- ' J aurPMMtUfon No. XI, good as usual Hon hand. All book buyers and book ! fineiora ouSut 10 get u. jo. til Nassau Street, N. Y. Maiish's Wr.ua woon'a Etvmolooy.- ,V Dictionary of Hngglir-li Etymology. y Ucinleicb Wedgwood, M. A. With Notes ,,! Additions by tlio Hon Gcorgo P.i Jlarab. Imperial octovo. Vol. 1. (A-D)' Price, on tinted paper, laid, brown cloln j).UU. This American edition is edited ,.y our greatest and best philologist, tlio Hon George P. Marsh, whoso contributiona to our stores 01 JingiiMi learning buvo made his reputation a national treasure." 'In typo and papor this volume Usuporb, and adds ouo more to the long list of valu able aud elegant works issued by the house uf Sheldon & Uo."No. 3U5 Broadway N.Y. A Ott'ANCi;. roit smjiistitutl's, As 1 firecly npoars to have iu his custody 900, liOO sturdy Abolitionists who ho says, aro eager to go into thu negro stealing business under "Ma.su LiucumV proclamation, it would not bo a bad idea for the llarrisburg peculators iu white flctli to apply to Horace lor substitutes. It is possible tlio l'niloi' phcr would not object if ho could be satisfied there is money in it, as there i nothing in his creed to prevcut him tratBcking in white men if ho oau thereby benlit the negro. Wc have no doubt a notu adroncd to the 2V. Y, Tribune ou tho eu j1 ct would receive iintuddiate attoutiou P.Uriol () Union. I'liiladelphia, tho principal city of tho rtfite which, according to ino rauioajs, lias jdit voted for tea-oil, tr.titors, submission aurt a di.-lionorablo peace, reports that one 1 thousand volunteers more than her quota ' liave enlisted, aud tlut there will bo no1 draft in any of her preciuets. ( Works of Charles Dickcus. Elegant o llodsoho'id Edition Illustrated from Draw ing made expressly for this Edition, by I'. I). t Darly and Jnhn Gilbcit. Executed i i on ton, in tmro line auu eteliinu, by emi- njht Engravers. "Tho volumes are of the right size for I: mil buuks, the puperU lieuvy aud tinted t lie piiut exeellcul, the biinlttig iu English (aniline and the illustrations are not' be iiiokuii of a unire inrcbHuical efforts. mm.. i i. ...ML ... J uev! tlo.MUlls U iu lliauc uv viuri'Ul auu Parley, ibe irrcat aiti.-ts of Eii'daud . iind America, and the reputation of tliute iiicq is ftiaUliolirU hi'ionu (uetiot'. This -plendid eiliiioti of Ditki lis publ khed Ly Sheldon it 0') X. Y., ouht to be in iveiy family library.'' , 'I'll k SiinKirr's Csr.,-lnlitnctimi iiaainst ''twiip.wt tfrunte' In ihn Siijucmc , Conn. Tin- Snp.cme Cou.t, sitting at 1 1 0 ' rittsuurg, Ueuiueu 011 Saturday uioruing ihe ajplientiou for a special injunction to leMrian J.jIiu I hotnpsou fiotu interfering ! with the olliee of Slieriif of Philadelphia, j ponding the determination of tho writ of. certiorari in the contest election case. The injunction is granted, aud the decree ot of the Court was telegraphed 10 ShciiiT Kwiiijj's oaunscl immediately by Thomas j J. Jvecnan, the Prothonotory of the Wcitcrn District. It is as follows : Ordered, That on complainant's giving! security in $5000, 'J'houtp''on lie enjoined I from intct feting with Sheriffs office or (iiiturbing coinplaiuaut thero until hearing nf ccrti'irnri or further orders ; aud order nl, that (lefeudaut have leave to move the Ooiit t on the ISth day of November, 1802 10 quash the tetliarui for having been is ailed uithout t-peoial oatn previously shown utiles the pliiiiitiir hall then show sufficient p.tuso ou giving live days' notice. Strong J. Tho. J. Keknan, I'roth'y. Si.noli.au Luck. Mr. Samuel C. Harris, of Puller tounhip,lhis county, was enrolled twice in that township, and once iu Columbia county. It Ecem? that his residence a well as office arc on the boun dary line of I ho tW'j counties, and thr luaivhals of 'both claimed him. Mr. liar li, howeveijis a voter in, and literally, res ident of this county, He wqs enrolled iu this county twice by iniatake at his resi denoe, aud on the day he voted, Tho most singular part remains to bo told, Ho was not only enrolled three times, but hUname was diatvn three tir.us ou tho day of the draft ouec in Columbia and twice hero. A wonderful freak, of the blind Goddess Pav ok Diiatted pay per month of tho fiOIfDILItS.-j Tu tuilitiu volunteers in the service of tho .State i tho sme at that of volunteers in tlio service ofthe United States, as follows i Colonel. S2l'Z ; lieutenant colonel, SI 08; major, ?179 ; captaiu, 8130,150 j Qr.-t lieutenant, SI 10, SO; Kccond lieutenant, 105,50; ptivatd3 SID, Tho nay jq oafo of tho iuvasiou of tho Ktato U essentially different from during riot, tumult, breach of tho peace, or when the in'il'tia aro called upon to aid tho 'civil process. In sijplj omorgon- cics non cuiuiulssionod. officers aud privates c IVU 91 QH p,cr U(II1U U.IUI), nun uuim- misbioncd officers tho same compensa tion as tlioso pf tlio regqlar army. SULKEY F'Oa SALE, A trood Sulkey, with iron nxlo and " Spronf, (sinjurj'ptlcfiitrlnti. In perfrrt order. l nir,rei verr clisan, As0-a paimf siscle llnrncn, tn,.,ire of tho ' " ppiI'OI UEJIOPIIAT Mwimtrtr 1 J ECEtPT3 FOU geTOBKlT to inn Ciiltttttlmt itinoftdt $lJ0u Cha Thnmai 13 1'ttur Jaiifh II 73 Isaac MtitliKfn 1 "5 Bnmucl McNIiich mo JSS unli 1 HI 3 (Ml ipo 1 SO 100 53 1 5(1 JliO 5 00 nn Uil II tsdl'lll lifeln feWiX'10' ICU l lla.lt llnrtmrm 73 Hugh ) Mcllriila I AH Win Apptoniari I fit) Joon A llnvvor 1 73 Chutlcs II Noll I M Peter (lfloii SO V L.MacK OU Philp lulls 1 M Montgomery Colo 1 5g Juromlul. Hess (OA 1 IK) Mfrj Win II K ooii a ISM (leu I' l)rln.!i:irh 5"TJ ' K"" Fretl'k llrehr I) It Applcmnn Frcdcrlcl Mccly Trios l.ounerli.icli hev I) S Tobias John I'nldwcll Liq It U ChrlRtniaii 'Jo'tinibl'i Cnutitv John Ki ller (Orange) . JntlitlflT&trvfirt Hi" lion John McHcynolda'JIin am liiiH t I.Wiinl !i(K AiVL1',"'"" 4ii .Milium ncektinttlne 1 flu John llutverSr look mm ! IF YOU WANT TOllUYYOUIt Fall & Winter Goods, QO TO Creasy's Store, in Light Street, Pa. M.KIM OF liOOBS! CALICOE, SILKS, GINGHAM, FIjANNELO. CAIU'ETS, HOSIER!', SHAWLS, Reudy-Mado Clothing. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Uolfces, Teas, Fish, fc; alt, liaoou, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Separs, Huts, lioota, Caps, Shoes, lJiugj, Oils, Paints, &c, &c. In addltinn tn nnr tarirf uti'ck nf Dry Oiiodn, h i- luivi flnrg'J mill full llvnnrtuient iif Iteadv Mndn Clnll.l,, nor ii mid lliijn ni nr nhlrh wo nru ilctiTnilned tn ''"V'J"'' fn im imught tiicnhcru Call and II. W. CllUAHV U CO. l.ifht titrcut, Tn ,N0v. lco'.'. FfllOLAnSlSH'S FOR SALE. rittklmrgli ('iiiiiini'ri i.'il "1 1 i-y. II llullillllllllll " ' CritUlldiirn " rilil.idnlpliia. Slr-iUnn, llryant fc Co.. " TlienB Scrips, urr in innnunls of SlSaiid JJO and aro !" mui.li raiili, hv the Minimi mi tntrliiadihir of tho alioyu I'lillegc. on riu indn limiting tmilitnlii 11 lliiitli, cil Collegian- i:tttictliti, u III Im.to lludagood Mpiuulu timi l.y ;i..liij i,l thu oirico oftliii iiv. I. pi,J. COI.U.M 111 IIKMOCIIAT. WANTED for I'oitnss Monroe. 1 TouUry of nil kind.. V ' ni'tduy. liutt, r and Kg; . vull b'2 paiil. al, (,'alvm. kr every Wed i. Kur uhich 'jbcfdl price Fall Gonrs, Ja't rucrived andwj lie eod at fairprjco, V. M'UOV. Jcrti')tnwg, Oit. Sj, ld05 lm. NO'l'ICE. The tioolts nf H. II. Mcmaoii & rn. arc left in my hands f.......ll..,-.l..,, 'I'lm.. l.l. l.t.wl in ....... I "'. . . I'-J- ing up nniinii'iiaieiy. J. .11. uii.aiiuhi,i,. lilounii'burg, Uct. 11, I SC'J. GU AM) J I ItOKS DIM-. TEH 31, IBG2 Hur. Hervviuk-vTiHvu-.tti I W. Uojiie. Bmiioii Samuel Me Henry. CatlHWin J 0I1 11 K. Itdbhin. Lrntie t-hiitle-i Hill, liornu tietring, John Kcktnili Kllu-nnil Hnehos. Con njlinni Kenbt'ii U'.i.-ser. FiKlnniicruek David Suimr. HreeuwtMhl (Jmotui, Waiburn )"' LntMii.1 N.i iii iih I AlearA. Miuilotir William Krastus, T.lias Deiter- ii'li, 1'iiilip Ksn:t. M tllitl J.irnh Vu'ih, jr. MiiiiiiI I'lea-uiil William Howell. Madison Cvrn- Detn 1 1 . ItiMnuuiTeek Cu.itles Kek, Adam (Jabln. Soiiit-nKIti- K'ttttt. Cliitrles l.ee, Jo-epli l,ill, 'I'liniiiu- I'feiudL Traverse JHrora. Uor, Korwiek Jn-eph Tliomps-nu. Ilenton Aea V(itk, Samuel Appletnan, Peter Karne-, J.itui Melleiirv. Ilri.iri'reek J.iImi II Muriz Henry Duak. Fraiililin Jotiii .iiiler, Jeienihih S. Fall- rini r. (Jenrje Seou. l'i-li neereek C)ru llohbin-', I) mini Me. Henri ).nitil Miicrfer, Jdh" Mell-nry. (,'Hiinna I Nirii.t Utiiilt Jacob lierljil, Juhi.'ti II. Ikulet, Win Uobbiti!', l-aue A. DeU t I. lleiiiluyk lUsehell I'oulk, SylveMar Pur- M'l. Juuk-oti Jnlin P. Hr-r. I.UCUM (Jontsje Keller, (ori-e Farinaer.jr. Mnniniir losai'Imr il Kvall-, Milll 11--J.1I111 Ansa, Kli-lia B. Hrowii, Sain- ue.1 Nn. Maine Jo-oplt (iiyer, Orange. Jo.j HiumMenle, Sitnuel Aehen- baud. UnHttii'jcteek ttanie! (Jeatharl, Michael Feilerilll, Samiml Dver. nearliM !(ul Je-r-rt llarlitiiin. Cyril l.nri-h. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. The Examination of Teachers will be continued as Ceiiiri at 1'lipor Llmu ltirlgu. l hursdny Octobcr30. Oraiige.at OrMllgeville, 'rday, Oct. HI. Fi-litngi-reel;, P. uK'r's r-t'hul II.. Milurday Noy. 1 t euton uud Shii!artiaf. at Ilenton, .Monj;iJ- xv 3. Scott, at Light Mreet. Tuesday Noy. 1. Vltiutoiir and Hemlock, el llui k Horn, Nov. 5. C.itt.ivvissa end Erankliu.l.'aitawi.i, Nov. 0. Heaver. Mithael'sS II., Friday Nov. 7, .Maine lit Vinneviiie, eaturday Nov. a, Cunyiig iuiii,"iiilV-uerville, on Alontlny, Nov. 10. Locus land llnit.iniicreelr, Niiuiidin, Nov. 1 1. M11II111.11. .Milliluvi le. on Wednesday. Nov 1-J- HI I'lersant, at llutchison's, eu Thursde). Noy IS. Jackson, Lower luiou Church, Friday: Npy. H. .Madison, at Jcey town, on Saturday. Nov. IS I Tho exercises at ,11 thu above places In commence al 1(1 n't Icicle A M Pimcliisliiy is desired, aid (he attendance of rtlrcc tors reiuested. WM. IlL'IfUESS, Co. Sunt. Noy. I, leti--Y-.f, '1W0 FARMS FOK SAIiBJ Oil KEiVI'. . . The subscriber ntrers fur s.tu or rent, the two follow- ing Fnrins, oneof them siluato iu Fislnngireek town- sl,.p,tol,,,biac...,n co. taL'l innro flr e(9, nVm I'lly-liV0 acre, of vvlltch SJStU Hflentett land, whereon nt t rfcled a gooil 1111, Two Htory FlU.vr. inYKU.lXllIIUU'l., wT7kjIMK B.1 UX, Wagon House, Con. Cub, nud ui'i' iiinivmc ami other outbuildings. MStp.'-Oiin oilier Farm, sltuats in Ilenton tonihip, Columbia cmiuly, cnutaiuiug ONE HUNDRED As TIIUlTV-lflVE Acres about Ttifly-l 'iye Actes 01 iinicii it t leitred land, vv hereon urn erected a Ht.l.MII !! iniT.i.i.ixa iwosi:, fiuMi: ii.h, 'i ,.,1.,., miiiutildtoL's. rnlil I'jtin is s tuutu on t(avllgl.rees, ai0,U Wi li'ltev auri-K.,,,. ALSO creek low unlit from litil and the nth nf th It , 'i - w-' , , . .1 icei 1-11 , ri,i,icrrcek, Ai,gu.t 3, w 0 ii,i,i,.." n, solicits a share of public pntronago. ,,Sron!:Bguc'' fi"1 nke b ,oM f?MM rlhrusry 3, less- if, I .-Two other small Lots, sluato 1. 1 mnng his tine .., "f l-."' , ,. , 7., .Itu' inav favor. 1.1., ,.,n l-'ia Ii ii.-rreck ttoai . nnn onf a ,te i" 'mii t,M-t""t so i Water, -mo c.pttaiuing Fo II AC.t, . l' ' -'"""' ,. Produce generally taken In ' u. It I'lVlL-ll I .1 II II II Ii L'l II 111 llllllll'llll I'll Fli.ll . - ... . I BLANK SI BLANKS', 1 1 Of ovcrv description, for sale a,t tlusojlipo tl.-- - M-VJIA' " mVAr.ln.Ht.rreon. I""!'' wraac?vmKKtanm iii i 1 1 ii it i ni i . . ill f . . ..'........rsu siin,'iii ,i'Mi!inifi:A nr w r it i iiiiiLMiv i ii m mi trill in v itu u i ti hi fi : - v r. . . k. ii . i j w j t -iiiiinn n iti-.i'iiu i s? " m .' :. " t.,:i. ..ii Wfll'I.n resprclfully Inform tlV eititens p( nip n. H,;'v,1n r'J, W l?A Iv 'J1K,S,i?II V !! I'VriV'an iiIniVMtl?li ' ' '''"' 1 nn.l'i'lcinitv. that he ronlinnes he pra Hi f 0 ual Organs. ntl on llw N ! V.''1 i''a,r"'P. . 'A st.iiction si-"' n;...l.';A. j L.,,. ' 1 nl.,,,,',...... .nil lit sea.eu Idler cuye.'l'es, irvu ui .i.,. Hoavy Artlllory ! 1 ss Onj ilinr'". Uio bit opportunity to enlWt In Copt, (tlhiCvo.t.Ai.IoVi'SA tf0" w M- w" DEFENCE. OF WASHINGTON, D.aJ 8il'm,1'',l V" 11,0 '""uHful Highlands of the rotomae, i . Al"J'ol'y having been received. to Inctoasi! tlio num. or'"''lehllaUerytooio hundred and fifty. 50 IScCt'Uils aic IVniitwl To flH "' 'itnka of (ho above ll,itti;ry-ns n proof of tlio health, comfort and pnpulnrity of tht nrin nftho service It Is only necessary to state tlio fact, that llattcry F. has l.n." fur '"on "Into Iti organisation, and they vvcro discharged on account of dlscn-cs contract'!'