1 ! nniTRD by lcvi l. tati!, rnoriucTon. JlfittOilBSIEUKO, 1a! SATURDAY MORNIMQ, OCTOBER 2J, 1062. K7 S. M. I'ETTENOILL & Co., No, 3 Tntk How, Wmv York, nml G Sloto direct Motion, nro our Agents far thn Columbia Democrat, In thoso rules, nml nre ml thorlrsil In take Ailvcrtitoiiictiti and Subscriptions fur ui at our lowest rule. THE NATIONAL PLATFORM 1 PURPOSES OF THE WAR! Coinnr.ss, or a vote Minl.Y tmntnoi'g, rtsiKD the roixowmii msoLtrrms, umcii Lxrittssea Tin toice or Tut N'nioi and la Timlliut standard n r Loyalty I "That the present ilcpluralilo civil Hnr lias been forced upon li t) country ly tlio iliunionlsts of tlio Southern Mates, nnw in arms ncnlnsl the Constitutional (liivrriiuiont, nml In arms around tlio Cnplln I ; tint In this National oiacrccncy, Cuuitrcss, banishing nil feci' Ing nf meri pasidnii or resentment, w III rt'i-ullcct only Its iluty to til j whole country ; that this tear it not it a gtd en thtir part in any spirtt of oppression, or for any pur post of conquest or subjugation orpurioseof overikroieing or interfering if II the rights cr tsttblithed Institutions if shots States but to defend tnd maintain tht supremacy of the Constitution, and to preserve the Unton, vlth the dig nity, equality, and rights of the several States unimpaired; and thnt at soon as these objects, art accomplished tie tear ught to ctaee." Opinions of Judge Douglas. Itr publican of our tiny, now Hint lie Is tin morcprofcsi implicit faith in the opinions of tlio laic lion, Sirrnis A. DovnLAS. Wo call to the witness stand the Ihnw tistory of that tried patriot anil eminent statesman. In ilie United States Pciiatc, upon tha ltd of January, 1E0I, Juilgo Uoujlas said: "I nililiem ttio inquiry to republicans nlonccr the rea son that in the Committee of thirteen, a fete days ago, every ssembcr from the South, including those from the cotton Mates (.Messrs. Tombs and Davis) etprcsstd their readi ness ttatfcpllhe proposition if mil venerable friend from1 Kentucky (Mr. Crittenden) osa flX AL SETTLEMENT the controversy, if tendered andsuslainrd by republican members. "HENCE, THE SOLE UESl'ONSlMLITV OK OUIt UISAKKEEMENT, AND THE ONLY DIK riCin.TY IN THE WAY (IF ASIICA11LE ADJUST MENT, IS WITIITIIE KEl'UHLirAN PARTY." Stephen Jl.Douglat. "1 hold that this Government was made on the White Hauls by Wlilto Men for the benefit of V hitu Men and their Posterity Forevcrl Scf;A .1. Doug las. s&Vo aro indebted to some unknown friend for a copy of tbo Common School Laws of Pennsylvania, for 18G2, XK3""Rev. Edwin Browo will preach in the Uaptitt Church, to morrow, (Sunday, OtU inst ,) at half after ten in the forenoon and at half after sis in tho evening. ," We aro informed, that Ifilliatn Robi- $o, on last Thursday, said to tlio Militia Soldiers, on having for War, that ho hoped they -would never return, until they freed all the Niggers. JonN U. Patton, A. M has become 'a partner in tLe .Greenwood Seminary. 3Ies&r3. Volts P-allon, Principals both competent Teachers. Next Quarter will commenco on tho 3d of November. See Card. The Uuiou State Ticket has been car vied by a small majority. Columbia County Republican. Not so mall, -after all, Dr. John. Tho Union Democratic State Ticket, is elected, h) over 4,000 majority. Smoko that. o. BSrllon. Henry J. Myers, Domocrat, of Adamt, boats old John Buzby, Know nothing, some 400 for the Legislature. Mr. Myers was elected last year and cheated out of bis seat by old John, who went to llarrtsburg, whining about "no. party J' like JlM.ey Armstrong, Boss, ( hatham, Crane, Abbott, Wcrrlcy, and (John) Scolt, but uniformly voted with tho negro-driving Abolitionists. Thank God, every ono of theso renegades and hypocrites, hare been laid out as cool a3 skunks. A warning to all traitors and apostates. EcTLieut. Usal II. Ust, of tho Army of tho Potomac, his resigned and is at homo in delicato health, with his Father, Hon. Peter E.nt, in Light Street, Col. co. Capt. Wellington II. E.nt, an el der brother, and one of tho bravest of tho braro soldiers iu tho Field, has bcon pro moted to a Mnjoraoy in tho Union Army. This is a just reward to honest merit. Capt. Alex'k. J. Frick, (from Dau villc) of tho 84th Regt., has resigned his official position. Oauso declining health. Capt. Fnicic, was a good officer and wjo distinction in battle. Heavy Draft Hon. Peter T!vt nf T.'