VSr" y.ff7 Tlio Great I'auso of HUMAN MISERY. Juit Published in a Staled Envelope t Vrlco 0 eta : t leoturb uy Db. culverwell, on tub CAUSE AND CUIin of SpermaturrhiM, Consumption, dental anil Physical Debility, Nervuuaness, Epilepsy ; I pilicn Nutrition of tho Ilody ; Lassitude j W eakneso of the Limbs nnd thu Hack; Indisposition, nnrf Inca pacity for Study and Labor i Dullness of Apprehension; loss of .Memory i Aversion to society! Love of Soli. Mil i Timidity ritlf-Dlslrust ! Dizziness Headache; jiiiecuons 01 me i.yia i riuipiea on inn r nee I invoiun i.v Emissions, and Bexual Incapacity; tho conse auc.,"e of Vouthful Indiscretion, kc. he. It I'h's r.l.nltnblo Lciture clcarla nrnvea that tha olio" enumerated, often aelf-nflllctcil, ovlla may bo re moved without medicine nnd without dangerous sargl cal operational nnd ahould bo rend by every man In tha and. Sent under eal, tonny addles?, inn plain! aealcd envelope, on the receipt of tlx ccnta, or two postage atainpa, by addressing nr. CIIAS. J.C KLINE. 1S7 llowery, Now York, l'oat Offlco Hot, 4388. February 8, IHO'-'. April 20, 11:01 TRUNKS I TRUNKS 1 1 TUG lorgest, beat hamlsom cat nnd cheapeat assort incnt of Solo Lenlhcr olld Riveted Traveling Trunks. Mies' Bonnet ,y Drai Trunk Children's C'onchea, Propel ler leather and Carpet lingo Tacking Trunks A.C. itc, a THOMAS V MATTSON'8. Celebrated London Trlie Medal Improved aheet spring aoiu, sold Leather Trunk inanurnclory, wo, wi mamo st, en, f autli west corner I'ourth and Market, Phllad'n. August l! l7-tf. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. rpiin undereiirne.l rcapcctttilly inform their friendi I. ami tin? nubile central! v. that thev havo entered in to ro pnrtnerlilr- tinder the name, style and firm of kill t fit jT, rv'l1!? In It.. Iflcvcanli Jftiisiiic.ss, In the "Old Arcade," in Illoomsburg, Columbia co., where they intend carr ylng on the buaincaa of oenc mi. Merciiandizino. In all lis divcralllcd branches and dcpnttmriits. nnd to which they Invito an oxtenalon of me puouc patruuuge. 1 s. ii miller. FRED'K 0. EYER. Hlonmhurs, May 11, 1801. If. msimss mm rTMIEPronrn.ii"orthls well-known and centrally lo L ted House, tin. Exi-hanue Hotel, situate on Mai OtrJ-t in Hloonnburt, I'iiiii dl.ltely ipposito the Colum tn. I'ouiny l nuri uouso, ruspecuuiiv miornii wo menu o' ii. nubile in it' ncral. tint his limine Is now In o t'er i.r the reception nud entertainment of travelers who v feel disposed to fuvor it with their custom. lie has v red no expense in propatlng the Exi-iianoe, for the ,o lalunietit of his guests, neither shall thcro be nnv- tHini wanting (cn his part) to minister to their personal rnmiori. ms noitse is spacious uuu enjoys au execuen businei.ii ctlon. cry Omnibuses run at all times between the Exchange noici anuinc various uuu una-i iiepots, ny wnicn irnv clers will be pleasantly convoyed to nnd from Iho rc spcctlvo Stations in due time to meet the Cars. VM. 1). K00N3. Bloomsburg, July 7, 18C0- The Monitor 'ONTO RICHMOND' J, J. BROWER, Has just received and is now opening a Splendid assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Queonswaro, Cedar waro, Mackcral, Cheese, etc., which will bo sold at the lowest figure for ready pay. His Dry Goods consists in purt of Fino Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassiiucrcs, Fine Opera Cloakings at 1,50 per yard Stella Shawls from 81,50 to S7, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep herd s Plaids; Printed Chalies, Em hroidorcd Madonnas, Embroidered Mozaiubiques, Poil Do Chcvres, etc , etc. Calicoes at 0, 7, 8, 10 and 1U cents. Muslins, one yard wido at 12 eta. Skeleton Skirts, from 50 cents to S2,00 HIS GROCERIES consists in part of best white sugar at 1 2 A cents. A. No. 1 Syrup Molastes, 50 cents per gallon. Ladies' aud childrens' high-heeled boots and gaiters a full assortment. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Eicht day, and thirty hours, Nos. 1 J 2 MacUarclin Quaiterand Half Jewels. COAL OIL LAMPS. A splendid assortment of Coal Oil Lams cheap. Ely's water proof gun caps, powder and Shot, il'e., &c, &c. Come, see and judge for yourselves, and you will be satislicd that Brow cr's Store at the Corner of Main and Iront-treets, is the place to perchato Cheap Coods for Caah or Country produce. Hloomsburg, iViay'Jl, lcG3. ALLEN & NEEDLES' SCrER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, THE STANDARD MANURE, Unentailed by any other in the market j always the same in quality, ami iiivanauiy iu uu rcuco vn us ina lure of standard excellence. Fries 313 per "000 lbs f2i rtnxi per lb.) Its continued success for so many years past is tlio best guarantee the former has that lie is buying a genu ine article, Our Super-Phosphate of 1. 1 me is uniform in its chemical constituents, and always to be relied on. JILL EN tj iV E ED LE S' Ev the introduction of new and Improved machinery In our works, wo have materially Increased our facili ties for manufacturing this article. The cost of pro duction being lessened, wo extend to our customers tha benefit accruing. '1 liu retail prico is now $'J3 per -'000 poun.-lf. We believe it to be the best aud cheapest 21a uuruiu use, I PERUVIAN. We sell none but No. 1, recclvod direct from the Peruvian Government, lot ulun.-A very superior article, received direct from tho Island. ri.ASTEl!. (iround Plaster a superior articlo, packed ill good strong barrels. Il() LS.