AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. BiDSVI li. I'A'l'E, Editor. TO HOLD AND TIUM THE TOItOII OV TRUTH AND WAV 13 IT O'Elt TIII3 DARKENED EARTH." THEMIS : 82,00 Ifl3R ANNUM. VOL. 16. NO. 35. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1S62, VOLUME 26, .. t 1 T7.I W I t MMA UliSlUUlu l'UllLISHKD EVEUY 6ATU11DAY, 11 Y LEVI L. TATE. i:i BLOOMSEURG, ClOLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, outioe llr xi' TJrlfk Pnllding, eoimlfe the F.iehnnge, ly tide ' of the Court House. "DcMocrallt Head Quarters," TK11M3 OP SU1IKCU1PTI0N. Bl (VI III advance, for one copy, for six moiitln. I J.i lu advancu, fur niii! topy, "in; ytar, II) If not i . 1 ivllhlu tliu lint throu iiioutlii, J So If nut paid ivilhln tlio lirtt nix mouths. " SO lfit paid within tli! cur. r . ' N'o siiln'crlptlun taken fur lens than nix niontlm, I ml im paper discontinued until iill urroaragus ulinllliavu I .en I'jjii nnrv ,llvruTnjtiKTliisiTti!d,an(l Job Work cultcil nl till! uslubllshoil'irlces 5 aT.T I 7oinr LOCK HOSPITAL wrm.iant:i Atj a unrunu 1'ho.muuackt.hy. The Only Phut: where a Cine can be Obtaind. Dtt JOHNSTON linn dii-covercd this most Certain, 'imt'tiy ntiil mily niPctml lloniody In tho World fir nil privato Un-eimiM, Weakness of the llaik or l.imb-i. hlriiturc, Alleitinns ol tlio Kidneys mid Mint , r. Involuntary Mechanics, Imputi'ticy, (leneral Do iintv. tviikiiuh. Dy-ipepsy, Languor, l.nw rHdrlts roul'itinu of i.lcu. Palpitation nf tlm Heart, Timidity, Tr iiilillllKi, Uiiiiiipm of Slaht or (ildililR'?, Disease of in II nd. 'I, Nose or skin, Alleilinns of tlm l.lvtr i.iinti. iitniuacli or Dowels-thimu terribio Disorders nrl l"n' from the Holitarv lliiliils nf Vouth-lhoni fn-in v ind solitary prncticis iiiur.' Iiitul to thi'ir vktlni-i than Hi mini; of tyr 'lis tn tin: .Marlni" nf Ulysses, hliiilit mi? Hi Ir most bri' hopes or anlkip.ilioiiii, rentier. mi' iihirringu, -Sic. impossible. i' i) u x t; si j: n Kan .dally. ln liavo become tlio vl'tlins or Solitary Vitii. dreadful and ilcttruitlvu halut nbiili annu ally s w i! 'ps tn an untimely crave thmi'.aiid-t nf Young iMmi nf tin: iiiut-t i' Milled talent and brilliant intellect, who might otli mlso halo entrain nl listening ficnatos Willi til ' thunders of i lotence ot wiiked lu ecstasy tlio living lyre, ma) cad v,th full cnnliilcnco. M A II K I A i II. jlurrl, J persons, or Yuiini! .Men contcmpl.'itln,I mar f ii I) 'ini? aware nf pliy-ieal iveaknekS, organic dealiili ly. ili fiiruiiln tie., speedily lured. lie Him pl.ic.-s him-iell' under lliu care nf Dr. Johnston, may r.-lij. conlidu in his honor an .1 irciitloinon, and cunildi ally c l upnu lin hkill ai a plij "iLiaii. (I II ti V N I u w r, A K N r. 3 u Iniiuedi.itely cure I and full icnr rei-tnruir. Tlim Oislri'-ifiiiR lUr.-itiuii wliirli n ndem life mis eralilii nun ui.irri.iue iuipiMrilili H tlie penalty paid liy tlm t H inns of niiprojier indulgi iiien. Vnuui! per tun apt tn cuuiinit i xeea from tint lieiiijj aware of Hie dreadful cnne'ii. uru that may einnie, N.iw, wlin iiudcrstaiidii Hie iiulijeit will pre I it tu ileuy Hi" power of pro, ri atnin i lint ooner Dytliu. f.illiiiiiiiito improper Ualiits lli.iuliy the prmliiit. II aidi bung di puve.l n tin- I aniro of liealtliy oir- pri.ii4 . tlio ino-.t wiriuiis an. I lieilriutive yniplnni to li illi uojy an I mind aiie. 'I'lu' ny-tem liecnuien deraiiK di; tlie pliyMrnl iiii.I ni.-iital linn tiniii weakened, Inni ufprner.'.ilive power, ueiMiin, in liability, llynpep-1.1 paliiitntlnii nf Hie heart. Induo-tinn. 1 nii.lltiitiiilial du bility, a wa-11115 of tlie l'ranie, Cuiijjli, Consiiuiplioii, decay and ile4tli. (jM'!i'i;, no. 7 south nii:iii:uii'K stiiki-.t J.efl hand mile going frnni !lalluiiirn slrent, a f-w ilonrs frouittiu cnrnr I'.iil not toulmern' naiiiii and number, uutl ts mint lu pan! and rnntaiii a tianip. The Hoc- tor'i. lliplnmur I111115 ill Iim mliee. A U U II li W A II II A N T I". l I M T W O 1) AYS I M HtllW'UY Oil N .I'nL'H IIHUOti. Hit. jall.VM'U.Y Member "f the Hoyal C'oll.'Sji' nf fiirceono, l.nnilnn. liradu.lte from one ol Hie limit eliiiil' ill I'nlli gen nl the 1 ml 'd sl.ii-.aud tlie greater part nf wlnnelife Inn been nil ut 111 til tiri-l llinpit lis nf l.iiiidnn, I'.irji, i'lnla- .1. .,,.1 h ri' 1 It' 1 1. ll -l,Hli' lit tile lllilrt 111 tonisliiiii! rare were enr known ; iii-iny troubled Willi rniiiiu!! in the iiudiarrt wlieii a-leep, t'reat iierviiusni' li in:; alarmed at tiidden miuiiiI-, and b.i-h-MliieHi, wiihfri 'pient hliialuiii;, attended Minn-uines with derjiiiSJiueiit ot iniiid. were cured immediately r k 1: r a 11 t 1 r i' i, a it n o t i 0 n. .M A it It I A (J U. ! I)r J addresie nil tko-i.' who have in ired lli-m-elvi! , In improper imminence mid .ulitary lliiliils. whliliru m b jlli body and mind, unlitiuu tlieiu fur cither bUM- I gtiniy, mitieiy or 111 irri:ie. I Tli are -nne of th and ni'danilioly ettetN pro iim J i.v .111I1 I1.1l.1w of jinitli. vi.: Wealiin'.