COLUMBIA DBHOGUAT.' Jolm G. Freeze, Loral I'lllle. SATURDAY MOIWING, St!rT,a7. 18C2, 83fWo shall try and publish next week a clear and connected account of McClcll an's great battles. :o: Tin: tiro ft in tliis Stale, which was to ' ,011111101100 on 'I hursilny Inst linn been 1 jiostponml 1y tho Governor until tho 10th j r Octuiior next. :o! riy Art burs Homo Mae-ajito. ia also on 1 'n1.1 ,r,,l ,'1.ilr, is .V.(f ! , lllll i n"i i.iiv. .mi.iui, Miiiuia iusuiiiu iu- r.pfcts from its contemporaries it is equal to them in good tato and merit. jo: rev Wo call special attention to tho let ter of Charles Tnjrersoll, Esq,, to tho An niversary nicotine; at Oranpevillfi. It is nn ahlo and powerful historical resume of events past and present. :o: SfiyTlio "Philibihlion" No. X. is on our table. Tt is a very good number, and Ins 50iiie thinirs in it rare and curious. TholNt of scare", old, and va'uablo hooks to he found at CI Nassau Street, N. Y. is continued. :o: r,'a7" Wonder what nboMtion preacher it vta who got his eye teeth rut, not long nro.' Jt mnro ot tin; connroiintions ot ,? Ihefc "pestilent follows" wcro tosorvc them j 1 in the same manner, mere would uc more hopn for tho country. CTrTTon. John D. Stiles M. ( has our thanks for valuable Congressional favors Having no member of Congress in our dis trict, wo aro at the mercy mid charity of our neighbors" ; and Mr. Ptilo, thouh a considerable distance off, is about our nearest. Wc observe that Mr. Stiles has been renominated, and wetiuH ho may bo triumphantly re-elected to the post he t.0 ably aud patriotically filled last scssiou. :o: rTr" Tho Printer' ' for September is on our Table with an unusually interesting se ries of article? in its reading pages, and uotiroa of all "i-ort,'of matters and thiticrs , in the lino of tho ornfe. Tn its lino it is thorough and eoinplcto. M, 1 T,, ' filiiiir (if ilie Iliintinirdnn i'o', Mr Ovp'n, left for Hnr- 'i'liP! "ii S iiirdny niiilit. in ohedioncc lil'i.i req'ii- ii inn of the Oovcrnor for troopi to (Ic'o id the f-'t -tc from rebel in Tion, and w.ts clertei! 1st ,irnt. of ilio ('"'iipmy In v. Iiirli ho was iilt'.iehcd. r-j""We nr infnnd th it a biti repub lican candidate for A'soelito Judge has been d'ncnuvagin" onliltni,!it4. Wo trtit (lie law on that subject will be legally ap 1 lied to bis case. Tt U iimo Mr. Lincoln lipov who supports tho (loveniir.cnt. je( faff appear. C--' Tho Atlantic Monthly" for Octo ber i" In fun- lit. Aiuoutr tho mo-t notiec nblo a -tides aro"IIouic building," ''lioam ington Sja," and 'Smitary condition of tho army." ''David Gaunt" is finished and -'Mr. Axlcl"' is continued, Ticlcnor k l'ields, 1'ostou. JsWo aro roqueted to stito that a eoi'tain M. T. Joiiuron, about .r feet 10 inches high, of a sandy hair, and speaking very broken engiish has absconded Iroin (lamp Simiiioiii, where he w'as under Aaron Andrews who has a GOiupaiiy from this county. Information of hi:i whereabouts U caruestly requnalcd. sMJy'Thc iinprovciiicnts lately made by Mr. Koons ninl Mr. A. ,1. Sloan, to their resp-'ctivc adjoining building.!, mako lhein the block in tho town. Wc aro g'ad to Hec tho tustu and tpirit of im jirovoiiient thus displayed; and tru?t it may urouso tho euiulation of others of our real estate holders. C:J"Tho While Houso is again in mournum, Col. Todd, another brother of Mrn. Lincoln, and tho commander of one of the rebel rcaimcnts under C!cn. Breck inridge, was killed at tho battle of Baton Boouo. Such is tho character of the present war. The wife of the President i ioiirns tho death of a brother, killed while leading a rebel regiment against the Union trocps. C-iyTho gentleman who furni-hed us tho lit of citizoii3 who volunteered to de fend -tho Stato frnm invasion; oniittcl by nce'dent, no doubt, tho name oilsiudi W Mululv;. Our attention was first oallcd lo it by tho Lady who takes care of our babies, but tho edition was then worked off, and wo nmko tho addition now, it being originally no fault of ours. CSfGcn, George A. IMoOall, tho gnl lant coniniandor of tho Pennsylvania Ic ferves, who was wounded and taken pris oner in tho desperate seven days' lighting, before Itiohiuond, has been nominated for Congroi'B, by ncolamution, by tho I)eiuo. cratio Convention of Chostor county Tho Rama Convention also nominated (Job II II. Melntiro, another gallant soldier of tho Union, unanimously Jor District Attorney. RECEIPTS FOR AUGUST, (TO Till! Culttiiiliiit DiMtuirrnt Isutt H K nil ii, 1 l'clln lloer, lm. V flintier Ho!nr Mcllcnry Pitol llcrdlc $1 onjnp, Biiy.lcr. (Mifflin) '- J Daniel Menu h, ' 11 50JnhiiM N'ii,,, BOIIIIIr.ini W Thornton, .1 uu i'.llim t 1 1 fl wlir 'J Ml Joint It Jinn.. i r 1 ',i :m i mi 1 73 7.1 1 li'J 1 50 I fin I fill I All S Oil I no I Oil I .-Hi 1 .Vi 1 mi 8 Oil l no Jutnus freeze, IhtnJ, i:r.iniu, 'I lianinii Trend.. !i uo John I. Ilm.'li, S! (Hi 1 73 Itouboii W'usscr, Inane Uliomlii, Peter Hllclwlg, I Peter Scliug llstntu of Susan Hliug, I Hcott Hcliaol District 1 1 .Vi J mi I UU a im o I .Ml 1 .V) mil. urieshaeli, Daniel ft.-il. Win. II Welllvur. Kline A llutvltt, J;.','1' 'Acr. society I llll.l, V Illlt.'rS, , tul 'Jl!"f"n John Mnrilan, Isaac. .Mcllri.W, I'll u i t Coui i;..i, Jf,'1,1' (icn.W. Welllvcr, I 30 John 'iut, Joseph Mauser, Hudson 1 1 rot h i' r 4 Win. Longc rlicrgttr, Il.mlul Wluslcy He. Jolm It Ynlie, J .VI Im. ic Hem. 1 fill II A Sivcpenhi'cr I'. II Utile. I'M.. vi no 1 .VI Datilil Mcllciiry, J!jq, (III Jnhr. ,M Nitsi. (.1 I) it lit V llrotvn, 2 nil John llrown Hr. 2 00 Jamb nrnwn.' V! Ill a tin Ll'l. M C-MX Cr, t. a. io Editor. j We have sent bill by mail to manyo' I our .subscribers, and now oarucstly appeals to their souse of justice for prompt puymant. Our cash expenses aro heavy requiring more mouoy to conduct our bttsinoss thati is usually paid into our office and hence wo can only nppoal to tho promptitude and generosity of those indebted. Wc sincerely trust our friends will respond (ii:.j:iiAi.i.Y and lTiOMt'T'.Y. nr Valtmble Heal ..salo. In piirsuniipe (il uu order o Hie Orphan'. Conn ol Ciiliiiiilna cninily, mi SainnLiy Ihe llltiil.iy ol Oi-mluT iiexi. nl 111 dVlouk in Hie fntt'iiodii, S'lilii'ii II. Mdler (iiiinliiin (il tin' minor cliililre n ol Z 'tmlon 11 Gro-s lull' ol llloiun inwi'Sliip in Mini count), (leiejiCil, will t'jvnti-o lo Kile, hi 1'nhlii' Veil- ;"" "j""1 "."J I'""""'' ,a P.1'"""" Hull II' Ir.lL'l Ol I. Hill Mill 1 1 fit , I ti Mount I'loa- mil Tim n.-liip Clti irilu.i couiiu . cmilainiii! line. Iiinnlri'il mill hhvuiiIckii ni're- si ml one IniinllPil mill fnnv ono perclie- I(iiiiuIkiI !- l.iinl- of Daniel Moril.iu, Julio Morilan, (iCiir.'e Api'einati ninl oilier (vlieieon ii ereiueil ,i iwn r.tnry Irani'! iKvellma ho'wo ninl a Hani, dome Tieei on Ilie ijeiiii-(i'. I,U) l.'lt! l'.-t.ll,! of Mlill lls('(M0ll, sillllllll in I In; UiHiihii ol Allium l'len-aiu anil eouiilv ifore.sdnl. JACOIi KYKIJI.V, CtciL Terms imnlo i:ur,wn on t:i of eulu. ti It. iMII.LKIt, Cuaidi'in. i:iooim.liiiri;, Sept 17, Ii!. t'Juiicc Wlu'rtt. Why mw tlir. L i?ir(n,trr, ichen yv tan prirue Win a', 7hl litig double tlce tiiuotint rr nee, litvD Tin. i'oi.Lovix CmnrifATK iuom r.i'i-.nihNfi:ii Wk tlu iiiniarli:ncit, r.-irui'TF, I'-jilnn in th.'rniinly l,r N'""l, 'l"l"'rl ""' i"ii'rniy, iiui pur. !i.i--.i ,r .IJI.N'. ttui.i.'t ii l; in oi in ill ,,iiiii'i., to.iriM'ii W h"i.t. 1 i-t I'.ill. ninl I'm. 1 il fur ?uinTinr lo .iiKtliin cr.iu n in ihik yi'i timi. 