I ! ! ill yi SATURDAY, NOVEMBER I, 1 802, Tho Gun of Democracy, that proclaim d Pcuiocralio thunder throughout tho land on tho second Tuesday of Oetoher, 1802. Thepoopjo aro in favor of tho While man's iutorott! Abolitionism wiped out ! Tho noble and faithful Democracy of Col umbia polity liavo covered themselves tvith Glory. Democratic Majority 4,000.. Forney and Old Abe, looking for that jjii,uuu i : : nepuMican majority, but can't find it. Whars Mussa G reclcy ? Douth to the Republican Know Nothing Abolition alias Nigger Loving Parly. That REVEREND " candidato for Congress and his co opejra,tora lamenting over tho lato election. ; " And bohnbl there wa3 ivoeping, wail I in-' nud irn-.tshini' of teeth." T Greeley and his motley array of backers j A lit of articles, furnished by dimming?, i on Government Contract. Abolition Rat, smelling treason. The Republican Partv on their wav un Salt River. Quuuv.-IIow long will it tako to sell Sin-cups to soldiers, to raiso tho above I fmouut, at ten cents apiece ? Friends of Freedom, your Victory is Maiplftof ifi? i Townships. BLOOM, BENTON, Bit I Alt (MB UK. BOU. BERWICK, BEAVER, CENTRE 0ATTAWIS8A OONYNGIIAIM, FRANKLIN FISHING CREEK, GREENWOOD HEMLOCK, JACKSON, LOCUST, MIFFLIN, ,., MAINE MT. PLEASANT, MADISON MONTOUR ORANGE PINE, ROARING CREEK, SUGARLOAF, SCOTT, , hW Demoorats in smali. caps (Jodcj's Lady's Book For 1803. Great l.ilc ary and Pictorial Year I The publisher of Godcy's Lady's Book, thankful to that public which has enabled him to publish a magazine for the last thirty-thrco years of a larger circulation than any in America, has made an arran gement with the most popular authored in thii country Marion Ilarland, Authoress of "Alono," "IJiddcu Path," "Moss Side," "Nemesis,'' and Miriam," who will furnish a story for every number of tho Lady'8 Book lor 1803. ' This alone will place tho Lady's Book in a literary poini of view far ahead of any other magazine. Marion Harland writes for no .other publication. Our other favorito writers will all continue to furnish articles throughout the year. The best Lady's Magazine in the World, and tho Cheapest. The Literature is of that kind that eau bo read aloud in the fam ily tcir,ele, and tho clergy in immense num bers arc subscribers lor the liook. Tho Music is all original, and would t'ost 25 cents (tho price of the Book) in iho music stores; but most of it is copyrighted, and cauuot be obtained except in"Godcy," Our Steel Enuravincs. All efforts to rival ,ys in this havo ceased, and wo now stand alone in this department, giving as wc do, ma.ny mora and infinitely butter engravings than aro published ;u any other work. Godey's immense doublo sheet fashion plates conlaiuig from fivo to seven full length Colored Fashions on each plrto. Other magazines give only two. Far ahoad of any Fashions iu Europe or America. Godcy's is the only work ia ,the .world that gives these immense plates, and they are such as to have excited ,tho wonder of pub lishers and the public. The publisatibn of these plates cost S.10,000 More than faait ion plates of tho old style, and uotbnig but our wonderfully large circulation enables us to give them. Other magazines cannot afford it. Wo never spare money when the public can bo benefited. These fashions may be relied on. Dres ses may bo made after thorn, and the wearer will not a abject herself to ridicule as would bo the case if sho visited the largo cities dressed after the style of'the plates given ,iu some -of our so called fa.k ou magazines. Our wood Engranings, of which we give twice or throe times as many as any other magazine, arc often mistaken for steel. They are so far superior to any others. Imitation. Bewaro of them. Remem ber that the Ldy'a Book is tho original publication and the cheapest. H you take Godcy, you want no other magazine Everything that is usefu'l or ornamental in a houso can be found iu Godcy. Prawing lessons. No other magaino givcs .theui, and woJiavo given enough to 11 several largo volumes. Our reeeiapts aro such as can bo found nowhere else. Cooking iu all its variety Coufectioncry tho Nursery the Toilet tho Laundry tho Kitchen. Receipts upon all subjects aro to bo found in tho pages of the Lady's Book. Wo originally startod this department, and have peculiar facilities for making Lt most perfect'. This department alouo is worth thoprico of tho Uqpk. Radios work table. This department comprises engravings and description of every ariiclo that a lady wears. Model' CottiiRcs. No other magazino has this department. Tekms, Casu i.n Advance. Ono copy oils year, S3. Two copies ono year, 5. i Mniog nnn vnir. SO. Four COlllCS ' one year, 87 Fivo copies ouo year, and an extra copy to the person scuding tho club,S10. Eight copiesouo year, and an extra copy to tho person sending tho club, 815. Klovcn copies one year, aud an extra copy to tho person sendding the club, S20. And lie only magazine u.ai eau uo lu- troauceu mo u o auovu ,pu. .u u. ! tho Lady's Book is Arthur a Homo Maga- Special Clubbing lo'Uh other Magazines. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Homo Magazinoboth onoycar for S3 50. Godcy's Lady's Book and Harper's Magazine-, both pno year for 84 50. Godey, Harper, and Arthur will all thrco bo sent ouo year on rccceipt of 80 00. Treasury Notes aud Notes of all solvent banks taken at par. Bb cavoful ind pay tho postago on your lottcr. address L. A. GODb X, I 3'3 Ubostnu rjtrcct utiacicipnia, i Columbia County Official ILIGTIOBI EITMETS, Auditor. Surveyor-, i , ,, rmi- nnty i' General General. nBrtf Assembly ,tJl MVl. ;Oom. survey tor judge. i ' ( , A , ( ' , "- w, MW -dB HtW-WC at. " L o S c m ta H O pi n H 2 - g S3 m w H p3g.wt3gg.3tHgSS o - pi . M 3 -i h i la ' sH to. ft H w w ijJ..J5,..Jrt(... r .-..., m . ;..... 178 21!) 170 218 151 254' 177 177 217 217 304 171 174 178 103. 144 42 144 41 141 43, 141 H-li 42 42 180 147 151 140 140 123 43 123 42 121 451 123 123! 43 43 100 127 127 124 125 45 00 40 00 44 71! ''17 47 08 08 111 51 40 48' 47 144 0 140 I) 13!) 181 140 145 0 9 165 147 H5 140 140 103 77 103 77 103 VX 103 103 78 78 241 104 104 101 102 80 102 80 103 74 100 81 81 101 101 180 80 78 77 47 100 41 10(1 41 100 4l 100 100 42' 42 147 100 100 107 100 48 41 C( 40 40 42 48 48 40 40 80 40 4!) 48 50 230 40 228 51 2'!o' 51 220 22!) 50 50 276 228 233 230 220 150 137 153 137 152' 130 154 154 134 134 201 155 150 157 153 155 38 155 38 101 32 ID 5 155 37 07 191 155 1C5 150 151 80 10 87 10 88 10 87 87 0 0 P7 80 00 01 88 188 92 180 00 120 95 188 188 92 92 279 18.G 185 ISO 188 182 83 183 32 185! 33! 182 182 32 32 210 181 185 183 183 07 5 97 5 80; 13 97 97 5. 5 102 05 97 00 07 08 49 100 46 00 fill 93 08 49 40 143 97 103 104 03 193 41 193 38 189 48 195 105 42 42 23 192 192 191 180 03 41 53 41 51 43 53 53 41 41 94 GO 50 05 57 102 08 101 00 103 09 102 103 08 08 172 1001 103 101 100 89 10 80 1G 87 17 80 89' 15 15 104 8 71 88 66 80 41 20 40 2P 38 20 41 4l 29 29 70 4l 3(J 41 30 134 18 134 16 137 10 130 130 171 17 152 130 132 13l I'.MI 103 113 103 118 101 110 101' 103 115 115 213 103j 90 102 I HI 2952 1382 2950 1375 2820 1407 20132014 137E 1375 1301 '2910 290(. lb h 2880 ; Republicans in ronian. Ncu) SlDucrtiscmcnls. SULKEY FOR. SALE. A good Sulkey, with iron axle and i Sprout's (810) Klyptic Sprinca. In pnrfi'rt onli'r. oirrcil vi-ry clicnp. AlbU a pair nf pirtolo 1 1 a r ni'ss . enquire f.fllio EUIT011 UUMUCIIAT. iWivt'inbor 1, leOJ. SfllOLiUtSlHI'rf FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Comuinciul College. niucliatnplin " " (,'riltondeira " riillaitolpbia. Ptrnltmi, llryant & Co.. " TbesB f crips, lire in .minimis of 13 and S' nro a o inutli c.ibIi, by Hie student on cntrins cither of tbu nbovo i:ullci,'eH. Vuiini; imlii 1 1 p i r i n R tnulitiiiii n flnisli. od L'nlli'cluti! lMiu-nliiiii, will hero linilagood specula tion by applying ut the oil'icu ot'tho Nov. new. UOLUMtllA DIIMOCUAT. GRAiD JIIRORS-DEC. TERM, 1802 Hor. Berwick Towncmul W. Boono. Ileiilon Sairmel Mcljenry. Callawis-a John k. Il'ibtiinn. Cf;ilr.e Charles Hill, Gfcirao Herring, John Kckroili Kilwotnl Huulicei. Cont nyliam ItKiibuii Vaser. FishinurrGfl; David Savage, firei'iiwmiil Gf ore Washburn. Jack.soii John Di'rr. Lnc,usl S,iiniH!l Slears. Aloiitour Williim Krastus, Elias Deiter- it'll, I'liilip Kaiifl. MilHui Jacob Votin, jr. Mount I'lea-anl William HowpII. Mndison Cvruf Ooinoii. lleanuuoreBk Charles Eek, Atlam Gable. Scott KlUs Ivriiin, Charles l.ee, Joseph I.illey, 'flinnias Trnni'li. Ts'a'c&'s.c cHiii'ors Bor. Berwick Jiepli Tliouipson. Ueiniui Asa York, Samuel Ajjpleman, l'eler Karnt!, Jului Mellenry. Krhirureek John H. ilariz, Henry Dnak. Franklin John Zii-ler, Jeremiali S. Fah- rinyt'r, GeorirH Scon. Fitilmucreek Cj rus I'.nbbins, Diniel Mc- Henr), Daniel trtneker, John Mi-Henry. Greenwooil Nifholas Kimlt, Jacob lieriiu, Johnson H. lkulur, Win. Kobbiiis, l.-aac A. UeU'lit. Hemlock Basuhell Foulk, Sylvester Pur bul. Juukeon John I'. Hees. Locum Georo Ktiller, George Faringer,jr. Montour ls.iiilier M. lJvan. Mitllui Juhu Aien, Elistia B. Urown Sam uel Nuss Maine Joseph Qiasr. Orange Je'sce JJiumslcnle, Samuel Adieu buch. oaruiycreek Daniel Gearharl, Michaol Feilerolf, Samuel Dyer. guenrln.tr Je-sn ll.irlmun. Cyril J.arish. TE ACH ERS' EX A MINATIO N S. The llvainiiiation of Teachers will bo conlinucil as follows : Centre, at l'ppcr Mine Iliilcc, '1 Inirsilay October.. Orangu.nt Oranscville, Friday, Ott. 31. l'ishiiigcrcek, IVnlor's gcbenl II., fatnMa y Nov. 1 He ntuu anil liunrlnaf, at Benton, Mon'jUy Nov 3. Scott, at Light Street, Tuesday Nov. 4. Montour and Hemlock, ut lluok Hum, Kov. 5. CattawiKU cml I'.niiikUn.l'.iit.ininja, Sar. 0. lbiavcr. .Mlthael's h II., IViilay ov.7, Mnini'. at .VaincIUe, Saturday Nov. 8. Conynshain,atC nterille. ou .Monday, Nov. 10. J.ociHlaoil Itoaritiscreek, Numidia, Nov. II. MltBin, at Milrlliivi'lc, on NVilnomlay, ov 12' Alt I'lcrnant, at llutchlson's.cnTliiirsdcy.NPv 13. Jackson. Lower Union Church, l'riilay; , Nov. 14. .Mailiion, at Jersey town, on Saturday. Nov. 15 The everciaen ut ,11 tuu abovo places to coinnicnco at 10 o'i lock A iM. I'uucliislity is desired, anil tho nitcmlauco of direc tors reuuested. U'.M. IlUnCESS. Co.Hupt. Nov. 1, l?ii3,-lf. .ORANC-EVILLE Normal and Commercial School and adtmy. T UP. next Term of tln Institution wilt coininenco on ' Ihuraday, OUoburCisl, hibt. J. S. WOODS, Sec. Oraugeville, get. 23, 1802. NEW COLUMBUS ACADEMY. The Columbus Mai e ami remain Aradcmy, will open ili" nrxt torm, upon Tuesday Co lt!i of Vov. IWi2. This school offers nuperior Indhcehieiiti to all who are dcbirous of acquiring an a' edemlciil (education to pn'paro for teaching or to olitain a tlmreugb kiiuwledgii ot any of Hie modern or ancient languages; for further information enquire ut U.S. IIINHHA.M, Principal. or ot John Koom, Sec y., a.t New Columtut, .uzcrncco., 1'u. Ott.SiS, mi. TWO FARMS The subscriber offers for .nlo or rent, the two follow ing t'arins, one of them siluatu in I'ishlngcriek luwn- hij, Cclunibia county, containing OiNE HUiNiJUJSU AUH1SS, Miuoro or less, about lllty-ftvo ai res of which is cleared land, whereon nru erected a goud , Two ftojy tlUME um'.LUMl UOUiK, ami HIAMF. flAUX, Wagon House, Corn Crib, and other outbuildings. iSO:-Ono ntler Farm, situate In Denton township, Columbia county, containing ONE HUNDRED k THIRTY-PIVE .