.rrhi srn0t cb. n,.ni i, I tho operation of tho Militia Draft. Two of his sons, Capt. W. H. Ent, aud Lieut. U. II. Ent, have both been iu the war now over a year and nobler officers or braver sold'ers arc not in tho ranks and uow, his other two sons, O. P. Ent, and Robert Ent, have been Drafted, with Dan iul, Mr Ent's youngest brother. Thi3 is drawing heavily upon ono patriotio family, indeed. GodO' for Novembor- Wo have Godcy's Lady's Btfok, on our Desk, for November. Its engravings and colorings are unequalled in either country, amounting eighty three Engravings of va-, rious subiect-i. Wo commend the work to . incrcasod patronage aud invite attention to tho Prospectus, elsewhere, for 18G3. Ohio and Indiana. Those States at the lato Election have overwhelmingly elected in favor of tho Na tional Democracy, They havo handsome majorities, in both States, in tho Legisla ture, each will this winter like Pcnnsyl-vauia-r-elect Democratic Senators. Ohio will.clcct Hon. Clement L. Vallandio iiam, and Indiana Hon. Jesse D, Biuaiir, Arrests in Ohio. "Old Me" during tho pendenoy of tho election campaign, caused tho illegal ar rest of souio dozen loyal citizens iu Ohio, Now that Stato has declared against his uegro policy in thunder tonos to tho tuno of sonio fifteen thousand! Pity' ho had not laid rto'.eut hands on many more white wcu. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT I Tlio Ponn'a. Congressional Eloo- tlou. Ocn. William II. Miller cf Ilarrisburg is elcctad to Congress from tho district composed of Dauphin, Northumberland, Union, Snyder aud Juniata. CurCS's mriority in theso counties iu 1800, was 2,800 Gen. Miller, tho regular Demo cratic candidate is now elected over John J. Patterson tho Republican nominee, by more than 400 1 Hon. S. E, Ancona has 5,124 major! tv in Berks for ro-olcction. This decisive approval of his past course in Uougrcjs, i well merited, and reflects credit upon tho ever-faithful Democracy of that county. Iu 1S60 Mr. Ancona's majority was but Mycr Strouso Esq , a member of tho Potlsvillo bar is elected from Schuylkill aud Lebanon, beating James II. Camp bell tho Republican candidato, who ran for reelection. It is matter for rejoicing that a Domocrat takes tho placo of tho pro tcntious and unscrupulous Campbell. In Schuylkill and Lebanon Curtin had a ma jority of 1,817. lion. John D. Stiles of Allontown, Dem ocrat, is re-elected from Lehigh and Mont gomery by over U,000 majority. Many fiiends outside of his district will rejoice to hoar of his success. Long may ho live to enjoy his honors ! lion. Philip Johnson of Easton is ro elected from tho Northampton district by an enormous voto. Ho is a truo and gal lant man and a sound Democrat. In tho first Congressional district, com posed of the lower wards of Philadelphia, Samuel J. Randall, Democrat, formorly Stato Senator, has a majority of about 1, 500 over Edward G. Webb, tho Forney Abolition candidate. In tho district composed of York, Cum berland and Porry, Hon. Joseph Baily, Democrat, is rc elected. Tho election of A. II. Coffroth Esn., of Somerset, in tho Congrcsional district composed of Somerset, Bedford, Fulton, Franklin and Adams counties, is one of the most notable cvcnt3 of tho lato election. (Jurtin's majority in that district was near Iyr ii,000, but now tho Democratic candid ato defeats McPhorson, Bcpublican (who ran for ro-clec ion), by GOO 1 being a gain of 2,500 votes. The election of lion. John L. Dawson, Domocrat, by 200 majority in the twenty first district is also a signal triumph. That District is niado un of tho counties of Indiana, Westmoreland and Fayette, and gavo Curliu 1,100 majority in 1600, al though Gen. Foster his opponent resided there and ran a good vote. It required a strong man to carry tho district, but the man was forthcoming and tho thing has been done I Hon. Jcssi Lazoar, Democrat, is re elected in the district composed of Greece, Washington, Beaver and Lawrence, by over . 