hall nt 8 A, .M., nnd none hut thos3 present punctually at '.I A. M., will be rxaiitiu "il. Citizens of Pennsylvania of health nnd capable of active sorv Ice in the liiiil, can alone be received. ilv order nf A. ti. CUHT1N. Onvcrnor ofl'enn'n. lUsnv II.SMtrii, Surgeon Ccncrai renn'u. IIarrlburg Aujuit 1, Wi. BLOOMSUUltO "SKYLIGTIT, 1111! und"r8ignetl informs the titizen nf lilnom. JL and nelshliorhood, Hint lie has taki n the large room I it tlie Hxrhance mock, extending over .Mesr. Stoiier I'nx's I'akery, uml the limit, Mure where he has put in a largeSkyligi t. It is only by SI.) light that food pjc ures cm li 't ten especially groups where eaih person un lie taken tst as wi II ns si p.irnte. Ileh-isgon to coilidertdi!c exp"llse to make his cs abliahinetit Ilrst tlassom . and he th- refore solirits a In rul ptitro lge toeiinble him, to rontautly introduce tun mode l improvements of the art. 0O"Oo'iu ) produce taken in i:ihange for pit turns. iir.NuY uortnssTiii ic. Rlnom-lmrg. Nov. 23 HBI. Nov. (' ',VJ SAPONIFIEU ! SAPONIFIEIl i ! V7"VV. IMMILV SOAP MAKCI! All Kltrhen Crease can be made intognod SOAP, Inj l.'sine' SAl'OMl'li:KI rCr"DIIti:CTIONd ACCOMrANYINC I1AC1I DOX I SOAP is eaily made with it, as making n cup of tof fee Manufactured only l,y the Patentees. l'A. SALT MANUPACTUIlISa COMPANY. No 137 Walnut Street PHILAOni.l'HI . AM3R0TVPE, PHOTOGRAm ic IvtELAH'OfYri! AviBHOTYFES, FHOTOG HA Flla, Ti:l ai iit.typc-a, tc. laUn in Cloudy ait udl an ;ii-,tr Vc;ilIi'r." Auiljiitypots ani Dagatf n'ot) cs coniud and llnlargcd. no urn dajsville, ia. Dec. 21, Itfii. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Hip Teacher's Association of Cwlunibia rounty will nice t nt .Mlllliuville, on tialurday. the '.'.llh of Octnhi r. A. M. uy-'Tcar'iers generally nnd nil friends of I! location nro earnestly invited tn attend. WM. IIUKOI'.JS I n the I!v. Com. October 11, 1882. OR ANGETILLE Xannal and ; oiinufTcta. ci:oi nnc! iWaiiniiy. rpHl!iiext Term nf this ln-titutinn will commencs on 1. 'I Iiiirsday, October 3ist. nut. J. S. WOODS, Sec. Orangcvllle, Oct 23, W,i. NEU' COLUMBUS ACADEMY. The Coluiubtis .Mnle and I'emale Aiadoinv, will op"n Iti nrit tin 111. upon Tuesday Ilia h nf Nov.' II W. 'Phis si hool oilers -up'-rinr indurcmeiits tn all who are desirous of uripmnig an a eileiinrnl .education to prepare Tor fnrhing or to obuiu a th.ireugli kiiuiviedgn oiuiy of Ihe 1110 lern nr am 1 'nt l.ingtinos. I'or further iDl'uriii.itmu ciiqinru of U.S. IllNlillAM. rrinripHl. or of John Koo.vs, riec'y., at New CniumbiiK, Luzerne ro., Ta. Oct. 2.7. I -it.'. & Amy vms ?&my fi'-m jia. Jnliii Fai't-im. Nn. 718 Arch Slrerl, Lroio Eighth i south si'fr, Puila dcipltia, Jnporler and man ii'ielincr ot and tlcalir in --. all kinds nf Fancy Furs, for 1 Ltulics A' Vliudrcn s near. 1 I'l'sirfl to sn)' to "ly iricnus 111 1 in .Jia 11 on uie siir- Iroiimllngi ounli"s tint I have now in more, 0110 ofi the largiM and nm-t 1'L;1",1'1:1, nss'iriiii"iits nt nil kinds nnd qualities nr FAV-Y I DUs.Jer Airf,,, ami (!,,!. ,rcn's ir,e. that will hi worn during Ins I .ill am risein4(ri'iiii' l.itl.'Br mnl Hie Sew Duty Impos.d 011 nil l'urs. Jinport. il s'"e h rt of Au.iit. , I woiil l alto .t.ito. Hoi' as Inn; aa my st.11 k lasts, I will olfer it at prirek pr pnrlioirito tn w hat the goods I rostme; vv III he'lhl" for ine to Import and Miinufiitture anv uime t ors, and sell th "in ut the same prices, owing to tho unsettled state of the ullairs j tho 1'ountry, , , . . CT" J;iiira"irr the tcine. wi-rii an,! siren - 713 AilCil Street, I'll", Bpt. 20, lff.3 'ohns. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. 'Pill! undcisigiied respei tiully inform Heir friends nml Hie public generally, that they have entered in tn co partiii rslnp. under Hie iimue, stylo and lirm n MI LLI ,l',lt u I. Villi in OH' in tho "Old Aieade," in P.luoiusburg, Cnliimbla rn whern tliey intend currying oil tin- l.tisiness of ofnk Mkuciiamh.ino, in all its diversitled braieiies uml ilepailiiieiits.niiilto lUtliii uiuy mvnu 1111 uiieiisuui 01 the public patronage. p f ritcn'Kc. i;vi:a. nioomsbiirg. May II. lc01.-tf. rtMII! undersigned, hating opened n new lit IDT AND i SUCH SHOP, on Mum street, in llopkinsville. Lust liloomsburg. respei ifully Invites th" rustoni of Ihe mi. "ens miii Hie public gcni-ruUy, All kinds nf limits, Shoes, tec. will hi promptly lunito tn order. 011 short nnilre nul modi rate lerius. 1'ioin long rvpirlcm'o 111 hl lino nf business In' Hellers hiinsi If Hint Its will bo able to give gnu ral satisfaction to nil who may favor Iiiiii with Hi nr 1 iislom. C -drum. rrovUiou and I'roduco genera'ly taken in exchange for wnrk. n. r. BROOKH. , Illonmsburg, July ti, ISOl-llm. 1 1!': OWARD ASSOCIATION, Philad- Iniii.i-for the Relief of the blcK nnd HKtressed inliii ted with Virulent and Chroilii' Discasi s, and es- 1 peciullv Diseases of theSexual (irgnns. 