1 fllWWERawBHWWHIKflWlffiffllHCjil - 1 "' 1 1 -."JL',' "i- .r- . ..I.... . ...-.i.,...-.--.i-..... .t.M-;. ..a.i ,i.i,i. ., SATUUIMY, OCTOBER 25, 1802." Glorious Nowb. The preat battle for Constitutional lib. crty i Pennsy'lTania, Ohio and Indiana was fought successfully on Tuesday 'the horizon, dark as it lias beon for tho past year with storm clouds, is brginniiig to clear anil ungiiiuu. Democracy has triumphed. Thu ly. I rJtUi who liavc been tramping upon the necks of tho people may well begin to tremble. The people, by their omnipo tent votes, have vindicated their rights as loyal while men, have torn the leeches that were sucking out the life blood of the nation and cast them nway. i The Keystone of the Federal arch li.is i been disenthralled and regenerated. Tho parly that so wantonly deceived the peo , pie. betrayed trusts, violated oaths, dis regarded pledges, plundered treasuries, uiurpcd powers, trampled upon tho Uon slitutibnnl rights of American citizius.and nude every effort to overturn and destroy tho noblest monument of human Govern niiuit ever reared to animate the hopes of frccborn nitin, has bean signally rebuked. Horn roil Tin: CouNTiiY.-Thc'trcmen-tlutis Democratic nmjorilied in Ohio anil Indiana, tlio redemption by tlio Democra cy of Pennsylvania, and the apparent ncr- tainty that the Democrats and States men will have a majority in the lovv;r House of Ootijjrcss these ficts combined, thank Heaven, will at least PUT LINCOLN ON HIS GOOD BISIIAVIOU, for hu cannot continue to patronize public pluudcrcrj unless Congress will make the appropriations to pay them, nor will he d.iro to viol.tlo tho Constitution (lest he be glad to escape even for the past) lest I lie be impeached. Glorious results, A LB .AVDKll Ul.MMI.NOS, the pot tifCaill- iron and thu hero of the red herring story, was ingloriously (or gloriously) defeated in the Mth legislative distiict, M by a iniijonty ol over 400 votes. Ilns is well- Air. bclioheltl, a very thorough Democrat, was the compeditor of AJr. (.'minings. ray-Drafted Soldiers, luvo beon granted a furlough of twenty days, by the War Department, to prepare and procure sub- i , , ciauiv-a. BQyThursday, tlio 27th of November, lias' been designatod by Gorrnor Curtin, for Thunhegiviiig. DOur tliauks arc duo tho Rqiublican, for a column of names, iu typo. ' llEnBr.MED.-Wyouiing county, by from 'S0 to 'MO democratic majority C' No futtkor Draft until further or ik-rs. - NoiiTitu.Mutni.Axu Cou.ntv. Nortkf umbcrlaml county gives James P. Barr, 01. tho Slate ticket 1017 majority and an average lllMoiity Oil the Whole ticket of . ,i t t r I i ftUOUt 1.I0U. tOOtl for Old NortilUinbcr- land, with live abolition presses and other iull icnees at work, bur noble old democ- jey rise up riiuemx lilto, Phecnix like, and stouds to- dy as proud in dufonci) of the constitution as when old Hickory himselt lead its vie- loriouo hosts. iwuiixvmcn&nitTTUwni'. MAURI A GEJ. Li St. Philip's Church, Circlcville, , Ohio, on Thursday, Sept. 11 by lie v. II. D. Lalhrop, llev. J. F. Oui., rector nt Christ Church, Drownsvillc, Pa., and Louisa V., daughter of Kingsjey Hay, M. D , of Girelcville, O. a I.,.- ilo( IS 1,v Ttnv D .T , ' U'li' '.' ) . allci", Ai r. I IIOMAS J JJAIirON, ol lllnnn, jl.ni.ir in ATU IT ksipii'T I' 1 OuiLllS monillsblirg. 10 lUlSSUf..Nr.ll.l t A OUIH.-), Ol Hemlock, Collimlua county, , , Vt While Hall MoiltOlir Co, Uet, lotll llriiiTlt At- 1 1 lll.Y.U Afc, .in. UV llC'O. , .ll ItL'O, ril Hlll.Ul". "O- III KT30N Ullll IiKVl.NA WIXI.IVKI,, U0111 Ol fi .1 i.; Uonimbui co At the samo unit: hy the same, Huoii Fauiman and Oiiuistee.v Ai.nEitTSo.v.botli of Coin m bin ro., On the 10th inst, hy the Rev. Elijah is .ii . , ,,,! n , m,i vi- llnss, both of Ucnton township, Coluiu - bia co. , ... .t. inn. :.,. 1... 111 uraniruvilio on 1111; iuiu uov, nj liOV. V . UOOillil'll, UOn.Mil.lua nuuab "i (ireenwood, to Alisu llcnncA Ann I.rN-' ecu of Jaokson township, Columbia co., t On the l'Jth i nsl, by Samuel R Kline, Esq. Mr. William IIautm.vn, of Benton o Miss II.v.N.NAii Hess, I of Jackson, all of Col. Go. On the 18th iiut, B'lOoinshurf', hy the Ellis L. Euea's, ol LAUA A. JIUTT3N, at American IIouso' Ecr. D. J. Waller, Jiriar flreck, to Mis ol Centre. PEA T H S. In Akron. Pulton co.. ludiaua, on tlio' o., ,ust , John Ya'nsattlu, formerly of, tins nlaco. about 4u years. New a&ucriisnncnfc 01liQ:EYILLE Koruai mid 1'ommprci.iJ School ami .....i...,.. ilfillltWJ. PIJE nut Term of this (neliiicioti w,l) commenct on 'iliurhday, Octubur Uft, iift. ,uu,uu,, ULIUUUI Jl.,1 I III. J. S. WOODS, Bee, Ornngovillc, Oct 23, ISO? NE V COLUJIEUS ACADEMY. Tho Columbus Msilo and I mals Araitsny, will open Jls iirit tenn, upon Tuesday the sin of Vov. IfcVi. This sihnol nflvrs superiur Inducement, tu all who ! desirous of uciulriiig an a-cdcinjeal "ducatinn to iteparl. for teaching ortu obiam a ilioreugh knowledge w liny nf the nuslotn ur uiiciunt languages. '"r further information i it'iuire of H.H, UlNllllAM. Principal, or of Jons Koons, Sec'y., it New Coiumhus, Luietnio, Pa 0 1 1), M WANTED Par Poitnss Monroe, rmiltry of all kinds, Veal, Calve, kc, etctt Wed I'hU Goods, Just roerlve.1 and will ho iold at fait prices, JctiCjlowg, Oct. !U, 1PC2-1IH, 'V' M'cov' PU1JLI 1 VENDUE lliitran., Ileds and lleitdlng, fliclm, Table., Standi. Lupboardt, l.ooktiig Blau, Lamp., Ac, "M"" JStw Carpc', &, Cooking atnl other Htovci. Ono llnv.nMln iin.,i. .,., Hog, Sow mid I'lm, vv III. various other nrllclo ton I.- Hoavy Artillery 1 1 .).nf,!".n,r.?lJ1!1,1.,1") ln"t opportunity toenll Mcoi.uitfVri ii.vrrutiY v., im pa., ah tliitli I'. V.) stationed in tho enllit tn t'npt TTLLKllY DEFENCE OF WASHINGTON, D. C Situritfi! nil tliehp3iiiir.il ltl..i.in.,.i. .1.. 1..... Authority having been received, to Inctrnsc the iiui.1. ... ... mtii in vaiii uauery toono liuiidrednnd llfty, $0 flCi-e. nit arc Wanted in nil the rank, of tho nbovii nitleryns n proof of tho health, comfort and pnpulnrily of till nrm of the scrv Ice It in only npcejf ary to state the fart, that Kaltery 1'. Ins lent hut four men since Its organization, and they were iii.iluirgud on necouiit nf .linen-en rnnltactc.l bifum Ull'V I'llN-II-H. 'I Iin-c- H 1 III. In I'll t nr il.'.lrlrn fii.. ;er information arn rs.iuutd t apniytn ' (jfiatifr is. iflt?. iti..n....i..i, House and fijot for Sale. UK Subscriber oilers for Nile the prop erty rrretiUy occuniid by him In Illouiiifcburg.cou t: listing i,f u ill !!i f .ttvrrr ft tut Cnn mj iVi t flit t-crx i Ml v nv win "umi.uihiih jlUtvCj tittil nfa witll.iiiiurfived i.M nf iir.ont tvvn cmn b,CT V. J. VVOOUWAltU, Ueailiu;. Ovtobor )l. liC'.'