400. Curtin's majority in thoso counties was 2,070 ! All honor bo ascrib ed to tho gallant Democracy of the South west 1 Tho best single result in tho Stato is tho election of Charles Denison Esq., Dem. of Wilkcsbarrc, over Hon. Galusha A. Grow, Bcpublican Speakar of tho National House of Representatives. Tho district is Lu zorno and Susquehanna counties. Cur tin's majority iu that district wbb 1,400, and it was countad upon as suro for the llepublican party. It was fixed to crush Luzcruo in tUo Abolition embraco of Sus quehanna: But "Tho best laid echemaB o'mice an' men, r. ' uang ait agloy, An' lca'o us nought but grief an' paiu, For proinis'd joy 1" Dennison's majority is nearly 1,800. Archibald McAllister, Democrat, is also reported elected by sovun hundred ma jority in tho seventeenth district composed of Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon aud Mifilin in which Curtin had a majority of 1,002. Thcro aro, therefore, twilve Dem. Congressmen elected out of tho twenty 'our to which this Stato is entitled, and that too under an apportionment law in- tended and framed to deprivo us of a fair representation and confino us to fivo or sis mcmbers'at tho most Besides independent membors (Traoy and Halo) aro elected in tho 13th aud 18th districts, mainly by Domoeratio votes and in opposition to tho regular Republi can candidates. This leaves but ten Re publican Congressmen proper from Penn sylvania out of twenty four members, and of theso tho seat of Thayer frotu tho fifth district will bo contested. Tho voice of Pennsylvania will no lon ger bo given to tho Abolitionists in Con gress, after tho 4th of March next, when the terms of scrvico of tho new members begin. Until that time we must submit to bo missreprcsentod by Grow, MoPhersou, Campbell kc, who havo been repudiated by tho people. Arthur's Home Maoazinb, in beauty and interost, is hero for Novomber. It is a treat favorite ill tho Familv Circle. T. S. Arthur. Phila'd.. S2 00 ner vear. I ... " 4 V An Editor gono to Wnr. Williamson II. Jacobv. Esn.. our neighbor and contemporary of tho "Star of the iorth," has oxchanged his Press and Pen, for tho Musket and Bayonet, and cmbarkod for tho War. Wo deeply ro grct to part with brother Jacoiiy, as n working, zaalous domocrat, and worthy citizen, and extend to his afllictod young family our warmett and linooro sympa thies, nothing doubting ha will soon bo re stored to thoir woutcd affections. Below wo iusort from Wednesday's Stur, Mr. Jaco by'd last Card : To Our Patrons. As wo aro draftud, and will bo obligod to outer tho army, tho Star of the North, which paper fought many a hard campaign unuio, win ua uitconiiiiueu next week-, du ring our absence, at least. Should wo como buck, aud wo hopu) all may, wo in tend rojiiniitig the publication of tho paper nrnl wnnlil ttinat ronfwrivt r nolr iltn tif. ........ .....j .w j,..- ronago we have been receiving for tho past four years. Tho Star may yet pay you many weekly vi.-it-, and it is our intention that it shall. It is now nearly fivo years since wo embarked in tho publication of this paper and during that tuno havo seen boiuo pretty tough as well as good times. Upon tho whole, wo havo succeeded bet ter with the paper than wo oxpected, cou sidurinrr that thn Mihsnrinlinn nml ndenrj?. t o 1 - . -. sing wore vrry much reduced. Good byo, for niuo months, Retributive Justice. Tho people of Northern Pennsylva nia havo paid their respects in duo form to several of tho Republican authors of the existing Congressional apportionment, tho iniquity of which is so well known. Ouo of theso, tho Rev. Goorgo Landon, was pushed off tho courso after nomination for Congress in this district so general was tho rising of the people against him. Au other, William H. Aimstronr, of Lvcom- ing, who was prominent in pushing tho ap portionment through tho llouso last winter, is beaten by Judgo Halo, He thought ho had ins district fixed all right to secure his personal objects, but tho pconlo havo put him down. And Senator Winthron W. Kctoham, of Luzerne, after assisting to make tho apportionment, went homo to roap 1 his reward in an elevation to Congress, I He failed, howover, in ccltinc a nomiiintion ! for Congress, and then ran as tho Ropubll-1 can cauuiuato lor re-election to the Scnato ' from Luzerne, only to bs largely beaten by Jasper B. Stark 1 May such bo tho fato of all men of un scrupulous ambition wko commit injustico for selfish reasons, and trample on the rights of tho poople! Army Corrcspoudeiicc. "Armt i r the Totomac," Camp ucar Fhnrpsburr, Mil., October ltth, ldbj. -, . . Dear Denveral : The last tunc I , ., wrote you, our regiment tho 13Gth was stationed at Fort Lincoln, near Washing- ton City, Wc havo moved considerably since encamping there, until the