1 Medical Adviro given Oralis by Hie Ai ling Surreon. , Vulnabln lir.Poll'I'S on Hi'tllt.MA TOUlilKllA or' SUM IN 'L l HAKNCSS mid other D -ns o the Sox- mil Organs, nnd on tlw NLW lll'.M IIDIKS employed In the Hi.punsary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, Iree of rhnrire. Address t 11 J. SKI-"OI.'fillTON, Howard A Assnrialiou 1,1. pr N'. i S i nil .Vint It St reel, fjiiiadeipin.'ir Jill 5, rpnr, 1'ropriotorof ihis well knowiinnd centrally Iocs I 1 ted House, tile I'.mii so: IIolEI.. sitillite oil .Mm,' Street, In Illonmsburg, immediately 'inusite tliu Cnluiu Inn Cnunly Court ll"Ue, rospi clfully infnrins his friends I 1 1. lie III lellernl. tlllll his IloUsO IS HOW III or dor for nio reception nuiloiitertniniiif nt of travelers who lilllV feel lllslioseil lo latin 11 u un un ir i iisioi". i.u mis . .. 1 1,. I.IMII9 lllll l!l. II iWIII-' Cur H itertuiniiteiil oriilsgiiesls, neither shall Ihere he nny thing wanting ton his part to niiul.ler to their rsunnl ininforl. Hisliouse is pacuu uinl enjoys 1111 excellent liusiiic.sloialion. i . (iiiiuibiiii's run nt nil tnnes bettveen Hip Mclisnra II 1. 1 nml tit van. 'ii- ll'nl Itond Depot hv wliii li trnv fins will li rib iisimlt mm t'Liltn mil from Iho 1. . Hiei.tivu 1 tutu m in one tliu to lie t tin ( .its ' U M il KOON lii-onis'iur" Juiv 1 1 ft "..a- wall mmn 10,000 PIRCKS WALL TAPEHS IN i .yk not.r au.D ,jvv; t r.i.iT.T Divoii.iTmm, M1lllf,l, jtW) fWA" Or.CttlMTWXS, vv7' .1X1) oji nt.txKii I' ri,ji,s'.iixi) nitmirr commox virr.ns, HUHItriK, FlHi: IIO.UIH J'ltlXTS, srrrur.s, tn.ixns, ma, mv., Will lie oli1 nt prently fctliiceil prlrea, n' the paper hanging roouia of the nmltr-ljio-tl 111 Jiii!!o iluperl'a r'ror" Ilouao, on riccouil aliect, a few iloora h'jlow .Mar. itci. Aiao n . it t 1 '"'S8 zumi 'u ins uoai aiyin, ni ranuvrnio prices ami in quid; tinio I:. J. TIIOUNTON, nionmalntrg. May 3, IPB2 Hin, WOS&SjEJ. AN INIini'IiNllllNT Daily, Scmi-tl'cckltj ) Vcky Nuts p per, Titr, n.111, r wonr.n. Terms per nnnuin, 8n IloWnra s Pour toplea tonne address, Twenty Dollar". To rlerpyinen, l ive dollars I address, i'wenlv per annum. 1 or a club of ten copies, an extra rnpy Will ho sent Tltr. S T, M I-W K V, K I.Y WO 11, 11. Three dollars tier nnuiiin 1 twn ennoiea tn mm ml. ilruM, l'ivu Dollnra j live copies tn one addrusa I'.lev. rnplea, three rents, published Tuuid.iys and 1'rldays., T' il conies, sai. jjiiiiurn Tn 1 lergyuieii, two dollars per )ear. Single , I'or a i tub nr tell (onlea. nn extra rnnv will he sent fop i ono year I'or a iliib of twenty copies n copy of iho Dally for one year' . I'or ii tluh of filly rnpio, tho Dally, Weekly, nnd jSenii-Wiekly will bo sent fur one year. i rut: irr.v.Khr won.n. Trice Two dollnra year) rr.ur copies te, one nddreas, 1'ivo Dollars ; twenty copies, twenty dollars. Cliruy men cm remit c the Weekly, single mpy, nt one dollar a year. Biuglo tuples, I'lve cents Published on Thurs : da.t a, I'or a dull of ton copies, nn extra copy will ho font for , one year. I 1'i.r a i tub of twenty copies, Iho Ecnil-W'eokly will 1 he sent fur mie year. I I urn club of tltly copies, tho Daily will ho sent far i lie year. I I'or a cluh of on" hundred copies tho Dally, Weekly, , nml S.'iul-Weikly will be sent for one year, t Ki'iiiitlaitces for "'I he H orld" may be made hydrafla tjeasitry notes, orhank bills of apt rie-paying banks, 1 mid, where the nttentlim ot the i'liituiaster Is culled to I remittance nt tliu time of mulling the letter, It may be ! made nt our risk I Specimen numbers rent to any address upon applica tion. AJJreas Til U WOULD. No 35 Pari. How, New-York, Titr. would. I'rom the True Citien(Veiv llritaiii.Cnnn.) Sniu nine or ten mouths siuco we. Itkoa large portion nf nur fellow rltl.etu, reeeived nur daily newli nfilii, mnvei'ients ot our nrmles iroiu the New-Yoyl: papers of the "on to Kiihiiiotnl'' clas. hut we become so ills-gti-it'-il w ith I he sen si lo-s oulcry ti hlch taken up fur a llm" by nearly the wcole nation, proved so tcrriMv i f ! ctlvo Indritingour eiienynn to thcdel'eiit of Hull I'.un mid iiIi.ii ut Hip persistant I lult litnliug w llh ami abuse nf 1'rosiilt.tit l.iiiioin nml the lending lieuerals ol tlieur m, that we took up. ns we then siippuseil, with their rloivcr mnl mure res'i rtnble lival, 'Inn Woni.n He h.ii'u read Ibis paper dully ettrsince, and hete found, 1 al we not only Ii id n readable and si'hularly Journal, tlinrouohly lo)ul and government sustaining, but Hint tew as fully up totlietimrs. ill its supply nt ever)lhin," uiht was reliable ir the way or torrent news. In tart, w h only miss in its columns one 1 1 ,ss of news, vi.: that which istobecoiilMditti'd to.miirr.ivv. With these remaiks we desire tertilallylo rei'oiitineud In our Mider the New-Yoik Wnild as oneol tliu best, If not the very lust unity journal in the country. Sept. 13, r:ii!. READING RAIL-ROAD. i U.UMF.n JIU11.1XO E.Ui:XT3. 1 rent Trunk Line from the North and Norlh-Wcst for j i iiiiaiitipnia, rvevv v r. ri iiiiing, rottiville, lion, Alleiito.v 11, 1! iitnii. e.e.. .e. Trims leave ll.irri-burg for Philadelphia, New Ynik. I'eiiiinig, I'oltsviilL, und all inleriiietJiate Mtillnns, nt c n 111, and jt tu. New York 1 press leaves ll.irri-hurg at t-55 n 111 nr rivlne. .it Sew or.'; .11 a -'. the suiiii' itioriiiug. Tares frnin Harrisbtirg: 'l'o .ew-Ynrk Salmi); toriiil nili'lphi.i jjl-.'