! heforu they enlisted, 'I hoe wishing locnllit or dctlrlng fur Ibor Information are reiuested tn nimlvlo t.itor. no. w iriT. October 13, 180'J. Ulooiutliurt . I'a, I'lTTSllUrtlin, l'. Corner Pcnn ami 8t. Clair St, Tliolaritcut Coiuincrclal School of tho United States, with n patrnnaitc of nearly 3,000 StudniiM, in five years from a I States, and tho only nnn Hhirh iill'ordiicnniplcto UMd relllllllo instruction In nil llio ftillnwlliir hrntirllL'S. viz! Mercantile, Manufai Hirers, Bteam llnat, llallrnad nndllniik.keeiilnif. First T'einluin l'laln nnd Ornaincn, tnl rcninajlihlp nlsn, Hurvoj Inj, Uiigiucctlni; and ..lu.iiL'iiiuims generally, $35.00 Pays for a Commercial Course; Students enter and rc, tiew at any tlino. IK" .Ministers' sous' tuition at half price. For Catalinruo nf cti itaces. iiccluiens of lluslness nnd Ornamental I'eliliiniif hip. nnd n hcnntifnl Colleen view of S spiinre ftet, contalnlrij; n ijood variety of writinii lettering nnd flourishing, Inclose SI cents In stamps to the 1'riiicipnts, ll'Ik'l'UU dVlt'f.f tll.t t....l. Pn April in, lHGS-ly. llHtU ()UARrLKl. Pt l,N!VI.VANU .MlLITIA, euitut(U (jcNPt.Nii'sori ilt, State Medical loard of 1'enwylvunia. ...... i...iunl nn,..l ..-ill ,n..i ! ti M..II ..rii, lloiieof Itenresentatives. at llucrlsburi. on Thursday , September lull, lrIW, and situne -ay, fur theixaminntloii of candidate lor thu post of Assistant Surgeon In, I'eiip. syhiinin ltesimeuiH. (,'anilld.ilcs ill cclster their names nt the IIMI at 8 A. M. ami nmio hut thuie present pnnctually at U., M., will hi- rxaiiiincil, Citizens afpeniii) I vanl.1 of health and capable ufactvq service In the Held, cnnnlone he received. I!y order of A. U. UUU'I'IN, Oovertior ofl'eim'a, IUmiv II. Smith, Surgeon Ucncral renn'n. Ilnrrlsburg August ii, ItG-J. 15LOOMS13U11G SKYLIGIITj 'iU undcrsii-'neil iiifnrms the citizen nf lllnnni, 1 nru' ni'lgliliiirhood, Unit he has tnkru the Inrpi' rooin lutlie Kxehausi llluik, extending over Mcsr. Ktouer in tilts Uxclianse lilotK, ex emu ng over .iiesr. hlo ner ti Fox's lakery, and the ll'iokstnro where he has put in a large Skylit'' I. It isnnlv by fkyllglitthat guoil pic- ures can bet ten espec ally groups where each person antnstaKen ist as i;u as separate. '? 8" i'onderatili! cpi rue to make ! iiblis'iiiient hrsl elpissmr , and e tlp rerore solicits a , biralpalro ige to enable lijin, tn constantly iilrudiice "' w.... ..,..... - ..... E-Co'iu y produce tukeii in . I'A1'""7.' 'iiC.i'.t'.f ""t . IU..M.1 1,U31.. aiUI.lv. lllnnni'hurg, Nnv. ttH lfiil. Nov. tl 7i3 , SAVovnfrwit SATOxrKiRR i itT-TIIF. FAMILY S()AP MAKIIIl All Kitchen (i reuse can be i,,adu intogoud aoAP, hit vein s.rn.C llHli C?-Dini;irriuNs accompanyinc f.acii uok i SOAP is cfirily made ulli it, as niaking U cup vf cof fe Manufactured only by thu Patented. I'A. SALT MANUFACTUlUXa COMl'ANY. No 127 Walnut Street PlIII.ADUI.I'lllA. AMDROTYrE, PHOTOGRAPH U IvIEJ.AINO f YPE & A 9Qi ASS U': A 13UOTYPES, PHOTOGltAPIIo, Melaiuntvpes, &c. taken iu Cloudy ns well as Clear Weather,' Aiiibrotyput and Diigutrreot) ies copied and Uulnrged. SOUTH DANVILLE, I 'A. Doc. SI, lr-Tii, TEACH E US' ASSOCIATIOIS'. The Teacher's Association of Clumliia icunty wjl nice t nt .lllltlini ille, on Saturday, the '-'5th of Uitober, A. M. (ETenchers generally and all friends of l'.ducatiuu are earnestly i:u jtcdto attend. 1VM. uunonss Foi the F,s. Con,. Octabci II, ItiOi, OllAXGEVILLE Normal and (oinmfrci.il School ant) Afaihmy. TMlKneit Term of this Institution will commence on 'ihursday, October Uist. iust. J. S. WOODS, Sec. Orangeville, Oct 25, 1802. NE-V COLUM15US AUADEMY. The Columbus .Male nnd Female Academy, will open ft nrvt term- upon Tuesday th'' -Ith of nv. leffj. This si bool oilers superior induceinents tn nil who are desirous of nt'iuiriug an a-eilomic.il .educationto ur'liarefor teaching or to obtain a thoreuah knowledge dVliuy of Hie modern or nmient languages. For further information i nuuiie of U.S. niNUIIAM, Principal, or of John Koo.ns, Svc'y,, at New Coiumbus, Luzerne co., Pa. Oct.iio, liG.'. APPLES FOR THE HOSPPfA J,S CtNlllil. OiriCK, SAMTvny Commissiov, I Waski.nq'Io.n, October -d, lee. ' The Inquiry being freouently mad,- whether tlio Com inissiou wialies to receive apples for thu tisc of the wounded, it should immediately lie published, us idely as possihie, that dried ajiples canin.t be sent to its tie puts iu too large ipiautiues. luvvn and Village Itelief Societies are rt 'iucstetl to male arrangenicuts rr pur iug, cutting, and drying by their members, and such volunteer utsi-tawo in liey cpii enlist, itnd to notify fanners that they u (II receive such good fruit ns they mnt' lit- di. nosed to oiler anil are iiualile tin mselves to K.V " s., Zr db k ,K Drictt frnits of other kinds, aud all good canned fruits, will be very acceptable. FltED. LAW OLMSTED, October IS, ItOi. General Secretary. jonn I'iiiura. JVo. 7 1 8 Arch street, below Eightn, south side, Phila delphia. Jtipartt r and hian ithctuicr at and dealt r in hinds of Fancu Furs, for ,. , cJ , a , LadlCS t- I lal'ren SUTur. T"lT t T.".-...n my friend uf Columbia and tho sur- rtP'ir.?.'?f L,ie. A at lhaveni in sfers, one of rounding tounlles vt'; ,,,,..,...- . ii cin.i. thu large-stand nmst . 1 c- . ... . ... 5 .! triJ. "ihit v,ilbeworn during this Fall and dren t ''': VI'', w'l' j . Nu,J 1)u,r imp0acil I riseiri4 rlmg .reo.J n . . .,' . on all I'lir 1 111 nni-IPII ri'"-" w - - r-- r . .1,1.1 uj 1ni1t 11 a HIV ktnek Uiat as long as nijr slot l( Iqsts, I would alto euiif nlll .Vir.,r It nt Ollei'S lirfPOIt OtllllU lO WII31 II1C gOIHIS ?o'!! ',ne IT. i't 'wiU id .:1.o.;.b.e for me ir, mport 1 (HI . , sn rxr, s7s (7) 7) ) and Manufaiiure "r '' un,ctllcU Btote of the iitrairs Clinton aH.5i"U, l'r I'hiladelphia und all interim di ame prices, owing to the un.uucu tijc m ,,, . 'au,iUi3f fur Philadelphia, New York, (ke( tiiintry. ,.,.. ,ir,j,i,(1i- 1 and all Way 1'olnts. rT-toirwirr the name, ",merJu,1. I'trinntA. i Trains leavo Poltsville at II a m, nud 2.15 p in. for 713 AltCII trcet. 1'ila. Bept, SO, IBM 5mtins. I NEW BUSINESS FIRM. rsiiir. unilersicned respe.ftlully iurnriu their fricndi I . . . ., ,t .. .1.,,! I Hi,! nubile aeiier.illy, tliut they havo entered in to rn iiaitnersui 1, uii'ii " ." - viM.i'llll UYI'.ll I" 'ho " ilBci'Cil llU BlIXIHCKM, -., ...u,, bt, ,. ,,,,.1 0 rn, u - Arcade." in, l!oomsburg,. nrtumhi".. wherotliev intend carr ")'-' U' "u "".v:'"' '." ,, MiKciuipiziMi, in all U diyersined britn. l es a,,, lt.,irlr.l(.,t .. 