DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOM8BU11G GENERAL ADVERTISER. BiEVl ij. TAT 13, Editor. TO HOLD AND TItIM THE TO110II OF TKUTII AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." TERMS: 82,00 PER ANtflHTl VOL. 16. NO, 36. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1862, VOLUME 26. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, l'UBLlSIIED EVBUY SATURDAY, UY LEVI L. TATE, IN BLOOMSBtnia, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, o vTTu e tn He r llriek Untitling, nittt Ike I'xclange, tj tide elie Cnurt 1 to ate. "Dtmoirallc Head Uuarliri." TEUMS OF SUlMCUll'TION. ' oo III n Ivunco, fur anu copy, for lx month.. 1 7.1 In n Iviinio, for onu mpy, ono year, '.' ii j li' mil'l within tliu lint throe muiitlii, 2 55 II l " t ji.ilil within lliu II rut g)x iiinlitlis. 2 30 II' nut paid ulthlu tho year. (!- No Diilifcrlptimi tnki'li for Imm than Ml Moulin,, ni l mi paper discontinued until nil arrearages shall have Ven pnUi. r urdlnnrvA!ivk.Rnt:Mi an Inserted, and Jon Work Cleciltud, ut tliu i;tJlilllii!iljinci'n . uvwi i'i ,J, Choice Poetry. THE SEIMJEAXT AXITHli SALt7 An Irish sergeant, t'otlior day, While o'lton tlic recruiting "lay," (So taystho cw York Herald,) Meeting ii certain clergyman, Aikcdhiintn 'Met with Corcoran, Baying. "llcru's (lfty, fir, In Iian. Biiro ns me name's fitzgerald" Now, thlsbould sergeant clliln't nole Tho white iruvut nbnutthc throat, That designate the preaches j Ero lens, of course, illil he siirmlso He'd met a seraph in dljgtiiro That cynoKurc of upturned eyei The "gay and godley llccther." 1 drill. UALTlUOllE LOOK HOSPITAL Esr.uiLisitHi) as a nwuiiin-itoMcjuAi unity. 'Ihc Oiily Phuv. ivtcic a Cute can be Obi nine.. DU, JOHNSTON has discovered the mot Certain, epeedy and "lily HIV Uuiint' in tliu World tur nil private, Lli-eases, Weaklier of tliu Hack or i.imtn, ftrleture-, Alli'Ctiiuis ol tliu Kidney and hlait jr, Involuntary Uitt'lmrg'-s, Iinpiiteui y, (.enernl llr nilily, Nervoiuuc, I , -j "y, Languor, l.nw Snirils l.'iiiil'usloii of iika", Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Diiuni'si of Sight oj (Nddini's, Disease uf Hie Ilea. I, Throat, Nose or shin, Ad'uctlnu of tliu Liver liiiug'. Stnuiurli or llcuvils- thosu terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary lljlutsuf Voiith -thoo nniar mid solitary praitlces more Uital to their icliuis than lllttingnt Syren to tha Miiiue of Uljsses, blight ing their most liri liaut impus or uiiticipatiuiis, runner- , tiitf iii.irri.t ju, 4tc. inipossllile. v o u n o si r, x I Cup-dully, v, ho have become tbu jiittluis of Solitury 1 Vice, that dreadful and cli'fUui-llu; habit uhiili aunii- till sweeps to an untimely grave thousand of Young ,Mi' n uf ttii! most exalted ,-ilciits and brilliant Intel led, ' tUiil might othi rMse liavu eiitruncd listening Senates 1 v. ith thu thiitiiUTS 01 eioiiieuicot waken in ecsiasy (tie in in;' lyre, may end with lull confidence. M A It it I A IS 13. persons, or Young Men contemplating in! riagc, Iieiim awaio of physical weakness, organic ilenliUi ly.'duforiniliJS, & speeilily Hired. lie who places hiiusell under the care of llr. Johnston, in ly religiously coulido m his honor as a gentlemen, and coiiiiJciitly r ly upon hi skill as a physician. 0 It iS A N I O W IJ A K .N 13 a U imniediately cure 1 ami full Igor rei-tore.t. This Distressing Mfeiiion w hkh nailers life mis fralile mid iinpusslhlt n Hie penalty paid hy tli. victims of improper imlulgeneij,. Young per sons are ton apt to i-onimit excess from not bring uwaru of tliu ilriu.U'ul eous ''luenci that may eiiMie, Now who that understands the inhjut will pro (I'll I I" Ui'llV 1U.1I III ' jmi, ill ill iiii.ii;ain'ii i iuh hiiim , . , . - . ... , tiv thus.! fallingjutii improper habit- than by tlu prmlebt. ' "It i Oil IClly ll'O'.ll the KeptlbllCan rallies i; sides h nig d. pm Ml hi th id.asnre of healthy otr- ,1,-, ,. ........ I..,,. i..,pl. p,.,,.,tl,,I 'Mln springs, tlio ino-t serious and ile,triiLtivo symptoms to ",Jt l,1L UCC11 CICiaiUU. J. 110 lei.iy au i iiaiis-. The -yst.i.u becomes ihrang- Democrats stay at homo to voto and cot el l.l pll) -Hi ll U'l I lili'llt.ll tun. Hons wi ,'ll.elied, loss ' n. , . ,, , ... . . , . of proeroiiiii" power, nenmis iriiubillly. Dyspi p-ia , OUlClid, while tllO IkCpubllCans go to flgllt palpitation ut the hears, indige .m. eolij.lltutloli.',4 d- ' tj0 buttles of tllO OOUtltrv." PllUildeluhia i.iiov. :i v,n-lni, ol t ie l r.lic. Loiizh. Lunsllmptlou, ' . .. J . I ueca au I ileatli. ofricu, no ; south nir.nuuit'K sthi:i:t Left hand side going fioui !i.dtimor.! truet. u f.'w doors fr.nulhi! turner, rail not looiisene name ami iniinoer. I'tters lulist l,e p Ho a ii u Hut so It was j ai,J very wroth Was ho, (of Holy U0ys the Urolh.) ho "railroads underground" 1 oil know, cried 11. 