.'i.iud sj'JIO. Iligsage cheeked through. Ileiuroiug Ii ave it. tv-Yors in li n. 111., 12 Noon and t i. 10., il'itiH.uiritli l'.xpn) Lcnvo Philadelphia uts 11. in., mid 3 !3 (1. in. Sleeping ears in th' Vew-Yerk I'.xpreas Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh without (linage. I'.i .sengers by Ibe Cai.iwisa 1, ave Port Clinton nt let. a in. for 1 "li i 1 .1 .? Iphla and all iuteruu 1 1 -atu station-; mid at J p 111 fur l'iinud. Iphi.i, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pi.ltsville at Hani, and 2.1,7 p m. for Pliil.i'li I phi 1 iiu.1 Nuv 1 urk ; and st .iMip m Aulittrii mid Port I Imio.i only, roiinecling tor 1 ine Crofe and with the Cilin'.i issu llnil itoad An ui'eoiiiimidaiiou passengi r trninlonvr 1. Heading at I! a 111 ami return from iinl.mclphiaat o p in. .y All tliu above train' uiu daily, Ni inlays excepted. A t'tiinl.i. truin leaves 1'idtsvillj at 7.30 a in, uu.l 1'iiilmlelpinu nl 3.1.7 p in. i.'nmn. miration, .Mileage, Sensnn, nml Ilveursioti TiiAats, t redured rates lonnd from nil points (i. A. Nil Ol 1.5, "ay 17. 'Sn3. Cenernl Siipi'ianteudcut. CHEAP MILITARY (JAPS ! MIl.ITAUY CAPS, ofev ry sort, slz," and qunlily for sale cheap at the H'ooinsburg lint Sc. Cap ihiipoiitiiu Also (jroceiies.Coufi ctionaiiri Citrnr-, .tr. JOHN K. CHITON. I'nmsliurg. Sept. 14, 1MI. TO WK8M iT i AV (O.NCilllN. Having mads such nrrangni"nt, tie enables in" tn procure ut oiii'i', PeiHioas, IJoiiuty Money Iturn Pay. 4tr . I beg to call the attention ol'those iutircst"il, to the fnitow nig : AH dlsslilod tfr.liIIPs. the wiJows or minor ehil lren of soldiers, v. hn die. nrhnva been killed in the s"n ice. u entitled tu en -linn". 'Pirn wi ion s or oth- r legal heirs of son i'.rs wh'ihiive nicd or htCn killed in the sirvice.ure culilled tu the 0100 Bounty. M.H. All claims aro carefully examined by th- De pailment, mid It is of the uni.osi iiiijiortaure toiliiniu'its to -lupin) regular undexperienced roiiu.i'l. if lhey w inli to avoid uelny. All 1 entrutteil tn i,iy ari nt tended to 1,1 once, and all litters mi-wired ly relurn liiiirh.irgeis ma la, until tlm Peiminn I-granted N. II. l'ersnus untitled to the 511)') IJotiinv, can have th- ir 1 Iriim rushed nn applii nii.'u at myndice. Ally's 1','iiMiin Agents, writing for blanks, nml lequesit,, ju. striirtiniis.nlsn nersona wihiug iufnrmaiioii to tnit'ile Ihem to lubate laud', iniihr Ille . revisions of tho l.uo lloi.iest' ad Act. rho'ild enclose 11 fe.i. Adiire's, M. A. CANDi:I!B,.rj.r.r lair. Juiio-J, li!C2-3in. Grotiisliurg, Penira. E STRAY! STR YED from tho cncloiuro of tho uiidsrsigned, ut I'.looiiiiburg, on or about tho firat of ,s Augtisl, 11 f'i'y2 Rvl Milth Cow, Mjr )earsol,l. P7" A lilio nl reward will be given for herreturn, nr iniormatlon ot her wiisrcitijoui''. IILNRY WANICII, Jr. Sept 27, lft'2 llts. XAUOXAL ( 03111 UUfl.L tOLLLGES LOCATHD IN PHILADELPHIA, n. n, ccrtNi;n7Tii andciiizstnht sts.. iVcio York City , ttrooUijn , Albany , Troy, livjfalo. Dc'roit, (livchind, Clikago, and St. Louis. Hnok-keeplng, I'viin'nuship, Commercial Arithmetic, Comineriinl Law, forms, Corre.poudeiicc, fcr jnucti cull) taught. i'hoso Colleges being under tho same general and In. nil management, nml iinitintr in each the iidvnntnees of nil, oiler greater I'lfiliiies I'm imparting Instruction, than nut' oth r slntilur institution in the country. A Seholarship issued by nny nny i.gojd in all fornn uliliniili.'l lime. The I'hil.itlelphlitCollego has been recently enlarged mid refurnished in n superior luanner, und is now Hm larg 'staitd most prosperous Commercial Institution ill Hie Slate Cry unl te. Strntlon's series of Text Honks, embracing Ilnok keiping, Commercial Arithmetic, and Cnmuicrciul Law. for sale, mid sent hy mail. LO' I'or full purl iriilars send for a circular. Octobei in, lei.J- 12m. IIOI.AlMlil'S FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Comuif rriul College. iiighiiuiiliii " " Criltuiiileu's ' " I'll Hail ol pi, i ,i. Sirutto.i. liryant tc Co.. ' 'I'll Serins, nrc m uiiiniints nfSlS anil S'jO nil. I aro ns so uiuili cull, by Hie Student on eiitriugehrr ofth above . olleges. Young iiidn desiring to obtain a Inns i rd Colleglaie l.diirntiou, will here inula good speem lion by applying til tho olllru nfth" Nov. 1. 