1,11,110 wht.l UK' i''Vt nu exteinion of ..Juiic patronage. .,.,.,. I it. '...'.LWj H'Sl.,, FllUD'K C. 11VKU. lllooni;tiUg, May 11, IFOL-tf, ruilF, underslgneil, having npeneu ri new in.y i mi J HIICK HIIDI', PI' ";ii ' eei, in uup,.... ...... .... lliooinsburg, resnoc ifully invites thecustou) pf thu c i. lens and the ...bile generally. All feintl3 of Hoots. Shoos, &c , will be promptly made to Older, on short notice mil mnaernle terms. From long expcrjcnco in , pn Main sticel, in llupkirtsvlllo, Lait HOWARD ASSOCIATION, V 7lplila-fnr the Relief of !(c Sick and 1) aiHicted vv'itli Vlrueiit anil Ohiniuc Diseases, Phila.l- Distressed anil es- rhargf. stltlroi m....j ,.,.,1.,!.. 'i,j'tiK,Mv.ynrrh-u 4rf -l,ni . ., ' '., I... ,1.11,., a I1l111u1.ll' lll.lt he U ill 111 llln.,n.lu.rr. IllK' li.lAulm. ' I wall mmn 10,000 PIECES WALIi l'APKRS IN Fixr. no in pjti'KHs. (ii)i.n .w) yKt.VKV Div.oimrittNs. MHfU.i: JJVJ) 0.1K hlXIUMTOA. m:iTJi-'i o.ir nvn?.i:n r-Avms. PMIffJiXIt JlltHIIIT VOMMOX P fPKIS, voiiDnts, Finn ihmud pmxrs. 8TATUV.S, M.IXDS, 111 Ci K1V., Will hi! oil at prr.itly reduced prlccn, at tho popir hanging room of tho unilerli;ii'd Hi Judgo ltupoit'a Hrotu lluiiiii, on decund atrcct, n fow doota hcluw Alar kcl. Alio Paper Hanging Executed n tho best atylc. at luoderaln price nint In 'mirk t i rno ii. J. TIIOUNTON, Dlooniabutg, May 3, 18fl'2 3iu, Tea a; wouBiJii. an iNi)i:i'i;i)i:N t Scmi-lVcelcly tj- Wukly Ntws- Daili, pnper. THE DAILY IfOllLV. Terms per annum, Six Dol'ars j four copies to one nddross, Twenty Dollars. To clersynicn, l'ivo dollars per nun kiii. For a club of ten copies, 1111 extra copy will be sent. T1IK SKMI-IVKUKLY IY0H1,J), Three dollars per nnuutii j two enppies to one ml, dress. Five IKillars; liH'fnples to one address I, lev Dollars, To rlurryinvli, two dollars per year. Slnrjlo colilcs, thrccccnts,pulillslicdTuesdays and Fridays, t Ton Copley, 6'. For 11 club or ten roplcs, an xtra copy will be sent for one year. For 11 club of twenty copies 11 copy of tho Daily for ono year' For 11 club of lllty coplo, the Dally, Weekly, And dcinl-Wcekly-wlll be sent for ouo yeur. THE ll'KKA'il' WOULD, Prfrc Twloll,irnyriiri rcur copies to one nddress, Five Dollnrs: twenty copies, tni nty Uollars. Uletiry- pien can receive tho Weekly, single ropy, at one dollar nyar. Blurjloiopies, Five cents Published ou'l'liur. unys Fo I lor a cum or ten copies, nil extra copy win ue sent lor . one ji nr, For u club of twenty copies, tho 8euti-Wckly will be sent Tor nun year. For n club of lifty copies, tho Daily will be sent for lie vear. Fur ii clnb of one hundred copies tho Dally, Weekly, Ui' seiui. oejty wi I ue sent lor one year. Hemlttauccs for "'I ho V orld" may be umdc bydrnfts tjensury notes, or bank bills of specie-payinir hanks, UHd, wliero the attention (il'the Postmaster Is culled to reiplttaiiee at the lime of mailing the letter, it may be uiiiilo at our risk Specimen numbers sunt to any address upon applica tion. Address TIIEWOItl.D, Nn 33 Park llow, New-Yolk, 7' II K XK n .i'Olt A" IV 0 It L I). From the True Citiien (New llritnln,Cnii.YJ Bnniii nine or ten months since wc, liken large portion of our fellow citizens, re. elved our dally uewO of thu movements of our armies from the New-Yoyk papers of the "on to Kiclunoiiit'' class, but wo becuiuo so ilis glinted with the senselc-s outcry which taken up fur a time bv ncnrlv Ihe weole nation. nroed so terribly ef fective iu ilmiug our eneiiy on to the defeat of Hull It ti it .,, ,, at . 11(.r,i.t,lt ,,t.lndiiig with and nhuse orl.ri,k,s, .t!,ci Bllll theleailing UeneraU of the or- ,,. ,hat ,VI. tok up. as wo then .upim-cil, with their ,lowt.r ,, ,. ,,!,., ,,,, rlvn lK xx onvu. lVo have read tills iiiio.t dailv ever since, nnd heve foun.l. , llt w0 (1t only had n readable nu.l schiilatly Journal, thoroughly loyal and governnient siisliiiiilug, but that ,,.. fuy ,,, ,,u limes, in its supply of evir) thing nun was rename ir inu way oi cuireui nes. hi inci i onli-iiiIsih in its columns our class of news. viz. ,., ,..,l.., U I,, l. ,-nulr ,,ll, l,.,l In ir.nc. Willi tlie, I hasty remarks we decire cerdially to recoinmenil to our i readers the New-York World as one ol the boat, 11 HOI nit' very nest uaiiy jouiuai 111 ins country. fiep. 13, ltf(.'.'. GltJiKNWOOP SJiJinNAItY. jlillcille) Cohtmbiu County, Penn'fl. This will knoy.li School fur bot sexes will open NOVIIMUUR nil, lfcO'i. Tho recent additions to the buildings; render accom odations for more than sily hoarders. The course of study will einliriico tiren departniciits the Normal, the Sclentllle, and the Commercial. TIM' Principal wll be assisted by ej(Kriei)i.i'd (eacij. ers, fully qiiulitled for their respettivo positions. Parents pud others may reel assured that np crTorts will he spared to make the Sahool w'orthynf p.itrouagu and that the welfare of thu student, intellectually, physically, unu morally, win receive ourciinsiantrare rur lippnciiiii'ii, ciiluiuiiihi, iiruuxtis ur miiiirr pur until Oct. I leoa, n ' tlcuiars, aiiuress inc uuiie,s,uneu. l'owuingl"n, i luster county, Pa., and after thut time at Mllluillu Coli)inba county Pa. T. MAXWELL P()7TS, Principal. Ilaviu" sotl nut my interest iu the Orcenwnod Semi- ' nary, to I M Potts, who was for several years, connected with the Institution asn successful teathur, I hereby cheerfully commend In in to my friends nhd pa I Irons, as a gentleman of ample 'pinlilicition for the po. sit Ion lie nsnnues, and in every vvay worthy tue conn- deuce and patronage ofthe public WM. ItilKUl'SS. JOHN II. PATTON, A.M., l'rjuc pels, Millville. Pa., Sept, in. lens. iDtafllfOsly airA-aEiB Mlo T AM AQUA, PENN A. Passengers dine here on tlio passage of cnpii Train, 1J.M. MEIiliWK, PropiiUor. Tamaiua, Jan 4, IPC?. STRAW ! STRAW ! 1 STRAW I ! 