Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 15, 1862, Image 2

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    all Inlerforonco with llic Govornmcnt in
a vigorous prosecution ol llio war for tho
maintenance oi tho Constitution nnd the
restoration of the Union, which was far,
very far, ffom my intention.
After a careful retrospect, I can solemn
ly iloclaro beforo God and my country
that I cannot rcproacli myself with any
act of commission or omission sineo the
existing trouble commenced. I havo
never doubted that my countrymen would
yet do me justice. In my special mes
sage of tho 8lli of January, 1801, 1 pre
scntcd n full and fair exposition of tho
alarming condition of the country and
urged Congress cither to adopt measures
of compromise, or, failing in this, to pre
pare for tho last alternative. In both as
pects my tecommendation was disregar
(led. I shall closo tltis document with a
quotation of the last sentences of that
message, as follows :
"In conclusion, it may bo permitted I
3 to remark that 1 havo oltcn warned
my countrymen of tho dangers which
tow surround us. This may be the last
time I shall refer to the subject officially.
I feel that my duty has been faithfully,
though it may bo imperfectly, performed;
and whatever tho result may be, 1 shall
carry to my grave the consciousness that
I at least meant well for my country."
Your obedient servant,
Wheatland, near Lancaster, Oct. 28, '02.
Lieut. Brookway's Report next
JG3S"" Godcy has put us in possession of
the Lady's 13ook for December.
Hon. Jakes M. Pouter, of Eas
ton, died on Tuesday, aged 69 years.
B3JThe Abolitionists bohavc moder
ately woll now, and appear more willing
to permit Democrats to livo among them.
Their recent political victory over the
left in tkeso parts has evidently had a
boothinjr. effect.
BSD"" Printing. Wo aro now prepared
to execute every description of Book and
Job Printing. Merchants, Manufacturers, '
Mechanics, and tho entire business com-
jnunity, wishing any thing in this line, will I
uo wen to give us a call.
C An exchange oomes to us acknowl
edging the reoeipt of three beets weighing
ml T7- i: .1.. ; at. i
olitionists not m Pennsylvania on the 14th
, , , . J , , , , , ,
of last October, those aro tho largest beets ,
' . 6
we have seen noticed this season.
E3r John K. Girton, the cheap nattor, 1
has now on hand tho largest and best se-
lected stook of good hats that have over
been offcred.for sale in this place. Ho ,
lias also on hand a large supply of Dress
nats, which ho is furnishing at his usual
low prices
tffl Notwithstanding tho money pres
sure and thesa ''war times," our streets
1 present a lively appearance. The Fall
trade having commenced, our stores and
fchops aro busy with customors preparing
themselves with tho conveniences of dress,
etc, for tho coming winter.
JCarPosx Him. A preacher of Mont
rose, says thc Democrat of-that place, re
cently delivered himself of a "sermon" in
Forest Lake, in whioh ho declared that
the Constitution would be dragged to Hell,
if tho slaves wore not liberated. How long
will American citizens tolerate such ''pa
triots." $& The office of tho American Volun
teer, Carlisle, was enterod by tome soldiers
from tho barracks, ono uight recently, and
the material damaged to thc amount of
perhaps fifty dollars. Tho Editor offers a
roward of 8200 for the detection and con
viction of tho perpetrators. Shamo on
the cowards.
JBSfD. n. Noiman, Esq., Dum. and ed
itor of tho Easton Sentinel, is elected a
member of the Houso of Representatives
by 2,500 majority. "Well done, old Nor
thampton. About fourteen months ago
Mr. Nciraan's office was ontiroly destroy
ed by an Abolition mob, who, of course,
made the attack in tho night, and behind
tho editor's back.
ZSr Personal Wo need money badly
nt tho present time, and shall be very
much 'obliged to our delinquent patrons (of
course wo mean nono others) if they will
make their arrangements to squaro their
accounts, or at least givo us a part of that
which is our just duo, at their very earliest
oonvenieuca. It is impossible to publish a
newspaper without money, and this truth
ought to bo impressed on tho minds of all
who aro in arrcare for subscription, adver
tising, or job work.
lho approaching Courts will afford
many an opportunity of cither calling in
person, or sending by their neighbors, and J
tuoso at r. distance can remit by mail at
our risk. Wo trust this appeal will not bo
ia rain. We disliko dunning as muoh as
anybody, but necessity compels us to resort
to the measure. Now, then, let thifro bu
a hearty response on I1 hands to this ur
gtnt request.
Ex-Piosidout Buchanan's Lottor
Wo print in to-day's Columm.y Demo-
on at the letter of Ex President Duchnnan
in reply to tho Into publication of Gcucrnl
Scott, relative to tho Inst months of the
Into Administration. Tho letter in mi
able one, and it relieves its author of muoh
of tho odium which partisan, rancor and
detraction have heaped upon him. This
is not tho time for n fair and impartial his.
toryofMr. Duchanau's Administration;
It will require other men and other times
to do it justice, whethor that justice- ho a
complete vindication or condemnation.