1 won't enllft, Aii.d here hu ut c hlinselfa twist Iiisiilo a doorway, us he hissed: "You know I won': you scoundrel 1" Now why did llcecher. (pious ind!) Hit thus unrighteously mad At siiili a salutation t No man (and this he ought to kuow) Can dwell where lliu "good niggers go," In realms on high, If he is low In I'rivalo conversation. And now lliu President,' agreed To free sonic months hence, Sambo's breed. Why don't this pious tartar, Who'ilocn (see llrownlow) long insane With chroniu "nigger on Hi" brain." Oo help to break his brudder's chain, And ilgure as a martyr I X. 3". Suiitlni Time Miscellaneous. Fiomthc Lycoming Gazette. Tho Republican Press aad the late Election, THE REl'UiJI.IUANS ALL (JONi: TO WAU A.NJJ TIIi: DI.JlOCItATS ALL AT HOME. wh'uh wo mako tho extracts abovo,con tains tlio official returns from all tho counties in tho Stato except four. I3y turning to thcin wo find that Bradford county gavo For Cochran (Republican) 5.81U " Slouker (Democrat) 1,761 Republican majority 4,00a 1 1 Pretty well done, considering tho ".fte publicans were all fighting the battles ofUie country and the Democrat all at home." Next wo turn to Lancaster county, and wo sco that it stand. For Cochran (Republican) 11,4,71 ' Slonkcr (Democrat) 0.032 Republican majority 4,939 About tho largest majority ever polled in Lancaster county. If they ever cau roll up such majorities when tho Republicans aicall away fighting tho battles of tho country, and tho Democrats aro all at homo they liud better keep their frionds away. Now let ua see how tho Republicans havo fared in old Chostcr.with their friends all away. Wo find that Cochran (Republican) had 7,281 Slenker (Democrat) 4,870 counties, when, at tho samo time, tho Rc iVonnsylvania Election, publican ''wcro away fighting thobattlcs of OPFWlJlL,r their country." Perhaps tho editors of tho Tho following is tho official vote on tho Philadelphia Bulletin and Press can satis- Stato tickot in nil tho counties received at factorily explain theso returns, so as to ( tho Stato Department up to this timo f reconcile tlicm with their assertions tnat COUNTIES. The Dot. lur'- Diploma hung iu ills nlllcu. A ill! 1L 13 W A III! A VI' I. I N Evening Ihl'ct'n of 'Saturday last. The f regoiug is a fair specimen of the leading editorials in tho Republican papers ! of this State, wncc tbo crushing defeat of the foui tficnth of October. Especially r w O I) a y s mi ucttij ax us s's o3i niaos. la. jeiMiii'. i ., . ..... , Member of the Uu)nl of Surgeons, London, ; Have 1110 JVCUng JJUlCtin anU roriiey ' I'lmnone of 111 t eliiilli'lll Coll 'ges of thu r,,. , ... , ... . T, I ... i i, ,1.-. ant th- L-rejIer n.nt of whose life has . 1 fCiS tCClUod With Suell publications. II JiriSruV-'r'W facts stated were true, that Ihc great .Mulshing c ires tu.u wrji-t. i iw.... , . nil ringing in th.' h.'.id and ears when usleeji. great .uervousiles-,. being i.larine.l at sudden sounds, mid hai-lo Hulness. w ith fr, 'pi. ot l, att"iided somi liiues with i!er.iugement ol mind, were cured immediately TAKt: 1' A II T I II I. A It NOTICE. M A II It 1 A (1 V., Dr I addres',"s all those w ho h ivo inj ired tlunisi'lvi, In nu'propei lailulg'-oee and olitary habils, whnhrii jo In, Ui boil, and mill I. iinCliug H..MU lr either busi rfiess., society or in.uriage. 'I'luse an oiii' ol in" Mui au.i in i'i ' "'? i" i"' I'lulv m oi o,im Democratic party of the freo States were uot iu favor of currying on the war and suppressing (ho rebellion that they were uiiwi ling voluiitarily tc join tho army and to light then, indeed, might the South exult iu tin prospect of ultimate aud spec Jl'itliOhl the aid of Demicrais .4 I I.. n.'iMn Nrno.i- Irrnl.imllty.-Ji -rant-em -at ill the Dig.'S iivu l',()--u 'Ml Djbilltj, sjniptum.of Lolisuinp v...... i. ...i... MIjN I AI.I.V. 1 lie , -.iiini iii"t.' " m" ,.'