Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 25, 1862, Image 4
Farmers Department. 8AI.T A3 A MANURE AND DE STKOYEU OP VERMIN. Every fanner is, perhaps, nwarn of the fuel, that tlui depredation of many insects which usually prey with great avidity upon plants and tender vines are proven, ted by tho application of salt. A weak brine, not exceeding the strength of sen water, proves a remedy for the "squash destroyer," one of the most insidious and pcrsiTving, as well as voraciously des tructive enemies with which the gardener and fruit grower is called to contend. It is also a most effectual preventive of aphittcs,ar plant lice, vermin which prey upon the cabbage and turnip tribes. In every instance of tho application, of brine to these vegetables that has fallen under our observation, its success has been com plete. No injury need be apprehended trom a very liberal application, s.iy, one quart to a plant, if the solution bo of the strength indicated. All the cabbage tribe arc liable to be attacked and injured by minuto maggots resembling, very nearly the maggots in cheese, and which arc doubtless the lame of sonio tly, 'i'hcic is another enemy also, by which thc arc frequently infested a small grub, similar in many respects, to those found in com and potato hills, and which not unfrc quenlly provu very destructive. Salt water applied to tho hills will have a tendedcy to arrest their depredations, and if the application be repeated frequently, say, onee iti two or three days, it will effectually destroy or drive them off. The water should not be allowed to come in contact with the foliage in this instance but should bo applied to the soil close by the stalks, but without coming in ac tual contact with them. To destroy the .first named insect it may be applied in a state sufficiently diluted to admit of a perfect ablution of every part of the fo liage, but as we before said, care must be taken not to make it too strong, or it will destroy the plant. MAKING GAME OF CIIIOKEMS. It is generally known that tho flavor of meat depends largely upon the kind of food on which the animals was fed ' before being killed. Fowls allowed to pick up their living from offal and filth yield flesh greatly inferior to that made from clean grain and other wholsome food. The spicy game flavor of partrid ges and other wild fowl is due to the aromatic nature of tho berries and buds; on which they subsist. As it is easy to regulate the food of domestic fowls, it is worth experimenting upon whether any desired flavor can not be given to the meat. The Scottish Journal of Agrieul- advances the opinion that this is possible jViicl,,' n.r.'; 'i'l'V!! rc'l,ui'e'1 i"ic".,: macksiiks m'r i 1 '"'"i t7J cents ivortli Sl.liJ. also for sl.WI worth SI.'JS 1 lie Chickens niight not relish the food ' are si lli.ig our li.t print- fur lij cents per yard tho b.-st ill tliii market, ull fast colors. Aytird wiilc necessary to impart the flavor, but under1;,1"1'1''''1 llul1 l"u"li" ' 4 cents eipiaim ow jiark.t. , ...,... luittv quarter yard wide unbleached inuiliu at 8 to 10 the svstem sf artificial feedinp; common , c'!!,u a."!"'t' i.: i.i t - i.:.i , 111 XilltUJU 1111-3 IVUtllll UU I1U UUIUIUIICC, In France fowls are fattened by pouring' farinaceous food in a liquid state down their throats through a funnel made for the purpose, and it would be easy to im pregnate the mixture with any oil or es sence required, This would be necessary to bo done for only a few days at the close of the fattening process, so thut the health ol tho fowl noed not be impaired. CLEANING PIGS HEADS AND FEET. A correspondent of tho Prairie Farmer eays : Permit me to send you a recipe for cleaning pigs' heads and feet, which I have never seen in print, and have proved to bo an excellent one, saving at least half the time usually occupied in cle in ing them, and performing tho work in a more perfect manner. Chop ofT the snout from the head, and divide it into four pieces, after cutting oiT the cheeks to salt, saving them to bake with beans ; wash all .thoroughly, and put into a suitable vessel, covering them with water in which a little salt has been dissolved, merely sufficient to draw out the blood ; let them soak two days, chan ging tho water each day. The third day take them from the water, scrape thum well, but without attempting to remove the bristles; if they do not seem pretty dry after scraping, wipo tho skin side; thon light a spirit lamp (I mean simply a fluid lamp, with alcohol in it), and singe off the bristles in the flame ; it will take them off so cotnpletcly.lcaving them white and smooth after a slight scraping, that you will not bo able to find even a vestige of them, CHICKEN PIE. lloil the chicken in water suflieieut to make a guod drosstug, till tho meat trill easily slip from the hones tho latter to bo all removed. Mix tlio meat well to pother, season witn salt, butter nnd a little flour. Make a erusj in usual man ner, lino dishes two or three inches in depth with crust, put in the meat wilh plenty of gravy, pasto overtop, and hake an hour. This is a great improvement upon putting in tho bones, as it does away with a ciioioo in tho parts, Promotion Fon Bravery. Col. Kane, of Iho HuckUi! ltiflon, has been ;t.,i . ti.s.i:... n..,.,.i n. aud meritorioua conduct in the field. ILLU3IINAT10N IN ORANGISyiLLE. At Fritz's Store, ORANGE YlLL, OOLUMHIACO., PA. 