Our belief is, however, that tho faithful
historian will record the fact that what
has been termed tho imbecility of tho last
few months of tho Administration was a
thoughtful comprehension of tho awful
... ., j
National Intelligeucer romarks :
"In the paper now placed beforo our
readers, tho venerablo ex-Prcsidcnt shows
that ho was not unmindful of tho obliga
tions placed upon him by tho trying events
through which ho was compelled to pass
in tho clsoing months of his Administra
tion, rum he clearly (states tho considera
tion of public duty under which he acted ,
as also tho limits under which he had
power to act at all. At tho same time he
places in a clear light some facts which,
from tho commanding position ho then
held at the head of affairs, ho is able to
present in a collocation tbot redeems his
conduct from certain misapprehensions
whioh may havo beocu entertained at tho
time by observers less cognizant of all tho
circumstances which made up 'the situa
tion,' as well civil as military, nt tho out
break of secession."
Talk Out.
This is our advice to Democrats. Obey
the laws aud orders of tho Government.
Our only remedy against them is to change
them. In tho mean time TALK OUT
ITS WAR POLICY 1 They can't arrest,
us all, and the few they do arrest will give
courage to those they don't, and they will
bo the muoh more excited and dangerous
to tho Black Republican party. Keep
talking everybody. Don't talk treason.
Talk politics.
Thus saith the Cadiz (Ohio) Sentinel,
and so say wo. Talk out, Democrats;
talk out plainly, fearlessly and loudly.
Our cotcmporary says, "don't talk trea-
The way to avoid talking treason
is to talk Democracy. Thore is no treason
about that, and never was.
Hospitality of lllO People of Sunbury.
Many of our fellow-citizens, composing
tuo dratted inilitia of Columbia county,
have requested us to gratefully remember
them to the citizens of Suubury and es
pecially to J. A. J. Cummi.nqs, Esq.,
... , r, , e ., 0 ,
county, and Col. Pubdy, of tho Suubury
f . , - . ,.
Democrat, for their generous attentions
. ., - . , ., . , . . , . ,
to thfeir wants, whilst detained in Sunbury
on tbeir way to Hamburg. The Court
House waa thrown open and bounteous
tablc3 sPread befor0 thc LunSry Soldiera.
For tbis acccptahle treat in time of need
our P00r "Hiera, through us, widh to
n,ako tbeir Eyeful acknowledgements.
Exchange Hotel Wilkesbarre.
Mr. Heniiy J. Yaple, late of Cambra,
has taken the Exchange Hotel, in Wilkes
barre, late occupied by Maj. S. IL Putor
baeh, Sheriff elect of Luzerne county. Mr.
Yaplo knows how to keep a Hotel, and
wo advise our friends to give him a call
Sec his circular in another column.
Maj. PniLip R. Freas, has issued his
annual Prospectus for tho next volume of
the "Gormanioivn Telesranh." It is a
valuable Family Newspaper, at 82 per
year, comprising a choice dopartmont of
Agricultural, Literature, and Horticulture
which has been improved by over thirty
years' assiduous labor on the part of its
able iiditor. bucccss to the " idegraph." new Commander you havo tho advan-
... j tage of the highest, most ultra Abolition
TJ. S. Senator- Jcouncels you havo everything that you
Tho question of U. S. Senator is begin- j want, and as you want it now go ahead,
ning to bo agitated among the people. ; Have dot o with nonsenso no moro sco
Wc have heard tho riamcs of tho following ond rate Mexican pronuuciaincntoes, but
gentlemen mentioned in connection with aot fulfill your promises inarch, fight,
the offico : ! conquer havo done with your miserablo
Hon. James Campbell, of Philadolphia,'
Hon. William Rirrlor. of tMnnrfinlrl. '
Hon. William Biglor, of Ulearfiold,
Hon. O. 11. Ruckalcw, of Columbia,
Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, of York,
Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, of Luzorno,
lion Francis W. Hughes, of Sobuylkill,
Hon. J. Glauoy Jones, of Berks
Judge of the 26 tit TMstriot.
Tho Bradford Argus says, wo neglect-
ed last week to announce tho nlcntinn nf
thonon. Wm.Elwell wm,Qnt.nnnn,!t;nn.'!of cvcry gCDous man to cases of this
ur r Mm sfltl, m.M,t.
composed of tho counties of Columbia, Wy-1
oming and Sullivan. Tho people of this '
district havo been oCMdinlv lw :!
securing tho services of Mr. Elwoll. His
superior for tho position could not havo
bcon found in tho limits of tho Common
wealth. Wkilo wo congratulate our neigh
bors, for tho good senso displayed , wo at
tho samo time regret to low ono of our
best and highly esteemed oilizens.
Judge Elwell holds his first court at
Bloomsburg on tho first monday in De
cember. The following ii the vote in tho several
counties :
Look nt it, Fnthor Abraham l '
I L h I N 0 1 S,
D IS L A W A It E .
