Farmer's Department. ACCUMULATION OF MANURE. , It the first plncc collect nil the rough tiiiitcriafs of your farm, rako all tho leaves of Ire!), and tho mould produced by , their decay, nnd cart them Into your cat tle yards, or form them into compost licups spread them in the barnyard as n , (layer to absorb itho liquid manure from your cattle. A supply should alsd be placed under cover so as to bo handy to bo used in winter, to litter your stables they imbibe nnd retain liquid manure, the most valuable from the stock, and wi'l nhuB furnish you with the rich foodtf , plants which would Otherwise bo lost. Tim vliliina nf rrimnn nwl tlin siiepril re. iiie x nines oi guano anti mo sucrai re- liililn imititf nturpil iti-iniirr- whti'li -n-n 11.1UI0 inailUlJClUrC.ll manures ritTprril In tlin firminir rriiniiilllittv. ire 10 .me urnimg coinmiiuuy-, hl ,hivr 'Inn riftfn 'bonta our testimony to, .Il.lVB 100 oucil DUinc our iismuiuiiy iU) 1lO render it necessary aiiaill ito speak O1 'Jo ' them but we have alwavs, and never , ., . ,. . ' felt it more obligatory upon us than at present, at the same time urged'thet as true economy for iarmcrs and planters to rnnvprt pvprv'tliin"' on thoir estates StIS I convert,xuin, on iiicir tsiaas sus. .ccnliblo t ucreul. ol beinrr maue into ma- , . . , . i i i i . ii IUire their interests WOUld UC decidedly . ,, i ,i , i promoted by employing their teams and .tt ,1..... ...... .,, .:!, I.. SUdl hands as tiiey can possibly Spare from now itHl the .frosts set in, in accu. mulating rough materials and forming ithem into compost heaps. These mate trials may bo found in abundance on the roadb'idei, in llio woods, creeks, marshesi rivers, and 'headlands in their vicinity Compost two loads of these materials with one of stable or barnyard manure, .and to every twenty loads thus made, tadd one 'bushel or more- of plaster, to bo well incorporated, and tho whole well imixcd together, by being shoveled over in .the spring, the whole will bo found as ;good as any barnyard or stable manure rthattthe farmer can securs for his land. 'Two bushels of ashes to every two-horse !load would add much to its value; and a ibushdl of packers salt to every load or rtwo would also .increase .its richness. The pig pens and cow yards should alto ibc covored with vegetable uiatleis of ev- . 1 erV Kind 111 tllC same manner to tlie dentil P. . , - 1 . 1 often or twelve inches ; care being taken So form .tho -bed for their reception in a liasm-likcform, to .secure irom waste the Uiquid from the animals, and plaster sshonld be dusted over .the whole once .or rtwice a week. liurul Register. SELECTING SEED WHEAT. "Vc have before alluded to the experi ments of Mr. llallett, of Brighton, in .England, ill the Selection of his wheat rfor seed, and .the .result which have attend cd it. It is an Interesting and important matter -with the .farmer, and one which we desire to pi ess upon the' attention of our readers. JVIr. commenced This esperiments in September, 1859. ... ... c .1 . . i i lie then piantcu one grain oi wncai, anu , , ,i ,.,, fn.. .1, jear by year selected most CarelUlly the ,.,,1,. nf thn finpi5t Imnlq n rppiIq fur .prOCUlCO Ol tllC hllLSl lieaUS as SCCUS lor the next year s crop, and, improving eve ry successive harvest, ho has at length irnorii than double the size of the origional heads, the weight of the product has large ly increased, and lie s enabled to much earlier than formerly. These arc mos1 important considerations. It will .be remembered that at the meet- arjn-iof the Iio&rd Agriculture, last winter, Mr. Haines, Ot Aroostook, Stated that llC . . . one year sunarmeu ui sceu wucui, au iia . , , , . , , ,tO have the largest, heaviest Kernels only T , . , i . i to sow. In this way ho obtained one peck from a bushel. A bushel and a half of the selected wheat was sown side by side in another field, with wheat un , , . ., r .., r.... .:...,. ;ieailSCU, ami Uiu luiinci wus iuui inuua i l..tto. .,,,1 ilm ,-i,l.l n, as good as tho latter, ami tno jielil eor- i- i . t.n.,rn. rpi, nrww, riispoildlllgly heavier. iiie fields Upon ....:..l. 1. ,.. anvfn sn vnrv itn ftirm n character throughout, and this difference could bo distinguished as far as the field could be viewed, so as to see the grain. The benefit of careful selection of seed llirOUir'h a imtnber Ol years, become SO , " prusent calainitius, and the relief which tho 1'rec D ,. , . ' men of Pcnn.ylvaiiia may in part obtain through tho evidcutlhat we think Iarmcrs can profit iwiiot-box. wiuui, with tho support they wm givo ns ... . , loyal men fur the suppresioii of tliu rebellion, may in frOlll tllC CSllCl'lIllClltS WHICH have tllUS Umo undue tho only n.uJble niudu rcstum our distress. . . . .. ,, cd country toits once prosperous and happy conditin, far been IlllUle HI tlllS direction ; and as always maintained undur Ucmocruuc AdininUtra- ,. , , , ,i . ,, lions of thotiovcrnmeiit. Tho Democratic Leader" there IS this advantage to It, that the js thrrefme not only ; recommended to your support, , ,. ,., . but yonr duties nnd interi-t n good ciliiens will be plan IS OLOn to Cadi lainier allKe, arid greatly promoted by maklug efforts for the wide spread 1 . . . ' ,, ,, ,. ., circulation uf thu Paper. Avith but a small expense attending the 1 r.w. hugiics, .,, . r i Chairman of tho Democratic Ptato Central Committee operation. To raise pure crons of every ( Augu.t i3, um. r Louuiutice. variety ol seed, is a matter ol the great st importance, and we wonder it has so Jong been neglected, 'Fanner Garilsne.' CORN COBS AND COKN STALKS. Corn cobs contain considerable nutri ment and if ground up and mixed with cut straw, fodder or hay, mako excellent food for stock; this fact should present corn from being shelled before it is sold ; those who have no mill for the purpose of grinding cobs, can have them chopped and cooked, oilher by boiling or steaming by economising th ix, catllu will require leu longiroveudor to tako them through the winter months. Corn stalks that have been cut after tho corn has becomo glazedi with the fodder on, if cut up by a cutting machine, will also mako an excellent provenderhalf a bushel out up and mix cd with a p&ck of bran, or a peck of cob meaT, will make two good feeds for a milch cow, aii'l enable her to add materially t t'ic m Ik pail. ittra! Rfg'itat, j Look to your interests. FRESH ARRIVAL or SIPEDEQ Mm goo its, 9 AT MILLER &EYER'S. rpllll piihrriiirr have Just returned fx run llio X With nticllicr largu nnd select nssnrtniet nf CM li'ij!:ui(l Munisicr (no(lM, purchased nt Philadelphia, nt