-inl. NOTICE. Til- books of H. 11. Mesahh ro. ari- left in toy handi inrroiieriinii, 'i no.c inuctiiuii win fcayo cot uy pay U up liniiimdintely. J, ii. CUASlUliUI.IN'. Illuelilsbllt, O.l. 11, I SCC. TEACH RltS1 ASSOCIATION. t h j IVaehcr'n Association of Oiilunibl.t county will nice t at.viiraiiiviiio, uu ealurday, tiiu '.'Oth of October A. M. O-Teaiber geni-rally and nil frlemlH of r.ducation (t tiirnciiy iumiuuio utienJ. wii. iiuiimi's To. til J Ux. Com. Oclobei II, letii. EXECUTOll'S NOTICE. Eatntf of Cdtliiirnif Ltaiiiv,er, rfa'd T i; I'l' lilt tcnt.iinoiitury on tin- t statQ oI'L'ntli.iiine Per lvriimer, Lite of llcav.'r tuwimhip. in oluniliia cnuuiy dnciitfi-d kuve bi'en granted by llic ItecttiT of Coluiu hi.i county tn tho undersigned ulpo rcfiiiinit in vaid township : all ii'Ti-ous h.tiiun r 1 -11 ititi uirainpt tin c. Into of thu dt'C.-il'-nt uro ri'iiuesiud to present thciu In lip- Lxet-irornt Ins rt-aluenci-In lieuvcrtwp.. witiimit liday, and all persona iudeiitnd to make payment fnrtim itli jom. i:ki:i)iu:iii:h. Oct. II. laoa-ct LXLCUIOR. ('HA Ann M A L E OR FE AI A LE l "'ifJ",,,...,!. ...s. 10. im; cut .'0 uod incnirrm e il ami I'm; J ear'.s timu. r,ih,riorto any 8IU map ever maile by L'nllou or Mill ln-l I , and sslls at tho lim ;ira of ill ly cents ; 3iU,- Utll n.tii.cj ar' cnnrntiii un tins map It h not onlv a l.'nuiity .Map, hut it i aUn a County Slid tlailinad .Vlapof Ihu United StaK'i: and Cnnadai. coinhlni'il in one. giving cery Kail road station and ili.laiici.-K hi'twren. . Cunraiii'Mi any woman or man g' to 3 per day, and i tv 1 1 1 takit back all i.inpd tti.it e.iuuol be iuid and refund the uiouoy. ! H"nd fur 81 worth in try. Primed iiutriiannn how to eanvan well. funiilted I all our ajreuts. Wanted -Wholesale Ati'-nts for our .Mans jn ovm' ?ljt.-, California. Oana la, t'.iiiland. I'r.inc.i and t'uki. i;rl:,,VS".mM.oI:,,,, ". T-Vi'SivlNo".'! t ltr.j'idv ay. New urK. ! 'Mr- War Department usi j our Map nf Virginia. Mar i yland, and I'.'MnHylvania co.t eiiitli'Oil, on which is in.irki-d Aiitiet-iui t'lt-efc. Hcaip5burt'. llaiyland llmlits, Williai.iKport IVrry. lilioroatilli-, Xolauii's ronl, and , itli i tlii ri on tin- l'tiluiuac. and e,ry rlur place in Maryland, VirsniM, and reuni.jlvauia, or money re- funil.d. Lloyd's Tiporapioil Map of Kentucky , 1 Ohio, lnliuna and llliitois, n,c ni- nutimmj nen. Hm u ami iio- wr n. p-"t'eul ,vi,,,,,y r. lunded in any one llndinguu error HI It. I f ICO tUl 'III. Ifintli Tril.tnic Aiitf '2- u;: Z$ ?JitH" itt S'lLaffl; and it i, tin- in t wintUcau bopuah.i.-o." LLOD'S tilu'.A I MAI' )v TltJi AlISSlSSlPPI lllEK. Trom artnal ".urveyii hyCaptn. Hart, ami Wraf How mi. Mis. i.-.ini'i llm-r riiot. of I.niiie, Mo.. t.how every luatrt- pl.iutatiiiu aiM iuti 11:11110 from s?t. l.ouii to th-liulf of .M'".n o-l.aon milts every f.mil bar. island to'.ii laniliui;. mid all pi if. k -,M miles bail; from tin- river 1ulort.1l ill l.'n:iatirh in.i Mutes, rrlc 61 111 i-iieei. .'2.'. poeki t lor 111, and S'J jU 0.1 linen, Willi rotli.rd. lleaiiy Sept -ju. N'lVt l):.l-RTMINr. Wahiunotos. Si it. 17, lsli'.', J 'I l.i.nvu-.-ir- S -ml im'yojrmapofiln. .Missiippi liner. nh price per huiii'.reil iopn s. It 'ar-Aduiir.il I'lurles II. Ilavii.command1n51.so Mi-ippi f'piail r.m, is aulh'irui'd to parcluii! as inauy as .tro rotJircd for usu oltbat s iiiadroii. (Ulll'.dV Wr,IM,3, Secretary of the Navy. October II, 1jIiJ-3(. NOTICE rphe riti.nis of Columbia county h ill respectfully take .1 notice that theli-tof lnternat Hi venue Asscsmeuts w III hu op -ii I'oJ Iliu iui.p.'i lion ofsucli persons as it may umi ,. ...Un, ,lay of O.tolier. l"tl.,at the In'- loHingpIaces, vi7.:Cnllawmn, Jcrst'jtowu, IIIooiu- burg, Orangeville and (Ireenwood. .ndthe Assessor will hold an appeal in the t.'curt uottse, at iJioom-uurg. on in1' -"iu, .ii. .-ion --.i on, s ,,r iii,,i,r. IHO-J. iin.l ii.lliit anv ihtlli ollii-s that m.iv f li.,l.r. IHIW . .. ll.l ,1,11, l.t IU1V have arisen lrom iuproper ases(iue : , uellts roiiTNim, lllterruil Itev. Asosnr, J3:U Collection Liistnct. Cainwissa.Ocl. , Wi. ESTItAY! STRAYED from tho enclosure of the undersigned, at Ulnom-burg, on or about tho first of j &. I hf AugUkt, a Red Milch Coio, Illsing four years old. .-W-r,Juf'ti r,,",,;,,,! will bn given for her return informatioii ot her wuwicauouis HENRY WANIUII, J. Slept 57, ISG2. 3ts. 0 It I T T E X 1) EN'S IMULlDHLlMHV h1S.linitIAL. COLL E G E , E. comer of 7th und Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins Hstitition. which was ntablliliril In 1FU, nr,d Is now iniiM-uileutly in the eigktttHth far of Us rs.t- i i ii. iimti.s. hiindredo ol the ...n.isiiMiissful Mertluula 'in J tiusimci .Moil of our Cuiinlrv. TiiKslaiECT of the Institution is solely to nflnrd young im. ii f.icl Itles lor timrougll oreiiaraiioo iui . ....... fins llmsrms rsi-oiirnn-, Jlvoli keeping, ns appiira. , , . ... .i. . ..... m in,, .nt. nt tr.it o : 'en meanit;'. .on.. ad Modem tewm. ,,,, ,.'' iiro made u-e nf. but each student is liiuglit m .. .... n.iustiiri'nrv t u ii nil I nr : uu iniiti1 to individually, so mat no may c.ninnun.i u. tuun j " - , ....ns, -it u nifver Iiouraare Jiini tuiivwniLMi , . s.f thA iu.i.ntt fur llin yf.ir.niiil Hill ; coiiiaiiiiiin tiiii.i .. , ".., i., ,,1,11,,,.,, ni am i V;' I r.. ,'..ili,..u.,,onrir tunny ol her in the roiiu- ( ",.':'": .l,i,iB tonroimro for husiiiess j J,' t0 0i,(,r, at the mm time nii'Loi. vhieh ni , WriM, mctiuuifuiiiui.i, .,, ........ llic House. CC7- n..rrnrs,afrlM CT Trtllltet n l"i'" ' othcr work irn ,i,.,. ,.'.,r -.-- - u tho tuiicct, ato tor ai " W 3. HODGES CltlTTENIlCV. Morne'J'at-Lsm, rfiiscrxt.. Jan. 53 W IJm. 0YSTEUS1 OYSTEUSl! t-nr.SH OY.TfR' fn hiobtalns d nt nil ilmfi, nt (U T tatins Koom ofthe undorsigtwd, o M'.u Ulooin burj, l'a . Srfi. 13 id 1 sxciiMfifi mm 'pilUI'roprialnrnf thli wclbknown nnd centrally Iocs l toil Home, llin litciumiit IIhtel, aitunle on IMai. Street, In llloninsburg, Immediately .-nnnslta tlio t'olum bi.