'llrtcin ij t.ill unit htroim riniii 'i iirly as to ility tlif iiinitluons iillurlf oj tbi llcniii.i I'ly .mil Vi il, itiul w ill i lil at li-.'i-l. niio.lliiril inn In tlit- .ii io Hi in alii' otlyur wljcut now titow n jn tlii i'ltlo;l ol' I'oiitilry. , otllil rll.-i'rl'illlj ri'l-olllllli'lhl to our :n:i'Jrijlliir.'il Int'ii'l. tlinitilioiit the tittu, ua rwry iia) woilhyo;' tlieir J'.il tittiMittoii. Unac 'iio I'lil, I IIoiiiiihjUi' l.f.'iuti.icii. 'i'limiuitt IK urnioiiil, I John Mcl'-J.-uul, iinni'l ll..iriiioi;ii, I J. (J. Ilnrti.iin, I'll. i.i Kiiinliarli, J John l,i i ni'ii, iln uifi i II. Wattcni, I I). iiili''iili.irli, llunry w iiitu, JiwHph .NichIc, J. II. 1.1'illJ.IU II. lilltil.'ll .M. liliMJlJ, 'VtlT Il.'l'il II 1114. Ii . J'or )i:otii'iiliijs (oiiii-rn.iiL' tin, iiiliirtbln u lo-nt, eri ciij re .il" wiilrfH I'iuls, ol' Centre in J.K ( of llluuiiitjiiir:, JnU I I, lS- I . ax iin:n;M)i:T Uail Kcilli-rU'ctUl il Wl hill NclCS- J ' " 11 nt'f 1 Hi ' ' 1: .iTiTv wo it r. i). T, uns aiiNiiin. Ihilarrf; Tniir (tiiioi in one'r.i. Ti nt v )illt.ri. To cU'ruj im-n, I'm ilwllarn p r milium. I m ij cJub J" it-n mpwn, n titra tojiy will Lc feuiit. ;: sr.,vf-n't:j:Ki.r wonr.n. Three .lollarH per anuiini ; two coppica to one i. dreas, fiu loll. 1J e ( upjotf to one addioM. I'.lev llollara. Tn t Jeryv men, two dollars per year. Miiglu en pies, tluee 1 cut', piibliahed an.l f lidaja. t Ten copies, t-d. for a tlubor tell (opu s, an cxlraeopy will be sent for 011 jear- for 11 cluboftwiuly coiieN n ci'jiy of thu (laily fur one 5 ear' for a iluli illy copies. Hie D.-nly, WcclilJ, and Sunn Weekly will bs aunt for ouujear. Till: WV.KHLV IVOllLl). IViee Tw o dollar ,1 year ; rr.ur eepii's le one nddre.-i. fit. lloll..r I twenty ii.pii s. ilollura. i-liir-men can receiie Ihu v'i .. .-iniileiopy, ul one dullar .ive.i,. fni-lu 1 upi"a, 1 hi ceuia ruuiiaiien on 1 uura da) s. i'01 a 1 lull often Cloned, ail extra coiy w ill he unit lor one f a r I'.'r a club nf twenty mpK-s, Ihu t-eiiii-U'Lekl) will be M - III fo oil" eal. I'm a i lub 01 filly copies, thu Daily will Im sent I'.'r ailiibol one hundred copies III.- Daily, Weekly, llld S 'liij-Weekly will hu m 111 lor one ear. ileii.illaiii' - for "'I ho orld" may I..' 11111.I h'u lju.iuiy note-. 01 bank hill- of p ciu-payiiiL' lai., I, wli.'lf the allentloll 01 the I'l.-tiua-lel Is railed In leuiilt.ini e allii" time of iiiailiua th" I. Iter, it m.iy bj 111.11I0 at our ri-if fpniiii 'ii uuinbum tent In any addresi upon applira. "'AddKM tiu: WOULD Nn M I'urk liuw, Xen-orK, ffroin Ihu Triiul'111.'inNeW lint 1111.1 i'iiii.) r-oiii" nine 01 1 'ii inoimiK snire we.iii,.'.. i.n' i"'1."1" w ilh that looiililesoiuu.iiiil ilatm.'rou ills, a-e- i.rav. I. oroui f How 1 illem, re . u."l our di;il newi. ol tho , ,,t. u nil leuiu.n.'s and do. tins, iiiml I look nuiveiiienis ol our armies Horn Ihe N. w - o) Ii pap. rs i,,ruuiiNi, Wa wu, and jnu may In iis.ured I lint I ni'tliu "on tn Hiclmioinl" ilii's hut we b'li.ui.i '' 1 ai) pleaded w ilh Ihe r ull. It has enlncly iure.1 me. muted wilh Hio sensen outer w hu Ij taken up 'Tor n ,,,,,1,1,1, ,, , ,t ,,, ,,1'my name j 011 iu.i seu lit llini' hy nt.irly Hie weole nation, .ine.l .. ierjihl I- , .,,,,. n,u nieuitDiu, as I Have enliru loiilidenee l', ltlU III .11 Hill)! our eueliy on to Ihu .1. lent ol Lull I.UII IU ,(s ,,IR;U..., ami aim at the persi-iaut l.iuli hudins w ith iiIuimj , ' Yours Imly, ol'Presidnil Lincoln and Ilie lewliui! Ui neiuls nl their- TO Mi ol'UUNU, my, thai wo took up. a wo Hi. 11 Hiipiio-od, Tllfrfi: ALMl 'AUTKUMlL'tJH klow.r mid more ies.eit.ildu iimiI, 'I im U 0111.11. i J There is uorlass ofiliac ises I hat produce null i'. have lead this .ap. daily en r sine.', and li"Mi foiiml, lau.tlMB cff.en apm, ih,, Jiuiu.iu iiuiaiitiition as Dia- at we not only lud a readable an.l Mbolaily Joiruiil. ( llHia nd ilicue ol the Kidneys, liladdi r and I'mia llmrouahly loyal and itoieruiueiit siiat.iiniii;', but mat . p.sajes. and Ihroiiah a lalse modesty the) are neir tewas lulh iiplotlieliiuea. 111 lU supply ol c cry lu nt iuclu, mmi y are soaevaiued an Hi he beyond tint m lit was rfliablu ir Ihu way nl current news, in tail, 1 c011lr0 of ur,liiiiiry, and wu pre.eiitlhu Hi it whiih nl" bucoiilra.llile.l to morrow. W illi theau I a-iy n in irk we dunro cerdially to rceoiuiueud to our r nh rs ihe .S'. w-Voik World as one ..r thu h.'at, if not Ihe very be. t. laily journal in tin country. iopi. 1:1. iHi.a. G I Ui 1 N V 0 O D S J i M 1 N A 1 1 Y . Millcillc, Columbia County, J'tiDi'a. Tina woll knowh Hchonl for holh scAea will opQii NOVUM I1UII 3d. lKia. The rec nt ad.litiona tn the huildiiiia; rehdur nccom o.laliniis for more limn MJty boarders. Thu course ul" atiidy will tuiliraie three departments -the ormal.lhe Sficiitiili'. and I'm i 'I he will be assisted hv eiju iienciil (each ors, fully 'lUJlitied for III. ir rusjiuitive jiohIioiis. I'nrenls and others ma rmt assured that nu etr.irta w ill hu si.ared In make Ilie s-nlionl w orthy of iiatronaiju and that Ih" well.ire of the liidenls. iiitrlleilually, lihy.ieully. and uinrally . n ill re''i oiircniHanliaro for appliiMllPa. r jrcul.itloii. ilrculuis or farllu r par ticiil.irs, ail.lroas the uiidi rsii!iK'.l' until Oct. Iru-J. nt (low uiutit'ili, I hosier louiity. I'a., anil after that Hrau at .Ulliuilla Culiimb.a ,-AXWKjl Principal. lint ins sold nut my interest in the (treeiiwoo.l H-'ini-nnry. to I M foils. li" "us for several years roim.'ile.l Willi the Inslitutinn usn succ.-sful tcarlur, I hereby cheeifull) coiiiuieud him tu my Iriends iihd pa irons, asHEeiiHeiuan of ample .uialilU.iti.ui for Ihu po. siti.ui he, ami tn evury way worthy i n; H deuce nn.l p.nron io of the publie W.M. UUKl.l.ftB. .Villi illu, IM.. Xepl. Ul. Ifi".'. nil oil ) lliiaa 111 ... LU...U. ,,' ,, ,.. "iLwyutoiu irjiijiniiiLj TA.MAtJUA, 1'EsN'N'A. Pasaongers dinu hero on thu passage ofeach Traill. 11, M. MlillllWK, Piopriitor, TauiHina, Jan 4. 1"1"'-. STRAW ! STHAW'.r STRAW HI ... . It... L .. I,..q, kV 'JDNB rillllll l" ail ".....a. ....... it 1 eenled wanted luimediately. at Ih" .Mi l hf I, nno I'ap'r llHn, ueail ihl f'lteel, lurwhiili ' l rash w ill hu P.! il TIIO.V H TUliNCH .Milll.iovo, AniU.tll. l"CJ, m irias mmw mmmv von Tiif: COMSTJTJ T 3 0 N AND Till! run D I A 15 K T K S ' a si) MBiiAsiiia or Tin: VAtia Dtngttoii ami TronhltHmc J)itenc, Hlilchhaie Ihuafar llittstol the beat dlrcittd 'VmOntnl run lit Cmnpltltly Vonlrfllcil lijtlic HDMLUJi nualij'vrcutl Till! CtMATIVP. iirntirrtics of t lie nu'ilii inn iliuri Iliuiiii.c1 vex In tlm or Kitim of ii i rcll'iii, ninl hy rn iillcrini! I Im munition i,'i tlo tniinii Ii iiikI 1 1 v -r llnilthu rlarrhy irlnciilo ot tlm I'ooil In iiott oiivt'ricil inln (nigiir siflniitf an thu fiyHlcin ia uiiilcr Ihu In It iK-iir.' of thu fUNdl'l I'LTKIN' WATCH, I n hull Sivo tlinii! nrpmiH limp tn rrroiiT llicir U n 1 1 1 1 y !- anil lor. Wu nrc nlilu In statu Unit thu (.'onMiin-, tinn Wilier h.iKcnruiU'tt'ry line of liialictcs In II ImH ticiiii given. stoni: in tiii: iiLAiuini,, (! IIIUOK DUrtf lllICOSIT, AMI .ML'COIJU Oil JIII.KY IMl'IIAKOCt) .m:it uin.v.vrtMi. Dlm'iii.i'fi ucenrins Iroin oniiaml thoMiinu inno will In; i nlin ly tnn'il liy tlm Ciiimtitiillnn' W' If Inkcti foi any IimisIIi of time. The iIiiku kIiouM vary iln iliu xcvi'rily ol the iliiai', Inun Imnij ilropi touii a Hiioontiil Ihrcn liiiici. u day, In water. Di.iIiir thu p.. mme oftliu 1,'ali.illiiK. thu ui In ami uiRint sinil..ini tioulil bo con, li.ili.-il wjth thu pruiir rcmi'ill 'a, then lollonul up u ilh thu Coli'liiulliin IVatur, aa uunte ill roitiid. DYHMKNonnAUiA, on iwixruu, Mi'A'siriit'A- TIOX, AMJi. .Mi;Ul!ltllA(;iA Oil l'UOl'LSU im.owini;, Hot It ilijca"!