NEW Y O 11 K ,
N H W J E 11SEY,
1' E N N S Y L V A N I A ,
Tho Novcmbor elections eclipse, if pos
sible, thc October results in tho brilliancy
of the Democratic victory achieved. How
truo it is that "revolutions never go back
ward." The ball set iu motion by tho
Domocraoy of Pennsylvania, Ohio, nnd
Indiana, has been rolling on, increasing
iu magnitude aud velocity, and tho Em
pire State, and Sucker State, and the Jer
sey Blues havo still more and moro increa
sed its speed, crushing tho last vestige of
Niggcrism beyond its ponderous weight
and irrcsittiblo onward progress.
Look at tho magnificent rcbults :
In New York, tho able and accomplish
ed Seymour is elected Governor by some
10 or 12,000 majority. All other Demo
cratic Stato officers aro elected1 We havo
largo gains iu tho Legislaluro, and wo
havo 18 of tho 31 members of Congress
a gain of 8 in tho delegation. The City
of New York alone gavo 31,734 majority.
This is a wonderful result, when wo con
sider that but one year ago tho Republi
can majority in the Stato was nearly 107,
0001 Iu New Jersey, tho Democrats havo
elected their Governor by about 14,000
majority, 4 of tho 5 members of Congress
and large majorities iu both branches of
thc Legislature.
Iu Illinois, tho Democrats have carried
both branches of thc Legislature and 9 of
the 14 members of Congress. Tho pop
ular majority is about 15,000.
In Wisconsin the Democrats havo 2 and
probably 3, of the G members of Congress
aud have reduced thc heavy Abolition ma
jority in the States to a mero nothing.
Tho Logulaturo will probably be Demo
In Delaware tho Democrats havo elec
ted their eandidato for Congress aud two
thirds of tho Legislature.
In Michig u and Minnesota, although
not entirely successful, our friends havo
mado extraordinary gains, aud another
year will wheel both those States, with
Iowa, into the Dcmooratio line.
So wo go. The great reaction ii still
going on, and tho foul demon of Aboli
tionisin will soon bo driven into its der
trom wmcu it will never aaiu emerge to
curse thc land.
Tho Democracy "are coming, Father
Abraham, moro than 000,000 t,tron"!"
and they will yet save thc Union, if you
can t.
Removal of Gon. IVEcClellan-
Who are thc President's advisers ? For
noy saya the removal was recommended
some tuno ago to him, and approved, but
only finally resolved upon after a change
became inevitable.
Why "inevitable?" That is what tho
people want to know.
What tho removal indicates
to Forney, is
"hard fightin' earnest
war rapid marches the utter ruin of ev
ery source of tho rebellion's strength
short, quiok, decisive campaigns and ipeo
dy peace."
The old song. Pope tried it ; and his
'hard fighting' and 'rapid marches' yrere
to keep himself out of thc enemy's clutch
es. Tho most rapid marches he mado
wero in retreat. Wc all know what tho
'utter ruin of every source of tho rebellion's
strength' means -the emancipation of his
slaves. 'Well, let us sco theso 'short,
quick, decisive campaigns. this contom-
plates 'peedy peace' you havo uow got a
bombast no more lying, no more deccp-
(inn t
tho rebels, save tho Union, or hold up
your heads and tell tho peoplo to strike.
1 -!'
ear i no urait nas tation upon many
citizens of this county without means and
with large families, nnd tho latter must
suffor unless thoy have tho aid of friends.
i Wo earnestly call tho iminediato attention
1 k,nd- Tboy ehould ho sought out and
amPl0. ,nca?,1 Pr0VI,dcd to Vnveui want or
8"ffor,nK tll0Ut U woull bo a
disgrace to any township not to mako im-
j ,ne.tliatf 1 8Uo! as re
quiro tho publio aid.
Jancy Goods and Jrimmings. Miss
Amelia D. Weiiu, invites tho attention
of hor Lady friends, to her now and select
assortment of elegant Goods. Thoy will
be found to bo unsurpassed. Givo Miss
Webb, an early call and you will get good
The nkxt Conqkess. Tho noxt Con-
gress, according lo tho estimate of tho Now
York Herald, will staud 101 Democrats
and Conservatives to 83 Abolitionists.
Tho Democracy arc coming, Fathor Abra-
ham 1
IVntlor.iiI Finances.
The leading articlo In tho circular nf
Messrs. Samuel Hallolt k, Co., for tho
steamer, Oct. 20, 18(52, is on thc Natlrn
nl Finances, It contains facts of great
importanco nt this crisis, and the figures
can bo relied upon as correct i
In anticipation of tho annual report of
the Treasury soon lo bo made, wo nro
enabled to lay beforo our readers, np
proximately, tho condition of the, nation
nl finances up to near tho closo of the
present month. We may not give the
exact figures in every case, but our state
incut will bo lound to be very nearly ac
curate. TI12 public debt of tho United States
may bo divided into three chssen that
contraoted prior to tho loan of2C0,000,
000, granted in July, 1801, the loan of
that date, and those authorized by Con
gress at its last sassion,
The amount of debts of the first class
will, probably, reach ahout'Sl 18,00,000.