-H ounty Coiitt House, respectfully Informs Iilrt friend and tho public In 0' iitrnl, Hint lilt llousn la miw jn or dot Tor tho reception niiitctitctlnlnuient oftravolcr vviiri may foci disposed In favor It w Itli tlioir custom, lie has pared no cxpetiso In prepailng the Exciivmue, for the Hitertalniiietit iifliln guest, neither shall there liu any. thlnr wanting ('i lil part) to minister tu tlioir personal enmrort. Ilia house I spacious and enjoy uu (.xcelleiit bu.iiiesslniutlnii, ii O'V'IbUM'" rim at nil times In tvvecti tlio litrlmirn ..Ull'l flllll 1111 I'll, ..,, Ilnll II I II ...... I... lul. nh ...... -pr . will li. pi, lls uillv cottvevui to and frnin thu re. apecllvc Matlcin In dm tlntu to unci the Car. ... , . , W.M. II. KOO.S'S, Illoouubiirg, July 7, lPGO- Tho Monitor 'ON TO lUCUMOND J, J. BROWER, Has just received and ii uow opu'iDg Splendid assortment of Grocories, Hardware, Quocnswaro, 0 ware, iuaekeral, CJltccsu, etc,, hlcli will bo sold at tlio luwut figure for ready pay, His Dry Goo-Is ion;isls in part of Pino ClotlH, Black and Fancy Ciissimeies, Kino Opera Cloakings at 81,00 per yard Stella Shawls from 81,30 to 87, Drcs.i Goods, a full at-sortmcnt; Shep herd s Plaids; Printed Chnlie.-t, Em broidered Madonnas, Embroidered Mozambique. Poil Dc Chevies, etc, etc. Calicoes at 0, 7, 8, 10 and l'-J cents. Muslins, one yard wide at I a eta. Skeleton Skiits, fioiu fin cents t 1118 filiOCEKIES consists in part of bwt whit" sugar at 101 cents. A. No. 1 Syrup Mola-.-es, 50 cents per gallon. Ladies' and children.!' high-heeled boots and trakcra a full ii5oi tnicnt. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Eight day, and thirty hours Nos. 1 t)'"a Mnctttrelin (juuittr and Hull lUmth. COAL OIL LAMPS. A eploudid as-sortinent of Coal Oil . Lams cheap. Ely's water proof gun caps, powder and Shot. Ac, &.o., &c. Conic, sponndjudae for yourti-li es. and von will be satisfied tint llnmet'sKtora ntth: lorin-r of Main mid IronMreeti, U Ilia place to pefcl.au l.'Ucap Goods lor Cash or Country prod. ''. lllooiushur0', .lm -'4, lull. ALLEN & NEEDLF.y Sri'ER.-VliflSlMIATR ftF l.UW, VV- f-TANIIAR!) .11 ANUUH, Unequnlli-d bv an rtlicr in ihi market i always tho same in rpialit', and im .iriably to b.- rclb'd on ns inn mire of fiand.i'rd i iCLllcuce. Price Slo mr iOJD Un. cents per lb.) Its continued -uceess for any Sea" past is tin best iitiarantce tlio farmer has tint he i" huyiui! u f.-nii-inearlicle. Oir Hiipur-Phosplrit of l.imr isunifirin iu its cllei.ili.il couatiu.'iii, aim .11 ays m no ci ucu on. JILL EN JJ f& ru.: Wf i)- A' EE J LEV i 3 fl -? '& i i L 3 Z ii a Hv the inlrnJiiition nf new and improved iuacliitier in our wortis. He II ive materially tm -aneil our tann ics lor im I.n turing tins artlile. l nr i"-i 01 prn. duction being li s.eo.'d, w- ext. ml tn our eutiomer Hie liein. hi aci ruing, i no r'l.'.n pmi-1 nun !'t-i ' noouils. We brieve itto bo the b..st and cheapest .Ma lllire iu use. IT.IIUVIAX. Wo m II none hut .No . 1. rect-iv'cJ ihn ct from the IVruiLiu Government. ILIIAI'.DI:. A very superiur arliclc, from Lie lslann. , , l'I..ti.'i:i!.-iJioiiinI Pia-ier n superior article, packei. iu gooa trotlg barrels. HO ilS.-lluttou Makers' Hone llut and (Iroutid l.ones. Warr.inteil Pure. . , , ., , ri liberal deduction inad In dealers In th" above a,XILoJ. AI.I.11N .V NKI1D I. I.rf, Jl "niuh Wharves anil II unuli Water Mreet, (tust 4lere a'inc ' lirslnul.) Philad' Iplll.l. August -'J, Icu'J- Mm. '1W0 FARMS The subscriber off. rsfor t-ali or rent, the two follow ing 1'ar.n.s, out! of Hi in nil iial- iu I'lshingcri ck lown alnp, Coluinbl.i cnuuiy, conlaiiilng ONE HUNDRED ACHES, -rt ii'iir,' nr ahont fii'tv-tive acres of which IsfStti is cleared land, w hen in are orei t-d a good lftUfB. Two Story FlU.Ui: lilVKI.I.IXd 110U--K ami UtAMi: U.HtX, Wugou llotlte, Com Crib, and other oiitljuiUli.il; ,1LSO:Onti tithcr Piirm. t-it nut's in Kenton town&h'rp C'oluinlji.i county, contniuw ONE HUNDRED & THIRTY-P1YE j jtf, Acres, about Thlrly-l'ivo .cios of which is j -Mni cleared hind, w hereon are i rei ted n rttAMh'. iiAWW nwr.i.u.vo noun:, hm.vi; jj.ii.; ami , KJI IL ..lln.r niillniil.tin.'s. rnl'l 1'urlil is siluale 0.1 Ilai lUgCreo.., about two miles nbove et i 1 1 Water. I .J.'-O.-i'wo other small Lois, fituatc lu lisbing creek township lying on I'lsliiiigrrook Uoud, and one. mile from lill Water, ono conljiiinig 1'Ul'lt .M'ltlS. and tl.o utlu r a Town Lot, an I gmnl huildnigs i.u oacli of them. lij"Tcli.u and lundjliwir made kuou n by V11.L.I..11 llvI.L.1,1. ribhingcrecli, Aiijust lid, IfbS. LOCATED IV PlIIIiADEEPIIIA, S.E.Cf'itXLlinil AM) CHESTNUT HTS., Sw York CHij, nrnol.hji,, Alb'iny, 'J'toy, livffah. De'roit, (ln!iud, Citkouq, a?id 67. Louis. Iloni.. keeping. IV nuianship. CoHimiirial Arilhl'ietie, Cnniuu-riitii Law, I'oruis, Coirespomknce, &c, pi.icli- cully t.tm;i r Tllia l '. h ges oeiug uiiiier lim same gi'iiciiu nun'" ml inanio'einent. and -,,ntin.- 1.1 i.nli the ndvuntig'S of all, oll.'f gre n.'rfi ililn'-m imparting I'l-lroitious than aiiv i tu t similar ninui'im u in hi- cunuj . A holaiship Issued by any oiu lgood in all lorati uuiliuiti'd liii" Thu liiil.ldelpliia'.'ollege has lo'eu recently enlarged nnd rii'linlshcd in n superiur inanuer, and i. now tiiu iatgestnnd moil prospeious Commercial Inciitiitiuii iu ' iryan't'& Oration's series nf Test Hooks embracing Hook -keeping. comiueri ial Arnlinieilc, an I Commercial Law . for sale, and sunt hym.ill. tV l'or lul1 particular, send for a circular. October IS, looi- U'ji. , ... T.. ., , OWAUD ASSOCIA'i rON, Pllllinl- .i -i U..I. -,!... Kl-I: .-mil lliitrcsseil ilohi.i-for the Iteliefof III" F -li nml Distreuseil alllnted with Virulent and Clnoino Diseases, and ea peciallv Hisuis s ofthn Sexual H'.'ans. .Medical dvn e civvn Cr.ul-hy Ih Ai tingb'urgeou. Valuable UErotli- on 31' IIM(i KIKl.A or PEVlIX '1. WEAKNESS an ' otliT lis 'ii.i'softlw .-ex-uat Organ, and on tin NEW I'.I.MEllll'.S o,nplo)e,l In the Dispensary, senl in sealed letter envelopes, free of, rharge. Address cl) J.SlCILLls IIOCCIITO.V. I'mvnrl As-ociiilnn. Xo.l! Pmiih Ninlli S-'treet, PI'.iladelphia, l'a, , Aprils, letlJ --Kin. 1 Ofjiiiiu tie Covrt J!otii:J c" door to UcMorrat OJlee Tim undersigned, resrrifuliy (1,1'ormp his friends ninl customer lliul ho bus opened .i.vr.w ttmnr.it s'im Jn Court lloti.ii Ali y. in it dnoj h low the Quire of the Colniubia Democrat, where he will In happy to wall upoij all customers, nnd from loueip rieiu i' nud strii t ntjention to b'l.lness, In! hope.tn iiiiit mid reicivo u liberal stiaro of public patronage. KT-AII things li.-ro "dono in ll VJYo VI 'Vs It IlOVN ' rtlnninsbnrg. March 1st, Iff 2. "PliUTECTlUN FltU.M L1G1ITN INGT rrlir. ubfcrlb"r o'.il,l inform his friendi, that lu is I now-prepared to put up, oil short notice, and iu a iilcntille miinuor, th., best .,,,.,. i'W'A'l VOIXTt:!) l.milT.VIAO 1101J at K, centsptrfoot, All o;b '"j';"i;"(EMA!y. llloomabur;, May Ul, lff-U. NATIONAL tOM.lIESn tAL 10LLLGES HW fiOOBS, Of Every Varitty und ktyla at the ni:v ririM op MILL E It ,fc S W I S II E 11 i.v jnusnYTow.v. STavinpju.'t received our Spring Stock, j. a. irom 1110 lianeru .sinrKfis, wo leel iletornilneil to sell Hoods at a little lower prices than they can be purcliMcd clfutvlicrc. OUR MOTTO IS "Smalt t'rojits and Quick tli turns." 