'Jho undersigned has just received a l.irco nml stlicl assortment iif cliuico Purine: nml Summer floods, whlih will lio sold ihcnp fur ish ur country pro.lut... III. lo( k con.l.U of l adieu Drcs. Uoo,i, choicest stylcsaud iutcst millions. Ualicocs, A'AUSllll, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINT F110M7 TO ISJ cts A YARD. 1 Oasiimcrs, Satinets. , Oottonrdcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, $;. HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Quecnsware, Oedcrwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paint, ko. BOOTS & SHOES IIaTS k CAPS. In short everything usnnlly kriit in n country store. Tup patronage uf old frends, uud the public generally, is solicited May 3, lfC'i WILLIAM FRITZ. we is mm, LOWPjRICESJJLE 1 At I'rrasy's Store, in Light Street, Pa. FIRST OF THE SEASON I FSSSST TO ALL KLDS OF G001S! A G36 STOCK! D E S I It A U L E S T Y h E S AXD'l'lin I1UAUTY OF IT AM, IS WE CAN AM) WII.l. SKLL AT 1 li O W F 11 1 C El fe', CALICOE , MUSI-INS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELC, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Heady-Mii dc Ctliiiig. Sugars, Molaises, Syrup9, Cofft'e5, Teas, Fish, Salt, liacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sepa", Hats, Boots, Cap, Shoes, Drug?, Oils, Paint?, &e., &o. We have a larie assortment of Mark it ml ran ant . , :.;r ave n large unit lull lugortinent of Ready Maile Clotliine lor en aud Hoys wear whlih we uru determined In sell cheaper th n can be bought elsew here. Call and ceo, ami jadgb for yourselves. ..,,. . , tt'.CKEASYJs CO. Light Street, fa . April Si), lfiii. NEW ARRIVAL OF Spring ftiid Summci GO O IPS, AT PETEll ENT S STORE, i.v i.ioiit srnr.r.T, Columbia cou.vrr, ;vj, HAS Jim received from I'hiladelphia, and la now opeuin? nt the obi tiind IHu y occupied by Martz 4: Lnt, a splendid assortment of M lM MB HI r, which will bo sold cheap for OA.-'H OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. cnnnLtsof Ladies Drca Goods iIiuiccsutjIeE Sal m: uslins, Ginghams, 3'tnucl, Carpots, hatvla, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Castimcrcs, Satinets, Cottouades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &o. Groceries, Qucensrraro, Ccdanvaro, Hardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, ko. BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS k CAPS. In short evrry thin? usually kept in n country storo The patroimcu of old frieims, and the public General ly, is roHpectfully n idled. Tho liljhe.t market price paid for country produce Liel.t Street, May U, 1802. i;NT- KULl.Ol K'S I.AMIEUOIV OKFKH. , , ...... I This preparation, made lrom the best Java Coffee, is mi"? e e r,V V. t'l il, ' V NL'Tltl TlOUrl ."t',yn",1",'fur(,e r.ral "tl'.lll,; HyIf p.ia. and nil billions disorders, Thousands wlm huvu been cnmpell. ! Juriois elfect.. One ran contains tho ilreir'tli of two pounds of ordinary ceffje. Price 95 cents in ii uiiaeuiiii mi ii v ui coii -e win use tins witlii'iit in JvOLLUOlv S JiE VAIN, The purest and best UAKINfJ I'OWDEIt known, for milking linht, sweet and nutritious ilread and cakes, I'lku 13 cents H INUFACI I'RCn BY II. II. EOLLOOK, Chemht, Oorner f llrnad and Chestnm Streets. P1II1. MlEI.I'IIIA. Marcl;Vlyj;u'B"";,'""""1 af,'C'', GR ENWOOD SEMINARY. 'PlIE Autumn term of this ustitution will cciamo J on Monday, .Insist Jdi, I8C2. TERMS For Hoarding, Washing, Tuition, etc . for Elsven ccks $li M :.'.V. -iibvii rooms wiii oowcuto .MtllrilU, Ctl :, U , Jaly l, "lM ' "ij.u" ) - .,,H.-...l.,.lL.....,l...l,..L. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. rOUl.trillUI) 11V II. AFFLETO tc CO. attuHS llrotuttoa,,) Nitv York. Tli'i following Torknro scntlnPiib'rrlbersliinny iiitr of iliu country, (upon receipt of rMail pries.) hy mail or ittnr ss tr paid : l'llH Now AUERICAN CYOI.OIM'.IUA A popular Illrllonafy "t 0 'in nil Knowledge. Edlled liy Atonim iltn rY and i-itvRi a A. I'ana. m hi by h ititiurriitin t ieit rorim "f wrltir I" ill brunches i-l f r- ucie Artuiid I iterutur.;. Tin- work It burnt pnhhr.i a m a;- .ills. l, p. . oitavo volumes, each ronliiliun'J iaO two r linn i ,' ,,, vols. It 'Xtll Incltislvi .are now ready, 'mh j rimialnlnf rn'iir J 5it. ortiiiiiiil irlltlii. Ail nitiiitlnual 1 ...luiim wll be pulillcln'iioiirii in nliuul Ihr.i months iniuiiiu I u. , I........... ai, ii., if l'ftf).ini llllill O'l , Ol.UKI'OJ . I .1141. ItWHtlM .....I A met can Cyrlnpa-dln 1. popular without ,um.fnt.inl, lent I hut not peil.inic. cou.i.r h. t. see. I Ins nin'fltlnl. leiirneil liut not peil.uiic. cmupr li. nslli' tint ni'lli'l. (Illy ili t.ill. il. fn.'." from p rn'mal pi'iua nml linrtV PreillUlce. irill uml iin-uratt... i. IB i- !i..,.Tni. nt nfnll Unit isknnvvn upon "very Important top. I i. in, Hi., -run" uf human lot lliiii nci'. Hv rv import i n nrllcl'1 In it lias beeinp.'i'lnlly written for It puje I i,i men who nro nulliurllio- upon tho toplron whitli thi-y spi'iik. vriipy nro roiilri'ilto lirlnit the iiujct up in tin) pruni'iitmonii'iit to flute Jiift linwlt utaiuli rtit. All tlio rtntiotlritl Information l from tin are, I roporlsi tlio coocrnplilcnlnccountii kci'n pacn Willi tlio lati'nt explora tion! 1 lilrtorical iimttPts inrluile tho fiuthfat Jilut view tlio liiosrapl'lcal notlcm not only pcnk of tha ilcuil. but almiiifltio Hi Ins. It l a lllirary of iteclf. AnRipnuUfsroi' tiir llcstiri ort.oiunp.n! Iioinff a lilttury onif Unltml ftatu, fromtlm ornanlz'f (Ion of tbi! firft Tcilinil Cnngri'sii In ITS'.) to Mill, hilt; pil anil compiled by llon.TnoMAi II. UmToi from thu or llilil ItecorilB of-Oontrep. .... , Tim vtorkv.HI he couiplleil In 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 paBosi'iich II of which nro now raily. An nilili Clonal voliinio willbo publltllcil nnco In llireo inontlij. t'loth. Sl haw Sli'jcp, S3.W; Half .UorSH Half (ilf 41 fil oarli. A WAY or I'UOI'UIIIN'O Tllll OYChOrA'.DIA, OR niuiATi:. Torm a club of four, nml remit the prlroof four books, an.l flvu copies will bi cnt at thu remitter's cipmisu Tor enrriaiju.rr for ten suli-crlbrs eleven copies w ill bo sent at our cjpemcfor carriaiio. TO