-Ilu:tcn Makers' Bono Dust aud Ground Bones. Warranted l'uro, D3"A liberal deduction made to dealers in tha abova articles. ALLEN & NEEDLES, SI tioutli Wharves and 41 South Water Street, Uttt Smrt -line Cicitiwt,) l'liiladi Iphia. August S3, ItOJ-am. TO WUOM IT MAY COXCKRN. Having made such arrangements, as enables me to procure at onco. Pensions, liouuty Moup) Hack Pay, fee., I beg to cull the attention of those interested, to thu following ; AlldUablod Bnldles, tho widows or minor children of aoMitrs, who die, or have been killed in the service, nro entitled to pensions. The widowsorothir legal heiraof soldiers who havo died or been killed in Iho smvico.ara entitled to thu $100 Bounty. N. II. All claims aro carefully examined by tha De partment, and it is of the lit most Importance to claimants toempto) regular and experienced counsel, if they wish to avoid delay. All casea entrusted to my car", aro at. tended to at once, and all letters answered by return mall, anil no charge Is made, until thtt Pension i f.rntitil N. U. Persona entitled to tint 6100 llountv, cuu havo ! their claims cashed on application at myolflco. Ally's Pension Agents, writing for blanks, aud requetlte in. structlons, also persons wishing information to enablo theui to lobate lands under thu provisions of Iho lata Homestead Act, should enclose ii feo. Address, M.A.CANDKHS.Ky.at Lna. Juno'J, ltuj-3in. (Jreensburg, i'enn'a. PROPOSALS. THE undorsigded, Commissioner of Co lumbiacounty will receive proposals at Blooms burg until III" 20th ins., for six days cooked provisions consisting of bread and Boiled Meat, for abont too men WM. SILVER, Commissioner, Bloonitburg, Sep. 13, ltO'J. JOLINE & LEE, No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. ROIK JTIAK12RS AUD SHIP C HANDLE Ii S, slpua Cottenfor Caulking, Ropos. Twinss.Tar, fitcb, O&kutu, llloiks, and Otrs, Ac. Auiust i, li-lvm, ILLUMINATION IN ORANGE VILLE. Spring Croods At Fritz's Store, ORANOEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., PA. 'B'ho unucrsigucd una just rcccivoa a 1 larea and select assortment of choice Sarins and Summer Gonda, Hhlcli will bo sold cheap for cash or country prolines. His stock cunsists of Ladles Ureas Uoui's, choicest styles and latest fashlona. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINT JFROM 7 TO l'-Jjcts A YARD. Gassiincrs, Satinets. Cottonndcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, fyc. READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, yucenswaro, Cederwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Painti, &o. BOOTS & SHOES nATS & GAPS. In short everything usually kept In n country store, Tha pntrunagc of old frends, and the public generally, ii solicited. May 3, led WILLIAM FRITZ. SIM. LOW PKICESJiULE I JtTew Goods At Crrasy's Storo, in Light Street, Pa. FIRST OF THE SEASON1 FIRST TO K&SirSE BEIGES ALL KIND! OP GOBS ! A IBIS STOS&U DESIRABLE STYL ES AND THE BEAUTY OF IT ALL IB WE CAN AND WILL SELL AT ! LOW PRICES, CALICOE , MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELC, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Madc Clothing. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, . Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Toba ceo, Separs, Hats, Boots, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, &c We havo a large assortment of filack and fancy Silk? which we aro selling at reduced ptices: Black Silks fo ri7i cenu, worth SI. I". nlsn fur SI.HO worth SI.".'' Wo nro selling our best prints for I'H cents per yard the best in tho market, all fast colors. A yard wid unblearhcd muslin at l'.'l cents equal to New Market Three quarter yard wide unbleached niutihiatti toll cents a yard, In addition to our largo stock of Dry Coods, we have a large and full assortment of Ready Madu Clothlnt for )wn and Uoys wear which we nro determined ti sell cheaper thm can bo bought clsawhcrc. Call ane see, and Jndgo for yourselves. II. W. CREASY & CO. Light Street, Pa . April 20. 1802. NEW A1UUVAL OF Spring and Summei AT PETER ENT'S STORE, W IJOllT STllEKT, COLUMBIA COUXTY, PA, HAS just received from Philadelphia, and is nov opening at tho old stand lUe'y occupied by Marl ti Ent, a splendid assortment of KSRfijH ASA I2E which will be sold cheap for 0 ASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. e stock consists of Ladles Dross Goods choicest styli 6 latest fashions. Salicoes, Muslin3, Ginghams, gaunels, Carpets, s bawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Casmercr Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kcntuoky Jeans, Thread, &o. Groceries, Queonswaro, Cedarwaro, Hardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, nrtrkT'cj t, otTrfPa tt a mo f n t no iUUIO CC OUUliiO, JIAJb CC UAl'o In short everr thin? tunnllr kent in n rnuntrv stnrn The patronage of old frienda, and tho public general Iy. is rcsneclfuliv solicited. Tho hlshet market price paid for country produrn, Light Street, Mny 3, 1802. IE1J.R E..1, ESTATE NOTICE. COLUMBIA COIWTY, SS: In tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia coun ty, nforesaid, inter alia, it Is thus contained ; Benjamin llahm No. 23 May Term, If 02, Von. . , . 1 ditloni Exponas. Money paid John P Levnn und finto Court, and now to wit: William Ooodtnan. J Mnyl), 1H.2, on motion or Mr. Hurloy theCourt oppointed John O, I'roeze. Esq., nil ditor, to make distribution of the money raised on tha sale of tho Real Estate of John P, Lovan on tho above twn writs of Vend. Exponas. llv the Coi'Rt, Certified from the Records May Id. lrii'2. JACOII EYERLY, TroUPy. Per .Michael V Everlv. Deputy, All nersnns Interestadwllltakannilrniliiti ihim.i.. signed oppointed auditor, by the Court of Common Pitas of Columbia county, to make distribution of tho money raiseu ny me sale ot mo ileal Estate of John p linraoiK liniilrti. claims nn the said fund are hereby requested to maku iiieit tiaiiua ocioru aaiu auouur or uo uenarrecl from Oaiiuginon said fund, JOHN O, FREEZE, luJiiar, Eloorasburg, June 7, 1802-4 BLANK SI BLANKS! ! Of orery dtnoription, for sal at tlilsoffioo Lovau. by virtue of the abovo stated Venditioni Expo. ' nas, will intend at the Recorder's Olllce, in Illoomsburg, I on Thursday the 2Iat day nf August, 18b2, fur the pur, 1 pose of making tho distribution. All tiaraum Imiri,,,. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. ruBLisimo iiy n. afpleto t co. 4-13 andWb liroadway, New York. The following worksnro acnttoSub'crltierslnanypaT of thu country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or rxoreas ptepaid : TUG NEW AMERICAN 0YCLOPX01 Al A popular Dictionary of (icneral Knowledge. Edited by (Iforoe ,.,, v i tut CitAnij..a A. Dana, aided hv u numerous so leet corps of writer in nil branches ot Sclencics. Art and Literature. This work is being published In about 13 large oitnvo volumes, each cunlnlnlng 750 two colmu rages. Vols. 1 to Mil Inclusive, aro now ready.cach riintalulnc near 4,3ik), uriglual articles. An additional volume wil be published once In about three months l'riee, in Cloth, H!iccp,S3 5J; HalfMor., SM Half ti.. (.. oi All pne.U. The New American Cyclnpmdla is popular without f ee ing siiperdclal, lonmed but not pednnlc, coniprehenaivo but sunklcntly detnllcd, free from personal pi-pia rind party prejudice, fresh nnd yet accurate. It Isn cmnpleto stnteun-nt ofnll that Isknown upon every Important tup le with tho copo ofliuiunn Inti'lllgi'tico. Every Import, ant uttltlo In It has been specially written for Its pagas hymen who aro Authorities upon lliu toplcan which they speak. They nro rcnulrcdto bring tho subject up tn the present inouicni 10 aiaxe juri now ii sianus vow .m tlio statistical inforinatlonisfrnm tho latctl reports ; tho eeographical accounts keep raco w Itli tho latest explorn r... . . l.l.tnrli-nl tiinltvra Inrlililo Ilia freshest lust views the biographical notices not only speak of tho dead, but also of thu living. It Is n library ofitsolf. AnnmnCMKNT OF TIIK 1ILDATE OF iOI1 Krm . IIUIHK political hlsti ry nf the United Ktntes, from the organiza tion of tho first Fcdernl Congress In l?t)!l to lMo. Edit ed ntul complicu oy lion, i uomas ii. hentos irom nnlMi nii-nril. nf fntiirroM. Tho work will bo compiled In 13 royal octavo volumes of 730 pageseach 11 ot Miitcn are now reany. ah iui.h iAnn, ....titnin ivilllm nnhtUlio.l nnrn til lllrna months. Cloih. S3i Law rJhp. SJ3UJ Half Mor,. ti Hulf Calf 81 50 each. A V7VY OF I-nOOURINa THE CYCLOl'.EDIA, m'.iiATr.M. OR n rlnli nrfnnp. nil, I riMiilt thf. nrlce of four bonks, and flvo eoplos will ba nuit attlioremlltor'a expene for carrlnge.or for ten siibserlbirs eleven copies will be sent ai our cxpcue ior cuirniKi-, TU AUl'.iNXH. No other works will o lihernlly reward tha exertions of Agents. An Auest Wantid ti this County. Terms made known on appllcutmn to the 1'ublishers. Nov. a I, istiu. TTIIE undcrslgneais also extensively engaged In the i .u"llfrtakinz Butlncm, and keeps constantly on hand nd for sale at his Wnrorooins, a large nssortmont of FINISHED COFFINS, By which ho la enabled to till orders on presentation Also-Keeps n good Horse and Hcarso, and will at al times bu ready to attend Funerals. SIMON C. SII1VE. Bloonisbivrg, January 20. 1S59 Fire Proof esu!it ttv ulc 1 lot of superior Fine Proof Cemfnt, especially adap a ted for Ocmenting Roofs. One gallon will cover 100 feet of ordinary rooting, and i insured proof ngainst rain and wet weather. Can bo had at manufacturers prices, by the gallon or half barrel, at tho ollice'ef tho Columbia Democrat. LEVI L TATE. Iiloonisburg, July 13, 1801. GIBSON'S t&sftSS DEfORATIF KSTABIslSUKIENT, No. 125, South Eleventh Stroct near Walnut, Enameled Glass, l'resco, Oil ond Encntislic Pnintlng Joiim GinsoN. o. H Gibsoh. January 12. IrSGl-3m.. "THE UNION," Arch Street, Abate Third, P n I A D E LP H I A . THE situation of this Hotel renders it one of the most convenient for thoso who tiro visiting Philadelphia m business; while to thoso in search of pleasure the constantly passing and repassing City Railway cars mil those in close proximity, afford it cheap and pleas! int ride i to all places of interest and amusement In or tbout tho city. Tin! proprietor gives assuranco that -The Union" -hall hu kept with such character as will inert public ipprWatiou, and would respectfully solicit, general tint S' . , , UPTON H NEWCOMER. February 23. ieC0-12ui. Proprietor PttlSUMOTII &. BROTHERS, WUOLESALE rOBACCO DEAL ERf l0. 105, NORTH THIRD STREET Five doorslielowRure. PHILADELPHIA BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, PICTURE GALitEBY 'till', undersigned informs the citizens of flloom and nHghborliood, that ho has taken tho large room nthe Exchange lllock, extending over Missr.i. Stoner : Fox's nukery, und the Uookstom where he has put in large Sliylip 1 l. It is onlv bv Skylight that (jnod pic ires can but .to- espuinlly gionps v.lKre euih per.on in be taken ist ns wrll as s pirate, ilihasgon to lonsiilcrnble i-xp'iiso tn make his e. blls'i in-ni first class tin , ami ho th riforu snliciti n una. (,.nru ,s i'ii.iuiij nun, to ontisiatlliy IlltrOiiUCf the iiiode i iiuprnvemi tits nf tin art. Coun produco tultcn In Exchange fnr pictures HEN'.lY ROSENCTUCK. P.Uomfburg, Nov. 23 ISfJi. Nov. 0 'J GILL & PAUL, General Coiumissioii Wercuauts, . DEALERS IN isn, irovisions, riour, uutter, Cheese, Oils, Dried ......, ucvug, ui;uiie, tVIUBKCy, IVOOl, Country Produce and Merchandise generally. No. 34 Noam Wharves, PntLADstniiA, E5 Consignments of Provisions, Flour and Country roiluce solicited, nnd returns promptly made. Cash vnnced viIihh desired. ORDERS for nil kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour, ried Fruits. &.c tilled at the lowest Caah Prices. August I, ltC0-12in, SloreRemoved, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hat and Cap Stove. Iheiinderslgnei! :especiruily Informs the cltlrens of loonisburg, and the public In general, that he has re .nycd the AW HAT STOJtK, into tho house? on -Iain 8 rcet, nearly opposite his late stand, unera le has JUBt received o splendid assortment of CITY HATS AN J CAPS, Olivet from the Manufucpirics.of all kinds, styles, sort, mil siz?s, latest fash nns. which be olT rs wholesale and etail, at very low prlcis. These Goods will be told at very lowpriccs lor ' Zinlrg. April 19, 18C2. J"N K C"tTOT- Jf9ew Goods AT BisePs Old Stand, 'PIIE subscriber has received his SPRING STOCK OF .uuna, wiuiii no oilers nt lair prico, To Hut. tor Makers, ho would say, bring it fresh and wo will uiiiaiiu iricu, a ivo nuvua rnutrattnt FORTRESS MONHOE. which must be fulfilled, nnd wo can afford ro pay an extra prico. We hnvo changed our Express day to Ihursday. Persons having good vrnl and calves, will iiiikiiiviii in ou iveuucsuay evening oroarly on Thurs' day morning , N. McCAY. Jerseytown, May 17. 