87" The public arc respectfully solicited to call and ptninlnennr.toik b'foro purchasing elsewhere, ns wo (liars i iiothlui! for showing our goods. Produce of all kinds taken for goods. Mlt.I.llU&BWISIir.K. Jerseytown, Mnyll, Iffi-J. eMtr M.MiniAOB. t'l'rf I.OVl'.rf AM) HATH f,r3,Vji sorrow s and nnuvrs, liopcs and fears, rcgro i.?i"l",Jn'"! -MANIIOOII.liow lost, bow resloro the nature, t r. ut hi and radical cure nf spo inatnrrlirra nr seminal weakness 1 InvnMntnry ciuls lon, sexual debility and impediments to niarrlase pi n orally j iKrvousncss, consumption, fits, mental and phy sical Incapacity, resulting from aiil.r-AlllJSll-nre lul Iv cnlaitiiil In ihn MAitniAnr. riiriiii- 1... 1-1 tiu.Mi. I, II. This most OJtruordluafy Imok thould no 111 ma nanus 01 every young person cnntempjaitng marriage, and eevry man nr woman who desin s to rimll tin; number ol their otfuprlng to their clroumstan ne, livery pain, illsenso fiii-1 iicln- Incidental to jouth, lifatiirily and old ago, Is fully explained 1 oyer)' particle in Mi., ii-ngu tuai siiouiii ue it now n is 11c.'- v I v en. it is full of engravings. Ill fart, itdlsclnses scents thatrv. i ry otic should know ; still it is a book that must be lucked up, nnd not lie about tho hoiiso. It will be sent to any nuo on tlio receipt of twenty fie cents In specie or im-tagi- -111111115. Address lilt. WII, YOLWO, No. 110 Sl'llULT. Btreit, abovo Fourth. PhllaiMiihla. C7" AI'ri.lfTllll AMI DM'ORPUNATi:. no matter what may ha your ilis"iie, liofor" you place yoarselfun der thu circ of any of the notorious Huacki natlvo or foreign wln ndvcrti In tills or any other paper, gel a copy of tr. Voting s book, and rtml it tarrfU). It in uu .,,; ,11, -.ins ni piiviii yuu many a imnar, your health, and porslbly your life. im. ciu.Mi can he consulteil on any or the olseaset described iu his iiiibllcallou. nt his office. ,Su. 410 S- IltJC T. Street ubo.' I'ouith, I hiladclnhU, oiltc hours I rum 11 to 3, daily. Murch r, l.'O.'-Wiu. I'lTTrilumoit, PA.irorn-rl'onn nnd Gt. Clair Hts Tin lar; t C'oin'm-n ml Hclsool of Hie United hiates, ilh a patronage of ii. ai.y 3,1)01 t-'ttili iis. In live yean Iroin '.II flat 's, nn I tin- onlv one wl.n Ii aiVurds complete und reliul.l lii-tru'tl"ii inn'l tlio follouing bratu lies, vU: lercaiilil'. Alatiut'arturers, Stenni Ihal. Kallroad and I'.onk.lvi i'tiing. lt l'-emium Plain mid Oriiiiuieu tal IVuma.liip ; nl-o, ure)ing, Uiiiiiiiciriug and .Miiiiieiiiaucs genoiany. S35.00 Pays for.! Commercial Course; Uidcuts enter and re- vii-w at any tuna J -.Ministers' s'Dis' tuition at half rrico. Tor Catalogue of -it pages, .'pecllurlis of rtusiness nti.l Oriinui mtal 1'cuiu.iiii-liip. and 11 h aatil'ul College view if s puare f.it. cnntiiiniiig a goi 1! variety of writing letteiiiig and noiiiiFhin,', inclosa SI cents In stamps to the Principals, JI-.MUXS k tl.MlTII, Pitlsburgli.Ta. April in, iFia-iy. C1HUULA H. 'Plin iituli'rsicnoil 1i:iv1hk bea ungimct! by ths Pci.io i cratic Mjt-: Cuntr.il I iminitttet' ti pulillfh unJer their :m - pi r a l i iups-ti;ii P.ij'cr to Uj tutttlfil 'iTIil. tii.MVWiJii ii' i.tm tiiKoa nvv iun to call jitnr iiiiiiif'Uali; nU-'iitimi to tlx1 iniptfMiti'r rt lining our iiiiiiiuri' u. -t iirt' .1 ui u 11 ri ui.it ton wr tuu -.i)iifj The 1'irst Xumb.-r -t tin I'apur will ! 1 11 fd on Thurhttny, Anatt 2 , let ,', at ilu1 priw of Tut iity-Tlve Oi-ts lor ilu C.-iinp tiL'ii. Tlir- Pnpt-r u ill n piiblilii'il ct'nii-wtji'k'y, it nt 1 1 tlu iJ;iJ of tin- !.Tt mui. All ordure tn bt. uiiUrcsca to 1). i;oii.i;au, i'uMiiir, 10ii eouth Third fttuit, riuljdijphla. I'o run t oyal Mln or l'i m.si-vlvanh : V'At- Ptinvcrtttic Lea icr it u lutoiiilcd thi ho dnvoted to u truthful unit fWirl-h -xiioitinii (f the ratMP of ill. prf-t'tit cul.iinitl 's, ;tiiil tln n-lirf hiclj tiii- i-'r.M'. ito'ii of tVniif) U ani 1 urn in p.irt otit.nn tli rciirli thu li.tllt't.bot u It i'h, with tip oupport thfj will (.iv- n loyal mrii fri 1)1 etippri'hinu of ihn rt-bt Hion, may in Uiiii and .im tlu only IciiiI(Ih 1101 iu rfitirt our distr" i(J toutitry rit) once prospt'tou-t und liappy eun.litlNii, an always maintaniuit niolLr Democratic Arimiuutra tiona of thai(,veitimoiit, 'Uie Dcuiotrntic J.eatb'r" i th"r foic not only rufoinnif ntlrd to your support, but j oar duties nml inturepts s jrood niiziH will bn cr tntly promoti'd by inakuifj eflurts fur thu w i.lu tprcaJ (wirttil-itiuii of thut-'upur, r. w. miinirs, li liriiiau of thu Democratic State Central Coiniuittec. Auyust ti.l, llnsn Qu,ait:its, 1i:nnsylva(i .Militia, bL'IIOLDN ULMlKAI.'tf Ol't lUE, ( Slate Medical loonl of 'eimsylrun'ut. The Mntn Medical I'oard will inert iu tun Hull oftbe linn- i f itejiri s"iit.itiv s. nt ll.irrilniig. on Thursday 'epteuiber 1 1 th, 1 'i-. and -it one en y, tortile ox ami tiatii u rtfcauiiid.ites lor the jiost of Assistant curncou In ,'euu ej Ivain i Uegimcnts t'andil.ite will r'gistur their lnmes at the Halt ol ri A. M., nil.! none but thosJ present punctually sit U A. M.. w ill he i xamnied. Citi. -us of jienns) It an in of health and capable of active sen ice iu tho li, lit, uin atone bo received. Ilv order nf A. 11. Cl'i.ii N, tlnvernor ofl'enn'a. lltMiv II. f.MiTii, fiurgoon Cciicr.il I'enn'a. IlarrUbur Austi.t 23, lcb), ELOOMSEUllO SKYI.ICHT, 'pilK utnlefsincil inform, th.i rituita nf lilooni. X nu' u'ii!hhiirhiu(l, that uc it. is take t. tin- nri- i-juni i il t fm i:.clianp( Ulmk, cAtcinlMi-! o;cr AItit'r. Slnin-r &. I'uv's ':ik'ry, anil th" lluo-toro uIht" h luis put in a Inrzc Skyli?! t. it in only In Sltjliht Unit gtnnl pic- nr's cm Im t iau 'biot utily groups whcri t-uch person nn lu tiikeM it im It t s panitM. MrTha-j;nn to n)n.itlrntijif uxpcnf' tn niak? lijo ch nl.li'nn"nt iirt vU on-, umI w llrTfl'oro -ol icit a b. ml atp i'' t fiialtlu him. to (.oiitautly introilncc tlio muilu 1 i iiinro cnuMit- of tin' art. Ly-Co'iii ay iiroilitcu tukcii in Uxt limirzn tnr pictures. II UNIX V ltO?i:..STOCK. ItlnnmImr:. Xnv. l l.iil. Xnv. 0 Mi SAPONiFlEU ! SAPONIK1EK ! ! ",-TH K I'i.MII.V HOAP M Alvl'.il rj All Kitrl-"ti (Jroas-can be made iulogooi &OA1', ly Uslvg S.U'OMPIl:!!! uyi)iui:ornNS ArcoMP.wviNT. hacii iiox i fOAP is easily made w ill, il, as u aking a lup of cof feo .Manufactured unl) hy the l'litenucs. l'A. SALT .MANLTAf'TU'.l.Nfl CnMPAXV. Vn V7 Walnut Slreet I'll 1 LAMiU'll I . AMDUOTi'PK, I'lIOTOGHAFH Jc MSLAIKOriTi A BKOTYPi' S. J'UOTuGKAPHn, Meluinnlyp 's, c. lat"ii in C'ouil as vvellu&iiear Wi-ut'i.ir.' Ambrotj p anil Ilagm rraeiypcs mpieit and Uu Jleil i j. O l(. TIL DA VI L L E, J A Dec. SI, 10 OON-l'.MPTIVHy. rjni: Ailvertis-r, iHiviii'; b ,i ri-.tnrulto Inlihlua L f w vveeke hvavei) -i.uplar'ui d),i rtlior hiving suh';r-'d several veuis '. itnu lung a'.f 'i tiiiu and Unit dra. id dise.iso. L'"ii-aiii,itiou is an Minis touiakckuown to his f tlnW'SUt;' rers thu in 'iiuof cure, 'i'oallwiii -iron, ha will -end a copy ol the pre- sc. iptimi u lif. "o of ij;aigu,; Willi thi oirei linn-, far pr-paring und .i.iug tlu sum which ill y wlllliniln sortL. Cuni- for i ns -UMiTtos, A.i.iMv, I iimeiur,s, a... Til on y obji ct i f Ihe n lverliS'T in s"ii ing the I't i s ripti'm lb la It -n li, lit ' ulllieted. and spri ad iiif.irmi tiou iv UiJ b i o.ieeiv s to hi-iiivalu.ibk', anil he hoptM uverv uA'sJtrwi I trvhis re.n.-dy, tisil will cost them nntlinu o'l.l iu iy prov t a bl. ssiug. Parties wishlii.' Ill', pieseripiioii w ill plean- uddrci-s. 'lev. I lAVAItll A. IL OV. Williamsburg. Kings County, " ovv York. ej,,t- "-' cTflJGll DKOPST COUGH DllOPS!! I OVEUY body uses I'KON'E Vj Inali pro,.,p.ly .omeii, hoilm. Ill all II If ctlu KON'I'.riELllrS'COrdll DllOPS ;ies arresting the worstndd mis of Iho tin st. 1 hront, W pi tiler lil'illo i r i hrouie it vv ill be tnillld ol iil..lie.iat ) h-nefit. iiy a siuvl i boitlo uuiljou laiiint fail to np. pre'C.lte Its ilt.'f,lll''ss. l'or Halt- by iim.it all i-lorekoep' rs and Druggists. 1'r. pared by C. litoM'.riELD, No. UIT. X. :id. St.. Philadelphia. Nov. Ill, lctfil-llin. IS . .3 O a"'. i t'2 St ' W X $ wiioi.i.sm.i: and iu:r 11. HEEDING AND FEAl'uEll WAHE 110UMC, Xo. '.'j N'orlli Second Kneel, Oppojita I hrial Chuicli, I'llll.Ailhl.rtllA. C7 Coiutaiill) -Hi ban I.n largo ns orliuanl of lleds, .Maltr'i es, 'ntlla sis. Cusluons. ll.iir. Ilu.k, Ca lluil' nml ull articles in Uu- line nt thu lowe.t prices : V. i, , , ,,.;,,i .,, r.VnYe. iii,,. x tut 'r.M " .! . ' r an I Old lu.iliiers, .March i, IrOI.-l&u. R0, HAllinSON, iM. D. ! ODLD rc-.peitfuily inform tlio rltineus of bur.', mi l vniuiti.tliMli'i couliuuesthe pi Ill, in. pructico nil solicits a sliuie of public patronage. Oil Hi. 011 .Main Street, lirsl liou.o below Ihe Court Iloise, lili.oin.burg, IVbtuary n, Ifjj-tf, 13LANK Si" BLANKS! I Of every description, for sals at thisoffico ttt n v rr m w "nnm .m. - b m MMi W m iVt'M WIWZ? , ft vnr rm v4 it m v sji'v 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN raw aot.t) pjrr.its, aor.n jiad vr.i.vr;v- DKr.0n.1n0m, Mjtnni.r. jtfi oak MCoiiATiotrs, .VMM.VH GAY OLAZ.V.11 VAVF.HS. vi,wfA.xi iiitufiir vommo.v r iPF.ns, iioiinhiis, fim: noAtti) i'iujvts, h'atuics, ju.i.vds, r.ia, ktc, Will ho old at crcatly reduced prices, nt thn pnpir bntnlnB rooms of tin undersigned 111 Judge llupert's Hrore House, 011 Second street, a few doors below .Mar ket. Also Paper Hanging Executed In tlio best ktyle, at modulate prices and In quirk tltno I' J.TIIdlllSITnV. iiiooiutnorg, oiny j, ico- an inlpi:ni)i:n'i' Daily, Ssmi-U'etkly - Wr.ikly Navs papcr. ritr. hail y iron in. Terms per nnmini, Six Dol'nrs : four conies to onn nddrcss, Twenty Dollars, To clergymen, 1'lvo dollars per milium, Fur a club of ton copies, nn citra copy wilt bu senl. ' 1 ritr. si: mi-iykukly n'oitr.n. Three dollars per annum 1 two roppies to ono ad dress, I'tvo Hollars ; IHecnples to onn nddress lllev Dollars. To rlergymen, two dollars per year. Blnglv copies, three cnts, published Tuesdays and 1'rlcliiysj. 4 Ten copies. Q.U, l'or a club or ten copies, an citracopy will bo tent for otiu year- l'or 11 club of twenty copies ft copy of tho Dally for ouuyrur l'or a club of filly copies, tho Dally, Weekly, and rioinl'VVeekly will he sent for 0110 j car. Till'. ll'IlKKl.Y WORLD. Price Twodntlarnvcar: tour conies to ono nddress. I'lvo Dollars ; twi nty conies, twenty dollars, Clergy men can receive ttm U'cukiy, single (opy, at one dollar a year, tilngio copies, i cents ruoiislieaon'j'hurs days. ror a ciiii 01 ten copies, an extra copy win no sent lor one year. I'nr a club of twenty copies, tho Scmi-Wcckly will ho s;nl for onu year. 1 ora ciuuot liny copies, tio natiy win no sent ror lie year. l'or 11 1 lub of one hundred copies ths Dlly, Weekly, and Heml-Weekly will bo tent for one year, lieinlltances for " I he World" iniiy Iu made hv drafts tjeasury notes, orhank bills of spicie pa) ing banks, not. u hero the attention or the rotmnster is caile.l to remitUiice atthu time of muilliig tho letter, it may bo made at our risk petimcn numbers sent to any nddrcss upon applica tion. AUdrcsJ Till: WOULD, Nn 35 Tark How, Nett-Volli, T II Ft .YK I -l Oi A (I'O ft A D. 1'roni tho True Citizen (New Urittiin.CnntiA Porno nine or tun months allien we, liken large port ion of our fellow citizens, teii ived our daily neii of the nmtiueuts of our armies Iroin the New-Yoyk papers of tho "on to tilthmoud' class, but wo become so ill gnsted witlithe seusi U-s uuliry w!((ch (al;eu up for n time hv nrtirly the uenlo nation, tiruved so terribly cf. f ttive in drising our encny on to the defeat of Hull Hun and nl-o at thepersiftant lault-findiug w 1th and nbiiso ol I're-liUnt I.iucolii nnd the leading Ueprrats of the ar my, that we took no. us wo til' 11 suiiiioed, Willi tlii ir slouer i.u.l more rtpcitahle. riMil, '1111: W0111..1 Wis have reaJ this pap -r daily ecr since, and hee found, j i,t wi. nl nly had a re.nliible and scholarly jMiirnat, tlioroui'hty l.i al an t govt, rn.uent sustaining, but tli.it lewas f illy up to th 1 lines 111 lis supply of over) tiling tuht was r-lialde ir the way of current news, Iu lad. wn only mws iu its columns one class of news, 1. : that Willi 11 i' to be c.inlr.ii li ted to iuorrJw. IV 11I1 theso liatty reinaikj we il.'Mre cordially to rei omiMetnl to o-ir read, f- the New-York World as one ol the Lest, if no( the vi ry best daily Journal in tlio counny. r?eit. I.i, i ' 2. G KEEN WOOD SEMLNAllY. Milleillc, This well knowh Hiliool for both scics will open XOVI'.MIlUI! 3d, lflM. Tim recnt ndditions to the h'tildings; render nccom oitatioiis for uior.' than sixty boarders. The course of study will embrace three departments - the Normal, ill. Scicnliiic, nnd t'ie rominenial. 