last few days. Wc are now pleasantly camped on the banks of the famous Potomac Rivor within a short disiance of tiie Rebel Ar my. Our friends will be pleased with us to know that tho 13Gth Regiment, Pcnn'n, Volunteers, aro Brigaded as follows : Towers Brigade, Ricketts Division, and Gen Hooker's Corps- Lieut R. B, Rick- ri-rs. Knn nf V.. d. U ir-U-ptta V.an nf ' Orangeville.and Lieut. Charles 1 Duock- way formerly of your County, are also in our Division. Yesterday I visited Lieut. Ricketts at his quarters, a short distance Irom our camp. I was pleased to find him well and in good spirits. Lieut. Riekstts is, as I had a good chance to notice, a great favorite with the men of his Battery, Prof Lowe the Army Haloonist has made thrco or four ascensions within the past four days. What observations he has made while so highly elevated wo subordinates know not. Our Army to diKy received orders to be in readiness to move at a moment's notice Heavy cannonading having been heard near llaper's Ferry is the reason, wc suppose of receiving such orders. I have no doubt a battlo of great magnitude will yet be fought near Harper's Ferry, To days cannonading may havo been tho commencement of another great ''An tetum battle." If such is the case, and we aro called into tho field, rest assured that wo will endeavor to discharge our full duties. To day Col Thomas of Harrisbug, by invitation of C!oy. Curtin, presented to our Regiment, our State Colors, Thos. M. Bayne, Esq., our noble and well liked Colonel, on behalf oi our Regiment re ceived the Colors in a patriotic and well timed address. Col Bayne assured Mr. Thoman, that the banner or gem his rcgi ment iiad jnst received should never be disgraced, but be borne aloft as long as tho Regiment existed. 1 must not forget to mention that thoso vctcrns of warriors, tlio "Iron-Quaiils,'' commanded by Capt. E.nt, of the Gth , - I'minn HnHnrvn l!nrn. nrn enmnpil n ulirirl I ,. , , . I distance from us, Capt. Ent has, as 1 1 understand, been promoted for acts of , bravery, to tho offico Major of tho Reg- iment. Lieuts. Waters and Knorr arc I both in good health, as well as the Boys , of their commands. I The Pos,t Boy is waiting for tho morn-, ing mail, 1 close in order to mall this i.0lir3 (VC, ATI 'PA TP , I). 1A1 tii Columbia County Official BLSGTIOBT RITMIS, Held Tuesday, October 14, 1862. o CO r M V, w Townships. BLOOM,., BENTON. 178 144 12a 45 144 loa BIHAR CREEK,. BOR. BERWICK, BEAVER, CENTRE, OATTAWISSA... CONYNGIIAM,... FRANKLIN FISIIINGCREUK, GREENWOOD, . . HEMLOCK, JACKSON LOCUST MIFFLIN, 80 100 230 150 155 60 168 ley MAINE MT. PLEASANT, MADISON MONTOUR ORANGE PINE ROARING CREEK, SUGARLOAF 103 53 102 41 134 103 SCOTT, 12952 BSJ Democrats in small The Drnltcd Militia OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Tim fnllnwinr ia n linf. nf ilin ilrnfiiwl Militia of each township in Columbia co. Tho townships of Cattawissa, Pino and Borough of Berwick, having furnisrcu thesr ouota bv voluntccrin". wcro ex- cmpi irom uraic, Jiloom Township. jmV,l,ifemvood m'a"..!!11'0' Ben F Ilagenbuctl jonn i.ien Jacob riccbler Andrew McCnbs Hubert Edgnr Oliver C Knhlor Win E Sterner Samuel FH;ad William Edgar Ilenjaniin ilomboy Joneph Witm Haiuuel Ycttcr riilllp K Mnycr Win Celcmaii Eatnucl McNinch Henry Fntis Wm II Jacoby Thos J Ilarton Ethan A Scott Samuel II pearls Wellington Reiswick Augustus C Houb 0,e,,",'!!f.er 'nS'L'Tik J;j fJn 'f'ho. IV Kiialn. Henry llodin Jcsuo Shoemaker O W Cor roll John 1'oBter Jacob GluBt David Evans leaiah Nnsa Samuel Gross Jo.eph L thannnn Boloinon Smith Abraham II Thomas Frederick (J Eyer Mriurcrcck Township Wm 11,1. r, Henry l.nymon Eikarri Smith Albert or Win II Stahl Johnlmn t Gordlncr Jacob It Modeller Wm Lynn James Meeean David ."liarTer.Jr. JuinG4 Sponrnbcrc Wm Evans ! Dnvid Klina J Win Clewell Conrad Marhlo I Ellas lost Emanuel Smith Stephen Michael , Isaiah Mriiick jfieoi'owier i ei'i" Koppfs"' NchVmiSinuttehousii Jacob w".o Samuel EddynhU!6 Augustus II Clewell Thomas Adams Alex Hingliani Ueese M Eck John Herman Stephen Creasy Madiz Ilomboy ItiiHcy Gordeiihcixci William Wuld Sampson Folk Milton M Traugh Job Gra-sly Milts Marliney William nonrcr John Harris Samuel llictorirk Owen Sutt Josoph Ulank ueurgu Altv LctJ rltiar4 Beaver Township. Folnmon 8lickcr Levi McAfca Joseph 'ingley John Dclyas rrco itoiier John Dciiauco Henry Miller Levi Tisher Vnth.tii Irivin Ai 1 nosier Isaac Sche Jacob lloirman John Meimingcr Patrick 'i'incli David Link David Nabo Keubon Sherman Jonah Johnson Josiuh Rittonhouio Samuel Herring Aaron Johnson, Jr Michael Moorand Eli Ervin Jacob llernberger Uriah McAfee Philip Mnnrnd John Longabcrger, Jr i Jacob I.ongaberger i jacoo i.ougauer 1 tLolu IV ,1 ItfrriiHT Nathan Longaberjer Philip Dtfiance Moses Slicker Frederick Houti Joseph Nalu Henry Swank John I.ongcnbcrgcr John Nana Jacob llakcr Wm Michael Benton 7'ownship. 