llio lowest figure, nn.t which they nru determined to tell on as uiodcralo terms nsenn 1io procured tilsunacre In Mooiusburg. Tlicli stork comprises LADIES' BUMS GOODS, of clmimt slj-les rtml latest fashion. vnr auoos, axd orockmes, 11 uidii' in i ur. ex ii'are, CEDAR IVAUE, hollow ivahe max,, boots snots HATS CAPS, He, .ycSi., In short everything usually kept In rouhtry Storosl to wlili h they Invite the public generally. Tho Highest price puldfur country produce. AliLLUK & EYKlt. Bloomsburg, April SO, leC2. TUB PHILADELPHIA INQUIHEIl, Dullbk siuct, Forly&ght Columns, -pubiishiM every Motnlng. (Except Sundays,)! Wm. W, Harding, No. 141 South Third Htrcct, Phllnd; PP,ai ,., Tho oronto.t newspaper or Philadelphia! The trying times of Ilm nation's history In which we lvc, ru,lUcr n Live Newspaper! an Indispensable to "very man who would keep himself Informed of the tllll,Jrtnllt cven llcll nro daily transpiring. To furnish a paper which will meet tho Just expectations oftIle publc in auclt n tlmu aa llio proaaut. rcanircii dh nmount or labor and ofcxtrnordliinryoxpcnsc of which the community at largo havo noconicptioii. Thojiub- Ushers of HIE PHILADELPHIA IXQUIllEIl, lm9 ,)nml 0 cirurl, ot luun0Jf l0 lnnkB all ffiXtZ nlTX KlS and have fie'tuently given the publlctho tlrst and full- s( nccountl( hy Mgtaj,u lllld .n'y mail, or important efexts at tjij: .seat op war, Tho Inquirer wan tho firm northern paper to civu the account of the llnttcras and Port lloyal victories, nnd tvastwelve hours in advuiiccnf uiyipaporiiithecnuii. .try. in its i.uhiiratinu of tim details V the Hull Run Uatlle. What The Inquirer line donc.isbut an enrnest or what will ho dune. In order to give It. readers and best aicouts ot every event or interest cunuccteu with THE a HEA T .REBEZL10X, nod at the same time li.-ivo it maintain itsreputationas the beat general newpnpot in ll.c country. , Tho inerense in tho circulation of tho Inmiircr du. rjiic; the yenr, is the host evidence uf tho extent to which thn public rely upon it for, llio news of tho day. Its circulation lias averaged for several months' pat. OVER TWO UUXmiED TltOUSJIXD COPIESl a week, or nearly forty thousand a day : anil it has, (limns the year, in times of excitement, reached over seventy thousand n day testing tho capacity of our .fast press to thu utmost to supply thedeniHiid. It ciiui iiicnccilthe Now Year with new and beautiful copper--faced typo, nnd with renewed ivijor uud activity In its Ni-w iindJlMitorial departments. I Tho Inquirer is independent in.nolitlc. I 17 Tiieos nt which tho l'hlladulphla Inquirer Is fit nislK-d IHmplo copies Two L'onts, or twelve cent week; Dally Taper $11 per annum, in advance; T months SI i Tri-U'eekly SI. All letters tdiould ho dressed to WM. W. IIAUIIIX (1. Publisher. Inquirer Uuilding, liil South Third 8. May 10, 1SC2. Piin.Ant,tmiA, Pa (BLANK SI BLANKS! I Of CYcry description, fdr sale at this office ALLEN & NEEDLES' SCPEK-PHOSIMIATH OP LIME, TUG STANDARD MANURE, Unequalled by any other jn the market; always the enmoin quality, aud invariably to bo ruljcd on .ns ma nure of htnndnrd excellence. Piice $15 per 1KWU !ri. (21 cents per lb.) its continueu success icr so ninny years pasi is mi ,,., ,,ariintee the farmer has that hods buying n senu- ine article. Our sriiper-Phosphato of Mum is uniform ih iu C1L.mjCUi constituents, und always tobo relied on. ALLEN ij- NEEDLES' FERTilUZEB. ' Ily the iutroJuctlon of new and improved machinery Jn our works, we have luateriiilly inuNiueil our lactli des for manufactiirlm: this article. Tho cost of pro duction being lc!cnud,we extend to our customers the bcutfU accruing. Thu retail price is now SAi per 2000 pounds, uc believe itto be the best unit cheapest iu nure in use. PIinilVIAN. Wc sell none bin Ao. 1, received direct I'rnm the (lovernlncnt. lull Allui:. A very superior article, received direct ' PS5,TtlS5i!KndPla.ter-Biuperlor.rtlelo. packed 111 good strong barrels. 110 KS. nutlon Makers' Dono UuBt and Ground Bones Warranted Pure. KA liberal deduction made to dealers in tho above articles. AI.I.F.N NUnDLliS. ieM'wcK Water btrect, (Just a. August IBO'J-Jin. MAKItlAGn.-ITS LOVES AND HATH sorrows uiiu angers, nopes nun rears, regre t nnd joys; MANiiooD,tiowin.t,iimTChtore mo naiure, ireainuau unu raiueal cure ol spo niatorrhma or seuilnal weakness; Invohiulury eims io1"'' suual debility and impediments to marriage gen. cr0Uy; nervousness, consumption, lits.mcntul and phy. sie.ii iiicuiiauiy, resulting irom M.l.l -Allui-JJ-nre tut lyexplaiued in Ifce MAKUIAGU GUJDJJ, liy WM. YOUNG, ill. I). This most uMraordiuary book should lie in the hands ol" every young jier.on contemplating marriage, and covry man or wouiaii who desires to oiniit the uuiubur of ibcir otTspriug to their cirnuuistun oes. Kvcrypuin, diseaso nud nchc inuideutal tu youth, .lll.'ituriry and old ago, is fully explained: every particle in knowledge that should be known Is hero given. Ills Tull or engravings. In fact, it discloses secrets that ev ery "lie fcliould know ; Hill it is a book that must be locked up, mid nut lie about tho house. It will bo sent to any one on tiie reeeint of twentv live cents in suede or postage stamps. Address DH. WM. YOUNG, No. -110 Sl'llL'Li: Street, above Fourth. Philadelphia. h- at-s'I .livrl-n awii iiwpfiii'i'iivri'i-i- n ,..... what may bo your disease, before you place yoursclfun foreign wliundvcrtizo in this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's book, and read it carefully. It tvui oe ino iiicnuMoi saviog you many a uonar, your health, nnd possibly your llfu. DU. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in hit publication, nt his otlice, No. 410 ai-Euui: street, abovo r.,uriii, Piiiiadeirhia. ' auaTiiowi. ' onto ULA It. TMIC undersigned having hecu engaged by tho Demo- a crntic Mate Central Committed to publish, under ll" ir auspices n Cnuipaign Paper u bo entitled "THE x)uoc(j7vci.w.7(,"taksihisoccaion tocnii 50ur imineihate uttenlion tu the importance of iiiin- our inlluouco to secure n wide ciaulntion lor the same . "mr.' ' fP' win mi issued I on Thursd.iy, August 'JI, It-oa, nt tho prico of Twenty. I'ivo Ccw fur the Caiiipilgii. The Paper will be published semi.weckly, until tho day of thu election. All orders to ho uddressed to A. I). ISUILMAU, Publisher, 103J South Third r-trect, Philadelphia. COUGH DROPS ! COUGH DROPS I ! EVCItV body uses l'nONLTIULDS' COUGH DIIOPS. It acts promptly tuiuetlmcs arresting lhowurtcold in J I hours, In all auctions of tho Clicst, Throat, w hether ueiilo orchionio it will be found of Immediate beuoflt. Try n single bottle and you cuuuot fail to ap. proriato its usefulness. For -alu by imiitall storekeepers and Druggists, I'rjpmcd by c. rnoNKi'jULu, No, 317, N. 3d. tit., Philadelphia. Nov. 10. lfCl-3in, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philad . clphln-fiir tho Helief ofthe Bick und Distressed artlicH'd with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, nud es pecially Discuses of tho Hexuul Organs. Medical Adi ico givrn Gratis by thu Acting Burgeon. Valuable ULPOHTd on SPIHtSIATOIiltlKHA or Bl'.MIN'iL V:AI;NI:SS. nnd ntliHr Diseases of tlio Sex ual Orgaus, and on thu NIIU' IlLSlLDlUd employed In tho Dispeusnry, sent iu staled Utter envelopes, tree of riuirgi. Address cl) J. tiKILLl.M HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. a South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, pa, April i. WCi-li'ui. BRICK! BRICK!! BUICK!!!