COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LIST I li. TATE, Editor. TO HOLD AND TRIM TUB TOUCH OP TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTn." (TERMS: 99,00 PER ANIVIOT. VOL. 16. NO, 30 BLOOMS BURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1862, VOLUME 26. a 4 1, COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY LEVI L. TATE, im ntooMsnuno, Columbia county, pa, o fFTo E I, ,i kix Brlti ISMilng, oppotite tkt Enkangi, bij tlii if Ilit t'wurt Jim. "UtnocratU Jltad (tarliri," TERMS 01' SUBSCRIPT I OK. SI W In advance, fur one copy, for tlx months, 1 75 In advunte, fur uuu copy, one year. 8 09 If uul paid within thu lint three monthi. , if not palil within the first nix mouths, g 30 If not paid within the year. 87" No subscription taken fur less than six months, uul no paper UisiuullnuiM until ti II arrearages shall havs '"3" Ordinary Advchthsments inserted, aud Job Won ttcculed. ut the estublishedpricck "Baltimore look hospital JigTAIILlalllEU Ad A It I! I'll (it I'HOM QUACKERY. The Only Place xuliac a Cure can be ObtaincJ. DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the molt Certain, ,-pecdy and only Effectual Remedy In the World fur ell private Hischbcs, Weakness of the Hack or, btiicture', Affections of the Kidneys and iler, Involuntary Discharges, luipotcncy, Ocncral 1) uihty, Nervousness, Iypepsy, l.uiigunr, Low Spirits Confusion of Ideas, r.ilpitatwu of the Heart, Timidity, Troiitbliupx. Dimness of flight or (ilddliicss, Iliacase of Hie Head, Throat, Nose "r skin, Affections of the Liver 1, lines, Stumach or llowels -those tumble Disorders stl-ing from the Solitary Habits nt Youth those ariRi-T nail solitary pruitlies more fatal to their vktiins than l!u so"B ot S) rent l" the .Murines of Wynnes, blight ing their most tiri limit hopes or am i cipat iulm , rendrr mi; marriage, &.C impossible, f O US (I MEN Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vlie, that dreadful and destructive habit which aiiuu illy sweep to an untimely grave thousand of Young Men of thi' niiifct exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates Willi thu thunder of eloipiencc 01 waked to ecitasy the living lyre, may call with full coiilldence. M A R R I A G E. Married persons, or Young Men contemplating mar ri"e, being aw are of physical weakness, organic deablli ty,"dcfiriuitl. ie speedily cured. ile who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston, liisy rell"iously conti.le in his honor as a gentlemen, and iuuildenlly rely upon ni skiii us n pnysicnm. O R U A N I C XV 11 A I! N E S U Immediately cured and full vigor restore,:. This Distro-Miig Airection whiih renders life mis-crabl-i ami marriage impossible is the penalty paid by tlu ictims of inipropir nidulgciio s. Young per situs are too apt to commit excess from nut belli? imam of the ilre.idful consequence that may ensue. Now, who that understand!! the subject will pre tend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent. Unities being deprived of the pleasure of healthy oil'. P'Uigs, the nio-t serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. Tlio system becomes dcrang. cd , the physical .tod mental lunrtii-iii, weakened, loss id' prurreume power, nervous in liability. Dyspenia palpitation of tile heart Iniligu-tinn. conslltutlolial de bilitv. a wasting of the 1'ramu, Cough, (Jonsuuiplion, decay und death. orrjci:, No. i south ritr.nniticK street Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a Tew doors Intuitu corner Tail not toobserve name and number. setters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc tor's Diploma ban; in his office. A CURE WARRANT B IN TWO DAYS NO MKKIUUY Oil N lOS.OUH DRUUS. 1)11. JOILVSVU.Y Member of the College of Surgeons, London. ttr.idii.iM from one of the most eminent Colleges of thr United States, mi l ilu gn-ater part of whose life has b.-rn spent in tlio first Hospitals of London. I'nris, l'hila delphiaaud el.ewliere, lias Heeled some i f the must as tonibliing ciiresthat were ever known many troubled with ringing in the head and cars when asleep, great nervousness, being Manned at sudden sounds, and. bash liiluess. with freq ient blushing, attended sometimes with Ucmugeuieut of mind, were cured immediately TAKE r A R T 1 O II L A It NOTICE. M A R R I A G E, Dr. J. addresses alltfcoao who have injured themsclve ly improper indulgence and solitary habits, wblih ru lu both body and mind, unfiling them for either busi ness, study, society or marriage. These are some of tho sad and melancholy crTccts pro duced by enrlv habits ufoulh. viz: Weakness of the Uack and Limbs, l'ain in the Head, Dimness of Sight Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation f.f tho Il .art. Ilys pep.ia, Nervous Irratablilt), Derangement of the Diges ilvo Functions, Oeneral Debility, symptoms of Consuuip Hon, fcc. ,. ... mi'vtai.i.V The fearful ellccts on the mind are much to be dreaded, Loss of .Memory, Confusion of Ideas Impression ef the Fpirils, i;m riirennuiiigs, Aversion toSoeifty, self-distrust, lovo f solitude, Timity, &c, nr.. nrilii, evils nrodllceil. Thouiands of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Loosing their vigor, becoming weak, palu and rmuriiied, hating sin gular appearanc about lln eyes, cough and symptoms ol ivonsumpiioii. ...... Y O I! N G M E N. Who have injured thmselvcs by .1 certain rrartlco t rr ... 1 ,,, ,tIi m almiK-ahabit freiuentlr learned from evil couipanlons, or nt school -the effects of which are nishlly felt, even when a.-lecp, and if not cured rendurs lu.rria.'d Inipussibl" and destroys both mind and body, mould appi iinnieoiaieij-, Wh it .1 nitty th it ayniiug man. the hope of his t oiintry nnH in. Hnrhii,. ra'lns parents, should be sn.ittlied from nil prospects and eiijnjinents uflife, by the coiisstucii ees of deviating from the path of nature, and indulgiH? in a certain secret habit, nucn persiois coiitemplatiui' t,.H..rt iimt n ureitut tnimt and bndv nre tho most no1 cessary reiniifities tn promote luuunbial happiness l.,.i f w,,l.oi ih"te the iouruev through lite becomes a uenry pllgilirusc, tlie prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair & filled with the melancholy reU;rtioii that the Iiappiuess uf another becomes blighted with our own, 11 t a r A H I', til" IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary or pleasure Ol.ij i,., 1,,,., in.iiiii.'ii i!i,. seeds of this nainfiil disease, it too often happens tint an ill timed sense ofshaiuo or dread of dicovery, (li ters hi 111 from applying to those .. ,-... . ..!.... 1 m.nti atone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms ofthia horrid disease makes their appearance, suih as ulcerated, diseased nose, noetiiinal, pains in the head und limbs, dimness of sight, iKiifness, nodes on the shin . 1,,.1,.. ii, l,.. 1,1 r.ieo and extreme Ilea, progressing w ith rapidity, till at last the palate- of the mouth and hones of thn nose fall in, and the victim of this desoase heroine a iinniil iihlectofi'Ouimlerniion till death puts 11 period to Ins dreadful sufferings, by sen. ding him tu "that bourne from whence 110 traveler re- it is a mtla.nchalJ net that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, ow lug to the unskillfiilfiiess of Ig. nurant pretenders, who, by the use of that Utaily Fof m, .Vtrcur), ruin the constitution and make the resi due of life miserable S T R ANDERS Trust not your lives, or health, to the carj or the ma ny Un earned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute or knowledge, name or charncter who copy Dr. Jonuston s advertisements, or style thunieelies, in the newspapers, rigularly Educated I'hyiici.ius Incapable of turiiig.tliny kuep you trilling mouth after mouth taking their filthy and uuisoiihs compounds, or as long na thu smallift lee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with rumod bealih to sigh over your gaining disappointment. Dr. Johnson is thu only Physician ndverti. Int.'. His credential or diplomas nlwn) hang ill h aotneo. His remedies or treatment are unknown to nil others, prepared from a lit spent In tho great hospitals of L,u. ropo, tho first in this country and a nixro extensive if n vate I'raciitt than any other Physician 111 the world. INHOIiSEMEN'P OP THE PRI.bS. The many thousands cured nt this Innitutioii year at" tor year, and thn numerous important Surgiral upera Hens performed by Dr. Johnston, witnes-ed by the re porters of tho ".-1111, ,'llpper." and many other papers uotlces of which havo nppeari'd again ami again before tho public, besides his standing as a gentlemen of char acter and re.pomlbiliiy, Is a Biitlkicnt guarunteu to tun afflicted, SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. Persons wrillng shonU he particular In directing their loiters to his I111tituti.11, In tlio following inaniicri JOHN M. JOHNSTON, M. D. ortha naltl mora Lock Hospital. Ilultlmoro. Mary and. Jan 18, 1K0J. March 1., lebO, All kinds 'onrpalr'lng doo. iu usVuil, wn short notice. .'.X uU "itni' VdffiSSr psctrully solicited, , lirtCiifiVuit, if avftiiHr 3 IIM.-H. TINWARE k STOVE SHOP. rpllE undersigned respectfully informs his oi I frientt jt wns tne tuat) m s. and customers, inai on mis ,hiih,iu . .. I merest in the abovn establUliineiit.iirol the concern wlls fY.juht.shc GaVO UttOrailCO hereafter bo conducted by himself excliislely. '"J b .,1Tl lie has Just received and oilers for sale, the la g. Q tu0 words, ''Help Ah est nnd Wist extensive assortment of I- AN U Y ) , , STO V E rt ever introduced Into this market, ' MURDER ! MUHDEH I !'M loudly through tho forest, and was echoed er with Blove riiturcs of every desrrlptioil.tlveii and , , ITnr enntnr Rlrtiok her 60- llos rttoves. Radiators, Cyl ndar Stoves, i an iron mr. ijnuu uguiu. - Tight stoves. Cannon Btoves, &c., &c. . Sloven Po nd . j.i QWn and UpOntllO lllOUtll, ,... nol inrinorariureu munss, Choice Poetry. TOUCH NOT THAT FLAG. Traitor touch not that flsg t Touch not a single star ; Its shclt'rlng glory now Still blazes near and fan 'Twas ourforefathrrs' hand That placed it o'er head, And thou shall let it stand, Or perish with the dead. That dear old precious flag, Whoso glory and renown Are spread o'er land and sea, And woulds't thou tear It down t Traitor I forbear thy touch ; Rend not Its heart bound tics ; Oh, spare that glorious flag, Still stracinliiglnroiigh the skies. When I was yt a boy I gloried is the sight. And raised my voice In Joy To greet Its fold of light I'or Hjmy home Is dear: Dear is my native land; l'nrgivc this foolish tear, Dul let that old dag stand. My henrt strings round thee cllsg Close ns the stripes, old friend ; Thy praises men shall sing, Till time itself shall end. Old flag, tho storm still bravo, r And traitor, leavn the spot: While I've a hand to save, Thy touch shall harm it not. Original Story. H'ritttnfor tht Columbia Democrat. JULIA IN JEOPARDY, 0 R WILLIAM'S IXTRIGDES FOR A WIFE. By tho Author or the Robber's Revenge, Sibyl Stc- Dtevcns." etc. continued. And thus it was arranged. Thcso sche ming vojug fortune hunters wore to use all tho influence in their power to place themselves between our two lovers, for the sake of their wealth. Aye more, if thoy possessed influcnco not enough, strategy, and baio deception, were to bo restored to. Accordingly when Julia made her first call nt Mr. Uurleigh's' she was by some means, dataincd uutil evening, when of courso William accomplished her homo After tho usual amount of 'gmall talk' had been hurridly dispatched, William commenced upon the theme, unhappy marriages, mentioned case after case of wealthy people marrying together, dud af terward being unhappily, tho cause, of course, being their wealth. Ho was very sevore wheu rieli persons marrying togeth cr, but thought thu rich should marry the poor. All this was dono for tho purpose of causing Julia to distrust the- propriety of her marriage- with Joul, but it did not havo its desired effect ; she was the mer cenary motives of her companion, and, therefore, soon learned to despiso him 'J imo woro on, William still trying to produce a favorable iinpressionjn the mind of Julia, and Delia Becking to weave a net of enchantment around tho heart of Joel, yet both feigually failing. At last it began to bo whispered turougti to settlement that the time for tho mar-i riage of Julia and Joel, was near at hand. Then William and Bella pet to devising somo schemo by which this uiight bo pre vontod, and by which Julia might bn forced to give her hand to William, after which Bella hoped to win the heart of Joel, aud while they aro meditating upon this theme wo will turn to Julia. It was on a beautiful evening in Au gust tho Sun was fast drawing away from this portion of tho world, gilding tho rioart for her preservation from a doom sky, to the meridian, with gorgeous colon worsc tQan death' of which she had boon of gold, and crimson, and purple. Julia 1 jn B0 much danger. Truly her life, hor was out in tho forest, feasting her eyes on ' character, and her happiness had been in the beauties of Nature which wcro to bo, jcoyarjy But now sho was safo I aud 6cen all around her. Sho waudcrcd on Bho poured out her grattitudo to that kind till sho oamo to where a huge black rook j;u er wi,o j,afj preserved her, and iu ear protruded from the faco of tho Earth. ncst worj8 8ho thanked him who had bceu Soatiug herself upon this rock sho gavo th0 billing instrument that Providence us herself up to her own reflections. "To-1 e(j ; heiAiehalf. morrow evening," thought she, 'I shall bo I jocl now turned to see what had be dear Joels happy brido." Hor mind ran ! gQmQ q William, but wbilo tho conversa on upon this thctno till she was lost to all j ton between himself and Julia had been that was passing around her, when, Bu' ' going on tho cowardly miscreant had denly, was awakened from tho reverio into sk'it,,i away, and nothing could bo scon which sho had fallen by a hand being laid , ofllimi Uo had escaped inio tho forest, rouuhly on her shoulder, aud voieo, soft and neither himelf or his sister wero ever .. .... 1 . . f i. 1 1 .1 1- . C .!. but stern. liddiiiK her bo silent aud follow whitcor sho was led. Sho looked up, when lo I before her stood a person 'With eyes as black ap jet, And with compaction blaokor yot." Sho saw ac a glanoo that it wa no no cro but tomo whito person in this disguise tlio agony ot ucr at tho top of her ! help! murder! 1" whioh rang tclltuk her to bo qUIOt Of SOUICtning Worse would come ett time. . v. .... ., She now kept quiet and suffered herself to be led wherevor her disguised captor should wish. Her fright, however, was so excessive that sho trembled likoa leaf flut tering in tho breeze, and soon, sho sank to tho earth in a swoon. When consciousncs returned, she found hctsolf lying upon abed of leaves, and William Burleigh standing bent over her sprinkling cool wator in her faco. Delia Durleigh had dressed herself in tho habiliments of man, and disguised her self in tho color of a negro, and it was she who captured Julia and took her to this place when William awaited their coining. However, Julia did not know this, und when William told her that ho had res cued her from a doom more dreadful than death, that, being out in the forest taking a pleasuro stroll, ho accidentally inct her captor, and that, iu attempting to rescue her, a ficreo struggle ensued in which he oame off victorious, and, that now sho was safe, she thought not but that ho was tel ling the truth. Sho thercforo vory warm ly thaikcd him for what ho had dono for her. Your services, Mr. Burleigh, will over bo thankfully appreciated, sho said, ''I oan nfivrir nntin-lv ronav .011. hut tell mo : what I can do, and I will do it for you ! gladly." p "Darlinr? Julia." aid ho. scatinc him- snlfhvli.rsidr.i'Il.nvno.tlvdonnmvdu. ty, and for so doing I do not desiro a re- , Wnrd. hut since von desira it. I wi.l Eav ! to you that there is ono way in which you j -1 -. can repay mo, give me your hand in mar riago let this littlo baud bo mine," and I ho look her hand, and raUing it to his lips i imprinted a kus upon it. j Suspicions of tho real state of the case ' at onee flashed through Julia's mind. So she indignantly withdrew her hand, and, , rising to her feet, sho gavo William a with ering look under which ho cowed down in shame. 'Mr. Burleigh," said sho "I expeotcd bettor things of you, You certainly know that Joel Jiftou and myself arc engaged, and now, sir, you havo tho impudence to ask me to break my plighted faith with ono who-" fuither utterance wascut short by j tho grip of William being firmly fastcnod ou her throat, "Speak not to me of Joel," said ho in anger. ''I havo asked your hand and I am not tho man to bo refused do you consent to becomo my wife; or must I " Hero ho too was suddenly interrupted, A gentleman had approached them unno ticed by cither, aud with one fierce blow of his clenched fist npon tho villians head, he had felled him to tho earth. It was Joel, and Julia was now indeed safe ! He had been out in tho forest hunt- iug and had heard tho screams of Julia lui" 13 ut lul3 l,,uu Puoauie, ue u iuuo when bho was "oapturcd by Bella iu bcr ! or mucb' ultin,atc,y mailable or not, to disguise, and had hurried to tho spot warda & reintegration of our unhappy wheucotho sound came. Upon arriving there no traces of any person could bo seen , . d tin nnd iistcned-prcs ., min(1 na nf npranna pnrr.-if,nd in -'--J " - w I -"O O conversation was hoaru again no np proached the placo whence the sound pro ceeded, and found tho villian with his grip , fastCned upon hor throat when, silently coraiDg up to them, ho gave tho base , wrctch a blow which felled him to the , gr0und. All this Joel told Julia, and it over an earnest prayer ascended the Throno of Grace, it went up from tho bottom of her . Jicara oi more uy mu goou iiuopio oi mu settlement After Jool eoaichod the forest for Wil liam for a few minutes but in vain, ho and Julia returned homo. Wo will only add that just as Jocl led Julia homo that evening, bo, the next evo. niug ho led tier to the altar, and they woro mado ono flesh that it was theirs to sins : "Oh I Is not ours n happy lot, To bo unitid 1 vo forevor ? That whether wo fhall livo or not, No ndverso destiny oan sever." The bonds of lovo and of affection, The bonds of holy Union, That bind our hoarts and lives togother In sweet an3 blest communion, Correspondence. Tho following letters, addressed to tho Chairman of tho Standing Committee, in reply to invitations to address tho Orange villa Anniversary arc hereby Inid before) tho pablio, as part of tho proceeding : Philadelphia, lCth Sept. 1802, John G. Freeze, Esq,, Chairman of the Democratic Sta?vnng CommtUce of Col umbia county, Bloomsburg, Psvm'h. Ijeau Sir : I regret most sincerely, that I am una blo to comply with tho call you make on mo by your late letter ,in which you inform mo that you aro instructed by your Cora raittco to honor mo with an invitation to address a mass meeting of my fellow citi zens of Columbia County, to bo held the 17th iust.,the anniversary of the day when Washington and associates placed their il lustrious names to the Constitution of the United States, and under which wo lived free prosperous aud happy, until infatuated with successor struck with popular blind ness wo in an evil hour, changed our di rection, and now, after a few rapid years of dowuward progress, have fallen so low that Mr. Lincoln and his associates havo lu" uu " rcduced !t t0 a tloubt whcther wo have ci' ther Constitution or country loft us. Whilst wo were distrated with the anti slavcry excitement, when there woro al readv' b? tl,e visions among tho people three Presidential candidates in the field, two by the uuhappy split in tho Democrat io ranks, and ono who represented tho old whig party, tho abolitionists carrying with ii ; l . ii luem mauy we" '"US " dcd citizens mct at CWcaS- laid down a Platform of principles in bold defiance of tbe Constitution aud laws, nominated, to suPPort il'tbo wcakcit man who cver held power, unless uy iuc ucciucnt 01 uirtii,ana then by a minority of net much more than a third of the voting population of tho Union) elevated him to supreme authority-Coming into placa at a political crisis which might havo disturbed tho clearest head aud shaken tho steadiest hand, nei- thw abl t0 C0PU with an emergency, nor to chooso others to do it for him, nor even to adhere to a course of policy, his gov ernment has proved a failure more deplor able than could have been asked or hoped or imagined by the worst enemies of 1'rco imtiiutions. The time is now approach ing at which wo aro to pass judgment at tho polls on himself, his measures, and his men. It may bo that we aro too lato. DUt 101 u3 not aoPalr ot republic, ana j lngng to the hopo that it is possible to savc " ttom f,n!l1 destruction, go forward, and through tho Democratic ticket do all .!.... .!! . .! , 1.1. 1... !?..!- country. You alludo in your letter to tho subject of the recent discharge of a prisoner in duo courso of law from nrhitrary execu tive arrest, after a special ordor had is sued from Washington for his convoyanco to a military prison in the Capitol. (A military prison in tho Capitol ! 1) It was a triumph of tho law, effected by tho deter mined attitude of tho Judge who held fast to principlo, and did uot flinch ; and from an opon conflict with whose judicial man date tho usurpers of authority did flinch, I'hc arrest and tho offence oommittcd hav ing been officially mado known at Wash ington, the order was given to tako tho prisoner thither, nnd that order and tho Judges directiou to produce his body in court, were in the Marshal's hands at the sauio momr-nt. The incvitablcncss of tho conflict bo tweon the military and tho judicial orders being obvious and tho conscquouccs of tho conflict not easy to bo reckoned, tho Secretary of War gavo way ; aud thus was achieved by tho determination of an un armed magistrato tho defeat and disgrace of a system of barbarous and brutal vio lence which when tho history of this ad ministration comes to bo written, will stand high on its cataloguo of usoless crimes, Lot those who would justify the men who havo plunged Mr, Lincoln iuto these depths of preposterous error, show a pre cedent for it in tho wholo history of tho States, Do you remember ono recorded caso of arbitrary arrest in tho course of our revolutionary contest , from tho out break of our difficulties to the poaco with tho mother oountry. In tho bitterest straits of tho warol 1812 when there real ly wero those "traitors in our midst," who oxist now only in lively imaginations or on flippant tongues, was it cvor hcird that Mr. Madison ordered an arrest! In 1688 and 0 the people of England went through a revolution which altered their institutions from what they had been under the Stuarts, to what they now arc, without resort to such violence : after wards, when a Stuart invaded the country, throwing them into the lastdcgiuc of ter ror and confusion, at tho head of an army which cut its way to within four days march of Loudon, he was repelled at no such cost to freedom or violation of tho law. At a later date, tho samo people in the war of tho French Revolution passed through a period of 20 yuars probation, during no small part of which their na- tional existence was thought to be at stake, sometimes from insurrection at home, sometimes by invasion from abroad, and always threatened by the most formidable military power the modern world has seen, they had all that time both in and out of parliament, an opposition of un measured fierceness; hut nobody ever heard of an arrest, unless by warrant of a judicial magistrate, for tho ''disloyal prac-! tiees" and intompcratc speeches which were daily indulged in, to the most ex treme and furious lengths, and iu lan guage of the highest invective, by the whole anti-war party from Mr. Fox down. In troubled times, there will hap pen, in any country, much that is extreme and unjustifiable j and our past history may furnish instances of it. Wo have had mobs that committed summary vio lence, and abused persons and property ; we have had over stringent legislation, dealing in injustice, and punishing, per haps the innocent with the guilty. But that is not usurpation ; that is not the unlawful, unconstitutional assumption of a power not delegated to those who use it; that is not seizing authority; that is not mixing and confounding the carefully separated duties of the different depart ments government, as do thosjj who serve Mr. Lincoln and betray the State. Let me say iu conclusion, things have como to a pass at which the republicans themsolvcs, more unsparingly than we do, accuse and denounce (without being ar rested) the administration which they brought into power. They wonder at the functionaries whuni it employs ; at the measures of their Congress ; at the reign of corruption ; at the downfall of the Constitution and laws. Let them wonder at nothing but themselves 1 when for President of the United States, who is not a monarch that reigns without gov erning, directed by a ministry, but a ruler that rules, and who himself must possess the nerve and ability for Command; the republicans chose a man wholly in competent, they inoculated, deliberately inoculated the state with all the mischief that has followed, why shouldjthey won der? why complain of Mr. Lincoln ? why curse thoir own work ? Let them be "pleased with ruin!" But they can be useful if they will. Should the dem ocratic parly be found next month iu a large majority let the republicans per suade their chief to dismiss his cabinet, banish his unofficial counsellors, clear his skirts ofthose who pluck him by them, hither to d.y and thither to morrow ; and then let him send, as an hereditary sov erign would, for men who represent tho views and policy of the majority and place himself in their hands, they to rule the country he to draw his salary and amuse himself, but not with the reins of govern ment. That better days may bo vouchsafed us, must be the eamesnt prayer oi all . ... who lovo their countrv. whatever their party predilections that of thoso who love their country tho vast majority will rally to our ticket, tho only one that is available to chuck tho headlong course of those who rule to ruin us, is the convin- tion of all democrats in this part of the state, and of none moro than Dear Sir Your fellow citizen and very humble servant. 0. INGERSOLL. Reading, Sept. 6, 1802. My Dear Sir, A nrinr enpnenmnnt will j-..-- OO ..... prevent mo uniting with tho Demoorats of Columbia county, in tho coming colobra- tion of tho adoptiou of the Constitution. In this hour of national gloom, it is most fitting that men belonging to an or ganization which knows no oxistenco out side the Federal compact, should meet to gether to renew their vows of devotion to it and all its requirements. A dopaituro from its spirit and teachings by traitors South, aud their a lies, the abolitionists, North, has drenched tho land with blood, and threatens us with national destruction. To preserve this talisman of our nation al life, and to restore that blessed Union which was its form and expression, is tho high purposo and mission of tho Democrat ic party. It wcro useless for mo to attempt to increase tho ardor and dovotion of tho "Star of tho North" in tho performance of this mission. Their record in tli2 past, is their pledgo for tbo future. Very respectfully and truly yoan, HIESTER CLYMER. J. 0. Freeze, Esq., Chairman of Democratio Committee of Columbia county. Dear Sir. It would give me great pleasuro to meet the Demooracy of Col umbia, in complianco with your courtoous invitation, but I am prevented from now accepting it, by many pressing engage ments here. Accept, and pleaso express to our fel low Democrats, my best wishes, and bo licvo mo ; Respectfully nnd truly yours, CHARLES J. BIDDLE. J. 0. Freeze Esq !q. ? Bloomsbur'' Philadelphia, I Sept.C, 1802. Obituary. JonN R. Thomson, Latb United States Senator. John R. Tompson, United States Senator from New Jorsey, died at his residence at Princeton, New Jersey- on Friday last, at midnight, His health has been sinking for many months, and his death was uot unexpected. Mr Thomson was born in Philadelphia on the 52th of Septembor, 1S00. Ho was bred merchant and was employed in commer cial pursuits in China for several years. Ho wa9 appointed Consul to Canton by President Monroe. In 1825 he returned homo, and a few months aftorwards be came the husband of Miss Anna Stock ton, daughter of Richard Stockton ; and sieter to his lato fellow-Senotor. He then mado Princeton his home, lu 1830 ho became a director of tho Camden and Amboy railroad, holding tho position till his donth. He presently engaged in politics, and in 18-12 stamped tho State of New Jersey for a Constitutional conven tion, which was hold two years afterwards. In 16-14 bo seceived tho Democratio nom ination for Governor, but was defeated. In Autum 1845. Thomson, having been for several years a widower, was married a second to Miss Josephine A. Ward, daughter of Gen. Aaron Ward, of Wash ington County, in his State Coramodoro Stockton, having resigned his scat in tho Senate of tho United States in 1853, Mr. Tompson was elected his successor, and was again elected in 1850. He has been steadily "conservative" in his sentiments. He persisted in them during the late ses sion of Congress, though his strength was rapidly failing ; and he loft Washington a helpless invalid- Ho leaves a widow, but no children. His disposition was kind and his personal character excell ent. Who was He ! A capital story ig told of an old farmor who had been "sav ing up" to tako np a mortgage of S2000. I TTfl luneod down his cold and naid it over. when tho following coloquy ensued : no a i 'Why, you don't mean togivo this 82000 in gold, do you? said tho lender. 'Yes, certainly,' said the farmer. 'All right,' responded tho lender, 'ouly I thought you didn't tako tho papers." 'Take tho papers I No, sir, not I. But it ii t . i, i tno raonoy ts au ngni, isn t it r 'Yes, all right, S5000 in cold. All right; here's your noto and mortgage.' j The premium on gold that day was 2 per cent, and his gold was not only worth tho faco of his bond, but 8440 besides, enough to havo paid for his villago news papers for himself and posterity for at least thrco centuries, but to savo ono dol lar and fifty ots. a year ho had lost in ono transaction 410 Look at tho great mass of marriages that tako plaoo over the wholo world, poor contemptiblo affairs that they aro : A r .( 11.. . .nll. Annn , lOV OUlli IWUD USUVU ; tnueezo, a purchasing of a ring, a minis ter) a ridQ or two in a hired carriage, a night or two in a country inn, and nl is over. For five or six weeks two sleep ish looking persons aro seen dangling on oaeh other's arms, looking at water-falls or guzzling wino and cakoi ; then every things falls iuto tho most monotonous f routiue the wife siU on one sido, tho hus band on tho other, and littlo quarrels, littlo oases, littlo ohildren, littlo joys and sorrows gradually gather around them. This is what ninety-nine out of a hundred find to be tho dolights of mattrimooy. Subscribe for the Ccjumbis; Democrat. Landon's Vote. Tho Sonata then resumed tho third read ing and consideration of tho bill to oom msto tho tonnago duties on tho Pennsyl vania Railroad. Mr. Welsh spoke at considerable length in opposition to tho bill. Tho question was thon taken on tbo fi nal passago of tho bill, and it was agreed to yeas 18, nays 15, as follows. Yeas Messrs. Benson Bloyd. Connell, Finney, Gregg, Ilalh Inibrio, LANDON, MoUlurc, Meredith, Nichols, Parker, Sehindel, Serrill, Smith, Tompson, Whar ton, and Palmer (Spoaker)25. Nays Messrs. Boghtor Bound, Cly mcr, Crawford, Fuller, Hamilton, Hies tand, Irish, Kotchum, Lawrence, tYlott, Penney, Robison, Welsh, and Yardloy-15 So tho bill passed. Tho Senate thon took np the bill to chargo tho name of tho Sunbury and Eiie Railroad Company. Tho question being on its final bassager tho yeas and nays wero called, and tho bill passed yeas 55, nays 8 as fol lows s Yeas Messrs. Benson, Blood, Bound, Connoll, Finnoy, Fuller, Gregg, Hall, Hatuilion, Hiestand, Imbrie, LANDON, Larenoe, MoLhonny, Mcrdith, Nioho's, Parker, Robison, Sehindel , Serrill, Smith Thompson, Wharton, Yardley, and Pal mer (Speakor.) 22. Nays Messrs. Boughter, Clymer, Crawford, Irish, Ketchum, Mott, Pcnnep, nd Welsh 8. How thoy Fire in Battle An army correspondent says : "You wonder wether tho regiments firo regular in volley cr wether oaoh man loads and fires as fast as ho can. That depends on circumstances, but usually, except when tho eucmy is near at hand, tho regiments firo only at the command of their officers. You hear a drop, drop, drop, as a few of tho skismishors firo, followed by a rnttla and roll, whioh sounds like tho falling of a building, just as somo of yen havo heard the brick walls tumble at a great fire. Sometimes, -when a body of tho enemy's cavalry aro sweeping down upon a regi ment to cut it to pieces, the men form into a square, with tho officers, and musicians in tho centre. The front rank stands with bayonets charged, while tho second rank fires as fast as it can. Sometimes they form in four ranks deep tho two front ones knoeling with bayouets charged, so that if the enemy should como npon them, they would run against a picket-fenco of- ayonots. When they form in this way, tho other two ranks load and firo as fast as thoy can. Then tho roar is tenific, and many a horse and his rider goes down before tho terrible storm of bullets." Surqicai. Dreseincs. As tho army is sadly in need of tho various kinds of dressings used by surgeons in tho employ of the government, wo deem it advisab'o to call tho attention of persons through tho oountry that havo materials on hand from which can bo prepared, with a small amount of labor, articles that cannot bo obtained from any other souroo. Uno of thcso appliances used in surgi cal dressings is "Lint" It is the soft fleecy substanco obtainoi from old linen. It may bo bropaired as required for uso by soraping with a sharb kuifo the surfaca of old linen, previously put upon tho stretch. The linon selected for its preparation should be soft from uso and washing. As thus obtained tho lint is very light and delicate, and admirable adapted to absorb the scoretions of parts to whioh it may bo applied. Tho Frenoh surgeons employ an ad mirablo sort of lint which they term 'Char pic." It is now very goncrally used in our army practices, and indood through out tho hospitals of tho country, and is profcrablo to tho old manner of prepar ing it. It is thus proparcd : linen, mus lin or calico, of courso or fino texture, according to ciroumstancci, is cut into small pieces a few inches square, and its texture completely urravcliod thread by thread ; Urns mado of old linon, which is far preferable, is moro absorbent, and much less irritating than that made from any now fabric. Bandages can also bo prepared ; they aro of various kinds, but tho roller ban (logo is mostly used, and can be prepared from uowmuslin, by tearing it in strips from ono to two and & half inches wide, sewing them togcthorirt lengths of from thrco to five yards; it ia then rolled into the form of a solid oylia der by hand, as solid as can bo dono. er The woman who nevor interfered with hor husband's affairs, arrived in town tho other day, Sho is an old maid. Publio spoakors and retreating armies shonld know when to stop. SOT It is easy to say grace, but not half co easy to possess it. W Industry, energy, sobriety and fru gality, muit prosper. 4' n I! iiSisTssMmi rrmmmssiSSi