1 TONS STlMAV.of all kinds, Burlivieat ex cepted, is wanted immediately, fit the Mill (Jrovo Paper lils, near LightSlreet, for which cash will be nalti. TlOMA3 THENCII. .Mil) (Jrovc, August 1), J-JC2, BANK NOTICE. "W'oticc is hereby given, that 1.1 of Danville, u Hank nf Issue, Discou it, located iu the lloroiigh of Danville, M with ncanitiii of Two Hundred Theusand onus iiiMiig .ippi c- tionnc u next r egoi a session .1 tho Legist, ilure of Pennsylvania, for the renewal of its charter, and extension ufits privileges, fur a term of twenty years from the expiration nf its present charter, with thegnuic nam.-, title, location uni capital, Uy order of the Board of Directors. DAVID CLAltlv.Cashier. , Danville. Pa., June S, IS61 (im I ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. I Estate lienevile Kitslier, (licensed, r ETTEItS of administratioii ou the Estate of Jacob JLi K. Knorr, lute of Locusi tvvii. Cut cfi.,Jtrrasct, have ! been granted by the Uegiste, of C.,.un,.a county to the , undersigned; all persons hav lug t lanu- again vt the es. tate of the decedent urn reiuested to present llit'iii to tint .vuuiuistrnitir ui 111s resinenco in i.ucu-i iwji vvitlioiit delay, aud all persons indebted to make pay uieut forthwith. SAMUEI Al?iMU, September 0, IFCi I'nv- Adm'r. KAPLNG RAIL-R0A. sv.yMEH AtiiMr('i:.Mt:xrs, Ci reat Trunk Line from the North ami North-West for Il'hiladelnhia. New YorH. Iteadiiiu. Poltsville, Lena- , ,tun- Aiientowu, Easton. r., tic. Traiiuleavo llatrjsburg fur Philadelphia. New York, Ueadiin.'. Pnttsville. andulliuteriueili,ilo Stutions.at ti a 111 Ni ,1.1 in, nni i,u 1. , New York 1. linen leaves llarriburg at 1-2J a rn ar . f Ilnrrisbucg : To New-York 63 u0 ; tnl'I.II riving at .New YorK tun '.1 ihe same luiiriiuiu. Fares from Ilorrisuurg : To r.cw-ork fcjuiio adelphia ijlfiinud Situ, ll.iggago checked t imugh. lleturning leave Ncw-Yors at 0 a. 111., 12 Noon and ti .,,.. (Piiisimrch Exoressi Leave Philadeluhiaatij a. 1 ; -;v - r m. ami .1 1.. 11 Sleeping curt ju Iho Krw-York lCxjres Trains, ttirttii'li tn and from r4Uslmri.l1 without cliiuic. i I'lillaiicipuia nnu Jew vorK ; auu ui .i.ati p m i"r ..nuui'. I ami I'orl Clinton only, cm cling lor Fine liroye and .,. .,..'!.,.,. I.-..II II., ..I 1,1.11, ,,U ,,u, .... An accommodation passenger tralnlcgves Heading ut G a ui, arid return from I'lilludclphinat 5 p in. All the above trains run dally, fluidity a eiccpted. A Holiday train leaves Poltsville ut T.'JU ,1 in, uu.l rhiladelihia ata.l? p in, I'nmiliuu H nllnri. Alllease, peasut , iinu i.seursiuu I',, k-uts. at reduced rates lound Inini nil point) ii. n. iu.ui i.o. Mny 17, 'P62. Ocncral riupernendcut. , ' S CHEAP MILITARY CAPS MILITARY CAPS, of every sort, so and nuality for sale cheap at the lliooinsburg Hat & Cap IJuiporiuiu Also t.rocerics, couieiuonarif'- isurs,orr, JOHN K. C1UTON. oomiburg, Sept. 14, 1601, TO WHOil! I i' flIAV ( OSdiRN. Having niadu stjcl) nrr.ingenients, ns enables me to procure at ohec. I'msjous, llointy Jloncy Hack Pay, let., I beg In call tltu uiieiiftnu ui itiuie inveretieu in I l,i IntlriW ill" t All Ulsiiliioa not, lies, .tie tviuuvvs or uii"r i itii'tieit mi Idturs. whodle.orhavobeeii killed in the service, aro nlitled topeu-ions. The widow it or oth. r legal hejrs of oldiers wliohuyo died orbecn killed (utile service, are entitled to thu $iou jiownty, All clniins are carefully ejainlncd by the Do- n.-trtment.nud it Iriof tlm utmost jinportitnco tn clattnants tocmplo) regular tiUlejpericnccd coulisel, f they wish ului?ll:,,;y' mZ i inn.,.. r.i i,.r .ui In nvitiil iIl'Ihv'. All ta.es it in in lice, auu tut leiters at svvtrei. uv renin. and nu charge Is made, until the Pension it granted persnns entllieu to in" 151011 iiouti.y, caij iuv o in. cashed on iipplirntloii ,.t inv oujca, Atty s Agents,' wrpVmg lor blnuks, rmd ie,uesit,' in, s, nl.o D'rsiins wishing llifoimniipu (0 rltablo lobnt" land; under the provi;iois pf the lata Ilcmestcad' Act, ihould encloso .1 fee. U.am;'.. 099 L'OH THE COI4ST3TUT10li AND Till! FUlt 1) I A 13 K T V. S AND DISHAfltS OF Tim axaasxa Aim r&abisbxl Thete Dangtrom awl TronhUsomt lHntutt, uhickhatt thui fur llttltlcA the ItH tllrutid Treatment cents Cnjilttil) Centrolltd lij tie HFJIIEDVnw irs r Tin: cuit.VTivi: properties of the inedlrlno dliect themselves to tho or gans of secretion, noil by sit iiltoiliig the condition nf the stomach and liver that the starchv urlnriiile nrtlio food Is nut cont etted into sugar soiling us thu system i Is under tile liilliieuce of tho CO.NHI ITUTIO.V WATUll, I which plve those organs time to n cuM-r their kenlthy tone mid vlcor. We urf able to slate th.,t the Constitu', i tiou Water has cured every caso of Diabetes In which it has bceu glien, I aTOND IN Till", III.ADDFII, CAI.CUI.V3, (lltAVIH. I UIUCK DUrIT DF.POdtT, AND MUCOUa OH MILKY DISL'llAHOUd AFTFK UKINATINd. Diseaes occurliig rtnni onri and the same cause w bo entirely cured by the Constitution Wiitar, Iflakei I fo, any length of tiiif,. The dose should vary withe." severity of tlio disease, from twenty drops to a ten. spuuuiui utr:,; nines a uuy, in water, uuriiig tue pas sage nf the Calculus, thu pain ami urgent symptoms should be conibited with the proper remedies, then follnwed up with the Constitution Wuter, as above d. retted. 0 YH.M llNor.II A(T! A, (Jit PAINFULL MF.NSTllUA T10N, AND IN MUNUKItlMOIA OH PHOFL'SU FI.OWtNO, lloth diseases urlsitig frinil u faulty secretluu oftnn luotistrual ft ts 1 tl in the one case bLiugtoo little, ami nccompatileil by severe pnu ; and the oilier u too pro fuse secretion, which will be speedily cured by the Constitution Water. That ,liseno known as t'AM.INl! OF Till". WO.MII. which Is the re-ult of a relatatlon of the ligaments of that organ, and Is known hy n sense of heaviness and il ranging pains in the back and sides, and at times ac companied by sharp li.ci untiiig or shooting pains thruii"h the parts, will, iuallcases.be removed hythciiiedieiue. There is another class nf symptoms nrl'ing from III. ltli-ATlONOl'TllLS WOJIU, which physicians call Nervousness, which word covers up iii'.kIi ignorance, ami iu nine cases out of ten the doctor dues not really know whether the symptoms aro the disease, or the disease : (he symptoms. W can only enumerate them here. 1 speak npire particularly nf Cold Feet, I'.ilpita, linn in the Heart, Impiireil Memory, Wakefulness, Flash es of Heat Languor, Lassitude, mid Diniuessof Vision, supriiF.ssF.n