-i of H10 ( ILnknud l.i.ub I'.nii in th' Head, llimiie.s of Mcht s"f .MiHi oli.rlMwer. IMIpilatioii nf l ie Heart l.ya ii'oM-i N-no irt Irratalnllty. IJeraiieeinent of the Due , ,lv. ruiutiuiiii, IKbilitj, mptuui8uf Lousunip , "'lII'v'i'll.l.Y.-The fearful ell'ecH on tlio mind aro uii'ii'li to m dr. aded, l.nnm.t Muiior) , Cnnfii,i,iii of Ideas 1 1 iireV'i.iiior the MpiriU, Kill Tor. 1 ni!t, AverMon ' , mi' tl Ve'f - li UrTi.t. loi'o of unlilude, Timit), &c. li... mime uf the ovil liloilliced. Tlio and' of pen-on of all ase can now jthlR.) w hat Is ill 1 itii- '.I th.'ir declininu' Inalth. I.oosina their ' , ,o, I, 1 ...uioi! weak, pale and ema, i.ued, havni,' mn t'ui.1. app .i.uic about the ii) Lt, cotigli and j iiij.lm.i ol y O U X U M K M. j Who h.,v 1'ijiired tli.iinelv.'s by 11 certain practice .,,,, '. 1 .11 w b 11 alniie -a I1al.1t Ircpieiilly leaii.eil from 0 eon pani'ii... or at fchool tlm .1 -U, of w I111 1, aro ,tlv 1 li, ewn wlii'ii a.leep. and if not cured renders nil., hi". 1 op. -lid.', mid dci-iroy.. both iiiiuJ and body, '."il'V;:',;'':;1;;,; man. ilia hni.. of hi. country ! . hhmil.l be Fliatilied from ' 1 .... . .iIuki (ii id iifir.'iin all n 11M) .1- .mil enjoi uts ol III", by the u.iiH'eueu- ' i m.uii.i: ti.iiT. tli in:t "f miiure, and unlulgiHa 111 a e "ier..t habit. p.-rsous must betoru i.nii u 1 .11 11 i reileet .1 s'.'ind liilnd and body are the most ne' ce ..iy ii.iui.mes to pr te .onuiibi.i happm ss Indeed, without these tlieouiue through life becomes a war 1 pilgiiuiago, the pro-pi ct hourly dark, us to th. u. il ; the 11,1ml bi-ciimes bliadow eil w llh defpair&; linen mill th. iii'laiHholy ri'll.-itiont!ut the luppiuu.s ol another b.-comes blighted with our own, 11 1 s 1; a S r. o i-' 1 m i' it u j) j: n ; n. When ih'iui-giii.led and liuprii.leut votary ol pleasure finds In- lu- i.iibili. .1 tlie M'eds nf this palnlul disease, it tun oft, 11 li.uip u-that an ill liiii.-d enso i.f rluiuu or di-ad of diJ.'i ry. deters bun fr.uu applying to llm-o win. from .'.In. anon and n-n ctability can alone befriend In 11. di Liting till Hie colitllutlunal yiuptonis nf t lis lion 1 1 di- iHe make-, their appearance, tueli as ulceralei son-tin 0,1 diseasi'd nose, nociui ual. pains 111 the heail and linilii.dimai'.s of sight, dualness, nodes on Ilia hliiu Jion.'s, ami arms, blotches on tbo head, f.ico and ex reine I. u. pi.igressn.gwilh riipidity.till at last the pal ate 1 f til n nulh and bones of tlm nose fall 111. and the Mctn 1 f rhisd. ase b.coiueMi horrid nbject nl cuiiiiiiieraliun (ill deatli put-11 period tnliis Ur.'itilfiil siilleriugs, by hui. dinaliii.i to "tlnil bourne from whence no traveler ro- ''uTs a iilmrnl fi"l lliat tliousnnds fall iclims l hi- ii riolc disease, ow nig to the tiBskilltuirness orig ,1 nam in' 'tenders, who, by tlio uso uf Hint Dentil a J'i ,un..U,r ry ruin the constitution uud make the ro.l due uf lite miser. ilde. ri T U -v X o 1. 11 3 Trust no: your lives, or health, to the care of the ma .11 1 ,1 .'.iriiLd ami Worthies I'r. tenders. .leslitute ol . mii dg., n iiue or Dr. Jonnslon s II. lv rtisi in. uls. or !) lu Hieuisi Ives, 111 Hie ncwi-papers, njularly llducated I'hy.ii ians iniapablu nl l uring limy . "p yuU trilling iiiouth after uiotilh taking their llllhy I .1 jisoiius 1 oinpounds, or as long as the ainalle-l leu ,m h ,ib inied. mid 111 despair, leave yuu w Hh ruined a iliu i" -sail ov . r your gallluig disappointment. jlr J.ih.n m is the only l'hyslriuu advertising. Ill, 1. .t uiiiil or diplomas alwiiys haugin hisotlice. His 1. 111 lo or truulnieiit are unknown to all ollu . is, i.r. par.-d a life .pent ill the great liospil lis ut l.u- . no', Hi fir-.! 111 tin Hitry and a innru extensive f'n- vute i'ree'i. Hiau :111V other Physician in Hie wurld. ISIJUItSllMUNT Ol' TIIU l'lll.&S. The many thousands 1 ured ut this institution yenrnr 1 'r year, and thu iiiimuious iiiipiutaut Surgical Opera tiuiis perlornied by llr. Jnhii.tou, w itnes-ed by Hi" re porters uf the ".-nil," "Clipper." and many idlK'r papers notices of which have appeared again and iigaiii beloro the publii , b.-si les his standing il" a gentlemen ol char-nit-T mid rii-ponsibility, Is 11 sufficient guarantee to tlio ailliciud. siciv ntsHAHtis si'nr.iui.Y cunr.n. Persons wilting should be particular In directing their letters to Inn institution, in tlie fnlluwing niiiniier JDIIN ,M. JDIIN.VION, -M. H. OflliJ llaliiinore I.oik Hospilul. Iljlliinore, Miirylaiid. Jun If. l'-O-J. .March li. leio TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. mill; undersigned respectfully informs Ills old friend 1 mid customers, luul ho has puriliised his hroiln is interest in the abovo efliiUlshineiit.andlhe concrii win hereafter bu conduileil by hiinself exiluivelv. llei has just received and oilers lor milu. Hi" ' mi-; est and umst ext. nslvo essnrliueiil ! I A ti X STO V liri ever introduced into tins market. eSc Ills nock consists nf n complete assortment ol ho lisst ('miking and parlor Moves ill the logelli urwithHtuve I'ntiiics nf every description, Ovun ami llox Siuves (ludiators, Cylindar Stoves, i ut Jnui Air l'ulil stoves, Ciuiion Stoves. &e . &c r-lovepipe and Tiuwaro