Of the second class, the 8250.000.000
oan, 8150,000,000 is made up of tho 7
3-10ths, of which about 8132,000,000
havo been issued ; 50,000,000 0 cents
duo iu 1881, and 850,000,000 of tho do
mand n.tes, which were made receivable
for dues at thc Custom House. About
one-half of theso arc already canceled,
and aro bciug retired at the rate of 200,
000 daily. Their places, however, arc
supplied by what are termed "neto issue"
of demand notes.
Siuco thc passage of the Act of July,
1801, thc Government has relied cheilly
upon its demand notes ; upon tho depos
its made with several of tho Sub-Treasu
rers, and by the issue of certificates of
indebtedness. Of thc latter about 8G0,
000,000 have been issued. Of the "new
issue" of Treasury notes.about 8180,000-,
000, arc already in circulation, 'J he
Department is now paying them out at
thc rate of 8GOO.O0O daily.
Of the class of bonds known as the
5-203, 818,571,100 have been issued.
The exact amount of desposits with the
Sub-Treasurers on call, is about 805,000,-
000. Tho aggregate indebtedness ot the
Department, consequently will foot up
as follows !
Debt contracted prior to Ju
ly 1861, 8118,000,000
Montis hearing a-10 p cts.
interest 132,000,000
Bonds bearing 0 "53 ct. inter'.
est, payable in 1881 50,000,000
Certificates ol indebtedness 00,000,000
Deposits with tho Sub-Treasury
and payable on call 05,000,000
Treasury notes, new issue 180,000,000
Custom House notes 21,000,000
The Five-twenty year bonds 18,571,100
Total indebtedness 8053,571,100
The statement, wc believe, is approxi
mately correct, taking the figures as they
stood on the 22d ius:., and making the
liabilities of Government considerably
less than tho current estimates. It should
rel icve all apprehension as to any em
barrassment to be caused by our public
debt. Thc intciest on the total amount
at six per cent is only 839,214,200. But
only S4 19,571, 100 draw interest, redu
cing thc charge upon tho Treasury from
tins quarter to 820,074,200. J o meet
this charge we have thc revenue from
customs, which will probably equal 800,-
000,000, tho present year, and the rove
. i . i . i
uues irom uic exiraoruinary sources re
cently provided.
'I hose sources were designed to real
ize fully 8200,000,000 annually.
The new live-twenty year six per cent
loan is thc only one which the Govern
ment is now issuing at par, and large
subscriptions arc daily making in all the
principal cities. Messrs. Jay Cooko &.
Co., Bankers, 114 South Third street are
the agonts in Philadelphia, and will
chcei fully afford every facility and expla
nation to subscribers. A supply of Bonds
constantly on hand, See advertisement
Congressional majorities.
The following Congressional minorities
in all the districts but three, thow a Dem
ocratic majority in the Stato of 7,388.'
Wo omit tho lflth district, (Bailey's,) the
13th, (Tracy's,) and thc 18th, (Hale's,)
beoauso tho votes castor tho candidates
were not strictly party votes. This ma
jority, if it had been proporly divided,
would havo elected eight moro Congress
men, and left enough to carry a ninth in
any district not giving over 1400 Aboli
tion majority :
Baudall 1 ,447
Stilos 3,224
aiioi rnoN.
2. O'noill
3. Mycr3
8. Anoona
10. Strouso
11. Jobusou
12. Dennison
14. Miller
10. Coffroth
17. M'Alistor
21, Dawson
24. Lazoar
4 Kelly 828
5. Thayer 02
7. Broomall 3,444
t). Stovons 4,520
10. Schofield 492
20. Myers 818
22. Moorhead 2350
23. AVillians 1,354
, I "I
Total 1 0,471
Total 23,650
Tho 10th, 13th and 18th districts gavo
the following majorities: lflth Bailoy,
Democrat, 2,19; 13th Traoy, Ind., 1,
81T; 18th Halo, Ind , but elected nl
most exclusively by Democratic votes, 417
That's a Fact. A facetious cotom-
porat y remarks that tho Abolitionists will
have a harder timo going up Salt River
than tho Democrats had two years ago;
' not on account of tho low stage of water,
but because caoh emancipator will havo to
"tote" a nigger on h'u baok ! I
Tho Delaware IMirlion Outrages.
Tho following lottors, from different
parts of tho Stato of Delaware, speak for
themselves, and toll a story which should
damn tho guilty authors of tho outrages
mentioned, for all time.
Wilmington, DuLAWAnt!, Nov Oth, 1802.
