Farmer's Department. llf that ly the Plough vould Unit, lt'nttlf mutt ilhtr hold or irlet. ABOUT COOKING POTATOES. Potatoes boiled. Wash them, but do not pare ot cut them, unless they are very largo. Fill a saucepan half full of pota toes of equal size, or tho small ones will bo done to pieces before tho largo ones are boiled enough, (or make them so by dividing the larger ones,) put to them as much cold water as will cover them about an inch ; they are sooner boiled, and more savory, than when drowned in wa ter, Most boiled things aro spoiled by having too little water, but potatoes arc often spoiled by too much ; they must .merely be covered, and a little allowed for waste in boiling, so that they may be just covered at the finish. Set them on a moderato fire till they boil ; then take them off, and put them hy tho side of tho fire to simmer slowly till they arc soft enough to admit a fork, (place no dependence on the usual test of their skins cracking, which, ifthoy boiled fast, will happen to some potatoes when they aro not half done, and the insides quite hard.) Then pour the water ofl',(if you let the potatoes remain in the water a moment after they aro done enough, they will become waxy and watery,) un cover the saucepan, and set it at such a distance from the fire as will secure it from burning ; their superfluous moisture will evaporate, and tho potatoes will be perfectly dry and mealy. You may afterward place a napkin folded to the size of the sauce pan's di ameter, over tho potatoes, to keep them hot and mealy till wanted. This method of managing potatoes is in every respect equal to steaming them j and they arc dressed in half the time. There is such an infinite variety of sorts and sizes of potatoes, that it is im possible to say how long they will take doing; the best way is to try them with a fork. Moderate-sized potatoes will generally be done enough in fifteen or twenty minutes. Potatoes mashed. When your po ta'.oes are thoroughly boiled, drain them qulie dry, ptelf out every speck, etc, and while hot rub them through a calandcr into a clean stew pan. To a pound of potatoes put about half an ounce of butter rim! n tnlilnfinnnnfnt nf mill- ,1n .-l.n I them too mniRt! mi tlm wn i,i,. . . . .....I., V. J ,11,1, 1 1 j u i u Potatoes mashed with onions. Pre pa some boiled onions by putting them I through a seieve, and mix them with po. tatoes. In proportioning the onions to tho potatoes you will be guided by your 1 wish for more or less of their flavor. Farmer and Gmdener. STONING APPLE TREES. n . i ., . . . . retell on tllC StOIlCS get OUt Willi your . a n i . root pruning. A Lor. Ol the Mural A ir i JMW 1 Of Iter , writing from III., says: ! (Vnrlir nn mnyni.,.. T ..,l. I .1 i "iarly OUO morning I WalKCd through Col. Hammond's orchard with Inm, and noticed that in the forks of the main branches of each tree were a couple of snail stones. The Colonel informed mc thaUwhercas his trees were formerly un productive, since he had adopted this re commendation of an old lady his orchard had produced an abundance of fruit ! He said he had tried ringing the trees, but j the effect was not permanent as with this ' " " I juaunuu, .ma orcnaru wasuearingiieav-. ily.and the trees appeared healthy.- 1 here was a heavy blue grass and clover aivnnt i!tli Inviin mi 1 1. . the orchard. Col. II. does not believe in manuring ortihards in this country. He cultivates the young trees awhile, then seeds with large red clover, and pastures with sheep being careful to stone such tree as he desires shall produce fruit ! He plants his trees thick.which is to be urged in prairie countries," LARD CANDLFS. For twelve pounds of lard take ono pound of saltpetre, ono pound of alum ; mix and pulverize them, dissolve the compound in a little boiling water and pour the compound into the lard before quite melted; stir the whole until it boils and pour off what rises ; let it simmer until tho water all boils out, or till it ceases to throw off steam 5 pour off the lard as soon as it is done, and clean tho boiler while hot ; if tho candles are to bo run cemmencc immediately ; if to bo dipped, let ths lard cool to a cake, and then treat tlicru as you would tallow. BROWN BREAD Mrs. Henry Green, Saratoga Co., N.Y. sends the following which she thinks will bo found superior to any thinir vet nub. lished. (Wo know that a very similar preparation is goon,; iviix 3 pints ot sour milk or buttermilk cup molasses, 1 tablespoonful salt, 1 tablespoonful soda or saleratus, C cup of wheat or ryo flour and 5 oups of, Indian meal. Put it in a pan, about 3 inches deep, and bako three hours in an oven kcated as for wheat broad. American rfgricidturist. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MIHTAHV OAl'S, of every sort, size and quality for sale cheap at tho llloonisburg Hat U Cap Emporium Also Groceries, Confeptionarles.Oigars,&c. JOHN K. GlttTON. oomiburg, Sept. II, 1E(I, BLANKS! BLANl(sTi Of every desoriptiou, for sale at thisoffico ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEVILLE. Spring rods At Fritz's Store, ORANGEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., PA, Ginclinnig, Flaunels, , Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINT FROM 7 TO 12J eta A l'ARD. Cassimcrs, Satinets. , CottonodcB, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, .J-c. READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Quconswaro, Cederware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &o. BOOTS & SHOES IIa'TS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept In n country More, The patronage of old. frende, nnd the public generally, la solicited. May 3, 