1 WW, COLU.MHIA DLMOCIIAT. WANTED For Fortress Monroe. Poultry of nil kinds, Veal, Cnlvcs. c., every Wert neadsy. Iluttir mid llggs, i'or which libsrul piico will bj paid. Fall Goods, JuH r.crlt'Cd and will ba Bold nt fair pricer. K. M'COY. Jerseytotvx.Oct. 23, IPfiS-lm. NOTICE. Th"! s ol It. II. Mksi'.n ,v ' nn I. flih fuy hun ts lor. nil, in ni Tie -'' iiml'i'il will i.ive costs by pay. nm up .let J M. I il tSiriLTiLIN. Uiu m liurg On 11 i, i? 1 umimmgmjm 1 mi mm 0 Every Varirttj unit btylc at 'ht nj:w piiim or M I L L E 11 Si S W I S II E It, IN JIlltSllYTOW.V. ITnvingjust received our Spring Stock, B from tho llmterii Mnrkels, wo feel ih terinliieii to a II (iootls at it little lower prices than I bey uiu be tiaennere, OUR MOTTO IS "Small Profits and Quick Returns." K7"Thnpiiblle nro rcapeclfuliy aollclleil to call nnd oxninlneonr tor.k hefnro piirrhalng clauwliorc, nswn rhnree noihing for allowing our gooda, I'roJuro of nil kinds taken for goods, .MiLi,i:nc(iwi8iu:n, Jeracytovvn, May 3. lffi'l. C It I T T E N 1) 1! N 1 S PHIL.inELl'lllA (JOMiUKUaiL. COLLEGE, N. E, corner vflth ami Vheshmi. Stncts PIIILADELPIIIA. TltH liImi'rioi, wliii h vvns etlaltifhcit in 1814. nml Is now coueqiiently in tho tlghtttvth year of its exist, enee. numbers 111110112 Its ennluates. liumlrvds nf the luoststinceaafiil .Merchants and lluslueas Men of our , iviioiiiiy. I Tui'.OniFCT nf the Instlliitinn lsocly tonlTorilypiiiig I men facilities for thorough preparation fur business. I Tut: IliiAseiiBS TAcnitt nrc, Jluok-ltrpliij,', n nppllr.v hie to the various (leparlments nf trade ; Vtnmanthip, I hoth plain nml nruaiti'iilal ; Cummrrcitil lax, MaiMf 1 inntlrt, Xarinthn Vittl I'ttptnctrltig, Draultig, I mil. IOjrarphy, nmt Ahitern fAngnoffta, Tru Svari M iii Inti'.iction lap"ciillar i no classes nr sei lesson ill e 111 ii in- 11 ,Ji. tiui , iiiiisiiiut'iii is luiijmi Indiv Idiinlly, so that he may commence nt any lime, and ntteuil lit whatever hours arc most convenient. Catai.ooiks iireissiied inniii7nfii'r the IS1I1 of Anrll I rontuiiiing names of the students I'or th ' year, nnd full p.intl illilf!, "i irnii-i nun ii.iiji iiu uuiiiniuii ill uuy time by addreslug the Principal, IiDxrr.vsiVK Ai cmtMonvTioNS, iriftt-tpreatl rfpvtntttn nntl the ItMgihfnptrlrnif of Hit I'rlnelpitl, this 1 11. til n Hon oif.-rs f.iriliti' s tiperior lonny other In the (nun tr)'i for young men vvihlug tn prepare htialneas, mnl to obtain lit the same lluiu a ihi'lom a, wlth inll prize it recoiumtiuUliou for thorn them tu any Merchuu tile House. (r.7"CrtnrsnF:s's trrm of Trtntltei en Pook-Kpit-wo. now nore wldelyclrc'ilatedthnn nny other Work ou tho subject, are for nio at the College. 3. uoDr.r.s cp.rrri'vni!N. -loi'icy-ot-Aoic, I'tusciPAin Jan. 2.7-15f,i 13m. Ron nnn M A B ou p k m a j-e JKJJ JJJ ucents to sell Lloyds new steel plate county colored .Mnp of tliu United flutes, Cuuadas, ami .sew iirunswii'K I'roui recent surveys, completed Aug, 10. 18C2; cost S.'O.OOJ to engrave It nnd one ) cur's lime. Superior to any $IU i.inp ever inude by Coltou or Milchi'll. nnd sells nl the low frlce nf fifty tenia j 370, lull mimes are eiigr.iveil on litis map. It is not only 11 County Map, hut it is also n Count) 1111. 1 Kallroad Map of the L'uiteii States mid Canadus ciimbi'ied In one. giving every Hull 10. id Mutiou and di'tances between. iliinranteo any v nmaii nr man S3 to $.5 per day, and will take back nil maps thutciiiuot be sold and refund the money. Send for SI worlh to try. Printed Instructions how to canvnss well, fornl.hed nil our ugi'iits. Wanted -Wholesale Agents for nur Mnps in every State. California, (iniiuda. liiiglnud, Prance nnd Cubti. A fortune ma) be made withu few liumlred dollnra caiiitnl. N11 i.'oiupi lition. J. T. LLOYD, No. llii New ork. The War Department uses our Mnp nf Virginia, Mnr )lnud, mill I'eiiii)lvuiiia. cn-t SIW'.uliO, nu wlnih is imrked Aniietani !rt'i k. Seurpsbiirg. Mnrylnml II gbt, Williuiiiaport I'erry, Ithoresville, Nol.tiid's Cord, uml all others 011 the Potomac, mid t very other pl.tre in Miiryhud, Virginia, und fruits) Ivuuia, or luuuey re funded. Lloyd's Topographical Nap nf Kentucky , Ulno, Jndititia and Illinois, Is the nnlv authority f ir Cen. Illicit nnd the War De pnrlniont .Money ri funded to any one finding uuerror 111 it. 1 rice uOCellls. 1'rouithe Tribune, Aug 2' "Lloyd's map of Virginia, Maryland, nnd r nnsylva nla. This Map Is very large ; its cost is but'Joceiita und It is the best w ran be Mirrhaiee." LLOYD'S U R EAT MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPI It I VEIL I'rom actual surve.vs hyCapt-. Hart, and Wm. How en. Mississippi Kivcr Pilots, of St. Louis, Mo., shows every man's plantation intrt owners nuine from St Loins lo the (liili'of .Mexiro 1.H50 miles- every sand bar. island, low 11 I iii liug. 1111,1 nil places 20 miles bai k froiiith' liver rnlored 111 Counties and States. Priio, 91 in sliei li. g2. poclti t form, and giliu 011 linen, with rollers. Hept 20. Nivi Dki'arimixt, Wasiiikoton. Sept. 17. lSf'3. .1 T I.i.oyn fir: Send meyivirmupoftho Misissippi Uiver, Willi price per hundred copies. Charles II. Il'iv is, romi.iaiiiliiig Iku v.ississipiu Squad ron, Muulh'iii.eil I purrfiniso us many as nro required fur use ol siunurnii. OIDCOS' WI!:iL3, Socroturyoftlio Navy. October 11, lrUJ-3t. The Monitor 'ON TO RIC1JM0N KliOWER, Ila'just received and is now opining a Spledid .Tabortment of ,13. at? 1 Groceries, Hardware, Qaccnswarc, C ware, Maekeral, OIicl-po, etc., lilch will bo sold nt the lowest figure for ready pay, llts Dry Goo is consists in jut it of Fine Cloths, Black and Fancy Casaiincrc3, Fine Opera Cloaking ut 51 ,00 per yard Stella Shawls from 81,50 to 57, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep herd s Plnitlr. ; Printed ChaliM, Em broidered Madonnas, Embroidered Mozambique?, Poil Do Chevrcs, etc., etc. Calicoes at 0, 7, 8, 10 and Vi cents'. Muslins, one yard wide at 'i cts. Skeleton Skirts, 1'ioin 50 cents t HIS GROCERIES consists in part of bist white .sugar at 121 cents. A. No. 1 Syrup Molaes, 00 cents per gallon. Ladies' and childrcns' high-heeled boots and gaiters a full assortment. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Einht dav, and thirty hours, No5, 1 t)"a Mac laid in Qutultr anil IJalf tsnneii. COAL OIL LAMPS. A r-plendid assortment of Coal Oil Lams cheap. Ely's water proof gun caps, powder and shot, ixo., iVe,, Ale. Come, see end Judge for ynurrelv es, and you will he satisfied that llrower's Store nl the Corner of Main nnd Iron Mreets, is the plure to pormasu i.iienp uoous ior i.'a.n or cnuuiry prouuro. liloomsburg. tlu) '.'4, lffi2. TINWARE & STOV E SHOP. rrtlli: undersigned respectfully informs his old friend 1. and iiistoiiieis. that he lias purchased his brothers i Interest in tho nbove establishment, nndtho concorn tills llere.llier uo ciiiiuiui.hi ny iiimseii riiniMu-ij. , He Just rec. ii'.'il mnl oilers for sulu, the larg est nnd most extensive assortment of I' A N'C V i-jr-M st'l'n V CS ever introduced into this murkit. Trl liis stoik consists of n complete ussortinent nf he best Cooking und puilor stoves m the uiiirki t, liigitlt nr with Stove l'lvtures nf every description, Oven nnd UixSloves, Kinlnitors. C)lindar Sluves, rust iron .Ml- 'PujIh mv i iiunoii Dim es c. e. riovepipe Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to nrder. All kinds nl repairing .lone, ns usual, nu suoit nonce, Th" patronage of old friends and new cititoniors re-pv-rtl'tilly solicited. A. M. ItUTCIlT. iiloomsbnig. November 3d 15110. tf. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Culhar'nc Jierrinaer. dre'd. . 1 ni'PUtl lesiiinii'iituryontheesluto of Cnlhailno Her- Jjringer, Lite of lleavertiiwiialiip in olumbin coiiuly deceased Viav e been granted by the lli'giskr of Coluni t bi.i ruiinty Hi tho iinderslgneil also residing in said township; nil persons havniii claims ugaiiist tho us Into nf ids decedent nro requeued to present them tn the lixecu'nr at his resilience in Denver tw p.. without delay, mid all poisons indebted to iiiuke payment foituwilh. JOUL IlltnilllUNDLIl, Ocl II, IN'U-ft I'X'iBTnn. blanks! blanks:: Of cycry description, for sale ut riiis office AYER'S OATHARTIO Ate yflM alctV, fetMs, and tAmplalnliigl Ars jotlontcf onlor, with yonr sjilem langtnL anil jonr fbelltigs un comfottnMel Theso ajnijs. t uns itro often Ihe piolmle to Sellout Illness, feme lit cf pk'kntM lscrecilngiiin you, nnd ahoulJ l.o nrcrtetl by n timely use of tho right rsne Cily. Tnko Ayer's l'lll, mid tliunss out the disordered liu riiis purify tho Lloodfnd 1st the Holds more ou unuls. Kluclcd In heallli nain, They etlmnlate tho fnnttloiu of tho body Into vlgoroua tlvlly, purify the system from the obstructions nlileli mnko MS 7MllVVAUKIt;E' dlaease, A coH acltlss soneswheie In the iwly, nnd rjs Btrtiets lis natural functions. The.o. If not rclhred, react upon thnnsdrcs and tho surrounding orntius, pro. ilueing frsnernt ngKrsratlon, aii(7iring, nnd iliseu.e. While In this condition, oppressed by Iho (brnnffsmeritfl, tnko Ayer'a Pills, and eeo hoir illrrttly they restore tho nitiiraf nrlliin of tlio system, nml Willi It Iho buoyant feeling of health again. Whnt Is true nml so npsirnt la Hilt trltlal nu l coiumoii complaint, h nlso true In ninny of tho ileesseatct nnd thngsrons dialempera, Tliosaiuo purgntito olTect expels them. C'uuiisl by rlmllar obslnic. Horn nnd derangements of tlio nitnrnl functions of tho loily, thoj are rapidly, nml Insny nf them study, cunvl by tho aame means. Nono who know the xh tiles of those 1'llls, will negltct to employ them when suncrlng from tho dl'orders tliey curs. Slattmonts from tending ihy.lrliint In some nf r!io principal cllic, and from other troll kiiutru puLUo til--tons. fim a Knioai-diVijr Ikrclmnl if it. Jtuil, 711. 4, 15in. D. Arcm Your Mils nro tho paragon of nil that Is Rreat In medicine. Thoy havo cured my llltlo dsuglitcr of ulcerous suit, upon lu r hands nnd fset Unit hid proml IneiiMblo for years. Ilor mother has Isieu long griev ously Mulcted svitli blotches and pimples on her skin nml In her hair. Aflcr our dill.l wns cured, the also tried your Pills, and lhey lmvo cureJ her. asa MonaniDar. As rt Fninlk. I'liysle. TVmii Dr. li 11', (Urtier.1,(, A'cie Orleaiv. Yonr Pills nro th" prlnro of purses. Their excellent qrnilltks surpass nnT catliirtlu wo possess. Tliey nro mild, hut very certain nnd In their netbsi on tbo I otvels, tittUh m ikes them laruliublo to us In tha dully treatinriitof illsenss. lItnilaclic,SIcnUcn(lnelie,roul Stnrancli. I'rom Dr. Annul lltyil, llallim',re. Dr.titllpo. Aydki Ic'amvit nasvrcr you tsia( complaints I lmvo cured with your I'llls better than to say oil Unit me crtr trenl