.. '' suuill I) presi jiojc Prc.iUr.nt Lincoln's a Iminixlralion could continue the war against the South? i"tob,Mir. a'iied, i.osoi' Mi uiory Coi.iiiutin orid.'as I jjct t10 south understand. a3 Republican resfiou of the Spirit", lit il IHi ' bo. lings, AieiM.m ' I ,n .tv. seir-iistnist. lui'u "f -oiitudo, Timity, kt., editors inform them, that tliis is a Repub- are soiini of th-' ev us Thousands of persons f all ages can now judge what cnn war thai tllO Rnublicail8 "0 to Ii"llt, iv the ciiise of th'ir declining health. Looniig tin lr ' . ... vi -or b coming weak, pal.; and einacruei , having sin while t!lC Democrats leiliaill at llOinO.aud IS fltihirupprarauc.tbeu'.tli.'ees, cough aud symptoms o ' rouMimption. , I it to be wondered at that tho South should YOt'NO MEN. , , n.i... .e 2,41-! Hcpublicau majority Pray, jMossrs. editors of the Bidetin, when did Chester over beforo give such a majority as this against tho Democratic party 1 Now let us look at Allegheny, tho Re publican Gibraltar of the wot. We sco by tho same paper that it stands For Cochran (Republican) 12,323 " SJcnker (Democrat) 7,895 Adams be jubilant aud confident of suce?ss ? ir...i tii.tKelv.. hv a certain nMctlrc ,, .... ...... 'j " - , .. , - ... r,. in ul-''d in w i 'ii tiiiine -a ii.iuii ni:'r" "" ' i itr i L i i .1 j ,i j s'v Ii 1 coiiiP'iuimi.. or ut srhooi -the etreitsof whuiirc hat more could tuey ce-irc tliau a dm- jii'.hiH tell , veil wh ol a.-ep. and if ii"l cured reudis , . 7 , . e . it iuirri'ige !iiiii.-sihi... an i desuo,s both mind ami body, ded North to a.sure them of victory? Iu our "vukToV opinion, the editor who gives publicity to ml'pptK does more to injure tin polled!! What smashing work tho Re- !c',uso of 11,0 Ul,ion' :uid t0 i,iJ aDd abet , publicans of Tioga and Potter might have Republican majority 4,428.'! What a pity tho ''Republicans wero all away fighting tho battles of their country aud the Democrats all at homo " Lawrence eounty, too, is a Republican stronghold in the west. Tho same paper shows that it stands For Cochran (Republican) 2,551 Slenker (Democrat) 1,050 Republican majority 1,001 11 Not a bad majority for a small couuty, under ihc ducourao-iii" circumstances of having the "Republicause away fighiing the battles of their country and the Deiu. ccrats all at homo ! !" We next turn to Crawford county tnd find that it stands For Cochran (Republican) 5,000 Slenker (Domocra.t) 3,;38!) Republican majority 1.417 About 000 more than it usually gives. Now turn to our neighbors, Tioga and Potter. Wo liud, upon examination, that they stand (Cochran. Uep. Sliiifcer. Deni. Tioga 2,702 tjOO Potter 1,103 32(i they provo that tho Democrats aro disloyal, and remained at homo to vote. To every prejudiced mind, they establish tho truth of a very different hypothesis. Let Re publican radicals, everywhere, hoarken to their adomiuation and bewaro ! They aro1 ,rl,'Rll'tu",jJ tho handwriting upon tho wall, seen and ' .leaver'0"8 pcriecuy unucrstoou uy mo party in po lieiks or. Tho Republican press by no subter fuge can avoid tho deep significance of tho glorious victory gained by the friends of tho Constitution at the lato election. Let those who havo tho control of public af fairs profit by this lesson, and bow sub missively to tho will of the people. Com. ing eveuts aro but casting their shadows before for, as sure as there is a God in Heaven, to this complexion will it come at last. It is tho part of wisdom to be fore- rvini1 Rut, the editors of tho Bulletin also say i Huntingdon Indiana "that the returns do not ineludo the urnni Jeit'ersuu vote." What is meant by that? Can it be that while Democrats, relying upon tho Constitution and the laws, us expounded by our Supicnio Court, have refrained from asking their fellow Democrats in the army to cast their votes, thai, .-. base, mousing, owling conspiracy has been con cocted and set on foot secretly and clan destinely to carry this election, by fraud ulently aud illegally casting the vote of the Republican portion of tho army only ? Is that tho case ? Aro tho Constitution and tho laws of the Stato about to bo utter ly disregarded and trampled upon by ihoso in power If so, wa have but to say : Lur. them tuv it ! ! If they think they cau thus place their foot upon oi the necks of the people, they will find their mistake when it may be loo lute, lj they how the wvulkl them beware of the whirlwind ! Total 2,695 1132 Republican majority in Tioga and Pot tor counties 2,703 ! ! out of 5,000 votes Liiitemi'latiug relied thai a sound mind and body are the most ne i 's-ary renuif ilies tn i-io-imte cuiunWat Lappine.. Indeed, without the.e the Jo'inie, through lite li.'ioiiies a weary pilgrimage, liio jinn-peit houil. d.iikens to ,.he low; the mind b 'comes shadowed Willi despair & lilL'd with the mel'iucUolv rntl.'ition.that the happ;uess ,01' another become, bliglted with our own. 1) 1 S 13 A S 13 O 1' I 1' " O " N When theiuiii."iiil'!d nod imprudent olary ol pleasure flails he h is imbibed th" seeds of this painful dieea.e, it too olleii haiipi-iis an ill timed en-o ol shame or dread of discovery, deters Iroui .applying to those who from education and respei tabilit) can alone belricud ill. ii, delaying