-!! r ) its from a lanlly H'rrition of the mtlifltn il I! ii I in thu one me h. Iiiflm) lltUi', ami accoinlianleil by ieveru jwini ; nnd th other u toniirji futo vixri-'tiiiii, Inih will hu uiiccilily curod liy tie: Coii-litiition Water. That ilieae Iniowii an t'A 1.1, INC Of Till: WOMI). wlikh I- Dm runlt of it relaxation oftlio ll;aini'iil of that orpnii, ninl knnvvii Uy a suiifi- ul heavlneiis hh'I tlr.ii;i!iiii,' iain in the tut!, an-l rMr. ninl at tltno ae eoniiann.'il hy fharp li.iiiiiitiiiporpltootiii!; pain-tli run ' Il the paitF, w ill, It' ill i r.l.i'H ho remo i il lij ttl. ineiii itie. There i anolhur ilavs ol aymptoiiii. ori ini! Iroin lit llll'AIION Of 'l'Ill; Wo.Mil, nhiih p'i -niain i..ll .Nervnuaiiim, whiih word rnvem np iniiili (riioriini e. ninl in iiiiiu canut out of ten tho doctor il'n.' not really know whether the eyitiptnini are Ihu ilheaie, or the ills '.'isu th" HyiiipneiH, 'u can only 1 11 111.1 ( rati them Il 're. 1 ap.-iik inure particularly of I'ol.l I ei t, I'.ilpiln lion in the Heart. Iinp.irnl .Uemory, Wakrfiilnt'-s.l'Iafh-usufllvut l.anjnor, l.a."llinle, an.l l)Imnek3of Viiion. nui'riti:.xi:i) .MnxsTitf.vno.v. Whkh in the unin.irrieil fumalu ii n Loit.uir ri riirrlm; tlisHase, ninl llnoiiuh iKt'lr, t II11: M't iH in mure t'ran' ami ilaneto'ia in.Ja.Iji a nr 1 the reMiit : ninl as inoiitli alter inoiitli pan-.!'., without an tlliirl h tn in.nU to a ii,t nature, th ' yiiiiiiro-iiiiiu Iijchiiii s i hroi ie, Ihu na- I ..r..l. I....'... 1 I. .... t,i.ii ...u.i.uij tll'i'l.. 11V, ,11.- Illllllll, lir" 1 1 oiibtipatoil, niL'ht awcata conic on, ami cutaueiltuit iiiiaiiv uiiua iter career. i.i;i;('(iiii!i::a ok wiiitks. 7 Ills ,!i Bcnne il 'pi-inli. upon an lull .ui.ition of intirniH Iinini! nl I'K nuiua ami womb. Il ia in all cimea ,n 1 oloptllne.i hy oeeu Mam in the hack, neer'ns the Ijimil.. anil through Hi liipa. A tenipumil'iil of th" I'li'ilieiiie may lie uk' ii thr'Ji tinn 1 a nay, w ith an in jeilion ni'.i t .1 1.1 '-pounl'ul ol tin liieilulnie. inixuil Willi ii h.i f ninl of Mifi watei, n.oiniiiir ami uveuiuj;. imtn'ATJoN of Tiir; NULiuor Tin: iilahucii, IXI'I.AMATIOV Of Till'. KlIIMJVt? ANII OA- taiikii of Tin: in, itDi:it. HiaAxot'iiv AXDIII'UN'IXU OH fAIXflJI.I'lllXATIXU. ( for these i! i.t l-irnlya fovurdu remedy, ami 1 too miiih cannot Ie tapl iu.l praii?.' A -inurle .Ines. lum been kniiu to r. lice ih" mo-i urgent ?j I1I0111-. . A10 you troubled uiih tint nKlr. a.iiv p.iin In III" I mnall of t'u b.icl; and thrn'ih lhM hiti A teiMpoonful I a day ofCoiialitutioii Water w ill relievo nu like mag ie. full liVrU'l'.l'rflA, I l.t liasnn eipialin r.-liuv in the Mo-t ilUtrc;ns tniip. I tniug. AJ-.0, lleadutlju, Heartburn, Add tuiin;Lh Ycui 1 illni: f ood, itc. Taken teiiipi.iiifiil afler dimii-r' 'I ho ilo.e in all may buiiiLiuascd ifduaircd, h'lt ahoula I be ilouu gradually. I l'IIY.-11'IAXH I Have lone. ..lore ch en up tint use of huchu, ciibeb.san 1 jump r 111 th" lr. alio nt 1 f th 'ie iiiM..iai.c, audt'.ily uae . llieiutur want of a hetter remedy. I CONs'TITUTIiJ.V WATIIIt llaa proved HmI! jipial to Uu la-k Unit has (IcvoIm.,1 I upon 11. I lllHtfTiCS Iritatn mi.l .Irunrli the 1. soon lead lochr. me. del'' 1 nine!., aiidb coinlant use 'iiu.iliu and co ilirincil dia- ease. !Keai3. Read, .Road. Danvjlw, la Juno 2 fr.J, 1 Dr. Wm. II. (Iittoo Daer -Sr: In IMm.iry. ibtll, I ' afllicusl wtth Hit' iti.ih i".imi i'nr llv' nioniha Ijniiri. 1 win tilniHJtt lu tlit up u niuu ten or inchf 1 1 nit' 8 ilnrin Uu niht and in il u jiiotitiis 1 lt ii'juut jitty puiiuU.H lu I'tirniii 111" nu-utli ul Ju'j , J.-tll,J procurcil tM (mulus nl' Co'it-tittitnn. W'nt. r .i.t t in tw i il aj a alt -r listing it 1 ox pun en cud relief, n tula ft r j taking tun lutilc-I va tn 1 1 rt ly i nn it, owoa all-r r'g.iiiiiib' my usual guuit laalili. nirs truly. i j. v. i, in: vm Iwistuii CoriiiTn, N. ., Oct. M7, JiJJ. H'ni. II. iri'tv & -'.: 1 (.'.'iith : -I liutl v yi v mi IiUrrt t makf UhV of the i fuljow in' t it Uu1 iiln'' nf riitiiuiinni H'n ,U'r. I f.t n r i'cimiiiih nd ih tin lusln'M niaiiip'r. .My w ill', uliu w as all.ti-Kcil ilh pain in tin t-ltonl- IT5. w h)lt lunt'lh uf lh' hfn-U, ami in licr limb, w nit ! l'alpil.ilioii uf tin-h'-nrt, all iuh'l Willi 1'ultin" f tin- 1 ti.nli, lnit.iiHMlii)t'ii- .n ul "Iriilatinn of tlio llljil il'-r." I lallotl a pliveinuti, w ho allemU il Jjcr nliuut lliit'L-iiiuuilu, win n he kit h' r worst- than In; luutnl ijcr, I llun f nipliij-.-cl unu of Hid phj'MtUin 1 it'Ui, ilihj, wliiiaitmiili'il hir for about ninu inonlht, ami ujnlc hlie wan nn.l' r tii cart- i-Jit. ili'i not btitb-r pith- .is tun i fi p.nri- In- liiKilly av' Ipt up ami mi! fr r r.iM! was luciiiabli'." 1'nr, tn lu1, "fchu wa sin Ii It c'Hubinuliiiu (ii'i'tiinpl'iiiits that nn-iln uu1 Uivi'ii lr nno iipfratf ilaniht munu other "I her illlliiullit;.-.' .AU'Hl till t lllltr kII) ( UllllUl'liOl'tl tt U-i' l'o 1 1 1 1' 1 1 I.N VYWMi, a inl t-ioiir uttur atdniitslinicnt, aliuostjllci ii r l dn-r t t't'iiit'il to have the litirrl lift t, ami r,lii K'pt tui nuprovin' rapnlly ijAili'r He truainiLMil, aiul inn. miper iHiiiiuls ennrt ly lie.- .fnuiodr ailiiiri. Hln U'i not t.i i ken any of this (".ui mums Wutu foralo'it hmr wu'Ih and Ui' arc Jmi'y tu aj that it liut piuiiucfti a pcrina- iiuni cure. W.M. M. VAN liKXPL'UUTt.X. ji,artri lhavejor nv'rnl iars h.'eu aliliit. d ' i;oSTI'lT"l'IO WATlill 'I'n Hie publie wilh ill" com ii liuti that thus m.O'iual in relievins thu class ol iliease for which il has lif.-u found su emineutly'ul in cunns i mid wu trust that wu shall he rewarded in our cll'oita in plaunj; tn aliiablo remedy in a (oral lo liieel Ihu teipiircmeiits of lutieiit and ph sician, I'Oil BAt.1! 11V ALL IHIUr.Glg'iV. lT.IUf. $1, W.V. II. (lHIIKii: - I'd., l'rnprhiorn. Vornaii .t AILa, Uciural Aijeiils, u. 40 Cliff Hf, Spiv-York, Sl'1.1 iM. JFIK. 13ui. o r Valuable Real Estate, In pursuance nf an Ofder of ihu Orphau'a Court of Coluuihia county, on Saturday, the 25th day of October, 1 802, at HI o'clock in Ihe forenoon, Jacob S. I'.vi-tis. Admluis- i tralur of .Vhliael Wliiteiiight, UU of llemloi k l.inn.liip Hi said county, deceased, will expose to cnlu by public vendue, upon Uu pruiuisca, a ceitaiu L 0 T 0 F L A N 1). , situate in Hemlock township nfnrcsald, adjoining lands Aaron Miller nn tho iiorlh, (leorgo Whileuight on the cust,.Mjlh.ia Whttsnlght on thu south, mid others, , CONTAINING SIXTEEN ACHES. Lale Iho estale of said derensod. situate lu Iho town- ' ship of llemlocl, and county nlor-'sad' JACHt f.VI'.ltl.Y, Clork. ID" Terms liiado known on day of sale. JACilll ti. f.VAN.S, A.liiiiuiitrati'j. nionnuliiirg, SepteuibVt ill, leW. COLIMIIIIA C'OUtVI V A G 111 0 U L T U 11 A L 1? A I R. Tho Rxeciilivo L'oiuiuilteo of Iho Crliiinhla County Agricultural ri .cieiy. havn lived upon tlu I5lli, Killi, I7lh A. lbtlKbijs (if Orlober, next aa Ihclimoof ltca s I VV'-J3"!-" KTO-t? " AuuiO. 15C? AYBR'S Sarsaparilla TOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Ami for tlm spoedjr euro of ttio following enmplnlnlii Bcrnfulannil Hcrofuloii. Aircrt I mis, such im Tttiiiui'8, Ulcers, Hnrt'K, KriiiitluuH. I'lniilcs, I'ustulrs, lllotrhta. Units Miilns, nml all Hklu Dtscmt H. OAKUhp, 1d.I,, Oth Jimo, 1BD5. J. 0. Ana h CO. Omtsi I fuol It iny duty to ne. KnoHledto wlut jour Earsnpsillla lini dono fur rn. liming InlicrllcJ a Scrofulous Infection, 1 hiw siifforsd from It In various ways for years. SomoflmM It tmrst out In Ulcers on my li.itnls mid arms) soiurtiniM If turned Inii.ird ami dhtrcMsd mo nt tho stomnoli. Ttvo years nno It Lroko out on my tienil mut coteroit my scalp and curs tlth clio lore, which was painful and lontlitoinu Isyond dcserlplloti. 