- Good lirick, juit manufacturer Jjj saio iui;u,, wiiuirtuio a ril-ou l ivuiuviu,iiiii jiiiik 1UIU.". Apply to tho subscriber. IIBNBYS, AIITIIUR. Illnomaburf, Junt S8, 166:, OYM'EUS! OYSTERS! ! IJinnSHOyf-Tnrn can bs obtained nt nllllino!, i,( ths . lining I(ooiufth undcrnyiied, on Sluin street, B.SrONBIt B!3im ht Pi 13 ieo: ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEVILLE. At Fritz's Store, OHANflKVTJjL. f!OT,ITMHTA P.fV 1A. , . , rBH.n iw1hitni,n,l I,., j... i !..,1 I oiguv;.. nun ju.-i ictuicu , I lnr-n ami elie nisortlnent of ilmico Hprlng and I mi, ,,,,; s , i.ii ii i.jii uu iiiii riieup ii'r liikii n coiiuiry pro.uico. ilis siock consists ot Lnaies urcss Ooods, tlioicest styles aud latvitfusliloiia, Calicoes, Muslins, Giiiglinmu, Flannels, Carpets, .Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINT FIIOM 7 TO 134 ets A Y AUD. Cassimcrs, Satinets. fjottonodes, Kentucky Jeans, Thread , 5'c. UEADY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Qucensware, Ccdcrwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drug, Oils, Paints, - &o. BOOTS & SHOES IIaTS& CAPS. In short everything' usually keptjn n country store. The patronage uf old frcuds.nuiUlic public generally, is solicited. May a, 18C2. WILLIAM I'KITZ. PRICES At CrcasyJs Store, iu Light Street, Pa. FIRST OP TIIE SEAS0N1 FIKT TO ON ALL KINDS OF GOODS ! DESIRABLE STYLES AND THU I1CAUTY OF IT ALL IS WU CAN 'AND WILL SELL AT ! Hi O W I IS 11 C JE , CALICOE , MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, PLANNELC, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, 11 ady-Madc Clothing. Sugars' Molasses, Syrups, v CdlTees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sttpars, Hats, Boots, Gaps, Shoes, Drug.?, Oils, Paints, &c, &c. Wo have a large assortment of Hack and Taney Silks which woaru soiling at reduced pticesi UlackSilks for 871 cents, wortli SLISt- also for 81,00 worth SL'i.5. We nro selling our best printi for 121 cents per yard, the heat in tho market, all fast colors. A yard wide unbleached iiiusllii at I'.'l cent omul to New Market. Throe quarter yard wide unbleached muslin nt j toll) cents a yarn. In addition to our largo -stock of Dry Goods, wo-havo f large and full assortment ofltoady Madu L'lothiiiL' aor ieii and Hoys wear which wo nro determined to sell cueaper tlnn cuii bo bought elsewhere. Cirll and sec, and Judge for yourselves. II. W. CllUASY & CO. Light Street, Pn , April 20, ltiUS. NEW ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IX LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA COUXTY, PA, HAS Just received frnui Philadelphia, and is now opening at the old stand lite'y occupied by Slartz ii Unt, a splendid assortment of Si 5- w Ich will bo sold cheap fur CAPH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE S at consist iA Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles i.JI,MlUJI B Muslins, Ginghams, annols, Carpets, hawls, Ilo&iery, Silks, PcEADY MADE CLOTHING Cassinicros, Satinets, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, ke. Groceries, Qucensware, Cedarware, Hardware, Mudiciucs, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SII0E3, JUTS & CAPS, In short every thing usiiullykept in it country storo Tho palroiingu of old friends, uud the public general. ly. is respectfully solicited. The hlghe.t market price paid for country produce. Light Street, SIny U, 1802. I'LIUllUNT, K0LL01 K'S DANDELION COFFEE. Tills prepiiratlon, Hindu from tho bet Jav ColTee, Is recommended by physicians u it .uperior NUTHITIOUS IIHVLItAGi: for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and nil billions disorders. Thousands wliotiavu been n, mi, ell. od to abandon tho usoof coffee will uuu iIiIk wtiin,i,i lit. Jurious cifeet. Oiiii can contains thu strength of two pouuus oi oi uiunry cunen, rricu v.l cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest aud best I1AKING POWDllU Aiinwn. for innklngligbt, sweet und nutritious Dread and cakes, Prico 13 cents. MANOPACTL'REn DV M. II. KOLLOOIC, Chemist, Oorner of llrnad nud Clicsinut titrccts, PHILAnr.LPIlIA, And sold by all Druggists uud Grocers. March V'J, lci-'.'.-l.'ni. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. It I IB Autumn term of this Institution will conuno . ou Itioiiilny, August Ith, 18G2. TCIiMB-l'or Hoarding, Washing, Tuition, etc , for i'.leven U eeks 03 00 Ouo half In udvanei), Students whnhnve not enoaired rontm will ,lnwn suikc early application to M. . vs' nuar.uss, rrincirn L MiltTrtU, Col tr. Pi July 10, I80i. GASH IS LOW jIMPOirrANT NATIONAL WOIIKS. I PUUMSHW) UY U. APPLI'.TO &. CO. Via niul'lW JJroadtoaty New lor;. I The following works urn scnttn!iubctllerslnnnyrar t of tho country, (upon receipt nf retail price,) by iinill or cxnress prepaid i 'I'll 11 NOW AMIVltIOANOYOI,OP.i:iUA! A populnr Dictionary of llenernl Knowledge, IMited by Uionon Itiri.KVnnd C'iuiii.f.s A. IIaxa.aM -il by n numerous so Irrt corps of wrilerslu nil brancb nt Scicuries, Art and literature. This work Is being published in about 1.1 Inrgo octavo volume, rni-u contnuiiug Ton two connu pages. vols, iioaiii inclusive, nronow reauy.earu VI j to A 111 Inclusive, nro now ready, eoiitalnliig near ,.luO, origlmtl nrllcles. A tiilditJoiiitl voluuio w ill he published once In ahoiit three months l'rlec, InL'loth, 3: riheep,93 "illi Half Mor., $li Half HUftSlil. cl nencil. The Now- American ('vcloiiirilla Is numilitr without sec Jug superllcial, learned but not pi' l.iuic, cniuprchi'Uf ivo 'butsiiificlcntly detailed, freo from personal piquo nnd party prejudiip, fresh nnd yet nccurnto. It is a couiplcto ftntcnicnt of all that Is known upon every Important top, dc with the scope ofhiimnn