13G2. WILLIAM FRITZ. LOW rillCES ULE ! At Creasj's Store, in Light Street, FIRST OF THE SEASON! F IIS ST TO ALL KINDS0 OP GOODS'! A S36STOGK7 DESIRABLE STYLES AND TUB BHAUTV 01' IT ALL IS UE CAN AND WILL SELL AT J LOW CALICOE , MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELC, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Keady-Madc Clothing. Sugars, Molasses, syrupg, GotTccs, Teas, Fish Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sugars, Hats, Boots, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paint?, Ac. &c. j Wo linvo n larse assortment of Black nml Fancy Silks which wcnrJ sclllnsr nt reduced ptlrea: lllack fillts for 87 cenn, worth SI. l'-'l. also fur 81,00 uortli 8I,!M. V ' "'" ""r j'iiiih lor i-tcenid per yard, thelio.tintho market, all faslcoloru A yaril nlde "nbleaihed niuliii at l-.'l cent c.iial to New Murket. Throo quarter jard wide unbleached mualin at S to 10 cent a yard, In addition toourlarjte stock nrnry Coodn, we have J large and full imsortincnt of Heady Made Clothinir for and nnyn wear which wn nro detcruiiiied to VWZir nnviut,e- Cl""""1 II. U CUEASVit nn. Light Street, Pa April 20. 1BU2. XEIV ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer 9 AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix uaiir srnEr.v, Columbia couxty. pa. HAS J1;' received from Philadelphia, nnd t now Jtl opening at tho old Hand lately occupied by Marti " i""" iuriniein vi which win bo sold cheap for n HASH fill rmiTxwnv TiDnnnmi h cnnisiioi kjaaicsim-ia ueous choicest styles llrt f.nliioin, Salop's, Bluslins, Ginghams, anncls, Carpets, hawls, Hotiery, Silks, R. DYM DECLOH NG Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeane, Thread, &o. Groceries, Qucouswaro, Ccdarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES, HaTS & CAPS. In short every thini! urually kept in a country store Hiopatronnsu or old friends, and Iho public ceiieral. ly, Im respi-ctnniy soiiiiicd. The highest market price paid for country produce. Lisht Street. May 3. 1602. 1'ETEll UNT. KOLLOIK'S DANDELION COFFEE, KOLLOCK'S LE VAIN. 1 he purest and best UAKING I'OWDIIII known, for making light, sweet und nutritious Dread and cahei Price 13 cents. M AhPrACTUSKD ay M. II. KOLI.OOIC, Chemist. Oorner ofllroad and Chestnut Streets. PHILADELPHIA, And sold by all Druggists and Greeers, March '., ISC'.'. I Jm. 6R bEN WOOD SEMINARY. IIE Autmna term of this Institution will eomwt I.Ioiitla.y, August 4tli, 1602. TERMS For Ttoaiding, Washing, Tullion. etc., for Eleven Weeks 2J 00 One half in advance, Mudsills whnhave not engaged rooms will do well to wake curly application to Mll,vl..e.c...,.,r..,Jtt7yW?:EBarflnclp',' rv . I - 1 1 1.-- ..... .. -.1 I ' "...i..i...r it, t.r '2..X :U. nrifflllSl iflli et. All Ril'llll III .11 j-no unuurHigiu-u huh jun teccivcu ft ; c i;,-,)U, , ,,,,nr . .uunttlireL-munil.. R 1nr ."'I solcii asiortment of cltnlro Pjuiiig nml ",,'," mCL.tli, S'-M Hh';cii,83 ox); lluM'.Mnr., l j Half Summer . which will bo sold clion lur tnshor , " ', Wench country produce. Ills stock consists nf I udlcn Drcis , "V,V Air'iv AnirrKatiCyil pic In lsp i llarw ilinutseo Uooi'. tltoicikt stylcsnnd latest falilon. ii .nnortlclnl. luarneil lint nt p innk, chit 1i.'"'vo tlnlii-nci i,t n llii ntly ib'lii'l ' fr fr at p. .s.m il pl'tu .mil LalILCM . ! 'wp' ,,..l?u.rrl..l.nn.lj -.cunt-. It Ih cmp let Mlltlline 1 HV' 1 . ! ii.... i. Lm.iii. inm L . rv i..,t,i' t u - - "--I AT.11.M '"I ' " recomn.VnJed by phy.lcian.a-a supaio, NUTI 1 TIO )5 1 lTLt rS'J: WZWM&ZMXJ HEyEltAGEfortieiieral Uebility.' l)y.,ie,.(a and all Packlni Tk Kr ' hllllous disorders. Thousands who have teen compel . I 1 c" Srf cdtottbaiidoiillieuneiifcolleewillusothiBHlihoutln., ,t THOMAS W .MA'iTBON'S. Juriuus erTecl. Ono can contains tho strength of two m ill ,n l,,'e 'edal improved sheet sprlnf iiuuiiuB ui iiruiiiurv uuiiuu. I riru v.i rn iu i ...u.iiv, , , uiii mniiui'ii ii.rv. nu. iirz n niKfl , IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. itijlisiieii i!Y i). Arruvro u eo. i 44U andlM Ilroadway) New York. The following worksnrc scntlnSinVcrlr.crslnanypar ' nf tin country. (u,ion receipt f retail price,) by imill or ' 'IlllNlHV AMLHtCAN UYCLOrAJIll X'. A ficipnli I nirtlui ' r 1 f (1 1 1 Kn "n 'ed.. IMitcx' l.y Ilk inivnn.l:it"-r V !.. nlib ,i by u tumorous ; mrus of wilier" Hi all brunrltoa nt Selena, s. Art a'lil 17. 'iturl. Ti.x"ork is bjiag publish.,! In illicit 13 inm i Lktiivo voliiiiir". oirh containing 7511 IWu n linn largo i,vlll l, i.i.ln. ir nniv v. I'll II vote . T.T.i , 111 r ". : 1.1. ii..i n n.. n 111111.111 int. nn nc i;v rv mi nri. nut n tU In it lia b. ! -p tally riltnn for ll piif i bv i"en who nro nulboritl n th tuple en v,i,ch fhei peak. They nre renuL d fi Mm he .ubjo.t up to t e nreseiil moment to rtatc Jut how It t mils new. All t e.tatlstical Information is from tho lltH report" t tin) ffeocraphlcnlnccounts keep paco lth tho latest uxp ora Uon ! h storlcal matters Include the frc.liestjust views the blocraphical notices not only speak oftho dead, but ilo of tlio living. It Is n UUrary of itself. AsRiniitMEsr or the Dkhatk orCosnaFss: llcins n iiolltlrnl history ofhc United States, from tho organliin. lion of tho tlrst Federal Congress In 1?8!) to 18.50. Ed l ed and compiled by Uo...T..oa II. Uksixin from tho Of ficial Records of Congress, The work v.111 be complied In 13 royal oclvo volumes of 750 panes caeli 11 of which are now mnily. An mldl tlonal volume will bo published unco In Ihreo ""' Cloth. S3! Law Bheep, SJ50i Half Mor9l! Half wAYFrabcuuiNO tiii: cyclop.ebia, oa I)i:ilATE8. , , I'orm n club of four, nnd remit the prlco of four books, and llvo copies will bo sent at tho remitter's expenso fat cnrrlngc.or for ton subscribers eleven copies will bo ont at our expente for carriage. TO AGENTS. v.. mhr ivn.L . uiit sn lihernllv rcwsul tho exertions of AgcDts. An Aulnt Wastid in this County. t Terms niadn known on application to the ruuusuers. Nov.'