1 tried many medicines nml seror&l iihjslclaiu. but without mueh relief fiom any Uilno In fact, tha dlsoider prow worse. M li ncli I was rejnlce.l lo lead In tho UosptI Moasensler tlmt yon hod prrpotud tu altsrutlre (Samparllta), for I kuetv Iroru yoin- rvpula tiou that any tbluR you roadj must bo Rood. I scut to Clriclniistl and not It, and used It till It cured row. 1 took It, as you ndvise, In small doses of a toaspoonful over ft month, and nsud tilm.nt Hire, bottles. New nnd iK-wllhy skin soon begin to fa m under tho scab, v UlcJi after n while full off, Mr skin Is now clear, and 1 know by vtj feelings that tho disease lias pone from my systoin. Too can well belloie Hut 1 feel what 1 ntn saylni? wlxm I toll you, that 1 bold you tn bo one of the apostles of tho ng.. and remain ever Bcatofully. Yours, AUHBD H. TALLKT. St. Aiithony'a Plro, IIobo or Rvvlpelaa, Tsitter nml Suit Itllouui, Si nlit llonU. llliigivoiiii, boio Ky'cc, JJropiy. Dr. Hubert M. I'rcblo writes from Salem, N. Y, Kill Sept., 13&0, that he has enred na Invetenvto case of DiDpiy, which thnalf nud to tcrnilnato fntidly, by II. peiseierinit use of onr Sarsaparilla, and also adiinporous Jlalijjnanl Erytipclat by laro doses of tho sumo; ooya lie euros tha cummou Eruptions by tt constantly. Ilruuclincrlc, Oottro or Nivollcil IJocli. Zebuton Sloan of l'rosrect, Texas, trrltos t "Throo bot tles of yonr Stusnp.irllla cuicd mo lioin a Cere a hid eous swelling eu tho seek, whlcli I had sultemd from orer two years." Iiciicnrrliraa or "IVliltcs, Ovnrlmi Tumor, Utcrluo Ulceration, l'Vlnnlo Ulseasus. Ilr. J. II. 3. Chatmlng, or New York City, wiltrs " I most cheerfully comply with tho requestor your egnnt In raying I haso found your Sairaparllla a most oxcellool oltcratlvo In Iho numerous complaint for whtoli wo einpli.y such a remedy, but esiclally In rlnaals IH&dit of tho Scrnftiloua diathesis. I liato curod many InvUer ate cases ol Luucorrhcca by It, and soiuo whoro tho cun plaint was caused by trrruluin of tl.o uttrm, Tho ulcer ation ItBelf was soon cured. Nothing within my knoal ikr eo,u.ils It foe theio f.-malu di'ianir,m3nts." JJdnard S. Manow, of N'ewbnry, Ala., wiltcs, "A dan grri.ns oian'.ni funiH' on ouo of tho females In my family, which hid defied all the remedies wo could employ, has at length been completely cured by yonr Itxtract of ur eApaiilla Our phslclan thought nollilnff but citlrpn Ikm could afford relief, but ho udvlsed tho trial of ymtr fc.irKnparllla as the last irsoit before cutting, an.l It piuvod effectual. Aftor taklusyour remedy eli;lit weeks umj mplom or the disease tinialns." Sj lhllt8 nml Ulcrcurlnl Disc-nse. Nrw Omsivs, 26th Augo.t, lBi). P. J. C. ATrni Sir, I choorfully comply wilh tlu, re quest ef yorr scent, and report to you sonio of llsa eMcvts i u ivo rsjii-e.i wiin your fiarnipimua. I have cured with It, in tS? prodlco, most f the oosj rlalnls for which It Is recommended, nnd liuio found its effects truly wonderful lu tho euro of VWwi t ol ami ilar turiil lliimt. One if my pallonts iMil Syt'billllJ ulcus In bis thiuat, whkh neio consuming tils palalo and tho top of his miutlli. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily tnlicn, cured lilm in (Hu weeks. Aiiolhrr was altac'stJ by sec ondary symptoms tu his nose, nod thu unvtatioo had oatcD away a cousldirablo part cf It, so that 1 fe.liee tho dlsurder nould soon leach his bnin nnd kill him. J)ut it yielded to my administration of your Snrsnuttrllla I Mio ulceis healed, and ho U well ugain, not of coiu-so wllhout sumo dlslU'iiratiou to his face. A woman who bud boon tieated fur Iho sanio dlsord.r by mercury wns 6ufTeriu; from this pcLen In her bones. Ihoy had Isic. mo is) fcu tfUte to thu wiathec that on a damp diiy ahc snD.scd uc ciud.ttlng pain In her Joints and bones. She, too, wns cured cnUrely by your t-arsiiparllla lu n tow weeks. I kuow fiom its formula, which your agent gavo nn, that this 1'ieparallon from your laboraloiy must boa great remedy; cooseiiueutly, lion, tiuly u-uuilaldo results uith it batu not surpilscd inc. 1'iatcriiallyyouis, G. Y LAniMLIt, 51. V. Klieuiiintlani, Gout, I.lvcr Coniiilntiit. Jt.DSpi-MinrCK, I'lettou Co., Va Cth July, lew. Pa. .7. C. Avrm Sir, I havo been nullctcd with a pain fill chronic Hhvumatism for a long tlmc,whiih bullied tho skill of physicians, and attirlc to mo in epilo of all tUo remedies I could lind, until 1 tiled your SniuopurilUi. Ouo bolilotured mo lu two weeks, and ic-toicd my genera health so much that I am far tetter tlitm bsfbr. I wan cttackud. Ithlnkltawenderfu'lmctlii'loo. J. ITfllAM. Jules Y. Oetcliell, of St. Louis, wiltesi "I havo boon nllllrtcd fur ji'irs wilh an offtctitm of thi I.her, which destioycd my health. 1 tiled every thing, audoety tbtiu; filled to relieve mo. ; nnd f hae been a broken-down inun tor some j eet s fi eia no other causo than itrawjow.t cf tlii J.n-cr. Dly beloved iia-tor, tho Itor. Illr. Kspy, advised jno lolry yourSiusnputilln, because bo saldhehr.w you, and any thing you tuod-i was worth Hying, liy tl.o Lawn lug of II od It has cured mo, and lias so purified my blro.1 as to mako u new mon of me. I fcol young again. Tha test that can bo mid of jou Is uot half good oucns'i-" rlitrrui,Cniircv Tumors, "Riilnrpomi nt, lllccriitlon, Curlcii ui'.'.l JJzfoUutlon of tho Hones. A greet variety of caos havo boon reported to us wlwra cures of these fouuid.iblo cemplaints hale resulted ftTiia the uso of tins, remedy, tut our space hero will not admit them. Some of them may be found in our Amcricim Alm-insc, which Iho agents bslow uainod aio pleased to fiuukih giatli to all who call lor them. Oylci9ln. Itrnrt Dlscnae, Fits, Ri'lUp uy, r.fcltincnoly, rCbriralla. Many lemurkablu tuns of tlioio lUl'octlons havo been ma.lo by tho nlieratlio power cf this nicdlchu. )t slhnu Utos Iboiltal fuuclions Into vigorous actli.ii, and thus ovenomes dUurders wbLh wuuld bo blipporeit lsjyou.1 its reach. Such a remedy has long been required h tho ne cessities of the pcpIn, and wo two confident that this will do fir them all that medlcmecan do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ron tub lurtD cajuc op Conglm, Colits, Influciiisn, Iloni'nolleso, Croup, llroiii'lttf U, Incipient Cuii 8iiinntloii, nml for tho Itellef of CoiiHUinjitivo rnt tents In Qilvimeeil StaRcM of tlio Dldcuce. Tlds Is a romedv so universally known to snrpacs any other for tho cmo cf threat and lung complaints, that It U useless here to publish tho ciideuce cf Its virtues. It inirivalle.l cxcellenco for coughs and colds, nnd its trnly wonderful cures of pulmonary illseafe, have, r.mdo it known throughout tho ciillizcd nations of the earth, few sro tao conununltics, or oven families, nuioiig them who hai. not somo personal experience of Itsetreits somo llilng ttoj by III their midst of Its ilctoiy over tha subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. Aa all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as tbey know, too, tho effects of this rcrucd) , we n. e.l not do more than to iissnin them that It has now nil tho vtr. tuja that It did when making tl.J cures v.'I.kIi have won so strongly upon tho couddturo of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, llacs. Suhl by 11 P , ut. (1 M Cagenhurh, nn.l J It Mover, lllnoipshurgt J r-.'liuyler llohrsbiirg; Muster & on, Milliill.'; P Vnstnrf. Ilenton ; l.aarab fi.h. r. "i nriL't'i lib' . (i f f .wler fowl' xt Hie ; A Miller. Uer wirk ; Low ,; II i us . Ceinerville ; II f Kfighart I'.ros f-pv: V II rihoeuiaki'i, llui'khoiii ; lleieln.rt tc Nuss, Mann ilie : .1 Eharpless, C.itiauissa; Creasy & Co., Li'ihl Mri'.'t : and ilealeis el eryw here. July '.'ii, leOi ly, SoEiFP Sales. y virtue of ecttain writs of Fit ri Farias IS-ileil nai Ol ine L nilrl ol l.ouiiuou i'leas 01 t 01. il rn 1, i .i County, to me directed, w ill ho exposed to publie sal", at the (.'on. I House, in llliioinsb.irg, on bhilurday, the .