munstuoation. Which iu (he unmarried female is n coiistnnt recurrln disease, ami through neglect Iho seeds uf moro grave and dangerous maladies are the result ; aud as mouth uiier im, Mm pses wuii'iui an euuri ueinir made to as sist nature, tho suppression becoiues chrohlc. Ihe lia. "ent gradually luu.es her appetite, the bowels aro rnnt nun, Itu . ...oi,.,i., x.ui .ituuii i,gino uil, mill I1....IIV ..K. l.n. LllUCOllIKXA Oil WHITES. Ihis disease depends upon an inrlnmntioii of mucous lining of ti.e vagina nnd womb. It is in uil cases ac- couipanicii uy severe pain in the back, nccrnss tho bowels and through the hips. A teaspoonful of tho meilicliieiiiay be taken three times a day, with an in Jection of a tablespoonful ofthe medlcinie, mixed with uli.i'f.pintof soft water, morning nnd evening. lllltlTATION OF THE NIX'KUF TUB ULADDIilt, INFLAMATION OF TUE KIDNLVS AND CA TA UK II OF Till: I1LADDF.K, STnANGUUY AND HUUNINO Oil PAINFUL UUINATING. For thesediseases it Ik truly a sovereign remedy, anil too miuli cannot be said in its praise A single does has been Know to rcllvo the most urgent sjptunis, Arc you troubled with that ilKtresting pain in the small of the back and llirnueh tin, tiiiwf A i,.i,.,ii,titiil a dil' of C""1'1"1'"11 WaU' ' 'cll-' u like inugic. FOIl DYSPEPSIA It hasno equal in relieving the Must distressing smp toms. Also, Headache. Heartburn. Acid Sinmai Ii Vm,i j iting Foud, fcc. Taken teaspoonful alter diiiinr- 'Ihe tlnsH ill till r!iai IIUIV 111- llirr.'i di',1 It ili.eir.l lint .1.1 bo dune gradually, I'llvslt'IAK ,l'' I1-"1"" Duvc long since giveu up thu use of buelm, oubt.bsuud juniper iu tlietreulment oft-sc diseases, uud only use iiicmiur nam ui a ueuer rcinyuy. I CONSTITUTION WATUll ! I;i3 proved itself a'ualtotliu tak tlut has devolved I u pun it. i Diuai'rica Irrjtutc jintl drench the kiuneys, rjiplby rnntant use i,oi)ii lead toclirouit: degeneration til id co illrmed dis ease, Head. Reail. Road. DtNvll.l.K, 'a., Jiino2 WCii. Dr. Wm. H. Gkkoo Deter Dir. In l ehuary. itjiil, I ivasatllicied wttb tho sugar diabetes, and for tht! muntlis 1 tiassed upiro than two gallons of water in iwcuty.foiir liuur. 1 was obdged to git up as otieu teiortelvu times tluriug tin night, und iu live months ( o,-t about fifty toutiisiu vvt'igth, Iliiruing the inoutii pf July, I.-lil, I procured Inn bottles of Constitution Va(er and in two days alter using it 1 eiperieuccd relief, uu, alter taking two buttles I was eutirely cured, souu gd,(cr rt.aiuiijj my usuu (jmiiu neaiin. tiitrs irttiy. J. V. I. l WITTJ. Huston Corners. N. Y., Dec. SJ7, lebl, Vni. II. Grecg & Co,: (Jents: I freely give you liberty to ntako use of the loiiotvingt iriiucaiooiinu value nl i.'oiislltuiiuu Wu ter, which I can reccomiueiid iu the higltest manner. My wife, vvti was attacked with pain iu the shoul ders, whole lengtn of theliack, and in her limbs, with raipitntioii ot tlio Heart, attended w itn t ailing nt tlio ( Wo,.,b, l)ysiiiei,orrhoe,i, ami "Irritation of the Ulad tier," I called a pliysiciau, who attended hir abuut three luonltis, w lieu he left Iter worse than ho tuuutl her, I then employed one of the best Physicians I could tlud, u ho attended her tor about nine mouths, unu wunesnc was uniier ins care sliu mo not suite quite ajiiiiii.lt p. it it; ho Dually gave her up nud said her case was Incurable." For, said he, "she uus such a combination of complaints, that inetliciitt given fur one op r.ite dgainst soiueotlter of her diliiculties," About this lime she commenced to use t'uN-uiuriii WsTKit, aud tonur utter astonishment, almost the first tlose seemed to nave the dsiretl illjct, undslie kept on iiuproviug rapi Uy usder its treatiueiit, nud nnn super. Intends entirely he,- diniiesll,: atr.tirs. Iielias not ta ken any of Hit Con iioiiok IVom forabout fourwt eks aim we are nappy to say tliut it has pruduced a icruia: V.1. M. VAN' IlL'.VSCIIQTtN. Millford, Conn., Nov, IU, ISIil. On. lVM,ll,(5Rrnn: Dtar ir 1 I have for several years been nfilictttl with that tooiiblesomeaitd dangerous diea. (iravt 1, fviiicn rosistcu nil renieiiiea iiuu uo, inrs. until i iook (.'niaiiiunns.il. V'tcr, nnd you may bnugsiircd that I was pleaded wih tlu result. It has entirely cured me, aiidjuu may make any itsu of my iitimi-you itiay seu fit iu regare to thu uiediciuc, us 1 l:a o entire coutileuec in its elicucy. Yours truly, "ON I) Hl'llUNtJ, TIIC8B AUG FACTS r.NOUCII There is no class of diseases that iroiluen such ex hausting ell'ects upon the human constitution ns Dia betes and diseases ofthe Kidneys. Bladder and Urina ry Passages, and tbrouc'll ,1 talie itindesly they are iteg lectcd until they are soafvnuccd Its to bo bejond the control uf ordinary rcmcdjas, and we present tho CONSTITUTION WATCH Tn tho public u'l Hie cnnvii tiou that it has unenna! iu relieving the class uf diseases for which it has hsou found so eminently successful iu curing; and wo trust that vyo shall be rewarded in our elforts tn placing so valuable reiaetly iu a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician, FUR 3.Li:ilY ALL DRUOCISTS. TRIOi: SI, WM. II. OF-OUCi: U CO.. Proprietors. Jiorgnn t Allen, (ieneral Agents, ,u. 4ti ClilV St ew-voriv, Sept. '.)0. 180. l-.'lll. A1 .1 -VA A vi l 1 9 1 Ari' !l MiiVfit, TiViiL, (Lato Whlto Bwan.) ' RACE STREET, AjiOVJ-J THIRD PHILADELPHIA. P. 0. SIE0RIST, PnorniETon. Formerly f'om E'6lc Jjofcl Lebanon, Pa T. V. II llnAllM. 'uu. I .March ilil, ldUJ lim. , House and Lot lb Salts. IHE Subscriber offers for sale the prop erty recently occupied by bin. in lllooiuiburg,cou- tiblill'' of u Lavse and Convenient House, Bv; AL uaA of a wall-lK-provcd L"t of about two acres of land The premises aro in pern ct lepuir Apfli cation may be inuilutoC, It. Uuckaluvv, n lilniimiliurg. W. J, WOpHWARU. Kf-adjng, October !4, Ie02-Sni. S. .UOItUAN ItKoWiV lii WIIOLl'.ri V LB AND 11 UT A lit beddlo and feather ware- unnci; HOUSK. No, North rVcnnd Street, Oppnst Cirt Church, I'HlLAUEJJ'mA. py Cmistaiitl) on hand, aiargo snrtnunt pf Reds, .Maltres.cs, Vnillssses, Cushions, Hair. Husk, Cattail' ami all articles in tlm lino nt tht lowntprlrcs. N,ll.