-"j Acres, about Tlilrly-nvo rtcies o; wnicii i cleared land, whereon am erected a HUl.Mt. !!! nil'KU.IXO IIOUSK, yiUMV. IIAII.Y, and ml.Kr milhoililini'a. fulil Farm is Sltlluto on KatttieCruek, aboutiwomlles above Still Water- J1I.SO: two other smnll Lots, situate lu I'islUng creek township lying on I'lshingcreeK Konil, and ono milii fromBtill Water, ono containing 1 olIU ACHI S, and the other a Town Lot. ami good building on cacji of thorn. OiTerms andcondinnsmadcknown bv risjilngcrcek, August 30, IfC2. WANTED For Portress JManroc. Poultry of all kinds. Veal, Calves, .tr., every Wo J uesday. Ituttir aud Kggs. Tor which liberal price will be paid. Fall Goods, Just roctivud and will be sold at fair prices N. U'COY. Jerseytowg, Oct. a", 8o3 lm. PUBLIvj VENDUE ""vfpersoiisl property will bii exposed to sale, hy Pub- lie Vendue, at the reideneo of the iinderrigu'i'il mi Main Street, in llloomsbiirs. On Saturday, November I, JfG2, tin; follow inc desrribed articles of personal prop erty ond hovKcholdfurulture. ; llureaus, llcds and MediUiig. ('Heirs, Tables, Stands, Cupboards, Looking glasses, Lan.03, ic. New CarpeL, Sitlcs, Cooking and other Stoves, Ono llasatello Hoard, one Hog, Sow and t'lgs, w ith variou other artii Ic tno te dioiis tofiiumerate. Sale to commence ut one o'clock, p, in., when terms will be made known. CIIAIiLr.S II. NOLL, Hloomsbrrg, Oct. 53, IS02. NOTICE. TJie books of R. 11. Meaos k eo. cin.Cit in mv hands fortollectlon. Those indebted will t-ave cost by pay ing up Immmdlately. J. M. CI1AJ1ISCULI.V. Uloemsburg, Oct. II, 16G2. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Tho Teacher's Association of Columbia county will nice t at .Millliiivillc, un Saturdav, the 'Sth of October. A.M. Oy Teachers generally and all friends of IMucation nro earnestly invited to uttend. WM. IIIjrirJHi'S J-iir the V.x. Com. October 11, 1W2. PITTSIIUItOII, PA., Corner 1'enu and St. Clair Sts Tho largest Comnicj-ciul School of the United Eiates, with ap.uronage of nearly 3,UIU Student, iu live years from 31 States, and the only one which affords complete and reliable Instruction in nil the follow mg braiicLes, vis: Mercantile, Mauufartiirers, Strain lloat. Ilailroud ami Hook-keeping. l'jrt Premium Plain nud Oruaineu tal Penmanship j also, Surveying, Engineering and Miithcmatics generally. $35.00 Pays for a Commercial Course; Students enter ond re view ut any timo. Ity .Ministers' sons' tuition ut half price. I or Catalogue of Mi paees. Specimens of Ru-ines nnil Ornamental l'enmuusl ip. nud a beuttiful College iewofH ejiuiij-u ut, coutaiiiiug a good variety of writing jeuering nnu iiuiin.'.UiUg, ivclnjo l cents in stainpsto the Pniielpal. JCNKINS & UMIT1I, Pittsbuigb.Pa. Ap.ril 1!), U02-ly. 11K4U QUARTElls, 1'KNNsVLVANIl .Mil.: II A, 1 SUltOLON fiUMMtAL'S OFFILT., j Stale Medical Rourd of Pennsylvania ThoFtato Medical Hoard will meet in the Hall efthe House of Itepresentatives. at llnrrixhurg, on Thursday September II Ih, 1-lrJ, and sit one env. for the exam I nation ofcaudi l ites I'irtli'i postal' Assistant Suigcon in I'euu- syivani.t lieginn-iiis. Lundi.l.'t'.es win register llieir nauiej; nt Hi! Hall at 8 A. M , and none but those present punctually at II A. M will be examined. Citizens of Pennsylvania of 'tealthaud capable of active service in ine ueiu, cauaiuiiu lie teteiteii. lly order of A. 0. CUUTIN. Governor ofl'enn'a. llmiiv II.Shiiii, Surgeon Cencral 1'et.n'a. Harrlsburg August S3, Id(52. BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, rplIF. undersigned informs the citizens of llloooi X and neighborhood, that he has tak, n the large room ill the exchange lllock, extending over Mesirs. Stoner & Fox's llakery, ami tho llookslore w here he has put in it large Skylipl I. It isouly by Skylightthat good pie lire s can bet Jen espci lally giosps wheru each person an be taken' 1st as twll as separate. Il'ihasgnn to considerable expense to make his es ablishiuent first class on', and hu th"reforc solicits a biralputro lge toenable him, tncoustautly introduce tliumodo 3 improvements of the art. CCo'm -y produce taken in Htcliauge for pn turus, IlILVIIY UOSCNjsTOCK. JlUomOiurg, Nov. S3 iPiil. .Nov. II '32 SAPONIFIER I SAPONIl-TER ! ! Ov'Tlli: FA.M.ILY SOAP MAKKR ."n All Kiltbeu Grease cau'tu u'ado liiloguod SOAP, ll using SAPONll'IJUU (Cf-DIHUCTIONS ACI'OMPANYINII HACTI llf)V I SOAP is easily made w ith it, as making a cup ofcof fee Manufactured only by the Patentees. l'A. SALT MANUFACTUIUNO. COMPANY. No 127 Walnut Street Pllll,AI)i:i.Plll . do iLisiisSsisKisajiiS's amdrotype, pnoToonArii & melainot yfe AiBUOTYPES, PUOTOGRAPIlt, Mrliiiiin(it)Aa. &r.. Inkuii In (,'liinitv im U'ltll iin CAonr V, ,.e7r'A,bro,n,e. and Dagucrreo.ype, copied and ""largutl. NORTH DANVILLE, FA. Dec. SI, ISill. Heavy Artillery One more, and the last opportunity In cullit it', Cnpi McCLURE'S IIAITERY IV, '.'d PA., AltTlLLEliY (113th P. V,) stationed in the DE PENCE OP WASHINGTON, D.C. Situati'il 011 the beautiful Highlands of tho Potomac Authority having been icculved, tn luriease tho num. bcr of men in each Ilattery tonne hundred and llfty. t0 Keci'iiitN i'e Wanted To fill the ranks nf Iho ubove Ilattery as a proof of tho health, comfort and 410pt.l11r.iy of this arm ot the service (i is only ueccisdty to slate Iho Met, that Ilattery F. has lost but four men since Its organization, and they were dicliarged oa account of ilisi'.l-es rontratti'd befuru they cnlUtsil. 