intelligence, l'.verv Import, mil nrlirle in It has been sneclallv written for its Pages by men who arc nutliorlllii upnti tho tnplcen whicli llipyspenk. They nro rciUlrcdto bring tho subject upto llio present moment to state Just hnWit stands num. Alt ilm tnll.llnil Information is from tho renorts! thu .geographical accounts keep pace with tho latest explora. mm. hl.toiieal matters incliiilo thu freshest lust views the uiogrupuicai nouceii noi oiuy speiiK 01 tuu ueau, oiu 4 .tilso or tho living, 11 is 11 nurnry 01 iisen. AnmwiFMk.NT ok tiik Dkiiatk ort'oNiiittssi Ilclng 11 political history of tho United Plates, fromtho nrgnnl.a tlnn of.tho llrst federal t.'oiigrcss In l"t".l to l?.3li; lldit rd and ooiirpildl (sy IIoii.Tiiomas II. IlL.iroN from tho Of 1licl.1l llcronla of Congmss. The w ork will I10 complied In 13 royal octavo volumes of'50 pagescach 11 of which nro now randy. An udill. tloiial volume will he published nucn in threo innnths. Cloth. s:ij Law rJlieep, $:i SO; Half .MorSli Half Cair SI Sn each. A WAY 01' PUOOUJMNd TUP. (JYCLOlM'.niA, Oil HUHATl'.a. form nrluh of four, iiiid remit the nriroof four books, and five copies will bo font ntthe,rcniiltet's exponsn for cnrriitgo.or for ten sitbcribors cloven copies will bo sent at our oxpemofor rnrrjagu. I TO AGENTS. No other works will "o liberally reward tlio exertions I .of Agents. Am AotM Wanted ik ipis (,'obsiy. j Terms muni Known uu application iu 111c I'ltuiisuors Nov. !!4, liiV). T HI. undersigned Is also oxtenslvrly cngnuod 111 the i ."""'"'""ur Buflneti, and keeps constantly on hand nd for sale nt his W.irerooins, a largo assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, Ily which he is enabled to till orders on presentation ALso-hecps u good llorsn aud llenrso, and -will at al times be ready to attend l'uiicruls. , , , tilMON 0. SIUVK. liloomsbiirg, January 21, lfiju Five I't'ooi' Jesscis 16 Sale. A lot ofsuperinr I'irk PnoorCEKj-,t'sperliilly nilnp ted for Cementing Hoof. One gallon wjll aivor 100 feet of ordinary rooting, uud is inaurcd proof ngainst rain nnd wr.t weathur. Can ho had at manufacturers prices, by the gaJlon or half b.vrc.1, nt tho oHicerof the Columbia Democrat. , , . LUVI L TATU. Illooinsbnrg, July 1.1, IPC1. GIBSON'S DECOR ATI V EST,! DLISIMIEKT, Ko. 125, South Elovcnth Street near Walnut, jpraBiLriaaOiaMiBfl. e Liiniuoled Glass, rrcsco. Oil and l'.nenu.iip l'..,lti,, Jalil-amA G-l'-O.usoN. " T HE UNION,7' Arch Street, Abocc Third. V U 1 A D E L P II I A . rUl nitunUoii of this Hotel renders it one of the most uinvenientfur tboso who arc visiting Philudelnhla on business i while to thoso ju si;griji of pleunire, tho couetnnlly passing nud repassing City Jtnilnay cars and thoso in close proximity, nll'ord a ihenp nnd pleas ant rido to nil places of interest and amusement in or about llio city. Tlio proprietor gives ntsiiriuico that "Tlio Union" shall he kept with such character ns will meet public approbation, uud would respectfully solicit, geni'ifl! nat rouuge. UPTON a' February 2,i. IgCO Km. Proprietor PUISUJ1CTII oi IJUO'i'llKItS. WUOtLSAIiE TOBACCO D E A L 13 It F aO.lOB.NOKTII TIII11D ST11KET l"i v u do or c b e I o w It a r e . PIIILADCLPHIA " GILL & PAUL, General Commission Werclianls, OEALK'HS IN i nn, rrovisitina. riour, muter, Cheese. Oils. Ilrie.l l ruite, Grain, heeds, lleuus, W'hiskej-, Wool. Country Produce uud .Merchandise generally. No. 34 North Wharves, Philadelphia C7- Consignments of Provisions, I'lour nnd Countrv Produce solicited, nud returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. OKlH'.ltS for all kinds of l'i.h, Provisions, I'lour. n,i,i l.l,. ,1 1 1...I .... I... I ,.,, : ' i ... , c w. a.t,b DiHi, ,ui;ai VUBIl 1 rieus, Angus'. 4, lctiO lim. Store -Removed. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 5 Llat and Cap Stor The iindcrlgned lespettfully infomw .Uie cltlr.ens of i'luuiHBiMirt;, uuu uie puuue in iiejiorai, mat ho lias re moved the JfEll' HAT STORE, into tha Imu.o, on Slain Streut, nearly oppoito his lato stand, where ho has Just received a kpk-iidld nssortmcnt of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from the MnnufacturiCH, of all kinds, nyles, sorts and sines, latent fashions, whiih hoolfirs wholesale und retail, at very low price. LT-Tbcuu Goods will bo 60ld nt very low-prices lor Ready Pay. JOHN K GIUTON. Ulooiiishurg, April 19, leCi. NATRONA K 0 A L OIL! WAItllANTl.DNON 11XPLOS1 VU I nnd cmial to any KHHOrillNi:. WHY bug an cvplosivo Oil, wliou a few cents moro per gallon w ill furbish you w ith u perfect Oil ? Mailr. ottlilni 1'A.SALT SIANUl'ACTUilINO COMPAMV. No. 127 Walnut Hired, PHILADELPHIA. reby.-JJ., MOi, I year. rim PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DAXl'lLLE, MOXTOUt COU.TV, PA, UiitertuiHinent for Man and lleast, in good stylo und nt moderate rates. ClI.MtLHd N.SA VAGI!, Proprietor, Duuville, April It), ltb.'. TRUNKS! TRUNKS!! rrill'.lnrgeBt, best hanilsom jtW?S meiit nf Hulo Lealher solid III vi'tedTrnvi ling Trunks, Ijnltcd' Boitnet J- Drat Trunk (.'hildreii's Coaches, Propt. lers Leather and Carpet llaga 2i0 racKing Trunks &c &c a THOMAS W MATTfiON'S. Celebrated London Prito Slednl Improvod slieet sirlnp olii sold LeaUier Trunk niamifattorv, No. -1UJ Slaiko street, Soulli west corner fourth and .Market, Phllad'a. August H fS7 tf. rPIIE undorsiL'dcd, Commissioner of Co- Jt lumbiatounty will receive proposals ut lllonius ' Lurg until thu iidlli ins,, for six days cooked provisions . consisting of brcid and Dolled Skat, for iibnut Mill ini n WM.rill.VI'.ll, Cnuimisslouer IlloouisliurE, Hep, 13, lf-63. 1 J0LINE LEE No. 40, NORTH WIIAKVIM, Philadelphia, ROIE IWAKiUItS AKIl SHIP OJJ AND LERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Hopes. Twlnci, Tar, Pitch, Oakum, lllocks, aud Oat,, &c. Au:'4t 1, lSiW-i2m, j x"w--n5.1 P11IMDELP1IIA &E1UE R A I LR. O A D. H.H I.VANIA BAIt IWAU IXI ItS.KR. On Milliliter llnnitay Mny.'rtb, Ml, tliuo at Northum. berl.iud flntli i' w ill bo n follow s 1 7.CHIC It lifiirrf, I lUttUranU llxnrofS II 11) a.m lltnrcss -10 r. M Mull I IS r-.H I II lu 01 a t Sltejiliis: Cars on Mfilil lioth wnyshettveeii Wllllani'poitiiud llalllmore, nnd on tho t'ennsylvtula lt.illroad betrtcoii HarrlsLurg nnd Phlludelihhi (in Mall Train In both directions 11 Cur goes through via. Pennsylvania Hall Uond without clian go I ctwceii Philadelphia nnd Lock Haven. fAMUML A, 1ILACK, Sup'tr.usterii lllvliion. MnySI, 18C.2. Callawlssa itaii It nail. WTirwwi I'Aas nurr.iiT station. RGUT11WAIU) IIUUND TIIA1N3. Philadelphia it. N. Y. Mull MXi A. .M. " " Kinross 1S.S3 A. M NOItTIIWAUD