-Ptiilicnlr attention paid to icnovating New and Old F'Mhrrr, March 3, l01 -15m Of Every Variety and blyle at fJit NEW riUM OP MILL )) 11 k SWISUE It, IN JUUSHYTUW.V. Hnvingjust received our Spring Stock, from iho llastrru Mnrkr-ts, wo feel detmlnsd ' tn sell (londs nt n littlo lower prices than (hey can be 1 purilisjod clscwhcri', ' OUR MOTTO IS "Small Profits and Quick Returns." C " 'riienutilio arc respectfully sullcited to salt find ctaioluennrrtork hefnrr purchasing elsewhere, as we charito nnthlii; for slioniu our gooils. I'roduco cT all kinds taken for goods. milluh tau'imint. Jerse)towii, Mnyn. ISii'j, OKITT ENDEN'B I'llll, t DKf.I'lll V CO.IIlllillAL, COLLEGE, N. E. corner of 1th and Vhcsluut Sttcais PHILADELPHIA. Tins lisiiTTTins, hii h was ntabllthrd tn 1P14 and Is now coiisi'iuuntly in tlio tlgklrmtKvtat of its c.Ut. eneo, liuuibernuinnj; Its rrraduates, hundreds of the umst'iiccusstul ,Mc.Uautj and IIusIiicjj .Men of our uoumry TuiiOMicr of the lnstUutlnn is solely tonlTord yrnnj men facilities for tlioroin;h preparation for business, Tint llm.stiu:s TVon,Tnre, nuck-lreihg, at npdlra. bin tothe ynrioiis deparliuenU of trade; l-enmantMp, ,,nl , I'1"'" "'V1 'a'unl 11 Commercial lair, MUht- """" .7.;"i" n t.ngmtennn, jjumng, i w Xrphij, and Midern Uiigntgct. I'tk vTi-'vt or iNsTRucrnw is pecnliar i no claims or set lessons uru iiiiulo ii'i; of. but each student Is taught Individually, sotbatho may coiiuocncnnt any time, and attend nt whatever hours are ntosleonvstilcnt. r1...tnn,l,il nrnl..,ie,lAM,.j.raCtn.tliA 1,1. ..f.ln.ll I containing iinmoi of the stildentifor tlf year, nnd full I C ,,1","" "J'"0 01 "'Wentsfor Uf; year.nnd lull ,"1 M lWii "k tliuu by addreslug tlio Principal In F.xtehivk Aci omoovtions. mlde-tnrriul rrrvtnlin nnd the lengihuttptrlfmt of Hie Principal, this Institu tion oners facilities superior Many ntlu'r iu the coun try, mr young men winning to prepare fur business, nnd tonlitain nt the same tlmo a niM.nMi. vhich via protfi n rccsamrntatioiiforthcuitheni tu any Merekau me House. n7"CiinKsnBN's Ssnst of Trealltu on IIook.Kevi'. mi. now noru wlilelyeirculnteilthan nny other work an tho subject, aro for sale nt the Collego. S. UOIUi:3 CI1F1TIINDEN, JMornt-atl.air, Pnicirxi. Jan. lto. fion nnn M A E 011 female UVU ngent, tmcll Lloyds new steel plate county colored Map ol'tlu United States, Cauadas, and New hrunswiek From rei ent surveys, completed Aug, 10. l;C'J;coal 3-U.U00 to engrave it uud one j ear's time. Superior to any $11) map ever made bv Coltou or Mitchell, anil sells at the low price ofllfl) cents ; 370, 000 uuuies are cngiuvcd ou this map It is not only a County Map, but it is nlso a (bounty and Itailroud .Mninf the United Slates and Cauadas combined in one, giving cveiy Hail road itatlun and ditt.inces betvveeu, Ounrantee liny woman or man ?:i to $.5 per dar, and will take back all maps that ciuuut be sold and refund the money, tfend for i5l Worth In try. Printed instructions lion to canvasf well, furnished all our agents. Wanted Wholesale Agents for our .Maps in every State, California, fiaiiada, England, France and Cuba. A fortune may bo made with a few hundred dollars cnpital. No Competition. J. T. LLOYD, .No. ltil Uro.idwny, New York. Tho War Department uses our Map of Virginia, Mar yland, and Pennsylvania cn-t SIOUUUU, ou which is marked Antletani Creek, Senrpsburg. .Maryland (lights, Willlaiiisporl Ferry, Khurcsv ille, Noland's Fnrd. and nil others ou the Piiloiusc, and every other place in Maryland, Virginia, uud iciius)Ivuuiu, or money re funded. Lloyd's Topographical Map of Keatuchi ' Ohio, lndiaa and Illinois, , is the only authority for l',e. llu.ll and tl.e War De. ' parlmout .Monty refunded to any une finding uu error ' ...it. l'''lcL,5uf;;u j "Liovd's map of Virginia. Maryland, and pmnsyiva-1 n a. 'IlimMiin is verv laret-: Its t.,it s but 25 cent j. which can be purihasee." LLOYD'S UKHAT .MAP OF THE M1SS1SS1PIM 1UVER. : 'rom actual stirves byCapts. Hart, and Wm. How-' . Mississ n llivcr Pilots, ofrtt. Louis. Mo., sltows I every man's plantation and Hiers name from St., Louis to tue c,ul ol iViexico -I ,,t jti imies-every sani I bar. island, town taudiuz, arid all idareifl in, ICS LACK front the river colored in Counties and Elates, l'ire, ttnshcets, S3, poiket for in, and iiM ou linen, with rollers, itcndy Mept -Ju, ..VY I)-i':,Ilrfc'',v. Yv'ismsoTON, sept. 17, ISC'.'. J I Llovd Sir . Send mevourutanoftlie .Missi.sitini liiver, with nric-per hundred couies. i:enr-Ailmir.tl Charles II. Davis, cunitnaudini! the Mississippi s!'piad - ttr use ot mat s'tia,i!riiu. (!(Hi:.()V WUIILS, Secrotaryof the Navy October 11, liii:4-3. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Ctillmmie JJerriner, dicl I UTTER testaiucntory on the estate of Cathaiitte Her iringer, Into of Ueavertowuship. in nluinbia county deceased have been granted by the Register of ( oliiiit bin cnunty to the undersit.'neij also resitling in said township ; nil persons hav inn claims against tlto ls tate of the decedent are re'U"stntl to present them to the Uxeru'ornt his residence in lleavertvv p., vvithnul delay, unit all pursuits indebted to make payment lorthvviih. JOUL IIRUUIIF.VDKR, Oct. II, lellW-Ct. Lietuion. NATIONAL (OMUEIlflAL lOUHGES LOCATKD X.V PHILADELPHIA, B, II. CCKXIIKTl'll AM) CHESTNUT ST3 , AVj York City, llmaklyn, Albany, Troy, lluffalo. De roit, ( It v da ml, Chicago, and Ut. Louii. Hook. keeping, Petituaiibhip, Commercial Arithmetic, Couut,eri ml Law, Forms, Currespoitdeucu, &.C., pnuti call taught. 'Iliese Colleges being under the same general and lo cil iiiiititiiri-iiirnt, uii,l iimtiii: iu each the advantages nf all, oll'iT greater facilities fur imparting instructions than uuv other similar iiistitutiru iu the country. A Si holttrship issued by any one is good iu all foruu unlimited lime, Tho l'hilatlelpliiaL'iillege has been recently enlaige.d and refurnished iu n superior manner, und is now tho largfslaud inu.t prosperous Coitimercial institution in thu Blnte. Hrjattt & Ftrt,tton's series of Tcl llo,tks. embracing llook-kctping, Commert'ial Arribuietic, and Cummercil Law. for solo, aid sent by mail, B For full p'irtit ulars send for a circular. October IS, leu,', lira. ExciMsa wm rMIF.Priiiriet"rvftliis well kiioivnnnd eeutrally lues L ted House, tips F.miivmik lloitL, situate on Mai ritreet, iu Hlooiusiuirg, linnietliiitely 'ouosite the Colt.ui bit. County Court House, respectfully ihfortns his friends and tho public in general, t tint his Utilise is nuw in or iter for the receptiw. nude ntertnlnincnt of travelers vv In. may teel disposed to lav or it with their custom. Ilu has spared no e.peiise in prcpauug the Hviiiim.i., for the entertainment of 1,1 s guests, neither shall the.e be any thing wauling (on his part; to uiiuister to their personal, comfort. His house is spacious and enjoys uu excellent, husiuess location. (T7 Omnibuses tun nt all times between Hit- l'.xr lianr,. 1 lintel and the varpius Rail Road Depots, by whirh tinv ' elers will be pleas, mil) i iinve)eil 1,1' anil frtun thu re. apective Stations m duo time to meet thu Cuts. 1 W.M. II. K00N3. ; Uloomsburg, July 7, 1SC0- ESTRAY! . ' STRAYED from the enclosure of tho undersigned, at Cloomsburg, ou or about the first of &ra -'Susi, Red Milch Cvw, Riling fuur jcars old. j A libe nl reward will bo given for horretifrn, or information orbor whereabouts. I ,., ,7.iSM3t.. 1ILN ' , QREENWQOP SEMINARY. i Autmtm te(in of this Institution v ill, fom nit I Monday, August llli, 1802, ! T15RMH For Unaiiliug, Waihlt't, Tuitiun, ' hc'. f"r Eleven Weeks 2i 00 I Onrthnlf in ailyapcn I Btudenti whohuve not eissnged rooms will do well to ,.lf.PPli..,l.l.m nunocM, PrinHral. i MHIvllle, Col. to.-, Pa., Ju)y 10, NATRONA EOAL OIL! 1 ,,.,,. v.. k'n vr eviti ntive 1 .ml sntinlln mil- K I'.l'.OrillNi: WHY ini un nxplnsive Oil, -.vhen a few crn(s more, per gallon vv ll furhuh you with n perfect Oil Ma ilr. only b r. SALT MANIJFACTI'IUXd COMPAN V, n. U Walnut Street, ril(LAt)CU'HI,. Jlp.f dfQ jQj rftu.il t.i:. nicti.iii.UN's num. Advance of tht. Army All the Gaps Oc cupied exctpt Ashby'sA Fight at Up-ptrviitc-r-Thc Vvtvn Occvyied. llcad-ciuurtCM Army of tho Potomac, 13loonifield Vo., Monday Kvcning, Nov. 3 7 P. M, Tho advauco of tho Aatny- of tho Potomao up the vally, ou tha left sido of tho Pluu llidgo, i being pushed forward with all despatch; General IMcasontou occupied Uppcrvillo tli id aficruoou, after a spiiited engage- uieut with tho oiiciii j for about four hours. Wc bad none killed, but several wounded. The cncuiT loft-three of tbeir dead on tho field, Uppervlllo 13 four lliilc.S frOUl Asbbv S GaD- which tlio Hcbels are ecdeavoring to bold. '1'he Ilcbcls Driven out of Thoroughfare Gap Bucklaud Milh uni Alaic.Ua- cupicd, Fairfax Station, Nov. 4. luforinatiou by telegraph, from the front, states that our cavalry, under, (.sen. Stafl, fast even ing drove tho enemy ot of Thoroughfare Gap, aud tho division of (Jen. fechuiz j advanced and took possession of it. iNo enemy remaiucd iu bight' ot there la evening at dutt. Tlio other divibi'ona of Gen bigcl 's force, under tstahl and Van Stoinwehr, arc well upon tho railroad, in supporting dietanco of Gen. Scaurz. Our cavalry also now hold HuclUaud Mills, where recently the lcbel3 had a pretty strong guardi General bayard's forco now holds Aldio and ihi oouutry Letweon that point and, the front of General tsigela advance. General Ili.ncotk at Sniclctr's Gap (Unaonwiing toiuarrls Minasius Tie Jinny Advancing. Suickcrsvillo Nov. 3. Cien. llancooi; holds Suioker's tiaji. Tho liubels are iu view fiom. the crest of lllue iNlouutain Kidgo, and in considerable forco beyond abonamiali UannonaU.ng is go.ug 011 toffa,d,s iVaDas3,e:?, 1 laI"' and abelis ary- 'CCU Wp'oding, I ho IPOUIltCli SCOUts of tliO OLeiliy OCCUpy the roads ill OUT UOUt. Everything is advancing in the greater order. Our trosps arc in hib spirit, anii r- - ok wjaihcr and roads cacd'cy, UETRE..T OF THE ENEMY. Pirbrl I i tin" ln--ln.il Tirnlh nf' C'linfiiLi CA-" 1 t0 Mi3 UC rail OJ KapiUHi Pratt, l'lml flJfiSSnchusel'S Cayalr'J, ;.... M-nMI.,, , .S,,7,. I v v ...,,.,..n Snickcrville. Nnv, i, livening, put 4, Tho enemy . . Harper S Ferry, LOV I opposite us, across the tnountsiu, retired , 1 '. , ' .... i Vesterary. J Uey are tftlU tO C0Inp0U . I.onsrrtrect's Divisiou Thero is COllsid. , crable picket firing to day beyond the Gap, j apsu !omo sueiiing oi mo enemy. Colonel Ford, of the Eigth second Ohio, charged with treason for surrendering Harper's Ferry, has been allowed to go. homoou a short furlough, on account of illness of his wife. The report of the 90111-utis.-ion will implcate him. Heavy rain set in to night, which may , make the roads bad. Hon, Caltb 13. SmiUi tendtred a sent on the Pencil. The President has tendered Hon. C. 13. Smith, Secretary of the interi-i or, the scat made vacaut by the death of Judge Huntingdon, of Indiana, who died flt St. Paul. Mr Smith has not yet con , eluded to accept it. The Monitor 'ON TO lUCIlMONL) J, J. BRQWER, Has just received aud is uqw opening a, Splendid naiQi'tment of (JrocGrics, Hardware, Qucenswaro, C ware, MaoUeral, Gheeso, etc., hlch will bo sold at Ihe lowest figure for ready pay, lLs Dry Goods cotsu(s in putt of Fine Cloths, Black and Faucy '. .siiueres, Fine Opera dv d.ings at 1,50 per yard Stella Shawls from 81,50 to 87, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep herd s Plaids; Printed Chulies, Em broidered Madonnas, Embroidered Mo?auibiquos, Poil Do Chovres, cto , etc. Calicoes at 0, 7, 8, 10 nnd 12 cents. Mucins, oue yard, wide at 12 vts. Skeleton Skirts, fiom 50 cents t HIS GROCERIES consists in part of best whito sugar at 12J ceuii, ,. No. lSyrup Molast-es, 50 ccrttR pur gallon. Ladies' nud childrcns' high-heeled boots and gaiters a full USr-Ol'tUICllt. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Eight day, and thirty hours, Noiv 1 2 Mticturclin tyuatfif and Half OIL. RAMI'S. A splendid assortment of Coal Oil Lams cheap, Ely's water proof gun caps, powder and bhot, ko., c., Come, sr.o uniljudgo for yourn Ives, and yoj will be satlstled tliut llrovver'sr'liiru at the Corner t' Main uni Iron Micctt, is the place to pet'huso Cheap Uouds fur Cash or Country produre. lliooinsburg, Aluy'Jl, leli'J, PROTECTION FRO LIGHTNING-. 'fill', subscriber wnultl iu(oim his filendi, Hist b. la 1 now preparetl to put up, ou short notice, anil iu & icieutifte inoniier. the best' puiriXA 7'p;.v7-'u i.imiTxrxa hods, at 121 ccntspfrfixt. All vvoik wariantsd. rioeisitutt, Mil' ti, l!fA 4 if'