'J'he prim ip il w HI nu assisted hy exp, rieiiced teach ers, fully llllllltleil for tlulr respectivo pesitious, en.i.n,, itnil nit,, r, tiiv ri.st iissoreil lli:it nn eltorfs will be sp.irud in make tin- r-aliuol worthy of patronage ' and that tlio wcllaro ol tho students, int' llei tu.ill , phy.ically, and inurally, will receive ourcoustaiUcaro l'or applicaliou, citculalioii, circulars or further par tiniiars, nddress tho uuderigneil. until Oct. 1 ICU-J, at I'owiiiugton, i luster county, Pa., and alter that time at .Mllluillo Columbia county ra. l . .1I.1.U lil.l. I ll I I r-, Principal. Having sold nut my interest in the OreenwooJ Reini- nary, to I M t'otls, wnn was lor tevi rai y nrs connerieil with the Institution as n succe-'sfiil leather, I hereby cbeerlully cumiueuil liliu to my trii niis aim pa Irons, nan gentleman of ainplo ipiilincition for tlio po sition he assumes, and In every way worthy the confi dence and patronage of the public W.M. lUiliilSi-. 1U(L 1. 1.11 1C..S, Peine pels. Millvillo, I'.i., Sept. 13. 1?C2. iDSiiairSLiu air Airoia LKicuirtii-a-. TAMAC2UA, PENN'A. l'asjcngcrs dine hero on tho passage of each Train. 11. M. M Ell RICK, Propriitor. Tanintua, .Lin 1, lff5. STltAW ! STKAWM ST11AW1!! 101 TONS STRAW, of all kinds, Ilurkulirat i t copied, is wanted immediately, at tlio 3IHI Cove Paper Mills, near Lightr-trecl, forwhitli cash Will bo naid. THOMAS TUECII. .MillCrovc, AuguttO, 1602. IJANKOTICIJ. "jtiTotieo is hereby given, that tho I5ank i. 1 nf Oariv ille, a Haul; nf Issue, Discount and Depos. it. located in the liorough of D.iuv ille, .Montnureoiiiiiy, w ill it capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, in tends luisiiig .ipplir-.tion at tho next regular session of tin- Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the renew ul of Hs charier, and oMens'on ot it privileges, for .1 term of twenty yi urs from tlu expiration of its presi nt charter, Willi the sain..' n ime-, title, location nu-l capital. ily order of llrj Board of 1 1 i r. ttors. D Will CLAISK, Cashier. Cam ille, IM .June -i, ISO'.' lim ADM IN ISTK ATO B S NOTICE. Lslitle HtiHvilte Knslicr, deceased. r.T PLUS of n liuiiiUtiulion on llic llstato of Jacob lj it. uno.., li;-,- of Liiiis.twp. I'ol io.,efcifnii, liavol been granted U th Itepi.ter nt ; nluiuhia imiuty In the uu t.-r-igiiod ; nil peritoi.s jtav ing claim- ag.uu.1 the i s lata i f Ilia ill i. 'ill lit fe louieled lo present them to .tin, A Inii'ii'.trai'ir at Ins r-Meiien in l.ucu-t tw p., witliout uiiay. mid all porsoiis imkbied to make pay ment foilli Willi. SAMUEL ADAMS, September fl, IWiS-fiiv- .Wu'r, KEADiNG EAIL-IIOAD. i u.mmi:u A 1UU A'fJ E.UCXTS. Great Tr'inb Line from the Xortli slid North-West for iinlaui Ipliia, New ork. Heading, 1'oltev ille, Lcba 1 llo.i. Ml llloWii, L utoll. A.C., fce. 'J tains eavo llnrrisbiirg for rhilade-lphla, Xevv York. ' Leaning I'otisvnle, uud ull intermediate Stations, ut S ' u in, nn.' I.lu p m, N 'v .ork .V ,-ess I' aves Ilarrlsbitrg at l-2j ii in ur ' riving at Xe-vv ork nt f tho sumo nun niug. Tares from llarrisburg. i'.i Now -York SJUUil; tol'hil. uJolpina S I -iil S-'Tn. Iltggaga cheeked throngli. ilei.iroing linvo Xew-Yors at n a. in., i- Noon and 6 ' p. in., ilillsliurjh Express) Leave liiiladelphi i ,as u. in. nml a la iv r-Ieeping i.irs in the Xevv-Yoik I'xpr-ss Trains, thro.l'.'h tn und lrom littsbor h w ltli ml chaligo. IVsingers by iho (in: w i-sa i, iulru.nl leave Port Clinton at 1.45 n m, for li.ila lelpbia and all inter li" gte station'; nud aid p m for liiiladelphi. i, New York. ' end nil Will I'oiui. ; Traill" l"tive Poitsville at tl a in. nud -.'.IS i in, for li.ll.nleli h!a ..id ev.lnrk; nud at 3.30 1 m for Auburn i nud Port Clint m only, counecliiig for line Crove und Willi III- I' MlaW I. -a hull I! lad An m cimioi'l;ii'i pass nger tr'iiu lea v e Heading at G a in. .unl return lrom Pnil.i lelphiaat op in. i All th .bovetiains run .tally, Sun.lav'sncspted. 1 A.-'niilu train l-avt I'misvillo ul 7.1IU am, audi riiilailelphii. ut J.lj p iu. liini.ii'iuii'uiii li, .Mil. age, foonn, and Eeursioii Tickets, ul rv.tnced rules toaud from Lit ioiuls O. A. NICOI I.S. May 17. ltd. Cetier.il Superiute ndent. CHEAP IIEITAEY CAPS MILITAHY CAPS, of overy sort, sire and iiality for salu cheap at tho U'ooiusluirg Hat Sc. t.'.i Enipuriuiu AI,o CiOce'rieb,ConlLctionarles..Cigars, 4;c. JOHN K. ClUTOX. oouiiburg, Sept. 11, lrlil. U) WHO! IT .MAY (OXiEIl.V. 3, ur i "i'o, I , si I,,,, " , r"e , l-av'L II, a I laith, ate uo 0 f nth fmii v im- ''U'ittloii ottho.o nilcrcted, All d..ibli'd Sol.lies.tlin b iilon s or miner ehil.lren of . soldiers wl.iidr , or have been killed in the serv iro.uro eiuille.l to pen ions. The wi lowsoroth. r leg il loirs of soiu icr vv no un vo isicu or-iivi ii h ii leu iiiuio turvicu,uru cntllledtutlio , cinn T5.,,,., OJUllUlJf. N. II. All rlniins are carefully examined by the De partment, nud it is uf Ih" iilluosl importance tn claimants tormplnv regular 11.nl experienced counsel, f they wisll tonvu, I delay. Ail cases entrusted l.e! my car-, tire at temleil to at once, and ull Liters answered hy return mall, nud no eli 11 ge is ma le. until the Pension Is granted X. II. I'otsou. ei.tnled to Hi (SIUU lloiintv, c.:i Ijavo their rl.iiin i'.'ishe,l on uno (trillion at 111 v ottice. Attv's I'i'lthlon Ai'iMils. evrlllnn Tor hlmilcs. nml rHuttp&Itu stii'ctioiis, also persons tv)htug iiiforiuatioii tn euablo thil l to lobato lauds under the provisions of tlio late Homestead Art, ilioul.i inclose a fee, ' Addr.s, JI.A.OAN'DEUS.lly at lutr. Juris Si, I6u2-3m, Gretni.Va.g- rent) I r I lw trfVrfWA V VoVm F-i1x"mX,K I H -tm M lbv$M wA l I IM'ffiTIJTION WATER. feCp.t M von thu COWSTiTUTiOfl AND TUB ron 1) I A U K T li S AND DISEASES Ol'TIIU 1XBM Aim UJASBSE 7'Ae DMgeroui and Troublesome JMttatts, rshickliivl (Aus fir HeiUted the tut dlrtclrd Trtttmtnt tan be Cuviplelili Cohtritllcii by the llt:.Vi:i)Ynsu Irfere ull TIIU curativi: properties of tho luedirliio din ct themselves to the or gans of secretion, nnd by so altering tho condition of thu atotnacli anil liver lluil the starchy ur 11c no oftbe iiiou is iioicunverieu into sugar soiung as tuu sysieui 1 is under tho influence of tho CONSI ITUTION WATDlt. I wiiitu u uiusu orgnos nine iu rcrovcr incir Krniiny j tonu ninl vigor. Wu urenbta tu tate that tho Coiifititus Hon Water has cured c el casuof Diabetes iu which it if il.oll,. Ill ill. l 1 uas ueeu given. stoxi: in" tiii: iii.audi'r, calculi's, chiavkl IlltlOK IIL'sT DLPOSIT, AND MUCOt'H OK JIILKY MUCH ARC L'r) A IT I lit UHIN'ATINO. Diseases occuring from one nnd tho same cause will berntlrely cured by the Cunnituiion