DOUNI) TUAIXS. Llmira Mail 3.41 P. M .Viagra Lxprcn 1U.U P. M i'.ttilAilclpliia & Heading Hail Uond. WINTER A R HA NGEMENT frr.Hiv.nx ye vi of p.tssnvHiat train?. Novcndicr -1, lftll, (Passing Ui ading) Hown'ln Philadelphia, nt li,'J) uud 11 A M, 1'.' noon, mid I P M, Up, to Pottsvllle, nt 10..10 A SI, and P M. Wl'.ST, TO I, I. II. WON' AND IIAIllILSIlUltO: Western llxpress from Now York, lit 1,117 A M. Mull I'ralns, nt 111,35 A M, nnd 3,13 P M. Un yuuilnys, the Down A SI Train passing llcndlng, in ll.'JU A M. und Up Train, at 5,37 P SI, Until 10,.1U A Si and 3A:t P SI, up Trains connect at Port milium for Tnmu'piu, Williniusport i'.iinlnl, Hull' nln, Nlngurn and Caii.idn. The 10,511 A .M, Triiln only rnnnecld at Port Clinton for Wllkeslmrro. Sir.mtou and Plttstoii. The Western Hvpress Trains i oiinect at llnrrisburg with llxpri'S Trains on thu Pennsylvania for Pittsburg, mid nil points West : nml the Slail Trains rtri'ioctt at llarrlshurg for Luncaster, Chamberrburg, iSiTihnry, Wllliiiuisport, Luck Haven, Klinlra uud thu L', Through 1 irt t.iass uoupou i ii.kcis, nun uiulgriini Tickets lit ri'diicod Pares, to all the principal points iu ,thu Norlh nnd West, uud tho Canada. CO.M .MUTATION TIUKnTS, With Onupous, S3 percent discnuiil, between any points deired. SIILUAOi: TICIvl'.TH, Good for 2U01I mlli-s, between nil points, nt SIS for t'Muiilies uud I,uslnes4 Pirm, and ltMel' Ticket, good ! for thu holder only, for three mouths, in liny I'.is'euger train to Philadelphia, at SMcacli. bcliuul season IKK ets nne-third h-ts. j - Passeng.'rs will take thn llvp rets Traill West, nt the UlTlilt Ut'.l'OT, oud nit other Trains, at thu LOW- nil DUPO I'. t'Olbs of baggage nllnv. ee each iasenger rj- I'asM'iit.'iHs are n-'iuivlid to purch isii theirTiik- ets bufore t'lituriug.tho cure, ns higher 1'arus charged if paid iu cars. Up trains k'R"n llli'J.idii',plu:ifor Heading llurrlliurg nud Pnllsvlllo at 6 A SI, :i,15 P SI, und at 4;M P SI, for tending only. fj i:curaiou Tickets, good fur one day, by li.OJ A, SI. ActouiinodiiViou Trn.ii'to Philai elphia mid return nt $S eO eurli. O. A. NH'Ol.l.f!, c7ncru I Superintendent. January 1. lr?l',2. J.aclcawjiiiiiii ii Illoumfhiir itallroatl ON AND Al'TI Il NOVI'.SI. 2.i, IHOl, PASaUNGUl! TRAINS WILL UUN AS roLI.OlVtS: M 0 V I N U SOUT II. Freight A J'atsciiircr. J'aziicitgir. Leuvo Fcrnnton, Kingstuii SS3 A.St. (I :io cm fjl) i)J3 10.00 N O It 'P II 1.70 P. SI. : id 5.13 5..'.7 COOI.enin !l UU P. SI , ni:!ii A. si J2.13J' SI it oomsbiirg " Ilupert, " H.iiimUi:, Arrive at NortJUuilnTlauil, SI O V 1 N G Leave Northumberland, U.iiivHIe, " Ilupert, " 1ilnnm--burg Jviugton, Arrit o ut cruntriii. 1.13 P. Mi A Passenger Train .-ilole!,vcs Kiugtiui nt P.3 OA. SI. for Srrautnii. to ronneit with train for New Vork. Ue turnini!, lean's ricriiutuu on niritnl of Train from Now Vork nt 4.1.1 P. SI. The Luekun anna nud llhinnirburg llnllruail i nnnerts witli the Delaware, Lai kawiiuiia and Uesieru K.iilnrid nt Sctantou. for New York uud luteruii'dfate ioitits ea.t At ilupert it Ltmtit'Lt w ith tho Cutt.iw issu ilai points holh ea-l uud went. At Nortbuinbi-rluud it cuueeU with the Philadelphia tc Uriel!. II. nml X. C 11. It. fur piduts wert nnd south. JOHN 1'. ll.Sl.KV, wt J C. Wei's, Ocn'l Ticket A.'it Nov. 30, ltfiil. W. AVIKT ESQ. NOW occupies the ronin up tntr in front in Mr. Unauft'ti Itnck builtliiii.'. nn .M;iin In-it he I on tlx; Anicriciin lloui.'. A tuuat t uiivniicnt dlUcc ; u hurt1 lie will hti happy at all tiim-ti Id hoc liis i'rii'iitls ami cliunu. bUiunifcbnrKi Nov. it, lciil. 'iui S. E. corner 'Ihird and J)orlc Sheets, Pill LAD ft L PA I A , Hats niado to oritur, of any Stjle or llnaliiy ut Short Notice. January I. 1E0-J. Cm. Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Courtliindt Street, Nl'.All 11UOADWAV, NI1W VOI1U CJTV. Tills old cstulilii.ied nnd favorite ri'MJt uf tho liusi nvfti Coiiiiu'iniiylias been recently rclim-d, uml is com plete jn ever thing that can iniitLti r to the eomlorts of its patrons Ladles uud f.nuilies are tpnally ami late fully provided .for, It is centrally located in the bu iness part nf the city, nud is contiguous to the principal lines i.f steamboats, curs, ouitiibussca ferries, &c- lu coiiseipieiico of thopressuro cuuceil by the itebcl lion, pricei have been reduced to One Dollar a d l-ijty C cuts per Day. 'Ihu table Is amply supplied with all tho luxuries of the season, and is ciunl tu that uf any other hotel in the country. Ample nccommouaiinns ato ouereu lor upward of 400 gueti. C-'l)o not bi-Uevo runners. hnckmen, und others who may say "the Wotti-rn Hotel is full." 1). 1). WINCHHSTL'K, Proprietor. TH03. D. WINCllL'STiat. l'cb. 13, IWi'J.' . Hie New Commercial Jhtitdings are locu led ojipodte Court House, corner of Court and Clienunt;o-Slrcets. This College is in now ay countered with any other IllstltUtiOU. The tiiergios of tho cuhiol'acuUyaro exclusively do- 'l'hl,d,.k.l nflhl. IMCIIIMIIOI, lain n.r.,..l ... X- ........ ,w tumij Sleiiaiionnortuii tv oi ucuu tin!? n Thorough Prr,,,i Bunnell Education Pho Jlgoks wid I'orms uro carefully uirnngcl by Practical Accountants, emresslv fur this ln.iii.iti,,,, ami in,, mor.,, iin.irri n i. ... .....,.v.:.., ... ".7 ...T V. ii- Jlieo- tv itiiu i-riif lien. colllgiati: cociisi:. ThI. Course-embraces liook-Ketping in all its dc partniciits), PenniiinnjiJiiji.Coinini'rtliil Arilhinttie, Uus-1 iness IJnjresnnndeiiec, Coiuuarilnl Law. Pnllili ni i!e tuny. Commercial i:thics, Partnership si tlhini'iits, l)e tcrling I'ounterfeiled und .oltnred Hank-Notes, &(- 'I ho Speucerian Sy.tciu of Pciiniiiaiiship is taught in all its varieties, by tho most skillful mastersoftlio art. ..,.,.. ,.v,.u, iu, cm in uiiurr uio spetiai. supervision mid instruction of tho Principal, D. W. ! flENTKAf INFORMATION filudents cmi ulitiT at nnv limr tin VII, .il Inn llcnl time to comptctutho Course, fromfito I'Jwi'tks, Assis- tanc-reiidcrtdtngraduutes in procuring bitualioiis Graduutc. are presented with uiieleguutly engraved Dl- K7" I'or natalogue of ?l) pages, specimens of penman ship, &c, entlo.c two letter lauiis and addn ss i-OWHLI.ic tV MtNIJIt. August 3U, leug. fSlayU. ISb'J-PJui Tli c Grl I use or HUMAN MISERY Just Published in a Sealed Km-clope: Prico dels: A LLinUllP. IIV l)n. CL'LVr.llWHLL, ON THU . v. r-,rf i. 1 v.,',,1. I. AND CC11I1 of Hperiiiutorihu'u, Ciinsiimptioii: I uud Physical l'ib(ity, Nertousiicss, i:pih.ii,y on Nutrition of Ihu llody Lnssllude ; Wi-uknt'.s Limbs mid tbu Duck l lmli lirmllioi, ,,,l t.. . .Mental luinnireii Nutrition of tlio Limbs mid tbu Hack Indisposition, uud Inci- parity lor simiy and Labor i Dullness id Aiipreheuslon. Loss id Mcmoi)'; Aversion tnnotietyi f.oi-o of Soli; tudu ; i imidiiy j del All'ecjloui of tli 8 l.'ji tury lliuissioiis, uml ' iiuemca of outhfiil . b r This iidmlriibli operations, U1 iUou,H bo read by every nu.u In ,,o and, Sent under seul, to any adihcss, In u plain, sealed cnvi lopii, on tin- receipt of six cents, ot two posago tamps, by addressing Dr. en ft. j c, ki.ini;, 1ST llntvery, York, Postofliis- lloj, j.Vd, February 8, 1 UV1 pn120, It'til AYEll'S OATHARTIO Ato joii shli, f-tblo, and complaining! Aijoucnt6f order, Willi Jour sjsleui do lftugid, nnd jourfesllngi un comfortable! 