To the li'litor of thc I'hiluda. Hveninn
Journal ;
Deau Sir : Tuesday last was a day long
to bo remembered as a day on which as
loyal a peoplo as ever owed allcgianco ton
government, wero struck down by tho iron
baud of despotic power. "Armed bands
wero around every election poll in tho
State 1 Aged men, whose gray hairs wero
no protection, wero charged on with brist
ling bayonets, nnd driven from the polls,
for nothing but attempting a freeman's
privilege tho right of votiug. Oh, God,
and this in land of Wnshiu.ton, Jefferson
and Jacksou ! Now, 1 will explain why
tho military power was used. J lie Admin
istration knew tho Domocratio party could
oarry tho Stato by 1500 majority. It
being a slave Slate, it was determined it
should not bo douo, aud by carrying tho
Stato for tho Abolition party, mako it ap
pear to the iNorth that Delaware is iu favor
of emancipation : and another great oh
jeet was to defeat lion. J. A Bayard for
the United States fccnate. .Iu tlie abovo
objects they have been disappointed, as it
is certain tho Democrats havo a majority
of the Legislature, which will prevent the
abovo sehemo. Thc military used for the
purpose of depriving American citizens of
the right ol voting, was the bourth Kcgi
mcnt of Delawaro Volunteers, under Col.
Grinuhaw, ono of tho Greatest Abolitionists
in tho State ; the Fiivt Iteuinicnt of Dela
waro Cavalry, under Itcprescntativc (also
Col.) Fisher; the Delawaro Battery, alto
under an Abolitionist, aud thieo legimoute
from Baltimore, under Major General
Wool,who accompanied the troops himself,
be it said to Ida shame, and that on the
same day that his Stato New York, put
its f-cnl of condemnation upon tho usurped
power of the Administration, and iu such
a voice as to shake it to it very foundation.
I say let tho numo of Wool, who allowed
himself to be a tool in the bauds of thc
worst men who ever abuied power, be
execrated in all coming time.
I (end you tbis as a hurried statement of
how the Democratic party was used hero.
Kuowing that our population was too small
to maintain tho rights guaranteed to us
under tho Constitution, you can see wc
were nothing but slaves uudur despotic and
usurped power. I would like you to write
something from this, and let the world sc
the wrong committed to a sovereign State.
I am, dear sir, a constant reader of your
popular Journal. J.
Ni:v Castle Dclawaue,
November Oth, 1SG2.
Mr. Elilor; By the official vote, now
in, of our State wc find that wc havo lost
our candidate for Governor: but have
these substantial results. We have elected
Mr. Templo by a majority of 20. Wo
have 14 Democrats in the lower Houso
aud 0 iu the Scuatc, against 7 of the Ho
publicans in the lower House, and 3 in thc
Senate, which insures the return of that
pure statesman, James A. Bayard.
There wero 15000 soldiers sent from
Baltimore up tho Nanticoko river; they
were disembarked nt Soaford, and were
placod at all the polls, and there wero
many of our men so much intimidated that
tliey did not come to the election, winch
has reduced our majoiity in Sustnx from
800 (what wc could havo received) to
about 25 to 50. These aro facts. Send
me 20 copies of Journal by train lo morrow
evening. J. D.
P. S Nov. 08 P. M. Wc have a
report just in that there is a probability
that wo yet have elected our Govouor.
I forgot to mention that in Wilmington
City, some 150 tax receipts and naturali
zation papers were forged by the Aboli
tionists. J. D.
Dover. Del., Nov. 0, 1802.
Mr. Editor: Sir: Tho official an
nouncement bus just been made that tho
'Democrats havo elected William Templo
to Congre?9, and a majority, on joint bal
lot, of the Legislature, thus securing the
re election of lion. James A. Bayard, but
have lost tho Governor by a few votes.
All this has been done Pgainst Govern
ment greenbacks, by tho thousands, and
bayonets placed at every poll in Kent and
Sussex counties, to secure the reelection of
lion. G. P. Fisher. Tho voters of Kent
nnd Sussex, in almost every voting pre
cinct, had to walk up to the polls between
bayonets, and under bayonets, to vote.
Great God.' what won't tho Black Hep
ublicausdo to carry their ends.
Mour Anon.
WiLMiNfiTON, Nov. Oth, 1802.
To the Editor of thc Philada, Evening
The election in this Stato passed off
with great excitement. In Dover tho mili
tary charged upon the voters at thc polls
three times. At Milford, men wore not
allowed to voto excopt over Federal bayo
nets. In Daggsboro' Hundred, no ono
was permitted to vote by tho eoldicrs, un
less a bluo ribbou was worn on loft arm.
Temple, tho Dcmooratio candidate for
Congress notwithstanding military inter
ference), lias been elected by twenty-six
majoiity. Jefferson (D) will contest thc
election of Cannon (Abol.j and as tho
Dcmooratio Legislature is elected, (whioh
scouros the return of Bayard), thore is no
doubt that Cannon will bo overthrown.
You may rely upon tha abovo statement.
In haste, yours truly, A.-
Sinco this war commenced General
McClollan has fought moro buttles than any
other Gouoral in tho army, and never lost
one. Gon. Halleck, who undertook to
writo tho bill of indictment against Gen.
McClollan, lias not been in one battle, al
though ho has been in high command near
ly over sinoo tho war commenced.
James B. Clay, son of Henry Clay,
has joiued tho Robel army, nnd is to com
mand a regiment. Causo, tho President's
Emancipation Proclamation. His entire
Regiment will bo composed of men who
woro iu favor of tho Union previous to tho
publication of the uufortuuato Proclama
tion, Simon Cameron has just returned
from a tour of Europe, at the expenso of
tho government.