1l,l I ! n A Khnn Earl Boston Mcrico It Smith 1'nrvin Masters John Swartout W K Kriokbauni Peter Laubacll Jarcd GnuQ' Oi-o W (-'linger Eli Mcllcnry Peter Ashclman John W Ileishlins iltikse! Shultz Joel Reefer Wheeler rhultn Philip FKrickbautn Ellas Ash Oacnr Connir Ilendric W Ilanga l'henias Uemlcy Geo M Ilartmnn Hiram Selgiricii John J, Karnes TetiT U Shulli Nathin II Tubbs Dai id S Laubacll Ellas Shultz Conyngham Township. flOF'.fl Pnvder tnhn Vnn Michael Schubuly John Grady Robert GorrIo David Uritena John IlugheB Daniel Junes Michael Mulligan John Campbell Patrick Gologham John McDowell .Michael Shuller Thomas Durkin Franklin Shnppcll Tliomna Nolle Jacob Shultz William Ducfaw II Warmlih Minon Cliritl Win Antcrson Wm Ilairt E I. Kittcrly Ilcuben Wasser John J Wngoncr Peter IJmlawf Jacob ltodcran Deiiiiis isnly James Crawl'oil Thomas Mutter Jacob Wagner Henry Zimmerman Hugh Hart Charles Hmrp I'eler Carlely Thomas AI Cook Patrick Schoshay Timothy Carney Patrick Agcii John Illoss James Ryan Andrew Mull Thomas McCook Walter Dugal John Wilobrant John Ledler Owen Gano Patrick Wills Joseph Warloin Jacob Ornlauf Thoinos Duller Thomas WeUh Michael Whlttlcr Frank Warnict Patrick Tye Wiullrancliitz, Daniel Griim Thomas Meury Pat Mancnan cms vaicnimo Centre Towmhip, John Minecssto flnntfl riAvh. Samuel Knorr James Wardm Thimat Fry John litmly sate .Iretrint FrtdA'ass nellnO I'hot Imateucl Hill Froiman 11 Dettntk Titghain V Slrtnt Wm lltnly (lea It lluone Hiram Hotter Jesse J Fredrick Mnin Hill JUordecaUl Hicks illlis Young Kiehard Unptrt John ii'orkel-cr Joseph li'itmeyr .Vahlan It lllcks Mehatl llogan Daniel H llUtnoyir George Conner 1'Jtsha llagcnbueh Daniel Hotter Charles Herniek Jhn Cam tl'iit Durline Samuel Marti Mam WOKeli George Yunger JIatheuj llogan John Fauz Frederick Mehatl Jtaron Jfuss Samuel llttburix Danill l.ovry Xuthan Miller .larnt, .9im.m unariet ui w'm Kiula Charles Goodman Samuel C Ktltnir Jieary stdtit jaMcl itnZhtr Samuel It'ttmtytr rhVi ""n'prUt Frederick llagssbutK Fish ingcrech To wns h iji it. Dntiivwit''' Iron Kilns lltram Labour 5(0(1 Mcllcnry William llagenbueh Christian Jjish John Diitereek Mttss Mtllsnry THmlngtsti Belhi ;8C je"py Mra.iAVls "Mho ttntt Ottrgt Kitti Auditor. General surveyor, Congress,' Assembly Gen cral, a o M O o M 4-H O K A W f in p S a tr o 5 p Ui n 8 tr -i u a w o p B co w o F3 o p p C-l o o w 210 42 170 218 151 141 121 44 254 43 45 71 IS 79 177 141 123 47 145 163, 81 too 43, 220 15l 155; 177 217 42 144 41 144 123 47 145 1G3 81 100 43 123 42 00 0 40 140 103 8P 10C 51 00 08 0 78 I) 130 77 102 77 103 74 103 100 41 42 51, 139 32 10 05 101 41 41 100 4G 220. 42 40 50 134 37! 0 02' 32 5 49' 48 41 40 48 40 228! 51 137 229 137 153 152, 1G11 88 120, 1851 80, oo; 180 51 154 3d 155 38 1G5 10 02 87 10 87 87 188 1801 183 00 183 182 33 32 33, 182 97 5 40 41 41 08 10 07 5 46 36 41 00 10 13 51 07 08 97 98 08 100, 103 48 105 195 42 4li G8j 20 17! 115 53 101 43 G9 17 2!) 10 110 53 102 53 1P3 89 41 103 87 38 80 80 80 20 18 113 40 134 103 2C 16 113 41 13G 10f 137 101 130 103' 1382 2050 1375 2820 1 107 2913 !914 137C CArs ; Republicans in roman. Joseph Thomat Thomat Yaple Il'nl M Laudenbach Jl ' Unangst Stlat Me Henry Jafob Farrer llirainMcllenru I'll Hobbins Htlliam Unangst Dlias 1' llender John J Fuller H'mMcClill mods tteuben Uoslon georga Venter Aleiaud r Kramtr Mxrmi. IV Simont on Jttfred F Crencllng .rtArt .1.'