'fheso s.rlnv (urns nro often the prohtde to H'llom Illness, lioiuo tit of sickness Isciccplngupou yen, mid should ho nmtcd hy n timely ti.o ol ino ngni rvin dy. Xul.o Aju's Pills, and timely two of the light run- I 'I-..I At, I'illv. unit Lleause out Uio uiinienn on mots pmiry tlio Uoodiiiil Ift tho fluids tiiuto ou unrjlf sliuclril In liciltu Jgidn. They llmttlut tho functions of tho hodv Into Ogorous no tlilly. piiiify the sjsteui fiom ,1.., nl.lrnitlout Whllll InilkO dltciso. A cold fellies somen hero Iu llio body, and nb. Unlets Its liatuinl luiictions. -niest,, m nun ,.u i, ..,,a 'ni, u tin know tlio V i lues Pills, will neglect to employ (hem tibeu sulTeilng Irom tho dltorders tiiey euro. , , Statements fiom lending physicians In komo pr tho principal cities, nnd from other well kuowu public Jju' sun. lom a Vomarding Merchant if St, Lrmli, nb, i, 18J4 i.. ion. am ,l.a a.t-Qf..,,, r.f nil Hint t groat In uieifldne. Thoy cnied luy lltllo daughtor of ulcerous sot esinwnhci hands and feet Ibat had proved lucnralilo for je.irs. nor nioiucr inn ureii h'i h"" nnnflt(..i iviMi ,.iA(rlin mill nlmt.lusOH lior (Mil nnl In Imr hair. After our clilM wm cuioJ,8lit3 also tried ,our Pills, and they have cuted lie,-. v H01iaBIDaa As a FniulV, physic. rrm Dr. 11 II. dirticr-flut, A'cid Oilan. Your Plllt nro Ihnp.liiro of puiges. 1 heir excellent qualities siirpm nn.r catli.nllo wo pn-sen. Ihey mo mild, but wry certain nnd In their nctlisi on Hi a bowels, which nukes them luuluiblu to us In tb dally treatment of disease. IIenilnche,SlchIl'cnilnclic,Foul Btomntli. JVoni Dr. iVe'ii il llnjd, Ihllimtrre. Vein Duo. Afrit i IcAm-ot nuswer vou wiucomrbdnls I lavo curel Willi ynttr PI.N littler th in to say nil Unit m trer treat with a pin tnlire tunhcint. I plaeo fri out depeii- eiiiiiiiiie in niy oauy coiuesi win, disease, mid billeting ih I du th it yum- Pill ttlfcid us thu ih I du tint jour Pills us tins urso taluo Iheiu highly, PlTTSDiJia, Ph., SIny 1, If.'S. 1 !Iri I li.it1 been repeatedly cured of best uo Hare, 1 ol course initio Tm. .T. C. Arrri. gin I lute been rem- tho tvun-t hfitdmhe any body cn listo hy n drisunr two of tour Pills. It seems to aii.-o fiom a fuul ttouiJi, tu bleu tiiey cleauso ut once. Youu wiiu trout ipect, r.n. w. ntpiir.i:, Osi-fc nf&teamtr Will Int. Illltntts DNorilcrs Mvcr Coniiiliilitts. J'ioh Dr. Theodore IUI, nf Xni) 111 I- U.ty. Not only nro your Pills ndinlinbly ltd to their pur po nsnu apeileut, but I Iiiid their hem effects npnu tho Liver veiy in.nked Indeed. ') luy luito In my prno tico roved inula tITcctiml fn- llio tmu of iidwtii cin plxiuti than nuy one remedy I can mciillnu. 1 sluiertly lejob-o ttn hntont length u purgatltu itldidi is ttui. thy tlio contldeuco of tho piolt smoii and Hie juetde. llEP.tUTMF.NT OF TIIE INTKUIM, ) Wn.hlugUni. 1). C., "Ih 1 th , lt.'ut. Slit 1 1 havo used oni- 1'ilii Iu my gouend und ho.pltnl practice erer sluio oii nindo I hem, uud caunut IicaI tale to my they nio tho best catli.iitlc wo eniIi,y. Their leyu l.iting action uu thu liter Is ijiilik nnd deiidud, coiimi fluently they ale un inlmhtiUo leiuedy for dt'iangtmeiils of tll'lt orLfilu. Indued,! h.ltu seldom found il case of Inlims ditcitse so obstinate that It did not leudily b Id to them, iiiiiiiiullyjums, AI.O.Ny.tJ HAM,, JI, I)., I'iilSiciun of Vie Mjiihc HmjiiUil. Uysciitci--, nini'iliicii, Ilclnx, SVoiins. 1 V in Dr. J. O, Oi ecu, f Clutti'j'i. Vout Pills h.ito bad it long lilul III my pi.icllco, nnd I hold tbem Iu i'htfi m ns one of llio lnt npeticiits I havo eter found. Their idlclutivo ellect upon the liter ln.ikes4 them un e.xcelU-nt itmedy, when giteu In Mimll doses tor lihoits dytcnUrj unit iliairaoi, 'J In-lr BUgai-coiitlug luakts tlieiu teiy acceptable aud cuiiteiiitul lr thu use ,of tvuiueu aud cbilditii, DyHiepsln, Impurity of the IJloml. JVem Jti. J. V. JJtma, Iistr efjdcciit Chmcb, Untun. Im. Ann: I lute used your Pills w lib cxlrnoidliiary 6ucceM hi my family nud union,! thnie I urn tidied to hi distii-it. To leulalo tho oiguus of dlgcMiuu and pniily tho blood, they nio tlio teiy best remedy I lntu over kunttii, aud 1 cm confidently leminmenil tbi-m to juy fileuds. Vouis, .). V. IIIJ1U3. Warsaw, SVyoining Co., N. Y Oct. 'JI, 1S5S. Pctn Fun 1 am ii-dug .tnui- C.tthiti ti'i Pills In my ttee, and iind them an excellent puigiitite to ilv.iuto tbu st stem aud iuiriV tile fimntuiiti f Heliml. JOHN G. .MfACIIA.M.JI. I). Count Igmtlnit, CoNt f vcucH, SupprcHNlnii, IChc-tiimit Ism, t.iiitt, A'eurnlglu, Di-op-y, IVuuljhiw, Pits, .clc JVoiu Dr. J. 1 Vaughn, Shiiitrfd Canada. "Too much cannot bo said of your Pills for the ruin of costirenns. Ifotbeitot our liuleinlty luitofmtid tlu-m ns ehH-uciouH as 1 hate, they Miould jniu me In piocbdni In It for tin- 'l.uiu'lU uf tboiuiillitudfs tvhu sulfir ifi-um that complaint, uliiih, ullhougli bad though in Jlell, js tho progenitor of otbcis that aio woii-o. 1 believo.nA. Ucrness tooiir-inalu In the liter, but your Pills anccUbut oig.iu and curu llio dLe.uo. J-'inm Mrs. '., 1'hyticlnn ami MiJirife, Boslm. I find ouo or two doses nf join- Pills, taken nt llio pioper time, mo excellent pinmctiu-s of the i,nie Awn wlu-n whnllyor pat tlHllyMippused, nnd id-,o veiy .otfuotval to ttrtvue llio jlrnnaitt and eryil iri.imx. 'Jhoy mo so luuih thu bet puy6ie winluvelinit 1 leiouiuieud no oilier to my patieuis. Ticm the Ha: Dr. II,twlei,eflhe M.thodM l)ih. Church. l't'MSKt Ifot'EC Siivaunidi, flu., Jan. 0, 1S50. Ilo.sonrn Pint I should 1m nnsiateful f,u tho relief your skill has bi ought mo if I did not rt poi t my case to you. A cold settled In my lliubsund (nought on e.xiro eliding MHiralpicpuius, width ended In chrtmirihaauu,' Him. Notwithstanding I had Ihu l.c-t of pli3slcl,ius, tho dNeiiso glow ivnit-e nud wonc, until b,t the iidticu of j our excellent agent In l.'.iltlitou-, I)r. Jl.ul.