'Ilio.nu hl,ng toenlist or deilrlng fut titer Information are te'iusaled tn apply to Litvr. llEO. W I'TT. October 13. 1!G.'. llloouisbur;', Pa :WM& MPISL I 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN 1 iixk twt.n PArr.ns. 1 001,1) AXI) I'KWKT lir.COIMTIO.YS. MAimr.r, axd oak dkcoiiatioxs, Xh'AVA.Yl) ciav (ii.w.n pavkrr. vmixaxd lima irr coMMhY v trims, mtnnrns, rim: iioaiid riuxrs. STATUl'.S, llt.lXIm, T.1C, F.1V., Will lie wlil at greatly reduced irltR. at Hie paper li a n g I n i rooms of I tin undersigned in judgu ltuperl's Sroro House, on Second street, a fow do.ors below Mar ket. Alio Paper Hanging Executed In the best style, at mods-rate prices ami li uulrk I lino E.J. THORNTON, l!looinsbut,Jitay 3, 1802 3m. TIIE3 WOKEjI). AN INDEPENDENT Daily, Scmi-U'cckltj IVo ky News pi per. Tin: UAii.v lyoftiu. Term nor nnnum. Bit Dnl'nrn ! Pou ciiplen to one nilitri'M, Twenty tlallnts. To cli'tsyinoii, I'lvo ilollnrt pur ntitium. tor i club of ten cupicii, an extra copy will bo cnt. TltK SRAtt-WKKKLY WORf.1). Three dollars per annum; two copplcs lo one ad dress, 1'lvc Dollars! live copies to one address Llev Dollars, To i lergyini'ii. two dollars'per year. Hlnglc copies, three cents, published Tuiddy and I'rldaya.j Ten copies. $2D, Tor at lub ur ten copies, an extracopy will bo sent for one year. For n club of tw only copies n copy of tho Daily for pno year' For n club of lllly conic. Hie Dally. Weekly, and Semi-Weekly will bo sent for one year. Tin: irr.i'.KLY h oiild. l'rlco Twnilolldrayoar! rour conies tc one address. I'lvo Dollars ! twtnty coniis, twenty dollars. CI, rev- men can receive the Weekly, single copy, nt one dollar a year- Hingio copies. 1 ivu cents ruiiiishedon Thurs davs. 1 or a cluli ot icucniiies, an extra cony win lie scut lor one year. For a club of twenty copies, Hie Pcinj-Weckly will he sent Tnr iinu vear. l oru ciutioll)lty copies, mo uaiiy win be sent tor no year. For a club of one hundred copies, the Dally, Weekly, and Semi-Weekly will be sent for one year, Itcmittances for ''( hu World" may be made by draft lieasury notes, oroanK uuis ot specie-paying n.itiKs i,l it i.m i In, ntii.iitlnii firtl,,, rttiiif,ntnr I. n,l ,.,1 i,. remittance ut the tlmu of lyjillng the letter, it maybe made at our risk Speiiuien nuiiibern scut to any address upon applica tion. Address Till: WOULD, No 33 t'urk Kuw, New-York, t in: k.k y o a a if o it L i. ri'roiu tho True Citizen (New Britain, Cnun.YI Poini- nine or t.-ii mouths since we, like a large portion of our fellow citizen, rei-rive.l our daily ln-wti of the movements of our armies Irom the New-Yoyl( paper orilio "on to i.Kiimomi-clis, bin we Decome so in gusted U'itlill)i; senselex. ouiery w IiIlIi taken up fur a time by nenfly the wcole nation, proved so terribly of-f.-ctivo lu tint iui! our euenvon to the defeat of Hull ltun and alo at llie persistant lault llndliig with and abuse of I'resldsnt Lincoln and the leading Generals of thear my. that wo took up. as we ilii-n supposed, with llulr klnuer and more respettablo rival, 'iue Wimt.n. We have read this paper daily evcrsiute, and heve foiiml. l atue not only lud a readable unit scholarly Intimal tlioroiighly loyal and gnvernini'iit sustaining, but that tewas fully un totheiimes. iu its supoly of overytlnii nilit was reliable ir the way of current news, lu fart, wh iitilv mi-s in its columns one cl.isi of news, viz. that wlilih istobecoulr.tilUted to. morrow. V ithttu-se haaty remarks wo desire cordially to re onimcud to our rea Iit the New-York World as one of the best, If not tho very best dally journal lutlu country. Sept. 13. let.'.'. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Miilvillc, Columbia County, PennUt, This well kuuwh Stiool for both sexes will open NOVUM HE It 3 J. lobJ. The recent additions to the buildings: render accom odatioiis for more than sity boarders. t he course ot sliiiiywin i-umrare tnrcc iicpnriments the Normal, the Scientific, and the oinin. rti.il. 1 he Principal w ill be assisted by e.p -rienced teach ers, fully 'itioltnertlor ineir resperiive positions. I'nri ut and others may rest a4iired thut no efforts w ill be spared to make the t-altnol worthy of patronage and that the welfare of the students, intellectually, physically, and morally, will rfci-iveourcontantrar'c For application, limitation, circulars or further par-ticularp.-iiddrcs the uiide.'sici'.eil. until Oct. I IbG--', at pQWiuiigton, i Lopte touhtV, l'u., al.d uXter hat time i Mllluillo Columbia cuUiitFa. 