till the con-tituDounl synirtoius ol t his Imrri I disea.o makes llwirappc.iiauce, nich as lilt-elated, diseased ntue, nocttii mil. pains iu thobead ,.iu I limbs, dimness ol'sijht. d oifiiess, nodes on the shin hones, an I iirms, blotih-'s on the head, face and extrenie, lies. progres.lug with rapidity.till at last the palalu ot tin mouth mid hones of thu noselall in. and tho iictim of Ithis tlesease become, u horrid object ol l oniinisseratioa rfill death puts a pi'riod to hi dreadlal sufferings, by sen ding li i in to bourne from whencu no traveler ru- ""'? a iHtlanrliclij furl that thousands fall victims lo .his terrible disease, owing to the iitidkillltillii'iss o,r,ig Cior.iul pr 'tenders, whu, by thu use ot that licatlti jvi .ea. Mcrninj rum 111 i coii.tiiulioii and make the rusl ,Jas of life unseiable ,, r T II A N (1 E H 8 Trust not your liv. s, or lie.,llh. lo th" caro ol" the ma ,.iy Cii.enrnuil and Worthless I'reteiiders. deslitutu of Muuwledga, name or i liaraiter.whocopy llr. JonnMim s ..tdvurtlseineiits, or style lheniseles, in ititi iiiiw spiipers, .-egulariy Edicntetl I'hysiclaus incapable o i iiriiig.t h ey ,.i..ep oil inning uioiitii alter immti taking Uiqir iml.y via 1 noisoiiiis coiuponnds. or as long as thu suiallesl ret) -an he ohl.iln "I. uud in despair, leave you with mied l.i alth to sigh over your ga.llmg disapnointiuent. Dr Jiihiison is the t.ply Physician ailvurUl"B' Ills credential or diplomas nlwnys hung in It Uu llco. His linn idles or treatment are unknown toall others, Iroin a life .pent ill tho great ho.pitaU of Lu ropii, ih llr.t in tlu eoautiy ami u noire extensive Pn Klt J'racirs Ihan am other -"n.f Ur 1NDOIIS13.MENT U F Till. rilLbrf. Tho many thou.ands cured at this lustitullon year nf--r year, and the numerous important Silrgicut "P' r. tuns peiformed hy Dr. Jolnislon, witnes-ed by t u r . port, rs of tho "i-uu, .'Iliiper." uml mall) t lw am s notices of which have appeared again and ngnin bloru the liublie. besides his sumting as u gelilleinen ul ell. r nt ier and responsibility, la u surticient gnainnteo AO tlio iillicted. SKIN DIHEASIIS SPEEDILY CUltEl). I'ersous writing slioul.-l be particular in dirrcling their li-lturs tohls Iiislitullon, nialio f'l!(i,!j51!,i!",l,,',ri:, JOHN .M. JUIINnTON, SI. D. Oftlu! Ilaltiinnro Loik llo,i4tal. lUtlinore, Alarj and. Jan IS, JWW. (.Mnrcli 17, I'bU. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. rpili: iinderilgned respectfully Informs his "ijl-f''"" 1 uml ciistoiuers. Il.ul hn Ltu. piirihased hi I'' l'1' ' interest ill tho ubnvu establishment, mid tlm roncurii wils h rcali t hu . ondiicted by himself exclusively. K He has just recc.M'd ni.d oilers for sa lo, the targ 9i t ,,..,, ..- , nssortiueul ol 1 A .N U BTO V E ri over iiiroiluced.iuto this market. 3fl stock cnpslsW of A i imip etu a.sortinent or Imh-st (looking mid parlor sttnesaitllie niarke , i. .r with Slnvo nuur. .,f everj t esctiptl ui, (He ii and lloxriloves, Itadhuors, CyllinUr tloves, i jt r n Air Vislit .lovu., Ciiiunii Stoves, fcc -c. bt i u.' I !" tl Tinware i-niistantlv mi hand ai.d nmiinlact'ired iu iir nr. MI kinds of repairing doite, us Usual, on f Imft IP '111 . latriutago ur old frionds and new iu i V tttrmiy jutltcltntt. , "' KV'S-111' ,jojui,hari', .Nuv ml);r 3J 100. tf. .the cueiuy, than Jeff. Davis te able to do ; done if they had not been "away fighting with all tho cannon ut his disposal. Rut, arc the facts stated true ? Havo Democrats remained at home while Re publicans went to fight? Wo might ap peal to tho personal knowledge of every i hlin shows that they staud thus : the battles of the country and Abo Demo crats all at home.'' Wc next call attention to Somerset, In diana, Susquehanna and Erie. Tho Bui- Who Pioneeued the Reisi ls Into Pennsylvania ? In conversation with a gentleman yesterday morning, (who had just arrived from Adams couuty, and who is a respectable physician in Gettysburg,) he informed us and a largo crowd at the railroad depot, tho Rebels were conducted into Franklin couuty by "three Rrcckin ridge Democrats," named Wilson, Logan, and Simcs. lie asserted that theso trai tors knew every by-road, cow-path and private lane in Franklin county aud it was to them that tho rebels wcro indebted for their success in reaching Chambersbutg. Comment on this horrible development is useless. llurrisburg Telegraph, Wo know nothing about Logan aud Siines, but Wilsou we do kuow. lie is a native of this county, and was an active auvocatcot tlio election ot Lincoln, anu a prominent Wido Awake. IIu never voted a Democratic ticket iu his life. American Volunteer. man who reads this