AG ENTS. Kn other works will-o lllicrnllv reward tho exertions nfARPDta. An AntNT Wanted in this t.ViUNTy, j Terms tiiiulc known on nppllcatmn to mo i-umrami. ov. 21, If 60. tft-: ItIIRttm!.!rvl?no(Ti8nlso rtcnslvf!y enweod In the Utldcrtalimr tlitlnm. find kftntiarnuattiiillv mi Imttit nJ for sale at his AVarcroom, u laxttn Ufe3ortment of FINIS 1 ED gg, t'OFFlNS, ny w hicli he is enabled to till orders on presentation Aim) lieepa a goul lloro and llearso, mid will at al liuiea bo rcudy to attend runcrcla. HIMON' 0. SI11VE. Illooiiifbiirs, January 23. leS'J Ehve PmioI" Dement 1'. s Sale. lot nf superior Fmc 1'roopCfment. especially adap ."A ted for rciueiitinglloofii. One gallon will cover 100 froi or ordinary roofing, nutl is insured proof against rain and wet weather. Can bo had at manufacturers prices, by the sallun or half barrel, ut the olticeV-f the Columbia Democrat. . , . LUVl L TATE. UlnninsburR, July 13, 1801. GIBSON'S DEt 0RAT1 V KSTI BI.ISIIitlKKT, No, 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, PftiLrADt Bsriaj, Ciiameled Chue, I'reco, Oil and Encaustic Tainting "TH E UNION' Jtrch Strut, Move Third. P 11 I A I)E l,P II I A . TUT, situation of this Hotel render? it one of the most convenient for those who are visiting l'Jilladclidii-i on business ; while to those in scan h of pleasure the constantly passing and repashi.,' City Railway Jars and these in close pruxiniity. afford a cheap an 1 plcai! nntridij to all places of interest and amusement In or nbout the city. Tho proprietor fives assurance that Thu Union" shall be kept with suih character as will meet public ipiuiniuuuii, uuu n ouiu respiriiuiiy solicit, g.'iiernl oat ronaun. III'TOM a yeiemiiei. I'eliruary a. leGO-Wn. I'rnprittor KttlSUJl UTII a. HUOTIllSKS. WIIOLUSAI.R T 0 13 "A C C 0 D E A L E R aO.10 3,.'OllTIl Til I It Jj STKMHT t'lvedoorsbelow Rare. I'llII.AIfELrillA ' GILL k PAUL, General Commissi;)!, itltrcliauls, DEALtXS IN Fish, Provisions. Flour, Hatter, Cheese, oils. Dried Fruits, drain, Seeds, Deans, Whiskey, Wool, Country Produce and Jlerthamliso generally. No. 34 North Wiunvta, 1'iiiLADEtriii.i. Consignments of provisions, Flour nnd Country 1 rnihico solicited, und returns promptly inndo. Cash advanced when desired. ORDERS for all kinds of Fish, Provisions, Tlour. Dried Fruits, lee., tilled t tho lowest Cash Prices. August 4, leou-l'.'m. Store J&emovcd, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hat and Cap Store. pUf Tho undersigned :espectnilly informs tho citizens of llloomsbiirg, nnd the public in general, that he hai re. moved tho XEH- HAT hIVHK, into the house' on Wain H reel, nearly oppotitu his late stand, where ho has Just received a splendid assortment of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from tho Manufactures, of all kinds, styles sorts and sizes, latest fashions, which hooflVr Hholealo and retail, at very low prices. .t'idy PayS0GO"Ja "olllnt vc'y lowprlcea lor ' ILI'trg. April 19. 1802. K mTN- NATRONA GOAL OIL! W ARHA VTED NOV EXPLOSIVE I and equal to uny KF.ROHENE. Wa v'tnf an explosive Oil, when a few cents morn per gallon will fuihinh you with a perfect Oil f Mudeovllbu PA, SALT M ANUFACTUitlNO COMPANY. No. 1U7 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Fcby.U., 16CJ, 1 year. rjMIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DMI'IU.K, .VOXTOUR COUMY, .. Eateilaiamcnt for Man and Reast, in good stylo nnd at moderute rates. i . ,,''! "'' " SAVAGE, Proprietor. Danvllls, April 10, ltdS. TRUNKS I TRUNKS! I rriIE largest, best linndsnm 1 est and cheapest assort mcnt of Sole Leather solid Riveted Traveling Trunks. Lndiet' Bonnet y Drtu Trunk zywies uutinei ly jjrctg J runK nhlMrnn' o ri,e i'.i. lers Leather und Carpet IJaga PackiiiK Trunks ic. &c. n : TIIOMAB V HAlTsnvfl P 'o"'".1?'1 1pnrIon Prie Medal iinprored sheet sprins oln sold Lenther Trunkliiauufactory, No. 402 Marko street, South wet corner Fourth und .Market,'a. Auitusir ipor ir. PROPOSALS. rfinE undcrsitfdeil, Oommissionor of Co- P lumblarounty will recti v proposals at Plonms burg until the SOlh Ins., for six days cooked prniivions consisting of bread and Roiled Meut, for about f-OO men W-M. SILVER, Couimlsiloner RlooBuburg, Sep. 13, If 02, JOLINE k LEE, No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. II OiI ifffAKKttri AND SHIP CHANDLERS. Spun Cotton fur Caulking, Ropes. Twlni,Tr, Pitch, Oakum, Rloks, (nil Oars, AurJJt i, ltU0-W. ( tlspi:' PltlMDELPHIA k ERIE R A I L - R O a D. UN (LVANU II Alt- nOAll ID,, I.IHFE, Oh an InftcrHonday MnyStU, 18iii, lime at Norlhmif berl uid rllalii will he a follow i .mis li urartl. I VMlvarit. l.xpiocs i J'i a.m I nxprosi Hall i IJ I'.m II 10 0 1 A M Slctip'ng ai mi iij,'iit Trt' I s Until Ways between Wllliitm.pnit and llaltimore, and on the I'.'iuisyl "Miia between llarrhliurK ami rhiladi'lphla un M il Train In both illrectlons a Car cno throujh vl l, reiilisylvunla Hull Road without changa I etweeu riilladclphia and Luck Haven. HAMttr.L A. III.ArK, Siip'tUalteru Dlvl Ion, MnySI, 13r.J. fnllawlss.'t Hail linntl. I'ASS IIUI'EIIT STATION, KOUTIItVARll UOU.VI) 'MAINS, 1'hilaikIphU & ,. Y. Mall 0,m A. M. " r.xpros l-.MJJ A. M NOUTIIWAUU HOUND TB.VtNS, Klnilrn Mail 3.11 p. M Nhwra Express 1(1,1.5 1' M I'liil.itlcli!ii;t & ttcntliiig Hail Koad. WINTER A R UA NGmiENT ffvLi TPCT f trif I'Assr.vncn thalv?. November I, lfill, (I'nsslns ltfrtillnsr) Down'ti) Philadelphia, lit M.SO tind 11 A .M, 1J noon, and 1 P 51. Up, to Pottstille, at 10.50 A M, and 5,1.1 P M. WEST, TO LI.HANO.V AND IIARUISIIURO ! Western I xpress from New York, at 1,07 A .M, Mall Trains, at 10,5.1 A M, and 5, 15 P M. On Sundays, the Down A M Train passing Heading, ut 0,'iO A .M, and Up Train, at .5,57 P M. llotlt fii,.i'j ' ..I unu.i.iJ i ..I, up lraius