18M-3t. NATRONA EOAL OILI WARRANTED NOV EXPLOSIVEI and equal to any KEROSENE. WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a few rents mors per gallon will fuihisli you with a perfect Oil I Mmtfioiihli'i PA. SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 127 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Feby. 2J 180J, I your. rJiIIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DAXriLLE, MONTOUIl COUATY, PA. Entertainment fr Man and Ilcast, in good style and at moderate rates. CHARLES N, 8AVAOU, PrePrlstor. DsnTiJU, April 19, IfjOS. PIIII'DELPHIA k ERIE K A I L 2FL p A D. ' I EN (I.VANIA RAIL ROAD C0 LESSEE. On and nftrt Monday May3th, IfOi, time at Norllium betland Stall' i will be asfullows l .curs If 'lirnrii. 1 tatluard. Express tl n a. m.i Express 11 W r. it Mall 4 18 I'.M I II 10 01 a ii Slroping Van on MrIU Trni.is riolh ways between Wllliamspurt nudlialtltnore, and on the l'cimsyl-'.nla Railroad between Harrisburg and Philadelphia On M.iilTraln In both dlrrctlnnaaCar goes through via. Peiihaylvunia Rnll Road without chaugu t etwecu l'hlladclplua and I.uclc Haven. BA'lUI'li l llliAl.n, Sup'tEantern Dlviiion, May 21, ieC2. CaKawlssn Hail Itoad. PASS llUrEUT 8TATJON, BOUTIIWARD HOUND TRAINS. Philadelphia & N. Y, tlall 1033 A. M " " Express 12.23 A. SI NORTHWARD HOUND TRAINS. Elmlrn Mail 3.41 P. M Ninrrn Express 10.13 P. M riiil.itlrliiliia & Heading Kail Koad. WINTER A II hA NG EMU NT 17m, Mara nf if 0P rASSEVOER TRAINS. it.VS?S2:-n TV W November I, IH0I, (Passing Rendlni:) Down'tn Philadelphia, at 0,2U and 11 A M, 13 noon, ami I P M. Up. to Pottsvillc, at 10,30 A M, nnd 5,43 P M. WESP, TO LLIIANON AND IIAItRISllURO ! Western xpresa from New York, at 1,07 A M. Mull I'rnins. at 10.33 A M. mid 3..I3 P SI. I On Sundays, the Down A M Train passing Reading, nt u,.ii a ..ii uuu or imiiii uiu,iii i i.i. tloth 10,50 A M and 3,4.1 P M, up Trains connect at Port "Union for Tamaquit, Willlamsport Emira, Hull, nln. Niagara nnd Canada. The 10,30 A SI, Train only connects at Port Clinton for Wllkcsbarre. Scrautnii und Pulsion. Tho Western Express Trains i onnict nt Hnrrlsburg with Express Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad for riiishiirs. and all nolnts West: and the Mall Trnluo scuuectnt Harrisburg for Lancaster, Chamberxburg, dhubury, Willlamsport, i-ocK naven, Elmira aim th CiiiLidaa. Through I'lrst-Claas Coupon Tickets, nnd Emigrant Tickets nt reiiucu t ares, in nu ine principal points in thi- Nnri i unit ui'n. nun ma innaou'. COMMUTATION TICKBTS. With 2(1 Coupons, 23 percent discount, between any points tiestreu, MILEAGE TICKETS, (3nol fir 2000 miles, bi twecn .ill points, tS13-for r.i.nlllL.s ami tikisiiit!s I inn. and btaott 7icrts. eooiI for the lioldt'r only, for three mofiilis, in nuy I'nssi'iigi r train to rmlali'lplilu, ul s woarli. bciimui amson i ick a,m ,m. till rit l.lKtt. u- Passon? t will Uka tho Exprcs Train West, nt tin UPPI'.lt DEPOT, aud all olln.'r Trains, at tlio LOW ER I) U POP. bO lbs of bancago nllowic each piiscnger ITS" i lusunii'M are ri"iueated to purchase thelrTIck rts b.'I'oro entering tho cars, as higher 1'ares charged if paid in cars. llntralns lra"o llhiladelphiafor Reading llnrrtsburg ... a1.. J A 1 '1 I i It 1 nit.t n. Oil 1 t f... ailU I HUB V III W U. W ' 1U U. A Ul IUI llivt.lliia onlv. Cy- Exclusion Tickets, good for one day, by 0,02 A, M, Accommodation Train to Philadelphia nnd return at 82 fU each. a, n it-ut.ai, General Superintendent, January 4, IBli2. Lackawa'.iii.i & Rlonmsbiirg iiailroai "VN AND APTI'R NOVEM.23, 1801. PAS3ENGER VJ TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING SOUTH. Freight 4 Paaenser, Passenirer. Lcavo Scranton, " Kingston IPoomsburg ' Rupert, " Danville, Arrive nt Northumberland, M O V 1 N a Lcnve NorthumberlaHd, ' Danville, " Rupert, lllnomsburg 11 Kingston, 0.30. 12.13 P M H.31 S.40 II 13 10.00 NOItT II 4.30 P. M. 3.10 S.43 5.37 B.II0 Leave 9.00 P. 31, 1.43 P. 3.40 M Arrive nt Scranton, A Passenger Train nlsoleaves Kingston nt 8.3 OA. M fnr Scruiiton.to connect with train fur New York. Re turning, leaves Scranton on arrival of Train from Now Vnrk nt .1.13 1'. Al. The Lackawanna nnd Illoomsburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, i.iicKawaiinn ami western lUliro.m ni - cranton. tur .Now York anil liitermcilinle points easl At ll'ipitrt it connect' with the I'nttnwissauai roau.lor points both eul and west. At Northumbcrlaml it coniieits w Ith the Philadelphia & ErieR. 11. andN. C R. R. for points west and south, JOHN P. II.SLEY, Sup't J. C. Wells, Oen'l TieUtAgn Nov.30, 18111. W. WIRT ESQ. NOW occupies ITtintiiTst's brick the room up stairs In front in Mr. building, on Main Street below tho American llouso. A must convenient omce ; ww-rc lie will bu happy nt all times to see his friends and clients, liloomsburg, Nov. "J, 18bl, 3ui. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. 1'IIE subscriber would inform his friends, that lu is now prepared to put up, on short notice, and in a scientific manner, the best PLATIA'A rOlX-TKO LiailTXLW KOUS, at 12; cents per foot, All work warranted E. II. IIIDLEM AN. llloomsburi, Mny 24, 1I10. 