(Ilh day of S 'ptemb.'r, l-l.-J, at one o'clock in tho alleriiuon, tlu follow nig jir.ijic.rty tu w it; All tlio'o uoitaiu four pieces, parcels and tracts ot laud, situate iut' county, lViinsl:t litis, bound. -I as lollows to w il : One tract containing one hondr. .! mid tw. h e a. i s and t. my- v o p. r. lies, situ ite iii Pine inw nship. in .-al I county, boii'i.led l.y , lauds of ' lives, .1. i '.!., Thomas ll.nheid, lather A. (I. inner, Jackson liobl.ius, and others, wliuroon lira erected a Plank lloiie, p.nilj huiiali. d, an.l a Stable, 'Ml Ai res are i learud Until, one other Irai t ntuai. part ly in mi l partly in Pine township. loiiWin- Higlwo iiuudreil uiH Iil'iy some aires and tillhl ill p. n lies bound, ill. i l.iud-of Uiu. (Ir..un!ey, IV. (Ireen-I ley, It. (ireei.ley. ph lives, T. Long-hore, H.Cur-on, W . Lawlon, famti 'l .Uusgrovu und oihiia, on whiih arc ii 'cted a dw. iliug liotise, stable and saw mill, abiiot 'i Acres of which are rlenre.l laud. One other tract' situate in tireciiw.n.d towuhiii aforesaid, cnulalmu't l.ll Acics bniin.l'd by lands 'of lleergu Masters, It. Walts, M. Ileum. II. Ileai in k, Tituioiis' . state nn.l oth ers about .il Aciea 01 w hn Ii are e hired hind. Algnouu I other 'frait ,11111110 in Pine towust'l., ufor. said, t ontain-' honored und i.iiat) u.reaa.hl twilvu penlp's,. Ii.iiiiiileil h lauds ol lle.ij. w interrt.'i'n, Lyons, Thoinaa bluikhuiise. Thumus lleulli Id undolhcis.i.bou thirty acres of w huh lire rli ared laud. ' S-'ized taken in i xecutiuu uud lobu sold as tliu prop erly of James Henry. JIISIAII II I'UKUAN.Shfrlir. Illnniusbiirg, Sepleiaber o, istiy. WIlOLUSALi: AND Itl'.TUI. REDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, No. 2.5 North Second (Sheet, Opposilo Christ Church, l'llll.AHEtJ'UlA. E7 CoiislnnllJ on hand, a largo ussorlinciit of lleds,, Paillasses, dubious, Hair. Husk, Cattail' and all attnlesiu the Hue at tho Inn est prices. N. II Particular ulteiiliuu paid in riuuvatiug New and Old feathers. March 2, lt01.-12iii. V. (jT ll AR iaSON, M. D. WOI'I.I) respertfiillv liifnrni thu rillzensof Won. burg, uud vicinity. I hut he cut nines thu practice MKhlCIXK XI Sl'ltUHKY, ml sulicils a share of public patronage. Ortiii: on Mniu Street, llrst house below thu Court House, lllcn uisburi!, fihtuury n. IH3.1 tf. A 1) .M IN I.S'I'R ATOR'S N 0 TICK. Estate liih(Wc Krishcr, dtuened, tf.TTP.ltS of adiuinislrtitiiiii nu Hie i:,latu of Jacob J II liiiorr, late of Locust twp. t'nl iii.,ihci'in.rj, havo been granted by iho l. gisler ot Columbia eounly la the limit rigiie. ; all persona having ilunu- ngniiist the s tale of the decedent lire requi sled lo pns' ul lb. m lu Hie AJiuiuisirator at hn r sidemu in twp. wilhonl delay, and alt paeons ludcbted tu make pa) me ut fniihw'itli BAMLLL AUAMH, September 6, 1H2-6W A4n r Of Every Variety ami btyle at '.he nkw runt oi' ' M I L Ii K 11 k S W I S II 15 11, in jnnsnYTow.v. Hnvinjrjust received our Spring Stock, from ii'iii liasteru Markets, ivn lei! iVtirinlneil tn sell (I. .oils nt .1 little lower prices than they can be purchased clsew here. OUR MOTTO IS "Small ProUs and Quick Returns," OV The public tiro respectfully solicited tn cnl! nn.l examine nnr -lock before purchasing elsow heri!. ns v charge nnililn; for shuwlni; our goods, l'rnduca of nil kinds taken for goods. MILI.l'lt fc.SU'imil'lt, Jersojtnwn, Mny.t. IPC3. -.aery. MAKllIAOB.-firi I.OVfri AMI HAT"! p.Ki-ps.siirrnws mid nngers, hones mid fears, regrn 'iJsBV-it'll Joys I .VAN 110(11), how lost, how restoru tho nature, treatment mid radical cute nfspu mntnrthrc.i nr seminal ueaknessi Involuntary i inis Ions, sexual debility nnd Impediments to lunrrlniii.' gen erally ; nervousness, consumption, tits, menial and I'll) slcal iucmiai itv, restiltluv from .SLI.l' AHIiHII-are ful ly ixplaiih'il Hi thu .VAKlllAOi: til'llli:, hy W.M. OL Ml. ,V. I). This Hunt I'lttiitirillnarv hook should be In the hands of uvvry yiiinig person rontumpl ttl list marriane, and eevry man nrwcmaii who desiris tu cliuit tlm number ol their oll'sprlng to their (iroiini-taii- iies, I. very palu, disease ami aclie In. Menial In i until. lllaturlly and old ane, Is fully explained every p.irllilo in kiiDW ledge that thoul I be known Is heru eiicn. Itl in lull of enorav lugs. In fin t. it discloses seen ts that ev ery one should know ; still it is a brink that must bo locked up. nn.l in l Ho iihont Hie house It w ill he sent to any one on til.' rer. ipt of twenty Ih cents in spcclo or p.MliMe tljinps. A.ldrcsn lilt. W.M Yol'NIZ, No. Illi dl'lllICi: flrcit, al.nvu fourth. 1'hll.uli Iphla. - i i i.n 1 1, ii ami i,.M Uiii i..'(.i u no mail, r what may bo your dieeno, heforo J nu idaci ioiirsclfun- iler the care of nnv of Ihu iiotnriniis (tii(icinallt 0 or loremu wiin nuvertl.n in mis or any oilier paper, gel a copy or L'r. oiiug's book, and rtti'l it eaTrfiiliy. It win no urn mentis oi saving you ninny a uonar, ynur health, nud p'issibty your life. lilt. YOI'.V. can be consulted nn any of the diseases ilesi ribe.l in Ins publication, nl his elficc, Nu, Illi HI'Iir IT. Street, nbovo fnurth. Philadelphia. Oilu-e hniiis fiom Ulo II, daily. .March S, L-bJ-l'.'ni. JIUS. DEMOllEST'S Quai'lcrly tllirror of Faisliions. Gnat Improvements. rpilf. H linmer Number will contain four large and X splendid fashion plates, three full "i.ed pattern, computing the New i'rentli Wnlst, mi elegant t-leevo, nnd Misses hark, logither with nearly Km t'ucrailugs of all the novelties for glimmer llouuets, Cloaks, Trim miiigs. Children's Dresses, etc., and valuable inform,! tiou In milliners, dress makers, mothers, and ladles gem tally, prt'swullug the largest nnd best farhiou .Mag i.7.liie in the World, punished llroadwav, nnd sold en ryn le re nt'.'a coins, ori.cnt hy mail free, on ree. ipt of Hie aii.ouul. Yearly SI wilh thu l'ollowiug wtluuhle p r. i.i 1 1 1 n i . Il.i.h jenrlj subscriber will ho entitled tn the si Ice II. hi of .'.it (.nils worth of plain palterua from II." des igns in the book, or trotn the show room, or they may be ordered mid suit by mall any limu during thu year, by pa) I itc Hi.' pii-t.ig..'