contniiilv 011 hind and iiiaiiufaclured tu urucr. .All kinds of repairing done, as u.uul mi .linn noilce. Th patron iso of old fttonds and new' .eU'l0''' '",'B ptfully mlictlei'l A 51 Ul'lLM. ' Dlooniiibiir;, November 3d 1'CO, If. Clioico Poetry. tSod'.s Conscript. Cnmo forlh.'my prccloim first-born. C0H19I Away with thoughts or oft ilellsht i Adieu tojoys of pcncoful homo Conic, wo mimt dress tlico for tlio light I for ut my Bate find's herald wait, And claims tlico for lus'wnrrlng host; Hoavcn's coiKcript, liaitc, and tako thy post I O thou to fight the world designed l.o I firit around thy l.i.yirl. head Balvallnn'H rtarryjiclm wo lilmli Its blood-red plumage o'er thee shed ; Proof to hell's dart. Across thy heart In linly confljnirc we prcs The seven-fold plate of righteousness I Next, clasping round thy loins we braco Truth's raillent belt ; upon thy feet The sandals of thg gospel plafu Now is thy vest of steel complete I (lo. warrior, go. Di fy tlio foe, Thy head iscladithy feet are shod! Willi all tlio panoply uf (iodl Last, to thy right hand wo intrust The I'plrit's sword uplift and wield ; And, blazing on thy left, ailjust 1'alth's broad impenetrable shield I See to the air Thy banners glare, Chrit's blnud'red cross there, thus my son, Ten thousand saints have fought and w 011 1 N'oiv is thy every want prepared, And ready stands this cho.cii train 1 In battle's heat thy body guard, Ucproarh and hatred, caru and pain, Tear net, my child, Their aspect w ild. A Seraph each difgtilsed will prove, Glory and gladness, peace and lovo. Thou chalt with grunting wounds bo goi'd, Hut see w lint healing h"lm 1 briii;', Nit rii-t 1 1 er Hint which Mary poured Upon the overtaking King ; All pauss of hell 1 1 a i Utiles 'pull ; Ni rve with now battle's strife. Accept, my noil, the Word of Life. Upon thy .Master's gory cross, Uiillini bins; heart, and will tubend; I'eel Joy in sorrow, gain in loss, Torture in ease, and foe in frienJ j Keen hate, want, sword. Thy richest hoard j rind death in life, unil life in death Uo, boy, (jo'l claims thy latest breath. Nuw.thou hast had my last embrace, Hast heard they father's laft command ; Turn, turn from home thy ImyHi face, (lu taku in Cud's lri;'hl host thy stiiid i The battle's dm Comes rolling In ; Cod's saints are shouting ; hio the life ; .March, boy, and share their victory 1 Interesting Story. THE DOUBLE ROBBERY. Toward tlio close of tho last century Northumberland and the border were ter ribly inifestod by those to the bucolic mind particularly obnoxious specimens 1 ot tlio gums ttiici Known as "rivers, or "lifters of cattle." I Almost all the rascals who followed 1 thU not uulucrative profession trusted chiefly to mere bruto foreo to carry out! I successfully their nefarious schemes. J I There was, however, one exception to tlm rulo to bo found in the person of a celebra ted frccbotcr, known as "Dickey of Kings ! wood." This worthy openly expressed ' his disapprobation of his rivals' vulgar . niodo of following their profession, and ro ! psatedly boasted that ho could achicvo 1 twice as much by his cunning as they could j by their brute force. Nor was this asser tion of his empty boasting far from it. I In a few years' time Dickey's uame bo- I . 1 . . l ,1 - !.l - camo tlio terror 01 111c country btuc. io farmor'felt sccuro when ho retired to rest at night that his cattle might not have vanished beforo morning. So cleverly, moreover, wero all Dickey's enterprises couductcd, that no man could ever succeed in making personal acquaintance with him, He openly set justico at defiance, and laughed at the fertile efforts of law topun- !d. I.:.,. lf,vlifina linvrrivnr. f.lifi host wav jiauuiui. i vm,'-i - -1 to illustrato tho adroitness and good luck which characterized all Dickoy's proceed ings will bo for mo to relato tho story of ono of his csploits. It nppcars, then, that during tho course of his peregrin ations through Northumb erland, ono fine afternoon, Dickey's eyes were gladcncd by tho sight of a pair of fine oxen winch were quietly graz-ng in a field near Denton Hum, a villago distant thrco miles from New Castle. Determined to possess them, Dickoy hung about tho place till nightfall, watch ed whoro tho animals were driven to, and, his usual good fortuno assisting him spec, dily secured his prize. IIo also contrived by tho exoroiso of his accustomed cunning, fr, l Knob traces behind him as made tho owner of tho oxen certain that tho free booor had made off toward 1 weed. Thither ho accordingly proceeded in hot haste. In tlio intcrinen, however, Dickey had lost no tinio in "niakiug tracks' to ward tho west country, and so expeditious woro his movements that in n fchort time ho reached Lauorcost, iu Cumberland. Hero ho fell in with an eld farmer on horseback, who, being delighted with tho appearance of tho oxou, forthwith pur chased them, Dickoy was of cour3o rejoiced at getting rid so pleasantly of a chargo whioh could not fail to bo troublesome nay, possibly dangerous to him longer to retain. Tho farmer moreover, was mounted