connect nt Pnrti Hilton forTamii'iun, Williiimsport Elmira, II u tr ain. Niagara anil t'auada. The 1U.3U A M, Train only rnnnectB nt Port Clinton for Wlllio'linrro, Sir.iutou and Plttstuu, The Western Express Trains i nuiiei t nt llarrislmrg with Eipress Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad fur Pittsburg, and all point" West : and the Mnil Train' eti'jnect at llnrrisburg for Lancaster, Chnmberburg rtfiMiury, Wllllamspurt, Lock Haven, Elmira nml th Cauadas, Thrinigh 1'irstrClnss Coupon Tirkeu, and Emigrani Tickets ut reduced Fares, to all the principal points in the North and West, mid the Canada . COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 'III Coupons, 'J5 percent discount, between any points desired. MI LEA (IE TICKETS, Oood for 2000 miles, between nil points, at 845 for Families and Husiness Firm, nml Seanan Titkrts, goon for thu holder only, for threo mouths, in any I'lisneiiger train to Philadelphia, at SIOo.H'Ji. School Season 'J u U -cts uno. third less. 115 I'ajscngei will take the Express Train Wet. at th'! UPPER DEPOT, and all other Trains, at the l.OU' Ell DEPOT. cO lbs of baggage allowec path pasengcr f"7 i'ineii'eri are requested to purihao thi irTick i ts beforJ entering tho cars, as hirher Fares charged h paid ill cars. Uptraius lea"o llhilailclpliiafor Rea ling Unrnbiiri' and Pottst'ille at S A M, :. J .3 P M, and at 4,'d0 P ,M, for Reading only. 7" Ecursion Tickets, good for one day, l,y fi,0-.' A M, Act'oniiiioJation Train to 1'iiil.t elplna and return nt S3 tO each. O. A. NH'OLI,'. Geuira I Superintendent. January 4, 1805. Lar.luw unlit u: (llooutssu )(ti!itiai ON AND AFT' 11 NOVEM. 25. I9C.1, PASSE.VOEIt TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING S O U T II. Freight ft 1'atacngcr. A.M li.lSl' .M Tanacnirir. 5 '.'-5 A. M CM Mi f.40 J 15 10,01) N O R T 11 4.S0 P, M. S.10 5.45 5.57 tf.OOLeave, U.0U P. W, Leavo Hcrnntf.n, Kingston It nniiisburg " Rupert, " Dinvlllc, Arrive at Norfiumlieilnnd, M O V 1 N tl Leavo Northumberland, 11 Danville, ' Rup.'rt, lllinaiburg " Kingston, Arrlvo at Scrauton, 1.15 P. :i.40 Mi A Passenger Train nlsnlenves Klncslrnnt PM OA. M for ' connect with train for New Vork. Re turning, leaven Scranlun un arriiul of Train from Now Yuri at 4.15 P. M. Tin Lackawanna and llloomburg Railroad conned with the Delaware, Lackawanna mi I Western Railroad at ecraiiton. for New York and intermediate points enM At Rupert it connect with the Cattanisea Rai road, for points both ean and west. At Northumberland It connects with the Philadelphia & ErieR. R.audN. C R. 11. for points west ami south, I JOHN P. II.SLEY.'aD'i J C.Wells, (lcn'l TicUlJIirn Nov. 30. leXl. WWIKT ESQ."" NOW occupies the ronuj up utairs in from in Mr. IJutuiiM line1 bniltliic, on Alain Street b low tho i Aitiuricaii lloin(. A Most con vi'iiicm uiiicc ; uhcrc tie ' will 1) t happy at nil timed to s'o lib l'ri.'mlb uud clieittb. t Lloouiibur";, A'ov, 0, ltGi. Urn r IK IT RLE S2 MAT, S. E. corner 'third nnd Dovc Stce's, P111LADELPA1A. Hats made to order, of any Style or Quality at Short Notice. January 4, ISOi. Cm.'aiis g:o5 Noi. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Couitlanilt St crt, NER UROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. This old-establli-h-il and fatorilo resort of thu I!ui nes Conimuniiy lias been recently refitted, ami is i tun plcte in cuTjIliiiu; that can miHirter tn the toiulorts of its patrons Ladies and families are sjKtiallj uud care fully provi led for. It i centrally located in the bu Iik'ss part of the city, and is conliguoiis to the principal lines .f steuiuluiats. cars, oiunibus!,es ferrii s. &c. In coneau. ncu of thepressiiro caused by thu Rebel lion, prices liavu been rulucid to Uite Dollar a- d I'ijly ( cuts per Day, The table Is amply supplied with all the luxuries of the seaion, and is e.pial to tout of any oilier hotel in tlio country. Ample accommii lations are offered for upward of 400 gUCsty C7 Do not b'llovo runners hackmen, and others who may sny "thu Weti rn lintel is full." n ,,M'''.'.'..).V'XL'"1:'ra"' ITopriflo,. ,,v,.j, , i,v.iii,a t ijit, Feb. 15, leM. '1 he New Commercial Ruinlingn are loeu led opposite Court House, comer of Court and Chenango-St nets. Tliis College is in no way connected with nay other Institution. Thoeneigios of the cntiro Faculty are exclusively de voted tutliis. The design ofthis Institution isto afford to Young ....... -j.,. .ul uv'iuituig u iimruttgn j-racticat liuiinesi hdueatton j no hooks ami Forms are carefully nrrnnge,l ,y 1 rnctical Accountants, expressly for this liistitiitinu auuthecuurso of Instruction is such In combine Thco. ry and Practice, COLLEfll ATE COl'RSH. This Course embraces I uok-Kn plug In nil Its de partments, Feniiiiiunship C'liuuiurtial THlliui Hi; Run. iness I ojrcspiuiileiiie, Cominerciai Law. Pn jiieul lUou omy, Coiiimerciiil l.thics, I nrlnerrliip Itlernfiits, lie tecting Count, rf itul und altered Hank-Nut, s. &c I ha Speuc rinii Sy.t' m of Peiiuman.liiii is taualit in ull its varl. lies, by tin morts illful ina.ter ofih'nrt Tha Hook Keeping department is under the sinciai supervision and instruction ol the Principal, U. w OEVERAL INFOItMATION. Students can enter at any lime ; un vacation. Usual time tn comp i te the I'nurse, from 0 to IS weeks. Asm. t.uicur' ndercd to graduates in procuring situatinii. tYnduntes are presented with an elegantly engraved Dj. rp" For nalaloguoof TOpugci, specimens of penman ship, ,Vc, enclose two letter stamps nnd address , LOWELI.ic IV MINER, August so, iac-3. (n,yj, isw-Vim The tt of HUMAN IIISERY ifci-Ji.r,'. Just 1'iiblislind in a H-aled Eiivclope! Price (lets: A LEI 1111 I', HY lie. CULVER. ELI,, ()v CAUS1. AND CI'Rl. of Spetnh.. a, Consump " Mi ntal and Physical ebillly, Nervimsness, Enll'mv Inip.iireu Nutrilion oftlio llmlv : l.a..liu,i,. . w'-.i,1...' ' of Ilia I liubs and thu Hack j Indispn.ilinii, and Incn. pacily for Study and Laliot j llulliiess ol Appreheiisioii. 