Wutor, ll'lakun foi n.i I'-nulh of time. Tlio dosu should nr) with tlio suicrii oi uiu uisense, inim twenty drops to a tea spootilul tlirrotiines a day. in water. Dutlngtlie pas sago ofiho t'aliulus. tho puin nnd nrgeiit srmptoius should bu combated with tlio proper remeilles, then follow cd up with liu Cuuttitutloti Water, as above tli reited. DYs.Muxor.ii An: a. or. i-ainti'll .Miixarr.UA- T1UX, AND IX MIlXOItlMIAUIA Oil l'UOt'L'SlJ I'l.OtVIXC, Until diseases nrisius from u faulty rrrrrllnn of tne iuonstru.il lluid in tbo one casu biiugtoo little, mid accompanied hy sevi te pain j uiisl llic other n too pro fuse secretion, which will bu speedily cured by llic Constitution Wnn r. That disease known as 1' l UNO CT Till! WO.MII. which ii llpj result of u ril.ixulion of the ligaments nf that orguu, and is known by u sense of heaviness and dragging pains Hi tlio hark and sides, and at times lie- oiupanleil hy sharp I actuating or shooting pains through thu paits, w ill, in all cases, he removed by the medicine. There is am. tin r i lass of symptoms arl-ing from lit nil'AliD.Vol'iill. WO.MII, which pli)siciuns tall Xervousness, which worn colors up much ignorance, nnd in Hi tit! cases uulof ten the doctor does uotrcally know wlo.ther the symptoms are tho disiico, or the dicm.e tho symptoms. Wo can only enumerate them here. 1 spi nk more particularly of Cold feet, I'alpit.i tioii in tuu llei.rt. Imparcd Memory, Wnkcfiiluess.li.ish os of ileal Languor, Lassitude, and Dimticssof Vision, tSLlTlintiSUD JIKNSTKL'ATIO.V. Which ill the unmarried fenuilo is a constant recurrin" disease, and through neghctthe seeds ol more grave mid dang, rolls maladies are tho result ; ninl as month alter mouth pas-s Itiiout an elfort being uiadu to ns slit nature, tho suppression Incomes chrome, ihe pa. tient gradually looses her annetite. tlio howels nm lotiMip.ito, I, night sweats cynic uu, and csiuumitjurt ..,u.,. b.tua ;,v. lui.vi. u.fi'OititdiA on wiiirca 1 his disease dencndi upon an iutl imation of mucous lining oftue vagina ami Ivmiili. It is In all ca.es ac companied by severo nam in tho back, nccrots tSe bowels und through tlu hips. A tufpnotifot of the i.ieillcine may lie taken three times u U.ij, willi an '-i-J.itiou of a t.iblespoonful of thu luedlcime, mixed with a 11 1 f pintof suit water, morning uu, levelling, ir.niTAiiov or tub xi:ck or tiii: iilahduu, iM'i.A.MATiox ur tiii: unixr.Ya axd ca taieuii or tiii: ulaiidcii, sphaxguiiy AND IIL'UNIXti Oil PAlXrCLUP.IN'ATIXf!. i l'or thesiidiseascs it istruli a sovon ign remedy, and M nimli cannot bo said in lls praisi o miiih cannot be said in its nrajsi A sinclu ducshas been kuuw to relive the lousl urgent s ploms. Are you troubled Willi that ilistres'sing uiin in the small of tlio hack and thrmisli the hips t A tea spoon fill n day of Constitution Water w ill rclieo)oulike inugic. ron i)vari:pyi., It has no equal in relieiing the .Most dijtressing mup tntus. Also, llcadnclie, liL.utbiiru, Acid h'tomucli Vom iilng t'ood, tec. Taken te.ispooiiful alter dinner' The dosi. in all cotes may be iucr.a3ed if desired, but should be done gradually. rilYHIClANd Have long since givcu up the use of bucliti. cubebsand Juniper in the treatment of th so (lipases, uuduiily use 1 theiufur want of a belter remedy. CONSTITUTION WATI'.i: lias proved itself oiu.U tolbe task that has devolved upon it. DR'ltr.TK.'rl Irritate and drench tbo kulueys, and by constant uo soon lead tu chronic ileei.crulio and co ifuiued dis ease. Head. ReaiS. Mead. llNVII.LK. l'.l.. Jllliui If (',. Dr. W.m. II. (luvoo Dair Aie: lu liliuary. lstil, I was atllicieil w tth tho sugar diabetes. timt furtive moo His 1 passed more than two gallons of water iu (weuty'foiir hours. 1 was o'i'igeil to gi t up a-, otitu ten or Iwelvo times during tin, night, und iu hvo months 1 lost about fitly pounds iu weigtli. Iluruiiig the tuonih ot Ju'y, l-ol, I jirucured two unities of L'oustilutinu Water ami iu two days after iim ig it I expert en ci.d relief, auilatli r tailing two hottles I was entirely cured, soon alter regaining my uauul gooU health. Yours truly. J. V. I. in: WITT, lioston Corners, X. Y Dee. S7, lebl. Win. II. dregg ,V Co.: (ii ills. -1 trc I.v giv e )iu hh- rty to make use of the follow ing tirtihi-ale ot lie v alae of Coiistitiiliou Wu Ilt, w Inch I can receoiiiineint in tli highest manner. .My wile, who w ,is nltui ked w u!i pain in liio slioul ders, w hole length of the b.uk, mid in In r limbs, Willi Palpitation of Ihe heart, attended Willi Tailing of Ho: Wo.nb, DysiiienurrhiH'.-t, and --Irritation of the Iliad der." I called u phaiiiuu, who alien, .id her about in, eo months, when he Lit her worse than he louiid her. I Iheu employeil nuo nf the best physicians 1 could lluil, who attended her for about niiio mouths, an i w bile she was u inlet Ins care she did not sutler 'pule as iiiiii h p.uu; ho liually gave her up and said: "her casu w as hirui jldc." l'or, said he, "she w as em Ii a combination of complaints, th it nicihiiun given tor one operutes dgamsl sniun other of her diltleiiltjes." Alnnil this time she to.umeneed to use CoN-mun is Waikk, and loour inter atonishnient, almost the lir.-t it..i. k ...l I,, I,.,. .. II, .. ..Il'..t .. ...I . 1.. 1 .... imiirovin.' ranidlv u. der its treat nt.and now soner- luteuils eniireli he,- itonu stn: at, urs. t-h'has not la ken any of theCos tii'iion Waiir fornboul f uirwei ks and w e tiro liappy to tuy that it haa produced a puruia' iient earc. W.M. M. VAX llEXSCHOTr-X. Mii.i.ioiui, Cons., Nov, III, liCl. L'a. Wu. II. Ciici.o : V'fir Ur i 1 1, iv ' for several years ben alTlnted with that t lo'thlesoiuoaiiil .laiueroas ilisi-u-e tlrnvi 1 which r'ki-te,1 ml r ioeoies and do'inrs. unlil I tnr,k I i. r, i c Hon ,L W.run. and you uniy lie assured that I was pleased vv itli III" result, li Ii iseiitiie'ty run d me. an 1 1 ou may make any iiso of my name ion may ".o lit in regarn m ihu nieilieine. as 1 l.uiv entire eoaiJ'iiLe in its cHicniy. Your" Italy, rOMi SlilOVU, TiiEsr. m;i: i'act3i:noi en There is noclass nfitisens s th.it ornduio such it- 1 hiu-iiiig ellects upon the huiii.in constitution ns Di.i 1 bote nud din iisl s of tlie I, i lui'it. Lladderaiid Lrina ' ry Passages, un l tlnniuh a lalso inoilesty Ihey urn neg lected until they are soai'v ti'iced as to he hcoud the control of ordinary re met! .,,., and wo present tho ! coSSiiii'liON WVI'L.t i To Iho public with the cmvicliniithal llliua upeii il in ' relieving th.' ila-s ot di'i'as", for whiili it lias loin , found so liuineMly