A 'Shifty" Editor. Wo had n vi it
during thc snow tstbriu of Friday from Col.
L. L. Tate, editor of the Co'umbia DcniO'
crul. Bloomsburg, who was up hero in
most of a boat loud of coal. Tho object
of tho Colonol'8 mission is a striking proof
... , r....i. .i i ii..'
oi uiu nappy .ueuny jiummsuu .u, ..j,
iiuliKtrimii editor for ndnntiiu? himself to
tho circumstances with which he is sur
rounded. For instaiico,the war tax greatly
increasing tho price of paper and every
other comodity required by printers, neces
sarily has n damaging effect upon tho
busine.'s of n printing office ; and tho Col -,
oncl probably finding matters nt homo ,
rathor dull, embarked in tho boating busi-1
ness Wise conclusion. Boating just
now is quito brisk, and tho only pursuit !
that offers vory strong inducements for '
honost entorprizo. Tho fact is, a good
editor is useful in any position. AVo havo
known a few instances in which they havo
condescend lo servo tho nconlo in thc
Halls of Congress. Wo hope thc Colonel's
voyage on thc "raging cauaul" was both
safe nnd profitable. Luzerne Union,
E3TA. R. Ilanna, of Franklin town
ship, Chester county has but one leg, but
by somo mistake ho was drafted. The
best part of it is that Mr. Ilnntia roported
himself at the proper time as ready to go.
"Por several days beforo tho issuing
of tho proclamation, thc President was ob
served to be iu a hrowu study, lix.
ies ; a John Brown study,
.'itinvilc Drmocuit.
HOT There will bo no draft in Phil
adelphia, tho Commissioners having satis
fied the authorities that tho city has fur
nished her quota.
CSTOld John BrowuV soul is marching
on, and the Hcpublican party is marching
after it. Everybody knows wliero to.
Ohio Patriot.
JOSy-Simou Cameron lias returned homo
from his mission to liussia.
STAR CH? TBS 23 wom
"ftJoTici: is hereby given, that tho sub
1 1 Kcription nnd advertising arcnunt dun thc Pub
lisher of the fcTR of inn N'or.TH, are placed iu the
Ii.'iiiiN oft:. II. I.iltle, Ilaq.. of lllnnnidiiirg, fur immedi
ate, collect! n. The Uditnr of said p.ip-r Inn Iul' Iipi-ii
drafted, nnd obliged to go to i iii'riary that
prompt payinentH lie midn in ordertliat liii family nnv
have mearn of ruppoit. Vnur early attention to this
matter may tave coftn nod prove advantageous to liji.
family. WAI. II. J M.OI'.V,
Pub, Star cf thc .Vert,.
Cami' Simmon. )
Ilarribtir!,', Oct.SJ, 1EC2
On thc 8th ult , bv Rev. S W.
by Rev
nt tho residence of Joseph Lilley.
Mr. LrniiAiM TnownuiDan, and
i.tdia bLAHAOOii, both ot this county.
On thc 16th ult., by Thus. J Vantlor-
slico, Esq., Mr Oiiaules Shaki-eu, and
-Hiss b.vriAii IIeldkwiant, all of Colum
bia county.
On tho -f th hist., at tho residence of the
bride's mother, in Allentowti, Pa., by Rev.
S. K. Brobst. Mr. S. Fhank Sciiwautz,
of Lycoming county, to Miss M. Eume
Manstield, of Berwick, Columbia co.
In Scott township, Columbia com.ty,
of Hemorrhage, Mr. C. Bui ixe,
aged about 55 years,
In, Saturday Nov. 8th, 'mjoiioe
Wilmku, infant son of John and Rebecca
Turner, aged four years two mouths aud
two days.
On tho 2d int., near Evansvillo, Col.
co., Mr. .Iacob AIastelluu, aged 80
years, 1 month and 22 das.
In Berwick,
Amanda Iiudv,
on tho 5th itift., Miss
aged 18 years nnd 8
J-i i.TTTTT'TTi'-jL.u-ici
A r,I.'"!,s"n',ni'ol",'fr',iyc"l"'",",laainitpurchainK
in, ?v f.6 ' .1 y J: " 1 "un. and cmlorted by
iii V 31r.ll.l;):.ll"ll,fl' ''nteil miuo three monthi ulnco,
whltli said Note lias boon lust of n,i,,,i,. '
Madison ton,hii, Nov. f, JSng, at CIIRIS1 IAN''
Estate of Conrad Adorns, deceased,
IETTUUS of adinini.tratioii on the i:tnro 0f C'
J Adams, late ef Oransetwp, Col co., dtcrnscd, hao
been granted by the Kenliicr of Columlna county to the
iinderi-icncdi all pursQiis hnvinj; daliu. asaliut iim PH.
Into of the diciiikut nrn reiUi;ted to present themlo
the Adiuiuistrntor at his residencu in Orange two
without delay, nnd all persona iiulcbteil to make nnv"
muiit fortliuilli. 1 '
, ,- J0I1X SICOAnfilU.L.