. Hpleii.lid inducements loCntivnssfrs. Suiumer uumtir will he ready on or about ths first of.Ma. .Hay II, L-iiJ-Siv. lTTfl'll'llOU, l'A.. Cnritrr I'cnn and St. Clair PIS' Tli.'lnrgevt Coiiinn r.'ial fchonl of Ihe t'nited Htnles will. 11 nf III .11 IV ll.llllll ytlldelll-. Ill live eais from 111 Stales, and the only oiiuwhuh allords complete and rellal Ie'i' tint! in nil tin' follow ing branches. i.: .Men .mule, Alaiiuliulurera, Mi am limit, ltiiilmud and Hook keeping, first I'reiniiim fl.iiu and Ornamen tal penmanship ; also, fc'nrvi) lug, Uiikiuuering and Mathi'inatica gcnerall). SS05.0C I'aj. f .ru Commercial Course; Students enter ;ind rc x u'-w at anv time. . J .l,niti rs' sons' tuition at half price. I'er ('ataloriie of rtl iiug. a, p'pui Im. us of Ratines nud . . in. in. f. uniatiship. mid a beaitilul I .. liege view ot spuare I't.t, rontnlning n variety of writing lettering and flouriilnug, Intlose til cunts in stamps to thu frinripats, JHNKNS SMITH, flttshnrgh, fa. April 111, Ir 1.2 ly. j C I R 0 IJ L A R. ' rjvin uiiilerhigued having been engaged by the Demo- ' 4. irntie State Central t'ommittee to publish, under liuspiees a I'aiupilen Paper to he entitled "Till: 1 DI MOC'-I'I'IV l.l'-ill'I'M," takes this occasion to call jour inline. ? int.; intuition to (he importance of using nor iiillueiiee in secure a wide ciri illation for the same " The 1 ir Number of tha Paper will be issued on Th."v.hv. Wisest Ul,, nt the price of Twenty. Pne i.ts lor Hi-fami:".:n. The Paper will 1.. pal, lisle , I ' m ini-v.'i ek'v. until thu day of Hu el, cil'oi. AH unlet. ,.. i... .!,is. Is. ,t 11. A. II. HuIL1;aL. fii."i-hr, j HI-; South Third tlieet, rhilaucihla. To tub I ovai. Men or Plvnsvi.vanu : T.'it Dcinorrntir l.tntlcr it is intended sha'l he devnted to a truthful uud fearless exposition of the causes of the present s, mid the r. In f w hicii the f ree men of Peiin-ylvauia may 111 part cl.1,1111 throii'.'h the I. ill. 'I l.ui w hah. w ilh tliu support lin y will give us lo) nl iiieii for the stippresiou ol thu r.lellion, may in lime ami as the only lea-iblu in. .tie rcloie our distress, e.l iiiiintiy (nils on. e prosperous and happy condition, as always maintained under liem.icralie Administra tions n! ihu (loverniiieut. "'Ihu Democratic Lender" i- therefore not only ri commended In ynur support, but '.trduties and interests as good i inens ill be gren'tiy promoted by making cU'orls fur the w nle spread , circuUtiuu ot this Paper. , r.w. liuoiirrt, I Chairman of the Democratic State C ntral Coinmiitcc. I Augiist 23, 1-bJ. i READING RAIL-ltOAl). 4 UMMr.n jiiu.' - rent Trunk Lino fiom the Ninth slid Norlh-U'esl for V I I'hilad. Iplua, New erK, I.'.ndiii, Poltaiillu, Luna tion. Alleniiiwii, i:, 1.1'., ,e. Trains leave Ham, burg for Philadelphia, New Yolk, ll.a.Hug, Pnils illu, and all intermediate stations, at r 11 1,1, mi.l LIU p 111. New York i.xpr 'ss leaves Harrisburg at 1-23 a m nr rh nig at New ork nts Si the same morning. far' s fi .nu llurii-hurg: To New -York .HiW', toPliil ... 1 ..!'.'., an d S'l'At. ll.."'.:.7o checked Ihroiigh. lictitriiiug I. avn New Yora al f a. m.. 12 Noon and ft p. in., (Pittsbiir-'h L'xpross) Leave Philadelphia at fi a. in. nud 3 1.1 o. in. Weeping cars in the New-York f press Trains, thro'igh to mid lioni t'ltteliuriili wituoni lining.'. Passengers hv Ilia Cntnwissa latilronl kuvo Port Clinton at '1.40 a m, tor Philadelphia and all iulcrui. di uto nation-; and at 3 p ia lor Philadelphia, New York, and all Way Points, Trams Pottsvillu nt 9 n in, mid 2.15 p m. for Philadelphia uud Nuw Vork ; and at o.Jbp lu for Auburn mid Port Clinton only, coiiueiling for Pine C-ruve uud with the Cutlawissu Kail Koa.l An nccnmiuodatiou pusaeuger Iraiiileaxes Heading al (I u in, and return hum i'liiladt'lpliiuat o p m. tj" All tlu above trains run daily, tSuiniii) s excepted. A f unJav train bans Pi.tlsxillu at 7.30 u in, mil Philadelphia al 3.1.', p tu. I 'oiuiuuii nation. Mileage, Season, nud UxcuraiuU Tickets, at reduced rates mam! from all points. (I. A. I.S, May 17, lf05. (leiural i-iiperintendeut. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY CAPri. of in. ry sort, size and qtntity fcr sale cheap al I'm IHouiusbur? Hat A- Cap Luipuriiiiu Also (iroeerics, Conlettiouaries ICigars, ir. JOHN K. (11UTON. oomsburg, Sept. II, IC1. OiputUe the Court liovstand vctl .lotrta IHmcirat Office . The undersigned, respectfully Informs his friends and CUstuiucrs that hu has opened ' w xi.w U iiun:n simp In Court House Alley, in it door below the (Ifllco of Iho Cnluuthin Democrat, where he will he happ to Mint iii.iu all iiiatoiuers, und from long . xpi n. nro uud strh t Iittenliou to business, lie impeato merit und reculu a liberal share ot public patronage. I u.'-'AII things heru "ilouo in decency nnd in order." ' THOMAS lIltOWN. ' Illuoiiisburg, March 1st, lets, IlBVU OUAItlUUS, Pe NSsVI.VANIA Mll.lTH, I Sl'llULON HUNUKAJ.'S Officii, State Bledieid Hoard of I'cnnstjhuniu. The r"iato Medical Ihrai.l will meet in the Hull of the House of llepreseitiatives. at llarinhurg, on Thursday u... ....... I,.. r Inh. l-iil. and sitonu dav . for Iho exiimin.ili'Ut ol candidates lor Ihu poti of .Uiisluut Burgeon lu I'lini syivauia li.'fc'iui' ma. Candidates w ill register tlieir names at tha Hall at S A. SI., mid limit' but Ihoso present pnuciiiiiiiy ui u.i. .M.i will be t xuiii i tie.l. t'iti.ens ot p. nus Iwiniu of health and capablu of activo sun ice in Ihu lie Id. can aloiiu bu received. ly order of A. tl. ClJIiTIN. Oov. rnor ofPenn'n. IIcmiy 11. es mi i is. t-inguon Onicral Penit'a. llarrl.burc; Atifust S3, led-.'. BL00MSHURG SKYLIGHT, IPi 1 T 8 1 tl 1 15 CA ti V V r lu 9 Jj' f 5 O ' Hit j ij 'ri I mill: undersigned inf.ums the citizens ol iiiunm, I mi.l ueinhhorliood, Hint he has Ink. u the large room in the Uxiluncu lilmk, i xtending over Messrs. h'ton. i & fox's bakery, and the lloukslore wli. re he has put Hi u laue Siklifl t. It is only by Skylight guod pic hi can In-1 sen especially gnups dull person an be taken 1st aa xv II as si pariilu. Ho has gun to ruiiaidcrablo expense to make his Ci atlls'i'iielit llrst i lass on . nud he Hi rel'ore soln'ils a b. rulpatro ige to euahl. him, n. c"isluii',ly tutroduio l iiiiproveiueiils of the art By'l'u'in 'y proline i taken Hi Hxrhange for punms. IICNUV lUMLN. fO(.l. Cl.omiburg, Nov. 23 lf'Jl, I Nuv 0 - 10,000 PIKOES WAUj PAI'KUS IN vixr. nai.n r.trrits. not. i ,ixn it.ut.i' nr.coitjirioxs, M.mnr.r. .ixn a a dkcoiijitioxs, nr.n.rn r.imng. vi. ir.v.i. i nitiaiir roAMM.v, jwitnntt, run: iio.iud vnixrs, sr.rrtiKx. n.i.vhs. inc.. r.iv.. Will Ii" sold at prcntly reduced prices, al tha paper -I..., ......... . r .1... ..d.l...l.h..l ... t.a.lAA II. ..,.., Hroro llutlse, oil -rccoiiil street, a few doors below .Var. j nei. .ia.. Paper Hanging Iixecutcd In the best style, nl mndtrnto prices nnd In quick Unit) I!. J.TIIOIINTO.V, floomsbiitg, May 3, lPtM-Sui. 7 he New Commmhl llinhUngx are lora' ted opposite Court House, earner of I Court and CicnimgoStreeta. i.tlmiln... 5 conncciei. win, any otuer ( of Thu energies of Iho entire I acuity nro exclusively de voted t.ithl. Thedeslgii oflhls Institution is to nfl'or.l tn Young Men nn opportunity fur acquiring a 'Vhurough Practical BwiiicH yAlueatluii 'I he llnnks ami forms lire carefully arranged by Practical Accountants, exprestly fnr this lnililutloii, nu. I Ihe course of Instruction is such to Combine Then. ry nn.l Practice. coM.nciiATi: couitsr:. This L'otlrto embraces Ilook-Keeplni in all lis de partments, Pi iiiimatishlp, Commercial Arillnuelic, Uu, ines Onirespou.louce, Commercial Law, Political L'con uiuy. Commercial I'.thics, Partnership anitlcmeuts, He tectiug Counterfeited and altar, d llauk Notes, kv. I ho rtpencerlnn i sti m ol I'.'liiiiiiaii-liu. is taiicht in all Its larlctli s. I.) the most stllll'ul masters of the nit. i'he llook-weeplug department is under the snerlnl stiperi Isiiui and iiistrucliuii of the Principal, 1). W. 1.UWL1.L. (ins'l'.UAI. INfOllMATION. Students call enter lit any time I nn vacation. Usual time to complete the Caursv, from G to l'J weeks, Assis- i iniHreniicreii togr.i.iu.nes in procuring siiunilnna. (iraduatea are pi. sciited wilh an elegantly engraved III piouia. ? for nalalnguei'f tn pages, sperlmensnf pennnn shlp, tic, enclose tw o letter stamps and address UJIl (V MlNUlt. Augustan, IPfll, fMayn, lG'J-iam 1W0 FARMS fl'WIX SAfiiDi (E& REST. Tim ".nhiirrilh'r OiTt fs Tor k.iIc or rMit. tho two fnllnT,'- iiti; t-'arniit, nno nl' lln in tilnat in I'ltliingcri t,!; town slnp, C'olntiihi.'i county, rontainiii ONE HUNDRED AGRKS, more or less, about llfty-fiio acres nf which l?Dn Is cleared I'liid. w hereon are erect'' I a good JI.