upon a splendid marc, which Dickoy, with his pe culiar ideas on tho subject of vuum and tcum at onco resolved by fair means or foul, to secure IIo thcrcforo willingly acceptod the farmer's hospitable invitation to accompany him to his houso in order that they might "crack" a bottlo of good who in honor to their baigain. Presently Dickey inquired of tho farmer if ho would sell him his maro ? "Sell you my marol" exclaimed his host all aghast at his proposition. "Sell my marc? No, tlinok you,' Why thoro's not her equal in tho whole north country!" ''I do not noubt it Mr. Mustgravo," re sponded Dickoy, "and from what I saw of her paces this morning, I am quito of your opinion that there's not her equal within a hundred miles of us : 13ut," add ed tho obscquions Dick, "siuco you will not sell her, I can only wish you a long life and good health to onjoy her." This sentiment was of course duly hon ored iu a bumper. "I hope, Mr. Musgravc,'' next observed Dickey, "that you keep a close look-out after your stable door, becauso now, where that rascal Dickoy of Kingswood is allow ed to be at liberty, a man oannot bo sure but that any Quo morning he may lind his stable empty." "Stable 1 ha 1 ha!" chuckled tho far mer. "I think," ho continued, "that Dicky Kingswood would find it rather dif ficult to steal my maro from tho stablo 1" "Indeed! where may her stable bo sit uated ?" inquired Dickey. "Her stable ! bless you sir!" her stablo is in my bed-room 1 I'm a bachelor, and so I fasten her to my bed post. I have had a manger put up for hor in tho room, and no music is so pleasant to mo as to hoar her grinding hercoru all night by my bedside. Dickey was astouaded as well he might be at such unheard-of precautions; but disguising his astonishment, hecoutcn ted himself by simply expressing himself to the farmer his hearty approval of tho means he adopted to secure tho safety of his favorite. "I suppose you have a good look on your bedroom door?" was Dickey's next feeler.' "Come with mo, and I will show it you,' replied the unsuspecting farmer. This was just what Dickoy wanted. lie examined tho lock carefully, and soon satisfied himself that ho could pick it with out muoh difficulty. He, however, de clared to Musgravo that it was just tho right sort of a lock ; "it couldn't have been bettor iu fact, it was quito non-pickablo," etc. Again tho cup passed round, and after draining a bumper to their 'next merry meeting' Dickey departed . The old farmer, after his guest's leave taking had been completed, carefully went the rounds of his house, locking doors and closing wiudows with all duo prccautiou. IIo then, as usual, tied his horse to her ac customed post, retired and was soon lulled to sleep by tho sound of his favorito grind ing her corn. So tho night woro away. Presently, as tho first gray streaks of day began to appear, Mr. Musgravo awoke, and fscliug very cold ami chilly, looked round to as certain tho cause. To his astonishment, ho found that all tho coverlets had boon taken off his bed and that his blankets had been spread out upon the floor. Jor what nurnoso? thought Mr. Musirravc. Was l l a w he tho victim of somo borriblo nightmare, or was ho really awake f Mechanically his eye glanced to tho spot whero his maro should have been. She was not there ! Sho was gone stolen 5 During tho night some daring thiof had broken into tho farm house, had picked the lock on tho door of tho bed-room, bad spread tho blankets over the floor, to that tho hoofs of tho maro should mako no uoiso, and had thus triumphantly made off with his prizo; Of course Mr. Musgravo roused his household, and commenced a vigorous search after the thief. It was useless. Tho dcspoilcr had left uo .traco bchiud him, and so Mr. Musgravo was obligod to return homo disconsolate, and to ooiitont himself with venting curses neither few nor far bqtwcen-r-upou tho thief. In tho moautiinu our friend Dickoy for his was tho deed was comfortably mouutod upon Mr. Musgravo's favorito mare, aud was every moment increasing tho distance botweeu her outraged owner and himself. So great wus iho speed of tho maro, that by tho break of day Dickoy folt himself secure from pursuit. IIo had directed his steps to the eastward, and whilo crossing Haltwhistlo Fell, whom should ho encounter but tho vcritab'.o ow ner of tho oxen ho had stolen two or thrco days before, nnd had just sold to Mr. Mus gravo 1 Dickoy know tho owner of tho oxen well, but, luckily for tho fresbooter, that injured individual did not know him. IIo thoroforc accosted Dickoy, and inqnircd if ho had seen any oxen in tho courso of his travels similar to thoso ho describod him self to Dick as being iu search of. "Why to bo suro I havo !" replied Dick ey; "with tho very samo marks as you ili.Kprilwrl . rn-nmis in Tr. Al na nvn inu I fc....b ... fa' ' fields at Jjancrcost, only yesterday. 1 was rather struck," ho continued, "by their appearance, aud learned, on inquiry, from ono of his sorvauts, that Mr. Mus gravo had purchased them just yesterday. Undoubtedly tho oxen are yours. 