.November 15, 16C2-CW. Miil'r.
TIIE auliacrlbcr lint Jiirt received n lot or Hosiery,
Tfimminjts. nnd Woollm ociods, tucli as
b o n t a u a, a a ii i ii a l n i n a,
.i r. s o,
m.OVJ',3, IIOOl'.gKIUTS,
Cj Wheeler & Wilson's Senilis Machine for sale, m
Alan Mm Atlnn ll,., li .
,l.o-Mrs. Allen's Hair le. 7r .; . 'i V .
Ernyhulritsiialurnl color.
A. II. U'lMm.
Illomnsbtirg, Nnvcmlur 15, let;'.'.
.Vir( l)eor Inline Court Jhuse
qiiEiiin'crslgncd, having token this well-known stand
1 (lormerly ol Major Puturbaiiijli), res pci llully solU.
its the pnlronato of the public.
No naius will be sn.ireil iu nnv i.r in,,i'!,r "l1,i?fllci" "'I '"'t' 'Plio TAIII.H and iho
I. All will nlwnys hn supplied with the
nnsT tiii: makkivp Ai't'omid.
07-flood e-tabling for Horse, omUtteullv.. Hosiers.
'J ho "llxc haiiM" U i liiiiiiiv . it ,. I.....,"
Sr.are. and has therefore p,,l,a, ;.Vlva.,I.V'- to p. 'r
N. ...-Whenever you come to town .,, ,
Wilkes llarre, Nov J5 ler,"' Al I.n.
" Y ''''""'
iron nxlu nnd
A good Stilkey, with
1 offered vsry cii ,ip, Al
Fnrcut s 'hlft. ri.'hi
If Bf.rinss iii pcif xt order,
leo-a r Ii of st so Harness.
enquire oj lu
mb' r 1, 1HJ
f.UlTOH ).it ili;T
J. ,111 GE A Hi! 11' A L UP
New Pall and Win (cm
am ma w
i.YLicwr sriii:i:r, cowmiha coiwrr. ,
j.i reci-lvu.l Irotn I'lMln.M,,!,!,,. , '
' " Uic old rtiiml htny occupied i,v ji''n,
I... n it..niliil N,.nrl iiimit nl ' '".H,
which will lio unlil cheap I'nr H
CASH on COUNTRY produce
III ct(ickrnniillauf l.Hilk'a Drio Uooila iliulii Fti,
nndl.itoiriuliliMia ''
Kentucky Jeans,
Thread, &o.
Hard ware,
In slmrt miry thliut nKimtlylicpt m n cnintirtni
Tha pnlrumiKu nfnld friends, mid ttiu P-lMirVi,
ly, In rei-iu'itfully p idled. " ""'
The highlit ni.uKit price paid for country pnniinc
I'l'.tmi t,r
Light Struct, Nov. 15, lbVi.
iSLiSL- How Lost! Uow Kcsiorr d ;
Jilt I'utilislicil III ii SiDlcd r.iirclopo ' Price 0
A Lcrtiirn on tho .Vatura. Treatment nnd rndioal
of f peniiiitnrrhici or woflknem, tn votti 1,1 , ,
i:iiiiniM)in,ii'.Mi1,ll ilcldlllr. nnd iuiperiiiiiciil,, i,
rlaiM generally, iiervi-iunom, coiiioiniptiou. epi) ,
ii n. I IIik ; nml phyjirnl incapacity puilim; r,
F Ifnliii-e, fcc - Ity llolit. J. l.'iilverwcll, ,M i a'nn ,
of the Urceit Hcok, c
TliiMvoriii.rcnnw I author. In thin ndmiraMi I
! XS:". Ztrun.S
ulal pututiui; out u luoile ol euruutone ee.l.nn
elfTtiial, hy which every pulPrer, no uintt rv.h t
condition may In, may euro himself cheaply priini
nml radically. 'I Im tectum will prote a hoou in u,,
valid- aud thnmoiiidu.
rii'iil under seal, in a plain envelope to any mli'r
on tlie receipt i,i six cents, or two postage
by addressing
llr. TIIAS.J ('. Ki lv
I'JT h'nwery, Now York, l'uHOMce l.oi 5.1
Nov. 1.1, Iff.!!.
Agcn'cel Paiu.oii. Stovi
perfect order, for alo rheap.
with pipo. n
Will h- u.pi .,.
Till'! nniToi:
hargain. Applvto
l!iooiuhurg, Nov.
B, IM-.3-nt.
(a Court Ihutss Alloy,
xkit noon to tiih omen or Tint "roi.uMiiiA in Mora ,t
n i.oo.vsn vita r.i
November 6. iSCS.