1 I 0.8 ol Mi'iuniy; Avtrsioll toseciily: Love of Soli tudoj l imiiliiyi Self.liistruit ; Duiue.s j ea,ln. he. Aireitions of the Eyn j Plmp'es on the Face: Invuluii. tary l.inlisions, and Sexual Incapacity j thu conso quenccs ol Youthfii' Iniliscrelion. &i &c, U5"l his udmirablii Letturf cleurls proves that lha olmve fiiuineraled, nOeu self-aflliitml, utile may be moved without iiiediiiuii und without dangerous snrgi, cayiperulions, and should be read hy every muii in tho Sent under seal, n any n.ldjes. in a plain, sealed envelope, 011 the receipt of six cents, of two po.fagu lamps, by addressing ' " ,,.. 1'f.CIIAS. J.C.KLINE. l'-7llowery,Notv York, Post Office Hoi, 4iS8. , m.U.rye,l4W.J ApfilW. leCI 1 AYBR'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURITYINQ TILE BLOOD. And for the rptsdy cure of the following complislutet Gcinfiilu nml Hcvofiilouii Affect lon,isch its 'I'liiuura, Ulcere, Hol es, Ki'iiptlusus, IlniiU', l'ustnlcs, HlotclivK, Dulls, lllalus, nml nil Slclu Ulienics. OAKitxn, liul,, Oth June, 18,10, 3. 0. Ann & Co. Osntsi 1 feci It my dirty to af hnowledKO what your rjiunpalilla has done for me, llavlnp; inlicrllsd a Scrofulous Infedlon, I liars fuflertq ftom It In various ways for ysais, Semetlmcs It bnrsi out In Ulceis on my liands and arms) sonistlmne U tmncd IhiystJ nnd dltticssnl me at Iho ttouncli. Thtj yesrs ago It hroko out en my bond nnd cotcrud my scalp and rars wlUi cne sole., which uas painful niid loiahsoais bcjoiul iloscili Hon. 1 trlsd tnaoy inrdloluM and s fetal ih)slelan, but without much lclltf from any tlilna. In Met, tho iliwidsr pew worse. At lenglli I vi iTjdced to rend In tin) Ucspsl Mcsnngij- Unit you hail prepared, an alleraUte (Sarsaparilla), for I knstr Cioni your rvpuuv tten that any tblni you nisds must bo good. 1 Rout to Cluelniisllandgot it, and uml It till It cuisd ins. 1 toolt It, us j on advise, In small dostsof a teaspovnful oisrn moulli, aud uied almost Hires botllre. New and Itoulthy kill suon bogsn to form under the scab, which niterja wliils Ml oh. My sklu Is now clsar, and I ktww by ury feelings Ibat tbo dlionse lias gone fiom my systom. Ton can nsll bellore that I feel nbat I am ssylng wlsjn I toll you, that I hold yen Is bo one of the aposUes of tbo og, aud remain over gratefully. Yomi, ALFRED D. T ALLEY. fit. Anthony' Fire, nose or Urysliiolnjs, Tetter nml Snl t Itlicitiii, Scnltl Iluntl, Itliigivornt, Sore Iiycs, IJroiisy. Dr. Robtrt M. Prsble writes from Balrni, N. Y., 12th Sept., 1359, that he has cured nn Intttemto caoo of Duply, which tlucatcnod to terminals fatally, by tbo pf rseverlntr. use of our KarsaparlUa, mid also a dangerous iMignant .Vyn'fWdS by largo doios of the Fanio; (aya lie cures tho common Kruptimt by It constantly, lli'oucliocele, Goltro or Swelled Nook. 7.0V11I011 Sloan of risspect, Tonas, willes t "Thrso bet lies f yonr ynnnparllla cured mo fiom a Ccilfe a hM sous swslllnf on the neck, whluh I had sutleicil lrom oter two yean." IiCiicorilirsa or IVhltea, Ovnrlrui Tunioir, Uterine Ulcerutlon, I einnlB Ulsettsoe. Dr. J, II. S. Channlng, of Now York City, writs " I most choerfully comply with tbo request of your stent In saying I hare found your Sarsapatllla A most excellent eltsratlvo In the imnierons cotnplalnta for whtolt we employ suolt a remsdy, but especially In Ihnale PVain of the Scrofulous dlatkesis. I have cuisd many inrotcr to rasps of I.eucvrrbrca by It, and some whore tlio com plaint was caused by ulceration of the uteiiH. Tho nicer atlon itself was snen cured, Kotblug within my knonl- eugo siuais it loc tneso temaio uorangements." Edward 9, Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., wrlte9, "A dsn gcrous ofan'mi tumor on eno of the females In my famiTly, which had defied all the remedies wo could emplcy, has st length been coniplstcly cured by your Extinct of Sar saparllln. Our phyxlclau Ihought nolhliig but extirpo tlon couM anbiu rcllsf, but he edrlsed the I of ysur Sarsnpaillla as the last resort befme cultlug, anil It provod effectual. After tRklngyour tcmedy ol g-ht weskl 09 symptom or tlio disease remnhts." Syiihllle and Mercurial Disease. Ntw ORi.rASS, 26lh Amrust, IfDS. Dr. J. C. Anat Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of nuragont, and report toy ml some of lite eflecU I have ieall2ed with your SarsnparlllA. 1 have cured with it, in my piaellce, most sf the noo plaints for which It is lecommcnded. and Iihvo found iU cuVcts truly wonderful in the cure of fViirrretoiut Mr turial Diitn't. Olio of Iny patients had PypMlllJc ulcers In his throat, which vote ennsumisg his palate nml the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily tnltcn, cuiedhlut ill five weeks. Another was attacked by wa symptoms in his nose, and the ulteiutkin had eaten away a considerable part of It, so that I boln v Uo disorder would soon itach his hraln and Mil him. slut it yielded to my ndmlulsliatlon of your Sirspar!lla; toe ulcers hoaled, and ho is well again, not of course without sums dlsllgiiintiou to his face, A weutan wiia hull beau floated for tho samo disorder by mercury was suHerlrw; fiom this poison in iter bones. Ultey had became so scne sltlva to tho weather that on n damp day she ex auciutlnu pain in her joints and bones. SJie, tco, woe cuicd cnlliely by your Sarsaparilla in a low weelve. I kuow from Us formula, which your agent fravo me, tliat this Piepaiatlon front your labotaiory must be a sroat remedy; consequcutly, I hue tiuly ismarkaMe renullj with It hate not surprised me. Fraternally yours, O.V LA111MPJ1, it. U