..,,... samzei r t'cater y.liiha D Vmiry lleuben Hacago John MlluckaleiD raul tcotfe Mo ii rt e Mn rite Stephen Drcshcr ii uiiam M noUcr Hiram Ptaltr Joseph C Uunyan Jeremltih 1 nnl Jackson Jtto Charles FKindig John Y-Olletrer .llias Ash Conrad llippletttcl .u...VH.j Franklin Township Ifilliam Miller Thomas F Harder Joseph Htaver Cirhtion L Jtartly GREENWOOD TO WNS Ml. Richard Kitclion Wm Burgess Abni Seybert Ilnrrison Dotorick Wilnon M lives Oliarleg llower Joseph Ilnyinan Perry D Kluir Samuel McIIsnry John Lemun Jos D Ftilmor TJ J Cnmpboll Josepli C Parker A 1 Browo W E Ileacock Wm DiiriH Goorgo 1! TIiodids Jacob Hnyinan Cornelius Rces Albor Shields Duvid M Kester Jacob F Diitoriek Jotcph Y Itaes I?nne Klino Julin Thunins (lonrgo lltclor Juekson Shannon Elijah J Ikeler Wm Fox IUi voy Q Smith Elweud J llpncoek Aljjornon S lvcbtur Levi I'ilkinKton John J Hobbiiia C W Klino . Joseph S Klino Virgil Hobbina Jos W lluntzinger Clinton Robbina Atidrow J Crawford Daniel 11 Puraol Philip Knuusu Jacob S Boona Jacob .MiiKsclinaa Churles Forsjtlio HEMLOCK TOWN6MP. Daniel Woldor Chnrlrs Sni'B Jfttnes W Eeko James Powell Henry Whitenitiht E.l G Smith Wm Hnrtman, jr Jacob Miller James D Purael Ludwiu S Ilartman Lovi Wright Amos Townseinl John llartn&u,jr - r, ' Jliehttel Wliitenigbt John Milnor Joseph Evans John Mtieltnan William P Jones George L Sboomakor John It Miller Eli Ohl John E.yor Henry Shnfer Xhooian Ruaeol Jjiias uigger JACKSON TOWNSim Silas W Mellcnrv Andrew J Dorr AVm Yming Samuel llos Martin Getss Hugh Shultz Samuel F Ilesa Elijah yoenin Charlos C Mastollar Georpto Kotnly Jesse Ithono Joseph F Derr Culvin Dorr Stephen Mellonry Wilson Albortsou Geo G Manning John H Fritz W W Roberta Thos J Hess LOCUST TOWNSHIP, John Reaver William Wynn Sebastian Kecliclrica Wright ilughos Teter lioaver William Piler Daniel IIougaborj;or John Erwlu Samuel Loan Lewis Rincbolil Martin 11 V Klino Nicholas llackor Jnckeon Ocorge Paniel I) Stephens D K Lockara Charles Sfl Arnlng Daniel Ilolliuon John Krlslier Daniel Stino Christian Mcnsch William lleleir John hvronlt Daniel Loiby John Mcnsch Stophcn Yolio Emanuel Ashtou Henry V Yeagor Cyrus SlmlTcr Joshua Wornor Charles Williams William Yeagcr Israel Whnry Charles Miller William H lleinbolJ M'ciloy Perry Deiijamlu Ut-arcr John Mimon William lluat D.iviil Aildtna Hcnry Hoffman MONTOUR TOWX'Simi Charles Fetor Josiah llrown Franklin Jtiller Eruatitiol Connor Charles Iteedcr Thomas Weaver William Low John G Quick Josiah Edwards William Liun Lloyd Paxtoii Duvid Martial Jamoii Farnsworth Jesse Somers Silas Couiaei Jaokson Leiby James Foster Daniel Giggor, jt Martin filino Joseph Deckor Michael Ranch Jonathnu Fry Caleb Dioj Daniel Lazarus MAINH T0WNSHI1 Wm P Shuninn ClmrhiH Fishor tr, A lain Poter FialiRr wiiiiuiu Sinaiier Lemuel Brcdbennor Daniel MKIor II W Brown Gideon Nusa David Shuman Lewis Fuliror Christian Barman Bonjumin IVusi Abraham Shuman Samuel Dullons Aaron Miller Huqiol Harmony William Longaber&orFriiiiois Fleininn MOUNT PLEASANT TOWNSMl uantiMB vuuucrciico Jlcnry Mcllclt Amos (Jruber Philip Struup John Osmun (iCdrgo W Joeoby JosepU n Vundcrslico ll'iiiry Wilkins Rnsscl Appleinan Aiidroiv O McArty John Morillu John Hippcustccl Churles Shaffer M.itliias Kindt Juliu S Patterson Amos Waniclc Samuel Hartmau Thomas Junes Gcorgo Stolutalllor Eri J Ikclor Andrew J Ikeler Anron Kester David Droes, Lemuel Shos'makor Henry W MollUk Andrew Slioemujicr Albert Miller MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. SmI,?"1 Vy,'T E W Klrkcndall A, llllam Piatt Elius DoterieU Samitgl 13 Smith Ocorgo Spado Peter O Eckroto Horace SweppcUelior Iteubea Frey Jouathan Spade William Psttit William F Keller Isaac Lutz Jertmiah ZimmMtaia County Mi tor jltt'y. -'"" aurtsy or. Lw, r--i W a t- p n g- a a et n -4 O a w 'A t) v a n M H a w H H w j! M pi H H 217 42 43 394 174 174 178 103 140 125 47 140 102 47 100 50 229 153 151 88 188 183 97 93 180 57 100 89 30 VMi '.19 2889 180 100 147. 151 140 43 127 127 124 43' 140 Kit 77 107 48 230 157' 150 91) 180 183 90 ! 101' 101! C5 1011 08 9 111 51 147 104 80 40 155 145 104 78 241 101 160 117 78 100 42 40 100 40l 2281 155 155 89 180 161 951 97 192 no! 1001 87! 89 40 50 276 233 159 155 134 201 191 97 270 37 9 90 0 185 32 210 185 5 49 102 143 231 91 172 104 70 152 213 97 103 192 50 103 42 41 (58 15 20 17 88, 88 41 130 102 20 l- .11, 130, 103! 