-L-Mj Two Morv H1.1MK M KI.UMl HbU.'F, ninl I1A.UV. ItjiliX, Wagon Hons.', Corn Crib, and otlu r outbuildings. .'If.bO -One oili"r farm. Hual in llentou town-hip, Columbia couulv, coutaiuing ONE I1UNURED , TIIIRTY-li'lArE - Acres, ali. mt Thirtv-fivc Acie of which is jI'll i h ar-'d lunil, wher on are erected a VRAMI'. nu i.i.i.ixn iiuUbi:, rit.iMi: n.iux, ami IBsli'i- other oulliullilines. raid farm is situate on Ua mg Cr 'Ck, about tw u nillcN aho eytlll Water. j.() Two otl'i. r small Lots, situato in flvliing cr'-ek town-hip Iyni4 on fishiiincreek Head, and one mile Iromsttill Water, one containing l'lil'll ACIII t, and the oth. r a Tow u Lot, and good build'nz on each of them. L,--'l'crms and conditions mud. known bv WILLIA.M IKfLLll. fisbingrriek. August 30, IpO-3. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Double Sluel, Furty-E-ght Columns. riublibh.-.l ei cry .Morning, (Hxccpt Sundays,) l.v Wm, IV. Hnrdlii.', No. 121 .Soulh 'I bird Street. Philad elphia, Pa. The tiruntu-t ii"W spap"r of Philadelphia I The trying times of ihe nation's history in win. h w e live, render a Live Newspap. r! an iiiilisi.eii-iilile to every mini w he) would keep himself infoiuie. I of Hi" important ewnls whiih are daily transpiring. Tu furnish a paper which will meet the just expe. lations oi'the public In such a lime as Hu present, requires an aiiiounl of labor and of extraordinary ep..iisc of w huh the loiuiuunit) ut large nuioi.ceplion. The pub IisIk rs of im: piiii.inr.LPni.i txeiuinr.ti. has spared no ell'orts or inonoy to-nnku it all that it mum ne in soils improving ana sireuiu.-uing thu home lorce during the pnt year, several of llu best II. porters und Letter w rit-rs in the country line been sent, at great expenses, wilh the Army and Navy, an. I have fic'iuciitlv given Hie public the first and lull. i st ac. mints by telegraph and l.y mail, of important j:i't:xrs .it tiu: of ii ah. The Inquirer was the llrst northern pnpur In eixuthe ai'oiiutol the ilatteras and Port Koal iclorn -c. and wiistwilve hours in atlvanecol' any pap-r in theeouii trv. in 'l publii-ation nf the details of the Hull ltun llat'tle. lv'."lt 'f'e luquirer has done, is but an earnest of what will be u"ie. in "rdi r tu gile its readers and best llc'I OUtS Ol UXcry I 'lUl "i i.ueiesi luiiuccitu "in. nu: anr.AT h:uki.i.iox, anil at the same tlmu have it nninlaiil its reputation as the best geneial ti"wsiaier in the country. The increase in tho circulation nf the Inquirer du ring tho year, is thu best eviduiieu of the extent to whiih the public rely upon it for the news of the day. Its circulation has averaged lor several months' past. two jiuxmiKO tiiouaaxo copu:a u week, or neatly forty thotisni l a day . and H has, during the year, in times of exeitenienl, reached oxer t , e uly tho.iaanil a ilny testing tho capacity uf our fast pi. sstotho iitiuo.t to supply-tile demand. It com Year wilh new uud beautiful copper faced tj pp. mid withi.newe.l tijor and aitivity in its News mid fdiional departments. The Inquirer is iuib p. nileni in politics. uT I'nres ut which the Phila.ii Iplna lqinn r is fur nih".l : Single copies Two C. tits, or twelve tents a week; Daily Paper S ' per tinn.iiu, in advance; Two months 1 Tri-W'eekli fet. All letters should be il ilressed to W.M. W. II P.i)l 0. Piihli-h. r. Inquirer lluildiug, 121 (South Third d. May 10, 1?'W. Piiihhsumiia, Pa Atcitialt! :tud I.sfc-LiKe roririts Of THE MEN OF THE TIME. Wf. are now publishing a series nf unique nn.l Life like P.. itrmts ol thu Distinguished .Men nf thu I Time embracing Military mid N.nal Oihcers, .Memh rs of Congress. Civilians, &.u 'i'hey arc line lino engi.i- I lugs, executed in superior stylo, and prepared Irmu I the latest I'hut.igraphs, many of which have been oh I tallied expressly lor tin- collection, tieiug printrd on cards of the same size a Hu Cartiv de Vi-ne." th. y aru minuted loth" t'liotoeriiph Albums, or can hu sent to distant friends by mail j These portraits me superior tn any now in th-merit;. 't, uud an- n ni.irkuble for Ihe l.iithriiluoss with whiih the likeness is poriruvi d. M hen pur. basing. I..; can ful to luq'nre for .Vnrtien's Card Pmtraits, Price IH cents eai li, or twenty i epics for one dollar, )L"l3eiil by mail, post-paid, on r cipt ol the price. PHOTOGRAPH A LRU MS. UT. haxe now ri.idy. of our own inanufarltire. ,1 cinuiil'-Ieand e.t. nsiro asscrluieiit of Photograph Al bums, made of the very best materials, and equal, if nut superior, in stilu and finish, to nn) unw in the market, xilnlst I hey are oll'ere.l i.t lower pries than unyolhcrs. 'i'he assortment tumprises several new i varieties, as well in new designs mid clasps, i.very Album is f'iri.i-lie.l with a title-page und index, punted HI gold. I Published l.y VVII.L1A.V S. h AI.FUI'.DMAUTir.V. I 1 110 Cliestuiil Sou t, Philadelphia. i .inr.XTS it.iXTv.u, April 2J, TOJ-lm. !--'..-. J'i V A fx B ,Y W A I iUJA YrntiMI"?'.rn6 Hi.M.Mn:ii s.ffs, nr.. t'Hlv'i asb-loVi;il In .Xe in Suullt fVurA ;ii:Wu .v r. . Phlwt ti'llil, tirt,"' iijtK'irttiii have ..Jyv ' Jfi and ii Inrge iissortuu nt of fne 4i,.'jr l:JC 'I'hn I ir.... t-al t pr-Nii halainaiid.-r faf. run diinr- lur l.'i tikx mi.l Ir rSLs,!11"!' '"' ''.l11 'I'""''".!"1" 'li. CfSfwK5 "takes uf locks equal to any niiiilu 111 tho I'uiteil flnles. Flrr ifVa i esc fin. .Ill came out right; trim co.i tent in jeer eoiiiHlloa. Thu (-.ilaiuaiider Sufi a of Philadelphia against tho vvurld. EVANS & WATSON, !invi hid thf nuroi-t deninstrntinn m iho follnwinif ( r tillrutf ttmt their imtuiifnilur.' rf Hilnmnndi r frtf Una nt Ii i ucili fulh warr.intctl th- r'pr Hntationti whult It. mi hivti madf of tin-in an rendering an undoubted icuriiy - against the ti nilic clement Philadeli.hi'i Anrii 12. 1-M. .Vcs-M. Ki-mit Q Walon (leiillemeti It allords us the highest satisfaction lo state to you, that owing, I.i the veiy protective qunlitie. id' tivn of tho r'aluii.aad.'r, Hafes which we purehaaed 01 )nn some rive moiilli mini xvo saved a large iorlioii of jewelry, and all our books, tic, exposed to tlio calumnious, llru in Kan. lead place uu the morning of the llth iu-l.. When wt. rolled Hut these safes worn located in tho fourth -lory ul the building ww occupied nud that Ho y lell subsequently iiitna heap nfhiiiunig rums, when tho V list couceiitralion uf thu heat caused the brass pl .t.'. In luell, we cannot but r. gard Ihejireaervulion ,. their vul ....I.I., ei... tents n .' iiieiii'- i.rt.ol of thu ureal so. ""' nll'ord. d by your sab s. Ve shall tnkn gnat pleasure in rccoiunnndiiig tliom to inon ir. uusiuess us a sure reiiume upauin un Clf.OitCi: W . rUMMON'rj K IIIIO., Jewellen. T7"Phev hav since purchased n.x largo Pules. July 20, ISO.'. August '-U. Isi'.l RRICK! PRICK 11 UltlCK!:! f..l Itslr.l- t...f ........ ,l.,,l, ,...,, v..,.,.. .... en, j, ics , in., ....... iuium an.l for sale th. un, wholesale a rn e.l lUUU,.i AtthtUbouisbura llmk .t.i Apply to Urn tubnnbet IIKNllYS .Meruit' Uloom bur.', Jun . 