RlieiiinntlsiN, Gont, Liver Comphilts4. iNDipsNDtvor, Prestou Co., Vu., Ctli July, txii. Dr. J. C. Arm: Sir, I hare been utulolod wltk a palr fill chronic Itlieumtitiem for a long (hue, which baiUotl tuk skill of physioians, and stnrk to mo in spile of all th remedies I could find, an til I tried J our Saruparllla. Ooo bottle cured me In two weeks, end restored my genest't health so much that I am fur dttttr thon b.fbrol wtti attacked. IthiiikituwondsifalmcdliUie. J. FlttULH. Jules Y, Qitclitll, of St. Louis, writes 1 "I liavo bcrfi eflllcted for years with an affection nf tU .iter, vtlllch destroyed my health. I tried every tlilnt!, and ovety tblnx Hilled to relieve me; and have been n bioken-dowu Buffi for some ysais fiom no other cause thau cterung&nfniqf Vie I.ivtr, My beloved pastor, the Rov Mr. Espj', udvlsM mo to try your SoiMpaiilla, becauso ho said ho knew von, end any thing you made was worth ttylng. lly the btrsa lug of God it has cat el me, and has so pmlGed my blood as to mako u new man of mo, I feel young oalo. The best that can be sold of jou is not half good ectmnb." liohlirtis, Cancer Tuiitoia, F.iilnrimcn(, Ulcerntlon, Curlcu alii KxfeltatIon or the llunes, A great tarielyof stos have been reported to ns where ernes of theso foiuildablo complulnts luio resulted rroOs tho uro ef this iiinedy, but our space hew will not a'tml them. 8ome of theui may be found in our Aniericuu Alinaiinc, which tho agents below named me uKvsvd te fuinlsh gratis to all whe cuH for thorn. Pyspcpsln, Heart Disease, Fit, IBpllen ey, Meluufluoly, Meiiralt'la. Many remarkable cures ef these aftscsjons hao been rnado by tho alteiatire power ofthis nKdiihia. Jt stlcru lat,s the vital functions into vlgoious action, aud Uml overcomes dNotders which would bo supposed boyiimriOj reach Such a icmedy has long been required hy the ru eeeltles of the peejle, and wo ate confident thut Uda vRl do for tliem all that medicine eon do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ran tub hat id ours or Coiif-lis, Colds, Influcnzn, Ilonrsr-titu, Crouii, Ilroiiiltills, Incipient Cru lttiiiitinii, uml for the Itclicf of Coiisiiiiipt I ve Fntlciste in itili'miceil Stnrjeu of thu Disease. Tliil Is a remedy so uulversally known to snrpas tny ether for tho cuto of throat and lung complaints, thut it Is useless heie to publish tho evidence of its virtues, Its unrivalled excellence tor coughs und colds, mid its truly wonderful cnies of pulmonary disease, have niMdo It known throughout tlio civilized nations of tlio eartb. Few aro Iho communities, or otcii fumillCH, among Una who hate not sonio peiBoual experience of itse&ects lonio living tinpliy In their midst of its victory over Hia subtle and dangerous dlsoiders of the throat and lungs. As all know tho tlieadfill fatality of these disoidrrs, rM ss they know, too, the effects of this ltmedy, we iwed tint do more than to nsmre them that it has new all tho vir tues that it did have when making the ouiea which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Sr. J. C. AVER & CO,, LqwoII, Has fn 1. 1; . i.i, O .M li.igenbuch, 11 iid J R V'nver, l'looii!liiirg; J Si'liuylcr. Rnhri-hurai Matters & Sou, Milliill.;; P Masters, lleutoii i Lazarus & Fisher, Or aneeville ; f! F Fowler I'owlersville ; A Miller, Rer wick ; Low ic Rros ,Ceuterville ; II F Roiuli'trt ic Urns I'spv ; M IS rdioomaker, lluekhnrn ; Reiuhart & Nuss, IMainville: J Kharpless, Cuttawissa; Creasy Co., Light Street : and dealers everywhere. Juty 'M, IdU'I ly. ,: EVANS k WATSON- nrt& SALAMANDER SAFEt), RE. JIOVED to ,Vo. in AoulA Four h stnr 's, iron sliutters iron s.ish. e 1 1 ifti. rvj mitk.'s of locks equal tu any mat a in the 1'nlted ftntes.' Flic Htftt in one Jir, Alt came out right; irith eti . ienti in irood condition. Tho Salamander (Safes of Philadelphia ngainst the world. EVANS k WATSON, hnvn had lh surest ileiiio.tratlon in tho following cer tificate that their manufacture of Halnmauder Haf 's has at length fully warrant a th representations wliirh have b 'en nialo of th iu as rendering 1111 undoubted security against the terrific clement. Philadelphia April 15. 13.W. .Vessrj F.ritna ,y Walton: (leiill 'men It nll'.irds lie the hisliibt satisfaction tu statu to you, that owing. to tho very protective iniilitiee if (no nf tho Salamander, Safes which we purcliasi il r.f you somu fivo uiiuitli since wo saved a large portion of Jewelry, and all our hooks, Ac, exposed 10 the cuinmliiuui.liruiiiEuiuU'ad place 011 the innrniug of th 11th inn., Wh?n we retlett flut theso safes were located in the fourth sfnry of iha building wa occupied and that they f. II subsequently jntnu heap nf hunil, g ruins, wli re the vast concentration nf the li.-nt caused Hi , brass plates to melt, we c .nni. hut regard tin preservation of their yal. liable contents as im'sl convincing proof of the great se. cmity iili'iirded by your safes, We shall tukn great pleasure in recommending them to men of business as 11 suru rcliniirn again-t lire. tlEOROE W. SI.iniONM Ic lllll)., .ItaeUer: IT7 rhey have since purchased six large Safes. juiysio, led.1. tAnsustvio. leaa SI'OVE AND TIN-WAKE SHOP iS 'J HE undersigned would Inform thn citizens of , " ""iii-i"iib uuu vKiuity. tna; 1111 tiasjiut re. ifSVi clved und oilers lor sale uuu of Ilia most extensive -SV assortments ofCDOKINO mid I'ANry STOVES hit Introduced into tills murket, Tlio Christopher Co umbus, James Rolihnnd Globe ure. milling tlw first tlaas cooking Slnvus, all of which nro air-tight uud gas humor , ".r'ur -t"tts aro haiidsomo ami tho assortment a ried. AL-0 Particular Mtention is paid to Tin-Ware uii.i ioii.o Hpoutliig, uinu short nnticc. All kinds of !fi- " , uiiuu witn ueuiness and despatch wr . 