30 132 115 09 1375 4301 J940 "950 Daniel M llultcnstiuo Isaao Andrews J J Hc;s Samuel Ml heal Thomas Atou John Creasy Samuel Andrgivs Joseph Frederick John Kirkenilall John II Davis Philip Stilly, jr Jacob Fox Uoubcn lloncc Oeorge Mowry Stephen Hotter Aaruu Hess Martin Keller E L Kirkondall A W Hess Michael il Hotter David Drown Peter J Litnlz Obodiah Swank Hcury C HoolTiiaj :lo ilenry Jietter Siimuel Lttti John Michael, Jr David Mcnsch Step ho n DietorieU John It Voho Isniio E FeeU Adam Mlllor MADISON TOWNSHIP. Robert Fruit Jobn Y Oirtnn S S It u Ii van Duniul S I!oclit-.l Daniel Mcncal Jacob Kramer Mnhlon It Roads Francis Eves Wm Wintcrstccn (Ico II Whitcuight John Straupt David Uo:s O P Kunyan Jnmas Milld Cyrus Dcmott 11 Clay Mills David A Watson Wm Mustclliir Edward Stout Henry Dildiuo Jacob Qlrton Charles Johiifon Wcsloy Demott Henry Wasner l'orvin Swisher Nelsja Wcllivcr Aloxandcr Cnrr Thomas (Ilnglus Onorgo ltunyati Adam Coderiunn William Orahnin N JI Wcllivcr tiainual lirugler Isaac Whljiplo Uriah Wcllivcr Riohuril F. Stout Jumes Kiudluu Joel Moser Silas Wulliver Samuel S Lourcy John Stetelr Vichuol Hnup Niaholus llarbcr Silas W Earlier Wm I'uirm.iu Filii Hitter John Fruit Ceo II Wolliror ORANGE TOWNSHIP. Wesley W Sutliff Jacob Scljifritz Wm M Keclcr Emiinuol Johnson Pniit'l M D Montgomery II F Patterson William Fishor William Ingold Aaron Patterson SUOARL0AF T0WNSH11'. Peter Mnntnllnr Josinb R I'riti James Swnrt Jami.'s Pcuington Samuel lloss llobeit Montgomery A J Trltz James Pelormau JefTerson Frilz Newton Harrington Ocorge Iless Hiram Fritz John Colo Rodman llettcrly Edward Roberts Alex llet Ocarhart Nu?s Franklin Nuglo AVm Colo Sliudracb Hess Philip Hess Cornelius Shultz Emanuel Dills Joseph E Harp Michael Iiisliliuo Honjamin F Patterson John Oalcd !ira Slephons Uriah 'JolJor SCOTT TOWNSHIP Osaar P Ent Daniel Mordln Hiram S Murr Ooorge Zclglcr Wm E h'biiuiiou John Turii'ir Henry Oman W llllam Master Jacob Closseu Lewis Hcf.i Theo McDowell Win 1 Crovclliug Harvey Junes Win Abbott Jacob Hartzel Franklin Sluyman Robert S Ent Valentine Krosidcr Joseph Crawford Daniol 0 Ent WM Fauscy Thco Howel Daniol I, Everhart W 11 Shuman Samuel Hagonbuch (ieorgo Hecltmaa HarvyJ Crcvcliug Syivestor J Fox corgo C'srr F P Keller ico W MeEwcr. James K MoMichwl Charles Sehug Wm U Qirtou Ebcncier Caso James Carr Democratic Statu Ticket Elkctkd It is now conceded on all hands that' ttio uemocratio State ticket is elected by a small majority. It connot bo less thau 1,000, wc think, and may reach, or even exceed. 3.000. Clnniiiilrirtnrp lm avIpai. diuary cffoitmado by tho Abolitionists to carry Pennsylvania, tho vaat amount of money expended, and the coercive means resorted to. j triumph achieved, although tho majority is ,JVil dent I Judge ..xv wijjii as inui, given ny our uemo-, "3S I)"1 ativanecu sincu ins great victor) cratio brethren of tho Dyckeye and IIoo- the Antietam. It scorns tho Prcsiil-m sier States. Wo havo beuteu tho enemy Pahl li" visit to ascertain tho reason , in what ho considered his stronghold, where a,ul, though wc havo not much light as t ho anticipated a crushing majority, and lllc resi'l' of the interview between tin -n thereforo we have a right to rejoice. wo happen to know that General McCloi - . Ian needs rainfoaccnienta to repair !.. Elections yrt to he Held, Eleven losscs m tlic late haIcs, and that is th States will hold their anuual electipns in reason why he Jad not advancod. 11 November, to wit: Louisiana on the 3d, llas occ "pablo to obtain them, owing to New York, New Jcrsoy, Massachusetts, "tho ijisjoyal practices" of Gov. Andruw Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, a!'l tle other radical governors who nut Minnesota, and Delaware on tho -1th, and at Altoona. These men arc determined, Maryland on tho Gth. ( as far as they can, to prevent tho succta , of General MuOlollan's army hi-foro the Decioed. Tho Court of Cqnimoti lst ol Jaary ; for they fear that the Pleas of Philadelphia, dpejded tho sheriff war ,n''11 llc sotlll'J without tho ahiilitica contested election case in favor of Thom. 8,averyi antl beforo the emancipation pson, Renublican. It is subl lOu'imr ,1 ,, proelamution of iho President could lak. carry the caso up to the Supremo Court. Peterbo.n's Ladib's National Mao AZlNi:, with its elegant plates and ciitu-, viugs id on our Tublo for November, Hard to boat, in tho way of rcfjued Jitfra turo, Tcruu. $i 00, Abolition Sontinionts. Hon. Mr. Stanton not tlio Secretary, of War made a speech at a recent Wads, worth ratification meeting iu Now York, in tho courso of which, referring to tho Southerner's dread of negro insurrection ho said ; i "It saps thoir courngo in the wakeful ncssofday; it disturbs thoir dreams in the watches of tho night. Nat, Turner with sovcuty negroes at