Kith it pnriMttt mntietnt, I 1 vv (.rent depen. denro on (in effectual cntlmtlc In my iHlly cnnto.l wliii ilise.iie, nud believing as I ill tint vonr Pills nlford us tlio bust wo have, I of courso value Ihem highly. rmsnrno, Pa., May 1, l?;s. Da. J, C. Arrr Pin I Iiuto lien repontedly curtd of the wort hrmlathi any body can havo by a dose or two of your Pills. It fceins to arise fiom a foul itomacb, vrliich Ihoy clesnso nt once. Yonrs with grait rcspoct, T.P. W. rnKULr:, C7rrk of Kltmnir CUi I ,n. Ulllona Dlsoriloro I.lve.r Cnrniliilitts. Fitra Dr. TUeninrt mi, nf A''io l'irfc Ol. Not only nro yonr Pills ndndrubly adiipti'd to their pur poio ns nn aperient, but I find their beni tidal ele'cl ui'On tho Mver tcry marked Imlosd. They lmvo In in)' iuno. tlco proved efrectuiil for tho euro of bilwus cum. jMuti than nuy ono remedy 1 can iiientlon. 1 sincerely irjolro that bo h.itu nt IoimIIi n urg.iilte wlileli is wor thy tbo cuutldeucu of Iho profession nud Iho i eeplo. DrrARTtirST op tm jNtrmon, Wasbliiglon, I). C, Tel. r'sb, ISM. Put: I have used yonr Pills In my goutrnl nnd lio'iiltil prsclicocver slneo you msdo Ihem, und cannot hcMtnlo to any they nro the best cath-utlu vv employ. Their regie Isilng nctlou on tho liver la quick nml derided, conse quently they aro an ndinlrakb remedy for dciHUgcmouts of Hist orgun.. Indeed, I lmvo (dd.nii found n uio of (iIioik ilii!ia.c so olutluiito thut It did not icsdlly t I.Jd to tUeci. irateriially youis, AI.ONZO liAI.h, i. D, JHlttetan el.-i H.irine llor&Hvl. Dj'gcritor'', Dlnriliren, Itrlnx, Woimo. trim Dr. J. O. (hcell, dCiiccvo. Your Pills havo had a long trial in my practice, nnd I lioll Ihem In esteem ns ono of the U st npei ieuls I lutvo trer round. Thdr ulterullve efleet uimii ihe llvn makes them an excellent remedy, when citen in small doses tor Mitral ilytrntcr'j uml durrlma. Their sugai-coullng tnukes them very ncrcptnblo and coureiUent loi Ibu .m of women and children. Dyspepsia, Imprirlty or tho Ulnod. JVom b. J. Y. U.mei, lliUor iJMmit Cliwch, Da. Atcr: I lisvonsid yonr Pills v Ifo exlrnorrtloory tucecss in my fnuily ami ninoiig those I inn tolled to visit in illfti. To reRxiluto the organs of ilihwtloti nnd purify the blood, they aro Uio very bet remedv I li.rro ever known, and 1 can coutideiilly recommend'tlKiu to uyfrhmds. Youia, J. V. lining. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., K. Y., Oct. 21. 1W. Pcir Pm: I am using your Cathartic Pills In my mic Hce, nml fiud lliem nn excellent piirgutlte to clonusu Nio system and nwriV 1ic fountain) if tlie b'onl. JOHN 0. MI3ACHAM, M. D. Conn tlpnl tnn, Cos tjronrsn, flnjinrrnsion, lUieiiiiiollHiti, fioitt, KoviiiilLrlii, Drup el', Puialj ols, I'lla, otc. Firm Dr. J. P. Yavg'.n, Umtnul, (Zmmlti. Too mnch ennnot ls eaM of your I'llls fur llio ru'3 of tmtinnm. If others or our fraternity have fraud ihem ns emeacioivs as I have, they .Wld J du mo in proclaim ing It for tbo lxni!liof tlio multitude irlm sud'tr trom that complaint, which, allhougli bad euouih in It'elf, u the progenitor of otheic that lire weia". 1 Iwlievt, rvj. tiunesi to orlginato in tho liter, but yum- Pills sifoct that organ auJ euro tbo disease. r-c ths. E. hv.zrt, J'yffciai aiul iliJaift, D,atan. I find oiia or two bugs Jnw of yonr Pills, taken nt ttin proper tlme,ire excellent pretn' lives cf the nnftrral rnrt ((Mtnli'n wholly or ptutkilly snpprt"sod. nnd nlsovtry effectual to rleniiic tlie rnwoc'i nnd rrixl wnrau, TIk-v nru su lnudi tbo list ph)ij no havo that I rucouuneu'd no other to my patients, FratA (he hv. Dr. lttclet,e,f(ht IT.iW.!,'. Fjns. CJivrch, I'cttsin Ilnusr, S:nvnnrie!i,na.. Jan. 0, 18S0, ircNoasTi Sin: I rhonld lo uncmlcfiil fur the rclkf your iklll hoi tirooglit niu If 1 di I not report my rnso to you, A cold settled in ny limbsniid Inotigitt oh em-jru-cisting vemnlnic iwti.r, wlildi ended In clirmiic rheuma Htm, NetKitlintantllng I lm l the bet of plivsleiniM, tho disease grew vversj and worse, until hv thi inlvlco ol yuui exrellent ngeut in Ilaltinore, Dr.tlaikenile, I til ,1 i,ur I'llls. Their effects vveio slow, tut ruin. Hy pereovriu III tho use of tbeiu, 1 am now lUlJrely well. StMAtE CiMMi)r.ii, Ilatnn Houge, I, 5 !)er. If ;5. Tin. Arr.u: 1 havo bec-n entirely cired, by visir Till', of Pheuwitic C'out a painful dlserisn that had" nfjiried nio ft'ryearj. V1N0UNT Bl.TliEI.l.. 37Mosl rf the Tills In nsrtft c.-r.f.ln Morni-r, wliloh, nlthongh n valual.le rem-vly In ekllful liejids, Is dangerous In a public pill, from lh drenKul fnnse. qnences that fieqiientlv fdlow Its lnc,nitlons u.. TTaece contain no mercury or rninend suh.t.iueo vvhitever. rricri, 25 ecnta per Box, or O Boson for 01. Propsied by Dr. J, 0. ATJE2 & CO., Lowoll, Kass. Sold bv 1! I' i utz. ( M Cntrenhnch. and J It Mover nloomsVurg; J Schuyler, nuhrshurg; Masters f;nu, Milltille; I' Muster., Ilniitnu ; I.:t7.arus ."i I'islicr. Or- nngetille; fi 1' 1'owhr Tow ler.t Ille; A Miller. 11 r wick; I.uw k urns . L'eiitertille: Il I lielgli.nt ii Urns I spy ; MO She mnk"r, nuikhorn: Heighart li Nms, Mniuiille: J Shnrpless, Caltatviss.i ; Creasy Sc Co l.itiil Street : and dealers evervw here. Jul' 'AS. IMW ly. ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEVILLE. Al Fritz's Store, 0RANGEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., PA. rpiio undersigned has ju received i B large nnd s ieel ussnrliueiit of choice Spring and Summer linnds, wliiih will bo sold il.eiip lor rasher rouniry iirnditcc. His stock consists of i uJies Dress Uooi's, choicest stylet an J latest lusmons. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hofipry, Silks, PRINT FROM 7 TO 12 cts A YARD j Casiimers, batiucts. Cottonndes, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, eye READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Qucenswnrc, Coder wave, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints B00T3 & SIIOEs5? TIaTS& 0 APS Hi short everything unni'ly kept in n couiury sior" i iiepnirnuagoui oni ireutis, anil tnep'JUiic generally solicited. .Mny3.1SC2. WILLIA.! TRITZ. IDOTEtQ lani'fl'Qsfijt TAMAQUA, PENN'A. Passengers dine hero on tlm possnge ofench Train II. M. MERRICK, PriitQi T.i.iia pl.t. J ,n 1 1 2. NEWS FROM 0IIARLEST0N. Boston, Nov. 12th Tlio correspondent of tlio Journnl on tho gunboat South Cur olinrt, off CIiarle.Mon, dated Oct. 18th, writes that tiic BritiMi frigato Rnccr, Ity permission of flag ofliccr Grcon, had en tered Charleston haihor and brought away the British Consul. Ho Bays tho rebel have jttt launched a powerful ram, . nnd that two othors aro ready for jilatitif with iron, which thoy expected every day from 1 nglnnd, in nn iron plated stonmer. Uo also roports tho steamer Nashville lying nt tho mouth ot Stono Julet, six miles from Charleston, waiting a chance to uin out. Ho reports ovor ii()0 ciscs of yellow fever in Charleston when hn left, BALTIMORE LOCK HuSI'Il'AL nSTAlll.iailUD Al) A lllil'LiiL i'KOM aUACIil'.llY. 'J'tc Only Flair, ichetc a Cnic can be Ubhtine I, DM JOHNSTON! lintr iliseovcr-d lh most Certain, i-peudy nud only t tuul llei,u,iy in thiNotld fir all privnto Dioues, Weakness 'f Iho lln-h nf Limbs, bliirtures, Alfeiliuns nl the Ki.ln ) nnd lllml- H"r Involuntary liHcliinges. iininiem y, u. nrt.ii nilit), Nervousness, Dyp P-). Languor, I ott Spl'lts ' C ililiwliinnf Ideas, Palpit ilrui nr th. I.eart, I llnlillly. I Triinibllnga. Dimness of Sight or Oidolin s, Hisvust of Ihe Ilea I. I hriiiit, .misij "i s i, mi "i - I.iiiil's. Slouiaeli nr llowels -those territi'o Insoruers nrialii" from tho Solitary Habits or Youth - tltni e siciifcT "tnU . rillr.ry uractiee. nior. tn.,,1 tn tl, r v ic.i.ns thai, tli son" of Vi reus to the Murines uf tisses, blight ing theTr mini btllllnnt h ! is or aiiliiip.itions, remler 111' iil.irri.lge, He. iuiposailile. Y O V N d M 1! V C.nerlnllr whn havo bccouie the virtlms of Solitary Vic-, thai dreatlliil nud ik-t.-udive habit it blrh .iiiiiii ally sweeps to nn untimely grave llii.usiinili ol nung " .11 "if Ihe most exulted tnl-nt- slid brilliant int. II. .1. who niiglit nlherwiae have eiitrnned listening Seiial s w llh tlnl i thunders of eloquence m woked to ec.t'is) lite living lyre, may call with full ronflileiic.;. .M A It 11 I A O 1!. Married persons, or Young Men cnntempl.Hltig mar rii,. b 'iu ntvnre "f physirnl tveuknoss, urganic ill nbili 11 lt'fe;; l&ra A nf Dr Jnltnstnn ,,,'y rell if,,.-.,' confide In his honor ,, s i, geitllo.ii,,,, and confidently rely upon Ilia skill ns n ph) slcian. (1 IIUANIC W I! A IC N 1! H 0 immediately cured nnd full vigor restored. " ' tis II stressing Alfeitioii-whlch renders life ni f e r a b 1 e n li 1 1 1 1 1 a r r Inge i,pos.iuk-is lb, penalty by H e v ci I is uf Improper innulgtiir. s.. oitng per . . .. iru too apt o eonimlt excess Imiu not hung aware of t l o ilrendftil ciunnpi, nc. that may rii.tte. IIUIII IHI ..! tillHr. wen k I'I f(l. I 1 V ncre' u ep, wrr 'neiv-nus iiritubillty l;y P Mr. K Z f tho heurt. Iiuligo-tion. . oils llntiohiil d. ;u iliniu'ii ..v... .. ... . r. ..,..,,.,.,.,, billty. n wnimg nf the name, v.u .s.i. i'-. lecny una uesiii. oci'!i:i:. No. 7 SOUTH r;;' i mi.i.i.i eft hind side going from miltlinnr" strei l.r''j"'" from the eornor. I nn not inoi.s. ,,i- m . - LeitiisniU'ithe paid nnd cont.iin n stamp. Ihe Dot tor's Diplomas hang in his otlice. ,...,. P CUlll! WAIlltA.STi.ii '- NO X1-.CURY OR KAl'-OUS nRous. UILJOIIXSIVX Member -or the Tloynl t:..un oi w s ... llr.iduate ir.uii.meof the most einnn n '""'" r( ' ' ijintui st .te-.. ..mi i p""1" . , " , -p,,', ,: in n spent n tu, iir-i uusi'i..,." - M hi . and olsowliere, has ell.', ted of tl.-. ' -..t... ...s.i nvi r bniiuil. 111.111 V triiVI il I m ..mlt'. mm ems tiimn as."",, s, ,t ncrvou-uie-is. ug ai. run u u. "' : Jeraiigemont of mind, were cured immediately '.iltin JO t V' 1 1 1 1 I 1-I(lllt'lll UlUMlllllit " "- T A K E P A 11 Tl C IT L A II N OTIC v.. M A II K I A ti I!. i ,.vir..