1'iu'iuto tanuu ill OACIIUIlgc lor Work, , PHILIP ti. MUYE i:n. iiHMiiiisiiiirg aiay 10, itua AT30-AL HOTEL, r, ,---. ....t1"-"8 White &wan.) RACE STliEET, ABOVE THIRD IMIII.AUHU'IIIA. D 0. SIKGltlSTT PitoiuiETon. l'onnrrli,f om Ifyfc Hotel LeLunon, Pa T, V, RIIOADS, r,nK, ' March ij, ibti'j -8m, 0YSTEUS! OYSTERS !! JRESII OYeTnt. ran ho obtained at all time, at ths I1 Eating Room of the under.isned, "u Main slret t . It a-I's-iu i n I K ".tjSh- i-.'tii o'r'rt. rnt'aieipnta, n.ive on S(.v,.riV W'ji and a large iissortinent nf Fire J" I , ' ? ' V'iwC Thief proof Halaniander Sufi r, V. atrJtiZ yJf.iaS'f U11. iron doors, fur hanks ami Ploein Isir;, Pa Sc, 3, 'J, ","wwl1 71 Deetrty Rate, Roaches, A. 'let Deitrtj Mice, Molce, and Ants 7V Deitrn) lleiLIIURf. 7 Dettroy .Mothsln Furs.Clolhs, tct. To Destrct Mosquitoes and Fleas. 7 DeHrty Insects on Plonts and l'ow Is. To Vistro) Insects on Animals, ic 7V Dittrtj Every form and species ef Term In, TIIC "ONLY INFAI.L1DLU REMEDIES KNOWN," DcBtroyca Instantly EVERY FOHM AND SPECIES OF Those Preparations (unlike all others) ere 'Free from Pojsons." "Not dangerous to the human family." 'Rats do not din 011 the premises." "They eouio o it of their holes to die." 'Tliey are the only iiifallialdu remedies known." "IJ jours and mure established In New York City.' Vicil by tho City Post Office. V)nl by the City Prisons and Station Mooscs, by tho City Steamers, Ships, ic, Uied by tha City Ho'Pitals, Aluis'llnuscs, .tec. Used by the City lIouis-'Astor'-'St, Nicliolas,'i.c, t'cit by 1110 lioamiiig House, ice, fee. Used ly more than 500,000 Private Families, B.y" Seu one or two r-peciiuons of wliat is everywhere .aid by tho nennle- Editors Dealers, ice. IIOESEKEEl'ERS-tronlded with vermin need bn so no lou.'cr. If they use "CosrAR's" Exterminators, Wh Wo luvu used it to our satisfaction, and if a box costs $1 wo H ould havu It. Wo have tried poisons, but they ufl'-cted nothing; but "Coitar's" urtlole knocks the breath mil of Rats, Al ice, Roaches, nml llcd-llngs, qiilik erthan we can wiito il. demand all over tlu country. -Mtiliva 10 Qauttc, MORE (1RAIN and provisions nro destroyd annually In 1,'raut County by vermin, thai) would pay fur tons ef this lint Insect Killer. l.oncaitet ll'n.J lltrald. HENRY II. COST III Wo are selling your prepara tions rapidly. Wherever tlry have been used, Rats .nice, it'iacpes ami vermin iiisappenr rnpiiuy IXtiEi SrourrnR, Drujjitt., Windsor, ld. "Collar's" Rat Reach, Ice, Exterminator, "CosUr'o" "LVbtarV Bcd-Bug Eilenulnator. 'Costar'a" "Oostar's" Electric Pewder, for Insects, See, IK 20c. ami $1,00 r.ovi.9, llorxi.ts Ahn Elasks, $3 A. Si Sies fur Plantations, Ships, Uoats, lietels, &c tec. O A UTI O tl 111 To prevent tho public from being lin pored upon by Ji;iurieis and Highly Pernicious Imitation, a new labal has been prepared, bearing rt facsimile of the Proprietor's signature. Examine, each box, bottle, nr fl-k carefully before purchasing, und tuke nothing bufCOcTAR'S," 3 Slid f.Ver ywArrs hy All liulesale Druggists in ths large cities, lUiolfsnlf) Arciils in Miy York fllj. f ll"ll' lin Ilrnthpra ti. ('.. Ril,.e .'- k-l,.,,, II A I'ahiiest.iuk, Hull Co A II ic II Sunns Sc Cu WlHi-ler ic Hart Jaim e S Aspiuwall, Morgan ,t Allen llall. Ruckel ec Co I'liomas 4c Fuller Hush, dale & Itobiiieon M Ward. Clo-u Ic Co McKissou (c Riibbius D llariies & Co F C Wells Sc t.'o Lazellc, Vnrsh & Gardner llall, Dixon A. Cu l?,iiir:iil Put f u Orvta AND OTHERS. rjiii;uleli!ii;t Pa. T, V,P'nlt U L' I Knl'crt Shoemaker fc Co 11 A I ahuc.tucK ic Ce French, Richards Sc Co AND OTHERS. AND HY Druggists, Grocers, Storekeepers and Retailers general ly in ull Country Towns Villages in the OHI!P3J PASTES, XT! BLOOMSBURG.PA. SOLD ur G. Me Oagenbuch, er, E. P. Lutz. Ami by the Dtajejist,, Fterelteepersand P.Mailar.geu 1 fee i. rL".orH,er,!,ircc,-ir'" iri'rlrrs., Terms, pi , .n. WJ3KUY It COSTA R. r,.i.v Dlt. LA IJIlOIX'H PRIVATE MEDICAL TllF.ATiSE ON Tllp 1'liyMologIcal View of, 'UO PAOES AND 130 ENOIIA VINC8 1,1 Tvtr.TiY-rivit UM. Hcnt rrvo ol pu,n,uu ,' '''' ii.u the Union, On thu Inflrmllics 01 youth , ,, 1 t'"t 1 the socrct folliee of hojh senl or""!1""!!, inusliift debillly, riervuiisness, iltptcsslon J,r ' pnlpltHtinn oftlio huart, suicidal liuagini,,.,01 'I'hui tary emissions, bleshlngR delicti! u iinn,,;,.; '"l,iuii. tiou nnd lassitude, IIA etnfcition ef (,(;,,' '"hf,, 0 o Voonliff Cchttl Miu. it Voltifc iiij,. , '"'"il uHng Married Lady, licit, It is otruihlu! .a " 4 tlie married and those e0hteui, luting uiuttii.! c,'nij tertain secret doubts nf their physical culiiim whuote lonsilous of huvlng har.iirdi'd thu t ilt!)'' "H nltteaa.flrnl lirlulleffsa til u hlel, t,v... ,. . ,railll l,nK EMMIeU. ' " ' "U""' fctlli YUUNH .MEN wha urr troubled tilth .,,, trally caused by u Lad Balilt In youth tli ,,''!' which are dlizlnees, pains.liirfictfnliiosa ,, .'" t n ringing Inlhu tare, Wi nk ejis, nenkiit ., ,.r",i"'M " din, i:.,, ,.., vein iipi.'ii 01 III, a a I, ury with melamliolyjiiny heciin ilby u,.,,. VJ "ufiu n. PARIS AND LONDON TREATMl NT MlV U'lt ll'lUH. f lMll( iv lint ntnii 1 1. M VIHITINO THE EIROPEAN IIOMriT'0Sf "T U outselvi s of the knuw ledge alio researi h,..'.', ..'JI1H' .killed Ph).l.laii.uH.IHurt'nnln Luri 'l tineiit. '1 Imse who place lliemsi Ives ,,. ' "" '"ii will now have tho full benefit M lliu u,,,,,, M ',!" 'mi l'l.'l.'ll!A('Ht! lll'.MI .. .... " ""'" M.U 1, introduce Into our prncllciCuiid tin-1, t?l, 'f I ,'.'M'1 siirediirthesaini'y.eiil, ussidiilty. tli'i m ,,', "t 1, lion belliRpnld tothelrcaees, w hi,, hi, . '"'a ty distinguished tie liuri tufore n a 'he 1 V'r,t,l.l I'l'.l.'ltl.l All ,lenn,tmel r .....r.l , . " ') lfln.ll II, . . pa,t fu-csy-Jifc year.. ' """'" ''"tlice.. ; tho elllcncy orwhlcli 'lias 'bee,, tested i,, f?f '"""ilnn cases, and never failed tu i ilen sneeilv "'"' t nnv bail re.nlts.w III llson, 1 ' Will,,., v.ic, ...tu v., ciiL'tt Slieetiv in, any bad results.wlll use none but Dr. Del ,,,.. ? reriouicai 1111s. 1 no only Pncaull mnc 1 ,1 ,, , "' serve Is. tai es stinii if imi n ... V Rl.iry l t,. ton tn believ e they are ill crr(e( ir,ai, V,,'",v ' a. ulars of which w ill he found on tliu w-rL, ( " 1 '"' njlng each box,) tliough always safe a 1 l,,'1',',','"'''' gcnllyyetsoactlvcnruihey. 