.!, 18(10. TIIKiindcrsl'neiTISfllso extensively enframed In tho Undertaking Butlnets, and keepsconstamly on hand ndfor8nleat his Warerooius, u largo assortment of F,NISHED 223) (.OFFINS, lly which ho is enabled to la 1 1 orders on presentation a good Horse and Hcnrse, nnd will at al times be ready to attend Funercts. til.MON C. SIIIVE. nioomsbi'jB, January 2!). 1850 Fin; Proof' Cement lor Sale- A lot ofsuperior I'irk I'noorCEMENT.cspccially adap ted for ' einentingUoufi, Ono gallon will cover 11)0 feet of ordinary roofing, and Is Insured proof ngainit rnln and wet weather. Can bo had at manufacturers prices, by the gallon or half barrel, at the ollico'of the Columbia Democrat. LUV1 L TATE. Illoomsbiirg, July 13, 1801, DECORA! IV KSTABMSHINMT, No. 125, South Eloventh Street near Walnut, Pfiflfiff,1u:iip5ii, s Unatneled Glass, l'resco, Oil und Encaustic l'aintiii" iS-, O.ILO.asoN. "THE UNION," Jlrch. Stmt, Macs Third. PHIADEI, PHIA. stiid thoso in close proximity, anonl a c.'napnud i leas antride to all places ofinterejit nnd amusement In or about the city. The proprietor gives assurance that '.The Union" shall be kept with si'ch diameter as will inert nubile approbation, and would respectfully soli it. gptieriil pat ronage. I'lTON 3 VEll'COUEIi. February 23, 1800 I2-n. Proprietor FIHSI1MCTII iJUOTHEUS WHOLUf ALF TOBACCO DEALERS 0.1U5,N0IITII TUllU) STltEKT Flvodoorsbclownure. PUILAIICLrillA " GILL & PAUL, General Commission merchants, KALi:ns tx Fish, Provisions. Flour, liutter, Cheese, Oils, Dried X'ruits, Cralii, Bceds, lieans, Whiskey, Wool. Country Produce and .Merchandise generally. No. 31 Noam Wharves, Philadelphia. ITT" Conslgnmenta of Provisions, Flour and Country Produce solicited, and returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. OltnilKti for all kinds of Tish, Provisions, Hour Dried Fruits, itc., filled at (he lowest Cadi Prices. August 4, 1600 liiui. StorRemoved, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hat and Cap Store. Kiif Tho undersigned lespectfiilly Informg the cltucns or Bloonisburg, und the public in general, that ho lias re. moved the .Villi' HAT STOHK, into tho house, on Main Street, nearly opposite his lato stand, where he has just received a splendid assortment of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from the Manufacturies.of all kinds, styles, sorts and sizes, latest fashions, which lie offers wholesale and retail, at very low prices. U These Goods will bo soldnt very lowpriccs lor Heady Pay. Dloom.burg. April 19.1802. JOHN K. CIUTON. NATRONA EOAL OIL! WAIIKAN'TED NON EXPLOSIVE I and equal to any KEIKIKEVE. WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a feu cents more per gallon will furbish you with a pci feet Oil j Made, onlybii VA. SALT MANUFACTUilINO COMPANV. No, 1S7 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Feby. 23., ltJUS, 1 year. piIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, nAtfriiLE, MoxTovn coumv, pa, Entcrtaiameut for Man and lieast, In good stylo and at moderato rates. CHAULES N. SAVAGE, Proprietor. Danville, April 19, ibf.2, u TRUNKS! TRUNKS! 1 THE largest, best hnudsom est and cheapevt ussort nicnt of folo Leather solid Hi voted Traveling Trunks. tsiiiet' Bonnet ti( IJrett Trunk uuent tiouth wen ronier Fourth unU Market, Tliilad'a. rT,IIE undcrsided, Comniissionor of Co- I lumbincounty will receive proposal at lllonms. burg yntit tliu '.'Ottj Ins., for six, duy cooked proiitlous consisting of bread und lioiled Meat, for about t-Oo men W.M. HILVEIt, loom.bgrg, 8eP. 13, IF. Commissioner, JOLINE & LEE, No. 46, KOUTH WHAIlVra. I'hiladelpliia. UtOPE MAKERS AND SIf IP CHANDLER S, Spun Cotton for Caulking. Rnpe. Tivln,Tar. Pitch. . . .9iul',J1J'0k,an4 0ars1Ac, i , l,HCC. iwmfmBim'v TIIC situation of ibis Hotel renders it ono of the most ciii'vcnientfor thoso who aro islting Philadelphia on buhincs; while to thoso in search of plcai-ure the constantly musing nnd roimsslm; Cltv null....... PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL-ROAD, I KN tVANIA RAII, nOAB CO,, LKMtK. j Oi .inHnflfll'iiidiiy a, 101, lime at Notlhum. berl .'id Ht..tii will bo IK follows . Afflce It 'Heard. I t'otttcnrtl 1'ipros (i Id a.u 1 llxpress n 4(1 i'. M Mull 4 IS V.n ) II ID 111 A M Mioplug '.irs on iIrIi Trai.s Pot ti ways between Willl.uurpnrt and llnltiuinro, and on tin iViin.yl Mill llnilriiad Ir'twccn lliirilsburs and I'hlliul. Iplilu un M II Train In both directions n Car roos throujih v'.i. ' ii fvlviiinn li. ill Road without chatigj 1 i tivieii I'liilndclpliiu and Lock I aven. HA MIH'.L A. HLAflC, Pup'l Ilnshrit Divl.'lcn. May SI, mi. eaKnwissa J.MU 31 on i!. I'ASS IlUl'EUT STATION. BOUTIIWAUI) HOUND TIIAINS. riilladclphia k N. Y. Mall 10 "i A. M. " " Express li.23 A. M NOUTIIWAKI) HOUND TIIAINS. Eltnlrn Mail . 3.41 P. M Nhvjrn Express ' 10.13 P. M riiil,Klolilila & Kcadiug Rail Hond. WINTER ARIiANGEMLNT ITtt m Sl mi ol' l'Assnvnnu tiiainp. ftO 63 4ft 4rJ. November 4, lKlil, (1'iiKflnq Keiiditig) Down'tii Philadelphia, at 0,80 and 11 A M, 12 noon, and 4 P M. Up, to Puttsvlllc, nt 10,50 A M, nnd .1,1.1 1 M. IVESP, TO LtillANON AND UAUlllflllUttO Western Kxprcss from New York, ut 1,0? A M. Mail l'ralus, at 10,33 A AI, and 3,43 P M. On Holidays, the Down A M Train passing Heading, at 0,20 A M, and Up Train, lit 3,37 1' M. lloth 1040 A M mid 5,411 P M, up Trains connect at Port i.'llnlon for Taiuaqua, Williamrport Ehnlru, lluir alii, Niagara uud Canada. The 10,30 A M, Train only connects at Port Clinton for Wilkcsliarre. Sirantou nnd Plltntun, The Western Express Trains connect at llarrlsburg with Express Trains on tho Pennsylvania Railroad for Pittsburg, and all points West : and the Mall Trains otiuncctnt llarrlsburg for Luncnster, Chnmbershurg, iJuhbury, Wllliauisport, Lock Huvcu, Etmlraandtho Causdas, Through Flrst.Clas Coupon Tickets, nnd Emigrant Tickets nt reduced Fares, to all the principal points In the North nnd West, nnd the Canada'. COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 2(1 Coupons, 23 percent discount, between nny points desired. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good for 2000 miles, between all points, at S 13 for Families nnd lluiiness l inn, uud Scasun Tickets, good for the bolder only, for three mouths, in any Pascnger train to Philadelphia, at 319 uach. School Season Tick ets one-third less. it?" Pasteiigers will take tho Express Train West, nt tho UPPEll DEPOT, and all other Trains, at tho LOW ER DIU'OT. fO lbs of baggage allowec each passenger E7 Passengers nro requested to purchase their Tick ets beforu entering tho cars, ns higher Fares churged if paid In cars. Uptrains lea"n Hhlladelpbiafor Reading llarrlsburg and Pottsville at 8 A M, 3,13 P M, and at 1,30 P M, for Reading only. C7- Excursion Tickets, good for one day, by 0,02 A, M. Accommodation Train to Philai elphln and return at 32 eo each. G. A. N I COLLS, General Siujerintendent. January 4, 1802. Lackawanna & lilooinsburg ttuilrond ON AND AFTKR NOVEM. 25, ISO!, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING SOUTH. freight S Passenger, 10.30 A. 31 12.13 1 M Paeentrrr. 3 23 A.M. U30 8.32 P.4II !) 13 1 0.01) N O 11 T II 4.30 P. M. 3.10 5.43 3.57 e.OOI.envo 9.00 P. .11. Lcavo Scranton, " KlngEluu " ll'oomsbiirg " Rupert, " Dauiille, Arrive at Northumberland, M O V 1 N G Leave Northumberland, " Danville, " Rupert, " lllimiiiiburg " Kingston, Arrivo at Scr.iuMn, 1.15 r. 3.40 Ml A Passenger Train alsoleaves Kingston al H.3 01. M. for Scranton, tn conuecl n ith train for New York. Re turning, leaves Sciautun on nrrital uf Train from Nuw York at 4.13 P. XI. The Lackawanna an I lllnouiFbiirg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna ami U csiitii Railroad ut srernnton, for New York and iutrrmcdiati' poiutrf east At Rupert it connect', with the Cattunissdltui. road, lor points bolh eau and west. At NorthumlierUiid it.counects Willi the Philadelphia II EricR. R.audN. C II. R. fur points xvest and south. JOHN P. II.SLEY, S.ip'1 1 C.Wells, f7c7 Ticket Ann Jfov. 30, lbOl. w.wiiir esq7 NOW occupies the room up stairs in front in Mr. Unangst's brick building, on Main Street below the American House. A moHt convenient ottico ; wheru lie tx ill b happy at all times to sec his friends and clients. bloomsbJrg, Nox.l), IcGl. 3m. PROTECTION FROM LICIITNING. HE iiihcriber xxould inform liis friends, that lu is i now prepared to put up, on short notice, nnd in a s' ieutilii; manner, tliu best PsATixi voixTi.D uniiTxrxn nous, nt 121 cenls per foot. All xvork warranted. E. U.I11ULEMAN. llloonisburg. May 21, 1(300. rtmr, undersigned, having opened n new HOOT AND i SlICIl SHOP, 011 Xluin street, in Ilopklnivill'!, East llloonisburg. respectfully invites the iiiMoin of thx citi zens nml the public generally, All kinds uf Hoots, Shoes, &c , will b.i promptly made to order, 011 short notice aid moderate terms. From long experience iu his line of business he Hatters himself that hcxvillbo able tn civo general satisfaction to all xvbo may fax or him x ith their custom. Cr" Grain, Prox is ion and Produco generally taken in exchange fur xxork. C. F. DROOKH. Rloouisburg, July ll,1801-3m. X I if IT BLB3 $2 HAT, S. E, corner Third and Dock Stteels, l'lULADELPA I A, Hats tnado to order, of uny Style or Quality at Short Notice. January 4, UC2. Cm. Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Courtlandt Street, NEAR UROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. This old-Cktablislisil and fuvorite resort of the Busi ness Community hus been recently relltted, and is coin, oleic iu everything that can minister to the comforts of its patrons Ladies uud families arc specially uud care fully provided for. It is centrally located iu tho bu-incss part of the city, and is contiguous to tho principal lines tf steamboats, cars, umnibusses ferries, &c. Iu couseiueucu uf the pressure caused by the Rebel lion, prices huvo been reduced to One Dollar at d tijty Cents per Day, The tablo Is amply supplied with all the luxuries of the season, and is ciual to that of any other hotel in tho country. Amplo accommodations arc offered for upward of 400 guest". lODo not believe runncrs.hatkmen, andothcrs who may say "the Western Hotel is lull." D. It. WINCHESTER, l'roprietur. THOS. D. WINCHESTER. Fli. 15. 1HW. (Lato White Swan,) RACE STREET, AJ30VX THIRD 1'1UI,A1)ISL1'UIA. D. 0. SIEGHIST PrtorRiETon. Formerly f i om Bi&le Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. RI10AD3, Ci.gB.if, March 20, IftW-lSin, NEW BUSINESS FIRM. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends nnd the public generally, that they have entered in to co partnership, under tho name, style and Aim of MILLER lc EVER iu tho iraeicnnCi JSnsiiicss, n tho "Old Arcade," in Illooiuhburg, Columbia co where they Intend carrying on the business of ague, nn. Mtiuit.Nin7.ii..i, in nil its diversified branches and departments, nnd lu which they invite an extension of the public palrouage, 8. II MILLER. FltED'K C. EYER. lilooinsburg, May 11, 1801. If, OYSTEKS! OYSTERS 1! IJMtESH OYSTERS can bo obtained nt outlines, at the , Ealing Rooin of the undersigned, on Main street. H.HTOKER, Illoumiburg, I'b., Hept, 13. lrC2. STOVE AND TIN-WAIIE SHOP. a. 'f HE llnderaiimt-il ivnnlil Inrnnn tin rl, Dt'iUf I lllsomsburif and vteinitv. thnt tin h, l.,.. .... eived and oll'urs lor sale ouu of the mosti'iteiuivo tl B ..!,.( lliulll. ..f ,tU I I I. , .1 .......... vi wuwiiiinoipii .iv i uiuvrin ever introduced Into this market. Tho ChrlUopher t;0 M...u ,iiiv, nun uiuiiD uio iiiiiiiiii; inn rirti t las s cooking ymves.all of which nro ulr-tifht nnd gu humor His Parlor -tiive nr limdsoma und the nssurtineut va tied AL0 I'nrticulur ullentiun It paid to Tiu.U'urc uud House Snouting, upnu short nvtice, All kinds of repairing will be done wilh neatness and despatch. Ey l-ountry produco tsken iu exchange for xvork. BlOom,burS.M,y,0,If. "'H Y. AYBE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the sp;eJy cure of tho following cewplainret Set ofuln nml Hcrofnloni AfTec tlons.suoh na Tllniors, Ulcers, Burns, lruitlniw I'liuples, l'ttstiilcs, lilotclipa, Holla, lllnliiv, and nil Hlclii illicasci. Oakland, Iud.. Cth June, 1859. J. C. Ann & CO. Osntsl 1 feel It my duty to sc. knon ledgo xihst your Farsaparllla lias done for mis. Having Inbeiltrd n Selofulous Infeotion, I hare sufAirod fiom it In various Xvojs for years. Sometimes II born cut In Ulcers on my hands and arms) someHuko 11 turned luiiard nn 1 distressed mo at the stoouob. Two years ago It bioko cut my bsad aud coveted my sculp aud sars with cue sore, which mil painful aud loatbsum beyond deicilptlon. 1 tiled many medicines ruid ssvocnl l.b) ilclm.s, but without much relief from any UUng. in fact, tiio illsoider glow xyoisc. At length 1 xras lejolcod to lead In tho Uorpel Messenger that you bad prepared au alterative (Ssrwiparll)e), for I knew fiom your reputa tion that any tlilni you nitds must bo good. I sent to Cjnilunatlandgot if, and used It till It cured me. 1 took It, as youadriie, In small ds'csof n teasposnful overt, month, and used almost threo bottles. New nnd ueallliy skin soon began to form under the scab, xvhloh after a xi bile fell on". My skin Is now clear, and I kuovr by my ftfellngs that the diieae has gone from my system. Yon can xrsll believe that I feel xihat I am saying xvuon I tell you, that I hold yon te be cuo of the iipsitics of the age, and remain trcr gratefully. Yours, ALFRED D. TALLET. St. Aiithony'a Fire, Iloso or TCryelnelsui, Tetter and Salt Itlioum, Scnld llcod, lllngxvorm, Boro lSyeii, Dropsy. Sr. Robsrt M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., I2th Sept., 1319, that he hss cured an Inveterate easo of Drtpiy, nhlch tbreattned to terminate fatally, by the tierseverlng use of our SarsaparlUa, and also a daogurous MMgnant ErytipclM by large doses of the same) says he cures the common JCrupliont by It constantly. Ilroneliocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon Sloan of l'ropcct, Texas, writes t " Three bot tle jf your Sarsnparilla cured mo from a Coiere a hid eous swelling on the nick, wbloli I bad sndersi from orer tw jean." Leiicorrlmn or IVhltca, Ovarian Tumor Uterine Ulceration, Female Ulsensee. tit. J. II. 8. Charming, cf New Yeik City, writes 1 " I most cheerfully comily xrllli the request ef your agent In saying I hate found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent alteratlro Iu the numerous complaints for which we employ such a remedy, but especially In ilwiais Dlteaut of tho Scrofulous diathesis. 1 have cured many Inveter ate cases of Leucorrheca by It, and some whore the com plaint was caused by ulceration of the ulerue. The nicer atlon Itself was soon cured. Nothing xvlthln my ItpoiTi edge equals It fog thcse'Temale derangements." Ednard S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan gerous evariun tumor on ono of tho fomules hi my iamlly, which had dcAed all the remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by your Extract of Bar tiparllla. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could alford relief, but he odtlsed the trial of yeur EarsRparitla as the last resort before cutting, arid it proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight xveeki ua symptom of tbt disease remains." Syphilis aud Mercurial Disease. New OxLEiiis, 26th August, 1659. Dk. J. C. Atirs Sir, I cheerfully cenifdy xtHIi tlx re quest of your agent, and report to you some of tho eflecta I hare realized with your Sarsaparllla. I have cured with it, in my practice, molt ef the coca plaints for which It is recommended, and have found It effects truly wonderful In the cure of rennrat and Mer curial Disease, One of tny patients had Syphilitic ulcere Iu his throat, which were consuming his palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarssporllla, steadily taken, eurcd blui la flie weeks. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulieratloa had oaten away a considerable part of It, so that I believe the disorder Mould soon reach his brain and kill him. Dut It yielded to my administration of yeur Sarsaparllla! ths ulcers healed, und bo is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman xvbo had been treated for the same dlserder hv mercury xvos suffering from this poison lu hur bouos. They bad boceine so sen sitive to the weather that ou a damp dsy she solTesed cx oiuclatimr pain In her Joints and bones. She, too, was cured enlhely by your Sarsaparllla Unfair weeks. I Uuow fiom Its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your labora,tary mint be a great remedy; consequently, tbeso truly remarkable result, xrith it hare not surprised me. Fraternally yours, O. V LAMBIER, M. D. Ilheiiinatlain, Gout, Liver Complain., t-- Independence, Preston Co., Vn., cth July, 186a. Sr. J. C. Ater: Sir, I have been atrlleted with a pab ful chronic J?icuma(itm for a long llrue,xrhlchlNUllod the skill of physicians, aud stuck te me In spite of all th remedies I could llnd, nntll I tried your SureaparilU, Ono bottle cured me In two weeks, and restored my general health eo much that I am for tatter than betbrol wus attacked. I tldnk It a wonderful medicine. J. FffllAM. Jules Y. Octchell, of St. Louis, xt rites 1 "I have been adllcted for years with au offuthn f the Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried erory thing, and every thlnR tilled to relieve me ; and I have bef u a bi oken-down man for some ytars from no other cauls than dcrcttigancnl qf the hirer. My beloved paster, the Iter. Mr. Espy, udvlsca mo to try your Sarsaparllla, because he said bo knew yon, and any thing you made as worth try lug. lly the blo& big of 0 oil It lias cured rae, and has so purified tny blood as to make u new man of me. 1 feel young nalo. The best tbat can be said of you Is not half good (nieugli." Boll Irrua, Cancer Tumor, Enlargement, Ulceration, Carles una exfoliation of tlio Hones. A great variety of eases have been reported to Oft where cures of these formidable complaints have resuhed frout the use of this remedy, but our tpaco here will not admit them. Some of them may bo found tn our American Almanac, which tho Agents below nrac no pleased U furnish gratis to ull who call fer them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, Ulcliinclioly, Neuralgia, Many remarkable cures of thoso affections have been madtfNiy the alterative peaer of this medicine. It stltsu lates the vital functions Into vigorous aotlon, and thus overcomes disorders xrhich would be supposed boyonirlts reach. Such a remedy has long been required by thif no cesiltics of the people, nnd we aie confident that Ibis Will do for them all tbat medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, von tub MAriD cvre or Coughs, Colds, Influcnzn, Hoarseness, Croup, Uronvliltls, Incipient Con sumption, and for the Itcllefv of Consumptive Patients In ndvauced Stapes of the Disease. This Is a remedy so universally kuown to surpass any other for the euro of tluoat and lung complaints, (hat ft is useless heie to publish the evidence of Its xirtues. It unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, aud its truly xvonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout tlio civilized nations of the earth. Few aro the commuulties, or even families, among tliera ubo hare not some personal experience of ttsellerts- some lliing trophy lu their midst of its victory over the ubtle and dangerous dUorders of the throat and lungs. As all knew the dreadful fatality of these difordeis, and as they know, too, the effects of tills remedy, we need not do more than to asmre them that It has now all the vir tues that It did have when malting the cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Sr. J. 0. AYEB &, CO., Lowell, Has j. Slid by E 1' 1 utz, G M Oagcnbuch, and J R Moycr, lilooinsburg i J Schuyler, Rohrshiirg; Masters & !ou, Millvillc; P Masterr, Uentoii; Lazarus & Fisher, Or ancevillej G F Fowler Fowlersvillej A Miller. Her xifck; Low & Rros .Centervillo; U F Reighart lc tiros Fepy; MG Shoemaker, Uuckhorn; Relghart lc Nuss, Mainville: J Sliarplcss, Caltawista; Crensy lc Co., Light Street: uud dealers everywhere. July SO, lfOJ-ly. CHITTENDEN'S IMIILjIDELPUI.V CUMIUEItCIAL. COLLEGE, N. E. corner of 1th and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tuts Institution. whiclnvnscstnMisAcrf , 1811, and is now consequently in Iho eighteenth year of its exint. enre, numbers among its graduates, hundreds of tliu uojtsiiccesgful Merchants nnd lluslness Men of our Country. Tub Odject of tho Institution Is solely toaflbrd young men facilities for thorough preparation for bioiiuss, The IlKANCiusTswoiiTare, Btiol-Ueplng, ns applies. Mo to the various department of trade; Penmanship, both plain and ornamental; Commercial law. Mathe matics, Xai igation VitU Engineering, Drauing, t hoa ogarphy, and Modern Languages, li k oystlm orlNsTRCCTioN ispeculiar; noclasses or set lesom are tnado use of, but each student is taught Individually, so that ha may commence at any time, and attend ut whatever hours aru mo. I convenient. Cataloocm nreissuedainaalyaftcr the 15th of April containing nuuias of the students for tho year, and full particulars of terms, fcc, and may bo obtained at any time by uddresing Iho Principal, In Extensive: Accommodations, widespread reputation and the lengthy eiperlcnte oiae Principal, this luitilii. ...... a iuliiii tea uiv, ,u, iwuujr UlllCr HI IIIU t'OUU- try, for young men wishing to prepare for business, and to nhtaln at the untnn titni. , ,tiu,nu. a.-l prove a recommendation for thorn them to any Merchju. tilcllousu, C7"Ciiitenpen' Series of Treatises on Rook-Keep. inu, now noro xvidelycirculalcdthan any other work on the subject, nro for sale at tho College. 9. HODGES CRITTENDEN. f((, I'MKCini.: Jan. 25-1805 12m, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Pl.ilad ,., 'P'fln-'or tho Relief of the Hick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Discuses, and es pecially Diseases nftha Sexual Organs. Medical Advlco given Gratis by tho Acting Hitrccon. Valuable REPORTS on Bl'ERMATOURIIUlA or SHX1IN I. WEAKNESS, nnd other Dlsnise, of tiie He" ual Orgnns, and mi ths NEW It EM ED I EH employed In Iho Dispensary, sent lu scaled letter envelopes, free of rhnrge. Address ' CD J.HKILI.IXI HOUGHTON, Howard Association, April 5, 18?2-I&0.U"' NlM EtrCC,' ''"'""'"'I"""' Opposite the Court Jlouteand neit door to Democrat Office The undersigned, respectfully inforim Ills friends and customer tliat tiu bus opened I-,, .. NF.II' BAKBFM SHOP ourt llonsn Alley, next door below tho Offlco of in. ' i. Democrat, where he w ill bo happy to wait IIP li 0!giners, and from long experience aud strict f" ' Jjiness, he Impesto merit and rcceivo a ' .'iuru or public patronage. s 'All thing hero "douo lu decency and in order." 'Incm.burg, March l.t.lSGS, '''""MAS DROWN, , To flfjfrey Rati, Roaches, fce. 7e Destroy Mice, Moles, and Ann To Destroy llciLllugi. To Detlroy Moihsln Furs, Cloths, M, To Destroy .Mosquitoes anil Fleas. To Destroy Insects on Plants nnd Fowl. To Destroy Insects on Animals, &c' 7b Destroy Every form nnd specie of Verm In, V L'.J-Jr". JLJTlSsVa vllSlkll THE "ONLY INI'ALLIULE REMEDIES IxNOWN." Dcstroycs Instantly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF TERMII. Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Pol-ons." "Not dangerous to Ihe human family." "lluls donut die on Ihe premises." "They come out of their holes tu die." "They arc tin only Infalliablu remedies known." "14 years nnd more established ill Ncxv York City." Used by tho City Post Office. Used by the City Prisons and Station Hooscs. Used by Iho City Hteaiucrs, Ships, &c. Used by tho Cily lUwpltiils, Alins'Houscs.&c. Used by the City llotcls-'Astor'-'St. Nicholasetc Used by the Hoarding House, Ice. tec. Used by more than 51)0,000 Private Families. EC7 See one or two e-pecimens of what is everywhere said by the people-Editors Dealers, &c. llOUSEKEIU'EltS-tronliled with vermin need tn so no longer. If they use "Coitaii's" Exterminators. We We have used it to our satisfaction, and if a box costs $1 vc would have it, We have tried poisons, but they crfectcd nothing; but "Costab's" urtlclo knocks the breath out of Rats. Mice, Roaches, and Red-Ilugs. quick er than wi' can xvritc it. H is In great demand ull over the country. Medina O Oazetle, MORR GRAIN and provisions nro destroyd annually, in Grant Couuly by vermin, than would pay for tons cf this Rut and Insect Killer. Lancaster Wis. Herald. HENRY II, CO!TiR We nre selling your, prepara tions rapidly. Wherever they huvo been used, Rats Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly Elkee fc.Sioi.uEri, Drugjjits, Windsor, Md. "CostarV Eat Roach, tec. Exterminator, I "Costar's" Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. i 'Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, fcc. In -3c; 5Uc. and $I,UU lluxhs, Pottles aap Elasks, $3cc $5 Sizes for I'lautatinui, Ships, Uoats, Hotels, Ace &c. O A U T I O N ! 1 ! To prevent tho public from being im posed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations a new label has been prepared, bearing u facbiunlo of the Pmpiiutur's signature. Ilxamino each box, bottle, or llsk carefully before purchasing, ami take nothing but "COhTARU" O" Sold F.ceryirhtre-by All Wholesale Druggltsiiithc large cities. frOIIH. flfillM Wholesale Ariiiis in New York CHy. Shollelln llrothers r,, Hurrnl. Risley & Kltihen , J' ' ahue.took, Hull Co Hush, Gale & Robinson V II as D Sauils Sl L'u M Ward.Clii-o It. Cn Wheeler U Hart Jaiuen S Asiiuull, Morgan & Allen Hull, liuckel U Co Thoiuas c Fuller McKisson & Robhjns D s li.irnes U Co F C Wells & Co I.azellc,larsh4i Gardner nun, iiixou 4; Uo Conrad Fot t' u Orxis AND OTIILRS. Pljiladilpliiii pa. I w Droit Co I Robert Shoemaker & Co . iiiiiiosiocK oc wo t rench, Richards & Co AND OTHERS. AND BY Druggists, Grocers, Slorekeepors and Retailers general, ly iu all Country Towns Village iu Ihe AT BLOOMSBURG, PA. SOLD BY . G. M. Hagenbuch, J. R. Moycr, E. P, Lutz. (IAnyiboDruiil,u1floiek(tperp,ndRtuifIfQ1 o0,?.'!" DeMe," cnn nflle' "kove. &c Is dl?e'der,iri-rcc,fe; 'f ricr. Terms, Etvlne roUdcedI.r.1,t!A,tr for t'S Circular ll'V'DV T nnnm . ."V"". " yUOJ-AH. DR. LA OROIX'S ' rRIVATE MEUICA1. TREATISE ON THE riiysiological ViciiV of JUarrlsgc. 2.0O FAGE8 AND 130 ENOHA VlNU8.-p,,. , , rwEiTt-rivs cuts. Ssnl free of postngo to all iii,.;?1'. ho Union. Ou Iho Inflrmltlc ol youllt ntul L'lu. TWENTT-I the Unio ill, doling tho i i secret mine or iio;h cxi, ,.f ', lly, nervousness, dtprcsslun r ,' thehenrl, suicidal Imaginings. . ,lnf,.Ml... k"' '"X'luil. causing debility miliiltiiilon of th tary cmiiiou5, oini pa ni-n-mtu uiviu,),. i. ,. .l.:....ll.. In. V.IIA ,.,r, Inn f ,...,!' "'Ulkk',. 1 lull , llli, , liar, - V -"'IflllJ In,, it a lloanlii'g School Miss, n College, Hm,,,, " ,'" Feunr ilarriril Andy, lie, V. II Is n truthful adi ,. . Ihu married nnd those tniitemi Intlng n.u r rlntr.. Vv l" lerlnln secret doubts of Ihelr physliul conditio,' A'1' who arc lonirlous of hnxlng liniurded tliu hemti, i ' plnrsi.and prlvilegu toxxhUh ctery huium, l , cMltlcd, '"I I. 'VOU.NG MEN xvhonre troubled with wnL..... ernllv caused bv a bad habit In muih. n, ..,"'.lln tthicli .ire dullness, paiin.rurgclfiilnes,, soim in, " n ringing iu tliu cars, weukvivs, tuiikiii. .. ." . . . . ... - .11 LI 1. nnd luxxer extremities, coiifuilon of Idi'ns.lom I tV ory xvllh iiKlniicholy.may bu cured by the autbo, . ! ft. PARIS AND LONDON THEATMl NT. ' "Nl'" W have, ricentlv devoted muth of our ii.. . VISITING THE ElnOPEAN HOSPITALS ,!.? '" ourselves of the knowledge ami resi aiibe, n! ii... . killed PhysiJlnns and Surgeons in Europe and L """ tlnent. Those who placu theuiselxes tiiids r t,,,r Vi"' will now have the full beneilt of Ihe many NEW li',', EFFICACIOUS REMEDIES whiili w u re t, , LhV 1 Introduce Into our practice, nnd the public mav ), ., ." surcdof the same zeal, issldulty, SECRECY it,, i . lion being paid to thelrtases, which hn. o TS"'r' tydistlngulsliedus heretofore, as n l'liy,lclan n? '' PECULIAR department of professional Pi,, l'0,?' past ticcnty-Jite years. 11 "l Ihi ltll nlara nf which xx ill be found nn Hi.. .. . . V"" l-nrUe njlng each box.) though always afe a id healtlii'1'! gently yet sonctixo are they. '""). to Prlco SI per box. They can so mailed fonuvm,. Ihe United Stales or Canada. 'n7 parts TO THE LADIES-Wlwrxoedn csnfidcnllal ,,hi,, udvlser with regard to nny of those K'st e ,1 !" plnlnl. to which their dellcale organiaHo , Ihem liable, nro particularly invited tn consult ,,. " TiiK"ELiiriiiiOAi,VANto 1'r.oiECTtvii " F,i. , ladles whoso henllh will not admit, or ho ho ?,o f sire to Increase their families may he obtained ". "I'Z It Is a perfectly safe preventive tu conception am! hU been "tensive y used during ll,0 last III' ye u'ts Pi. i reducced to 11). -"rs. ui( The Sicrcs of Youfli Unvcilni. A Trcalhe on the Cause of Premature Deenu- 1 ..i emn warning, Jusl publishtd a book shotting thcinsldm'. prvfirtao ,uu r,.i,uti,LB BVtOng SCttOOlS, loth n. iem0;f of this fatul habit, pointing out th, - fata tun, inrariably attends Its riclims. ami ,.! " ,' 7 ".' Vrogrets of the disease, from the commtncnneZtt, h,,J It trill be seiU by Mail on receipt of r,rr:i .Bp" Altei.dnnco dally, fn i Iii the morning tin a' night, aiidonSundnylroKi!JtlIl5i" m, Medicines with full directions sent to nnv nan r ,i Uiil.ed States o, Canada., by patient! coi ii uni, I i.a'tlnir ,C"Cr- l,UH"'" """.'omfS tlLKo'iMa Nov. S3 IS5-1. 15in. FRESH ARRIVA L -0F SPRING ill SlIilR! 7 HE undersigned, grnteful for past patrnung,., ,.,.. fully Informs liiscustuincrs and tlienuhl , , ,Pntl that he ha, lift received fro,,,' , Eas e no citL ! largest and most select stock of '""""o cuits, lit SPRING AND SUMMER Oft rl m WW am thatthey are o9Vd U 'ba'lal" Z Stock comprises a large assortment of "" UCNTLEMEN'S WEARING AM'AIII'I, Consutins ol Fasiiionaiile Unu, Coxt, of ,Vr rv i'is cription I'nnts, Vests, S h rls, 'r.ivat, Hinrkl i . V llaudkerchicfs. Gloves, SuspeuderH, &c " GOLD WATCHfc AND JEWhLKY, Of every dcmli liuri. (In nn.l rh.v,., M It .li i . . V. inoomsburg.Marc,.S9.,AV11' LW DAKERY i: COFECTIONARY. n BOLES AIL. rrha nndeeslgned coi.'inues his nkery and Conf.j he kcep"1' "n Slr0CI' Uxtl,a '1'11'T.s, nlier FRESH UREA D PIE y AIT C4 Kl: "JJ" 011 Furticasg plied wlthiakuwi !il UT rtll kinds of Fniit, Voget.alcs, I'rovi.iens. ! , daily reccn ed from the Citi.-t good and Irish-i im . u Ice tTtaiit pitvuicd (it 31 fts. rer r;l Small beer, Candies, Nuts of all Kinds. &c , kept i,.i sal Blloomsburg, June 21, If 03. r. STOEl(, MEW YORK MEDIi T" A besevolont Instilullon endow lor t r Lhronic llmcas ol every nature nn t. ,. t ,i. lids fmm .piack advertisers iin.l im,oHor3. Mi il. ges except lor Medicine until cured, and in nisi . ' treino poverty treatment fiec. No Minerals or P. ous rugs u.eil. The Pliyslilanshave hud long an.l e, ,il '.v,KX)''i!''n,ro bMi 111 P'ivnle aud llospltul rrar "".'.""lollowlng arosouic of the complaints lonlinli special attention 1 1 given. All diseases of th-llia.l It V"1'8;. t'a,,t,' HlJ'u,ltl'. I-lfor. Kidney, lllaihlir, Rheuiualisiii. liis, Cancer. Piles, Nirvoiis Air, cti.n. DisiMsesot ilm rcxuul Organs, Seminal V oaknis' Im potenco and Virulent dieeases of every nature noMlu lycured. Diseases of Females end all Irreg ilnralies jtucccssfullv treated. Illiudnes ,id Dcalne.s cure.l witliout painful operations. Patients treated bj l. tt, r, by .ending ttateiuent ortheir case. Medicine sent l" any part of the country. Consultation free tuall. Address, Stump enclosed. un. r.. UUAV 1 S, Consulting, i:ni ii..... .... ... ,r.i. , April 13,, "'-' H. O. IIOWER, SURGEON DENTIST RLSPI.CTF1JLLY oilers Ills prnfrsslon al services to tho ladles und gi ntlemen if llluomshurg und vicinity. He i prepares' .i,.,-. ... ....iiiiiM various operations in nr.r.1 .., v:". '""-u xvui ue inseric'i en the nituri ','i 'f aai rubLcr hasl) ! ,0 l00k 08 "t" " .S 1""' n"1' "'"ck leeth manufactured an.l all K ?h8nn 'V,'1"' f "fMly "ml properly nlteuded to HootiHhuts, i'a,, Augusta, if ni. CIGARS & TOBACCO. L Frutsiwr,1!' f Cll0lc," riR,lr8' Tobacco, ripe.' EiniToriuiii," ' ' ""'""msburg Hal , Deomsbu'rg, March 10, ,6(11. ,0 ' H. MUI, JilGAN, imroUTUR OF ALL KINDS OF AND MANUFACTURER OP JEWELRY, No. 444 North S-rond Street, AUOVE WILLOW, N. . -PniLAEE.PHJ, Nov. Ifl, IJfl), ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOOMSBUtiO, rA. Offloe In Cou,t Ally, formerly wiupUd ly charl" ... , . lliickalew, UlooinsLurgi Doe, 4, isi'j, LEATHER ! LE ATII J'R ! ! TIltiii.'il' rt 'K"C'i "'r"'1 n"",ll"'"'.lbt In hasen himl fcrif",,""""1 ' '"Mn.l.fl.athir iiiba. 1 i v K i "''';!''.''1'1'1':'1 haris, and linings all , ith i,m!ri-;:1 " ' 'bP"l Hi.iKai.h,. hudil.ewlir." in this murUt, Cull tu.d egeaiine tbein ser jour.eli l'1..oul,urg.Mayoi,JS-,. '"ilN hi. GI..TO.N ;n 0 & e ii .a. xt w ,. 1'flutl-., liOCkblllllCI' & U!lll;b0(l1v I u A N U FA t'T U R E R ; WiiatMiie anp Retail DsAVr in PRINTINQ, WRITING AND WRAPPING rAVlt. Anexr run the catawissa paper mills. I alnill Hlreft. llv.l itnn. I.aluu .1... it..l.ll..un..n..n 1 WIMvESRARRE, PA. TIT ri inxn l-v a - v. m . Frfncii 1 (MAtK I'lLtj. Ladles Wiio w Isli for W, ,1. theemcacyorwhlch l.aa leei, lu.ted In ol A, 7 coses, unci never failed to elicit speedy cine, uiif " any bad renilts.will use none but Dr. DeLunvi". r 1 Periodical Pills. The only Precaution i ! u.inrx fi"'.1 serve Is. ladles sliuulil not take ihcm If ft't 'ro1" soiitu believe tney aru in certain . ,, Kov. S3, 1W1-jftn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers