COLUMBIA D1SMOGUAT. ni)iTr.n-v IiUVI '' tatb, rnornir.Toii. "ttLflolnsjBlMlG, PA. SATURDAY MORN1NO, EErTIMDEH27 1862. DEMOCRATIC STATU TH'KliT. AUDITOR GENERAL, ISAAC SLENKER: OF UNION COUNTV. SURVEYOR OENERAIi, JAMES P. BAR.R, or AiiiiEonKNY county. DISTRICT TICKET- FOR CONG HESS, Hon. Is. 55. BSupcrl, Subject to the decision of the Conferees. . FOB ASSEMBLY, CSeo. I. .laclifeoil, of Sullivan, Jolin C. Ellis3 of Montour, FOR PRESIDENT JUDGE, William UIivcII. of Towanda. clTntVtTc1e Fon DISTRICT ATI ouNny, E. H. LITTLE, OF T.I.OOM, roil coHMissioxcn, HOUR MoIIENRY, OF 11UNTON. roil county BUuvEron, ISAAC A. DEW ITT, Or GREENWOOD, tor AuniTou, ANDREW J. EVANS, OF ULOOM. IMP II ll mi IH 1 ""'- nil-"-"" THE NATIONAL PLATFORM I PURPOSES OF THE WAR I CONMim, T A VOTE NEARLY BNANtMPCS, rAffCH THE tou.oh)no uki)LI'1iun, wiiu ii rxrmssss uie, oics or THE NT10X AND 13 .THE TRUE STANDARD OK LOYAI1Y t "That the present deplorable civil war has been T'ltcoil upon Hid country by tho disiniiuiiistH of tlio (Southern states, now in arms against the Government, and in arms nrnnml tho Capitnl; that in this National emergency, Congress, halililihiR all feal 4113 of mern passion or resentment, will rctnljoct only it duty tiillio whole country J that this mar it nol waged n tAtlr part in ly ;ilril of oppression, or for any pur jjose of conquest or subjugation orpnrposcof vicrlhrcicing -r interfering ttlth the rights or established institutions of these Mates, liutto defend and maintain the supremacy of the Constitution, and (J prcsrrrf tie Union, with the dig nity, equality, and rights of the setcral States unimpaired; and that as soon as these objects arc accomplished the uur tught to-ecasu" p . Opinions of Judge Douglas. II (.'publicans of our day, now he isnoinorcptofcss amptkit faith in the opinions of the lato Hon. t-nrnra .A. Docolas. Wo rail to the witness stand tho living hstory of that trieil patriot and eminent statesman. In 4I10 United States Sonalc, upon the 3d of January, JcCl, Judge Douglas said : "Ixddress tho inquiry to republicans nloneorfAerra son ihat in the Committee of thirteen, aeta days ago, every uanber from the itouth, including thoic from the cotton Unit IMassrt. Tombs and Davis) C7prcscd their rcadi nass to accept the proposition of mil readable friend from KentucU (Mr. Crittenden) as a 1'i.VAI. SETTLE HENT iftli controversy. It tenatrca anitsutiomea uy rciniiitcan ......i..-. t.tll-vi'i- -I'll,' urn l' II r'pn.riillf , 'P- OP OUl't niSAOHlXMl'.NT. AND THE ONLY DIP. piculty in the way of amioaiii.e adjust- ME.NT, IS WITH THE KCI'UHLICAN l'AKTV." Stephen Ji.Jlouslas. "I hold that this Oovcrnmcntwns made on the White Uarisby white .Men for.thc ibenelit of UJnta .Men and their Posterity rorcvcrl Setphcn .1. Meuglas, XSyPotcrson's Magazino for 'October is among the best numbors yot issued. In deed Peterson is alwayj up to tho best of tkcin. SyDr.-Johu having waited patiently, until assured by tho telegraph and news papers, on Saturday last, that Goncral -McClellan had driven all tho rebels out of Maryland, and that "Pennsylvania teas frcefiom imasion immediately volun teorod, and on Monday following, hastily .getting together a few men, Etartod to Har risburg to defend the Stale from invasion, Now it will not do to say that Stonewall Jackson ran away becauso ho heard Dr. John was coming, for tho Dr. kept tho movement a secret ; but It is fair to infer, that tho Dr. volunteered, becauso ho had board that "Stonowall" had run away. Wc trust ho will como to no harm by roa son of his gallantry. In publishing tho address of Mr. Buck alew to tho Orangcvillo Meeting tho Patriot and Union, remarks : Wc call attention to tho very able and lucid address ofChas. 11. Buekalewypiib lished in to-day's paper. At any time an address on public affairs from this dis tinguished, clearheaded statesman would command the- respectful consideration of his lellou-. citizens, who, without uistin ction of party, appreciate his raro ability, solidity of judgmont, and honesty of pur pose. At this particular timo, his opinions on tho groat qucsliono of the day, are of more than ordinary interest, and should bo attentively read and considered by all vho havo tho interests ol tho country at heart. Curtin in a New Character. Our excontrio and redoubtable Gov ernor seems to uo dotormincu to ex haust tho subjoct by appearing in all sorts of costume!.', metaphorically speaking, for it is not known that ho donned the hoops,; hut his last nppcaranco is cither, tho Mud Roy in tho "Alchemist" -or tho Fish Human iu soino forgotten play. -Certainly his speech has neither dignity, jiolitoncss nor decency. Timo would havo vindicated him from the chargo if false, aud it remains to bo seen if wrong motives woro imputed to him. A dispatoh fron Harrisburg states that Governor Curtin, on Wednesday a week, addressed tho Pottstown Guards, of Mont-; gomery county, commandod by Capt. I themselves with tho gallantry of veterans. t , I, IT , , .; ,l,, . , . i-11 John Honry Ilobart. In tho courso of i Their loss, is as follows : His rsmarKs ho saiu that any person who camo to Capitol Hill, and ondeavorcd to crcatotho impression among- tbu soldiers that improper motives had prompted tho coll for tho troop (a report 'having teenj circulated that it had been issued for po- aitical purposes,) was a. liar, a traitor and ' a coward I Ho had called them out for j . , , , , . ' tato defence, -andian tho prcsont craor- uey was ov'er'.hc would ?ud them? homo. I Accoptanco of Wm. Elwoll. Bi.oo,Msnuna, Columbia co., Stptcmbcr 15, 180U. lion. W i Mi i am Ei,WEiiii, Towanda, Bradford bo,, Pa. Dear Sir: Wo tako pleasuro in an nouncing to you, tliattbo counties of Sulli van, Columbia anil Wyoming, composing tho 520th Judicial District, have unanimous ly nominated you as tho Democratic Can- didalo for Prcsidont Judgo of tho said DUmVt. Wn ..f . accoptanco of this nomination and Remain yours, very respectfully, Michael Moylcrt, Conferees of Geo D. Jaokson. II. Bittenbeudcr, J. G. Freeze. J faullivau co, Conferees of J Columbia co J Conferees of omingco Geo, S. Tutton, Tlios. B. Wall. Towanda, Sent. 20. 1S02 Gentlemen : Your letter of tho IGth inst., informing mo of my nomination as the Dcmooratio candidato for tho office of President Judgo of tho 2Gtb Judicial Dis - triet was received to-day. I regard this nomination, as beinr?. under all tho circuui. stances, highly complimentary, and accopt i .i . , , . ii itic more cuceriuny, uocauso oi tuo uuan - imity with which it is conferred. For tho kind terms in which you com - niunicato tho action of tho Conference, accept my thanks. I am gentlemen, Yours Respectfully, WILLIAM ELWELL. J. G. Freeze, II. Bittcnbcndcr, Geo. S. Tutton, Thos, R. Wall, Michael Meylcrt, and Geo. D. Jackson, Esqrs., Conferees. KEEP IT RE FORE THE PEOPLE THAT GEORGE LAN DON IS AN ABOLITIONIST. Wo quote from a debate in the Senate March 11th, 1802. Mr. CLYMER. But, says the Senator from Bradford, if this country could be restored to peace, and could go on from age to age prosperously, with this insti tution intact, ho would bo inclined Mr. LANDON. The Senator is not right, sir. I wish to bo rightly represen ted. I want tho whole of the quotation. Mr. CLYMER, reading from the speech of Mr, -Landon in the Rccoid." 41 God has made certain men with their faces a little darker than mine ; but if they arc capable of enjoying freedom; liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it is your duly to give it to them ; and woe to the govercmcnt, sooner or later, that refuses to do it, and throws itself athwart their pathway of progress. I am no infidel ; but if wc, as a nation, can hold up and perpetuate slavery ,agc after ago, sanction it legally and christen it ecclesiastically, and at the same timo prosper ourselves, .bo free, happy and great, escaping all the consequences divinely threatened against injustice and oppression " Mr. LANDON. That is correct. Mr. CLYMER, reading further "then this, if anything, would constrain ma, not only to question the bible, but to doubt the very existence of tho Deity himself." Mr. LANDON. I endorse that. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE THAT GEORGE LANDON IS A DISUNIONIST. Wo quote from a debate in the Senate March 11th, 1802. Mr. CLYMER. Mr. Speaker, the Senator from Bradford asserts that "this question of slavery meets us everywhere, it meets us here, at home, and on the stern and bloody battle field," and ex. claims in excited and angry terms iive must meet it." But how? "Ncccssaiily in one of three ways," says the Senator. "First we can submit to bo ruled and ruined by it. Second we can continue as tee havs been doing fight the rebellion tvi'.h one handjtnd hold up slavery with the other , until both par tits are exhausted then settle our difficulty by allowing or by compelling the sccedtig States to fall bade into the Union with slavery, slave rcpte. scntatin and all its concomitants as afore time. I have feared," says tho Senator from Bradford, uthcrc were too many men, in high places who desire this ?nodc of set- tlcmcnt." But the Senator asserts "this would be a false and fallacious euro for existing ills. Let no one delude himself and others, by pointing to this as the pathway from the wilderness to tho prom ised land. It ncver should, it never can, it never will be done" .Micro you nave it, sirl iiiere is no i mistaking the position of the Senator from Bradford, and his followers. lie and they will never, no, never I consent that this constitution shall be inaintalucd as it is, and tho Union restored as it was. Oh, no, sir I lie and they assert, "it never ' never never will be done." I . . . iiold him and them to all the cunso- quenccs of this treasonable and rebellious position. ... 8 Tho "Columbia County Guards,", 102d Kcgt. P. V.,wero iu tho hottest of . tho fight ou last Wednoaday, and behaved uuiiam liazarus, Killed, (.ball thro' head). J. P. Mclick, slight wound in hoad by a' --hAA At fill a! 1 l iuvi.u w.uui, Henry V, lroup, slight wound, m right leg abovo the knee. jesso M. JIowoll, wound on sido of head, Adam Heist, slight wound in right sido. Josoph Lawton, wounded iu arm, P1' . . " oar. hcad,an,a lc' Amasa Whitonight, wouud iu right leg. S. M. Fishei, left arm. Augustus Kurtz, inissiug. Army Correspondence. On thi: IIatttiK Fiem, ) September 18tli, 1802. S Dear Father I I write to say that I am still about, having passsed safoly through tlto hottest of tho Battlo of Middlctown llights, on Sunday, and a very warm part of the fight of yesterday and .lay before, rpi... ,,. ..'i, . , r . , 1 no enemy is still to our front, and wo iB,,aI1 a!l probability have a scvoio bat- J tlo to-day, On Sunday I l ad command of fivo companies of our Regiment, umW a storm of fire; tho fivo companies nuin- boring about 200 men, out of whom C'J ,vcro killed and wounded. Tho balanco 0f th0 Regiment wera not engaged, though j thoy wcrQ unJcr Cr(Ji Th() JacktttjIs aud itM0 0tI) commenced tho Rattle of Sharps pur6 lato on Tuceilay evening, and were ' iu linc al1 of Tuesday night, skirmishing Wltu tUo cllcra'' Bud Pono(3 tho baUl ' oatn0t at tlnyl'fil't, yesterday. There as ncver l)cforc CCX1 80 lnuc bloo(1 s in 0110 day on tu0 Amenean continout, aq 1 yes.tcnlay' loss on both fides being lint lnsq tlmn fift.v flinnonnil TvTnnrt nF ... ' J ,j I brave boys havo yet boon killed. The fob tlowinS aro tIlc wounded in tho Dattlo of Middlctown llights : Calvin Achonbach, Joseph Ilauso, Samuel Gottshall, John Betz, George M.Demorcst, Charles Forn wald, Mark B. Hughes and U. R, Bur kcrt. Battlo of Sharpsburg up to this timo : Bcnj.F. Sharplcss, William Snyder, Harry Harman and Henry Linn, To these I may also add, the names of Gcorgo S. Coloinau, Liout. and Adjutant, and B R. Ilayhurst, Sorgoant Major of the Reg iment, both old members of my Company. I havo about 30 men for duty this morn ing, but wo aro all completely used up thank God there are so many of us left. I am sorry to close this letter with the (intelligence of tho death of George M. Domorest, in tho Hospital. Tho bravest of tho brave. Tho loss of our Regiment in both battles is 17 killed and 03 woun ded, several of tho wounded havo since died. With lovo to mother I am in great haste Your allectionato son, WELLINGTON IT. ENT. To Hon. Peter Ent, Light Street, Pa. Congressional Conference The Democratic Conferees of the Thir teenth Congressional District of Pennsyl vania, met at the Ward House, in Tuuk hannock, Wyoming county, on Friday, the 10th September, 1802. The following Conferees appeared and produced credentials: DradordV. E. Piollct, J. T. Dcmoy er, A. Enuis, W. W. Kingsbury, A. E. Meuardie. Wyoming Alvira Gay, John Jaekion Sidlivd7i James Deegau, Richard Bed ford. Columbia Ye tcr Eut, Jno. A. Funston. BlontourW. D. Wcidcnhcimcr, J. C. Atnmonuan. On motion, Peter Ent was chosen Pres ident, and V. E. Piollct, and J. C. Am nierman, Secrctaiies. On motion of Y. E. Piollct, tho follow ing Resolution was unanimously adopted . Whereas, We have assembled for tho first timo since Bradford, Columbia, Mon tour, Wyoming and Sullivan oouutics, wore mado a Congressional District : Therefore be it Jlcsolved, That wc agree that this and all future Doinocratio Conference that may bo had lor tho purpose of uomiuatiug a Congressman, shall bo composed of an equal representation from each county, of two conferees. It was therefore understood that Y. E. Piollet and J. T. Domoycr act as the two conforcee from Bradford. On motion, it was j Resolved, That when this ooufcrenco adjourns it will adjourn to meet at the ! LiXolmrierH TTntpl itl lilnmnLl,,,..,. T..., r. -"wv''"""'Si "u iuu:-i day, tho dOth inst. Tho followinK was then unauimouslv1 adopted : JCCSOIVCU. That Pnfpi- l-Int,, A , . , .... mr.vmn i ai7. "n... w. ....... v, linn,, "Jiiv, ou 11 uommitieo , to proparo a statauient tho existing Congressional aud report tho same at : tho this conteroneo. On motion, adjourned. Whom to Adijuess at Wasiiixoton -l.MPOKNANT to Busisi:ss Mkn. As there are mauy persons wish to commun't-; cate with tho different bureau? of tho War Department, a memorandum of tho prop cr persons to addross may be useful to .' our readers : All letters ro!atin to pay of soldiem on furlough or in hoipital , uhould be ad- ' dressed to General U. F. Laniard, Pav- , ,uai: " uencrai. , P1'0,?10" for J'aok pay ami tho 51 00 ir n ii w i. ... , Auditor. . . . vv " " . -t.UVII, UUbVlIU .Application for pay of teamsters, cm- ployces of tho quartermaster's department or for horses killed in service should bo addressed to Hon. I. Atkinson, Third Au ditor. Applieating relating to pay or bounty in, !" u,ariuo,?nd I) 6rvice, should be addressed to Hon. Robert Berrinc, Fourth (Auditor """(, mmi,, xuuuu Letters concerning soldiers in tho army should bo addro.sedto Adjutant Gou - V ( iiorcnzo Thomas. CyWo observo by tho last copy of tho "Star of tho North" that that paper is to bo discontinued, at least whilo tho Editor ii off to tho war. Wo hope its patrons will turn to the Columbia Democrat for a county paper, beyond all controversy the! lost. I Pay Of tllO Militia. Tho pay of militiamen who have been ,, , . , , . , , called into service is the same as that of tho rci'iilar armv. 'J ho law of Peimsvl- U - J - vanii is as follows : fourteenth, Tho officers, non-com- missioned ollicors and privates, when call- ed into actual service, cither on a rcqui- sition from the President of the United. Oi.i... - i. it. .-.I uir.uua or uuuur nm oruor oi mo uovcrnor i ' i of that State, thall receive the like pay ig tbo constitutional rcla'ions between and rations and such other oinolumonts as tho U. S, and each of tho States and tho aro or shall bo allowed and granted by tlo ,,eoplo thereof, iu which States that rcla saiu United btatcs to tho ouicers, noncoin- . . , , i v ..ti. missioned officers and privates of'tho regu , Uon 13 or bo SU3rontlcd or tllsturbc(1 ' lararmy at tha timo tlioy fchall bo in sor- lliat l 1S '"V purpose, upon tho next meet vice, and the noncommissioned officers and ingof Congress, to again recommend tho private fcball ho armed aud equipped at adoption of a practical measuro tendering tho expense of tho Stalo during said sor- ! pecuniary aid to the frco acceptance or !, - . ,, . ,. rejection of all slavo States so called, tho I hn frlllnlVltln, nrit Mm rnln nlln.rml tn l . t " ' ....uv. regimental officers of artillery and infantry by the United Statcs4: Payment mid Rations per Rlonth. Colonel 5222 00 Licutenant-Coloncl 109 Ot) Major (JO Captain 120 50 First Lieutenant 110 50 Second lieutenant 105 50 Brevet Second Lieutenant. . .105 50 Privates 13 00 Tho pay in caso of invasion is essenti ally different from that during riot, tu mult, breach of tho peace, or when tho militia is called upon to aid tho civil pro cess. In such emergencies, noncommis sioned officers and privates rcccivo SI, 50 per diem each, aud commissioned officers tho satuo compensation a3 thojo of tho reg ular army. DSyOur readers will all recollect with what gusto tho Republican abolitionist pub- lislieu Landon s speech in reply to 'ly- mer ; and endorsed it as lha greatest speech ko ko, Wc charge that Mr. Clark was defeated by Aboliiiouist3, aud that Dr. John was iu tho ring to assist. Now in order to show what Landon is wo copy from tho speech thus praised by Dr. Johu, Harrisburg Telegraph and others ; and wc quote from the Tilcgrajdi. Ho said : "Congress should abolkh slavery in tho jlmsu'icioi uoiuuiuia upon terms couitah b and just. Then they should declare the c" u uiey veruaoiy Again : "Tho countrv will nnt lm nilnr.1 ,..,i;i the people of the free States consent to its, destruction. When they restore and per-1 testimony, be deemed conclusive evidences pctuato slavery, their consent is given, tho 1 tint such Stato and tho people thereof die is east, tho deed done. You -have ' aro not tletl in rebellion against the Uuited then only to wait in melancholy mood for c. , . .- ? , ,,1. the bitter harvest of rotributivc justic. If SUtQi : tl,llt attunt,on " ll0rcl,y callei to that harvest fail to como, then aro tho laws a" act of i;o"Krcss, entitled "An Act to of nature reversed, and the divine govern- make an additional article of war," ap ment a failure. I proved March 13, 1802, and which act is Atirl -ni nrnin 1 1(I repeat, what have these Abolitionists done? Havo they invaded any man's rirrhtR ? "Vn'' to rnennnen . '.. Brown did." Yes, ho did, sir. And then the double charge is that thoso Abolition' ists sung a song to his memory. 1 never jlid, bcoanso I have not the ability to sing, but if 1 had I would ut least have joined in the chorus. With regard to John Brown I havo to say this: 1 did not introduce him, tho Senator from Clarion made the introduction. I have only to say that in many tilings no may have heen a mistaken moll . Itt.f lf nil 1- . when the name of tho Governor who hung him is forgotten iu rottenness, and as tho ono goes down lower and lower, tho mem ory of tho other will riso higher and high er as a wan, though of fallability, yet ol heroism, manhood aud philanthropy. There you have it John Brown, Geo. Landon & Co. A beautiful firm, "and his soul is marching on.'' , muu iui nil fcUUb, Uia JiUJilU Will HVO Dispatch from Gov, cnrliu. No more troops to start for Harrisburg il rir IlAlUtlSKUUO. Sent. 21 .-fJm- " W Curtill toletrranhs frnm IT tify all military organizations uot alrcadv . J btartod for llarr sburp to wait at Lnmn . ' ' l BrS o wa t at homo . uula' "' roua' uie mat ail danger ot invasion has been riMiinunn. inn ,nn.u ni-n,,. i,r, i ...ii , i , I,, , . . .. .. ' "-" ......jr uiug iu lull retreat down tho Sl.onandnnl. A,11v IV III !i nnmin ll,.i, .v-i.i.v uunu inu uuuililliuuiiu ailOV- uontLe'All interested parties should, theriro ,,jal apportionment keep up their organization, bu wait for tho next meeting of orders before starting for the Slate Capi- I tal. J iiAU1UM,u"u' oui)i. jjy nuinority tt... r. ... -,, .. .. 01 governor uurtiu the militia now ouar- t r t . . .. .... ftcrc1 liero wiu 1)0 scnt Lolllo lo day. It supposed that thoso in tho Cumberland Yallcy will also return as soon as trans - portion can bo arranged. IlAUttisisuno, Sept. '0. Governor Cur''" '3 cxpeoted to arrivo here to-night from his visit to Cumberland Yallcv .... Tho militia lately sent to IJa.-erstown , T, , , ",. r , and Loonsboro wore this afternoon scut iiiiiriT iinr, inmKi.ivnni'i .... JCSyTho most disgraceful act of the present war seems to bo the surrender of Harper's 1'iirry, with twelve thousand men, fifty guns, and an untold amount of ammunition. 1 he guns and ammunition were used against us iu Tuesday 8 fight. As it turns out, the somewhat notorious Tom Ford, of the culpablo party , having shown the white feather whilst iu possession of the heights commanding the store iiouso ami troops junior djol, miles. This interfered sadly with the calculation of Gen. McClellan iu his fierce encounter, next (lay, with a foe (lushed with success and well supplied with artillery anil-am. munition taken from us. AlUhis will not save (hem, however. .General McClellan will wip them to their liuarts content, not only out of Maryland, but out of Yirn-ln. i and we confidently expert to see tho whole thing wound up by Hallow Eve. Proclamation by tilt PrPSldoilt.' the State and their lopectivo Statoand Dy the President of the United Stales o.tho people, if that relation shall haro been A,nini " , susncned or distuibid, bo foonipensatjd "" '' !for all loss by act ot ' tho Uttltod States, I. Abraham Lincoln. Prosidcnt of tho ii I I United States of Ati.crioa, and Common, dcr in chict of tho Army and Navy thereof j0 iicrcby proclaim and dedaro that here- r, , ' . P .,, , -n t, aftor', heretofore, tho war wit bo pro. pnitpil tar I Tin nlnnftt nf nrnnlinallv rcstor. ..,( ,!, .(? , ,,l ll.nn l,n r-r,hr,. lion against tho United States, and which States may then havo voluutarily adopted, or thereafter may voluntarily adopt, im mediate or gradual abolishment of slavery within their rotpectivu limits; ami that tho effort to colonizo persons of African do'ccut, with their consent, upon this con tinent or clsowhoro, with tho previously obtained consent of tho Government exist ing there, will bo continued ; that on tho first day of January, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and fcixty-thrco, all persons held as slaves within any Stato, or designated parts of a Stntc, tho pcoplo whereof shall then be in rebellion against tho United States, shall bo then, thenceforward and forever free, and tho Executive Government of the United States, including the military and Eaval authority thereof, will recognize and .maintain tho freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such per sous, or any of them, iu any efforts they mako for their actual frccdoom : that the Exccutivo will, on tho first day of Janua ry aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of fctates, if any, in which the people thereof respectively shall then bo rebellion ogaintt the United States, aud the fact that any Stato, or the people thereof, shall on that day be in good faith represented in the Congress of tho United States, ly members chosen j thereto at elections wherein a majority of thc qualificd vo(ora of fuch St.Uo Bhall have participated, shall in the absence of such State shall havo participated, ehall, i" 1,10 !,l,scnco of srol,g countervailing in the words and figures following: Re it enacted, f-'., That hereafto following bhall bo promulgated as an ad- llll,oual art,cl of war for tIia government j of tho army of tho United States, aud shall bo observed as such article : All officers or persons iu tho military or ,.!: r,t n -. j o. t , ' I,r' i Llb,lcd from elllPloJ'g any of tho forces under their respective commands for the 1 pui jioie of returning fugitives from service , or labor, who havo escaped from onv ' persons to whom fuch service or labor is claimed to bo due; and any officer who shall bo fouud guilty, sLall pc dissmi.-od from tho scrvico. Sec, 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its pasiagc. Also to tho ninth and tenth sections of au act, entitled "An Act to suppress in- surcction, to punish treason and robcllion, tobieao and confiscate the property of rob - dlu nnrl fr,f 1 II , 1 ,1 in ,. i "orua anu uSurcs louowing 1 firrnrni fn lnwin,, - -o a Skction 9, Andbe it fur liver c'lactel, ' Tllat alls!avos of persons who shall here- '.,f l,n .1 !.. ...1. . ., '" " h"Suu rcueuiou against tno Gow f b ' : . " . , J b , l-u'1"u'1 tuorcto. nn c antnrnn rem ciw, i. nmonm 1 1 uuu.. i.vus , , - "... au MU& rolu wiiiiiiiine linos ol tho 7 .. f captured from such , POi-ns or deserted by them, d coming ' ",ulcr t" contro1 of lho government of tho I U,llte(1 States ; and all ulaves of suoh per - ons or deserted by thorn, and coming un- ilnr tlmnnntrn nt t in nnimnunn,,, ( .t. . r . r ". r"" '' '".u na ,-mi' , ,., ',..:... 1 placo occupied by, rebel lorccs, aud af. I I terwards .occupied by tho forces of tho' ! 'Uuited States, shall be deemed captives of war, auu shall ho lorover froo of their sor - j vitudc, and not a ;ain held as slaves. Sue 10. And be it Jurlher enacted,1 That no slavo escaping into any Sta'o or I Territory, or tho District ol" Columbi from auy other Stato, shall bo delivered up', ?.!" 111 nnJ "" "nPctIed or hindered f his Jioerty, except lor crime or somo ofl'onpn t,,0 ofleneo i . , r. -.- , ,t n - . juj, sam ,. rjirivo sua l ing said fugitive shall first mako ojHi that tho person to whom the labor of suoh fugitives is allcgod to bo duo iu lm lawful owner, and has not borno arms against tho U. S. in tho present rebellion, nor in any way given aid and comfort thereto ; no person engaged in tho military or naval service of the United States shall, under any pretcuco whatever, us sumo to decido on ,tho validity of the claim of any person or turrender up any such person to tho claimaut, or pain of hciu" uiaiiiisfeu iromuuo sorvico.i And 1 do hereby eniuiu noon, nml or. dcr, all persons ingaged in tho military aud naval service of tho I'lntod Stio tr. observe, obey and enforce, within their respective sphere of eervico, tho act d .7;. ' 11 u,,l ,' ,lt,,,ai'l 'loia.'e l'or actions abovo written! aud t,,L u f, ltt u m",V L",n'u"!,llt OohmA will, in duo time, recommend that nl 0, citizens of the Uuiied states who shall have 51 Vl A h rl V. ffiV S"'"1 remained byn thereto throii"hont tlm rrr-mh,i i", ' UlirfJl'n- rebellion, Utlll, .upon the SCL Vaea Wrf U. . IUV11IM (IIU V utM f it i i vviln(;sst thereof, 1 have hereunto 1 sot in v hand and caused tho seal of tlin J United Stales to bo affixed; I , Dono at the City of Washington this S2d i f g Jmh in 0r0U1. , . .. i .i i t..t.. i......t i l I; Lord ono thousand cmht hundred and - - . . . Kixtv-two, and ol tho independence ot . .. i . . n tho United States tho rightycvonlh. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. II.. tt,n Vroaiilnnl . IJy the l resident : Wll.MAM II. SllWAtttli ci . . rt3,-- baorctary Ol btatC. . The Truth or Historv. Wo think tho Hartford Courant runs no ruk in ma king tho followiug ftatomont WO tlllUk that history Will rCVCal lllO iacts mat ai 1110 timo tucuiciian vrus - .. m ,, charcod with dereliction in not sondinir for- a .... , Ward trOOp.J to lllO aid of General 1'OpO, lm liml vii linllv Lmii .Irlnnwl nf -ill liw no had viitu.tiiy ulcii stripped ot .111 ins troops, even to hU body guard, and that ,. r .t -i i- he himself Was asking lor the privilege Ot going hiuucir, in almost any capacity- that while tho President was led to bo- lievo from Popo's dispatohes that all was dent learnt of the disgraceful retreat of, our army to Ccnlervillo, ho called upon McClellan to take command aud save the army. Tim Wnslnnirtnn rnvrfsnnllflont nf tin" a ..-j.-.. , . ' rrt, anu.uouiaiiau, says in 111s icuer 01 liiurs- , ., , ., , .. I uay : "lo day, MeCIollan is a iisiug man, 1 ho soldiers new and old adore him. 1 I cannot account for it, but such is the f fact. 1 reveal no important secret when' 1 I stato that the Government was couipull- , ,,,,,, 1 Cd to rClllStatO JlcClellau by tho Violent , feellllgS IU IllS favor among tllO troops , ,r , , , lie roile OUt alllOtlg tllJ tl'OOpt yestl'rl ay, , ., 1 , and they went wild with enthusiasm at the 1 1 i. r 1 t,-, i ., . bale Sight Ot him. U Jiat IS the Secret Of this feeling iu his favor? Who cm tell? Underttho circumstances, can any one censure the President for tho course he has taken?" The Washington correspondent of (lie New York Exprc3, speaking of Goo. Mo Clcllau's high popularity among ins sol diers, says ; .. i i h. n, ,, Uu oatuiaa) last, when lUcUsClIan was at Alexaudiia with iii.s hody guard of lead , , i i ,7 r . iiiuu uiiu jiunureii men an tno rest had1 been ordered to join Pope, and ho there ! listening to the sound of citnnou, knowing that his line troops were being taeiificed and he not allowed even lo be present he telegraphed to tho War Department again and again for permission to go to the battlo field e.-en without command, and only as an amateur, thinking that his pi". senco might cheer his own troops, and at any iato could do no harm, but lie was refuted aud ab olulcly foi bidden ! ! '. '1 ho New York Herald fays that "a perfect accord now exists between MeCIcl lail and tho Prc-iidi"Iit and tlio P-iliImt , ,1 , , , , LaUIIJCt, and all that is asked by ien -'IetJlcllan is that lie shall tic allowed to carry out his present purposes. MoClellan isaia on Thursday he bad no quarrel with anyone Ho desired to li t tho pa.-t bo passed. We have enough to do to fight the common enemy, and all he asked was to bo let alone aud he would put down tho rebellion." Operations cf McCaU's Riujion. v a , - . Colonel 11, C. BoIiiijiit, ol iho S.'vent h Pennsylvania Reserve corps, wounded bv .. I,,,ll,,i , I, I. .1. i . i . a millet tinougli tho right arm ami breast and Uol. Wall.iher, ai the J'ilovcntli I'eiin sylvania Reserves, wounded iu iho left arm tho latter actinjr as Brigadier Gen oral at the Sunday's light at tho South Mountain, upon which occasion both oil' ieors were wounded, arrived in this citv on last evening, and have afforded the lijllowiuj; lac.ts relative to the 1 msui engage finn if r.Pnl I ' j .11..:. t .!....- l" ii""ii, mriltctl 111 lint; nl hnlt i. U' ipii oii ,; ..I,.,,. . quarler.s ol a mile of the bast; of three South Mountain, and advanced upon the nnsi- I Ullll ,111 tlin CIIMimil nfllm I. l-l. " iv.-m lw1H Mirii , now com.nenced shelling advancing a)mnt.u i " g'ountl over whieh they passed was ol an iindulatiii"r character. . nil.,, ... . . ee. . . ... , .i,ui 1,11 .'iiiini-, 111 111 rt,u, it-pno .,1 ,fi :.. ., , 1 s, a ugl ,. . S sneucr at tim-s, tliouch the . e , - J- - i,,t broken but galling firo ofariiHery "and infantry M ! tho summit a sharp hand lo hand ' lht onsueii, hut ol short duration, and the cu cmy woxo drux-ii troin their position confusi..,, d,.. ,i, .i, J ... . 111 mountain, still hotlv nur.sif:,,! l,v M,. V,M "f0"' wIl JJ",I(1 1:lrer numbers or !c'lIn l,l'isof,rs. The height was occn- ' , " " '"halt's troop. Da- 1 '-"!"k;iu"ih on uio ii;it oi Uoolc- VJ V 1 "von V' oml" Kow York T" !-'l'S M't:(!,0i!,!,; .'" capturing the J-ouisana icgimi'iiis. I , 1,''vor-v so,tlier should kcrp in 1,H ' 7-, t - ,. ' "Pn w,,l0 should bo ,,"l,MUlu "a mu nanio and address , wd with week 1 uCilS0 occurred nt Alexandria, in which ouiuiurs were orougnt Irom tho battlo field ouo ill and tho other wounded both too low (o obtain theso particulars from, thoiu Thoy died, and the hospital au thoutics were deprived of the ot.poituuity of apprising distant relatives or fricuds ot their decease. Ji?TuU' 4M,cGu;,u'AK's Sr-AKr.-Ghior o Staff, irigatlicr General Randolph B, Alari-v . Ai iiii.,.,1 i n .. ' - 1.1! , . . . .". ' i ti i i v,u,,u,'"i"";adicr lion oral Solh Williams ; i,1Sp(u-,r Wp, , SPECIAL NOTI'Jns. O-TIIOMAM W. MATimV, nerolv 'I Hi,, p, O.MII'IU' HAIlrf, Hunts, nUoeii mid limn.. or. n, Ii,, ' menu nro now oirited In tnircliiMcm nf the nl.,,. Sleilal at tno tvonu s i nir in i.ouumi I , I r., 1 1 r ll'Kt J I IMHLII IHU IIHHUHI MIU'K II THll k ( 11 f"1 .ffilta il.reS rlc'rf. This Is lunch tho IntifOiit slnrk of trunk U -- .Military l,Niioit.M, There fa, ui tlmn. monl nf military Im-hiii's In Hu.r. i. . n.rira in.irked liiiiirot-nmeiit Ihnu In Ihn Hn.... I diiirs. Nut many years iliue oiling mid ii,n ,, ' ! . In riiriui-nlil U till ll U ( nt lillnn.t .Li. ....... . I ' " kill. ' ; wore leaner siihk unci wire worth; i,r I IL II. I II I 'V hCIll 1 ur riirtJI III llliJUIII inn : i 11 1 HI' III. , i.r,,,. Md iiaht i. i v-1 mndiMoiiiinii nnii Hi" If n lX!, "Xla T t'u V, i ciothin f inii ir uckiiin & wiimn, no, I'm ,,,;,1, I Chestnut street, abotti Hlxth i'hlhidi lph,t. ,,,,ni) xMnt u ,,,rL,ttiy 0,,., i,.niiui ami n' The tlrm nnmcil have none tarecly tutu thi h:i I lualihn Alllltiiry I'lntlilng, itml I Ii. -I r f.iilllu jthumu fill llm lurceil order In tho jhorlejt pa time. tVpt. SI. lJlil Uniformity of Trices I -A New l-Vulur in Un i Every one hit own f.ilesipnnl JO.M.H t. to L'roseiit Oim I'rieu Clothing Mure, No. Cil Matki t , nbnvu Sixth, rhlmdelphia. " In addition to hariiiL' the l.irtist. inn. 1 vn.i, . r.i.liiouanic ! . m iimm,,,,, n am- pin.,, ,, pressiy lor reian ,nie,, nave coiiiiiuicuei . ..... i' .... .inn . nic... 1 1 n i' i f. ill -1 1 1 1. 1 ml ,lc""'e.T .. ".. 1 '., .' .?omior " i nit ii inn" " i - "311 m-, mi r it d c.l'll""" p"H',i, ill jr i"i ii"-. iiii unir Tim boo.N lire well spnnjjod mid prepared null,, psliis taken with the tnnKlujj so that al) ranluiy usnriitiro nr pittmi; a itt am, tu nttiiu r, ot price ai.o, u irir- stuck nfiii.T e,ui, h. a, Hie latent t to and hihl "in.ilitles, wlilfli 111 l t order. In He most fashiouabl.) m.,, , , "'KJSK.Mark,, .,,, h,,,,,Ki . kd.'.'oi. jums, , j. . ESTRAY! STRAYED from the riic'oMire . f 1' undersigned, at Moonifb'irg, on or ubot tli hi , -rf A,'Si''- Re I Mih k Cote, I k? HIslllR four ear' o'il. cv.f--..,.--a I --A lilieinl rewnril i'l h' civ, i, for 1 rr 1 r information Hiu-reiibuut.. s. pt. '-'7, isi;iJ.rits. TcTcON -IjMl'TIVl'X .... rpllE Advertiser, liat inn been re'tor, il t" lir-,lih X few e. ks. by a wij simple mum, a r 1, via s whim lunft all. Ml n, n ilread dlsea.e.fonsninplioii liiini k, I. to hi ft llniV'Siilf rers the 1111 am-of 1 ur, . Tnnllho desire It, he will enda uipy ,, i!,. , FCrlpllon tixiiil (freeof i hara"'.) with the mr.-i n pr. pariiii.' nn.l u-lns t It.- same, wlin n thi-t , , llK t'i'ni: for Cosi'UMi'fios, AitiUM.v. Hiiom h , tho muy nbj-ct nf ihu niierner m n. im, , 1 st riptlou is to Ii atuni III ' aillii ted. and i-pr. ail id , tjnu uhich h-cnnci'lyes to be i it.i.ibl .nn 1 Ii 11 tivi'ry sulleri r will tiyhis rem. dy, will e t, unthluz, and may protea bl"sintt. I'.vitics wi-thiu tint pie.tiiplitn, will pi -a.e a.lai l(n. I.HW Mil) A W II " WidlniiisbitrSi Kind's Count) , . w gent. 57, IfbJ -Ilnio. BRIDGE LETTING. "? liu County f'o.nnns'iioiicrs ill irv iv pr 1 I tho lliiiiiin itf til ttiii.tu liiis-i, in I j n'i i n i:-i U hliip, rnllillllH.t fit , !) tUl'ftl I 111 li ill I nt' 1(1 ( i .1. M . tiihl J (i elin k I'. ) on KtlunJi j tic J.llt '' li'mt),:r i-iV2, Cur Imililin tt:i opt u r'l.I S ItUHK.i ITiri Cfck, near Hi-1 u-flilfunMil'ili'i mhl yiil i , rit I I hn tl tif 1 1) lie (ill I ML'IWi ril iilttl I ill' 111 -- , I IN i.v.-t; nizin n tt irnm low mwr m.'k, rt. 'J Mwflc.iiion.caii be yvuvuuv tiaviimi pia.-.. o. nn- 3y ' rder ol tli. Cointin-biMii , cohhuh lowr miiee. ( '!''"""t"-'r"'s"1" ' n. c riu it, " i .K!iu Martini. No. 7!8 Arch itre.t, 'r'no F.iahlh, south si'lr, '..,' dciihia. Juporti r tut't ,., i. VpHllhC nl II ltd i,v . t 'UxM,. , all hi mis of Vanu, l-m 1 desir' lo say t" toy fri nil.- f I'olilniiu.i tin ' 1 I rotindltlL' Lolllllli'5 llliu I loiv uoir t,i a.-, , the arjrei.1 and in-t beautilnl lls.rltmll' i I. I and 'untitles "if 1'AM'V I' .ulics' ani i drens li'ear. that will be v oru during tins I . il ., inter My l "irn veie purih.ii-i'il iu Imropo. pr mo'i i i J " iier.Ung Uikang; an, I lli i h inii" olll, ,-, ,i,,,r,,., -i,,.-, i. Hrst nt Aumi 1 1 ";' 1 "i"1 '"". niat a- lomr s -tor lllllt I ..p. - -I will oll'er it at pnee. g"po:linn.a In whut lb e . - eo.t uie ; but it w ill L.t iiupiM-lble for me In I. j and .Mauuf.u lure any uio.e 1 u. an I ,.i II tb m a ' b'ine prices, o ing to the mix tiled ti.ileof the i.ll.u nf the I'ounti) , LJ llcmtmhcr the iej,.e, number nttds'irt jo:i r . .13 AKCII Miim.1, i' . Ht-pt. TO. 1B52 ., , Gr.XIilJAL ELHUTIOX PROCLAIM ATI OS VV t:.....,i,,. in,. J ..,i ,t. , 'nir"f ")'' '' """ to an.' m.iie oi tin r .. Jaeetiu s by publi, iiimh ii, urn- or n, r n. , p r ofthe i. n-t t. my iiiiJe. b. r. r m i turn, and to t-iiitni'-i ut ih 'Kin lb ..iti, rd," and In "dei-iiruale I'i ' plni nl w In-Ii i'i I - li tub' II. Id,- Th.ii.1 it, I, JUil Ml li KM v Ill b - i i Jfnf Cidiiuibi.i count)-, ,lu In r -by iiiak,-Kii'm u n i , ilalni lu the 'pi.ilill -d i.lfitor-. nf t oiuiul.i.i 1 It CKM.IUI, l.UIIIOS Mil be Ii 1.1 ill 'I " . f (lay Ihe I OIlliTUr.N"! (I UAV ill' (il Tilii:i , i nc.iud Tuesday i.i tanl month, at 111 . v . J rj l-1 Wilhlll 111 - minify, In nil - llentuu township, ai tlie public house of J. .1. mi1 in Hi - town of'ilei.i'.ii Heaver township, alth-bons -c.f franklin I.. Sb. III. mm lo,iu-lnp, at the I o.jrt lli.iiri'. 1 I ,nin-l,,,-L' llnaiireek luwihip, at tli- t-i Ii ml IIoiim , ville. Ilnroii'.'li of llerwii'k, at le Ton u llmis... in lb run I'nlUwiss.i lowiibhip, at the house .U'.-anKH I K i ba ler, (.'.illaw ia. Centre tourlnp. at Ihe house of Jeri-uuali lies i Cuii.Mnhani Km ii-l.ip, al in.. oi It it. U i ri.hmarrei-k uv,i , m t; i tuiise of i, .(i. v. ti .i . rr.inkliu townshiii. at Cl.uto.r, Si In, l Hon . (ireeuwoo-ltnwusiiip. al Ih hulls-; o J j. ,.t, u.l Ileudni-k towuiliip, at tii.-lbul. Il.iru. J.ukmiu toHiHbip, nllt'e house of i.i . ,.l. . loium tumuliip, at Hi j h-i'ue ,. J. I,, lluiei. c tu 11 .Miillin township, nt llu.iinii. e of J., ha n r, -'ll"4"1 1'l-":' t"p- tiieJrm.u nu u,cui ,i.iuis.m twp., at tiie House- miiiiui I ll.,,,i.i . ,1 . lill, I ICK. .u-mck. ,1.,.,,... , 1 ., . . . . v".;-ui iiiniisilip, al 1 oe uuilso 1,1 Join, 1I iia, " ,. V .'. "r.,.', .Maui ton i,,:i,,,. ,,1 il,,. I,,,.,.,. ,,1 1 ,'1, , , v... . in,,, .1, ,,,, lioarim-ereek trutnUnp.atihe limi.ef"ir'.iierl) ' , I by B. W. Driisb.i'h, ' llranfe inwnship, at the hou.e of Aluander Hi 'i Orautev 1 1 1 Tine tonu-hip, at tlr hou,. of Alb rl limit, r. Piig.ulnnr township all he house of Ali-i is Ci I . Hentttwp.. at lllelnnlse of Knoi I, HoWi ll, I., i. . ii isiurnie iiiree-aii Unit the ebu ti.iu 1 f it, - -,. ,. vrill ib-trtilM shall be opened In twei 11 tli hn 11 . ui 1 111 o'clink 111 the foreiionii an. I thall continue up 'n v i . out or udjuiituiuent, until 7 yi..i k 11 1. ctciiluc, tin- pulls shall liu iluseil. Tue ollk-c rs U Ui electfdnt (hu lime and plaeeo ut 1 said, are ' A Anlilor Gencriil A. Surveyor Gcneiul, One C'oilgrr.ssintttl. Ttva Members of Asscmb'y. A I'm side nt Judge, A District Attorney. A County Commissioner, A County Surveyor. A t ouiitij Auditor, It Js fiiilln-r "lirei-teil that llm in-rilnZj or the r t Judjt.'s Hill be held at Ihe Court lions. - iu lil.ion.sbiii 1 lllllke out the c,-i , ,., ( i , 1 vt iii it mi j i 4 n ui.i si:vi:.ti:i:tii i av of octohi:ii. ill" Mliril Jll'laes of the i,. ,.,uuilv liisilHl " " P0se,l urili- rotiulieh i.f WyoiniliJ, Siilllwill, I 1 In , 1 1 " and, shall iiuit nt tit,- Curt ,i. 111 I'I... a. "ire, 111 the eoitntv f Culu,,.!,,,,, on Tl'l.Sli.W, Hi I W IATYnitT IIA V. f Dl '! (nn.l; L.vt tl, u , , 1 returns iur uieuilr rs rf The II. till 11 JmlKMti nf Hi,. Cnti;'iessinim Hi III 1 couipn.ed of tlu counties of .Montour, Coluuilna. ruin van. V yiiuuuu (iii-l llruillord, shall meet at tlm l'"'ni louse, ill Ttiukh.tiuiOLk, 011 Tuenl.ty. lite Ttui.i) llrsl day of, ne.t. to iituke oul retanis l"i tleiuliiu ol t.'oit(:resjt. And in and by Uu- b.n. art, I urn further dirn t,d l Kivuiiofiee thate,er) person, liuptuii; Jtislnes ..Mb peace, who shall hold mi) nliu u or appointment of pmi-l !e,i""L'.""k'f ll""i"ivernment of IIil United tstali- " l Ihiiibtuti, oroluny city or incorporated di-tin'. wiiellier nnniiiuissioiieil oillc, r or otherwise 11 sulnir 1 mini olhcer or afeiit, who Is, (rih.ill bo eiupl wed limb ' ihe Usislalive, or exeuttii,-, i(r ludiiary tl. iMrlui" nl ' mis ittatu, or ol any iurorporutet district, mill also tliut ")ery meinber of iJoutii. ss, and of Ihe s-leit or touiiiu'.i i-oiiiii il ofaiiyiiiy.ioiuinissiiini.rH, of any inior'"t.ii' ' ' Islriei, is, by law, incupalile oflioldius or i-xsitlsim: ' hesanietiui,,, theolllci oriippoiuliuent nfjiiilxe iiisp" nrorcleiko any eloclion of llus coiuiuoiiwe.illh, mil hat 1111 iiisp, dor. jiitlBo or tiny ollicurol nuy tilth " k linn shall b. eliciblo o nny otiue than tu hu tided I'm- I'lVi H under my hull, I and seal, tit my oliicu lit bloeiitb biirt'. tliUl.iliday oltiepteiiiber. A. P., Itnl. J. II. FU R.MAN, Illooiinburjr, s,.j,t, 50, iMji) ,v,,i, . "ovsTEiisi oysters:1. Olil'.SII 0TI run b obtained at al, tun 1 L LaliiiB Itijuiu of Un iiuderi,ii d, on Mjiu ir ' liiuom bats, l'a , s pt, ;q, iijtj, 1