1 , ,M.Vr. J. I, I, t il I 1 S, Principal. Having sold out my interest iu the (Ircenwood Semi nary, to I ill Putts, who wa. for several ysars connected with the Institution a-- a sticceisful teaiher, I herebv cheerfu ly commend him to my trieiids alul na trous, asa gentleman of ample .pialilk.itlou for the po. sitiou he assiim-, aud in every way worthy the confi dence and patronage of the public W.M. IH'IUIF.SS. juiirt ij. r.vi ttJ., A..1I., 1'rinc pelt. Millvillc, Pi., Sept. 13. ISI. (umts-iD avif&a T AM AQUA, PENN'A. Passengers dine here on the pussase of each Train. II. M. MERRICK, Propriitor. Tamaqua, Jan 4, 1802. STR A W ! STRAW ! ! STRAW ! ! ! TONS SlllW, of all kinds. Iluckwheat ex cepted, is wanted immediately, nt Hie 31111 drove Paper Mills, near LightStreet, for w hich cash w ill be paid. THOMAS TRENCH. .Mill Orovc, August 9, 1602. BANi;! NOTICE. ITotiea is hereby given, that tho Bank i 1 of Danville, a Hank of Issue, Discount and Depos it, located ii. the Corough of Danville, Montourroiiiity, with a'rupital of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, in tends ma'-iiig application at the tn-xl reeular scssinn of tlie Legislature of Pennsylvania, fur the iuiicwuI of its charter, and extension ofits privileges, for it teiu of twenty years iroiutue expiration ot is pteseni tiiarler, with tlie same name, title locationau-i tapital, lly urder ot thcXloard of Dirrunrs, DAVID CLAI11C, Cashier. Danville, Pa., June 2j, lcC2 lint AD M IN JSTR ATO RS NOTICE. Estate lithfiille Krislicr, thecaset. LETTERS of administration on the Estatu of Jacob 11. Knurr, late of Locust twp, Col eo.,uYcrirf, have been granted b) the Register ot t'oliiintiia county to the undersigned ; all persons having tlaiiu- ugainst Un- es tate of the decedent aru requested to present them lo th.t A-tmiiiistrator at his residence in Locust twp., without di lay, and all persons indebted tu make pay ment forthwith. SAMUEL ADA VIS, September 0, Ifo2 fitv- Adm'r. READING AIL-ROAD. S UMMKIl Alt;iA.YaF..W.YTS. CI rent Trunk Line from the North slid No;th-Vct for I Philadelphia, New York, Heading, Pottsvillc, Leba non, Allentowii, Eastnii. i'., &c. Trams leave llusrisburg for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, I'ottsville, and all intermediate Stutions, ul n a in, unil-l.!0p in. New York I xpress leaves Harrlsburg nt 1-23 a m ar riving nt New York nt W 23 the same morning. Fares from llarrisburg. ToNcw-York S3UU0J tnl'lul. udelphia jl'J3aud J'.'TO. liaggage checked through Iteluruiiig leave New. York at 11 a. in., 12 N'non-.iiid r p. un, (I'lltsb-irgh Express) l.euvo Philadelphia at tl a. in. and 3 13 p. in. Sleeping cars ..n the New-Y"rk Express Train., through to and from Pittt lurgh without thango, Passengers by tho Catuwissn Kailrnad leave Port Clinton at l.tou in, for Pltil.iilelplna aril nil intermedi ate stations ; and at 3 p m fur I'lu'lade'lpltia, New York, ami all Way I lur.ts. Trams l.-aye I'ottsville at fl a m, aud 2.15 p in, for Philadelphia aud New Vork ; and at .1.311 p in for Auburn and Port I liittnn only, connecting for Flue drove uud with the I'uttawissa Hall lio.nl An accommodation passenger traiuleaves Reading at 0 a m, and return from I'mlnilclplnuat 5 p m. ,.7- All the abot etraius run daily, Sundayg excepted, A Hundnv train leaves Pottstille at 7.3U u m, uuj Philadelphia nt3.13 p m. rnuiuiuiiirutioii, Mileage, 8"asnn, and F.xeursiou Tickets, at reduced rates tu and from all points. (1. A. N1COI.I.S, May 1", 'P03. General Superintendent. CHEAP MILITARX CAPS! flj fft" ..S DnJSS j ,ti.nn,n.n,i.i. nniin.Mii.nn.iii.ii'iL'iiK. .-.. MILITARY CAPS, of every sort, size and minlity Al.o Groceries, CoufctlionariKlCignrs, die. JOHN lv. GIRTON. ooinibnrg, Sept. 14, IPG1. TO WHO.! IT ilMY COXfKRX. navlng made such arrangements, as. enable me tn ; promm at once, Pensions, llouuty Money Hark 1 Pay, Sic I beg to tall the attention ul those interested, to the foiluwiug All disabled Soldles. Iho widows or minor children of soldiers wlinilie.orliatcbeen killed in Iho service, arp mtitlcd lopen-ioiis. Thu widows or other legal heirs of soldiers who have died or been killed 111 Iho sorvice, are entitled tulht) $100 Bounty. N'. II. Alt claims are carefully examined ly the De partment, and it is of the utmost importunes tn claimants tocmplo) tegular audexperienced counsel, if they wish to avoid delay. All rases entrusted tn my car , nro at tended to ut once, and all letters ansitered by return mail, nijd 1111 ilutrgc is made, until the Pension s granted N H. Persons entitled to tlin $100 llnuiltv, can huvu their claim casl.cd 011 application at 111" otV.co. Ally's Pension Agents, writing for blanks, and te'iui-stte in structions, nlsn persons wishing information tn uinblu them tu loliato lands under tho ptovisioiis of Ihe lalo Homestead Acl, should enclose a fee. Address, M. A. VXyUVAin.Alty.iit l.au-. JunoiJi, Io0.