-s ll thnso who have Iiu ird l!pmelv i. i'.V.,er liiduli!eiice and solitary l.iihits, whirlir'i nnd mind, unfiting them for cither busi ness, stud)', eoeicty or iiurriage ilnc "d hv enrlv habits of youth, su. : eakne-s 0r t ho tl I. 1 I null 1 llll 111 I'1 11V Ms lMllin'-M III tJlKlll. Z t tu ar Power, l' .lp latum of lb" Heart. Dys ne, Ya n' . I ratability, 'l.erau,'.',,, 't of the Dig s wrrunclious.tioiicral Debility, syinptonisnf Coiisiiinp "'Mi'siTALLY.-Thof'arful elferts on th? mind arc ,,1uchn,be,lrea,led,l.,,ssnrMf,n.,r lli pres. ion ol mo - puns. ''',, ' -,..',,,,,,, ifiSoii'ty. seil-oisirusi, I""" ' e some ol uiu mi. im....... i . , ..I :.U n1' can now Judg wlrit ..iillh. Lnn'lltt! Hi ir i un j.sim'." .ii e --- , ,. i ,.,,., ii, ,i, ir , ,,i-. nl 1 neir ueciiniiiK ii'-nnu. ... ...... s. id emacined, li.u l sm- -oi, becoming weaw, p,....- mi" nbout the eyes, a. uh and s) uiptnuis nt iii-ir iinpenrunc .'ollSllltll lion. Who have Inlitrud Ihuiselves J.y n certain prartl n m.iulji'd in when nlntvi-u hnbit freuu uiiiy lenrneo ,,,i. vil fiiinp minus, nr in sriiooi-ioe ; ; ' ..',," , 'H lllflllb t U. even When ll-necp, no', u ..... . .... .. . "i in nine iinp..sible, and destroys both mind und Unit , Vhnn'VdUith'aVnV and the darling id his parents, simm. no n..... .. ill prospects and enjoyment'" ... ... '. " "" ; " cs ol .li t lining iroiu no- v"" ' ,. , , in a certain secret Ilium, kucii p.:iaou onteiui.Utnig reile.i a s.ei-.d mini nn.. noty -"ns. im n.j.urv requi'ities to pronioio tu...... ..... i....i... i, Jiiik".'.i,tutuuui vhee me Journey tlnough lif; h fotiies ,iry pilgrimage, tno prnsperi ...... .. ..-,.. the viuw; tliu mind hecoiuos siiiiiiovm-u " "i "" '- tilled it ith tho uitl,iu.h'.y riuecnoo m." 'i' of another le'cmnes bliclited with nur oiui, D I S 11 A S 1'. O f i .vi r it t; n i; t .--When tlieii.i".'ui.led nud linprud. nl vniniy ofpl. ii"ro finds he itiibibed Die seeds of this pninlul uieeiisu, ii too i.llell un ill tuned s is-- nfliin. r dread uf discovery, deters him from npplvnig t" i'n -o who from eiliicuiiniiiiud r."pcitubilil) ran li !. i ml him, delating till tho einislitiitinunl symptom. r tins horrid .lis. use makes their appearaut , sucu us uir . a i aoro throat, diseased noso, noctuiiial, pains in tho head and limbs, iliuiuessnf si;ht. deafness, undo on the slim bones, nn.liiriiis, l.lotches nn thn head, fire nnd exlreino ties, progressing Willi rapidity, till ul lu-t the pat it rf the inontli und bon -sof the nose full in, nud llm v i.lim ol this dusea.o becomes u liorrid obleiio'coiiiuii"e. ,., n llll deuth puts n p"rin.i toinsureauiiii suiiuriiiL-. ov sen. ling him to "Uiat bnurnu Iro.u vvhtnto no trnv i rm turns." ....... It is n melancholy fact that lliouFniuis 1.111 viciiios in this terrible disease, owing lo the unskilirultiiess I ie noraut pietenders, who, by llio u.o ul ihal limit' tj V .1 ton, Alrrciini. ruin tlm constitution uml make tin r i- due of tilo niiserublu. S T It A N I. 1, il f Trust not your lives, or lienlth, lo Ih" rnr-"f Cie m.n. nv Co .'tirned and Worthless Prttouder", d'-'tii.. knowledge, nn in u or rliarniter. who copy Dr. J.itin -! n advertiniiu'iils, or style themselves, it. 1 Is in " spit -regularly Hdueuted l'hy.irians iiu.auibl. nfi in ma Hi y keep ynii tnlling month after mouth Inking i'n ir '. ihy and iiuisnnus iniiipnuiids, nr ns long ns the sin ill' 1 1 ran I,'' ntil.lllle.l, llll.l 111 ue'ip.tir, ii'hv. y u'i.i u lienlth In siuh over your galll iti! ilisnppoinlu. ul Dr. Jolinson is llio only i iiysuian .1 ti"ru nu. Ills cre.teulial or iiiplomus nlttnys lumgin hi-o'"rn. His ion. cdies or treatment nro uiikno.t 11 to nil 01 , , prepared from n life spent tn the ureal hospit.ils n '.u roiie. Hie lirst in this country nnd a niHre ovt 11 11, In rate I'raotcc than nnv oilier Physic urn 111 1.1 w . rid. I.s in I ill. lit. sr. I'lie many thousands cured nt this institution v rr nf ter year, nnd the niimern is important Surgical i pera nous perioriiu'.i 11) nr. jniinsi. 11, ttitnes en uv un r, porters uf Hie ".-un," "Clipper," and ninny niher pnpi rs notices ol whiiii hate appeared ngain nu.) i.uuiii ! lor the public,'s Ins staudillg as .1 gentlemen nf rlttir acter .in, I responsibility, is a suilkieitt guuruiitee lolho allllcttd. SKIN DIsrASHS SPl'.CDILY cup.rp. Persons writing slinuld he particular in direi ins itteir letters tnllis lllstlttlllnil, 111 Hie fnllnttlllg llinuoer JOHN M. JOHN.-i UN. D Of thn llalliiuoroLock llospilal llalliuiore, tlnrtin .d Itf, ISO.'. Mi.i, b 1,1 " Look to your Interests. FRESJf .1RRIVA L or AT MILLER &EKR'. Till! subs, iliiers linvo just returned from iho Willi ue ther large and seb it as-, r ..iii.ifCIX Vurchnsed ut l'liilndtlphla, hi tho lovvesl fieuru, nnd vvhii'h lliey arc dtteriuiii. .. t" s II on as iiiutlL.niu t- ruis naran hu procured elsewhere in g Their Block comprises uwiF.y iiia-.s acoD.i. of tiinieest st)les and latest fn.hinn, DUY GOODS, .1X11 01.01. l.hlF.S, iiARnrjiiir. uvkkxu .u CKMIt H'MIR. IWI.LOIY,. lltOX, AWH.. llOUTu if UllOt i .TO ry C.'X 'r (.. ; In short everithingusuallv ept In emji'try finrrs ton In-Ii V i.i. lb. pal In m ni r illy T'' C12I1. at pre . pii'f r"J.nn : pindues., r-"En lilonn'si.iire Apr 1 X. 1 ' '