siiuis"ful untiring; and wu trust , that w o shall be awarded iu our cll'orts in placing so I valcible reisi'dy iu a form to meet the rcpiiiciucul3 of patient nud phy.i, la.i, I O t SALE 11V ALLDIII CCISTS. rr.K'ESI, I WM. II. liEOKtiE CO., I'rnprii u rs Mnr .an (e Allen, Ceueral Agents, Xo. 4o Cull &t i New York. Sept '.'I leCJ. Km Valuable Kcal Estate In pursuance of an order uf Hid Orphan' Court of I'olu'ubi i (imuty, on , S'liitrthv, the USthdayof October, 18G'2, at 10 oi lot k in the foreiiuon, Jacob R. Evans. ilniiiii trator of Mnii ui Whiteuiglit, late of II emloek township iu said county, deceas.nl, will expose lu tale Lj pablic vcudtie, upon the promises, u c.itain L O T 0 P h A X D. """" .nneu.ln.ktc.vn.hip aforesaid, adjoming land. Aaru" V""'' 'il"re lilt JliiB lit m. Iho , uaat. Matluas Whilenlihi on Hid south, ami otliot,. CONTAINING SIXTEEN ACRES. Latothe estato of said dcciasod. situaic il) tlio town. ship of HeiuloiL and comity al'oresad JAC' ill EYEItl.Y, Clerk. D-" ferine made known on day of sale. JAi S. EVAN'S, Administrator Illuomsliiirg, Snpiember s-'U, inlj. . .. (La, White Swan,) 3 RACE STH ICliT, AJIUVS THIRD I'll lis A I) HI. I'll I A. D. C. SIEG1UST, PunrniETon. :rufevTrSic n"ul Lcbanon Pa 1 Match ii, iioC 15m -.-7-,-r r-:--.r. r. .- Ii' (Jlllclal CUction Itcltirus, For Kcprcsoutittivca in tlio Lcglslnlivo District, composed, of tl.o Countici of Co lumbia, Montour, Wyoming and Sullivan, held Oct. M, I80'J, o a t- E B P n c c" fr'dfylitionisls p P s1 , , . , Columbia J9I 3 2014, 1:375 lnrfl. Montour, 1218 1121 1 778 70'J Vyominsl301 130!J 11-10 1 Ed) Sullivan, 0L)5 O'il t!07 07, t ..... 0100 01-13 H." 00 a.r)3 i Jackson over Ilnya, S.O'Jft iillii ovur Kcnncuy, 2,011- CoxaitcsaioNAL UETUHN3 The follow ing is tlio vote for congressman in this tlio Mth. district. T'ocy, Glarh, Inil. ll'fp. Alioliiion. liradford, a.f)77 ' .1,035 Vyoruing, :.','i. 1,113 Columbia, ,20 1,407 Montour, 1,183 807 Sullivan, 1107 281 9,520' 7,703. 7,,703 Tracy's inaj. 1,6 IV Tun Next EiiaisLATUUU. It U now, we think, reduced to a ccrtuiirty that tho next Legislature will stand as follows : Democrats. Abtlitionista. Senate 14 10 House 30. 4t 70 03 Deraocratio majori'y on joint ballot- Luzcrne Ojicial Et-ction- llclurns., Auditor General. Cochran 5506 Slcnkcr S330 Surveyor General, lloss 0343 lhrr 81S2 Uongrcss. Grow 0703 Donuison SjOS!; Senator. Kctcham 0100 Stark 8257 Sheriff. Tripp 5724 I'uterhaugh SIO'J. Lawall 203 -7. 7f2 Speakers killed bytl:e Fcttmylva; ilia Democracy. Galusha A,Grou of the National Cou gruis. y.oicis W. Hall, of the State Senate. John Jlouv, of the House of Representa tive.0. A largo lot of black gome to be brought down in one day. s-o Who can tell what this army oa tho Upper Potomac is waiting for ! Pnv. JouriK I Greely and the ''I.'yl Governors," rs7iT.?TrjaiaMArga-jcshvcaije.iu.' jssszzn.zrt THE PHILADELPHIA. IN.vUfEEU, Double Siicct, Porty-E ght Columns. Phlihe,! every Morning, i.Exccpt Sundays. Ibv Win. W. liurding, Xo. Kl 'nulls Ibird Street, Philad elphia, t'n. Tlio Create t m w -.paper of liiibideiphm 1 The trying times of Hie nation's history u. . fclch wu live, render u Live Newpiper! an imi'spciisuhlc lo every man w ho would l.e, p tiuusel,' nifi.'rnie'd of iho important event which nro ipmy transpiring. To furnish a paper whichwill i.iet'tlio ust evp(cl..lm?,.s otthe putdic lu such a 1 1 ins- no live pres.ul. r-rpiires an nuiouut of labor nnd of oxtraordiuurv e , oi-usc of vv liu Ii Iho coininutilty al la.go have i.uci'tccplion, Tho pan tishers of Tin: ruiLADiii.ruiA ixciurRr.ii, has spared no ctl'mts or mono to mako it all lli.it it could in made. l!...,iiles uoproving and strengilo ",. , lim home force during the pi-t yi or. s.vi ml ot Ih tio-t Eepurter and Lett, r writers in ihu country li im been sent, at great expenses, vv ith the Array and Navy, and ham tre'iuenilv gm o '.he pu!,'.' the first ami full est account, hy telegrapu and hy l. mil, of imunriutii nnuvrs .it Tin: sc. it oi' V' .); The I ii-iu, rir win tho fust northern pspor n' 1 1 , o the aceuui.: of the Half r.is ami Port lloai vieli.rps end was tw, li .- houri. in udv.ni e of an paper in tin i "uu try. in its toilillralion of th,: ih tniU uf i.-lljil Run lln'tlc tvh.it The tmguiroi has doii'-, (s bu: j.i arms, of what will he dono, In order to give its tenders -jni best a'ceouts of uvery eve-ut iJf inn r.'it cotiui vvuli rtir. qitK.ir nnvr.r.t.io.v, and at the same timo have it maintain its reputation aa tin" best genernl newspap r in tho cuitftrv iiie mere:: . lu thu circulation of tin: "lu ,- . ring tin-year, i- the b. -t . v i leum of the cxt- .' w Inch liio iiuhlic rely upon it tor iho newt ' i" Its i irciilatlnii has cveragi'd lor sever .1 -'or.tlis' pa or.-.- two uu.wini: civj tv. -.AV) Coras' a week, or neaily forty t.i.... o . a oi . an I i: h-i dnring the year, in times of even nt, roa.he.t ov. r seveuly thousand:! day-te-tmg tu.. r-,pni'ii ot our fast pros: In tin. utmo.t u,,mj tin il'iunu',. It ion u.enee'dthe New Your miu iu w and b'iiulilul lopjn i faced tvpe, and with ren -vv .1 vijor and aitiviti in n New s nud Editorial di parlim nu. Tho Implirer is iin'epi inli ut in pulilies, U7" tiiresat whuiilhe I'hilad'iphlu I'sipurei isfur-iiil.-'.l : ynigle copies Twn c, i, or t- no c.i,t..i week; Daily Papi i 41 pe'r anti'iei, m ailv.inc ; Two months il; Tri-Weekly SI All I, tti rs .hi uld bo il dressed to . W.M. W. IIAUDINd. i'uMisp. r. I'l"irer Uuilding, I'.i n.uiih Third S .May 10, I8G5. liiint.kipiiiA, P Look to your Interests. FESII ARRIVAL or 9 MILLER &EYER'S. rplIE subs' ribers hive jusi renirneil 1,0111 ih X Vilh iinuther large and select iissnrtiuel of CiX Jijii-jiii; and suint(i(i' ChimhIn, purchased1 ut l'hilndelpliia, .11 the lowe.t figure, nu.t winch tin y nro determim 'I to II on us imuleraie It nu a 1 en 11 he procu.ed claevvcu .11 Llotuisburg, Their stock comprise U1D1ES' Pith SS GOODS, cf (linic.'st styles nu.l Utnst fashion. 1 ' ' VIlY O00DS, XD C Itt.CKfiir.S, ' lUliltW-lltK QUHKX-WAleL, CED.ilt W.lllK, HOLLOW W.tHH mox. XAll. lltiOTH A- SHOl.S HATS If CAfS, iVc , 4'e , ,yi.. In short I'vorjtlitng usually kept 111 country Stores ; towhi'h they invite the ptiblli' generally The Iliglit'tlprice paid lor country produce. Mii-LEjt & r.vnn. ninonishnr? April gel, l-iii ' liltiCK! lmiCK ! !ltlCK!: ! 0ft ftAftGoc,J 1St"!k, just inanutai'tnrci nd for tab ip linl.X&& wbolssalo At iheoloo.r, nr. inuk HENRYS AITHUR. Bloomiburs June !?, Jf'f ill jJluuuu "'"'K.jubi inimuiai'inrcif s' jm laro.-, 1U ! r I it' (. i