paper to the Demo cratic fathers ana brothers and to the firesides mado desolate, iu every towuship in tho North, for a full, an ample, and au overwhelming contradiction of the vilo slander. Democrats, while .they bclievo that this war could and should have been avoided, are as one man in favor of sus- Somerset Indiaua S.ijsquolitniis Eric Total Cothrnn, Hep. Slenkrj Dom. 2,175 3,:!00 5,045 1,415 1 ,500 2,741) 2,713 8,473 lllalr llratlf," I lliick Unlit CnmLi Cameron Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Cle.trlleld I'liiiluii Columbia Craw t"rd Colu. ..and Daii! ' Deli.,-, ira Elk Eric I'ajctto Franklin Fulton Forrest lata Lancaster Law reucc Lebanon Lehigh Lur.eriie l.yi-oming JIi-Kean, Mercer Mi III iu Monroe Montgomery Montour Northampton Northumberland Perry I hiladetphia l'lku Potter S. huylkiil Snyder Somerset Sullivan Susquehanna Tiog.-i Union Veii.iuiro Warren Washington H'aynu Westmoreland H'yoiuiug Yuik Total sua. liiK L. sec. oi'n'i.. S.355 a,:i-.M 2,'.V 1 '.'IW ii,:ii 5,01,(1 T.tP.'i 9,47(1 I, 734 5.350 lO.II'.J 1 ,H't 1AM II. .H.2 e, .4 Kit, 1.GV7 l'i?7 jf;u S,3J3 '.'.11.7 I, .7 II SJiii II. iS'J :i,SI3 :i.sii 1.4111 o-l, s,7 1 a :i,:ti) .T.l M 3:i !! fob 1 ,5'.lli l.tsll 1,3 1st li 3:i-.' l.ttia a.'.'isl 4.7511 H,:ii'.l ,3JI lien 3,li l'. i,:i7u a.iis li 7l,3i l.'.M'J 4.IIJ; a.w'.s I i.tiji1 33.aj:ii ao, ut t'7 l.u 'J.l lili 7,1-11 s:.4 ; I . as- 8,at 4 S5n 10,41 1 S.lf-5 3.1 H .1 fr, i "V 1 f ii ('.'7 i. s3 : 7.1211 i. a tv' 1.137, l.:lr'J 3 (100 J.(i7l 4.I3U S,77g 373 4,9.73 2,7U'I' 3,137 73.1 M U4!i V.tbO 3,3;ll: 1,41'J Lll'.lt 11,471 3,331 3.013 a.trlJti 5 7l'.f 7M 3.43J l,4ii 4311 5, llrt 7(131 S,0.-3 ,'.M Lid LSI'' r,3'.' .:; 3.74' f 2,137 12,3(11 2.2M 1. '?7!l 4.M1 S.473 sees 2, ;,n 1.517 Ji'J 191 'SM 7 2 -.M 1.3e2 1.'-'I5 1,170 1.375 3,010 2,0l!'J 4.KI7 2,73 2 1,101 5,4fl U:i'2 2,475 27(1 3.1U5 2.7P2i 1 5-0 2,213 l.wiS 3,7341 l.fio! a.ii'ia: 1.131 4,310 Elenker's majority u.-ur g uu 7.U73 1,233 1,415 cm 2,7 111 till! 1,155 2,2-4 1,211 4,103 2,7li(l 5.1)10 1,345 7,3.11) 2P.1, 101 313,010 2ld,fc0e 1.(1 S.iU. 4,F". 8 37V 2, UP 1,33' 2 l'3t.' 3 3st!l 3,5111 3, 'JS!) 1,101 5'J'J 2.7 IS 3,003 3,133 LOOM 3'J 2,WS l,M(i 1A;U 1.4,-u I.34S U.32U 1,052 2.200 4,743 n 1S3 3,514 020 3,015 1 ,371! 2,10'.) 0,7 o2 1 23S 4,401 3.1)7'.) I 901 3.',3fll) 30, IK) 774 12S 31'J 1,0-5 (iotlcj's Lady's Rook For 1803. Great Literary and Pictorial l'carl Coining to His Senses. J Col. Frank Blair, of Missouri, has at, list come to his senses, He has all along The publisher of Godcy 'a Lady's Book, been tho acknowledged leader of tho abo- thankful to that public which Jjas enabled lition party and champion of all who op- W to publish a magaziuo for tho lst posed conservatism. He is a candidate thirty-thrco years of a larger circulation ' , ' , , , , than any m America, has made an arran- fur re-election to Congress, nnd has issued goment ,yith t,(Q moit popuiar antHoresg in an address to tho citizens of St. Louis, in thU country Marion llarland, Authoress which ho boldly charges John 0. Fremont of "Alono," "Hidden Path," "Moss Side," with having intended to "overthrow tho I "Nemesis," aud Miriam," yrho will furnish cm-nrnMinnt. nnd In mnfca himself militarv 6l?r? , Pi JHQ Jjaay-f o"- " dictator." Col. Rlair says that if his Rook for 1803. This alouc will place tho Lady's Rook in a liUrary point of view far 4,200 2 710 3,102 ;;o C2 ClSi 3,407 3,3l 1,114 1,011.1 ll.K-2 2,54.1 3,050 2,f07 C.UI3 2,0OS 7C3 3.1 IS 1.4f0 442 5.117 7 CO Lit!" 3.111,2 1.1)10 Vs. 1 7.07 1.215 1,413 012 8.71.1 737 1,120 2.2ra 1.215 l.l.i! I 2,75.1 1 5,0.1.1! 1,31,1 7,113! 5. 103 l.CO.l 2, 1-7 2M) S.Ml 2,7111 1.1 02 2,2113 l.fli-.' 3,720 1,-17 3,000 l.lliJ 4,317 (Fremont's) ability 4 been equal to his alicad of any other magazine. Marioty ambition and treason, ho would tfoubtlca3 havo accomplished his infamous design. He dcuounces iho abolitiouuts as privy to tho designs of Fremont and favoring him in his intentions. He declares himself op posed to revolutionists of every hue. He j denounces the policy that would arm flie negroes aud prclaims himself a thorough conservative man. When it is remembered that Col. Rlair is the brother of tho Postmaster General and has heretofore been iu all the secrets of State, wc arc startled at the charge he brings agaiust Fremont aud his fricuds, for we are compelled to believe it to bo truo. We are confirmed in that belief when wo remember his sudden removal from thr command of the Army of the west. We never did believe tho cause of his re? moval was his extravagance and embezzle. llarland writts for uo other publication. Our other favorite