-3m, ' Greciiiburg, I'enn'a FOR THE CONSTITUTION and thi: rou p I A B E T E S and disi:(si:s or Tin: uxmkys Aim &tA.nrjt Then Dangerott and TrmUtitut Dlieain, vhlehhaut thui far ItciltUJ the best directed Treatment can la Cuviftittli Controlled by the ltr..Vi:i)l'no lifiire nil TIIF. CUItATIVl! properties of Hie medicine dlnct thcnijielvcs to the or gans of secretion, and by so filtering the condition of tne stomach ahdliver that the starchy principle or the food is not converted Into sugar so lung as the system in uuuur iue inuueuce oi iue CONS I'lTUTION WATtllt. which give those organs time to recover their kealthy tone ami vigor. Wo are able to statu Hi t thu CoikIiU-, Hon Ytutcr has cured every case of Diabetes In which ll has been given, STONi: IN Tim IlLADDril, CALCULUS, tlRAVlIL IIIIICK DUSt' IlliPorilT, AND MUCOUS Olt MILKY DISCIIAIKins AFTIUt UIIIXATI.S'O. Diseases occurlng from omi and the same cause ttill be entirely cured by tho Constitution Watar, Iftaken for nuy length of tlmu. Thu dine should vary with Hu severity of tho disease, from twenty drops to n ten spnonliil three-times a day, lu ttalcr. During the nas. sago of the Calculus, the pain and urgent stmntoin should be combated with tin- proper rem 'ill' s Hu n followed up Willi the COitltuiiuii Water, Us abovo di rected. DVSMF.NOriltAfllA, OU PAINFULL MUV-TIIUA-T10N, AM) IN MF..NOIII1IIAOIA OK PJIOFUHU FI.OWINH, Until diseases arising from a Unity secretion oftne menstrual fluid lu the ouu cue lu ingtua little, ami accomp-iuied by severe pain i anil Ihn other a too pro fuse secretion, which will be speedily cured by the Constitution ynti r. 'i I'.tt disease knuwn ns I'ALLINO OF Tlin WoMII. which Is thu result of a relaxation orihe ligaments of that organ, and is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains in the hack'nud sides, and at times ac companied by sharp liiciuatjiig or shot ting pains through the paits, will, in nl I case, b" removed hf the medicine. There ) auoMier class of symptoms ari fug from lit 111 l'A HON ur Till. WOMII, tthith phvsiilaMs call Nervoujness, whithwonl cuicfs up math ignorunco, and in nine cases nut of ten the doctor does not really know w hetber the symptoms aru the ilieasc, or the disease H40 symptom. Wo ran only enumerate them hero. I speak morn particularly of Cold Feet, Palpita tion In the Heart, Impared Memory, Vnkel'ulnes,FI,ish. cs of Heat Languor, Lassitude, ami Dimiiossof Vision. bUPPItllSSF.D MKNSTIIUATIOX. Which iu Hie iinin-irrinl female Is a constant recurrlii" disease, and through m-glect tbu seeds nt more grave and dangerous mnlai'i are the result; and as mouth after mouth panstu n illjont an effort being inade to as slit nature, the Mippreiun bicomes cllroeic, ihu pa tient gradually tomes her ap.etije,' tlje Sottels are ronsllpaled, lil.'lit sweats come on, auJ cuiuunpiiun fiuallv ends her career,. LUUCOJtKfi:. OA WHITES. 1 1lls disease ilepeiiiU upon an ln!lainatlo;i ofmucous lining of fo vacina and v.ouih. It is iu all rases ac companied by severe pain iu the h-ieU. aceross the bowels and through the hips. A ti a-'mniifiil of the medicine may be taken three times n itiiy, wi'l, 1111 in Jeitlou of a t.iblespoonful of the liiudicline, mixed with alia f-puitnf soft water, morning audeveuing. IltltlT.vTION OF Tlin MICK OP TIlH llLADDKIt, IN'FLAMATION OF Till: KIDXF.YS AM) CA TAI'.itll OF TIIC ULADDLI!, STnANCL'ltY ANUUI UXINOOU PAl.VFCLURINATlXt;. For tliesoillscascs it U truly n sovortisju remetlv, nntl ton 111:11 M cannot be said iu It praise A single dues has been mow to rtlivc the most urgent sjptoiii. .tro , un troiioii-ii wiin mat iiisiresslug pain in Ih small of the h ick and throuuh the hips I A leaspooiiful j ui V.WHBIHIIIIIIII , . ,111 1 w iu rcum o j ou uite magic, FOIt DYSIM2PSIA, It hasuo eualn iclicv'tig the Most distressing smp toms. AUo, lleadaclie.'lli-aribiirii. Acid Stomach Vuui itlng Food, i.c. Taken te:ujioiiuful alar dinner 'I he dose iu all cases may be increased if dcVired, but should b: done gradually. PHYSICIANS Havo long sinre glveu up the use of bucliu, eubebsaml juniper iu tlietrtatmtiitof tli-se uisc.tscs, uudonlyuse lliemfor want of a belter remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itself o'pjaltulhc task that lias devolttd upon it, DIL'ltllTICd Irritate opd drench the kidneys, and by rnn'tant ue tool lead tothcomo Uegeutratios ami cj ilirmud tils- Mead. KpaJ. Kcad. Da. ate, Pa., June 2 lhfi2. Dr. Wm. II. GitKna-Wocr Air. In libu.iry, idol, 1 was iiilliuril with thi sugar iliabetes.und for live mouths I passed more than two gallons oi'ttater in twenty-four hours. I was ob igud to get up as utteu tenor twelve times during Hit night, uud in live moiiths I lost about lilty pouinls iu weigth. Iliiruing thu luouth of Ju:y. Itbl, I procured two bottles of Constitution Water am. iu two days ujier using it 1 experienced relief, undallvt taking two bottles I was entirely cured, soon after regu-uuig my usual good health. Vours truly. J. V. I. HE WITT. Huston Corners, N. V., Dec. 2T, lelil. Wm. H. Gregg & Co.: Cents:! Ire. ly givo youlibertv to make use of Hn- folloitliigr iitillcateofllie talileof t'onstitutiou VV,t- ter, Milieu i can ri ccomiueini untie ingner-t manner. .Mv wife, who was attacked with nain iu the li,.nl ders, whole length of the back, anil in her liutlis, with Palpitation of the heart, attended with Falling of the Womb, Dysmenotihui-a. and "Irritation of tLo Iliad "tor." 1 tailed a physulau, who attended her about three .iioiuhs, when In- lift In r worse than he found ner, i toun employed one or the best physicians I coiiin mm, wuouiieiiueii ne- iur abuut nine months, and while she was under 1'IS car.- shu did not suffer ipntu a iinu h pain ; Jie finally gave her up uij.1 s,iiu . "her case win lucuiable." For. said he, "the was such it Loiubinaliuu of coulpU.nts, tn.u uieditiiie given lor nnu oji'-raie. ogu.iist hoi.io o'.ner o: tor tliiiicultie. About this time she tummi-hced to use Uomihu it in Watkk, and loour utter iiatniilshm 'nt, almost the tirt dou seeimrt lohate the dsired illict, ami she kept on inil'iut 11, rui'imj iiisuer us treaiiiieni, anil now sup"r iutendi cu'irely he.- iloiiitstic ail'.urs. Shehas notta. ken any of thui.oN iiuiion W.v'ita forabuot tour tti i-ka and we aro hapny to a that it hus produced a perma- .)!.... VU1V WM. M. VAN llENSCIIOTi N. .Miuiorj, Conx.. Nov, IU, 18(11. I)R. Wm. ILGatou; ' lleur iri Mi.nefor several jears been nlHirteil wiiii nun loniiiiesnmuiiuii iiaiigerous itiseit'e (,'rati 1 which resisted e;l rniodiH and duttors. until I took CoisiiTUnosii Wavkk, and jtm mav benssurcd that I was plef.snl with Hie result. II has entirely curt d me auilynu may make any use of my name you may s-e tit iu ri garo to the lueiliciiie, us I hate entire con 11 lener in its cthcury. Yours truly, POM) Sl'liUNC, I IIESH ARE FACTS F.NOI'lill Theroisnoclassofilise.iseslh.it produce such ix h.iiisling I'lfjris upon Hie human constitution us Dm betes and diseases of the Kidneys. Itlinlili-r and I Hila ry Passages, and through u lalsc mudesty they are in u lecl.'d until they are soui'vaiiccd as to be bejoud the control of ordinary reinedu., and wo pet,ent the CONSTITUTION V.'ATIVl To the puhtleuith the cnnvii tion tfut it has nneqnal in relieving the (lass of diseases for which it has b'rn tot! ml so eiulnently successful incuring; ami we trust t.alvn shall be rewarded in our efforts in pluiiug so vniiiaiuo reineuy hi a torm to meet Hie rt'tuireuieiitJ of patient and pli) Mi lan, FOIt SAI.E11Y ALL DRUdG ISTS. PRII'E SI, W.M. II. HEuRiii: U uo 1'rnpu -,i.r Morgan & Allen, lieu ral Agents, No. i t'liil' Si-New-York, Sept -."1. laiij. Km., MATjOWAi, v-0TEI3 (I.ate Whito Su-an,l ' RACE STREET, ARUVS THIRD I'uii.ADi.i.rai.v. B. O. PIEGRIStT PuomiEToit. Formerly fom Filc Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. RIIOAOfl, Cierk. Match '.'U, Wt im. 53oj-Mic nml Esol i'uc- Sale. TIE Suhscribor oilers Cor rule the prop- tty r. renuy occujncu uyilllll 111 llloomsliu-g.con- M'liil Large and Convenient Horn,, fk.:lw nml of a well nunroved Lot ,,1" aboni i m r, of land, 'i ho premises nro In pirftil repair Apj.li. canon iitiy bo iuad,o WC It. Iiuclt.tl.-w, at I11.1111.uurg. tv. J. tt uoutVAIilt. Reaillng, October M, JiT.2-Sin. i.'IIOLESALE' AND RETMI. liEJDDJNU: AND FEATHER WA11E ' ' HOUSE, No. H3 North Second Street, Opposite Christ Cliuuh, I'lULAhtil.l'UlA. tC7 C'onstaull) on hand, a largo iis-Klni-nl of lleds, Matties-ps, Paillasses, I'tishions, llnir. Husk, Cattail' and all arlirl'.sin th line nl the lowest prires, N ll - I'urtinit.ir attention paid tu leuotuttng New and Old Erath. -rs. Mar. I).', l.w -IJ10 Oni'iciAii Result of thr Ohio Sr,i:o tion. Cincinnati, OctoLor 20. 'J ho official returns of tho State election give a a Democratic majority for Supremo Jutlgo cf 87 '10. The Democratic vote has increa sed !)5,000 over last year, nntl lliu Union voto decreased 28,000. Tho total vote of tho Stato lias fallen off 78,000 sinco tho Presidential election, Three inches of snow fell last night. Of Every Variety and btyle at '.lie mow riUii or M IL L.E R k S W 1 S II-E R, IN JEltSEYTO.W.V. Havinpjust received our Sprinp- Si from the Eastern Marlfcs, wo fed tlLteri to sell Hoods ut a little lower r.'if'-l. than they i Stock. teruiineil ev tuu bo nurcha-eu elsuwlKie. OUK MOTTO iS- "Small Profits and Quit:?; Rtturns." ID" The public are respectfully soliciteil tu call ami cxamliii onr ilock before purchasing elsewhere, us wn charge nothing for sIioh lag our goods. Produce of all, kinds taken lur goods, MILLl'.n A. SWISHER. Jersey Inwn, May 3. IMii. C R I T T E N DEN' S" IMIIUDKLIMIIA IIOMMEIUIAL. COLLEGE, N. E. comer if ' tit and ' Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins luTiTu-nn. whjih wa citMlshsdin IPtl nml is now conseiileutly in the tlghtecntk.ftir of Its exist, cure, inmibersnmong its grnduates, l-pdrtls of tho iuosturccssfiil .Merchants 'Hid Business Jlcu of our Country. TiikOiuict of th Intltution isnlely In ntTnril young men facilities for thorough preparnlioufor Imsiimss. Tub IIiunciies Tiuoin are, link-keeping, as iipplica tile tn the variou departments of trade; I'enmantkip, both plain and oruumvnlal ; Commercial law, Ma'he mntiet, A'arigallon C'lt I'.ngtntcrlng, Draulng, I hun egarphiji end .Vo'lc-n J atinvres. TrBSvsTiM.ipIss Aucnov Ispiculijr-, nnclasscs or set lessons are made, uu of, hut each student is tausht InillMdually. so that he in ty commence ot uny time, aud attend at whatever hourstire most couvsni.ent,. Catalouues areissueilniinu?iMifler the l.'th of April containing tinunis of the studentsfor tho yenr.and full purlleul.irs of term", fee. and may. bu obluluod ul any time by iiddrosing the Principal. lv Exrr.ssivB Ai.ror.!ontTioa, Kide-spread reputation and the lengthy itperleuit of ihe Principal, thi Instil u. Hon o3"ers tanlitii-s superior toany other lu the coun try, for young men wi-hing toprtpare for business, and to obtain at th" same lime a iui-loma, irAicJl irill prorr a rccommendatUu Cot thorn theui lo any Mercan tile House. IT7CniTksnrN's.tfri(.t of Trenthcs on I'ooK-Ktu-t.vo. now nore w idely clrc-ilatedthati ni,y other work u the subject, aro for soe at the College. S. HOJJGES CRITTU.NDEN, Altorhey.at-l.ivi, P.tidCiVAi.; Jan. O.vijr.; ism GOO 000 M ALE 011 I'BM ALM vvv agents to sell Lloyds new steel plale roiiiity colored Map oftlw United etatos, Canadas, uud New ilruusw ick From recent survey, completed Aug, 10. 1363; cast .-0,0UJ to engrave it uud mm year's turn.. Superior lo any &IO imip ever made bv ll.tnii or Vlinliell , nml sells ut the lint prire uttU'ty icuts, 3.U. Ul)U names uru eneraved on this man It is not only a County Map, but it is also a County and Railroad Mapof the United States and Cniiadus enmtjiiieit in "tie. giving every Kan ro.ut Million and iim.iiicok ueiweeii. Ciiarantec' an.' woman or man S3 tu S3 ner dav. and nil! lake back all maps tlutciunet be jold and refund the 11101107. fenu iur l v.-nriu to try. Printed inductions liow to c.lljviss wclkfurnisheil nil our agents. Wanted Wholesale Agents fur our .Mans in everv -state, California, Gana la. Euglaud, France and Cuba. A fortune may bu made with a tew hundred dollars capital. No Competition, J. T. LLOYD, No. 104 liroadw ay. New Vork. The War Denartment uses our Van nf Vireinin. Mar yland, and Pennsyltniiia. cost SlliU.tilil), ou which is marked Aiiti' t.im creeK, enrpsuurg. .Mart land Ihghis, Williaiiisnort Ferry, Rhorestille. Noland's Font, nml alt otln-rs 011 the Potomac, and every other place 111 Maryland, Virginia, and renneylvuuia, or money iu fuutled. Lloyd's Topographical Map of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Rlinois, i the only authority for Get-Ihicl! and the War D purtmeut. Money refunded to tiuyc finding aueirur 111 it. Price udcents. From the Tribune, Aug SI; "Llovit's map of Virginia, Maryland, ami P.-imsykit-uin. This Map is very large; its cost is but '-'3 cents, and it is thu best w huh. j:aii be purthasee." LLOYD'S (ih'EAT MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPI KIVEK. ' " rmra actuiij survr.t t by.Capts. Hart, mid Wm. How "ll, Mississippi Riyer Pilots, of St. Louis, Mo. tlmu a every mar's plantation anrf xtviiers name I10111 St. Louis to ll.eluII'ul'.Meico-l,3.jil miles- every sand bir, island, tnun lauding, and all places -M miles back irom U.e r-yer itoted in Con'icaand Jtulen. Pric, l in sheets. $5, pocket fu.ni, jj'idcaiOyu linen, with rollers. Peady Sept -M. f Navy Dt'i'.turMtNT, WAsiiiMiTnt. Sept, 17, lbC2. J T LnnvB tir: Send ine your map of tho M'ssissippi River, with price per hundred lopu-c, Us.tl-Admiri.l I'harlos II. Davis, comniaudiiigtl.u Mississippi Sipiad run, is aulliorii -d tn purchase as many as arj re-iuired fur use ot Hint squadron. tUDEOV WEI1LS, Secrotarycf tin Navy. October 11, led-' -31, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Culitir'tir Rerringer, elicl fE'l'I'EI! testamentory on Ihe eslnto of Cathariiin Per. sriugi r, late of heaver tow iislnp. in ojuinliia eimiiiy ileciased iave h-ni rranted by the Rgisltr nf t'nlum lua county to 1 lie undersigned also silting in s.ml tuniiship; all pi-rsons liavinit c4alms ugainst thots Ute of tli deceih nt u,u n'iiiesteil to present tlirm in the Executor at Ins residence 111 Heaver twp., with. mt lilay, ami at, person indihted tn make payment fu"hwilh. JOEL IIREUUENIIER, Ott. II. lHil'jCt HfcturoR. X.VTION'AL I'O.IJ'rtEKt'IAL COLLKGiiS I.QCATEP IN PHILADELPHIA. S. E. CCUN'e'rtI'H AND CHESTNUT. STB . New Yorc City, Rrotddyn, Albany, Tim, Rujj'alo. Derail, ( levthuul, Chicago, ' and St. Louh. Rook-keeping, Penmanship, I'ownnercial Aritlimiii.. Coinnn rniil Law, Furms, Correspondence, ic. piattt ..all) taught. 'I liese Colleges being under tho same general and Il eal management, and uniiiiic in each the udtunlugi s of all, oll'.-r greater facilities for imparling instrut Hons than auv ntlu r similar institution 111 Ihr country. A hi holarslup Issued by uny ouu isguod in all for an unlimited tlmu. Tim Pliil.idelphin College has t "c.i recently enlaiged and ri furnished 111 a .upiier uaiiner, mid Is now Hi" larg 'st and most prosperous Coiiiiucriial Iiistitutiuu 111 the t-t-ite. I rjiint fc Ptratton's s- rn's of Text Hooks, i-inhrac nig look keeping, C01umerr1.il Arfihiuelic, and Couioicrtul Law. tor sale uud sent by mull 'UJ" I'orfull particulars send for a circular, October le, IctU- ICin. qMIF. Proprietor of ibis well-know 1 ind centrally lui. I ted House, tho Eaiiiamik lL.ti.silu.it,. mi x ..,. Street, 111 liloonisluirg, iiniiiedliitely -onosito Ihe Cnluni in 1 i.ouiiiy 1 ouri ito-jse, lesptciiuiiy ininrms his trie and Ihu public in general. Ibul his ilioi.o M now m iH'nrms his trieiuU 1 tier tor the reception amlcntorluiniueut of travelers win. ,,.; .,,,.... ., ,., ,, , , i ,ul meir rusioiii. ne iihx a 1 siiarod 110 expense in li.vi.nnii" ihe 1: m it .Km.. r,,r tn.. entrrtaiiiiueiil ol'liis guesta. ut-ither shall Iheru be any. tbmg wauling (ou.iii jiart) to minister to tlit lr pi rsonil I coiiniiri. tu noes? is uiiaiiou. uutl euioys uu eicUlcut business loLitiioii,' 0ll,"'iL'" r""''" to twoen ihe Exclt'inia Iji'ti ami le various li-m Rna.l II, ,,,, ,y ,vnrh t,v. elers wtj au ph-iisantl) tonvetoiltn and .runt llm to speclive tuitions in Hue tune 10 i.icti the Cars. BJooL,sb,g.July7.1eOU. W,L "' K0OKi' i.'oT uauiusu.n7.mT"d. WOULD respectfully iiiluini the ritlnns f llu. burg, ami iclnity. Hint he i-oiitinnestlie nractica .MMICI.T .1X11 IVhUhHY, nd si ln lls slinre nf public pntrc inis. Ointi or Mam Street, lU-t Inm-, bi-lgtv Ihe LWl House. H."o msbiirg. reerusty 3, l'3 If "r