Tlir.iinder-igned being a regularly "tin lut'il 'ur
tinneer," her-'tiy oir'ra lii -ervict as im ti ' '
who mav fell disponed to give him n call I'u rr
experience in tli bU'.im u, will ennld'i hunt" r n
f.'ilif,ii t i on to his niHtoinerK. At Hip nn Kuie In i
rnutiou all Auctioneer, 'not liceued ' front f.ll
.iililinlPng, n v the fine fixed hvthe fluted Sim u
I e'"''''v ''" liuposnil, aud the law carrl-d out to In f
.1, .... i"i""ni Hi-Minim ii" n'y - ' -
w III pleaae inform mo In that elfTt lefor th . x r
the MOsJIIilOmHN
IJnoMfchurg, Pa., Nov. S. 1?H2 'lu n .
jOamh to the premises of tho sub'cr'bi r.
In l'ishiugcreck low hfliip, Columlna county u!i t
last Harvest, a
I!!;!) UiM;,
vn. rcnV.v -.,
mv. iti- 1
wilh a white strealt across liN barlr.
ami is aimut two years old. 1 lie own. r
is requested to come forward, oiov.
property, and pay ihart'es, or llioy will be dispos n
according to law'.
November P, lPOI-Ht
E S T R A Y.
(PUmk into the enc'osuro of the untlcr-
signed, i
in tlniiyngham Mwnrhip, Coluiuliiar mnn
on or nliout the first of last August, n -vDfl-TrnW
Dark llrnnn Heifer, f
nippofed to be two year" old. The LKiA.''
oivm r Is reipiested lo prove property, fV J.,
pay tliurires nml take her nn uy. or she - ' -
will be ilispoacd of us thu law ill nil a.
.MIUUAnr. sn I.I.I Y
flermantnw u, Nov. 8, l?C-i. tit
: EST RAY '.
Qthayld from tho pietnies of tlie Eub-
fj srriDer some ( icnt icck since, n
w him nnd red in color, steep rumps,
small horns, l.eep her hind lees weP
under her in walking, nnd hating had
one ear torn by a dog. A suitnblK re- K
warn will tie paid for her recovery.
IllooinfliHrg.Nov.e, Ifli-3,
pAME to the premi.cs of tho 5iilifr!lc
" In llenton low n, hip, Columbia county tin m '
it ' jv pii-inner. . II . iro'
, r two y
$r$l MfiHT ItKI) STKKH,
-nit innrke.) l.v n bi.i'.m !.... ...r ,un ..., r.f iln
left ear.
Tho owner Is rc'iuestcd to conic forwnn1 pm"
property, ami paycharjci, orthey will be di-ii
Ilcntnn tow nship, Nov. 8, lfCS St.
At Jay Cooko & Co., HanUcis.
lit Boo ru Third Ptiipi r.
l'hlladelpliin, N. v I I
The undersigned, having I ei'ii nppeiuir-ii Knli . i
tion agent by tho Herri tury of the Treasury, is 1"
pared to furnish at nine, tho
New tuenlij year (i per cent, Roml
nftlie United Hlnles designaied as Tive-Tw. nm "
deemabln at the phnsuro of tho (ioverument. ,iio i i"
years, and outlmrucd by Act of l.iingri m, npif"
1 bruary SI. IHiij
Tnoioiipoii bondsnro issued in sums of Sj SI11
53011, sinoo
Tin' Itegiatcr lionds in sums cf 850, 9100, S500 St" '
and SWllll.
Interest nt fi per rent, per annum w ill loiim '
from date of iurchnsc, and is
I'AYATILK IN 001.1),
Fcmi-Ai'iiunlly.w'hiih isniual, at the or nl i "
union gold, tuabout eight per cunt par Annum
1 ariuers, Mori ha ills. .Mechaun s. ( apii I
who have any inonoy to invest should know
mJ. r '""." '" 'l. ct a I ,.
m inner mat then lionds are in ell. rt a I nn
' ""'las, stocks nnd -
; " or, .,. ...... s ,i uu nil- ,,lllll.l' III
fir., iu Ih.i country, and Hint tho full mid mnpli 0
on made lor the pa) ment of thh Interest ,iim t
i nm ol principal, by customs Duties. I'.m co F ii-i '"
iiicriiai ne vi nue, servch tn niuko lluse l.omu i
licit, Alosi. .'h'uiltiblc and won 7) ;'"'
Jnvrslmcnt in tho Marhn
lln""' and check pnreu books In Plnailelplii
scribers by mail will jeceivo iromp', attention, m
ery facility andcvplanatioii t ill hi nrlordc.l on
Subscriptions received nt Par inll.rriil Tendi r N"11
iiiol '
tiniu,nh;,r'ir 1
, A full supplyof bonds will be ki pt on Imiid f"r '
, dials dUivcry.
I a J.wcooun, Suturnpu-n 't
I ' ' l-fJ.-'3ni.
... . . - '
.mi,nrm Mnn M, (,
XZ" jV&- '
I'MTW.I VOIKTKD uniir. l.
at 1SJ rents per font. All work warrant--
mis. tha' a
notiit uo
nioomjbutg, May 31, jpto.
r iLiiiniX'
DIir.SHOV-". ltJrnn bnol.lalneil at nil tun
L r.allng Koopi riftho iinlerstsned, on Vain
I' ST) I "
Uluoni Ui-g l'o S. (it 13. iftj