'I HE undersigned, hnving opened a new HOOT AND I Slid' SHOP, on 'lain street, in llopkinville, East Hloomsburg. respei tfully inviti'i, the t ustom of Ihf citi zens and tint public generally. All kinds of Hoots, Shoes. &c , will b; promptly mado to order, ou short notice aid moderate terms. From long experience in his line nf business h.i flatters himself that he will be able to give general HJlisfactiou to utl who may fuvor him with their custom. tC7 Grain, Provision and Produce generally taken in exchange for work. B. F. BROOKS, Illoomsburg, July tl,lSGI-3m. NP 'G 0 B 5 N I HI IT BTilS $2 MAT, a-. E, corner I'hird and Do'-fc Streets, PIULADtlLPA I A, Hats innde to order, of any Style or Qanlity ut Short Notice. January 4, 1EG2. tlm. USTBii HO ! KIi, Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Courtlandt Street, NEAR I1ROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. This old-established and favorite resort of the Busi ness CoiiHuuuity has been recently refitted, nu J is com plete in ever) thing that can niitiuti'r to the comforts of its patrons Ladies und families arc specially and care, fully provided for. It ii centrally located In the biHness part of the city, anil is contiguous to the principal lines of steamboats, cars, oiiinibiisses ferrii-s, &c, In coiiscqu, uco of tho pressure caused by the Rebel linn, prices have been reduced to One Dollar a d lijty C enls per Dai, 'I he tablo la amply supplied with nil the luxuries of ttijscason.andisequul to that ofuuy other hotel in the country. Aii.plo accommodations aro olfcred for upward of 400 ui i. t, Do not believe ruunsrs harkmcu, and others who may say "the Western Hot I is full " I). O. Wl.VUllESrER, Proprietor. TIIOH. I). WINCHESTER. F Ii 13 M J (Late White Swan,) PACE STKE12T, ABOVX THIRD I'llILADKH'IlIA. D. 0. saEGRISrT PnorniETon. Formtrltj out faille Hotel Lcbunon, Pa T, V. RIIOADS, CtERir, .March 21). ldiiil 18m. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. rHE undersigned would most respectfully announce tu thu ritni'iis of Hlnomsburg and vicinity, that iho hasjust received from the Eastern Citieshe SPRING AND SUl Mi L MILLINARY G O O v art of which she is prepared to nmkw rtasonable low figure. Her a-sortin nltlo superior inpoint of durability a T1"!: '"""yn'tered inthls section, She returns thanks for the iberal patrouagcihc has received, and respect, fully solicits u contluuanc of thu some. " HloomsMirB. Ma, 2i, 1802. FOK SEWIi Ma CHIM3S. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S ritizi; iri da l srooh iotion. 200 Si 500 yds. White, Blaok, & Colored For upper thread, aud Erooka- Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket, For Uiidcr thread. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country, Alio, in cases of 100 each, assorted Nos., by r .,, "Unas o.Mi-rii, sole Agent, M Vteey Strsst.Nsw Yrk, Wv, t, IMl 1 His 1 bread being made particularly for Sewine Ma. ehliies. s very Strong, Smooth and Elastic! ts strunglh is not .mniilref by waahing. nor by friction o the keedlo. For .Machines, uso brooks' Patent Olate AYER'S, 0ATHARTI0 PIXELS. Aro yon lick, feeble, and complslnlngl Are you cut of order, lth your aystom de ranged, and your fcullngs un comfortable! These symp toms aro often the proludo to serious Illness. Some fit of sickness Is cieeplng upon yon, and should be arertcd try timely uso of tho right rem. cdy. Take Ayar's I'llls and cleanse out the disordered hu mors -purify the bloodftind let the llulda niovo on uurA alruclsd In benltli again. They stlmulato tho functions ot the boity into vigorous nc- i tlrlly, purify the system from tl.A nbstruEtlolia nlliCll Uiolu) Clsesao, A cold ssttlss somcwhero hi the i struets lis natural functions, 'lhcie, If not relieved, react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro duclng gcnsral aggrarallon, sullor ng, and dlsuiMO. While In this condltlou, oppieasoil by tho derangements, i tako Ayer's Pills, and seo hoit dhec Iy t hey les ore tub . r --i r t.A b-.ium. Ami wltli It Uio buovsnt foellug or health again. What U true and so apparsnt lu this trivial nnd commou complaint, Is also tiuo ln mnoy of the deep-soatcd and dangsvous tllitempors. Theaamo purcatHo effect exptls them. Causod by similar oUariic tlons and derangements of the natural functions or tho body, they are rapidly, ond many of them surely, ciireil liy tbo same meana. None who know the vh lues of theso rills, will neglect to employ them nheu suffering rrom tho disorders they euro. ... , . . Statements fiom leadlnir physicians In tomo of the principal cities, and from other well known publls B. sons. i-ont a Fbmardino Merchant 'S. J.otn', 4, ISStt, Dn. Arrat Your Pllll are tho paragon of all that Is croat In medicine. They have cured my llttlo daughtor of ulcerous sores upon her hands nnd feet that had proved ineurablo for years. Her mother hai been long crlov-. ously nrfllctcil with blotches and plmplns on her sklu aud In hor hair. Artcr our child was cured, she also tried ,our rill, and they have cured hor.g JI0UQrm)aa As si Fnmlly Phyalo. JTirmt Dr. E. II. Chitwrlghl, Keu Orltart. .. . .. mi .1. P.k Yonr Pills are tlio princo oi purges. iiitnjkira, . qualities aurpass any cathartic we posssss. They ard j mild, but very certain and oncctnul In their actkm on 111 . bowels, which makes them lnraluable to us In lbs dally treatment of disease. I HendacIic.SlclilIemincIic.Ti'oul Htomnelt. iVeni Dr. Jilwai d Bead, Ballimnre. 1 DsarDro. Arziit I cannot answer you what complaints I havo cureJ with your Plll-i better than to say oil tlipt ws tier (ic if imW npwptitive medicine. I plnro great depou denro ou an effectual csthsrtlo In my dally contest with disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us th best we have, I of couiso ml no them highly. rirrsnrao, Va., Slay 1, 1553. Tm. J.O. Ater. Etr: I have been lepiatnlly cured of the worst hrudache any body can have by a dose or two of your Pllli. It seems to arise from a foul stomaoli, Wbloll thoy cleanse nt once. Yours with great respect, ED. V. rilKIlLt!, Clerk of Steamer Clarton. BUIottB Disorders I.I vcr Cnnii1atttt JVrnit Dr. Tlieoilort flrll,iXno Ytrrk (7ly. Not only aro your Pills admirably adapted to their pnr poso as an aporleot, hut I find their henellclul effects u-ou tho Liver very marked Indoed. They luivo In my prac tice proved moro nffeclual for the euro of Mnuj com pliunl, than any one remedy I can mention. 