-i-iizle, 1 tiled ,tuur Plllt. '1 heir ellects ,wero Alow, but nue. lit pctsoicilug lu Uio uo of them, I um not? t-utluly well. SrNtTE CiiAMntn, Itaton Ilonge, I.a 5 Dec. 1655. I)R. Avkii: I h.ivo been entlnly cuu-d, by jour Pills, t.f HUtumalic Gout a painful diiea'n Unit luid ullllcled mo forynirs. VINCLXT SLIDKLl,. l-Srot t.f tho Pills In market contxlti Mircury, which, nlthotigli it tiiln.ibbi leiuedy In hkilful liiuds, Is dangerous In it public pill, finm tho dreiulfut rnusu. quences that fieiiu-ntly follow Us incautious nu-tv UJUcso contain no meremy or mlueral subhtnuco whatever. Prico, 25 conts per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J". C. AYER & CO.,Xowsl, Mass. Bold by ll P , ut., G SI Gngenbuch, nud J 11 Slnyer, lllonmsburg I J Si huyler. lUilij-fLurir ; SIat"rs & Son, Slilhillu; I' Slnhtorr, iu-uiou ; l.iii)s x Kiher, Or nnieville ; G 1' l'ow Itr 1'ott lersvillo ; A .Miller, Her w kk i Low tz Urns , Centeryjlln; II !' Knighart Sl llros 1'r.pv ; SI G Shoemaker, llbckliorii ; lleighurt tc Nuss, Slniuvilio . J b.'llOies, issa ; Creasy Sl Co., Light Stri'i t ; and dea)c(s c cry where. Juii' i, leGJ ly. M EVANS & WATSON- F:tVlZ. KAl'l'.S, III',- W.E.T!r S1IIVPI1 ,,. :. in C.....1. r. I. rert. Phlludilnhla. havo on -.Kr, uiiu n lariro assortment nl Tin- 41, f.J-s, CI . r,".-'j llllel nrool M.i iinoini r fi.if,- rfft'llVit ru't'iKifl.r Jso, iron doors, for banks uud &'A,-.;4f.E? ""f"-ir'"' sliulter iron sa-h, all VrtS(ii "f '"Cks equal to nny matin in the I'nited States. fur iff ft in our fir). All came out right; iritk cm.. tent in iood condition. Tha Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against the world. EVANS & WATSON, have had the surest demotrntinn in thn following cer tificate that their inouufai-auru of Salamander Safes has lit l.ilHTl l til UlffllrilllS,,.! 11... ...... . i ! . . . . 1 " ."" , I. . '""""" " " l" 8 ""Jill IUH0 i,i.-e iii.iui' ui i it- u i r? u criii" un uuiluulitoJ ki curitv- .,ia, ,i, ,..,,in . "" "uuuuouu slcuiiij I v "v '"i,,,,,,.,,.,,,:.. ....... Mean. Eran ,t- Hason: GenlleineM- It nlTiirils in. ' tt i,.i.. ,i,i.r',i,. .. " ' CM .."."."''". ,u" : : :::::r"r""- ." .. mtmn-iu no- till itiiu-llivc - UUJtllt Ot two of I 10 Pn iimnnih.1- i.i. , . ... . sates ttlilili i we purihasi d ofyuu sinne rivo mouth slmu no su,u.i u largu pori oi jewelry, nud all our Imoks, &c exposed to the lalaiuiuuus.llroinliunttead plate on tho luiirniiig of tho 11th nisi.. When wo rt lh'tt Hut tin si' safes wero located in tho fourth Kory ortlm building wo occupied uml that they It'll subse-iuciitly iiitnu lieap of burning rums, where thu vust ciiiicentrntiou of the h. at caused tlio bruss plates to melt, wu cannot but rignrd theprt'.ertalioii of their vu. iiiildu contents us mo,t eouiiutfng proof of Uio great se curity atlorded by your safes. Wo shall teke greut pleasure in recoininending them tn men of business ns u sure nlianeo against fire. GHOUUi: U . SISISIONS & llltt)., .Icircllen. ip" The) havo iuco pun based six largo Safes. 1 ''. ' - lAllgllktSO. 1PM ! STOVE AND TIN. "WAR 13 SHOT I rtii, I 1 ,' "niI";rln'l would liiform thn citizens ,,( sttKI 1 ll oonisburg und vicinity, that ho hasjiist re' I (OGrS clu d und oil TS lor s ilemie of the mostoMi-iisivn I Cli. ussortiiieiits of COOKlNGund I'AN'i V STOVl'S ' tvi-rintrodiueil into, 'Jia Christopher Co , uiiibu,, James llobb nnd Globe lire unmiig llu ij uHj J I took ug stoves.ull of w hli h uro iilr-liglit uud y,is biirnii r I ' i Jf rA"'!" '."e '''""l-onio nud tliti iissoituient vn I ried. AL0-Purt)tularntteiitioii h p.Jd tn Tin-W.iir. nud HoiisoSpouIiug, upon short nwtico. All kinds of I fPli!1!,'"" "'" Ul "i'1" noatiu-ss uud dcspatth, ' LO Country pruduiu taken jn cnhango for work. I ' J"''fcr.MqylO,.Ha. ' 1 'J'O CON-UMl'TIVES. riMii,, having In-eii testorcd lo heallli In n ll'W WL'ekH. bt' 11 VHrv .In,,, ,, I.. ..e.... ...... siiirered seveial yenis with u lung aljfciion, und thu't ..riptlo . uio benefii tho umicled. a A 3iZ I IL1II till ih lin ...I.....I..... .. I . . . . ' .I,,;,, ... xv.v. uuu F )t tin IH ev.'rv , rJiVsf; i . ..:,i".10 "" "'y'""" '".'.'I l'l' f ,,j ,,,a (uiiiruy, iSt ttl COSl lllt'lil nothing, uud may provo a Idening ' '" Parties wishing tho preicrinllou will pl,.n6 address, Willianisliiiig l03- 3ino mc. Ulitv.lllll l. IV II.MJV. .kings County, Nnv Votk react upon themselves ami mo suriuiiiMims s"' 1 1- . VISITING Tin; )i'.uris-N iiopit, .s .,,, .hieing general aggruinllou, lutTci ne, mi j ' sw . ur,cVI , t,r llio kuowledgo ninl resiarches t, tie Whllo Iu this cnnditlon, oppreswl by ho duinngements, knoil i.hy,j4, nndSurgei.ns In Jlurcjir n,,,f ? .V'! tako Aycr's Pills, and seo hgw dhec ly I hey te. c 1 1 o , , ,,.f 1P1(.,, ' , J" " I-.,-, naturnf ncllon or tho system, and with It tlio biioyn , , , b),c, nf J. v.-Vv' feeling of health agnln. ;l; tin" and so ; ' TlCAUIOL'tf IIKSIHDILS iihlthwo ,,o v,1 this tmlal and common complaint. utroduce Into our prnclke, and the nubile u -" "V1 U of the deepseutea and i langcioiis i- ""'!'" ? .uredoftho saino zeal, ..ssidully, Hi rilllf.'y - ' .': ' nurgat vo effect expels them. Caused by ousiruo- . . . . . tlit-lrtnc. w'lllii, i, J " "," rioSinr.l.rai.wmenlioMhoi)atii y.lstl gu ed, h'r bodr. they ato rapidly, and insiiy of l.heni surely, cuie.1 ..' " " ..,.'. f V,,,,f,.."l,,,".i 7,1.' "'' 'j' om Prpt CT 1)11. LAOHOIX'S PI1IVATU JIl.tliOALTltliATtSi.: ON 'rill; I'lijilologlcal View of MarriJgc. MO PA01W AM) 131) i:NOUAVINUy..rc Twisrv-nvii teisis. ifeiit lira urpotlagu to nil .,., "7. Ibc Union, Oil tho Inflrjnltlcs ot nutli nd iLii,,!?,1' illicJosing too sccrui ionics or unjn seXfg Uf ti i ' .nuslngdeblliiy, tiirvousiicss, dfpiesMoii uf palpili.tioii orthohcint, sulclditl Imtighilne,, ,,,,Ji5 tnry emissions, lilnshliigs defeitlto ineinory, Iii.i.It' lion nnd lassitude. WiA fnchin . lhrUlht o a Beiifbing Acswl .! , n IVHurf A,f, , )oiinr Siitir Ml). 4r. r- '? 's n tmthliil i , , "I , ,1... ...nrrlcil iiiid tliOKO LOIItellll Ihtill'll llili,Mun.. ..V 1 I of ill ' ti - rtnlii secret doubts of their physlcul coiiii'nll ,l" ...i . .,.d,'li,n iiDiiiv lliff hlixurilpil II, ., , IUS1 i,!ni...und nrlillegtslowliiiii every inin,.