his heels, m,j John Brown, with seventeen in his train struck nioro terror to tho soul of Virginu than havo our hundreds of thousands of disciplined whito noldiors, led by Fro. mont mid McClellim. (hnthusiastio ap. plauso) but, says somo timid conservative, j Would you arm negroes, and turn them loose V 1 reply, I would checkmate tlitsj whito l'obol guerrillas with black loyal guerillas. (Loud and protracted chcor-,) j Many el aves aro bold lidcrs. Other. are swift of foot. On horseback and on foot, I with proper drill and judicious commau. (dors "I would place iu tho hands of choio I bands of intelligent and obedient liugiocs, i in 1 1 in ni.iiinrti.'iltt coltou KtntiM. lovnl o.. ... - - - - c - - - 'i. carbines, and sabres. (Applause.) Point, ing them to the cattle on a thousand InlN, and tho waving grain in tho inlcrvetitiijo valleys, and taking caro that all loyal plantations shall bo spared, I would shcut, 'Descendants of tho hoino-laud of Toussaint L'Ouverturo, in the namo of God aud liberty, sttiko home 1" (Tremendous up. piatc, rcuowcu again aim again.; Theso are the kind of ItcllUh scutimcnU that animate tho leading Abolitiouiits everywhere. 'J'hey aro tho sentiments of Grccly and Sumner, of Phillips and Ste vens ; they aro the scutimcnts that actua ted Forney when he called for "our na tional anthem John Brown's tottl ii Marching 0," and they are the senti ments that dictated the Emancipation Proclamation aud authorize Lano and Spraguo to raise and aim negro brigades for the war. Tho Abolition priett preach es them from the pulpit, tho Abodtioa Sonator utters them iu tho Capitol of tlm Nation, the Abolition orator thuudera them from tlie stump, tho Abolition pres iuoulcates thorn in its colums, and, around tho Abolition heart, throughout New Kng land and wherever the heresy has spread, they are lisped into tho cais of children, who aro taught to believe that tho mass acre of their masters by the slaves is not only ju-tiGcablc, but meritorious. Tha irw York Journal of Commerce, common ting on theso atrocions sentiments, so bold ly uttered and to vociferously applauded, remarks: Yea Uih is tho nineteenth cemury, and this is New York in tun United States of America and there are churches here, and away iu the sky you may see here and there a golden cro.-s on a fpiro, by which you may know that tlm land calls itudf i krLtiuu .ill this is true beyond a doubt; and these wordj wuru uttered by an Honorable gentlemen, and three thou.iaud brazen throats rent the air with their wild asclaiu'itious when he raid it! They were white men, iu a luildmy erected ana consecrated to Art and Science. lit with blazing gas, among civilized be ings notsavjgoi in the council tjnt of the North Amcriean fudiau., around tlio war-lire. Throe thousand men and some women fancied they heard in the eloquence of the orator the cry of agony from an outraged daughter ofsomo Southern rcbol, and made the moonlit streets of our great city ring with their exultant shouts of do- itgiii: Nay, more they declare that il is trea son for usuot to join in the wild dunci of delight, and treason to weep when the hour of that rapine and blood approach es, Treason to what ? Treason by what decree f It may bo treasou hero, where human passion rules the hour, but on the right hand of God's throno btands an an gel offcereuest countenance who writes in the book of everlasting rcmeuibvrancc tlio names of thoso who on earth dare, even to death, defend tho holv nriucinles which this orator and his audience, drunk wiu passion, so foully violate. And on ilu other side of the throno is ono wito faco more solemn and tevcro. who keens for judgment the memory of the accurted, and no tna: assemnio in j'cw ion: in the men- tceulh century. Aud if tho eye of mortal could sec tho paces of that record, wo doubt not the names of somo Now Yorkers would bo found btrangely mixed up with tho names of the savaso tribes of Africa 1 aud the South Sea Islands . ! The Reason Why Generai"' McCi.ei. curious to know why General McCelhu cffcct' 'Phcro i3 nothing thy so miwh abhor as tho constitution aa it is and the Union as it was. The.ir criidtict Diijrhi to he hold up to public reprobuliou by iho War Departiijent, il Mr. Stanton will not pursue a Btil moro soyrrc mur e v ''i juch Marplots and obstructives.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers