Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 04, 1862, Image 3

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Jolm G. Freeze, Local UtllUr,
ITT B. MtTETTEKGILL Ct Do., No, 37 Park Row',
Nexviork, oml C Hints Street iloton, arc cur Agcnli
for tho Cehmlla Dtmotttl, In those cities, nml nro Ml.
tliorUqu to toko Advertisements and (Subscriptions for
us at our lowcit rates,
Ji meeting; of tlie Democratic Rtandlng Committee of
ColumhlaCoutity will bo hold at the ltccotdcr's oinco,
llinomrliure. 1 uesdny October 7th at is o'clock SI,
A full nltondanco la cnmcsHy roi(iitsd a business of
tniporlaiicoxvillba laid before the committee.
Chairman, j
CSrTho Local column is crowded out
Ibis week, aud may bo until after tlio elec
tion. -o:o
BSyAt a meeting of tlio Students of tlio
Orangovillo Normal dcliool and Academy,
held September. 23d 1803, tlio following
Prcamblo and RcsQlutions wero unani
mously adoptod,
WnnitKAS, It lias boon announced to j3
(hat our recent friend and Classmate, Wil
liam Lazarus, lias fallen upon, tbo ijcld of
battle, llieroforo
Resolved, That wo have heard with un
feigned regret of the d.eath of our Friend
and Classmate, who has been so suddenly
removed from us, aud who has fallen upon
the battle field whilo endeavoring to de
fend tlio frcpJoin nnd tho blessings vo eu-
Resolved, That wo will cherish tho mem
ory of our departed iYiwid, aud for his
nako will pvizo more highly tliat liberty
which was purchased by tho blood of our
Fathers, and which is preserved only at
the cost of no many precious lives.
Resolved, That as a token of our serrow
for tho depaitod, wo will follow hh re
mains to thu grave, aud will wear crapo
upon our left arm (or thirty days.
Resolved, That a copy of these llesola
lions lit! furnished to tho family of the du
coasud, and also to tho papers of tho
County for publication.
1'orry DoLoiig, "
A. J. Achenbach, (
Chus. C. Trench, )
Nciu SUucvtisemnits.
3?33.3iK4.ixjqyn list
to ei: man at
OCTOBER, i5th. 18t!i, 17th & 18th, '62
or, ss l houses.
Hot puir ii. i-tyht Horns,
$S 00
ft 00
5 00
0 00
"ml '
Uo do
" O.irf jeso Ior.f3(
" do do
" do Marc,
2o t "
J! I "
I s
"ml "
" do do
tlalllnu over 1 years old,
do do
do hcUeen 2 t '1 ypara
do do do'
DijjJ Marc with colt at );or tide,
boil. owned, by exhibitor,
c on
J 00
i r.n
2 00
y on
4 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
2n.l 1
d'i do do
llcst ciiiiglo Carriage llorso
iu I " do do
Heat do Mure,
" (icl.llng Cult lctwceu 2 & 3 jcars
" Muru do i.o c,''J
" lloiso do do 1 &, 2 years,
" Mitio on do do
" llorso or Maro Colt uadcr 10 months, :i (ill
2ml " do do do .d.o ' 2 00
llxhihilorit under this class will hnvo their
horses on tho ground by 10 o'cloc!: on Thursday,
ut winch 1 1 mo tlio indues will examine them.
Juugcs Jacob Kostculiader, Franklin ; Jero
mi ill iiauvnliUidi, Centre ; lsauo U. I'lirscl, IIuu
lock; .1. 1'. Smith, yroouxvoocj ; John Z.iluucr,
2nd "
2nd "
2nd "
2nd "
2nd "
J!I1 ? years old and upwards,
do dp do
do between 2 i 3 years,
do " do
do " 1 A 2 years,
do " do
do Calf under 10 months,
do " do
Heifer or Cow lctwceu 2 i. .1 years,
do do do
Q.jw Calf under J.,0 napnthif,
o 00
4 00
t fW)
:; 00
3 00
2 00
'l CO
1 00
3 00
2 00
I 00
5 00
3 00
" Cow,
2nd " do
llest Bull .1 years old and upward,
2nd "
2nd "
between 2 it 3 years,
" do
" 1 A 2 years,
" do
rnC under 10 months,
2nd '
do ,Jo
llcst Heifer or Cow between 2 A 3 years.
2nd " do do
llcst Oow Calf under 10 nionths,
" Cow, ' '
2nd " do
2 on
J 0(1
,5 00
3 .00
llcst Hull 2 years old upward?, 6 00
2nd " do do " 3 00
Host do between 1 A 2 years, 3 00
2nd " do " ' do 2 00
lloEt do Call" under 10 months, 2 00
2nd" do do do 1 00
llcst Cow, ! 00
2nd ' do 3 "
Hefct Itcifcr or Cow bctwoon 2 A 3 years, 2 00
2 l ' do " do 2 .00
llest Cow Calf under 10 i?on,t,hs, 1 i
Host VoIip Ost'ii owu'd A work'd by oxhit'r 5,00
2 1. 1 " do do '.' 3,00
Best Stccr letwcon 2 A 3 years, 4,00
2u I uo do 2,00
Tlio jutics to examine cattlo will bo ready ly
Id o'clueli on Thursday morning. i.xuluUors
run a linvo tlicir stock iu condition to rccelvu them
Junm.s-lli.nj. Ynho, MlfUini Nelicmlah ltccco,
Ilcmlnck i llcorv liollinslioad. Cattawlssaj Jo
nld llayman, '(Jrccuwood j JacUjou Thoisas,
Host Boar of any Ilrced,- .2 00
2nn " do d? 2 00
Host Hrood Spw, 3 00
2nd " do 2 00
Host lot of plgi 3 or more under S ivaolis, 2 CO
2nd " do do do 1 00
Hut display of fat Hogs, 2 or uoro, 3 00
2nd " do do 2 00
llcst lot Stock 1103s, 4 or moro 3 CO
2nd ' " do do 2 00
Jujiscs John Dttz. Hemlock i Joshua Mon
dcuhall, I'rauklla 1 ltobr Mcltcnry, Hcutou.
Host blooded Hack, A 00
End " " do 2 00
3d ' A9 . 1 00
Hot Native Duck, 3 80
2nd " " do 1 00
Host bloodod Ewe, 3 0
" native Ewe, ' 2 00
Ji'naes-Solotnnn Bhuraan, Mainej Elias Die
trick, Montour; Androw 1'reai, Centre.
Vttt aod laraeit display of Poultry, 8 00
ii a ' do 2 00
Heat pair Clilokons, any broad, tuato A font. 60
-Will " uo
Host pair Turknyj,
2nd " do
Wont pair Uccso,
2nd do
Host pair Docks,
2nd " do
" do 60
" do 1 00
Jo 60
" do 1 00
" nio 60
" do 1 00
" do 60
Largest and lost display of tamo pigeons, 60
Junans Thos. Dollman, llloom) Win. Slian.
non, Scott) Lloyd l'nxton, Montour.
Best halMushcl Clorcr-socd,
2rtd do do
lloat do Timotliy-Bcod,
2nd " do do
llest lushel lted-Ohair Wheat,
do Whlto Wheat,
do Moditcrranoan Wheat,
do Hyo,
Best halMushcl (lourd-fcod Com,
do Yellow Corn,
do Smoked Corn,
Dost snmplo Snoot Corn, 0 oars,
" lushol Oats,
" halMushol Flaxseed,
' liulf.bushol lluokwhoat.
2 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
I 00
1 oc
Judocs Houlon Wilson, Madison ; 1'li Men
dcnliall, licntou ( Joseph Mouser, Moiitour.
CLASS 7ih.
ISefl bnnliol Mercer 1'otiilous
do do Prince Albert do
do do 1'cach lllojnm do
do do Fiotd Turnips
do do Unla lianas
do do Field l'.cnta
do H bu iowect I'olatoos
do i do Onions
do 3 do Carrots
do 1 do Tomatoei
do Six Susar Decin
1I0 '1'liruo Heads Cabbago
do Six I'urxnips
do Two quiitls Lima Hoiino
do do do Soup do
do Throu Oardoii stiuuslios
do Six Field l'umpkins
Largust Sweet Pumpkin
Judges Wtn. Shaffer, liriarcreel
ler Vamlorstico, RJouiit Pleasant ; Samuel
Snyder, MiiUin.
CLAS 8ih.
Host 10 yds llnnnol 111 ad u 011 iinnd loom 1
2 do 0 do do do do
a uo
10 do
10 do
U'onlcd Cloth
Plain Linou
do 10 do
Diaper do
do Pair Knit Stockings 60
do do do Mil lunx 60
do Hrne mado Shirt 1 00
do Silk Quilt 1 00
do Cuuiiiurpuno 1 00
2 do do 75
3 do do 50
do Pair Woolen IJIankcls 50
do Pair Linou Sheiils 50
do Homo made Tatilu Cloth 50
Judses Frca Drown, Uloom ; Mrs. S.
L. liettlo, Scott ; jNJrs. Philip Cool, Roaring
creek, CLASS 9.
Rest loaf of broad,
do pound cakrt,
'inaor cako
do sample preserves,
do Irnil ijelly,
do iqmulo presorens,
do cucumber pickles,
do pickles of any kind,
do appM bnlior,
do punch turner,
do plum bulicr,
do preserved poaches,
do liomi'-made soap,
do ciued ham,
roll bailor not loss ;!ian 5 lbs.
2 bust
do do do jdo
liest tainplo browned coffeo,
do do yeast,
do apple pio,
do biininlo fatisam!,
Judueh Win Snvder, Rlonm; Mrs. Silas
E. Fowltr, Scon; Mr. H. McDowell.
ISet knit quill. 1
2 best knii iiiill,
be-l knit tnnla,
do do Nubia,
do do PoIImIi boots,
do knit woolen uudcrsjeoyes,
do pair clocking.
do iiuii miilens
do .urge Afghan, 1
tin Small do
do Tidies, S
2 bet-t do
bubt l:uit .-1 1 u vv 1 , 1
do do hood,
do Infant Sucqtio,
tlo Worsted Embroidery,
do cnllon do
tlo lulling collar, 1
do peciincit foltiti,
do Small articles in hiiilliii,
do croclieting, a.s infant's racks, col
lard, Dels, ecu , I
best worstered and colion mats,
tin i-pocirneu b.oad work,
do do pht'll work, I
do do burr do 1
do do Lumbar worl:, 1
do do JJajr do I
do .do wax, 1
bust speciinon peninnuflhip,
tlo collection of tlultlias,
tlo do artificial flower)",
do do homo plants in Bloom,
do dn dried passes,
bust and largest varie.ty of Howum,
do camplo noat t-uwin,
do olloinaii or chair cover, I
do drawing or painting, 1
do !!o(iiot Flowis,
do Iluhiiiii" bapliel,
ugpi-r)s. John l?iimsoy, lilnom-Mi-sj
Amulia Wobb, llloom; Miss Emma Clark;
CLAPS lllh.
Jiest Sample Wheal Flour 2 00
do do Buckwheat Flour 2 00
Judges. James .Master, Pino; Wm.
Beers, Homlock ; Ilenry Kulclinor. Centre.
CLASS lath.
Best Cookitu Siovo, with Furniture- 2 00
do Parlor Siovo 2 00
do Variety tiu wara 3 Ul)
Judges Wm. Kut. Scott; Wm. John;
Cattawissa ; Seth B Bowman; Berwick.
Best Plow ol any paUeru,
do Threshing machine,
do llorso Rake,
do Lime spread ox,
do Pnrtablo Cider Mill,
do Wino Press,
do Wasliins Machine,
do Farm Wagon,
do Wheelbarrow,
do Slud,
dn Roller.
2 00
2 (.0
1 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
judges W. L. Frem Br I. ire rook; Henry
BiliHiibcp.der, Fuhiugcreok ; Irani Durr, of
Best Top Bnu'yy
do Open lluijsy
do Two llorso Carriago
do Sloioh
dn Snlluiv
.1 Illl'tUe,. Jeremiah Fees!ioliz, Berwick;
Jos. Wintersleeu, Mtflliii ; Reuben Hart"
man, Muduou,
Best Set Attilicial leelh 1 00
do Suwiiifji machine I 0
do Samplo buildiiiR brick 50
do Lot Earthenware 1 00
Judges. Ur. Lolt. Orangoville ; Dr. Hay
hort Laitawissa ; Dr Fox, Numedia.
JJccq a iifl Wives,
nest.nea lllvo 1 oa
do Roynrni Decs I nj
Jo Baraplo llanc illi J 00
Judgo-lirainH6nlif, franklin 1 I'ctor rioJlne,Cat
tawlnj J0,n a Nevlus, .Madison;
. Wines and Liauors.
Ken nuart Currant Wlno
do Uo IllackUorry do
do 1I0 (Irapo do
do do (,'ataba do
do do Cherry do
do Uo Ilvo Whiskey
do da Cider Vinegar
1 00
1 uo
1 on
1 no
1 00
t 01)
Judces-Wm Ncal, llloom 1 J tl lklcr, nroeifwoodi
Win lla;enbuch. Ucotti (,'alb Carton, Jr, lilooiu . Myl
vester l'ursdi UcmlocK ;
Manufactured Articles.
llcst dlsplny cabinet Work
do do Smith do
do Pair l'luo Hoots
do do Coarso do
(jo 1 don Windsor Chairs
do I do Spring Soat do
do Hocking Chair
do Ilcd btoud
do Scttco
do i doz llrnoms
do Belt Sliijtla Harness
do do Double do
do S Bides Solo Leather
do a do Upper do
dc '2 do Kips dq
do '2 do fair dq
do tfausajo Machine
S 00
!2 UO
1 0l
1 (10
1 nu
i (II)
1 (111
3 110
'2 til)
I 00
1 no
1 00
1 0)
1 00
Judges Jaiuea llarman, Orancevllla j Wm, Her
ring, llerwick ; James llruelcr, .Madison.
licit llushel Vlntcr apples 1 00
do 1 do 1'alf do 1 (HI
do I do Ftan.lard Pears 1 On
do (i Dtvarf Team id
do Ha 11 1 i 1 r dried peaches Si)
do do do Apples .10
do do do Cherries A3
Judges Ilarton, llloom; Mrs. Laving l'onlcr
Malum Uaikley.
llcst trottlns mare, horso or gcldlnj, tlmo not
over 3 minutes $:3 00
llest troiting marc horse or gel ding, time not over
qlO $10 00
Lest trotting horso maro or gelding $10 00 TItOT.
llcst trotting mars or gelding $. 00
Judges Casper Hnuhii.Cattanissa; John Rauijcy,
Lluom; Freas l'onlcr, Heruick.
Article 3d of tho Conttitntlon requires every person
to pay to fhn association one dollnr to cnngtltuti; nioiii
ber.liip, Urn practice Iicrtlofurc has been to buy n lain,
My ticket on fair days and have their names recorded
nt the time,
livery Inhibitor is required tobecomo a msmbfruf
tho association before entering his urtlclo for exhibition
iniiinM can become exhibitors when their parent or
guardian in 11 member.
Tlio field of competition Is open to nil persons from
olhcrcnuntics rail become exhibitors upon tlio samo
lcrnias citizcus nf this county.
All arlich'S nllerfid for competition must be owned by
the competitor I'ruit, Vegetables, flowers A.c, must
be fliu growth rf tho competitor, and nil manufnctuied
articles mut bo mado by tlie cuuiptMitdr.
All nrtfclc's forcoiiipcfitionmuFtboo.i tilt ground
by Oo'ijocl: 1'. tv. on Wednesday l.lli'i, ni.d regain there
uilil 111 o'clock M, mi l'riday Ktli v. hen they ureal tliu
disposal cf til" exhibitor.
Shows, flying Horses or other nmusomiMits tha
ten .1 to distract the attention of the visitors v. ill not be
Tho Ladles Army aldSocicty, has Hie first choice o
PUand for thosals of refreshments mid goods. Otlur
Stands can bo obtained by making appicatlon to the
President or Secretary of tlio association.
,Vo lic'inse ill he graniad to Stands that sell malt
or splntous ll'piors
JtKlues annoiHted to cY-tmino the difTrcut classes,
1 u'ill confer a f.ivor 011 the Association, by lalliniritt
1 thu Secretary's Office curly on '1 hursday inoiiiiii;, and
obtain their iiKtructious.
Tliu Lxt'cutivo Committee nt tho time of ordering
' lie Seventh Annual i'alr of this Association, pasu'd
Hie following resolution.
, On motion of I'uleb llnrtnn, Jr.
1 llroivni, That tho expenses nf holding the Scvmtli
Afii.uairairof this Association lie first deducted from
the ruccit, end if any balance remain, it be appro.
prljtcl to ll.o Army Aid Society.
1 ickets to the l'alr can b'i obtained of A. J. Sloan,
Dlias .Mrnilcnliall. J J. D;nwer, II. C. ft I. W. Ifnrtmnii,
Lloyd Sliarpless, Miller I'.jf.r. llloom I, -mi Co., Mc
, KeUy, .Veal .V. t;o and l.ook Stole.
lVrsonboyiigtirketsat the Tun fiiouud, nut pro
1 vide thenuelvcK with rliaugu. Hollar bills will hj
chamred by buyinir fifty cents worth of uckeu.
' A. M A UlrfD.V, Secretary. UAI.llll UAlt t'O.N Jr.Prcs
I lllunuiPburg. Octobil 4, 1SC2
1 ry hi! citizt ns of Columbia county will respectfully tako
1 . notice that Ibeli'tsnf Internal lteveniiii Assessments
willbu open for tlie impoctinu of such persona it It may
interest, until the 'joth day of O. tub -r, I81W, hi ill i fol
lowing places, viz : Cnttawlssa, Jerseytown, lllnoiiis
burg. Orangcvilln ami (ircenwood.
And tliu Ashe&or will hold 1111 nppcal in tho Ccnit
Iloie, nt Itloomsburg, 011 II13 "Ulh, -2 1 st . and L'l days
of Ucliibar, 1NW, and adjust any difficulties that may
luvc arit.'ii from Iniiroper .ises-uii'iits.
IIH.N.I. P. I ortTNIin,
! Internal llcv. Asse'sor,
I 13tli Ccllcrliou District.
, Cattawissa.Oct. I, IPC3. ' '
to 'run
Enrolled Militia Columbia C aunty.
rpbc iindersisiicd ;
sives noticn that ninny citizens of
f beinz 111 the atate service, did nr
.1 Coluinliia county being
have mi onportuiiilyof making 1111 minenl rorccuintion
from dalt on tho first ciamination. All .-uclij lie u ill
meet nt hloomsbtirg Court Uuuso, uu
HA TV I DA 1 ' O CTOliEPc 4 TH, 1 802
between the hours oft) o'clock a. in. nnd 3 o'clock p. m.
uouo others need apply.
ruin loniK, Tliu l'omuiisioncr has 1ecn tuthor
izeil by tin: (lovornorof thostato to receive
service, in lieu of tho dratl. Hach totvuship can fur
nihil their 'iiioUeiKjrely, nmllbii-i s.ivo'tlio drnft. All
volnnlecrs ill reportihemselU's tomcut llloniurburt:.
when 1 ili furmsli 8Lbsiti'iice, und any information
desired in regard to recriiittug.
I W.M.Kii.Vcns, Commissioner,
Commissioner's office, )
I Hlooinsburg, Qct 4, liGi. j
1 STRAYED from tho enclosure of tho
undersigned, ut I'lnoinsburg, 011 or about tho first of
August, a
Red Milch Cow
Itlsing four years old.
Ii 7- A libolal reward will ho given for hcrrcturn, c
information ofhor whereabouts.
Sept. ST, 13CS. 3H.
rplir. Advertiser, having been restored to health in a
J few weeks, by a very simple icniedy, after having
eullered sevcial yenis withu lung alt'ectlon, ami that
dread disense, Consumption is anxious to make known
to his felluw-sulLm rs tho means uf cure,
To all who desire it, In) will scud a copy ol Iho pre
scription used (free of charge,) v. lib tho ilircclion for
piepariug nnd using the saiue, wind, they will find a
su'itK Cunt for CVisumptiox, Asthma, Hnoxninis, ki.
Tlie only object of tlio advertiser Ju sending th Pre
scription is lo benefit the nllliited. nod spread informa
tion which ho conceives to bo invuluable, and ho hopes
every sufferer will try his icmedy, usit will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Tunics wishing tho prescription will plcnso addicss.
liev. I'.llWAUD A. WILSON,
Williamsburg, Kings County, New York,
Sept, 27, ISIii-3mo.
Tho County Commissioners will icecix'o proposals nt
J thu llouso of fulomuii lluss, in t'iliingcrt ck town.
Mini, Columbia CO., beuvci u tlio hours of II) o'clock, A.
,X. nud i! o'clock. P.M., on riaturday tlie l!7th day ofrjep-1
leinber l'C'J, for building nil opouTKUi'S 1111111(111 oxer 1
Pino Creek, near tho rtsidcncu of tho said Bol. lluss. .
H.iid bridge lo bo i,ii feet between abutments; xvidlll 111
feet : higiit 11 feet from low' xrntcr nuirk, Plan and
specifications can bo seen cm tlio day and placo of let
Uu", llyoiSci of the CominUsioliers.
comiu sioncr "nice, ( n o l'RCI'P Clk., HJBJ. J K.UHII.U.I.IK.
mm tFtuiaa.
inula i uiiniii
No. 7 1 8 Arch Street, helmo I
Eighth , south side, ,
dciplda. Jnporlt r and man-
vfucturpr of and dcakr in ,
all lands of Fancy Furs, for '
JLadics' d CldUlrin'1 swear.
t dcsiretosayto mylrien iso ' 'u'""y" '"''t
. . , , ., ,,
Iho largest and int beautiful neoorlnients ofull kinds
and qualities of l'ANOY Lvhti' ami Clat-
ruuiiuiim i-...oi.. -,,,. ,.,. n,,,,:
...... n,:n v ,x xv l-liul. tor .iiccs duo cnii-
HUM l " , I ,V ill, a I'nll -in, I
drrit's llVar. that xvtll ba xvorn during this I all and
cost mo but it will be Impossible for me to Import
and Mnnufnctur'' any inoio turs, nnd Kill them nt lln
Jfnie prices, owing to tho unsettled Kioto of tho ulfalrs
of tlm Country, .
tr7-.M,.a6.rl. 'S'J071V;.XuiTiriA.
713 AltCll Street, l-'hila,
Sept. S0,18 ?n,0,'
I M7
My rurs xvcro piircnaseii u i. ro r, I'-y'1 ""''" Tlu only object nf th niltriiifr tu s noing Hi Pip
i. m fifrrimr r.nhanitt. nnd the ixcxv Duty iniposeu ..', ,J',, i,,i, ,,, ,,i,.,. ., rlr ......
' 7 s niw Tmnoited since iho first of Augtict. r . , "". ""V.' "7 " " ,7. .: i ,V ... .. . " ';"r,r"n """". ' "'
WIIE11EAS, by tlio lmvn of this
oCotmnomveallh, It Is mado "the duty or the
BlurllTiif overy county tu give licilco oftb grmmil
HlsctlOfl, by publlcatloii In one or lui'M new pa.
pers oftlio county, at hnt twenty days bofnre tho dec.,
tion," and to miiiiierntj llurelu "tho officers to bo (left-1
cd," nod to 'designate tlio plnco nt Which tbo dec lion Is 1
lobe held," Thorcfqre, I, JOSl All FUHMAN High Sli-r-,
If of Columbia county, do hereby tnakckncun and pro.
claim to the qualified electors of Columbia munty, 1
that a (ItssaAi. ntri-Tios will bo held on TU1.S-I
day. the t'OLUtTHLNTlt HAY (IT ULTOIinr, bolng the
second Tuesday in caid month, nt the scverul ilia-1
trills within the county, to wit : I
llenton tnwnthip, nt the public liousa of J, J, Stiles,
in lln town ofllenion I
Heaver lowiisblp, ut the house r,f 1 ranklin L, Shuiiian.
IlloomoH nslilp, nt the (.'nurt House, llloomtbuig.
Ilrialcrcuk township, nt the School llouso near Hvans
Ilorough of llerwick, nt Ilia Town House, In llerwick,
Cnltawlssa township, nt tho Iioujo cf SamUtl Koston.
bader, Cnltawlssa,
Centre township, nt tlio house of Jeremiah Hcss.diic'd,
uonjngliain tnnuihlp, atllie nouseorii, i;.Vaf. r.
rishlugcreek twp ,at the hoilso of (ico, W. Ilolimnn.
rrnnkllu tow nslilp, at Clayton's School House,
(Ircenwood township, nt the house of Joseph It, I'atlon
Hemlock township, nt the llucK Horn,
Jackson township, atllie houso of Hzuklcl Cole.
Locust township, at the house nfJ. L, Hurst, Slab.
Milnln township, at the house of John Keller.
Madison two., nt Hie hnusu of Samuel Itlmbv.
Muunt l'li a san t low n, at the house now nccuiuud by J.
r. Dcltorkk,
jM colour the house of John IUthards.iinw
occupleil by Willlnui Hulllligshenil,
.mini towuiip, 111 rue nouse 01 jonn .11, ,uj
ltoarlngcreck township,attlie house formerly occupied
by (1. W. Drelsbai h.
Orangi! township, at tho houso of Alexander Htighss,
Pine townililp. nt tho house of Albert Hunter,
Sujarluaf tow nslitp, att he house of Allnas (Ji-b.
Scoittwp., nt thehouo ofllnoch Howell, llspy,
It Isfurllier illtci tuil Unit the election of thu snld sev
oral districts shall b npoiu'd between the hours ofd and
11) o'cloik in Hie forenoon, mid shall continue opnn with
out Interruption or adjournment, until 7 o'clock ill tlio
evening, when th polls iliall lu cloied.
The oil)ccrj to be elected nt the timo und places afore
said, ore
A Awlkor General.
A Surveyor Gaicrul,
Que Cangrtssmctn.
Two Members of Ancmlhj.
A President Judge.
A DihlHct Attorney.
A County Commissioner.
A County Purveyor.
A County Auditor.
It is further directed that tho meetings of the return
Judges will ho In-lit ot tho Court Homo in llloomsb.irmo
nuike out thu general cdertiun "lil-h ""I I" on 1' It I -DAY
'iho return Judges if the Iteprfuiitativu iiiuict,cnm
posed of the counties of Wyoming, Sullivan, Columbia
nnd -Montour. ? halt meet at the Court Hons -, in lllooms-
burg, In tho county of Columbia, 11 TUUSDAV, tin-
TV HKTYrill.'T DAYof ()( '1 OIlLli next lu n.nkc cut
returns for members id' Assembly.
Tho ltelurn Judges of tin- Congressional District,
composed of the counties of Montour, Coluinbl'i. .-ul,i-vnu,
Wyomingnnd llradford, shall inecl nt tho Court
House, in TuuklriunocK, 00 Tuesday, the Twenty
first day of October, next, to make out returns lor
.Member ofCimcrri-s.
Aipl in and by the said art, I am further directed 10
give notice that i'v, ry p'-rsou, excepting justice ol the
peace, v ho shall I10IU an) oilicn or uppoititment cf profit
or trust under tlie Coveriiiucnt i f tlu United States. ,, nr of any city or incorbornfil diMriil.
whether ncoiniiii.tFioncd ollicer or otherwise a Mibordi.
nate uillcer or ii'ent. whoM orlrill be emnl'-ved under
1 hu legislative, or cxeriiiiv. . or judiinry ileparinient i f
tins mar 1. or 01 uuy incorporaieu oiiriii, iiiki his.i 111:11
every inemb t of Couirreu, nudof the select or commoii
roitncil of any city, tomii.Nioner, of uu iucoiporiite.l
district, is, by law, iniap.ilu ' ..I'liolJin: ns cxi riiiua at
tin same tinu, the office or app intuient ol'jiidge. inspec.
tor nr cl. rk o.' any cle. tion of this coinmnuwealth, 1111J
that no inspector, judge or am officer of any snrh elec
tion shall le iligibk-to nuy oliiu-than tu bo Mil". I for.
(lien uiiih r my h 111 J and my office in lllonius'
but", this 17th day ofScptembor, A. D Uul,
Illooinsliurg, Sept. 50, .Vieri(f.
FiMr.nor.i) r.ivuts.
aoi.n .1M rr.i.i'f.v vr.cnri irrojvs.
.vjiitur.n ,ir.-i o.'ir: nr.a!..iTio.x.',
.V..0V w.v n.iir mi.iz.ui r.11 una.
il jxn iniuuiT '( r r:l:s.
jiottnnis, Fiitr. hoaiio vitixrs.
hViTUKS, J..YVV, I.IC, l.Ti'.,
Will be sold r.t creally reduced prlc;, a! the p-pnr
linngniL' rooms of tin; iiiulrrigii"d 111 Judge Hop it's
roro lloiisi!, on Second street, 11 row Jmns biloiv .Mar
ket. Also
Paper Hanging JExc.utrd
In tho hetl ttyle, at moiKrito prices and in vil' k i -U.
tiloomsburg, May 3, U0J-.1u;.
7ie New Commercial Buildings arc hen
itd opposite Court House, corner of
Court and Chenungo-Slrcels.
This College is in no way lonrceited w ith any other
Tlio energies of the entire l'aculty nro exclusively do
voted InthH.
Thodesign oflhis Institution isln ntford to Young
Men an opportunity fur acquiring a 'lhtruvgh Practical
Jluslnes f.daeation
The HQok- and I'nrms arc carefully arranged by
Practical Accountants, i:.Xiccshly fur this )l etitutiou,
und the cnur.e of Instruction is tuch tocuiubino Theo
ry und Practice.
coi.;, i atT:
This Course embraces llook-Keeping in ell its de
partments, Pctininuiiidiip, Coiiiukmliu! ,lritluut.tic, lUis
incss Ci'jrespoiulcncc., Commercial Lnxv, Po'llical llcou
oiny, Commercial i;thic, rnrtucrrliip si ttleuu uts, De
tectiug Counterfeited und alured Pan.'i-Noles, &c.
'1 ho r?pcuceriau System of I'ouuinauship is tauglit in
all its varieties, by Iho mo.l shillful m..tur' of thu art.
The Ilonk-Uccping dcpartuicut is under tlrj special
supervision and instruction of tho Principal, D. W,
Btudcnts can outer nt any time ; no vacation. Usual
time tu comp'Mcthc Course, from tl to 1-J weeks. As-d.
tancurcndcieil to graduates lu procuring situation.
(raduulcs arg presjntud xvitli an elegantly engraved Di
ploma. tCT for oatalogtiJ of 70 pages, specimens of pennian
ship, ,tc, enclose two Idler .l.mip. mid addri a
August 30, It'll?. flay:i, ISGJ-P.'iu
ITxynilY Loily ihco niONHKIPLDii' COUflll HHOI'S
Jit nets piOmptlv sometimes ,u resting the wnr.'teold
jn SI hours. In nil ulleitioiis of iho Chest, Thront,
x Let lie a en I o or chronic it will bn found of imiueiliuto
benefit. Try a Mnglu bottle and you cannot fail to ap
preciate its usetulneHS.
l'or Hale by nnvt nil Storekeepers und Druggists,
rrvputcd by
C. I'llOVI'.l'll'.l.l),
No. 317, .V. 3d. r3t Philadelphia.
Nov. 10, lBRl-3in.
ipilK Autumn term of this Institution xx III comniu
X on
itloiirtay, August iti), 18(52.
'JXKMS I'nr hoarding, Wnshiug, Tuition,
etc., for Hleveii Weeks $1f 00
One half in adx .nice.
ftudelits xx lln have not engaged rooms xx HI do well to
make early application to
WM. IltTIKJCSS, Principal.
Mtllvilla., Pa., July ID, 1-bJ,
This prep irniion, iiinde fn.i 1 Hie best J.un Ce ll', o, Is
recoiiiiueiiii. dby pliysi. inni-a- u siiperior N'rTltlTHM'S
lll'. HltAlii; lor (iuo Dilulity, D)speliii.,'ami all
billions limrders. '1 hoiis iuiis who have been rnirpcll.
cd to iilia"lou tlie ii ecf c'ktle xxilt 11. e this xWUinut in
jurious c-fiecl .. lit..' ( 'in contaius liie treiigtlt cf two
pounds of iMliuaty cod'.-e Price S. cents
JA". II. 110LLOOK, Chemist,
Oorner of Itrnnu .unl ('li'.siuut r?tr3et,
I'llli.Alilll.lill X,
And sold by nil r.ruggi(s and Grocers,
i March SO, leli'J. J'Jm,
to oonsuTiptTyes"
rpHK ndvcitlf. r, liaxiug liei n isslnred to li.ntlliiu
J . v xvceks. byu very snnplo rei.inily , after liaviu
Flin.'ie.iso.ecui ctlwiliiu r,;vii- i.xiu iiihiikiii, iiiii
that dread illsen in. Cnnuiii.ion-is iiinluu to make
known to his f llo.v sulterers the menus of cure.
'1 u all w bocli iro II. Ii. xvill sbnu ii c out of tbo ore-
' ?. .
PCIipiC'll ll ! oc enuijren I, lilt ci, o.r.-l u-'i's (Mr
. 'arlll. ruj ,,,, .,, wi,h Hi. y xull Ha l a
.....'... l-.,n. ,..,.,,,, (On,,, Hi. .ii. lull .t ..
l'ait'ca xvishing the prescription xull plci r,i Irrss
liev i.iMxcxuii , xxu.nii xx una mir'i.
May 17, leilJ- 3m Ki ig cimi uy N. xv orl-
Of ovcry ileiciiption, for sals ut Ihisoflio-
l iv in iiuiiun, Mini iip j I'ruv h ui'noiit . j-- , j, t ,,11, v, .,, an
Coliuukiit 10Hinirrnt
Hnvld llflihllno tl7 OO.Cnpt J Jnmlson
MlssJnno Kliiny fl tiuilllrnni Tlinuins
I rnnkllu Unrig ' 1 .ViJIohn Krcsilcr
Jolm llenvcr 1 Sfl'ohn W Klc r
.1 Oil
1 2i
1 75
2 (II)
s 00
3 .
4 40
1 0(1
I 01
1 75
1 (HI
.1 00
1 00
2 I'D
B 00
.' 00
2 00
5 00
1 .10
1 00
1st Iteiiovlllo Kilslier 1 "iKJacnh Hyerly I1
Purvis Sttish r
I AD C M Hunk
Wm W Intcrstscn
Sol l'ct Ir r 111 nn
Mnl J.VSIiincr
llirhnrd Stiles
Samuel l'oust
Jacob Celling
r-herilf I'lirmnn
Moli. 'it Itoait
Columbia County
(Ifli II W Sinilh
(leo W Snyder
VS Heoblnr
olm VVnulih
1 50 Usmipl Joluisen llsl
) Oiwico Appleman
S liuJJudgn Woodivard
1 OiiJincobgctUng
3.',0 Hstafunrriiilipt ritz
I .wniniuns .Mntlin
'2 On;.lihn II I'nrnollsnn
1 ittJohu Y (cilitcl Hs1
4 W:3 II Jnmlson
'2 Un'I homes lljker
I im; II N Amiuernian
1 lillnllctsl'lrciu
8 Olnhn l-'atclra
1 !! .Vi' A IV Ale
Hstnta of Jim P I.evnn
Wllllnm Portner IL'i.lir V it tMesrlml
Co itliientalOld folks 0 SOMafob Driimbellcr
Joseph lklcr I li'Ulenry Wnnlth Jr
Slii riirriirinnn 7 (n'Klcharil plumer
isacher 1 itinnn bi)
Appoa by tho Editor.
Wo liavo tent bills by mail to many of
our subscribers, ami now oartic.'tly appeals
to tlicir sense of justice for prompt payment.
Our casli cxpoiuea lira heavy requiring
more money to conduct our business than
ii usually paid into our office and hence
vrc can only appeal to the promptitude and
generosity of tbo.H' indebted. Wo sincerely
trust, our friends will lcspond ur.NEUALLY
ulld I'ltOMl'TLY.
hiiicc Yi'heat.
Why sow the Ltiicaslcr, wicn'ynv can
prnaut, yielding dmble the
amount per ncc.
IIbab ntu I'oi.towis (nTiFtciin mon riftRiEKri:ti
l'Al.MtCS :
We, the undersigned, l'armrr, residinir in the county
of Northumberland, do certify, that wr purchased of
Aiko.n Wolf, a now nrticle of Vhltoj:gyptiau Hoarded
Wheat, latt fall, nnd liud it far superior to nnj thing
Srou 11 In this ceulon. Iho stem Is trill and rlrona ripen
so enrly as to dciylhc iiiniduoiij attnek of tho llossla
1'ly and Weevil, mid ill yh Id nt lean, one. third 100
tnth'iiicru than any oilier wheat now grown in tbi
scitiou of country. U'c.wnulit rheirfully recmnmeiid
to 0111 luricultnrnl friend'', thronuho'it the State, as
evriy Miy worthyof attention.
Isaac Vincent, Ucnticx illo l, inbach,
'I'hoioiis Deariiioud, I John Mi rartaiul,
t.iiiiuel Deitrmnuil, 1 J. (.. Pttrlnm,
rilas llal.1b.1ih. Jolm Leise);,
H0I1. mon II. Walter, I (. Heill' i.liri'h,
Henry nits, jojepn r,)ie!j,
J. II. i.ciubiiih I i.obcrt M. liussul,
"rtcr liag.'iii.iirli.
r..r nnrltr.llnr. ,..,!, ll.l ,lf,l,M I, nl. ,.n.
ir., c ,.ir.,V r.,.r r ,.,., . r 1; ,-
1., . ri.. .. it laVd
July 10, taiH-lrt.
Scmi-l i'cckhj .) Vfl;ly Nacs-
La iL
rirr. t) .1 1 1, r iron l i.
Terui? per niiium. fix Dol nrs I rour copies to npo
address, Tventy Dollers. To cleraynuMi, I'ivn dollars
per tinnuip. tor a tlub of ten ct.,ucj, an extra copy
will be sent,
tuf. $ r.Mi-n- r. r. kly tvoiiLi).
Three dollars per uniiuin ; two rnppies to one ad
dpes, I'lve Hollars ; copie lo o to uilclrei-s Clwv
Dollars. To t leiicyuieu, two dollars tier year. rniglu
c.oiiei., ihr'mcnii, publlsh.'U Tui.d.ij and l-'tida) s. ,
Ten copies. -0,
I'or a ciiibor leu copies, uu i-Mrninpy w ill l,o senl for
coin i ar-
I'cr .1 Uub.iftwenty copies n copy of the Daily for
l'or a club of fitly enpii.", tlio. Daily, V.'eik'y, und
Hi'inl. Weekly w ill bo bi-nt for ouu
r it r. in: n k i. y ivont i.
Prlc" Twotlollnr a jvnr ; lour copies tc one
I'lxo DolhM.-: txxi nty copiis, iwcntx dcllars,
in ii can r, ceivo lh? Xx't-eKiy, . iridic ccpy, cil inn: doll..r
n year. t:ii.f,lo copies, I'iio ceut.i Pubhnli-'dou Thurs
day. i'or a rl.i'.c cf tencopiLS, uu extra copy xv ill be sent fur
one year.
i'nr a i lUj'iof twenty copies, lit" fonii-Wcckly will
bCh lll lor one ycill.
i urn i lull of tilt)' cipies, the Iinily x.lli l.o sent fur
lie year.
l'or a i lulir.f one huinirei! copi h Hi.- Daily, Weekly
uiol mi Win My w ill be s nt loi one year.
KeiMltaiireu j,,r I lie x orlo" mry l' made h drnlts
I i.'iisiiry iiiites, orb ink bills c.l pn'i iu p i) nig banks,
nu.' lin,. !itlel,l ioll ,,f ill,, t',i. I ,o.i l e I 14 e.illed to
rcii.iltnnro nt the liioo of mailing the letter, it may he!
mailo at our ri -u
rfiv'i iuicii numbers sent to any address upon upplirn
Address Til r. WOII 1,1)
Vo ?.1 l'ark How'. Now -York
v u r. xf. ic-1' u n k iro n r, v.
ri'roi.i tbo Triio Citizen cNi w llrit'iin, CuntiAl
iro ii- iiinu or leu munihs- siuee xe, like a large portion
of our fellow cillzeiu, re. eived our dally uewti of tho
niovei. louts of our annies Irtuii the New-Ynyk papers
t. flhu "on lo llichinoud" t'ln-s bit we h'eou.e to clis
goslnd w jili I ho t. 'list tu f out: ly w Inch taken up for a
time jv nrarly Hie wenle unltoii, proxed o terribly cf
f itixt! in driving our eiieuy on to I lie tbli .tl of Hull linn
nml nlso ut thu persi-laut I. mil fimtiug w nil nml nbtise
of 1're-id.nt Lincoln and the leading Lenerals of lln ar
my, that wo took Lp. as we I Ir n suppnieti, with their
slower and niore ri spettabio rival. Tin-: Woni.n. Wo
linv i lead this pnp-r daily r xrr sine", irid h-'i o fouml.
1 at vu net only luil c. ri adabl.-' and si holurly jouruid,
thorniichly loyal and governnn lit sustaining, b it
towns fiillyup tolh Mimes, in its stippl) tl ever) tiling
aiht was reliable, ir the xxay ufciirri ul n"xs. lu tail,
wh only miss in its columns one class of news, vi't
that wniih i'i lobe cunlraillit d to moij jv. Willi th sj
hasty remarks wo desire rcrdiallyio recommend to our
renders tlu New-York World :.j ouoot the b st, if not
Iho verv licst daily journal in tho country.
Pcpl. 13,
Mi!lvil! Columbia County, j'cnn'a.
This xvcll kiiowh School for belli sexes will open
NuVr.MIlUI! 3d, K-CJ.
Tim rncent ndditions In the b lildiiigs; render accom
odatiniis for mora than sixty iioardeis.
Tlio course, of study will embrace three departments
Him Normal, Hie tleiitific, aud iho l omini rttal.
The Principal will be assisted by cxp.-rienteil teach
ers, filly nu.ilill 'd ft r their respectix'u pnritions.
Parents und others mux rest ti'siirecl that no cd'orts
xt ill bo spared to make the r-al.ool w inthy of iiatroiiagu
and that Hie xvt II. ere of Hie slutleitts, inlelluctiiall),
phy.iinlly, nnd morally, will rei. ive oun iiii-.tiiiitr.iru
l''or application, circulation, itrculars or farlhi-r par
ticulnrs, atldrt'ss Hu untlersii'iietl. until Oct. 1 Itii-, at
ihiwuintitiin, h-ister co:in;y, Pa., and after that tune
ut Milluillu Columbia coiiutv Pa,
llavlu; sold ceit my interest in tho firecinvno. Hcmi
nary, tu I M Potts, was for n-reral j nrs
couuecik.i '.vttli tho Institution as u successful te.,rh -r,
I hereby ckeerfally coiumeii I iil.u to my frientls' aim pa
Irion, iisn genilqiiuin of niupl" 'pialifieatioii for tlio po.
sillnii lie iis-sumusjaud in cvrv wuy wtutliy Iho coiili
denco and pntronacu of the public. WM. lit. LP. LbS-
Millvillo. IM., Sept. 13, i-U
(UWiiViLlu &lfA1iGrSs WirifflLj
I'asieugeis dine hero on tha passngo ofeach Train.
11. M. M Ell RICK,
Tamnqua, Jnu i, Iff?.
TON'? HI'KX.W.iir till kinds, llut kxvlie-u c -
ilit'd, is xxuhted iniiueilialely, at tlio .Mill
irovo I'ancr xiills, near Light fJlreet, foi whirh
cash xxi'l bu n.iiil.
tiiomas t rt t:cii.
Mill firnvo, AugiiEtfl, lFf.3.
1. '.K NOrtUE,
TV"otico is hereby liven, that tho Rank
X y of Danville, n Hank of Issue, Discount aud I'l-pus-it,
located tn the lioroui!h of Danville. Montour county,
With ncapital of Two Hundred Then, ami Dollars, in
tends making applietliou at the in .xt icgular russion of
Hit) Legislature of l'eiiiis)lvauia for the reiiexviil cif lis
ciiarler, and extension ot its privilt ges, for a term id
twenty years from til i cxpir'tinui ot its present thurler,
i 1 1 i tliesauio name, title, lotatiou nui cupitat,
I'y order of tho lio.ini of Dirtclors,
Danvllls. Pa , Jiiiim 4, ih.i! I m
P'statv Ilii'iiUlc Kmher, diceasul.
TI'.'l'l'HIlS of adininl.tru'.ioii n-i Hi." I'.statii uf Jacob
J it. Knurr, late nf Lik us. twp, Col ui.,trVc.isrJ, have
I em gr-iutod bv Hi Ih iter m ('oluin'jiu coutity to tho
tinder ignetl; ull persons hating damn ng.iinsUii.. ts
lute of llut ileredeiil nro lemn l-d to pres -tit tlienilo
the .Wuiliiistiutor at his resitieu.-e in l.ncti t twp,
xvithoiit i t I ix, nud nil 'peri out indebted to lu iko pay
ineiit fuitliwilli.
Ik-pfinbcr 0, ISCS-Ow. .'dm'r.
j (Ji'.NTI.HMI'.N'.-Tlif iibrrihr will send (free
ipu mill uirictcoiis
that will, in irolii
. lllntrh',, T'i-i,
a I c tn i,.i 1 1 1 sand r iiiehnt ,s
of lb cM i ci. leax ing thi ii ie a- N.ic ir. ml. nib d it
illocCd In .nit c r. sino in in, b auufill Tin,
il -irintlp lit ip vim f.'.l in iructmns, nircti m .
xull pi 'si II 'ii or ml it s '.Mill i tarn
J-fllll S'.IHI
p age )
Mey 17, e 3.2m
fJl rrcauway, l' xx mk.
(jfjiliTLTli WA'IBR.;
tSDlEAW IRffitfiliElD'Y i
) I A 1) E 'J1 E S
7'ns J)angtrout end Tnubltiomt Dhfattt, trhiehhaef
thus far lltslttcd tht but directed Treatment enb
Cunttctil;; Controlled the HI'MllUYnott btfcrl ml
nu: cup.ATivr.
prnncrtles of tho medlelne dltict theiusedvcs to tho or-
gnus of sirrcliun, nndby so nllirinir Uu- munition of
the stomach nml liver Hint tho starchy prim iple id Urn
food is nolconvertcd Into sugar solntig as th'j s)stci.i
is undor tho intluiiicu of the
which rive thosu orgnns lime to rcriner their kenlihy
tone und vigor. We are able to statu Hi .1 tlio Coustitii.,
tiuii Water has cured every lasuof HlabetLslu which it
lias been gl en. ,
IlltlUlv DUST Dl.l'OdlT, A.N'l MUCOUS Oil j
Disinsos occuring from one atul the snmo causo will'
bo entirely iuml by the c titutlou W'ntor, if Ink. 11
family length of tlmo. The dose should vary with the
sevirity 01 Hi iliK.ns.', I10111 twenty drops to 11 ten- 1
spouiilol three tliui. n ilnj.iu water. During the pas- .
lingo of the. Cnkuliis, tliu iiin and urgont svniptoinii 1
shhuld ho!d Willi tlio proper nniiiuhs. tin 11
followed up with the Coiietitulmu Water, us ubovc ill- j
retted. ,
I) VB.M i:Otlll AOJA. on PAINrUI.L MEsritUA
riotli diease arising from n raulty ficrctinn of tlie
menstrual lluid-in the one case being too little, mid
accompanied by severe pain ; nn4 the other u toopro-fii'-o
secretion, whiili will be speedily curnu by the
Uoiislituiioii Water.
That disease know 11ns 1'AI LINO 01' Till: WDM II,
whiihis tlu result ofa relaxation of til! ligaineuls of
that organ, nod I. known by a sense of heaviness and
dragging pains in the buck und si les, and ut tl.ues uc
compauieil by sharp li.i inetinu or sliooiing piling thi'oui;h
the p.uts, w ill, 1 11 ul 1 cases, b'removnd bytlieiuileine.
Thr6 i uliother ilns f s mploms nri lug from ( 11
111 1'A I IOX of 'I'll I) Wu.ll tl, whuh phjhi, inos cull
Nervousness, which word covers up much inomncu,
aud 111 nun., cases out of ten the dmtor does not really
I """" " " JI"I""1 "ft- III .'tIMKHi, IT illu
IH"' iii'syiiiinnun. no can only uiiiiueriite
oere. i Fpu-llit more, parucl
nenlt mora tmrticulnrlv of CciM I'u, I. I'nlnita
tn:i in the llonrt, Imnared .XleinDi v. Wnkefulneiis l'l.iab
cs of Heat Languor, Lassitude. anJ DnutiesHof Vision.
Wblrli in tlie unmarried female is a constant recurring
dheas'i. aud through neglect Iho seeds ki more grave
hii.1 dangerous nialaille.i aru the result; und as month
niter mouth pusc willpnit nu ell'ort to as
sist nature, Urn stippresstoii becomen chro1 Ic, iho pa,
llunt gradually looses her appetite, tin.- hoxvcls nro
roiistipnted, ulclit swuals como on, and conaamptiun
finally cuds lur luicer.
1 his disense den nd upon au lull uuation uf inurous
liniii;: of t 'u xiiflii.i nml xx'omli. It is in nil ea .es nc
lompanieil by nnero naiu in tlio back, ncrross thu anil inrmigli 1115 Inps. A te.i.pooiiiul ol tlie
lut dltinun.itj bo,cu three times a cl.ty, v, illi at
Jettion ofa tJlilespooiifiil of Hit iiiutlKiniL-, nnxod with
ii li,i f pint of Dull water, inoruinp nudi'veniiig,
ii!iuTA'i io or Tiir: nk-'kop thi: ulauhek,
INI'LAMATION 01' 71111 Kll'?Ji:Y3 ANI) C
TAUItll Ol1 Tllh 111, iJiUHl!. til P.ANl'lSp.Y
and iiui:.i.(i up, p,' :ti,liii.'atimi.
l'or th"sedisene3 it j.-lrn!' "i.oleign rem -ilv, mnl
too milt It innui I be said in ii praisii A single do. s has
I been fnow to tlie i-io.t uri. ul siptMut,
I Are ) on troubled with thai iiistreieing piinln the
' suinll of tin back ami through t.ielilimf A n..i.pnouliil
, " "lay .of Constitution W all r will rilicxo you like in.ifir.
i I'OIt DYSPIil's-IA,
I It has no cpial In reli"x iin tlio Most distressing smp-
I lo.iw. Aim, lletlilaehe. lit unburn, Aeiil ritolil.uh 'u,u
King i'tio.l, e T.ik a t..a-i i.mftil nfier tlinuer- 'Iho
time 111 nil bojucrcascd if denied, hot should
be ilouo gi.idually.
I I'HY.-K'lAX.i
ILivo long since given un Hie uj of burhu. rub. Ikiui.i
juniper in thetn nlini nt of Hi -si! uisea.cs, unit only usu
.iib.ii tui . .mi. 1 1 a in iter leiiieny.
Hasiroxed Itself oiualtolhu taik tint has devolxcd
upou it.
Irritate and drt'iicli the kiilucys, nnd by eon-taut uo
,..ui lead to ihriiiii; degeneration and" co iliriued dis
ease. ' M cau . ilea J. K cad .
! Dnxvit.i.2, 1'.i., Junes It'll.1.
Dr. Wm. 11. (Initio -Wire t,ir: In I ibn.iry. ISOI, I
was allliced w ith the. silgar ili:iliJte.,nnd for lice mouths
1 passed more than tw o gallon ol witter in iw'enty.fuur
hours. I was ub'ijfd to gt t i.p as olteu ten ortv.elve
tiiue.i during tlu iiimiI. and i,i lit e i.iuiitln 1 lust about
ilfty' poulius iu wcigtli. Dinning the month tu July.
IrOl, 1 prcCurt-d two bottles uf Colistltiitlt 11 Wat. r an I
ill two J.i) niter using it I cxpem not .1 rein t, ami .lit r
Liking two bottles 1 was tutiri-ly etitetl, soon utter
r. gaiuinj my usual guu.i Jicultli. Yours tmly.
; J. X . L lib. WITT.
i Huston Corners, N. Y Dec. S7, icCI.
I Wm. II. (Jregf t Co.:
I (l.iits. I fit1, ly gnu you lib-rty to make use of the
following! iriihcat.i of tlie xnlut of Constitution Ya
ter, xx hiih 1 can ru eomuuiiio in 111" highest manner,
i My wile, who was attacked with pnln in tin; slioul
I tiers, whole h ugtli t.f the bull, nud in her, w ith
laipitatiou nt the huait, uftemled with I atlmg ol the
Wiiiuli, Dysnieiiorrhoea. nnd "irritation of Iho Iliad
tier," 1 called a phxsit'iuu, xx ho .ilieiulnd her about
lliroe inonlhs, when he li lt In r worse than ha found
Ii r, I then employed ono tf thu'ben phxsicians I
could Had, wliJaitondetl her fur about iiinu luuuths,
and wiiileshe xxns uiiiler his ram shu did inn sillier
.jtiito as iniii h p.nn ; he finally gavo licr up and tiinl :
hcrcaao was Incur-ilde." i'or, sail lie, "she xas such
a coiuhiiiatjuu of complaints, that medicine given for
olio up r.n i- tlgaiust sonic other of her tMlHculli.'"."
About t'us tinuj sha i oiutici ncotl lu usu Con-in r n in
WjTiiii. and toour utter aslociisliinent, nliuost thu fir!
dcisc si-ein.'tl tohavu the ilsired iil'ni, and slii kept on
iiiipro- ing rapiilly ti ,er its lreutr,iuit.nnd noiv super
intiii.Ji cn'irely liv douiestie nll'alrs. the lias ma ta
ken nny of tli.ic.ox -tiiiioN W aikii foraboiil fourw'eek
mnl wanro happy to uy Unit it lias produced a peri.ia.
iiviit euro.
W.M. M. VAN i:i:Nt3CIIOTr..V.
MiLi.ioitL, Coss., Nnx', 19, IPI'l.
Hn. U'm. II. One on;
Jltnr ttr : I have fur several years been atllleled
with tint tooublesnine nml iluui runs clis-.i-o Craxi I
X. hiih resislud nil roiueilii ami doetors. until I to ik
( o.jrnuiiisn. Waicb, and you may Ii assured that I
v.ih plenseil with thu result. It lias .'iitlruly curntl ui
unl j mi may oiiil.u any usu of my uaioeyoii may seo III
in regarn tu tho medicine as I l.uxo iciliru confld ,i,je
in Its tttilUC
Yours truly,
roMi si i;oi.
niLsn aiih rAr-rsr.Noi'fiii
'I liTu Is uociass of diffuses that produce siirh tx
huilsliug cifeita upon tiu liiiuinii const Uu tl ml as Dm
h"ttn und diseases uftlie Kiduiys. Illailtleritud l.rin
ry I'assagt.s, nud thriuiulia lalse iuoiiety limy nru lu tj
letted until they lire so uc'x auc'tl as lo be beyond in.)
control of orttiuar) nuuuliiis, and we present tho
To tho publi i Willi the conviitinntliat it has uoc'itlitl in
relrving tliu class uf tluuises foe1 xvlncli it lias lueii
found so eminently sutxcbtful in curing; nnd wo trust
th.ilwu shull bi renurded in our clloits in plating so
vuluahlu reisudy in a funu to niuct iho requiren.eiin of
patient and physj, inn,
I'Oll SAL!! IIY ALL DllUCClfCl'a. IT. I PR I,
WM. II. (.'LOltdi; CO., Proprien rs
.Morgan fcAlloit, Uuicral Agviiti, No. ill Cluf Hi;
Btpt. ). le'lK. l.'iu.
In pursuance if an ordet of tho Orphan's Court of
t"u! ti'n Ii i i county, on
S'lturduy, the Mblhdayof Ociolrr,'l$0'l,
nt Hlo'ilock iu the forenoon, Jncob H. Kxan, Aiiiuinjs
tratnr uf Alu hst I liiiniijln. tatt of iremlnrk low iislup
iu smd county, deceased, will expnso to said by public
vendue, upon tlie pri'inisds, ncjtiaiu
L 0 T O F L A N T),
sitiinto 111 Hemlock tnxxTishi l'ikui I, n.ijnitiinj l.(in!
Aaron Mllhi on lb j iiurili. ii.-i Vx bit-night on tiu
east, Miithias U'Jiitsiilht tn i .'.i, and others,
Lais the csuie rfsald il -.-. -U, niaiile in tliu town,
ship of ILnilotk nud county ii..i.sod
, .1 XC il HVHitLV, Clotk.
117 I 'rim iuiiiIp known in, ,' , of mils.
Jc)HH. I.VAXU, AdiiiinlstratOL
ll'.ootnshurg, Septoiubcr .'d. lot'J.
roi.i:.iii.i (durvTY
Th' IU. i
A th iiliar d
ft i.,.niit
M tli" mi'iiiibia
n 1 1 1 .,x l' d " m 111 i
l.'jlil. Mill, ll'l M V (It (1)5 tf (htt'lai-,
H X t 1 b ' r i III A ll ii
t ui i u xllTuS Ik i
August J. loiii.
WAR KffilfS.
, Gen, JIcCr.r.Li.AN ha3 changed his Iloatl
Qunrlcrs from Sharpshurg lo near Har
per's Ferry. Ho states that, our loss iu
' hilled, wouudud and inissing, in tho lato
battlo of Antiotan and South Mountain, is
j 11,701. Rtibel loss about 30,000 1
Valuable Real Estate
In pursuance of au order of tho Or
phans Com t ofCoiumbia county, on Sat
urday Iho llth dny of October next, ut
10 o'clock in tho forenoon, Stephen II.
Miller Guardian of the minor children of
tfobulon R. Ores lato of Rlsom township
in said county, deceased, will espoje to
sa'o, by Public Vendue, upon tho piinmcs,
a certain plantation or tract of land situa
te, in Mount Pleasant Township Cohi.i.bia
coutity, coti' one hunmcd nud keveu
toon ncrca nud ono hundred nud forty
one perches Rounded by lands of Dan
iel Mordiin, John Mordan, George Apple-
man and ethers whereon in troctcd a
two ttory i'rntno dwelling house and a
Ha tik Hani. Somu Fruit Trees on the
pro lrtiiCK.
L otho Eitito of said dcccnped.f-ituate iu
tlio towuihip of. Mount Pleasnut and counv
ty afo csaid.
Terms madf known on dnv of alo.
; II. MILLER, Guardian.
Hloomsburg, cpt. 17, 180;.'.
Th" subscriln r oilers for sale or rent.tle two follow
Ing farms, one uf tli-m situate in I'ishingcroek luwit
ship, Columbia county, rontaioilug
-.Tjs more or lea, about fil'ty-fivo acres of xx hit I;
1-iSr'l is clear d laud, xx lieroou nro erected a good
.UB?B. Two riiory 11.7.1L' DIIXLUXO 1IOUW
nmi HtJ.yi: IS.UW, Wagon House, Corn Crib, nnd
other outbuildings,
0.SO: Ono other rami, situntoln llenton toxvuship,
Coluinbia county, coiitaiiiiug
Jl3 Acres, nbout Tlilrty-l'ix'O Aci? nf xvhirh 1.4
re jjo rli tired laud, xvUerenn nro trccted'n I'U.IMh.
hR !i inrr.Li.ixci novsr., filimi: v.ikx, nn.t
sSiIili- other oiitbuiltlings. raid Tarm is sjtnate oil
Uaviiig Crecs, al out two tnlUs above SlitJ Water.
..M).--Two oth'r small Lots, situate In ri-hin;
creek tow nslilp lying on I'lslilngcreoK ltc r.d, ami one
mile from Rill WaUr. one containing rolMl ACIi'S,
anil the oth:r n Toxxli Lot, and good building on cacti
of th.uu. ty"'l'oiuisandcoiiditioniiiado known bv
william inri,i:it
lisliinscreclc, Aujust 30, 1302.
Double Siuct, Forly-E gkt Columns.
Publiilnd every Morning, (llxeept l'unilsys,)by Win.
W. Ilnnlm?, N'n Ul .miU 1 lnnl direct, l lnta.l
elphia, I'j. Tho Rrt-nto t neivspaper of i'hil.i.lelplna I
The trying times i f the nation's history in wliit'li w o
livt... render a Llxo enspaperl an intlispelisablu to
ox-ery limn xxlio woullk-ep hlmsilf infciined of (h )
important i xenls which nro daily transpiring Tij
fiiruifh a nutier whnli w ill incct'flia Hist Hxniri.-iti.. i
of tlie public lu wui-ii n time as ihc pre.nt, retpiircs uu
iiiiioiinl of labor and op'M ran rdi nary expense of xx liirii
me roiuiuuniij al I irg-' Have iioionccptliui. Tlie pub
;: vniL.iDr.i.vni.i ixiiutnr.n,
lia spared no clfort or mutiny to make it ull that ic
emit. I b" iiuttle. Il sides improving mid strengthening
th,! hoiiie foici! tlursug th i pa-t year, acvcrnl uf Ilia
bes-t lleporters and 'l.iiter x riti rs iu the country h -
be n si nt, .il gre t exp nse-., xx up tho Army and Navv
and h.ive fre'iuentli given the puhlicthc tir-.t nnd fail
est accounts by I, kgruph n id by mull, of important
IWF.XTS AT Till: SF.AT OF If A 11.
Thu Inquirer was tho first northern paper to cm l lie
nccouut t f Hie II. uterus und Port l.oyul x (clones, und
w,m twelve hours iu lulvaiicu of any pjper in the conn
try. in its publication of the t!eia(ls of the Hull Ilun
Unite. hat The Impnrer tins done, is bi.i an t arii.-st
of what will be dono. in order to give its readers aud
best annuls of cveiy event uf Interest louueilt u in
V; an fat ni:nr.Li.iox,
and al Ihe saiue time have it maintain it r jputatiiin as.
the b jt general new spaper in tl d conrtry.
Tin- increase, in ihe circulntinu of iho 'liopiirer du
ring lb" year, is tlie hesi ex Monro of tl.j oi nt w
w !u. h ihe pul'lii. rely upon it for Hi; new s of th u,ix
It iircul.ition lia tt'i raged for several tuoothy past
oyr.ii Tiro liuxnnt.o ruoifs.ixi) cotilsi
a Wfck, or nearly forty thousand n day . nud it li.u,
during the year, iu tiuus of e.xci:jini nl, reached ox el
seventy thousand a tlay-lesting thu cni,icity t f inn
fast press to the utiuo t to supply thr dem.tiid. I; e nu
iiioucetltliu Nexv Year with new nnd beautiful copper
fared typo, und xvitli reiiexxed vl'cr t.n.1 uctix it y mi it
Kox" s in;. I departinents.
The Inquirer k iinlepeudrni in politic-.
5 y I'rirea ul w Inch tho l'hiladeiphial s.piircr is fur
nished : -Single copies Two Cents, or twuixe cans
week; Daily Paper S i p t anniiiu,' in udx-tnee- Two
inriiitlis 31 ; Tri-Weikly SI. All letters she ild bu if
dressed to WW. W. HAIiDIN'fi, Publisher,
Inipiirt.r Uuildiug, I -'I ri.nuli Third tl-
May 10, 1?02. Phii,m.i,l.iii, l'.x
Ac cut ate ci.d Liff;Liko i'ortrils
Wnnre now- publisliinca series of unique nnd I .If',
like l'orlrails of the l)itingiiishi d .Men of tliu
Tinis-iMiibracing Military and Vjxul Olllccrs, Moiob tt
of Congru', Civilians. i.c Tliey nru fine lino eugiu
viugs, oxeiutcl b superior style, nnd prepnr'd from
tlie latest I'l'otographs, inuiiy of xxhiili Jiavc 'i 'en ob
liiinud i xpressly for this collection, Ilcing printed uu
cards of th" same sir." us the "Cnrtes tie Viuto." Hi y
lire adapted to the Photograph Alliums, ur cm he s 'ill
lo distunt I'll, mis by mail
These portraits are sopc rinr to anv noxv In fh mar
kit, and nro reiimkabio for tho I' null
w lib Ii thu likelier s Is portiayod. When purchasiii"
b caretul to ini).iire for n'a Card Portrait-, I'rui,
it) cents em h, or twenty rpii- for ono dollar,
OVIiVht by mail, pojit-paid, on reci ipt of the p,'i e
WH havo now rendy, cf our oxvn mn.iufin inre r.
rouiplntuund oMeiisiro itssrrtuieiit uf l'liutorai h Al
bums, inadn of the very b t materials, and t .pial if
not superior, iu stylo nml finish, in uny now lu th
markt t, whilst they lira Ort'. fed at lower prices,
liny olliers. Thu Sasortmeiit cmupritis scvcrul new
xnrmres, ns w ell us uSxv designs and clasps. H. r)
Allium is furnl.Led x. illi alltk-l'a;oaiid mdui, punt ,
ill gold.
1'ubllnhcd by
Kill I hestmit Htjeel, Philadelphia
Aav.XTn r.AXTF.p,
April 2J, lf02-lm.
t1 IMA!)i:it SAI'K.S, ur
MOVKl) tn .Vj. V South WvrtS
S'rittt, J'hUaJeti'kia, havo mii
unit it large ntiirtiiint of riro
I ! Irnn ilftnrs, I'nr Imnlra nti.l
atnr -n. I mil ctnHI,ri iiom nli nil
inaKes uf locks equal to any rnaJo
in llio United Ht.itcs.
Firr Safe in our f.r). Ml came out right; vith cc -tcatg
in road ccntiition.
Tiu Ms.'iu.iar.ili'r t:irtn of IMiilaiklnhiA nsauist t o
liavo l,nd the siucst denn strntitm in tt;e following oer
, liiliate tl.nt their maiiufutttire of sj&uniiit,dir, s Ii s
at length fully warranted the rep.-e's -nti Hons xxhlch h o
Ii 'en nut, In of ihuix us reiiilerina' uu undoubted s-cuu.jr
. usninsl the terrific elemt ut,
I Philadelphia April 13. 1V).
.Iftssrs F.ran) S; ll'atiow flentlemeu - It ntl'ords
tho hliihesl satisfaction to nuto ,tu you, thst imttisj io
I the xtry protective 'puilities nftno of tin Balamu i.1i r,
j .ufos wh ii It wo punlused of you i-gme ilvo mouth sinco
w saved n large pnrllon of Jex.. dry, uud all our book ,
iC expocd In lljj cnliiinmous.llro ut Itanstend place on
the morning of tlio llth iusl,,
When wo reflect Hut trios snfes xx-oro Incntsd in the
, f-.urfli sfnry oflhe liinldiiig xx'u ntcupi d mil that i'i y
I fell sulisc-quernl) iuion htap ofliunnag ruius, w her tho
, xssi ooncMiilrntion of ih h. bi e,.ie,l ihe br.isr plates Its
In dt, xve oaliiiol but regard the nr. i ,'rvntion of tlwir xn
nnlilu contents as most convincing i ru-f of tlu jreal sc
I curity ntl'urdtU by your sares.
I Wu shall tako great pi. iiiiiw in roci'inmctuliiig ihem to
i men of butines as a sura reliant' ngainst nr.
I UHOitGi; V. tcHMMOXBlt Illtl)., .Urlltr$,
1 r7"Thoy linvu since purchasad U large fafi .
JulyW, imit. AnutSl). leiO
i .
I yWllMJlF ' 1 f Cl" "' ,W" 1 1,1 "
" 1 " "I il
Xl I', I I
i.' II l: nrd -
tj "' cju ir r
Iiikoui.ijuiii Jumj ,
vis - ;(..s
rtssanmtsm mnimrm