2l ll.i. iiMin.,1. nm 'gj "" .""V" r. - Tl I a rsT J 4 IUJ JTlio l'rcsideut has issued a procla- motion SUSpondillll tllO Writ of HaboaS 1 o Corpus ill all CUSCS I SSrGovernor Cut tin discharge by proc laniation tho Stato militia. A IIoitiunr,E SciINF. I'itlibttrgk, Sept 17th. A frightful explosion occurred ut tho United States Arsenal, this afternoon at 5 o'clock, in a larco framo btiildim; I known as tho Labaratory. About ouo an(J seventy sis boys nud girls tveru employed in tno building at tho titna of tho disa&ter, seventy five or eighty wIlom mtQ Tho explosion wa followed by others urtil Iho cntiru building wits destroyed. Those who could not escape in time, wcro bnrnod up. Tho soeno was most appall ing. Dead bodies wcro l)ing in heaps as they hud fallen, und in some places wcro tho whitened bones could bo eeen through tha stuoko nnd flame. In other places largo mnsses of blackened flesh wcro visi ble. Up to tli3 present time 0!) bodies havo been taken from tho ruins. The caue of the explosion is not known, but it is admitted by all to have been ac cidental. Soma assert it was caused by the accidental falling of a shell. EXECUTOR'S OTIUE. Eitulc ef John Klmgcman, dee'd. IUTPUIt ti'st.iiiitnti.ry on the eflnle of John Kling. i eman, late of .Value township lu nlumbia county deceased ivc been granted by the llegiater of l.'olum hia cotiniy tn the uiiilersigiied also residing in said township; all persons h.ivinn claims ngalnst tho es tate of 111.) decedent nro requested to present them tn the i:ecu!or at Ills n Hidence In M.iiuville. ivilhoot il. lay, mid all persona Indebted to make payment forthwith. JOHN .M. NLS. Aug. 111. IrTia Ot. Uxrii nut AD.MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. y state (f Jacoh Ifartiiant tattt tf U'tAt llimlocktwp, Montour County, dee'd, Ir.TTJ.US (ifAitininitrntion on the above tinmt't' o j otnto Have been granted to llio under. Ki't'il l tliu Hi'gitur of Montour county. Ai pi-rcon Imi inn laimn ajniiit tlio tela to of tliu dcctMli'iit dm rcipifti -d tn pri--pfiit tli 'in for rKtUx'iui nt, and tlioso iiid(,l)tud to uiiiku itnuiL'uiotc payment JACJU IIAKTMAN Jr., Jidm'r. Conner Iwn. Aus'ines, i8r, -cw. R.WN KNOT LIE. "iVotico is hereby given, ihat the Rank 1 of (lain tile, a Hank ol Issue, Discount unit Ih pos it, located in the llnrough of Danville, .Vontoiircounty. w .th a capital uf Two Hundred Theiisuu.I Ihillars, ii. tends in.i.iug upplie ttion nt the next regularse-si"ti nf the Legislature ol Pciinsylvauia. for the renewal ol it. chaiter. uud exteus. in ol its prh ileges. Tor a lerni of twenty years iroin the expiration of lis pre-i nt thurtci, with llubamo iiaiup, title, location ans capital, Ily order of the Card of Dlrei tun. ll.WIDCLAUK.Cnshhr. Danville, Pa., June 2', lPil-J I. in Sa170n1jVIER I S APON II-IE R ! ! -Till". I'AMILYbOAP -, All Km lieu Oreas.' can bo made iiiloguod r'oll1, . liamA' aAPONIPlLlll C7-DlillXTI0Nrl ACCOMPANYINt; J:AC1I IIiiX ' SOAP is easily made wilh it, as making u cup of cof fee .Manufactured only by Ihu Patentees. l'A. SAr.T JIANUfACTOHlNa COMl'ANY. No iar Walnut Htreet PIIILADCI.PHI . n rr. o.iGiiaiaWsaitiis -V If o 1 EOTYPC, PIIOTOGnAPH ft MI :LAinorYri: A tilMOTYPlSS, PHOTOGRAPH, Jli'lainotype, fee, taken in Cloudy ai wvll u- U'.tr HVuther." Ainbrutypt-'s and llatutrreul pr topi u una Uulurjjfil. iXOliril DAAYILLE, I A. Dec. 21, lefil, 3SL Q n a a ? 51 a -u & i'rititt-r, ElnoJiliiinlcf & IHaukbook M A N U FA i: T U IL E IL ,- AVlIOLKSALE AND Ut.TAtt. llUAILR 1-1 PUINTINli, U'ltflTNC! AND WUAlTf.VC PArElliJ. AIIKN r FOIt Tilt CATAWISSA PlI'Ul Mlt.l.s. Main ftrcit, lirst door below the Public Bpuate, WILKESJJARRE, PA. Nox-. 21, lffil 12m. GRKENWOOD SEMINARY. rilin Autumu term of this IniHitiuion ill comma 3!om!ay, August Hilt, ISC2. TCr.llH For Uoardiug, Washing, Taittun, etc , for fleveii l eeka $25 CO One half in tidvunce. t-tu.lents wtiohavu not engaged rooms will do well to uiakx. early application to WW. r.l'UCHSS, Principal. Mlllvillo., Pa., July It), lwli. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. . 'I Hf, undersigned would infurui thn citizens nf f?jJ I Itlnoiiishiirg mid v icitnty. Ihat hn hasjust re rT eive.l uud oilers lor sale oneoftlie mostext 'iKivn l?5C assortiiieuls ot'COOLlMiaiid f AN'. 'Y IS i o 1.S iver inirodiieed into this inarki t. Thu Christopher to iiml.iu, James Itohbaud (Hobo are among the llrst class co .king euivi s.ali of w'lucli are air-tight am! gas burn r I Ilia Parlor .loves ar handsome mid Hie assortment a ri. d. Al.sO -Particular attention is paid tn Tin-Ware uud House Spouting, upon short tietiee. All kinds of I repairing will he dune w it 1 1 neatness and despatch. I uV Country uroducu in exchange for work. PHILIP S. MOYEU. nionmsl.iirg. May in, ll?r,2. "TO C 0 N S U MPtTy Ei3 rpilK advertiser, having been rsstcn'd tn health in JL few we. ks, l.y a verv siiuple remedy , afler huviu still'uri'il suveiul years with a sevire lung ulllcliuii. and that dread ills, use, Consiiiuptloti is anxious to mako known tnlns fellow stitl.'iers the meuiis of, lire 'I n all who desire II. he w ill send a , opy 01 the pr--kcriptloii used (tree of charge), with tin- direclious for prepu nig and using th"suui'. which the) will Una u sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, llroiichiti. Thu only object (if the advertiser ill i tiding lie- I'n aurlptiou is tn heuullt the utllicte.l, and spread iiilurain ti'.n w hi h lu colli ives lo be iiiv.ilu'ible, nn.l h hop. a ivory sull rer will try his remedy, as il w ill cot them limbing, and may prove a hi. ssiug. i Parties wishing the pit si riptioti will please address I Itcv. HDWAltl) A. WILSON, WHIianislMir li. I May II. lU J 3in. King louuty. New ork 0OUGI1 DROPS ! COUGH DROPS ! ! ;tly blui ,Hf.g n;oM:i IIU.DS' roi'RII IHiOW 1 11 . . . . . ' .... .. .... . . H In 21 hum.. In nil atleili .ns of the t'li.-n, Throiu, whether unite or chronic It will be found of luiiuediuu hen. fit. Try u single bollle uiiJ you cniinul tail to ao preeial" its lis. tutneas. fur ale hi most all Stnrckctura at.d Drucgl.-ls. Prspaiud by O. f ItONUf If.LD No. 317, N. 3d. St., Philadelphia Nov, 10, loUl-3in. CARD TO YOUNG LADIES AND iV. (irv 'N'TLP.VI'A'.-Tln' subscriber w.lf send tfreo i f rhaigp) to all w ho desire it, Hie l.'ei lie and .nr. i lions for making a simple Vi g luble Halm, lUat will, in Itom two to eijlit days, remove Piiiij b'. Itbilches. 'Pan, freckles, Hallow nesa. and a'l inipeilli'f und roughness ol'iiie r-kiu, leaving thu sum. 'us Namr" intended it slionld be-soil, . sm.n.iit und bia.ititul. Thosu il. airind the llecipe, w itli lull ni-triictious. directions, unit udvicu, will pluasucaUoti or address twilh uturit postage,) 'IUoji. f. t'HAPUAN. Prat 'n nl Chtittut. May 17. 'sei 3m Ml lli.'.idvvav', N.w oik, UL5.0(K'!S lAM)EI,lt)MOFn:E. ' This preparatiutl, made from Hie be,t Java Colfec, H reiouiiueii'ledby idiysi' lansas n siiperloi Nl I'ltl I'lOl ri Hi:Vi:UA(iU fur ti. iierul Debility, li) -p. p 1 1, and all disorders. 'I'lioiisanns who have b. in coiupell e.l lo abut.. Inn thu u'c of cell', e w ill il.u this w ilhent ni j'lnous elt'oits. Ouu liiii eoiitiiius thu alreuigth of two pounds ol o.-dluiiry eoll'.-o. Price 2-, cents KOLLOClv'S LEVAIN, 'I ha purest ami best IIAKIN'ti I'oWDUIt known fur making light, awe I and ni.u ilioua In ad and cnk. s, l ine li cents Mxt.rrir-11'ntii rY,;i!.riiini.t. n.innr .f Proa., and Cln a' out Street. PHI! ADLLPHI . And sell by all DrBl' i nd Cr.Ccrs Xanli J Ue2 -l'-'"! t-i '111 I j in it ml i 'jL-BaSeissr. 'dZtUXuOki. - :j Sit, .i. stfctlK.iii.nsiaus B'UStMEt,