writers will all continue to furnish articles throughout the year. The best Lady's Magazine in the World, and tho Cheapest. Tho Literature is of that kind that can he read aloud iu the fam ily circle, aud the clergy in immense num bers are subscribers for the Rook. The Music is all original, and would fost 25 cents (tho price of tho Rook) in tho musio sforcs; but most qf it is copyrighted, and .cannot bo obtained except in"Godey," Our Steel Frl,gravnS3, All efforts to rival us iu this have ceasod, and wo now stand alono iu this department, giving as. wo do, many more aud infinitely butter cugraviugs thau are published in any other work. Godoy's immense double theet fashion plates containig"frqm five to seven fall length Colored Fashions on caph plrto. Other magazines give only two. Fur ahead of any Fanhians in EurP0 or America. Godcy s is the pnly work in flic world that incut of public money, for re have ffU- gives these immense plates, aud they aro uessod others vio stolo thousands to his hundreds, who are cither still iu office or such as to havo excited the wonder of pub jjshers aud the public. The publication of ttiesc plates cost 1510,1)00 Jlorc han lash removed from one to another affording j ion plates of the old style, and n.othii g but better facilities for stealing and hiding. our wonderfully large circulation cualki. n,n r-nmnnllml to beliuvo Col. Ulair's I us t0 Siv0 thuln' 0lLcr '"agnziups cannot ,- I,., i . , j afford it. Wo never spare money when iiv., ...... ... c DUU 1C can 3,043 llS.MI (8 Greeley's IIeason ron the Defeat or thi: Radicals in Pennsylvania. Poor Greeley declares hat their party was defeated iu Pennsylvania from the fact that a majori'y of those gone to tho war were republicans. This is uot the case, as a glauco atthe following vote of Philadelphia conclusively shows that ibe loss of both parties js about equal : cosquessionai. Vote. DiU. 1. 3. 4. . Dist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I- 1800. , Jlen'n. Dent. , 1802 , Rip'n. Bern. 7,070 8,01)0 0,2r)('j 0,700 4,147 8,011 0,429 0,007 8,212 3,703 LOSS. Jlepublican 80S 65 700 405 0,271 8,014 8,285 8,940 3,080 7,720 0.008 8,243 8,116 3,001 14.071 Republican majority in the four couu tics named, 5,508. How much larger it ' ... would have been if the Republicans had taming tke constitution aud .tho laws. j .. ,. . . , . m.:i ...i o c.Mi.nni 1 t been "away fighting tho battles of their L , . , t . , ,. , , . . 1 country rind tho Democrats all at home," party, having but a singlo fanatical objcot , J : . , , .. . . wo cavo our readers to conjecture Ly !n raw onil wnrnrwl tlimr finiltltrvmon " r J . , , ..., way of recapitulation, wo give iho majori- agaiust ho dangers of such an experiment J1 ' Vlt P , , , ,, , , T. i ties for the Republican candidate for Au- they nevertheless recogiuzo Abraham Lin- " a " i n . f .1 ii.,:. ,i (i,o d tor General iu tho counties referred to coin as President of the United states, , . -i , e ., to show, at a glanoo, how terribly hie choseu, accordiug,to tho iorms of tho con- . . '. . , J. ... ' , . , . ... OIi ,i, , Republicans suffered in their strongholds at (iitmn. nnd In flint finnstltution anil tUO i r . laws they cro loyal Let ui test their at tho late election, by being "away fight- r. .. J . ;;, . inf tho battles of their country, while tho loyalty by tlio .toucustone nnpo&iuu m uy .--o . . ,: . , .!(.... 'in., Tl.ov Democrats remained at homo." Cochran's inu imjiuuiiwiiu c-,itui5 iuvwjw,vw --v say that thsy lost tho lato election because "tho Republicans had gone to fight the battles oi' tho country." Let us sco Low tho mutter ttands. Of courso the couu ,tios gi.ving tho largest Republican majori ties heretofore, will bo tlioso which have furnished most men and will bo most afl'oo ted. How stands thu result then in Rradford, Tioga, Potter Chester, Lancas ter, Lawrence, Indiana, Crawford, Alio ghouy, lino, Somersot aud Susquehanna counties ? All know that ,thosu couutios form the back bouo of tlio Uopublicaiparty in Pcuusylvaniu, aud if tho Republicans wcro in tho war, of courso they wero car ried by tlio democrats. Let ui cxamiuo for a moment. Tho samo Bulcliii from majority in Rradford wfis Lancaster Chester Allcghcuy .Lawrence Crawford Tioga und Pottor Somerset, Indiana, SusquchnU' jiii aud Erio 4,003 4,039 2,114 4,428 1,501 1,410 2,703 0,598 A LlITlIEltAN MlNISTEIl UlIAl'.QED avith Treason. Rev. I J. Stinc, a Lu theran clergyman, though without any regular station, was arrested last wcok by the United States Marshall and lodged in Fort Delaware upon the charge of treason Stine it appsars some timo ago offered his services to Gov. Curtin as a scout, and on accouut of his familiarity with tho border counties of .this .State, as well as tho north cm portion of Maryland and Virginia, was accepted. While acting in this capa city, it is alleged, upon stroug ovidenco that ho betrayed Capt. Palmer of tho An derson Troop, into tho hands of the enemy. Ho also piloted Stuart's rebel cavalry into Chambeisburg upon tho occasion of their recent raid aud remained with them while in tho town. lie was arrested iu Perry couuty, this Stato, wh,ilo on a visit to his wife. Total Democrut 1,221 i 300 ! 701 94 702 3,141 3,110 Greeley will havo to try another dodgo c before lio succeeds in proviug that (ho de feat iu Pennsylvania is anything cUe than a repudiation of the radicals aud their in .ceadiary doctrines. him from fear. Rut is it not an outrage upon the people to reappoint such a mau to a hihg and responsible position afford ing him another opportunity to carry out his traitorous designs upon the government? Instead of high military command give him rope. Ft, Wayne 'Jhncs Union. CONTniBUTIONS TO TIfE Army. The Columbia Democrat, of Dloomsburg, men tiont tho circumstance of Mr. Peter .Ent, of Columbia County, having four sons iu the Union Army. This is doing well, tru ly, but Mr. Wesley Shacnou, of t.hic place rather leads him yet having four so ns, Robert M.,Samuol, John, aud William and John Watson, his soa-iu-law, in ihc ranks and thinks it quite probable that a fifth son, residing iu Illinois, has gone. We tru-t that God's blessing may rest upon them all and that they may be shielded by his omnipotent hand, aud permitted to re turn, an was the desire of tho sons of Ja cob, from Enjypt, to bless their parcuts in old ago. Pi'ls'on Gazttle. CSif Robert Coleman, piopiietor of tjic Cornwcll Furnace, Luzerne County, was drifted. One of his workmen volunteer ed as his substitute, and received 83000, with the guarantee from Mr. Coleman that, in the absence ol tho substitute, his family was to receive a sum each week equal to thst which hu earned as a labor- r. iu autiiiion to tins sum, xur. uuiu- Resistino the Dkaet in Ohio. We art. informed that at Buoyrus in Crawford the public can bo benefited. These fashions tuny boruliodon. Drua scs may be inado after them, aud tho wearer will not subject hoitclf to lidiculu as would be tho case if she visited tho large cities dressed after tho style of thu plates givcu iu some of our so called tit.-Is -ion magazines. Our wood Engrauings, of which wc givo twico or three times as many as any other magazine, are ofton mistaken for steel. 'They arc so far superior to any .c.thtrs. Imitation. Bewaro of them. Remem ber that the Lady's Ropk is tho origins publication and the cheapest. If you taki Godcy, you want no other magazine. Everything that is uscfu'l or ornamental in a house cau be found in Godcy. Drawing lessons. No other magaziuo gives them, and wchavo given enough tc fill several largo volumes. Our reeeiepts are such as can be found nowhere else. Cooking in all its variety Confectionery the Nursery ".he Toilcsc tho Lauudry the Kitchen. Receipts; upon all subjects arc to bs found in u& pages ol tlie Jjady s Uoolr. v. c originally started this depaitmeiit, and have peculiar facilities tor making it most pcrtect. This department alone is worth the price of tho Hook. ' Ladles work table. This department comprises engravings pnd description of every ariiclo that a lady wears. Model Cgttages. No other magazine has .this department. Turn's, Cash in Advance. One copy ono year, S3. Two copies one year, 85. Three copies one year, 80. Fourcopus. one year, 7 Jmvc copies one year, and mau stipulated, to pay to tlic wile ot tlio i an cxtra L.opy t0 tj,c persou peudiuc thtj man lhus acting as a substitute, the sura club, 810. Fight copies ono year, and an. of 83CO0,iu case ho shoujd be killed in 'extra copy to iho person sending the club, battle, or die by any of the diseases inci .rjcn.tto the camp. Mns. Lincoln's Sisteus. On Monday last we obsreved three beautiful ladies county, Ohio, the most intense excitement! j. ng Whitehall httect, and were Sllll Uilsll, glutting uu, vi to havo been most outrageous swindle in 810. Eleven copies one yoar, aud an extra, copy to tho person senddiog tho club, SJ0. Aud the only magazino that can be in troduced into tho abpvc clubs ia pla-: sjf tho Lady's Book is Arthur's Homo Magazine. Special Clubbing with other Magazines. informed .that ,two of them wero sisters of j Godey's Jjady'p Book and Arthur s Homo vr-a p.nahinni A Ln T.inisnln Tlmlarlios Magazine both oneyear for 53 50. Godey'i Hints t,o the Dkai'ted. . Remem ber that iu a campaign moro men dio from sickness than by tho bullet. 2. Lino your blankets with ono thick ness of brown drilliug. This adds but four ounces in weight, aud doubles tho warmth, 3. Buy a small India rubber blaukct to lay on tho grouud, or throw oyer your shoulders when on guard duty during u rain storm, j 4. Let your beard grow, so as to pro. I tcct the throat aud luugs, aud keep your ' cntiio persons clean. Total 27,12.3 Majority ,iu twclvo Republican counties 27,123 making tho draft in that county. In Jackson township our informant says ninety-six men wcro to bo drafted, and that while moro than two thirds of tho population woro republicans, only four.teen ' ' ' ., . 1...! worocrawn.iue remainder not stranco thatsho is so much crats. In Bucyrus it seems .to have neou ; v.Tni,na still worse, and many or all .the prominent Atlanta (.) Confederacy. .citizens including ouio of the more honest ( ...... republicans havo determined to resist to j gy-Nicholas Biddlo's partner, Biron i n I T . T 1 Godey ' ,H it a Zrsr l n Mel Hn tsnnt n,ininnA Ka-U wo saw, wo aro pleased to know, aro see- ' f . . i?arnet ,ni y : " . i ' ond to none iu patriotio devotion to the South. They rcsido in Selma, Alabama. If old Abo's wifo is half as handsome us her fair sisters of the sunny So.uth, it is i a 1- r.4. n -. rt tlinf ,n c en mtjinil -1 f 1 111 I ri 1 1 ' letter, address L, A. GODEY. 323 Chestuut Strce.t Philadojlphia, Pa Arthur will all three be sent ono vcar ou rccecipt of 80 00. Treasury Notes and Notc.3 of all s !veuo banks taken at par. T2rt nn4ii1 si l 1 riat (Jin nAntinc s r-l tm iflmirpd i . v ""'"f1 auv l'uJ "1U I,.VvuB'- v"' J"u- rlm vnrv 1:131 . A lCW UftVS UilO J UUgO Hall, lato member of Congress, was so siretely arreted and cpnveyed to camp Massilion. Thu next day tho Provost Marshal arrested auothor man, and asked tho Sheriff to rcccivcjiim iu jail, but ho refused and tho citizens compelled him to releaso him. Siuco that time we havo been informed that tho peoplo havo deter mined that uo moro arrests will bo per mitted. Where this matter will end God only knows.. Wayne Times J- Union. ifjrGcu. McCall lias beon officially in Steinbcrger, died at St. Louis on ,tho 14th ult., in reduced circumstances. With Bid- iSf Ancient caves, jusi .discover.;! j' accident in Franco, are thus deter Ird . At Vcrrnireros, hor.e are great numr. s ! fprmcd thut ho has uot been relieved of his ym Wallace, of Clearfield. An Examining Suuoeon DisoiiAUoi'.P' comniaiid, nor has such a measure been Rowe. (tho rdnegado,) Speaker of the wi fs . ,r.mnt pnnlfl linen1 Su f L-eoii W Intel v , ot 11 aiTisburc was coiitemnlated, niter ins exeiiango 110 nau rst llouio ol Representatives ot this stato, boliovcd if .they had not been informed , sumtnarily disaliarged from Iho svico on leave of absonce on accouut of his licalth. js bpatcu in n llopubhean distriot. bv the saniont editors of Republican pa-1 Weduesdsy, by Surgeon Qcuoral King, What wi 1 Forney say to this, been 1 - - - ners ISh "ro I helm ng n, jod y for receiving money from drifted meu in denouncing Gen. MoOall as a tratpr, be-1 The comple o vote for Secretary of 'Sha consideration of furnishing , hem with cor- ' cause ho dared to run as a Democrat State at the late .eel... , .Oh,o, hoB a can Bta o t co ia twelve Republic p Ulicato. of inability to serve as soldiers. candidate for Congress iu Pcuasylvanu ' democratic majority of 5,500. dlo ho once divided thrco millions ofdol- of deep funnel shaped cavities, ci'n. lars iu a cotton speculation, lie used to 'bnnmes," S91110 ?f which have ucvu. b-.. r. givo diuners which cost 510,000. Finally, 'thoroughly epplprcd. La-t niuutl., ?, however, ho took to speculating, lostmon-1 Lavaur, statiou master at Verriiircr3. u cy, began to drink, and at last "threw up tormiucd to sco what thoy contaiticu a..ti, his hand," poor and friendless. , accompanied by two friends ,'...;wlu.. - with ropo and torches, went iawa or - of Gouw, tho Abolition Spcakor of the theso ''baums," about fifty feet utin-'.-prescnt Cpngrcss, is defeated by an over- dicular depth, and at the bctwia n whelming majority. open passage presenting a gentle u- ut, Hall, ,tho abolitiou Speaker of tho whioh thoy proceeded to examine, i-" Stato Sepato at tho last sossiou, is hand-1 i,a(j not advanced far when thry fuud 5, pomely V'oaten by that sturdy Democrat, Jquautjty of bones of various animu! ., among them thu skulls of two Wist antlers of enormous size. Thit a.ajj.y will doubtless lead to a ra'outt tv-'.acs-tion of all tho "baumcs" iu tl u ...iutr hood. tOf Physi. al labor roliows . iiij mental happiness of tho poor.