1 ulncav.ry rejoice that wo have at length a purgative which Is wor thy the couQdiince of the profisslou uud tho pcoplu, DEPAmMtMT or tur l.vTtRion, ) Washington, D. C, 7th Icb., 18SU. Smt I have used jour 1'jlU in my general and hospital practice ever since ou mado them, and cannot hesitate to say they aro the best catlmitic we employ. Their roftu latiug action on tho liver is quick and derided, conse quently thoy are an admirable lemedy for deiaiigcuicntl of that organ. Indeed, I havo seldom found a cnee of Mioul diseatc so obstlnato that It did not readily yield to them. Fraternally joins, AI.ON7.0 HALL, Al, D, JViyliciun otlie Mamie JliapUaL Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms. Inn Dr. J, G. Oretu, of Chicago. Your Flits have had a long ttlal iu my practice, and I hold them In esteem as onu of tho bost aperients I liavo ever found. Their alterativa cOcct lixni tho liter midica them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses let lilimu dytenttri an I iharrhcca. Their sugar-coutLnjr rankesthem very accepLille aud couiculont tur the usa of women aud children. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the niootl. From lien. J. V. lima, Jhrlor if Advent Church, Boston, Da. Ateri I have used your Pills wltli extinordlnare success in my family and among those 1 nm sailed to visa in distress. To regulato the organs of digestion nnd purify the Howl, limy are tho very best remedy I havo ever known, and 1 cau confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. DIMES, Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1S05. Sear Sir : I am uslm; your Calharlk rills In my prac tice, and find tlicui an excellent pnrgatho to cleanse the system and ruriS Mc fountains of tlir.Umd. JOHN O. MEACHASI.M.D. Conatlpatlnii,Costlveiieiiai Siippreaailon, Iltioiiiant Ism, Gout, N'vurnlglu, Drop sy, Puralysli), Pits, etc Jom Dr. J. 1 Vaughn, Slmtml, Canada. Too much cannot bo said of yonr Pills for the cure of cottivcnist. If others of our fiaternlty halo found them ns efficacious as I havo, thoy should join mo lu piochdm Ingltfor tho benefit of tho multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although bid enough in itsolt', Is tho progenitor of others that nro worso. I beliovo cos (u'tncjj to originate lu tho liver, but your Pills affect that organ aud cure the disease. From ilrt. E. Stttait, 1'hysician and ilidalfe, Boston. I find one or two largo doses of your Pills, taken at the proper time, aro excellent promotives of tho furfural rrcie fiou when wholly or partially snppressed, and also very effectual to cfenus the Homach and cxiirl ifonai. llvcy are so much the best physic we have that I rccommgull no other to my patients. iVont the Rev. Dr. ltavil.es, of the ildhodist flrfi. Church. ruiASEI Hocsr, Savannah, Oa Jan. 0, 1830. HosoniD Siat I should bo ungratrrul for tho rollef your skill has brought uio If I did not repurt my casti to you. A cold si-ttlod lu my limbs nnd brought ou excru elating ncura'aio jn'n, which ended lu cnom'crAriima tism. NotwltliBtandinc; I had tho be-t of phynlclAiis, tlie disease grew worso und worse, until by the ndilco of yout cxrcllent agent in llaltlL-tore, Dr. Mackcnile, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure, lly poreomlog in tha use of them, I am now eutlroly well. Senate Chamber, Raton Rongo, La., 3 Dee. 1M5. Db. AYEn 1 1 have bi-on entirely cured, by yonr Tills, of Rheumatic Gout a painful dlacnso that bail afflicted me for years. VINCENT EL1DELL. $3-Most of the rifle In market contain Mercury, which, although n valuable remedy In skilful hands, Is dangerous in a public pill, from Iho jheadful ronso. quencos that frequently follow its Incautious use. Thcso contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Prico, 25 coats por Box, or 5 Boxoa for L, Prepared by Or. 3. C. AYER So CO,, Lowell, Majs. Solo 0y El', utz, G M tingeiihuch, nnd J R Voyer, lilooinsliurgi J Schuyler. Itnhrsburg; Mast-rs & iau Millville; P Masters, llentoii ; l.nzarus & Fisher, Or nnaeville i G F Fowler Fowlcrsville : A Mill- r. Her wick Low k Uros , Centerv i I le ; U F Riighatt & Hrna F'py I M G Shoemaker, Uuckhorn i Ki'it'liart & Nues, mainville: J bnarplesg, Cittawlssa; Creasy &. Co Light Street: and dealers everywhere, July 20, 1602 Iy, CRITTENDEN'S rillLrUELIMUA CIIIHAIKUI'IAI.. COLLEGE, TV. E. corner nf 7th a.ul Chestmd Streets PHILADELPHIA. THIS NsTITL'TIOV. Whlrll Wn f.1lfihlitir,l In lgll n,,,t , it now consequently in the eighteenth near of its exist ence, niiuihers anions its graduates, hiindrods of the uiostsurcossfiil Merchants -ind Uusiness Men of our , country. I Tiiu.lajECToftho lustitutinn i solely to afford young moil facilities for thorough preparation for biiEiuisa, The HRANtUEtt1 t tcnuT are. Book-keeping , as applica ble to tha various departments of trade; Penmanship, I both plain und orii.imtiilal ; Commercial law, .Vat he- malice, Xaeigation Ciril Engineering, Drating, 1 Ann. i ogarphy, and Modern Langnoga. I Tie System or iNSTiiicrios is p-culiar ; no classes or j set lessons are mado u-e of. but each student is taught i nn v mutiny, siiin.tiiiu may coiuini'iiceat any lime, and attend nt whatever hours ure inustcouvi.nieiit. Catalooies areissued anausffynftor tho 13th of April containing nanus of tho students for the year, and full particulars of teriii'.&c, nnd may bo obtained at any timo by uddrjslug tho Principal. Ik ExTENstvn Accommodstioks, tcide-apread reputation and the lengthy eiperieme ofihe Principal, this lustitu. lion Hirers facilities supcriur toany other in tho coun try, foryoung men wishing toprepare for business, and to obtain nt the same time a diploma. waifA prove a recom mendatton tor them them to any .Mercaan tile House, E7CRiTE!DEN'sSri( of Treatises on Hook-Kelt-. u,y nurn iviiiBiycircuinteainan any other work on the subject, ore for sale ot tho College. S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Attorney-at-Late, PaiNcirAU Jan. 23-1802 I2m, NOTICE. "VTotioe is lioreby giveu, that tho un rider- j .iiiiiiin ii.i. naciu me loiinwing named nrnnertv V,r . p .X. m fe'lnwihg named property 'co,;.;.:;''"? k'.h .T a . . -""" ' oruer uupuoaru, hitchin ilupbnard, and one bureau, with which all per May 24. 1602 - 31, II. WILKINS, t Ii UWAKU ASSOCIATION, Philad- ui. ? ' "r"ei i me mck am amicteu h uh Virulent and Ch nd Dislreased i ii i i " iiiroiuc nil ases, and cs. ' iuo rc-xuai iirgons, Medii-u Advlrn given Grail, by iho Acting Surgeon. bimi Nbli "L).,ia"" 8l'':"MATOilRniEA or BLM1N I. WEAKNESS.andolherlliseHsi'softheSex. ual Organs, nnd nu th NEW REMEDIES emplovi-d In Iharge!1 Addr,es.e,U C"le1 cnvelol"!' of el) J, SKILLI V "OUGHTON, Howard Association. April $, l&LlEE K'n,h a'"'- 'MM.IpM.. P..( Tt Destroy Rats, Roaches, i:C. 7o Destroy Mice, Moles, and Ants To Destroy Red-Hugs. To Destroy Mnthln Furs, Cloths, fcc. To Destroy Mosquitoes and Fleas. To Destroy Insects on Plants nnd Fowls. 7V Destroy Insects on Animals, &c' To Destroy Every form and species of Veim in, THE "ONLY INrALLIDLE REMEDIES KNOWN." Dostroyes Instantly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF Thosi Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free Irom Poisons." "Nut dangerous to the human faiul'y." "Hals uo nut ui- on mi' premisi B." " I'h.'y come out of their holes lu die." "They arc the only iufailiablo remedies known." "Ii years und mors established in New Yoik City." tfarii by the City Post Olhre. Usid by the City Prisons and Station Houses. Uted by tlio City Steamers, Ships, &e. Used by City.llu'pltals. Aluis.llouses.&c. Ihcd by the City lloti ls-'Astor'-'St. Nlcholas,'l:r. Used by the Hoarding House, tc Ac, Used by mure than 3uil,(i00 Private Families. EJ" See mil. or two t-pi aniens of what is everywhere saiJhy the peoplo Eilitors Dealers, &r. tlOUSIIKEEPEHS-tronlded lth vermin need bn so nn Ituiiicr. Iftln'y use "CoitarV Exti'rmiuaturs. We Wo have usi'd it to our satisfaction, and if a box costs 5"i we n oulii have it. Wo have tried poisons, but I hey effected nnthiug; hit "Costah'h" iirliilo knocks the brsath outof Unts. Mice, Roaches, and lied-llugs, qUIrk rrthiinw can write it. Itiilugreat demand all over the country. -Medina O Oatette. MORE GRAIN mid provisions nro destroyd annually In Grant County by vermin, than would pay for tons cf this Hut and Insect Killer. Lancaster If'is.J Herald, HENRY H. COST Ml We are silling your prepara tions rapidly. Wherever 111")' have been used, Rats Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly I'.njMltriitnu ll.n,rl... i;i,,,l.nv MA "OostarV Rat Roach, &c. Exterminator, "Oostar's" "Coster's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. "Costar's" "CostarV Electric Powder, for Insects, to. In 23c". 5ilc. and SLKIH'osls, I'.oriLEs and Elasks, $3& $3 Sizes fur Plantations, Ships, iloats, iletels, kc kc. O A UTI ON 1 1 1 T preient the public from hoing liu. nosed ution by Spurious uud iyAu Pernicious Imitations a new label has hei'ii pr.'pjred, hearing u JacsiutU tf tun I riiprtetor h siguaturj. i.xaiuinn emu nov, untile, or li-.k larufuliy before purchasing, and lake nothing bul"COoT.iR'S." Sold Ereryishert by All U holcsule Hi u; gists in the large citios. on. e of tho in Aiw York 'Wv. HlKilfsald Arcius Shi'lfcliu llrnthers& Co D A Fahnettook. Hull Co A It &. DSamU&Co Whei lor it Hart Jaiiirs S Aspiuuall. Morgan & Allen Hall, liuckel tc Co Thomas & Fuller P D Orvis AND Ilnrrnl, Ililsy k Kltrheu Rush, Ciilo tc Robiiisun M Waril.Clo-e &. i.o McKissou & Unburns I) S Harm's t Co F C Wells & i n l.azellc,Mnrbh& Gardner Hall, Dixon &. Cu Conrad Fox OTI1LRS. riiiladcljiliiii I'a. T W Dvott tc Co Robert Shoemaker & Co li A Fahnestock k Co i renin, Ulchards&Co AND OTHERS. AND HY Dru;gists, Grocers, Slnrckcepors and Retnllers general, iy in ull Country Towns Villaged in the AT SBUIiG, PA. SOLD BY G. M. flagenbuch, J. Rs cr, B. P. Lutz. And by th. Drugtl.ts, Eter.k.e.e,, .d n,ra, g,n tO- Gountry Dealer, can order ns above. ,. , . HENRY R C0STAR. DR. LA CROIX'S PRIVATE MEDICAL TRKATISE OH Till; riiy&lological View of Miirrlign. S30 PAGES AND 120 ENORA VlNGs). PrL TwmTT.rtvE etNTs. Sent Tree efiiestsgt to all the Union, On the Infirmities ofyouth nd LXu If,' disclosing the secret follies of bojh sexes of il t.J who are loiiscious ni Having iistorilcd the nnnm V pness.and pilvlleges to which tvery humon Ui'!t VnllMfl MEN who nri. IrnuhtK.t ti l, I, .. ..c. crnlly cauacd by n bad habit In youth, the irVMt0"; which .uo dlzzluirs, polna, forgclfoliiuss, somi'tlmJ.'' a ringing In the ears, weak eyes, weakness of tl . ? and Inner extremities, confusion of Ideas, lost if. nrv with nielancholy.may be cured by the nuthor'I wi'iU PARIS AND LONDON TREATMENT. flLW Wn have, recently devoted much of our ili,, i VISITINO THE EUROPEAN IIOSPITALtT III,, ln nurselvts of the knowledge and researches orii.X . B skilled PhyslDlans and Surgeons In Europe anj f0,T0,, tlnent. Tlinao who nlaco llinrn...l... "I0 L in i.o.. ii,., n,n .., :;- ,..". .. "ur cars lion being paid to thi lrcases, which tins so "iS tyillstlnguisiieu us ncretnriirc. ns u Phvsiclsn h, PECULIAR department of professional pract c" f, past Itcentyjicc years, -"t.r It, FRrciiFEMAtKPiLU.-J.ndlcs who wish for Mc,IIm. the ctllcncy of which has been teste! m ou,a 'f " ' cases, and never failed tu oiled sneedv ciiln. .,Ui!; rom l.tv li.nnni.nl 1. ".IIIVUI gently yet sunctlvo are they. "cun),so Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to en. nsn o the United States or Canada, lu"JI'tt TO TEE LADIES-Wln.noeda c.nfidentUt mediml adviser wllh regard to any of thosu intercstliii , plnints to which their dHlcute organization ?,.' 1' " them liable, are particularly invited to consu?, .nit'1 TllE"ELStTRO.OAI.VAnlC IoriCTIVE.--l,r , ,,,UA ladies whose health will nut admit, or h haie T,oi1 a re to Increase the r families, may he obtained 7s abev. It Is a perfcelly sale preventive to eeiiceptlon ami I,? been extensively used during tho lust So yea s p. ?! retluccsd to 810. ' "- 'Hie Sterols of Votilli UnvcJIcd. A Treatise on the Coiir of Primaturt Decay 1 sma warnxng. Just published a book shotting thcitsttiZ sran irarninjT. u.i puonsnea a coon inovtng thehtULi,. progress and prnolrnee among sehooli, toth mat, c , female of this fatvl habit, pointing out tat !,(,,, i night, ami on Siiuilnys I'm.-i 2 till 3 r u. .iiciiii nu I, ..nu inn uin ciions rent tu ouy part n'tl,. Itnltid slates or Cunniii.s, by puient. tomniunic t, , their symptoms by letter. Uusiness iurresp.,i,,ea,I strictly coiilldi'titlnl. " fC7Dr. U't HrlitH Is strli Incuted as r-stnl.lisheri.undo tho name of DR. LA CROIX, ut No. 31 Mnldeu l.uue A banv, N. Y. "' Nov. 23 1831. 12m. E RES II A Rt IV A L OF - FOR- SPilld Afi SIJilIER! 7 HE undersigned, grab fill for past palronsgs. iopni.ti folly informs hlscustuiners and th public'eiitinllr that he lias Just received from the Easterle cities l'i largest und most select Block of SPRING AND SUMMER K. .-y.AitSi), Viet. S That has yil been opened in Rluomsburg to whlih tn invites the nttentioii of his f r l - lid n, and ssiurus ibvm that they are utrernd fur sale at great bargains. Hu Stock comprises n larpj asbortiuciit uf UEVPI.SMEN'S WEARING APPARKL, Conristiiig ut Fisitio-iASLU Dkiss Coatj, of cvi tt its,, criptlnn; Pants, Vi.t, Sliitti., Cravats Stocks, C,ttm Iluudkcrchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, &r. GOLD WATCHES A N D JEWELKY, Of every description, flue and cheap. N. H. Ilem.-iuh.'r " Loirenberx' Cheap V-mpsrinia " uuu nun bi-r. iiu ciuirgi: ior cxaiuiue i.ontl. DAVID I.OWr.N'CEKt). Illoi iusbiirg, MjiIi 20, Iff 2. (Juu lnn j S'fl'OaEK'a BAKERY it COFECTIONAP.r. itiwns r.fjL. 'I he undeealgneil rnntinui s his ttkcri sd Cub J llonnry up .Main Street, Exiha f Uuiluiugs, v.Ler be keep. PR E II HUE A D, PI, S A ND OA A'i constantly on huud. Parties su piled w ith ink on h&. eral terms, All Muds nfFrnit, Vigft.Dles, rrfvislns, . daily received from the Cities gooj and fresh- chmp, Ice t T'am pitpmed ot :ll its. jer qt Small beer, Candies, Nula of all kinds. Lc, kept 1st sale, D. STOXEtt. I Hllooinsburg, June 21, If 02. JEW YORK MEDICAL INSTI- I i a TUT1- A benevolent Iiistitntinu piwlownit for ih mrs nl t Chronic Diseases of every nature, mil to protrn nu i lids fiom quack advertisers nnd impostors. No ttiir I K''s except fur Midirine until cured, and iu case nf tremi' puveity treatmint free. No Mineruls or l'i Ml. I nus Drugs used. The Ph)sicinnshave hud lung ai.Uii tensive experience liulh in privute and llie-piiul prat tice. Tile follow iiigarusomo of the eu.iiplaiiits ton lint t special attention is given. All diseases if the llr.nl, j Throat Lungs, Heart, Siomnih, Llvur. Kidney. PlaiHsr l'.lii uuiatisni. Pits, Ciincir, Piles, Nervous .Mr- ill n. Diseases nf the r-exual Organs, Seminal Weakness tw I puteiicu and Virulent dieeuns of every nature "mtiti" Iy cured. Iilsinsea of Femulus an J ull lrr.guhr.iti' i successfullv treated, lllindness anil Deafness " without painlul operation. Path nta treM-d by I i t. J by M'liiling u statement nf their ruse. Mt-dicini suit Is . any part of the n'untry. Consultation free to all Address, Stump eiitlnseit, 1 Hit. L. CRAVI H, Ci nniltiug rhviirn" CO'J llroudwiiy, New iaii. UtJ April 3, I8n2-I2m. I IB li C ISKTL'Z, II. 0. UOWEIt, 6 II It E 0 i I) E XT I S T RESPECTFULLY niri-rs his prnfrssloi al services to thu ladies uud gii.tlrtn ' Hli'oiiisburg nud vicinity He is pnqn r til Tltll'lltt In nil (h .-nr.. .iu mil. ...III. Ill l'i tin- lino of his priitVasimi, ho is pruvided w ith the l.ite.i I mprnicd porcelain tsrlli, whith will be mn-rteu " ' irnlil iilntln-, .11..... . .11... i vui uuu runner nase mmr. n, un' 1 the natural teeth, Mineral plate nnd block leeth manufin ture l nr.niH operations on teeth, carefully und properly all u & i j illnoiushuig. Pu August J, if-bl. i - - CIGARS fe TOBACCO A large assnitment of iholce rigors, Tobacce fp'' 1 rults, Cenfi itimiery and N'ntions ei ncrall tci'ii'i er with n lull stmk ofllATrintid I APS, con.t''"i Enipo"ium " '"''1C al ll,u "'"""""'"irg Uut , .. JOHN K. CIUTOX lloomalurg, .More If), 1801, H. MUJiLIGAN, I M TOUT Kit OF ALL KINDS OP & w a a a b f, AND MANUFACTURER OF JEWELRY, No. 441 North Srond Sttertt ADOVU WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA- Nov. if), IS01 5? I " S? '& 51 , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bi.oo.vsn una, pa. Office In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Cfiaj a Iluckulew, Blooinsburg, Dot, i, 1839, CUUSIIIK UVUIK.l W .MMroc.B, UCIVHIOH OT thl,l,LV palplt .lion of the heart, suicidal Iniogiui,,,. ',' tary emission', blttshlugs defective ineinury, ln,t""; .. . .a .,, ..I, ,,, ....nil..... a ..... . - . HUH uuu iu,im.i, H..M .vv..,,vn v inrillWff !,... . of a lloar'H'e itotn Miss, a College kiudent ., j Youvt married Lady, eft, 4 . It Is a truthful ad'n.,.. .' the married and those coiitemfdetliig Uisirlssc. wim 0 tertnln serret doubts of their physical condition , nnv l,n Periodical rills. The July Precaution Vi'.ce,.a"rv serve Is, ladles should nm take them ir th,,, !,.. , son to believe they are lu certain situations fthi, , ular. of which will be found on the atr! , IDIU, ,IIUI wu.ll ItlUil.l, 111,. Ull Mllin 1111,1 I. ,,.. u.y iiriiran, era uetcioptng H .,, progreis of the disea,c,Jrom the eommevecmcuio ,,j Ma' ea reieipt of tico 11 ic( 4-e, L - Attendance i t v. Iroin h In n, ,, !..;,,i,, ,i,, rVUF. CONFESSIONS AND RXl'M- S IENCEOF A SUFFERER. Publiahrd as a mi ning, and fur Iho esperjul benefit of Young .Men ' tho.ii who sutler with Nervous Dibllitv, Loss ot Slirj ory, Premature Dctay, &c, i fcc, by one wb r cured hlinsulf by timplc mraiis, after being put tostffi expensiiansincouveiuenco, Ihiotigh the use of wn'f" essinedlrincspresfrilmdby liarncd Dorters, i"'1' copies may be hud of tha author, C. I, LAM 111 UT HI Groenpnjnt.Long Ulatid, by enclosing post pt" ' dressed envslnpe. Adnross CHARLES A LMIir.RT Ki't .. .. Grecnpolnt, Loag Island, Nsw Ti' May 17, If6;-2in, LEATHER 1 LEATllER I ! nnilE undersigned would oimoiince, that he has en H"'' .1. nthialiatandCap Kmpaiima. on Main St., Itlnssti burg, unassottnientiif dliferent kind cf Icallif r. S' t'1,! line calf skins, morocco, (red and black) ond linings, i" cf whlch'he will sell cheaper than can bo hoi! lien ""' In this maikst. Call snd erenHno them for j"iircl" jroN'S-ijcm' fliliur,Kaf H, UK,