1 would ndviio you to go to Lancrcost at once and claim them. "Certainly I will," replied tho other. "Hut I am tired with hard walkiug, and it is a long way to Lanercost. I sco you rido a good beast. Will you sell her f " After sonto hard bargaining, terms were agreed upon, thepurchase money was paid down on the spot, and Dickey and tho far mer seporatcd ; tho farmer to seek his sto len oxen, actually from tho very owner of the stolen maro ho was himself riding, whilo Dickey proceeded "whero ho listed." Tho next daytho fanner reached Lan orcost and at onco recognized his own ox on grazing in tho field. IIo forthwith rode up to an elderly man standing near, whom ho judged to be tho owner of the field, and exclaimed : 'I say, friend, thoso aro my oxen in your field ! How may you have come by them I" "And I'll be hanged replied tho other (after taking a long, astonished look at the on which his questioner was mounted,) ''if that's not my maro you ate riding ! Ilow may you have come by her, pray ?" Each ot course described the person from whom they had respectively pur chased the oxen and the maro ; and when this was done, they discovered tliey had indeed been "sold'1 by a rogue of no com mon order. So laughable did the joke appear oven to those who had to ''pay tho piper" in tho affair that neither party could prevent breaking out in a peal of merriment when tho particulars were fully disclosed. It was now clear that tho only way to fettle- tho affair was for each party to take back his own property. Muravc was of course overjoyed at tho recovery of hisfa vorito mare and the Denton Durn farmer benig equally delighted at the recovery of Ins oxen, it fell out tuat, m tho general burst of rejoicing, Dickey was allowed to quietly pocket the sale money of both mare and oxen. Whethor Dick ultimately camo to an untimely end, or whether ho reformed his ways, and died, duly "shrived," in his own bed, history tcllcth cot. Certain it is howcAor, that to this day his deeds aro "household words" in many parts of Northumberland, and tho nientiou of his namo among tho peasantry is con sidered synonymous wih "cuteucss. Correspondence. For the Columbia Democrat. Mrt. Editor : In looking over that nio?t vilo Abolition sheet of your town, hod long since, I noticed that some sap head, whoo intellect to judgo by his wri ting, must bo very limited, has taken a position in defense of Mr. 15. A. Sharretts, against an urticlo iu tho iSVr, that was written by a Piahingcreoker which was perused by him to havo been made against Mr. S. J havo giveu some comments on it for which if you permit space in the columns of your valuable paper, may 6how to thoso who road, tho narrow contracted mind it cmiuntcd from, iXow, f-iuco that article in tho Star, was not personal and sinco there wero othir addresses made uear tho town of Itohrs burg by different persons what roason more had this friend to Ministers as ho styles himself to tako offense and to seek vengeauco through tho Alrtcan j1UI, tUo Negro's dwelling place thau any other per- sou. This friend to Ministers says ho would not havo written in opposition to (I1U V IdllinguruuKur Uiiu it 11 uo uuuu iur iuu injury it might havo done Mr. B., whero ho was not known. Hero bis miud was too limited, for siuco that urticlo in tho Stur was not personal how could it havo dono him harm whero ho was not known 1 Hut you know whon a dog is hurt it howls. would hero advice "long-uoso" to keep his fly-trap chut hereafter. J rcitoruto tho assertions that wero mado in that ur ticlo regarding that disunion speech rufcruil to by tho Pishingerc,olver, and iu eo doing express the sentiment of half of his heat ers, whethor it was au address mado by Mr. Sharrctts or any other person that it was a disunion, ineonsUtuut and contra dictory speech. And all such haranguos ought to bo donouueed by every loyal por son. Such r-pceches mado by such imn throughout the froo Slates wilh the aid of tho Abolition Press, such us tho IU publican havo been the means of bringing our onoo nrojiiorous and happy country into the deplorable conditiou it is in at present, 1 aud yet they olaim to bo loyal. Pulse. 1 A CITIZEN. Thu Oral'lcil Militia or COLIJMllIA COUNTV. Tho following is a list of tho drafted Militia of each township in Columbia co. Tho townships of Cnttawissa, Pino and IJorough of Dorwick, having furnished thosr quota by volunteering, wero ex empt from draft. Bloom Township. A M Itupcrt James llenwnnd Henry S Arthur .M O Abbott l'lilllp Shoemaker Henry W Heller John 1 1 r 1 nn Dennis llrink III! Itimp Illi llmton Thos W (litnton Henry Ilodlno Jesse Shoemaker fl W Correll John 1'oster Jncnb (Host Ileu 1' llagcnbucti John fficst Jacob Seihler Audrcvv McCabo Ilobert IMgar Oliver U Kahlcr Win K (Heritor Samuel Stead William IMgar llenjatiiiii llomboy Jo.eph Witts Sainuil Vetter l'lilllp S .Mayer Win Coleman Haiuuel McNlnch Henry I'nus Wm II J a ci it. y Thin J liarlou Kill. in A Srult Samuel II Scarlii Welllut'tnu Ilriswlck Augustus U Itaub David llv.ins lsill.lll Nuss Samuel (irusi jo.eph i, shannon Solomon Smith Abraham II Thomas I'luderlck U l'.yer liricifcriek Tuivnship, Win dirt on Henri- I. a) inou Albert llx Win II Slahl Joh I! Cordlncr Jacob II Moslcllcr Wm l.ynn "James -Meeenn David MiarT. r.jr. James Sponeubcrg Augustus II Clewcll Thomas Admits Alex lliiigbam lleesc ,M l'ck John Ilariiiau Stephen Creasy iMmli. Pouitioy llnaey (iordcuhclzcr William Wald Sampson folk Milton M Trailgh Job Crn.gly Miles .Martiucy William llinver Julm Hurris Hrknrd Smith Win llvnus David Kline Win C'li'Well Cuiirad Marlilo nilas Vi.'t Urn iniii I Smith Stephen Mirhael Isaiah Mi lllck John 11 Mart, lien Kow ler Silas B Mnycr lllias Kuppis Win Hlpplnstecl Neheiniah Ulltcnliousli (Jen ltower Jacob Weiso Morris liiuenhotise Samuel Cdily Samuel Dietcrick Owen Suit Josoph Clank Ceurgu Aitv I.erl lliuard Beaver 'Ihwnship. Pnlomon Slicker Levi McAfea Joseph j'nigley John Delias t'reil John D. tl.inco Henry MiUcr Levi Fisher Nathan Urwln Jacob Longabcrgcr Amos Wager Joseph Louden W M Herring Nathan I.ongabergcr I'hi'ip liilliincu Moses Sinker I'rcdiirick Hunts Joseph Nabs Henry Swank John l.nngeiiborgct John Nans Jacob llaker Wm Miciiael ill t lloslrr Uaac Si hell Jacob HnH'man Jnhn Mcnsiiigcr Patrick Tinch ll.u ill Link Divid Nabo llenben Miorman Jonah Johnson Jnsiah llitteuhnuse Samuel Herring Aaron Johnson, jr Michael Mooraud Illi I'.rviu Jacob llernberger Uriah .MeAfeo Philip Moorml John Longabcrgcr, jr Benton Township Philip A Klmn Merice it Smith l'arvin Masters John Swarluut W K Knokbaum Peter l.aubacli Jared (InulV lien W Clmger Illi Mcllenry Peter Asheliiian John W llcishlino Russel ShulU Joel Keifer Kllas Shultz Earl Hoslon Wheeler Miulti riiilip I'Krickbaum Llias Ash Occur Conner Ilemlric W Hangs riienias llemley Mon M Ilarturiii Hiram Seigliied John J. Karnes Peter II Shult7. Nathan II Tul.l. i David S Laubach Conyngham 'loivmhip. (lerge r-nyurr John Yon Jacob Wagner Henry Zimmerman Hugh Hart Charlt-H Sharp Peter CarUly Thomas ,M Cook Patrick Srhoshay Timothy Carnoy Patrick Agcn John llloss Janice Kyan Andrew Mull Thomas .McCook Walter Ducal John Wilcbrai.t John I.ellW Owen Cam. Patrick Wills Joseph Wmloin Jacob Oinlmif Thomas Mutter Thomas Welsh Michail Whitticr l'rank Waruick Patrick I'ye Wm Itraiiclnu Daniel (.ruin Thomas Meury Dills Valentino Michael 1 Sihubiily John li rauy Ilobert (Jorrilo David t'ruens John Hughes Daniel Jones Miihael Mulligan John Campbell Patrick tjolngham John .McDowell Michael Shiiller Thomas Durkiu 1'raiiklin Shappeil 'i homas Vollo Jacob ShulU William Ducfaw II Wanniili Siinnii Chrlit Win Anterson Win Dalrt i; I. Ilittcrly Kcubi'ii Waster John J l agoner Peter lliiilawf Jacob llodernn Dennis vunly James Crawford Thomas Duller l'at Manehac Centre Totvmhip, Mn .Viuii'MMo Sminiel Kvorr Jaines H'ttnlin nomas Vr'j John tttmtij nd'te ,1retcine Dannt Daiilierd JlortliCal .V Uiekt Kills Young Huhiiril Hitptrt John Josep'i Witmeyr Mattlon II llieis .Michael lloaan Daniel H li'ilitioyer George Conner J.'fsAu llagenbueh DiiihI ltower Charles lloriiieti .oArt Cain Win Dnrline iiitnuel .Marti Mam WU L'elb decree Yungcr .Matheio llogan Jnhn 1'iiui l'redetiek .Michael jiaron .Ytus itiimitcl liillturn Daunt Loiery Xaihan Miller Jacob Sicmer Frederick llcgsvhuek 1 fieh.nO I'liol ! lmaccutl Hill Jim in a 11 Dclc'itk 1 'IMghnm 1) ilrans ' llm irmly (leu II fii eue Hiram Holler Jesse .1 trcdritk Mum II 'Il Cli'irles Oo.ti.naK Win KiiiIij I Sninttet C Kellner 1 hitrij SitMl Daniel tlujer Jvtiitii K bishor John Miller S.tnutl Witmcyer Aius tlarinan ' Tlico JleO l'riee: 1 eAil Utiiier WMii gcrcik Township. jliuelun M HVaeci Drmcl Yarlo levi lllshliuc haar. Mellevtij llilliam lless 1 n Ktlno Uiram l.uimwr btott Mcllenrij milium llaguilivik Christian J rfsk John Dtctereek Moses Mcllciry liltatiiigtan llellll 'Vhoina Yaplc WmM tAudctiliaek ) H V '11 as st Al'm Mcllnity Jneoh Vurrer Jliram Melleury i:li llotibiiit William Unangst J'llas 1' Header .laltn J Fuller Wm Mr(Ull Wociii lleuheii lloston georgn I'taler .ilejantlir Kramer Marina. W Alinonton Jtlfred F Crcccliitg John Melleury .VirultamhlM r'r'e Va j jonfh Thomi ! iTl'llilj 1 1h'"".,L'"f.. 1'aultrolfe. Mo nne MarLlc Stephen Drither William Mitoker llirnm I'eolcr Jostjih C Itunijan Jtmuiak liiro Jackson Jlle Charles h'Ktnilg John Y. Wager Jlllus Ask Conrad U'n'iilcneel Franklin Township William Miller Thomas ' Harder Josti'li lltaecr Christian L Mrtly GUKKKWOOD TOWNSHIT. liichnrd Kitohon Win linrpota A bin Seyliort Il ii'i'ison Dutoriok WiUon .1 lives Charles ltower Tnoeiili lluvnittn l'nrry H Iltitir S.imucl Molliinry John Lottion Joa 1) Fulmar 1J J Cnmpliell .loseph 0 I'uiker A 11 Hrowo W 1 Hu.teook Wm Dims Isano Klino John Tlioinns (Janro Ikelcr - JuokNon Shannon Kliinhd Ikelcr Wm Fi.x Ilrtrvey 0 Smith 111 wood J Honeiick Alojornou S Kestsr Levi l'ilkinntoii John J Hulibinii C V.' Klino .liiscpli S Klino Virgil ItubbiiiB Jos Y llunlzinfror Clinton llubbius Andrew J Crawford Dnnlol U Fursel Plii'ip Ktimiao Jncnb S Iloono Jacob Miisjcltnria Charles Forsytho TOWNSIIir. Charles Sun Miclinol Whitenight Jnhn Milnor Josoph Evnns Jo'in Mu'ieliiiitn Willinm 1' Jones Gcnrgo L Shoomakor John It Miller Ell Olil Jnhn Kyor Henry Slmfer Thouus lluaael TOWN'SIIII'. Andrew J Dorr Joseph F Dorr Ciilvin Durr Stephen Mellonry AVilson Albartaon Gdo CI Manning John II Fritz W W H -borls Thos J Hess ucsto itnono LOCUST TOWVSHIP. John Bcavor William Wjun SetiaJttan Kcclielrlcs Jolm Hivcnk . Wright iIuKhes ll.iniel I.eiliy Peter lleavor John Menseli William Pifer Stephen Yolio Daniel Ilongnbogor lliniinuul Asliton John Krivin Henry V Vcager Samuel Loan Cyrus Shuflcr Lewis lUnoholil Joshua Wouier Martin 11 V Klino Charles Williams Nicholas Hacker M'illiam Voagor Jackson (lcorp;o Urael Wliary Danielll Slophcna Charles .Miller D K Locknrd William 11 Heinlolil Charles S (J Arnlug v.Vsley Perry Daniel Belituoa llonj.itiiii. Heaver Jolin Krislior John .Mirncu Daniel Stino Willi.ini lloat Christian Mcnsch David Adams William llelcg Henry Iloirman MONTOUR TOWNSHIP. Charles Fetser Josiali Urown Franklin Miller Jesse Somors Ktiianuel Conner Silas Conner Chnrlos lleeder Jucksnn Leiby TliomaH Weaver J.mica Fontpr William Low Daniel Uijjrjer, jr John G Quick Martin Clino Josiah Kihvards Jusepli Decker William Linn Michael Ilatich Lloyd I'axton Jonathan Fry David Martial Caleb Die- Janus Farn9worth Daniel Lazarus MAlNi: TOWNSHIP. Wm P Shuman Clintlos Fisher William Swishor Peter Fisher Lemuel llredbonner Christian Uarman Daniel Mulor IJtiiijamin Nuss II W Brown Alunliura Shuman Gideon Nuss Sniuuel Dalions David Shuman Aaron Miller Lewis Feller Daniol Harmony William Lnnc;aliei'si'rFruiici I'lemine; MOUNT I'l.KASANT TOWNSHIP Daniels Viuidcrslico Henry itdick Amos Grubcr Philip Stroup Autos Wnnick John Ostium Samuol H.irttnan (ioorjju W .Tuonhy Thouus Jones Joseph 11 Vntiiloralico Ooore;o Slcininillcr Henry Wilkins PJri J Ikcler Hussol Applctnan Amlrow J Ikelcr Amlrew C McArty Aaron Kcstor John Mor.iin David Prees John Ilippcnstcol Lemuel Shoemaker Charles Shaffer Henry W Mellick Mathins Kindt Amlrow Shoemaker John S Patterson Albert Miller MIFFLIN TOAVNSIIIP. Samuel I'ifcr K W KirkenJall Willinm Piatt Klias Ilelcrick P.amiicl K SinilU llcurgo Spado Peter C Kckroti) Iloraeo Siveppohcisor 1'iciibcc Prey .loiiaihau Spado William Pottlt William V Keller Isaac LuU Jeremiah Zimmerman Daniel M Hutlonslino Martin Keller Isaac Anilrens K L liirkemlall J J IIcss A W Ilcis Samuel Mi heal Michael II Heltor Thomas Atcn ll.uid Brown Jolm Creasy Pclcr J Luntj Samuel Amlrcwj Ohedlah Swank Joseph Frederick Henry 0 Hnofi'naglo John Kirkcmlall Henry Heller John H Davis Samuel I.ut. Philip Stilly, jr Jolm Michael, jr Jacob Vox David Mtnscli Kculien Honeo Picphen Dlotorlek lieorgo Moirry John U Voho Stephen Hotter Isaac U Foots Aaron iless Adam Miller MADISON TOWNSHIP. Ilobert Truit John W Uirton S S Huuyau Daniel S lleehtol Daniel Menetl Aluxandcr Carr Jacob Kramer Thoutm Iilnlc3 .Mahlen II lloadt Oooro Itunyaii Francis Eves Adam Cmicrman Win Wintersteen William (Iraliam Geo II Whiteniglit U li Welllver John Straupt Ramuol Brm-ler David Hoes Ifaae WbippU 0 P Itunjan Uriah Welllver James Mills Kicbanl V. Smut Cyrm Demott Jaincs Kindlen II Clay Mills Joel Moser David A Watson Silas Welllver Wm Maitcllur Samuel S liouny IMwaril Stout John Stotolr Henry DiMino jViehacl Haup Jacob Qirton Nioholas Ihrher Cliirles Jobusoc Silas W Harbor Wesley Demott Win Fnlrman Henry Wntrner l'ell Hitter Parvin Swisher John Fruit Nels3 Welllver Geo H Welllver OKANUE TOWNSHIP. Wesley V Sutllff Jacob Seixfril-z Wm M Kceler Km.iiiucl Johnson Saui'l M D Montgoiaory 1J F Patterson William Fisher William IngoM Aaron Patterson SUUAIILOAF TOWNSiril'. Peter Mastollur Alex Hess (learliart Nuss Franklin Naglo Wm Colo Shmlrach Hess Pliillp Hess Cornelius Shitlti Kuanuul Dills Josepli 1J llarp Mlcliiicl lilsliltno Uenjatuin F Ppltcmon John (Hies Vara Stephens Uriah J older Juslah K Fritz James Swart Jnmos Peiiington Sainui'l lless Hubert ilontgoiccry A J rrltr. James Petcrmnu Jefferson Fritz Ncwtun Ilurringtou (ieoro lless Hiram FrtU John Cu!u Hodman Holterly uuwiird Huberts TOWNSHIP. Daniel Mordlu Hlraw S il.irr (leorirc .oilier Wm II SIkiuiiou John Turner Henry Oman W illi.uu Muster Jacob Cloifeu Lewis lle.s Thco McDovfell ECGIT Oscar P lint Daniel 0 L'nt WM Fausoy Thco Hoivel' Daniel 1. F.vcrbart W Jl Shuman Samuel HugenbucU (leorgo lleekuiau HarvyJ Croveling Sylvester J Vox Goorgo 11 Thoiims Jacob Ilayinim CornelitM lines Albcr Shields David M Koster Jacob F Deterick Joseph W Itcos 1IK.ML0CIC Danlol AVoldor James W Eeko Jamoa Powell Henry Whiteniglit LU 0 Smith Win Hnrlninn, jr Jacob Miller Jnmos D I'ursel Ltidwiu S Levi Wright Amos Townsend John Ilartntiu, jr lllius Giggcr JACKSON Sn.u W Mcllenry Win Yuurte; Samuel IIcss Martin Gotz Htigh Shultz Samuel F lluss Klijah Yooum Churlns C Mustellar Georejo Itemly Wm V Crovelllnp; Harvey Jonos Wm Abbott Jacob Hartr.ol Franklin Blnymna Hobcrt 8 F.nt Valentino ICrossler Joseph Crawford Our Stato Military Managomont. The following, from a correspondent, is sensible and sharp, a littlo too sharp, wo suspect, on G ovcrnor Curtiu. Whilo wo havo no doubt of tho existence of tho abu ses spoken of, wo aro reluctant to beliovo that they woro winked at by, or oven known to, the Governor. To the Editor ef the mia. leering Journal! Under the head of "Tho Draft and tho Exempts," is given tho report of a largo meeting in Spring Garden, the meeting being of thrco months' volunteers, who claim exemption from being subject to tho "Draft." A member stated that it waa apparent that eonipotent military mon aro obliged to po without a command, whilo prclerenco is given to men ignorant of mil itary duties ; that competent persons who had gone to Ilarrisburg, had been ignored aud ''almost been told plainly or given to understand that if thoy de.ircd to bo com missioned thev must nnv fnr !( ' 'I'I.Sj j J j - - - Ul. " 1. be proved before a Committco of tho Legis lature n it is ucmcu oy "tuo powers that be." I will stato that I addrcjscd, by Icttor Governor Curtiu, two or thrco times, ofl'or- inT 111V services to orrranisn n rnirimont Lbrigade, of volunteers. I offered to equip, in, my own expenses, a regiment ol cavalry. I received harillv n ronlv uo,.!,,,. there was no requisition for any more troops wucnin ice:, iur. uurtin was constantly reccivinir coiniyimcs at TTarriilmi-tr fnr mii. O i - - j w itary instruction and to bo organised into regiments, inecoinpauy ofliccrs, many of them, were enabled to raiso companies by having to pay whipper.i in or commis sion brolceis, who had the back stairs entre or negotiated with the magnates at so much cash for caoh sheepskin which authorized strops and cockfoathcrs to bo mounted ; for a consideration of from one hundrod to live hundred dollars, paid for lieutcnan ci?s and oaptaincics, and to a thousand or moro for chaplains, surgeons, majors, lieut enant colonel aud coloneloioa. When theso wero given, then the com panies wero organized into regiments, if tho men so appointed could not hand over tho cash cr bonus, they agreed to pass over to tho manager their orders or mouthly pay accounts for tho purohaso money. Many of tho officers, strapped and feathered on trust by the tailors have been working, as tliey say in tho army, for a dead horse, ever sinco, as tho pur ohaso of their commissions absorbed from two to five months, pay and emoluments. Siuch traasactions every ri ht minded man would say aro infamous. Thojo who ex acted such commissions aro a disgrace to tho position they hold, and only such per sons as aro insensible to common solf respect, and totally unfit to bo placed iu positions requiring educated minds, and experienced, if nossihln. In pni nr nnm maun soiuiers iu war, would be guilty of ...11,- . ... men uuiiuuui.. All tho miserablo business would Ii.ivm bneTi avoided, at lean, tho corruption of it and most of the disasters that havo fallen upon our gallant volunteers, had a Military iu.u-u ueeu oruercu by tuo Secretary of War, of two recul ar ai'mv ofTlnors fnl.-nn from tho list of roiirod officers, to attend at nxcu places ot r ndczvous in tho several States, and examine tho fin Id nffli-nra nml captains as to oapacity. Of courso, tho ijoaru wouiu not nave examined them upon enj-incerinc noliov. fortifications, nr m-nnd tactics. They would havo seen at onco wneuier tuero was any promise in an indi vidual who annliod to bo a Ilnlnnnl. nfhis fitness, or whether ho had porcoption or adaptibility. Governor f'urtin ndoptod tho plan best suited his admirors in filling their pockets, that ho might strengthen hid iiiuna'uvres to uo rc-eicetctt, not caring whether tho self-sacrifioing and gallant volunteers were swindlerl by shoddy vest ments, or commanded by ignorant and presumptuous Jaks. When Ihn nnnnln nnn see behind tho Cur tin, thoy will not hesi- tato to navo it removed, und so moto it be. ..mi.. . , ... .. i-uo uanu writing is on tuo wall ! " S. J. W. fir?" TllO abolition nnnwj l.nvrn linnni.m so accustomed to lieiug that without wait iug for any returns whatever from tho btuto, thoy began to crow for victory ,bnt figutes are stubborn things.and cannot bo lied out of countenance. Tho Philadol phia Inquirer and Press can now revemo their arguments and couclubious, as to tho moral ol the endorsement of tho adminis tration. flayl havo no nurnoso dirootlv nr inrlf. rcctly, to interfere with tho institution of ciavery in tlio btates whero it exists I believe I havo no lawful rigcitto do so, and I havo no inclination to do so, President Lincoln in his Jmiugurul Address. r.:gr"Manima, may I go fishing t0 day' Ycs, lad, but don't go uear the wator. Aud recollect, if you aro drownod, I shall skin you as suro as you are alivo.'' iuF; Tho Elector of Ilesso Casscl, not long sines, in his own princely thoatro, quarroled with his wito, tho Eleotrcss, t'avo lins r, .cn,,,.-,,,,),..... . 11 . , -- I " neiiii-unuu-i euuuiuiiif, aim uraggeu hor out after him by tlio skirts. Tho au dionco wero vory quiet and decidodly amused by this counubj iu high life. Ooorpo Carr F P Kcllor (loo W McKwon Jatnos K McMtchaol Chnrlos Schug Wm a Olrton Kbouezer Caso James Carr Hi L . ivmmmjjiuti fgmij,,, mur mm, r