'unltlrj , Price SI per box. They r an he ruailn.l 1... 1, III, II. .1 stint... Mr l',..l. "lOIICII toasvi,,,,. TO THE LAIUES-Whu nucd n c,f,;., adviser with regard to any f t ,,', '. '.'' "iHui plaints to which their ,1,'llrnte , ,ea i f , n 1 .. tlinii, Until,. . urn ,,nrll,ii1n.l I...... ",Z"1H Mill, them liable. parlUularly invite, ui', Tm:"ELH"riin ()iLVAMu rnnr.nm.V i laiflea Willi.,, lo.ntll, ,t III ,. i ..Ji !. IU" . 1 "t or iiiarui .ire l Inrr..,,., 1. r ...u ,. "" '"":"r '"' hate M aire tu iiirri.iiar, C....IU,.- I.isaiier.lyVevurK lllliw ,...! . 11 ... ..' " """"U'U.HliI I. i aim I. Jcais. li,,; I hi! in err is of Vdinn Vuvtlhtl. A Trcatlic on the Cnutc of Treinatiirt 1 , emn learning, Jutl publi.hUa book .,.ici,.r, . " prcgrrt) anil preralcncr among scuolt. iLl. '"- '' female) of (,, falvt habit. lJl"vg o ' ,l;Z'' ' invariably attend, it, eltlim,, ,i dcuii'lii , ' " ' It xill it teal by, Villi an receipt nf l,,o l.'ll r, i ' IT Altenilmite ,,nly, frni i,, .i... ,, v.i ' . II gilt. Mllll Oil Slllld.lVa I'm., o .III n .. a U Med rlne, wth mil dlreetlon, Cf,t t lmy rarl .. united Stales or t.uiiar'ris. bv nnil..,,i . ' 11 their symptoms liv leiter! lhts , ! .s ! '"","it""" strictly roiifidentinl. m,cN ( ITT'Dr. L's Oinco is strll locateil an ii , the name of LA CROIX, at NL.n3,,ali,d,!.!'a;,':1 Nov. sii ie.ii. ism. FRESH A RU I V A 1, OF M1W Cfia-STHIKB "-!' It 7If.I?".":'.!,;,.Is"c.'1,' :r'"cr"1 '" l'l Iiatrnnag,, that hu haajut leci ived friun ,i,n i- ! t'' " ' " I'l.guetandmo.t sHeit stock of U'r"U ' SPJtlNG AND SUMMER, w ,, lilllirillS I SCI .1 I hinra nn.l ,1 , -, i' u V7 ft JJt 6 ,' Thai has y.l been opened In llluoiiishiirir ,.i, If.v tethealteutl.rof hi, friend- ,lo,V , i'"!', .nai ui-jr ,,. oner en lor sain at gr,;nl ' "' Stock comprises a large assortment of "'"S"1'"'s weaiuno appauel ?i))mtittiiirf iti h'lciimv. ii... ... cription; P,;, Vesis Shir ravaM hiVp' T"" Hail, kLrrii let. nnv.J . ......... 1 . Muc,k'- ( "lUk , Uf jwnMjr.s, c. GOLD WATCHES n. in u JEWELRY, Of evory.lpgcrit.lion. tine ami rh..n N. II. Ili'linnnli.Tr 'A. call and see. No chargT toTXa,M,&A,',nn Inomsburg. March 20. IPC L0U'(J;uVIS BAKEltY k COFEGTIONAltl'. WHOll.S Jll. T he undeesljned rntitinm-a his nVer' anill'.rf he keep7"P Ul''hg whir FRESH UREA D, PU S AN) CA KL eraUermJ ' " Prt'" " fllo'l Hllh.nkes If-All kinds nf Fruit, Vegel.olcs. I'mvli.,. daily received irointhu Cities ,;ood and Iresn ,n , he ( tram pirpaied ol :il as. jcr k3"'l"':er, Candies, Nut. ofall kind., ice, l.sft f,i L'iloomsturg, Juno 2t, IfCJ. " 310S,'1'' V13W YORK MEDICAL I.Xbll- J.1 TUTE. A beni'volent Inflitutinu endowed for thn (ne uronic Diseiires ofevery nature, and to prof lids fiomquaik advertisers and impostors So ,t cea Dicept for Meilnim. until mri .l, unit in . ns ireiii,. poverty Ireati.ient free. No Vinernls or I' ' ous Drugs ue,. The Physicians liavi had li ne mis ,!'""Jr,,i';'J",'.r''-'",u' '""I' iiruaiu uml Horpmii p lice, t lie riiliiwinguri!Kiuie ofthe i nmp uiiit nn ii . spsclal intention is given. All diseases if lie In 1 hroat Lungs, Heart Stomach, I.ivur. Kidnej l.le Rheiimatlini . Tits, Cancir. Piles, Nervous Ail n Uiseases nt the M-xuiil Organs. Hi miual t e akn. s- I loteiiroand Virulent diienn'a orutery nr.ture . m lyciircil Diseases of Fciiinles and nil IrreguLirUi sun es!ull, treated. IfliuUnos and licii,. -s ii Wltlllllll l,,ilnr,it I ,,. . . , ., :.i " I'v.uuuiir. i uiiT ins treaieii im n"' liy sending n statement ol'lheir uise. .Mciiune uli. any part of the country, t'oiiniltutloii freu to .ill Address, r-'tump eneloseil, DR. L, HHAVI S, Cenrullinc Phrsieisn April 5, ISCS-12,,,, N.u u,ht,u II. C. UOWliU, S I! I? (. E 0 IV I) I? K T I ? T ;Hrv ltLHI'ECTFI'I.LY nflers his SVL "crviccsi In tin, l.nliea uud geiitlennu W lllr.onisburg and vicinity. He is pr. i ,r i ,i,.ii.ei- niii im in an mi, various op'riilime '. "''no ".' " lirufession, he , ornvided w iih Un IM. .ii.provcii porcelain teelh. which w n Insert,.' ?,.!. :, tmu,"i silver mid rubbsr hasoi to look as n a ...i.ur.ii leeui, ..'rnlii"' p,iu" "'I11 l,,nck ",8'h mantifaniirod amis' CIGARS & TOBACCO. A IW1aV,0,,me,,,,of rll''i'''' flpan. Ti-hacro rip .,' '-""firtiiinery and Nolions genrr.ill I ' iLVi 'i ' ",.oclt nf " A'l'S and CAPS n,,,rt.,,,t' Solium!" 8 "'""V' ,h0 "B'ou"u"! K.o,n.burC, March 10. ,fC1. K. Cinil. H. MUSsSalGAN, IMPORTER OF AI.1. Ktvns nK AND IMANUFACTUREll OF JEWELRY, No. 4M North S-iond Strat, AUOVK WIf.LOW. PHI LAD El 1'HLl Nov. Id, Ittil fi SHE- ft 22 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Il.nnxisnrrtyr. na Offleo In Court Ally, formerly rwcurtod by t'hsri" Blnomsbiirg, Doe, 4, ISiO. ' ' j LEATHER ! LEATHER! ! ' T'.!i',,',i,M!,,,',l8',,c,'J n'0,,!,,l onnnimrp, that he has ' " "' 1 , , V 1 0'',, l:"'Pfl'iin. mi .Vuiii HI II""' ' &airn.u,',',,nei,,''r ""''-'fnt kindrf I nilnr suiK i if will issV. ...iii ,, . 'lr'" aiidbiacKiiinil iiiime' ll Hi is tim r r r- ' L ' bC,D",0J' tl"in ' 11,1 I in tins murket, UN uiideilne them mr .ur-f"" I mliv i? ijiTtTUN i I'lnomsbiirg, May 9j, -.. JL;J.iiiUJll , MAW I'rintei, Unolibiniler & lilai.Iiboo!. M A NU FA C 'PURER, Wlir.l.VSALK AND IlCTAII, DgAIXB It PIUNTINfJ, W1UIINC, AND WI1APITM! TM' aoest loRTiit! CAr.tuim prm mm if Main Streit first diorbelivw Iho Public Bpuai" WlLIvESliARRI-:, V. V-.tJ. t 'Cl ll.n