-,,, , . , ' 1 n. I il.lllled, , , YOUNG SHIN who are troubled hitJi wciiktu., mllv tniised bynbud luibil In J oulli. th. ,,i-"'.lVi; ... , "i-lliE s which .ire dK.lucss, pains, forgeifuliiun, souietit, 1' u ringing intho curs, weak ejes, tuiikncss of ii,,, f!L ,,,! Inu-ir oltreliillies. (Oil fusion ol'idea. I,,.. :.u" ory with liii hiliihnly.iiiiiy hecuredbytiic author', vi'f; I PA11IB AND lJNDON TltBATStl NT. "M'W We nan;, n ccniiy ui-voteci iinvii or our ti,n in: 1:1 imi'i-TAV inww'i' i , - patt tictntiijice uiart. rursriirLMAI,Kl'ai.i. Ladies tt hint iih fur it-.ii., thu lllctiey or whii h has been tixted in thoiua , i, J . tiise d never failed to clleu p(., dy cures ui w, any bad result,w ill usu lion,, but D,. DiLauci", r .,, Periodical Pills. The only Precaution u. cciurv I, , .' servo Is, ladles should not take theiulf tlivv h,;, ,.V ." ., In lielleto thofliri- III certain .,,.... " 1 iitnrs of w hich w ill be found on tho rupp,.r ur,-,,,',, , ii) ing each hoi:.) though iilwnj s sale und healthv nf.M, m i. e, i .:, v,,in partic. r ureohii liealtliy. gin"' ji ."" ' Price SI liur Inn S!nLV,ll,,U,,,llei1 '"""J'Parto th" United .Hates or Canada, TO Tll LAIII:H-V;i.i noed n ernjidenlhl medbi ndtlser Willi regurd to uny of those inli-re.tlnir cul plaints 10 w men incir iieiitaiu oigniiizutiiu, rend,. them liable, uro parliculntl.v hit lied tu nui,i,ii UK ,c 'I'liB-'llLnritn-GALVAMc i'riiuciivr." 1'or miirrii I ladies t lme henltlt will not iidinlt. or tthn hnve no I. '.. sire to iui rensn their l'uiiiltli-, tuny he nbt.iliied n u .!' It Is n perfi illy suf,! preti lititi- to eunti ptjiu,, and li i. In-i ll citi'iislt i ly Used during tho last 'M yu,r, p..''! redureod tu $10. ' ' l"c J tio St crfis of Vim tli I'liVi'Mci!. A Trtntlton the Cnutr of Premature iHeui- ? ,. emn warning. ,lul jiuUiahitta laoh lw:chii' l ,,),' prvprrit iwd turmlintr ihi( ntUot. both a,'i female' of thii fttlul littbtt, intuiting out thr fnlilni (,( progrcn rf th' dUeafe,from Ih, eommtneimnit t tie"lj n , be tent by .Kail on rtrcl, t of luol.'l rim ",, 11."' Alli-liilniiie daily, from f in tin- inoriiing i",n ! ' night, nml on Sundays I'rohi '.' till .1 P M. .'; ...,i,;i.t, una ucrtiuiiinir thuci,,. .tieiuriiieB nun lull iiiri-illuus icut to nuy part i,fi. United states or fntinVha, by patient' coimnuiilr ,t, tlnir syinplimis by loiter. llu,ine-s iMrn-poinlii,,,, ktiutty coiill-ti-ntiiil. ' 1 " Dr. 1,'s Olliee i. utrll located ns efli.Mithi.d,uiid tho iiniiio nf 1)11. LA CllOIX, at No. Ill Maid. Il Lane u" hauy. N. V. Nov. 'JJ 1-J5I. l'.'m. FRESH A RR 1 VA 1. -or- 'mwm mmmm 3 ilf! underslcui-d, grateful fur pnsi p.Uiiinag,.. ,r,.,, ., . ,Y "' ""'islilirii.liiiiiers nnd th- publicgen, , ,liv thathe iuiaju.t received from thu Ha.te.iiB En largest und most select ttiuk of " SPILING AND SUJ13IHR i? ", ji - o ;d ifb oti'!? tin iv - That ha y.l been npenrd iu llliinuisburg. '; whim I -iiivitr'stbunlteiitiiinof his CiicMids, uml .1 ur.i, n,'a that they are otreied for, nt great bargains. Hi, Slock comprises n iargo 4isnrtincnt of GlIVrL'lSIH.V.S WI1AP.NG A PI'AKHL, (,'niifiuing ot r.tsu:ns mii.k Dniss Cotrs, of i virv ilei cnpii hi; i inis. jii--, ruins, (.'iiiv.-Hh i'tutU. Cotuu HaiidkerchielV, Glove s, .lutpLinlcri-, tic. GOLD WATCHES A K 1) J EWKLRY, oreverydi'seriptlen, fine nnd rlicaj.. li.-Ki'liii-nili t " Ijiirtnbcrtt'i Uhmp Rninvrivm call uud si-c. No chargo for cA.iniina Goi d. DAVID l.UWKNISUnc Jilooiusburg, Slarcb 20, IPOi. (Ju, M ) IJAKHKY t"c CUl'KCTIONAllV. ll l.OI. IS 11. ho Htnleiitlgned c-mil Inn,-,. Ins ) tion.iry up Slum t-trot, i:ilia he l:eji. nkrrt mid CTf. go Iluiluings, v. huf fr rhea n, ru kan' ca kh i niM'.nrtl)' on Paj-iiea su ,-lii.d w itluakc on nli eral terms. P'3' All Ijnils nf I'ruit, Veg'l.nlcs, Prot Im.iis, tc. daily f.iceivedi.-om,tliu Citi a good nnii Ir, h- tin . ,, lie Lr'tuii jitpaint id III ' er tjt. Small beer, ('.indies. Nuts, ii.fa,ll kjuds. tc , ken fcr snu. , ii. stone:,', lllonmsburg. Juue'Jl, If CS. VKW YORK MEDICAL INSTl ti.'tj:. A hcui'vnk'tit Iiisiitulinu I'lidoMi'd fur tho tore ol I'hroiiic Hiseastri of i-nry iiiituru. nml to pioti it una lids liom 'piadt advertisers nnd impnMors. No ib.u giscxcrpt for Sledjijiie until Hired, nud in iiti.o nl ' Ir.-ine poveity ircitu.i-nt fn-e. o Mini rnls or P i-ou nus Units Used, 'ihu PJij siiinusiiuie had long ami 1 1 ti iiMVi-i'Api'iii-nre both iu irij ale ,i i r.i' tiee. l Jiu tollimiiigarunimi- oflin . ,uipiaiut In ttlm Ii special utteutjou is given. All i!iijisi-s i.t the liiiul, Thioat Lungs, Heart, tiloiuiiiAi, Liver, Klilnet. Illmldir. Illieiiiuatim, I'its, Cuncir, Plica, Nirvoua Air-itnti Discuses of ihu m-xiiuI Organs, Si tnjnal cukni ss. tin tiiiteuiu uud Virulent dieeiisiB ofeterj n.'iture po-itm Itcired. I'isiuses of I'fiuales siud nil Irri-gularnli smri'ssfullt ireiiti'd. lilindui'-s nml IIimIiii.s . ur d wilhout pninlul operutioiis. Piitjents IriMinl b) Mt r, by sending u nnti meiU ol'lheir tin i, Medii nu soul in nny part of tho country. Cieisiillntiun free to all. AdiUess, Slump eucloseil, 1)11. L. G11AVI H, OnuMliui Physician. tOJ liroailAiuy, New trktn;- Aprils, ISCJ-ISm. B S: n X 21 ir ir. 0. HOWE It, S U K ; E 0 iV 1) u , T I S T -iv HIMPKCTl'I'LLY mn-rs his on fenln services to tho ladies uud gi ntle n I lllnoiiishurg and tiriuitv. ih' Is pn pi.r ' til Olteilll to till ll,-, vr, nii,.rnM.,l ,u the lino of his profession, In- is- provnh d w lib tin I it' I inprnt I'll pofielnin teeth, wliirh will lie ins. n - gold, platuia, silvcrsud ruLbei m(0i tulouk us Hell tho natural teeth. Slini'ral plate nnd block letih manufii' tunvl nmU operations on teoth, rarefullv und propi'ily iiltemleu u Idnoillsblltg, Pa.. Augusta, H-m. CIGARS & TOUACCO. Alarge nssnuiuent of cholco Ci; ars, Tnharro rt' I'ruits, Coufi-i iiouerv nud N"ii a,s geuiulh c ' or with u full slock of II A'i'S and CAPS, riin.l.inilv "i bsnil and fur sulo tbcap, nl thu "IHunmsburg llat 4tfl LmjioriuiiL" JOIIK iC Qitliurv, Ilnnnisburg. Slnrch 1(1, If Cl. H. MUtJiIGAN, ISIPOKTHIt 01' ALL KINDS 01' AND JIANUFACTUREll OF JEWELUV No, -M l North S-iond SiicH, auovi: U'lLLOlV. PHILADELPHIA. I Nov. in, jFsSl IT- . I x 'X ft J: i ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOOMSBVRO, p.t. Olllco In Court Ally, formerly occtiptod by Clnils lluekalctis niotmfsiiiirg. Dei-. 4, 1KV.I. LEATHER 1 LEATHER!! Tun undersigned would announce, Hint In- luia i'" J-nn4 Mills lint uud Clip Hmpuiium, on Slain St., Iilcoui' Lurg, uu iisorlun'iiiof illiVomit kind oflt'iithi r- sutb Him calf fkius. inornccn.licd ainllilarKinnd hnhig.. rt uhltUliu will sell tbeaper than cuii be had ihcwli"4 in this mill Let. Cull niul enuiino them rnr tiirsclts JOHN K. CtUlO.N Hluoinsburg, May 'JI, 130.', tve nate, creuiniv iiriuii'ii iii iv ji oi our n. , V TMI mm ffl soiiEii! H 0 A R K 2? A XT .R. i Printer, Ilookbluilcr & BluuKLeok M A NU FA CPU R E R; Wl.'IIIHtLK AMI IlKlAIL ilCAI tn IN HUNTING, Willi ING AND WKAITINO I'.M'llRi AOLNT ton Tilt! CATAWISSA I'ArC.ll Ml I.I S, Slam Blrcrt f.x t donrbelmv Ihu Pulillr Ppuaio WILKEisRARRE, VA, Nov. U01. ISm,